#cairo honeymoon
sohilaesam · 2 years
@cairo-top-tours @hagerkamal @lelesam96 @lailaessam2910 @travelegyptinstylewithme
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horreiaa · 22 days
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Honeymoon Travel Package to Cairo, Nile Cruise and Hurghada
Egypt Honeymoon Tours with Desert Safari
Enjoy your time in Egypt with Honeymoon in Egypt, with Maestro Online Travel, and be ready to explore many attractions in Egypt on a wonderful tour.
Prepare to explore Egypt and learn more about the Islamic faith with Egypt Honeymoon Tours, including a Desert Safari, by seeing Islamic sites in Cairo such as mosques, citadels, and more. There are several Islamic sites around Egypt. beginning with mosques The oldest and most famous mosque in Egypt is Al Azhar, which is also a university where students can learn everything there is to know about Islam. Egypt is home to the most historically significant mosques in the entire globe. The complex known as the Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex was constructed in Islamic design between 1503 and 1505 and is a wonderful location to visit if you want to learn more about Islam.
Day 01: Cairo
Arrival to Cairo airport. Our representative will Welcome and assist you through passport control Formalities, luggage identification & portage. Transfer by a private A/C car to your hotel and Overnight in your hotel in Cairo.
Day 02: Cairo Day Tour
Arrive to Cairo, transfer to the hotel check-in at the hotel. Our city Tour starts with the Egyptian Museum where most of the fabulous treasure of the pharaohs are kept, then drive to the Citadel, which was the home for most of those who ruled Egypt for nearly 700 years. Later, visiting the pyramids of Giza.
Day 03: Cairo - Bahariya Oasis
Morning pick-up from your hotel to drive to Baharya Oasis. Following to arrival and check-in at the hotel, you'll be off for a full-day excursion with visits to the Hot and Cold Springs, the English House, Pyramid Mountain, the Oasis Museum, Bir El-Ghaba and Bir El-Matar. Overnight in hotel.
Day 04: Baharyia Oases - black and White Desert
We start our desert safari to the White Desert with visits to the Great Sand Dunes, Swiss Tomb, Black Mountain, and the Bedouin village. Next, we drive to Crystal Mountain and El-Akabat. Once we reach the White Desert, enjoy dinner in this Bedouin atmosphere. Overnight we camp in the White Desert beneath the stars.
Day 05: Farafra Oasis
A short drive to the Farafra Oasis to discover, learn about and share in the fascinating lives of the Bedouin people. Continue driving to Khargha, Overnight in the desert camp.
Day 6: El Dakhala Oasis
Breakfast. You will visit Ain Om Al Dabadeeb, Yellow Desert, walking for half an hour, the Village of Bashandy, and the Old Mut. Lunch and Dinner. Overnight at the camp.
Day 07: Luxor
Breakfast. Driving to Luxor passing by Paris Oasis: visit of the Temple of Habes, Temple of Bagawat, walking for half an hour. Reaching Luxor by evening. Check into the hotel Overnight.
Day 08: Luxor – Cairo by Flight
Breakfast then visiting the west bank of Luxor. Valley of the kings, queens, and Hatchepsut temple. Afternoon visit Karnak and Luxor temples fly back to Cairo Arrive and overnight
Day 09: Departure
Farewell to Egypt as our tour ends today after breakfast.
For more info
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108garys · 4 months
Randolph Hodgson journal audio transcribed
For hoa's 21st in inuniverse anniversary I have transcribed Hodgson's diary using this video
You can also check out my previous transcriptions of Manny Sherman's tapes and all puritan dialogue in little hope
I will always love this plotline and so wish there was more to it, I love that Randolph is such an unreliable narrator and damn do I wish I had the music in this separate, well at any rate...
September the 24th 1945.
When Lady Bradshaw summons you, you go. Mary and I were bound for our honeymoon, but the chance to dine with one of Britain's finest antiquarians was too great for us to miss. When we met, Bradshaw wore a brooch that caught Mary's eye: a Sumerian relic recovered from a dig site in the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq. After dinner, she showed us another find from the same site, a gold cuneiform tablet. She called it the final puzzle piece in her life's work - a map that pinpoints the tomb of Alexander the Great. If she's right, the tomb lies somewhere on the border between Syria and Iraq. Lady Bradshaw wants us to lead her expedition. I realise now that our honeymoon will take place in a dusty dig site in the Zagros Mountains. __
April the 2nd 1946.
We have assembled our team. Top of my list was my old comrade from the wars, Captain Sherman Crow, the bulldog of Omaha Beach. We found him in Cairo, brawling for money in a Levantine drinking club. Crow recommended an experienced dig foreman, Arthur Pulman, and in Haifa we picked up my assistant, the always inquisitive Aline Journeau. Lady Bradshaw insisted on the presence of her own advisor, Ellis van Huyten, an archaeologist I know only from his poor reputation. Our team complete, we shall head to the Lebanon and from there by train to Baghdad. __
October the 21st, 1946.
Crow was the first to break into the tomb: an honour he shared with "Bessie", that damned machinegun of his. It was a beast of a weapon, but it seemed to comfort the fellahin doing the digging. This place has lain undisturbed for centuries. It is not the tomb of Alexander the Great, but a temple of an even older God-King: the Akkadian despot Naram-sin. We have been mistaken, but Lady Bradshaw still declares it a find for the ages. A discovery that will write our names in the annals of history. Looking out at this sceptered hall, I have no reason to doubt her. __
The catacombs beneath the temple are heaped with human bones. Aline has worked sacrificial digs in El Castillo, but even she hasn't seen death on this scale before. The Akkadians killed thousands in the name of their gods: most ritually decapitated, but others crudely slain and dumped in charnel pits, as though the slaughter had spiralled out of control. What plague of cataclysm demanded such a price? So much blood spilled, and for what? Whatever happened here, a millennia ago, is a secret waiting to be discovered. Our work begins in earnest. __
7th of December, 1946.
Our finds have been so spectacular, I couldn't resist breaking out the champagne. As I entered the survey tent to pour a glass for Mary, I realised something was awry; she'd found Bradshaw's crate of dynamite. I tried to calm her, but she worked up a full head of steam, sounding off about the risks of using explosives at a dog site. She was right, of course, and I feel terrible for hiding it from her. Just then Crow arrived and picked up the dynamite. When Mary ordered him to put it down, he looked her boldly in the eye and said they'd found something below. __
The bottom of the chasm stank of death and was littered with corpses, fresh enough to be covered in flies. Crow thinks that local bandits must have tossed their victims down here after robbing them. I pity those hapless wanders; the fear they must have felt as they tumbled to their doom. But this was not what he wanted to show us. An unearthly light pierced the rocks. When Mary asked us what it was, Bradshaw nodded to Crow who broke open the dynamite. She said she intended to find out. __
Blowing a hole through the rock face, we found a gateway to a strange world below. A phosphorescence emanated from beneath, casting its eldritch light over us all. Lady Bradshaw was insistent that we descend further. Perhaps Mary is right, and Bradshaw is becoming reckless and uncontrollable, but I can't stop thinking about what's down there. I am now working with Crow and Pulman to set up a winch and elevator to descend into the shaft. What mysteries lie below, I wonder, undisturbed by the world above? __
13th December.
Crow, Bradshaw and I descended in the elevator. As we left, I was struck by the change in Bradshaw's temperament. She seemed eager, almost manic, in the face of our new discovery. When we reached the bottom, Crow could not prevent himself from letting loose an oath. There before us, set in a dizzying vault, lay a city. It was loathsome, colossal and sleeping, a great carcass built in some ancient age before men. Overcome with awe, I fell to my knees. __
28th December.
God, forgive us. For days we have studied this dead, silent realm and its entombed abominations. Now the horrors have come for my own dear Mary. Crow found her unconscious in the Star Chamber, her notes scattered around her. He carried her back to our supply room and laid her down in one of the cells. When Bradshaw learned what had happened, she was evasive about Mary's work down there. As I cleaned my wife's face, she spoke to me in a fever, sounding distressed and confused. I have resolved to keep a vigil over her. I pray her fever abates so we can escape this cursed place. __
29th December.
Pulman says the radio has been sabotaged; an expert job, with vital wires severed. Someone wants us cut off from the outside world. Aline fought in the Resistance, but while she is undoubtedly capable, I refuse to accept she's responsible. Personally, I still harbour doubts about van Huyten, although without proof, everyone remains a suspect. All I can do now is place sentries on the expedition's equipment. __
30th December.
Mary's condition worsens. This evening, I awoke from an exhausted daze to find Lady Bradshaw asking my wife more of her damned questions. Mary was babbling something about winged demons. At this, Bradshaw's eyes lit up and she asked whether Mary could sense them now. Gripped by delirium, my wife lashed out, clawing at Bradshaw's chest. Lady Bradshaw withdrew, and I was, after a while, able to calm my wife. __
31st December.
Mary is dead. I sat with her in her final moments, telling her how sorry I was. Sorry for accepting Bradshaw's offer. For ever coming to this hell-forsaken place. For placing my vanity above our love. When Mary spoke about "the end of everything." I knew she sensed death coming. With her last words, she made me swear to bury this place. __
Something unholy has happened. As I sat with my wife, I noticed something in her hand; Lady Bradshaw's brooch. She must have pulled it from her shirt when she grabbed at her. Turning it over, I noticed that it looked like one of the creatures we exhumed from the cocoons. Were these the demons Mary had spoken about? Had Bradshaw known all along what we'd find down here? Then Mary's corpse moved. It was not my wife - it was something inhuman! It leapt at me, and only the bars of the cell spared me from its fury. __
The camp is in uproar. Workers are missing, and Lady Bradshaw has returned to the city deep below. No-one knows why, but I can guess. She yearns for the same fate that befell Mary. She wants to be one of them. __
1st of January, 1947. 1 am.
The saboteur has struck again, sealing us in here. We are hopelessly trapped with those things. All around us, they shriek from the darkness. Crow has set up his machinegun, pointed towards the catacombs. Mary was right. We cannot fight that which does not live. There is only one option now: bring the whole damned temple down on them, even if it means bringing it down on our own heads. They cannot be allowed out of here. __
When this temple falls, my wife and I will be buried together, side-by-side. I owe her that, at least. The portrait that I carry in my watch case is the Mary that I remember. Not that thing in the cell. __
This is all Lady Bradshaw's doing. She knew all along what was down here. She led us to them. I found her below, hunched over the murdered corpse of Van Huyten. As she turned to face me, I saw that she had changed. My hand fell to the closest weapon I could find - an iron tent peg. I stabbed her with the metal, impaling her in the heart. As she died, unholy screams echoed from below, as if answering The sudden release of blood. __
The are coming. We must end it here, with fire and gunsmoke. If there is time, my last act will be to dictate this diary onto tapes; perhaps if it is found in the rubble, it can serve as a warning to any who follow us. __
The bones of this temple are drenched in blood. We have set foot on an uncharted shore and roused something ancient and wicked; a blasphemy that comes in indescribable shapes and forms. For eons, we lived as children in this world, unaware of the horrors that slumber beneath our feet. Now, we have blindly thrown open the gates to madness. I fear being taken, but I must do what I must. We must seal this place for eternity. For all mankind. Mary, I'm sorry.
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @ctrvpani @tatjana-fantasy
@tinynightmarewoman @blubary @oblivious-troll
I always be pouring over these things and then I don't have the remaining space to figure out who to tag 😅
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streaminn · 5 months
Hermit Enid AU where Sin never hurt Wednesday and Enid is getting back on her feet
I need Wednesday to regret marrying the wrong sinclair
Just this constant feeling of displacement and wrongness, where her blood practically prickles with the discomfort
The only time she feels relief is when she speaks to enid over the phone, but with those calls becoming even rarer than they already were, the unease always returns
It's to the point that it's putting a strain on the previously joyful marriage, the honeymoon phase having taken a sharp turn into worry once Wednesday started pulling away
They agree that maybe Wednesday should visit her parents to figure out what's wrong, but the Addams changes her plans last-minute without informing her spouse. She doesn't go to the manor. Instead, she takes a flight to the same area where Enid's dinky little no-name town is.
When she knocks on the modest home, lingering on the outskirts of town and dense woods, she expects to see a similar look of unease on the wolf's face. Something that would surely melt away at the sight of her.
Yet when the door opens, she sees a distracted wolf in the middle of chuckling at the antics of the two other occupants inside.
When their eyes do finally meet, Wednesday sees her grin tighten and eyes widen.
"Wednesday..." The blonde breathes out.
"Hello, Enid."
Part 1
wednesday is about to knock enid into the dark ages with her actions
also is that tara and cairo behind that door 🤨🤨 i see you, i see you cyndaquil
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
closed starter for @devianttxrts
it had been one thing to leave her now ex-fiance hanging with a speedy courthouse wedding, it was another to deal with the consequences of that choice. the rush had been exhilarating and feeling as if she'd succeeded in removing herself from the clutches of that slimeball had kept her on a high for quite a while. the only issue was that now, she was on the honeymoon she'd painstakingly planned with her 'wife' and she'd quickly come to remember why cairo wasn't exactly her first choice to help her with this. "jesus, a picture of us at the airport has already been leaked. my ex must be paying off fucking deuxmoi... god, why didn't i think of that?"
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aztarion · 4 months
filling out this pinterest board like sol & lettows trip to riga & cairo will be a vampire honeymoon & not the beginning of his potential doom
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year
this is random BUT!
I found this random dude named Aleister Crowley.
Obviously as a Good Omens fan I got excited.
+ almost the same initials!! AJC and AC. or, without other names, AC and AC!
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Second: This man is an occultist which is just kinda cool. Third of all: he founded an entire religion??? Fourth of all, he has the same name as Crowley so of course I had to investigate further.
So here’s some fun facts about Mr Crowley that make me really hope AJC was named after him:
• He was allegedly recruited to be part of a British Intelligence Agency, and was probably a spy his entire life. that’s badass
• Basically his religion, Thelema, was created when this god in Cairo, Egypt gave him a Book of Law on his honeymoon or something. And it was like “you gotta find your true will, and practice majick.” So they made a religion out of it
• Now here’s the best part: he was bisexual. yeah that’s right.
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• He dated a guy named Herbert Charles Pollitt, who was part of a comedy club. that’s just really fun
• He LOVED Scotland, and he would wear traditional highland dress even in London
• He was part of the Hermatic Order of the Golden Dawn, but was basically cast out because he was bisexual, which sucks
• He had an affair with Ada Leverson, a woman who was friends with Oscar Wilde
Obviously he did some strange shit too, like a blood sacrifice at one point, and like so many affairs.
But he definitely made his way around and survived a couple diseases, like malaria, as well as both world wars, before dying at the old age of 72 (when the life expectancy was about 64). He was cremated and scattered in his garden in Hampton, New Jersey.
So yeah. There’s my interesting history fact for the day, I guess. Who knows, maybe this guys inspired the Anthony J. Crowley. I don’t have the courage to tag Mr Gaiman so someone else ask haha
bye guys have a good day <3
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monenblogi · 16 days
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the missus and the moon boys @normaltothemax - for this!
It felt like it had been months since she heard from him. It probably had been, the way their lives seemed to fall back into an all too familiar pattern and he seemed to vanish out of it. Again. No phone call, nothing. That just seemed to be what Marc was good at. 
Why did she put herself through this again? 
“Marc?” The call through the door felt all too familiar as Layla knocked. When was the last time she was in this situation? That safehouse in Halayeb? Al Massoudi? The Dubai job? At least she still had good memories of their honeymoon... 
“Marc.” A bit more insistent this time, a sharper knock included. Would he even answer? Or would it be him? “Can we just—talk?” 
Seemed the easiest place to start after Cairo... 
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sessa23 · 2 years
Desperate: Part 6
Collaboration with the talented @noforkingclue . Hope you all enjoy it
(TW: Harrow degrading Marc, swearing. Threatening behaviour)
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You were both silent as you sat on the boat, you then decided to speak up "Harrow is an even bigger asshole. The way he treated you in the chamber just made me angry." Marc looked up at you, your eyes met, the purple light from the boat shone down on him, enhancing his features. Your heart skipped a beat "Y/N once this is over you don't have to see me again if that's what you want."  You put you hand on his "No it's not what I want....when you don't kidnap me, I actually enjoy spending time with you."
Marc was surprised "You do?" You nodded "I do, you're easy to talk to, you're a good listener and I just enjoy your company." Marc smiled at you, a strange feeling was in your stomach, your heart still skipping a beat as you looked into Marc's eyes. He patted you had before the both of you quickly sat back in the chairs, your eyes widened as you realised why were were feeling this way
"Wait, I'm not falling for Marc Spector...am I?" You thought to yourself Horus chuckled "I think you just might be Y/N"You sat back "Shit" You muttered to yourself. “Although let me give you one piece of advice,” said Horus, his tone sickly sweet, “Khonshu has never been the best at picking his avatars. So be careful. I have just been freed and I do not intend to loose an avatar so quickly.”
“Glad to know you care.” You said dryly as you looked out and saw that you were approaching Mogart's venue. "Okay" you said as you leaned forward "let's get our stories straight." You took a breath before you spoke again "your name is Romeo Estrada, I'm Y/F/N Estrada. We have just arrived in Cairo after our long and romantic honeymoon on Lake Como."
Marc smiled at you "you took my surname did you?" You rolled your eyes "or you took my surname." The boat docked and the two of you got off the boat. Marc smiled "That's an interesting little detail to give to them." You smiled "it's all about the small details"
As the both of you walked towards the location, you noticed that there were armed henchmen "typical." You muttered, as the two of you came closer, you saw a figure wearing a robe "Y/F/N" they called, you soon realised that it was Anton Mogart, taking a deep breath as you put on a smile "Hi, it's great to see you. Thank you for having us over on such short notice."
"Oh, please. I hope you realize you need no excuse to drop by." Mogart spoke, you gestured to Marc "This is my husband, Romeo." Marc put his hand out "Nice to meet you" "Pleasure." Mogart replied before he turned to you "I hope you understand this is more than a collection to me. Preserving history is a responsibility I take very seriously." He spoke as he lead you all to a glass pyramid.  "A self-appointed responsibility that you alone were able to enjoy, no?" You questioned "Well, I prefer to see it as a philanthropic effort at preservation." Mogart replied as you all approached the glass pyramid where Senfu's sarcophagus was.
Mogart smiled "may I ask why Senfu in particular?" As you went to respond, mogart stopped you. "If you don't mind, I would like to hear from your husband." Mogart turned to Marc, awaiting his response "I...I just wanted to take a look." Marc replied as he took you by the hand and you both walked towards the sarcophagus  "the burial practices are in line with the Studenwachen texts." You whispered as you walked closer to the sarcophagus. Marc turned to you "The what?" "It's legit. But all I'm seeing is literature to guide the dead. The information mist be coded." You replied
"Distract them Y/N, you know Mogart better than I do, I'll talk to steven." You nodded "okay but hurry." you whispered before you went back to Mogart and one of his henchmen. You saw marc talking, you figured that he was talking to steven, a Henchman turned to you with a puzzled expression on his face. "What is he doing?" He asked You. Shit, you had to come up with something quickly. "please give my husband a moment, he's praying." You stated
You watched as a henchmen went over to Marc, you had no way to signal him to stop. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The henchman yelled, "No" You whispered, Marc punched the henchmen in the face and took his gun aiming it at the henchman"Marc" you stated, he looked over the henchman's shoulder and saw 3 of mogarts men aiming their guns at your head. "Don't." You whispered
Mogart turned to you as his henchmen brough you closer to the pyramid "Did you really think your persudoym would work Y/N, I know all about you and the work you do." Your eyes widened
You turned to him"Anton, we have our differences but please listen. We're trying to save billions of lives here." He ignored your words as he turned away from you. Marc looked at Mogart "hey pal, take a look inside the sarcophagus, there's something really, really big."
Mogart went to go look in the sarcophagus but was stopped by his henchman, they spoke to mogart in another language. Mogart then turned, you looked and saw Harrow walking towards you all with two of the followers of Ammit. "Well, that's interesting. It appears we have a concerned third party here." Mogart spoke
"Whatever they've told you, I'm sure I can offer you something much more tangible. Why settle for a clue when you can have the treasure?" He held out his hand, The golden scarab flew above his hand. "Anton, don't listen to this man." You begged, he turned to you "why would i listen to you, after what you've tried to do." He replied
"Please, there's no need to descend into violent accusations. Each one of you has so much more in common than you know." Arthur spoke He turned to you "Y/N you think that hiding from your past will prevent all the trauma and bad memories from coming back to you. But marc doesn't tell you the truth, Marc you don't tell Y/N the truth because you're afraid that they will see you as you see yourself, unworthy of love."
You narrowed you eyebrows, you were ready to punch Harrow but a Henchman stopped you from doing so "You asshole" you hissed
"The lore surrounding these relics, I offer proof that it's real. This sarcophagus doesn't belong to anyone" Harrow held out his cane with the crocodile heads "Anton... Would you like to see for yourself?" The cane began to glow purple before Mogart nodded "Yes. I do", Harrow turned to where the sarcophagus was being kept before he began to chant in Coptic.
You could only watch and see purple glowing energy coming from the ground and twisting like a vortex at Senfu's sarcophagus. Harrow continued to chant but when he stopped the purple energy had disappeared, Senfu's body was gone. Harrow put down his cain. "That's just a taste of the godly power I offer."
You turned to marc but he was no longer standing next to you."Hey, he's gone." A Henchman stated, Marc must have somehow snuck away. You looked up and on top of the glass pyramid stood a figure white with glowing white eyes. It was the same figure you saw all thoese years ago, the night your old boss was killed.
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phantasmagoricagaric · 10 months
Aleister Crowley
(CW for talk of religion, cults, and brief mention of drugs)
The namesake of Crowley in Good Omens, Aleister was most well-known for being an English occultist and novelist. He founded his own religion, Thelema, and became its self-proclaimed prophet.
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Aleister Crowley was born to wealthy, devout, Christians. He went to the University of Cambridge, where he studied poetry and mountaineering, lifelong passions of his. After he got out of uni, he became a spy for British secret services. He then proceeded to join a cult, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There, he studied under two famous occultists. Eventually, he went to India, and studied Hinduism and Buddhism. After he finished his notes on how to make a successful cult, he married his wife, Rose Kelly, and then moved to Cairo for a bit, because why wouldn’t they?
Crowley used this honeymoon time to get yelled at by a spooky voice entity who threw a book at him (hyperbole but you get the point), and thus Thelema was founded. After traveling the world all over again, Crowley settled down in Britain to get famous for writing stuff, and then decided to co-found yet another cult, the A∴A∴. He then joined another cult, the O.T.O., and established some of the beliefs of Thelema in it.
He kept promoting his religion, made a commune (this guy is basically Klaus Hargreeves). He attracted the attention of the British government, and got kicked out of Italy.
Crowley travelled Europe, and was popular for his writing, libertarian lifestyle, being openly bisexual, and, of course, his baby, his love, his cult. Also for doing lots of drugs.
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And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I think it’s pretty obvious why this guy is the perfect namesake of Crowley in GOmens tho xD
If you wanna know more, there’s tons of books about him, the Wikipedia page is quite interesting (and extensive) and that’s what this post is based off, mostly, and I’m sure his own works would be a great read.
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horreiaa · 22 days
Luxor the oldest city in cairo full enjoyment tours with deluxe tours!
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Egypt Honeymoon Holiday to Cairo and Nile Cruise
Egypt Honeymoon Holiday to Cairo and Nile Cruise
You can take a variety of Nile Cruise packages, such as the Egypt Honeymoon Holiday to Cairo and the Nile Cruise, to explore Egypt, the land of history.
Have a wonderful Nile Cruise tour with Cairo and Honeymoon Nile Cruise Holiday between Luxor and Aswan. Begin your Nile Cruise tour in Aswan by touring the impressive High Dam, one of Egypt's most successful construction projects.
Egypt Honeymoon Holiday Packages, Continue sailing to Philae temple one of the greatest temples in Aswan then visit the unfinished obelisk, continue sailing to Kom Omboto visit the great temple shared by two gods Sobek and Horus one of the amazing temples between Luxor and Aswan, continue sailing to Edfu to visit Edfu templealso named as temple of Horus and it was built in the Ptolemaic period.
Continue sailing to the west bank of Luxor where you can enjoy visiting valley of the kings, valley of the queens, Hatshepsut temple and Colossi of Memnon then sail to the east bank of Luxor to visit Luxor temple and Karnak temple which is the largest temple in the world, and more amazing and historical places you will find to visit in Luxor.
Day 01: Arrival to Egypt
We will be waiting for you at Cairo International Airport, Transfer to the hotel by private air-conditioned deluxe vehicle, Overnight in Cairo.
Day 2: Cairo Day Tour
Breakfast at the hotel then starts your Cairo day tour to visit the Pyramids of Giza, visit The Great pyramid of the king Cheops belong to the four dynasty, visit Chephren & Mycerinus pyramids, and continue the tour by visiting the Sphinx and the Valley Temple. Then, we move to the Egyptian Museum including Tutankamoun treasures, Optional to visit the Mummy room, Lunch at local restaurant, back to hotel - at night optional to enjoy the sound & light show at the Pyramids area - overnight in Cairo.
Day 3: Egyptian Wedding Tour in Cairo
Breakfast at hotel, morning at leisure, approx. at 06:00 pm. pick up from your hotel transfer to your Dinner Cruise, upon arrival you will be welcomed by an Egyptian band called (Zaffa) and folkloric show including listening to oriental music of drams & flutes, then embarkation to your Nile Cruise for Dinner with show, enjoy trip for 2 hours including Belly dancer, dancing by sticks, and Tannora show, Dinner for approx. two hours, finally transfer back to your hotel, Overnight in Cairo.
Day 4: Aswan Tour
Breakfast at hotel in Cairo, then, transfer to Cairo airport to fly to Aswan, meet & assist at Aswan airport, transfer to your 5 Star Nile Cruise, Check in before Lunch which will be served on board your Nile River Cruise, Start your tour to visit the high dam, and Philae temple, dinner & overnight on board your Nile Cruise.
Day 5: Kom Ombo - Edfu
Breakfast on board, start your Nile River Cruise Tour to visit Kom Ombo Temple dedicated to the God "Sobek" and Haroeris, sail to Edfu, and Visit the Temple of Horus in Edfu, sail to Esna, Lunch on board, dinner & overnight on board your Nile Cruise.
Day 6: Luxor - Valley of the Kings - Hatshepsut Temple
Breakfast on board, start your Luxor Day Tour to visit the West Bank, Visit Valley of the Kings " including visit to 3 tombs only", proceed to visit Hatshepsut Temple at El-Deir El-Bahary, next tour to vsit colossi of Memnon. lunch on board, Dinner & overnight on board your Nile Cruise.
Day 7: Luxor - Karnak & Luxor Temples
Breakfast on board, disembarkation after breakfast, enjoy an excursion to visit the East Bank, Visit Karnak & Luxor Temples, then transfer to Luxor airport, Fly to Cairo, meet & assist at Cairo domestic airport, transfer to hotel, overnight in Cairo.
Day 8: Back to your Home
Breakfast at the hotel. transfer to Cairo International Airport for final departure.
For more info
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macybeckham7 · 2 years
How about during lockdown, Adelaide, Cairo and Gisela are together. Jules and Elias are together. Jacob and Azalea are together. And they show what they do during the day.
Jules and Elias were in Monaco, they enjoyed playing video games and spending time in the gym, always coming up with some competition that they could play together which the loser had to make dinner for the evening. Adelaide, Cairo and Gisela were in their little bubble, the couple would help G in the garden, and the bees. They were very in tune with their minds and would do a lot of yoga, they would sleep in the garden and looking up at the stars. Cairo attempting that he was a different person who went into the lockdown. Jacob and Azalea, they quite enjoyed shutting themselves off from the world and was just all over each other, very much in the honeymoon phase. Friends would joke that it was nice to see them come up from air.
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freifraufischer · 1 year
Listen, I get a certain level of fan delusion with your faves. It took me until, quite literally, last WEEK to accept that Riley probably wasn't coming back to elite, let alone aiming for Paris. But Simone has sent every signal in the world that she is Done(TM) and people are STILL so desperate for her to come back that they're basically demanding she stay in the kind of shape that could enable a 2028 comeback, and it makes me really sad on her behalf.
I think those people who are hanging on the fact that she's still in the drug testing pool are at least going on something more solid than vibes.
I think she's done but I'm also never going to under estimate the drive of an athlete at her level. I just wish more fans had a better sense of the level of fitness and training needed to compete on the elite level (and that includes for people with natural gifts). Even a lot of NCAA athletes who are competing and doing amazing would not have the endurance to do an elite bars or floor routine.
I also ended up in a back and forth today about the idea of "well Simone could just go to a world cup and get the YDP named." Okay yes she could in theory but that assumes A) she can still do the YDP and B) that USAG would send her to a world cup essentially on a personal vanity exercise.
There is a nominal fee the NGB to enter the world cup, but there is also the travel and hotel costs for the athlete, the coach, the judge and any USAG support personnel that also have to travel. I invite you to think about how much it would cost to send 4 people to Cairo or Doha for a week. And that's not even counting the fact that you have to be added to the national team (and that comes with funding) to get an international assignment. I've seen the gymternet get behind gymnasts whose federations decide not to send them to worlds who said they offered to pay their way. I always bite my tongue from asking if they also offered to pay for the judge and the support personnel.
When I pointed out that there would be budget implications to this someone pointed out that Simone could self fund. I'm going to admit right now I don't know USAG's stance on self funding but many NGBs in many sports actually don't allow that for ethical reasons. It essentially allows a rich person to buy their way into international sport and creates a knot of conflicting interests for team selectors when faced with sending an athlete who can self fund versus someone whose selection would have a greater impact on their budget.
Remember this hypothetical is "she just goes to a world cup to get a skill named". So explicitly it's not about any future to the program or development. Maybe you say they owe her. But don't they also owe the athlete they're not sending to this event who is at the beginning of their career? And don't they owe the athlete who doesn't get a national team stipend that year because they decided to spend a chunk of their budget on this trip? I'm not saying you don't send her on this hypothetical trip under any circumstances but it's not quite the simple prospect people want to think it is.
But for those who are wondering why this is coming up again: TLDR: Simone talked in her instagram live today about how they were planning a short honeymoon this year and an extended one next year. Her fiancé is an NFL player so he couldn't be able to take an extended honeymoon from the start of the NFL pre-season in early August through the end of the year. If she's planning on an extended honeymoon in 2024 it would be before the NFL season and thus before the Paris Olympics.
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iceicewifey · 2 years
where have u and shay gone on vacation? :)
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When you say 'vacation' I'm assuming you mean somewhere we've purposefully gone to relax? We haven't been on many... The only real vacation was Barbados for our honeymoon, but we've also been back to Cairo a few times over the years. We've been to California a couple times to see Terence, and we've been to Turkey for a wedding that we got so terribly lost afterwards... It's humorous looking back at it but it was anything but funny in the moment.
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