#cal and mara
feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
Falling In Love Will Kill You
at the park! It feels like forever since I've written something, but here you are my pretties @bloodlessheirbyjacques @circa-specturgia @pheita @catharticallysarcastic @kainablue @aschlindartroom @jezifster
WC: 950
Warning?: Public sex
“Caalllldizaaaar,” Mara hummed, “Do you want to know a secret?”
    “What is a secret?”
    “It’s something you don’t tell just anyone. You tell someone you’re close to, or sometimes you just never tell anybody, depending on what your secret is. I think you’ll like my secret though.”
    “I usually like the things you tell me. What is this one?”
    Mara looked around, a mischievous grin on her face, “Come here, we can’t let anyone but us find out.” She raised onto her tiptoes so she could whisper in Cal’s ear. “I’m not wearing any panties.”
    He looked at her, eyes wide with surprise. “And why aren’t you,” he hissed.
    Mara couldn’t help but sway her hips. Caldizaar’s gaze tracked her hungrily. “I thought we could try fucking on that bench over by the pond.” She indicated with her head where it was. “It’s not visible by traffic, and we’re not right next to the walking path. So long as we keep quiet no one would even know.”
    “What about getting arrested?”
    “That’s the fun of it, don’t you think?” Her eyes twinkled. “Here in public, in broad daylight where anyone could catch us.”
    “This is unexpected, Mara. Weren’t you against this entire,” he waved his hand in uncertainty, “thing only a week ago?”
    “If you don’t want to, then we don’t have to.”
    “I did not say that.”
    She pulled him down into a kiss before sauntering off to the bench. Cal easily caught up with her.
    “How would we do this?”
    Mara looked up at him, her smile wide enough to show her teeth. “It’s not hard. I sit on your lap, you ‘adjust’ yourself and then you hold me close while we rock together.”
    “And you’re sure we won’t get caught?”
    “That’s the thrill of it though, isn’t it?”
    Cal rolled his eyes. “You’re such a strange human.”
    Mara couldn’t help but laugh, “We’ll be fine.” She danced the rest of the way to the bench. “Be a good boy and hold me while I sit on you?”
    The edges of Cal’s glow began to peek over the edge of his shirt collar. “I would do anything you ask me to, my daisy.”
    Mara kissed him again before he sat down. She flared her skirt and dropped into his lap. Cal’s hands fumbled between them, his knuckles sliding against her, and then he paused.
    “Mara,” he hissed.
    She tilted her head back to look up at him, “It’s on the lowest setting. Figured it would make things easier.”
    “You are full of wonders.” He kissed her on the nose. “So what should I-?”
    “We could leave it in. Have a little extra fun.” She slid her hips back against him.
    His glow flooded his throat, “Mara,” his voice was strained as he tried to hold back a moan.
    Mara reached up and pulled his head down so that she could speak directly in his ear, “You’ll have to keep control of yourself, puppy. Can’t have you outshining the stars right now.”
    Cal took a deep breath and then another. His glow faded as it retreated back under his shirt. She was practically dripping onto his hand. Another shift and he was inside her. Mara let out a sigh it seemed like she’d been holding in forever. The vibrator hummed against him, sending a jolt through his core. He dared not move while she made herself comfortable in his lap.
    Her hand still in his hair, she murmured, “Be a good boy for me now, okay?”
    Caldizaar swallowed a whine as she let go of him. His first thrust was timid, barely more than resituating himself. Mara’s hands found his and she wrapped his arms around her. She slid her hips forward, raising herself up a little before sliding back down. Cal choked on his moan.
    “Remember to be quiet. We’re just enjoying a day at the park.”
    “I would say that we are doing much more than that.”
    She slid her hips up and back again. A breath panted out of her as Cal met her movements. “That’s a good boy.”
    When he bent his head into the crook of her shoulder, lips trailing kisses across her skin, he felt a shiver race through her.
    “You feel amazing,” he thrust into her. Another breath burst from her throat. “Your vibrator feels amazing,” he trailed his tongue up her neck.
    Mara could barely contain her moan. She began to roll her hips steadily against him. Cal easily followed the pace she set, their heavy breaths coming out in-sync with each other.
    “Cal, I-”
    “I know, daisy. I am too.” He pressed one hand against her lower abdomen.
    A moment later Mara laughed as she came. A couple on the other bank glanced up at them and returned to their conversation. She could feel the heat flare through Cal as he came. His whine muffled against her skin.
    “I hope,” he took a deep breath, “I hope you’ll be up to more when we get home.”
    Mara pulled her phone out of the pocket of her skirt and pulled up the app that let her switch the vibrator off. She relaxed into his chest. They sat quietly while they waited for their breath to return. When she could, Mara turned her head up to kiss him.
    “We’ll straighten up when they leave.”
    Cal nodded, “I could stay like this forever.”
    “If you stay like this forever, we can’t go home for round two,” she teased.
    “As always, I must submit to your wisdom.”
    “And that doesn’t bother you anymore?”
    “You know I would submit myself to anything you wished. So long as it came from your lips.” He kissed her.
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months
for someone reason i just had a vision of all the star wars redheads getting together in one room, and now im giggling
goddamn that would be a room of pure cheeto-coloured chaos
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mara-and-its-the-same · 2 months
hello there! I would love to read any of your thoughts/fics about Cal and/or Danny!
OR?! I could never pick between them, but for the sake of introductions let's start with thoughts because the fics are coming don't you worry. They just need a little fine tuning
Teeny thoughts/HCs for both below the cut (it's yap central up in here)🥰
I'm so obsessed with the way he talks, like absolutely entranced by his cadence and I love every scene of him telling some story. and I know that he'd know that, maybe not right away but eventually he'd recognize the look you give him around the bonfire while he's talking to the group is the same one you give him late in the evening close to the final page of your date nights. OH MY GOD!
when you find out he speaks french! i'm woozy just thinking about it, (i don't even care that i can't understand quebecois for the life of me) you'd ask him to say something to you just so you could hear the sound of it. even if he's gotten a little rusty since he hasn't has anyone to speak it with, and even if all he can recite are the few stories he remembers from his childhood, or motorcycle parts he's learned from the translations on the back of manuals. like a late night and you cant sleep and you just want the sound of his voice to relax to...he might not totally understand the attraction, but he's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and if you're into it who is he to deny you such a simple wish?
and I don't think he'd be the type to be one of those "my old ball and chain" guys, like he's undoubtedly in love with you and in love with being around you as often as possible. so if you're home while he's working in the garage he's setting up a lawn chair for you to relax in, just to keep him company, if the weather's nice he's putting it out in the sun for you and if it's a little too hot he sets you up in the shade with a little cooler with whatever the two of you are into that week. and he's certainly not letting you lift a finger. not because he thinks you'll break something (which like you might, but who am i to judge) but because he doesn't want you getting grease all over your outfit or roughing up those soft, pretty hands of yours. he just wants your company
for right now in this moment, i'm all over the idea of being his "girl back home" like he's out in chicago with all these bikers getting into god knows what kind of trouble, while you're safe at home just thinking about him every hour of every day. of course he calls whenever he gets the chance, but it's never a sure thing with the amount of time he spends out on the longer runs. and long distance calls are expensive, but every time he does it's so precious. the few times you hear some new midwestern phrase or pronunciation slip in and get a few extra seconds on the call just to poke a little more fun at him.
the guys get ahold of his wallet one day and can't believe he's kept you a secret this long. 3 different pictures of you sit in the accordion folded holder between the fold of his wallet and he thanks god for the feeling he got that morning he should change the ones he had in before (much more,,,invigorating if you will), for these three that he brought with him too, just to be sure he can see all your different expressions every time he reaches into his back pocket.
AND WHEN YOU COME TO VISIT!! at first he's not so sure it's the best idea, worrying you won't like the guys or something might happen once you're there, but all that is secondary the moment he thinks about how long it's been since he's last seen you, and before he knows it he's calling you back and taking you up on that offer to get a week off of work and coming to see him. Once you're there he's not leaving your side for a minute, firstly because he feels the need to let everyone else know you're his (and that you are real, as much as Zipco and Wahoo tried to get him to admit to the pictures in his wallet being magazine clippings because what's a girl like you doing with a pinko "college-boy" like him) and second because he's missed you so much for so long and he doesn't know the next time you'll be back so he's getting every second he can with you
and oh goodness are you impressed with this new look he's adopted. so different from what he used to wear to class or out walking around the city together, but still it fits him so well. your knees almost give out the 3rd day of your visit when he comes out from his bedroom in a black tank top and his denim vest...and maybe you do feign heat exhaustion just so he'll take you home early on the back of the bike he's spent so many phone calls telling you about...just because the heat was a more internal kind doesn't mean it's any less real. or maybe the exhaustion was just that you were getting tired of seeing him look that hot without doing anything about it. either way he hasn't seen you pull him up his apartment stairs that fast since you first started dating
and not maybe, but certainly, your trip goes from one week to two to a month until the tragic reality of responsibility sinks in and you realize you really are running out of clothes...
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ahsokasupremacy · 1 year
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Alright, here are my Top Ten funniest guesses (+1 that I bet nobody ELSE will guess) for who Inquisitor Marrok actually is!
You are most welcome to correct me or let me know who YOU think is most probable.
And just to challenge myself, I’m NOT putting Ezra. Because that would be too obvious.
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1. Barriss Offee
I’m serious when I say that this is probably the most likely.
We know that she is a very important character in Ahsoka’s life, the writers could be trying to mislead us into thinking that the Force User is a man when really we have no confirmation that they are. Plus Dave Filoni has said in interviews that he refused to have the character make cameos just because he wanted to save her for later. Also, many people already speculated that Barriss became an Inquisitor after Order 66, explaining the double-sided Inquisitor lightsaber.
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2. Darth Maul
Their build is a little too skinny for Darth Maul, and also wow, he must really be getting up there. And also, he died in Rebels. But when has that really ever stopped Disney from resurrecting him? I just think they should keep bringing him back. For the bit. I want the opening scroll for the upcoming Daisy Ridley movie to contain the words “Somehow, Darth Maul returned…”
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3. Bo Katan
I highly doubt this because her character arc on the Mandalorian is already concluded, but I can kinda see her doing this as like, a side gig. Homegirl is probably broke from paying off Mandalore’s restoration fees. She’s not a Force User unfortunately, but when has that ever stopped her? I like to believe that Bo Katan simply woke up one day and decided to be Force Sensitive and it all kinda worked out for her somehow.
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4. Lux Bonteri
If this is the option David Filoni is going with, BOOO. Yet another character who isn’t Force Sensitive. If you really think about it, Dave Filoni probably wants to include someone with an important history with Ahsoka, someone close to her that she held dear and that betrayed her and that she still has lingering feelings for.
Well actually that person is Barriss, and yknow, she kinda went MIA. Sooo the next best thing we could get is Lux, I guess!
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5. Anakin (Force Ghost)
Daaaad, what are you doing here?
Well, the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda told him to fuck off and get a job. So here he is. He’s putting in the work! He’s logging onto his Zoom! Ahsoka is gonna be sooo surprised when he finally takes off the mask and reveals it was him along. Just you wait! It’s gonna be so funny!
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6. Korkie Kryze
Now we’re really starting to get big brained here.
In Legends, we have Jacen Solo. In the sequels, we have Kylo Ren.
But in the Brand New Republic era? Hark, a new villain arises. Korkie is embittered about being left behind and forgotten by his biological parents, Satine and Obi-Wan. And now he is out for revenge against all the Force Users and Mandalorians who abandoned him. Mwahahaha. We should’ve known he would turn out like this, he’s a ginger after all.
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7. Ventress
This would technically make Dark Disciple non-canon? But I don't think Dave Filoni cares, considering he hilariously made the Ahsoka novel non-canon. Ventress is obviously very powerful and capable of dual-wielding and she would make a great candidate for an Inquisitor. Plus her and Morgan Elsbeth are both former Nightsisters so points for rapport.
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8. Anakin’s Evil Clone
Hey, I mean Palpatine HAD to start somewhere, right? He didn’t just create Snoke without practice. I like to think he tried making a second Anakin at first, only to discover that Clonakin was a huge pain in the ass and doesn’t wanna follow orders just sit on the couch all day eating the space equivalent of Hot Cheetos.
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9. Cal Kestis but he’s evil now
This one pretty much goes against everything we know about Cal but hey, I’ll take a live action Cal cameo any day now. I’ve been on the frontlines defending my babygirl Anakin since day one, don’t even try to lecture me about the ethics of stanning Darksider Cal.
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9. Mara Jade
OK no more messing around!! I'm serious this time!
I think the reason why Dave hasn't made any references to Eli, or Ar'alani, or Vahnya must be because he grew up on the 80s Legends trilogy (not the canon trilogy). Whenever Thrawn is mentioned, there is a direct reference to Heir to the Empire. The same novel where Mara Jade is introduced as the Hand of the Emperor. Coincidence? I think not! Obviously, this must be part of Dave Filoni's master plan to softlaunch the upcoming top secret Thrawn series adaptation.
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10. Starkiller
My only real proof is that his name (Marek, Marrok) kinda sounds similar?
Making Starkiller canon would create a whole bunch of problems for the Star Wars timeline. I think his origin story is too Mary Sue-y for even Dave Filoni to try and integrate into current canon.
However, it would be interesting to see a showdown between Anakin's two former apprentices. Interesting, but unlikely.
And finally, for my last guess, I will tell you exactly who Marrok REALLY is. Kathleen Kennedy told me personally, so don't get mad at me! She said it, not me!
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11. Luuke (the clone Palpatine made out of Luke's dismembered hand)
This is the ONLY correct answer.
Us Timothy Zahn enjoyers know that this was really Luuke all along. I told you, Snoke isn't the first clone that Palpatine made! I imagine he had a lot of downtime and got bored and decided to fuck around, and that's how we got Luuke.
And yes, I would cast Sebastian Stan to play him because I'm petty AF.
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My five fellow SW redheads.
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i-think-in-metaphors · 6 months
I have a crack theory/headcanon and no one can tell me I'm wrong
Cal Kestis is the elder brother of Mara Jade Skywalker.
Mara was only three when the Empire took her away, so she only has vague, fuzzy memories of her family, but she thinks she can remember a photo of a little boy clipped from a holozine
This is my headcanon from now on and you can't tell me I'm wrong. I will not be taking criticism at this time. Ben Skywalker is the spitting image of his uncle cal. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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groundrunner100 · 6 months
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the-delta-42 · 4 months
Masters Parts 1-5
This is a long one.
36 ABY
Rey watched the old man across the bar, he was with a female Chiss and a Mandalorian. She’d been going through Luke and Leia’s notes, where she found mention of things called Holocrons, as well as a Jedi Master who had mastered all forms of lightsaber combat.
“Is that him?” Asked Poe, making Rey look at him.
“I think so.” Answered Rey, as the Chiss started to walk towards them, “Kriff.”
Rey looked down and saw a metal tube roughly two foot in length. The Chiss eyed them, before addressing Rey, “Where’s your master?”
Rey jerked back, “What?”
“You’re master,” repeated the Chiss, folding her arms across her chest, “The one who’s training you.”
Rey paused, “I’m a master actually.” Rey scolded herself at how petulant she sounded.
The Chiss laughed, “You’re the age of a Padawan, unless you’re from an ageless species.”
“That’s enough, Athena.” Said the old man, dropping into the seat across from Rey, “Although, she does have a point.”
“I completed my training-” The man waved his hand, frowning at her.
“I know who you are, Rey.” Said the man, giving her a piercing look, “I know your origins, your trials and your accomplishments.”
The man leaned back, “I also know, you can barely use a lightsaber.”
Rey opened her mouth, indignant, but the man raised his hand to stop her, “However, I am willing to train you on that front.”
Rey leaned back in her seat, as the man looked around the bar and gave a piercing whistle. Over half the occupants got up and left, before the man looked back at her.
“Luke wasn’t the only one to survive Kylo Ren.” Said the man, as he got to his feet, “However, the others of us that survived opted to rebuild our Order.”
Rey’s jaw dropped, as the man gestured for her to follow him, “There are a number of force sensitives that you plan on training, correct?”
Rey nodded, as the man led her out of the bar.
“By the way,” Said the man, “My name’s Ezra.”
“Rey,” Responded Rey, automatically, “but, you already knew that.”
Ezra chuckled, “You remind me of my daughter.”
Rey didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“May I see your lightsaber?” Asked Ezra, glancing at her.
Rey held the lightsaber out, watching Ezra examine it.
“You made it out of a quarter staff you had?” Questioned Ezra, stopping at a door, as Rey nodded, “It seems you’ve added a locking mechanism to it, I assuming so it can become a lightsaber pike?”
Rey frowned, getting a hum from the man. He ignited the blade, carefully watching the blade.
“Where did you get the crystal?” Asked Ezra, not looking at her.
“A cave on Ahch-To.” Answered Rey, as Ezra deactivated her lightsaber and handed it back to her.
“Impressive,” Said Ezra, as he led them through the door they’d stopped at, “you’ll have to forgive us for not coming to Crait, and our minor presence at Exegol, we were dealing with a few issues.”
Rey saw various helmets decorating the walls, as well as a group of people carefully watching her.
“With the death of Grandmaster Tano,” Continued Ezra, “we’ve been attempting to select a replacement. Luke forfeited the title when he left after the temple on Ossus was destroyed.”
“Ezra,” Said a woman with oddly dyed hair, “Who’s this?”
“Rey, Jedi Knight,” Ezra gestured to Rey and then to the woman, “meet Sabine Wren, head of security.”
“So, this is the child that Palpatine clone had.” Murmured Sabine, before looking at Ezra, “Master Kestis said he needs you in the archives.”
Ezra nodded, glancing around, “I’m assuming Masters Marek and Jade are heading the classes.”
Sabine nodded, “Jacen’s also looking for you.”
Ezra quietly nodded, before walking towards a doorway. Rey looked around, this temple was disguised as an office building and, instead of going upwards, they tunnelled down underneath themselves.
She quickly followed after Ezra, leaving Sabine shaking her head, as some of the Jedi from the bar entered the temple, including the Mandalorian and the Chiss.
Rey silently watched Ezra talk to a man with green hair, a man around Ezra’s age sat frowning at a data pad. He flicked through the contents of a data pad, before glancing up Ezra, “Who’s the Padawan?”
“This is Rey,” Answered Ezra, glancing at Rey, “you know who she is.”
The man frowned, before nodding and going back to his data pad.
“Who’s he?” Asked Rey, making Ezra sigh.
“This is Jedi Master Kyle Katarn,” Explained Ezra, “He’s currently recovering from a mission gone wrong.”
“That Acklay had it coming.” Mutter Kyle, as Ezra continued his conversation with Jacen, “Skywalker’s going to be coming back today.”
Rey’s eyes snapped to Katarn, “Skywalker?”
“Luke’s son.” Answered Ezra, turning to face Rey, “After Kylo Ren destroyed the temple of Ossus, we were presumed dead and, when no one came for us, we went into hiding.”
“We’ve been rebuilding the Order,” Said Katarn, getting up, “slowly, but progress is progress.”
Rey looked around the room, noting the number of data pads and glowing cubes and pyramids. Ezra followed her gaze, “Don’t touch those, Master Kestis tends to get a bit touchy if someone touches the ancient artefacts without supervision.”
“I heard that.” Came a voice from the other side of the archives.
Ezra let out a chuckle, before looking at Jacen, “Thank you for your report, hopefully the Senate will allow us to go into the temple ruins and salvage what remains of the archive there.”
Jacen nodded and turned to leave, getting a sigh from Ezra, “Jacen,” He called, “your parents would be proud of you.”
Jacen gave a hesitant smile, before leaving. Rey heard Ezra sigh again, before his comm beeped. Checking it, Ezra smiled, “Galen and Mara are free now, I’ll arrange a council meeting.”
Kyle nodded, before getting to his feet, “I’ll spread the word.”
Ezra then looked at Rey, “Come, it’ll do you some good.”
Rey gave a hesitant nod, making Ezra’s smile wider.
Rey looked around the room, a woman with red hair and a man with a buzz cut appeared as holograms, Master Katarn was talking to a man with reddish-white hair, Ezra told her he was Master Kestis, Sabine Wren was quietly conversing with the Chiss from the bar, Athena, Ezra and a master Hati were discussing training regimes for the students. A Wookie Jedi Master was talking to a Master Horn and Master Leonis. There was an empty chair next to master Marek, which none of the Masters were looking at.
Ezra glanced around, ending his conversation with Master Hati, “Right, we’re going to have to address the Bantha in the room, who are we going to select as the new Grandmaster of the Order?”
The room went silent almost immediately, before Marek spoke, “Master Gungi is the eldest in the order, excluding Grogu.”
The Wookie looked at Galen, [I doubt I’m the best choice for that role.]
“I’m inclined to agree with Master Marek,” Said Master Leonis, “Not only are you the eldest Jedi in the order, you are also the only one of us who’re from before the rise of the Empire.”
“While that may be true,” Said Athena, looking around, “Master Gungi may not be best suited for the role of Grandmaster. No offense.”
[None taken.] Roared Gungi, as Ezra frowned.
“Galen, you’re Master of the Order.” Said Ezra, “The two roles have been merged before.”
“I spend most of my time away from the Temple.” Cut in Galen, waving his hand, “You and Kyle are both Battle masters, maybe one of you could take up the mantle.”
“That still doesn’t fix our other issue.” Said the woman with red hair, looking around, “If one of us is to become Grandmaster, we’d still need to select a master to join the council.”
Kyle frowned, “Haa-Ri is currently heading the healers being train on Polis Massa.”
“He is also freshly knighted.” Objected Master Leonis, before her gaze fell on Rey, “We also have to take our newest arrival into account.”
The other Jedi all looked at Rey, making Ezra sigh, “I don’t know why she came here, but she’s under the impression she’s a Master.”
“She did kill Darth Sidious.” Mused Master Kestis, getting an eyeroll from Master Jade.
“As did Vader and Luke.”
Ezra quietly watched Rey, frowning, “Her skills with a lightsaber are laughable, at best, but she has a good mastery over the force.”
Before anyone could respond to Ezra, the door to the council room beeped. Ezra sighed, “That’ll probably be Skywalker.” He looked at Rey, “You’ll have to leave us for a moment, so we can focus on Skywalker’s report.”
Rey didn’t need the force to tell they weren’t going to take no for an answer, “Yes, masters.”
Turning on her heel, Rey walked towards the door, just as a man who looked like a younger version of Luke walked it. Giving Rey a brief nod, he continued to the centre of the room.
“Masters.” Bowed the man, as the door shut behind Rey.
“Anakin.” Nodded Ezra, leaning forwards, “What’s the news from the Senate?”
“Obi and Dala are still on Coruscant,” Said Anakin, his hand clasped in front of him, “Obi thinks he can convince them into allowing us reinhabit it in the long term.”
“The temple on Coruscant does have many advantages that the other temples don’t.” Said Galen, his hologram flickering, “Larger living areas for one.”
“It also fell with next to no resistance.” Said Mara, looking at the other masters.
“That could be down to the Inquisitors and other Sith agents that were in the Temple.” Objected Cal, leaning back in his chair, “But, if we were to relocate to there, we’d have to expediate the expansions of Corps.”
“That won’t be too difficult,” Dismissed Kyle, “We can employ displaced farmers, both to have a professional to oversee thing and to supplement our numbers in the Agricultural corps.”
“And we can adequately fill the other branches of the service corps.” Agreed Ezra, looking at Anakin, “There’s something else, isn’t there?”
Anakin glanced around, “I came across a pair of force-sensitive children on the planet Stewjon.”
Cal frowned, “What are their names?”
“Allie and Kallum Kenobi.”
The Council member glanced around, “I assume,” Said Mara, “they’re a relation of the late Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“Their mother is his great-niece, Masters.” Responded Anakin, “I’ve spoken to their parents and they have agreed for them to be taken for training.”
Cal nodded, glancing at Ezra, “What is Dala doing?”
“She left Coruscant to search for a planet with an abundance of Kyber crystals.” Answered Anakin, “Since Starkiller Base was built into Ilum and the Resistance blew it up.”
Ezra sighed, silently cursing the Empire and the Sith for the shortage in Kyber crystals. Hopefully, the twelve remaining Kyber crystal planets would still be somewhat plentiful.
“Thank you, Anakin,” Said Mara, jerking Ezra out of his thoughts, “We’ll go over your report in detail. You’re dismissed.”
Anakin bowed and walked out of the room. Ezra let out a sigh, before looking around, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m starting to feel old.”
Dhara looked at the chrono and sighed, “We might as well finish for tonight, and submit council recommendations in the morning.”
There was a general murmur of agreement, as each council member got up and headed for the door. Ezra glanced at Ahsoka’s empty seat, he sighed and continued on his way. Since the loss of Luke’s students, their new Jedi Order had around 500 members and, with what little hope they still had, they may be able to rebuild the Order back to the strength they had before the Clone War.
Running a hand over his face, Ezra looked out the window. He could see his old Tower, now primarily used as a Jedi Outpost. He groaned as he felt a slight pain in his chest, before he turned towards the turbolift. Ezra hoped that Rey was fully trained, they needed as many teachers as they could.
Ezra winced as he stepped out into the sun, he spotted Rey watching Anakin and Mina spar, she looked like she was trying to copy them discretely. Ezra let out a laugh, before walking up to her.
“You don’t need to spy on them,” Chuckled Ezra, grabbing his lightsaber, “it does have a training setting, right?”
Rey nodded, igniting her lightsaber, with Ezra igniting his in return, the purple blade pointed towards the ground.
“We’ll start with the basics, Form 1.” Ezra raised his blade, with Rey copying him.
Finn looked around at the other Jedi, a Twi-Lek led some children through some exercises, while a Kel-Dor guided some older students around the archives.
“You should probably close your mouth before something flies into it.” Quipped a Kiffar, smirking at Finn.
He quickly closed his mouth, getting a laugh from the Kiffar.
“Name’s Korto,” he held his hand out to Finn, “The council asked me to lead you through some basic training.”
Finn nodded, allowing Korto to guide him through the temple’s halls.
Rey ducked under Ezra’s blade, he’d progressed to Form III, she felt her arms start to ache, sweat started to run down her face. She faltered, and Ezra twisted her lightsaber from her hand. The hilt hit the floor and Ezra chuckled.
“You’re progressing well,” Said Ezra, deactivating his lightsaber, “if you keep practicing this in your own time, you’ll fully be worthy of the title of Knight.”
Rey breathed heavily, looking around, their lesson had drawn a lot of attention, Ezra looked around, “Don’t you all have somewhere to be?”
In a flurry of movement, the Jedi dispersed, leaving Ezra and Rey with Anakin and Mina. Anakin let out a low whistle, “You never gave me that sort of praise.”
“Because you were trained amongst us, not in the wilds of space.”
Mina let out a snort, the Togruta covered her mouth in an attempt to conceal her laughter. Anakin threw her a dirty look, before looking at Rey.
“You’ve been calling yourself ‘Skywalker’.” Said Anakin, glaring at Rey, “Why?”
“Luke and Leia said I could.” Answered Rey, getting a sigh from Ezra.
“It’s getting late,” Said the Jedi Master, looking around at them, “we’ll continue this in the morning.”
Ezra turned and started to leave, “Some sleep will do us all good.”
37 ABY
Ezra quietly talked with Kira, while Shin and Galen were talking to Sha about some new holocrons that’d been found, when Rey walked into the council chamber. It’d been little over a year since Rey had come to them and, while still a bit rough around the edges, she’d progressed well enough in her lightsaber combat for the council to approve her for a Padawan. The other force sensitives that Rey had come with were progressing nicely with their training.
“I have good news, masters.” Said Rey, her padawan, Satine Naberrie, stood at the doorway, “Large clusters of Kyber crystals have been found on all of the planets on the list Master Kestis found, as well as a significant number on planets and moons that surrounded what was Starkiller Base.”
“That,” Said Galen, leaning forwards, “is good news.”
“Hopefully,” Said Sha Koon, a Kel-Dor who was the niece of Plo Koon, “We will be able to gain access to the Temple on Coruscant and consult the lists and holocrons there.”
“It’d also be the perfect training ground for the former Inquisitors,” Mused Ezra, stroking his beard, “give them somewhere familiar to become reacquainted with the Jedi ways.”
They’d finally managed to convince Reva Sevander and Barriss Offee to return to the Order, while they had declined a seat on the Council, they’d taken places in the Creche and Archives respectively. The Senate had approved them entry to the Coruscant Temple, but with the small smatterings of crime syndicates all vying for control, the Order was not allowed to reside in the Temple.
“I’d also like to make a request.” Said Rey, getting a smirk from Ezra, “I’d like to take a contingent of Jedi to help clear the gangs from Coruscant.”
“We are supposed to be impartial.” Said Master Tarpals, frowning, “If the Jedi were to interfere with Republic issues, it may paint us in a negative light.”
“I understand, Master,” Answered Rey, “However, if we were to offer our aide to the Republic Senate, it would be their decision if we were to get involved.”
There was a small chuckle, as Mara glanced towards Ezra, “And how much of this is Master Bridger’s influence?”
“He only pointing out the flaws.” Responded Rey, getting a sigh from Master Koon.
“I will extend an offer to the Senate,” She said, “but it will be a one-time offer.”
Rey smiled, “Thank you, Master.”
“If that is all,” Said Master Koon, “you are dismissed.”
Rey bowed and walked out of the council chamber, quietly telling her padawan to follow her.
“The force troopers,” Force troopers was a term coined by Korto Vos when referring to the force-sensitive former stormtroopers, “I believed they are ready for knighthood.”
“We will look into it, Master Katarn.” Said Sha, “We have to consider if they are fully acclimatised into the Order.”
“Finn, at the very least,” Said Ezra, wincing as he shifted in his seat, “he has already undergone both the trial of the flesh and trial of the spirit.”
Sha Koon sighed, “We will discuss this more in the morning, some sleep will do us all good.”
Ezra and a group of thirty Jedi moved through the streets of Coruscant, Finn blocked a blaster bolt with his lightsaber, as Rey was cutting through a door. Activating his second blade, Ezra spun his purple and blue lightsabers, before using the force to jump onto the roof. He landed in front of an Inquisitor.
“I thought all of you were gone.” Grumbled Ezra, settling into a defensive position.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you.” Sneered the Inquisitor, as a red blade pierced the ground behind him. Ezra frowned as the saber quickly circled the Inquisitor and watched as he fell into the newly-made hole.
Cautiously, Ezra looked down into the pit, just as a darkly dressed humanoid woman climbed out of the hole.
“…Lyn Rakish?”
“Did Barriss send you?” Asked Lyn, as Barriss landed behind him.
“Where’s the Inquisitor?” Asked Barriss, prompting Ezra to point down the hole.
“Hopefully,” Said Ezra, as Rey joined them, “we’ll have an easier time getting into the Temple.”
Barriss nodded, before checking a gang member not far from them, “I have a feeling that there’re going to be a lot of full cells at the end of this.”
“It’d be easier if we could treat this like a military engagement.” Said Rey, getting a frown from Ezra.
“A Jedi only draws their weapon in defence,” Chastised Ezra, “be it in defence of ourselves, or in defence of others. So, we’ll make do with destroying their blasters and knocking them out.”
The group looked out at the city planet as silence reigned.
“I feel,” Said Ezra, after a moment, “that it’s ended.”
Ezra walked along the lower levels with Rakish, “I hope that Amedda didn’t destroy the statues and artefacts after Palpatine’s first death.”
“He wouldn’t,” Dismissed Lyn, frowning, “he never had the intelligence for it.”
“That’s one opinion on him.” Said another voice, making the pair spin on their heels.
A Thisspiasian calmly looked at them. Ezra frowned, “Who’re you?”
“Master Rancisis?” Asked Lyn, dumbfounded, “You’re alive?”
“One never thinks to look under their own feet, when hunting their enemy.” Said Rancisis, slithering forwards.
“Exactly what Sidious did.” Murmured Ezra, frowning, “You’re a Jedi master.”
“Am I?” Questioned Rancisis, “What are the Jedi now? A group of nomads? An Order that reinvented itself? An evolution of a complacent and near corrupted religion?”
“Many would class those as the same thing.” Said Ezra, folding his arms, “Ahsoka and Kanan told me about you, and your consistent generosity.”
Rancisis chuckled, “I suppose that Tano trained you.”
“No,” Answered Ezra, “I mean, she helped with lightsaber combat, but I was trained by Kanan Jarrus.”
Rancisis frowned, “I’m not familiar with that name.”
“Right,” Ezra shook his head, “his birthname was Caleb Dume.”
“Ah, Depa’s Padawan.” Murmured Rancisis, before looking around, “I’m sorry, I’ve distracted you.”
“We’re looking for the Jedi artefacts that Mas Amedda stored down here.” Said Lyn, looking around, “There are some of us that are…trying to find redemption for our roles in the Empire.”
Rancisis hummed, and led them to a doorway, “Amedda was particularly weak-minded, I always managed to get him to leave them here.”
Ezra smiled, looking around at the various artefacts, “And Sidious never noticed your presence?”
“Oh, he noticed,” Answered Rancisis, “but, after Order 66, Sidious no longer considered the Jedi a threat, of course, he had his Inquisitors and Vader hunt down any Jedi in active combats with the Empire, but he mainly focused on his superweapons.”
“It’s also probably because you were roaming around the sewers of the Temple.” Said Lyn, picking up and lightsaber and activating it, “This was my master’s.”
Ezra watched as she waved the blade, before extinguishing it.
“Have you ever considered using those force portals to prevent everything?” Asked Lyn, making Rancisis look at Ezra.
“I have.” Answered Ezra, glancing around, “Mainly before Mira was born, but it may not have been the will of the Force.”
“And if it is?”
Ezra paused, “Then it is not my destiny to carry it out.”
Ezra watched Kyle and Mira spar with Rey. While her bladework had improved, it was evident her skills were with the force. He tried not to smirk as Mira’s own golden blades clashed with Rey’s, before his daughter retreated and connected her lightsabers at the end of their hilts, forming a saberstaff.
Rey’s guard dropped as she stared at Mira’s lightsaber, “How’d you do that?”
Mira lowered her blades, as did Kyle, “Split Sabers, most people hate them, you know, since they run the risk of coming apart mid-combat, but I implemented a locking system.”
Rey hesitantly reached her hand out, “May I?”
Mira hesitated, before handing the saberstaff to Rey. The girl experimentally waved the Saber, getting a frown from Ezra.
“Didn’t you think to build your lightsaber as a staff?” Asked Kyle, matching Ezra’s frown.
“No, we didn’t have enough parts.” Answered Rey, making Ezra walk towards them.
“Alright,” Said Ezra, looking at Kyle, “I think we have a purified saberstaff somewhere, we could put her through her paces with it.”
“We’d have to talk to the rest of the Council,” Warned Kyle, glancing at Rey, “since it might be in the memorial section.”
“Good point.” Answered Ezra, the two masters’ seemingly forgetting about Rey and Mira.
“Oh, great.” Muttered Mira, “Battle Master conversation.”
“What is a Battle Master?” Asked Rey, getting a grimace from Mira.
“They’re Jedi Masters who have mastered all forms of Lightsaber combat, as well as the majority of force techniques.” Answered Mira, “They’re the head of the Temple Guards and they are an absolute pain when you’re their daughter.”
“When you say all forms,” Asked Rey, glancing at Ezra and Kyle, still talking to each other, “what do you mean?”
“Single blade, double blade, Jar’Kai, reverse grip, forms one through seven,” Mira rolled her eyes, “You know, one person army poodoo.”
“How many Battle Masters are there?” Asked Rey.
“Current or former?” Responded Mira, “Kyle’s currently Battle Master, since Dad stepped down a couple months ago, but Kyle also preceded him and, before that, a Jedi Master called Cin Drallig was the Battle Master when the old Order fell.”
“Yes, despite what you may think,” Ezra’s voice made them jump, “a Battle Master is not a one-person army.”
He then looked at Rey, “Come on, let’s see if there’s a lone Saberstaff.”
Rey stood behind Ezra and Master Koon in the pod in the Coruscant Senate building.
“Your Order allowed the likes of Palpatine and the First Order to take power!” Yelled a Senator, getting a sigh from Ezra.
“You’re the Senator of Naboo, are you not, Senator Bolla?” Asked Ezra, glancing over the chamber, “Sheev Palpatine was born on Naboo, your world is responsible for housing him. Senator Dooku, your ancestor started the Clone War with Sheev Palpatine, and you, Mas Amedda.”
The old Chagrian jumped when Ezra addressed him.
“You aided Sheev Palpatine in destabilising the Republic, convinced the entire chamber of the Republic to hand more and more power to the Sith Lord, while you aided him in controlling both sides of the Clone War,” the Jedi Master’s voice was cold, “and, I’m amazed I have to remind all of you, The Jedi Order had no seat in this chamber and could cast no votes in political matters.”
The Senate chamber was filled with a tense silence, listening to Ezra speak.
“The First Order rose because the Republic failed to destroy the Imperial remnant, and while we were betrayed by Kylo Ren, we had no place in the Republic, which we still don’t,” Ezra glanced around, “We occupy the Coruscant Temple because of its cultural history with our Order.”
“It is Republic property,” Spluttered a Senator, “it belongs to us!”
“Forgive me for misunderstanding, Senator,” Spoke Master Koon, her voice silencing the Senate, “but it was the contingent of Jedi that led the arrest of the crime families and the petty gangs that covered Coruscant, most of which you have all released.”
“They won’t attack us.” Dismissed the same Senator, getting a frown from Ezra.
“They aren’t attacking because the Jedi are on Coruscant.” Argued Senator Jai Kell, one of the few Jedi supporters in the Senate, “The Jedi are risking life and limb liberating the Galaxy from the taint created by the Empire, while we all sit here, chewing ligament and reaping the rewards!”
“Perhaps,” Chancellor Bonteri looked over the chamber, “Senator Atlas would like to make their point.”
Ezra tried not to laugh at the Chancellor’s unsaid message, get to the point or I will have you removed.
“If the Jedi are to reside here, they should be under the control of the Senate.” Spat Atlas, glaring at the Jedi.
“The last time the Jedi were pawns of the Senate,” Lux shifted as he got up, “Palpatine spread them across the galaxy, after manipulating them into warriors, and had them unjustly murdered. The Temple, along with other desecrated Jedi sites, will belong to the Jedi and the Jedi alone. They will not be forced to serve the Republic and they will not have to obey us, especially in scenarios such as Ryloth.”
The silence was almost deafening, before Lux addressed Master Koon, “Master Jedi, you and your delegation are free to leave as you wish.”
“Thank you, Chancellor.” Nodded Master Koon, before guiding the pod into its dock and leading the Jedi out of the Senate.
“Run it again.” Ordered Athena, the Chiss frowning at the screen.
“Any particular reason you called me here?” Asked Anakin, crossing his arms as he entered the Halls of Healing.
“This is a strand of Rey’s DNA.” Said Athena, stepping to the side and showing the screen to Anakin, “There’s Sheev Palpatine there,” she pointed to a part of the stand, before pointing to another, “and here’s Anakin Skywalker.”
“My grandfather?” Asked Anakin, as Dala and Obi-Wan entered the Halls.
“What’s this about Grandad?” Asked Dala, tying her hair into a bun.
“Rey has his DNA as well as Palpatine’s.” Answered Anakin, stepping to the side, “I mean, we knew about Dathan being a non-force sensitive clone,”
“Strand-struck.” Corrected Athena, “Clones are identical copies, Strand-strucks are more like ectogenesis.”
“Right, anyway,” Continued Anakin, “apparently Miramir was a ‘strand-struck’ of our grandfather.”
“Well, Sidious would’ve had access to the DNA.” Said Obi-Wan, looking around, “He might have planned to grow his future apprentices.”
“So,” Said Athena, “I plan on informing the council about your…cousin, but we may ask you to break the news to her.”
The three Skywalkers glanced at each other, before leaving.
“You’re certain?” Asked Galen, leaning forwards.
“It would explain how quickly Dathan had a child, especially so soon after escaping Exegol.” Murmured Ezra, “It would also explain Rey’s strength with the force.”
“Do you think Luke and Leia knew?” Asked Mara, after a moment.
The council was silent, before Ezra sighed, “Perhaps, we should address the Bantha in the room.”
“He was expelled in absentia,” Said Galen, leaning forwards, “and Knight Rey’s report on his beliefs about the Jedi Order was troubling.”
“She also reported that his Force-Ghost retracted those statements.” Said Kyle, leaning back in his seat.
“We’ve all had similar thoughts at one point in our lives,” Said Sha, “we cannot place our judgement on mere thoughts.”
“He did desert the Order when we needed him most.” Said Corran, “Our thoughts were just that, thoughts.”
“Then there’s Kylo Ren.” Said Shin, glancing at Ezra.
“We cannot fault Luke for his actions, no matter how ill thought they were.” Said Sha, “We all sensed the darkness in the boy, as well as all the stress Luke was under from the Republic.”
“Stress that he was dealing with alone.” Said Mara, gazing at the floor.
“Besides,” Said Ezra, looking around, “we can’t fault a teacher for the actions of their student. May I remind you of the Kordo incident?”
“He’s got a point.” Said Galen, “We were too harsh when we expelled him from the Order.”
“So, that’s why no one tried to find me.”
The entire council froze, before looking to the source of the voice. Luke stood at the window, gazing across the landscape.
“Luke?” Whispered Ezra, getting to his feet, “How the blazes…?”
“You already know how.” Answered Luke, as Galen and Mara joined Ezra on his feet.
“Did you know?” Asked Galen, “About the girl?”
“I did.” Answered Luke, “It is a long story, but not necessarily my right to tell.”
“I think,” Said Sha, getting to her feet, “we have the time.”
Rey stopped in front of the Lars homestead, Ezra and Dala trudged through the sand.
“You buried them near here?” Asked Dala, reaching her hand out.
“Over there.” Answered Rey, pointing towards a dip in the sand.
“I’ll make arrangements for a meeting with the local government,” Said Ezra, looking around the homestead, “try and get an enclave set up here.”
Rey looked at Dala, her cousin, it felt weird calling the girl her cousin, since she’d never had any extended family before. Her hand ran over her lightsaber, now a saberstaff, and looked over the landscape. She could see Finn and Mira heading towards Master Kenobi’s old hut, hoping to find anything to add to the archives.
“What about the local tribes?” Asked Dala, getting Ezra’s attention, “Tuskens might attack anyone living here.”
“Im sure your bothers are dealing with them.” Answered Ezra, as Rey managed to retrieve Luke and Leia’s lightsabers, “We’ll stop by Ahch-To and collect Luke’s other lightsaber.”
“What about Finn and Mira?” Asked Rey, looking down at Ezra.
“They’re not going to be long,” Answered the master, “we’ll wait for them at the ship.”
“How long has he been developing it?” Asked Rey, as Jace Antilles levitated his lightsaber.
“What, Form eight or Form nine?”
“What’s the difference?”
“One’s a mixture of Forms one through four and the other is a mixture of Forms one, five, six and seven.”
“I can hear you talking.” Called Ezra, twirling his lightsaber.
“Sorry.” Responded Jace, attaching his lightsaber to his belt, “C’mon, I think Storm and one of the Skywalkers are getting back today.”
The younger Jedi left as Ezra completed inputting Form nine into a Holocron. Deactivating his lightsaber, Ezra dropped into a seat and winced at the pain he felt in his chest.
40 ABY – 45 ABY
Ezra watched as Etain Skirata was knighted, while Venku had refused to be trained initially, he’d allowed Luke to teach him the basics, which Ezra and Sabine had expanded on. Sighing, Ezra extinguished his lightsabers and watched the new knight collect her braid from the floor.
Feeling a sting of pain in his chest, he absently rubbed at the pain and walked out of the council chamber, where he saw Etain giving her braid to her father.
“Knight Skirata.” Said Ezra, approaching the pair, “Please, allow me be the first to congratulate you in your knighthood.”
“Thank you,” Nodded Etain, “Master Bridger.”
Ezra gave her a nod and moved towards the turbolift.
“Master Bridger.” Called Venku, making Ezra turn, “I heard you’re no longer taking apprentices.”
Ezra gave a chuckle, “I think you and I know the reason behind that decision. Even with late bloomers, like your daughter.”
Venku frowned, but nodded, father and daughter watching the Jedi Master enter the lift.
“I don’t know about you,” Said Etain, looking at Venku, “but, I could’ve sworn I felt a stab of pain from Master Bridger.”
“A downside of ageing.” Murmured Venku, before looking at Etain, “Now, I want to meet my grandchildren.”
Rey frowned as Ezra paced around the archives, she’d found herself spending a large amount of time in the archives, particularly with the holocrons. She could’ve sworn she heard him muttering to himself.
“The old man confusing you?” Asked a man in Mandalorian armour, folding his arms across his chest.
“Somewhat.” Answered Rey, before turning to him, “Do you need assistance?”
The man laughed, “No, just here to visit family.”
“Really?” Asked Rey, surprised as usually it was the other way around.
“Yeah, I took the creed after I was Knighted.” Answered the man, gesturing to a lightsaber on his belt, “Caleb Bridger, Clan Wren, House Vizsla.”
“Oh,” Said Rey, “I’m sorry, but no one…”
“Mentioned me?” Laughed Caleb, glancing at his father pacing around, “Don’t worry, it’s mutual amongst us. We usually only introduce ourselves if we’re together.”
“Right.” Rey found herself at a loss, before shaking the confusion off, “Sorry, he keeps mentioning someone called ‘Kordo’?”
“Kordo was a Padawan of mine.” Said Ezra, making Rey jump, “He fell to the dark side and attempted to lead a genocide of an entire planet.”
“He,” Caleb sighed, “he was also my brother. The only way to subdue him was… to kill him.”
“That’s horrible.” Murmured Rey, her hand going to her mouth.
“It’s the unfortunate life as a Jedi,” Said Ezra, his hands behind his back, “no matter how close of a bond we have with someone, if you’re forced to choose between the many and the few, we must choose the many, not matter how painful it is for us.”
A sombre silence echoed between them, before Rey decided to change the subject, “How many children do you have?”
“Including Mira and Caleb?” Asked Ezra, getting a nod from Rey, “Five.”
“Who’re the other three?”
“Well,” Ezra put his hands behind his back, “there’s Alrich, he’s a Temple Guard, Tristan is always on missions and Ursa, our youngest, is on Krownest, leading Clan Wren.”
Rey nodded, she’d heard from Finn that a number of First Order Storm Troopers had been adopted and integrated into Mandalorian Society, under the guidance of Mand’alor Din Djarin, before his death a year after Palpatine’s second death.
“How’s your Padawan?” Asked Ezra, getting a smile from Rey.
“Satine’s doing really well, in her studies, her lightsaber combat, she’s managed to use Force Heal on herself.” Rushed Rey, feeling a large swell of pride for her student.
“Good,” Smiled Ezra, “if thing go smoothly, we may see her knighted in the next ten years.”
“Here’s hoping, Master.” Rey bowed, getting a small bow in return, before Ezra and Caleb walked away.
Sabine winced, her hand going to the saber wound on her side.
“It’s playing up again?” Asked Ezra, getting a sigh from Sabine.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Dismissed the Mandalorian, adjusting as she sat down.
“It might not be.” Warned Ezra, his hand going to his leg, the saber wound from Kordo had eventually necessitated the removal of the limb.
“Maybe.” Said Sabine, while Ezra twisted a lightsaber, “Is that…?”
“His?” Ezra looked up at her, “Yes.”
“You can’t keep blaming yourself, Ezra.” Sighed Sabine, reaching out and grabbing his hand, “Ephraim was an adult, his decisions were his and his alone.”
Ezra sighed, “As his master, I hold some of the blame.”
“That’s bantha-shit and you know it.” Stated Sabine, frowning at him.
“Maybe.” Ezra gave her a small smile.
“What in the name of the Father, the Son and the Daughter were you thinking?!”
Ezra frowned as Galen paced in front of Rey, Finn and Mira.
“You caused a military coup on seven Republic worlds, we the architects of the collapse of another seventeen and all but destroyed twenty cities!”
“Okay, when you put it like that,” Mira interjected, “it sounds bad.”
“SOUNDS BAD?!” Galen whipped around and stared at her, “It is bad!”
“Their senators were corrupt.” Protested Rey, quieting as soon as Galen’s glare was landed on her.
“The Coups were supported by the people of the seven worlds,” Finn stared ahead, “The seventeen other worlds had officials, military leaders and healers working on rebuilding their governments with the intent on electing new Senators for their worlds. The twenty cities were on some of these worlds.”
Galen glanced at Finn, before turning to Ezra and Korto, “How the kriff did you train a by-the-books Jedi?”
Korto Vos, taking a bite out of a meiloorun. Ezra frowned, before stepping towards Mira and Rey, “While your intentions are commendable, the actions each of you took to achieve these results are not.”
Rey winced, as Mira stared at her father defiantly.
“Although, I can’t help but wonder how you did it?”
“We had help.”
“Hmm.” Ezra raised an eyebrow at them, “Where are the other Skywalkers?”
Rey followed Cal around the archives, as he explain what each section was about.
“Most of these were salvaged from the vaults Palpatine had.” Said Cal, gesturing to a set of shelves, “Some are more recent additions, like Omega’s romance holos.”
Rey nodded, remembering her experience with the Force Sensitive Clone woman.
“There are also copies of medical and family records kept here, as well as other locations,” Explained the old Jedi, “Since the Hosnian Cataclysm, it was decided that it’d be prudent to keep multiple copies of all records in the archives of separate systems.”
Rey nodded, glancing around. She spotted on of the Bridger family she wasn’t sure if it was Caleb or one of his brothers. She spotted a couple of Twi’Lek Jedi gossiping and a Rodian levitating some data pads up onto a shelf.
Athena led a couple of Padawans through the halls, as Master Katarn led a class of younglings through basic lightsaber forms and Master Bridger instructed a meditation group.
“Perhaps,” Cal rasped, jerking Rey from her observations, “We should continue this tomorrow.”
“Sorry, Master.” Rey bowed her head, making Cal chuckle.
“Don’t worry, this is a lot to take in.” Chuckled the old Master, “Practically impossible to understand it all in one sitting.”
Rey nodded, as Satine ran up to them.
“Master!” Yelled Satine, skidding to a halt, “Master Wren collapsed during Security class!”
The surrounding Masters all froze, before Ezra climbed to his feet and charged off at near-impossible speed, with Athena and several Jedi following him.
“Master Sabine Wren is one with the Force,” Said Master Koon, “while we may mourn, it is our duty, and our honour, to remember the impact she has made on each of us. We are luminous beings, and our bodies are temporary vessels and we shall all find ourselves here, at some point in our future.”
Sha looked over at Ezra and his and Sabine’s children.
“Master Wren was dedicated and patient with all Jedi, from the youngest Initiate to the eldest Master.” Sha looked over the rest of the Jedi, “We will all feel this loss. But we must all remember that death is not the end.”
Ezra unhooked his lightsaber, held it parallel over Sabine’s pyre and ignited it. Mira’s blade joined his, followed by Ursa’s, Alrich’s, Tristan’s and, finally, Caleb’s. The lightsabers of Sabine’s apprentices joined them. At the centre of the blades, the pyre started to smoke, before it caught light. The plinth lowered into the floor, with the doors closing and obscuring Sabine’s pyre.
“May the Force guide us.” Said Master Sha, bowing her head.
46 ABY – 50 ABY
Mira helped her father to his feet, with Ezra summoning his cane and walked out of the room. The rest of the council watched him leave.
“His condition is worsening.” Said Sha, after a moment, “We may have to stop transcribing the Sith Holocrons.”
“I’ll…” Mira trailed off, before clearing her throat, “I’ll talk to him and mother, he’ll be more receptive of it if we were both on board.”
Master Koon nodded, prompting her to leave.
Ezra held his lightsaber, before looking at Sabine’s lightsaber and then to a lightsaber lying on the table in front of him. Ephraim’s lightsaber hadn’t been purified, meaning it still retained it’s red blade. Sighing, Ezra turned to the Sith Holocron he was in the process of opening.
There was a knock at the door, breaking his concentration. Mira let herself in, and placed herself across from him. Ezra had a feeling that he knew why she was here.
“Mira,” Ezra prevented Mira from speaking, “the sooner I can get this Holocron transcribed, the sooner we can put this this in the vaults.”
“Dad, that’s not why I’m against it.” Sighed Mira, grabbing his hand, “This thing, it’s harming you. Ever since Mom died, your health has…deteriorated.”
Ezra gave a wheezing laugh, which devolved into a cough.
“Dad, this is killing you.” Mira leaned towards him, “Please, don’t make us lose you so soon after Mom.”
Ezra sighed, before looking at Mira, “Do you know how to open them?”
Mira gave a reluctant nod, “If I can’t, I’m sure Rey could.”
Ezra gave Mira a small smile, before grabbing his cane, “Come, I hear the great tree is in bloom.”
“It is.” Laughed Mira, guiding Ezra out of the Apartment.
Ezra stood by Mara’s bedside, the Skywalker family had just left for the night.
“I never thought things would end like this.” Mara said, weakly.
“Perhaps it’s the only way everything will end.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice.” Mara coughed, before groaning, “I can see them.”
Ezra frowned and looked around, seeing no one, “Mara, there’s no one here.”
Mara gave Ezra a wry smile, “I see them.”
Mara’s eyes closed and Ezra felt her pass into the Force. Bowing his head, he stood and walked towards the door.
Ezra stood with the rest of the Council as Master Koon gave Mara’s eulogy, the pain in his chest returned and Ezra found himself tuning Master Koon out.
Ezra found himself standing as vigil over Kyle, Korto and Corran. The three Jedi Masters had given their lives to protect the Republic Senate against some Final Order Insurgents. Galen had stopped by with Aayla Vos, the Master who’d taken up Mara’s role on the Council, and told him that Cal had passed.
Ezra’s thoughts went to the older Jedi from before the Empire. Barriss’s healings had caught up with her, Maris had died evacuating a village from a flood, Lyn and Reva were working on light duty, but he expected to hear of their passing any day now. Exhaling deeply, Ezra looked back at the three Masters. Most of the first generation of Luke’s Order were one with the Force, with only Galen and Ezra surviving.
Ezra couldn’t help but wonder when his time would come.
Ezra didn’t bother to hide his groan, shifting in his seat. Knight Naberrie halted her report, apprehensively looking at Ezra, who wave her off, “It’s fine, just feeling my age.”
Naberrie nodded, before resuming her report. Ezra glanced around the council, before Mira’s hand on his shoulder jerked him out of his thoughts.
“Dad?” Murmured Mira, concern in her eyes, “Are you alright?”
“I think,” Ezra felt a pang of pain in his chest, “I think it’s almost time.”
Mira froze, before swallowing. She glanced around the chamber, before helping Ezra to his feet, “I’ll let the Council know and,” She cleared the throat, “I’ll have the Gauntlet prepared.”
Ezra nodded, before shakily getting to his feet and hobbling out of the chamber. Mira watched him leave, her stomach feeling heavy.
Ezra watched as the pilot droid landed the ship. He grabbed a walking stick and left the ship, his thoughts went to Sabine, despite her death five years ago, he still felt her presence. Of course, he still felt Kanan’s presence.
“Womp-Womp.” Said Chopper, bumping into Ezra’s leg.
“I’m find, Chopper.” Ezra patted the droids head, “I’m… just reminiscing.”
It struck Ezra that, aside from Chopper, he was the last of the original Ghost Crew still alive. Hera had died with the New Republic, commanding a cruiser when the First Order destroyed it, Zeb had died on Lira San, all his fighting had finally caught up with him, similar with Sabine. His thoughts turned to his wife, the damage from Shin’s lightsaber finally caught up with her. His hand went to his belt and looked at Sabine’s lightsaber, originally his, it’d served them both well. Until Sabine managed to obtain a crystal of her own, the blade being a beautiful shade of magenta. The green blade was given to Ephraim, before he turned on them and attempted to join the First Order.
Despite everything he said, and Sabine and the other Jedi said, he hadn’t forgiven himself. In both Ephraim’s fall to the darkness and cutting him down on Lira San. Letting out a shaky sigh, Ezra stepped forwards, heading in the direction of the Jedi Outpost on Lothal with Chopper trailing behind him.
He saw his tower, a shining beacon against the grassland and mounds, before looking at the hidden temple in the opposite direction, before he turned and headed towards Dume, Tarkin Town had been given that name after Lothal was liberated.
“You really don’t know where you’re going kid?” Asked Kanan, making Ezra sigh.
“I’m just making sure I get a sufficient head start before Mira or Ursa come to get me.” He answered his master, “Make them wonder how I got all the way out here.”
Kanan laughed, his transparent, blue-lined form appearing next to Ezra, “With all the Jedi you’ve trained? They’ll probably ask why you hadn’t gone further.”
“I remember seeing the Ghost shoot down a TIE around here,” Ezra gestured towards a mound, “Rudor’s, I think.”
“I remember you tell me about it, when we started training.” Said Kanan, as Ezra sat on the grass.
“I remember nearly crapping myself after being shot at.” Remarked Ezra, glancing up at Kanan, “This takes me back.”
“It should.” Said Ahsoka, appearing next to Kanan, “It was where your path started, after all.”
Ezra looked down at the lightsabers on his belt, “I can barely feel my hands.”
“It’s probably from all those Sith Holocron you opened and transcribed.” Said Ahsoka, joining Ezra on the ground, “It’s the cause of your other health problems.”
Ezra let out a laugh, “Yeah, the rest of the Council made that suggestion.”
Ezra felt a mechanical hand on his shoulder, he looked up at Luke, he spotted Leia and Sabine near Kanan and Mara standing just behind Luke.
“It’s almost time.” Said Luke, getting a sigh from Ezra.
“I know.” Murmured Ezra, he could feel Mira and Caleb approaching him, with Ursa, Tristan and Alrich not far behind them.
Ezra looked at Mira, noting the apprehension in her eyes.
“When I first met your mother, the Ghost brought me here.” Said Ezra, as his children sat beside them, “It was the first time I’d helped anyone that wasn’t for my own gain.”
He smiled, “It was the start of a long and wonderful time.”
“We’ve heard this a thousand times.” Said Ursa, bluntly.
“We made sure all of you were trained,” Ezra sighed, “so that, when the time comes, you’ll be able to communicate with us when you need us.”
They followed Ezra’s gaze, and saw nothing.
“But, please,” Ezra drew their attention back to him, “remember, the Force will always be with you.”
Mira gave an almost imperceptible nod, with Ezra taking in his children one last time, before he released himself into the Force.
60 ABY
Rey looked over the records, part of her wondered if Luke was still ‘busy’. Finn would’ve had spoken to him, had he not been called away to watch over the Gathering.
She picked up one of the records, noting it was the list of Council members from around the time of the Ossus academy’s destruction.
High Council 28 ABY to 33 ABY
Luke Skywalker – Grandmaster – Self-Exile 28 ABY
Leia Organa – Master of Healing – Stepped down 28 ABY
Mara Jade – Master of Shadows
Galen Marek – Master of Security – Became Master of the Order 29 ABY
Ezra Bridger – Creche Master – Became Battle Master – 32 ABY
Cal Kestis - Head Archivist/Caretaker of First Knowledge
Gungi – Master of Beasts
Ahsoka Tano – Master of Reconciliation – Became Grandmaster – 28 ABY
Kyle Katarn – Battle Master – Became Master of Reconciliation – 32 ABY
Kam Solusar – Master of Reassignment – Died 28 ABY – Knights of Ren Attack
Corran Horn – Master of Exploration
Quinlan Vos – Master of the Order – Died 29 ABY – Old Age
She picked up the one behind it, and read through the names.
High Council 33 ABY to 36 ABY
Mara Jade – Master of Shadows
Galen Marek – Master of the Order
Kyle Katarn – Master of Reconciliation – Became Battle Master
Cal Kestis – Head Archivist/Caretaker of First Knowledge – Stepped down – Replaced by Tarpals
Sabine Wren – Master of Security – Stepped down – Replaced by Kira Shan
Ath’enar’da – Master of Healing
Ezra Bridger – Battle Master – Became Master of Reconciliation
Shin Hati – Master of Reassignment
Gungi – Master of Beasts
Corran Horn – Master of Exploration
Dhara Leonis – Creche Master
Ahsoka Tano – Grandmaster – Died 34 ABY – Old Age
Rey repeated the process with the next one.
High Council 37 ABY to 40 ABY
Galen Marek – Master of the Order
Ezra Bridger – Master of Reconciliation
Mara Jade – Master of Shadows
Kyle Katarn – Battle Master
Kira Shan – Master of Security
Athena – Master of Healing
Sha Koon – Grandmaster
Gungi – Master of Beasts
Corran Horn – Master of Exploration
Shin Hati – Master of Reassignment
Dhara Leonis – Creche Master
Tarpals - Caretaker of First Knowledge
Rey didn’t notice Din Grogu walking up to her as she read the fourth document.
High Council 41 ABY to 59 ABY
Galen Marek – Master of the Order – Died 52 ABY – Old Age
Ezra Bridger – Master of Reconciliation – Died 50 ABY – Old Age – Replaced by Jace Antilles
Mara Jade – Master of Shadows – Died 47 ABY – Old Age – Replaced by Aayla Vos
Kyle Katarn – Battle Master – Died 48 ABY – Replaced by Mira Wren-Bridger
Kira Shan – Master of Security
Athena – Master of Healing – Stepped Down 49 ABY – Replaced by Marta Thenn
Sha Koon – Grandmaster
Gungi – Master of Beasts
Corran Horn – Master of Exploration – Died 48 ABY – Replaced by Jacen Syndulla
Shin Hati – Master of Reassignment – Died 49 ABY – Replaced by Finn Storm
Dhara Leonis – Creche Master – Stepped down 49 ABY – Replaced by K’Kruhk
Tarpals - Caretaker of First Knowledge – Stepped down 55 ABY – Replaced by Rey Skywalker
“Master?” Rey looked down at Grogu, who stared up at her, “Master Storm sent me to find you, there’s a council meeting.”
Rey smiled and gave Grogu a nod, and gave the death records a glance before deciding to go through them after the meeting. She picked up the data pad containing the list of current council members and gave it a quick read.
High Council 60 ABY
Anakin Skywalker – Master of the Order
Jace Antilles – Master of Reconciliation
Aayla Vos – Master of Shadows
Mira Wren-Bridger – Battle Master
Kira Shan – Master of Security
Marta Thenn – Master of Healing
Sha Koon – Grandmaster
Gungi – Master of Beasts
Jacen Syndulla – Master of Exploration
Finn Storm – Master of Reassignment
K’Kruhk – Creche Master
Rey Skywalker – Caretaker of First Knowledge
Satisfied, Rey tucked the pad under her arm and walked towards the Council Spire, planning on presenting the list to the rest of the council and getting their approval to place it amongst the archives.
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feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
A Christmas Kiss
Doing the mistletoe kiss game @bloodlessheirbyjacques started. I was also tagged by @tryingtimi some half-assed Cal/Mara fluff
WC 594
"Tamara, baby!" her mom greeted them excitedly.
"Hey mom," she leaned in and hugged her mom fiercely. "This is my partner, Cal."
"Hello Mrs. Evanson. I made brownies." He held up the three plastic containers.
"Cal! It's so good to finally meet you! I’m Ida." She gave him a quick side hug, "Come on, kitchen's this way."
'Hellos' piled over each other as they passed through the living room toward the kitchen. Cinnamon and pine mingled in the warm air.
"That's a lot of brownies, Cal."
He ducked his head, "I couldn't decide which ones to make, so I made all of them." Mara’s hand on his arm reminded him to keep his glow well hidden beneath the sweater she had made him wear.
Her mom laughed, "Well I'm sure they'll all be delicious. You can go ahead and sit them on the counter there. Then you can come meet the rest of the family. Mara, your brother Addison will be here soon. Can you two try to get along?"
Mara rolled her eyes, "I will if he will.”
“Tamara, it’s Christmas. All I ask is one or two days a year of you guys not fighting.”
“I’ll try mom,” she sighed.
“You better.”
Mara laced her fingers through Cal’s. “Let’s go meet the rest of the family.”
Caldizaar was passed from hug to handshake with Mara’s family. Her father, Anton. Her uncle Lochlan and aunt Ella. Lochlan and Ella’s son Raymond and his wife Luna.
“Teeny couldn’t make it?”
“She’s visiting her daughter’s family this year. They flew her out and everything,” Anton said.
“Oh wow! I’m glad she’s getting to see them.” Mara turned to Cal, “Teeny is mom’s best friend. She usually does holidays with us since her husband passed away.”
Cal nodded gravely. “That is very sad. I am glad she’s with family.”
Mara shook her head before Cal had the chance to ask if he was one of the Claimed.
“There’s wine or eggnog in the kitchen. I also made my punch,” Ella said.
“Thanks auntie. You know I look forward to your punch every year.”
Cal trailed Mara back to the kitchen. Just as they were passing under the doorway she paused and pulled him into a kiss.
“Another holiday tradition,” she grinned, “you have to kiss under the mistletoe.”
“What is mistletoe?”
“See that little plant up there?” she pointed to the sprig of flora dangling from a piece of ribbon, “it’s a silly Christmas thing that started who knows how long ago. I think my dad does it every year as an extra excuse to kiss my mom.”
Cal tipped his head to the side, “Does your family need plants to kiss? I have never needed to have something to make me kiss you. I just do it.”
Mara laughed, “They don’t, it’s just a fun little thing. There are songs about it and everything.”
“Your world continues to fascinate me.”
Mara pulled a glass out of the cabinet and put it beneath the spout of a decanter. Bright red punch spilled out and into her cup. On the way back to the living room, Cal stopped her beneath the mistletoe and kissed her again.
“Are you enjoying it yet,” she teased.
“I am unsure. We should kiss again to see.”
Mara giggled, “As many times as you want.”
Cal wrapped his arms around her waist and brought his lips to hers. He could feel her smiling so big she could barely hold the kiss. Whistles and shouts from the living room finally pulled them apart.
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ohfallingdisco · 1 year
Ranking the last 5 Star Wars characters I saw on tumblr based on their taste in literature
is this the best or worst thing i’ve ever posted?
ezra bridger: 4/10. Atrocious. has looked up out of curiosity whether fic exists about every rebel he knows and giggled. also browses magazines by the cash register. he would appreciate found family though so there’s that
anakin skywalker: solid 6/10, not the biggest fan of reading but he does tend to rent out action/romance/heist 800-pagers whenever they come into stock at the Jedi library. taken down a notch because he probably texts about his fav fics to his wife a lot and gets grumpy when people interrupt him
cal kestis: 8/10, probably into like junk store dime novels and insanely random stuff the other scrappers would lend him but i imagine he would really like the space equivalent of sherlock holmes after someone let him borrow their copy, so his taste is eclectic and varied with a dash of sad cool adult man crime solver. this does not mean he acquired those skills
darth maul: 4/10. reads poetry and classics like moby dick or crime and punishment with his spider legs folded in like a robot in the corner of his emo-postered room. what is he even doing
mara jade: 2/10. therapists everywhere are shocked at how many 600-page books from the same angsty found family fantasy series are tossed up on her shelf <3
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mara-and-its-the-same · 2 months
i know i have so much sitting in my inbox rn, but they must take a back seat
i am wiiiide open for anything for the bikeriders,
moodboards, head canons, one shots, or just any discussion, i can go for hours
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grace-nakimura · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
House Kryze was a house, or political faction, active in Mandalorian society, prominent throughout the Clone Wars and the New Republic Era. At some point before the Clone Wars, the house served as the royal family of the Mandalorians. The house was based on Kalevala.
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Hateread de Tara Duncan tome 10 – Dragons contre démons - Chapitre 13
Ceci est un Hateread du tome 10 de la saga Tara Duncan, inspiré par le long travail de Patricklemorse. Pour plus d’explications ou d’introduction, référez vous au post « Hateread de Tara Duncan tome 10 – Dragons contre démons - 0 : Dans les épisodes précédents » !
L’ensemble des extraits cités entre guillemets et en italiques appartiennent à madame Sophie Audoin-Mamikonian, que j’appellerai Madame S.A.M par facilité.
Bonjour tout le monde !
L’hiver arrive, les températures tombent, et nous avons depuis un moment dépassé le tiers de ce bouquin. Mais après plus de 14 mois à faire cette critique, je suis encore loin d’avoir fini ! Voici donc la suite de ce Hateread du tome 10 de Tara Duncan.
La dernière fois, Lisbeth et Tara envisageaient de faire exploser Tadix si les démons tentaient de les envahir (au risque de mourir elles-mêmes dans le processus), et le chapitre s’était conclu sur Cal étendu raide au milieu d’une flaque de sang dans les appartements de Tara.
Et comme ce jeune homme ne voudra jamais me faire la grâce de prétendre être mort plus d’un demi-chapitre, et que madame S.A.M. a préféré partir cueillir des fraises plutôt que de gérer son suspense, le chapitre du jour s’intitule “Cal, ou comment essayer non seulement d’avoir un petit ami, mais surtout de le conserver vivant devient vraiment une mission compliquée.”
Pour être honnête, avoir un petit ami et le conserver vivant se sont avérés faciles pour Tara depuis le début de la série. Je crois que de tous les péquenauds qui se sont ramassé un crush sur elle, aucun n’est mort (ou jamais très longtemps).
De toute façon la mort ne veut pas dire grand-chose dans Tara Duncan.
“Près de lui, Fabrice et Moineau, totalement désemparés, étaient en train d’activer leur magie.”
Bon, première phrase, premier problème : qu’est-ce qu’ils font là, eux.
Ma remarque porte sur le même genre d’incohérence que celle qu’on a eu au début du chapitre 9 : des personnages sont présents dans une scène à la fin d’un chapitre, mais on ne nous en informe qu’au début du chapitre suivant. Normalement, un point de vue est censé nous donner toutes les informations principales d’une scène, pas celles qui sont utiles pour générer de l’émotion artificielle sur le moment. Il y a des exceptions, bien sûr, mais là, ce n’est pas le cas.
La présence de Fabrice et Moineau n’est pas négligeable. Logiquement, s’ils sont debout et près de Cal, c’est eux que Tara aurait dû voir en premier ; et ce, même si son regard a tendance à se concentrer sur ses crushs d’abord, et ses amis après. Pour retranscrire ça visuellement, imaginez la scène en dessin animé : Tara court vers la caméra, en état de choc, et dans un contre-champ, on voit au milieu d’une salle vide le corps étendu de Cal, sur lequel on zoome. Il y a une coupure pub, et le dessin animé reprend sur un plan large vu du dessus dans lequel Fabrice, Moineau et Tara entourent le corps de Cal, au même endroit et au même moment.
Personnellement, si on me présente l’enchaînement ainsi, je me figure un dessin animé à l’animation mal faite et aux plans recyclés, probablement réalisé par des animateurs en burn-out.
Et puis aussi... Cal est dans la chambre de Tara parce qu’il l’attendait - très probablement pour qu’ils se pécho, on ne va pas se mentir – alors qu’est-ce que les deux autres foutaient là ?
“Lorsque Tara hurla en se précipitant vers Cal, ils sursautèrent. Au même moment, Robin, Fafnir et Mara déboulèrent dans la suite eux aussi. Mara cria à son tour”
Tara sortait de chez Lisbeth, elle était seule avec les gardes quand elle est entrée dans ses appartements, et d’un coup deux de ses amis et sa sœur débarquent à la seconde où ils l’entendent hurler ? Pour autant qu’on sache, Robin aurait dû être encore dans la salle de réception ou retourné chez lui, Fafnir la dernière fois qu’on l’avait vue c’était fin chapitre 9, Mara n’a rien à faire dans le coin... pourquoi ils étaient tous là ?
“Le cerveau gelé par la peur, Tara transforma sa magie, passant du Destructus qu’elle avait incanté au plus puissant des Reparus, lorsque X’orial, qui s’était agenouillé près du corps dévasté, l’en empêcha. (X’orial, tu fais partie d’un groupe pourri jusqu’à l’os mais je t’aime déjà plus que tous les personnages de ces bouquins confondus)
— Attendez, Votre Altesse Impériale. Il faut d’abord lui donner du sang, il en a perdu bien trop, ensuite lui envoyer un Regenerus, puis un Reparus. Et réaligner ses os, parce que je crois que sa colonne vertébrale est brisée en plusieurs morceaux et ses deux jambes sont cassées aussi. (Ma mémoire sur ces bouquins est vaguement émoussée, mais il me semble que dans les bouquins précédents, un simple Reparus réglait tous les soucis qu’il énumère actuellement)
Le cœur au bord des lèvres, Tara n’eut pas besoin d’interroger Moineau pour lui prélever du sang. Très vite, de fines lignes écarlates s’élevèrent dans les airs, y compris des veines de Tara, pour alimenter le corps de Cal. Elle ne pouvait pas utiliser le sang de Fabrice, de peur de contaminer Cal et d’en faire un loup-garou, ni celui de Robin, du fait de sa moitié elfe – même si elle aurait pu en le modifiant, elle n’en avait pas le temps –, ni celui de Fafnir parce qu’elle ne savait pas comment Cal pourrait réagir au sang des nains, bien plus épais et dense que celui des humains.”
Le nombre de choses que je n’aime pas, dans ce passage.
Primo, rien n’explique pourquoi Tara et Moineau peuvent donner leur sang à Cal. Il est receveur universel ? Leurs groupes correspondent tous les deux au sien, par le plus grand des hasards ? Elles sont toutes les deux donneuses universelles ? Entre humains, on ne se donne pas son sang comme on échange des numéros de téléphone.
Deuzio, depuis quand on ne peut pas mélanger le sang de deux espèces différentes ?
Je pense que ce moment est très bien placé pour expliquer une caractéristique du lore de mon univers, pas vous ? Non ? : 8
Tertio, pourquoi est-ce que le sang de Moineau, qui a hérité de la malédiction de la Belle et la Bête, serait moins contaminé que celui de Robin, qui est juste un demi-elfe ?
Quarto, évidemment que le sang des nains est épais et dense. Évidemment. Pourquoi ? Pft. Mais évidemment.
Ah, et pourquoi Tara ne prélève pas le sang de Mara, qui est amoureuse de Cal, s’entend avec lui et serait probablement volontaire ? Pourquoi d’ailleurs ne pas demander à Moineau, ne pas s’assurer qu’elle est d’accord pour qu’on lui prenne du sang, ne serait-ce que d’un coup d’œil ? Pourquoi directement assumer qu’elle acceptera le prélèvement ? Je ne sais pas.
“Elle fit tout cela sans penser une seconde qu’elle portait des objets démoniaques attirés par le sang et par la mort (Oui bonjour je m’appelle Tara'tylanhnem T'al Barmi Ab Santa Ab Maru T'al Duncan, je retiens des coordonnées en un coup d’œil à 12 ans mais je suis pas foutue de me dire que mon sang plein de magie démoniaque n’est pas très safe pour le gars que j’essaie de sauver). Et qui, par une sorte de miracle, ne réagirent pas du tout”
Le miracle il s’appelle “madame S.A.M. a décidé que”.
Bref, Tara répare Cal, aidée de X’orial envers lequel j’ai désormais une affection mitigée, puisqu’il aide à secourir un des pires persos de l’histoire. L’autre bronchite humaine ouvre les yeux et lance une réplique bravache de type “Oh là là Tara faut que je me trouve une petite amie qui m’attire moins de problème”, et il y a une coupure.
Si seulement les personnages réagissaient avec moins de décontraction au fait qu’ils frôlent la mort, putain.
“Il avait toutes les excuses du monde, il venait d’être grièvement blessé, ses intestins débordaient par terre quelques minutes plus tôt et il avait perdu suffisamment de sang pour nourrir toute une cantine de vampyrs pendant plusieurs jours.
Cependant, sa déclaration railleuse, bien qu’empâtée, figea tout le monde.
Enfin pas les soldats qui s’en fichaient éperdument à partir du moment où personne n’essayait de tuer leur princesse, mais Robin et surtout Mara sursautèrent violemment, tandis que Moineau, Fafnir et Fabrice échangeaient un regard navré.
— Quoi ! s’exclama Mara en se relevant d’un seul coup et en foudroyant Cal du regard, tu sors avec Tara ?
Étrangement, Robin ne réagit pas. Il se contenta de regarder tout le monde comme s’il ne savait pas très bien ce qu’il faisait là.
Le cœur serré, Tara réalisa que Robin ne semblait pas du tout étonné, contrairement à Mara.”
Donc toute cette tension n’aura servi qu’à déclencher une scène de ménage ?
Enfin non, je me doute que tout ça est lié à la demande d’assassinat du prologue, mais... Le fait qu’un personnage principal se retrouve enfin blessé dans ce tome, véritablement blessé, pas mêlé à une fausse scène de tension comme Fafnir, Tara ou Mourmur, et que ce soit instrumentalisé pour alimenter des dramas pseudo-romantiques, c’est irritant. C’est tout sauf le moment. On nous a présenté des enjeux, okay, le décor est planté et on sait ce qu’il se passera dans la suite du tome, mais ça fait 12 chapitres qu’il ne se passe pas grand-chose.
Entendons-nous bien : c’est important d’installer le contexte d’une histoire et les éléments qui vont importer, surtout au tome 10 d’une saga qui se passe dans un univers magique, donc j’irais pas reprocher que le début s’étire. Surtout qu’on a eu deux ou trois passages qui se voulaient tendus, comme l’attaque des gardes manipulés par la magie démoniaque, ou la sphère destructrice de réalité. Mais la promesse de tension portée par l’assassin et les feintes faites jusque-là, tout ça pour aboutir à ça…
Cette blessure que Cal a reçue, ça aurait dû être le tournant qui nous montre que la menace se rapproche. Ce qui était arrivé à Mourmur était un avertissement ; là où le scientifique a évité toute blessure, Cal a littéralement frôlé la mort. Je ne veux pas, dans ce genre de moment, écoper d’une scène digne d’un vaudeville. Vraiment pas.
« — Ooppps, fit Fabrice très discrètement.
Pas suffisamment car, faute de pouvoir se décharger sur Cal qui venait tranquillement de s’évanouir, Robin réagit soudain et se tourna vers le jeune Terrien, apparemment furieux, au point de passer sa colère sur lui.
— Et toi, tu le savais !
— Wow ! fit Fabrice en levant les mains devant lui, on se calme, je ne l’ai appris que très récemment. Et cela ne me regarde pas. Si Cal et Tara n’ont pas voulu te le dire, c’est qu’ils avaient leurs raisons. Moineau et moi, nous ne nous mêlons pas des affaires de cœur des autres, nous avons déjà bien assez à faire avec les nôtres. »
Eeeeet c’est les starting blocks pour le compteur de Fabrice !
« Fabrice aurait dû rester sur Terre » : 1 (Quand ton pote prend la première excuse qui passe pour t’engueuler alors que tu as littéralement rien fait, hein. Si tu veux t’irriter de la réaction de quelqu’un, Tara est juste là. Tu sais, la personne directement concernée par l’affaire)
Bref, Tara met Cal dans le lit d’une des chambres d’amis, et appelle un chaman. Ce dernier se pointe immédiatement, car X’orial l’avait appelé avant, et se met à s’occuper de Cal. Pendant ce temps, Tara demande enfin à la troupe pourquoi ils étaient dans les parages. Robin réplique qu’il a… apparemment convoqué tout le monde pour parler du fait que Tara avait choisi Cal ?
« — Et tu as convoqué aussi Mara. Histoire de bien compliquer les choses ?
— Elle avait le droit d’être mise au courant, tout le monde sait qu’elle est folle amoureuse de Cal depuis des années. En me trahissant, tu as trahi aussi ta sœur, Tara ! »
Bon, on va partir du principe qu’il y a un énorme non-dit selon lequel Tara a choisi Cal. Bien. D’accord.
Déjà, ce genre d’argument, c’est à sortir avant que la décision soit prise. Aka, au moment où le choix n’a pas encore été fait. Et je dis ça, mais en réalité, ce n’est pas un argument à sortir du tout : Tara est libre de ses choix, libre de préférer quelqu’un, libre de ne vouloir personne. Robin n’est pas l’unique bonne option, et le reste la « mauvaise » décision. Certes, Tara devrait se comporter de manière plus responsable et moins décontractée avec ses relations amoureuses – une relation amoureuse est un engagement basé sur la confiance, traiter autrui à la légère et ne pas communiquer clairement ses décisions amoureuses sont des comportements discutables – mais ultimement, la décision lui appartient. Et il faut distinguer la décision qu’elle prend de la façon dont elle la dit : tu peux casser avec quelqu’un en douceur, ou sans aucun tact, dans tous les cas, c’est la même pilule qui doit passer. Vouloir influencer non pas son attitude, mais sa décision, en tentant de la culpabiliser, c’est un comportement de connard. Et la double peine est qu’il instrumentalise l’amour qu’a Mara pour Cal alors que Robin ne s’en est jamais soucié avant, ne l’a jamais aidée, n’a jamais même été particulièrement proche de la sœur de Tara. Also, toute cette affaire ne concerne ni Moineau, ni Fafnir, ni Fabrice. Le fait qu’il les a appelé, c’est déjà lamentablement lâche, parce qu’il expose Tara au lieu de garder le cadre intime nécessaire à ce genre de décision, mais le fait qu’ils se soient pointé, c’est encore pire.
Enfin, parler de « trahison » est une autre poignée de paillettes de culpabilisation sur l’énorme gâteau à la culpabilisation. Bref, c’est nul à chier. On est censé être de l’avis de Robin, là ? Parce qu’il enchaîne les red flags avec le débit d’Eminem.
Oh et puis ses déclarations tonitruantes sont mises sur le compte du côté elfe de Robin, parce que maintenant les elfes font des déclarations tonitruantes et ce bouquin décide sans doute en substance de dire que cette attitude de connard vient de son côté elfe, joie.
« — Mara, fit fermement Tara en se détournant du demi-elfe afin de se concentrer sur l’essentiel, c’est arrivé aujourd’hui. Ce n’était pas prévu. Et ni Cal ni moi n’avions l’intention de te faire de la peine.
— Sale garce ! jura Mara, les poings serrés, ses yeux noisette presque noirs de colère, tu vas me le payer. Tu savais que j’aime Cal. Et tu me l’as volé !
— Je n’ai rien vol…
Mais Mara était au-delà de la colère. Si tout cela était arrivé entre eux trois, Tara et Cal auraient sans doute pu lui expliquer calmement ce qui se passait. Mara aurait sans doute été déçue, mais n’était pas stupide. Là, elle passait pour une idiote devant tout le monde. Le ressentiment parla pour elle.
— Tu as oublié qui m’a élevée ? siffla-t-elle comme un serpent. Magister m’a appris qu’il ne fallait pas avoir de pitié pour ses ennemis. Jar avait raison. Tu n’es plus ma sœur ! »
ah ouais, quand même.
Bon bah red flags pour Mara « Je suis super gentille jusqu’au moment où je décide que je le suis plus » Duncan aussi, hein.
Le revirement m’impressionne pour le personnage. Et je n’entends pas ça positivement. C’est comme si tu trahissais quelqu’un pour t’être pris l'orteil dans un coin de meuble.
Pour rappel : effectivement, Mara a été élevée par Magister, qui l’a manipulée au même titre que son frère et l’a infectée avec de la magie démoniaque. Les deux ont finalement été libérés de son emprise, et tandis que Jar, son jumeau, est resté très antipathique envers Tara, Mara, tout au contraire, trouve sa grande sœur super. Elle s’est bien mieux intégrée que Jar, allant jusqu’à faire passer sa place d’Héritière potentielle au second plan. Elle adore Tara, elle s’entend bien avec ses amis, bref, tout roule depuis qu’elle est arrivée dans le camp des gentils. Et là, sous le prétexte que Tara sort avec son crush (qui n’a jamais réciproqué les sentiments de Mara depuis les années qu’ils se connaissent, rappelons-le), Mara choisit d’en faire sa backstory de méchante et refuse d’écouter celle pour laquelle elle avait une estime aveugle quelques heures encore auparavant ? Entendons-nous bien, ça pourrait avoir du sens si Cal était le seul lien qui rattachait Mara au fait d’être sympa, mais là ce n’est pas le cas ! Elle est devenue gentille, littéralement !
Je vais m’installer confortablement pour voir où ça va, c’est spectaculairement nul mais ça promet d’être distrayant, au moins.
En l’occurrence, Mara se barre, ce qui ne fait réagir strictement personne au passage. Personne ne la poursuit, personne ne s’inquiète de ce qu’elle vient de dire, personne ne veut voir comment elle va ou se demande si elle n’aurait pas un psy, non, une blague de Moineau et ils tournent tous littéralement la page. Ils vont auprès de Cal, qui a repris conscience, et les informe que la personne qui a tenté de le tuer… n’est nul autre que Robin.
Tan tan taaaaan coupure.
(Moi je m’inquiète pour Mara, mais je pense que le bouquin n’en aura rien à foutre jusqu’au moment où il faudra faire un travelling sur ses plans diaboliques de nouvelle méchante.)
La scène qui suit est pas mal. Robin, stupéfait, affirme son innocence, mais les preuves contre lui se multiplient : son couteau est imbibé de sang, alors qu’il ne l’a pas utilisé depuis longtemps, et les tests ADN que la porte fait désormais (cf chapitre 10) corroborent cette version.
Bon, bien sûr, c’est très certainement un changelin qui a fait le coup, puisque cette espèce est introduite de manière peu subtile dans le tome et qu’une de leurs caractéristiques est justement de copier l’ADN à la perfection. Mais l’écriture de la détresse de Robin est plutôt chouette.
Et puis juste après, on a ce passage.
« — Je n’ai rien fait ! se débattit Robin, des larmes de rage et d’impuissance dans ses yeux de cristal. Rien fait du tout, je te le jure, Tara !
Tara avait l’impression de vivre un cauchemar. Elle ne comprenait plus rien. Elle savait profondément que jamais Robin n’aurait fait de mal à Cal. Et pourtant, les elfes étaient réputés pour leur violence, surtout lorsqu’une femme elfe était en jeu, elles qui étaient si rares à présent au sein de leur communauté. Car si un peuple avait souffert particulièrement des démons, c’était bien le peuple des elfes. Partis combattre contre les démons, ils avaient laissé leurs femmes et leurs enfants sur leur planète.
C’était alors que les démons avaient attaqué.
Et celle-ci avait été détruite. »
Je ne vous fais pas le déplaisir de copier coller l’intégralité du passage, mais vous ne rêvez pas : au beau milieu d’une scène de tension où Robin vient de se faire arrêter alors qu’il clame son innocence, il y a des paragraphes entiers de considération sur les us des elfes en terme de natalité, de couple etc.
Je pense que ce moment est très bien placé pour expliquer une caractéristique du lore de mon univers, pas vous ? Non ? : 9 (Et je suis gentille, je ne parle pas d’à quel point ce pan d’histoire est là pour dire « les elfes en tant qu’espèce sont possessifs envers les femmes et du coup j’aurais dû prévoir que Robin se comporterait de cette façon », qui est un message aussi crade pour le personnage de Tara que pour celui de Robin)
Mais Tara, ayant compris quelque chose, décide de laisser l’arrestation se faire, allant jusqu’à ordonner à X’orial de faire interroger Robin. Quand ses amis lui demandent ses motivations, elle jette un sortilège de silence autour d’eux et leur explique qu’elle soupçonne Robin d’avoir été manipulé par la magie démoniaque de Magister, au même titre que les deux gardes de plus tôt. C’est en effet une façon efficace de se débarrasser de Robin et de Cal d’un coup, en manipulant l’un pour attaquer l’autre. La discussion embraye ensuite sur Tadix, et le fait que Tara refuse que ses amis l’y accompagnent. Moineau argumente pour dire que si, et la conversation reste en suspens. Il y a un chouette dialogue Moineau-Cal qui évoque et réfute la possibilité que ce dernier puisse se changer en Bête suite à la transfusion. Dans l’ensemble, le passage est pas trop mal.
Les amis de Tara se barrent, elle fait un petit baiser à Cal puis va se coucher. Le lendemain, elle décide d’aller voir Robin en prison. D’abord faussement froide, elle abandonne les apparences et discute avec lui des observations qu’ils ont fait ; ils concluent ensemble que ce qu’il s’est passé était sans doute un complot visant à ce qu’elle perde un peu de son pouvoir via la transfusion de son sang à Cal. Même si tout ça repose sur des informations hors champ dont madame S.A.M. ne nous informe qu’au cours de ce chapitre, la lecture est plutôt agréable, encore une fois. Ça fait du bien de voir Tara et Robin s’adresser l’un à l’autre comme des amis qui réfléchissent sur une enquête.
C’est un poil gâché par le comportement de Robin plus tôt, et par le fait que tout le monde a décidé d’ignorer la colère de Mara, même Tara, qui est pourtant sa sœur, mais j’y peux rien si le livre se fiche de ses personnages.
Tara retourne dans sa suite et informe Cal de tout ça. Ils… se chauffent un peu, ce qui me désespère parce que je suis toujours là pour l’action, pas pour leur tohu bohu de couple à la noix, mais un garde interrompt ces réjouissances en déclarant que Lisbeth convoque Tara. En effet, Robin s’est échappé !
Et le chapitre est fini ! Il était un peu… hm… je ne sais pas. Des éléments chouettes, d’autres mauvais. Ce n’était pas mon préféré, mais au moins, on a avancé un peu !
La prochaine fois, nous reviendrons à Lisbeth ! J’ai hâte !
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winntir · 10 months
No one asked for this, but I made a Krem Tarask Christmas special.
It's from Barriss's POV because I thought that would be more interesting. Stay tuned for the twist ending.
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