#cal breslin
ashen-crest · 1 year
“Good morning.” Emry leaned against the railing of his own balcony and smiled. He was also half-dressed, his hair tousled, his shirt billowing around him. Cal’s face flushed as she set the vase on a little table at the corner of the balcony. The man had no right to look so good at sunrise, particularly when they were separated by both a railing and several social mores.
me, typing my dumb little words about my handsome bard: heeheehee he's cute
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
just finished The Stray Spirit by @ashen-crest and of course I'll have a more comprehensive and coherent review posted all over the place come Friday but initial thoughts because I love this book so so much.
There are very few things in this world as satisfying as reading a book - A REAL ACTUAL PUBLISHED BOOK - by another writeblr and I am unbelievably proud of our very own one and only R.K. Ashwick for making it this far
Emry is (probably unfortunately for me) deeply relatable and I want to give him a hug and a cup of soup and to tell him it's all gonna be ok so badly
Cal my genius queen, you are an inspiration to exhausted uni students everywhere, I think rereading this book will keep me going next semester. If calliope breslin could get a dozen degrees then I can finish this hellish senior design course.
Aspen is a delight and joy and too good and pure for this sinful world, my light, my life, my darling, they can have all of the best offerings from my garden if they want
The worldbuilding?????? The setup and payofff??? The SEQUEL BAIT?! Everything is so masterfully crafted, no matter how life-threatening I desperately want to visit this world
I think Emry and Luca would get along like a house on fire they're so similar right down to their looks with the dark freckled skin and curly hair.
Slightly related, I am stealing so many songs from the playlist for Storge
I am also extremely inspired to practice my guitar until my fingers bleed now, sheet music for Emry's songs when???????
made me cry and laugh out loud several times in the lab and I am so glad I was working mostly alone today so I could binge through 85% of it in a day because I truly could not put it down
the side characters are so lively too! I want to have tea with the Alta
The romance, oh be still my beating heart, Cal and Emry are so sweet together
In conclusion
go preorder it right now
I said so
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moskaisley · 3 years
rules: answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better
tagged by: @walt-breslin hehe ty <3
three tv shows I would have joined friend groups in:
team karasuno from haikyuu!!
study group from community
team avatar from atla 
three animated universes I wouldn’t have minded living in:
fullmetal alchemist
three fictional characters I relate to:
hinata shoyou from hq!!
edward elric from fma
ahsoka tano from tcw
three fictional characters I wouldn’t vibe with:
obi wan not bc i dont like him but bc i’m a fucking menace and would give him a migraine
literally anyone in the glee club but most of all rachel
scott pilgrim bc i’d rather hang out w his gf :/
three fictional characters I would be good friends with:
cal kestis !!!
luke skywalker
tamaki suoh from ouran love that dumbass LMAO
three fictional characters I would probably most definitely have romantic feelings for:
fennec shand!! spare strap!!!
beth harmon from queen’s gambit cdjksfjdfkjl
three villains I’d want to have a chat with over coffee:
ultron........ he can drink motor oil or smth 
greed from fma bc he’s hot n i just like to look at him
three superheroes I’d want to be for a day:
scarlet witch bc i too would like to conjure my own reality and live out my own tv sitcom with a fake android bf
venom bc i too would like a beefy teethy alien parasite in my body
shadow the hedgehog :)
three abilities I would want to have:
alchemy à la fullmetal alchemist
plant magic bc i literally just want my house plants to thrive
three ships I sail as the fierce and feared captain I am:
din x everyone bc that bitch deserves a kiss
soul x maka and i’ve been waiting for 10 years
kageyama x hinata i will die 
three fictional female characters I feel empowered by:
queen leia organa
cher from clueless 
knives chau from scott pilgrim 
three fictional male characters with good ethics and morals I believe deserve more recognition:
sam mfin wilson !! 
alphonse elric bb
i think that din djarin deserves recognition 24/7
three fictional lgbtq+ characters I would take bullets for:
tracer from OW 
sonic the hedgehog
luke skywalker !! 
three fictional places I would have liked to visit:
ember island from atla
naboo in SW 
laputa from castle in the sky
three costumes worn by fictional characters I would have rocked:
chun li’s alpha skin 
every outfit that keira knightly wore in pirates of the caribbean
every outfit anya taylor joy wore in the queens gambit
three characterization tropes to describe myself:
dumbass with a heart of gold
clueless bisexual
tiny but mighty 
no pressure tags:
@tiffdawg @hansoulo @dindja @teaofpeach @huliabitch and anyone else :)
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camsthisky · 6 years
If you have time/feel inspired by it, the platonic prompt: knowing what they need before they ask! I was gonna say Dick Grayson with either Bruce or one of his brothers but then I saw you might write for your ocs, who I am very curious about! So whichever you prefer!
OCs, OCs, OCs
I got asked to post this on discord, too, so I hope it’s okay. It’s my first time posting anything with this kids, and I’m out here trying my best
Peter has never been perfect. He’s had twenty-two years to practicepretending for his brothers’ sakes that he doesn’t want to fall apart everytime something goes wrong, but he’s never really been the Picture PerfectOldest Brother that Sam used to think he was. He’s taken charge when he’sneeded to, but he’s never felt in control.
Like now, sitting in the principal’s office of Finley and Callum’s highschool with his second youngest brother sat in the hard, plastic chair next tohis. There’s a bruise blooming on the left side of Cal’s face, red in itsfreshness, and yeah. Peter couldn’t feel lessin control.
“I don’t understand,” Peter says slowly, gaze flitting between the principal’sstern expression and Cal’s bitten lips. Finally, he settles on the principal,eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Callum got into a fight?”
“He started the fight,” theprincipal clarifies with a sharp glance at Callum. Peter follows with his owneyes, and Callum’s refusing to look him in the eye. The principal continues, “Heinjured three students. I’m afraid that I’ll have to suspend him for at leastthree days.”
Peter blinks. “Callum, did you start the fight?”
“Yeah,” Cal says. It’s quiet. Nowhere near his usual sarcastic, snarkyself.
“That’s not like you,” is all Peter can think to say.
“Yeah, well I did,” Cal snaps. “Can we just go?”
The principal sighs, but she nods towards the office door. “There are afew things I need you to sign, Mr. Breslin, but after that you’re both free togo.”
“Thank you,” Peter says, holding out his hand. He doesn’t apologize forhis brother’s behavior as the principal grimly shakes it. He doesn’t say a wordmore as he pushes Cal out the door and over to the secretary’s desk, who handsthe forms over without Peter having to ask for them.
He signs them, and they leave.
It’s barely past lunch, and the halls are pretty much empty. Neither Calnor Peter say anything as they walk through the school—the school Fin and Calhad worked their asses off to getinto. And now Cal’s leaving it with a suspension on his record.
“Wy didn’t you defend yourself?” Peter wonders when they finally climbinto his truck. Cal’s staring out the windshield, lips bitten raw, bruisestanding out starkly, and he doesn’t say anything. Peter tries again. “Cal,please. I’m on your side here.”
“I didn’t need to defendmyself,” Cal snaps at him, brown eyes tinted black with anger. “She wasn’twrong. I started the fight.”
“Okay,” says Peter, trying to process his younger brother’s outburst. “Didanyone ask you why?”
Cal bites his lip hard enough to bleed and looks away. Peter can’t takeit any longer. Reaching over, he tugs Cal into a light hug, and it only takes amoment for Cal to melt into the touch. “Sorry,” he whispers. “I didn’t mean toyell at you.”
“What happened?” Peter asks, feeling lost. “You said you started thefight, but you hate fighting.Especially after—” Peter falters and Cal stiffens. Two weeks ago is stillsomewhat of a sore subject for everyone, but especially for Cal. “Will you talk to me?”
Cal relaxes again. “There’s this guy, and he’s always picking on one of Fin’sfriends. Usually Fin’s pretty good about diffusing the situation, but he was inthe bathroom. The guy was saying some awful stuff, and none of Fin’s otherfriends stood up for Leo, so I told him to shut up.”
“And then what?” Peter asks, tabling the discussion for why Cal had beensitting with Fin’s friends and not his own for later. One problem at a time.
“The guy didn’t shut up,” Cal sighs. He’s staring down at his righthand, with a weird look on his face. “He just kept going on and on about Leo,and then he moved on to Fin and his other friends. Fin came back just in timeto hear the guy call him a—well. It was bad. I kind of just snapped.”
Peter closes his eyes and squeezes Cal tighter, thanking every god heknows of that it had only ended in a punch, not in this guy getting magically thrownacross the room. That would have been more damage than Peter would know how tofix.
He would, though. Even if he didn’t know how, Peter would help Cal withany problems in a heartbeat. He’d never leave Cal to deal with something alone,no matter if the kid pushed him away or not.
“Am I in trouble?” Cal asks, voice small.
Peter sighs, and finally lets go of Cal to sit properly in the driver’sseat so he can start the car. “Well, you shouldn’t have punched what’s-his-face,no matter what he was saying.”
“I know,” Cal says.
“I’m not going to yell at you,” Peter says, amusement lacing his tone. “Ican leave that to Fin. Sam’s probably going to bake you a cake, though, so he’llbe absolutely useless.”
“Lucas is going to yell at me, too,” Cal groans, but it’s good-naturedly.He sounds a little more upbeat than before, which is good. Peter’s heart alwaysseems to hurt the worse when one of his brothers are hurting or sad. “I’m older than him.”
“I’m pretty sure Lucas has gotten in trouble maybe twice in his life,”Peter chuckles. “He’s got the right to lecture you.”
Cal rolls his eyes. “At least I get cake. You’ll stop Fin from trying toexplode it in my face, right?”
Peter smiles, laughs a quick, “Maybe,” that has Cal squawking inindignation, and drives them home.
There are still a million things to deal with. The suspension, thebruise on Cal’s face, the loss of income from the half a day of work he’d hadto miss to pick Cal up from school, Fin’s anger at Cal stepping in (especiallysince Cal’s younger than him). So many things.
But right now, the smile on Cal’s face more than makes up for what’s tocome.
Peter may not be perfect, but looking at his brother, he thinks he maybehave done at least one thing right tohave raised such a good kid.
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Relentless | Calum Hood Series Pt.17
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                                       Part S E V E N T E E N 
Request: Being the cousin of Ashton Irwin was exciting, especially when invited to their tour to hang out with his best friends. You found yourself becoming fond of Calum Hood, who finds you annoying from your constant appearance. But what would happen if you stopped giving him that attention?
Word Count: 4k+
A/N: bEFORE YOU READ THIS, I HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY. 1. sexual assault is not okay and i do not advocate it at all. theres a bit in there (not too descriptive) that i just want to warn about. and also keep in mind that i dont hate nia or anything, im just making a juicy story. okay, das it. hope you enjoy and please get this to 100 notes !! 
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. [DONE]  
                                                  I M A G I N E 
Hilton Hotel, NYC, 7:25 P.M. 
“I already don’t trust this,” Luke whispered by your ear as the two of you stared at the embrace Calum shared with Nia. You couldn’t help but agree with Luke on this one. Even though it’s just a hug and nothing more, you now knew their history and noticed how she is holding him. 
She was intimidating, you had to admit. Her body had been perfect, with well-done hair and perfect cake worth of makeup. Her confidence was beyond you, wearing such small clothing to show off her belly and toned, long legs. And with the way she was staring at Calum when she pulled away from him, you could tell that she adores him just as much as you did. 
“The rest of the guys want to see you, Cal!” Nia cheered, her smile immensely wide as she wrapped her arms around one of his. Calum glanced over at you, pleading as he gave her an annoyed expression. “It’s been so long-- let’s head inside!” 
“I can enter without you dragging me, thank you,” Calum began as he retrieved his arm from her grip. He quickly grabs you over and wraps his arm around your waist once more. “Have you met my beautiful girlfriend yet, Nia? This is Y/N.” 
“Hi!” Nia said happily, rushing into you to give you a hug. You felt awkwardly uncomfortable. It was hard to think this girl was hugging you when it’s obvious you’re making her seethe. Especially because you won the heart of the man she adores so much. 
“Nice to meet you,” you said quietly, reluctantly wrapping your arms around her as you stood in the embrace. But as you guys hugged, Nia grabbed a bit of your shirt from the back and put her mouth closer to your ear. 
“Stay away from him for the night, m’kay?” Nia said softly, her words stuck with a bit of poison. When she pulled away, you stared at her. Her aim was to vex you with those words. And as much as you were tempted to tell Calum, you didn’t find it too worth it. After all, Calum was yours and not hers. 
But you noticed that when she looked over to Michael, he was right beside you. He was leering at her with those green eyes of his, having her back up a bit before turning back to give Calum his attention. You looked worriedly over at Michael, who shrugged it and gave you a soft smile. 
“Boys!” Nia called to all of them. “We have an area secluded for us. Let me get you a drink, CalCal.” As One OK Rock and Lashton walked inside, Nia turned back to you and smirked. “You can roam around if you’d like. It’s a party, you can have fun without Calum for a bit.” 
With that, she grabbed Calum’s hand and dragged him inside, having him look at you with sad eyes before disappearing in the crowds. Michael took initiative and guided you inside before closing the door behind the both of you. As much as you were digging the hype vibe, you couldn’t help but worry a bit. 
“I wouldn’t trust that girl, either,” Michael snarled. He bent down to speak right into your ear as the music was blasting. Lights of pinks and blues danced around with the party goers who were also talking over the music. “She’s a tricky one, she is.” 
“It’s not just that,” you breathed, placing one of your hands on your stomach. “I feel so bad for not trusting Calum 100%. I’m scared something’ll happen.” Michael wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gave you a gentle squeeze. 
“I understand, but don’t worry too much, yeah?” Michael tried to reassure. “Calum is really obsessed with you. If he does anything, I doubt it was by his free will.” You nodded, gulping your nerves down as Michael led you to the bar. 
“We’re already drinking?” You asked in a bit of shock, nudging the bleach-haired boy softly. He nodded vigorously, quickly getting the bartender to get two beers and two shots. “Already?” 
“You’re drinking with me, loser,” Michael gushed, having you playfully roll your eyes as the bartender returned with two Coronas and 2 shot glasses. You grabbed one of the shots, clinking it with Michaels before the both of you swallowed the substance whole. 
“Fuck, that’s strong,” you winced, feeling the poison burn down your throat. Michael nodded, couching a bit before grabbing his beer to take a swig of it. You took a swig of yours as well, attempting to wash off the rest of the shot from your throat. 
“Right? Holy shit,” Michael said, seeming very exhilarated from it. You giggled as Michael began to chit chat about stupid things regarding the management and Abigail Breslin. And it was nice to share stories and laughter with Michael, but your head was still thinking about Calum with Nia. But nonetheless, it was a pleasant time with Michael. 
“I better bolt soon,” Michael began as he checked his phone. “I have to be in their Snaps and whatnot so Hi or Hey has loving and ‘very close’ bands signed on their label.” 
“Understood,” you assured Michael, having him give you a nice, genuine embrace. As he let go, though, Crystal was suddenly beside the both of you with a wide smile. “Oh-- hello, Crystal!” 
“Y/N! How’re you?” The sweet, pink-haired girl rushed into your arms and gave you a hug. She was very kind to you, even if Michael always seemed to be fairly close to you. It made her seem like a spectacular girlfriend in comparison to yourself. 
“I’m well, and yourself?” You asked softly as you drank down your 2nd beer. 
“Also well, m’love!” Crystal gushed as she went to Michael and gave him a loving kiss. She wrapped her arms around Michaels lovingly, making your heart pause just thinking about Calum. You wondered if Nia was doing that to Calum right now. Nuzzling up against that strong bicep, staring at those meaningful tattoos of his. You felt sick just thinking about it and how paranoid you were being. 
“Oh hey, Y/N!” Crystal stole you from your thoughts as you stared back at the model before you. “Nick Jonas is looking for you, y’know.” Nick? He’s here? And he’s looking for you? 
This party is proving itself to be a bad idea. 
“O-oh, okay,” you choked up a bit. “I suppose I’ll go try and look for him. I’ll be seeing you two around, yeah?” The couple nodded, having Michael flash you some sad eyes before you lost yourself in the crowds of people once more. 
You weren’t even sure where to look, but you definitely didn’t want to 3rd wheel those two. The dancing bodies were collecting sweat and sharing energy as you struggled to weave yourself through them. But their energy was enough to make you feel breathless and you decided to forget about the Jonas brother. You fled outside to the large balcony, seeing less people residing there. 
Letting out a sigh, you walked slowly to the rail and hung your arms off of it. With the beer in your hand, you stared at the city and how the night sky highlighted the lights. New York City truly was beautiful at the night. It was too bad you couldn’t share such a lovely sight with your boyfriend. But what can you do? 
It wasn’t until now that you thought about how different your life was compared to Calum’s. This boy was travelling the world, delivering music and doing what he loves to do. He goes to parties with models and famous people who know his name like the back of their hands. Fans from all over go head over heels just seeing him on a photo. What’s gonna happen when you return to uni? Is he gonna drop you and snag a model who can go wherever because shes beautiful and wealthy? Will you just become a faded memory?-- 
You suddenly turned around to find Nick Jonas right in front of you. He gave you his kind smile, with his teeth shining through with ease. He looked exhilarated, like this party fever was just a part of his blood stream. He opened up his arms to you, having you hesitate before going into them. 
“It’s nice to see you again, Nick,” you said softly with a smile. He looked at you, those eyes full of the same stuff that Calum stares at you with. But it was different. Nick’s stare didn’t drive your heart over the speed limit. 
“And you as well!” Nick said. “Look at you-- you look absolutely stunning right now, Y/N. How has the tour been treating you so far?” 
“Well, I’d hope!” You say sheepishly. You were wearing these black skinny jeans with a pastel pink sweater. With converse to cover your feet, you didn’t think much of your look. It was simple and sweet. “It seems you’re doing just as well as I last saw you, ay?” 
“I mean, I’m still disappointed about last time,” Nick said with a nervous chuckle. “Which I do want to apologize to you for. You were vulnerable and I just assumed that maybe kissing me would make you feel better. But I was greedy and honestly, I think you’re something amazing, Y/N.” 
“Th-thanks, Nick, I appreciate that...” You thanked him softly, looking down so he didn’t see your pink-tinted cheeks. 
“How did everything work out with that crush, by the way?” Nick asked with pure wonder. “--That is, if you want to tell me!” 
“Oh, um,” you began awkwardly, smiling a bit. “We actually got together. In fact, my crush was the boy who pulled us away before we could kiss.” 
“Wait, your crush is... Calum Hood?” Nick asked lowly. 
“W-well, he’s now my boyfriend, but yes,” you said softly. By his shocked expression, you felt like it was... wrong. “I-is there a problem?” Nick shoved his hands in his pockets before merely shrugging. 
“I dunno, that guy has hooked up a lot when we both happen to be at the same parties,” Nick said nonchalantly. “I guess I’m just surprised. At Calum for finding such a great catch like yourself and at you for liking someone like... him.” 
“Watch yourself, Jonas,” you semi-teased. You were definitely defending your boyfriend, but you were getting a bit tipsy. “That boy and I have history. I’ve loved him since secondary school.” 
“Ah, so it’s a childhood crush?” Nick asked. 
You began to tell Nick the story about meeting the boys as he led you back inside the suite. He guided you over to the bar and got you more drinks on his tab. The more you were being given, the faster you were losing to intoxication. Your body was loosening up, your chest was calming its paranoia, and Calum was quickly fading from your thoughts. 
You were losing your sober state to the power of poison disguised as alcohol. 
8:50 P.M. 
“Baby, I like your style!” You sang, with the people crowding you simply cheering you on. 
You were completely intoxicated, only able to feel the buzzing spreading all over your body. Nick dragged you all over the place, introducing you to new faces that you’ve seen on TV plenty. And instantly, they fell in love with you and followed your wild-self around. It was good to feel recognized and somehow appreciated. 
So there you were, with your sweater lifted a bit up to show off your belly to the crowd. You were swaying your hips to Drake, feeling the music surge through your body. You did several provocative movements, such as groping your breasts and biting your lips as everybody ate it up. It felt good to be watched and be a pleasurable view. 
“Yas, Y/N! Slay bitch!” Girls, who became your new friends, cheered you on as they rushed to join you. There you were with several models, grinding on one another and started some sort of twerking circle. You wouldn’t be doing this regularly, but your head was way out of space to even think. 
“I need a one dance, got a Hennessy in my hand!” You sang with the girls, feeling them grab your waist and dance with you. It was wild, but you felt so free and full of life. The girl dancing with you, a nice dark chocolate, was weaving her legs between yours to grind on one another while dancing. You wrapped your arms around her waist to keep her close, feeling the beat in sync with her. 
As the song came to a finish, the girls had slapped your ass before you dizzily tried leaving the circle. Nick was quick to your rescue, holding your arms to keep you on your feet. You looked over at him and started laughing, somehow in disbelief that Nick Jonas was in your presence. 
“Woah there, Princess!” Nick said with a chuckle. “Relax, I got you.” He began walking you over to the bar. Sitting you down on the spinning stool, you began to spin yourself as Nick ordered a Martini. 
“Wee, this is so fun!” You squealed, giggling uncontrollably as you spun. Nick quickly grabbed you, stopping you from spinning by his hands clinging on your waist. He chuckled at you, but you were surprisingly upset with him. “Why’d you stawp meee?” 
“Because you’ll get even more dizzy!” Nick exclaimed as he gave you an enthused smile. “And I don’t want this beautiful lady to get more dizzy.” You giggled again, placing your hand on Nick’s lips to keep him from talking. 
“If Calum heard you say that to me, he’d get so angry!” You gushed, giggling at the thought of your jealous boyfriend. You imagined his head blowing up like an airhead. Nick took your hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss on the top. 
“He’s too busy sucking lips with another woman, though,” Nick said, his tone seeming sympathetic but his lips were curved in a light smirk. You felt your heart hurt a bit from hearing them, though. You grew pale, looking at Nick with disbelief as he held your wrists. “You don’t believe me? C’mere.” 
After forcing the Martini down, Nick walked you over to the middle of one of the huge living rooms of the suite. You have literally been all over the suite except for one area. It was the room where Calum and the other bands were hanging out at. You had no idea why they were so secluded, but you did see some of the party goers go back and forth from the place. 
“Go down over there and you’ll see for yourself,” Nick instructed you, giving your shoulders a light squeeze before pushing you gently. You nodded, glancing behind a little to see Nick tap at his phone. “I’ll be waiting right here for you!” He yelled, giving you a soft smile. 
You walked down, your legs feeling heavy as you transition from a lively room dancing to Rather Be into a more quiet, tamed room. Unlike the bright lights from before, this room was ornate with dark reds and blacks. The soft bass from Passionfruit was playing, feeling Drake suck you up again. As you walked, you entered a more chill room with sensual dancers. 
You noticed Michael and Crystal among the dancers, seeing them talk and laugh softly to one another. It made you smile to see Michael so content with his life at the moment. Scanning some more, you noticed Ashton doing a bit of drinking with a few guys and girls at the bar. Turning some more, you saw Luke at the corner with a phone in his ear and frustration in his face. You looked much harder for Calum. 
Then you spotted him. 
He was in a booth with Nia. Across from her were 2 more girls, a blonde who was smiling politely. The other looked like Nia cloned herself just to be with Calum twice as much. It made you almost vomit to see 2 of her near Calum. As you were walking over to rip your boyfriend away from her, Nia suddenly grabbed his shift and pulled him onto her. Nia’s blue eyes shifted at you to give you a brief wink. 
Their lips touched. 
Overwhelming emotion overcame you as you quickly turned around and ran out of the room. You couldn’t even dare stay to watch. You went back to the loudness and the insane energy, with tears building in your eyes. Your hands were shaking and you didn’t even want to move anymore. But you needed to be as far away from Calum as possible. 
“Y/N?” Nick called to you, having you tilt your head up as you quickly rushed into his arms. He held you close in his warm embrace, making you feel somewhat safe as you cried into his shirt. You felt bad for dirtying his shirt with a bit of makeup, but you couldn’t help it. Your heart was broken. 
“You were right,” you cried, your hands grabbing harshly at Nick’s shirt at his chest. “He... he kissed... her...” You sniffled harshly, feeling your bottom lip quiver as Nick held you stronger. 
“It’s okay, Y/N, please stop crying!” Nick insisted as he quickly whistled at someone. You watch as someone passed him a water bottle before he began guiding you up a flight of stairs to the roof. You didn’t want to do anything, but Nick insisted as he opened the door to reveal the rooftop to you. He tossed you the water, which you gulped down quickly. 
It was beautiful. Several couches and beach chairs were laid out all over, with Christmas lights wrapped around the poles to spread all over. Tables were scattered with candles and empty bottles of beer. It was pretty vacant, surprisingly. Nick guided you over to a fairly quiet part of the balcony by a railing. He leaned you against it, just like Calum did when the two of you were at the park. 
“Stop crying, okay?” Nick whispered at you, his nose practically 2 inches from yours. His eyes contained an intensity that reminded you of Calum’s whenever he was speaking seriously. “You’re so beautiful to be crying over someone who doesn’t even deserve you.” 
“I just... how can he do that to me?” You began shakily, feeling your hands shake uncontrollably. Nick rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. 
“Fuck Calum, when you can have a man like me.” Nick growled seductively before latching his lips onto your nick. Kisses were being planted on your neck, having some sort of pleasure jolt inside you. His tongue was swiping along it as he nibbled on your neck. 
He rose a bit and began to kiss your jawline, feeling his chin hair tickle you slightly. Your eyes were completely shut, too intoxicated to realize much. The pleasure was playing with your heart too much, having you love the way these pair of lips felt on your neck. You randomly found yourself thinking it was Calum. 
But Nick’s hands suddenly grabbed your waist, slipping under your shirt to touch your tender skin. His fingers were rough, but there were smooth callouses on them. It was very unlike Calum’s. Calum doesn’t even bother trying to make his hands soft. That’s what makes him so unique and familiar. 
You realized then that it wasn’t your beloved boyfriend. Opening your eyes, you look down to feel Nick dig his hands into your jeans. You quickly placed your hands on his chest and tried pushing him away, but he was strongly stood in front of you. 
“N-Nick, please stop...” You whispered, using all yoru stretch to push the Jonas brother away from you. But that only caused him to bite gently on your neck. You moaned harshly with pure distaste in your tone. 
“Let me show you a good time, Princess,” Nick growled on your neck as his hands clasped at your underwear. He used one of his hands to pull your jeans from your body so the other had more space to roam. You felt his hand touch the beginnings of your no-no zone, causing you to freak out even further. 
“Nick, fucking stop!” You screamed, dropping your hands down to grab his wrist and pull it away. Although it was somewhat working, he was still rather strong as his hand stayed against your warm skin. “Calum! Calum, please!” You pleaded for your boyfriend, your sadness completely being replaced with desperation. You shut your eyes, feeling your force give out as Nick went deeper into your pants. 
But, within seconds, Nick’s lips were gone from your neck and his hand was removed from your pants. 
Opening your eyes, you see Calum looking down angrily at a fallen Nick. You looked down to see Calum’s fist, with was shaking from the adrenaline of punching the Jonas brother. Your heart began to race, seeing the fury of Calum’s heaving chest as he glared. 
“Y/N, what the fuck?” Calum spat at you, having you look at him to collect tears in your eyes again. He looked mad-- no, he is mad. His brown eyes intensely looked at yours, reminding yourself of the only stare that goes straight into your heart. 
“Don’t ‘what the fuck’ my cousin like she did something wrong!” Ashton barked as the boys came rushing over. “She was crying your fucking name and pleading for damn help! You think she enjoyed that?” 
Why are you so angry with me?
“Why the fuck was she even with him in the first place?” Calum barked back, keeping his eyes in you as Michael and Luke walked over. You lost your gaze with Calum for a moment, feeling yourself feel woozy and sick from everything. 
You left me alone. 
“Before you start blowing your fucking lid off,” Michael began, going over to you to rest a hand on your shoulder. You flinched. “Let’s put our attention to how Y/N was just fucking sexually assaulted.” Michael looked over at Nick and spat out rude Australian terms. 
“But he has tried to fucking kiss her before, mate!” Calum hissed at Michael. “You’d figure she’d know better and avoid this asshole.” Calum glared at Nick, who was sitting up and rubbing his cheek where he was punched. 
Then why didn’t you stay with me?
“She always sees the best in people, Calum,” Michael rolled his eyes. “Also keep in mind that you left her. Fucking look at her-- Jesus, she’s fucking trembling, mate!” 
“I didn’t want to-- we had to do that thing for the management!” Calum tried to defend. “You had to go, too!” 
Your job is before me, isn’t it?
“Yeah, but I brought my fucking girlfriend along!” Michael barked. “This wouldn’t have happened if you fucking didn’t submit to Nia and brought your fucking girlfriend with you! Fuck the management when you have your one and only to fucking take care off!” 
“At least Y/N didn’t fucking cheat,” Luke spat. “You and Arzaylea would be great for one another.” Calum looked like he wanted to punch Luke as well. But you were slowly shutting them out as they bickered among themselves. Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking, your heart wouldn’t stop racing, and your body was so tempted to vomit. 
Everything went too fast, far too fast. The boy’s words were fading from your ear as you remember the way you were being touched. Not by Calum, but by another man. His job was more important than you. Why? Why wasn’t he there? Why didn’t he bring you or stay with you. Everything you want to say can’t be said. They won’t come out. 
You quickly ran into Ashton’s arms and grabbed onto his shirt with both hands. You curled them tightly as you pressed your face against his chest. He was taken aback a bit, taking it in immediately before wrapping one arm around you with the other hand patting your head. 
“I want to go home now,” you whimpered against your cousin’s chest. All the boys silenced themselves as they watched you hold onto Ashton tightly. “Please let me go home.” 
well damn. oops. drama. i would like to say that nick jonas is a great person, i swear. he’s just kinda not okay in this part but i swear ill fix everything soon! please lemme know what you think right here and ill see ya in part 18 xx
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calum-hood-could · 7 years
Cal and Nia...
I feel like I keep having to remake this same exact post over, and over, and over again. Before I even start I'm going to say my usual disclaimer: calum and Nia are great friends, work together, and do pr together for promotion of hey Violet, BUT they are NOT in a relationship. Drama surrounding them ALWAYS happened when there is a big event for HV happening soon. Their PR is meant to be a catalyst for said event. Fans either see Nia for the first time or are reminded of her because of the silly relationship rumors, and they see what she's up to. In most recent cases, it has been the Hey Violet Album release coming up in June. Now, they hang out often because they are real life friends (I know shocking, we live in a world where so many seem to think that's impossible), and often with other friends. A lot of the time, however, the public will see what they want us to see. SO EVEN IF someone else is present and hanging out with them, there are times where we will never see it. Picture wise. PR is public relations which might as well stand for promotion to the public. For example, since partaking in Pr with calum, HV has been sponsored (most specifically Rena and Nia), by drop dead, a brand cal is known to be involved with. In other words, drop dead sends items, even old limited edition ones, to the girls (like they have done to 5sos before) and they wear it. Sometimes, like in the case of a sweatshirt that calum owns but Nia was seen wearing, there are in fact, 2 sweatshirts. SHOCKER (not really). Pr and branding for a clothing brand (in that example) or for a band or organization (hey Violet) are so extremely common in Hollywood and even with internet celebrity. For example, this past weekend, calum and Nia were seen, both in melrose, on the same day, but (not sure) together. She actually was seen on a small brand's Instagram page (this isn't the first time) as a way to catch attention for the brand (she was pictured with one of their shirts on). NOW: notice how this happened on a day where (and calum turns down photos often) calum was taking photos and even videos with fans, before anyone even knew she was relatively in the same area. SO: it's not odd that people wouldn't be able to see the fact that Nia wasn't there alone, besides people assuming she was with cal as well (not saying she wasn't, just saying that as of right now it's an assumption.) and that people looked over the fact that she was only pictured branding for an indie brand. 🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼 This post may seem random but I have received a lot of questions today from people who seem to be very confused on pr and it's concepts. They aren't in a relationship. They are friends. And the entire idea of pr is meant to deceive people into supporting something they, otherwise, wouldn't know about. That being said pr is not a bad thing, it is responsible for getting many people to where they are know (for example, Abigail Breslin and Michael, and well as ashton and Gemma styles have been linked for pr purposes). 🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼 I know this will confuse a lot of people who don't know much about the subject, but most people don't so that is not really any of your faults; management companies would actually prefer if we stayed in the dark on their techniques 😂. 🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼 Anyway, I know I have came off as rude to some people in the past like 24 hours because I feel like people ignore what I say and just say what they want, on MY blog, anyway. And I shouldn't have been rude. So I'm sorry if I was personally rude to any of you 💕 Any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to send an ask (even on anon), or a dm if that makes you more comfortable. I love talking to y'all!!!
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ao3feed-lilo · 7 years
We Know Love's a World Above this One
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2i5qqUe
by Diaryofanarcissisticgayman
“Oh, please.” Louis scoffs. “We’re all the same, humans. We see something new, and we want to conquer it. Climb it, catalog it, own it, kill it, fuck it- It’s all the same thing. Lust. A need to dominate. To assert the will of these soft, squishy bodies over something outside of them. It’s a biological drive.”
“And you say you’re capable of feeling.” Niall mutters. “Why do you always do that? Reduce everything to chemicals and urges?”
“Because we’re animals, Niall.” Louis says, lowering his tablet. “Nothing more, and nothing less. That’s not an insult. I’ve devoted my life to the study of biological organisms. Life itself is my religion. But to think we’re anything above or beyond the things I study is nothing more than arrogance.”
“You’re a cynic.” Niall says with a small smile.
“But I’m not wrong.” Louis says with a shrug.
“No, I don’t think you are.” Niall agrees. “So, if that’s what you think, why do you do this?”
“Same reason you do.” Louis grins. “To fuck a whole new world."
Words: 7262, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Niall Breslin, Gemma Styles, Nick Grimshaw, Simon Cowell
Relationships: Niall Horan/Harry Styles, Luke Hemmings/Calum Hood/Ashton Irwin, Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson, Jeff Azoff/Harry Styles, Niall Breslin/Niall Horan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Future, Alternate Universe - Aliens, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Scientists, Very AU, Did I mention that it's extremely AU?, There are Cyborgs and Androids, And Harry is a big pink Sasquatch with his normal face, Louis is a biologist, Liam is his android, Luke Ash and Cal are an aviation crew, Bressie is Niall's synth, Everybody is more fucked up than meets the eye, But this is less angsty than my standard fare, despite the tags, just trust me, You've never regretted that before right?, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2i5qqUe
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nexusradiodance · 7 years
The Must See Films of Reeling
The Chicago LGBTQ+ International Film Festival returns this September 21st to the 28th featuring a collection of award-winning films to social documentaries to experimental shorts.   Here is a look at our picks for this year’s festival.
The Pass It’s a British film, do we need to say anymore?   The film is about two closeted soccer players who shared a hotel room the night before their big game.  The film features Looking’s Russel Tovey and Arinze Kene from Fantastic Beats and Where To Find Them.
Saturday, September 23rd at 7:15 pm at the Landmark’s Century Centre  Buy Tickets
Freak Show A comedy about the outsider from high school that is in all of us.  The film features a cameo from the legendary Bette Midler (do we really need to say anything else), Laverne Cox, Ian Nelson from the Hunger Games, Abigail Breslin from Little Miss Sunshine and Alex Lawther from The Imitation Game.  
Tuesday, September 26th, 7:00 pm at the Landmark Century Centre Buy Tickets
East Siders: 3 It’s a web turned Logo series turned Netflix series that is a dark comedy about a couple negativing life and love on the East side of Los Angeles.   The newest season covers the bumpy road trip ride, as Cal and Thom decide to move back to the West coast after trying to live on the East coast.  Filmed on location in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada and California, it’s a road trip we can all relate to.
Tuesday, September 26th, 9pm at the Landmark Century Centre  Buy Tickets
Behind the Curtain: Todrick Hall If you haven’t heard of Todrick Hall yet, get out from under that rock your hiding from.   The documentary film goes behind the scenes of Todrick Hall’s recent tour “Straight Outta Oz” and follows the team as they embark on the tour.
Monday, September 25th at 9:30pm at the Landmark Century Centre  Buy Tickets
Prom King, 2010 A film about a romantic fool freshman who is filled with the idea of true love that comes directly from the classic films he lives for.
Saturday, September 23 at 4:45pm at Landmark’s Century Centre.  Buy Tickets
The Death and Life of Marsha P Johnson The documentary about New York’s self-described “Street Queen” and trans icon Marsha P Johnson, who was a fixture in New York’s Christopher Street.   Helping to ignite the Stonewall Riots and fighting against discrimination from the police, Marsha was critical in the movement for GLBTQ+ rights that we all enjoy today.   The film re-examines the evidence and the circumstances surrounding Marsha’s 1992 death.
Saturday, September 23rd at 12:15 pm at Landmark’s Century Centre.  Buy Tickets
  from Dance – Nexus Radio http://ift.tt/2xPB0VD
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ashen-crest · 7 months
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[ID: a digital illustration of Emry and Cal looking at each other in front of a gradient dark gold background. Cal is on the left, with warm brown skin, black curls in an updo, red dress, and gold jewelry. Emry is on the left with a dark green patterned waistcoat and dark brown curly hair. end ID]
Emry and Cal commission by @chayscribbles!!
Look at it!! They're so soft!! They love each other!!
Chay did such a wonderful job, I was so happy I could slide into a commission slot. 😭 Chay is both an amazing artist and writer, please check out @chayscribbles when you get the chance!
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ashen-crest · 7 months
it's the yearning for me
Emry and Cal attend the theater while they wish they could be doing other things:
[Emry and Cal] settled into a box with Aspen, Karlson, and other troupe members, and as soon as the gas lights dimmed, Cal discreetly took his hand. After that, he could hardly follow the plot of the play, focusing only on their intertwined fingers and the warmth of her arm against his. Despite the touch, there was far too much space between them. How long had it been since he’d kissed her, truly kissed her? Or been alone with her at all? He dared one more glance at her dress, the off-the-shoulder sleeve slipping down slightly. It was a beautiful, light sort of torture, one that only grew worse when the couple on stage—some sort of doomed-lover situation—kissed passionately against a painted starry sky. Emry grumbled silently to himself. Oh, sure, they got to kiss in front of everyone, but gods forbid he do more than walk alongside his girlfriend in this wretched city—
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ashen-crest · 7 months
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[ID: three digital sketches side by side, with dark red bars framing them at the top and bottom. from left to right, the sketches show: a woman with curly hair in an updo looking to the left, wearing a tiara; a man with looser curly hair, freckles, and a high collar looking to the right; a person with similarly curly hair looking down at a flower, while flowers also grow out of their hair. end ID]
Cal, Emry, and Aspen from The Spirit Well
No thoughts, head empty, only love for my Spirit kids.
Their next adventure comes out on March 18th!!
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ashen-crest · 7 months
emry and cal courting cuteness
Following up from yesterday's Emry and Cal artwork, here's a snippet from The Spirit Well, coming out on 3/18:
"Are you at all engaged for the last dance of the evening?” [Emry] asked. Cal nearly laughed—of course she wasn’t, she had only just arrived—then she stopped, the realization dropping on her like a chandelier. “The last dance?” she repeated breathlessly. Back in Etris, the last dance of any event was a special one. It was typically reserved for friends and family members, a chance to dance with someone who may have otherwise been occupied for the evening. But to specifically request the dance—to indicate they’d gladly wait all night just for a moment with this one person—was a traditional sign of particular interest.  A traditional beginning to an official courtship. “Yes,” she blurted out, her face flushing with heat, giddiness rising in her throat. “I mean—no, I’m not engaged. Engaged for the dance, I mean. I…” She took a steadying breath. “I would be happy to dance the last set with you, Mr. Karic.” Emry grinned, his face shining brighter than the gold embroidery at his collar.  “Excellent.” He straightened. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe my colleague Aspen wanted me to inform them of what Matlock champagne tastes like.”
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ashen-crest · 1 year
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[ID: a digital painting of a Black woman in a red dress looking at the camera, one gloved hand under her chin and the other tucked under her elbow. Her black curly hair is in an updo under a gold tiara. Her earrings match her tiara with a gold diamond shape and pearls. She's standing against a textured white and yellow background. end ID]
[click image for better quality]
Cal Breslin - The Spirit Well
“Ms. Breslin,” Emry said smoothly, stepping up to her as if this was not at all unusual. “It’s an honor.” He gave her a bow, then took her gloved hand and kissed it. She couldn’t count how many times he had done this in the past, but this time, the brief touch gave her an embarrassing thrill. “The honor is mine, Mr. Karic,” she managed. Then something bright and nervous flickered across Emry’s gaze. “Are you at all engaged for the last dance of the evening?” he asked. Cal nearly laughed—of course she wasn’t, she had only just arrived—then she froze, a realization dropping on her like a chandelier. “The last dance?” she repeated breathlessly. Back in Etris, the last dance of any event was a special one. It was typically reserved for friends and family members, a chance to dance with someone who may have otherwise been occupied for the evening. But to specifically request the dance—to indicate they’d gladly wait all night just for a moment with this one person—was a traditional sign of interest.  A traditional beginning to an official courtship. “Yes,” she blurted out, her face flushing with heat, giddiness rising in her throat. “I mean—no, I’m not engaged. Engaged for the dance, I mean. I...” She took a steadying breath. “I would be happy to dance the last set with you, Mr. Karic.”
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ashen-crest · 22 days
“Why don’t we practice after the festival?” [Emry] pressed. “Then you’ll get more time with your friends and I’ll—” Aspen folded their arms. “And you’ll tell Cal that you didn’t practice today?” Emry glared at them. Oh, he hated it when they worked together like this. He should have never introduced them to each other in that library. Why did he agree to any of this— “Fine.” He fidgeted with his wedding band. “Fine. I’ll try it. I’ll try to get it to work.” Aspen beamed and sat down across from him with a wiggle. “Excellent! Now, close your eyes.”
someone's gotta look after Emry's health and wellbeing and it's certainly not gonna be Emry Karic
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ashen-crest · 1 day
Lila's Romance Week: Prompt 2!
Prompt 2: a classic example of their love
Because I'm writing The Spirit's Curse, I'll pull a snippet from The Spirit Well for Emry Karic and Cal Breslin:
After checking to make sure no one was looking, Emry snuck a kiss on [Cal's] forehead, drawing a small smile from her. He supposed forehead kisses during official Council trips were frowned upon, but it was his sacred duty as a boyfriend to provide them when frustration arose. 
he takes his duties Very Seriously (and will do so in The Spirit's Curse, too!)
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ashen-crest · 1 year
“What’s the prize, anyway? A decent spot in the social papers?” Cal sidled up next to [Emry]. “Five hundred gold, I believe.”  Emry choked. “Five hundred—?” He pointed to the safety officer. “Forget my sisters, just put me in the kayak. I can do it—” She laughed. “I don’t believe that follows the rules of the race, Em.” “You and your rules.” Emry sighed and gave her a sidelong glance, his grin crooked. “Wouldn’t you like to see me win out there for you?” Heat rose in Cal’s cheeks as she recalled Emry rowing in the past—sleeves rolled up, strong arms fully on display. And the way his arms were folded now... Oh, no. She was staring. Gods, she shouldn’t have flirted with him the other day. It had stuck in her brain ever since, and all she could think about was a stupid private cottage with this stupid man— “You don’t need to win to please me,” she stammered, knowing immediately it was the wrong thing to say. Emry leaned closer to her, his breath brushing past her ear. “Then what do I need to do to please you?”
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