#caldecott tunnel
fruggin-bitch · 11 months
Me reading Tyrants Tomb:
…Frank D:
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
So, way back when I was a wee little cringe nerd (tentatively affectionate), I was absolutely bonkers obsessed with Percy Jackson. I also had basically zero access to the internet and only an extremely vague idea of what fanfiction was, and I definitely wasn't immersed in the fanfiction culture of the time. So that meant whenever I had Thoughts and Ideas, I was writing those fuckers straight into my class notebooks for all the world but especially my teachers to see. That being said, I just remembered my very first ever fanfiction idea, of which I wrote three pages of looseleaf in my seventh-grade social studies class with my best friend in between assignments. Which I will now elaborate on as an Adult because honestly, what else do I have a semi-popular Tumblr blog for?
The basic idea is that, in the Son of Neptune, instead of heading straight for Camp Jupiter, Percy very vaguely remembers that the mysterious Annabeth lives very close by. He skids down the hill next to the Caldecott Tunnel, but instead of crashing into the highway, he lands in the back of a pickup and is carried away by a very panicked+annoyed driver who wants the kid in the back of his truck out.
(Please imagine Frank and Hazel, standing guard, watching some random kid go screaming down the side of a hill on a serving platter while pursued by gorgons, land in a pickup, and, still screaming, swordfight said gorgons. Who get whacked out of the air and run over by a school bus. Can you fucking imagine)
(Please also imagine Juno, waiting invisibly next to the road, also watching Percy go screaming by in a truck. She had been waiting there to give Percy her mysterious "choose safety or your memories" spiel but now he's fucking gone)
The pickup driver pulls over to the side of the road near the bay and tells Percy to get the fuck out of the back of his car. Percy, seeing the gorgons in hot pursuit in the distance, makes the logical move and jumps straight into the bay. He lets instincts and muscle memory guide him to the edge of one of those fancy neighborhoods that border the edge of the water. He continues following muscle memory and instincts and ends up at Annabeth's house, and he knocks on the door.
Fredrick, opening the door: Percy Jackson??
Percy: ...who are you
Fredrick: you exploded my car four years ago! my daughter has been looking for you for months. ANNABETH COME DOWNSTAIRS I FOUND YOUR BOYFRIEND
Annabeth gives him a flying tackle hug and Percy is 60% confused, 40% relieved because finally this is someone he remembers. Annabeth starts talking about how they need to get Percy to CHB stat, everyone is so worried about him, they knew Jason had had amnesia but it had been so long they weren't sure if Percy was still alive, etc etc,
Percy is nodding along in confusion and pretending he knows wtf she's talking about.
Juno appears in the Chase house. She's mad as hell that a) percy isn't already in Camp Jupiter and b) he's with Annabeth (derogatory). She teleports Percy straight into CJ but Annabeth manages to hang onto him and come with.
They land on the near side of the Little Tiber, where Frank and Hazel are reporting on the weird screaming demigod in a pickup that had gone by twenty minutes ago. Juno realizes she accidentally brought Annabeth along and is Very Unhappy about this.
"Romans, I bring to you the Son of Neptune-" ("I'm the son of a planet?" Percy muttered). "For months he has been slumbering [etc]. Instruct him in your ways, induct him into your legion. As for the daughter of Minerva…” The Romans gasped, staring at Annabeth. Juno curled her lip, shooting an icy look at the girl. Annabeth snarled wordlessly in response. “She is extraneous. Do with her what you will.”
Juno disappeared
More will be added in the reblog
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soaking-wet-cat-punk · 5 months
“hozier arsonists lullaby is leo coded” no you fool, think!! its about FRANK.
Frank, who was fascinated by fire, and the e second he got his firewood, willed it to burst into flame to see what would happen??
Frank who was tormented by the two sides of his godly father screaming in his head for all of mark of Athena???
Frank who harnessed these voices in order to save Hazel and Nico????
Frank who had to deal with body dysmorphia after suddenly changing against his will in Venice?????
Frank who charged ahead into the house of hades sure he would die, got a mid battle promotion to praetor, got shot in the arm, and didn’t even flinch??????
Frank who was literally slapped straight from defeating EVERY SINGLE GIANT to fighting Gaea and Octavian, and immediately took charge of people he’d been seen as ‘lesser than’ for his entire time in the legion without falter???????
Frank who grew up around the highest standards in a shrinking family, and even his mother died sacrificing herself for her companions in battle????????
Frank who took constant jokes and put-downs from leo and never once snapped back at him despite being scared and feeling alone?????????
Frank who saw leo die, and then wasn’t there to see Jason die, and then even still sacrificed himself to save new Rome at the Caldecott tunnel by finally BURNING HIS STICK AND TAKING CONTROL IF HIS DESTINY??????????
anyway you’re all wrong and this is a Frank Zhang stan account now and you should go listen to Arsonist’s Lullaby.
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moodyseal · 1 year
[said as I'm emptily staring at the ceiling] when Caligula taunted Apollo during their fight at the Caldecott tunnel by saying "Remember what happens next?" he specifically worded it like that in reference to Jason's last words to Apollo didn't he
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cjnews · 5 months
[stands on the other side of caldecott tunnel]
-bee from chb @thathypnoskid
"Sorry dude but you're gonna have to leave before I call reinforcements. You can't just crowd this area."
-Anon son of Neptune
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Obsessed with the way brown eyes look with the sunlight -Danny Words: 2,230 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Wonder' -by Shawn Mendes
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XX: My Fiance Threatens to Set Us on Fire
I walk through the camp's forest until I run into Janus standing against a limestone wall, moving his keys from one hand to the other.
"Are you lost, girl?"
I eye them carefully. "Why are you in my dream?"
"We should be asking you that," the left head responds.
"Are you torn?" Asks the other. "If you are..."
"We'll get to know each other," Left grins.
"Or maybe not... she's seen enough to know better."
"Bah! Heroes never learn!" Leftie sneers. "Especially the siblings of Eros..." 
"We'll meet again, Arae Jackson," Janus says in unison.
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Jason leans closer to the window. "What is that?"
"That road, the one that goes through the hills."
Piper seizes the headset and asks the pilot. "She says it's Highway 24. That's the Caldecott Tunnel. Why?"
Jason glares at the road. Ara tries to lean forward to look, but as she does, Leo scolds her again. "Seriously, stop that!"
"Fine!" She barks. "Gods, you're worse than Lily and—!" Her tongue freezes on its own. Leo glances at her with a little pout, she's got the feeling he knows what name she was about to say, but that's impossible. 
"We're a team, right?" He says after a moment. "I'm allowed to boss you around sometimes."
Ara scowls. "I have the feeling you'll abuse that power."
He smirks. "For your own good, ya know?"
"The crazy thing is I truly believe that you'd do it to help me," the girl snorts. "And I've been thinking about what your dad told you... us partnering up. He told me that too when I met him, I just... I didn't remember until you brought it up."
That is a lie, of course. She never forgot, and now she knows for sure he's the Hephaestus kid she's meant to help, but she's trying to ignore it, her feelings aren't leading to a platonic partnership and that's worrisome at best.
"What did he tell you?" Leo sighs. "That you need to be patient 'cause I'm always messing up?"
Ara makes a face. "He didn't like me."
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The first time I saw Hephaestus I remember thinking: "Poor guy!" 
Now, what I'm thinking is: "Please, don't step on me!"—Which seems to catch his attention, cause he pauses to examine my tiny form.
"You're an Aphrodite."
"Your children teach me stuff," I blurt out in awe.
He squints as if he's having trouble discerning my face. "Arae Jackson," The god scoffs. "I wouldn't've chosen you."
I'm not expecting him to pay any compliments, but he could've kept those thoughts to himself! I mean, I like the guy! But he's just blunt, I think. Not a good trait when talking to someone who tends to sugarcoat everything she says.
"Ara's a good trainee!" Percy argues right away.
"We'll see about that," the god grunts.
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"I—I have to get my dad home. I'm sorry, guys."
If Piper leaves, Leo and Jason are the only ones left capable of finishing the quest. The boy with amnesia, and the rookie with no training. Both weaponless.
"Oh," Leo speaks quietly. "I mean, absolutely. He needs you right now. We can take it from here."
"Pipes, no," Tristan manages to stand. "You have a mission. A quest. I can't—"
"I'll take care of him," Hedge steps in.
Piper hesitates. "You?"
"I'm a protector," the satyr shrugs. "That's my job, not fighting." He fixes his posture as soon as he says that. "Of course, I'm good at fighting, too."
"I learned it all from you," Ara nods.
"But I'm a protector, and I can do this," Hedge continues. "Your dad's right, Piper. You need to carry on with the quest."
"But... Dad..."
Tristan hugs his daughter, and Jason guides Ara and Leo away. "Let's give them a minute..."
Hedge goes with the ranger to bring Tristan's plane to where they are. Ara starts to feel an itch on her left shoulder and winces. 
"What's wrong?" Jason nods at her arm.
"Itchy," Ara grimaces. "But I can't scratch myself 'cause Mr. First-aid Valdez forbade me from squirming around."
"Since when do you listen to him?" Jason's amused by her statement. "And who appointed you as our caretaker, Leo?"
"She almost lost an arm saving your ass," Leo raises a brow and shrugs. "If she can multitask why can't I?"
Jason grins. "Well, the itch might be good, your arm might be getting some feeling back, Ara."
"I won't know for sure until I get it checked by a professional."
"By professional you mean an immortal fifteen-year-old?" Leo taunts her.
"Or an Apollo camper."
"Teenagers," Leo continues with a straight face. "That you trust blindly."
"I would trust any demigod with my life," the gravity with which she says it makes Leo feel like he's insulted her entire lineage.
Hedge hurries past them when Tristan faints. "Got him," he sits him upright. "I already asked our ranger friend to call up his plane. It's on the way now. Home address?"
"Everything's on here," Piper hands him the phone she fished out of her dad's pocket. "Address, his chauffeur's number. Just watch out for Jane."
"Who's Jane?"
Piper tells him about the assistant who's been brainwashed by Gaea, then the expensive and slick plane comes along, and it's time to say goodbye. Ara approaches the flight attendant and reaches for her compass.
"Hold this, please," the girl sets the object on the woman's hand.
"Oh my god!" The lady gasps, looking at Tristan with wide eyes. "What—"
Ara snaps her fingers and starts talking, maintaining eye contact with the woman. 
"This is Gleeson Hedge, Mr. McLean's personal trainer. This is top secret information, so we'll pay for your silence..." Piper hands her the money she got from Aphrodite. "Make sure no one sees Tristan leave the airport, and make sure no one wakes him until he's home, he gets cranky. Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am," the lady hurries to reply. "This way, gentlemen..."
Ara seizes the compass and puts it back in her pocket. At the boy's look of confusion, she points back with her thumb. "That's how you control the mist."
"Would you marry me?" Leo blurts out.
Hedge hugs Piper, and Ara attempts to lean down and do the same, but he stops her. "I know you're a big deal, but you better behave while I'm not here to keep an eye on you, alright? Make sure those hunters use top-tier cures apt for Olympians."
Ara chuckles, bumping fists with him. "You got it, Coach."
"You cupcakes take care of these girls, you hear? Or I'm gonna make you do push-ups."
"You got it, Coach," Leo grins, quoting Ara's words.
"No push-ups," Jason agrees.
"Thank you, Gleeson," Piper hugs him again. "Take care of him, please."
"I got this, McLean. They got root beer and veggie enchiladas on this flight, and one hundred percent linen napkins—yum! I could get used to this."
As they ensure the jet takes flight, Piper finally loosens up and starts crying. Jason hugs her. "Your dad's in good hands, you did amazing."
Ara pats the girl's head like Silena used to do with her. "You've done well. All I did during my first quest was keep a guy steady while my brother beheaded him—the guy was a monster," she explains when Jason looks at her horrified.
"And how old were you then?" Piper accepts the Kleenex Leo's offering.
"Ten," to everyone's surprise, Leo's the one who answers. "She was also ten when she fought the guy who got possessed by Kronos."
"He wasn't possessed by Kronos when I fought him," she specifies, "and I only threw an empty basket at—"
"You also threw a rock—"
"Wait, how long has it been since?" Jason frowns. "How old are you now, Ara?"
"She's fourteen, man," Leo responds.
"You're younger than all of us?" Jason asks in shock. "And you're the Strategus?"
"Seriously, how old do I look?" Ara frowns. "Your reactions are alarming—"
"Guys," Piper moves, pointing at something.
An iris message forms behind the blond boy's head. 
"Thalia!" Jason gasps.
"Thank the gods,"  it sounds like there's a heated fight going on around her. "We've found her—Where are you?"
"Oakland. Where are you?"
"The Wolf House! Oakland is good; you're not too far. We're holding off the giant's minions, but we can't hold them forever. Get here before sunset, or it's all over."
"Then it's not too late?" Piper holds her breath.
"Not yet. But Jason—it's worse than I realized. Porphyrion is rising. Hurry."
Fighting a lesser giant almost sent Ara to the underworld (corporeal form included). She can't imagine what might happen if she's forced to fight the king of the bunch with a broken arm.
"But where is the Wolf House?"
"Our last trip—The park. Jack London. Remember?" 
The message blurs into the air, and Jason stumbles back.
"Bro, you all right?" Leo holds him. "You know where she is?"
"That's the place where you saw your mother last, isn't it?" Ara guesses.
"I don't mind," the woman agrees.
"Yes. Sonoma Valley. Not far. Not by air."
"Ma'am," Piper smiles politely to the mortal ranger. "You don't mind helping us one more time, do you?"
"We can't take a mortal into battle," Jason stops her. "It's too dangerous. Do you think you could fly this thing?"
When he asks that, he's looking at Ara and Leo. Ara has journeyed in pegasus, hellhounds, motorbikes, chariots, a bronze dragon, and flying pigs—she's driven her father's Prius once or twice, but she's never flown a Helicopter.
Leo touches its surface and closes his eyes. "Bell 412HP utility helicopter—Composite four-blade main rotor, cruising speed twenty-two knots, service ceiling twenty-thousand feet. The tank is near full. Sure, I can fly it."
Ara stares at him with flushed cheeks. "Leo, if I live to turn eighteen, you can marry me."
Piper directs her attention to the ranger. "You don't have a problem with an under-aged unlicensed kid borrowing your copter, do you? We'll return it."
"I—I don't have a problem with that," the lady chokes out the sentence like it hurts her a little.
"Hop in, kids! Uncle Leo's gonna take you for a ride," he lets Jason and Piper climb in first, then he grins from ear to ear and offers his arm to Ara. "Would my beautiful fiancee like to copilot?"
Ara moves him out of the way. "I wouldn't miss the opportunity to sit at the front."
The girl puts on the headset to hear Leo over the noise, but he doesn't seem to need help, so she relaxes and enjoys the moment. She pulls out her compass again and her heart skips a beat.
"What do you see here?" She shows him the compass and Leo glances down at it, his hands doing their own thing without him paying attention. 
"What's that?"
"Almighty," she stares at the object, "but it's never worked... as a compass, I mean. I think can read it now."
"You understand what those symbols are?" He looks up at her.
"Maybe," Ara tilts her head. "Hey, I know we don't have fuel to waste but just for science... can you turn to the left?" Leo obliges, and the moment he does the needle changes position. Ara swears in ancient Greek. "Nemo was right!"
"Percy!" She laughs. "He was right! It points to where I need to go..."
"That's cool!" Leo drives the chopper to its original path. "And a relief, I'm only eighty percent sure I know what I'm doing..."
"You're great," Ara's gaze is full of esteem. "You're the best thing that's happened to me in a while, I was so wrong about you."
Leo blushes at her statement, he scowls at the sunlight ahead. "Shut up."
"I mean it!"
"Ara," smoke starts rising from his head, "don't be nice to me or I'll set us on fire."
"Oh." She looks away, now also blushing. "Okay. Sorry." 
After a while, the sun begins to set and it hurts Leo's eyes, so she searches their seats and finds a pair of aviator sunglasses. As soon as their fingers brush, his skin glows the same color as hers. Ara looks up and locks eyes with him for a moment. 
His chocolate-brown eyes had never looked this breathtaking, it's been snowing hard since they left camp, so Ara didn't know he looked like this with the sunlight.
Leo mumbles a thank you and puts the sunglasses on, but that doesn't help Ara's increasing pace of her heart, he looks great with those too.
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Grover feels the presence of Pan and decides to follow it, so Tyson goes with him. Percy wants me to go too, but I'm against it. Hephaestus gave us a mission, I want to change his mind about me not being a good choice. 
I go with Percy and Annabeth, and that's how I discover my power, the one no one knows about.
My brother initiates a manhunt, and Annabeth scolds both of us. When Percy does something dumb I also get reprimanded, I have nothing to do with it, but I didn't stop him, so it's partially my fault cause Annabeth thinks I should know better.
The Telkhines have us cornered so Percy offers to be the distraction. Annabeth and I refuse, he insists, and that's when it happens.
There's a split second of nothing before I hear a buzz, like a lightbulb that takes ages to charge fully. A scarlet light blinds me and I think we've been attacked with some kind of magical dynamite, but I can't sense heat. 
I cover my eyes, and when I look through my fingers, I discover it wasn't an explosion. Percy and Annabeth are kissing, and they're glowing. I yelp and cover my eyes entirely once more.
"Be careful, Seaweed brain."
My friend gets up and runs, but Percy and I look at each other without knowing what to do, he's still glowing like a stoplight. He blinks a few times with a dazzled expression. 
"Ara, run!"
And I run.
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Next Chapter ->
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muiltifandomnerd · 1 year
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 2: Training
Chika PoV
We have been up in the sky for 3 hours. Reyna is pretty good at riding a Pegasus, she must have ride it to battle at times.
"So, Dad, are you going back to the farm once we made it to camp Jupiter and where did you put all of the stuff?" I asked him while he sat behind me.
He showed me a tiny green pouch, "This tiny green pouch contains all of the stuff and it is magical. Your recruiter, Reyna, says that it was created by the children of Vulcan and Trivia respectively. I will probably go back to the farm; I can take the bus to get home. I will Iris Message you once I get back." He says as he opens the pouch the shows a golden light, I can see all of my clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, books, and other stuff all in that tiny pouch.
"Thank you, Reyna, for helping me out with the Giants. Sorry, I wasn't much help." I say as I rub the back of my head and close my eyes for a bit.
“You weren’t bad Chika; you did well against the giants. Your father trained you well. Later in the day, do you want to spar?” Reyna asked as she looked at me with her eyes. Woah her eyes are intense, it’s like she is challenging me in a fight.
“Sure, I don’t spar for a bit. How close are we to Camp Jupiter?” I asked with uncertainty.
Reyna smiles in a teasing, lighthearted way, and says "We are only a minute away from the camp." As she finished her sentence, the white pegasus landed at the front of the Caldecott maintenance service tunnel and then the white pegasus started running into the tunnel. Dang this horse is crazy. As the pegasus ran, suddenly the tunnel led to the area that shows the status of different gods.
“Welcome to the Temple Hall, where we go to sacrifice and pray to the Gods. But we are supposed to be in New Rome. Someone must have manipulated the tunnels to the Temple Hall" Reyna says as she begins to look around to see if it's trapped by enemies and gripping her sword.
"Relax Praetor, it was I who led you here." Says a lady in a floral dress comes up to us. She has black hair with grains around her hair and warm brown eyes. I know who this woman is.
"Demeter," Father said in shock and all three of us bowed in front of her.
"Ceres, I have brought your Greek daughter to our camp, and I did as you asked," Reyna says in a loud, assertive voice.
"You don't need to call me that now. Don't want to deal with the split personality business again. Thanks to you, the satyr, and the son of Hades, we gods don't have to deal with the crisis anymore. I shall also thank you for bringing my daughter here, I will give Camp Jupiter a good harvest. Isshin and Chika, how was the trip." Demeter says in a soft low tone, her soft tone is how people think Mother Nature sounds like: compassionate, motherly, and full of patience.
“The trip is fine Demeter. Our daughter was about to cheer for her school. As you can see with her wearing her cheer uniform." He points to me wearing my cheer uniform.
"I can tell, daughter I want to see your cheer routine. Do you want to cheer for Mommy?" Mother says with a big warm smile and then she hugs me and kisses me on the cheek like crazy. Reyna looks on with sadness and a little bit of envy. I'm guessing she is not close with her godly parents.
“I will but I did promise Reyna that we will spar for a bit," I say with a shaking voice. I hope I don’t embarrass Mother with my cheer routine.
“It’s ok I can wait; I think it will be more appropriate if you guys’ spar at Bacchus Garden. I will talk to your father, and I can take him to his farm, he doesn't need the bus." Mother says with confidence with abilities. She grabbed my father in a bridal carry while Father blushed, and Mother had a flirty smile.
“Take care daughter and make sure you are safe," Father tells me before he gets transported back to the farm. Reyna takes my hand and leads me to Baccus Garden, it was a long walk.
“Now are you sure you can fight in your cheer uniform?” Reyna questions as she points to me.
“Yeah, I can, I fight in skirts and dresses a lot so it’s no big deal. Anyway, what happened to your pegasus.” I asked while she held her sword against me from a couple of feet.
"Sagittarius moves back into the stable, he is fine. So, are you ready?" Reyna asked in a loud demanding voice.
"I am," I answered calmly while I uncapped my pencil that became a celestial bronze scythe. She ran at me and slashed upward but I blocked it with my scythe. Dang she is strong I thought to myself while she hit me with a barrage of slashes, and I kept on blocking it.
“It seems your father taught you well. You can block me, but let’s if you can handle hand-to-hand combat.” She says as she moves her sword and uses it to drag my scythe out of my hands. She tries to punch me in the face, and I block it. She grabs my hand that I use to block, flips me over into the ground and tries to pin me down. Oh my god, she is on top of me. She's awesome, Chika you must focus I say to myself. I decided to move from the back and decide to try to wrap my legs around her head. Reyna saw what I was trying to do, moved my legs out of her head, and pushed my leg down. I decided to use my hips to push her off me and I finally got on top of her. I decided to use the armbar on her left arm, a move when you wrap both legs around the person's arm and use your hand to push down your opponent's knuckles. She escapes by using her right arm to push my leg apart and she moves over to be on top of my body and cradle pin me to the ground.
“You have some decent ground skills, but it could be better. Anyway, this is just basic training. I’m trying to see how good you are.” Reyna explains as she holds me up.
“You are very good Reyna; I hope I didn’t completely suck. You won our sparring match." I say with a loud voice, a huge smile and my eyes sparkling with excitement like an anime character.
“It’s not about winning; it is about survival. Work on some ground drills and you will be fine. Thank you for sparring with me. I was shocked that Ceres requested me to recruit you. I’m guessing that she wants both of us to go on the quest if that were the case.” Reyna says as we both sit on the ground.
“Thank you, Reyna, for taking the time to take me to Camp Jupiter and for being kind and guiding me on what I need to improve on. I hope I don't sound like a suck-up, but I think you are the best fighter that I know, and I hope we can be friends." I say shaking enthusiastically.
"I know many people in courts who try to suck up to me, but you are not one of them. You are just a grateful person. It was a nice sparring match, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you. I want to let you know that you are a part of the second cohort. I have one Greek demigod who was part of the fifth cohort and his name was Percy Jackson, you might be the first Greek demigod to be a part of the best cohorts. But enough about that, I do want to see you cheer in this garden along with your mother." Reyna says with a small smirk.
"Thank you for talking about the cohort business and I hope I don't disappoint you with my performance," I say in excitement. Oh my god, she wants to see me cheer I thought to myself. Reyna looks a bit taken back at my squealing but just has an accepting smile. Mother came out of nowhere.
"Lady Ceres, we just finished sparring," Reyna says as she and I bowed in front of my mother. It is odd to see Mother getting bowed to but I guess it's because she’s an Olympian goddess.
"Praetor please stop calling me by my Roman name. Just call me Demeter dear, anyway I can't wait to see my baby cheer. You got your pompoms?" Demeter asked and I nodded yes while I picked up pompoms from the tiny green potch. I move into the center of the garden, and I see Reyna and Mother watching me.
I shook my pompoms and I yelled "Give me a M-O-T-H-E-R" as I moved my arms and pompoms to match the letters I yelled.
"M-O-T-H-E-R" Mother shouts as she claps her hand. I dance by lifting my leg in the high kick and spinning myself with the tip of my shoe. I moved my left leg in front of my right leg, and I did some breakdancing. Once I was done with the dancing part of my routine, I did a split and shook my pompom and I jumped back in front of them in the air and I touched my toes while I was in the air. I did some somersaults and cartwheeling and I feel my body shaken and tired from all of that tumbling. I hold my arms in the arm and shack my pompoms to end my routine. Both Reyna and Demeter clapped while I was finished.
"That was good, sweetie. I will spend about two more days here; I should be able to visit my Roman children. I will tell you about the quest that I want you to do and, I have a secret that I need to share with you as well that I will tell tomorrow. Praetor will you take my daughter to her cohort." Mother says in a hurry for something while she ‘poof’ away. She holds me up and hugs me one last time.
I noticed that the sky was getting darker, I guess it already evening now. Reyna holds my hand and we walk to leave the garden.
"It was a nice routine, I hope you find the second cohort a good place to settle down. I guess Lady Ceres will tell us what she wants to do. I'm happy that Lady Ceres is very loving towards you, not many demigods have that kind of relationship with their godly parents." Reyna says in a low, sad tone. Dang, I bet she's not the only one who has a cold relationship with their godly parents. I'm just fortunate that I have a mother goddess like Demeter as a mom. Speaking of Mother, what secrets does she want to tell me and what is it like to be part of quests? Reyna led me to a pure white building that says Second Cohort in Latin and the letters are gold. The building is comparable to that of a settlement of Roman gladiators or even a military camp because it has ten bunk beds, and the area seems very cramped.
“My name is Hyun Moon and I’m a centurion of the Second Cohort.” A Korean woman with long black hair and green eyes says as she greets us. She was wearing a black dress with floral patterns around the dress. Reyna left us to probably do her praetor duties.
"You're such a cute cheerleader. I bet you would have been a good fighter if you got into this cohort. Anyway, I can't wait to get to know you tomorrow. We should sleep now, here is your bed." Hyun says as she points to the bunker bed.
"And here is the bathroom" as she points to the huge bathroom. I went to the big room. It has many tubs, and showers, and has different sinks. I got out my toothpaste and toothbrush to brush my teeth. Once that was done, I moved to the lower bunk bed and lay down. I feel too tired from the cheer routine and the whole sparring with Reyna, so I begin to close my eyes. "Are you seriously going to bed with your cheer uniform on? Well, nighty-nighty cheerleader" Hyun asked with a mischievous smile and she laughed like a cartoon villain. Hyun might be trouble, or it could be that her teasing others is her way of affection. She could be my friend or might be a bully, I don’t know. I will see tomorrow, I thought to myself before I fell asleep in the lower bunk bed
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gravelish · 2 years
Wildcat Canyon and Grizzly Peak
13 February 2023
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After a couple of weeks riding along the ocean, it was a nice change to head inland. Today’s ride began and ended a couple of miles north of Orinda, in part because my parking spot kept my options open for a possible second loop to the northeast (Bear Creek - Alhambra Valley - Castro Ranch - San Pablo Dam Roads). As it was, this first loop was plenty and I’ll save the other loop for another trip.
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At Inspiration Point, where Wildcat Canyon Road crosses the divide, I got distracted by Nimitz Way, which heads north along the ridge (this was not part of my original reconnaissance at all). It’s a narrow paved road (closed to vehicles) and I ended up following it until pavement ran out at an old Nike (not the shoes) missile site four miles north. What a wonderful rolling trail - with a few walkers, two other cyclists, a whole bunch of cows, and even a coyote. Everything was green, except for the fog bank over the bay.
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After my leisurely eight-mile detour, I returned to Inspiration Point and headed west down Wildcat Canyon Road through Tilden Park until I reached Grizzly Peak Boulevard. Grizzly Peak winds south through residential neighborhoods near the top of the hills above Berkeley before climbing more seriously into open space on Grizzly Peak itself above the Lawrence Berkeley Labs. The views west towards the bay were hazy on account of the fog, but still impressive.
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Eventually, Grizzly Peak Blvd. begins descending, crosses over CA-24 (which runs underneath the ridge in the Caldecott Tunnel) and eventually joins Skyline Boulevard above Oakland. Less than two miles on Skyline led to a left turn onto Pinehurst, which dropped very quickly back down the east side of ridge. There were almost no cars, but the steep grade, sharp corners, and chip seal surface discouraged riding to fast. There were redwood groves, a recently flooded creek (from January’s rains), and lots of dried mud and debris along the roadside.
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I had a pleasant lunch sitting outside The Ranch House in Maraga, then pedaled the final 7-8 miles back through Orinda to the car. This last stretch was on a busy suburban road, but with great bike lanes.
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@hatopixlriffs Sir Pixl. I heard that there was a fight in the west tunnel, you should probably get everyone to leave the caldecott tunnel so you can all check on it!!
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cabin6ravenclaw · 11 months
the other day, i read a post about 4 of the seven from hoo that should have died.
thinking about it, i finished reading the tyrant's tomb, and i was thinking like. why the fuck is frank alive.
don't misunderstand me, i love our little big baby boy, that careful and lovely preator, the one who wants to protect hazel and was afraid of leo's jokes.
but really, that moment when he says that all that was for jason, and the tunnel caldecott burns, everyone knew that was impossible to come out alive.
first, that was a really big fire. for every normal person or demigod, that would be the end of its life.
second, he started the fire with his life-related piece of wood. at that point, coming alive was almost impossible.
and that whole thing of "taking away his curse" was such soo convenient, right?
it never really happened before, at least i don't know if.
and after all that, he coming alive is like "why the fuck are u alive, dear? wasn't u supposed to be on hades?"
its just what i think.
and please forgive any errors, im not a natural english speaker.
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
i didnt know i followed another walnut creek-er thats so fun i live there too
ok well technically i live in berkeley/concord (berkeley when i'm at my mom's, concord when i'm at my apartment), but i'm not about to pretend concord is better than walnut creek just cuz i happen to live there (i'm awesome, but even my presence isn't enough to make concord significantly cool enough to rival walnut creek. not bc i think walnut creek is some sort of blessing from the heavens or anything, concord just kinda sucks. it's not even really trying)
but yeah the caldecott is great!! i was driving through there to check on my apartment (currently house-sitting for mom) and make sure my soon to be ex-roommate got all her shit out (.....most of it. and i don't want to see her ever again so fuck it, i'll throw out her chicken myself if it's really that fucking difficult), and i just looked up and the tunnel and thought "wow this tunnel is really important to me, i never thought about that before"
but yeah it's just one of those places that holds a special place in my heart. sorta like that one trail near the little farm in tilden where i vaguely recall seeing ducks sometimes (even though there are plenty of places where i've also seen ducks. dunno why that one sticks out)
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camp-rara · 6 years
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So this is Caldecott Tunnel
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And that tunnel maintenance door right there is actually the entrance to Camp Jupiter
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You are basically looking at the shrouded Camp Jupiter right here.
This is my Platform 9 3/4.
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thekielbasanova · 2 years
going through a tunnel set to a light twinkling tune. - kielbasanova
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zazzander · 3 years
Who supported Octavian?
Looking for more? Here's my master list of Octavian analysis.
We know that Octavian had enough support in the legion concievably get elected praetor. Then, enough support to force Reyna's hand and pursue the Seven.
But it's never state who those people are (except Michael). So I've decided to go through and see if I can work out some possible supporters.
Let's start with minor characters:
Likely Supporters
Lynda, legionary, Second Cohort; chatterbox
Carl, legionary, 2nd or 3rd
Reza, legionary, 2nd or 3rd
Marcus, legionary, unknown; possibly a spy for Nero, old friend of Jason
Ida, senator & centurion, Second Cohort; kinda haughty, isn't impressed by Apollo showing up in Camp Jupiter
Likely Against Octavian
Bobby, legionary, likely Fifth Cohort
Thomas, legionary, Fifth Cohort
Gwen, centurion, Fifth Cohort; can be assumed to not support Octavian
Colum, legionary, unknown, seems to be loyal to Frank
Jacob, standard bearer, Fifth Cohort; may or may not support Octavian, since he's a member of the Fifth, I say "not"
Leila, centurion, Fourth Cohort; very anti-Octavian
Michael Kahale - Supporter
Michael is an easy one. He's introduced in Blood of Olympus but he's probably one of Octavian's "bodyguards" prior to that. He's centurion of the First and Reyna describes him as "very loyal". Octavian is also his sponsor (a translation of "patron" I'm assuming).
Larry & Hank - Supporters
Larry: Second Cohort, Senator & Centurion | Later: Third Cohort, Senator
Hank: Third Cohort, Senator & Centurion
I'll mention these two together. In Son of Neptune, they are seated next each other at the Senate meeting. Hank raises an objection about the Fifth Cohort taking on the quest.
Larry then seconds the comment. It's possible, even likely, that Octavian prepped them both beforehand. They are acting in accordance to Octavian's agenda. See my theory regarding that.
We see nothing of Hank post this point, and it's possible he died at Camp Half Blood. Or against the zombie army.
As for Larry, his position is interesting. When we see him again in Tyrant's Tomb, he's still a Senator, but he's now a member of the Third Cohort.
A different senator raised his hand. 'Uh, Senator Larry here, Third Cohort, son of Mercury. [...]"
It’s possible Reyna redistributed Octavian’s supporters into the various Cohorts to reduce their strength and allegiance. Legionaries still listen to his commands. This either means that he's now centurion of the Third Cohort or, possibly, he simply still has their loyalty.
Meg stumbled to my side, breathing hard, her swords glistening with monster goo. “Hey, Larry. How’s it going?”
“Terrible!” Larry sounded delighted. “Carl, Reza—escort these two to Praetor Zhang immediately.”
“YESSIR!” Our escorts hustled us off toward the Caldecott Tunnel, while behind us, Larry called his troops back to action: “Come on, legionnaires! We’ve drilled for this. We’ve got this!” [The Tyrant’s Tomb]
He calls himself "Senator Larry", not "centurion". And while he can be striped of his centurion position during the transfer. He can't be stripe of his position of Senator, since it's an elected post. And senators hold the role for a year.
[side note: he seems to be pretty gleeful when it comes to battle - so he wouldn't be against the war]
There's another point:
[Larry speaking] "So, when you say help, do you mean like ... battalions of gods charging down here in their chariots, or more like the gods just giving us their blessing, like, Hey, good luck with that, legion!?' [The Tyrant’s Tomb]
I’m going to take the word ‘blessing’ and run with it. Octavian was given Apollo’s ‘blessing’ and ended up dying. So Larry is very hesitant to support Apollo here. He's been there, done that.
[Remember Frank also got a blessing, from Mars, but Larry's doubt aligns more with Octavian's failure]
Dakota - Neutral
Dakota is an interesting one. I think he's ultimately neutral and has loyal to both Octavian and Reyna. Note, just because he might support Octavian doesn't mean they necessarily he didn't support Reyna. The two of them are ostensibly working together, and its only right at the end of Blood of Olympus when the legionaries have to choose one or the other. (Obviously Dakota chooses Reyna)
“I was just lucky to find Hazel… in New Orleans, I mean.”
Dakota grunted. “Unless you believe the rumours. Not saying that I do.”
“Rumours?” Percy asked. [Son of Neptune]
Here: Dakota has heard the rumours, the same ones related to Octavian’s blackmail. He even brings them up.
Dakota is then seen fighting against the Seven in Mark of Athena. He is mentioned by name - which is important. It means he's an active participant in this scenario, rather than a by-stander. He's dispatched rather easily.
Jason stood about fifty yards away, sword-fighting with a stocky centurion whoe lips were stained cherry red, like blood. A wannabe vampire, or maybe a KoolAid freak?
As Annabeth watched, Jason yelled, "Sorry about this, Dakota!"
Onto Blood of Olympus,
“We are at war,” Michael said. “We have to pull together. Dakota and Leila have not been the most enthusiastic supporters. Octavian have them this one last chance to prove themselves. If they help me bring you in – preferably alive, but dead if necessary – then they keep their rank and prove their loyalty.” [BOO]
This reasoning seems odd to me. Octavian might have sent them because he believed Reyna would respond to them to best. Reyna seems to have a good opinion of all three emissaries. But he also had to be under the belief that at least 2 out of 3 of them would be loyal enough to bring Reyna back to the legion. To actually try and sway her. Octavian knows Reyna's influence.
And while Leila is firmly in the anti-Octavian camp. I don't think Dakota necessarily was.
“Yeah.” Dakota nodded vigorously. “The legion’s not nearly as united as Michael claimed. We don’t trust all the auxilia forces Octavian has gathered.” [Blood of Olympus]
From the perspective of Dakota, he needs to show his loyalty to Reyna. He has just betrayed Octavian, who he has been supporting on the front lines previously (Mark of Athena). He must convince Reyna that he has been "on her side" since the beginning.
But, we can see that Dakota isn’t actually fully onboard a little later...
“We’ll need a distraction,” Reyna said. “Something to delay the attack on Camp Half-Blood and preferably put those weapons out of commission. Dakota, Leila, will your cohorts follow you?”
“I – I think so, yes,” Dakota said. “But if we ask them to commit treason–”
“It isn’t treason,” Leila said. “Not if we’re acting on direct orders from our praetor. And Reyna is still praetor.” [Blood of Olympus]
Dakota is still thinking in a way that shows he’s loyal to both sides. He’s chosen to follow Reyna, but unlike Leila, he’s not all in.
“Alright, but I’m not hurting any of my fellow legionnaires.”
“No one’s asking you to,” Nico growled. “But if we don’t stop this war the entire legion will be wiped out. You said the monster tribes take insult easily?” [Blood of Olympus]
Dakota and Nico are actually arguing over this. I believe Dakota includes Octavian in this ‘fellow legionnaires’.
But also, Dakota and Leila’s actions directly result in the deaths of several members of their cohorts. Recall, Octavian’s plans involved no Roman deaths. And we know that the monsters aren’t actually that bad.
So I can’t help but think, post the battle, Dakota felt guilty about his actions yet couldn’t air that. Not that he wanted the Greeks to die, but did he do the right thing? Could he have avoided those deaths somehow?
I believe Dakota didn’t intend for Octavian to die in the battle. He included Octavian in his "my fellow legionnaires". But Octavian ended up dying. And Nico was there. The person Dakota trusted with the other side of the plan.
Finally, Dakota, long-time centurion of the Fifth Legion, had died overnight from wounds he received fighting in the city.
Dakota served a long time as centurion. He likely remembered a time when Jason, Reyna and Octavian worked together as allies and friends.
So, for me, Dakota is a character who was suddenly thrust into a messy divorce between Reyna and Octavian, not knowing which side to take. Feeling guilty regardless. And later succumbing to an addiction as a coping mechanism.
Anyway, outside of the "neutral" Dakota. Octavian seems to have had the First, Second, and Third Cohorts in his pocket. Our main characters hail from the Fifth, so we get their perspective, which is one of hatred and distrust. But for at least half the legion, Octavian is someone they are willing to back.
[We obviously don't know their motivations for doing this]
[Editted: Turns out in the UK it's "fruit punch" and the US it's "Kool-Aid". Apparently the Son of Neptune version I have uses the American version, while my library's copy of Tyrant's Tomb is for the UK. The curse of being Australian lol]
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weilongfu · 2 years
Star & Sky PJO AU - Fah finds out where Dao has gone, and he goes after him. When he gets to camp to confront Kluen, he meets Prince.
Fah had always known that he and Dao shared a mother and were born to different fathers. That had never changed the deep-rooted love he had for his younger brother. As years went on, if anything, it only intensified his love as his brother's father was apparently absent. But among the things Fah had expected to find upon returning home from his medical volunteering trip, finding out his baby brother was a demigod and had been whisked away to some place called Camp Jupiter by a pack of wolves who were not particularly concerned about ensuring Dao's survival was not high up in likelihood.
"And you just let them take him?!" Fah continued pacing about as their mother sat on the couch, face betraying no expression but resignation.
"His father said it was the safest place for him."
"And you believed him?!"
"Kumfah." Fah stopped his pacing to look at his mother. "I would not have let Dao go if it could be avoided. But... There was one other reason Dao left willingly."
"What was it?"
"If not just for safety but also for... That boy he liked some time ago. Khabkluen? His father said... Kluen was already at the camp."
Fah scowled. "That boy that made Dao cry all the time? He left for him?!"
And thus, after a few days of investigation, research, and finding a friend of a friend of a friend who had a cousin named Frank Zhang that apparently went to Camp Jupiter at some point, Fah found himself outside the Caldecott maintenance service tunnel facing off against the one person he couldn't believe his luck to find, Kluen.
Kluen's face had not changed much since the last time Fah had seen it from Dao's secret photos. Perhaps puberty had sharpened the line of his jaw, but his eyes were still the same, cold, uncaring, unseeing, like a marble bust. Fah scowled and Kluen merely kept the blunt end of his spear pointed at him.
"For the last time, tell me where Dao is!"
"You shouldn't even be able to see us here," Kluen said with a flat tone. "Leave."
"I'm not leaving without Dao."
"And who are you to come take Dao?" Kluen's eyebrow raised ever so slightly. Fah wanted to grab the brat's spear and use the tip to shave it off.
"I'm the one that's watched over him for far longer than anyone else on this planet." Fah stepped closer, using his height and broader shoulder to shadow over Kluen. "And if I say that I'm taking Dao away from here then I'm going to do it."
For once, Fah watched an emotion cross Kluen's face, annoyance, consternation, possessiveness. "No."
"No mortals allowed." Fah watched Kluen press something behind his back before giving him a polite smile. "We'll have to escort you away." The sound of stomping boots soon followed. "I respectfully hope you'll understand."
Fah tipped his chin up and clenched his fists. "Try me."
"Don't be nervous," Prince said as he helped Dao adjust his breastplate as they ran to provide reinforcements. The security patrol was having difficulty outside the entrance of Camp Jupiter and had signaled for reinforcements. As part of the Fourth Cohort, which was the cohort on security detail that month, Prince and Dao found themselves rushed into armor and thrown into the fray. "I'll help keep you safe."
"Thanks..." Dao looked out at the mass of bodies being tossed around as they approached the entrance of the tunnel. "Wait... Fah?!"
"Fah? You know that guy?"
"That's my brother! Fah, stop!"
Dao rushed over, doing his best to leap over his cohort members with Prince not far behind. He noted that while Fah had been throwing them around, none of them were particularly hurt. At best, they'd be left with bruises and sore egos. All of them except for Kluen, who was essentially bare-knuckle boxing Fah and both looked as if they were going to develop fantastic black eyes in the morning. As Fah pinned Kluen to the wall to deliver another set of blows, Dao jumped and managed to catch his arm.
"Fah, no!"
The momentary distraction had been enough for Prince to make his way through the chaos and tackle Fah to the ground. Against the pale blue sky, Prince's features struck Fah harder than any of Kluen's punches.
(Later, Kluen would say that he knew Fah was Dao's brother and he'd been holding back out of courtesy.)
"Calm down," Prince said as he did his best to hold Fah down. "You're not going to get anywhere attacking everyone."
Fah continued staring at Prince. "What-"
"If you're really Dao's brother, I'll talk to someone and help, but you have to calm down."
The light at that moment shifted and Prince's features were highlighted in gold. Fah finally stopped struggling, only to say, "You're really cute."
Prince's only reply was a beat of silence before knocking Fah out.
"So I'm staying here as long as you're here," Fah said later that day with an ice pack to his face after he woke up. "I don't trust these... Romans?"
"Fah..." Dao sighed and sat down next to his brother on the cot he'd been permitted in the medical facilities. "You can't actually be here. It's against the rules."
"I'm family. I have a right to be here and keep you safe from that guy," Fah said as he jerked his chin at the door. Through the door, Dao saw the shadow of Kluen's body and fought the smile creeping up on his face. "And you know, other reasons."
"Other reasons?" Dao tilted his head. "Wait... You don't mean-"
"I mean I have to teach these kids some actual medicine. Sure I'm still just a med student, but this level of intensive trauma care is god awful," Fah said as he stared at the ceiling.
"Oh is that all? Nothing to do with the boy who tackled you?"
"Oh him? That's a bonus. What's his name by the way?" Dao only rolled his eyes and got up to leave. "Dao? Dao! What's his name?!"
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brucespencer · 7 years
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“Cross Passage Shadow and Fan” ©Bruce Spencer 2017
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