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reasoningdaily · 11 months
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More than two and a half years after a law took effect requiring maternity care staff to complete racism in medicine training, only 17% of hospitals were in compliance, according to an investigation recently published by the state Department of Justice.
The training matters, Attorney General Rob Bonta and others said during a press conference, because of the state’s persistently high death rates among Black mothers.
Though California is often looked at as a national model for improving maternal outcomes, Black women are still far more likely than others to die during pregnancy. They account for only 5% of pregnancies in the state but make up 21% of pregnancy-related deaths, according to the California Department of Public Health.
The mortality rate for Black infants is also three times higher than for white infants and nearly 1.5 times higher than for Pacific Islander babies, the second highest mortality rate, state data shows.
Investigations into the cause of all pregnancy-related deaths by the California Department of Public Health determined that more than half are preventable.
“We need to listen to this data. It’s screaming at us to do something,” Bonta said. “Listen to these women and make substantial transformative change before another patient is hurt, or worse.”
No hospitals were in compliance when the department began its investigation in 2021, and not a single employee had completed training.
Lawmakers passed the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act four years ago in an effort to reverse the vast disparities in maternal deaths among Black women, who are three times more likely than any other race to die during or immediately after pregnancy. The law requires hospitals and other facilities to train perinatal care providers on unconscious bias in medicine and racial disparities in maternal deaths. It took effect in January 2020.
Bonta recommended lawmakers adopt additional regulations to strengthen the law, including setting clear deadlines for compliance, designating a state agency to enforce the law and introducing penalties for noncompliance.
Former state Sen. Holly Mitchell, the Los Angeles Democrat who authored the bill, said “clearly more must be done” to implement the policy.
"It is my full expectation that every hospital across L.A. County and across the state join in making sure that their staff take the training,” said Mitchell, who is now a Los Angeles County supervisor. “We are simply asking them to follow the law.”
According to the department’s investigation report, about 76% of more than 200 hospitals surveyed had begun training employees by August 2022 but had not completed training. Two hospitals had not fully trained any staff, and 13 did not provide the department with any information.
“Nearly a third of facilities to which DOJ reached out began training only after DOJ contacted them, suggesting that DOJ’s outreach caused compliance in many cases,” the report states.
Black women report mistreatment at hospitals
It is well-documented that racism in health care settings contributes to poor outcomes. Black women in California consistently report poor experiences with medical professionals during pregnancy, including mistreatment because of their “race, age, socioeconomic class, sexuality, and assumed or actual marital status,” according to a recent research review and report by the California Department of Public health.
They also struggle to convince providers that they are in pain and report mistreatment when advocating for their health during pregnancy. A national survey from 2016 revealed half of white medical students and residents believed false and debunked myths about the biological differences between white and Black patients. Those who endorsed the beliefs were more likely to dismiss patients’ pain and make inaccurate treatment decisions.
“What is so deeply offensive about that is it is within our power to change,” Mitchell said.
Implicit bias training is the “bare minimum” of what health professionals can do to improve outcomes, said Assemblymember Akilah Weber, a Democrat from La Mesa and a medical doctor.
Research also shows maternal and infant health disparities among Black women and babies persist regardless of patients’ education or income levels. Celebrities like Serena Williams and Beyonc�� have spoken out about their near-death experiences during childbirth.
Recent maternal deaths in Los Angeles
Earlier this year, the deaths of two Black women, Bridgette Cromer and April Valentine, in childbirth shook Los Angeles. Valentine’s death led to a state investigation and a $75,000 fine levied against Centinela Hospital Medical Center where her daughter was delivered via C-section. The investigation stated the hospital “failed to prevent the deficiencies…that caused, or are likely to cause, serious injury or death” to Valentine,, including repeated failure to take steps to prevent blood clots, a common pregnancy risk, even when Valentine complained of feeling heaviness in her leg, numbness and leg swelling.
The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner determined she died from a blood clot that traveled from her leg into her lungs.
Centinela announced its intent to close the maternity ward permanently days after Valentine’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. The maternity ward, which delivered more than 700 babies last year, closed last week.
In a GoFundMe post, Cromer’s family said they did not have autopsy results yet but noted that she was readmitted into the operating room after birth with major bleeding before dying.
Gabrielle Brown, an advocate with Black Women for Wellness, said Centinela’s maternity ward closure is “a stark reminder of how healthcare disparities persist in our society.”
“It reminds us of the implicit biases that have subtly influenced healthcare decisions, ultimately leading to an immense reduction in the accessibility and quality of care for many members of our community,” Brown said.
Supported by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), which works to ensure that people have access to the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. Visit www.chcf.org to learn more.
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Food Safety Consulting Services
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Achieving the highest food safety standards for your peace of mind We are your trusted partner in prevention, compliance and certification.
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GFSC has become our preferred vendor for food safety consultation. We use their knowledge to keep us up to date with BRC Certification and Laboratory Accreditations. They perform regular internal auditing and report finding and valuable insight on how to make necessary corrections. GFSC was instrumental in developing our Sanitation processes and participates in ongoing training. The GFSC team is knowledgeable, patient, and gets the job done. We really enjoy working with the GFSC Team and consider them an important partner.
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California zoo accessibility data dump
I just recently got back from a short (and fully covid-cautious) zoo road trip in Oregon and California, and wanted to share my notes re: accessibility at the facilities I visited. I'll get this all integrated into the spreadsheet, too.
Wildlife Safari - Winston, Oregon
This is a large drive-thru safari park with a free walk-about area attached that contains some small exhibits. Guests stay inside their cars the entire drive-thru, although there's at least one place to stop and sit in a gazebo to rest and use the bathroom (porta-potty only). You can pull over to watch animals for longer, and go through multiple times if you missed anything. It's a long drive-thru and there isn't really a good way to truncate the experience if you've got some kind of emergency. The roads are not flat, but they're well maintained and not bumpy.
The walkabout area is very small and contains bathrooms, food options, and other guest services. The paths are mostly concrete and well tended, although you do have to cross the steam train tracks to get to lion/some of the lemur viewing. I believe the Australia walkabout area was also unpaved. There's lots of parking in a big, flat, paved lot.
Sacramento Zoo - Sacramento, CA
This is a very cute, small inner-city facility - a good option if you don't want to try to walk a huge zoo in one day. There's lots of shade from all the plants and a good amount of benches throughout, including picnic tables with shade canopies. The paths are almost entirely flat and paved, with the exception of a boardwalk ramp up to the giraffe feeding and okapi viewing platforms. The cafe has gluten-free and vegetarian listings (maybe vegan?) on their menu. No straws are provided for animal safety, but if you need one, they can give you a reusable curly-straw from the slushies (kinda long and awkward for a normal cup) as an accommodation. They've got both water fountains and water bottle filling stations. Being build in a larger city park and recreation complex, there isn't a dedicated parking lot just for the zoo: the closest is across the street, shared with another attraction, and is kinda small. I've never had issues finding parking when I've gone, but sometimes it does involve a bunch of walking to get to the zoo entrance - if you have mobility or stamina limitations, probably best to get dropped off at the entrance and wait (there are benches).
San Francisco Zoo - San Francisco, CA
The SF Zoo is huge. There's lots of green / garden / swamp space that doesn't have habitats in it, but it means exhibits can be pretty far away, so plan your route accordingly. (Going out to the grizzly bears is the longest loop). Depending on the time of day, there's not always a ton of shade for guests either. There's a decent amount of benches, and quite a few are in decent proximity to animal viewing. After a somewhat long but not steep hill right at the entrance, the paths are all paved and fairly flat. There's a hill going down into/up from the Australia area / kids playground, but it's the only one I really noticed. There's a long elevated boardwalk through the lemur habitats that connects to the top of the new Madagascar construction - if you can't do stairs, as of Spring 2024, that's the only way to get up there to look down on the mandrills or see the top of the fossa habitat. (It's still under construction, so there might be an elevator in the building in the future). Back by the grizzlies, there's an old indoor rainforest building - while there's buttons to automatically open the door going in, I didn't find any on the first inside door going out. It makes sense they don't want both doors to open at once since it's a bird airlock, but not having independent ones on each door meant the day I used an ECV I got stuck in there until a nice staff member noticed.
All three times I've ever been to SF most of the little food kiosks haven't been open, and the vending machines for drinks have been hit and miss - so bring your own, or stock up at the cafe if you need to have supplies with you - but there are water fountains and water bottle filling stations around the zoo. There are interpretive audio boxes through the zoo in English and Spanish, used with a key you get at the entrance(?), but I heard a lot of complaints in passing about some of them not working. There's lots of parking at the zoo in a flat paved lot, and there's a specific dropoff area on one side for rideshares/mobility needs.
Oakland Zoo - Oakland, CA
To be clear up front - Oakland was the hardest facility to visit on this whole trip, with regards to mobility. We went twice, and I used an ECV (electric scooter) one and walked the other. Neither option was easy and both were exhausting. Oakland is a super hilly facility - you basically have to drive up a major hill to get to the zoo. The bottom half of the lower zoo can only be reached by going down pretty steep paths. The hills are also not graded to be "flat", so if you're in a wheelchair or ECV, you're going to have to lean to compensate for the tilt and balance the chair... while controlling it going down a steep hill. It's exhausting and kinda scary. (I don't even let other people carry my camera because $$, but I had to ask for help so I could focus on driving the ECV on those hills). There's also a lot of areas of the pathways that are not in the best repair, or patterned with pressed-in images, and multiple places actually have brass bugs embedded in the pavement so that they stick out above the surface. Lots of tripping hazards and/or things to rattle your teeth out rolling over. A couple places in the upper zoo (the California wilds area) the paths switch from paved to sand and back again, for drainage, maybe? On the upside, there's a lot of benches everywhere, including directly across from prime viewing areas.
Getting up to the upper zoo requires using a gondola - there's no walking option. You can actually take wheelchairs and ECVs on these, but you have to be ready to advocate for yourself. Normally, they don't stop the carriages completely, and expect people to walk on while they're still moving slowly. You can ask them to slow them down for you (I did, because knee issues plus torque is bad), or stop it completely if you need the time/help. When I took an ECV on, they had me disembark and get in one carriage, and they loaded it into the subsequent ones. This is fine because I can walk and stand on concrete for a while without it, but I'm not sure how that practice would work for people who need their mobility aids the whole time. They were very nice about managing the stopping and the loading and didn't make it feel like an imposition, too. If they stop the carriages completely at any point, there will be a loud buzzer/alarm when the ride starts back up. If you're close, it's pretty loud and startling. As they leave the track at the bottom the gondolas tip and dip a little, which can be scary if you're not expecting it - I think it's just the transition of the car from the loading bay onto the track itself. The rest of the ride is very smooth. The track is pretty high up and gives a great view of the bay and the surrounding cities, but face uphill if you don't do well with heights. Once at the upper zoo, the path from bald eagles through jaguar is mostly a boardwalk, but it's not too bumpy.
Oakland's parking is hard if you're not there early in the day, IMO. The overflow parking gets pretty far from the entrance, and starts to go up the hill towards the upper zoo. If the lot looks busy, drop anyone with mobility/stamina issues off at the entrance before parking. Unlike many other zoos I've visited, Oakland's ECVS have added sunshades, which is really nice (and which I should have used).
Monterey Zoo - Salinas, CA
This is a fairly small facility with most habitats on one level, but some big cats and bears are up a pretty big hill. The walkways are paved and flat, and there's an ADA-graded boardwalk ramp that takes you to the top of the hill. The pipes used for the handrails on both the stairs and the ramp get very hot in the sun, however. There's a boardwalk up to the rhino overlook. They indicate that their bathrooms are accessible, but the ones in the main building didn't have bars for transferring - I didn't check the ones up on the hill. At one point in the day speakers along the path started playing really loud pop music (drowned out the birds) and it was very overwhelming. There's lots of handicapped parking spots across from the front entrance, but if you don't have a tag, the rest of the spots are up a bit of a hill and a small walk from the entrance. They do have a note, though, that they can help if you need accessible parking and don't see any, so you could probably call/have someone to go in and ask for an accommodation.
Sequoia Park Zoo - Eureka, CA
This is another nice small facility, very doable for a half-day trip. The paths are paved and flat, and there's benches available. There's a lot of shade, although it can depend on the time of day, and places to fill a water-bottle. The sky-walk through the redwoods is accessible, but might be a little difficult depending on mobility limitations - its' a very sturdy boardwalk through the canopy of the tall trees. (I had more thoughts on this from my last visit, I'll dig out those notes). If you can do even part of it, it's worth it, and there's places to turn around. Because it's in a residential area of the town there's not a huge dedicated parking lot, but lots of street parking and a decent lot directly across the street. I've never had difficulty finding parking, and you can drop people off at the entrance easily.
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morbidology · 2 months
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Timothy Treadwell, an environmentalist and bear enthusiast, dedicated thirteen summers of his life to living among the grizzly bears in Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve. His passion for these magnificent creatures, however, ended in tragedy in October 2003 when Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, were mauled to death by a bear.
Born in New York in 1957, Timothy Treadwell's fascination with bears began after he moved to California and became deeply immersed in environmental causes. He overcame personal struggles, including addiction, by dedicating his life to wildlife preservation, particularly grizzly bears. Treadwell's devotion to these animals was profound; he spent months each year camping in the remote wilderness of Alaska, filming his interactions and documenting the behaviors of the bears he so dearly loved.
Treadwell's work gained significant attention through his book "Among Grizzlies: Living with Wild Bears in Alaska" and numerous television appearances. He founded Grizzly People, a non-profit organization aimed at preserving bear habitats and educating the public about the plight of grizzly bears. His unique approach to conservation, which involved close and personal interactions with the bears, was both praised and criticized. Supporters admired his dedication and the insights his footage provided, while critics warned that his lack of formal training and his tendency to anthropomorphize the bears put both him and the animals at risk.
The fateful events of October 2003 occurred during Treadwell's final days of the season in Katmai National Park. A bear, likely struggling with a scarcity of food before hibernation, attacked and killed Treadwell and Huguenard in their campsite. The aftermath was gruesome, with park rangers discovering their partially consumed remains along with the audio recording of the attack, captured inadvertently by Treadwell’s camera. The bear responsible was later identified and euthanized by park officials.
Treadwell's tragic death raised many questions about the ethics and safety of his methods. While his close encounters provided valuable insights into bear behavior and garnered public interest in grizzly conservation, they also highlighted the dangers of habituating wild animals to human presence. Many wildlife experts emphasized that Treadwell's approach blurred the lines between humans and wildlife, potentially leading to fatal consequences.
Filmmaker Werner Herzog explored Treadwell's life and death in the 2005 documentary "Grizzly Man," which combined Treadwell's own footage with interviews of those who knew him. The film painted a complex portrait of Treadwell, showcasing his passion and the stunning beauty of the bears and their habitat, while also delving into the inherent risks of his unconventional lifestyle.
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“Failed presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill late last week barring Florida localities from requiring employers to provide outdoor workers with access to water, rest and shade, outraging workplace safety advocates who say the new law will kill people.
Backed by the agricultural and construction industries, the controversial legislation is what’s known as a “preemption” law: It forbids cities and counties from pursuing their own ordinances on a particular subject, in this case protections from extreme heat.
The law effectively nullifies a proposal in Miami-Dade County that would require some employers to maintain a heat safety program and provide employees with water and shade on hot days. The county commission recently withdrew the proposal after the state legislation put its legality in doubt.
The preemption bill recently passed the Republican-controlled state House and Senate, along with a similar measure that prevents jurisdictions from requiring employers to pay livable wages on government-funded projects.
Unions and other progressive groups said blocking heat regulations would endanger farm and construction workers and anyone else who labors in one of the hottest states in the country.
“Someone is going to die as a result of this legislation,” Kim Smith, a telecommunications technician, told HuffPost last month.
Last year, Texas Republicans passed a similar preemption bill that blocked localities from implementing heat protections as well as other ordinances related to housing and labor. The legislation, known as Texas’ “death star bill,” appeared designed to thwart local laws in Austin and Dallas that guaranteed water breaks for workers.
The bill Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) just signed blocks jurisdictions like Miami-Dade County from implementing their own heat safety standards.
The bill Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) just signed blocks jurisdictions like Miami-Dade County from implementing their own heat safety standards. SOPA IMAGES VIA GETTY IMAGES
Florida Republicans pushing for the preemption law said they wanted to avoid a “patchwork” of local regulations around the state related to heat safety, arguing the matter was better left to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
But OSHA does not yet have a heat-specific safety rule, and proposals to create a uniform, statewide standard in Florida have gone nowhere over the years because of a lack of Republican support.
More than 430 workers have died due to environmental heat exposure since 2011, according to OSHA. But relatively few jurisdictions have laws in place that require employers to provide water, shade and heat safety training. Just three — California, Oregon and Washington — mandate heat breaks for outdoor workers. Minnesota has heat standards for indoor workers, while Colorado does for farmworkers.
“Overheating is one of the most common and most serious dangers in the workplace,” Rep. Alma Adams (D-N.C.), who recently co-authored a federal bill ordering OSHA to regulate heat exposure, told HuffPost. “Is requiring a glass of water and some shade too much to ask?”
Climate change is making heat waves both more intense and more frequent, raising fears that a growing number of workers could die if governments don’t implement safety measures.
A farmworker in Miami-Dade County died last July during what would become the hottest month ever recorded. The man’s family told NBC South Florida that he’d recently suffered symptoms consistent with heat stress. A farmworker in the county told HuffPost last month that the foreman at the plant nursery where he works prohibited even 30-second breaks in the blazing sun since this is the busiest growing season for exotic flora.
The Biden administration is currently crafting a federal heat safety standard through OSHA, but federal rules take years to develop, often face litigation and can be undermined by subsequent administrations. Former President Donald Trump could simply drop pursuit of the rule if he defeats Biden in their expected rematch in November.”
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Mike DeWine, the Ohio governor, recently lamented the toll taken on the residents of East Palestine after the toxic train derailment there, saying “no other community should have to go through this”.
But such accidents are happening with striking regularity. A Guardian analysis of data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by non-profit groups that track chemical accidents in the US shows that accidental releases – be they through train derailments, truck crashes, pipeline ruptures or industrial plant leaks and spills – are happening consistently across the country.
By one estimate these incidents are occurring, on average, every two days.
“These kinds of hidden disasters happen far too frequently,” Mathy Stanislaus, who served as assistant administrator of the EPA’s office of land and emergency management during the Obama administration, told the Guardian. Stanislaus led programs focused on the cleanup of contaminated hazardous waste sites, chemical plant safety, oil spill prevention and emergency response.
In the first seven weeks of 2023 alone, there were more than 30 incidents recorded by the Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters, roughly one every day and a half. Last year the coalition recorded 188, up from 177 in 2021. The group has tallied more than 470 incidents since it started counting in April 2020.
The incidents logged by the coalition range widely in severity but each involves the accidental release of chemicals deemed to pose potential threats to human and environmental health.
In September, for instance, nine people were hospitalized and 300 evacuated in California after a spill of caustic materials at a recycling facility. In October, officials ordered residents to shelter in place after an explosion and fire at a petrochemical plant in Louisiana. In November, more than 100 residents of Atchinson, Kansas, were treated for respiratory problems and schools were evacuated after an accident at a beverage manufacturing facility created a chemical cloud over the town.
Among multiple incidents in December, a large pipeline ruptured in rural northern Kansas, smothering the surrounding land and waterways in 588,000 gallons of diluted bitumen crude oil. Hundreds of workers are still trying to clean up the pipeline mess, at a cost pegged at around $488m.
The precise number of hazardous chemical incidents is hard to determine because the US has multiple agencies involved in response, but the EPA told the Guardian that over the past 10 years, the agency has “performed an average of 235 emergency response actions per year, including responses to discharges of hazardous chemicals or oil”. The agency said it employs roughly 250 people devoted to the EPA’s emergency response and removal program.
The EPA itself says that by several measurements, accidents at facilities are becoming worse: evacuations, sheltering and the average annual rate of people seeking medical treatment stemming from chemical accidents are on the rise. Total annual costs are approximately $477m, including costs related to injuries and deaths.
“Accidental releases remain a significant concern,” the EPA said.
In August, the EPA proposed several changes to the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations that apply to plants dealing with hazardous chemicals. The rule changes reflect the recognition by EPA that many chemical facilities are located in areas that are vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis, including power outages, flooding, hurricanes and other weather events.
The proposed changes include enhanced emergency preparedness, increased public access to information about hazardous chemicals risks communities face and new accident prevention requirements.
The US Chamber of Commerce has pushed back on stronger regulations, arguing that most facilities operate safely, accidents are declining and that the facilities impacted by any rule changes are supplying “essential products and services that help drive our economy and provide jobs in our communities”. Other opponents to strengthening safety rules include the American Chemistry Council, American Forest & Paper Association, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers and the American Petroleum Institute.
The changes are “unnecessary” and will not improve safety, according to the American Chemistry Council.
Many worker and community advocates, such as the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW), which represents roughly a million laborers, say the proposed rule changes don’t go far enough.
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judgemark45 · 2 months
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PACIFIC OCEAN (July 26, 2018) A multinational fleet assembles for a photo exercise off the coast of Hawaii during the Rim of Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise, July 26. Twenty-six nations, more than 45 ships and submarines, about 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 27 to Aug. 2 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships between participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea-lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2018 is the 26th exercise in the series that began in 1971. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Dylan M. Kinee/Released)
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lahotelbellamuerte · 1 month
𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗟 𝗢𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗜𝗢𝗡 - floor six. her scorching touch
series masterlist ! current: her scortching touch ! next: ! !floor under construction!
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pairing; slight five x phoenix warnings; phoenix being a menace! crushes beginning to grow word count; 5.9k notes; I forgot to post this one, some pls teach me to count what the fawk LOL!
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GROWING UP WITH MONEY would usually mean having a much easier life. And for the Magnolia's that was only partially true. They were able to buy their daughter a much easier time with her disability. Getting her teachers to help her heighten her other senses. Teaching her how to defend herself from those monsters who were after her. 
For a long time, Phoenix hated being alive. She hated the fact that she was gifted such powerful abilities, but wouldn't be able to see. Never got to experience seeing the sunsets or the sunrises. But she couldn't blame her mother or father as her birth was a unique occasion. 
Like some of the other kids in the world, she was born through a mother spontaneously. And once her mother found out a rich man was flying around the world to buy them. She did all in her power to make it so that her daughter was hidden from the man. Something deep within her felt the man was deep danger. 
Ella was able to give her daughter a normal childhood, well as much as a blind child with powers could have. 
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After the incident on the cliff, one would think people would feel bad for Phoenix. But it seemed no one really did. It gave them more of a reason to hate her. Each and every day they found something new to torment her. 
Shoving and pushing her into lockers, and walls. Calling out names in the halls, taking her cane, and glasses, and throwing them. All jokes to make her life any harder. What's worse is no one else stepped to help. Not faculty, not students, she had no one. 
So after some girls had drenched her with water in the bathroom, she decided that had been it. Walking out of the school she walked and walked never looking back. Throwing her bag on the floor in anger. 
"What did I do that they hate me so much?" she huffed walking further the down the road. 
Hair and clothes still dripping, "It was a stupid accident! Did they think I just killed them for no reason? They beat almost to death for crying out loud," she had been talking to herself ranting.
She ran her hands through her blonde hair and sighed, "And I'm the bad guy? They were going to kill me and call in an 'accident'"
Out of frustration she stomped her foot and screamed loudly. Covering her ears and clenching her eyes shut in anger. 
Somehow she didn't hear the crack in the air as she disappeared from the country she was born in. After calming down for a while she looked around, "Okay where the fuck am I?" she whispered. 
Now, not to be a bore or anything, but this was the first time she had properly moved a far enough distance with her abilities. Sure her mother did her best training her, but let's be real. How is someone who has no ability going to train a girl who is blind and has the power to destroy the universe?
Yeah, exactly you don't. You hope for the best and that she isn't evil. And that she won't willingly destroy everything in existence. 
Let's just say that little old Phoenix was far from home. I'm sure you remember her mentioning how she was a whole-time hopper. Well, it started at the ripe age of twelve. The first location was Yosemite forest in California. It took her about two days to get out. 
Rather than being worried about her safety, this was the first time she had felt free. So she took it to be a sign and continued to jump from place to place for about 20 years. 
You read that right, she was thirty years old running around fulfilling her freedom. In those years she was able to learn more about herself and her abilities. Reigning them in to be fully in control. 
Learning to fight with efficiency, without breaking a sweat. And best of all to fuck around and do all the things she wanted to do. 
Visting all the Disneys (California, Florida, Tokyo, France,) she enjoyed being able to use her blindness to get all the things she wanted. The real world was much kinder than her schoolmates. Going to national parks, learning new languages, well to speak them that is. 
It was all fun, even when the whole Commission got on her ass about not traveling in time. She loved the chase of cat and mouse. They never won, always had to return home in a body bag. 
The Commission was evil, but breaking in was one of her favorite things she ever did. 
Twenty-two-year-old Phonix had dyed black hair and round black glasses on her face. Long sleeve turtle neck matched her black ankle pants. Not to forget the converse on her feet. Oddly no one questioned her as she walked right in. 
They all smiled and waved calling her Eight. She hummed to herself, thinking herself more of a nine in a half. But no matter walking into the building she moved to a room that had plenty of books. The manual of some sort, shoving it in a bag she brought, then ran her fingers thorugh the spines. Then her eyebrows raised as she felt bumps on her spine. 
It was braille, who would've thought? Careful to choose only the ones she needed she stuffed her bag and left the room. 
"Eight where have you been?" an older woman with white hair asked. 
The girl froze and smiled, "Oh you know around..." she replied. 
"Are you on a mission? You have an accent, and also changed the appearance," she said gushing a little too much for her liking. 
Phoenix gave a fake nervous laugh, "Oh how did you know? You are so good at your job, doing..." she paused and was silent for a while, "...Stuff."
The older woman paused and blinked for a moment, "I truly don't know what your husband sees in you," she then replied walking off in the opposite direction. 
After the woman was long gone, Phoenix took a breath, "Who is this lady that I look like apparently," she mumbled walking down the halls. Waving and nodding as others greeted her, "Seems she's popular too," she grumbled at the end. 
Room after room the dark-haired young adult learned new things, well using sound more than anything. Luckily this place was full of televised or voiced things, and people were way too willing to help. 
When lunch rolled around, she sat on the roof of one of their buildings, with a bento box she stole from someone down there. 
"You're not Eight," a very British voice says near her. 
Phoenix paused in her eating, "And you know this how?" she asked then paused, "Not that I'm confirming or anything." 
The Brit snorts, "You have an Australian accent that is way too natural for boring-ass American Eight to do," she starts walking closer to the young woman, "And the bag beside you has many stolen books. Some in braille, and I know blondie isn't blind." 
Phoenix finished the tray of food and put it down, raising her hands, "Alright you caught me, what are you going to do?" 
"The names Lila by the way," she paused, "I won't do anything, I'm just bored from all the rules sticklers." 
Standing from the ground, she stuck out a hand, "I'm Phoenix." 
Lila laughed, "Like the firebird?" 
The Aussie nodded, "Yup the whole burn and be reborn from your ashes," she replied picking up her bag and then walking off. 
"Wait I know who you are!" Lila called catching up to the girl, "You've been causing trouble all through the timeline, you're lucky they haven't sent Eight after you yet." 
Phoenix turned her head and snorted, "My doppelgänger? What is she going to do?" 
Lila shrugged, "She's one of the best agents in the company. Never failed a mission." 
"Yikes, that means she has killer instinct aye?" 
"Never hear the end of it from my mother, she says I should be more like her. But won't let me meet her," Lila replied as they began descending the stairs. 
The young girl turned to Lila and pat her shoulder, "Well if she's never failed a mission that means she sticks to the rules," she started with a frown on her face, "I, on the other hand, have fun," she begins to laugh. 
As they reached the bottom Lila looked over at her, "What will you do?" 
"Cause a little trouble, go back to making the timeline shit. Then take a break," Phoenix said as she walked towards the main building, but stopped when Lila was following her. 
"I like you, Lila, don't go into that building." 
Lila paused and nodded, there was something about the Eight doppelgänger that she liked. Not a rule follower, liked to have fun, and was blind but could kick ass. 
"Will I see you again?" she asked watching as the girl paused. 
Turning with a smirk, "It's not the last of me you'll ever see." 
And that was true. That day she watched as Phoenix walked into the building and never come out. But she did hear the fire sirens going off, then a few windows blasting sideways. Screaming and people running out. Then the bullet sounds began to ring in the burning building. She rose a brow when flashes of red could be seen through the windows. 
Lila smiled at the sight, she was a badass, "Now, that's cool." 
Then the Commission was let know if she was ever spotted she was to be killed on the spot. 
On a spontaneous meeting with many of the field agents, one particular one rolled her eyes, "How do you lose someone? Do you even know what she looks like?" 
The Handler scowled at the voice, her eyes landing on the cloudy blue eyes, "You'll know Ms. Eight," she replied with a sarcastic smile. 
The blonde sighed and stood from her chair, not caring about the screeching it made. She would find this Phoenix,  and end it. 
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I'm sure you're asking yourself, "oh god did she go and find herself?"  Well, what happened was that Eight Hargreeves is the smartest person possibly to exist—until she died. 
She did find herself, and almost killed her, but let me tell you the story. 
Phoenix had just turned twenty-five and she celebrated with a great killing of a few Commission agents. In her defense, they were going to kill her in return. So she flipped her new hair due over her shoulder. 
Well, that's at least what the hairdresser did, purple hair with a blunt fringe right above her eyebrows. With a smirk, she turned and left the alleyway, her cane clicking every step ahead of her. 
But she froze as she felt someone across the streets, "Oh shit," she mumbled the turned on her heels running away from the woman she hoped never to run into. 
Her cane was long forgotten as she ran, shoes clicking as she continued to run. That was until a strong force threw her onto the ground. 
"Have you forgotten me, [redacted]," the woman's voice called. 
Phoenix gasped at the name, "How do you know that name?" she hissed getting up fist clenched. 
Eight rose a brow at the sight of the red energy emerging from her hands, so much power, "I don't want to hurt you, but why are you after the Commission?" 
"Why do you care? They're going to kill me anyway, so why not win first?" She called then ran forward her fist glowing red. 
The blonde dodged it grabbed onto her arm and rolled her back onto the purple-haired girl. Bringing her over to her back onto the ground. 
Phoenix rolls out and stands, "and what you're going to kill me now?" 
The blonde scoffs, "I could, easily," she replied running forwards and missing a beat to punch her in the face, but she dodges it. This made her smile and moved her leg up and kicked her far. 
With a groan the young woman rolled far, she's strong, she thought to himself standing and her hands began to glow as she began to float in the air. 
But Eight didn't wait for a second, conjuring her lasso and tying around the floating girl. Lifting her own foot in a high kick, she moved the lasso on her foot, then slammed it down, bringing the purple-haired girl onto the ground with a harsh tug. 
"Jesus christ lady where did you learn to fight?" Phoenix huffed getting up, running again and this time lifting things up around her. 
Eight smirked and began rolling out of the way of the flying objects. The saw came too close and straight-up punched it to pieces, "I had a father who wanted me to be perfect," she huffed and blinked away to appear behind the floating girl. Punching her back onto the ground. 
Not once has the purple-haired girl landed a hit on the woman. Lila might've been right that she's lucky that she wasn't her hit. It wouldn't have been long before she was killed. Especially with how easily this woman was able to throw her around. It was like she knew what was going to happen. 
Just as she was getting up Eight blinked next to her and punched her. Then again to punch her, then to kick, punch, until finally, she activated her powers, the purples, blues, and oranges, hitting her right in the stomach. Sending her through the buildings.
As her back hit the ground, Phoenix knew she barked up the wrong tree. This lady was a lot stronger than she ever thought she could be. 
"I'm not strong [redacted], I am trained in what I do," her voice came her hair softly falling back onto her shoulders, "And you have a lot to live for dear child."
Getting up Phoenix sighed, "What do you know about me?" she said stumbling feeling the large crater she made on impact.  
Eight shook her head, "Not much for now, but I do know some serious shit is coming, and you are going to help me fix it." 
The purple-haired girl laughed, "How am I going to help you if I barely know how to fight, I bet you weren't even trying." 
The blonde kneeled beside the young woman, "I may have not been trying, but I know you'll get better. Just have faith Phoenix," she replied tapping the girl's forehead. 
Phoenix blinked and looked around, "What the fuck happened to me," she mumbled moving to stretch her back, hearing small cracks as she did so. 
Her memory wasn't erased it was just repressed to come back later in her life, but Phoenix didn't know that of course. 
Anyways, after her little birthday there, she felt inclined to learn to properly fight. Using her ability she moved thought out the world to learn all types of combat. It took her a couple of years to really get into it. She was impressed by the end of it. I mean how many blind people do you know who are blind and can fight? Don't say Matt Murdoc...
When she turned thirty, the woman decided it was time to return back home. Her parents had seen her since she left Australia all those years ago. Boy was it hard to jump back from a whole other timeline. It was weird, some kids named the Umbrella Academy were famous in the past timeline.
She was able to successfully—well kind of, return back home. Like a couple that we know, when they tried doing a large jump like that, it doesn't always go to plan. And just like them when she returned, it was back to a fourteen-year-old. 
Let me quickly recap the rest. When she returned her parents were weirded out why she looked so young after so long had passed. They were able to kind of get it when she explained the situation. Even with her young age, she did the best she could. Opened a repair shop with a local bike gang. 
Momma wasn't happy, but mentally her daughter was a thirty-year-old. And couldn't yell at her for the tattoos she began to collect in a quick amount of time. But was proud nonetheless. 
After that, she grew to be the eighteen-year-old we met when Hargreeves changed their timeline and ended up here. Kickstarting the end of everything, and meant slowly returning the repressed memories in Phoenix's head. 
I'm guessing you want to know what happened to Eight's grave? Well, I can't tell you obviously that's the whole point of the story, but what I can tell you is—she was never buried in the first place—
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AS THE DUO REACHED THE END OF THE ROOM. It was clear the chimp knew who the blind girl was. He took a long drag of his cigar as he looked at her. 
"You look good Phoenix," he said his face not changing in sentiment as he glanced at her. 
The girl nodded holding her cane, "Pogo," she greeted. 
Five looked between the two, "I don't have time to know why know each other." 
Pogo looked at her partner up and down, "I won't tattoo you, I barely did hers," he said blowing out another puff of smoke as he looked over at him 
"Well, I'm not here for the ink. I'm here because you and I have a mutual friend. Not the Bird, but Sir Reginald Hargreeves." Five explained hands still in pockets. 
Pogo paused for a second, "Whatever he wants, I'm not interested," he said turning back around to deal with his customer. 
Five frowned at his words, "I don't think you understand. I'm one of his children," he paused, "From another timeline." 
At those words Pogo paused his word to turn to look at Five, "Another timeline?" he asks out loud but only chuckles. 
Five looked around and notices that the large buff men were getting closer. So he motioned for the teen girl to get closer in case things were to get dirty, "As crazy as it sounds, you and I have met before he starts, "Back in 1963, when you were a diaper-wearing chimp in dire need of a manicure. I don't know if you remember, but I have a scar to prove it," he finishes and pulls his collar to show him. 
Pogo finishes packing, "if what you're saying is true, I'd be talking to a man well into his sixties. Now if you'll excuse me. I've had a very long day," he finishes turning to put on his sunglasses. 
As he turns everyone starts to surround them, Five moves closer to Phoenix as they do.
"Time to go back to mommy," one of the buff guys says to them. 
What was accidental was one of them behind shoving the purple-haired girl. Stumbling forward her glasses slipped down her nose. Lifting her head, one of the guys made eye contact with her. 
But her pale grey eyes were only like that for a second before they began glowing an eerie red. The man gasped but froze as then a stream of red energy followed the room of men. 
"Excuse me, my friend and I have work to do," she replied reaching up and pushing her glasses back up her nose. They walked ahead only to stumble. 
Five caught her arms as they walked out of the building where Pogo had gone, "Jesus what was that?" he asked a little frightened about how they all were held hostage without her doing much. 
She shrugged and giggled, "I don't know we had to get out of there. I'm drunk so nothing serious would happen to them." 
"You are never drinking again,"  he hissed and pulled her by the hand as they reached to see Pogo ride off. 
"Hey, I need your bike, It's an emergency," he told one of the men on a bike. 
The man scoffed, "Think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit," he replies and rides off. 
Five sighs as he watches him go off, "Bird get behind and put your arms around me," he says and pulls her arms around his torso. 
"Why—" she screams as her voice gets pitchy, her arms holding onto him tighter. 
Five blinked and threw the guy off the bike, "Oh my god! A death machine!" she screams. 
He turns his head with a smirk on his face, "Have you never been on a bike?" 
"Idiot I can't see!" she yells arms tightly holding onto him, "I think I've become sober from this!" she yells onto his back as the wind brushes against them. 
Five can't help but chuckle at her fear, not missing her arms tightly wrapped around him. So much for a girl who had just scared a room of fully grown men. 
"Don't laugh! If you make us fall, I will kill you," she yelled over the wind, her arms holding him tighter if it was possible. 
The teen boy's small smile didn't fall from his face, "Don't worry, I know how to ride a motorcycle," he paused still looking ahead, "You won't be dying on my watch." 
Phoenix could only nod against his back, still very much afraid. The world moving in blurs of lights around her. This was the first time she decided to trust Five with her life. 
Five only hoped that the ride wasn't for nothing. Feeling a little calm with the wind blowing against his face. Without thinking he moved a hand down to the smaller hands tightly wrapped around his torso. He squeezed softly, a silent way of asking if she was alright. Realizing what he had done, he sighed knowing she still hated his guts. 
But his thoughts fell silent when he felt one of her own hands squeeze back at his hand. Suddenly he was acutely aware of her cheek against his back, her warm hand against his. Her thighs were close to his body, all of it feeling like she trusted him. With the thought at the back of his head, he only smiled slightly. 
A couple of hours later, the sun rose high in the sky, the duo still rode past through the greenery. The two silently communicated with the squeeze of their hands. Something so intimate yet, so silent. 
"Senses up Bird, we're coming up on Pogo," he told her as he tuned the bike into a pathway. 
She nodded, "Thank god, I hate this death trap." 
Pulling to a stop, Five kicked the stand on the side of the bike. His eyes looked around at the trailer and the woman sat on a chair reading a book. Stepping off the bike, he turned to help the girl off the bike. Taking her hand as she swings her leg over the bike. 
Hand still in his, he watched her take a breath, "Well this place is full of trees huh?" she mumbled. 
"I still find it odd that you can sense everything around you," he adds letting go of her hand and moving ahead to the woman sitting on the chair. 
The woman looked over at the duo and rose a brow. A teen boy wearing a whole suit, while the girl had a cane in hand, blind, she thought to herself, "Can I help you?" the woman asked, putting her book down. 
Five stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Need a word with Pogo," he simply said to her. 
The woman looked him in the eye, "No Pogo here, pumpkin," she said using a cute little nickname. 
Phoenix snorted at the pet name, "Pumpkin my ass," she muttered under her breath, not missing the harsh feeling that Five gave her a look. 
He clenched his jaw and looked back at the woman, "Okay," he said and stepped forward, but stopped when the woman stood from her seat. 
"So, I suggest you get your ass off my property. Before I call a truant officer," she said putting down her cigarette in hand and giving him a look. 
Again the girl rolled her eyes under her glasses, "Welp that's nice for him," she says and walks forward past the two of them her cane tapping the leaves softly. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at the girl, "Why did you just let her walk past?" he asked annoyed. 
"Let him through Tammy," the voice came through. 
The teen gave the woman a slight smile and moved around her to follow the girl. 
Phoenix climbed onto the small trailer, "Love the whole trailer," she says pointing around with her cane. 
The chimp rolls his eyes as he smokes, "And you're still equally as annoying as I saw you a few years back kid," he says to the girl with the vibrant hair. 
She smiles at the thought, "Awe why do you talk to your favorite friend that way?" 
Five was confused, "How do you two know each other?" he asked as he moves to sit in the booth with the chimp. 
Pogo sighs at the question, "Don't believe this girl is all that innocent. That place you got her from—" 
Phoenix cringes, "Pogo don't—" she tries to intervene. 
The chimp lifts a hand to silence her, "She's Mengie the owner of the shop back in Australia," he simply says thinking the teen boy would know what he meant.
Five snapped his neck towards the girl near them, "Your name is Mengie?" he asked in disbelief, that the name was such a big secret was Mengie. 
"No you idiot," she hissed and smacked his head. 
Pogo shook his head, "No, her name isn't Mengie, she's a leader of an Australian gang," he adds. 
"And that's any better than it being your name?" Five adds looking again at her, but she just shrugs. 
"Just tell him what you're here for," she quips, but only smiles when she hears the pistol click, so then she turns to the sink and spots a bottle of liquor. Five won't know, she thinks to herself and picks it up and drinks from it. 
Pogo just takes a sip of his drink, "You must be either dumb or desperate, to find me, and have her around," he says motioning to Phoenix, "Which is it?" 
Time after time, he keeps hearing that voice. Chris, Eight's dead words, and now Pogo are all ringing the bell. How powerful is Phoenix that she has people vouching for her, without trying? That it was a good thing that Reginald didn't find her. 
Rather than voice the thoughts in his head, he reached into his jacket and pulled out the skin, "You tell me," he simply said. 
Phoenix just cringed at the sound of the skin slapping the table. Then she shivered as she felt a powerful wave come from near the area. Who had powers that big, she thought to herself. 
Pogo just picked up the skin, "That looks like my work, but I never did that tattoo," he says and throws the skin back on the table. 
"Not yet, you haven't," he says, "I cut it off my 100-year-old self." 
The chimp hums, "Ah, so desperate," he adds taking a sip of his drink. 
"You would be too if you knew the entire universe was at stake," the boy says seriously. 
Pogo takes a sharp inhale, "So it's happened," he said and unlocks the pistol, knowing he wasn't a threat. He reaches into the side of the table for something, then hands it over to Five, "Ah, here it is. Look familiar?" 
Five grabs the notebook and compares it to the skin that had the tattoo. 
"Reggie was obsessed with these symbols. It's a sigil. A symbol thought to have magical powers," he says as Five looks over the symbols. 
Five scoffs softly, "Dad believed in science, facts. I didn't respect much about the old man, but I respected that. Hoo-ha was not his thing. It's gotta have a rational meaning," he says as he continues looking over the symbols. 
"I don't know, but he referred to it as Project Oblivion," Pogo told Five not knowing much about the symbol. 
Phoenix took a sharp inhale putting the bottle back down at the skink. She felt eyes on her as she did. He probably remembered the two both muttered on actual old Five's deathbed. 
Five leaned closer to the chimp, "This project. I need to know more," he said one of his hands clenched tightly. 
The purple-haired girl searched in her head to remember anything of what he was talking about. Oblivion...oblivion...oblivion. It was almost like a lightbulb went off in her head. 
In the strange dream when she passed out at the Commission, the very adult-looking Five had said this to her. 
His blue eyes trained on hers, hands on her shoulders, "Oblivion..." he had said to her. 
But she needed to know the whole story, why was he talking about such a word? What was happening, and why was that version of Five in her dreams? 
Pogo's voice brought her back to the present, "It was a kamikaze mission. He was preparing the Sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. That's why I gave those children all those pills, to keep them safe from him." 
"Great, now Klaus got him sober, amazing honestly," she snorted taking the glass cup from Five's hand and drinking it in one go. 
Pogo sighed and looked over at the girl, "Then Project Oblivion is staring again, and you are all in danger," he paused to give the now probably drunk girl a look, "But this time you have her to help you, use her wisely." 
Five and Phoenix gave each other a look, "You know about my whole witch shit?" the girl slurred waving her hands around her face. 
The chimp chuckled taking a sip of his drink, "Dear you're one of a kind. I don't know anyone else who is blind that is able to dodge bullets without a second thought," he muttered taking another drink. 
Five took back the glass from Phoenix and poured himself a drink, taking it in one go, "I should probably get that ink. Complete the loop," he said putting the glass down. 
"Are you sure?" the chimp asked looking at the teen worriedly. 
The time traveler chucked, "Oh, I don't think destiny cares whether I am or not," he paused and turned over to the purple-haired girl, "Want to do the honors?" 
Tammy who sat in the back cleared the table and nodded, "Bitch is cruel, ain't she?" she thinks allowed getting up from the table. 
The teen girl smiles at Five, "It's your first isn't it?" she asks reaching forward to unbutton his vest. 
The two face to face, "No, got a small one on my wrist courtesy of my father," he says in a much softer tone, feeling as she delicately unbuttons his vest. Then watching her manicured fingers move up to loosen his tie, "How many men have you taken ties off huh?" 
Phoenix just smirked, "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to," she mumbled moving to unbutton his white button-down, she let her hands briefly brush against his chest. Before turning to Pogo, "He's all yours Pogo," she finished and moved away for the chimp. 
"Let's get started then," he says and it wasn't long before his tattoo machine was buzzing and marking Five's chest. 
Five couldn't help but feel guilty as Pogo began his marking. The brief tingling from Phoenix's finger still lingered on his skin. He shouldn't begin to care for her. She wasn't his wife, not the woman he promised to love forever. Yet, why was he worried as he looked at her down the bottle of liquor? Ever since they arrived he couldn't help but notice she began drinking a lot more than it looks she can handle. 
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After getting Tammy to take the bottle from Phoenix, and tying her to a chair. She fell asleep listening to the buzzing of Pogo's tattoo machine. 
Finally, Five was able to relax and just sit until he was finished with the art piece. 
Pogo's eyes never left his machine as he continued, "You care for her don't you?" he asks suddenly causing Five to sigh. 
"I don't know, I guess I do. She looks so much like Eight," he then says closing his eyes and getting a glimpse of the blonde. 
The chimp hums, "Well Phoenix is a good one. She may look like she doesn't care, but she does," he pauses to wipe away some of the ink, "She's gone through a lot as a kid. Don't underestimate her. She can help you." 
Five nodded lightly, "Does she have a drinking problem?" he then asked. 
Pogo only snorts for a problem, "A little," he says, "She's always had bad luck with drinking. Can never hold it down, but really starts to drink when something is eating at her."
The two then say nothing for the rest of the tattoo. Both of them drowned in the sound of the buzzing of the tattoo machine. 
"You're all set kid," he says a few hours later, rolling his chair back and rubbing ointment on the fresh ink to set it.
Five got up from laying down and began buttoning his shirt, fixing his tie, and his vest, "Thanks Tammy for tying her down after she got a bit aggressive," he said reaching for his jacket and shrugging it on. 
The woman put down her book and smiled with a slight nod, "No worries, not the first time we've had to put down the girl," she says with amusement in her voice. 
The time traveler looked over at the chimp behind him with a brow raised, "I'm sorry what?" 
"We've known the girl for a couple of years," he paused to light a cigarette, "She makes a mean gang leader, like I said don't underestimate her." 
There was so much that he still to this day didn't understand. How is the girl that was completely wiped out from a couple of drinks? He just hoped when she did explode she was still on his side. 
He just moved forward and untied her from the chair, lifting her to his shoulder. Arms securely around her thighs against his chest. Turning to face the duo in the trailer he waved, "Thanks again," he called, then went with a crack. 
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
by Sam Yebri
Recognizing that the LAPD (which has shrunk from 10,000 officers down to only 8,800) lacks the manpower to protect vulnerable Jewish institutions, the LA City Council swiftly proposed a motion to provide $1 million in security funding to three Jewish non-profit organizations.  The innocuous motion was modeled on the long-standing California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program.  The three non-profit organizations are the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, and Magen Am.  Each is a well-respected and vital mainstay of the Los Angeles Jewish community, especially the Jewish Federation, which dates back to 1911.
Fast forward to July 2nd, when extremists (including some of the same hate groups that participated in and promoted the Pico Pogrom) descended on the LA City Council to block the motion.  Bullied by these hate groups, the City Council quickly tabled the motion, reportedly to make the funding available to non-profits of all religious backgrounds.
However, when Angelenos read the LA Times story about the motion and the City Council proceedings, a far more sinister story was told.  Five photo captions described the motion as providing $1 million to “Pro-Israel vigilante/security companies for Zionist Defense training.”  Yes, you read that right.  Not only is the caption factually false and easily debunked (none of the three above organizations are “vigilante” or “Zionist defense” organizations), but the caption breeds the same hate that the motion seeks to address.  Anyone reading that caption would be outraged that her tax dollars would be handed over to “vigilante security companies for Zionist defense training,” this reader included.  Outrage like that breeds hate and violence.
The article itself was just as biased.  Not a single Jewish victim of the Pico Pogrom was quoted.  But, “multiple” unnamed “pro-Palestinian protesters” were, anonymously telling the LA Times that it was actually LAPD officers and “pro-Israel supporters” who were the violent ones.  Pro-Palestinian protester Ron Gochez (who was not even at the Pico Pogrom) was quoted about being “attacked” by “pro-Israel counter protesters” at the UCLA “encampment.” Pro-Palestinian protester John Parker (who was also not present at the Pico Pogrom) was quoted as calling Jews “fascists” and the LAPD “racist.”
The sole “Jewish” person quoted was from a virulently antisemitic fringe organization called “Jewish Voice for Peace,” which calls for the dismantlement of Israel and actively organizes violent protests, including the Pico Pogrom.  The LA Times effectively bolstered this violent fringe organization, giving the impression that it was speaking for Jewish Angelenos, which it does not.
The LA Times could have easily quoted the many Jewish residents of Pico Robertson who were attacked on June 23.  Interviewing the victims of hate crimes is a standard practice in journalism.  Seemingly every other local print and broadcast news outlet in town, including CBS, ABC7, Fox11, KTLA, and the Westside Current, rushed reporters to the scene and interviewed victims.  Conspicuously absent was the LA Times, who did not send a reporter to the scene.
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artstar1997 · 27 days
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It’s finally here, the main members of the Justice Brigade, the world’s greatest superhero league that the world has ever seen.
Separately, these nine heroes from Trollstopia, which is composed of the Tenacious Three (Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx), Jussy a.k.a Healer Charm, Emi as Zealous, Synth as Neptune, Demo as Ironsides, Smidge as Miss Aquila, and Milton Moss as Wildlife Man. They are known to be the greatest fighters for truth and justice the world has ever known. Collectively, however, they are a force of nature, leaders of a team of superheroes and associates of numerous crime-fighting organizations—the Justice Brigade. They are the earth’s first line of defense against threats too large for humanity to face alone.
Let’s meet the superheroes of this team: Captain Sterling Real Name: Rosita ”Rose” Barbara V. Madrigal Inspiration: Superman Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Lead Singer of the Snack Pack Superpowers: Invulnerability, Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Heat Vision (including Solar Flare), Super Hearing, Siper Vision (including X-Ray vision, Microscopic Vision, and Telescopic Vision, in which, overuse can cause headaches), Super Breath (including Ice Breath), Accelerated Healing, Energy Absorption, Partial Alien Physiology Archnemesis: Chaz a.k.a The Illusionist Among the superheroes of Trollstopia, no one is as versatile and honorable as Captain Sterling. After being exposed to the strange radiation, Rose gains Herculean powers for protecting her friends, the Snack Pack when the disaster hits the city but at the cost of her own safety. Over time, her martial arts and combat training paid off as she started to train as a sidekick to Silver Sentry, Trollstopia’s resident superhero before she debuted as an independent hero as Super Sterling. The Fabuloid mistakenly replaced Super with Captain on the headlines, so Rose chose to use the name, Captain Sterling instead. Popstar diva by day, superhero by night, the Snack Pack’s resident diva wins the hearts of fans and the world with her voice and musical talents but when crime strikes, Rose’s platinum blonde hair turns to black as she slicks back her bangs and styled into a long French braid, and dons the pinkish red armor, blue, and white with gold ensemble to save the day.
Rainbow Girl Real Name: Penelope “Poppy” Solena C. Monteiro Inspiration: Karolina Dean, Dazzler Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Lead Guitarist and vocalist of the Snack Pack, Pop Diner owner Superpowers: Flight, Sound Generation, Light Generation, Iriskinesis via Lumokinesis and Chromakinesis, Chromo-Egrokinesis Archnemesis: Pacifica “Pushy Poppy” Payne a.k.a Drab Grey Poppy and her friends were protected by Rose when a doomsday device, the Darkness Engine exploded into the lawn near the playground, causing radiation to spread in the city. Because of Rose’s selfless act, the Snack Pack was spared from the side effects but they were partially exposed to the radiation and they each gained superpowers. Poppy as Rainbow Girl can control light and sound. She wanted to make the city a colorful place by protecting it against crime and injustice.
Psionyx Real Name: Bernardo “Branch” Huitzilopochtli Rivera Inspiration: Batman, Phoenix Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, Bassist and vocalist of the Snack Pack Superpowers: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychic Powers, Brilliant Deductive Skill, Combat Strategy Archnemesis: Creek a.k.a Monkshood Resident loner, now second-in-command of the Snack Pack, Bernardo a.k.a Branch tends to keep things to himself, especially after a series of misfortunes fell upon him. It was hinted that he got his psychic powers as a baby but they were later enhanced when he was exposed to the radiation that struck Trollstopia. Donning a dark suit, Psionyx is ready to find out whodunit using both his psychic powers and detective skills while blending in with the shadows.
Healer Charm Real Name: Justina “Jussy” Butterfly Inspiration: Green Lantern Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer, Keytarist of the Majesties, Pop Diner employee Superpowers: Healing, Energy Conduit, Force Field, Energy Construct Creations, Superhuman Condition, Environmental Playback, Invisibility and Light Refraction Archnemesis: Melisha Indevor a.k.a Feral Ever since she moved to California from U.K., Jussy lived a normal life, working in the Pop Diner, hanging out with the Snack Pack, and dating Cooper. Whenever she goes to work from her apartment, she sees the superheroes flying around to stop crime and whenever she works at the cash register, she would daydream and make a wish that one day, she’d fly with them and save the day. One night, her wish was granted when a meteor fell from space while she was walking on her way home. She followed the meteor to the park, where it crashed and broke in two, revealing a large butterfly shaped jadeite with smaller jadeites and crystals, wrapped in a strange fabric inside. As soon as she picked up the stone and the fabric, a powerful energy surge flowed into Jussy, thus gaining the power of flight, superhuman condition, energy manipulation, and healing. She then turned to Satin and Chenille, who were not only fashion designers by day and superheroes by night, they also created suits and other items for their fellow superheroes with the help of Rhythm and Blues. The two pairs of sisters analyzed the fabric that came with the jadeites and crystals and were able to replicate it, thus created her signature outfit and mask. She took on a debut as a superhero, Healer Charm and started fighting crime, which caught the attention of Cooper’s superhero ego, Jester and became an item in both their civilian and superhero lives. Soon, she was recruited by Rainbow Girl, who offered her a spot in the Justice Brigade, which she excitedly joined as a founding member.
Zealous Real Name: Emi Inspiration: Quicksilver Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Volcano Rock City Occupation: Singer, Bassist of the Majesties Superpowers: Vast Superhuman Speed, Stamina, Reaction and Reflexes, Eidetic Memory, Rapid Healing, Creation of High Winds and Tornadoes, Time Manipulation, Speed Physiology, Molecular Destabilization, Superhuman Stamina/Endurace, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability Archnemesis: N/A Even though she got lost as a toddler and was adopted by loving parents who live in Volcano Rock City, Emi is often lazy but fidgety. In a school trip to a laboratory, where they perform experiments to reengineer the human genome for its own better. At that time, she knocked back into a large glass tube containing a fluid that encompassed her. In the meantime, the desk that knocked down toppled forward. The chemicals from the test tubes fell and shattered to the ground. Mixing and causing a combustion within the office. Trapped inside the vat that fell over her, Emi was safe from the fire but her body itself, her muscles and body alone was being chemically reconstructed. A group of rescuers had rushed into the office at the time to try and save her from the flames but two of them sadly lost their lives due to the chemicals having caused a poisonous gas to rise to the ceiling. Emi was rescued and hospitalized alongside some classmates of hers, who also got superpowers as well. Her parents helped her get over her mutation while going through her normal life until she learned about her biological mother. As she started her journey, she discovered her ability to run super fast that she finally reunited with her mother and met her two half-siblings. A mysterious stranger called Montgomery James was pulling the strings from behind to traumatize her. One of the resident superheroes of Vibe City, Darnell Jackson a.k.a Forecast helped her overcome her trauma and she coincidentally met Rose a.k.a Captain Sterling and Jester, who turned out to be Cooper Jackson, Darnell’s twin when they came to Vibe City to help him investigate a crime that is happening. Together, they fought Montgomery James, who became a supervillain, and threw him to prison. In gratitude, Captain Sterling made an offer to Zealous to become a founding member of the Justice Brigade, which she agreed.
Neptune Real Name: Antonio “Synth” Delgado Inspiration: Aquaman Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Techno Reef Occupation: Singer-songwriter, DJ Superpowers: Superhuman Strength, Intelligence, Durability, Endurance, Speed, Agility, and Senses, Telepathic Control of all Aquatic Life, Weather Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation, Hydrokinesis, Liquid Absorption, Magic, Aquatic Adaptation, Master Strategist, Tactician, and Field Commander, Skiller Martial Artist and Hand-To-Hand Combat Archnemesis: The Trench Pirates Antonio “Synth” Delgado lived all his life at Techno Reef with his family but his life changed when he got poisoned by a cone snail. In an attempt to save him, he was treated with an experimental medicine that not only saved his life, but also gave him his amphibious abilities and aquatic powers. To learn how to control his powers, Synth became Trollex a.k.a Maelstrom’s sidekick before he made his debut as a superhero and he relocated to Trollstopia to join Trollstopia Records. He was rejected when he tried to join Guy Diamond and Meadow Sprigg’s team but he joined the Justice Brigade as a founding member when Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx offered him to join their superhero team as a founding member.
Ironsides  Real Name: Damien “Demo” Sankara  Inspiration: Cyborg, Iron Man Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Volcano Rock City Occupation: Guitarist and Manager of Ryuuko Superpowers: Genius-level intellect, via power suit; Superhuman Strength, Stamina, Durability, and Speed, Advanced Sensor and Weapons System, Flight, Computer Interfacing, Nano-regeneration, Shapeshifting, Portal Creation Archnemesis: N/A Coming off as more soft in comparison to his peers, especially Val, Damien “Demo” Sankara tries to find his place among them. Whenever he isn’t in school, Demo would work in his family garage, where he would make robots and drones for his friends or practice his guitar playing. His actual project is a robotic power suit, which he wanted to test out someday but it had some flaws to fix so he would pass the time with managing and playing with Val and her band, Ryuuko while trying to fix his high-tech suit. When he moved to Trollstopia with Val’s band, he was able to work more on fixing his suit while managing and playing with Ryuuko. With Lownote Jones’s help, he was able to fix his suit and become one of the superheroes, Ironsides. After being rejected when trying to join the Sylvan Guardians, Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx chose him to join their superhero team, which he accepted. 
Miss Aquila Real Name: Samantha “Smidge” Redfeather Inspiration: Hawkgirl, Dawnstar Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, Drummer of the Snack Pack Superpowers: High Speed Flight via feather wings, Superhuman Hearing, Vision, Strength, Senses, Durability and Stamina, Healing Factor, Highly Skilled Armed & Unarmed Combatant, Zoolingualism, Utilizes Weaponry, Temperature Regulation, Absolute Sight, Solar Manipulation Archnemesis: Bash a.k.a Gila Monster As the muscle and drummer of the Snack Pack, Smidge is always up and running, being tough, often resorting to the most violent methods first, and overreacts with anger and excitement, making her emotionally expressive and loud, though most of the time doesn't behave like this. It was enhanced by her superhuman condition, which came first when she was exposed to the radiation with her friends, even though Rose sacrificed herself to protect them. Before she and the Snack Pack became famous and they joined the same record label as their labelmates, Smidge noticed that she had a secondary mutation that gave her solar powers, temperature regulation, zoolingualism, and a pair of bald eagle wings, which capable of folding tightly against the spine (like an "accordion") and can be almost completely hidden. Donning an eagle-themed costume and painting a yellow mask on her face, Smidge becomes Miss Aquila and is dedicated to fighting crime from the skies while living her civilian life as a music celebrity. She tried out in Guy Diamond and Meadow Sprigg’s team but her rejection from the audition soon paved way for her to become a founding member of the Justice Brigade. 
Wildlife Man Real Name: Milton Moss Inspiration: Beast Boy, Animal Man Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Veterinarian Superpowers: Animal Morphing, Accelerated Healing Factor, Zoolingualism Archnemesis: N/A Milton Moss was one of the victims of the radiation that struck the city of Trollstopia in California but he was trying to save the animals, which gave him the ability to shapeshift into animals, accelerated healing factor, and zoolingualism. While working part time at a veterinary and animal rescue, Milton Moss later met Smidge, who later became his girlfriend but he was inspired by her and her superhero ego, Miss Aquila that he fashioned his own superhero suit and mask that helps him shapeshift. He continued having a relationship with her, even though she has to go on tours with her boyfriend. When the Justice Brigade is being formed, Smidge recruits him by referral that he becomes one of the founding members of the greatest team ever. 
Trolls belongs to Dreamworks Queen Rose belongs to me Jussy belongs to @jade-green-butterfly Emi belongs to @groovinyeen @yeenstrollart
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"NASA 836"
The oldest and fastest F-15 in the world......
NASA 836 is a highly modified F-15B. It’s used for crew training, pilot proficiency and safety chase support for other research aircraft. It’s based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California.
The jet first entered service in 1974 with the USAF. NASA acquired it in 1993 from the Hawaii Air National Guard. NASA then modified it to support their test programs. They made it 1,000 pounds lighter than any other F-15 flying in the world, and installed new modern engines. The age of the jet, combined with its lighter weight and more powerful Pratt and Whitney F100-PW-220 turbofan engines, makes 836 the oldest and fastest flying F-15 in the world. The engines can produce almost 24,000 pounds of thrust each in full afterburner. The crew regularly take the jet past Mach 2, at altitudes of 40,000 to 60,000 feet.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Lawmakers in California are hoping to push through controversial legislation that would ban retail staff from stopping thieves stealing from their stores.
Senate Bill 553, which was submitted by Senator Dave Cortese, has been passed by the State Senate and will now progress to policy committees in the State Assembly. Cortese hopes the proposed law will prevent workplace violence and protect staff from being forced by their employers to step-in during robberies. But some store bosses are furious about the plans, with the California Retailers Association mocking the move as an open invitation for thieves "to come in and steal."
The political wrangling in California comes just weeks after Home Depot security guard Blake Mohs, 26, was shot to death during an attempted robbery in Pleasanton, California. Other cities in the state are also facing their own problems as they attempt to deal with lawlessness.
San Francisco has been gripped by a crimewave that has seen Whole Foods close its downtown location after just a year of business, with bosses saying they were unable to "ensure the safety" of their staff in the city. Nordstrom followed suit by leaving the city this month, but many smaller businesses have had no choice but to remain, despite attacks on their premises.
The proposed new laws come as stores have blamed shoplifting for hitting their businesses, with Target issuing a statement in November blaming "organized retail crime" for an eye-watering $400 million loss in its profits in 2022.
Cortese, a Democrat representing Santa Clara County, told Fox 2/KTVU: "More recently, we've seen another spike in retail violence; [At] Safeways, Home Depots, it just seems to be happening every other day... What we're saying in the bill is it's not ok for employers to take a rank-and-file worker, somebody whose job is really something else... and say, 'Hey, you know, if there's an intruder we're going to deputize you to intervene.' People get hurt and often killed that way."
A statement issued by Cortese's office noted that assaults in stores rose during the pandemic, citing 2022 analysis by the New York Times, which found that assaults in grocery stores increased by 63 percent from 2018 to 2020, and assaults in convenience stores grew by 75 percent. The statement added that workplace violence is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that workplace violence affects nearly 2 million workers each year, with female staff suffering from higher rates of nonfatal injuries than their male counterparts.
A retail security survey published in 2022 by the National Retail Federal (NRF) also suggested the issue may be getting worse. The annual survey of the retail industry's loss prevention professionals found that "retail shrink is an almost $100 billion problem."
According to the survey, retailers blamed "external theft" for the greatest portion of "shrink" at 37 percent, while 28.5 percent was deemed to be the result of "employee/internal theft." The difference was made up by various factors, including processing and control failures. The survey found that 37.9 percent of respondents replied that no associates were allowed to apprehend shoplifters in their organizations.
The California bill, if enacted in law, would require employers to provide active-shooter training to workers, keep a log of any violent incidents, and allow companies to apply for workplace violence restraining orders.
But Rachel Michelin, president of the California Retailers Association, told Fox 2/KTVU: "This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores."
And she added that most stores already prevent ordinary workers from confronting shoplifters, saying that most hire employees specifically trained in theft prevention for that purpose. "It [the bill] says no employee can approach someone who's shoplifting, so even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that, now they're not allowed to approach someone. So what does that mean? We are opening up the doors to allow people to just walk into stores, steal, and walk out."
Newsweek is attempting to seek clarification on how the law applies to staff such as trained security guards.
Newsweek has also reached out to Senator Cortese and the California Retailers Association for further information and comment. Several large retailers, including Target and Walmart, have also been approached for comment about the proposed law.
The bill is currently subject to adjustments as it progresses through the State Assembly's policy committees.
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Angel Fashion Part Two
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Buffy’s ‘flying fatality’ outfit: 7/10
I like it when we get to see her training. Again, the blue is good on her and her sneakers are cute.
Giles’ ‘safety padding’ outfit: 10/10
I love it! He's so cute with his padding! I don't know what you call the head padding but it's amazing and we should have seen him wearing it again.
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Buffy’s ‘snowman’ outfit: 9/10
This outfit is just so Buffy. The mini skirt with the long leather jacket: perfect. I couldn't tell but I just know she's wearing the knee high boots too. Her hair is cute. The only thing I would change is the snowman on the tank top. It just doesn't really fit for me... I don't think there is any implication that it's winter (the episode aired April 14, 1997) and it just seems out of place for a sunny day in California. I think a different graphic on the same style of tank would have been better.
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Angel’s ’tiny variation’ outfit: 8/10
Finally some change. But is it enough? I like the leather jacket better than the black over shirt or whatever, but I'm getting very tired of the white tank top. Also, look at this apartment! He had the time and money to fully furnish this place like a museum but he couldn't buy a few different outfits?? Of course, I'm mostly joking... I think the set designer or writers wanted to portray that Angel has lived for a very long time as a vampire and so he's collected a lot of stuff, and obviously, at this point, clothes are probably not that important to him, so it makes sense that he would stick to one thing. But it's boring and I want something different to look at.
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Giles’s ‘friendly staff’ outfit: 7/10
What's most interesting to me, is that we've seen each of these individual pieces before. See the thing is, I do like when the characters re-wear clothes, the problem is when it is the exact same outfit and it's a boring outfit that doesn't say much about the character. Giles wearing tweed and sweater vests and ties tells you so much about who he is as a character. At this point in the series, he is stodgy and can be rigid in his training from the Watcher's council. We know from the way he dresses what he prioritizes. He's also dressed for work and from his outfit we can see that he takes both his jobs seriously. Anyway.... from this outfit particularly, we can see some of his composure falling in his panic. It is a subtle touch, but I think the loose scarf does a good job conveying that he likely rushed to the hospital when he heard about Joyce.
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Buffy’s ‘go ahead’ outfit: 5/10
I will absolutely never understand why anyone thought that this atrocious top made sense in this scene. Why on earth would she throw this on to go and kill the guy that she had major feelings for. The vibe is totally wrong and I also just hate this shirt.
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Dave Jamieson and Alexander C. Kaufman at HuffPost:
Failed presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill late last week barring Florida localities from requiring employers to provide outdoor workers with access to water, rest and shade, outraging workplace safety advocates who say the new law will kill people.
Backed by the agricultural and construction industries, the controversial legislation is what’s known as a “preemption” law: It forbids cities and counties from pursuing their own ordinances on a particular subject, in this case protections from extreme heat. The law effectively nullifies a proposal in Miami-Dade County that would require some employers to maintain a heat safety program and provide employees with water and shade on hot days. The county commission recently withdrew the proposal after the state legislation put its legality in doubt. The preemption bill recently passed the Republican-controlled state House and Senate, along with a similar measure that prevents jurisdictions from requiring employers to pay livable wages on government-funded projects. Unions and other progressive groups said blocking heat regulations would endanger farm and construction workers and anyone else who labors in one of the hottest states in the country. “Someone is going to die as a result of this legislation,” Kim Smith, a telecommunications technician, told HuffPost last month.
[...] Last year, Texas Republicans passed a similar preemption bill that blocked localities from implementing heat protections as well as other ordinances related to housing and labor. The legislation, known as Texas’ “death star bill,” appeared designed to thwart local laws in Austin and Dallas that guaranteed water breaks for workers.
Florida Republicans pushing for the preemption law said they wanted to avoid a “patchwork” of local regulations around the state related to heat safety, arguing the matter was better left to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. But OSHA does not yet have a heat-specific safety rule, and proposals to create a uniform, statewide standard in Florida have gone nowhere over the years because of a lack of Republican support. More than 430 workers have died due to environmental heat exposure since 2011, according to OSHA. But relatively few jurisdictions have laws in place that require employers to provide water, shade and heat safety training. Just three — California, Oregon and Washington — mandate heat breaks for outdoor workers. Minnesota has heat standards for indoor workers, while Colorado does for farmworkers.
Just another terrible anti-workplace safety law signed in by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).
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omegamannn · 8 months
The Omega Library 3/10
BlackPink(2/2) Rosé -Gala Gal -The Interview -Queen -Incandescent -Sweetest dreams -Safety net pt. 1 -Safety net pt.2 -Needy -Kiss and make up -Blackpink in your area pt. 3 Jisoo -Blackpink in your area pt. 2 -In motion -Unravel Cignature Jeewon -Party Time -Train to Busan 2 Dreamcatcher Multiple Members -Drunk on love with Dreamcatcher Gahyeon -Service Room -Never safe for work -Love isn't easy -The dreadful need in the devotee -Love isn't easy Sua -Overwhelming Overtime JiU -30 years later Yoohyeon -Luck inside her backdoor -Bon Voyage Dami -Edge of tomorrow -Panda Making El7z Up Yeeun -Oppaheimer Everglow Onda -Painfully Sweet Yiren -Idol Club -Everflow Fromis_9 Multiple Members -Lottery Earnings 3: Sunday Soiree -Channel 9 pt. 1 -Channel 9 pt. 2 -Channel 9 pt. 3 Saerom -Hour Glass -Jitters -Reign -On Public's Eye Hayoung -Competition -The Gamer and the Pornstar Chaeyoung -Idol Zoo feat. Isa(StayC) -CS Get Degrees -Better workout Nagyung -Stop Teasing -A Business Proposal -On Public Bathroom Jiheon -Daddy - A tinder story -[PPV] BG SEX PERFECT PINK HAIR KOREAN COLLEGE GIRL RIDES AND GETS CREAMPIED - Full Ver ($30).mp4 -BarelyLegalGirls2021Scene9.mov.exe
(G)I-DLE Multiple Members -California Love -O Sole Mio -The glide -Crossing the river -Hard to break the habit Soyeon -Frenzied -The judge -"Roll your fucking eyes again and I'll give you a reason to roll em." -Nightmare's salvation Minnie -Exam Stress Yuqi -Staircase: Prepotent Pleasure. -Untitled Miyeon -For all the right reasons -For all the right reasons pt. 2 -The woman of my dreams -Starlet -Silver Vixens feat. Jinsoul -Executive Toys H1-Key Riina -Rose in the Concrete Jungle Itzy(1/2) Multiple Members -Untitled -Untitled 2 -Distance -Christmas Present -Best Christmas present ever -Best Christmas present ever pt. 2 -Leader and baby brat -It's ok that you like it, babe -Yuna Chaeryeong Threesome -Pretty please Yuna -Diplomat's Party -Romeo -She Always Gets What She Wants -A helping hand -Awards after-party affair -Manager Oppa -Public Indecency -Entertainment -Renewed -Desire -Naughty -Untitled feat. Karina -HONNE, TATAMAE & THE OTHER ONE -Untitled Threesome -Forbidden Desires: A bodyguard's affair -Untitled
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