suzukiblu · 7 months
Reading back through the last dozen or so wet nurse posts, I find myself wondering where Jon is. He was last seen sitting on Carl’s stomach. Did he get up when Carl let go, or did he just kinda slide into his lap when he sat up?
I deeeeeefinitely didn't just have to go back and edit him into Carl's lap in the WIP file . . . LOOK A DISTRACTION /smokebomb!! 💥
“You want swooped too?” Carl asks Jon, who perks up reflexively and gives him an eager nod, like he’s not perfectly capable of flying himself into the stratosphere on a whim. Nursing hormones are certainly something, Bruce reflects wryly. 
He opens his mouth to remind Jon that unenhanced humans aren’t going to be able to do that as easily as Clark can–without actually selling out the whole “alien superpowers” thing, obviously–and Clark does presumably the same, but then Carl gets up off the couch and, somewhere in the process, manages to shift Lor onto the couch cushions and grab Jon under the arms to hoist straight up over his head the exact same way he did Lor. 
Good, Bruce thinks, mildly relieved. Jon must’ve realized he needed to fly enough to “weigh” a normal human weight for a pup his size. Carl probably wouldn’t have known the difference, but better safe than sorry. Honestly, it’s impressive he can pick up a ten year-old that easily, though. He doesn’t even look like he’s particularly trying. 
Jon may be overcompensating with the flight, come to think, but again, it’s not like Carl is going to know the difference. 
“Lor vahdhah, Jeju!” Lor calls, pushing himself to his feet and holding his arms up insistently– “Lor too, Mother!”, unsurprisingly–and Carl glances down to him and flashes him a grin. 
“You want another swoop?” he says. “Wait your turn, okay, kiddo? I’ll give you another go in a sec.”
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 7 months
Happy birthday!!
Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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mandatoryfunday · 4 years
In light of today's prompt to fill an old prompt, I found that not all of your prompt posts can be found in the "prompt" tag, because I was looking for a specific one and had to scroll the whole blog to find it. It was the Clintaur one. I'm just wondering if there might be more that got missed
Hello there! Two of our prompt posts are gone entirely. I suspect that Tumblr deleted the original posts for violating their terms of service for suggestive images, but we have no way to challenge that because we were not the original authors of the posts. This is one of the reasons that we will no longer be adding our prompts as reblogged comments to existing posts. Instead, we will make sure that all of our future prompts are in their own brand-new posts, created by us!
I tried to go through earlier today and make sure all the remaining prompt posts were tagged correctly, but here is the complete list of all prompts in case they are not all displaying:
St. Patrick’s Day
Clint drinking coffee by the pool
Clint in uniform
Cooking with kids
Laundry day
Take Winterhawk to work
Star Wars
The popcycle
Clint as Captain America
Road trips
Crymaxing Clint
Coney Island mermaid parade
Hogwarts AU
I’m not a hot mess, I’m a spicy disaster
Boys in lingerie
Clint in a palm tree
Deleted - naked Clint passed out
Bucky in a suit with a drink
Inappropriate archery
Boys on a boat
Clint with long hair
Adopt a pet
Lucky and the farm
Clint and a motorcycle
Bucky in a kilt
Clint’s competence
Winter Soldier Clint
Full moon
Rival sports teams
Clint vs a squid
You really think this is a smart idea?
Marriage AU
I licked it so it’s mine
You can’t be mean to me, I saved your life
We’re engaged, sweetheart
Clint and a coffee cup
Clint in a suit
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rebootkirk · 7 years
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high school au sambucky moodboard for @samwilsonbirthdaybang
i was @calihart‘s partner for the sam wilson birthday bang! find their fic here!
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artgroves · 7 years
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Just a couple of ex-brainwashed operatives finding themselves, and then each other in You rearrange me till I’m sane by @redsector-a for Marvel Bang
Another art for this story over here
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theslowesthnery · 3 years
I could never even watch the following seasons because I got so mad about the first one. I'm still salty about it
oh same. literally the only way they could've gotten me to watch the following seasons would’ve been if they’d went “oh shit, we really fucked that whole equalist plotline up back in season 1, huh, let’s try that again” and brought the equalists back, acknowledged how absolutely shittily korra and all the other characters dealt with them and the problems that had given birth to them in the first place, and actually handled those issues the way they should’ve originally been handled
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themculibrary · 4 years
AU - Harry Potter/Hogwarts Crossovers Masterlist
Links Last Checked: May 3rd, 2024
A Crown For A King (ao3) - 74days steve/bucky T, 7k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a popular teacher of Arithmancy at Hogwarts - he loves his job and supports his students any way he can. So when the new Charms teacher transfers over from Salem and it looks like Bucky's dragging his feet about asking him out - his students take matters into their own hands.
Boys, Books & Butterbeer (ao3) - Booksinvolved steve/bucky G, 6k
Summary: Super fluffy fic about Quidditch try outs, detention, and cute dates on Valentine's.
Coincidences (ao3) - ladyshadowdrake steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Steve hasn't been to a Quidditch game since his mother was still alive, but the US is playing in the World Cup, so why not? He definitely doesn't expect to run into Tony there.
Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Genius (ao3) - TheFeistyRogue harry potter/tony T, 5k
Summary: Harry worked for W.A.N.D., the Wizarding Association of National Defence. He liked his job, and he liked being a lonely, miserable, old bugger. But when he's assigned to protect Tony Stark he's unprepared for what he'll have to face: a nosy, interfering superhero intent on getting Harry a life, or perhaps just getting himself one.
Home is Where the Heart is (with friends) (ao3) - AngeNoir steve/sam, bucky/tony, jane/thor T, 6k
Summary: When Sam was 12, four years after Hogwarts staggered back to its feet, a skinny little shrimp came to Hogwarts. This little bit was far too interesting for someone his size, and Sam couldn't stop himself from falling.
Maybe even from the first time he saw him.
I Don't Need Fireworks (I Just Need You) (ao3) - CaliHart clint/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Bucky spends more time watching Clint during their games than he probably should.
If I could conjure worth a damn (I wouldn't have friends like these) (ao3) - lyra_wing steve/tony T, 8k
Summary: The Avengers are at Hogwarts. Tony's building non-regulation broomsticks, Steve's dealing with a mysterious Time Turner accident, Loki's sneering at the Muggles, Thor's wielding a Beater's bat, Darcy's commentating at Quidditch matches, Fury's teaching DADA, everyone loves a drink at the Three Broomsticks, and Bruce has a secret.
know my way around your heart (ao3) - silentinfluence steve/bucky N/R, 6k
Summary: Steve shuffles over to one side of the bed to make some space, and yawns briefly before saying, “We should cuddle. Like, right now,” and even fluffs up the pillow on his side to make the offer more inviting.
His eyes are wide and hopeful, and he’s still got that dazed look on his face and a lopsided grin and flushed cheeks. He’s everything Bucky wants, and he has to physically force out the soft, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Stevie,” that doesn’t want to leave his mouth.
[A Harry Potter AU in which Steve and Bucky finally get it right in their last year of Hogwarts.] Featuring Steve as Gryffindor Captain, Bucky as a Slytherin/Honorary Gryffindor, and a kiss in the Hospital Wing.
let's do it (let's fall in love) (ao3) - spaceburgers steve/bucky M, 5k
Summary: How Bucky and Steve go from clueless Gryffindor first-years to slightly-less-clueless seventh-years.
Let This Be Called a Word Unpronounceable (ao3) - badgerling bucky/tony G, 7k
Summary: Tony was fine serving the detention he had earned. He was not okay with serving detention with Bucky Barnes. And he definitely not okay with running for his life from a manticore. An apparent manticore. Because there shouldn't be manticores in the Forbidden Forest.
Like gifts under trees (ao3) - pes steve/bucky T, 6k
Summary: Inside the leather satchel, bundled in a few layers of cloth, was the smooth swell of an egg. A dragon egg, dark, and shiny, and fluttering with life in its makeshift nest.
“I think it’s about to hatch,” Steve breathed, clutching the bag to his chest helplessly.
Bucky didn’t need to think twice.
More Ancient Than Magic (ao3) - ironfamjam mj/peter, pepper/tony G, 9k
Summary: Life isn't exactly normal when your Head of House is also kinda your father-figure and his daughter is kinda sorta your little sister.
It's also not normal when the bad guys your real-life-war-hero-not-actually-dad defeated in The Great War threaten to return and you're still just trying to finish your Charms essay.
But Professor Stark asked him to protect Morgan. And that's what he's going to do.
Even if it breaks him.
Pepper Potts and the Mysterious Soulmate (ao3) - FriendLey pepper/tony T, 8k
Summary: Based on the tweet that said “Soulmate AU where wizards and witches have each other’s patronus tattooed on their bodies. The tattoos show the emotions that your soulmate is feeling.”
Potions & Goose (ao3) - narumei bruce/thor, gamora/peter T, 5k
Summary: “Isn’t he just the cutest?” Thor murmurs dreamily.
Quill spins his body around dramatically, standing in front of Thor as he starts lifting his finger toward the latter. “You’re the definition of coward, and I hope you know that.”
Sympathetic Magic (ao3) - debwalsh steve/bucky T, 8k
Summary: Silenced by a curse from the Cult of Hydra, Bucky Barnes transfers to Hogwarts hoping for some peace and safety.
He hadn’t planned on Steve Rogers.
The Pursuit Of Phenomenally Unlikely Payoffs (ao3) - tielan clint/natasha G, 6k
Summary: In his first year at the Roswell School of Magic, Clint discovered he was really good at Transfiguration. He had the matchstick into the needle by the end of the first lesson.
Unfortunately, it kind of went downhill from there.
There Should be a Potion for This (ao3) - Lampsprite steve/tony T, 5k
Summary: The first time Tony sees Steve Rogers, his palms are sweaty and his mind is trapped in a loop of don’t-fuck-up-and-disappoint-Howard-again.  So he only has enough brain cells free to think, ‘damn, that kid’s small’ and ‘probably a Hufflepuff’, before the Sorting Hat falls over the kid’s eyes and bellows, “Gryffindor!” at the top of its metaphorical lungs.
what we grow to be (ao3) - killerqueenwrites T, 6k
Summary: Peter's world has been turned upside-down in a matter of weeks. His parents knew magic, and now he’s on a train that left from a platform that shouldn’t exist, on his way to to a school especially for witches and wizards. Because he’s a wizard. All from one handwritten letter that had arrived on an otherwise unremarkable morning of his summer holidays.
And that's not even the most startling secret about his life.
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clintbartonbingo · 5 years
Author Name: CaliHart Square: Forgiveness Rating: Not Rated Warnings (As necessary): Canon-Typical Violence Pairing: Pre-Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Summary: Clint Barton goes missing after the fall of the Insight helicarriers. Sometimes it takes a Soldier to find a Soldier. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20994938
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trashcanakin · 5 years
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Made for @winterhawkbigbang 2019!
CaliHart made an amazin' fic for it!
Title: Falling
Rating: Teen+
Pairing(s): WinterHawk
Summary: When Bucky disappeared while on a mission, Clint and the team went looking for him. What they found wasn't quite the same Bucky they had known before.
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by CaliHart
Clint is a Christmas elf who isn't feeling the Christmas spirit. When he literally runs into Bucky Barnes and gets an invitation to Hanukkah, he finds that holiday joy doesn't just come from Christmas.
Words: 4155, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Clint Barton Bingo, Part 5 of Winterhawk Bingo
Fandoms: Hawkeye (Comics), Marvel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Lucky (Hawkeye)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Holidays, Cookies, Hanukkah, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Christmas Elf!Clint, Lucky the Christmas Dog, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe, Modern Bucky Barnes
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suzukiblu · 7 months
I have no idea who half of these kids are (I vaguely know the Batkids but never really got into the Superman thing) but I am really invested in your wet nurse wip now
Aw, thank you! I consider "I don't even know who this is but I'm here for it" one of the highest forms of flattery in fic feedback, haha. ❤️ I hope you'll keep enjoying it as it progresses!
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
Emotional anguish list round 4: Percy Jackson. And Annabeth Chase, because we need some girls in here
1. okay we’re gonna start off with him not losing the Achilles’ Curse, which I am having 2 thoughts on: either he knows he has it BUT DOESN’T KNOW WHERE HIS SPOT IS, or he does know the spot but being in camp jupiter results in two things. 1) everyone hates his, as they see it, weird annoying disrespectful ass EVEN MORE because he’s fucking invulnerable, and 2) Percy spends every moment there itching with anticipation and hypervigilance that somehow someone will get in a lucky shot and KILL HIM. 
2. I honestly think coming home to find out that Sally is either pregnant or has had a fucking baby would send him spiraling. like. imagine you literally go to hell, you’ve been fighting non-stop for months, the world is narrowly saved from ending and your camp family almost dies. all you want is to go home and have things be normal for a while. but you get there and there’s a fucking baby. Percy “only child for 14 years” Jackson would suddenly……..not get all the attention he used to. and yeah I think he’d be able to be more mature about it than he might have at 14, but he’s traumatized and hurting and he wants his mom but she’s busy breastfeeding! he has to wait until she’s done! I don’t think he’d resent Estelle at all, just that he didn’t get to be there when they found out/all thru the Big Important Moments (instead he was in hell.) and now that he’s not getting what he needs and probably doesn’t feel like he can ask for it
3. Zeus was such a dick in TLT that I wouldn’t put it past him at all to strike down the airplane while Percy was in it, kill everyone on board, and grab his bolt of lightning and fuck off somewhere. I’m including this one bc I’m imagining Percy’s last moments, holding Annabeth’s and Grover’s hands, absolutely terrified and furious and so, so, so worried about his mom :)
4. IMAGINE IF ANNABETH DIED IN TLO. IMAGINE!!!!!!! she’s the tether between him and his mortality. I honestly think he would go crazy and probably kill Luke/Kronos himself. I hate chaos fics with my whole entire being so I feel like he’d probably end up being rude/disrespectful to the gods after the battle ends, and either get turned into a god (whether it happens against his will or not idk) or he’d go home and just. fall into such a depression. he did all that shit for the gods, for the world, he’s fundamentally changed himself FOREVER and yet, he lost one of his best friends, a girl he loved. a girl he loves. how unfair and cruel can life be
5. Percy, miraculously 31 years old, being dragged into ANOTHER war by the gods:
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1. she and her dad and step mom having some kind of miscommunication that ends with her running back to camp (or Percy, whatever) thinking that she’ll never talk to them ever again. I’m picturing her being about 15 maybe? I can’t remember all the issues she and her family had in canon but dskjfhdjshafjk if it’s bad enough, what if they don’t talk for years? what if Frederick and Step Mom never find out that she survived the end of the world? what if, when Frederick goes looking for Magnus, he goes looking for her too? he shows up at the Jackson’s door, and whether she’s there or not, hearing that her dad wants her…….that would be A Lot and she’d have to go back and reevaluate the argument that lead to her running away again and just have lots of emotions about it
2. I saw a fic recently where somehow (I didn’t read it :/) Annabeth didn’t end up falling into Tartarus, just Percy did. and I think this would ABSOLUTELY DESTROY HER. that’s her best friend, her boyfriend, her soulmate and he’s down there ALONE, for HER, because of her. who knows how he’s doing, and if he’ll make it out, and also leading a quest without him is super hard and it’s so difficult to sleep knowing he’s literally in hell, and she’s just falling apart with worry and fear
3. tbh after falling into hell, I think any kind of falling would be traumatic. so what if she falls off the lava wall? or like, Jason picks her up and flies? the first has happened a hundred times before & the second has def happened at least once, she shouldn’t be panicking so hard, but she is and she can’t stop it. the feeling of the air all around her just throws her right back into that moment, that gut wrenching agony and anticipation, waiting for the fall, waiting to land and either die or open her eyes in the worst place she will ever possibly be
4. Percy really dies when he blows up the volcano. first of all, the grief of him and what they could’ve had would be terrible and I imagine she would probably feel awful about going to Sally with her emotions, bc Sally lost her son and that has to be way worse. plus it’ll just remind her he’s dead. but even more so, suddenly the only person (that they know of) left to take on the curse is Nico...who won’t be 16 for several years, which they DON’T HAVE TIME FOR. Kronos is definitely rising sooner than that. Annabeth is a natural leader and tho it would probably take a little while for her to get back on her feet, she would take over what she had to/could, and. there are two options here: either Kronos rises and dies in basically the same way (Annabeth gets the Achilles’ Curse but her lifeline, Percy, is dead?????) and neither Annabeth or Nico is the prophecy kid, Jason is. but they don’t know that??? so Annabeth is haunted by this prophecy, wondering what the hell it means, and waiting anxiously until Nico turns 16 and NOTHING HAPPENS??? or, Kronos rises and Annabeth, furious w the gods who are barely helping or almost never saying anything, and also alone and vulnerable to Luke, switches sides :)
5. tbh... moving to New Rome. I don’t think she’d be able to live there without some issues, namely that it would feel wrong????? she’s a Greek? it’s not home? the architecture is off (she could do better, but if she says that, everyone will hate her EVEN MORE.) and there’s either no shrine to her mom, or it’s small and shitty like Neptune’s? plus she’d miss all of her friends and Chiron desperately? she’d be away from Sally and Paul, who are her and Percy’s main support system, and closer to her dad, who she’s not very trustful of? also how is she gonna be there without thinking about Leo accidentally firing on the place, which reminds her of the rest of the quest, which reminds her of falling into Tartarus. ?????????????? going there would do nothing but lead her to a small mental breakdown imo
send me a character and I’ll put them in 5 situations that’ll cause them maximum emotional anguish
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mandatoryfunday · 5 years
Bad Idea - a collective
Alright fandom, you took bad ideas, not-so-bright-ideas, and potentially okay ideas with the possibility of turning in the wrong direction and produced some great content! We’ve rounded it up for you here, so you can enjoy everyone’s poorly-thought-out plans (though many of them have very happy endings!)
Remember to leave the creators some love, and don’t forget to tag us! 
On The Run by @mormor-writes rated M
A bad idea by @crazycatt71 rated M
problem child by @verdantmoth rated G
Clint and his (not so terrible) ideas. by hopelessly_me rated T
Mission Chatter by LuvsAnime02 rated G
Half A Lovesong by Kidd_you_not rated G
And a late fill for the Winter Soldier Clint prompt:
Boom, Baby by CaliHart rated E
Thanks for playing, you guys are amazing!!! 
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ao3feed-hawkguy · 5 years
Holding to the Notion (i just want to be wanted)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IidMuU
by CaliHart
Bucky is more than done with getting set up on blind dates. When he gets accidentally rescued from a truly terrible one, he thinks he may have found a solution.
Words: 2507, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Winterhawk Week fics
Fandoms: Hawkeye (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Blind Date, Attempted Non-Consensual Drug Use, Deaf Clint Barton, Vomiting, None of that is graphic, This is a happy fic I swear, Food, Friendship, attempted date rape
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IidMuU
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Boom, Baby
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35e7Uvw
by CaliHart
The two of them were connected, he knew it. He didn’t know how he knew, but he did.
In which Hydra captured Clint and turned him into the second Winter Soldier
Words: 1282, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Clint Barton Bingo, Part 6 of Mandatory Fun Day
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton
Additional Tags: Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Clint Barton, Explosions, Semi-Public Sex, Explosion Kink, Intercrural Sex, Hand Jobs, Mildly Dubious Consent, due to brainwashing and lack of identity and knowledge of consent
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35e7Uvw
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winterhawk-week · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hawkeye (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Additional Tags: Blind Date, Attempted Non-Consensual Drug Use, Deaf Clint Barton, Vomiting, None of that is graphic, This is a happy fic I swear, Food, Friendship, attempted date rape Series: Part 2 of Winterhawk Week fics Summary:
Bucky is more than done with getting set up on blind dates. When he gets accidentally rescued from a truly terrible one, he thinks he may have found a solution.
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