#call me smaug the way i hoard fics
gentil-minou · 1 year
remember to save your fave fics guys hehe
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Okay okay so like, really weird and specific but I've just started my first job recently!(I'm so excited to keep making money) but like its really stressful and I'm so burnt out cuz I had to immediately start working 8 hour shifts with no training, so like how about smaug with a burnt out s/o preferably female??? Just pure fluff because I really need it!!!!! Please and thank you! Btw I love your work it makes me smile!!!!! (PS. I'm hoping I could get tagged in smaug content!) Okay okay I'm done now I love you!!!
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Hello! Not weird at all, I actually really enjoyed writing this request. I'm really sorry that your job is so stressful at the moment, I'm hoping it gets better for you. Also- Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my fics! I added you to the Smaug tag-list (you're the first!) and btw I love your profile picture. Demon Slayer is my favorite anime at the moment. I hope you enjoy!:
When you entered the hoard, Smaug knew something was wrong. The way your shoulders were tensed and eyes lowered in a half-lidded stare as you carefully took off your shoes said it all. Your smell shifted. No longer did you smell of honey and wildflowers, but now burnt petals and peppermint, a specific smell that Smaug knew you put off when you were feeling stressed or in emotional turmoil. Not that he’d ever tell you that, of course. 
“My treasure?” Smaug called out cautiously, frowning when you didn’t reply to him. 
After taking off your shoes, you threw your jacket into the makeshift hook by the ‘door’ as you made your way further into the hoard.
Not even realizing he attempted to talk to you before, you spoke a soft “I’m back, Smaug,” as if he wouldn’t realize your presence when you entered. 
“Treasure…” He murmured, voice laced with concern when you headed to the work-station you designed for yourself so you could work on your craft. Every day you got up before dawn, took all of your wares, packed them up, and then took them into Laketown to sell to the locals so you could then buy things that you needed such as new thread for repairing your clothing or special treats like candies. You wouldn’t dare risk using the gold of Smaug’s hoard. It was his hoard, after all. 
It was all becoming too much though, Smaug knew that much as you sat down and closed your eyes, mentally preparing yourself to work extra hard so tomorrow wouldn’t be as emotionally taxing. 
“You’re done for tonight,” Smaug spoke simply as he lifted you off your work seat, cradling you to his chest as he walked to your shared nest. 
“Wuh… Smaug, no I can’t, I need to work-” 
As he sat you down, suddenly a taloned finger sat against your bottom lip as Smaug shushed you, golden eyes hardened into a glare. “You are working too much,” He announced before shuffling you around so he could lay next to you. 
“You are my mate,” Smaug began after a moment of silence.  “It is my duty to take care of you, and I always will, even if it means protecting you from your own self.” 
His words made your heart flutter as you looked over to him, amused that you found his eyes shut as he held you close. 
“I need to work though, Smaug,” You attempted to argue, but your body melting into his side told him you had already given up the urge to work until you couldn’t stay awake. 
“No, you don’t,” He huffed, burying his face against your neck. “I don’t know what started these thoughts, but you are mine to care for, and whatever you need I will provide.” 
“There’s plenty of gold in this hoard for you to buy whatever you need, little treasure,” Smaug’s lips pressed to your neck in a kiss, not one of lust or desire, but of gentle reassurance. 
“But that’s your hoard?” 
“Hoards can be replenished, what is necessary is that my mate is well taken care of.” His words left with no room for arguing as you began to run your fingers through his hair. 
“Take a day off, stay with me,” To outsiders it would be a demand, but the lifting at the edge of his voice told you it was a request, to stay with him, to truly think about the hell you were putting yourself through before attempting it again. 
“I will,” You promised, pressing a kiss to his temple. 
Your scent shifted, not as burnt smelling as before as you fully relaxed in the nest. You didn’t even realize how neglectful you had been to yourself this whole time, your body feeling like a thousand tons had finally lifted off of it as for the first night in a week you finally allowed yourself to rest. 
Smaug may be many things, but a neglectful mate will never be one of them. 
Please note: Tags in bold are blogs that wouldn't come up for tagging, please check your blog visibility setting as if you have it where your blog visibility is off, no one can tag you in things! Thanks!
Forever Tag @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien @ten-tenya-iida @legolaslovely @bthtallmadge2 @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms @cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein
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compo67 · 6 years
the four seasons
i’m at my mom’s tonight. i kind of want to see if i can figure out the tv in her room (my room?), but i’m also tired and lazy. maybe i’ll just listen to the soundtrack to A Chef’s Table. 
it’s Chilean independence weekend!
the actual day is tuesday :D
my mom’s friends made empanadas and they were... sad. :(
i saw sweet corn in the fridge so that means my mom is gonna be making pastel de choclo. not my favorite dish, but she makes it tasty.
work was super busy yesterday evening. D:
we were in voicemail all night and so many of my calls took 30 minutes instead of the usual 10 or 15. i was exhausted
today was better? i think? the calls weren’t as long, but idk
i got my new pedal exerciser!!! i was searching for a way to work out at home (because every gym organizes things by gender sigh) that was also easy on my joints and that i could do without over extending my joints
i love it so far. i did 21 miles on the 3rd resistance setting :D
it was easy to do during and in between calls
and the machine thingy is super quiet
i also started using myfitnesspal again because i fell off the wagon after surgery and while i was on prednisone
my dad and i went to trader joe’s this morning before my shift
i’m trying to follow a sort of ketogenic diet
except damn y’all that diet is tough because even fruits and veggies are super restricted 
patreon messed up and i couldn’t access last month’s payout until two days ago... 12 days after i usually get everything squared away
so i’ve been unable to pay for a bunch of things but i finally go to go buy groceries thank fuck
and i can pay the water bill now, bless
i had enough in my account to pay for my car insurance, but then that left me with barely anything
we are all speculating what our merit increases will be this year
i’m hoping it’s $500/hr increases, but you know.... i won’t hold my breath
but i feel like since we just won a grant, maybe we should at least get a dollar an hour raise??? 
working part-time has been really, really good for my mental and physical health, but my financial health is like hey... little help here
but i am super grateful that i hoarded gift cards from christmas like smaug 
my friend from the city is visiting tomorrow! :D
i started writing an android!Jared/mechanic!Jensen fic because i have no self control or discipline 
it’s a one shot, and based off a prompt
who knows if i’ll finish it but yesssssss
i’ve made progress on my student/teacher fic, which pleases me. and i have a clear idea for the next boat chapter
i just need to... you know... write
my sister and i had portillo’s tonight
i got an italian beef, dipped, with cheese
then when we got home, i just ate the meat and cheese
which was good, but also sad
okay i should go wash off this LUSH face mask stuff
g’night! <3
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