#call of cthulu rp
rpersearch · 7 months
Hi hi hiiiiiiiiii aaaaaaall so I don’t really have a good introduction, mainly because I go by nicknames… aahahhhhh lol but I’m an 18+ F (very gender apathetic tho) looking for other 18+ ppl who wanna RP some dark shyieeeeeet.
So I do have a few expectations for my RP partners that I hope aren’t too much!!
-pls be kind and patient
-I would like a mini paragraph, so like 10 lines tops (but it’s also cool if you can do more)
-communicate with me, even if it’s just a little bit!! I promise im friendly, just a little shy and awkward!
-I really only RP OC x CC, it’s just what I’m comfortable with :p I also only do doubles since it’s fair and I’m a people pleaser-
-you might have to be comfortable with a few dark themes (ofc tell me your limits and stuff! I have limits too, and I want us both to be comfortable!)
Now here’s what you’ll be expecting from me:
-there’s a slight probability I might make art of your OC’s XD
-I make 1x1 RP servers on Discord (it’s easier to manage that way :3)
-I might be a little nervous at first, that’s because I don’t often RP with other people (I’ve had too many bad experiences in the past)
-I DONT MASK ON THE INTERNET🗣️🗣️ I’m sorry, I might come off as a little too muchhh😖
-I might go a bit overboard with my responses, idk if that’ll be a good thing with you or not but don’t worry about giving me a really detailed response!!
Something I’ve been wanting to RP for some time now:
Fallout4 (this one will have plenty of dark themes, it’s Fallout after all! I’d like it if my partner could play as Paladin Danse :3)
Call of Cthulhu (this one will also have plenty of dark themes, because of Call of Cthulhu ofc! I’d like it if my partner could play as Edward Pierce)
Infamous (this one probably won’t be as dark as the others, but still contains some themes. I’d like it if my partner could play as Cole MacGrath)
Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea (This one will also ofc contain plenty of dark themes since it’s Bioshock! I’d like it if my partner could play as Booker DeWitt)
Assassin’s Creed (this one won’t be as dark as the other ones, but still will contain themes!! I’d like it if my partner could play as Shay Cormac, Alexios/Kassandra, whichever one they’d like :3)
If you read this far tysm!! If you’re still interested, pls send a friend request over to currentjoyz on Discord!
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ondragonhonour · 2 years
How on earth do you get online ttrpg players that are ready to just go apeshit. I’ve got backgrounds, I’ve got costumes. Lemme set up my camera and be the dramatic player or keeper of my dreams
Players who live for the drama. For the storytelling. Who just become enveloped in it. Gimme those players
Sure we’re online. Sure that makes it a bit awkward. But only if you let it.
Where is the passion for imagination
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ekrixart · 4 months
This is a pretty random question about your OC Eddie. How did him and Benny met by any chance? And how did their relationship progress?
Their initial meeting or dynamic is really loose since we frequently use them as characters to rp in call of cthulu games and the set up is always different. Sometimes theyre meeting as crew members in a heist, sometimes they're trying to escape a death game, etc.
The general gist of their relationship is that after whatever their initial meeting was Eddie lets Benny crash at his apartment and Benny takes that as an invitation to come and go whenever he wants. Benny frequently works as a getaway driver or thief and is perpetually on the run but uses Eddie's place as a sort of pit stop where it's one of the very few stable places to rely on. Eddie has a dead end job at some corporate office and while Benny's antics are incredibly frustrating and erratic theyre also the rare moments Eddies able to have fun and feel alive. They don't have any official title and their dynamic kinda formed naturally from annoying bickering to content instability. If someone asked if they were together I doubt either would be able to give a solid or consistent response
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alienssstufff · 1 year
yes please share more oc art, i was just thinking the other day i'd like to see more of that planet jabberwock guy :3c
WHWH GLADLY!!! My boy has been through so much ;w; [first concepts here]
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These two (Usagi and Cthulu) are the guys I rp as. Usagi was sent from the planet Jabberwock to Earth (as he calls: The Blue Marble) on a mission undisclosed. Cthulu is also there - she is very small and managed to sneak into the ship he was put in last minute... She is also the brains of the team now that Usagi has amnesia.
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fuck-mcgee · 1 year
!! Roleplay call !!
Idk I’m bored and have had an itch for a while even tho doing this is kinda embarrassing 💀💀
BUT I’m looking for ppl to rp with ! First off for the love of GOD adults only obviously. I mainly do ocs/love doing self insert stuff! And have a way of doing it so we can both be self indulgent with canon characters HDKFJ and obvi Ide love to do creepypasta/slenderverse ! I’ve had most experience with slenderverse/writing habit esp but am happy with writing (almost?)any, but I fully admit I may be rusty with most characters. Ide be excited to get back into it/relearn them tho! :0
and I’m always open to hearing your takes on various canon characters too.
Idk either way u can message me here or on main page Cthulus-trophy-twink
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entamewitchlulu · 4 months
this is so far ahead of me in this webnovel project but sometimes i think about (curse of strahd spoilers, i guess???)
how the canon curse of strahd ending is either the whole party dies, or you defeat strahd and free barovia but it only lasts for like 5 months and then strahd fucking just resurrects and it starts over again lol.
i get that this is a horror themed adventure so a happy ending isn't necessarily on the table, but to me as a dnd player that would make me feel so like, what was even the point if the only ending is "strahd still wins and all the stuff you did was meaningless"? that's not a roleplaying experience imo, if no matter what you do it's always the same answer. that works in a novel or a movie, but in a roleplaying experience you have to feel like you're affecting something.
i think it's still perfectly possible to make a good horror rp experience that HAS that sense of hopelessness to it, but i personally don't think D&D is the format for it. D&D is overall a hero fantasy. People play it in order to tell stories about going on a journey with your friends and overcoming great challenges to finally obtain victory.
for a truly dark horror story, you'd want to use a system like call of cthulu - and even those modules i've looked into give you more of a sense that at least something has changed by the end, that you had choices that mattered. (but ofc like 50% of ppl who play d&d will have a heart attack if you suggest trying a different game system lol. this is a call out post to me like two years ago specifically)
for strahd the only choice that really seems to matter is whether you saved Ireena, and even her ending fucking sucks because she just suddenly at the end of the story gets all her memories of being Tatyana and prances off to the afterlife with Sergei which seems like. a total stripping of her autonomy lol.
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pumpkinpyre · 1 year
I see you have many role playing blogs, have you ever player D&D or other rules heavy tabletop rpg's? If yes: how often? Or if you stopped why? If never: why not?
shows up 3 days late with no wifi
A couple of times, once with one close friend and once when I was on a trip to visit a bunch of RP buddies together. Though the latter wound up being more drinking games than anything. I think with the first one we played that one Cthulu board game? idk it's been more than a decade.
D&D itself I gave a shot to a trimmed down version, since all the rules and numbers were a little intimidating when I was used to a more loosey goosey attitude to RP. And it still was too much. We were in a skype call and using that one website whose name I'm always forgetting for the board itself and man it made my head spin. I could barely keep up with what was going on and being said, let alone process and reply in character. It's just too quick for me. Maybe if I tried out a small scale one where we typed instead of talked but eh. I think that sort of thing is just a little beyond my nuerodivergent head. That's okay tho I like coming at it from a more writing standpoint than game standpoint.
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mysticbreadboi · 2 years
Dear #Wizardsofthecoast, I have been playing DnD for upwards of 7 years. And in my time I have never seen you do anything so repulsive, reckless, and damagingcome 2 your community as you have done with this recent change of the gaming license. Due to said choices, I am removing myself from your fan base and your wallet. I understand the need for protecting the fan base, but when the protection Becomes controlled and it is no longer protection. You have taken a game that is supposed to bring creativity and joy And made it a source of misery and pain for so many. I believe that Gary guygax has officially hit 25000 RPM in his grave because of the bullshit that you all are pulling.
Now, to all fans of RP g's and tabletop RP g's. I implore you to find new systems. To boycott the D and D books. Branch yourself out! Play Pathfinder or Call of Cthulu but do not Your money to the people who claim to peddle creativity but instead peddle nothing but restriction. Hell, I know I said I would never stoop this low, but I even recommend playing the Power Rangers RPG over Dungeons & Dragons. Do not attend anymore Comic-Con's. Do not Go to see the new Dungeons & Dragons movie when it releases. Wizards of the Coast has made it very clear that they do not care about our feelings, but instead care only about their bottom line. And thus as we are a capitalist society the only power we have to stop this is to close our wallets and open them for a new source.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
🎃🎃🎃: do you have any favorite brainstorming techniques? how do you like to gather ideas for your wip/verses/ships/etc?
Porch Talk || Accepting
Oh boy, in the most Quantum Leap sense of the words. This is hard because my partners are always an inspiration, and I love them and their muses like I love my own children, and can immerse myself in whatever fictional reality we've built. So sometimes my most tried and true way of getting through a bout of writer's block or rp paralysis, is using my tarot deck {The Llewellyn tarot imagery is based around the Mabinogion, and Welsh-prominent Celtic mythology}. I'll give them a good shuffle while considering where I am at in the story/post, draw one or more as needed as sort of a guide. Sometimes, if that doesn't do it for me {and it usually does}, I'll dive into my bookshelves. Rabbit is fond of the programmer's saying of "garbage in, garbage out", and if I haven't read in a while, this usually renews my inspiration and imagination, especially if what I am consuming has to do with the fandom or genre I am writing. When it comes to ships, I'm more music oriented. I have a huge range of tastes from classical, to rap, to heavy metal, to country. Music and words are constantly on when I am writing, and every partner has at least one playlist of inspirational music, movie clips, etc. that I constantly update. Same could be said with verses and genres, music is a huge part of it. As is reading genre adjacent materials. Sometimes this can be detrimental because I do have ADHD and can sometimes hyperfocus. And then, if all else fails...and you're probably going to laugh, but. Hear me out. So over my lifetime I've collected huge troves of table-top role-playing games; everything White Wolf published before they fell to the Wyrm and published their 'new' world of darkness. And then again when Onyx Publishing decided to put out their 20th anniversary lines. 2nd, 3.5, and unfortunately, 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons before I just gave up or was saved by Paizo's Pathfinder, which was everything good about 3.5 with a new setting and heroes. Call of Cthulu, etc. I'll pour through some source materials/campaign books/splat books, etc... and choose a scene or scenario and then twist it onto its side, change details as needed, and voila! A new post or RP chapter.
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fairythreads · 4 years
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Buttoned patchwork, thread that’s tied in knots             Hand-sew everything with kind intention                   Liquid sound waves pour from my eyes                                    My heart cries out to you in desperation
Low activity
OC/Canon/Fan character Friendly.
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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Henry: “Wait, does this mean Joey is an eldritch horror now? Does Henry have to unward all the doors for Joey to get around the studio?”  Lore Master: “I feel like if he was infused with the stone, he’d maybe register on that scale, but instead it’s more like he poured a bunch of himself into the stone…” Joey: “Yeah, I think Joey just lost stuff to the stone. He actually hasn’t really gained… Anything?? If he DID gain anything, I think he’d be more okay with it happening now, but because all that happened was Joey became weak--” Jack: “Joey doesn’t count as an eldritch horror, but the rock now classes as a human.”
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Tell Me, Have You Seen The Yellow Sign? scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
🌙 Call of Cthulhu Season Two Masterpost 🌙 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
Here we finally are. Epilogue time. “Not much happens in this episode” I said and then proceeded to write like.... 9 times more than I meant to.  SO WELL HERE IT IS. THIS IS ACTUALLY CUT DOWN SOME I RUSHED THE ENDING;;;;
Jack and Grace have a short talk before she hands off the first aid kit and then goes to talk with her daughter more about things that transpired. In private. Jack does take a quick detour to find where Norman is, mostly to make sure he didn’t end up as a monster, or in carcosa, or dead. Indeed, Norman spots Jack right away and is, for the most part, fine. Apparently himself and most everyone there has minimal retention of the events which is… probably for the best.
Jack returns to the room and tries to patch up the hurt members of the party, including Joey who is still unconscious. He’s somewhat successful, but there’s some things he can’t slap a bandage on, like Henry’s lack of strength. Meanwhile, Prophet is pacing around, trying to insist from nobody in particular an answer to what he’s supposed to do now, Bendy himself chasing behind him and offering “poisoned” suggestions based off his time in the studio. Eventually Prophet steps out into the house to see if he can find any leftover ink at all, though nothing makes sense in this place now and his mind is fading… Jack ends up following Prophet, just to make sure he doesn’t get into trouble, or get Sammy into trouble, but he seems to just be… walking around without purpose. When a supportive gesture is offered by Jack, Prophet tells him not to trust the others, especially not Joey… Which uh. He will keep that in mind (he’s gonna trust them and there’s nothing you can do about it bucko,)
Jack finds a bench for them to sit on and soon Prophet ends up passing out, leaning on Jack. Knowing that Bendy is with them and that… well, neither Henry, Joey nor Pete will be going anywhere any time soon, Jack decides to stay with Sam until he wakes up.
Joey has at least woken up now, though makes absolutely no attempt to move in the slightest. Instead he just lays there, stewing in realization of what he did while out of his mind… This result wasn’t his plan, and it wasn’t what he would have chosen if he… could. But somehow he ended up here anyways, and while things are not the worst they could be…. Coming to terms with his own mortality? Isn’t a thing Joey is used to doing. Or comfortable with doing, either, frankly. 
Bendy checks in on Henry to make sure he’s not dead… when Henry confirms he is alive yet still unable to move and do things as simple as pat Bendy’s head, Bendy does the service of ruffling Henry’s hair instead. Joey finally manages to speak up, and asks where Sammy is, since, last he was aware, Prophet wasn’t doing too well  or making the best decisions. Once told that he was with Jack, Joey gives a quick ‘thank you’ and falls silent again.
After some prodding from Bendy though, he does get a bit chatty.
“Is it over?”
“I don’t know,” Henry replies.
“At least the doors are working, like doors,” Bendy also replies.
“Aw, I was just getting used to the last ones. Kind of fun, being able to just walk into the room you’re thinking about going to at a whim.”
Sammy wakes up, and immediately flinches his face behind his hands when he realizes where he is, feeling for Ink in the area and… finding none. Jack starts to assure him about the current state of things, helping him up and guiding him back to the room they left the others in… but also informing him that there is a lot to catch up on.
Upon entering the room and seeing that the Lurker is Himself and Only himself and looking fine, Sammy perks up some. Though Bendy immediately declares that Joey did something really dumb, which isn’t surprising. Joey is still simply laying on his back on the floor, having made no move to change position post gaining consciousness. 
Jack takes this time when Prophet isn’t running around in Sammy’s injured body to patch up his arm, and also tends to Peter’s broken leg with a splint. How refreshing to tend to a wound that’s not caused by some weird magic or eldritch creature. 
Sammy does go over to Joey  and demands to know what he did, to which Joey simply replies, “I did what Bendy said, a stupid decision. I re-aligned the stone to myself.”
Sammy blinks at him for a moment, before asking “What the hell does that even mean?”
At which point Joey’s eyes actually snap open and stare at him as he very starkly declares, “I don’t know! I don’t know what I was thinking… I thought I could save you-- and everyone…”
There’s a beat before Sammy mumbles “You idiot,” then kneels down and hugs him.
Checking in with Henry, Sammy tries a new approach since “what happened” seems too complicated of a question, and asks instead, “is there anything I should know.”
Henry manages a “probably?” and Bendy ACTUALLY helps out and fills in, “he can’t move.” There it is.
Fowler’s wife finally wanders back in the room, and has a moment of reconsidering her decision before going forwards with it and bringing up that there is still an entire house of party guests getting their heads back in order and trying to figure out what’s going on… or where the party went. On top of that, Grace and kid both have been… presumably dead?? For the last few years? So it’s not gonna be great for her to wander around and send people home. 
Joey says he’ll deal with it, though ends up needing Sammy’s help to get around due to being so weak. A lot of it is done just through Boss Voice and cutting down anyone who dares talk back to him. Jack stays back with Henry, though let’s Sammy and Joey know where Norman was last seen. Joey is also violently tearing down any and all decorations he can get to as he goes by them. Eventually they find Norman just sitting on a bench out back, where Jack had mentioned. Joey informs him that he will vouch for Norman if he wants to stick around, but otherwise, now is a great time to be leaving. Trenchcoat says he’ll rest there for a bit if it’s okay and, if y’all need a ride, you know where he’s at.
While continuing to throw people out, a woman with horns shows up behind Joey at taps him on the shoulder-- Oh wait, it’s just Allison with a bow in her hair. She’s also got a bag of plenty of stolen magical looking notes and what not, at least on the surface. There also seems to be some… leaking packages? Maybe don’t wanna know what’s in that bag actually.  She asks to speak with Joey alone, which while both Joey and Sammy are squinty about this, curiosity about her findings overrides logical worry at this point. Joey agrees, though gives Sammy a look of ‘don’t stray far,’ before following her into a small side room. 
Of course she asks him about his less than good condition, which Joey ends up answering technically honestly; he removed the yellow king from the stone, and sometimes things have prices. She smiles and says With the house cleared out, the boys head back upstairs. Grace has a private doctor on the way to look at some of the injuries and determine if a hospital is needed, since they’d all rather skip that if they could. Joey tries to ask Grace about Fowler, but she’s not quite comfortable about repeating her husband’s final words right in front of their daughter. That said, Estelle does remind Joey that she was promised that she could break the scepter. Joey says he will make sure she can do so, but first he just wants to see if there’s anything else they need it for, going off with help to check the rooms that the cultists had populated during all of this. Most who remained seem to be lackeys, who are happy to scram when given the chance, and none of the major players, or the snake, seem to be around anymore. Most notes are also missing, probably grabbed by Alison. 
Though now that they found the guest rooms have actual beds, Sammy moves Henry and Peter into there. Henry attempts to be not just dead weight, though ends up wiggling enough that it just makes it harder for Sammy to carry him with the hurt arm. Jack does inform Sammy about what happened with Peter, and a plan is made to go check out in the swamp when they can since, if Pete was able to get back on his own he should have been able to by now.
Meanwhile, Bendy and Henry actually get to catch up some, including more moments of Henry attempting to do his normal comforting gestures and Bendy going to give hugs in return to make up for it, which Henry actually manages to find the strength to return.
Joey has poured over any remaining notes he can, found nothing helpful or useful about the staff, but is at least rather sure that no harm will come of breaking it. They also check it one more time in the  projector, only seeing into the city… While maybe that’s a way to get Fowler back, who knows what else they could bring into the world, and nobody is prepared for that anyways. Joey invites Estelle over and asks her if she wants to throw it off the balcony with him and watch it burst into a million pieces on the floor below. She thinks that’s a great idea and they wander off to do that.
Grace takes this time to chat with the others, and get filled in on what all… actually happened, from an outside perspective. Unfortunately, Henry has passed out, and Jack and Sammy don’t really have full pictures of the circumstances, but they try their best. When Grace asks if they think Fowler can make it out of Carcosa, they bring up that some have been pulled out through the lake, but that was a different set up and they’re not sure if it’s possible for Fowler? But… they can try. Grace thanks them and leaves to go get the doctor from downstairs who has knocked on the door, and while there’s a moment, Sammy lets Bendy and Jack know that maybe he shouldn’t be talking to people… because most of the information he gave to Grace might have come out in a manic ramble instead of a crafted explanation. 
Estelle and Joey find a place they can throw it and watch it break, and after Estelle does the first toss, tells Joey he should go check and make sure it’s nice and broken. Joey gets a high five from her first before telling her she needs to stick around because if there’s any large pieces left, she should throw them again. Though Joey really shouldn’t be getting this much exercise right now, and while he’s pretending to be perfectly fine in the child's presence, he does end up needing to lean in on the wall and breathe heavily during his entire trip down and back up the stairs. The first trip he manages to make it back with some more chunks of crystal for her to toss, but on the second trip he ends up needing to sit down at the bottom of the stairs, unable to recover enough to climb them. Estelle does show up when Joey takes too long, and attempts to help him up the stairs… and while normally he’d be fussy about such a thing being done for him, he lets it happen with her.
While they hang out on the balcony and toss pieces of crystal on the floor below, Joey asks Estelle about her time in carcosa, which she’s rather excited to actually get to express her emotions (mostly anger at Doc Moonlight, which Joey is so on board with) about it all. Joey does start telling her about how he did punch Moonlight square in the face once, as well as continue to weave a more child friendly story of how their group repeatedly foiled Moonlights plans and beat him up, easily edging into more of a cartoon version of it all. 
Estelle asks if he has a real Bendy. Joey pulls a, “don’t you know who I am?” before introducing himself as the creator of the Bendy cartoons, though also letting her know it’s our company secret, so now he is trusting in her to keep it too!
The doctor is lead to Henry first, and declares that he has extreme blood loss and really should get a transfusion at a hospital. Grace is willing to lend a car, after everything these boys have done for them, she can at least give that up, so the only question now is who is driving, and also staying with Henry in case his blood starts glowing he can get out of there asap. 
The decision is put on Sammy, since he is the one person able to actually heft Henry around. Jack and Joey head out to the swamp (though Joey immediately passes out while going through the door, because he still doesn't think magic can hurt him) with Peter’s body, and Peter is able to actually get back inside his physical self, immediately hugging Jack once he does. He was indeed unable to go thru the door on his own. Norman’s already out here trying to get Avadon out of the hut he’s trapped in, which Bendy helps with. Also grab Avadon I guess. I think. Also they check the lake and… yeah, no Fowler. Anyways. They get back and Norman drives Peter back to his home, as well as Joey and Jack back to the hotel. Sammy has a terrible time driving Henry to the hospital, and ends up staying up all night during the transfusion to make sure nothing goes wrong, but does get them both back to the hotel come morning, and passes out in… the same bed Joey and Jack are sleeping in together now, after putting Henry in his own bed and seeing that Bendy has made a pillow nest on the bed Jack was using prior.
From here, a lot of things go quickly yet slowly. The rest of the vacation is spent more like a vacation, resting up, as Joey refuses to head home until he is able to move around on his own. A lot of cuddling and physical contact happens between all the boys as they try to recover from the traumas they faced, though Joey is a bit cautious of getting too close to Henry until he knows it’s safe to do so again. (safe as in, he’s not going to pushy the Henry into never being at his side again by being too… pushy.) Some study in attempts to bring back Fowler happen, but it becomes clear quite quickly that there’s not much to be done. Jack catches up with Peter again, who is recovering and finding ways to cover all this up. There’s some time where the music boys get to enjoy the sounds of the city, Henry gets to check in with the Fowler Family and his own… And then they all get on a train and head back home, not really being able to do much more than that.
After all, they’re just an animation studio, and someone needs to get back to making these stupid cartoons.
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost (coming soon.)
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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This time, things in the Cthulhu game started with the Lurker (aka Bendy) getting attacked by intruders to the Studio, and apparently Sammy was in prophet mode at the time and tried very fervently to save him??? He has no memory of this. 
Anyway Bendy, survived, but is not doing great, so OBVIOUSLY we’re off on ANOTHER “research” trip to try to recover the occult artefact that was stolen in order to help him...
Jack’s a bit overwhelmed by all this but we’ve dragged him along with us anyway!!
(Joey is @inkyvendingmachine, Jack is @whatyouwantedmetosee )
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giggling-grindylow · 4 years
Provide, Provoke, Posses
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[ What are You willing to sacrifice for ꀘꋊꄲꅐ꒒ꏂ꒯ꍌꏂ ?]
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ekrixart · 2 months
im so curious about Cupid, i rly love his design! if you dont mind answering – would you say hes good at his job? i know you said hes pretty much a conman but i was wondering if he at all knows what hes doing
I'd say he does, yeah- He was originally used in a call of cthulu rp and his schtick was that while he's very much a conman and often sells services that aren't worth the price he does still do his best to offer that service. He's good at reading people, playing off others and good with banter which allows for a personable and charismatic attitude and an ability to set people up together fairly naturally. He's sleazy and offputting but in a way that elevates those around him by putting himself down. He does his best not to make any enemies or screw others over or fall into debt but working in the business usually means making a lot of connections, with a lot of those connections being shadier than others.
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chaos-storm · 4 years
Call Of Cthulhu Quote Of The Day
Me: “Mother, can we borrow your car?”
Player/ In-game mother: “The pimp mobile?! Do you know how many BITCHES I can fit in this?!”
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thessalian · 4 years
Thess vs Organisation
New gaaaaaaaaaames!
Also new handbag. Honestly, not sure which I like more. I am Adulting, maybe. Or maybe I just have that whole late Gen-X / early Millennial thing of really appreciating good utilitarian Stuff.
So, yeah, a couple of my Christmas gifts this year were slightly deferred owing to parental confusion. Late this morning, my stepfather dropped by with the two bits that had to be a bit late - Steam gift cards (£40 worth), and new handbag.
The new handbag is great - fits my Kindle, pocket in the front for my phone (which also serves as my commute-music machine), and even two separate main pouches. I’ve divided them up well for my needs, I think. So I have one for the utilitarian, “I’m in and out of that pouch all the time” stuff - wallet, keys, Oyster card, Kindle. The other pouch is “needful but circumstantial” stuff - tissues, tampons, lip balm, various meds (because I need to carry around a lot of those; Lactaid, painkillers, antacids for if I’m not reacting well to NSAIDs, which happens).
Jae’s Handy Haversack, folks.
New games, though - the £40 of Steam wallet card came just in time to take advantage of the Christmas Steam sale, with some extra thrown in from “We will throw money at you for making nice things” now that I don’t need that money to ... y’know, just plain survive. So I picked up the following:
Call of Cthulu (wish list item; also because one of my guys wanted me to have it and couldn’t give it to me so it had to be done)
Nier: Automata (wish list item; I’m interested to see what Squeenix does with something that’s not Final Fantasy)
Solasta Crown of the Magister (wish list item; I’m bound to find one of these “let’s make a single player tabletop experience but in a VIDEO GAME” things I actually like)
Undertale (wasn’t on my wish list but it was on serious sale and I hear good things)
House Flipper (look, building simulators and the like are my Zen jam, okay?)
Four fairly random hidden object games (because anxiety sufferers gotta Zen)
Not bad for a little over £60, huh? Particularly given that the same amound would get you maybe one shiny new game, maybe plus its DLC, at the current moment. I’ll spare you the rant about the games industry for now; that deserves its own post, and anyway, I have shit to do today.
Okay, part of it might be a nap. Not only are my sinuses hating me right now, I go back to work tomorrow, I have D&D tonight, I had other RP stuff last night until late and had to be up early to at least be up and dressed when my stepfather turned up, and I’d rather not start my first workday of 2021 underslept. Also roasting up my pork loin picked up in Glorious Shop yesterday and a trip to the shops to pick up something potato-ish for said roast pork.
I am Organised. Yay.
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