#callie is happier than ever with you
141trash · 8 months
rating: sfw (brief mentions of sex, but no graphic anything)
Captain John Price x Reader
AN: Somehow this ended up with very little actual Price in it, but I have plans and he will be more prominent. I just have word vomit rn and needed to get everything down
imagine having a one time fling with Price after your husband leaves you for another one because you just can't seem to get pregnant and he wants a family.
It was a good romp, he was a bit gruff, but was super sweet afterwards with the aftercare. he even stayed to buy you breakfast the next morning. Months later you've been focused on yourself, getting your life together and learning what it means to move on.
Only you've been feeling rather ill the last couple days. And then you remember you're late. Which isn't entirely unusual, sometimes you miss a period when you're stressed and the last couple months finding your feet have been stressful. Still you go to the doctors and its there you remember your night with Price, definitely can't remember if he used a condom or not, and you know you hadn't been on birth control since previously you'd been trying for a baby.
Oops you're pregnant.
The timeline fits that it's his and not your now ex-husband's and part of you is instantly hugely relieved about that.
You leave the doctor's office in a bit of a daze. It doesn't sink in until you're stumbling your way into the cafe you own/manage and you promptly dissolve into a fit of tears in the backroom, much to your teeny bopper part timer's utter horror.
Pregnant. You're fucking pregnant. You're elated, over the moon because you had always wanted kids. (yeah adoption's a thing, but in some places its really hard to adopt if you're single and you weren't ready for another relationship after the last trainwreck). You're also fucking terrified because holy shit you have no plan. Nothing is ready. You live in a tiny flat in the city with one bedroom because why would you need more than that?
Your friend appears in the back room as your mind is going a million miles a minute, turns out your part timer had panicked and called her. You breakdown again in her arms and tell her the news. She reminds you that you're not alone even though you're not in a relationship and that you will have all the support that you need.
With her help you start to prepare for the baby. Things move quickly, you're so busy getting things ready, searching for a larger flat, buying things, filling your head with every single bit of parenting knowledge you can get your head on. All your regular customers say that you're glowing, they've never seen you happier.
You've recorded every little thing since finding out you were pregnant. kept print outs of every scan. More than once you find yourself staring out the window, guiltily wondering about whether or not Price would have wanted to know. Not that you have any way of contacting him. You knew he was military, from the dog tags he'd had hanging around his neck, but not much more.
The first time you feel the baby kicking is when you're in the middle of a shift. Its the slow time of day so you're cleaning up the tables when you gasp suddenly. The girl behind the counter is by your side in an instant, babbling questions making sure you're okay. She's sweet and like your friend has been beside you since you found out.
"I'm fine Cally. The baby kicked." you announce, beaming brightly. She squeals and begs to be allowed to feel next time the baby kicks. Before you can do more the bell above the door dings and you both automatically turn, your customer service smiles back on. Only.
"John?" Your mouth drops open in surprise. Standing there looking oddly sheepish is the man you hadn't thought you'd ever see again. The man whose baby was currently kicking as if demanding your attention.
His eyes sweep over you appreciatively, though when he sees your obvious pregnancy he freezes. The shock of seeing him makes your legs weak. Cally lets out a panicked yelp when you knees buckle, but he's already darting forward, catching your arms gently and helping you to a seat.
"Careful there sweetheart." he says and god does that warm your chest. You remember the last time you heard him say that, it had been when you'd bumped into him in the bar.
"What are you doing here?" you ask breathlessly as Cally scurries off to get you a drink and he glances at you for permission before pulling a chair up next to you.
"Remembered you talking about your dream of opening a café. When i got back to town I spotted the name nd wondered if it was just a coincidence." he tells you, but you can see his eyes keep drifting towards your stomach. He's obviously trying to figure out if its his. But it takes a moment for you to respond because you can't believe that he remembered that. It'd been an offhanded comment you'd made while the two of you had been enjoying late night takeout before going at it another round.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts you put a hand over his, biting your lip, "Listen. I. I don't want you to feel obligated or anything. I would have told you sooner only I didn't have any way to contact you."
"It's mine." he says for you. You nod, cursing inwardly when tears start to sting your eyes.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself.
"Like I said. I'm doing fine. I don't expect anything from you. I've got a plan. I'm looking for bigger flats."
He stares at you in silence, expression unreadable. You worry for a minute about what he's going to say. You've been prone to overthinking everything since becoming pregnant and now suddenly having the father of your child reappearing in your life. It's a lot.
John squeezes your hand gently halting the panic as you look back up at him.
"I would very much like to be able to meet the kid when they get here. If you'd let me." he tells you hesitantly, "Being in the Military I don't know how often I'd be able to be around, but if you let me I'd like to be in their life."
All of your emotions flood you like a tidal wave at his confession. You burst into tears, letting him pull you into a firm, but careful hug.
"Yes. Of course. I just didn't want you to feel like I was pressuring you. You have every right to know them too." You promise tearfully, smiling at him as he thumbs the tears from your cheeks.
He insists on exchanging numbers so he can contact you and in case you need anything. He won't always be able to answer, but he promises to do his best. Then he bashfully asks if you'll tell him about what's happened so far. Shyly you tell him you've written the entire experience and kept the scans.
He eventually leaves you to get back to work, but the copy of the ultrasound photos you kept in your wallet is tucked into his jacket pocket and he promised to meet you at your flat for dinner and to collect your pregnancy journal so he can catch up on everything.
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heknowshisherbs · 1 year
"i never loved you" / "i'll never love you"
pairing: musical!beetlejuice x reader warnings: cursing, beej is uhh,,,, Not Nice™ word count: 1,003 author's note: i believe this was for a request based on a list of prompts i had posted? like i said, i'm rebuilding this blog from the ground up, but i will try my best to give as much context as i can. as always, i hope you enjoy! ◡̈
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Beetlejuice never stayed put for long; he constantly bounced from place to place trying to find someone, anyone, who could see him and say his name. He’d made it around the world three times before he finally found someone-- in the middle-of-nowhere Massachusetts of all places. He had been holed up in some rickety old house, and was doing pretty well for himself, thank you very much, until some breathers moved in; they’d just graduated from college and were planning on fixing up the house. Great. There were five of them, each one more unbearable than the last— so it seemed. The last breather to move in, a girl, was different.
He’d noticed a change in atmosphere the moment she entered the house, and was drawn to her immediately. He spent his days following her around the house, going wherever she went. He watched her eat, watched her sleep. He knew the exact pitch of her soft snores and the sounds she made in her most intimate moments late at night, with her hands between her legs when she thought she was alone. She thought.
Beetlejuice noticed she’d always look over her shoulder, and at first he chalked it up to paranoia but then he realized she could feel him in the room. He wasted no time in trying to see how long it would take for her to notice him. Eventually, he’d gathered enough strength to leave his business card on her bed— the rest is history. She just wanted to be noticed, he just wanted someone to fuck. It was perfect.
He didn’t plan on staying as long as he did. If he hadn’t known any better he would’ve even said they became friends, but he’s a demon. He knows better. She let her guard down around him and he let her into the dark crevices of his mind. Y/N would spend every spare moment with him, they’d fuck like rabbits, and then Beej would sleep in her bed. This cycle continued for a year. It would’ve gone on longer, maybe forever, but she had to go and fuck it up.
The day it happened everything was normal; Y/N had come home from work and immediately crawled into Beetlejuice’s arms; he’d waited in her bed all day. In the last year, the two had gotten intimate beyond sex- they’d cuddle, they’d hold hands, they’d kiss— so of course it wasn’t shocking when Beetlejuice planted a soft kiss to her lips as she snuggled against him, “How was work, babes?”
“It was fine— Callie is still a bitch but it’s whatever.”
“Want me to kill her for you?” The corners of his lips perk up. She won’t say yes but a demon can hope, right?
“No! God, Beetlejuice!” She rolls her eyes before settling against his chest and turning on Netflix.
They sat in silence for a while, sneaking in a kiss or two between particularly boring parts of their show. Y/N liked the distraction; she’d felt anxious all day and it was nice to get out of her own head. She could instead focus on how nicely his cool body fit against hers, and ground herself with the earthy smell of his hair that she’d come to love so much. She’d come to love everything about Beetlejuice, if she was being honest. He had to have known, but she hadn’t said it out loud yet. Neither had he. 
Taking all of this into consideration while lying there with Beej, feeling happier than she’d ever been, she decided now was as good a time as ever to do it to do it. “I love you, Beej.” 
That’s when everything stopped. “You what?” 
“I-I love you?” The anger in his voice was unmistakable, and Y/N didn’t understand what she did wrong. They’d been playing this game for a year, and, to her, it was obvious they both love each other so it was about time one of them said it.
“Don’t say that.” His voice sounds toneless, his phrasing curt. “Don’t do that, Y/N."
She feels herself beginning to panic. “I just thought we were-”
“You thought we were what? You thought we were dating?” She gave him a meek, pathetic nod and he laughed. Right in her face, “Babes, all we’ve been doing is fucking."
“But… you love me?” She hadn’t meant for it to come out as a question, but it did. She felt so helpless, so small, sitting across from the demon she thought she knew so well. She’d taken to staring at the floor, unable to meet his contemptuous gaze any longer— why was he going out of his way to hurt her? Everything about the situation made her head hurt. Beetlejuice acted like her boyfriend, she didn't understand.
“Now who told you that?” He put a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him; there’s a smile on his face, but it didn’t reach his eyes, “Babes, I’ll never love you.”
“I-I don’t-”
“Y/N, I’m a demon. Did you really think I would ever be capable of loving you?” Sure, he led her on, but what was a guy supposed to do? She was soft, and warm, and gullible; it had barely taken anything to get her to fuck him. He’s a demon with needs. She fulfilled those needs— nothing more.
She let out a whimper and bit her lip to prevent herself from crying, but a tear escaped the confines of her eyes and slide down her cheek. Beetlejuice wasted no time in wiping it away with his finger, “Don’t take it personal, sweets— I don’t love anyone.” Not even myself.
He looked terrifying— his expression was cold and, for the first time since meeting him, his hair changed colors. It became a deep shade of blue, and if Y/N hadn’t been so hurt and angry she would have questioned it. “You’re a monster,” she spat, unable to even look at him. Refusing to look at him.
"And don’t you ever forget it.”
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seffien · 2 years
any headcannons for your agents?
oh plenty, but let me keep it as short as i can
cap'n 3 (real name junko 'jun' ishikawa):
country kid who was entranced by inkopolis plaza's unusual (to her) look
was originally super cheerful and peppy before Various Incidents
very creative, but none of the adults in her life ever appreciated it
likes to draw (doesn't do it much now) and bought a bass guitar during the events of splat 1 because she loved squid squad that much
became suuuper close with gramps and the squid sisters (as a matter of fact, the 'jun' nickname came from marie) bc her own 'family' was. um.
being sanitized kind of ruined her a bit. her left eye is a slightly lighter shade than her other one to this day, and the sanitization gave her memory loss, an aversion to food, and general odd behavior for a while
looks menacing, is really kind of tired and also shy
gave 4 her old agent outfit (cape included) since she didn't really need it anymore
still cannot believe she's the captain
very different from her younger, happier, more awake self, but she tries not to think about that.
agent 4 (real name naoki 'masu' masuda):
parents wanted her to be a prodigy, and the pressure they put on her made her snap and run away. most pre-inkopolis square memories are deeply repressed
basically no one gave a shit about her when she first moved to inkopolis except for the splat 2 promo kid with the black v-neck tee. they're still kinda sorta friends
liked flow because she felt like she cared (and she actually kinda did)
pushes herself way too hard, somewhat self-conscious
got a few injuries during hero mode and was hesitant to let marie patch em up
straight up did not speak until callie got saved. still doesn't really talk much.
her and marie weren't super besties at first, the only reason they ever clicked was because they were both sad loners with negative self-esteem
'masu' came from eight, and she's kind of fond of the nickname
agent 8 (real name emiko 'miko' yamasaki):
marina found her real name in the octarian records seen in that one chat room session
actually was in a few kettles, was not very good
never wanted to fight, always wanted to write (poetry, specifically)
learned inkling from 4 and eventually 3
kept thinking 4's first name was masuda (it isn't.)
did not like going outside when she first arrived to the surface
wasn't an artist, but tended to draw hypothetical mem cakes of people she deemed important, like 3 and 4
smiles to cover up The Internal Suffering, almost no one ever buys it because a) it looks very fake and b) she never holds it. as soon as a stranger disappears, so does the smile
along with 3, callie, and marie, she consistently reminds 4 that she's stronger than she thinks and that she matters and isn't useless
terrifyingly good in turf and ranked, even won a championship that off the hook basically begged her to enter. she got a trophy and still thought 'cool i guess. no big deal.'
works at ammo knights in splat 3, and since she knows a thing or two about wounds n stuff from her time in the army, she's also the crew's medic
new 3 (real name veronika 'ronnie' yamada):
chill, goes with the flow, probably the happiest out of all the agents (not even that happy, it's a low bar to clear)
everyman when it comes to every mode (tableturf, turf, ranked, what have you)
cheers up people she's played with between matches if they're sad
oblivious to hiro's sort of obvious crush on her
barely redesigns her locker, and when they do, it's usually to add a sticker
used a fake ID to play turf in the splat 1 days, was tall for her age around that time. she still feels kinda guilty about it
waved back to deep cut post-RotM
found shiver chilling in the alternan ocean with master mega a few days after the events of RotM, got to pet him
a character who's just kind of. well. there
adopted kid of an inkling and an octoling, literally lived in a cabin in the woods. she's still in contact with them
resting face looks like smash ultimate young link's
steph and her are both acquaintances and besties. acquaintabesties. steph took care of them while they were sick and they took care of steph after she slosher machined her way into muscle atrophy (not actually, thankfully)
has a walkman and a boombox. doesn't even care what's official, just buys things from in-universe eBay
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megatownac · 11 months
Supertown Popularity Poll Results
So. The polls are over. All 90 of them. You can still find the list here if you want to see the breakdown of each individual poll, but what you need to know is that each islander was pitted against each other islander in every one of the 90 ways that can happen, so each islander showed up in 18 polls. I decided early on that nobody got a point in the event of a tie. Here are the final scores, in order from highest to lowest:
First place: Ankha, with 11 points Second place: Chief, with 10 points Third and fourth place: Dom and Phoebe, with 9 points Fifth and sixth place: Chrissy and Drago, with 8 points Seventh place: Tybalt, with 6 points Eighth and ninth place: Francine and Henry, with 5 points Tenth place: Cally, with 4 points
Out of curiosity, I decided to see what the scores would be if a tie gave a point to each contestant instead of to neither. These were the results:
First place: Chief, 14 points Second place: Ankha, 13 points Third and fourth place: Phoebe and Drago, 12 points Fifth place: Dom, 11 points Sixth and seventh place: Chrissy and Francine, 10 points Eighth and ninth place: Henry and Tybalt, 8 points Tenth place: Cally, 7 points
So the rankings did shuffle around a little bit. Chief, it seems, was in 4 different polls that tied.
Despite what I said in the initial post on the subject, most polls did not end in ties or have zero votes. There were 15 that did. So 75 polls had a clear winner.
I could play around with the numbers even more if I wanted to. For example, what happens if ties gave half a point to each islander? But I won't. I also won't say what the results would have been if I had voted in the polls that ended in a tie. I was tempted. I really, really wanted to vote in some of these, just to do it. Just to let my own opinion influence things. Given how few votes each poll had, I could have really swayed things, I think. That's why I didn't ever vote. I really wanted to know who people liked the most.
And it's Ankha, of course.
Every so often, someone will find my blog through one of its tags and mass like a couple hundred of my posts that feature a certain character. This year, that happened at least three times that I noticed with Ankha. I wound up having to block one person who kept messaging me over and over about Ankha. I've never blocked anyone before this year. It was upsetting. I'm still upset about it. It kind of tarnishes the fact that she won this whole popularity contest for me.
I should be happier about it. This was a grand experiment that lasted nearly eight months, and I saw it through. And I've said before that Ankha is one of my favorite islanders, and that I had her in my Population: Growing game decades (literally, two decades) ago. So I like Ankha. She's a cute little yellow cat with a funny hat. What's not to like about her?
I'm also glad Chief did as well as he did. Chief is new to me. I only had him in this game on a whim: I liked the fact that his design made me think of certain middle-aged gay men I've known who are doing their best to age gracefully but are, undeniably, aging anyway. That's as much thought as I put into it. I'm sad Cally didn't do well. I had Cally early on in my New Leaf days, and I gave her away to someone who promised I'd be able to visit her again someday and then removed their blog from Tumblr and I never saw Cally again. It was sad. I think about that from time to time.
Something a bit similar happened with Henry: I had him in my New Leaf town, and I gave him away to someone whose blog is no longer active and who didn't post about him. Oh well. I didn't mind that as much. I like Henry alright, but he's never been one of my favorites. I'm fine with how badly he did in the polls.
I don't have any big conclusions here. This went, well, it honestly did go better than I expected for it to in a lot of ways. I kept holding out hope that maybe this blog would finally, after about ten years on this site, pick up a few followers and get me over that 1600-follower mark (I've had 1500-something followers for over six years--every time I gain a few followers, I lose a few), but I'm not willing or able to do what it takes to go viral. These are the kinds of posts I make.
I'm very grateful to the followers I have who stick around, liking and occasionally reblogging my stuff on a regular basis.
@vanilla-owns-chocolate @92explorer @zane275 @averygamin2 @schtroumpfalunettes @anch-vaviel @ozai @thebigjawpokemon @pie-bean
Those are in no particular order. I just went to my blog's activity page and scrolled down through a week or two's worth of notes until I saw all the usual folks I remember.
But, even though we don't talk, I appreciate you for being here for so long. It's easy to say that I don't do this for the notes, and I don't, really, but it's nice, you know? To see that there are folks out there who like what I put out there.
I'm going to be honest with you. I've given this a lot of thought. I think it's time I stepped away from Animal Crossing for a while. Focused on other things.
This isn't goodbye. It's just a hiatus. There are a few days of posts left in the queue, and then this blog will go silent, and I'm going to write some kind of actual message a little while after that sorting out my thoughts after ten years and one month of running this blog, which started on September 8, 2013. That's too long. Too, too long to have written anywhere from 4 to 10 posts a day. My activity page says 22,643 before I post this. Probably more than 22,000 of those were original, written by me, that is, not reblogs.
I'll be around. I have a main blog. @ozai has even liked a couple of my posts there, so I'm pretty sure they know about it. It's mentioned at the top of this one, even on mobile. So it's not a secret. It's right there. I write about other things there than Animal Crossing. Lately, it's been mostly about the novel I've spent the last three and a half years working on. I might actually have it done in another two years or so! Won't that be exciting? Then I can shut up about it and start writing about the next one.
I also wrote a few thousand words about Frog, from Chrono Trigger, once. It's not exactly surprising to me that my main blog has never even made it above 70 followers, is my point.
That's enough of this. I'm getting dangerously close to depressing, and I don't want to do that.
Here and now, this experiment, these 90 polls, was a triumph. I stuck with it. Ankha won. Chief came in second. Those are good things. It's good. I'm happy with that. It's the culmination of ten years of work. And it's time for a break.
Have a great day. Please continue doing your best, and I promise that I will, too.
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captainvoyager · 2 years
fic prompt! 🥹🥹🥹
Arizona likes stealing Callie's phone to change Callie's phone wallpaper into something stupid (like unattractive pictures of Callie's face or doing something like picking their nose). Arizona is doing another routine swipe of Callie's phone, but doesn't have the heart to change it because this time because Callie's phone wallpaper is a cute picture of the two of them (like their first date together, or the only picture they have together).
I love getting prompts. Thank you!
If you want to submit one, you can here.
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Callie had a bad habit of leaving her cell phone in random places. Arizona had a bad habit of changing Callie's wallpaper to something funny when she did. 
It was something that started when they weren't yet living together and continued when they moved in together. Even through all the breakups and do overs it kept happening. And now that they were back together in New York? Yup, it happened again. 
Callie never commented on the changes to her wallpaper and Arizona never admitted to doing it. It was something both enjoyed but neither admitted happened because that would somehow break the magic of the action. 
Two months after she moved in with Callie, and six months after she came to New York in the first place, Arizona had already changed Callie's wallpaper a half dozen times. Some had been random things Arizona had taken photos of in the city, some were of Callie around the apartment, some were cute animals that Arizona found on the internet. 
Yet when Arizona picked up the phone to change it, Callie in the shower after she worked out in the apartment building's gym, she didn't have the heart to change it. 
Looking back at her was a photo she hadn't seen in a long time. It wasn't really that remarkable a photo in the grand scheme of things. Her hair was starting to come out of her ponytail and she had no markup on. Callie's hair was out of its ponytail and had marks in it from hours up. The two women were sitting on a coach in one of the then Seattle Grace-Mercy West attending lounges. Callie had an arm around her shoulders and both were smiling at whoever took the photo. She thought it may have been Mark but couldn't remember now. 
Her eyes found the wedding bands on both of their hands and her eyes went to her naked left hand. She ached to have the feeling of a ring back there. But she knew it was too soon to bring that up. Things had gone so well she didn't want to change the dynamics too quickly. 
She didn't hear Callie come up behind her but when she felt a pair of strong arms around her middle, she leaned back against her girlfriend turned wife turned ex-wife turned girlfriend's strong frame. 
"I was cleaning out some boxes and found Mark's old phone," Callie whispered as she rested her chin on Arizona's shoulder. "It was saved on his camera roll and I liked it."
"Send it to me?" Arizona requested in a quiet voice.
"Okay," Callie said before turning her head to nuzzle Arizona's neck. 
Arizona leaned back a little more as her eyes closed at the simple gesture. There was a time she was sure she would never have this back and yet here they were. Together again, stronger as people and a couple, happier than they had ever been. 
"One day, sometime in the future when we're ready, do you think you might like to marry me again?" Arizona asked as she opened her eyes to look at the photo again. 
"I think you'll know," Callie whispered before nipping her neck. 
Arizona let out a laugh before carefully turning in Callie's arms to kiss her. Yeah, for now the photo would stay. 
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fbfh · 2 years
dad!Robert and sister!Sophia Quinn + Quinn!reader hcs - the fosters
wc: 1.5k
pairing: dad!robert quinn + sister!sophia quinn + quinn!reader
warnings: vague allusions to reader having a rough life before living with the quinns, sophia has bpd, robert and sophia both adore you, jill hates you, sibling shenanegins with sophia, robert is trying to be a good dad, brief mention of playing just dance while your parents divorce, I think that's it??
genre: familial fluff with hints of crack and angst
a/n: hey girl I'm hyperfixating on the fosters again! daily reminder that you're faves live in disbelief of how loveable you are! as with the previous fosters hcs if you don't know why you were tagged its bc of the domestic/found family trope!!
@youkissedareaderinthedark @girlfriendwhoseawitch @mrscarolscaramoucheplease
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Okay assuming you have a backstory somewhat similar to Callie's
Meaning you didn't know your dad was actually Robert Quinn until recently and through a variety of circumstances he's fighting for custody of you 
It's going to be…… interesting 
Honestly Sophia is messy enough for her own tlc show 
And Robert is so desperate to make up for lost time and be worlds best dad
And Jill?????? Jill detests you 
So there's obviously going to be some silly antics 
Shenanigans if you will 
When Robert first sees you he has to try so hard not to cry
You look so much like your mom, the love of his life
She really was the one that got away 
He feels like he has a piece of her back now
And he is so determined to be there for you now
He’s not letting you slip through his fingers again
You now have more emotional and financial support than you ever did before
Once you’re comfortable enough for it to not be weird he will absolutely give you a credit card for literally whatever you want
One of his love languages is gift giving so when he sees you and Sophia going on shopping sprees together 
When he gets texts from you asking if you can get something you want or food or something
Even though he’s reassured you a million times you don’t have to ask
He gets so happy
He’s so happy to know he can take care of you and provide for you now
He wishes so badly he could have been doing it from the start
But he’s just glad he found out as soon as he did instead of another ten years later
Also if there’s anything you ever wanted to do and didn’t have the money or opportunity to
Robert has already signed you up for figure skating and ballet and your violin will be arriving at the end of this week
He just loves spending time with you and Sophia
He loves spending time with both his kids
It makes him happier than he ever thought he could be
And oh my god Sophia??????
She always wanted a sibling
And now she has one
And it’s literally the fucking coolest person in the world?????
She is so desperate to be just like you
For you to think she’s cool too
She wants to be like super mega close sibling bffs with you
She wants to have sleepovers and share secrets 
She doesn’t really realize that that requires a lot of work and time to achieve and you can’t really jump straight there with enough enthusiasm 
You might need to be a little patient with her and set some boundaries 
But she’s just really excited to finally have a sibling yk
Roberts parents (and probably Jill) will accuse him of being a little obsessed with you
But he’s just trying to make up for lost time yk
Sophia however actually is a little obsessed with you 
They all but explicitly stated she has bpd 
You can probably tell pretty soon that she’s a little mentally ill right off the bat
Like you’re not really one to miss red flags yk
One good thing about how much they both care about you and how much influence you have in your new family is that if you tell Robert you’re worried about Sophia
He will take that totally seriously 
Even if Jill doesn’t or thinks he’s overreacting or Sophia is  being dramatic 
Robert will start watching her a little more closely and realize you’re right
He’ll get her into therapy so she can get help before things get worse
He’ll get you in therapy too if you want/need it
That’s one of those moments that really solidifies in his mind that you’re meant to be part of their family
His kids looking out for each other yk
Also once her she starts getting better and some of that obsession burns away
You’ll be able to have a really great relationship with her
It’s so fucking hard for her to not copy everything you do
Like once you move in she wants to decorate her room like yours
She always wants to borrow your clothes and copy your style
She thinks whatever you like to do is absolutely the elite hobby/extracurricular 
And oh my god if you like horses too????
Her two favorite things have just combined
Robert would absolutely get you a horse so you two can go riding together 
She brags to all her friends at Archfield about how fucking cool you are
Eventually you end up getting to have all the classic sibling experiences you didn't have with each other 
Late night talks about life and mental illness and existentialism 
"Can I borrow your top" "No" "Please :(" "Fine"
Basement just dance battles to the death while Robert and Jill are divorcing upstairs 
You show up to all each others events and hype the hell out of each other 
Your texts are half just sending each other tiktoks 
"You" "dad" "dad and Jill" "us" "your horse"
She sends you a lot of astrology memes and incorrect quotes of your signs 
She gets so excited whenever you consult her about your personal life 
You send her a screenshot of texts asking if it passes the vibe check 
It does not 
She loves talking mad shit with you
About people from your schools and extracurriculars 
Sometimes about Jill
Robert is trying to make it work with her 
He really is
But she fucking hates you 
She refuses to even give you a chance
And you know he's never going to pick anyone over his kids
Especially not after everything yall have been through 
You and Sophia both sort of know it's a matter of time at this point
Jill is one of those handful of almond moms who will antagonize you for almost anything 
You can't even swear around Jill bc she doesn't like it
She won't even let Sophia say oh my god 
So whenever you swear around Robert and Sophia it's like a little inside joke 
Even when you let out a long string of substitute swear words when Jill is there they still find it hilarious 
Because they know what you'd be saying if she weren't there 
"Butt…muncher on a pogo stick!"
They find it hilarious 
Jill is not amused
Sometimes Sophia looks up your old neighborhood on Google maps and imagines what your childhood was like
What it would have been like if you were raised together 
There are tons of trees she imagines you'd climb together, sidewalks to ride your bikes on, places to play hide and seek 
Sometimes Robert looks at your old neighborhood and has to try not to cry
His baby was that close this whole time and he had no idea??
They're both just really glad they have you now 
That you have each other 
Also your birthday????
It's practically a national holiday 
Sophia bases half her gift planning on your birth chart and the other half on every piece of information she's retained about you 
Robert is lowkey celebrating the whole month 
He feels like he has a lot to make up for and he's not going to let this day be anything less than spectacular 
God help you if it's your sweet 16
He is going to to so fucking ham people are still talking about it years later
Sophia gets so fucking excited if your birthdays are close together 
Like so fucking excited 
She has a little count down on her phone to "quinn siblings birthday season" 
It becomes a tradition for each of you to team up with Robert to plan the other one's birthday 
Instead of the standard birthday parties Jill would throw and invite half of Sophia's class
And a bunch of adults to network with
This year you and Robert surprise her with a day full of horseback riding and shopping and devil's food cake and all her other favorite things
And a Fiona apple concert over the weekend 
If this is what birthdays are supposed to be like she thinks she's been missing out
And for your birthday?????
They plan a whole week full of surprises 
Sophia's been making careful mental notes of all the stuff you want to do and go see 
Suffice it to say it's the best birthday you could have wished for 
For Robert's birthday you and Sophia plan to surprise him with a bunch of crafts and handmade presents  he probably would have gotten from both of you if you'd found each other sooner 
You make craft paper turkeys and macaroni necklaces and casts of your hand prints
You buy white ties and color them in with paint markers 
You even mark your heights on the doorway of his office 
He cries so fucking hard
He loves it
He loves his kids
It's the second best present he's ever gotten
The first will always be you and Sophia 
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nadja-antipaxos · 2 years
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18+ only (to be safe)
+ = Work in Progress
[C] = Completed
❤️‍🔥 flaming heart emoji  =  Smut
🩸 blood drop = Canon Typical Violence (never explicit)
❤️‍🩹 bandaged heart = Mentions darker themes (never explicit)
E means rated explicit so minors DO NOT INTERACT ( DNI )
**All my fics are listed on AO3 including fandoms not listed here such as Barry (HBO) and Veep. **
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Log kya kahenge (Andy Barber/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: On the worst night of his life, Andy Barber meets Dr. Rashana Rao. A year later they meet again and he asks her out. The odds are against them with her parents' wish for an arranged marriage and his own feelings about his past. (Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Don’t Let Me Down (Frank Adler/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Mary befriends a literature professor at the university who catches Frank's eye, Samantha Harris. She teases him and Frank falls hard when he least expects it. (Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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All My Pictures of You (Egon Spengler/OFC) - TEEN
Summary: After the destruction of Gozer, Callie Spengler decides to read her parents' journals to understand their doomed romance in their own words. (Oneshot) [C] AO3 || TUMBLR
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but it's golden, like daylight (Steve Rogers/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: After protecting her from the Mandarin’s men, Steve Rogers becomes friends with benefits with Tony's little sister, Nicolette Stark. What was supposed to be a little fun becomes much more than what they originally bargained for. Post 2012 The Avengers through Endgame. (Multi-chapter)+ ❤️‍🔥 🩸 AO3 || TUMBLR
the eye of the moon (Moon Boys System x Layla x Desi!OFC)
Summary: Ash Rajul serves the goddess Sekhmet as her avatar working to keep the most vulnerable safe. 3 years ago, she had a falling out with Khonshu’s former avatar, Arthur Harrow, and seeks to keep the world safe from his vengeance. Marc Spector doesn’t trust her, Steven Grant is enamored with her, and Layla El-Faouly is her former lover who wants her help. They better figure it out because somebody’s gotta save the world.(Multi-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥 🩸 ❤️‍🩹 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Gold Eyes (Din Djarin/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Din’s ongoing rivalry with his least favorite bounty hunter becomes something else once the kid enters the picture.(Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Rebel Rebel (Russell Ziskey/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Before he enlists, Russell Ziskey has an amazing one-night stand and wakes up alone. To his surprise, 18 months later, she interviews him and John about their rescue and doesn't seem to remember him at all. (Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Can’t Make You Happier Now (Kendall Roy/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Nearly twenty years ago, Kendall Roy made Nisha Asuri a promise to rule the world with her. The son of a media mogul and the sister of two tech wunderkinds. The most formidable power couple New York has ever seen. That was the deal. So, she did her part. Built her reputation as a ruthless corporate lawyer. Had his children. Stayed with him through the highest highs and lowest lows. She deserves to win not realizing that nothing goes as planned when your partner is Kendall Roy. (Multi-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥  ❤️‍🩹 AO3 || TUMBLR
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under the mistletoe  (Ted Lasso/OFC) - MATURE
Summary: Ted develops a crush on one of Rebecca's famous friends, so Rebecca invites her to a Christmas party. (Oneshot) [C] AO3 || TUMBLR
mirrorball  (Ted Lasso/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Ted develops a budding friendship with a single mom who happens to be a popular romance author, Priyala Kumari.  Her eldest barely knows who he is while her youngest is a Richmond super fan and the most aggressive player on Phoebe's team.  Priyala knows even less than he does about football, loves tea (chai), and has the sweetest laugh he's ever heard. She likes Ted just as much but wants to support him as his friend. Until they get matched on bantr. (Multi-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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pearlcages · 2 years
do you think callie could ever love someone else the way she loves arizona? it doesn't seem like arizona was enough for her when she left to ny, do you think anything could change that or could she be happier with someone else? same goes for arizona, do you think she would be happier with someone more supportive?
i genuinely do not, and it fundamentally comes down to the fact that nobody can know her the way arizona does. being with someone who isn’t arizona means that callie has to sacrifice being known completely by her life partner. nobody else gets her. that’s not something you can just recreate
callie spends a lot of time post divorce convincing herself to be happy without arizona because she thinks that’s what she’s supposed to do. you should be happier after your divorce than you were in your marriage, right? or what was the point of any of it?
and when it comes to arizona— arizona makes decisions and then those decisions become self fulfilling prophesies. arizona decided she could never be happy without callie, and that decision is kind of why she’ll never be happy without callie. nobody else has a shot in hell
0 notes
forever-rogue · 3 years
Hi! Wondering if you’re gonna be taking prompts from the 360 you posted. If you are would you be able to do 36 and 54 with Din? Would love to see those with him!
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Prompts used: 36. "Does he know about the baby?"
54. "H-how long have you been standing there?"
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: pregnant reader
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Boba?” you reached for the Mandalorian’s arm and stopped him from going any further into his new hold. You wondered, for an amused fraction of a second, if you should attempt to address him as King Boba, just to get a rouse out of him. But the severity, the harsh reality of your current predicament placated any desire to do so. Fett turned to face you, pulling his helmet off so he could see you properly, “might I have a moment of your time?”
“Of course,” he set the helmet down on the aging wooden table as you inhaled and exhaled slowly, “what’s wrong, little one?”
“I was wondering...once you and Fennec are settled and Din plans on leaving,” you found the ground intriguing as you studied the worn soles of your shoes before continuing on, “might I stay on? With the two of you? I-I know I’m not as skilled as either of you, but I swear I’ll pull my weight and do as much as I can - whatever you desire. I would just like to stay here.”
Boba paused for a moment as he looked you over and contemplated what you had asked him. He had no issue with you staying on, absolutely none, knowing you were both capable and a quick learner. It was the reason behind the sudden request that caused him to consider his words. As he watched you, and you grew increasingly nervous, a single tear, one of nerves and worry rolled down her cheek and fell to the sandy ground. 
“Of course you can stay,” his hand went to your shoulder as he delicately squeezed it in a sign of reassurance, “make sure your Mandalorian knows of your plan. It would be a great shock for him to be blindsided.”
“Does he know about the baby?” he chanced his question, although he was sure he wasn’t too far off the mark. While he had no children of his own, he’d been around enough women to know when someone fell pregnant. Maybe the bounty hunter was extra perceptive, maybe it was a trait of the Mandalorians to all be nurturing and familial, but from the look on your face, he knew he was right on money. 
“How did you...I haven’t told anyone,” your eyes were wide with worry as you looked around to make sure no one had heard Boba. If Din were to ever find out, this would be the last way you wanted him to do so, “I-I found out two months ago and I just...I don’t know what to do. I’m scared and nervous and worried. I can’t just tell him - he’s got too much going on to worry about something else. I can’t do that to him.”
“You think it is a better idea to never tell him about his child and take away any decision he has in this?” ever the level headed negotiator, Boba had a point. Your lips pulled into a frown as you shrugged your shoulders, “he deserves to know. Whatever decision he makes after that is up to him. It will tell you his true measure, although I am sure that is already quite apparent.”
“Boba, he’s the Mand’alor now,” you reached for his arm and held it tightly in your grasp, “I-I can’t have him worry about a silly thing like this. Especially not after...Grogu.”
“Tell me then, just what do you plan on doing with the babe?” it was a fair question to ask, and one you really needed to think about. The baby was going to come one way or another, so you would need a plan as quickly as possible, “were you going to have it and hide it? Hand it off to someone else? Raise it on your own and expect that he would never find out? He is your riduur-”
“And he is the Mandalorian and the Mand’alor,” you grew frustrated, not with Boba but with yourself. You knew he was right, you knew that you needed to tell Din but… it wasn’t that simple, “I can’t hold him back with a baby.”
“Suppose you don’t tell him,” Boba held up a hand for a moment as a musing glint entered his eye, “suppose you remain here and have ths child. Do you think he’s never going to come back to see you? Or for business? It would be awfully suspicious if he came in three or four months and found you round with child. It wouldn’t take much to put two and two together. It would be a greater pain, I think, if you were not to say anything and he came back to find the truth. You owe him at least some honesty.”
“You’re right,” you confessed quietly, letting the tears roll down your cheeks, “of course you are. I’m scared, Boba. I don’t want him to be angry and hate me or the baby. I don’t want to hold him back either. I want him to be happy…”
“He’d be a lot happier if you’d come to him with this first,” the voice startled you to your core as you realized exactly who it was. Swallowing the lump in your throat, your eyes widened in worry as Boba offered you an encouraging nod. Turning on your heel, you found Din watching both of you with intent; his expression was almost unreadable as your hands started to tremble.
“How long have you been standing there?” what a stupid question from a stupid girl.
“Long enough,” his voice was pointedly neutral as you nodded in understanding, “I think we need to talk.”
“Yes,” you agreed as you shuffled over to him, preparing yourself for the worst. 
Din was silent as he led you back to the quarters that served as your temporary home while you’d helped Boba and Fennec settle into their new roles. You followed close behind and swallowed the lump in your throat as he sealed the door. 
“It is it true?” he asked softly as his gaze shifted to your belly; there was still no evidence of your pregnancy just yet. But soon enough there would be, “you’re with child?”
“Yes,” you admitted, a hand slowly coming to rest on your belly, “I am. I found out…”
“Two months ago,” he finished for you as you nodded, “and you didn’t think to tell me?”
“I was scared and nervous, Din!”
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he asked softly as you refused to meet his eyes, “Cyare?”
“I wanted to,” you whispered, “I planned on it-”
“Eventually,” you’d seen your husband angry before, but never quite like this...never at you, “I was scared and I panicked and there was so much happening at once.”
“You were scared?” he asked as you nodded. Din stepped closer and stopped in front of you, looking at you curiously as he realized just how hard this was for you as well, “were you scared of me?”
“No,” you grabbed his hand and quickly cut him off, “never of you. It was just everything all at once. With losing...him, everything with the Mandalorians and Boba and Fennec. There could not have been a worse time for this to happen. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t…”
“You’re sorry?” a look of confusion marred his features as his eyes softened and crinkled in the corner, “whatever are you sorry for? In case you forgot, this didn’t happen just because of you. It takes two...nothing in life seems to go to plan, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t have to work out, Cyare. You are my riduur and that is our child.”
A large hand found your belly as he pulled you into him, wasting no precious time before he wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back, just as tightly, just as fiercely, clinging onto him like it was the only thing in life that mattered, “I should have told you sooner, please forgive me, Din. I should have come to you first…”
“I’m glad I found out,” he whispered as he pressed gentle kisses to the side of your head before pulling back and cradling your face in his hands, “before something else happened or we were separated. I’m not mad, I’m happy - really happy. It doesn’t matter that the timing isn’t perfect or we’re in a different situation than we thought we might be. I’m happy, Cyare. I love you beyond measure, and that includes our whole family - Grogu, and whatever other children we’ll have.”
“Yeah?” you asked softly, barely above a whisper as he pressed his forehead against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you,” he agreed, “I hold you in my heart forever - you are my home, my heart, my family. We’ll figure this out together, I swear. Just promise me one thing.”
“Anything, Din.”
“Don’t stay here,” he pressed a kiss to your lips, “stay with me.”
“Yes,” your smiled against his lips, “I’m not going anywhere.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist: @secretsweetscollectionblog  @sheridans-dynamos  @queenbbarnes  @persephonesnebula   @ah-callie  @blushingwueen  @thisis-theway @rosetophighlander  @rae-gar-targaryen    @hiscyarika  @readsalot73  @huliabitch  @ollyoxenfrees @coffeeandtodd  @beepbeepsephy   @scarlettwitcher  @nerdyknightwritersblog  @choicesarcade  @arrowswithwifi  @everythingaboutnothingstuff  @suckerfor-fanfics  @bestintheparsec @javihoney  @aeryntheofficial  @hail-doodles @engineeredfiction @aeryntheofficial  @asgardianvamp21  @keithseabrook27  @karmezii  @dearspacepirates  @thatsuitlooksgoodonyou  @paintballkid711 @mrpascals @lv7867 @artsymaddie @gooddaykate @rosiefridayrogersunday @heyitmelexie @criminalmind1927 @justanotherblonde23 @coni-martina @thewayofthemandalorian @phoenixhalliwell @lucifer @cosmoschick @kochamcie @linkpk88 @leaiorganas @nikkixostan @haley-the-comet @chibi-yuki @computeringturtle @4ng3lf43 @intu-witch-tion @wondergal2001 @gingerbreadandpaper @willowtheewisp @milkxxkookies @smollpinkgirl @zukoyonce  @boomtownboy @velia27 @discowitchyy
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mandoalorian · 4 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Prologue
Author's Note: *Spoilers for WW84* Welcome to my brand new series coming Jan 2021! December Magic (my first Max Lord series) will be coming to an end in the coming week and I'm finally excited to share with you my brand new series. This series will be my interpretation of what happens after the events of WW84. If you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know! Merry Christmas everyone.
Word count: 2,000
Permanent Taglist: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
Previous - Prologue - Next
*gif by: @mell-bell
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"I've been lying to you, I'm not a great guy. In fact I’m a pretty messed up loser guy. And I make terrible mistakes. But you... you don’t ever have to make a wish for me to love you. I'm here because I love you. I just… I just wish and I pray that one day I will make you proud enough to forgive me.” Alistair could see the plea in his father's eyes. He could see the promise. And he saw a glint of something he had never seen before. Something so genuine, and powerful. Something so beautiful.
Alistair smiled weakly. “I don’t need you to make me proud. I already love you, daddy. Because you’re my dad.” Alistair revealed, pulling his father into a hug.
"I love you so much, my son." Maxwell croaked out, his hands fondling into Alistair's locks of hair and pressing a kiss into his forehead.
Maxwell's whole life; he had wished for more. Something bigger and better. He had wished for greatness because that was something he had never had. He couldn't afford college education and he didn't have loving parents. He came from a broken home; so when the opportunity arose and he was presented with shares in oil and the potential to start his own business, he took it. He yearned to make someone proud, and after the birth of his son, he'd found that someone.
It had all gone wrong. It wasn't meant to, but it had. Maxwell didn't think he could ever be able to forgive himself for his actions and misdirections, but his own forgiveness didn't matter. He could live the rest of his life in painful guilt if it meant that his son still loved him unconditionally.
Maxwell saw himself as a monster, a beast. For who would love a broken man like him? His parents didn't, his ex wife didn't. He had no one. He needed Alistair more than he could ever know.
"Daddy?" Alistair mumbled into his father's dress shirt, salty tears pricking his dark eyes. His voice was muffled by the way he had nuzzled his face into his father's warm chest, cherishing the embrace.
"Yes?" Maxwell hummed, eventually pulling away from his son, but his hands still set firmly on Alistair's shoulders. Alistair hesitated for a moment, nervously biting his lip as his father searched for an answer. What did Alistair want? Whatever he wanted, Maxwell was ready to give it— ready to give his all. Ready to change and become a better man. Alistair took a deep breath. He had a lot to learn and a long way to go but he was finally ready.
"Can we go home?" he asked, his eyes glistening with hope for a better future.
"Yes." Maxwell sighed, exhaling and letting his entire body deflate as he interlocked his fingers with his son. Alistair's hand was small, but his grip on Maxwell was tight— like he was afraid to let go. Afraid to lose his father. He couldn't lose him, not again.
The helicopter was still in near enough distance but Max wasn't about to hitch a ride a fly home like he might've once done before. Maxwell and Alistair walked through the field hand in hand until eventually they reached the highway. Where there was once plenty of abandoned cars and trucks, the world was finally restoring back to its former ways. But Maxwell swore that he was done being the greedy, selfish, businessman turned TV personality. He wanted none of that anymore. He wanted his family, and his son. He wanted to be a good father.
All he ever wanted deep down was to be a good dad to Alistair. He never believed in himself. How could he, when he had no father figure to look up to? Nobody in his life to give him encouragement, guidance or reassurance— nothing. He had come this far on his own and it was awful, isolating and damaging. He would not let his son make the same mistakes as he did.
They passed through the highway and it wasn't long until they were back at Black Gold Cooperative. Knowing that his company was about to go bust and that he'd have to sell all his assets just so he'd be able to earn enough to live off for a few months concerned him, but it was the least of his worries right now. He reached into the pocket of his tailored suit pants and took out his car keys, unlocking the passenger door and ushering for Alistair to slide in.
"But daddy, don't you have a driver?" Alistair questioned, his fingers fiddling with the knobs and buttons on the car radio. Maxwell slid into the driver's seat and let his hands glide around the wheel as he tried to recall the last time he had driven himself. It had been a long time.
"You know buddy, things are going to be changing very soon," Maxwell said, his eyes glazed as he looked upon the orange glowing skyline. "You might not like it at first. Might be hard to understand but, I promise you that one day you'll get it. I'm never going to hurt you again and I will make up all my wrongdoings. Even if it takes me the rest of my life," Maxwell huffed out a sigh. "Truth is, I was never deserving of the fancy cars, designer clothing and big house. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that we don't need those things to be happy."
"What do we need?" Alistair questioned curiously as Maxwell turned the key and initiated the engine.
Maxwell recalled the words spoken by Diana. "Love," Maxwell responded, like it was the simplest yet most beautiful thing in the world.
Most of the car journey home was filled with comfortable silence as Max kept his eyes on the road ahead, concentrating to the best of his ability whilst Alistair gazed out the window as he seemingly watched society rebuild itself. "So uhm, we still have the weekend together," Maxwell smiled as he pulled into the driveway. "What do you want to do?"
"I don't care, as long as I can spend time with you." Alistair grinned, a dimple appearing in his right cheek. It mirrored his father's. Maxwell took a deep breath and turned off the engine, unclicking his seatbelt and turning to his son.
"I have always loved you," Max admitted. "And I will always love you. Forever."
Alistair paused. "Can you play on the Atari with me? Mom's new boyfriend bought me a new video game and I really wanna try it out! He wanted to play with me but, you know. I'd rather play with my daddy."
Maxwell's eyes lit up ecstatically. He didn't have the first clue about video games, and in the past he would've shrugged off Alistair's request. But in this moment, he couldn't think of anything better. They sat on the floor in front of the nineteen inch television, stuffing their faces with popcorn. "Hey!" Maxwell laughed, huffing his cheeks out in annoyance. "You keep killing me!"
"Daddy," Alistair groaned out with a small giggle, prodding his finger into his father's tummy. "I'm going easy on you!"
"Okay okay," Maxwell chuckled as Alistair restarted the game. "Let's start again, I know I can beat you this time!" Maxwell grinned and pressed 'play' on the controller, his ring clad fingers pushing the buttons desperately.
Maxwell had spent his whole life trying to find his destiny and understand his legacy. He'd spent his life in pursuit of meaning and purpose— but the truth is, his purpose had been right before him this whole time. His purpose was Alistair. And right now, he couldn't be happier. Diana had let him off the hook, but that didn't mean his actions wouldn't have consequences.
The phone rang; a haunting buzz that vibrated throughout the whole house. "Can you pause it for me?" Maxwell asked, ruffling Alistair's hair. "I'll go answer this call and bring us back some more popcorn." Alistair nodded excitedly as Maxwell rose to his feet, his knees aching as he stalked over to the still ringing phone.
Leaning against the wall, he pulled it off the hook. "Hello?" he asked, curling the wire around his finger. "Who's there?"
"Max, it's me," the voice was like a ghost from his past. He felt his heart sink into the depths of his chest as he could practically taste the anger that dripped from her familiar tongue. "Bring Alistair home. You do not deserve him. I don't want you anywhere near my son ever again." she threatened before the line fell completely silent. Dead. Maxwell's shaky hands placed the phone back on the hook and he closed his eyes. He knew that he wasn't deserving of the unconditional love that Alistair gave him, but that boy meant the world to him. He had finally found his opportunity to change and become a better man— a better father. Maxwell padded back down the corridor and leaned against the door frame, watching as Alistair carefully read the words on the back of the box of his video game. Max's lips curved into a small but proud smile. That was his boy, and he wasn't going to let anything take Alistair away from him.
"I renounce my wish!" You had heard his voice, but only in dreams. Usually, it was soft like velvet, sweet like honey, but this time, you had awoken in a cold sweat. You pulled the blankets over your body as a chill raced down your spine. You felt his pain, his anguish and hurt. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. Your scream alerted your mother who raced to your bedside with intentions to comfort you.
"Another nightmare?" Your mother Hesita asked you with concern. She smoothed out your hair as you wiped a tear away from your eye.
"It was him," you whispered, your voice shaky. "He needs me. I know it."
"You have found your calling?" Hestia quizzed, her voice merely above a whisper as she gazed into your eyes. You nodded slowly, never feeling more sure about anything in your life. "How do you know?"
"It is my duty," you replied softly as you looked past the skylight and amongst the stars. "Zeus made me the goddess of home and hearth for this very reason."
"But what makes him so special?" Your mother wondered out loud, her hand sliding into yours knowing that this would be your final night in her company.
"I don't know." you huffed with a tired shrug of your shoulders. It was true: you genuinely didn't know why you had been hearing his voice, letting his words and whispers haunt you over and over again. He consumed your every thought— this mysterious voice from the world of man.
"I renounce my wish!" those four words replayed in your mind like a broken record as you tried to figure out what exactly they meant. But it didn't matter. You felt his heartache. You felt his pain. And now? You were coming for him.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
heyyya calliee!!💓💓
okay so i’ve been gone a while but i’ve seen you are feeling a bit down lately, so i wanted to quickly pop up to tell you that i’m here for you, whatever you need. some days are more tough than others and some periods are just not it and that’s totally fine. i just want you to know that you do not need to carry the burden alone and that you can always talk to me if you ever need it (also seeing you down makes my little heart ache and i just want you to be the joyful, wonderful soul you are all the time, like if i could take all the troubles away trust me i’d do it in a heartbeat🥺♡).
also you don’t have to feel sorry for not posting, for not writing, for not doing as much as you would have wanted to or promised. we are all here to support you and your blog no matter what. plus i prefer to see you take time off to take care of yourself and to feel better rather than you forcing yourself to do things you don’t feel like doing. so, my dear callie, teddy is always here for you, to support you, listen to you, help you in any way i can and just to be a friend you can count on. if you even need someone just say the word and i’ll pop up right away (i’ll even send you a DM if you’re more comfortable, even if that would mean that the mystery of who teddy is would be over for you, but i’d be more than happy to do that if it means helping a friend in need💕💕)
sooo i’m sending you infinite love, hugs, kisses and positive vibes and i wish you all the best my dear callie♡
i cant thank you enough for your sweet, sweet words! it’s surely something i needed to hear. i’m probably going to reread this again and again just as a reminder whenever times get tough.
it feels so nice (a bit crazy too) knowing that there are people on the internet who care about me and support me. that’s why i love tumblr. i love being here. it’s my comfort place, my safe zone. where i’m seen and heard. i don’t feel judged, and you guys seem to appreciate all of what i have to offer. writing also makes me happy and it makes me even happier when people enjoy reading my stories. to be able to connect with you all through these fics, the show, and oscar has truly been one of the most incredible experiences that has happened to me in quite a while tbh. when i say that you each mean the world to me, i mean it. in the short time i’ve been here, you’ve unknowingly helped me get through what i consider to be the rock bottom of my life, and i will be forever grateful for that.
so once again, thank you, teddy, and thank you to the rest of our little book club. thank you to the readers and those that lurk around this blog. you certainly don’t have to come off anon; dropping by my inbox is simply enough for me, and it never fails to put a smile on my face.
ughskdsh i can’t believe i turned this into another sappy post, but trust me these words are coming straight from my heart :)
once again, thank you. i love you, babe. to the moon and back 🤍
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skatingarizona · 2 years
Starter for: @badassnscalpels
Out of everyone who knew Callie, Arizona knew her best, and she knew what she was like when she didn't want to be in a place. It just never occurred to Arizona that Callie was going to move to an entirely different state and leave behind the life that she once loved. It hurt to say the least, especially all that they had been through in the past and then suddenly, her and Callie were in a custody battle before Callie moved to New York. That was never where Arizona seen things going at all. She never thought that things would have gotten to that point, and Arizona didn't want that. She didn't want that to be their life, and the way that they did things. That was why Arizona stopped to visit Callie before she moved to New York, and suggested that they work better than what they had done. Arizona didn't want to say to Sofia that she wasn't going to see Callie anymore. Even Arizona didn't want to say that she wasn't going to see Callie, and she was glad that she had done so because otherwise they might not be where they are right now.
Since Callie's return, things had been amazing between the two, even though it had only been a short time that Callie had been here. From last night, and then today, it seemed that things were looking up and they were trying. "I have been waiting so long for you to say that you love me. I just - I missed you, Callie. I missed you, I missed us, I missed seeing you and Sofia together, or the three of us spending time together. So I'm kind-of in shock that you're even here right now but I am so, so happy." 
Like Callie, Arizona couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Things had been tough, but ever since they started talking again, Arizona had been so much happier than she had been in a long time. Even right now, as the three of them head home together as a family, that was something that she had missed doing and now she has that again. It also felt good to know that Callie felt the same way about it all.
"I think movies and cuddles sounds pretty damn amazing." she laughed softly, taking this whole entire day in. As much as she loved being outside and seeing Sofia in her element, Arizona was glad that they had arrived home fairly quickly and following Callie's demands, she laughed again just as she got out of the car, "I'm coming, I'm coming, mom." she playfully rolled her eyes and walked up to the front door to open it for the two of them. Taking off her shoes, and then her jacket, Arizona shivered slightly as she allowed her body to warm up and then helped Sofia off with her coat and shoes too.
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Dang your replies are so speedy! How do you think !Yan! Kyoko Sakura would go with a darling that’s a famous youtuber/internet influencer. She is so scary that she can go from calm to aggressive so quick. (Not me simping-)
Must be the excitement- I wasn't that quick this time though, I apologize for that. (• ▽ •;)
I wasn't sure about whether you were asking for headcannons or a scenario but since there wasn't any kind of scenario specified I decided to go with headcannons, I hope that's okay ^^"
Yandere stuff , unusual behaviour, unhealthy mindset, kidnapping, unhealthy relationship
(Spoilers for Puella Magi Madoka Magica ahead)
❤️Yandere! Kyoko Sakura x Internet influencer/YouTuber! Reader headcannons❤️
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I could see Kyoko as a yandere, maybe not a completely obvious one but it's possible. Her character is rather complex, so this will be fun.
As we learn in the anime; Kyoko often uses her magical girl abilities to steal goods since she doesn't have any money or a home. That being said; the way you meet is quite unusual... Because you don't exactly meet. She steals a bag of groceries from a random person and when going through the groceries comes across a phone. Apparently the person she stole the bag from had placed their phone there.
Her first thought is to sell it but then decides to keep it. She's never had a phone before, not even a flip one. Thankfully the person who had said phone was stupid enough to not have a password. So she opens the phone and the first thing that pops up is a video in some website (most likely YouTube). The video features a young teen her age and that young teen is the reader. They seem to be doing a "cooking challenge" as they call it, which was the reason Kyoko continued watching the video. At first.
The more she watched it the more she paid attention to the teen rather than the food. They seemed so happy and bubbly, happily going through with the video and making comments here and there. Their behaviour reminded her of her sister a bit.
🍎So Kyoko's obsession begins with how much you remind her of her family. Her little sister, especially. She starts watching your videos more and more, even stealing a charger for the phone. That's how she spends her freetime when she isn't fighting witches or playing games at the arcade. It's not surprising with how many subscribers/followers you have. She's not the first to be amazed by your charm and she's not the last either. However it was kind of... different.
🍎Another reason she keeps watching you is to relieve stress. The job of a magical girl isn't an easy one; it messes you up a lot both physically and mentally. So when she finally gets back to that old hotel or motel she's staying at for now and has the time to lay on the bed and watch you for a bit it's a moment of relaxation. A moment where she won't have to think about witches or her family. A moment where she can pretend that you guys are just two friends talking together, as if the phone screen is nonexistent. She can only fool herself for a few seconds though.
🍎If you were ever hosting a meet and greet somewhere she'd definitely find a way to sneak it, wether it be with or without using magic. Maybe that's how you guys actually meet. And when she gets to talk to you in person for the first time ever she's over the moon, even if she still keeps her chill attitude. A few nervous giggles would leave her mouth from time to time, despite trying her best to seem cool. While you're talking a couple of less respectful fans appear, she can tell by your expression that you don't want to talk to them. So she makes a drastic decision, grabs your hand and runs off with you.
🍎 If you guys ended up becoming friends she'd be even happier, fangirling on the inside. On the outside she'd probably reply with something simple like "Cool" or "Awesome", she wouldn't want to come across as clingy like those other fans of course. From there and on her behaviour depends on how close you are. If you start hanging out with her in general she'll get more confident, even playfully insulting you from time to time. Nothing much, just calling you silly or an idiot from time to time.
🍎 She'd be a great person to vent to, too. She'd be willing to listen to you talking about how stressful being an influencer is, sympathising with you on some level. Not in the way you'd imagine but in a way in general. For example; feeling stressed often.
🍎 While you two are still friends Kyoko's yandere tendencies wouldn't be noticeable at all. One of said tendencies would be watching you; and not behind some sort of scene. Actually watching you through your window at night. She's just so used to watching you in your videos that she doesn't see watching you in real life as anything different. It's pretty easy when you're a magical girl after all. Sometimes she just can't wait to go home in order to watch you. You're the only thing that can make her feel actually calm instead of forcing herself to act as such. What do you expect her to do when your house is just so close and it's just so oh so easy?
🍎 Dealing fans would be something she does on a daily basis. Maybe you guys are hanging out and a fan comes out of nowhere. If they're just a regular fan she probably won't do much, just send them a glare or two. If they start making you uncomfortable though...Let's just say that it won't be a pretty sight to look at. She wouldn't do it in front of you though and she wouldn't take the person's life either. Just scar them for life both physically and mentally. She wouldn't really hesitate to use magic either.
🍎 If the two of you started dating things would get complicated. She'd be more happy than she has ever been before, holding your hand as tightly as possible. That's when her odd behaviour would start getting more noticeable though. She seems to know your schedule by heart even though you've never mentioned it to her. You start having a weird feeling as if you're being watched all the time and you recall seeing a silhouette similar to hers a couple of times at the window. If you ever confronted her about it she'd try to brush it off at first. If you kept mentioning it though she'd get defensive "You're overthinking! Do ya think I'm some kind of freak or something like those fans?"
🍎 Kyoko is not the type of person who's touchy, so the most she'd probably do in public is hold your hand. If you two were together she'd even give you a kiss on the cheek, even if fans are around. She doesn't really care about them, after all it's just a way of showing them that you're with her and her only.
🍎 If you started pushing her away one day because you don't have time she'd be understanding, but only for a certain amount of time. Like a week and a half. If you started avoiding her on purpose or cut ties with her she wouldn't be as understanding. Just like before she'd be calm at first, trying to reason with you. The more unreasonable you get the more stubborn she gets and trust me, Kyoko is really stubborn. Suddenly she gets more aggressive and you two end up in a fight. If she doesn't win that fine... yeah, good luck with that.
🍎 Would Kyoko ever kidnap you? The answer is maybe. Maybe watching your videos everyday and watching you starts not being enough. This moment she can pretend everything's fine and dandy lasts only a few seconds and a few seconds just aren't enough. Most of the time she asks you to hangout you're too busy, it's slowly driving her crazy. Or if you had that one fight- you said such bitter words to her. What if you never talk to her again? She can't have either of that, she needs to do something drastic.
🍎 So should she ever kidnap you she'd probably keep you tied in a chair in some abandoned building, preferably one who boarded windows and everything. She knows that it's not fit for someone like you but it's the only thing she can afford considering that a lot of people are staying in the motel/hotel she is staying and she doesn't want anyone to know about you. Life with Kyoko wouldn't be that hard, she's a bit forceful but other than that she's also pretty chill.
🍎 We all know how scary Kyoko can be when she wants to. She'd probably take advantage of that whenever you misbehave in any way; changing from calm and cool to deadpan serious with a slight mix of aggressiveness. So passive aggressive really. Also gaining her trust wouldn't be easy. If she ever decided to untie you she'd have a couple of magical barries around you, she's not taking any chances.
🍎 Let's move to something more wholesome; including her in your videos. She'd be nervous and a bit awkward when she's on the screen, maybe unintentionally tugging on your arm a couple of times. Part of your subscribers/followers would find her cute. When she gets home she'd put on the video where you're together, re-watching it at least a couple of times. It feeds her obsession, after all.
Here we go! This took a big longer than expected but I have a tendencies to pass out when I'm tired and being sick doesn't help- I hoped you liked the headcannons and I apologize if anything wasn't to your liking!
And with that I'll see you guys next time! As always, requests are open. Have a wonderful day/night!! 💓💓
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nadja-antipaxos · 2 years
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18+ only (to be safe)
+ = Work in Progress
[C] = Completed
❤️‍🔥 flaming heart emoji  =  Smut
🩸 blood drop = Canon Typical Violence (never explicit)
❤️‍🩹 bandaged heart = Mentions darker themes (never explicit)
E means rated explicit so minors DO NOT INTERACT ( DNI )
**All my fics are listed on AO3 including fandoms not listed here such as Barry (HBO) and Veep. **
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Log kya kahenge (Andy Barber/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: On the worst night of his life, Andy Barber meets Dr. Rashana Rao. A year later they meet again and he asks her out. The odds are against them with her parents' wish for an arranged marriage and his own feelings about his past. (Oneshot) [C} ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Don’t Let Me Down (Frank Adler/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Mary befriends a literature professor at the university who catches Frank's eye, Samantha Harris. She teases him and Frank falls hard when he least expects it. (Oneshot)  [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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All My Pictures of You (Egon Spengler/OFC) - TEEN
Summary: After the destruction of Gozer, Callie Spengler decides to read her parents' journals to understand their doomed romance in their own words.  (Multi-chapter) [C} AO3 || TUMBLR
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but it's golden, like daylight (Steve Rogers/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: After protecting her from the Mandarin’s men, Steve Rogers becomes friends with benefits with Tony's little sister, Nicolette Stark. What was supposed to be a little fun becomes much more than what they originally bargained for. Post 2012 The Avengers through Endgame. (Multi-chapter) + ❤️‍🔥 🩸 AO3 || TUMBLR
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the eye of the moon (Moon Boys System x Layla x Desi!OFC)
Summary: Ash Rajul serves the goddess Sekhmet as her avatar working to keep the most vulnerable safe. 3 years ago, she had a falling out with Khonshu’s former avatar, Arthur Harrow, and seeks to keep the world safe from his vengeance. Marc Spector doesn’t trust her, Steven Grant is enamored with her, and Layla El-Faouly is her former lover who wants her help. They better figure it out because somebody’s gotta save the world.(Multi-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥 🩸 ❤️‍🩹 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Gold Eyes (Din Djarin/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Din’s ongoing rivalry with his least favorite bounty hunter becomes something else once the kid enters the picture.(Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Rebel Rebel (Russell Ziskey/OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Before he enlists, Russell Ziskey has an amazing one-night stand and wakes up alone. To his surprise, 18 months later, she interviews him and John about their rescue and doesn't seem to remember him at all. (Oneshot) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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Can’t Make You Happier Now (Kendall Roy/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Nearly twenty years ago, Kendall Roy made Nisha Asuri a promise to rule the world with her. The son of a media mogul and the sister of two tech wunderkinds. The most formidable power couple New York has ever seen. That was the deal. So, she did her part. Built her reputation as a ruthless corporate lawyer. Had his children. Stayed with him through the highest highs and lowest lows. She deserves to win not realizing that nothing goes as planned when your partner is Kendall Roy. (Mult-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥  ❤️‍🩹 AO3 || TUMBLR
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under the mistletoe  (Ted Lasso/OFC) - MATURE
Summary: Ted develops a crush on one of Rebecca's famous friends, so Rebecca invites her to a Christmas party. (Oneshot) [C] AO3 || TUMBLR
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mirrorball  (Ted Lasso/Desi!OFC) - EXPLICIT
Summary: Ted develops a budding friendship with a single mom who happens to be a popular romance author, Priyala Kumari.  Her eldest barely knows who he is while her youngest is a Richmond super fan and the most aggressive player on Phoebe's team.  Priyala knows even less than he does about football, loves tea (chai), and has the sweetest laugh he's ever heard. She likes Ted just as much but wants to support him as his friend. Until they get matched on bantr. (Multi-chapter) [C] ❤️‍🔥 AO3 || TUMBLR
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pearlcages · 2 years
I love reading your interpretation of the characters. So I was wondering, what do you think was Penny's purpose on the show. I have a hard time believing that she was supposed to be Callie's endgame, the one Callie was really meant to be with, but at the same time, we were told repeatedly how Callie was happier with her than she ever was before, that she sees her in her future and so on. And I wonder if I'm just so Calzona biased that that's why I never actually believed it?
LMAO no penny was definitely not written to be callie's endgame. honestly, i kind of believe that they intentionally cast someone with very little chemistry with sara to play penny. conspiracy theory but that's my instinct
i think penny exists to create a distinct sever between calzona's first marriage and their relationship going forward, to show that callie pursued something other than arizona and it didn't work out. i've mentioned this here before, but the fact that shonda said multiple times that she considers calzona MFEO & wanted them to be endgame combined with the fact that sara ramirez was supposed to return early s13 means that from the moment they introduced penny, she was intended to be written off through the grant/custody battle arc
this is pretty clear in how penny is reintroduced to the audience as well. we don't see how she and callie meet, we don't see much of the actual development of their relationship, she's not really treated as a genuine love interest ever. i think she was meant to function a bit similarly to McVet in s3(?) as like an alternate love interest who highlights how the mains are meant to be together. she's a pit-stop from day 1, and i don't think it's calzona bias to believe that because of how she objectively functions within the narrative
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
Teddy planted a kiss on his mom’s cheek. “Bye, baby,” Tina said.
“Bye, mom. Have fun on your cruise with Geraldo.”
“And you have fun in school. You’ll have to cook us a nice dinner when we get back.”
Teddy smiled at his mom. She blew him another kiss, then rode off as he waved after her. He turned to look at the building. Institute of Culinary Education. Cooking was never something Teddy had thought he’d pursue as a serious job, but he needed a new start after High School. And New York was far away enough from everything that reminded him of his Senior Year. Far away enough from Betty.
He grabbed his suitcase and walked into the building. Judging from Dot’s texts and Veronica and Kippi’s Instagram posts, his friends were having fun already.
He smiled absent-mindedly as he texted Phoebe. He would miss his family and friends but they weren’t out of the world.
And anyway, Teddy was in New York now. He would finally be able to prove to everyone that Bee did not in fact have a twin sister.
He smiled at a picture of Callie. Phoebe and Romy were having the best time in Florida and Teddy couldn’t be happier for his family. He gasped as he suddenly crashed into someone, his phone dropping in the process. “I am so sorry. I did not watch where I was going.”
He knelt down and picked up his phone and the few things the girl in front of him had dropped. He handed them to her, a smile forming on his face as they locked eyes. She had beautiful eyes that he had definitely seen before. His brow furrowed. “Hey, didn’t I see you during orientation a few months ago?”
The girl opened her mouth to talk and only then did Teddy notice that she was wearing a hearing aid. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see.”
The girl raised her hands calmingly. “Calm down, it’s fine. I can hear you well enough.” she said. She pointed at the device in her right ear. Her speech was a little slower but other than that the two had a fine enough conversation as they walked off to their dorms.
“I’m Teddy, by the way,” he greeted, turning to face her to make sure she could see his face and possibly read his lips. He extended his hand.
The girl shook it with a smile. “Ruby. Ruby Hayes.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Ruby,” Teddy told her, maybe a little too loud. He cringed as she let out a laugh. “Sorry, I’m a little awkward. A lot, actually.”
“It’s fine,” Ruby assured him once more. “Hey, give me your phone for a second.”
Teddy almost instantly handed over his phone. Ruby put her number in his contacts and took a quick snapshot of her to add to the contact. She handed Teddy his phone back. “See? Now you made a friend on your first day. Not so awkward if you ask me.”
Teddy smiled at her. “Hey, Ruby?” he asked. She looked up at him, a hum escaping her lips. “Have you ever wanted to take down the lies of a grown woman who claimed to have a twin you know isn’t real?”
Ruby furrowed her brows. Teddy cringed internally. He had one shot. He tanked it. But despite his fears, Ruby let out a small chuckle. “Who is this mystery woman you’re trying to take down?”
“Her name is Beatrice Ortiz. She goes by Bee and was born a Diaz. She claims to have a twin sister but I refuse to believe that and now that I’m finally in New York, I can take her down,” Teddy explained, hoping he was speaking clearly enough for Ruby to hear.
Ruby stopped in her path, raising her hand. “Wait, are you talking about Detective Rosa Diaz from the 99th Precinct in Brooklyn?”
Teddy narrowed his eyes at her. He nodded slowly.
Ruby laughed again. “Hate to burst your bubble, dude, but she’s a very real woman,” she told Teddy. Teddy furrowed his brows. Ruby shrugged. “I hijacked a car once. She caught me. Put me back on the right path. She actually suggested this school to me.”
“Funny, Bee actually suggested this school to me.”
“You know what that means.”
“Mmmh,” Teddy nodded. “Bee has been posing as her twin sister for years and no one noticed.”
Ruby broke out in a fit of laughter. Teddy joined in, for the first time in months forgetting about Betty Cooper. The two resumed their walk to their dorms and their conversation. Teddy made a mental note to start learning sign language soon. And to bust Bee.
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TAGGING: @hughstheforcelou @firsthorror @eddysocs @raith-way @foxesandmagic @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @decennia @hiddenqveendom @ocfairygodmother @luucypevensie
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