#callum is fruity
grogumaximus · 3 months
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raylasgf · 1 year
he’s adorable im
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 year
i hate callum getting possessed but god do i love him when he's possessed
they took aaravos' immaculate fruityness sass and put in into my blorbo's scrunkly little body chefs kiss
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quirk-engine · 2 years
Pspspsps @autistic-rat come get ur bitchass
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grapefruitey · 9 months
open to all ; callum is a hockey player
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"Nah, dating isn't really a priority." He chuckled. "I got praccy, games, conditioning, meetings with social media managers and nutritionists. Only enough time to sleep and eat." Callum shrugged. He had a salary that would make most people's eyes water, he had no complaints. He was doing what he loved. "And I got a great team."
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Rayllum Month 2024: A Prince and His Princess
Super late I know 😭 I’ve been away these past couple of days and haven’t had the time focus entirely on writing so it took me longer than usual to be able to finish this fic. I hope you enjoy this and please excuse any typo you might find 😅 I plan on finishing the Magic Prompt next and hopefully post that before S6 comes out 🤞🏽
Callum watched the training session in the courtyard from the balcony after finishing the meeting with Ezran and the rulers accompanied by their advisors from the other kingdoms earlier than expected. He admiringly watched his wife leading the training session for the knights along with Soren and couldn’t help but grin.
“Ok, now,” Rayla started. “Today, I will demonstrate how to disable your opponent by sweeping their leg, and Soren will be leading this demonstration with me,” She threw a smirk towards the crown guard who scoffed back comically. Callum chuckled as he reminisced his training session with Soren, when he tried to use that move and got told it wasn’t a thing in sword fighting, only to see Rayla successfully use it not too long after.
Rayla and Soren finally faced each other, then began to parry. As They pranced back and force and their swords kept clashing, Rayla explained each and every step along the way. Then Rayla successfully kicked Soren’s sword out of his hands and quickly slid her own beneath his feet. In the next instant, Soren was lying on his back.
“Ugh, I still need to work on countering that,” he groaned as he sat up. Rayla stood over him grinning victoriously.
“Haha yeah!” Callum cheered on from a distance, still weirded out by seeing Soren be the one on the ground. Rayla looked up in his direction, smiled and blew him a kiss.
The guards all stared in awe as Rayla looked back and bowed down in their direction. “Alright now, each of you will partner up and take turns practicing. Soren will be watching over your training as I have other important matters to handle now,” She nodded to Soren and walked over towards the stairway as swords clashed behind her. When she finally reached the top, she hugged and kissed her eager husband.
“How was the royal affairs meeting?” She asked, her hands in his.
“Eh, stuffy as always,” he answered. “But hey, it ended sooner than expected so I was able to come watch a little bit of your training session and you outmatch Soren,” he chuckled. Rayla smiled and jokingly rolled her eyes.
“Hey tell you what,” Callum continued, gently grabbing Rayla’s waist. “Can you do me a favor and wait for me in our room? There’s something important I need to show you,”
“Ooh is it a surprise?” Rayla smiled as she asked cunningly, wrapping her arms around his neck. Callum looked at her nervously then scratched the back of his head.
“Ugh can’t talk now! I’ll see you later,” he finally dashed past her and she smiled at him softly.
Rayla was more than excited to finally get to bond with her baby girl Amaris, constantly making goofy faces and planting kisses all over her tiny face.
“Who’s a wee cutie, hmm? Who’s a wee cutie?!” Rayla asked her baby playfully before blowing raspberries into her itty bitty belly. Little Amaris’s squeals and laughs grew louder with each second and her dazzling green eyes twinkled with excitement.
The door finally opened and Callum walked in, hiding something in one hand behind his back.
“Daddy’s here,” Rayla said softly as she walked over to him. With his empty hand, he reached towards Amaris’s face and squeezed her chubby cheek.
“Aww there’s my wuvley widdle princess!!” He exclaimed as he reached to kiss the squealing infant. He then looked up and smiled at Rayla, who was gently shaking Amaris. He finally revealed what was in his other hand and Rayla’s eyes widened in wonder.
“Is that..” Rayla gasped when she took a closer look. That familiar sweet and fruity aroma filled her nose.
“No! You did not!” She put her hand on her gaping mouth.
“Moonberry Surprise!” Callum finished for her joyfully. “Made by non other than Barius!”
Rayla couldn’t find any words to say. She only found herself leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
“Callum! You truly are the best husband anyone can ask for!”
They walked over to their bed and Rayla laid a cooing Amaris down. Rayla couldn’t stop gaping and drooling as Callum cut open the cake revealing the slowly trickling moonberry jelly filled with tiny fruit chunks. He brought with him two forks and plates for each of them to eat together in bed.
After Callum put a slice on each of their plates, he grabbed a fork and cut off a piece from Rayla’s plate, then reached for her mouth.
“How is it?” He asked. Rayla chewed and felt the vanilla frosting blending with the sweet and mildly sour moonberry flavor in her mouth.
“Callum this is the BEST moonberry surprise I’ve ever had in my life!”
Callum chuckled at her. “You’re kidding right? You’ve definitely had better ones in the Silvergrove,”
“Mmmm, nope! This one has Barius’s special touch and it was a gift from you. Nothing in all of Xadia could beat that,”
“Well I would do anything for my princess,”
Callum reached to gently grab her chin. Rayla let out a soft laugh but looked down awkwardly. She reached for her plate, slid her finger through the thick red jelly and stuck her finger in Amaris’s tiny mouth, with the baby grabbing her mother’s finger with all five of her fingers as she sucked the jelly. Callum looked at her curiously but he immediately understood. He reached for his daughter’s hair and softly rolled her tiny silver curls around his finger.
“You’re still not used to the title, aren’t you?” He asked calmly, eventually moving his finger to caress Amaris’s stubby little horn.
“I guess not, not really. It just sounds…too regal” Rayla answered him, feeding more jelly to her daughter. Callum then reached out and grabbed Rayla’s hand.
“Yeah I get it,” he started. “When my mom married my stepdad, I became a prince right away. But growing up, it never really stood with me. You know? Because I wasn’t born a prince and all that. Not to mention all the stuff I had to learn and do because it was expected of a prince. I felt like the title just…put me above other people and it just didn’t feel right, you know? Even being called the high mage still felt… weird. But I always reminded myself of my stepdad calling himself a servant of Katolis, that it is was his duty to serve every single person and creature in this kingdom and to make sure they had everything they needed. He reminded me that our titles in this castle don’t make us better than everyone else, but they’re reminders of our own responsibilities to everyone. What we do to help others. And Rayla?” He finally reached to hold her cheek, with Rayla lovingly putting her hand on top of his. “Knowing you and knowing how much you care for others and always want to help, I don’t think there’s anyone I know of that’s more qualified than you are,”
Rayla’s violet eyes widened and shined as she heard more his words. She felt herself leaning and melting more into his big warm hand on her face.
“Callum,” she started calmly. “Somehow, you just have a way to bring out the best in even the worst of things,” she sighed relaxingly. She then grabbed a fork, took a piece from Callum’s plate, then reached for his mouth. Callum bit off of it, but Rayla smirked then lifted the fork; taking Callum by surprise and getting jelly stained frosting smeared over his lips.
“Hey! You meant to do that!” Callum joked as Rayla laughed at his cute mischievous frown.
“Here I got it for you,” She chuckled, then leaned forward to place her lips on his, sucking off the smudged deliciousness. When she slightly backed away, Callum felt her giggle and smile against his lips. He chuckled back then leaned forward to kiss her now smudged lips. They wrapped their arms around each other and made out passionately as they also enjoyed the sweet flavor of each other’s lips.
When they finally pulled away, they leaned their foreheads against each other’s and stared into each other’s eyes tenderly. They then burst into laughter and laid back onto the bed. They looked towards their daughter and found her already fast asleep despite all the noise they were making. Callum carried the sleeping infant and went to place her in her crib, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. He then joined Rayla back in bed to cuddle and eventually doze off.
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calicoholic · 6 months
Callum the Advocate
(Columbine Genderbend)
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His sorry ass CANNOT TIE HAIR!!!
Look at his fruity ass I fucking hate him (passionate)
Guys holy shit our wifi is back and NATs are gonna be the end of me (WHAT THE FUCK IS A CALCULATOR ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
I finished this during our breaks and wish me luck tomorrow that I'm gonna survive that fricking test it's so joever.
(Silly Callum in his silly nature jumpscare!)
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cosmicpoutine · 4 months
saw all your posts about the dragon prince the other day and id not really watched it since season 3, so i binged it from the start and now im half way through 5!!! have you got any fun thoughts/ opinions abt it bc i need to brain rot
omg i love this questionnnnn
if you look the tdp tag on my blog you will find some headcanons i've drawn and aus too! (be careful tho there's nsfw there too) also you might not be able to find all of my tdp stuff there, idk why but tumblr doesn't show me all my posts in the tag
my favorite headcanon is that runaan and tiadrin (rayla's mom) are twins/siblings.
also that rayla will be taller than callum because most of her family members are pretty tall. AND non-binary rayla and trans callum, i'm actually obsessed with that idea and rayllum always seems fruity to me anyways.
also love to think that rayllum will be traveling across xadia exploring and having fun once this whole thing is done (if none of them dies)
the new season is coming so i will be talking about it a lot more anyways lol
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theonetruegnome · 1 month
Trivia time again!
Just a short one this time to please you, my little meeples. I'm having a bit of writer's block, but I don't wanna disappoint, so we're just doing some trivia today. Thanks to my beautiful friends @funny-critter-blog, @smilingcrittersthingig and @daydreamer36 for helping me come up with these, listening to my ideas, or just for putting up with my inane drivel and stupid banter. Cheers guys! So, let's begin:
Leah's favourite food is candy, especially hard candy or anything fruity. Once Callum gave her a 10kg bag of boiled sweets for her birthday and she pretty much got a contact-sugar-high. When the others went 'round to visit about a week later, her room was covered from floor to ceiling in sticky sweet shards and the bag of sweets was mysteriously missing.
Sunny has an incredible singing voice and loves to sing, though she's very shy and secretive about it. Most of the time, she only really hums or sings under her breath while doing chores, and if anybody tries complimenting her or joining in, she instantly freezes up.
Conk never learnt to ride a bike, and he insists he never will. He's mainly afraid of falling asleep at the handles and crashing. The others insist it wouldn't happen, but the evidence from prior events, such as when they had a tug o' war or went rock-climbing, is pretty damning.
The only person who can rival Munch in being upside down is Sunny, though she can only do it on an empty stomach. Otherwise she gets very nauseous and usually ends up spewing. Because of this, Munch only just barely beats her, as he will immediately right himself to check on her.
Dandy and Eli once had a months long prank war, during which they managed to catch every single one of the shifted critters in the crossfire. Everything from buckets over doorways to one memorable prank where Dandy accidentally stained Leah's cardigan and got yelled at by Sunny and Munch when they saw Callum Cuddling the saddened bear. Despite this and many more scoldings, the two remained locked in their mortal mockery melee. The others had grown tired of having to deal with the constant pranks played against them, so they decided to get the two back. Munch dug a big hole, Conk disguised it with flimsy sticks, leaves and rotten boards, and Sunny set up a tripwire mechanism. Callum convinced the two to follow him to the place where the trap lay, while Mana enchanted the covered hole to look entirely normal. Both inevitably fell in and suddenly found themselves covered in a mix of jam and feathers coming up to their chests, made all the worse by the sounds of Leah's camera clicking away. Sunny said they'd keep doing things like this to them if they didn't stop and make up. Leah even said she'd publish the photos online to humiliate them more(She was lying!). Of course, the two immediately made up and apologised, earning their freedom from the hole.
Sunny still has the last remaining picture that the others didn't destroy of Eli and Dandy after their tarring jamming and feathering, as she thinks it's funny and could be a useful deterrent if they try to start another prank war.
Right, I can't think of anything else that isn't incredibly dull and or over three novels in length, so we're ending this here. I'll try and stay to a consistent schedule, but no promises, ok?
Also new lore tomorrow maybe-
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princemick · 1 year
If all f1 contracts were to end tomorrow and you could build a new grid where money wasn’t an object and there are no constraints on which drivers could go to each team (alpha tauri isn’t junior Red Bull, teams with Ferrari engines don’t need a Ferrari driver etc), what would your grid look like?
I checked my activity before going to sleep and this is actually such a good fucking question so I couldn't wait.
anyway heres my dream f1 lineup
- Danny and Lew, we deserve it, give it to me, thank you very much
- I really dont think I have to say it. Charles and Mick, fucking obviously.
- I am all powerful right bc id like, Yuki and Pierre thanks
- Pato and Oscar bc I like both those guys n it b a fun team
- Este and Jack. give me my weird little fruity overexcited men in a team. rename the team to schumi bf while we're at it.
- Alex and Callum because I'm an actual genius, thank you.
- keep it as is, that team is absolutely wonderful I would kill for Guanyu and Val.
- Kev and Romain bc I deserve to have my dads back thanks.
- Stoff and Nyck, bc first off, separating them was a crime and secondly, give me my queer lil dutch speaking team back.
and that concludes my dream f1 grid, I'm right, you're wrong, thank you for your time.
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squishmallow36 · 2 years
So for the keeper art challenge hosted by @an-ungraceful-swan I got Keefe, so here are my Keefes:
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Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-fruity-frog @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @never-mourn-the-good @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @cotyledon-tomentosa @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @cherryys-stuff @arson-anarchy-death
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 year
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"callum is straight" ok
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rippilie · 1 year
hey hey !! i'm not sure if you're taking questions on antebellum, but i wanted to ask if the characters have official gender identities and sexualities revealed?
Sure!!! In terms of the main characters- Shinku is Pansexual Ismene is Pansexual and Demiromantic Dracul is Bisexual Maiko is Biromantic and Heterosexual Eiichi is Gay! Yui is Staright Taka is Bisexual (He's also a trans guy!) Emilia is a lesbian Mint is Gay Alora is Aroace Kiyoshi is straight Asuga is uhhhhhh I'm not really sure they're a bit tooty fruity though, the specifics? Not sure. She hasn't had time to think about it. They use They/She pronouns and identify as a Demigirl! Kotaro is Panromantic and Asexual Lyra is Bisexual Rei is Bisexual(?) Takiko is a lesbian In terms of sideee charactersss- Akari is questioning Ichigo is a homophobic homosexual (Unlabelled) Yume is demiromantic Asexual who uses they/them pronouns! Lavender is Straight Kohana is trying his best Callum is Demiromantic Heterosexual Micha is Bisexual and a trans woman! Amie is Straight (Disaster closet lesbian with the biggest girl crush on Micha) Asteria is... I could go on a whole essay when it comes to Asteria's sexuality becaUSE I DON'T KNOW Reecey is straight Sachiko is a Lesbian Shedo is a Criminal Lillith is SSByZWFsbHkgc2hvdWxkIGZlZWwgZ3VpbHR5IGFib3V0IGl0Lg==
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withinkandquill · 6 days
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Some food-themed headcanons (& some canon notes):
Anya loves fruity and/or sour candies. Sour Patch Kids, Sweet Tarts, etc. She doesn��t like the lemon flavored ones though.
Nadia’s favorite food is strawberries.
Callum is severely allergic to oranges. He’s supposed to carry an epi-pen. He doesn’t.
Roxane likes comfort foods like breads, soups, and stews. Brianna especially enjoys meals with meat involved in them. Rosanna has a sweet tooth, especially in modern AUs.
Cardan likes several mortal dishes like pizza, Chinese take-out, and breakfast cereals.
Wolf canonically has a weakness for tomatoes and Winter’s favorite dessert is sour apple petits.
Scarlet’s comfort food is lemon cake. It reminds her of her grandmother.
Moselle likes all types of seafood and would eat nothing but it if she could.
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ashpkat · 3 years
constantine definitely wasnt straight, for gods sake all he owned was flannels
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acerace · 3 years
Purple did absolutely phenomenal it's appreciation post time
First of all Grian raised 1.1k pounds to help complete building the school in Ghana he previously fundraised for! And he's making a separate donation of his own for cancer research <3
Also Grian's video description is "Grian on MCC with Grian Scott Joel and FRUITY B" LMAO
Pre game banter my beloved Grian going "Joel as much as we want to win mcc, today we're here to find out which one of us is the nerf!" only for Joel to say it's Scott and for Scott to do the worst on the team in the end, and Grian going "as a birthday treat I'll carry Fruit to victory" and later Illumina in Fruit's chat saying if HitW was picked he'd start using up the internet so Fruit would win lmao
Then individually holy heck, entire team top 15???? Fruit 3rd Joel 6th Grian 11th Scott 14???????? My streamers popped off!!!! Their teamwork was phenomenal and their energy was high and humourous- every game someone joked about Scott playtesting maps ("yeah I've played ace race with the new tridents THAT WAS A JOKE THAT WAS A JOKE SLASH JAY SLASH JAY") or Fruit and lava ("I'm getting flashbacks" "the key to Survival Games is not to put yourself in lava"). The callbacks to previous MCCs (Wilbur's burning building, Joel spilling water on his keyboard, return of the gong etc) and the special stuff for Fruit's birthday!! The random interactions with other Players- Grian calling Tubbo his hero for voting Build Mart, Pearl calling Grian Griba during DB and sneaking around during the break, Grian and Pete being excited together for Purple DB, Martyn randomly showing up?? Phil mistaking Scott for a fan in TGTTOS and hitting him and then Grian and Phil smacking each other while Grian just laughed for a minute straight <3 every Joel and Oli interaction <3 Scott and Joel cheering for Callum when he popped off <3
Onto the games themselves;
They had incredible teamwork and communication and finished second in Grid Runners almost entirely as a result! Their skills really shown with the tower and prison challenges as they effectively communicated what to do- Fruit did the parkour and called out which pistons to activate, and in the building room Grian was able to immediately tell the others what to do- "make an iron golem, then put the blue on the hand".
Sky Battle being an unexpected victory?? Hello?? Like when it was selected Grian went "this is going to kill my motivation" and asked if he could just yeet himself off. Then they won the first round only for Fruit to instantly fall off the first three seconds of round two lmaooo. "If you take care of the bridging, I'll follow you to death" ok Mr. Roleplayer calm down Grian this isn't 3rd Life. Grian getting 6 kills including Punz and Tommy?? Scott taking out a whole team iirc with an enderpearl to attack from behind and going "if I'm not in Callum's top ten plays!"?? Grian and Scott saying they were "channeling Technoblade" >>> the rest of the event. Joel being terrible at bridging and everyone laughing at him. Grian coming THIRD in SKY BATTLE and first on his team while Fruit placed last!! Then Grian saying he was pumped after the game after expecting it to ruin his mood <3 joking about Fruit being their nerf and that Grian really was going to carry them to DB <3
Parkour Tag was one of their worst games and they didn't even do badly! Grian going "don't worry guys I'll go hunt Blue, I'll step up", Scott telling Fruit he'd hunt the last two teams (incorrectly) saying "it's red and pink" "oh G-d", Joel wanting to hunt Oli specifically then getting all of Green in 20 second as all of Purple survived to the end! Grian saying he'd call out for Scott and Joel immediately talking, and Scott telling him to shush. And of course "we didn't stop when Wilbur's building was on fire why are we stopping for a pee break"
Grian joking he only liked his team because they'd win, Scott asking if their friendship meant anything, Grian being silent, Scott indignantly going "I gave up my bed for you the other weekend!" then Grian immediately and sincerely saying how much he appreciated them (soft moment, made me 🥺) (also hello was that from the Mumbo Jimmy Scott meetup?? Was Grian there?? Was it for his birthday?? Scott pls I wanna hear the story)
TGTTOS and Grian being right at the front with Phil and Pete for Terra Swoop Force and then missing the podium, falling underneath it and getting stuck, losing first place </3 pain and suffering I tell you. Grian getting third on the second map, Fruit popped off as usual, Grian and Phil smacking each other under the plane and Phil hitting Scott instead of a fan, Grian mistaking Dream for Fruit and trying to follow him, Scott refusing to punch the Simmers or Niki <3 Scott saying he thought they removed the breakdown map "because it was hellish" lmaooo
The break and Pearl and Tommy standing by Grian <3 Pearl messing with him <3 Hermits my beloved every tag on every post about that moment is "they're siblings your honour" and they're right
Grian coming back, saying "ok let's unmute and hope it isn't Survival Games" only for Joel to immediately say "it's Survival Games" as Grian starts to fake-cry. All the Dreamslayer jokes. Survival Games starting very dodgy with them getting like no items and running into Pink early before they got absolutely stacked like hello?? Fruit had Feather Falling boots and a Quick Charge crossbow and he and Grian had Punch II bows! Fruit had speed and regen the entire end fight! Fruit and Joel POPPING OFF and winning SG!!! Lowkey the spiritual successor to MCC9 Blue Bats our beloved
(Pete and Martyn <3)
Ace Race!! Scott frantically shouting "SLASH JAY" after joking about the map. Fruit Joel and Grian all did the big skip at the end, Fruit twice despite never doing it before! Grian going from 21st to 9th and then messing up with the new tridents and falling back to mid 20s </3 the entire team doing super well and Fruit only being a tenth of a second off Callum's time! Build Mart brought mild panic but that didn't stop them at all- they were in their element in the confusion and it showed! First overall baby!! Tubbo singlehandedly ensuring Build Mart was picked and Scott telling everyone to stream Life by the Sea to say thank you!! Grian called Tubbo his hero! Fruit was a great floater and the entire team came together to work on the gold builds, giving them the lead!
Sands of Time and Sand Daddy! Why! And wow Grian really did not hesitate there huh. But really they did amazing as well, even with Vexes killing Grian instantly (I've decided that was the Convex actually <3) and Scott's "oh purple opened a vault- OH WAIT THAT'S US" lmaoo. Grian walking into a room of locked doors, one with a ravager and another with a lot of coins, randomly flipping a lever and getting the coins before realizing what could've happened?? Joel doing the word puzzles, Grian calling Fruit over to do the lava chain parkour and Fruit clutching it up as a Vex attacked him!! Each team member earning 1k coins!! Scott shaming Sapnap for throwing a tomato at Niki <3
And then in Dodgebolt we saw the return of Grian "it's a team game, everybody gets to shoot" Hermitcraft, with the new quote of "we ride together we die together". Them going into DB by saying how much fun they had playing together <3 Scott saying he didn't mind Pink winning because Dream would be donating to cancer research <3 Grian turning to the audience and dramatically looking to the heavens <3 Dodgebolt was amazing- Grian body blocking for Fruit, Dreamslayer moment, Grian managing to kill 2/3 during a 1v3 during a panic attack. He deserves the world actually /parasocial. The others all asking Grian if he was okay and telling him to take his time when they realized he was serious about the panic attack. Congratulating each other after the event and talking about how much fun they had, plus all the money raised for charity <3
I, uh, apparently had a lot to say, so this is very long, but in conclusion
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