garlicbreadsimp · 3 years
It’s over. 
Another boyfriend called it quits and she still can’t realize who’s right in front of her. 
She called me again that night and said that she’ll never be over him being over her. 
I’m used to this, sadly. My best friend has always had good luck when it came to boyfriends who never stick past the first few dates. I mean I get it I guess. This has happened so often that it’s fair that she’s become quite the broken record. Except this time, this asshole truly broke her heart. 
I should be used to her crying to me about it, and I am. 
Sort of.
I know I should be the bigger person, better friend and be happy for her when boys come knocking at her door, but I can’t help but think a piece of my heart breaks when she’s with someone else. I never used to think that this jealousy meant anything until recently when she called me after bo(zo)yfriend number (I’ve lost count) tossed her to the side. I thought that maybe this is what friends are supposed to feel - upset that the guy broke her heart. I didn’t just want to break his face this time, I wanted to make sure she was never treated this way again. The only person I trusted with the fragile beat of her heart was me. 
I heard the sound of my phone vibrating with the ringtone I put for her and immediately swiped to answer.
“I’m so sick of being broken up with all the time Calum, I hate it!” she huffed. I heard her loud exhale - an exhale that would only indicate how angry she was at the world for throwing yet another lousy tool her way. I paused for a moment to think of an answer that wouldn’t accidentally spill my guts out all over the phone.
“Well, you’re too good for those guys anyway Char.” My nickname for her. I came up with it when we were kids and she swears she hates being called anything but that. 
“But you always say that! You’re obligated to say that anyways as my best friend.” 
“You know that’s not true! Trust me there will be better guys out there for you, maybe even closer than you think.” I stopped. Damn it, I should’ve just lied or something, I don’t know. 
Her breathing hitched and I knew she started crying. 
“H-how come you’re the only guy who truly cares Calum? I-I swear there’s no one like the f-friend who’s always there to cheer me up when I’m down about d-dumb things like boys. You’re the best friend I could ever h-have.” 
My heart felt that all too familiar sting.
“Yeah, best friends! Always gonna do that for you. Always. No matter what. I’m such a sucker for you.” I blurted out. 
“ A-a-as a friend I mean, um.. yeah.” I stammered. Yeah, great save stupid. 
After a long pause, I finally heard her voice.
“Hey, thanks for being a friend. I’ll call you tomorrow at ten, Calum.” 
And I’m stuck in the friend zone, again and again. 
I’m the only one who can take away your hurt and you’ve proven that more than needed. Are my signals not strong enough? Would it ruin our friendship? 
He treated you so bad and I’m so good to you, it’s not fair.
That night, I drove to her house in Mum’s Toyota Corolla in-tow with the usual feel-better breakup cure: a vat of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy, a yellow sunflower (to show her that bright times are ahead), and my (her) favourite sweater. 
I got to her door and knocked, my hands full with the goods. The sunflower beamed up at me, almost as if it was mocking me. 
‘Haha she gets to hold me. You’re a loser Calum.’ Whatever, I like roses anyway. 
The front door opened with a swing and out stepped Char barefoot on the front porch. 
“Hey there, heartbreak girl.”  
She rolled her big brown eyes at me and let me in the house. 
In her room, I grabbed her acoustic guitar. I sat on her bed and began strumming a random melody lightly. G chord here, a B minor there and then an E minor chord, followed by a C to end it off. 
“That’s pretty good Cal.”  Char said with a smile. She always liked when I played guitar, although I’m more of a bass fan myself. 
“I dedicate this song to you then.” 
The one who never sees the truth. 
“Can I ask you something?” she said, dipping her spoon into the cold chocolatey goodness, as I continued to strum. 
“Can you help me come up with a rebound idea?” she asked. 
I immediately stopped playing. I’m right here! When are you gonna realize???
“Don’t you think it’s better to leave things as they are?” I swallowed the lump building in my throat, and looked up from the instrument in my shaky hands.
“Why?” She faced me with a confused expression, eyebrows raised. 
Sometimes I’m so close to confession. 
Things were quiet for a minute, as I prepared myself for what I didn’t expect to say. 
“The song was called Heartbreak Girl.”
She gasped.
I just gotta get it through your head, that you belong with me instead.
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nsfw5sosmut-blog · 9 years
can you do a cal proposal please oh my god
I really enjoyed the Luke one and I couldn’t resist Calum with dogs, hope you enjoy, requests are open
This is not Smut.
word count: 709
I heard the door open and smiled, knowing Calum was home. “Y/N I have a surprise!” He shouted as he locked the door behind him, he walked into the lounge where I was sat on the sofa. He was carrying a large bag in one hand and recording with his phone in the other. “Are you excited Y/N?” He asked, pointing the camera at me and I laughed, he always loved giving me presents and seeing my reaction.
I unzipped the bag and saw a little bit of movement. My eyes grew wide as I saw the cutest little sleepy puppy inside, a little brown puppy with big blue eyes staring up at me. “Oh my god Calum” I said, pulling it out of the bag and cuddling it to my chest excitedly, “his name is Moose” he said and I cuddled him in to me. Moose yawned and I couldn’t help but coo at how adorable he was.
“Isn’t he cute” Calum said and I nodded frantically, “the most adorable little thing” I said, smiling widely at him. “Look at his collar” Calum suggested and I frowned, “it matches his eyes” I observed, and Calum laughed, “I know, but look closer” he said. I twisted it round and my mouth fell open in shock. Hanging from the collar was a diamond ring. “No way, Calum?” I asked, looking up to see him perched on one knee, he picked the dog off of my lap and I laughed. He undid the collar and removed the ring, placing the little puppy on the floor. “Y/N, will you marry me and make me the happiest guy in the whole world?” He asked, I nodded my head as I tried to contain my tears of joy at the prospect.
He grabbed my hand and slid the ring on, a huge smile on both of our faces. “I love you Calum” I said, kissing him quickly on the lips “god I love you so much” he said, pulling me off the couch and enveloping me in a giant hug. “Shall we go walk moose and get ice-cream?” He asked and I nodded, kissing him again. “Oh wait” he said, grabbing his phone from where it was propped up on the table, I had forgot he was even filming. He turned it to face us both and said “She said yes!” Into the camera, holding up my hand to show the ring, I laughed and he pressed a kiss to my cheek, ending the video.
As we walked out the door, ring on my finger and little Moose on his lead I wrapped my arm around Calum and leaned into his body, “you make me the happiest person in the world” I said and he smiled down at me “and you make me the happiest person in the world Mrs Hood” he said, kissing my cheek.
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pantlesslucas · 9 years
calumfluff replied to your post: ok someone explain to me what the big ...
exactly! i have no idea why people hate her
please tell that to all the anons in my ask thx lmao
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