istumpysk · 1 year
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
TWOW: Barristan I
Welcome back! What's worse than a battle chapter?
A Barristan Selmy battle chapter.
Through the gloom of night the dead men flew, raining down upon the city streets. The riper corpses would fall to pieces in the air, and burst when they came smashing down onto the bricks, scattering worms and maggots and worse things. Others would bounce against the sides of pyramids and towers, leaving smears of blood and gore to mark the places where they'd struck.
Bodies are flying from trebuchets, so that must mean a Lannister is on the other side.
When Daenerys had taken the city, they had broken through that same gate with the huge battering ram called Joso's Cock, made from the mast of a ship.
Just a friendly reminder that this is a rape metaphor, and has nothing to do with Jon Snow's cock. My condolences to that fandom.
Now once again the market was a scene of carnage, though these dead came riding the pale mare. By day Meereen's brick streets showed half a hundred hues, but night turned them into patchworks of black and white and grey. Torchlight shimmered in the puddles left by the recent rains, and painted lines of fire on the helms and greaves and breastplates of the men.
Unfortunate timing: the rain stopped precisely when the threat of a city-state being engulfed by dragon fire reached its peak.
Perhaps the gods are not deaf after all, Ser Barristan Selmy reflected as he watched those distant embers. If not for the rain, the fires might have consumed all of Meereen by now. - The Queen's Hand, ADWD
Ser Barristan Selmy rode past them slowly. The old knight wore the armor his queen had given him—a suit of white enameled steel, inlaid and chased with gold. The cloak that streamed from his shoulders was as white as winter snow, as was the shield slung from his saddle. Beneath him was the queen's own mount, the silver mare Khal Drogo had given her upon their wedding day. That was presumptuous, he knew, but if Daenerys herself could not be with them in their hour of peril, Ser Barristan hoped the sight of her silver in the fray might give heart to her warriors, reminding them of who and what they fought for. 
Remember this, a great joke is coming.
Besides, the silver had been years in the company of the queen's dragons, and had grown accustomed to the sight and scent of them. That was not something that could be said for the horses of their foes.
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
That was how Khal Jhaqo found her, when half a hundred mounted warriors emerged from the drifting smoke. - Daenerys X, ADWD
Westeros implications as well.
With him rode three of his lads. Tumco Lho carried the three-headed dragon banner of House Targaryen, red on black.
✨ banner ✨
Beneath the towering brick facade of Meereen's ancient Slave Exchange, five thousand Unsullied were drawn up in ten long lines. They stood as still as if they had been carved of stone, each with his three spears, short sword, and shield. Torchlight winked off the spikes of their bronze helmets, and bathed the smooth-cheeked faces beneath. When a body came spinning down amongst them, the eunuchs simply stepped aside, taking just as many steps as were required, then closing ranks again. They were all afoot, even their officers: Grey Worm first and foremost, marked by the three spikes on his helm.
This isn't terribly important, but it's never made clear where the other three thousand are. Is it a surprise?
Not far from them, about the ghastly monument the Great Masters called the Spire of Skulls, several hundred pit fighters had gathered. Selmy saw the Spotted Cat amongst them. Beside him stood Fearless Ithoke, and elsewhere Senerra She-Snake, Camarron of the Count, the Brindled Butcher, Togosh, Marrigo, Orlos the Catamite. Even Goghor the Giant was there, towering above the others like a man amongst boys. Freedom means something to them after all, it would seem. The pit fighters had more love for Hizdahr than they had ever shown Daenerys, but Selmy was glad to have them all the same. Some are even wearing armor, he observed. Perhaps his defeat of Khrazz had taught them something.
It wouldn't be a Barristan Selmy chapter if I didn't breakdown all the ways he's an imbecile.
Possibly Perhaps a Probable Predicament in the Battle #1:
We are not far removed from Barristan Selmy overthrowing Meereen's king and killing Khrazz, a pit fighter and the king's personal guard.
He now surrounds himself with other pit fighters, and is glad to be in their presence. 🚩🚩🚩
Selmy did not fear Khrazz, much less Steelskin. They were only pit fighters. Hizdahr's fearsome collection of former fighting slaves made indifferent guards at best. Speed and strength and ferocity they had, and some skill at arms as well, but blood games were poor training for protecting kings. In the pits their foes were announced with horns and drums, and after the battle was done and won the victors could have their wounds bound up and quaff some milk of the poppy for the pain, knowing that the threat was past and they were free to drink and feast and whore until the next fight. But the battle was never truly done for a knight of the Kingsguard. Threats came from everywhere and nowhere, at any time of day or night. No trumpets announced the foe: vassals, servants, friends, brothers, sons, even wives, any of them might have knives concealed beneath their cloaks and murder hidden in their hearts. For every hour of fighting, a Kingsguard knight spent ten thousand hours watching, waiting, standing silent in the shadows. - The Kingbreaker, TWOW
Could have another Tyrion / Mandon Moore situation on our hands.
Above, the gatehouse battlements were crowded with men in patchwork cloaks and brazen masks: the Shavepate had sent his Brazen Beasts onto the city walls, to free up the Unsullied to take the field. Should the battle be lost, it would be up to Skahaz and his men to hold Meereen against the Yunkai'i … until such time as Queen Daenerys could return. If indeed she ever does.
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George will never slip an ellipsis of truth by me!
The takeaway? The battle will be lost ... until Daenerys returns with her weapon of mass destruction.
There's even more evidence of this when we get a preview of Dumbo's overconfidence in his next chapter.
He sees that ironmen are coming ashore, fighting the Yunkish, and says, surprised, "They are on our side!" The sellswords did not come to meet his charge because they were already preoccupied with the ironborn! Barristan is almost gleeful. "It’s like Baelor Breakspear and Prince Maekar, the hammer and the anvil. We have them! We have them!" - Summary of Barristan II, TWOW
None of this is much of a surprise. Moving on.
Possibly Perhaps a Probable Predicament in the Battle #2:
With Barry and his knights, the Unsullied, the Lhazarene, the sellsword companies, the Dothraki, and all the fighting freedmen outside the walls, Barristan has left Skahaz the Shavepoint (aka The Poisoner) and his Brazen Beasts in charge of Meereen. Uhhh, not ideal.
Ser Witless has forgotten why Daenerys believed this was such a bad idea in the first place.
"I know." The queen sighed. "What do you counsel, ser?"
"Battle," said Ser Barristan.
"Or five. And if I give you the Unsullied, I will have no one but the Brazen Beasts to hold Meereen."
When she opened her eyes again, Daenerys said, "I cannot fight two enemies, one within and one without. If I am to hold Meereen, I must have the city behind me. The whole city. I need … I need …" She could not say it. - Daenerys V, ADWD
And that's not the only thing he's forgotten.
The hostages again. He would kill them every one if I allowed it. "I heard you the first hundred times. No." - The Queen's Hand, ADWD
Speaking of outcomes that are fairly easy to anticipate:
A battle that looks lost + Skahaz the Shavepate in charge of all the child hostages and Hizdahr zo Loraq = ...
Across the city at other gates others forces had assembled. Tal Toraq and his Stalwart Shields had gathered by the eastern gate, sometimes called the hill gate or the Khyzai gate, since travelers bound for Lhazar via the Khyzai Pass always left that way. Marselen and the Mother's Men had massed beside the south gate, the Yellow Gate.
We remain on high alert regarding anything concerning Missandei's sole surviving brother.
Too many foes, Ser Barristan brooded. Their numbers must surely tell against us. This attack went against all of the old knight’s instincts. Meereen’s walls were thick and strong. Inside those walls, the defenders enjoyed every advantage. Yet he had no choice but to lead his men into the teeth of the Yunkish siege lines, against foes of vastly greater strength.
The White Bull would have called it folly. He would have warned Barristan against trusting sellswords too. This is what it has come to, my queen, Ser Barristan thought. Our fates hinge upon a sellsword’s greed. Your city, your people, our lives … the Tattered Prince holds us all in his bloodstained hands.
You had no choice? Really, you had no choice?
The best of them overcame their flaws, did their duty, and died with their swords in their hands. The worst …
The worst were those who played the game of thrones. - The Queensguard, ADWD
If the Shavepate speaks treason, he will leave me no choice but to arrest him. Hizdahr is my queen's consort, however little I may like it. My duty is to him, not Skahaz. - The Queensguard, ADWD
"Daenerys signed that peace," Ser Barristan said. "It is not for us to break it without her leave." - The Queensguard, ADWD
The Tattered Prince's bloodstained hands? The Tattered Prince?
Even if their best hope proved to be forlorn hope, Selmy knew that he had no other choice. He might have held Meereen for years against the Yunkai’i, but he could not hold it for even a moon’s turn with the pale mare galloping through its streets.
Here's that beautiful joke.
Who's the pale mare galloping through the streets, disrupting any chance of peace?
Ser Barristan Selmy rode past them slowly. The old knight wore the armor his queen had given him—a suit of white enameled steel, inlaid and chased with gold. The cloak that streamed from his shoulders was as white as winter snow, as was the shield slung from his saddle. Beneath him was the queen's own mount, the silver mare Khal Drogo had given her upon their wedding day.
"You know our plan of attack," the white knight said, when the captains were gathered around him. "We will hit them first with our horse, as soon as the gate is opened. Ride hard and fast, straight at the slave soldiers. When the legions form up, sweep around them. Take them from behind or from the flank, but do not try their spears. Remember your objectives." "The trebuchet," said the Widower. "The one the Yunkai'i call Harridan. Take it, topple it, or burn it."
The plan is for Barristan to lead a sortie, destroy all the trebuchets, and give the Unsullied enough time to march and form up outside the gates.
And then they win, I guess? I don't know what the hell this guy is thinking.
He let it pass, and said, "These attacks should distract the Yunkai'i long enough for Grey Worm to march the Unsullied out the gate and form up." That was where his plan would rise or fall, he knew. If the Yunkish commanders had any sense, they would send their horse thundering down on the eunuchs before they could form ranks, when they were most vulnerable. His own cavalry would have to prevent that long enough for the Unsullied to lock shields and raise their wall of spears.
An Unsullied weakness has been emphasized by the author. I'm sure that will be important later in the story.
"At the sound of my horn, Grey Worm will advance in line and roll up the slavers and their soldiers. It may be that one or more Ghiscari legions will march out to meet them, shield to shield and spear to spear. That battle we shall surely win." "This one hears," said Grey Worm. "It shall be as you say." "Listen for my horn," Ser Barristan told them. "If you hear the retreat, fall back. Our walls stand behind us, packed with Brazen Beasts. Our foes dare not come too close, or they will find themselves in crossbow range. If you hear the horn sound advance, advance at once. Make for my standard or the queen's."
Possibly Perhaps a Probable Predicament in the Battle #3:
There's more than one person planning on sounding a horn during this fight.
"You will sail with me on Iron Victory," he told them, "but you will not join the battle. Boy, you're the youngest – you'll sound the horn first. When the time comes you will blow it long and loud. They say you are strong. Blow the horn until you are too weak to stand, until the last bit of breath has been squeezed from you, until your lungs are burning. Let the freedmen hear you in Meereen, the slavers in Yunkai, the ghosts in Astapor. Let the monkeys shit themselves at the sound when it rolls across the Isle of Cedars. Then pass the horn along to the next man. Do you hear me? Do you know what to do?" - Victarion I, TWOW
That might be an issue.
Not Barristan Selmy's fault, but I'll blame him anyway.
The Widower's horse sidled to his left. "And if your horn falls silent, ser knight? If you and these green boys of yours are cut down?" It was a fair question. Ser Barristan meant to be the first through the Yunkish lines. He might well be the first to die. It often worked that way. "If I fall, command is yours. After you, Jokin. Then Grey Worm." Should all of us be killed, the day is lost, he might have added, but they all knew that, surely, and none of them would want to hear it said aloud. Never speak of defeat before a battle, Lord Commander Hightower had told him once, when the world was young, for the gods may be listening.
"And if we come upon the captain?" asked the Widower. Daario Naharis. "Give him a sword and follow him."
The Widower and Jokin are Stormcrow captains.
I have no idea why they're ahead of Grey Worm in the line of command.
Though Barristan Selmy had little love and less trust for the queen’s paramour, he did not doubt his courage, nor his skill at arms. And if he should die heroically in battle, so much the better.
No way it will be that easy.
He had done his own praying earlier, as his squires helped him don his armor. His gods were far away across the sea in Westeros, but if the septons told it true, the Seven watched over their children wherever they might wander. Ser Barristan had said a prayer to the Crone, beseeching her to grant him a little of her wisdom, so that he might lead his men to victory. To his old friend the Warrior he prayed for strength. He asked the Mother for her mercy, should he fall. The Father he entreated to watch over his lads, these half-trained squires who were the closest things to sons that he would ever know. Finally he had bowed his head to the Stranger. "You come for all men in the end," he had prayed, "but if it please you, spare me and mine today, and gather up the spirits of our foes instead."
She sure does.
"Ser?" Larraq pointed with the Kingsguard banner, even as a wordless murmur went up from a thousand pairs of lips. Far across the city, where the shadowed steps of Meereen’s Great Pyramid shouldered eight hundred feet into a starless sky, a fire had awoken where once the harpy stood. A yellow spark at the apex of the pyramid, it glimmered and was gone again, and for half a heartbeat Ser Barristan was afraid the wind had blown it out. Then it returned, brighter, fiercer, the flames swirling, now yellow, now red, now orange, reaching up, clawing at the dark. Away to the east, dawn was breaking behind the hills.
The beacon!
"We have built a beacon atop the pyramid where once the Harpy stood. Dry wood soaked with oil, covered to keep the rain off. Should the hour come, and I pray that it does not, we will light that beacon. The flames will be your signal to pour out of our gates and attack. - The Queen's Hand, ADWD
This beacon isn't as fun as Stannis' beacon. (Or is it??)
Another thousand voices were exclaiming now. Another thousand men were looking, pointing, donning their helms, reaching for their swords and axes. Ser Barristan heard the rattle of chains. That was the portcullis coming up. Next would come the groan of the gate’s huge iron hinges. It was time. The Red Lamb handed him his winged helm. Barristan Selmy slipped it down over his head, fastened it to his gorget, pulled up his shield, slipped his arm inside the straps. The air tasted strangely sweet. There was nothing like the prospect of death to make a man feel alive. "May the Warrior protect us all," he told his lads. "Sound the attack."
Ser Barristan smiled. "Well said … but take care that you do not seek death out there, or you will surely find it. The Stranger comes for all of us, but we need not rush into his arms."
Love that this moron continuously references the Faith of the Seven to a bunch of people who don't know what the hell he's talking about.
Final thoughts:
Can officially confirm Barristan Selmy still sucks in The Winds of Winter.
Next chapter: Victarion I
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mtonino · 1 year
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21° Molise Cinema 2023
Paesi in lungo - Concorso opere prime e seconde
In concorso:
Come pecore in mezzo ai lupi Regia: Lyda Patitucci Interpreti: Isabella Ragonese, Andrea Arcangeli, Carolina Michelangeli, Aleksander Gavranic, Clara Ponsot, Gabriele Portoghese, Imma Villa, Tommaso Ragno, 100’
Disco boy Regia: Giacomo Abbruzzese Interpreti: Franz Rogowski, Morr Ndiaye, Laetitia Ky, Leon Lucev, Matteo Olivetti, Robert Wieckiewicz, Mutamba Kalonji, Michal Balicki, 91’
La lunga corsa Regia: Andrea Magnani Interpreti: Adriano Tardiolo, Giovanni Calcagno, Nina Naboka, Barbora Bobulova, Gianluca Gobbi, Aylin Prandi, Stefano Cassetti, Maksim Kostyunin, 88’
Margini Regia: Niccolò Falsetti Interpreti: Francesco Turbanti, Emanuele Linfatti, Matteo Creatini, Silvia D'Amico, Nicola Rignanese, Paolo Cioni, Aurora Malianni, Valentina Carnelutti, 91’
Piano piano Regia: Nicola Prosatore Interpreti: Dominique Donnarumma, Giuseppe Pirozzi, Antonio De Matteo, Antonia Truppo, Giovanni Esposito, Lello Arena, Massimiliano Caiazzo, 84’
I pionieri Regia: Luca Scivoletto Interpreti: Mattia Bonaventura, Francesco Cilia, Danilo Di Vita, Matilde Sofia Fazio, Peppino Mazzotta, Lorenza Indovina, Eleonora Danco, Elvira Camarrone, Maurizio Bologna, Tim Daish, Claudio Bigagli, Beth Mc Creton, 86’
Fuori concorso:
Mixed by Erry Regia: Sydney Sibilia Luigi D'Oriano, Emanuele Palumbo, Giuseppe Arena, Francesco Di Leva, Greta Esposito, Cristiana Dell’Anna, Adriano Pantaleo, Chiara Celotto, Fabrizio Gifuni, Adriano Saleri, 110’.
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hitnaija · 4 years
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Caught by a Wave (2021) NF WEB-DL 480p & 720p
Download Caught by a Wave (2021) Movie NF WEB-DL 480p & 720p Caught by a Wave is a new 2021 Netflix Movie Starring: Elvira Camarrone, Christian Roberto, Vincenzo Amato, Donatella Finocchiaro, Corrado Invernizzi, Manuela Ventura, Sofia Migliara and Angelica Alleruzzo. The movie storyline: is a summer fling born under the Sicilian sun quickly develops into a heartbreaking love story that forces a…
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hollowwhisperings · 3 years
TEAM DANY: the companions, allies & forces of Queen Daenerys Targaryen as of 300AC.
~ SPOILERS ahead for Dance & released excerpts of Winds! ~
- 30 Dothraki, Dany's Khalasar.
- Drogon, boldest & largest of Dany's children. Took his mum for a road trip back home, to the Great Grass Sea.
- Rhaegal & Viserion, currently loose in Mereen after prolonged imprisonment beneath a pyramid.
- 8600 Unsullied.
- 500 Storm Crows*, a mercenary company.
- The Mother's Men, a company of freedmen.
- The Free Brothers, a company of freedmen.
- The Stalwart Shields, a company of freedmen. Named for an Unsullied killed by Sons of the Harpy.
- The Brazen Beasts, Mereen's City Watch. Composed of Mereenese freedmen & shavepates*.
- [several hundred] freed Mereenese Pitfighters*. Lead by their peers in the Ruling Council of Mereen.
- Irri & Jhiqui, handmaidens of Daenerys.
- Ko Rakharo, first of Damy's bloodriders.
- Ko Rogho & Ko Aggo, bloodriders of Daenerys.
- Missandei, a scribe. Acts as both herald & translator for Dany's court. A child prodigy.
- Grey Worm, commander of Dany's Unsullied.
- Hero, an Unsullied. Grey Worm's second-in-command. Currently a hostage of Mereen's Masters.
- Marselen, an Unsullied captain. Brother of Missandei.
- Mossador+, deceased brother of Marselen & Missandei. Killed by Sons of the Harpy.
[Other named Unsullied: Red Flea, Dogkiller & Sure Spear.]
- Daario Naharis*, sellsword and ex-lover of Daenerys.
- Ser Barristan "The Bold" Selmy, Lord Commander of Dany's Queensguard. Served as kingsguard to three kings of Westeros, including Aerys II Targaryen whom he rescued at Duskendale.
- Belwas the Strong, a eunuch ex-pitfighter. Queensguard.
- Ser Tumcho "Tum" Lho, a freedman trained & newly knighted by Ser Barristan. Considered by the former Kingsguard as being "the best natural swordsman seen since Jaime Lannister".
- Ser Red Lamb, a freedman recently knighted by Ser Barristan [WoW excerpts].
- Larraq "the Lash", a squire. One of the many [male] freedmen & child hostages in Mereen being trained by Ser Barristan in the ways of Westerosi chivalry.
- Bhazak zo Loraq*, cousin of Dany's Husband*. Cupbearer & child hostage.
- Grazhar* & Qezza zo Galare*, cousins to Galazza*, the Green Grace of Mereen. Cupbearers & child hostages of Mereen's Noble Houses.
- Galazxa zo Galare*, the Green Grace of Mereen. One of Dany's favoured advisors in the Mereenese court, currently acting as go-between for The Ruling Council of Mereen and Mereen's noble houses.
- Ser Barristan Selmy, Hand of the Queen.
- Strong Belwas, queensguard & a former Mereenese pitfighter.
- Grey Worm, commander of The Unsullied.
- Marselen, commander of the Mother's Men.
- Rommo, a jaqqar rhan [mercy man] of Dany's Khalasar. Acting in this role during the absence of Dany's bloodriders.
- Skahaz "Shavepate" mo Kandaq, leader of The Shavepates [reformed masters/nobility of Mereen] & commander of The Brazen Beasts.
- Tal Toraq, commander of The Stalwart Shields.
- Symon "Stripeback", commander of The Free Brothers.
- Jokin* & The Widower*, joint-commanders of The Storm Crows in the absence of Daario Naharis.
- Goghor the Giant*, Camarron of The Count*, Belaquo Bonebreaker* & The Spotted Cat*: freed pitfighters and ex-guardsmen of the deposed Hizdahr zo Loraq*.
*characters of uncertain loyalty to Dany, as assumed by (the unreliable & decidedly prejudiced) Ser Barristan, crossreferencing their roles & actions in the books, or by Dany herself.
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vincenthousman · 3 years
All the dogs are just as guilty.
"As an AD, I was already at Leonardtown when she got the athletic director's job at Great Mills and we probably communicated almost on a daily basis. If a child is set upon by a pack of hounds, does it matter which one tears out his throat? All the dogs are just as guilty. Supposing these, now, to be all heresies, which of them is the worst?—which will bring the worst practical results? And, if Congregationalism had fought this slavery heresy as some of her leaders fought Dr. Arrive early in the day to allow ample time for viewing big mammals (including bison, bighorn sheep, elk, deer, and black bears) from observation points along the range roads. “Almighty God has been pleased to take away your entire property, and to give you nothing but labor and poverty in this world, which you are obliged to submit to, as it is his will that it should be so. If we eat this way every day I will neve e sale amazon be the size of Illyrio before I meet this dragon queen. Another woman. Adults are not the only ones suffering from weight problems. As a while health christian louboutin outlet related rehabber, Presidency input is one I shoot completely super. There were more of them than he would have guessed—forty-seven in the Gatehouse Tower and another eighteen in the Drunkard’s Tower. Bought it a while back from a car collector's widow over in Cornwells Heights, PA. But Mace Tyrell could not seem to see beyond the threat to his own daughter. If space is extra tight, such as in a narrow two car garage, Park Pilot will confirm a reduced lateral distance setting, fold the mirror, and squeeze the car in.. Tennis was first introduces in India during the colonial rule of England and slowly it gathered the ground till the present moment. Beyond those canvas walls, each man got a heel of bread and a chunk of black sausage no longer than a finger, washed down with the last of Galbart Glover’s ale.. Camarron of the Count put forth a scheme to seize the ships tied up along the baby nike trainersriverfront and use the Skahazadhan to bring three hundred pit fighters around the Yunkish rear. Our enemies are in disarray. For one instant it seemed to me she
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was delirious. Katya simply obeys her without question, and it seems as though there’s some agreement between them about it. I would tell him that the commandments of some men, and not the commandments of God, made slavery a sin.—Smylie on Slavery, p. Squirrel slipped away, soft-footed as she always was. "When people see potential, especially with the coaching staff, it means they're going to push me to reach that new level. This is all right, this is doable, this is good.' I wake up moustiquaire lit 1 personne ikea the next morning. His distracted wife kept guard at his door, struggling with men armed with bludgeons and bowie-knives, who swore that they would have his heart’s blood. Megan believes the air marshal may have been drugged. I had no time to raise up a new host.” He turned back to face her. "President Reagan is frequently cited as a source of inspiration for many Republican candidates, so we can think of no better venue from which to bring this historic event to viewers and voters.". But isn't forward facing easier for everyone?Yes, it's easier to interact with your child when she is facing forward, and less awkward to get her into the seat. Ever.''I hear that all the time from the girls,' Jensen says. A 140 mm liquid cooler radiator may also be installed here as well, regardless of thickness this time.. There has been no prosecution of the sort. I will be Thistle the spearwife, and Varamyr Sixskins will be dead. She is a member of Shore Fellowship Church, is training to become a facilitator for the Alcove, and is a member of Atlantic County Community's Emerging Leaders. Even large examples of the People Carrying breed can't take much luggage if you fill all seven seats up with occupants. Bermuda shouldn't but the game should be developed chaussettes bon marchéas it actually has a fan base in Bermuda as opposed to the US and Canadian teams which no one in the US/Canada knows/cares about. When Squirrel returned, the other four were with her: gaunt grey-haired Myrtle, Willow Witch-Eye with her long black braid, Frenya of the thick waist and enormous breasts, Holly with her knife. President very much emphasized that there has to be a replace with the repeal, Cassidy added. In Colossians 4:22 and 5:1,—“Servants, obey, in all things, your masters, according to the flesh; not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart as fearing God; and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as unto the Lord, and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.” “Masters, give unto servants that which is just and equal, knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.”.. JR was the owner and operator of McGillan, Inc., Fort Fairfield. Please wear boots or sturdy shoes, long sleeved tops and bring gloves. 1 is the dream of so many in Nashville.A song that goes to No. As legs tired the game continued to open up with flurries back and forth, though
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therealmiamuze · 6 years
#naturequeen #mariposas #camarron #elrancho #southoftheborder #artistlife #miamuze #indiepopqueen #mylife (at Nuevo Leon, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boe_mkQDvdC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ygmfa8yyvbi
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bernhardreus · 8 years
Vuci mia cantannu vai, sung by Olivia Sellerio. Music by Andrea Guerra. Lyrics by Davide Camarrone.
A haunting Sicilian tune, made famous as theme for the TV series "The Young Montalbano" (Il giovane Montalbano).
Il testo tradotto in Italiano con l'aiuto di Massimo:
Gira e rigira, respira a fondo e poi, la bocca tua. Voce mia cantando vai, e tu non piangi mai, e guardandomi negli occhi vergognosi vuoi, che questo tempo non passi mai. Baci da lontano che i tuoi baci per me non vidi mai. E te, amore, che volevo regalare mille note. Un angelo in cielo che sa indovinare cio’ che aspetto e ancora tu non mi vuoi dare. Un angelo in cielo che sa indovinare cio’ che aspetto e che non viene mai. Cio’ che aspetto a amore mi darai…
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Journée du 28 juin
Nous sommes lundi, il est sept heures, je roule seule dans les rues piétonnes de la ville. Seules les boulangerie et leurs odeurs de croissant plus ou moins putassiéres sont ouvertes et accueillantes. Les autres boutiques ne m'offrent que des mannequins froids dans des vitrines éteintes, il ne pleut ni ne fait grand beau mais le soleil vient réchauffer mon coeur lorsque je lance quelques mouvements de yoga sur un banc humide du centre ville. Je donne mes croissants en double á un monsieur et un grand sourire sincére illumine son visage. Doux réveil pour une belle journée, cela vaut la peine de se lever tót.
C'est dróle comme ces derniers jours, le soleil fait l'effort de se montrer tót le matin et ensuite vers 22h, histoire de quand méme nous rappeler que nous sommes en juin et que les journées sont les plus longues de l'année.
Moi, je roule dans un paysage révé : collines et foréts en bonne santé, prés et vaches, vergers et vaches, des routes de campagne qui alternent entre ligne de créte, bords de riviéres et places de l'église. C'est ma France ca !
A midi, je débarque dans une maison du parc (naturel régional, belle invention que les PNR) : c'est un lieu situé sur les terres du cháteau de Camarrons, on peut y découvrir des expositions temporaires et permanentes (fouilles archéologiques et paysage d'eau en ce moment), y boire un café, et ce jour-lá, se greffer aux activités nature d'une sortie scolaire. Les enfants dessinent des oiseaux alors je sors mon carnet et me joins á l'activité. En fait les pics-verts ce sont de gros poulets !
Je fais sécher ma tente au milieu des pépiements tonitruants des enfants. J'avais oublié l'énergie que dégage un groupe de jeunes humains, ca pourrait étre affolant mais c'est trés dróle á observer...
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movienation · 3 years
Netflixable? Teen Italians, in love and facing tragedy -- "Caught by a Wave"
Netflixable? Teen Italians, in love and facing tragedy — “Caught by a Wave”
Young love is tested by illness and honesty issues in “Caught by a Wave,” a scenic Italian romance set against a sailing backdrop. The leads are pretty and the locales romantic, but the scenario is generic and the pacing funereal in this dry-eyed weeper of rehab and regattas. Sailing camp on the isle of Favignana is where Sara (Elvira Camarrone) meets Lorenzo (Roberto Christian). She’s a bit…
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reallygooddotcom · 5 years
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Flautas de camarrones at Trevor's at the Tracks. Crispy Flour Tortilla - Wrapped Prawns | Scratch Guajillo Sauce | Smashed Avocado | Pico de Gallo | Fire-Roasted Salsa | Baja Crema 😋😋😋 https://reallygood.com/community/media/flautas-de-camarrones.613/ #reallygood #instagram
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therealmiamuze · 6 years
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Seriously.. My fave photo moment. Candelario + Mia Muze in the old town of Anahuac, with its own #wishingwell #Great #acoustictreatment #coworkers on #elrancho down the way : we're bringing back #camarron This old boy's laughter is utterly contagious! #texmex & #exclusive #anahuac #locals Without my media - the world would never see this amazing fellow. #muchasgracias #amigo #banzaii #theversatilevocalist (at Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoWNDSZjQiH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5ck9grvbxeph
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eatgr1 · 5 years
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What do you call mojarra ranchero with camarrones a la Diabla? PUPERSERIA EL SALVADOR Doesn’t know what to call it either but they sure do sell a lot of it. #mojarra #camarrones #camarronesaladiabla #shrimp #fish . . Follow the GR Food Dudes ➡️ @grbestbites ➡️ @socialgrandrapids ➡️ @eatgr1 for your West Michigan Restaurant foodie fix . . . . . https://ift.tt/34PbE7f
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authordenisefyffe · 5 years
Treasures of Colombia: Arroz de Camarrones (Colombian Street Food)
Treasures of Colombia: Arroz de Camarrones (Colombian Street Food) Trust me…it did not disappoint; it had a great shrimpy flavor and it was well seasoned. It had a whole lot of onions and scallions along with Chinese roots!
Ever felt like having something different from the norm for dinner or lunch?
Well, I strongly recommend Arroz de Camarrones’ – Shrimp seasoned rice.
I visited Tia Lily’s Restaurant here in Villavicencio and saw this dish on the menu board amongst other things. I am a shrimp lover and so I ignored the other dishes and went straight for the shrimp dish.
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Treasures of Colombia: Arroz…
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Cebiche de camarrones (shrimp) with a side of sweet potatoes and Peruvian corn. (at Ekeko Blends) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-viJsgcIX/?igshid=uyzjzl2qe2he
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martaemedea · 7 years
Il volume, scritto da Filippo Maria Battaglia, attraverso l'arco temporale che va dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi, descrive il fenomeno dell'omofobia e in che modo questa sia radicata nella nostra società.
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