#camilo x reader x carlos
carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"we used to be a team"
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PART 2 || PART 3
— The trio, you, Camilo, and Carlos were inseparable since kids until one day all of you were forced to be broken apart as things change and don't be the same anymore.
— fluff to angst, aged up, & modern au 
— gender-neautral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— heavy cussing, mentions of violence, and smoking
— some of you guys wanted me to try more of fluff and angst fics so as I said, I will. grab some tissues y'all. part 2 will be coming soon hehe
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The world beneath your feet has often been cold. From the start, when you first opened your eyes, you're aware of how cruel life is going to be. Loneliness, confusion, and misery were the only things present in your life, unlike your parents. You never discovered your parents' real names. At the age of ten, you were forced to make a living on your own as an orphan. You were forced to see things a child shouldn't see. It felt like your innocence was stripped away from you the moment you found yourself stealing from people for a living.
As much as you weren't proud of what you had to do to survive, you managed to land yourself in school and did relatively well. It was a public school welcome for those who wanted to learn. You were hopeful that once you finished school you'll find your place in the world. After you turned twelve, you were receiving mistreatment from the other children in school. It wasn't expected but after everything you went through, you should've seen it coming.
You were relentlessly bullied and harassed for being alone, you never bothered how to make friends because you didn't know how to. It was hell, trying to deal with other children picking on you because you had no friends. Life probably thought it was such a cruel joke and that you haven't been through enough.
"You're such a loser, [Name]"
"Poor [Name], they have no friends"
"I bet your mommy and daddy don't love you"
Laughter echoed in the background as you were getting beaten again into a pulp. You never learned how to defend yourself, all you know was to take every punishment the world has to give you even if it seemed unfair. They shoved and kicked you to the ground, one of them was prepared to give you another punch on the face until you hear screaming.
You gasped to see your bullies get trampled into the ground by two kids around your age. You watched with owlish eyes as they did a number on them. One of the kids was wearing a maroon sweatshirt, he punched one of your bullies which sent them cowering in fear. Eventually, the ambush was over as all of your bullies admitted defeat and decided to run away. You gazed at your two saviors who happened to be twin brothers. One of them offers you a hand to lift you up.
"Are you okay?"
He asked, he was wearing a bright yellow shirt with a chameleon print. You didn't know how to reply because this was the first act of kindness you received in a long time. The kid in the maroon sweatshirt scoffs and fixes his curly brown hair.
"Let's just go, Camilo. I'm hungry and I wanna get ice cream"
He says before walking away, acting like the fight earlier didn't happen. The twin, Camilo, nods but turns to you. He watched you stand awkwardly with scratches and bruises all over your skin. He smiles brightly at you.
"Hey, do you want to get ice cream with us?"
Camilo doesn't get a reply from you, he didn't understand why you behaved this way. Nevertheless, he gently takes your hand and leads you to an ice cream parlor with his twin brother. Three twelve-year-olds sat together on a hill on a sunny day, eating ice cream. One of them scrunches his nose.
"Why'd you have to invite them?"
"Oh, don't be mean Carlos!"
The boy, Carlos, rolls his eyes and continued eating his ice cream. Camilo checks on you to see you peacefully finishing your ice cream. You didn't realize nor process what was happening but it felt nice so you let it happen. It was great to have someone around to spend time with. The three of you watched the sun slowly descend from the sky, all of a sudden, Camilo turns to you.
"Hey, what's your name?"
For the first time, you knew how to respond to a human conversation. You look into his eyes, wide-eyed and glimmering.
"[Name] [Surname]"
"I think we're gonna be friends, [Name]"
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Years go by, and you're now in college. The most unpredictable event occurred in your life; you became best friends with Camilo and Carlos. Ever since you ate ice cream with the twins, they insisted on having you around so that nobody comes picking on you. Twelve-year-old you found it sweet when they would stand up for you whenever somebody wanted to mess with you. Day by day, the three of you grew close and eventually memorized each other's habits.
Camilo was a happy-go-lucky guy. He's a very kind-hearted and cheerful person. He'd always know how to make you laugh until you cry. He taught you many things like games and how to have fun. He was like your beacon of hope, your source of comfort. Camilo was an expert when reading your emotions and providing the best hugs when needed. He's the reason why you learned how to smile.
Carlos in contrast to his brother was a pessimist. He loves to deny it by saying he's only a realist. He loved nagging your ear off because of how naive you are. You weren't taking any of his insults to heart, you just figured it's his way of showing he values your friendship. Even if he's a grumpy guy, he's overly protective of you. Refusing to let you walk home alone or leave you alone in general. If you're somewhere, he's probably lurking by. Carlos made you feel secured, he's your safe haven. In the entirety of your life where you felt like nobody cared, Carlos made you realize that someone still cares about you.
The three of you would never miss a day without walking together to your classes. All of you would wake up early to jump on fences and explore for a bit. Camilo would take you to find bugs with him on the ground, and Carlos would insist on hanging out by the park. You three would safely walk to class without a sound. You all would meet up by lunch and trade food and share stories. Sometimes, when lunch is over the three of you would skip classes to fuck around. You'd all go to prohibited places in the university. One time, one of the staff caught you three sharing a cigarette but managed to escape any trouble.
And at the end of the day, when you would walk home with Carlos and Camilo, you'd lie on your bed and dream about the many things you'd do with them. The twins were aware that you were living on your own and had to go to a job on the weekends to pay your rent. They insisted that you should go live with them but you didn't want to be a burden.
Today, you, Camilo, and Carlos explored the park before walking to your classes. You can spend a lifetime with the boys, actually. They're the reason why you're still holding on. Carlos sighed.
"I wanna skip class today"
"Bro, why?"
"Don't wanna attend the first class"
You and Camilo shared a laugh but agreed to skip all of your classes with Carlos. The three of you began doing dumb stuff. Vandalizing an abandoned property, shoplifted a few chips from the store, and went out smoking at the back of an alleyway. You like to think they weren't a bad influence considering they had remarkable grades, they're just probably enjoying the rest of their youth.
Carlos caught your attention by taking a long drag and stomping the cigarette after. He glares ahead and you turn to notice a few thugs coming your way. Shit, they all look like they're want trouble. Camilo sucks in a breath as his smile drops at the sight of the thugs. You looked at them nervously. Carlos turns to you.
"Run, [Name]"
"What the fuck, Carlos? [Name] can throw a punch, they're not five!"
"I'm not risking it, dumbass. Get the fuck out of here, [Name]!"
Carlos shouted before one of the thugs began to run to him and delivered a solid punch to his face. You trusted his word and started sprinting away, you don't dare look back when you hear a couple of pairs of feet running behind you. As you kept running, one of them managed to catch up to you and kick you as you were sent face-first to the ground. You looked up in terror as the teens chuckled and circled around you. It felt like you were twelve again, getting picked on at school every day.
Tears began forming in your eyes, you look around for any sign of your best friends but there was nobody. Your breath turned heavy as your heart began skipping beats. You kept an eye on the thugs as one of them pulls out a baseball bat.
You watched helplessly on the ground as the men towered over you, smirking. They were having fun taking advantage of a helpless teenager.
"Please don't hurt me!"
You pleaded but they all laughed in unison, acting like it was all just a funny joke. Your scan your surroundings but there wasn't anything that can provide you any form of protection. You end up curling into a ball, waiting for your doom until you hear one of the men falling to the ground. Carlos arrived and threw a nasty punch across the man's face. It was incredible to watch him take on the adults on his own and win the fight in the end. He was injured but he managed to sigh and crouch down to you, checking if you're okay.
"I'm fine, thanks Carlos"
"Ay, you absolute moron. You shouldn't have wandered on your own like that!"
"Next time, if you need me, don't stay quiet, shout for my name"
You screamed. There was a long pause until the thugs began sharing a laugh when nothing happens. One of them began mocking you.
"Nobody's gonna fucking help yo-ARRRG!"
He was cut off when you see Carlos throwing his fist to his face. It didn't take long for a messy fist fight to break out, you take your cue to get on your feet and run to find Camilo. Fortunately, you meet Camilo near the block, he was badly hurt.
"Camilo! Carlos needs help!"
"Oh fuck!"
He panics as the two of you began running. Both of you couldn't find any help until you found a random car parked by the side of the road, Camilo looks over to you, pleading for you to not do what he thinks you're thinking.
"Camilo, do you want to lose a brother?"
"Shit, fine! Just fucking do it and hurry!"
Camilo gives in. You sprint to the car and began picking on the lock, a few long seconds pass as you managed to unlock the car and get inside. Camilo runs to you as you began to hotwire the car, he was surprised when the car's engine starts to roar successfully. He knew well he was in for a ride as he buckles on his seatbelt and let you drive.
Meanwhile, Carlos was on the verge of getting ripped to shreds by the thugs, he hated how outnumbered he was right now. His lip was cut, he's got a sprain and his nose was bleeding. All of a sudden, he hears a car honking in the distance. He turned and his jaw dropped.
"No fucking way..."
"¡Oye cabrón! Get out of the way!"
Camilo screamed as his twin jumps to the side. Carlos watched as you crashed the car into the thugs, they were toppled over the windshield and horribly injured. You stop the car and roll the window down.
"Hurry! Get in!"
Carlos smirked as he opens the backseat and climbs into the car. You pull on the reverse and swiftly drove away, escaping. The three of you sighed inside the vehicle.
"You barely made it in time before one of those assholes knocked me out"
"Okay wow, Carlos. You're welcome"
You laugh as the twin brothers began bickering, totally suffering from a few cuts and bleeds but they still have the energy to cuss each other out. It was a while until you find a discreet area and parked the car. You killed the engine and exhaled heavily on your seat, you rubbed your face and looked at your best friends. They gave you a worried look.
"What now?"
"[Name], you just fucking stole a car!"
"What am I supposed to do?!"
"Call for help! Dios mio, I get that you're an expert on stealing shit but this was unnecessary!"
"¡Cállate, Carlos!"
Camilo shushed his brother, Carlos bites his lip in regret when he saw your teary eyes. He gestures for you to crawl into the backseat with him, and you obliged and sat right beside him. Camilo scurries to the backseat as well. Eventually, the twins began to trap you in their arms as you sobbed.
"...I'm sorry"
"It's fine, Carlos"
"Can we get pizza? I'm starving"
You let out a laugh at Camilo, he grins at you. Carlos rolls his eyes but lets an endearing smile show on his face and watched you two. The three of you were a team, no one is able to separate you three. It's always and forever you, Camilo, and Carlos.
"Police! Step out of the vehicle!"
A man shouts from outside the car. The three of you broke the embrace and noticed a few police cars parked outside. You give the twins a terrified look. Camilo and Carlos panicked and looked at each other, they nodded in unison. It took a moment for you to realize, so you grabbed them before they can exit the car.
"No no no no...don't do it!"
"Don't fucking do it!"
"[Name] please we-"
"Please don't leave me!"
You went hysterical, tears were violently streaming down your tears as you hold unto them tighter. Camilo's breath hitches but fights back a sob, Carlos looks away. You couldn't stand the thought of your best friends getting arrested and the possibility of not seeing each other again. It seems like the fates are cruel to you because the brothers turned away and stepped out of the vehicle.
Carlos shuts the door behind him and blocked it, pretending to not hear your screaming within. The police pointed their gun at him and Camilo as they cautiously surround him. Carlos glared at the officers.
"Hands in the air where we can see them"
Camilo clicks his tongue and obeys. Never in his life did he imagine that this scenario would happen. He lets one of the officers put a handcuff on him, he looked over at Carlos, his twin had a scowl on his face. All of a sudden, Carlos meets Camilo in the eye and broke into a sprint.
"Get him!"
One of the officers shouted. Camilo watched his twin brother running into the distance without an explanation. All of a sudden, his eyes go wide.
"Fuck! No! Carlos get back here!"
"Come with me"
An officer drags him to the nearest police car, Camilo starts to squirm as the officer tries to restrain him.
"You have to get him! He's with us! ¡Mierda!"
Camilo pleaded as he was shoved into the police car. He couldn't believe it, Carlos fucking ditched him! Why did he fucking do it? When he thought things weren't worse enough, the police found you hiding in the car and finally gets you restrained. Camilo's eyes watched in horror as you were taken away into a separate police car.
"No! NO! [Name]! Please don't take them away!"
He begged and banged on the car window to get the officer's attention. You sobbed uncontrollably as the police put handcuffs on you and transferred you to the police car, you catch Camilo's teary eyes.
"Camilo! Please help me! 'Milo don't-"
You were abruptly cut off when the officer pushed you into the car and locks the door. Camilo was forced to see the vehicle you're in, driving away out of his sight. He screamed in the backseat and broke into a sob. He was punching the car window with tears streaming down his face. Eventually, the car starts to move and took him away as well. Aren't you guys supposed to be a team?
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taglist: @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @cahmilo , @pochi-moochika , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings ...join here
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madricat · 1 year
prompt by @write-it-motherfuckers
y/n: “What an adorable baby! How old are they?” (pointing at camilo)
Carlos: “fifthteen.”
y/n: “Oh, they’re quite small for fithteen months-”
Carlos: “Years.”
y/n: “...Pardon?”
Carlos: “They’re fithteen years old.”
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
🎤Hair ties🦎
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Imagine: playing with the hair of the Madrigal twins.
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🦎☀ • Camilo doesn't really let anyone touch his hair, well besides his mamí. But he doesn't get a choice in that one, mostly because he is a mama's boy and can't deny his mama when she asks to brush his hair for old time's sake.
🦎☀ • When you both started dating he was ready to give you the hairbrush and any hair ties he could find in Casita, Camilo might be a natural flirt but when he falls he falls hard.
🦎☀ • he sits on the floor against his bed as he reads the new comic his Papí gave him for his birthday, leaning back as you run your fingers through his curls. He practically purrs at the feeling. It relaxes him every time.
His hair is actually very smooth and barely has any knots, mostly from the trauma he gained from his mother when he was younger about not keeping his hair well-kept as she yanked the hairbrush (if you know you know)
🦎☀ • Once you finished taking two sides of his hair and pulling each side tightening the hair tie and securing the high bun, his bangs hung around his face like his Mamí. He looked to his side stretching to see himself in his mirror from his sitting position and smiled. He liked it.
His Mamí was complimentary of his new hairstyle and was pleased to match with her son she had a rainbow over her head the rest of the day.
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🦎🎤 • yeah. No. He doesn't let anyone touch his hair, and practically runs from his mamá when he sees her rushing toward him with a hairbrush, "Carlos Control that hair, or I'll do it for you!"
"No! Mamá it's my hair!"
🦎🎤 • When you start dating, it'll take some time before you get the privilege of touching his hair. He will try and hint at wanting his hair played with by resting his head in your lap but angles his head so his hair is perfectly in reach and accessible if you still don't get the hint? He huffs before grabbing your hair and placing it on his head.
🦎🎤 • His head rests on your lap as you both talk about your days (well, it's mostly just him braging about all the successful pranks he pulled that day) as you play with his hair. His hair is soft but has tangles for sure, no matter how many times his mamá lectured him about protecting his hair as he slept and detangling it regularly as she ripped a hairbrush through his curls before using a mountain of products to help with the detangling process it just never stuck.
But if you take the time to detangle his hair gently with few tugs as possible, he would appreciate it even if he won't say it out loud.
🦎🎤 • He barely notices his hair is in a high bun until he sits up and his hair doesn't cover one of his eyes like it usually does. He kinda just grumbles but is too lazy to untie the scrunchie knowing he would receive an earful if he just yanked it out not only from you but from his Mamá.
His mamá is very grateful for you and your service, if she had to detangle his hair one more time she was sure to thunder from his constant disregard of her words.
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anykindofbean · 5 months
I am alive, I wanna write again.
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writergirl3 · 1 year
(Apologies, my 4 Townie followers- this is a bit of a rogue post)
Okay so whenever I need to cheer myself up, I like to think of this hilarious (to me) scenario in my head…
And it involes Carlos being forced to play this song:
Let me set the scene…
So Abuela likes to get a local band in to play for the gatherings held at Casita, but one day, for whatever reason, one of the guitarists couldn’t make it.
In a moment of genius, she decided to tell Carlos to fill in. He’s the only Madrigal that can play guitar, and since he’s in her bad books (although when is he ever out of her bad books?), he had no choice.
So time skip to Carlos dressed in a yellow ruffled shirt and matching trousers (to coordinate with the other musicians), playing Gypsy Kings with the biggest, pissiest scowl on his face anyone has ever seen, while everyone else is dancing and having a great time.
Poor Carlos…but damn I would laugh…(and I think @madricat would too😂)
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cahmilo · 2 years
hiii!! if requests are open could i get a carlos madrigal and reader fic where someone insults camilo and he gets into a fight with them(wins ofc). Pepa is lecturing him and asks him why he beat someone up agAiN but he doesnt reply but reader (who was there when the fight started) tells her the reason and everyones like ooh you protected your brother knew you love us🥰. Maybe she helps him clean his wounds or sumn and they confess at the end?? Thanks!!
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How he loves – carlos m.
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pairing: carlos madrigal x female reader
genre: fluff
summary: when it comes to violence in the community, carlos madrigal is always the first name to put the blame on. the boy was a troublemaker, often found in the worst situations possible. one day it’s happened again but for this time, you never expected the reason why until you confronted him.
warning: mentions of blood and violence and injuries
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If someone were to ask you who Carlos Madrigal is, immediately your answer would tick them off. It's different. Among the numerous whispers of the town stood the one unanimous description of Carlos being the pessimistic and coldest member of the Madrigal family. To the outside, that's how people perceive him. With his half-lidded blank face, everyone saw him as intimidating and mysterious. But for someone who has been his long-time friend ever since, you saw him differently.
He wasn't cold, he just doesn't speak. He wasn't mean, he just doesn't point out or compliment someone else. Albeit it took you by surprise that he somehow managed to tolerate you being with him almost all the time, you wouldn't ask for anything else. You knew Carlos had a heart of gold because even if he barely shows it, you can tell through the lining of the gestures he tries to do in the most often weird and unexpected ways, such as being overly protective for others in an aggressive manner.
That's just how he loves.
But Carlos was rather, violent when it comes to that matter. It only contributed to the 'cold persona' everyone put on him due to that. It was something he couldn't help, he tends to show his emotions in a tactile manner and when it comes to his negative emotions, it wouldn't end well.
One fine day you were with Carlos outside on the streets, having no pressure but to just stroll around and catch up with conversation. Carlos had his hands inside the pockets under his ruana while you were strolling beside him, hands on your back as you stared at your footsteps while walking through. Two of you were aimlessly walking around town listening to the loud chatters of the busy village.
You two stopped to your tracks to see Camilo, Carlos' twin brother. He was walking alone in the opposite direction and you instantly ran to him.
"Camilo!!" You exclaimed happily. Camilo's face turned into a rather dull smile at the sight of you and Carlos.
"Hey!" He greeted back. As a force of habit, you playfully shoved him lightly but you were taken aback when he suddenly winced when your hand made contact to his shoulder. Your eyes slightly widened at his reaction.
"What were you doing?" Carlos asked when he eventually approaches two of you.
"Oh, nothing. I just-", Camilo stuttered. "- I just need to uhh- do errands! Be right back!"
Camilo suddenly put a hand on top of his shoulder as he ran away to the opposite direction, leaving you and Carlos baffled at his weird behavior. For sure, he was an odd one but this time something felt off.
"Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong?" You turned to Carlos. He slightly squinted his eyes at you and pursed his lips.
"He seemed in pain when you punched him. Maybe he got injured?"
"Yeah but you know him. If he gets injured it's usually at something dumb and we'd be the first ones he would tell about it"
Carlos hummed as he looked deep in thought. You were right. Camilo would get hurt over something so dumb that he ends up laughing about it. But this time, he seemed injured at a place he didn't want to talk about, which was the only reason two of you found odd. The fact that he even ran away from the two of you as if he's avoiding further questioning only fueled the confusion on you and Carlos. He took his hands out of his pockets and patted his maroon ruana when he glanced at the direction Camilo just came from.
"Maybe something happened..."
"Should we go check it out, Carlos?"
"You ask me as if there's anything else interesting that we could do."
So, there you two were, re-tracing Camilo's steps like the nosy friend and brother you and Carlos are. He only trailed by, seeming like he had no interest but just wanted to join you. You two hid in the small alley behind the large houses the moment you heard whispering from a group of people. Instinctively, you pulled Carlos by his hand and brought him closer to you to squat down and hide. He widened his eyes when he almost stumbled to you. He got off from his trance and followed your trail of sight.
"Is that- "
"Tiago and his minions" Carlos muttered, gritting his teeth as he did so.
If you think Carlos was the worst, then Tiago was levels deep below hell. He was a menace in a bad way, he and his friends always being together and causing trouble for the entire village. Carlos hated him in a bad extent, most often the two of them would be found fighting each other if given the chance to be in the same place with one another. This time, you expected it to happen again if things escalate for the worst. You and Carlos eavesdropped on their conversations.
"Dude, Camilo was a weakling. He couldn't even hit me back"
"No way! You thought he'd be like Carlos but it's not the case apparently"
"Yeah, dude's all rainbows and butterflies to handle the real world. Beat him up to a pulp he almost cried like a coward."
You gasp as a hand landed on your mouth. A turn of your head and you saw Carlos with the worst look you wanted him to have. His eyes held piercing glares at Tiago's direction, his lips almost bleeding from the intensity of him biting it. His hands that held yours were clenched tightly, the other was already fisted veins were popping out from the back of his palm.
"Carlos" You whispered. It didn't make him look at you, he was more focused on the sharp look he was giving to Camilo's group of bullies.
Carlos suddenly stood up, almost blowing his cover. You immediately pulled him back but he resisted.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Proving them wrong."
You sat back down stunned even though you expected this to happen. With a swift turn, Carlos shapeshifted into Camilo and ran to the bullies, immediately sending a harsh punch at Tiago making him stumble. It took them by surprise when 'Camilo' suddenly charged at them but nevertheless returned the favor by punching him back, Carlos easily blocked it with ease using his forearm as he sent another punch to Tiago's friends at the back where they least expected it. Unfortunately, since Carlos was overpowered by two more men, one got a punch on him making him stumble and unconsciously shapeshift back to himself.
"We knew it's you, Carlos. Your brother is too much of a wuss to- " Carlos interrupted one of Tiago's friends by sending him another jab to the face. He yelled in anger as he kept throwing fists all over the place, letting his emotions bring out the worst of him.
You couldn't handle it anymore. You wanted to stop the fight but there was no way you could stop a raging Carlos. If you were to stop them, you would probably get one of their punches too. Despite Carlos being one against three, he was beating them up with ease. Tiago and his friends were no match for him, Carlos was easily throwing punches and kicks here and there that it almost made you feel bad for the bullies.
It went on for longer and it started to made you worried. Carlos was winning. yes, but this fight was one of the worst he's ever been in. Before you were able to fully think of a plan to stop them, Luisa comes in to the mess and all the boys freeze at her. Dolores must have heard it all unravel and called for Luisa. With ease she easily slid through and grabbed Carlos who looked too victorious to complain. She gave the other boys a piercing glare and immediately they ran away to the other direction.
Luisa saw you as she carried Carlos and pointed her lips to the Casita, telling you to catch up with them. You trailed along in silence, seeing that Luisa (and most likely the rest of the Madrigals) is disappointed yet again to see Carlos in another fight.
Like clockwork, thunder immediately strikes the moment the door to Casita opens. Luisa walks in beside you and sets Carlos down in front of his mother, Pepa who already has her arm crossed and eyebrows furrowed. Her face had yet another annoyed expression that further fueled the dark clouds gathering above.
"What did I tell you about being violent again?" She asked sternly.
Carlos sighed with a dour expression. "Not do it"
"And what happened this time?" 
"I did it."
You held back a chortle and turned around to face the other way as you tried not to laugh. Carlos was yet again being a pain in the ass at the wrong place and you just happened to get caught off-guard. In an attempt to cover your laughter, you coughed nervously with wide eyes and scrambled away to the kitchen to get a snack but mainly to leave the two to further argue with each other and for the rest of the family to see.
The distance between the common area and the kitchen wasn't that long so you still snooped in on their business like the nosy friend you are. You saw Camilo soon approach them, now all healed and okay but had a look of shock when he saw his twin brother in a far worse state. For some reason Carlos refused to eat an arepa to heal himself, only taking the blow as of now to not let Pepa get even more enraged. She was going on and off about what she had told him before and obviously Carlos wasn't listening. He simply nodded and blinked his eyes repeatedly which made her even more furious.
"Can you at least give us the reason why you went out to beat people again?" Pepa yelled, having enough of Carlos' attitude. Carlos only stared at the floor, probably thinking of an excuse. 
"People were bullying Camilo" You said all the way from the other side. Everyone in the room turned their eyes at you, even Carlos himself. You leaned on to the wall in a nonchalant manner and took a bite of your arepa. "It was Tiago and his minions, Carlos beat them up like a badass."
You stared blankly at Carlos, slightly raising an eyebrow to further provoke him but his lips stay pursed shut. Pepa on the other hand, toned down the arch on her eyebrows and gradually had a soft look to her face. It was an emotion you couldn't decipher, of course. Mothers would always love seeing their children being protective of each other— but not like this. 
"You protected me?" Camilo asked him in a teasing manner. Now that he's all healed and well, he was now the one to have a smug look in his face. "You totally love me, hermano"
"Shut up" Carlos retorted. It only left you half-laughing at the two bantering. It went back-and-forth until they got interrupted by Pepa yet again.
"Can't help it, my twin brother is protective for me!"
"I'll beat you up like they did"
"Aw, is that how you love?"
"Stop it you two! Carlos, I'll deal with you later!" She yelled, dusting her skirt and swatting away the dark cloud at her seeming as if she had to leave to do something else. The dark clouds slowly became lighter and the chatter slowly died down as Pepa murmured lectures on her children while also fanning herself to calm down. It was a sight worth to see. But the yell of your name caught you in a trance midway through your bite of the arepa.
"Yeah?" You asked her, slowly walking towards her direction. Pepa eyed you sternly before pointing her lips back to Carlos.
"Can you clean him up? He refused to be healed and I thought that he would listen to you"
You rolled your eyes when Carlos scoffs at you.
"I'll make sure he does"
Soon enough after the stress and dark clouds from Pepa has subsided, Carlos led you to his room, unwillingly. He just didn't want another thunderstorm therefore he complied with his mother's requests and braced himself for your part of the scolding. He expected yet another lecture from you, but it didn't happen. Carlos instead wondered why you were offering him your half-eaten arepa.
"Just take a bite." You calmly said to him, scooting closer to the edge of the bed so sit beside him. 
"Do it or I'll press the crap out of your wounds"
Carlos sighed in defeat. He only stared at you, waiting for something to happen. It was at this moment you knew he was gonna be petty from the smug look in his face. 
"I'm not feeding you"
"Then I'm not eating" Carlos nonchalantly fought back. 
He was starting to get on your nerves and Carlos knew how pissed you would be if he manages to succeed. But you didn't let it happen. Looking at his broken nose and scratches all over the place, you decided to let him win for this time. The moment you held your arepa towards him, Carlos grinned cockily and took a bite from the snack. Julieta's magic gift healed his wounds instantly, but it doesn't fix the blood stains all over him. When Carlos was busy looking at his wounds slowly healing, you stood up to get a moist towel.
"Why aren't you getting mad at me?" You heard Carlos ask from behind you. By assumption you could tell he was bored after his injuries faded.
"Should I be?" You asked in return, still wringing the towel from the table as to not make it too wet that it'll spread more stains on the fabric.
Silence. You turned your head to the back to take a glance at Carlos. He had his head down, the mess of his curls covering his face making you unable to read his expression. With a soft sigh you brought the cloth with you as you went back to sit beside him again. 
"You know-" You trailed off to catch his attention, but to no avail. Carlos didn't budge to even look at you. An idea suddenly popped into your head as you slithered your hand under his arm and took him by the hand, leading Carlos' hand to your lap as you started wiping the blood smeared all over it. 
"-I admired how you took the blame and protected Camilo." You continued to speak and then paused to look at his face. Carlos was staring at you with a blank look, his eyes fixated on yours. It took a bit of time for you to let out a small smile on your face and your heart fluttered when you saw a little bit of spark that brightened his eyes as his lips slowly curled up. You looked away to continue wiping his arm and cutting the silence.
"It's nice to see that there's still love in you somewhere despite you showing it in a violent way. But they don't get it, that's just how you love." 
You heard Carlos sigh from beside. 
"There has been in a while. Much more love than just with my family, I-" He sighed yet again, taking a deep inhale to control his breathing. "- just don't know how to show it"
"What do you mean 'more love'?" You asked him.
You looked up to Carlos, confused on what he was trying to say. Carlos blinked hard before he took yet another sigh and motioned his lips to point at his hand resting atop yours. You followed his trail of sight and the next move he did brought you out of breath. Carlos slowly interlocked his fingers with yours, holding it tight as if he were afraid to let go. Your heart paced rapidly and the heat travelling up to your cheeks only made it hard for you to regain your composure right beside him.
"I didn't beat them up that hard just because of Camilo. Tiago also talked bad crap about you to his friends. I know it wasn't supposed to end that badly but I just couldn't stand when people like them get away with ease as if they did nothing wrong"
You gasped and gripped his hand tighter, your fingers lightly tapping the calloused and bruised skin of Carlos' knuckles. He no longer winced since it was healed, but it would take time for the scarring to fade completely. At this time, you were the one that went silent, waiting for Carlos to continue.
"I'm sorry. Shouldn't have stressed you and mami this much" He muttered softly which grabbed your attention. You shook your head indicating a 'no' and let go of his hand to face him better. You moved your legs from the edge of the bed and brought it up, sitting cross legged across him. 
"You don't have to be sorry for protecting the ones you love, Carlos. It's nature for you to do so. The others may see you as mean and violent but to me, you're much more than that. That's just how you love."
Carlos took in the sight of you with a frown in his face. After you flipped the towel to a cleaner side, you slowly brought it up to his face to clean the blood stains all over him. You gently landed your palm on his forehead and combed away the curls that covered it. From his forehead to the blood pooling in his cupid's bow, you made sure to wipe it all clean to admire his features better.
"You're too good for me, Y/N. I don't deserve you"
"Shut up you idiot. You're fine just the way you are-" You paused. "- but maybe, we can work on fixing your rough love language for a little bit"
You joked with a small smile that made Carlos chuckle. He brought his hand up to hold your wrist while you were cleaning his face and stared deep into your eyes, taking you aback. You playfully glared at his cunning nature, making him break eye contact and let out a light hearty laugh that made your stomach do somersaults from the raspy- tone of his voice. 
While still wiping away the mess in his face, you hummed a small song as a force of habit and it made Carlos' heart flutter. You had a soothing voice and it did calm him down for a little bit, until he remembered something. You looked up to him and the sudden frown on Carlos' face made your eyes go soft. You two knew how much of a challenge this could be as soon as it sunk in. Carlos wasn't good in romance and you can tell from being his long time friend. But maybe, being his friend also brought you chances on how to love him better. 
To reassure the guy, you cupped his face and brought him closer to you. Your thumbs lightly brushed against his freckled cheeks that were now clear of blood stains. With a swift move you lightly kissed the tip of his nose to seal a promise. A promise that may take a while, but a promise that you would be willing to practice on until your last breath in time.
"Be with me and I'll teach you how I love, Carlos." 
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thumbnail made by the artists of purrfect tale
taglist: @pochi-moochika, @carlosfruitsnacks, @thegirlwiththebangs, @mirabelleza, @carcat-02, @brushofease, @camilos-luna, @ducky-is-dead-inside, @elegantkidfansoul, @moon-cakiie, @ignoremepeople37, @its-mia88, @try-cry-why-try, @justzei, @asockyoulostbeforelaundry, @alexxavicry ++ join here
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The Twins With an S/O Who's ALWAYS COLD (inspired by me who's always shivering -_- )
•Always has you close to him
•He uses it as an excuse to give you hugs/cuddles
•"What? I saw you shivering and I can't just let el amor de mi vida be cold ;) "
(Translation: the love of my life)
•He always brings a spare ruana for you (of his ofc)
•Or he'll just give you his 💀
•He keeps his room warm but he still has a lot of blankets
•He gets cold easily too so he has a heater next to his bed
•He puts you near the heater when it's turned on and snuggles your other side while you have a heavy & fluffy blanket on you <3
•He'll always have an arm around your waist and hold you close to him (in private)
•In public he'll quickly put his ruana on you and (if he's feeling a little bold) he'll hold your hand too
•He keeps his room cold but he has a lot of blankets
•He loves the cold air but warm and comfy feeling in bed under 50 heavy & comfy blankets (litterally me💀)
•He'll warm up his room just for you <3
•If you also like to be warm&comfy under a lot of blankets, he'll cuddle you under them to "keep you extra warm"
•Wraps you in his ruana if he can't give it to you
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Carlos: ...Why the fuck would you even drink coffee with a METAL STRAW in the FIRST PLACE??
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purelydreamy · 2 years
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: hi! welcome to my blog I’m nora! I have some exciting news! *drumroll* I'm going to start taking writing requests! (one-shots, drabble, etc ...) on this blog!! I just wanted to say that you are responsible for your own media consumption. I am not sure what the future holds or what I will write. I will put a (review respective "warnings" listed for each individual story). (• ◡•)
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ✿ I do not give permission for any part of my works to be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. I do not own any characters, nor do I own any images or gifs. All rights belong to the respective owners.
𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
my wattpad my pinterest
❀ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧! ❀
[ until further notice ]
[this was last updated on january 15th, 2023]
𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒: Please read the following to its entirety prior to submitting a request!
On this blog I write for, Encanto, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, The Umbrella Academy, Marvel, Voltron: Legendary Defender, All Of Us Are Dead. (eventually I’ll add more).
I'm unwilling to write stories that contain the following content: lemons, race play, necrophilia, sexual relationships involving an adult and a minor, pedophilia, certain kinks, etc. (If you're not sure whether I'm okay with them or not, you can always ask prior)
I take light smut and suggestive content requests. I write smut but I do not take requests for it. Please do not use such heavy details in the requests. I would probably feel disturbed and as a result will not fulfil your request. I am rather new to the genre of NSFW, however I will give my best.
camilo madrigal ⇩
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
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Adrien Agreste (Miraculous):
adrien agreste dating hcs!
Amane "Hanako" Yugi (TBHK):
hanako dating hcs!
Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul):
nothing yet :(
Ban (Seven Deadly Sins):
nothing yet :(
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter):
nothing yet :(
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto):
nothing yet :(
Carlos Madrigal (Encanto):
nothing yet :(
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) (No Smut):
nothing yet :(
Dabi (MHA):
nothing yet :(
Dee (Metal Family):
nothing yet :(
Denki Kaminari (MHA):
nothing yet :(
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter):
nothing yet :(
Gowther (Seven Deadly Sins):
nothing yet :(
Himiko Toga (MHA):
nothing yet :(
Hotaro Oreki (Hyouka):
nothing yet :(
Illumi Zoldyck (HxH):
nothing yet :(
Isaac "Zack" Foster (Angels of Death):
nothing yet :(
Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom):
nothing yet :(
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul):
nothing yet :(
Killua Zoldyck (HxH) (No Smut):
nothing yet :(
Kusuo Saiki (TDLOSK):
nothing yet :(
Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins):
nothing yet :(
Ray (TPN):
nothing yet :(
Ray "Saeran" Choi (Mystic Messenger):
nothing yet :(
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist):
nothing yet :(
Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid):
nothing yet :(
Ryuunosuke Chiba (Assassination Classroom):
nothing yet :(
Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger):
nothing yet :(
Saeyoung "707" Luciel" Choi (Mystic Messenger):
nothing yet :(
Suit!Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger):
nothing yet :(
Tsukasa Yugi (TBHK):
nothing yet :(
Unknown (Mystic Messenger):
nothing yet :(
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carlosfruitsnacks · 1 year
You, excitedly: what are you guys bringing to Christmas dinner?
Carlos: my negative attitude
Camilo: and sparkling personality!
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madricat · 1 year
you look amazing mi amarillo
a short (418 words) Carlos x y/n fic I created that i completely forgot about in my notebook. Enjoy!
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“I am not wearing this " annoyance clearly heard in Carlos’ voice.
“It can't be that bad! Just let me see pleaseeee” his s/o pleaded from the other side of the door.
Slowly the bathroom door creaked open to reveal a Carlos wearing a burnt yellow button up shirt with black dress pants, and an orangish colored tie to tie it all together.
“¡Aww que lindo! "you look amazing mi amarillo!” you said smiling from ear to ear with a blush dusting your cheeks from seeing how cute your boyfriend looked.
“Just don't okay.” Obviously he was not happy about this, but he kinda didn’t have a choice here.
Today was his parent’s 25th anniversary and because of this the whole Encanto aws celebrating. To celebrate every couple had to wear any shade of yellow or orange, since it was the couple’s favorite colors.
You had noticed both his annoyed attitude, and his crooked collar at the same time. Whilst taking a few gentle steps approaching him to fix his uneven collar you had also attempted to help him see the brighter side of this situation.
“Well if it makes you feel better it is only for night anddd since everyone else is wearing these colors you won't stick out. I promise.”
“Mhm” he had responded, although clearly in his tone during this short reply it was clear he was not paying attention to what you were actually saying.
Instead he was more focused on this sight in front of him, you. During his little hissy fit he realized he never had the chance to actually focus on your outfit. Your yellow(or orange) dress(or suit) was stunning, making you look like a goddess in his eyes. “There! Looks better now” you said with a smile while taking a step back. This snapped him back to reality.
“ You look beautiful mi amor” he softly whispered under his breath, admiring you.
“Ha, not as handsome as you though” you rebuttal against him.
“Dios mio can't you just take a compliment for once in your life” he breathlessly laughed while looking you in the eye. Then he slowly took a step forward to replace the gap between you two. Carefully he placed his hand on the side of your face, pulling you in for a slow sweet kiss.
All of a sudden you were rudely interrupted by a knock at the door followed by a screaming Camilo on the other side.
“Come on you two it’s almost time!”
“Well then, shall we princesa/ príncipe” 🌹
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
🎤⭐ The Madrigal Twins ⭐🦎
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Hair ties
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writergirl3 · 1 year
Carlos Madrigal; A Playlist
So, I was finishing off my 4 Town playlists and this idea popped into my head...so we're doin' it. Can you tell I was borderline emo when I was a teenager? 😑
@madricat, hope you agree with my selection😂 thinkin' about the band au script deffo inspired this🤘🏻
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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anykindofbean · 2 years
It’s over, Isn’t it?
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Camilo Madrigal x Reader x Carlos Madrigal: It’s over, Isn’t it?
Warnings: angst, Depressed Camilo, mentions of death
Genre: Angst, pining?
More of my works if you’re interested:
Camilo had been best friends with you for over ten years now..
Which means he’d kept you a secret from Carlos for ten years now..
Now, Camilo was never worried about the other guys in the Encanto winning you over, He was a Madrigal for goodness sake.
But Carlos?
Camilo knew that the moment Carlos saw you, He’d tried to have you.
And Camilo wasn’t gonna let that happen. I mean, He’s loved you since the moment he met you, The moment where you saved him from a couple of bullies at only ten years old.
He knew that he was gonna marry you..
Until his brother screwed everything up.
Carlos just had to follow Camilo on the day he was gonna ask you out, Carlos just had to introduce himself, and you..
You just had to go and fall for him..
Now it’s been twelve years..
And you’re now Carlos’s girlfriend.
And Camilo would be lying if he said he was happy for you two, Cause in reality, Camilo wanted to throw his brother of a cliff for what he did. But also in reality, Carlos didn’t do anything wrong.
You don’t belong to Camilo, And Camilo never told anyone about his feelings. Carlos simply asked you out before he could, And that’s no reason for him to hate his brother.
But why does he?
Why does he bicker with Carlos over the little things, Especially about you, Like he’s trying to fight him for you, Like he’s trying to win you back.
But, He never does.
He never won your feelings.
You love Carlos.
Now it’s been 20 years..And you’re gone.
You died giving birth to Carlos’s son, His baby.
As Camilo holds the baby, Dried tears down his face. He rocks him gently as he sleeps in his arms, Camilo lets out a soft sigh, Leaning his head back against the chair.
He stares at Carlos from across the room, Carlos looking like an even bigger mess than Camilo does as he and your parents plan your funeral.
Camilo closes his eyes, Letting one stray tear run down his face.
“ Hey..” Camilo heard his brother’s voice, Although it sounds strained.
Camilo opens his eyes to meet Carlos’s glossy ones. “..Hey.”
Carlos offered a very small smile before it quickly faded away. He sighed, Leaning again the wall near Camilo’s chair.
“..I can’t believe it’s over..” Carlos tightly shut his eyes closed, to prevent anymore tears from coming up. Camilo’s eyes trailed up to Carlos’s face. Now in this moment, Camilo shouldn’t have the right to get angry, You had only died a few days ago.
But he can’t hold it in anymore, With all the emotions it was bound to come up.
“ But hey..You won.”
Carlos opened his eyes, Furrowing his brows in confusion as he looked down at his younger twin brother. “ What?”
“..You won..she chose you..and now she’s gone.”
Carlos scoffed. “ Camilo..out of all times you wanna argue with me, You choose now?!” He raised his voice slightly.
The yellow twin glared, Tears swelling.
“ Yes now! Cause now it is over! You took (Y/n) away from me! She didn’t chose me, But she chose you! She loved you! And now she’s gone!”
Carlos huffed in frustration, gripping at his hair, About to yell, But froze when he heard his baby stirring awake in Camilo’s arms.
Carlos looked at his baby, Letting out a deep breath in attempts to calm himself down. He walked over to Camilo, Taking him from him gently. He backed away, Bouncing the baby so he wouldn’t wake up.
“..I know you hate me right now..but..at least be here for him..I can’t raise him on my own, Camilo.” Camilo’s furrowed eyebrows softened when looking at the healthy baby boy in Carlos’s arms.
“....Yeah..ok..” Camilo leaned back in his chair, Looking away from Carlos and the baby.
Carlos muttered a thank you, As he walked out.
Camilo stayed, Staring at the wall, Tears now running down his cheeks. “ It’s over....isn’t it?”
Forgive me, I know this isn’t the best! I haven’t written in awhile. I hope you enjoyed it though! ^-^
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miss-ali · 2 years
Camilo with a Sick S/O Headcannons
Camilo is a person who respects women, so of course he would never have a problem with his S/O being sick.
Camilo would allow his aunt to heal you but he would rather to take care of you himself . How you may ask? Making food for you, cleaning and so on.
Camilo doesn't care if he gets sick when taking care of you, cuddling is a must! I totally see Camilo being a person who sings to his S/o to make them happy.
Camilo's gift tends to malfunction when something is wrong with his S/o, but tends to stop when his S/o remind him that everything is OK.
I can see Camilo going to Dolores to see if it is a girl problem that he doesnt know about. And tries to learn from his tia about healing remedies just to be prepared.
Overall, Camilo is one of the best boys in Encanto.
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