#ashera x reader
frickingnerd · 5 days
poly relationship with eunie & ashera
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pairing: eunie x gn!reader x ashera
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, flirting (eunie & ashera with reader), physical affection, eunie & ashera supporting each other
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what's better than one loud and hotheaded kevesi girlfriend? two of them!
with eunie and ashera around, there's never a quiet moment! they'll manage to drag you into the dumbest situations and often you have to fight your way out of those…
ashera never thinks twice before doing anything. she was the first one to confess to you too, simply grabbing you by your uniform and telling you she had a thing for you!
eunie followed soon after, with ashera letting it slip that eunie liked you too and telling her to simply join the relationship!
ever since, you haven't been able to get rid of those two…
ashera isn't the most romantic person, as she's a soldier through and through. her ideal date is sparring with you, which often ends up in a heated make out session. so there's at least some romance involved…
eunie likes more typical dates. walking around aionios and collecting four leaf clovers, chatting and holding hands and occasionally even going to a restaurant in the city!
occasionally, you manage to drag ashera along too! though whenever it's a throuple date, ashera spends the first half of the date teasing and annoying eunie, until they eventually work together for the second half of the date and tease and fluster you until you can't take it anymore
both of your girlfriends are very flirty! though eunie can be flustered too, while nothing gets to ashera!
ashera isn't the type to settle down, so even if eunie sometimes dreams of a quiet life in the city, it likely wouldn't include ashera
she might be willing to leave her colony for you two, but she's not the housewife type. she'll be on her own little adventures, but always returning to eunie and you
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urdgealesisbaby · 4 months
Sick head cannon you just recently did but with ferid and asuaramaru
I'm happy you read my recent post and thank you for your request!!
Ferid Bathory and Asuramaru taking care of their sick s/o
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Ferid Bathory
-lowkey enjoys you being in bed all day
-he just is that way
-he might even have a little laugh about you being sick
-his precious darling? Being sick? Must be a stupid joke
-As much as he may be a jerk,he actually takes care of his s/o
-he is very careful with the medicine that he's giving to you
-he's very careful when taking your pills from time to time
-would give you extra cuddle time just because you're sick
-overall a little annoying but good at the same time
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-Not gonna lie,he doesn't know how to deal with it
-being a demon,he never caught a cold in the last 1000 years,why would you catch one?
-you could say he is scared because he didnt' deal with this in  many years
-he just loves you so much that he's scared he's going to lose you like his sister
-You need to calm him down really,or else he is going to have a demon panick attack?
-Once he calms down,he takes care of you like no one did
-pills? Ready. Warm bed? Ready . Favourite snacks?Ready.
-you can't change my mind he is really careful with his darling
I hope you liked these and I hope you have a nice day/night!
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serpentandlily · 6 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny IV
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny IV - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
Warnings: a lil bit of angst, a lil bit of fluff, a lil bit of suggestion
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
To say he was panicking would be an understatement. 
No, Eris had felt panicked when he had opened the door to his chambers and realized his mate was not there. But that panic turned to full-fledged terror when he had finally tracked down the two handmaidens he'd assigned her this morning and they both said they had no idea where his mate was. 
He stalked through the Forest Home---trying to appear calm and nonchalant despite what he felt. He didn't want anyone to catch wind of something being amiss. Not before he was able to find his mate and safely get her back to his chambers. Lucky for him, he'd been forced to wear a mask his whole life and this was no different. 
A bark from behind caused him to whirl around. Ashera came running from around the corner, ears flapping and tail wagging. That had to be a good sign. She yipped again when she caught up to him and gripped the edge of his cuff in her sharp teeth.
"Did you find her, Ash?" Eris asked, quietly. 
He was answered with a pull of her teeth. His shoulders loosened with relief and he let Ashera guide him to wherever it was that she had found his mate. He had given Ashera the order to find her the minute he realized she was missing and had gone the opposite way of her to cover more ground. 
A few moments later, he found himself in front of the doors to the library. Ashera let go of him and started to paw at the doors with a whine. He could hear two voices from behind the doors. His mate's and....
He grabbed both handles and yanked open the double doors, stalking inside. 
"And do you want to know what I said—" His brother, Finnegan, abruptly cut off his sentence when the sound of the doors slamming shut behind Eris and Ashera caught his attention. He looked up, smirking when he caught sight of his frazzled brother. 
Seated in front of his brother, a chessboard on the table between them, was his mate. She turned in her chair, eyes wide as she looked over with surprise until she recognized who was there. A soft smile bloomed on her beautiful face, her doe eyes lighting up. 
No one had ever looked at him like that when he entered rooms. Not even his own mother. No, he was usually met with either fear or disdain. But not from his mate... She should've been staring at him with disgust or contempt, especially after how he had treated her yesterday and especially after their argument this morning when he forbade her from leaving his room. Instead, she seemed happy to see him. 
Was she putting on a front for his brother?
"Eris!" she exclaimed, rising from her seat. "You're back. Oh, you won't believe the day I've had! Finn found me wandering around and—"
"Come here," Eris ordered, cutting her off. He held out his hand towards her. His brother's smirk grew as Eris glowered at him. His mate’s eyebrows rose in question but she thankfully listened to him, walking to his side and grasping his hand in her much smaller, much softer one. 
Ashera let out an excited yip and brushed up against her legs, causing his mate to smile down at her. Honestly, he should've known she was his mate the minute his hounds hadn't torn into her when she first appeared in Autumn that day. Should've known the second Ashera had pranced forward and tried to comfort her, for Gods' sake. His dogs were prime hunters, yet around her, they were reduced to nothing more than fluffy house pets it seemed. 
He remembered seeing her for the first time, her leg stuck in that bear trap. Despite the tears running down her face and her hair tangled with leaves and twigs, she was the most beautiful female he had ever laid eyes on. So soft and delicate. The opposite of everything he was. 
But the mating bond hadn’t truly snapped until the shadowsinger had shown up in the clearing that day and whisked her into his arms. She had looked straight at him and a golden thread had unwoven in his chest, causing him to stagger back just as they disappeared in a swirl of shadows. It had taken all of his will power not to immediately storm the Night Court if only to see her for a second more.
“Can I not have her for a few more minutes, brother?” Finn asked, tossing his arms behind his head and resting his head against them with a smug grin. “We’re nearly finished with our game.”
Eris sneered at his brother. “If I see you sniffing around her again, I’ll rip out your throat.”
“Eris!” His mate exclaimed, looking up at him with wide eyes. He ignored her, still glaring daggers at his brother who didn’t even flinch at the threat. 
“You’re lucky I stumbled upon her before father did,” Finn crooned. “I’d say you owe me one for allowing her the pleasure of my company.” 
“Well, consider me not ending you where you stand your one and only favor,” Eris retorted. His mate went to pull her hand from his but he gripped her tighter, finally looking down at her. “Come on, we’re leaving.” 
He stalked towards the library door, pulling her with him despite her soft protests. He didn’t say a word to her as he led her back to his chambers, not wanting any servants milling about to gossip if they heard anything. He only released her hand once they were safely in the living area of his quarters and behind the heavy wards set up. 
“Are you out of your mind?” She hissed at him, holding her hand to her chest. 
“Are you?” He bit back, flicking his hair out of his face. “I gave your strict orders to stay here while I was gone or with your handmaidens!”
“I am not something you can just keep under lock and key!”
“You’re not in the Night Court anymore, bunny,” Eris argued. “My father is nothing like Rhysand. The males outside these doors are nothing like those two wretched Illyrians. I can have you chained to my bed and no one would bat an eye, do you understand?”
“And is that what you’ll do if I don’t listen to you?” She retorted, crossing her arms. “Put me in chains?”
“No,” he snapped. “But I will lock you in here if I must. I’d rather you hate me than let anything happen to you.” 
“Then take me out with you,” she protested. “Don’t leave me here!” 
Eris let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking down at his irritating, foolish, and completely and utterly bewitching mate. Her large eyes were hopeful, her bottom lip pinched between her teeth. The mating bond was driving him absolutely wild. He wanted to shove her against the wall and rip that lip out of her teeth with his own. 
“Please,” she whispered. 
“Fine,” he growled. “But if I agree to take you out tomorrow afternoon, you will agree to stay inside my chambers unless otherwise instructed. Do you understand?”
Those sweet, alluring eyes turned callous in a matter of seconds.
“So, you intend to treat me like a dog? Like a pet?” she snapped, crossing her arms. “Actually, I take that back. You even treat your dogs better than that!” 
As if proving her point, Ashera jumped up on the couch, laid down and covered her face with her paw, as if she felt his mate’s exasperation. 
“Have you any idea what is at stake here?” he bit back. “I do not intend to treat you like a pet. I intend to keep you safe!”
“And you think by keeping me locked away, I’ll be safe? They all know where your chambers are, Eris. I’m no safer here than I am anywhere else in this manor!” 
“At least, I’ll know where you are! Do you have any idea how worried I was when I went to find you earlier and you weren’t here?”
Her eyes widened and her arms fell limp at her sides. “You… you were worried?”
Eris tossed his arms in the air, letting out a noise of frustration. “Of course, I was worried. Do you know how many enemies I have in this court? Do you know how many people would wish to harm you if they had the chance just to hurt me?”
“I thought…” She paused, rubbing her arm.
Eris glared down at her. “You thought what? Go on, bunny, tell me what that little mind of yours thought?” 
“I thought you were mad! And can you blame me?” she huffed up at him. “You treat me like a nuisance, insult me any chance you get! Why the hell would I ever think you were worried about me? I’m sure you’d just be so over the moon if someone did get rid of me! Since I’m such a burden.” 
There were a lot of things in life Eris regretted but calling his mate a burden this morning was now on the top of that list. He hadn’t meant it. Of course, he hadn’t. She just didn’t understand the severity of the situation. He didn’t want to be mean to her or to have her hate him… but if it kept her safe, then so be it. At least, that had been his train of thought. But seeing the hurt on her face when those words had come out of his mouth had nearly killed him. 
“I’m sorry, okay,” Eris groaned. “I’m sorry I called you that. It’s not true. It was never true but bunny…you really don’t understand…”
“No, Eris, I do,” she snarled. “I’m not as stupid or naive as everyone likes to think I am!”
“Not naive?” Eris mocked. “Then what do you call galavanting around the Forest House with one of my own brothers?”
“Your brother was fine,” his mate replied. “He was perfectly polite. All he did was show me around a bit and then take me to the library as I requested.”
Eris scoffed. “You don’t know him like I do.” 
“You know what’s funny? That is the exact thing my sisters would say about me and yet they have no idea who I am. They’ve never let me be anything other than the girl they think I am. Have you thought that perhaps this competition your father has you all so convinced of between you guys doesn’t even exist? Have you ever even tried talking to one another without your father’s influence?” 
She wasn’t wrong but Eris knew how deep his father had his claws in his brothers. It would take a lot to shake them from his grasp. Time and effort he wasn’t afforded with at the moment. Not when he constantly had to look over his shoulder and now had to keep his mate safe at all times. This court was corrupt and dangerous—everyone here was in survival mode. 
These hypotheticals might be worth a discussion and if it were up to him, he would’ve taken his mother and younger brothers far away from his father a long time ago. But alas, he did not have such power…yet. But perhaps things could change. Though, nothing would so long as his father still sat on the Autumn throne. Until then, these sorts of conversations were not worth the time. 
“You speak on things you have no knowledge about and I see little point in having this conversation with you,” Eris said, straightening out his lapels. “I have a meeting I must attend with my father. Stay here.”
And then he left swiftly, before his mate could see just how much her words affected him, before he grabbed her and winnowed as far from this court as he could—consequences be damned. She drove him absolutely mad but Gods, did he find her so enticing. She was wild and impulsive and had a lot to learn, but the sort of honesty and hopeful outlook she had…Well he could only hope he could protect that, hoped he could keep her sweet and kind and soft and all the things no one had ever allowed him to be. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
You had just woken up when your two handmaidens, Willow and Ivy, entered the room, pestering you to get up. Bleary eyed, you let them drag you into the bath before they sat you in front of the vanity. Ivy braided your hair while Willow dusted some light makeup on your face. 
“Can I ask what you are prepping me for?”
“Lord Eris has requested that we get you ready for an afternoon trek on horseback,” Ivy answered, with a slight smile on her face. 
Your eyes widened, taken aback. You hadn’t spoken to Eris since your fight yesterday. In fact, he had never even returned to his chambers last night. You didn’t try to leave, in fear that you would find the door locked and all your worries of the kind of male you were mated to would be proven true. Instead, you had pretended that a night in was just what you wanted, begrudgingly following his command. 
They dressed you in an off the shoulder linen chemise and flowy skirt that fell to your shins before lacing you into a burnt orange corset that had your lungs screaming for air. They slipped a pair of brown leather boots onto your feet.
“Surely trousers would be more appropriate?” you asked, spinning around so your skirt swished around the tops of your boots. Ivy and Willow gasped at your words, placing a hand over their hearts.
“A lady should never be seen in trousers,” Ivy declared, aghast.
Their shock was humorous to you, so you bit your lip to keep from laughing. Gods, the Autumn Court was so backwards sometimes. You were getting better at choosing your battles, so you said nothing else as they led you out of Eris’s chambers to the horse stables. 
Eris stood there next to another male who was preparing two horses. Your mouth dried a bit at the sight of him. He was wearing a loosely tied tunic, tucked into brown breeches and a pair of riding boots. His red hair glimmered in the sun like a ruby gem, his pale skin nearly glowing. He looked as if the Autumn forest made him itself.  
You hadn’t realized you had paused in your steps until your two handmaidens giggled next to you. 
“You are a very lucky female, Lady Y/n,” Ivy whispered to you with another giggle, causing your cheeks to turn pink. 
“Lord Eris is a very lucky male to have someone as lovely as Lady Y/n as his mate,” Willow countered, which only made your blush deepen. 
Eris noticed you as you drew closer and his eyes trailed over your form, heat swirling in them. You felt goosebumps rise on your skin under his gaze. His fox-like face was so beautiful, so enchanting, it was hard to look away. You kept eye contact with him as your handmaidens presented you. 
“Lady Archeron, as you requested, my Lord,” Willow said as she curtsied.  
“Thank you, ladies, you may continue on with the rest of your duties,” he said to them, though he didn’t stop looking at you which caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. The two girls sauntered off, their giggles heard until they rounded the corner. 
You wanted to be mad at him still, but this seemed like a sort of peace offering or apology for yesterday. One that you decided to accept. You walked forward until you were at his side, glancing at the large horses. 
“This is Marigold. She is our most well-mannered horse,” Eris said. “Go on, you can pet her. She won’t bite.” 
“I’ve never ridden a horse, my Lord,” you said, shyly, reaching out a hand to pet the one in front of you. 
Eris seemed surprised but made no comment on it. He simply turned to the stableboy and waved a hand at him. “One horse will do today, Landon.” 
“Oh, are you going to teach—”
You squeaked as Eris grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you onto the horse as if you weighed nothing, your cheeks turning bright red. A moment later, he lifted himself onto the horse, right behind you. The butterflies in your stomach were worked into a frenzy as his long legs encompassed you and your back was pressed against his firm chest. 
“Yes, bunny, I’m going to teach you,” Eris whispered, his breath dancing along the edge of your pointed ear. You could hear the smirk in his voice, as if he knew exactly the kind of reaction he was causing inside of you. 
“Is this not improper?” you asked. “Aren’t ladies supposed to sit with both their legs on one side?”
It had been a hard transition for you—to go from living in poverty in that tiny cottage to living in high society. You weren’t like your other sisters who had spent their childhood years being trained to be ladies. You could hardly remember any part of your life before your mother died. 
It was, perhaps, why you felt the closet to Feyre of all your sisters. Because she, too, was wild in a way that Elain and Nesta weren’t. 
“Something tells me you have no concern over how ladylike you are, bunny,” Eris chuckled, his hard chest rumbling against your back. Your cheeks flared up again and you tossed him a glare over your shoulder. 
“Everyone else seems so concerned about my virtue and image,” you hissed. 
“Well, I’m not,” Eris retorted. “Go on, grab the reins.” 
You hesitantly wrapped your fingers around the leather straps and nearly jolted in surprise as Eris’s placed his calloused hands on top of yours. He started to maneuver your fingers. “You want to keep your thumbs on top and your fingers closed around them.” 
Once he seemed satisfied, he tapped the horse on the side and she began her trot. You bit your lip as his hands slid off the reins and on to your thighs. “Relax your legs, bunny. Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall off.” 
You hadn’t realized how much you were squeezing the poor horse until he lightly stroked your thighs, getting them to loosen before his hands slid to your waist instead.
"What do I do with these?” You asked, nodding towards the reins in your hands.  
“Nothing for now,” Eris answered. “You use them to steer or to get her to stop.”
His proximity to you and the tiny circles he absentmindedly rubbed on your waist with his thumbs caused your body to hyperfocus on all the places you were touching. You could hardly pay attention to his instructions and the more the two of you continued on, the more you found yourself relaxing into his chest—soaking in the heat that seemed to exude off his body. 
Once you seemed to get the hang on the basics, a soft silence fell between the two of you. The sounds of the forest came alive the deeper you traveled into the trees. It was truly beautiful out here. The red and orange leaves on the trees reminded you of the painting Feyre had done on your drawer on the dresser back when you were living in the cottage. 
“I’m sorry,” Eris whispered into your ear, breaking the silence and surprising you. “For yesterday.” 
You softened at his words. “It’s okay.”
“No,” he said, his grip on your waist tightening. “It wasn’t okay. It pained me to hear you say I think of you as a nuisance, as something to get rid of. It is simply not true, bunny and I’m sorry for ever making you believe I think that.”
Eris didn’t seem like the type of male to apologize for his actions, so it meant more to hear it from him. 
“I just wish you would stop trying to push me away. I’m tired of everyone always deciding what's best for me instead of trusting me to know it myself,” you sighed.
“I know and I’m sorry. I know how unseen you feel.” 
He seemed to see right through you. Was it the mating bond that allowed such a thing? Or was it just something you had in common? No one had ever looked closely at you. You were the baby of the family, never allowed to be involved in decisions or important things. You lived in your own world most of the time. 
Although Eris was brought up in a far different environment than you, you couldn’t help but think he felt the same way. That he was constricted and forced to play a role he had no wish to. That he was written off as arrogant and cruel simply because he was born under a male who was. 
But he was nothing like his father. 
“I know you do because I know you feel the same way, Eris,” you whispered, glancing back at him. “But I see you.” 
“Perhaps that scares me.” His amber eyes were still guarded as he looked down at you. “No one has ever looked before. No one has ever wanted to.” 
“I do,” you said, holding his gaze. “I want to.” 
It was silent for a moment and you twisted back around, staring at the forest ahead.
“You shouldn’t,” Eris said, so quietly, that you were certain he was talking to himself. But despite his words, a tension had been lifted between the two of you.
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
A little while later and after several whines about her legs starting to hurt, Eris let his mate have a break. He helped her off Marigold and found a tree to tie the horse to so the two of them could walk for a bit. 
He kept a step behind her, watching as she spun in a circle, the leaves crunching beneath her boots, as she took in the forest. The wonder and excitement in her eyes caused a spark in his chest. Those things had long since been beaten out of him so it was nice to see them in someone he already cared so deeply about. 
Eris enjoyed being out here with her, away from the Forest House and everyone else. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he kept his guard up to protect his wonderfully oblivious mate from any harm that might come her way. 
“It’s so beautiful here,” his mate whispered.
The sunlight casted gold rays of light through the leaves, illuminating her beautiful face. She looked made for this kind of place, for Autumn. His chest ached at the sight—at what could be if his father wasn’t such a conniving bastard. 
“It is,” Eris said softly, his amber eyes still trained on his mate. She peeked over her shoulder at him, blushing as she met his gaze. Gods, if he were a lesser male, he’d have shoved her up against a tree and claimed her as his already. 
“Hey, I have an idea!”
“I’m sure you do,” he chuckled and she whirled around, placing her hands on her hips as she glared at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” 
He shook his head, biting back a smile. “Nothing. What is your idea, bunny?” 
“We should play a game,” she said. “Like hide and seek.” 
Eris snorted. “Hide and seek? What are we, children? I’m over five hundred years old, bunny, I’m not going to play games with you.” 
“Fine, suit yourself,” she shrugged. “But I guess that means you’ll have to return to the Forest House without me unless of course…you find me.”
And then she darted off into the trees, weaving her way out of his view. He expected to find himself irritated, but it was the opposite. He couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped from his mouth at how ridiculous his mate was. Ridiculous and brash—but so endearing. 
“You can’t hide from me, bunny,” he shouted into the trees.
Silence met his ears and then…a twig snapped in the distance. He sauntered off in the direction of the noise. He would entertain her absurd game but he would not be running off like some wild beast through the forest. He followed her enticing scent of harvest apples and forest pine, twisting through the tall trees and leaf-covered ground. 
He saw a flash of her hair from the corner of his eye and spun in place, listening for her footsteps. He continued following after her, getting small glimpses of her here and there, hearing the tiny giggles that seemed to echo in the silent forest and he realized that a small smile had grown on his face as the game went on. 
Until things went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He froze, sniffing the air. He could still smell her but where had she gone? He spun in place, looking for footprints and listening for any sounds but…nothing. His heart started to beat faster in his chest, suddenly worried she had run off too far. 
“Bunny,” he shouted. “You can come out now!” 
The smile on his face dropped and he continued his search. Had she ran into some creature that took her? Had his guard fallen so low that he hadn’t realized that someone else was out here? 
“Hey, bunny—fuck!”
Something ran straight into his back and wrapped their arms around his neck, making him stagger forward. He turned around and pinned them against the tree with a snarl so quickly he hadn’t even realized what exactly had knocked into him until he heard the familiar giggles and his mate’s scent washed over him. 
“Got you!”
She was staring up at him with wide, excited eyes—her face flushed from her exertion. He stared at her in disbelief, uncertain how she was able to sneak up and ambush him like that. The hand that had wrapped itself around her throat moved to rest on the tree next to her head.   
“And so the sly bunny ensnares the dumb fox,” she sang between her pants, her arms still around his neck, her back still pressed against the tree.
He let out a breath, staring down at her with a small glare. “That is not funny. I could’ve hurt you!” 
“But you didn’t,” she countered, not seeming concerned about it at all. “I’m surprised I was able to sneak behind you. I thought for sure you saw me at one point. You looked right at me!” 
His brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I was standing right there,” she laughed, pointing at a spot to their left. “And you looked right at me! I thought I was busted but I don’t know, Eris, you might be going blind with age.” 
Her eyes held amusement as she looked up at him but he was confused. He had no idea what she was talking about—he hadn’t seen her at all. She had not been standing there. She must’ve been mistaking those trees for another. 
“Very funny,” he said, deadpanned. 
“Oh, don’t be a sore loser,” she teased, her fingers playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, absentmindedly. Her touch sent shivers down his spine. Her body pressed against his fought against the control he had. 
He wanted to knock the smug smile right off her face. He stepped closer, placing his free hand on her sternum and trapping her against the tree. He felt her breath hitch and grinned. 
“I’m not the loser,” he purred, before leaning down to whisper in her ear, “You’re still ensnared by me, bunny. Not the other way around.” 
Being this close to her again reminded him of all the ways he would take her and he let out a heavy breath, trying to keep from getting hard and scaring her away. Her head was tilted back so she could stare at him, her smile slipping as her heart pounded loudly enough that he could hear it through her chest. It seemed to beat in rhythm was his. 
He was certain she was going to cave first. His other hand still rested against the tree next to her head, allowing her the chance to dip away if she wanted. Her cheeks turned pink and he was sure she was about to start stuttering like a girlish maiden as she usually did when she said something that absolutely surprised him.
“Maybe I want to be ensnared by you, Eris,” she whispered.
Heat spread through his body like a wildfire and he knew it exuded off of him by the way she melted into his touch, her eyes flickering down to his lips as she shuddered. She bit her lip and he growled, his hand moving up her sternum until it rested against her cheek. He plucked her lip free with his thumb and she met his gaze again—her eyes wide and innocent yet full of desire. He could feel her anticipation down the mating bond, which glowed like firelight between them, and he knew she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. 
The mating bond sang in his chest.
She glanced down at his lips again and the look she gave him was enough to snap the last string holding his composure. 
So he surged forward and passionately kissed her. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
One second you were thinking of how much you wished Eris would kiss you and the next second he was. His lips were soft, softer than you imagined, and so warm. Your eyes fluttered shut and you kissed him back with the same fire and eagerness that had Eris groaning against your lips. The hand that was resting on your cheek moved to your neck and angled your head back farther so he could deepen the kiss.
One of your own hands slipped into his hair, tangling some red strands between your fingers as the butterflies in your stomach began their frenzy again. All thoughts seemed to cease at that moment. All you could feel was Eris’s body pressed against yours, his kiss so full of hunger that your knees almost buckled under the weight of it. 
Your other hand slipped down to grab onto the collar of his tunic and yank him closer. He growled and bit down on your bottom lip; you gasped at the slight pain. He used that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and his kiss turned crazed. 
Fire sparked under your skin, so hot it threatened to consume you. 
His hand slipped down to your thigh, yanking your leg up around his hip so he could press in closer to you—nailing you to the tree. The rough bark rubbed against your back, serving as a contrast to the softness of his lips on yours. 
He devoured you, kissed you in a way no one ever had before. You didn’t fight for dominance. Not when it felt this good to surrender yourself to him. Heat and wetness pooled in your core—the evidence of his own arousal pressed firmly against your stomach as his tongue continued to explore every crevice in your mouth, claiming it as his. 
Every inch of your skin was tingling as he pulled away and began to trail feverish kisses down your jaw and neck—giving you the chance to breathe for a moment. You whimpered as his canines nipped at the sensitive skin on your throat, marking you. 
“Do you know how much I think of this?” Eris groaned against your skin, his nose trailing up the column of your throat. “Of ravishing you like this.” 
“Y-you do?” You stuttered as his canines grazed your neck again—reminding you again that Eris was no human man. No, he was much more than that of a man. He wasn’t even a full High Lord yet and still, you could feel his power crackling around you like burning embers. 
“Oh, bunny,” Eris purred, pulling back to look at you with that fox-like grin that had your knees weak again. “I think of you like this—at my mercy—all the damn time.” 
He leaned down and kissed you again until your face was flushed, your lips swollen and your neck was full of love bites. The both of you were panting as he rested his forehead against yours, his amber eyes staring down at you with flame licking his irises, full of hunger and lust and longing. 
You knew at that moment that you belonged to Eris because there was no way anyone else on this earth would make you feel as you did now. And you didn’t want there to be anyone else. No, your heart and mind sang for him and him only. No matter how things turned out, you knew they always would. It was scary and thrilling and daunting but it was true. 
And by the way he stared down at you, you knew he felt it too. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
Tag list: @dwkfan @pinksmellslikelove @vellichor01 @whatdoyxumean @minnieoo @hnyclover @daughterofthemoons-stuff @ferrarisbitch @thaynarajejheje @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @the-sweet-psycho @sleepylunarwolf @homeslices @annblvd @historygeekqueen @crystalferret202 @meritxellao @st0rmyt @bruhhvv @venussdovess @naturakaashi @waves-against-a-cliff @justvibbinghere @queerqueenlynn @isa1b2h3 @oucereeng @hnyclover @locotreofthegods @namelesssav @edance2000 @lalaluch @saltedcoffeescotch @jangmi-latte @frobrotbaggins @naturakaashi @isa1b2h3 @awkwardnerd @crazylokonugget @marvelouslovely-barnes @tinystarfishgalaxy @ilovespideyyy @mybestfriendmademe @holb32 @littlemisslovestoread @regina-hawthorne @acourtofbatboydreams @artof-aristocracy @eyebagsanonymous @starrystarkey93 @darling006 @feyres-fireheart @fangirlloza010 @tarataraaaa @asweetblueberry2 @anuttellaa @daughterofthemoons-stuff
*If you asked to be on the taglist and you don't see your username, tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason :(
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗦 - part three charles leclerc  x  fem! driver! reader (angst+ smut) “… forgetting is troublesome especially when you used to be enemies.”
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"What's that?" You pulled back Charles' arm to see what he was holding. He put a finger over his mouth signalling for you to stay quiet. Cookies. He stole cookies from the hospitality. "Try one." He whispered, offering one to your lips. You glanced between him and the dough unimpressed. "I thought we were dieting." "Just try it!" He urged and you could help but roll your eyes.
Holding his wrist, you held his hand still as you took a bite. A frown curled on your face as you chewed. "They wouldn't know if we took the whole box right?" You whispered looking around, before pulling his wrist closer and eating the rest.
Charles found himself smiling softly, feeling your lips brush against his fingers. "Come on." You took his other wrist, pulling him back to the hospitality.
You two ended up sharing the entire box in your driver's room, with you laying on the couch discovering tiktok while Charles sat on the floor beside you petting your ashera cat, kiki ( who was purring on your stomach ) while feeding you. "Won't Andrea be mad?" "Not if he doesn't know." Charles chuckled, brushing a few strands of hair out of your mouth.
You looked at him from the side of your eye, opening your mouth for him to put another one. "He'll kill you for being a bad influence." You leaned up taking a bite. "Me? A bad influence?" He teased, receiving a pillow hard on his head.
He watched as the cat leaned into your head scratches and belly rubs. Kiki was a way to get familiar or a taste of parenthood, he'd gotten her to decrease your baby fever while he tried make one with you. 
"What's with sll the shirtless pics? Makes you look like a whore." "It does not." He defended, leaning his head beside yours to watch what you were looking at. Yep, someone had a collection of shirtless Charles Leclercs, and you were looking through each one.
"Your ugly." "You wouldn't have married me if I way ugly." He reminded you and you turned to him unimpressed. Charles gave a knowing smirk before he went back to giving attention and affection to your cat.
Were you lying to yourself? Sure he wasn't ugly with that haircut . . . and those back muscles . . . and that torse . . . and that smile— no! Not his smile! Charles Leclerc had the worst smile. He still doesn't know how to wink!
"How did we meet anyways?" "What? We met in France at . . . 10—" "That's not what I asked. What made me like you?" Charles felt his breath hitch at the memory as he turned to face you slowly. "W—well its a long story, and we don't have enough time before the race." You turned on your side narrowing your eyes at him.
What are you hiding, Charles?
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GASP! "Is that?— No way!" You fangirled, ready to take off only to be pulled back from Charles. He wrapped his arms tight around your stomach, lifting you up to make sure you didn't run off and tackle Andrew Garfield ( seventeen you's crush ). "Leclerc, let me go." You fussed and wriggled only for him to run away with you.
Yeah, if he loosens his grip for a second, he's going to left in the dust for spiderman. He won't lose the prettiest woman on earth for an actor. "I wanna see spider man!" "I— Hey you hear that? Andrea is calling." "BUT SPIDERMAN!!"
You grumbled and huffed angrily as you juggled the tennis balls next to Charles who was putting on his fireproof and zipping up his suit. "I hate you." You reminded Charles throwing one successfully at his head. "You have any idea how much meeting him would've meant to me?" He really didn't.
He took your scolding, feeling his heart clench and sob with each mean insult you threw at him. "Are you really that scared if I met a celebrity? Are you really that fragile and jealous?" You huffed tugging your gloves on and pushing him out of your way to retreive your driving shoes.
"Y/N— I'm sorry." He pulled you back from your hand gently, turning you to face him. He only saw your face fuming and angry, ready to punch his stomach up his throat. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." You You tried to pull your hand out of his grip but he was stronger than you for sure.
"Please. I'll get the whole cast. And the cast of the notebook." He tried to take your other hand put you pulled it out of his reach. "I'm an asshole. The biggest asshole. I don't deserve a woman like you. And yes, I am scared of losing a woman like you. You are the only good thing in my life, Y/N, and you don't even remember me . . . Don't you know how much that hurts?"
"I do and that makes it more bearable." Charles sighed, dropping his head, gently running his thumb across your knuckles. ". . . We had . . . a night in Australia . . . and we kept doing it. I asked you out later and we got married in december." He quickly explained clenching his jaw.
"We started of as an affair." You concluded, snatching your hand out of his, absolutely disgusted. "No! No." Charles denied quickly, backing you up in the wall trapping you, holding both your hands. "We had . . . talks and moments. You— you trusted me with your feelings and I thought, I still do think that you are a blessing, heaven on this earth. Sure we kissed and things escalated, but I'd never use your body Y/N."
You sighed as Charles searched for your eyes, trying to get you to look at him. You snickered once you finally looked into his fear stricken ones. "Please believe me when I tell you that I love you and you alone were meant for me.." He shook your hands gently, feeling himself hyperventilate.
"Please believe me when I tell you I love you, you're the best thing That's ever happened to me." The faceless man held your hands close to his chest, leaning close to you. "You're amazing and funny. You can be mean or nice when you need to and you've trusted me with yourself Y/N." "I love you, I really do." He chocked on his sobs, tears streaming down his blurred eyes. "I've you given you my heart. And you alone were meant for me."
"I know it's not like you can gain your memories on command or with a snap of your fingers, and I'm not asking you to do that. Just please . . . work with me—mhh" He moaned against your lips when you pulled him down roughly.
You tugged your hands free. Charles felt his hands twitch missing yours. That feeling was quickly forgotten once he felt your hands pull apart his race suit and zip down the top to pull up his fireproofs. "H—here?" He stuttered between kisses, feeling himself gasp with your hands trailing down his skin, past his waist line and underwear.
"Here." You asserted, pushing him to the couch, climbing on top of him pulling your own red suit off, an accidental hum leaving your lips against Charles. "Then we'll do it right—" He flipped you over, pinning your hands over your head.
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You sadly didn't get to get as far as you would've liked. Charles held your hand as he jogged through the paddock, pulling your dishevelled self along to the garage. The race was starting in a few minutes and you couldn't miss it. YOU WERE THE DRIVER.
You huffed as Charles quickly fixed your hair and suit, helping you strap your helmet and put your gloves on. "I'm not three." "I know that." Charles whined before kissing your cheek from atop your helmet, scurrying off to get himself ready as well.
Sitting in your car, you watched as Charles ran up the grid to you. "Don't crash out, please." He crouched beside you, kissing your cheek. "Mother fucker— just go." You pushed him away, sighing.
You could see the relieved smile that's been plastered on his face since he got to taste you again. You on the other hand felt agitated because he pulled away thousands of a second before you reached your peak. You were going to have to take revenge for that, you thought as you watched him climb the car in front of you.
"Well, David, it's a scorching day here in the heart of Monte Carlo, and the engines are roaring as we prepare for the start of the Grand Prix!" "Absolutely, Martin! And it's not just the weather heating things up. The Leclercs' presence is making waves. Y/N, dealing with amnesia, is a 17-year-old spirit in a 25-year-old body. A unique twist in today's race."
"Indeed, David. It's lights out, and the cars surge forward. Charles Leclerc, starting from the front row, quickly slots into P2 behind Verstappen who's got an amazing start."
Lap 20. — "As we cross the 20-lap mark, disaster strikes for Charles Leclerc! In a bid to block out Perez, he clips the front of the Red Bull, sending both into the barriers." "A heart-stopping moment, Martin. Charles is out of the race, a DNF, and that's a tough blow for the Ferrari driver on his home turf."
"Oh no." You mumbled passing the red and blue cars. You stayed silent once you pressed the radio button. "Yes, Y/N?" The radio was on but you were quiet. "Is he . . . is Charles . . ." "Charles is okay Y/N. He's coming back to the garage right now. Don't worry." "Alright . . ."
Lap 25. — "Meanwhile, Y/N Leclerc's facing her own challenges. After some intense battles, she's fallen to P7. The young racer is under pressure, but she's fighting hard." "She's showing real tenacity out there, Martin. And we've got some team radio messages coming in from Y/N's crew."
"Y/N, keep your focus. We know it's tough, but you've got this. Picking them off one by one." "I know, I know. I'm trying!— Lando stop fucking—" "Stay calm, Y/N. Stay calm." "Yeah yeah."
final Lap. — "And here we are, the final lap of this exhilarating Grand Prix. Verstappen has dominated the race, but behind him, the real battles have raged."
"Absolutely, Martin. And Y/N Leclerc, after a stunning performance, crosses the finish line in P4! What an incredible comeback from the young driver after taking the last 4 rounds off."
"You did it, Y/N! An incredible drive. We're so proud of you!" You Felt yourself screaming in exitment, throwing your fists up in joy. "How many points is that?" "These are 12—" "TWELEVE! OH MY GOD, NO WAY. NO. WAY."
"Verstappen takes the win, David, followed by a sensational Lando Norris in P2 and the seasoned Fernando Alonso in P3." "Monaco has truly delivered, Martin. Drama, determination, and unforgettable moments. That's what the Monte Carlo Grand Prix is all about."
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Okay, it was a bad race." "It was the shittiest race." Charles corrected you, huffing as he pulled your leg up to undo your shoe laces ( one of the few things you forgot how to do ). And although Charles was fuming, filled with fury and anger, he felt more at ease with your shitty attempts of comfort.
You sighed for the thirtieth time, watching him set your sneakers on the rack and rub his face in his hands. "You're annoying." You reached a hand under your shirt undoing the straps. "I— I know I'm being a hassle and—" Charles looked up to face you only to come face to face with your bra that you were holding up.
You dropped them. Charles was quick to react and catch them, watching your retreating figure pull your shirt off as you walked to the bedroom. "Wait— wait for me." Clothes were quickly abandoned on the floor as charles practically tackled you onto the bed. He couldn't keep his hands or mouth of your breasts that he's missed so much. You could feel your body twitch and tense feeling his warm tongue on your skin.
It was unfamiliar to you, but it felt . . . satisfying, with the way charles was doing it. He kissed and licked and nibbled on every inch of your skin, practically ripping your panties off so he could reach what he needed.
"No teasing this time." You pushed his head away when he tried to lick up your arousal. "Condoms." You pointed at the drawer. And he obeyed, quickly sliding one on. With his gentle touch, Charles pulled you to stand on your knees, your back to his chest with your arms holding his biceps that wrapped tightly around your stomach.
"Haa! Fuck!" You tried to jump out of hold at the weird sensation, the stretch felt . . . Foreign. But you didn't not like it. "Hey- hey. Relax. Breath." Charles pulled you further into his chest, kissing the spot behind your ear. "I got you. We can stop whenever you wan- ow!"Your body jolted feeling him push you down to take him further, head involtarily snapping vacation and hitting his nose. "Shit- I'm sorry." You tried to turn and check on him but Charles only laughed quietly.
'She apologized?'
"I'm okay." "I swear if you're lying—" "—I'm not. I'm not." He assured you quickly making you slimb your body in relief. "Let's take things . . . Slower?" He offered slowly, gently setting you dowm on your chest.
"How did we do it the first time?" "Oh wow, that tales me back . . ." ". . . You don't remember?" "—I do! It was my first." He defended, pulling you to straddle his lap. "I rode you? What kind of sex was that?"
"Well you took lead." That idea wasn't so bad. You watched as he intertwined your fingers with his, bending his knees so he could keep a steady pace. With a deep breath, you sank down slowly. The pain was almost non-existent from all the times you did it before. You felt on fire, leaning your hands on his to keep yourself up.
"Ready?" "Just go already." Almost immediately when his hips thrusted upward a moan left your mouth feeling him push deeper than you had settled with. "Charles— Fuck!" The monogasque held you up from your hips before you face planted in his chest.
Your eyes were squeezed shut, gripping his pecks while he kept a steady pace. Charles felt complete finally, he felt at home with you. You weren't usually this loud but he wasn't going deny the extra treats.
You switched position a few times, but you stuck with prone; with Charles pinning your hands above your head, he littered your chest neck and collar with small bites and licks.
He knew you were close from your mannerisms, having been married to you for 4 years and with you for almost 6. Charles fucked you through your orgasm while you engraved ten red lines down his shoulder and back.
"E—enough." You hiccuped, trying to push him away. "Almost there, Amour. Please just a little bit more." He begged in your ear, picking up just pace. Your body twitched and flinched every few thrusts and you grew tired and limp in his arm. "Wait wait." His voice was thinner and lower as he chased his high.
How more was a little bit? How more could this man go? Charles must've been making up for the few months you missed. You were tired yes, but watching him so desperately beg and whine and moan on top of you felt . . . It felt satisfying.
His body was sweaty with hair sticking to his forehead as he rocked back and forth repeatedly. "Mon Amour, mon Amour." He begged and he begged and he begged, squeezing his eyes shut so he could only feel and hear you.
He only opened his eyes again when he felt your finger tips ( that had thrown tennis balls at him this morning ) brush his hair from his eyes and wipe the desperate and needy tears that trailed down his eyes.
You were so gentle with him. How could you not? He was giving all of himself to you. Why were you being so mean and cruel to him? You watched your heart skip a beat as he nuzzles his cheek in your hand, taking your wrists and pressing soft kisses to your palm. He was practically worshipping you. And he was.
"Je t'aime— fuck fuck! Y/N!" He finished with a final few thrusts, finally stopping to catch his breath. You watched him pull out and flop on your chest, back rising up and down as he nuzzles in your neck. "Amour." He wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing kisses to your jaw .
You've never seen him in such a state before. So vulnerable and open and weak. You could hurt him, you could win the game. But you didn't, instead resting your head on his back, patting him gently as you two fell asleep tangled I each other. Charles might've been not so bad after all.
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blancflms · 11 months
So Many Questions
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[ temporary cover since I haven't gotten the time to create one and I just had to get this idea out ]
• pairings: human! Jin x black panther hybrid! Yoongi x border collie hybrid! Hoseok x human! Namjoon x ragdoll hybrid! Jimin x human! Taehyung x rottweiler hybrid! Jungkook x ashera hybrid! Reader; poly! bts x hybrid! reader
• summary: For years, Y/N had always been weighed fown by so many questions. For years, she would always try to find the answers to these questions but time and time again she's left disappointed until one day, she just stopped caring for them.
• genre: fluff, angst (I think that's about it for now, will just add if the story takes a sharp turn....)
• warnings: none... for now heheh (every chapter will have individual warnings)
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Namjoon lets out a deep sigh as he tries to hold back his tears from falling, trying to keep a strong front as he faces the woman that he had not seen for the last six months while she continues to glare at him, fire in her eyes.
"Please, I need you to listen to me. I promise, I'll explain everything but please, don't push me away. Don't make me leave." Namjoon pleads as he looks at the furious eyes of the usually kind and positive woman who only lets out a scoff at his words.
"Explain? What is there to explain? Namjoon, I don't think there's anything you can ever say that will justify what you did. Promising something is already a huge thing, breaking that big of a promise is another thing."
"I know what I did was really shitty and I'm telling you, there is not a single minute of every day where I did not think about what I did and there is not a single day where I went to sleep without thinking and regretting what I did but please, you have to understand that it was the only solution that I could think of at that time and I know it was wrong, I know I could've done better but I'm here now, I'm willing to right those mistakes."
"And that's the thing, Namjoon, you could've done better. Had you reached out, I would've done everything I could to help you, all of this could've been prevented. Everything that happened after that day shouldn't have happened and yet it did because you did not reach out to those who can help you. You let your pride get the best of you." Not being able to hold back the tears any longer, Namjoon firmly shut his eyes as tears continuously fall from his eyes, feeling his heart and mind bleed because no matter how many times he tried to deny it, no matter how harsh her words may have been, he knew it was true. He let his pride get the best of him and that ultimately led to him losing the best thing that has ever happened to him—to them.
Hello, just a snippet of this new story that has been corrupting my mind every night. Let me know your thoughts and if you want me to open a taglist, thank you 🌼
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eluxcastar · 2 years
A soft Sika madu x reader please ?
Some favouritism for you.
FEATURES: shikama doji
CW: not proofread I couldn't be bothered tbh
WC: 800
NOTES: I lied here's this self-indulgent spew of brainrot
aight here we go 😔 it is kinda heavy implied reader is a Vampire or atleast soon to be one yk like when a historian says two people are roommates kinda implied. Looking back at this it seems like I'm rambling kinda Idk how well this turned out so I'm gonna tag it as headcanons
there's a possum at my window and he's scratching somebody come get your man 😭
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you weren't sure when you started to notice it, surely not because you were imagining it however. It was becoming rather obvious how much he called for your help, small things, but not subtle enough you were oblivious. The times he used to call for Ashera hadn't changed, there were just more times he wanted your help.
why? You hadn't figured that part out yet, he wasn't exactly what one might call keen to share his motives of any kind with anyone, he just did, and you accepted. It was nice to think that on the days Ashera wasn't with you and Yū was off playing with his snake somewhere, probably off waving it in Urd's face while he awkwardly tried to dissuade him, your Master wanted to have your company in his rare moment of peace.
you knew he couldn't get those much, nobody really could with the sheer amount of people who lived there none quite yet to fully go off on their own. Even for you your idea of peace and quiet came only from these moments, and the idea he was somehow spoiling you was a strangely elating one.
out of everyone there, almost all of them much stronger and with far more maturity than you, your initial fears of realising you were the newest little lamb in the den of wolves was eased by the fact even just this man alone acknowledged you. He is something not of this world. They all listen to him. They would never hurt you if he adored you, not like you feared, even Rígr who took his pleasures in teasing you had admitted that.
you didn't quite fit anywhere yet, with the eldest two already closet off in a little pair and close as they had been for a long time, and the generation after them in a stage just past where you were right now all having accepted what they had become. Then there was finally you, the one who would begin the fourth generation, at least from what you understood of it. You never could understand much of Sika Madu's ramblings and explanations as he showed you things and explained to you things you never could quite grasp.
the one thing you did understand was universal, the little touches, the hand that ghosted across your back as soon as you we're in arms reach to usher you closer, the hand that smoothed your hair back into place on occasion, even his apparently unusual willingness to answer your questions to the point you were slowly becoming the messenger of other people's curiosities. He often acknowledged he knew and yet he also acknowledged why you kept doing it.
"Why do you keep coming to me with questions other people have asked me? Have you figured out this is a way to make them like you?"
it embarrassed you at the time, but he answered and sent you on your way, telling you to "Run along now back to Raimei." somehow knowing exactly who had sent you in the first place.
his seemingly unending patience for you made you feel more welcomed than any of the people he had asked to take care of you, though entrusting you to the eldest was his initial reaction and taught you some things, nothing would compare to the subtle pampering you were getting compared to how much he regarded the others, a selfish indulgence to prize how much more attention he pays you above everyone else.
there's a certain comfort in the way Sika Madu almost seems to treasure you, at least in your perspective, the few times you have fallen asleep by his side in the middle of work met with a gentle pat on the head and something to keep you warm. You recalled a time you almost bawled your eyes out to him and despite having no idea what to do he let you cry to him, the second you were fine he asked you. "What is it you want to do?"
so many things he had provided you, times he spent alone with you asking for comfort, though from what you weren't sure. He had three requests, follow him, sit with him and let him lay his head in your lap. Those were easy but it was the surprise fourth request that caught you off guard, "I'll answer a few of your questions, if you become desperate for answers, but I don't want them to be other people's questions." and for the first time he turned you away from giving out information, taking your hand and he pressed it to his cheek, his thumb stroking the back of your hand.
it was as if he was now revelling in your company, not just making you comfortable in his.
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greycaelum · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series: Covet Me)
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[Mafia Gojo X Ex-Assassin Reader]
[Note & Warning: Proceed with caution, if you are uncomfortable with the theme, please press the 'back' button. Blood, violence, dark themes, illegal works, pinch of yandere, fluff. Mafia Gojo of KSeries is not Yakuza Gojo of 4L&5S Series.]
[Thank you for the 300 followers guys! lemme give you this as my token of gratitude for being with me in this journey, I hope to see you in the next pages, —Grey,]
Mafia Gojo Covet Me: Ace
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Mafia Gojo who meet you when you're sent to assassinate him. Through the scope of your Mk13 you watch him wave and smile while your sniper rifle's crossfire aiming in his head. Confused and fascinated of his reaction you put down your gun and look back to the five men behind you already aiming guns to your skull. He already knew...
Mafia Gojo who staged your death killing all the dispatched support tailing behind you, disappointing his enemies. You found out the organization is using you to test the Gojo clan's leader and his temper and they did got a display of power, it's just that it resulted to whole division 5 completely wiped out.
Mafia Gojo who took you in after running a detailed background check on you, sealing your death certificate and fabricating a new identity for you. Why would he do that? He didn't expect your answer when he asked why didn't you pull the trigger.
"You're the first one that smiled to me," you said with a straight face and soft dark eyes as if looking something so distant when he's just right in front of you.
He loves your wit. He's fixated to honesty, a person who will say 'a spade is a spade'. You're raised in an environment where lying is easier than the truth but it strikes him how blunt and raw you could be...
Your body is a plus but it's your comebacks that charmed him about you totally drawn and interested to your reactions from your breathing to the flutters of your eyes, every word from your lips the way you stare with a far away look Satoru observes you a lot.
Satoru wasn't planning to keep you. Well not until you save and nursed his cat, which his mother left under his care while she's in Milan for a fashion week tour. Heavens forbid the cat is precious than the Queen, and angry mothers are scary mothers.
Satoru who asks you if you want to leave his mansion. You declined telling him you're tired of killing and a change of routine and life isn't bad. You simply crave for simple domesticity and 'normal life'.
Mafia Gojo who would start making advances which you accept from lazy to salacious kisses, turning to heavy petting and scandalous moans only to leave him high and dry-either his work or the cat is looking for you. Pesky feline, if not for his mother he would've thrown the dastardly Ashera cat to his pet tigers.
Mafia Gojo owns two white Bengal tigers—it's up to you if you wanna meet them.
Satoru who demand you to read him classic manuscript during bedtime. He sleeps well when you're around lessening his severe insomnia.
Satoru who would have a garden built after knowing you have come to like flowers. He would let you plant the flowers yourself and even help to spend time with you. Cue for Suguru to sigh seeing one of the most powerful and scariest man in the underground world throwing mud balls and raking the flower bed with you.
Satoru who prefer eating the burned eggs you cook than the ones his chef makes.
Mafia Gojo who would start looking forward to come home and find you in the backyard pavilion sleeping on the hammock with an open book by your side, quietly he would slid beside to hug you from behind pressing your back to his chest.
Satoru who would keep cracking jokes to make you smile.
Satoru who will teach you how to live life than just breathing to live. Making up the lost years of your life from just blindly following the orders. Satoru who will teach you how to appreciate and love yourself. He's satisfied whenever a smile graze your soft lips. He will teach you to fuck the rules and listen to your heart.
Satoru who craves your attentions and physical affection, cuddles and kisses being his favorite form of domestic acts, you two snuggled on the hammock as you read or simply talk to him fills the void of darkness within.
Satoru who smiles like a fool whenever you change and arrange a new flower arrangement to be placed in his office. Awards you with back hugs while arranging the flowers for him.
Mafia Gojo who would ask your expertise in firearms when checking their recent delivery.
Mafia Gojo who will hunt down anyone who dares to touch you and threaten the quiet life you built.
Mafia Gojo who would spoil you and acquire anything you want from the black market and auctions.
Mafia Gojo who will tour you from the houses he have, observing which you find comfortable the most and settle you there, going home in your arms after his exhausting illegal work. Your eyes always calms and blow away the grey clouds brewing in him.
Mafia Gojo cracking in fury and vitriol after a failure in the recent mission. The secretary downstairs calls him you're here, in the headquarters to bring him lunch. Immediately dismissing the meeting with promising anger to his executives but the wrath softens up seeing you come in his office, he invites you, patting his lap and receive your kisses that melts the anger to tender adoration of you caring for him.
Mafia Gojo who fills his office with flowers from you.
Mafia Gojo taking candid, epic, beautiful photos of you to fill his bedroom's built-in picture frame all but you in each photograph.
Mafia Gojo pulling you to sit on his lap, addicted to your sweet weight pressed above him, your head resting on his shoulder while you fiddle with his fingers.
Mafia Gojo who would sneak in your room to kiss your forehead goodnight.
Mafia Gojo will pull strings when you want ton open a small business for your leisure but would look out that it won't get too much attention to prevent enemies targeting you.
Mafia Gojo who loves you picking his suit and tie, he wouldn't dirty them as much as possible.
Mafia Gojo who became a hundred times ruthless and bloody to those who tried and still trying to take you away from him or use you as an Achilles Heel against the strongest.
He'll prove you're not his weakness, if only they know you're his Queen and his Ace.
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Check out the Masterlist for more.
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belong to their respective owner(s).
Taglist: @ice-icebaby
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frickingnerd · 1 year
ashera's s/o collapsing during training
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pairing: ashera x gn!reader
tags: physically unwell reader, comfort
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you had been training with ashera all day, trying to somehow beat her in battle, yet always failing
your girlfriend was not just the strongest person in the colony, but also the strongest one you ever met! 
you were eager to at least win against her once and prove that you're an equal to her
but your body wasn't cut out for so much training and during a sparring session with ashera, you almost collapsed
your vision got blurry for a moment and you dropped onto your knees, quickly trying to get up again to continue the fight, but you could barely stand anymore
ashera noticed it as well, quickly kicking your blade aside, before helping you up onto your feet again
"i-i… can still… fight…!" you tried to convince her, but ashera just huffed amused and shook her head
"you're going to take a break first. it's not nearly as fun to kick your ass when you can hardly stand~" she joked, but it was clear that behind her cocky facade, she truly cared about you
before you could protest any further, ashera had picked you up and tossed you over her shoulder
you were quickly carried away to your room by her, where she dropped you onto the bed, before pulling a blanket over you
"sleep now! this is an order from your commander!" she warned you half-jokingly
"i won't leave your side until you're asleep, so don't think you can avoid this in any way~!" 
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
Um excuse me, may I request sfw and nsfw Headcanons for Crowley with a Shy female s/o. If you don't want to that's fine, I understand. Sorry to bother you!
Hello,dear anon!!✨✨❤
You know?You had me thinking if I should start making nsfw headcanons .
And I've come to a conclusion:From now on the nsfw asks are open!!
When I first started my blog I didn't know much and I said to myself that I shouldn't do nsfw headcanons since I think they re more complicated.
But now I will try to make them! Sorry if I don't know how to express myself better with the nsfw part!!
Thank you for the request and make sure to request again if you want to!!hehe❤🌹
Sfw and Nsfw headcanons for Crowley Eusford with a shy s/o💕💕💕
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Sfw part:
-very very cuddly vampire
-like when he gets in the mood for cuddles, he doesn't know anything else and doesn't care about anything else
-he just wants his darling to be in his arms and maybe a little bite
-he would try to make the bite to not hurt so much
-also asks for your consent of course because if you don't wanna have him sucking your blood,l then he respects your boundaries
-he isn't the type to make anything without consent
Nsfw part!!!
-now I don't know if the vampires still have something down there because in the manga it is mentioned that vampires can't pee soo
-but I will pretend that there is something down there lol
-soo he is very well groomed down there and taken care of
-he doesn't want his hair to get in the way of pleasuring his darling
-will try anal if you are comfortable with it
-isn't too vanilla but neither he is into hardcore stuff
-he is kind of in the middle
-uses some chains to keep you restrained and does his stuff
-he loves punishing you and making you unable to walk the next day
-would love licking you all over your body especially your special stuff
-loves to see you getting flustered and shy
I know that these aren't that great but it was honestly an experience to write nsfw and from now on I will take nsfw requests too!!
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Chapter 90 - Special analysis for the fandom and the word “I love you” from Mikaela Hyakuya
This is something I actually never do, and by no mean I intend to offend any shipper nor I want to see more fights within the fandom, I want the fandom to coexist despite knowing some will see this chapter as canon ship or not; many will have different ideas but that doesn’t mean we’ll force our ideas into others, everyone enjoys reading the story and personally, I wish this fandom could be a little bit more peaceful.
This analysis is focused on the many interpretations of the panel on which Mika states those words so let’s begin!
Many within the fandom know and love the popular ship MikaYuu, and of course I’m aware that the chapter 90 was a reward for many readers since Mikaela stated that he loved Yu.
To begin with, as a neutral reader, love is one of the strongest emotions displayed within the manga story; of course, that doesn’t mean is focused on romance; no, the story involves the importance of a human, even if one is not human; it shows the respect, admiration towards someone and the value of a treasured one’s life.
Let’s talk about each point of view the fandom has towards this chapter specially
1. Love, affection in a romantic sense
To begin with, many in the fandom ship these two due to their dynamics and trust between each other, there’s no much to tell since many agree with the result of the chapter.
2. The different meanings of “I love you”
One of the things that make complex the term “I love you” is the language difference. Many within the fandom wanted to know how that phrase was officially used in the JP version of the story.
Mikaela indeed said “daisuki” which reflects love towards a friend, someone important, someone who is valuable to you, and that’s also a valid point for the fandom; Ashera stated that Yu was loved, that he was someone important to Mika; and of course this was the most heartbreaking thing to see; that Yu found out that he valued to someone, that his life gave meaning to someone, to his brother.
Many are aware that thanks to language, the term “I love you” in japanese can be related to express love towards a friend or family with a daisuki; and aishiteru with the intention to stay with that person forever.
Same applies to spanish, which is my mother language; whenever you express the term “te quiero” it is more focused for your family and friends and “te amo” which is more focused for that person you have feelings for and wish to stay with that person forever.
That perspective is valid as well, there’s nothing wrong with this
3. Personal point of view
For me, this chapter was beautiful, I admit this was rather a sad chapter, seeing Mika dying, seeing Yu crying, seeing the squad trying to reach Yu; indeed it was a sad chapter but it held beauty within it.
For me, the “I love you” from Mika, is more a concept of “gratitude”, that phrase held a lot of things instead of being a romantic phrase.
My personal view was that Mika within that phrase enlisted this:
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for being there
Thank you for supporting me
Thank you for being my brother/my family
Thank you for being my friend
Thank you for trusting me
Thank you for protecting me
Thank you for accepting me as a vampire
Thank you for giving me a reason to live despite being a vampire
Thank you for giving me a new family
Thank you for allowing me to see there are good things in the world despite having a broken world
Thank you for being a part of my life
Thank you for everything
For me, that’s what Mika tried to convey within that phrase, it was a full phrase of gratitude despite having a brutal childhood, Yu was a reason Mika could keep up living; along that, Mika’s biggest wish was to see Yu grow, to find a family, to have people who could support him, which is why at the end he tells him to not cry as well; Mika’s smile represents acceptance, and peace because he did everything he could to protect his most important person.
Generally speaking, all points are valid, there’s nothing wrong with shipping, there’s nothing bad with crying or complaining about if the ship happens or not; for me, this is held within a neutral view, there are no official ships except for Mahiru/Guren and Kureto/Aoi but of course, anything could happen.
There can be any character that might be LGBT+ and that’s fine, it’s not bad, for some, this ship will forever be a part of an AU or more likely something like any fandom has, ships that might or might not happen.
The most important is that respect should be held for everyone, I know some get frustrated against people who don’t accept x ship; and that’s fine, it’s fine to feel frustration, both sides feel frustration; the only thing that I ask to the fandom is to respect each other, it’s fine if you can’t accept the ideas of different parties but respect and not forcing is the best way to co-exist.
I’m happy to be here, to see the fandom express what they feel, to see memes about each chapter, it’s funny, but it’s sad to see that some fans feel frustrated.
I hope this doesn’t offend you dear readers or OnS fandom, I hope this can be something to analyze 
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ao3feed-crowley · 5 years
Past of the Seraph [Owari no Seraph x Oc Reader]
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KYPzvT
by masauyme_kageyoshi6
Yukari is a child who ran away from her home when she was little with her older brother Yuuta and her little sister Yui, they meet with a strange man dressed in black who offered them a home at the Hyakuya Orphanage where they meet Yūichirō, Mikaela and Akame along with the other children of the orphanage. When the world turns to ruins and is almost fully taken over by vampires, Yukari and her family is found in a bind where they are treated as livestock by the vampires. Follow Yukari on her adventure of trying to save the world, read more to find out.
Words: 3195, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Hyakuya Mikaela, Hiiragi Shinoa, Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hyakuya Yukari, Hyakuya Yui, Hyakuya Yuuta, Sanguu Mitsuba, Saotome Yoichi, Kimizuki Shihou, Ferid Bathory, Krul Tepes, Lest Karr, Crowley Eusford, Narumi Makoto, Saitou (Owari no Seraph), Asuramaru (Owari no Seraph), Ichinose Guren, Hiiragi Shinya, Hiiragi Kureto, Hiiragi Mahiru, Narumi Makoto's Squad, Hyakuya Akane, Dōji Shikama, Evan Stafford, Sika Madu, Ashera, Urd Geales, Ky Luc, Juujou Mito, Hanayori Sayuri, Yukimi Shigure, Goshi Norito, Iwasaki Shuusaku, Endou Yayoi, Inoue Rika, Kagiyama Tarou, Hiiragi Seishirou, Sanguu Aoi, Hiiragi Tenri, Gekkoin, Kiseki-Ou (Owari no Seraph), Tenjiriyū, Mahiru-no-yo, Byakkomaru (Owari no Seraph), Raimeki (Owari no Seraph)
Relationships: Hyakuya Yuuichirou/Reader, Hyakuya Yūichirō/Hikari Hyakuya
Additional Tags: Anime, Action, Fantasy, Romance, owari no seraph - Freeform, seraph of the end - Freeform, Original Characters - Freeform, Manga, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Humor, fan fiction, Fanfiction, Adventure
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KYPzvT
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ao3feed-yuumikayuu · 7 years
Under Your Control~ [Owari no Seraph! Various x Progenitor! Reader]
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oCtbyA
by hirasity
Everyone treats you like a god, that is the vampires of the country you’re ruling and others, however you mostly reside in Japan. The humans on the other hand, hate you, Y/n Tepes.
Words: 221, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Owari no Seraph
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Hiiragi Tenri, Hiiragi Kureto, Hiiragi Mahiru, Hiiragi Seishirou, Hiiragi Shinya, Hiiragi Shinoa, Sanguu Aoi, Sanguu Mitsuba, Ichinose Guren, Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Saotome Yoichi, Saotome Tomoe, Kimizuki Shihou, Kimizuki Mirai, Hyakuya Mikaela, Lacus Welt, René Simm, Chess Belle, Horn Skuld, Krul Tepes, Ashera Tepes, Ferid Bathory, Crowley Eusford, Lest Karr, Urs Geales, Gabel Parthe, Ky Luc, Saito
Relationships: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Hiiragi Shinya/Hiiragi Mahiru, Hiiragi Shinoa/Sanguu Mitsuba, Hiiragi Mahiru/Ichinose Guren, Ferid Bathory/Krul Tepes, Chess Belle/Crowley Eusford/Horn Skuld, Hiiragi Shinoa/Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou/Kimizuki Shihou/Sanguu Mitsuba/Saotome Yoichi, Lacus Welt/René Simm
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oCtbyA
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frickingnerd · 1 year
ashera's s/o finding out about her scar
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pairing: ashera x gn!reader
tags: spoiler for ashera's ascension quest, mentions of ashera being beheaded, minor mention of suicidal behaviour
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ashera had been acting off lately, skipping training and resting more often than usual
you had suspected something was wrong, but you didn't know for sure, until ashera opened up to you about her scar and the memories connected to it
unlike other soldiers, ashera could remember her past lives!
not just that, but the more time went by, the more clearly she could remember it – especially the day of her first homecoming
back then they didn't have off seers and instead of being sent off, she was beheaded
when she lifted her hair up and showed you her neck, you got to see the scar she was talking about for yourself…
suddenly it started to make more sense to you why ashera was so willing to get herself killed all the time
not only did she have to live with the memories of all her past lives, but she also had to endure the pain that came from that scar
as she finished talking, you quickly pulled your girlfriend into a hug, carefully holding her in your arms
there wasn't much you could do to help her with that pain or her memories, but there was one thing…
"i promise you, you won't have to endure this much longer. once we defeat Z, things can go back to normal again and you'll be freed from this pain!"
you already had enough reasons to want to defeat Z, but now there was another one on top of them and this one was personal!
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Heroes Masterlist
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↳ Masterlist
taking care of a sick cammuravi - headcanons
lost days of warmth - oneshot
when we had it all - drabble
zeon with an agnian s/o - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
dating isurd - headcanons
isurd with a s/o who's afraid of the dark - headcanons
ashera's s/o collapsing during training - headcanons
ashera's s/o finding out about her scar - headcanons
poly relationship with eunie & ashera - headcanons
dating juniper - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with kite and juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
alexandria dating a former moebius - headcanons
sparring with teach - oneshot
nothing to worry about - drabble
dating teach - headcanons
yandere miyabi - headcanons
reuniting with miyabi - headcanons
having a child with gray - headcanons
first date with monica vandham - drabble
giving monica a hickey - headcanons
ghondor realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
ghondor beating up your abusive ex - headcanons
ghondor comforting you after shania's death - headcanons
not so oblivious now - drabble
dating masha - headcanons
melia meeting her child - headcanons
melia dating a hom - headcanons
fake dating melia antiqua (xc1) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
tomorrow with you - oneshot
nia patching up her s/o - oneshot
nia meeting mythra & rex's child - headcanons
cuddling with nia (xc2) - headcanons
nia's s/o being a member of torna (xc2) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
Hii Mon ami 😊♥️
I had a new idea for owari no seraph for Kureto,Guren, Shinya and Crowley for their shy girl for someone else flirting with her,but she is not aware of It and they would be jelaous??
How would be better? If she is already their girl or not?
I've come across your requests again and I'm loving it!!❤❤❤❤❤
🎇 Kureto Hiragi,Guren Ichinose,Shinya Hiragi and Crowley Eusford getting jealous or not in front of their s/o being flirted by someone🎇
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🌹Crowley Eusford🌹
-soo I have a story behind this gift -I don't know if I am the single one thinking that the person who would be flirting with you would be no one else than Ferid-kun -can we all agree on that? -shortly Crowley would beat the living thing out of Ferid -he just can't forgive Ferid for something like this -like he doesn't get mad at him very often but this time when Ferid was flirting with you was enough
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🌹Shinya Hiragi🌹
-mister Sniper man won't forgive someone who would flirt with his precious darling -like you are his and he is yours -and like everyone should know that rule -does not get too violent but gets very annoyed -and who blames him hehe
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🌹Kureto Hiiragi🌹
-soo I know that I've used this GIF of him at least one more time so I hope this is okay
-There's just not enough gif's of our boy Kureto
-would he be upset?yes -would he be jealous? yes really omg -would he be worried? absolutely not because you know he has his people working for him -he after all leads a powerful organization so he doesn't need to worry
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🌹Guren Ichinose🌹
-asks you if something is wrong -he notices the fact that you don't notice that you are being flirted with -so he ends up telling you -and then you are the one going to the guy that was flirting with you because yeah you wanna make it clear that you are with Guren -would be the only one to tell you what's happening out of them four<333
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
Could I maybe request some headcanons with Crowley x female s/o who has Heterochromia (Different colored eyes)? If you can't that's fine, thank you and have a good night!
Hello!!Thank you very much for your request!
This one is a pretty interesting one too so kudos for that!!❤
🎇Crowley Eusford with a s/o who has Heterochromia🎇
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🎇Crowley Eusford🎇
-so assuming the fact that you are a human,here we go -so he has found you very interesting because your eyes -he hasn't found anyone with this kind of condition before so he doesn't know much about it -Would literally kidnap you because you are an interesting little human hehe -and that's how you start developing feelings for him- -and him for you because let's be honest, all day he stares at you and your eyes and doesn't feel like you are some kind of prey -fluffy Crowley-kun~~
Also I am very sorry for the inactivity but I had been busy and these days I'm going to be active!!
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