#xenoblade chronicles 3 headcanons
thaisibir · 1 year
Kevesi and Agnian Heroes living in the City headcanons
-Ethel and Cammuravi make literally everything a competition (who can run the most laps around the entire City, who can eat the most torpedo wraps in one sitting, good ol' fashioned brawls at the wrestling ring, etc)
-Alexandria tried to enroll in university but was turned away for being too young. High school quickly bored her to tears. It begged the university to get Aionios's resident smartass off their hands. The university finally caved in and let her enroll to study business and IT.
-Valdi is everyone's go-to guy for fixing Levnises, of course. He insists on bunking in the tech quarter, forgoing actual furnished rooms in the residential quarters.
-Cammuravi was initially treated as a walking fire hazard until Ethel and the Ouroboros gang convinced people that he will not in fact burn down the entire City, by accident or otherwise.
-Fiona regards the park as her favorite spot in the City. She's the City kids' favorite playmate.
-Isurd is a new member of the City's tabletop and board game club. He got Zeon to join when he mentioned that some games are farming sims.
-Miyabi joins the City street performers, alternating between her flute and fans to entertain folks with music and dance.
-Not wanting to steal Ethel and Cammuravi's thunder as already established sparring instructors, Teach spends much of his time at the university to learn how gentler arts are being taught.
-Zeon is absolutely enthralled by the concept of greenhouses and balcony gardens.
-Ethel's second home is the City library. The senior librarian is practically her adopted mother.
-Juniper spends more time outside the City than in it, patrolling and exploring the wilderness outskirts to their heart's content.
-Ashera is the resident terror among Lost Number recruits and soldiers. She's always showing up to the training facility uninvited, joking about eating them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on the time of day. Ethel swatting her off like a fly is a daily occurrence. ("Ash please go away, I already fought you yesterday, you're scaring the poor recruits")
-Isurd becomes a regular at the City's most popular massage parlor and acupuncture clinic. It's very hard for Taion to hold a proper conversation with him there when he's emitting satisfied "oohs" and "aahs" every five seconds.
-Despite stating precautions and giving warnings to discourage any derring-do, Juniper is not popular among parents for being a "bad influence" on their children, who want to slide down ziplines willy nilly. They have to limit their sliding to nighttime, when the kids are in bed.
-It was Fiona's idea to grow more flowers around the Remembrance Stones. City folks backed the project and believe the place has become even more lovely and precious for it.
-Valdi has his own names for all the City Automatons. Half the Lost Numbers think it's endearing and the other half think it's downright annoying.
-One day Hollis gathered all of them at the medical facility to sit down for The Talk. Alexandria and Teach took meticulous notes. Zeon, who had just grasped mastering how to grow potatoes, was hopelessly confused. Juniper, a veteran at growing potatoes, was just as confused. Ashera kept making faces like something had died in the room. Valdi nodded along politely, but really couldn't care less about something that's not at all like making Levnises. Fiona and Miyabi thought the whole thing was simply magical. Isurd stared off into space, mulling over that kind of possibility with a certain someone who loves saffronias. Ethel and Cammuravi looked around everywhere but at each other, their faces red as Noah's jacket.
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frickingnerd · 9 days
ghondor beating up your abusive ex
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pairing: ghondor x gn!reader
tags: physical abusive!ex of reader, violent!ghondor, mentions of bruises & a beat up, morally ambiguous!ghondor
a/n: i'm not going to write something like this again, but i can't pretend like ghondor wouldn't 100% do this–
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you never wanted to tell ghondor about your past relationship, but she knew that things hadn't ended well with your ex
it was only when she noticed some bruises on you after you had run into your ex again, that ghondor couldn't hold back anymore
she had suspected all along that your ex hadn't treated you well. but she had hoped they weren't being physical
but now that she knew they dared to lay a hand on you, the gloves were off! or rather, ghondor's gloves were on, to give your ex a taste of their own medicine!
ghondor certainly doesn't hold back on your ex! they put you through a lot and they need to pay for that!
it doesn't take long for you to find out about the very one sided beating between ghondor and your ex – their bruises are hard to ignore after all!
you're not too happy with ghondor! but ghondor is ready to apologize to you right away
she knows what she did wasn't right! and she won't do it again! but just this once, it needed to happen…
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murdermeadow · 1 year
Ouroboros kids gender hcs cuz now I'm thinking about it a fair bit
Noah: trans man. of course. his tmasc swag is immense. when he got top surgery, Lanz was the first one to both convince him to do it and congratulate him afterwards. he sees it as one of the best decisions of his life, and loves his scars
Eunie: she's a girl in the most convoluted of ways. best not to ask her about it she barely understands it herself
Lanz: his gender is gymbro. cis dude but with a healthy masculinity. he's also the biggest trans ally you'll ever see
Mio: girl in the most vague way. like if you asked a creature that didn't know anything about gender what a girl was. that's Mio. she prefers to go unlabelled but if she had to, she'd just slap on a demigirl and call it a day
Sena: the kind of gender bimbo girlies have. confident femininity while also being constantly up for experimenting and trying out different expressions. vaguely genderfluid, I think you could say. though she mainly likes sticking to the fem side
Taion: the agender boy of all time!! I think he feels very disconnected from his gender as he sees no use or importance for the concept (also for autism reasons), so he usually completely disregards it. for the simplicity he describes himself as a boy, but really he's just a person trying to get by. though however, a soft masculinity serves as a great comfort for him
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raisondetriment · 8 months
After dating Eunie for a while, Taion suddenly responds to something with a "YEW WOT?!" without thinking and now Mio will never let him hear the end of it
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gexfan32 · 5 months
More post XC3 Alrest Headcanons
Not long after the intersection, Poppi gathers Mio and her friends and just tells them the whole story of Aionios, which initially only Poppi, Rex, and Nia were privy to. Poppi eventually formats the data into a sort of Aionios Wikipedia, for use if anyone wants to know something specific abo it the endless now
After the harrowing revelations from Poppi’s plot summary, Mio, Glimmer, Miyabi, and Sena go try to distract themselves with a game of tiger tiger kart 64
These events play out a bit differently in the Crystal of Shining Justice AU, which will be explained here, and depicted in a bonus chapter, and possibly future fics
Nia gives a basic explanation of what Aionios was to just about everyone who was with her and Mio at the time, but later, after Sena has a nightmare of her driver,, Miyabi’s death, Poppi notifies Mio and her friends that her database has finished formatting so they can investigate the events of the endless now.
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Nikol Ortiz from Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
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fenixseraph · 1 year
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Seeing a bunch of older artworks and XB3-style model edits for Fiora inspired me to doodle my attempt at what she might look like after the timeskip. If Shulk can look like a cute mommy then it's only fair that she can too.
Decided to stick with Tanaka's Xenogears artstyle instead of Saito's, so I ended up mixing features from her XB2 concept art along with Yui Uzuki's (hey, her husband is a Citan now, who'd have seen that coming?). Gave her the prototype dress because it looks cute and comfy, and also because I'm not fashionminded enough to come up with a new one on my own.
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It occurs to me that the “gigachad Rex poly ending™️”, while a very easy conclusion to come to based on the picture, isn’t technically explicit canon (yet)
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therealmofamorus · 7 months
Harem Headcanon Post: Kagura Mutsuki
Here's my headcanon for Kagura harem
Kurumu Kurono
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fuyumi Todoroki
Silvija Sablinova
Mitsuru Kirijo
Makoto Niijima
Miyamoto Musashi
Courtney Elizabeth Whitmore/Stargirl
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honestlyvan · 2 years
I fully don’t think Isurd is keeping track of when his Homecoming is coming up. Oh, sure, he knows when it is, but he’ll brush off any questions about it, and since there’s no telling what’s going to be going on during the general about-when it’s going to happen, the contigency plan for it is the same as for a situation where he gets killed or goes missing in action.
Everything at Lambda is set up so that Isurd doesn’t have to relinquish his duties, as his Homecoming approaches -- he’s able to keep busy until literally the last possible minute because his successor can just pick up right where he left off, and have a way to diffuse the transition down the chain if they find it too much to handle all at once.
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thaisibir · 1 year
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I really love the idea that Ethel and Cammuravi, arguably the greatest and most famous warriors of Keves and Agnus respectively, take Sena under their wing and sort of become her coaches and councilors, helping her overcome low self-esteem and becoming more confident in her own skills and self-worth
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frickingnerd · 8 days
dating masha
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pairing: masha x gn!reader
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, established romantic relationship, mention of marriage, public relationship, extrovert!masha
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masha is a very extroverted person, who can and will talk your ear off at any given opportunity!
there's never a quiet moment with her as your girlfriend, nor is there ever a boring one!
masha often drags you into her shenanigans. either you have to accompany her on her little adventures to gather materials or you have to model her jewelry for her!
masha likes to try new things, so you two rarely have the same date twice! even if you visit the same restaurant, masha always orders something new!
with masha being the leader of house cassini, the two of you have more eyes on you than any other regular couple
but masha rarely acts the role of a house leader, so occasionally you forget just how high your girlfriend ranks within the city
masha always tries to push her house leader roles onto you, to find more time for her hobby of jewelry crafting
and whenever you nag her about how she needs to do those things herself, she reminds you that it won't matter anyways, as soon as you two get married and you'll officially lead the house alongside her!
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murdermeadow · 1 year
xenoblades writing hcs because I saw a post and it has Inspired me (is this the third post I've made in this format now ??)
Noah - honestly, pretty average. legible and neat, and he can get it down fast. though he misspells things often, mainly putting down the wrong letter. the paper is often covered in smudges from him desperately erasing it.
Mio - she has very nice, flowy writing, that's both legible and easy to get down. of course, she's the one who writes the most often, so she has the most practice. she definitely puts cute little flourishes on letters, like long y's and fancy capitals.
Eunie - she tries to make it neat, but it always falls flat. her writing is a mix of normal and cursive, and often ends up hard to read by accident. she also misspells things often, but instead of erasing her mistakes she just scribbles it out or writes the right letter over top, extra bold.
Taion - he has Annoyingly fancy cursive. like it's basically illegible. he thinks it's perfectly fine but whenever the shows his notes to others they all struggle and give up after a few seconds of trying to read it. (Eunie complained about it so much he got self conscious and changed it. still cursive, but much more legible.)
Lanz - pure chicken scratch, the exact opposite as Taion's but the same level of illegible. Noah and Eunie have gotten used to reading his writing, but Taion nearly had a heart attack when he first saw it (Sena just gave a pitiful smile). he's trying to make it better, but he also just doesn't write things often.
Sena - oh she tries so hard to make it pretty. perfect bubble letters, very rounded in style. she has fun with it but it takes her forever to get anything down since she's making sure it's All Perfect.
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raisondetriment · 2 years
Silly little headcanon that won't leave my brain: Taion has a really great singing voice. He has no idea. He's also going to be obsessed with music once he finds out it exists (beyond off-seers playing Taps, anyway). One of these days Eunie is going to hear him singing in the shower and be really angry that he's kept it to himself this whole time.
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datapilled · 1 year
Since I’m bored during the weeks before college starts up again, I was thinking about what xc3 characters would do as their degrees in college because I am a normal human being. Here’s some of them
Sena - Cooking (I think cooking degrees exist), bc of the segiri quest
Lanz - Physical education or something of the like
Taion - Probably Computer Science or Maths
Eunie - could probably do psychology or something in medicine, but hates most stem students anyway
Alexandria - Computer Science, all because of the collectopedia cards
Valdi - Engineering
Zeon - Agricultural Science of some sort
Triton can be a lecturer, while characters like Fiona and Segiri are either still in secondary school or in first year. That’s all the headcanons I could remember, and I don’t feel confident enough to say for characters like Ashera sooo if anyone wants to throw in their own two cents that’d be fun
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blujaga-gone-feral · 1 year
Obey Me! but they're Xenoblade Chronicles 3 characters
so i just had this random idea when i woke up this morning to give all the obey me cast xenoblade 3 classes, and then it extended to giving them chain attack effects, both heroic chain and chain order completion bonuses.
nobody's gonna care because i am combining two niche interests and the overlap between "xenoblade fan" and "obey me fan" is literally just me, but hey might as well throw it out there cause why not
Class: Flash Fencer (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Guarantees a "Bravo" rating when Lucifer completes an order.
Completion Bonus: Attacks during Chain Attack gain 100% chance to be unblockable.
Class: Zephyr (Defender)
Heroic Chain: Either adds 50 TP or removes 50 TP upon reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Randomly increases all characters' TP by between 10-18.
Class: Strategos (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies TP by 200% when first in line to attack, but TP returns to pre-action state upon reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Reduces Attacker and Healer aggro by 100%.
Class: Lone Exile (Defender)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, increases damage ratio by 50 percentage points.
Completion Bonus: Increases Defender aggro by 50% and grants Attack Up to all allies.
Class: Lapidarist (Healer)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, assures self-reactivation in addition to the standard no. of reactivations.
Completion Bonus: Attacks during Chain Attack gain 100% chance to bypass defense.
Class: Ogre (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When Beel completes an order, adds 30 to TP of the character with the least TP and reactivates them.
Completion Bonus: During chain attack, increases critical hit damage bonus by 150 percentage points.
Class: Stalker (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Guarantees an "Amazing" rating when Belphie completes an order, but he won't reactivate in this Chain Attack.
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, boosts damage dealt to low HP enemies by 100%.
Class: Signifier (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Prevents order from completing if it reaches 100% through Diavolo's action, letting you select another character.
Completion Bonus: Increases damage ratio by 200 percentage points and grants Power Charge to all allies.
Class: Guardian Commander (Defender)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, Diavolo gains TP equal to 100% of Barbatos's TP (maximum of 99; only applied if Diavolo can still act).
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, heals 10% of damage dealt as HP, up to 200% of Healing Power.
Class: Yumsmith (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, multiplies the TP of all active characters except self by 120%.
Completion Bonus: Heals all allies for 50% HP and grants them Regenerate.
Class: Lifesage (Healer)
Heroic Chain: When chosen, increases TP by 50 if the enemy is a machine-type.
Completion Bonus: One additional character is reactivated, with 30% chance for 1 more.
Class: Royal Summoner (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies TP by 125% when first in line to attack, and makes all attacks critical.
Completion Bonus: During Chain Attack, increases Critical Rate by 50 percentage points.
Class: Tactician (Healer)
Heroic Chain: Multiplies damage ratio increase by 1.5x upon completing an order that Mephistopheles participates in.
Completion Bonus: Increases damage ratio by 200 percentage points and grants Attack Up to all allies.
Class: Seraph (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: Adds 15 TP upon own reactivation.
Completion Bonus: Reduces enemy physical and ether defense by 30% during Chain Attack.
Class: Machine Assassin (Attacker)
Heroic Chain: When Thirteen completes an order, adds 15 to TP of the character with the most TP, and reactivates them.
Completion Bonus: Reduces Attacker and Healer aggro by 50% and grants Critical Rate Up to all allies.
Class: Soulhacker (Any)
Heroic Chain: Reactivates all characters except self when MC completes an order.
Completion Bonus: Increases everyone's TP by 10.
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