#zeon x reader
frickingnerd · 27 days
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper
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pairing: zeon x kite x gn!reader x juniper
tags: childhood friend!zeon & kite, bits of jealousy, supportive friends (zeon, kite & juniper), wholesome fluff
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zeon and kite had always been fond of you, yet never quite realized that what they felt for you was love
that was until juniper entered your life; this kind commander from another colony who knew more than just how to fight!
they were honestly jealous of juniper from the moment they met them. but after talking to juniper and seeing just how kind they were, it made them feel even more jealous, since juniper really was as nice as they seemed to be!
over time, zeon and kite befriended juniper and while they weren't too happy to find out juniper had developed a crush on you as well, they decided not to make a fuss about it
juniper might be their rival, but they were also their friend! and as friends, they needed to support each other!
ultimately, the three just want you to be happy, no matter who you pick. none of them are pushing their feelings onto you and instead they all take small steps towards confessing to you
though kite is certainly the one who'd most likely let a confession slip out by accident…
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bi-ss · 6 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
Warning- drinking? None i can't think of.
(Spelling may be bad as I'm very dyslexic sorry in advance)
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You've been staying in your bestfriends apartment for 2 days now, you've just had more time to think about what will become of your life, you didn't get as many texts from James as you thought when you went to bed around 11PM but oh lord when you woke up it wouldn't stop going off, in all truth your phone died and you fell asleep with it on charge.
"Omg, would you turn that off.. It's 6:30, i love you, but not that much.." your friend groaned as she walked over to your phone to turn it off seeing you still in your make shift bed, you were about to get up and go get coffee but a 'huh' your friend made caught your attention.
"What? If it's something stupid, imma smack you so hard.." You look at your now bright screen to see unread texts coming through from an unknown caller, you picked it up and started reading some, with her reading over your shoulder, your were confused at first because you didn't know who it was but when finding out who thought it would be an amazing idea to text you at an ungodly time, but you soon figured it out, it was james.
You were annoyed at not only did he get home at 1am close to 2 so you would have been there for hours on your own but because he was the last person you wanted to talk to.
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Rolling your eyes you went on with your life, making and drink a cup of coffee then getting ready to attend a fashion show, you weren't walking but you were invited with front row seats and couldn't pass it up, and there was have after party which you managed to get your friend into aswell somehow, so a minimum of 6 hours away from James and all the stress in the world.
"I wonder if theres cute guys there? I hope so. Ugh, after me and Josh broke up, I've been so lonely.. in bed, of course, i dont want commitment!" You watch as your best friend since college, Chloe, yapped about boys while realising for the 4th time today what's going to change when you marry James, "have you seen Joshs new girlfriend, I think we went to high school with her.. shes nice..." As she continues to gossip while doing makeup, you zone out and think about your life until she claps, getting your attention once again, "you know what?! I'm happy for Josh. I'm happy being single. He's happy being non single." She smiled at you."You should be happy you're marrying one of the most richest and most powerful men in America, probably the world, maybe.." You just nod and smile at her. You don't know if you are smiling because she's smiling or if what she said was correct, you're sure you'll find out.
While driving to the fashion show, the topic of James was brought up, "if I were marrying him, I'd be in his bed so fast," Chloe stated for the 38th time. "Is it true? The rumours about his arm, that's is.. no doubt the rumours about his dick aren't false -" You zone out from your friends rant about James when your phone screen lit up from a text... his text.. one after the other..
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You zoned back in to hear chloe talking about Zeon. In all fairness, you didn't know who he was, but also, she hadn't spoken about him til now, or you think so? You were about to ask who he was until you see a modern building with lots of windows and a weird looking woman statue but with no curves and all straight lines and spikes, it did make you uncomfortable in an unspeakable way but you got out of the car and walked past it while looking down, you walked up to the bouncer you, showing your Ids and was let in, after the man blocking the door with a clipboard questioned chloe about if she was in the right place or not.
You were seated towards the end of the runway, which you didn't mind, but what you did mind was the constant camera flash some for the models but mostly for you.. that isn't helping you stay away from James, but you do like attention. The event was over later than you expected as some older women went on a rant about how fashion changed and how it was disturbing now or whatever.
You parked in a 24/7 parking zone and walked a little over 10 minutes for the after party that was already in full swing when you got there, heading straight towards the bar with chloe walking close behind to order a mocktail since you dont drink often but over to your left chloe was downing tequila shots like water, that wasn't surprising but what was surprising was when she ordered a cocktail and sent it your way, she knows you don't drink but looking around and seeing all the lady's glancing at you knowingly you thought this was one of the rare occasions where you will drink, and drink you did.
You knew from the start that marrying James Barnes wouldn't be easy from all his "fans" who are just girls throwing themselves on him but finding out he has a girlfriend? A whole other can of worms you didn't realise opened but the girls at this club were a new level of bitchy, like one tried spilling her red wine on you but ended up missing and it went over the lad next to you who weren't amused at all or when you were dancing with chloe and some other chick tried tripping you but you stepped over her foot unknowingly but 30 seconds later you did almost trip yourself up, but that's about the last thing you remember apart from getting more drink and getting hit on some else happening then dancing on someone or dancing on your companion.
But you do know 1 thing for certain is that you've woken up with a massive banging head ache in a warm bed, half dressed and with what you assumed someone sleeping next to you as they haven't moved, unless they're watching you sleep?
(Lol sorry i hadn't been posting i just moved, lmao, so that's taken most of my time)
TAGS: @learis @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence @scott-loki-barnes @blackhawkfanatic
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frickingnerd · 2 months
poly relationship with zeon & juniper
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pairing: zeon x gn!reader x juniper
tags: wholesome fluff, childhood friends (zeon & reader), friends to lovers (everyone), nobody dated before, long distance dating
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you grew up with zeon, always harboring romantic feelings towards him, yet never understanding them. but when your flame clock got destroyed, everything changed
not only did you finally learn about love and realized that you had loved zeon for years, but you also met a cute agnian commander named juniper, who you fell in love with shortly after
the road to dating the two of them was a difficult one, as you struggled with your feelings for the two of them. until you eventually confessed to both of them, hoping it would give you clarity
though when both of them reciprocated your feelings, you made the odd choice to date both of them. rarely anyone dated one person, yet here you were with two partners!
zeon and juniper got along well, having a solid friendship, that led to both of them never having a reason to get jealous about anything
they didn't mind dates as a throuple, nor did they mind getting some romantic one-on-one time with you
zeon and juniper both have a lot of responsibilities, due to being the commanders of their colonies. so you often help them out wherever you can!
and since they're from different colonies, you often pendle between colony 9 and colony tau. 9 will always remain your home, but tau quickly grew on you as well!
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frickingnerd · 1 year
lost days of warmth
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pairing: zeon x gn!reader
summary: zeon hadn't seen you since that fateful night, wondering if you died or left him like everyone else...
words: 1.2k
tags: the most heartbreaking angst ever with a wholesome and fluffy ending, reader & zeon getting injured, best friends to lovers, zeon is slightly losing his mind
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zeon had almost taken you for granted all his life, but the moment you were gone, he realized just how badly he needed you. 
you two grew up together, always at each other's side. you were never seen apart from one another. it was never just zeon or just y/n. it was always zeon and y/n. you belonged together and that became clear at a very young age. and still, zeon was just so used to you being by his side, that he only really realized how much you meant to him when you were gone. 
that night, zeon lost everything. 
noah, eunie and lanz vanished and were announced traitors, so called ouroboros. and the same night many soldiers went missing, some like mwamba later being found dead. 
you were one of the once going missing and the more days passed by, the harder it became for zeon to believe you were still alive. still, he had to keep hoping you were out there. because if he didn't, he'd lose his mind. 
days went by, then weeks. there was no trace of you. but there was one of the ouroboros! noah and the others showed up at colony 9 again and zeon was one of the first ones to rush out to meet them. even if they were now his enemies, he hoped you would be with them. he'd rather have you be his enemy than for you to be dead…
"where's y/n!?"
zeon rushed towards the ouroboros, drawing his blade. his eyes were searching for you between the ouroboros, yet you were nowhere to be found. 
"y/n..? y/n isn't with us…"
noah seemed a little confused, turning his head back to look at his friends, which almost costed him his life, as zeon rushed forward, striking his blade towards noah, who barely managed to dodge. 
"liar! i don't believe a word coming from your traitorous mouth! y/n vanished the same night as you all did! you have to know something!"
it didn't matter if zeon believed noah was lying or not. he simply couldn't stand the thought of you dying that night. he had been alone for far too long now. he lost you, the person he loved the most. the one who he could always count on, the one that had always been by his side. the longer he had been by himself, the more he lost his mind…
zeon lost the fight against noah and he was lucky that he had been fighting his former friends and allies, otherwise this would've cost him his life. as zeon slowly stopped letting his grief cloud his judgment, he told noah and co everything. and slowly he had to admit to himself that you were truly gone. he had to accept he would never see you again…
though just when he had accepted it, fate brought the two of you together again. or rather moebius. 
when zeon reached colony 9 with the ouroboros, their consul was already waiting there for them. B stood there at the gate, his grand statue blocking the entrance to the colony, as well as something… no, someone else. 
"i expected better of you than to bring the traitors into our colony, zeon. and while i'm dissappointed in you, i'm not surprised…"
B scolded zeon, before stepping aside, finally revealing the person behind him: you. 
zeon's voice cracked as he saw you. just seeing your face again was enough to bring him to his knees, crumbling as all the grief, anger and sadness of the last weeks washed away. he barely even remembered what it had felt like without them…
"stand up, zeon! or do you plan to just watch as the one you love kills you and your friends?"
B's words made zeon's eyes widen. and suddenly, he saw it. your iris, it was red. you were just like the soldiers that night you vanished. you weren't you anymore. 
"you… what have you done to y/n!?"
zeon rushed towards B, drawing his blade and about to strike him, when B stepped aside, making zeon miss his target and his blade almost piercing through you instead. 
"if you're playing unfair, then so will i. you can choose: saving your friends or the one you love. what will it be?"
it was an impossible choice to make. of course, zeon's first thought was saving you. but he couldn't do it, if it meant dooming his friends. 
"what was that? speak up!"
B taunted zeon, a cocky grin on his lips. 
"both!! i'll save both of them!"
zeon rushed towards B again, this time not putting his all in his strike. he was always expecting B to fade away again and teleport to play unfair. luckily the ouroboros didn't have to limit their powers. if things had been different, zeon would've watched amazed at the new powers his friends gained. but for now, he could only focus on you…
the battle was long and hard, with both sides getting their fair share of injuries and wounds. and yet, zeon had won. consul B was defeated, even if it left zeon with more scars than any battle ever had. and things didn't look any better for you. but at least you had finally regained control over yourself again.
as soon as B's lights faded towards the sky, zeon knew it was over. he knew he could finally let his guard down again and the first thing he did was rush towards you, wrapping his arms around you and doing that with such power that it made the two of you stumble onto the ground.
and yet, zeon still didn't let go of you. he held you in his arms, sobbbing and laughing, so overwhelmed with emotions that he didn't know what he should feel right now or how to properly express it.
"y-you're back… you're finally back"
zeon mumbled against your neck, burrying his face in your clothes and softly breathing in your familiar scent. 
"i thought i lost you forever… each day without you was worst than the last, it was pure torture. but you're here again. you're with me…"
zeon finally pulled away from you a little, facing you. his face was covered in tears and he looked worse than ever before, yet you had never seen him happier than right now in this moment with you.
zeon just looked at you for a moment, taking in all your features. he had to remind himself of what you looked like, that's how long it had been since he last saw you. but now that you were here again, he'd make sure you two never get seperated again. and he'd make sure nothing went left unsaid or undone.
zeon's hands wandered up to your cheeks, softly cupping them, before he leaned into a kiss. during his time without you, he had often dreamed about this moment. and he had always regreted losing you before he got to find out what it was like to kiss you. but now that his lips were pressed against yours, he finally what it felt like. kissing you felt like heaven. and zeon never wanted your lips to part again…
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Heroes Masterlist
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↳ Masterlist
taking care of a sick cammuravi - headcanons
lost days of warmth - oneshot
when we had it all - drabble
zeon with an agnian s/o - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
dating isurd - headcanons
isurd with a s/o who's afraid of the dark - headcanons
ashera's s/o collapsing during training - headcanons
ashera's s/o finding out about her scar - headcanons
poly relationship with eunie & ashera - headcanons
dating juniper - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with kite and juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
alexandria dating a former moebius - headcanons
sparring with teach - oneshot
nothing to worry about - drabble
dating teach - headcanons
yandere miyabi - headcanons
reuniting with miyabi - headcanons
having a child with gray - headcanons
first date with monica vandham - drabble
giving monica a hickey - headcanons
ghondor realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
ghondor beating up your abusive ex - headcanons
ghondor comforting you after shania's death - headcanons
not so oblivious now - drabble
dating masha - headcanons
melia meeting her child - headcanons
melia dating a hom - headcanons
fake dating melia antiqua (xc1) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
tomorrow with you - oneshot
nia patching up her s/o - oneshot
nia meeting mythra & rex's child - headcanons
cuddling with nia (xc2) - headcanons
nia's s/o being a member of torna (xc2) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
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frickingnerd · 1 year
zeon with an agnian s/o
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pairing: zeon x gn!agnian!reader
tags: fluff, angst, implied crush
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after the ouroborus freed both of your colonies from the flame clock, former enemies started to become allies
and during a visit to colony 9, to secure peace between your colonies, you met their commander: zeon
the two of you got along great, both agreeing that it would be mutual beneficial to work together with each other
an exchange program was started, allowing people from your respective colonies to learn more about the other one
and after already meeting zeon in colony 9, you decided that it wouldn't hurt to learn more about your new allies
during your time in colony 9 zeon was always helping you out
he taught you how to fight with agnian weapons, showed you around inside the colonies feronis and so much more
you were spending so much time together and each day just seemed to be flying by when you were with him
you felt so different around him. when you were with zeon, your heart was beating so fast that you were worried you might die
eventually, the day of your return to your own colony came
zeon had gathered a few gifts for you, but when it was time to give them to you and say goodbye, he couldn't do it
"would it be selfish if i asked you to stay..?"
you wanted nothing more than to stay here with him, but you knew that people were waiting for you in your own colony
you had to turn him down, no matter how much it hurt
but you promised zeon that it wouldn't be long until you would return
this wouldn't be the end of your story yet, you were sure of it!
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frickingnerd · 1 month
when we had it all
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pairing: zeon x gn!reader
summary: zeon almost falls asleep in your arms while cuddling
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, cuddling
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“don't get up! i'm comfortable like this…”
you had thought that your boyfriend fell asleep while the two of you were cuddling. but just as you carefully tried to slip out of his arms, his grip on you tightened and you heard him complain.
“sorry, i didn't know you were still awake”
with a gentle smile on your lips, you nuzzled yourself back into zeon's embrace. as he wrapped his arm around you once more, you intertwined your fingers with his, pressing a gentle kiss onto his hand, before you continued to rest in his arms.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Omg yay requests are back. So on this subject may I request ( oneshot ) Zeon x reader where she has always been with him since their younger training days and so ( in his quest ) as he is fighting with Noah he tells them how reader went missing not so long before all this, only for when B comes he moves and behind him stands reader who was controlled by B and reader gets badly injured after the fight ( caused by B ) sorry if this is a lot been thinking of this the past few days 😭
anon, it's finally here! i've said this before (i think? 😳) but this was really fun to write! hope you'll enjoy reading it!
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