#camp baking
noviceoutdoors · 2 years
The SUDZA STICK - A sentimental excuse to whittle try some wood tattooing..."
The SUDZA STICK – A sentimental excuse to whittle try some wood tattooing…”
Growing up in Africa I ate alot if traditional foods. One of my favorites was and still us Sudza. Made from corn meal it is a bland meal. However adding aiuses and other relish dishes to ” dip” the sudza in makes all the difference. To Make sudza you need a hearty spoon or spatula to mix while it cooks. Hence I made me a personal Sudza stick. The joy Remember knowledge is a survival skill NS
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novicesurvivalist · 2 years
The SUDZA STICK - A sentimental excuse to whittle try some wood tattooing..."
The SUDZA STICK – A sentimental excuse to whittle try some wood tattooing…”
Growing up in Africa I ate alot if traditional foods. One of my favorites was and still us Sudza. Made from corn meal it is a bland meal. However adding aiuses and other relish dishes to ” dip” the sudza in makes all the difference. To Make sudza you need a hearty spoon or spatula to mix while it cooks. Hence I made me a personal Sudza stick. The joy Remember knowledge is a survival skill NS
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Parents Weekend
Platonic!Percy Jackson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Percy's clear-sighted mortal cousin on his mom's side flies out to California to visit Percy for his first parents weekend away from home, at New Rome University.
Word Count: 2,166
Category: Fluff
A/N: This is full of spoilers for every book that features Percy Jackson, so if you're a new fan brought in by the show, welcome! But this fic might not be for you, unless you really don't mind spoilers. Also, it is loosely related to this other platonic Percy fic I wrote, but you don't need to read one to understand the other
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"HALT! Not another step without approval!"
I jumped backwards as a talking statue appeared in front of me out of nowhere, stopping me right on the threshold of the city of New Rome. Of all the things I'd seen as a clear-sighted mortal, this ranked among the weirdest for sure.
"Who are you, and on what authority are you here?"
"Uh... I'm Percy Jackson's cousin, and I'm here to visit him at college?"
The statue narrowed his eyes at me.
"Percy Jackson's cousin, hm? I know him well. He spent quite a lot of time when he first got here disobeying and disrespecting my rules. But we killed a giant together, and he defended Rome honorably. So as long as you are not armed...?"
The statue raised an eyebrow at me, and I quickly held out my hands and shook my head to show him I didn't have anything on me. He narrowed his eyes, then nodded curtly.
"Then you may enter. Tell him hello, and to get a haircut."
"Yes sir."
The statue nodded, clearly pleased, as I walked past him and into the city of New Rome. Percy had told me all about his adventures whenever we caught up with each other, and I felt fairly confident that I'd just met Terminus, the Roman boundary god. He was even more uptight than Percy had said.
It was a beautiful fall day in California, the sun lighting up the Oakland hills and creating just the right amount of warmth. I stared around in awe at the city before me, which practically sparkled in the sun.
Percy had told me all about it, and I'd even seen a few pictures. But nothing quite compared to seeing it in person.
I joined the crowds moving through the city, laughing and talking with one another. Luckily for me, a very easy to find street sign pointed me in the direction of New Rome U, and I started heading in that direction.
Percy had just started college this fall, moving all the way across the country just when I'd finally settled for the long haul in New York. I gave him a bit of teasing for that, but I knew how happy he was to be going here (especially with Annabeth) and how hard he'd worked to get in, so I really was happy for him. I'd just made him promise to visit New York often, which I knew he would do for more family members than just me.
What I hadn't told him was that I also intended to visit him. This weekend was officially "parents' weekend" at NRU. Sally and Paul couldn't come, since Estelle was still a baby, but I had no such limitations. I'd booked a flight the second Sally had told me the date, and now, I was finally here.
Percy had no idea. As far as he knew, he had nothing special happening this weekend. I couldn't wait to see his face when I surprised him.
My head was on a swivel the minute I set foot on campus, looking for my favorite cousin. He wasn't short, so I hoped he'd be easily visible over the heads of people in the crowd, but I wandered between buildings and students with no luck. I needed a better plan.
It didn't take me long to come up with one, thankfully. A big, beautiful fountain sat in the middle of a cluster of university buildings, so I headed right for it and hopped up on the ledge, standing tall and scouting the crowds from my new vantage point. After a minute, I heard a surprised voice from behind me.
I whipped around to find Percy standing at the top of some stairs, apparently just coming from class in the building. He was hand in hand with his girlfriend Annabeth, which always made me happy to see. I beamed at him and waved like a maniac before hopping down and heading his direction.
"What are you doing here?" he called, momentarily dropping Annabeth's hand to race towards me, meeting me halfway across the square. I laughed as he picked me up in a tight hug and spun me around.
"It's parents' weekend for New Rome University, isn't it?" I asked, once my feet were back on the ground. "I might not be your parent, but I'm pretty sure the event has changed to mean 'family weekend' by this point."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming!" he cried, laughing a little as he apparently didn't quite believe I was really here. Annabeth joined us, a smile on her face to match mine and Percy's.
"Because I wanted to surprise you, duh!" I laughed and pulled Annabeth into a tight hug, which she returned. "It's so good to see you both! Oh, and Percy, Terminus said you need to get a haircut."
Percy groaned and shook his head while Annabeth laughed.
"You met Terminus? How did you even get in here?"
"I name-dropped you for street cred with Terminus, obviously," I teased. Percy rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. "And I might have found a way to reach out to a friend you mentioned had some power here. Frank Zhang was very nice when a total stranger appeared through a very shaky Iris message asking him to let me into his camp."
Percy and Annabeth both laughed at that, sharing a smile.
"I'll have to remember to thank Frank for the assist," said Percy.
"I actually have some of your mom's cookies with me for that exact purpose."
Percy's mouth dropped open in outrage. "And you didn't bring any for me?"
"Did I say that?"
I turned and reached into my bag, then pulled out a tupperware container of Sally's famous blue chocolate chip cookies.
"These are for you. I ate mine on the plane, and I have a batch of purple ones for Frank, since that's Camp Jupiter's colors."
"My mom is amazing," Percy breathed, the box of cookies already opened with one in his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, she is. Now come on, I flew all the way out here from New York to hang out with you. I want to see your new school and hear about all your classes and everything else. Just tell me where we're going first."
Percy grinned. "I know the perfect spot."
My cousin didn't disappoint. Annabeth had to do a bit of work to prepare for the coming week, so after getting a promise from her to meet us later, Percy and I hiked to the top of a beautiful hill overlooking the entirety of Camp Jupiter, apparently called the Garden of Bacchus. With the sun shining and a slight breeze blowing, I quite literally couldn't have imagined anything more perfect.
"You know, I love New York. But I could stand living somewhere with more weather like this," I mused. Percy laughed.
"Yeah, it's a perk. I do miss the city sometimes though."
"Of course. But you'll be home for the break, right?"
"Yup. Annabeth's coming with me. I can't wait to see my mom, and Paul and Estelle. And we'll probably visit camp, which will be nice."
"I'm sure everyone will be excited to see you. Just don't forget to come visit your favorite cousin in fun places I can actually get to," I said, nudging him in the shoulder a little as I teased him. He grinned right back at me.
"Good. Because otherwise I'll have to come track you down, and based on what you've told me about Camp Half-Blood, I'd have a hell of a time getting into that place."
"If any mortal could pull it off, I bet it'd be you."
I grinned, and Percy smiled. We paused for a minute, taking in the gentle breeze and bustling city below us, then I spoke up again.
"Alright, so catch me up. How's everything? Classes? Annabeth? Being on the West Coast? Any more of the Olympians trying to give you trouble?"
Percy frowned at the mention of the Olympians, which seemed incredibly fair to me.
"Thankfully no, at least for now. Otherwise, things have been good. It's still a little weird to be here, and I miss a lot of people back home, but I have a lot of friends here too. Mostly I'm just happy to finally have some normal life time with Annabeth."
"I can't think of two people who deserve it more." Percy huffed in agreement as I continued. "And one of the hardest parts of college is leaving behind people you love to go do what you need to do out in the world. But like you said, there's a lot of people you love and who love you here, too. And you know me and Sally and everyone else in New York will always leave our doors open for whenever you want to come back."
Percy gave me a small smile.
"I know. And I'll always be happy to see you visiting me here, or wherever else I might go. Especially if you keep bringing my mom's cookies with you."
I laughed. "Yeah, that makes sense. I think her cookies could open most doors for me, honestly."
"For sure."
We took a moment, smiling and laughing and breathing in the fresh air. Then finally, I sighed and stood, facing Percy with my hands on my hips.
"Alright, I've gotten the bird's eye view and I'm finally warm again after New York got that early cold snap. Now let's see what else this Roman camp has to offer."
The more we walked around, the more my jaw dropped. It looked just like the pictures I'd seen of Rome and Italy as a whole, places I'd always dreamed about visiting. Only bright, shiny, new, and right here in front of me, where I could reach out and touch it.
As we walked around and Percy gave me the full campus tour, we found more and more people who knew him, smiling and calling out hellos as we passed each other. I beamed every time, happy to see my little cousin doing so well. He'd been through hell, but he seemed at peace here. Settled, in a way I hadn't really seen him before.
"The camp itself has pegasi stables and stuff, but we'd need to get special permission to visit them," Percy explained as we walked into the plaza where I'd first found him, headed for 'the best coffee shop this side of the Mississippi'. The basic tour was completed, so we were on our way to meet Annabeth. "I can ask Frank about that, maybe. How long are you here?"
"I'm staying for the whole parents' weekend, so hopefully that means I get to see the pegasi! The day I met Blackjack might still be my best day ever."
Percy laughed as we walked through the door, a bell jingling happily over our heads. Annabeth waved to us from a table near the window, and we headed her direction.
"I think Blackjack enjoyed that day, too. He always likes to be appreciated."
"He's a flying horse. Who the hell isn't appreciating him?"
Percy just shrugged as we joined Annabeth at her table. She grinned and slid two drinks our way, one for each of us.
"Percy told me your order. Hopefully they got it right."
"I'm sure they did," I said, taking a careful sip. My jaw would've dropped, if I weren't incredibly determined not to let a single drop go to waste. "That is... actually maybe the best thing I've ever had."
"Right?" Percy grinned as he sipped his own drink.
"So, what did the two of you get up to?" asked Annabeth.
"Percy gave me the whole campus tour," I said, smiling as I leaned back in my seat, leisurely sipping my drink. The sun coming through the windows gently warmed my face, and I could've stayed right there for the rest of the day and been perfectly happy. "We hiked up to the Garden of Bacchus too, and I got a bird's eye of this whole place. I know I'll probably never get to see Camp Half-Blood to compare, but... this place is stunning."
"It really is."
Annabeth and Percy shared a smile, and he took her hand across the table. I beamed. I loved Annabeth, and I loved the two of them together. I'd never met somebody other than Annabeth who got such an immediate, unanimous family seal of approval.
"So, I got the tour of campus. I heard there are pegasi stables, which I will not be leaving without seeing. But what else is a can't-miss?"
"Don't worry," said Annabeth with a grin. "I had enough time after homework to make the perfect plan."
"Athena always has a plan," said Percy. He and Annabeth shared another smile, and I couldn't help smiling with them.
"Well good. Because I'm here all weekend, and this seems like a city I don't want to miss."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 months
can you do another one?? pretty please with cherries on top? 😭
“ life is short, make it sweet ”
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travis stoll x fem!reader 🐍
travis and y/n are not eligible for the great british bakeoff, but they’re still cute
tw none but fluff
˚。 ⋆ ᡣ𐭩 🍪 ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。
“Do you have vanilla extract?”
Travis stared at her, “yes…?”
“Better question,” y/n looked down at the recipe, then back at him, “do you know what vanilla extract is?”
“I know what vanilla is?”
She walked over and placed her hands on each side of his face, “you’re so helpful.”
They were staying at his mom’s house for the weekend, and were currently attempting to bake cookies.
She sarcastically squished his cheeks before looking back to the book, “so next, the recipe calls for two eggs-”
“Sorry, I have to get this,” Travis interrupted, mimicking a fake phone with his hands.
Y/N raised her eyebrow, “what?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “okay, I’ll tell her.” He pretended to hang up the phone, “sorry, that was the recipe-“
She threw a handful of flour at him, “you idiot.”
He wiped some of the powder off his face, although it still dusted his eyelashes and eyebrows. He huffed, “it was funny.”
She glanced up at him, smirking, “you’re such a dork.”
He walked up and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck, “but you love me.”
She laughed, “go get me the eggs, Trav.”
“Fine,” he walked to the fridge, grabbing two eggs and handing them to her.
“Thank you, sweetie,” she smiled before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He grinned, watching over her shoulder as she cracked the eggs. He stayed silent, just watching with his lips upturned as his fingers danced across her spine.
She grabbed a whisk, beginning to mix the dough. He wrapped his arms around once more, intently watching as she did so.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
She raised her eyebrow, “what?”
“Let me show you,” he smirked. He placed his hand atop hers, turning circles in the bowl, “it’s easier when there’s two hands.”
“Is it really?”
He met her eyes, “you bet.”
She giggled, “you must be right then.”
“I’m always right.”
“Sure you are, my love.”
After a minute or two of this, she paused, dipping her finger in and holding it in front of him, “wanna try some?”
He took it off her finger, “it’s perfect,” he put some of the dough on his finger, “you should try some too.”
“Ew, I don’t know where your finger’s been.”
“Hey!” he laughed before placing the dough on her nose.
“Oh my gods,” she quickly swiped some on his cheek.
He chuckled, leaning closer and kissing it off of her nose, “sorry.”
She wiped it off of his cheek with her thumb, “I hate your guts, Stoll.”
“You don’t mean that,” he whispered.
“I don’t,” she dramatically sighed, “unfortunately.”
He just chuckled, pulling her into a kiss, with her hands holding onto his face as his were by her hips.
“Ew, get a room,” was announced from the doorway.
They quickly separated to find a disgusted Connor standing in the doorway. Y/N blushed awkwardly while Travis just brushed off his younger brother.
“Say that again when you actually get a girlfriend.”
Connor scoffed, walking over to the fridge, “I do have a girlfriend for your information.”
“Who is she?” Y/N added.
Connor closed the fridge, now holding a bottle of water, “you wouldn’t know her, she’s from Camp Jupiter.”
“You know Connor,” Travis joked, looking toward his girlfriend, “can’t get enough of those Romans.”
“Exactly,” his brother responded before leaving the room.
She giggled, “nothing sets the mood like getting caught making out by your little brother.”
“Yeah,” he laughed. He turned to the stove and sprayed pan on a tray to put the cookies on. Y/N moved the bowl to the stove and began making small balls on the tray.
“Here,” he grabbed a spoon, “I’m gonna make one.” He placed down a giant glob onto the tray.
He licked the spoon, “I just think that my beautiful girlfriend deserves a beautiful giant cookie,” he smirked.
She snorted, “fine,Trav,” and put the tray into the oven. She then sat on the counter, holding the rest of the cookie dough. He then stood in front of her, he leaned up to kiss her, but was met with a mouthful of cookie dough.
He swallowed, “it’s good.”
She took another scoop and ate it, “hm, it really is.”
“We should go on the Great British Bake-off or something,” he commented.
She smiled, “yeah, I’m sure they’ll love having two very American demigods on their show.”
“I think they’d make an exception if the Americans were good looking enough.”
“So, I’d get on it,” she teased.
He gasped, “wow, babe, I thought you were better than that.”
She leaned down from where she was sitting to softly kiss him, “I’m kidding.”
“I knew that.”
“Sure you did,” she paused, “what’s that smell?”
He helped her off the counter before turning to the stove. They both rushed over to open it, only to find a napkin set on fire in the oven.
“Damn!” He ran to the sink and filled a random cup of water, throwing it onto the napkin.
Y/N took a deep breath, “I think we’re disqualified.”
“Just a little.”
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pinchan · 1 year
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happy birthday obito!!
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urloveangel · 1 month
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paopu-kiddo · 2 months
Nook-kids agere prompts: 1. Things that bring you comfort
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cosmicallytiki · 2 years
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As soon as I saw Hazel from the Monster Road-trip DLC I fell in love. So much so I wanted to try and make a cookie after them. I tried to weigh out the grams as I concocted these but the cups are more accurate. Feel free to try an make these. They’re a funky take on an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie with a dash of warm fall spices.
1 1/4c (320g) Applesauce
1/2c(113g) Butter
1c (240g) Brown Sugar
2c (272g) Flour
2c (160g) Quick Oats
1 Egg
1/2tsp Baking Soda
1/2tsp Salt
1tsp Cinnamon
1/2tsp Nutmeg
1/4tsp Cloves
1tsp Vanilla
1c (160g) Semi Sweet Chocolate
1c (120g) Chopped Hazelnuts
*toast Hazelnuts for extra flavor
In a bowl combine the applesauce and baking soda. In another bowl combine your softened butter, sugar, spices, and vanilla, beat until fluffy. Add your egg in to the butter mix, beat until combined. Then gradually add in your applesauce. Next mix in your oats, then the salt and flour. Once mixed fold in your nuts & chocolate.
Bake at 350 F/175 C for 10-12 minutes.
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birchsapfaerie · 2 years
Credit @ underatinroof on tiktok ❤️
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loftyangel · 1 year
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flickeringflame216 · 18 days
also lest I do naught but grumble, blessings roll call! share blessings or news or prayer requests in the tags :)
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noviceoutdoors · 2 years
Camp and Fish at the Double J
A while ago I came across an app that offered private cam sites. I used it once and thought it a bit hokey. Well 4 years later I went back and found this place What joy. Cosy ,private and spent 3 days there. Camped and fished…alot. joy Check it out. Good time was had.
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novicesurvivalist · 2 years
Camp and Fish at the Double J
A while ago I came across an app that offered private cam sites. I used it once and thought it a bit hokey. Well 4 years later I went back and found this place What joy. Cosy ,private and spent 3 days there. Camped and fished…alot. joy Check it out. Good time was had.
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miss-gardner · 2 years
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Some stuff from work~! 
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argyleheir · 8 months
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Oct. 22 | Breakfast
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valeriefauxnom · 8 months
You know, the castle story "That Which Remains" is very effective at wounding me emotionally. Specifically, what is shown developing and then dashed against the rocks without mercy.
That is, Euden's and Audric's relationship in particular.
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Now, at this point Audric hasn't learned he's forcing his magical Alzheimer's to him specifically on everyone else. Sure, there's been some weird instances people where couldn't remember things about him, but in general he's been sticking around pretty consistently for relationships to form.
Especially with Euden, since Euden seems to have developed a pretty close relationship with Audric. They've been working together regularly and often enough that Euden is maintaining so much sentiment about Audric that he feels ill-at ease when Audric is away. Enough to feel a need to vocalize his more selfish desire that Audric could stay, which is something considering Euden's tendency to push down anything he views as 'selfish'. He holds Audric in very high regard enough to send him on complicated, delicate solo missions.
He even seems to have figured out or is piecing together that Audric is Aurelius. Euden's about to potentially get his father back in some form, even an otherworldly one. Euden might have been able to get some actual parental support from his dad that he's missed since Aurelius' abrupt death, and Audric might have been able to get some quality time with at least one of his kids. Being able to help guide the next generation and ease some of his guilt.
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...But by the time he returns Euden has forgotten him outright.
Though he doesn't remember anything about Audric, there still seems to be something that's distressing Euden. He flees uncharacteristically, whether it be because he is having sudden concerns for his own health/memory or strong emotions lingering that he has no context for now.
Either way, to me it's a very sad idea that they were growing so close, only for Euden to forget it all because of Audric's... problems. It was so close to that little bit of happiness for the both of them, only for it to be dashed against the rocks. It also then seems to drive Audric to be more isolationist? As he accepts the idea that nobody is remembering him and that he deserves it, and then resolves more to take solace in actions that he's doing than forming any bonds since he knows they'll wither away just as soon. While he pretends to be fine with it, I'm sure it's still an emotional hardship that you can't form any meaningful relation with another and will be near-instantaneously forgotten as soon as you're gone.
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To me, this exchange later in the main campaign almost sounds like Audric talking to himself, trying to stop himself from wallowing in the dream he would be remembered, and focusing on the actions he can take to effect change.
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Even so, he's still trying to encourage Euden to remember something about their interactions, though he's accepted he himself won't be a part of them. He's trying to leave something behind to his son.
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He's remembering what he once had with Euden, both his own and this world's Euden not all too long ago.
I think that's a huge part of Audric, aside from all that guilt and self-loathing: memories. As everyone else forgets, he remembers, and can only hope to use those memories for good to leave behind something.
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Be it saving Euden from supposed-dead insects and their venom, or encouraging Emile to become a better ruler and person by using his memories of Emile as a guide to know what to say, to helping Nedrick understand that Euden and him needn't be enemies, Audric's- and Aurelius'- memories are what allow him to accomplish so much and influence his children on a better path.
And then, just after he dies, once and for all...
They might have started remembering.
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This conversation is specifically noted to have occurred days after Audric died, which seems to fall greatly outside the range of time it normally took for people to forget Audric or details about him. But Euden and co still remember his existence, his identity, and his death.
Despite his constant affirmations that Audric knew he'd never leave behind anything of himself aside from any results of his actions, he might have left memories behind after all. It's just a shame his earlier bonds he had begun to form with Euden, old friends (Raemond) and new ones alike weren't able to survive beforehand.
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