#camp should be reserved for good art
applejuiz · 2 years
Carly Rae Jepsen just truly blows all of the other pop girlies so out of the water with her ability to truly achieve campy pop instead of just making bad music and having it be called camp. Like ‘So Nice’ is one of the most saccharine songs I’ve ever heard in my life, but she sells me on it so flawlessly. Like THIS is camp, THIS is pop. It’s commitment to the emotion that you can only do if you are fearless. I feel like so many other pop stars today are too brand-aware and self-conscious to actually swing that hard at cheesy, but it is the full power that Carly puts behind it that makes it so endearing.
Songs like ‘Let’s Be Friends’ and ‘Beach House’ are perfect campy songs because she never undercuts it to save face, and because she’s inviting us to laugh with her and not at the song. Actually I think that’s the thing everyone gets wrong about camp: it’s the equivalent of laughing with, and people confuse it with laughing at. With Carly, she’s always in on the joke and laughing while she tells it.
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wonsohl · 4 months
sunset boulevard y.jw
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PAIRING: crush!jungwon x admirer!reader
it was the summer holidays and your school hosted a camping trip for the juniors going into their last year of school - senior year.
this year the camping trip would be held at jeju island near the beach.
when the word got out that the trip would be held at jeju, everyone was screaming and jumping up and down out of excitement and so were you.
you ran home with the letter in your hand which was almost crumpled up from you gripping on to it so hard and barged through the door.
''ma! this year's camping trip for the juniors is at jeju island! can you even imagin-''
'woah there sweetie! speak slower the camping trip for the juniors is gonna be held where now?" she says whilst laughing at your goofyness
''jeju island ma! isn't that so exciting?"
'it sure is hun." she says as you hand over the letter to her with the biggest smile/ grin on your face
"can i go? pretty please? ill take care of our restaurant and do the dishes there for the whole week and even mop the floo-"
"y/n you can go! you don't have to do stuff out of your way to help me but a little help on saturday night would be good!"
"saturday?" you say taking of your school i.d and placing your coat on the coat hanger.
"whats the occasion ma?"
"mrs yang has a reserved dinner at our restaurant and i would look you to be their waitress - oh! and she has a boy in your year, yang jungwon?"
you eyes bulge out of their sockets when you hear his name.
yang jungwon.
hottest guy on earth.
cutest living organism.
THE most jaw dropping piece of art ever to be made.
"y/n? whats got to your mind, do you know yang jungwon?"
"o-oh yeah ma, he is in my classes" you say smiling back to your mom reassuring that you were okay.
"oh that's lovely! are you two friends?'
friends? yeah, no.
everyone knows you liked him ever since your ex bestfriend snaked on you to everyone in your year.
she even had the AUDACITY to tell her sister to spread around in the older years as well.
ever since you barely to talk to him and make any signs of communication knowing how awkward it would be.
you can't bare the sight of him but you still have that crush on him and from time to time when your zoning out in lessons and your teacher call you out for it, niki would have the gut to say -
'oh sir! she's day dreaming about jungwon!'
which would of course get everyone laughing and even the teacher.
jungwon would always look at you and you would avoid eye contact and just get flustered.
"u-uh we definitely know eachother ma!"
"just wonderful y/n! i also heard he is quite a charming one huh? why don't you start something? " she says laughing.
she wasn't lying he was definitely charming obviously but to speak to him after 10 months with not talking? that would be awkward.
"haha ma! your so funny, i should get back to my room and start doing some homework" excusing yourself from the very awkward situation whilst getting the letter back from the counter which was already signed by your mom.
you ran upstairs can close your door lightly but enough to hear the door slamming sound.
"what a weird child" your mom says
one hour before jungwon came to your restaurant you hop out of the steaming shower and dried your hair and got change into your uniform and put on some makeup
"y/n! let's head out now"
you yell back a okay and do a few touches to your hair and put on some jewellery.
you run down the stairs almost tripping pick up your bag and throw in your headphones and a water bottle with a small bar and make your way out the door
you open the car door and slam it shut
"you look nice today your mom says" pushing past your hair to admire her beautiful child
you pause whilst doing your seatbelt and smile back to your mom
"thanks ma!" you say hoping she won't ask the reason you randomly decided to apply make up on.
you guys share awkward glances before she puts on the radio and you text your friends
eunji 🦋: y/n how is the whole jungwon restaurant fiasco? 👀
you: girl i just got in my car and i my mom is blasting country music
minhee 🐈: did you put on the make up i bought you for your birthday?? 😊😊 (say yes rn before i storm in to that restaurant and put it on for you)
you: dayum girl dw i did and i think i did it good lemme show you it *insert pic of you
eunji 🦋: ↳ minhee 🐈: INCLUDING THE GIRLS AS WELL
you laugh at how funny your friends are and your mom notices it.
"sweetie get out all your laughs and goofynees now because we are here"
those words repeat in your head
the past four nights have been sleepless because of today and here you are
you nod to your mom and quickly type something in the groupchat
you get out of the car and put some lip balm on and run your hand through your hair
you barely work and your mom's restaurant because of how many workers there are but it looks like her waiter went on holiday the perfect time jungwon's parents reserved a table.
the time was 6:11 PM and jungwon's family was coming at 6:15 PM
you run to the bathroom lock yourself in their and practice your welcomings to your costumers.
"hello! welcome to ma's kitchen, the best in gwangdo! what's on your plate today?"
no thats to enthusiastic
"hey peeps! welcome to ma's kitchen, wanna dine in?"
ew, if was the costumer i would laugh right in my face
"hello~! welcome to ma's kitchen. what would you like to orde-
a knock from the bathroom's door interrupts you and touch up your makeup and leave.
"your mom would like you to greet the costumers in since the yang family will be coming here
she checks her watch
you bow down and say thank you before heading your way to the desk near the enterance.
you where on your phone tapping through people's story when you hear the entrance bell ring.
you drop your phone on the desk and make your way to the entrance to see jungwon and his family.
"oh my! y/n baby~ your so tall and your so pretty you look so grown as well!" she says cupping your face as you laugh it off
you could see mr yang and jungwon staring at you two but mr yang's glare was much more softer than jungwon's
did i do something wrong? you thought
you hand them the menu and bring them towards their seats
"would you like to order any drinks for now?"
mr yang nods his heads "yes, can i get 2 beers for the olders and jungwon?
can i get some sprite?"
you nod but you only look at mr yang
"so 2 beers and 1 sprite?"
this time you look at all three of them for their confirmation and they say yes
you smile back and leave the table and make your way too the bartender
'hajun, i need two beers and one spirte please' you say handing him over the piece of paper
'coming right up' he says snatching the peice of paper as you head back to the desk greeting the other guess as today was the weekend meaning lots of costumers would be coming in today
as you greet the next costumer you see a familiar face
kang seola
the one who snaked on you to the whole year and the year above
yeah no chance you were serving her, on top of that allowing her to enter your mom's restaurant
she was with a few other friends who weren't from your school as you couldn't recognise their faces
you had to options
A) choose to serve them and get the money you needed for your ' pay check' - didn't benefit you
B) slam the door on their faces and put them on the restaurants blacklist - definitely benefitted you
C) get another waitress to serve them - benefitted you/ but wasn't better than option B
'hello welcome to ma's restaurant, please wait here for another waiter to serve you shortly' you say smiling at them sarcastically whilst tellin a waiter to serve them
you go up to the bartender who hands you the drinks that jungwon and his family ordered and you make your way there
you hand them their drinks and they say thank you one by one
'another waiter will come around to serve you your food, sorry for the delay today is very hetic' you say as you hand out the menus and bow down as an apology
'oh no darling it's okay! were just having a chat take your time hun' says mrs yang patting your shoulder reassuring you that they don't mind the wait.
you smile back and make your way to the desk again when you feel a water get splash all over your uniform
your top is drenched in liquid and the glass shattered all over the floor near your once dry shoes
you look up to see seola and her friends laughing sheepishly as stare at you innocently
"oops i spilt something, be a good waiter and clean it up''
you wanted to shout at her so bad but you couldn't as it would freak the costumers and that was the last thing you wanted to happen for your mom and her business
you sigh and get on your knees swooping up the broken glass shards and individually placing them into a paper bag to later throw away
you could hear her taking photos of you from the loud shutter sound from her phone
you feel your eyes brimming with tears as your vision gets blurry when you feel the hand of someone else help you collect the shards
it was jungwon
you look at him but he's too busy collecting the remaining glass shards and after he's done he scoops it in a bag and gives it to you
of course you had a crush on him for a reason but today it felt like you got a crush on him for a second time
his hair was slightly ruffled , long enough to cover his perfect eyes and his choice of style is so cliché but it suits him so much
you can't help yourself but blush from jungwon's sudden action as you stood up to put the bags that was full broken glass to the dustbin outside of your restaurant
you could hear footsteps following you so looked behind to see jungwon following you from behing with his hands formed into a little bowl carrying some broken glass that was left behind
"uh jungwon! aren't you hands bleeding from the broken glass? I don't think you should be holding on to them you could get scars?" you say quickly placing the bags on to the pavement floor an rushing over to jungwon with one of your peppa pig plasters to cover the big scar on his palm
once done you collect the broken glass bags from jungwon's hand and throw them into the bin along with the trash bin with all your might
you turn around to see jungwon staring at you, you feel abit embarrassed to see your life long crush see you do all that whilst looking like a mess
'y/n i wan-'
jungwon gets cut of by the slam of the back door being pushed open
'oh y/n! are you hurt sweetie? i should've of known that those girls that were coming in were eunji and her mean group!'
'mom i'm oka-'
'look at the state of you! you should go home and get pack for that trip you have with your school, just take care of yourself and freshen up okay?'
says your mom cupping your cheeks whilst bringing you inside leaving jungwon outside by himself
your mom helps you take of the apron and sends you to the changing room whilst she calls your sister to come pick you up
after getting changed you make your way out from the staff entrance waiting for your sister to arrive whilst scrolling through your phone when you hear your mom bid goodbye to mr and mrs yang
'thank you so much for coming in! i would love too see you guys again soon!'
'nonsense! thank you for the amazing company and food! see us as a frequent customer' mr yang says mrs yang laughs with him.
'y/n! come here and say goodbye to our customers properly!' your mom says putting the attention on you as your make your way to them
'thank you for coming' you say bowing down to jungwon's parents whilst making eye contact with jungwon in between
'wow your daughter is so pretty!' says mrs yang turning around to look jungwon
'y/n perhaps are you going to the camping trip? ' says mrs yang whilst patting down jungwon
'oh uh , yes i am' you say with a hint of confusion in your tone
'do you reckon you can look after jungwon?i don't trust him by himself for so long, please make sure he eats properly there!'
'mom' says jungwon irritated at her comment
'jungwon, your mother is trying to help you out son! plus, y/n looks mature enough to take care of you!' says jungwon's mum hitting his arm playfully
'don't worry mrs yang, my daughter will take care of your handsome son' your mom says smiling back at them
they continue to talk until your sister comes to pick you up in her car
'take care y/n, thank you for serving us today' says mr yang smiling at you as your mom opens the door
'thank you, bye mr and mrs yang - bye jungwon, bye mum!' you say waving from the window
'y/n i don't now how you managed to be so calm with her acting like that' eunji says still annoyed at the fact that seola would do that
'trust me i bet she wasn't but mr lover boy was there so she had to be all mysterious' minhee laughs will saying it
'okay that's true but if he wasn't i would've dragged her out of that restaurant myself'
'yeah yeah'
'mhm of course you deffo would've'
eunji and minhee tease you for a bit before leaving the bathroom and going to the coach
'okay everyone i will list your partners recommended by your own parents' says your teacher
everyone bursts into whines and moans
'wait recommended by our parents, that means i'm gonna be with seungji' eunji throws a tantrum knowing she's not gonna sit next to her own twin brother for 6-7 hours straight
'HELL NAH IM GONNA SIT NEXT TOO MY NEIGHBOUR' minhee receives a message from her dad saying she's sitting with her neighbour's emo kid
'wait guys i might have to sit with jungwon'
you starts panicking remembering what his mother said
'oh shit, good luck then' eunji dashes off and minhee follows screaming
'better not mess up!'
eunji and minhee were in a different coach so you had to wait for jungwon to come on the coach with you
you start panicking
god this is so awkward
what were you going to do, either way you would’ve had to sit in a packed coach with jungwon for at least 3 hours
you prayed and prayerd that you could be there before him
but i guess your prayers didn’t work
jungwon was standing at the coach on his phone almost as if waiting for someone
waiting for you
‘jungwon, hi!’
you say running over
‘sorry for being so late, i guess i got caught up with something’
he laughs abit and puts his phone in his back pocket
‘it’s okay, let’s hop on the coach, im pretty sure all the good seats are left’
you guys quickly scramble on the coach squeezing through the tight path in the middle of the coach
‘look y/n, over there’
he points to some seats at the back of the bus - ish
there not the best seats but they are the only ones left
you quickly waddle over and take a seat near the window, jungwon following right behind
you put your headphones in settle in, cancelling the loud shouts of your classmates
jungwon goes on his phone and you can’t help glancing over
‘if you want anything you can just tap me’
‘thanks jungwon,will do!’
you say quickly and lean your head against the window closing your eyes hoping for the ride to go smoothly
you also can’t stop thinking about jungwon being right next to you but you start noticing your eyes getting heavier and heavier
you fall asleep but dream about the camping trip ahead
a/n: AHHH OMG IM BACK WADDA 🫡🫡 skl has been so stressful but dw guys the actual camp trip thingy will be out soon (hopefully 🤗🤗) I get tired so easily and sometimes forget i have a tumblr acc anyway bye bye - 4 now 👹👹
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jacqcrisis · 6 months
So Ronan the dragonborn cleric has his journal and a habit of drawing. Alongside his dry recounts of the day, the more spicy prose written in draconic that frustrates his nosey companions, and simplistic stick figure diagrams of action he can't draw properly, are more detailed sketches. These sketches are generally reserved for animals or plants, especially flowers, he happens across and enjoys, jotted down to the best of memory alongside the words written about the days events.
But between those, every now and then, are drawings of people, most notably people he finds important in some way. These sketches aren't hyper realistic or artful as his capabilities are amateur at best, but they are detailed and good enough you would recognize who they were depicting. He's not trying to become a master of the art, but just good enough that he can have a visual reminder of someone if they should leave him or pass away.
Sometime during Act 2, after the conversation with the mirror about Astarion not remembering what he looks like but before he confesses to feeling something more, Ronan notices his journal is missing. Again. It happens often enough that he's not worried, but he would like it back so he does the rounds around camp to see which sticky-fingered companion took it tonight.
After checking with nearly everyone save Wyll, Ronan finds Astarion a little ways away from everyone, sat near a torch and hunched over conspicuously. Upon silently walking up to him, standing just behind him, Ronan waits just a few moments until his presence is felt. Predictably, Astarion jumps to his feet, hand going for a dagger with the journal clutched to his chest as he whips around to face his would be assailant.
Of course, it's just Ronan and Astarion sighs in a melodramatic relief, commenting that they should perhaps bell the dragonborn when he isn't in his horrendously loud armor. Ronan grunts, holding out a hand expectantly and what follows is a rather typical back and forth as Astarion teasingly mentions all the 'dirty little secrets' he's supposedly gleaned from the journal while Ronan steadfastly asks for the damn thing back as he'd like to make an entry and get to sleep. But something's off, as usually after a minute or two the leather bound book is halfway into Ronan's hand, being pulled away a time or two, yet Astarion is keeping it close to himself, as if reluctant to give it back.
Ronan notices, interrupts Astarion in midst of being complained at over his assessment of the rogue's battle performance to ask if everything is alright. For a moment, Astarion says yes, of course, well as good as he can be starving and exhausted in the middle of this godforsaken place but-
And he stops, chewing on his lip, troubled as he opens the journal again to flip to the page he'd had his thumb wormed into this whole time. He touches his face and Ronan can feel what's coming before Astarion opens his mouth to ask if the person on the page is him. He doesn't even need to see the sketch Astarion shows him; there's a lot of the elf drawn in that journal.
Ronan nods and then immediately mutters something akin to an apology that his artistic talent is lacking, receiving a joke about how Astarion certainly wouldn't hang anything he's drawn by his bedroll that trails off. Then he's silent for a moment, taking the journal back to stare down at the page before he supposes it's the best he'll get. It's a want for a way to help that strikes Ronan as he watches, struggling with what to say and wishing he had some way to alleviate that grief, to show him-
But there is a way to show him, isn't there?
It takes some convincing and a promise to not probe into Astarion's thoughts, but eventually a reluctant vampire is standing illuminated in a holy daylight summoned eagerly for just the occasion. He's instructed to close his eyes as Ronan crouches down to get the best view he can and takes Astarion's hand to press his palm to a scaley temple. The connection is immediate, Astarion's sight filled with a clear picture of himself, of a face he hasn't seen in centuries mirrored perfectly through Ronan's steady and concentrated gaze.
He's given as much time as he needs, Ronan seemingly happy to stare at him as he takes it all in. There's something filtering through the cleric's ironclad concentration, made only more apparent at every observation and joke Astarion makes while refamiliarizing himself with himself. Words and phrases pop into mind, squashed before they complete like the sound of them being thrust underwater to muffle and become incoherent.
Comments about his features, about his voice, about the hand still curled against Ronan's temple, about how close they are. Noachi, that draconic nickname Ronan's given him that he still has no idea the meaning of, thought less like a word and more like a fond prayer floating through as Ronan chuckles at some quip Astarion makes about not remembering his chin being like that. But there's another thing that Ronan can't seem to stop coloring his perception and his thoughts.
It's not a word or a phrase or even a picture. Merely a feeling, a warmth, deep and radiating, growing stronger and stronger the longer Ronan is staring at Astarion. So much so, it colors the picture he's presenting as a glow emanates around Astarion that has nothing to do with the magical daylight or the nearby torch or anything about himself, as if that warmth Ronan is feeling is warping his very sight.
And it's a feeling that Astarion recognizes, has tried not to recognize for a little while now, ignoring and writing it off and burying it at every turn. A feeling that answers back within him and that shakes him. Frightens him enough, he takes his hand away, opens his eyes to break the connection.
Astarion thanks him, kind of, inbetween commenting that he hopes Ronan is happy he's probably satisfied his need to stare at Astarion for the evening before actually saying something that amounts to gratitude. It gets him another chuckle, and Ronan bows his head with a little smile, telling him 'anytime, noachi' before leaving Astarion alone. The daylight fades away to nothing and Astarion is left by the torch, watching Ronan take his journal to the rest of the rest of camp as he touches his face, lost in thought.
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @elvhenprince !!!
tagging: @lyriumlullaby-ao3 | @hollytree33 | @plisuu no pressure ofc uwu
nessa lavellan | she/her | 31 | stubborn!!! earnest, straightforward, never gives up on anything
Associated colours/symbols/animals
lots of warm tones and autumnal scenes
What are their hobbies/skills?
she was a hunter in her clan and has the associated skills - patience, skill with a bow, quiet movement, etc. for hobbies, she reads when she can, and following the events of the game she trains a lot in her spare time
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
she has no concept of herself as an artist, or even a potential artist. if she tried anything she'd get frustrated with it really fast.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
interesting...! i think she'd enjoy warm, hearty meals. she's used to dalish dry foods (things that transport and keep well and are lightweight) and doesn't mind them, but isn't big on human rations. she's a stew kinda girl, really. and she can cook it herself but she's not that good at it. her food is very plain/bland.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s)
she enjoys conversation a lot, at least when it's not about how to save the world. casual or deep, she just really enjoys discussions with the people she cares about. and while she's gotten used to having it less, she really appreciates physical, nonsexual affection - cuddling, hugging, holding hands, that kind of thing. through the course of the game she becomes more reserved and uneasy in that regard, but the underlying desire remains
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
it depends on who she's playing against lmao. a lot of people, yes. someone like bull, varric, leliana, vivienne, or solas? no.
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
something big and furry. i'm thinking a bear or a wolf. she gets cold easily and would appreciate something warm to cuddle with.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
pre-game, in her clan: she'd help make sure everything was set up for the night and take a watch, but otherwise she had a limited routine. basic hygiene stuff - clean her face, clean her teeth in some canon-friendly way, etc, then just crawl into her bedroll during game: veryyy limited because she was regularly exhausted, only the most basic hygiene, armor off, in bed. and when she tried to help out at haven/skyhold people always rushed to assist her since she was the ~herald~ then the ~inquisitor~ and shouldn't be bothering with the mundane labor (which she is so ???? about), so she eventually stopped, although she still pitches in when she's out in the field setting up camp post game: brushes her hair, washes up, checks repeatedly on her daughter revas, sometimes ends up reading a bit in bed
What is in their inventory?
bandages, hunter's gear (carving knives, etc), extra blankets because she gets cold easily. she's used to carrying enough gear to sustain herself during long periods of hunting, but it takes her a while to realize that she should carry enough to help others, too, so her pack slowly fills out more
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
daily: lightweight, unrestrictive, modest clothing. she prefers wools and layers for warmth, particularly during the course of the game because haven and skyhold are COLD. formal: for the winter palace she yielded to what josie thought was best, but given free reign she'd have wanted a long dress. high-necked, long-sleeved, and green would be her preference. she's not good at theorizing about fashion, but she would have been drawn to something that was highly detailed with embroidery or beadwork casual/bedding down: long-sleeved shirt and a lighter one over the top, leggings and breeches. the lighter shirt and breeches come off for bedtime, but the other layers stay on
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
she traveled to wycome to visit her clan a few times, but did not stay - although she wanted to. she still feels incredibly close with them, but after the reveal during trespasser, she also feels fundamentally different. she kept her vallaslin, but her faith has been deeply shaken and she's unwilling to burden her clan with the pain she's going through in regards to it. she did bring solas and revas to visit them, though. they figured solas was a city elf and neither of them dissuaded the clan from that notion.
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
the loss of her arm shook her deeply and she honestly hasn't really let herself grieve or be angry about it. instead she just keeps pushing forward - as soon as she was healed enough, she began training with cullen to learn how to use a sword instead. eventually her grief will no longer be something she can push aside, but for now she keeps it at bay with activity she also refuses to wear a prosthetic. she pins her sleeves up - during warmer weather she wears sleeveless shirts as well, but she still gets chilled easily so she prefers the layers
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reginadeltrash · 7 months
The Hazbin Hotel's rules
(but I can only use and slightly rephrase actual rules from my summer camp):
1. You can sleep in a room with whoever you want (I don't care) the only thing to remember is that we are currently 8 in this hotel, and I want it to be true next morning as well.
1b. (however if you really have to change that number we prefer murder rather than pregnancy)
2. 'Dish cleaning duty' is not under any circumstances allowed to become 'Water balloon war duty'
2b. (no matter how much you hate the person you're stuck with)
3. If you see a bug don't freak out, please, the floor is already dirty as it is, we don't need bug's blood on top of that
3b. (Niffty, please, stop breaking rule 3)
4. A 'Hotel improving meeting' cannot be held in the middle of the night
4b. (or in the bathroom)
5. If an overlord comes by please don't disturb them. They'll probably just sit in the hall and stay on their phone until the person they need arrives, anyway.
5b. (Alastor, please go talk to them as soon as possible, we all know they're here for you 99% of the time)
5c. (The previous rule does not apply to Rosie. Rosie's nice, and she's probably just here to drop food)
6. If you arrive after 2:00 A.M. you need to have a convincing excuse.
6b. ('We got lost' is not convincing, because our building is fucking huge! Try again)
7. The kitchen is reserved for people who can actually cook, everyone else can try and make their 'recipes' in the garden, so we won't have to clean.
8. If I find another attempt at a Molotov in one of the rooms I'm gonna commit a crime.
8b. (Cherri, this is 100% about you)
8c. (Didn't think I needed to specify this, but, when I say Molotov I mean every kind of explosive thing)
8d. (Yes. Including fireworks)
9. The dirty clothes need to be put in the laundry room, not on a random chandelier.
9b. (You're only allowed to break this specific rule if you had the worst day ever, and also if you promise to be the one who will retrieve those clothes the morning after.)
10. Please, read the instructions if you want to 'help' with the washing machine.
11. If Charlie is talking, you don't interrupt her, otherwise you can't whine when everyone is angry at you for making her cry and consequently craft a ninety minutes power point on 'the art of listening'.
12. If we say to meet up at like 7:00 try to be here at least for 9:00, ok?
13. No jumping or having sex in the bed
13b. (I don't care which one you were doing last night, I'm just fucking tired of repairing that bed.)
14. Windows are not a good alternative to doors.
14b. (Especially those on the second floor)
15. For the love of God! Stop complaining about the cookies we serve for breakfast! Angel made them when drunk and we need to finish them in order not to hurt his feelings.
16. The music we use during exercises is chosen by Charlie, if you have any problems with it talk with her.
16b. (Always remember the looming threat of a ninety minutes power point, though)
17. Movie night is a privilege not a right.
18. 'Murder mystery night' is just a game. Quit telling Pentious is real.
18b. (Also, no! It can't actually become 'Murder mystery night for real', Niffty)
19. Stay at least six feet away from Niffty when she's sewing, if you value all of your limbs.
20. Outsiders (like delivery guys) may not be completely on our dynamics, so please try to behave like normal human beings when they come by.
21. Singing/Instrument playing time is set from 10:00 A.M. to 9 P.M. respect it, please. We don't need another noise complaint.
22. You need to always have clothes on.
22b. (A bikini is not considered clothes from now on.)
23. If your luggage doesn't have a lock good luck my friend!
24. During the cleanliness inspection there isn't a winner.
24b. (Update. Cleanliness inspection can have a winner, if you want, just leave your rooms clean, please.
25. Please, don't cry during 'compliment game' night, because I have no idea how I should help you with that.
26. Don't make any mommy/daddy issues jokes.
26b. (They may be funny where you're from, but not here. Here people have several of them)
27. That's about it!
27b. (Please don't force me to add more, people already think we're crazy)
List redacted by:
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hi!! i was wondering if you could do a matchup for bg3 :-D my name is edward and im about 5’0 with a black curly hair that is short and i dont mind the persons gender! im also a trans man. my mbti is entp and im a scorpio. i like to anything to do with art, i love to do it all together. Im also a really big fan of music specifically mcr, tv girl, alex g, toby fox and dodie but i am open to listening to other artists if given a recommendation. Uhhhh i love to eat meat and im not really a big fan of eating veggies i hate eating them but idm potatoes or tomatoes, but i think tomatoes r fruits so nvm. I also looveee learning about history especially ancient times like greek history, i think its really interesting to learn about the past and how things were. i will waste my money on things i love, especially if it’s a show or novel or movie i will soend so much money on it. I'm also rather fond of animals and nature. And my love language has got to be physical affection and quality time. I also love trying new things even if I might have a fear of it, it’ll just take a me a bit to do it. I like to break the rules especially if it’s going against a group of people and or someone. I can be pretty reserved on the occasion but if im with someone im close too or if i feel comfortable enough i can be pretty hyper. A lot of the time though I listen to what people say and often a listener for people. Depending on the person im with and our dynamic i can be quite sarcastic. I can be very compassionate about people and even if someone did something horrible to me I can be rather forgiving unless it was toward someone i love. I am also rather forgetful and often will forget things with people I’ve spent time with even if it’s recent I can forget a majority of it. I have a short temper. Often I will be regretful of things I’ve done in the past even if it was a while ago. I have a rather low self esteem, if I feel like someone is going to abandon me no matter how close I’ll probably be silent about it and wait for a sign that the person still likes me and on rare occasions I will ask for reassurance. AND UH i think that pretty much it thank you for reading this if you are!!
A/N: For you Edward, I’m thinking your best BG3 matchup would be… Gale!
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☸ Gale would be a wonderful match for you! He’s more introverted and always interested in learning more about history, be it geographical or magical!
As an ENTP and a Scorpio, you’re a very intense person when you want to be. You seek out intellectual stimulation in your hobbies and your relationships. Gale, a fellow ENTP, would suit you well as he too, values an initial mental connection to a physical one. 
That’s not to say Gale doesn’t find you attractive, quite the opposite. He loves your sense of style and your hair. He especially appreciates having another person around camp who understands what it takes to keep your hair tamed when it’s on the curlier side. I know most people think of Astarion when they think of the part member who spends the most time preening, but Gale is right up there with him. After being dumped by Mystra, and infected with the orb, Gale entered a depressive state where he let himself and his relationships go. His insistence on taking time to care for his appearance now is a sign that his head’s in a much better place, and you are responsible for a great deal of that. 
Gale loves how excited you get when the two of you discuss ancient history. Not many people appreciate a good intellectual discussion about the everyday normalcies of the ancient Greeks or Romans, but you do, and Gale has never been happier to listen to all that you know. In turn, he shares what he knows of Faerun and its history, especially the founding and workings of Waterdeep which he calls home. Well, that the two of you now get to call home. 
Gale is very open and accepting of your gender. He also has a fairly extensive spell list on changing one’s appearance, should you ever want to go down that route. Of course, that’s only if you want. Gale thinks you look lovely, just the way you are. He would never want to change you and is very grateful you’d never ask to change him or his appearance (much to Tara’s chagrin lol). 
He is rather worried about your lack of vegetable consumption, however. He swears to you, that he will one day find a recipe full of vegetables that you actually like, just you wait and see. In the meantime, he’ll keep cooking meat-based meals, so long as you keep enjoying them. 
Gale is similar when it comes to going all in on something he likes or is fascinated by. (He can’t help it, he is a wizard after all.) Each of you can get carried away in indulging the other: you buy him a very expensive book on magic he’s been eyeing and he’ll buy you something equally costly you’ve been looking at. 
Gale’s love languages are the same as yours, so prepared to feel understood and cared for! He loves nothing more than spending quiet evenings alone with you at your home in Waterdeep, the two of you lounging in each other’s arms, just talking about your day. 
Gale’s self-esteem isn’t always the greatest either, especially after what happened with Mystra. He tends to think of himself as a burden, and the orb certainly did not help in that regard. But on his journey to save Baldur’s Gate, and on his relationship journey with you, his esteem has lifted greatly. Gale understands you’re in the same boat he once was in, so he has no problem reminding you how much he loves you, and just how worthy of love and respect you are. 
He loves you for you, there’s not a single thing he would change.
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trainingforfandom · 2 years
BNHA Physical Education Guide: For Use in BNHA Programs
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When I eventually get around to posting the BNHA boys’ workouts I will refer to some of their activities as PE (Physical Education). This will be the guide. 
The BNHA boys undoubtedly workout by themselves, however most schools require students to do PE. From experience and asking some Japanese students at uni, I believe PE would be for around an 1 to 1.5 hours about 1 to 3 times a week. I found that PE is pretty standard across the world. Mostly different sports, laps, group exercise, and the occasional weight room session. However, the BNHA high school functions as something closer to a military or ROTC camp so their PE would likely be a little more intense. These look like a lot of exercises, but they aren’t hard or time consuming, no maxing out on lifts here. The boys might choose to skip workouts on these days or simply supplement with exercises they feel would be beneficial. Girls like Momo/ Uraraka might not workout beyond this PE: Momo needs to reserve calories and her training is taking time to study, and Uraraka would likely spend more time in a martial arts dojo as her quirk makes resistance training useless. 
Monday PE: Laps and General Calisthenics/Parkour 
400 m Jog, 400 m Walk, 400 m Jog, 400 m Walk (Maximum time 10 mins) 
Parkour Training (30 Minutes) : Pick 1 or 2 videos and progress from there, the students likely are taught how to land safely and get over obstacles and through tight spaces to help them in chase and evasion. 
Calisthenics Workout (30 Minutes, Students are encouraged to complete this in workout groups as fast as possible, individuals simply try to get faster throughout the year. They also compare how much weight they use and how high/far they jump): 
3 x 25 Ring Push Ups or Tandem Push Ups or Weighted Push Ups (Buddy on Back) 
2 x 10 Team Log Press (Or Overhead Press) 
3 x 10 Pull Ups (progression) 
3 x 5 Long Jump
3 x 10 Box Jumps 
100 m Bear Crawl (Buddy/Weight on Back) 
3 x 30 Crunches 
3 x 60 sec Planks
1600- 3200 m run as fast as possible (Maximum time 10-15 mins) 
10 Minutes left as transition and resting time. If students complete things faster, they get rest time and are encouraged to adjust the exercise’s difficulty such as: Increasing box height or weight for push ups. 
Wednesday PE: “Quirk Training” (Sports training/Skill Work in our World/Martial Arts Day) 
Find a sport you like and play for 50 min
Try to learn a calisthenics/sports skill or get better at a certain lift 
Work on a lagging body part 
Examples (Personal) 
Work on squat and deadlift form for about 10 minutes each with light weight, run a mile because I want to get faster (This takes about another 10 minutes :(, I’m  a terrible runner), Do a bicep, shoulders, calves and forearm workout for about 20 minutes. 
Lagging Body Part Workout: 
5 x Drop Set lateral raises 
4 x 15 Face Pulls 
3 x 20 Calf raises 
3 x 10 Wrist Curls 
3 x 15 Cable Curls 
40 Minutes of Martial Arts Training 
Class or a video like this: https://youtu.be/WIaZUWEuV-g 
Friday PE: EMT/Rescue Weights Workout 
This workout is meant for the students to build explosive strength, and weight bearing strength to help with rescue 
Pages 13 -14 of this fireman's workout: ​​https://www.cityofmadison.com/fire/documents/frf-intro-to-firefighter-fitness.pdf 
This: Designed by me
Warmup: https://darebee.com/workouts/2-minute-warmup-workout.html 
Heavy Sandbag Circuit (30 - 45 Minutes) 
** Sandbag 30-50% of body weight to start overtime this proportion should increase. Ex 70 kg/155 lb body weight = 21kg/46lb to 35 kg/77lb
Repeat 3 Times 
20 Steps Up → 20 Steps Down → 10 Squats Stair climbs and Squats 
10 Sandbag Clean and Press 
10 Supinated Bent Over Row 
20 Meters Farmers Carry (2 sandbags around 10-20% of bodyweight) 
2 x 20 Meters Sandbag Pickup to Fireman Carry (1x 20 m run per side (left/right). Look up how to do this safely) 
Full body Weightlifting (Students might group up and spot each other/wait for equipment, this should be a minimalist workout for them to just hang out in the weight room with each other) (30 - 45 Minutes) 
3 x 8 Deadlifts 
3 x 10 Lat Pulldowns 
3 x 8 Bench Press 
3 x 12 Bicep Curls 
3 x 15 Rear delt flye 
3 x 15 Lateral Raises 
Core Circuit: This would likely be done together as a class
Repeat 3 Times 
30 Leg Raises
30 Weighted Crunches 
30 Weighted Russian Twists (15 per side) 
30 Second Plank 
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davidorian · 2 years
The thing with the bear
Reconnaissance had to be done thoroughly. Scouts were dispatched to survey the situation and place initial camps. 
The Herald with escort was to follow swiftly. So it was a matter of selecting companions.
Did they need strength or accuracy? Was magic needed or were a few sharp blades enough?
Lord Trevelyan was a quiet man, reserved, perhaps even shy, but he knew how to proceed diplomatically to reach a goal. 
Sera and Varric were extremely pleasant and congenial contemporaries. The perky blonde had some fantastic tricks up her sleeve and Bianca... well, anyone who had seen her in action once knew why Varric was so popular.
Cole was also capable of multiple levels. Bows were beyond him, but he could handle daggers like few others. 
The choice was really difficult. 
And what about defenders? Bull was definitely the strongest and he felt no fear nor was he intimidated by anything. Warden Blackwall was like a big brother for the Herald, he liked the brave fighter a lot. And Cassandra... well, there was nothing to say against her - she was definitely one of Trevelyan's closest confidants. 
The use of magic was undeniably always special, especially for the Herald, since he had no magical abilities himself. He was thrilled how natural and pure Solas and Vivienne used their arts. Both in their own special way, unique and yet in harmony with mind and body. Vivienne was a real lady, she could still hold her own. And Solas was a mixture of mysterious stranger and best buddy, Trevelyan trusted him blindly. There was also this charming gentleman from the far north, Dorian by name. An all-rounder in magic, stamina, ambition and apt spells. The Herald was extremely interested in Lord Pavus... not only in the skills he offered to the Inquisition, but also in the person himself. Trevelyan felt young and carefree around Dorian, he didn't know why....
So who would ultimately accompany the Herald now? The agony of choice was up to Trevelyan himself. Everything in him resisted putting these capable and kind souls in danger, but they had all chosen their own fate, conscious or unconscious of the dangers. 
It meant being on the road for a long time, mostly on cobblestones. Sleeping in tents, no hot water, dangers behind every hill. 
And then the choice was made: Cassandra, Sera and Dorian. Endurance was needed. There was a lot of walking and uphill. A real climbing route, so to speak. Sera was fit as a fiddle. Cassandra was tough. Dorian's muscles were best proof of his condition. And Trevelyan loved nature and climbing. To him, the trip sounded very pleasant.
"Bears? Oh by the Maker! Really?" Trevelyan asked again. 
"Are you afraid, your Highness?" A cheeky yet friendly wink followed Scout Harding's question.
"Afraid? I'd love to cuddle the little animals. Bears are so cute. But all kidding aside... I'd like to be allowed to look at them from a distance at most... tehehe" the Herald chuckled. 
The way to the camp was pretty easy to be honest. The scouts had found a perfect route, the camp was somewhat hidden and everything was prepared. 
Tomorrow morning, at first morning light, they should be on their way. 
Sera sat by the campfire and surveyed her bow as the Herald passed. 
"A truly magnificent bow, Sera. Good workmanship and a strong string. A brilliant choice." 
"Thank the noble bozo who... let's put it this way... "FORGOT" about it at the time, your Materiality." Laughed the little blonde mischievously.
Trevelyan chuckled, but said nothing more. 
"Do you know how to use a bow and arrow as well?" Came a sudden question out of nowhere.
Lord Pavus stroked his beard and strutted over to the two people from one of the tents.
He stopped and put his hands on his hips. 
"And, Milord? Can you?"
The Herald nodded but remained silent.
"Ranged attacks from a safe distance are often, if not always, the better choice when aiming to survive." Said the young man with the dapper mustache, winking at Sera.
"I like daggers just a little bit more than arrows. I like the way they fit in the hand, how flawlessly perfect the blade is crafted, how beautiful the masterful decorations are. And I need to be and stay fast and agile. As the saying goes, you snooze, you lose." 
Trevelyan had pulled one of his daggers from its holster behind his back and was waving it back and forth a bit.
"Well then, I see you like to work with your hands, this is commendable. Still, the greater risk of melee attack remains. It seems to me that you love danger and challenge. Or do you like to get up close and personal, Milord?" 
Pavus' words were soft as velvet, yet also with a bit of a cheeky and saucy undertone.
"Sometimes the other person doesn't even realize what just happened if you were quick enough..." And again Trevelyan winked. 
"Oh heavens, that can only come out of a man's mouth... fast and almost unnoticed... pfff" Sera had a fit of laughter.
The two gentlemen just shook their heads, but refrained from any opposition.
Very early in the morning a scout then called for departure. Only the Herald, Sera, Dorian and Cassandra, and two scouts were to take the first step into unknown territory today. 
Uncertain terrain with many stumbling blocks was to be expected, one had to really climb here and there to get ahead. 
But Sera was agile and Dorian and Cassandra had a lot of strength in their arms and legs. The Herald was really enjoying the climbing, but he had to stay serious and focused. 
"Over there, we have a good spot to get some perspective. Lord Trevelyan, follow me." Shouted Lady Pentaghast and dashed ahead. 
Everyone followed, the path was slippery and extreme caution was required. 
At the top, everyone was a bit out of breath, but the view was truly impressive. 
"Ha, there's a group of your cuddly furry friends over there, your Highanxietyness!" Sera exclaimed, giggling.
"But these are not full grown animals, the mother animal is missing." Opined Cassandra in response.
"...Who needs mothers..." 
"What did you say, Lord Pavus?" Asked Trevelyan. 
"Nothing, Milord." Dorian's answer was curt, but the Herald did not want to probe further, they had other problems. 
The scouts crept cautiously around the area. They listened, but heard no cracking or growling. 
"We can't find anything, your Highness. We would need something that would lure the mother animal out of cover, but not necessarily attack it." Reported one of the two scouts. 
"Excuse me?" The Herald asked his companion.
"We need a little pinch of magic. From a safe distance for us, the baby bears and the parent. No one gets hurt and we know how to skillfully and safely get out of the way. Watch out!"
Lord Pavus spun around...no, it was more like a dancing motion. Then suddenly his beautifully crafted staff lit up and a flash of light hissed skyward. 
It was almost as if some kind of sound could be heard as the mysterious concentrated energy left the mage, reached his staff and bundled out of the glowing tip. This unreal sound, which could be felt rather than heard, was followed by a bright, yet not unpleasant light. Truly, magic was special, a gift from the Maker.
"Awesome! That was impressive!" The Herald opined in awe. 
"Magic is a pretzel to me! I'm out..." Replied Sera, shrugging her shoulders. 
"Did the staff get warm? Can I touch it?" 
Trevelyan stood behind Dorian and raised his hand to reach for the staff. 
Without turning fully around, Dorian answered the Herald over his shoulder with a curt, "No."
"No." Friendly but emphatic came the second no, and Lord Pavus walked over to Cassandra, who was already on the lookout to see if the mother animal was anywhere to be spotted. 
Sera stood next to the Herald and nudged him in the side with her elbow: "Nice try, but unfortunately for nothing, your Holimolyness! But if you like, I'll "BORROW" Dorian's staff as soon as he's asleep and then you can examine it at your leisure... hehehe"
"Thank you, but no thank you, dearest Sera." Winked Trevelyan and made his way over to his companions.
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lilithsmom · 2 years
Goodbye 2022, you were a good one
It is January 2nd 2023 - at least for the next 42 minutes.
I’ve posted a lot of pictures but no real updates about life. So here’s a little catch-up on how the rest of 2022 went.
I guess I should start with the fact that today marks 6 months of being with Carlos. I’ve never been happier. I love our love so much. We’re so good together and to each other, and we both say exactly what’s going on in our heads to the other. It feels so comfortable, I am forever going to be in awe that I found this kind of love. I never thought I was worthy of it. We had so many adventures and we’ve already discussed our future adventures this upcoming year, safe to say I cannot wait. More camping, more off-road adventures, all the things I used to do alone but now with the love of my life.
Kayli is moving in in March. Jesse is moving out and I know there’s a whole post about that so I won’t go on and on but I think us not living together anymore will be for the best. I’m excited to revamp the apartment, and to see Kayli more, and just have fun hangs. Most of our hangs have been in my apartment anyway so now she just won’t have to drive home. I feel like the vibes are just going to get so dang cozy.
I am a godmother now. Kristine gave birth on 11/11/22 to Mikaela Aviana Charlton. She was suppose to be born a Sagittarius but she decided to arrive early and be a Scorpio with a Gemini moon. I truly cannot wait for her to grow into a little person with her own personality. I flew home for a weekend just to meet her and spend time with Kristine and Rae. They are really killing the parenting game, and give me some hope that I can do it too but I know I wouldn’t be able to do it without Carlos. Carlos is like Rae in that he’s the calm chill parent and that’s exactly what I need to balance me out. Kristine seems so happy though, she’s become so emotional since becoming a mom and I absolutely love to see it. 
I hosted thanksgiving and christmas at the apartment. It was just for Carlos and his roommates but still. It was so exciting and fun. I was very awkward on Thanksgiving but then Christmas was a breeze. I really love cooking for so many people and watching them love what I’ve made. Thanksgiving was a roasted chicken, Roasted vegetables, honey butter rolls, green bean casserole, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and apple sauce cake. Christmas was roast beef, onions au jus, Asparagus with whipped feta, mashed potatoes, more honey butter rolls, maple carrots, and a gingerbread cake.
Christmas in general was a hit. We celebrated noche buena at Carlos’ and he made Dominican food which was delicious. I could not stay up to midnight without napping. It’s going to be a challenge in future years, I can already tell. But Carlos got me a knife sharpener as his joke gift because I always have dull knives, a pet cam to watch Lilith while I’m away, and a pinned death’s-head hawkmoth. And his roommate’s got me gifts too which was the sweetest. He loved my gifts for him as well - a purple TC Tugger shirt (made by me), a personalized cookie tin with never ending refills, and a gold chain. He hasn’t taken the chain off since I gave it to him and it makes me so happy that he really likes it.
My birthday was also a good day. While I got the birthday sads the day before and found myself sobbing for no real reason, my actual birthday went well. I reserved brunch at the Lumber Baron Inn and we ended up being the only guests which was very fun. Then we went to the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative art which was just so cool, and then the Denver Nature and Science Museum which was also very cool. Their Gem and Mineral exhibit is so freaking cool. And then we had dinner at Ocean Prime. I thought it would be a nice cap off to the year since that is where I went in January for my first solo dinner. 
I could gab on more and more but now it’s only January 2nd for 16 more minutes and I’m quite tired. But it’s safe to say 2022 has been a great time and I’m excited for what the next year holds.  
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bestoffsetsmokers · 9 months
Unleashing Flavor: The Ultimate Guide to Camp Chef Smokers and Grills
Hey there, fellow flavor enthusiasts! If you're reading this, you're probably on the quest for the perfect outdoor cooking experience. Look no further, as we dive into the world of Best Camp Chef Smokers and Grills – the unsung heroes of backyard barbecues and camping feasts.
Setting the Stage: Why Camp Chef?
Before we jump into the juicy details, let's address the burning question: Why Camp Chef? Well, my friend, it's all about versatility, reliability, and that unbeatable smoky flavor. Camp Chef has earned its stripes in the culinary arena, crafting tools that turn ordinary meals into extraordinary adventures.
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Chapter 1: Unveiling the All-Stars – Camp Chef's Top Smokers
1.1 Sear Box Smoker – A Game Changer
Picture this: sizzling steaks, perfectly seared to mouthwatering perfection. The Sear Box Smoker from Camp Chef is the secret weapon behind those grill marks that make your neighbors jealous. It's not just a smoker; it's a flavor-sealing, searing marvel.
1.2 SmokePro DLX – The King of Consistency
Consistency is key, especially when it comes to smoking. The SmokePro DLX reigns supreme in this department. Set it and forget it – this smoker maintains a steady temperature, ensuring your brisket is as impeccable as your first attempt.
Chapter 2: Grilling Glory – Camp Chef's Finest Grills
2.1 Woodwind SG – Where Innovation Meets Tradition
Ever wished for the smoky richness of wood-fired grilling without the hassle? The Woodwind SG grants your wish. This grill combines innovative features with the timeless allure of wood smoke, creating a culinary symphony right in your backyard.
2.2 Flat Top Grill 600 – Griddle Me This
For the pancake lovers and stir-fry enthusiasts, the Flat Top Grill 600 is a flat-out game-changer. Versatility is its middle name, offering a spacious griddle surface that transforms your backyard into a five-star breakfast joint.
Chapter 3: Navigating the Features
3.1 Slide and Grill Technology – A Griller's Best Friend
Let's talk tech. Camp Chef's Slide and Grill technology puts you in control. Slide it open for direct flame grilling, or slide it closed for indirect smoking. It's the swiss army knife of grilling, giving you the power to master any culinary technique.
3.2 Smart Smoke Technology – Smoking Made Simple
Smoking, simplified. Smart Smoke Technology lets you set the smoke level and forget about it. Camp Chef takes the guesswork out of smoking, leaving you with more time to enjoy the aroma wafting through your backyard.
Chapter 4: Beyond the Backyard – Camp Chef On the Go
4.1 Pursuit Portable Pellet Grill – Adventure Awaits
Who said incredible flavor is reserved for home? The Pursuit Portable Pellet Grill lets you take the Camp Chef experience wherever you roam. Camping trips, tailgates, beach parties – your culinary adventures know no bounds.
4.2 Camp Chef Oven – Baking in the Wilderness
Yes, you read that right. Camp Chef goes beyond grilling with its portable oven. Bake fresh cookies in the mountains or cook up a casserole by the lake – because roughing it should never mean sacrificing good food.
Chapter 5: Tips and Tricks for Mastering Your Camp Chef
5.1 The Perfect Smoke Ring – Patience Pays Off
Achieving that coveted smoke ring takes time. Patience is the secret ingredient. Low and slow is the mantra. Let your Camp Chef smoker work its magic while you enjoy the anticipation.
5.2 Grilling Hacks – From Novice to Pro
Become the grill master you were born to be with these pro tips. From the art of indirect grilling to mastering the reverse sear, Camp Chef grills open the door to a world of grilling wizardry.
Chapter 6: Maintenance and Care – Keeping the Flame Alive
6.1 Cleaning Made Easy – A Spotless Legacy
To ensure your Camp Chef smoker or grill stands the test of time, regular cleaning is a must. Fear not; Camp Chef designs its products with user-friendly maintenance in mind. A clean grill is a happy grill.
6.2 Seasoning Rituals – Enhancing Flavor Over Time
Just like a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet, your Camp Chef smoker benefits from a seasoning ritual. Embrace the process; each use adds a layer of flavor that elevates your culinary creations.
Conclusion: Flavorful Horizons Await
And there you have it – a deep dive into the world of Camp Chef smokers and grills. From backyard barbecues to mountain escapades, these culinary companions are ready to turn your meals into memorable experiences. So, what are you waiting for? Unleash the flavor, and let the grilling adventures begin!
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tripocio · 1 year
Planning for adventure in Desert Safari Dubai?   
Making plans for an adventure in Dubai's Desert Safari with Meta Sky Dubai 
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Well, exploring the desert in the United Arab Emirates is a must-do fun activity for tourists. One of the most thrilling activities to partake in is dune bashing, which can be done in the 4*4 land cruisers. A safari experience in the Dubai desert includes a variety of entertainment activities, as well as delicious food.   
After the adrenaline-filled ride, visitors can explore the local culture by camel riding, holding falcons, and engaging in henna painting.   
Do you want to have the best safari ever? Here’s everything you need to know to get the most out of your desert safari.  
Before you begin your journey 
The timing of your safari will affect your preparation. Desert safaris in Dubai typically begin in the afternoon, however, if you choose to stay overnight in Dubai, the timings may vary.   
It is important to ensure that you are informed by your tour operator and that you confirm the exact pickup point to avoid any last-minute issues.  
Food and drinks 
The ride on the desert safari can be bumpy, so it’s a good idea to eat a light snack before your safari. Avoid anything that can upset your stomach.   
You’ll also find plenty of water, coffee and tea at your campsite, as well as soft drinks, so keep it light.  
Clothing & Accessories 
There is no dress code for desert safari in Dubai. Light-colored linen or cotton is the best option. You can wear shorts, a light top and T-shirts, and jeans. During the evening, you can wear jackets or shawls. It is interesting to note that once the sun goes down, it gets cold fast.  
Don’t wear joggers or formal shoes. You don’t want to fight sand particles in your shoes. Open shoes, such as flip-flops, or sandals will be your best friends in the desert.  
Make sure you are wearing sunblock. You should also wear hats/caps and sunglasses. If there are strong winds, you can wear a traditional Arabian headscarf to cover your face.  
Pack Light 
It’s a good idea to only carry a few things. This is especially true if you’re sharing the car with other travelers.  
It’s hard to lug around huge bags at the campsite. We also don’t suggest carrying heavy jewelry or having many valuables.  
Dune bashing could be regarded as a rough activity. Therefore, it is not advised for those who are expecting, nursing, or who have heart or back issues. If you are prone to motion sickness, stay away from dune-bashing. It would be best to ask your doctor if you have any questions. You could still go to the camp and take in the henna art and cultural performances.   
I hope you are now well-equipped for the trip. Making a reservation is the only thing that is left to do. Check out our list of the best businesses for Dubai desert safari deals as well. Booking a desert safari in Dubai will be simple once you have decided on a package.   
Just follow the suggestions when planning for Desert Safari in Dubai and you will have a great time. Besides desert safari, there are numerous adventures in Dubai which you could try.  
It really depends on what type of trip it is. For example, activities would be different for a honeymoon tour to Dubai as opposed to a tour with children. There is something for everyone in this emirate.  
Planning a trip to Dubai? Visit Meta Sky Desert Safari Dubai and read all about the tourist spots in Dubai and more. 
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ourcherokeeinniowa · 1 year
Cherokee Iowa Hotel Booking: What You Must Consider
So you’ve decided to take a trip to the charming town of Cherokee, Iowa. Excellent choice—between the scenic countryside, historic downtown, and nearby attractions like the Sanford Museum and Diamond Jo Casino, you’re in for a real treat. Now comes the important part: booking your hotel. With several options available at different price points, it can be tricky to choose. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’re going to walk you through everything you need to consider to find the perfect place to hang your hat during your Cherokee getaway. From amenities and location to reviews and rates, we’ll explore it all so you can make an informed decision and ensure you have an amazing trip. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be ready to confidently reserve your home base in Cherokee and start planning all the fun in-store. Let’s dive in!
Why Book a Hotel in Cherokee, Iowa?
Why should you book a stay in Cherokee, Iowa? There are so many reasons this charming little town should be on your radar.
First of all, Cherokee sits right along the Little Sioux River, offering gorgeous views and opportunities for outdoor recreation. You can go kayaking, canoeing, tubing, or just sit by the river with a good book. The riverwalk trail is perfect for cycling, walking, or jogging, and you may spot wildlife like turtles, birds, and deer along the way.
Cherokee also has a vibrant downtown with shopping, dining, entertainment, and events going on, especially in the summer. Check out the boutiques, antique stores, and art galleries along Main Street. Or grab a bite to eat at one of the family-owned restaurants featuring homestyle cooking. At night, catch a show at the historic Cherokee Community Theater.
What's more, Cherokee serves as a gateway to some of Iowa's natural wonders. Within 30 minutes, you can be hiking the trails of Stone State Park, boating on Saylorville Lake, or exploring the Loess Hills. It's also an easy drive to Prairie Meadows Casino and Adventureland Park for some family fun.
With its small-town charm, outdoor recreation, and proximity to major attractions, Cherokee has something for everyone. So next time you're planning an Iowa getaway, consider booking a stay in this hidden gem of a town. The hardest part will be deciding what to do first! You certainly won't regret adding Cherokee to your itinerary.
Best Times of Year to Visit Cherokee
The best times to visit Cherokee are definitely the summer and fall months. From June through October, the weather is gorgeous with warm days and cool nights. You'll get to experience all the outdoor activities Cherokee has to offer like hiking, biking, and camping without worrying about rain or snow.
Summer is peak season though, so hotel rates will be higher and attractions more crowded. If bigger crowds aren't your thing, September and October can be a perfect time to visit. The summer heat has faded, the fall foliage is starting to emerge, and you'll miss most of the tourists. It's really the sweet spot for a visit. When booking a hotel during these months, make your reservations at least 2 to 3 months in advance. Many of the popular hotels and motels like the Cherokee Inn fill up quickly, especially on weekends. You'll want to compare rates and amenities to find one that suits you. Don't forget that some hotels offer discounts or packages for longer stays, so you may be able to find good deals on weeklong trips.
If you're on a budget, check some of the motels a few miles outside of town like the Sioux Motel or Arrowhead Motel. They have basic but comfortable rooms at lower rates. You'll only be a short drive from all the attractions, so you can still enjoy everything Cherokee has to offer without paying premium prices.
No matter what time of year you visit or where you decide to stay, a trip to Cherokee, Iowa is sure to be memorable. From scenic landscapes to fun outdoor recreation to an engaging Native American cultural experience, this charming town has something for everyone. Why not start planning your next getaway?
What Amenities to Look for When Booking Cherokee Hotels
When booking a hotel in Cherokee, Iowa, there are certain amenities you’ll want to consider to make your stay as comfortable as possible. After all, the amenities and services a hotel offers can make or break your experience.
Look for hotels that provide free Wi-Fi and parking. In this day and age, internet access is practically a necessity, especially when traveling. And free parking will save you money during your trip. Some hotels may charge up to $20-30 per night for parking, so finding one with complimentary parking is ideal.
Seek out hotels with either an on-site restaurant or included breakfast. Waking up to a hot breakfast or being able to dine in the hotel restaurant for lunch or dinner means you won’t have to venture far if you don’t want to. And the food is often more affordable than nearby restaurants. An on-site bar or lounge is also a nice perk for enjoying a drink in the evening.
Look for additional amenities like a fitness center, swimming pool, hot tub, or business center. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, these facilities allow you to workout relax, or get work done without leaving the hotel. Some hotels may even have amenities like room service, valet parking, and airport shuttle or laundry facilities.
The more amenities a hotel provides the more convenient and enjoyable your stay will likely be. When booking hotels in Cherokee, be sure to check what amenities and services each one offers to find the perfect match for your needs. The ideal hotel for you will make you feel right at home with all the comforts and conveniences you could want during your visit.
How to Get the Best Deals on Cherokee Iowa Hotel Booking
To get the best deals on hotels in Cherokee, Iowa, there are a few tips you should keep in mind.
 ·First, book in advance whenever possible. The earlier you can book your room, the better. Many hotels offer the deepest discounts and best rates when you book at least 2 to 4 weeks ahead of your trip. Some even offer additional perks for booking a month or more in advance.
·Second, be flexible with your dates if you can. Room rates can vary significantly from day to day based on demand and availability. You may be able to save up to 50% just by shifting your trip dates by one or two days in either direction. Weekdays and non-holiday periods typically see the lowest prices.
·Third, search multiple sites to compare rates. Don’t just stick to the hotel’s official website or a single travel site. Do searches on Kayak, Expedia, Travelocity, Priceline, and other hotel booking platforms. Compare the rates you find to make sure you’re getting the best available deal. You may even find additional coupon codes or promo offers to sweeten the savings.
·Finally, don’t be afraid to negotiate. If you find a better rate on a different site or the rate drops after you book, contact the hotel directly to ask if they can match or beat the lower price. Politely explain your situation—many hotels will work with you to keep your business rather than lose you to a competitor. You have nothing to lose by asking and could end up saving an extra 10 to 25% off the initial booking rate.
·By following these helpful tips, you'll be well on your way to scoring the best deals available on comfortable and affordable Cherokee, Iowa hotel rooms. With a little flexibility and patience, you can find rates that won't break the bank so you can enjoy your trip without worrying about the cost.
So there you have it, some key things to keep in mind when booking your perfect Cherokee Iowa hotel getaway. A little planning and research ahead of time will ensure you find lodging that suits your needs and budget. Cherokee has no shortage of accommodation options from rustic cabins and motels to upscale resorts with all the bells and whistles. Focus on location, amenities, and reviews to determine what level of comfort and convenience you want for your stay. Once you make your booking, get ready to soak in the natural beauty and small-town charm this picturesque corner of Iowa has to offer. Your Cherokee adventure awaits!
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kenobei · 1 year
ive always been kinda shy and awkward and overall reserved #finnish so ive never been inclined to showcase my passions and talents which had led to minimal feedback of course and i feel like not generally receiving praise for my creative efforts had made me super jealous when others get it. and like it’s just a feeling i think jealousy is actually natural and valid as long as you don’t be an asshole and recognize it’s a you issue. so i seethe for a while when i see praising comments on someone’s (imo) mediocre fic but keep my mouth shut and go on about my life like one should. anyway it’s hilarious that if i think about the positive feedback i’ve received for my art the first thing that comes to my mind is this camp counselor at my confirmation camp who went absolutely nuts over my painting of the holy spirit. good for you woman whose name i don’t remember glad i could give you that
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Why travel to Nepal
Nepal is a beautiful paradise on earth and has a variety of landscapes, cultures, traditions and friendly people. Nepal is a unique country because it is quiet and gives a sense of calmness. There can be hundreds of reasons why you should visit Nepal, here we bring you the main reasons why you should visit Nepal.
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Beautiful Nature
Nepal has incredible natural gifts. The large geographical and topological landscape divides the country into the Terai, Hilly and Himalayan regions. From lowlands to snow-capped mountains, the climate varies across these regions. There are many large, beautiful flowing rivers, deep lakes, green forests, impressive mountains and high mountains covered with snow. Wherever you are in Nepal, you will be surrounded by the sight of natural beauty. Sunrises and sunsets views can be seen from hill stations like Nagarkot, Sarangkot, Dhulikhel, Daman, and plains like Sauraha (Chitwan National Park). Beautiful nature brings a sense of harmony, peace and tranquility. To discover these beautiful things of Nepal, a tourist can choose a trekking plan, a bus tour or a short trip.
World Heritage Sites            
Nepal has the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu Valley, Lumbini and Chitwan. In the Kathmandu Valley, you can see ancient art and architecture including Patan Durbar Square, Kathmandu Durbar Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square which has been inhabited since the Malla dynasty from the 16th to 18th century.
World Heritage listed temples and stupas are Pashupatinath Temple, Buddhanath Stupa and Swayambhunath Stupa which have been standing since ancient times. They have valuable historical value. There are many temples and other monuments all over Nepal which are sacred and have their own importance. Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha is also listed as a World Heritage Site. It has many ancient temples like Mayadevi Temple and others which are supported by Buddhist groups from different countries.
Other major attractions are World Peace Pagoda, Golden Maynmar Temple, Ashoka Pillar, etc. Therefore, Nepal is the best destination for lovers of history, culture, art and architecture. These legendary tours and sacred places will bring you inner peace and beautiful uplifting experiences. This can be your look at your spiritual journey in Nepal including a heritage side tour.
An Exciting Adventure
Nepal has a very diverse landscape, from the highest mountain in the world (Mount Everest) to the deepest canyon in the world (Kali Gandaki Gorge). No wonder it is a paradise for adventure seekers. Here, you will find activities and games that you like and are good for you.
With 8 of the 10 highest mountains in the world, Nepal is well known as a trekking and mountain destination. Popular trekking destinations are Everest Base Camp Trek, Mustang Trek, Langtang Trek, Tsum Valley and Manaslu Trek etc. You can also travel to places like Nagarkot, Dhulikhel, Kakani, Phulchowki, Nagarjun, Daman, Sarangkot and many more with short journeys and trips.
Apart from tourism, there are many other sports like mountain climbing, rock climbing, rafting, zip line, jungle safari, paragliding, bungee jumping, hot air balloon, skydiving, motorcycling, etc. You can arrange reservations for these games through approved agencies that provide reservation systems and facilities. These are many activities that you can do according to your interest. You can enjoy these activities alongside the beautiful scenery and sights.
Different kinds of animals
Although Nepal has a small land area, it is rich in biodiversity. There are diverse population of birds and other wildlife; Famous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Chitwan and Bardia. You can go for a game drive in these national parks to explore a variety of animals including crocodiles, rare horned rhinos, deer, leopards, bears, wild elephants and Bengal tigers. You can also go bird watching at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Sanctuary. In the north, you can expect wild animals like leopards, seagulls, blue sheep, red pandas, etc. Therefore, you can see different kinds of animals from snow leopards to beautiful butterflies in different parts of Nepal.
Cultural Diversity
Nepal is home to more than 35 different ethnic groups, each with their own beliefs, customs, languages, rituals, food and arts. There are about 123 languages ​​spoken here. The best thing about the culture here is the bright clothes and amazing festivals like Holi, Indra Jatra, Dashain, Teej, Gai Jatra, Indra Jatra, etc. There are also special days where dogs, crows and cows are treated with respect. This is the beauty of Nepalese festivals. People from different religions live together in peace and harmony. By visiting different places here, you will have the opportunity to see and learn about every religious culture. An enriching experience presents a unique place to visit.
Nepalese Food
Nepalese food is still unique despite being influenced by the surrounding countries, China and India. You can't leave without trying its flavors which vary depending on each race. Daal-Bhaat-Tarakari (lentil, rice and vegetable curry) is a common dish in almost every restaurant. Dhindo, yomiuri, katamari, Nepali-Tibetan dishes (momo and thukpa), etc are also other famous Nepalese dishes that are popular among locals, as well as tourists. There are different foods with flavors, aromas and stories.
Friendly People
Nepalese people are very kind and warm. They believe that guests are like God and always welcome them. They always try to make you feel welcome and help whenever needed. They are always smiling and friendly. People are very hospitable, after greeting “Namaste", they will tell their story and their food safely. They love tourists. There is some truth in this saying, you first come to Nepal for the mountains, you come back here for the people.
Nepal is an excellent choice for travelers on a budget. Hotels are reasonably priced and there are plenty of cheap accommodations. Hiking trails and other adventure sports are also reasonable. Your abundant experience and memories are worth the price you spend here.
Nepal is one of the best travel destinations so you should definitely come to Nepal once in your life. It's a great place to travel. It is a place for people of all ages and interests as it has everything to offer, from religious pilgrimages to sporting events. It is not expensive and you can travel quickly and collect a lot of souvenirs in a short time. The best time to visit Nepal is autumn and spring, but there are also many places to visit in winter and rainy season, so Nepal can be visited all year round.
Nepal Tour 10 Days
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solowonderer · 2 years
Major Towns and National Parks of Cameroon with Satguru Tours and Travels
Home to more than 200 different linguistic groups, Cameroon is known all over the world for its native styles of music and successful football team. This country is a popular holiday destination and one should not miss a chance to visit the major towns and national parks of Cameroon with Satguru Tours and Travels. 
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Are you interested in the local art of Cameroon? If the answer is yes, there is no better place than Foumban to explore the artistic capability of this country. Foumban has its roots in the field of arts, music, and architecture from ancient times. This city holds the largest number of Muslims in Cameroon. 
If you understand the culture closely, you will find that Foumban is more like a blend of North and West African cultures with Islamic influences. The major attractions of this city include the Royal Palace, its adjoining museum, and the mosque. So, what are you waiting for? Check a website for flight booking in Cameroon without any delay. 
If you want to witness paradise on earth, visit Kribi. This place in Cameroon is home to beaches stunning with blue sea, white sand, and fresh fish cooked in traditional style in the restaurants lining the seafront. There are several hotels in this region where you can stay at a reasonable price. If you are looking for something to do after spending your day on the mesmerizing beach, you can visit the Chutes de la Lobe waterfalls which are just 8 km south of the town. The cascading waterfalls fall directly into the sea giving a truly memorable sight to anyone witnessing the view. 
One of the fastest developing cities in the western province of Cameroon, Dschang’s population has increased ten times in the past few decades. There are two major centres of cultural importance in this city which includes the Museum of Civilization and the Center le Cinematique. Travel ticket booking in Cameroon is no longer an issue, and you can book your package in this spectacular country without any hassle. 
One can explore the tribal and cultural history of Cameroon at the Museum of Civilization, a place which is still a great learning spot while the Center le Cinematique is all about films. The latter of the two tourist attractions mentioned above have been neglected in recent years. 
Located on the band of the Benue River is the North capital of Cameroon, namely Garoua. Being an industrial hive, this city thrives as a major river port that exports a wide range of commodities including petroleum and animal hides. Corporate travel providers in Cameroon often take their guests on a trip to such places of significance. 
Korup National Park
Spread across a vast area of 126,000 hectares, Korup National Park largely comprises evergreen forests. The resident scientists properly maintain this park taking good care of it. One can spot several species of birds here including hornbills and the rare red-headed rockfowl. 
It is rare but possible that you get to see chimps or elephants here. Access to the roads in the park can be challenging, especially during the wet months when the condition of the road usually deteriorates. If you are planning a hike to the Chimpanzee camp, it would be best if you come prepared as this place is a 7-mile hike from the Mana footbridge. 
Waza National Park
Approximately 180 miles north of Maroua, Waza National Park is situated in the fascinating land of Cameroon. The way this place looks varies from season to season but is always great to explore the country’s vivid and spectacular wildlife including giraffes, hyenas, and elephants. This park allows safari from your own vehicle but you are most likely to need a guide during a trip here. A local guide will help you understand the species and this area better. 
Dja Faunal Reserve
One of the most significant and largest areas of protected rainforest, the Dja Faunal Reserve in Africa consists of 90% unspoiled and conserved forest area. The Dja River flowing through this reserve works as a natural border protecting the place from any outer threat. Home to 107 mammals, the reserve is primarily known for the large variety of primates it has. It would be best if you hire a local guide to explore the area as the place is not easy to access without the help of an expert. 
Mefou National Park
A rehabilitation centre project for apes run by volunteers close to Yaounde, Mefou National Park has a wide range of apes including chimps and gorillas. The friendly and helpful staff of this national park will arrange a guided tour if you ask them. You can easily reach this place if you are travelling from your own vehicle but ensure packing enough food and drink for the whole day because such facilities are limited here. 
Campo Ma’an National Park
Spread across a wide area of 264,000 hectares, Campo Ma’an National Park is one of the most diverse landscapes you might have ever visited. This diverse landscape comprises mountains as well as rainforests and is home to birds, mammals, and sea turtles. You will be amazed to see the number of sea turtles making nests on the beaches here. 
It would be best if you take your own vehicle for a visit to Campo Ma’an National Park and spend a few nights in the nearby hostel located inside the park. One can witness more than 80 species of mammals and 300 bird species coming here from all over the world throughout the year. 
Lavender Garden
This place is going to be a bonus to your amazing trip to Cameroon. Add colours to your life with a trip to the colourful Lavender Garden located in the Cameron Highlands. This place is in full bloom with a wide variety of lavenders including lilacs, mauves, and blue during the month of January. The experts here provide detailed information on the medicinal and therapeutic qualities of lavenders. Along with experiencing the beauty of these flowers here, you can shop lavender-based items and souvenirs available here. 
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Things to Do in Riverside CA
Visitors to Riverside are spoilt for alternative when it explains things to do in Riverside. The city has a good deal of museums, nonetheless there are also positions to unwind and relax. The city has plenty to utilize art enthusiasts, consisting of the Riverside Art Museum, that consists of a different alternative of artwork. The museum is specifically popular with households, thanks to its dinosaur display screen. It is similarly home to 9 acres of industrialized gardens.
Carrying out arts and theater are 2 other popular things to do in Riverside CA. Riverside's Fox Carrying out Arts Center is a Spanish Colonial Revival design theater that in the starting opened in 1929. In 2009, it got a general enhancement. It took a look at the exceptionally extremely first exposing of Chosen the Wind and has in fact thought about that been home to various worldwide and regional artists.
The city is likewise home to historic parks and art centers. Fairmount Park, for example, is a 250-acre park with a 1920s bandshell that is totally complimentary to have a look at. The park is likewise home to the Riverside Art Museum, a non-profit business that has in reality worked thought of that 1929. Its magnificent Spanish Mission-style structures and gardens are a prime example of the city's historical architecture.
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Riverside's Objective Inn District consists of a museum that consists of works by artists from all over the world. The structure go back to 1929 and houses art work by high school students and expert artists alike. The museum also uses absolutely complimentary admission for military workers. The museum is an impressive area to experience the city's history. It similarly includes programs on Riverside's citrus-growing market. If you're preparing to invest a day in Riverside, guarantee to make certain you take a look at the museum.
If you have kids, you can take them to the California Riverside Ballet. It is among the leading things to do in Riverside CA. It has two substantial occasions each year and has the straight-out finest dancers in the area. Organization is similarly active in neighborhood outreach and fundraising events. There are also a variety of other things to do in Riverside CA. You'll never ever do not have fascinating alternatives in this city. The city likewise has really 2 designated city parks, Mount Rubidoux Park and Mount Pisgah.
For outdoors activities, you can raise Moreno Mountain, where you can examine your leg muscles and get remarkable views of Riverside and the Moreno Valley. However, you should make sure while treking on the mountain because there might be people who are doing hazardous things. You can also take a picnic at Riverside Mountain Park, which has picnic tables.
You can similarly take a look at the National Cemetery in Riverside. The cemetery was a basic training camp throughout World War I, nevertheless remained in the future wind up being a tranquil resting location for veterans. Its name comes from an activist who combated versus the channelization of the Santa Ana River. It is a remarkable location to stroll or travel, and it has many tracks that are best for newbies. The park likewise hosts a series of events throughout the year, consisting of an Easter daybreak service.
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Another location to see is the Riverside Steam Train Museum. It's a historic structure that includes a big white cross on top. You can travel its 2.7-mile path to value the spectacular view. You can also take a look at the March Field Air Museum, which is near the March Air Reserve Base. The museum was developed in 1979, and includes more than 80 aircrafts and great deals of artifacts.
Castle Park is another exceptional location to take pleasure in with the whole home. There are 27 journeys in the park, including a roller rollercoaster and a drop tower. There is likewise a video game and a miniature golf course. There are likewise peacocks walking the park. While taking a look at the park, service warranty to take your kids along for some satisfying in the water.
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