#campbell mcgrath
antronaut · 1 year
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What is Research?
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kamreadsandrecs · 8 months
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booksquared · 9 months
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“Maybe the sun has a message for me after all,
a message written in silver intaglio
long after the molten gold of midday fades.”
The Unbroken Figure by Campbell McGrath
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kammartinez · 9 months
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ayeshaannie666wattpad · 10 months
FanFiction on Wattpad...
Autrice: AyeshaAmnie666
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hosts-of-valyria · 2 years
"Elia, Rhaegar and I have books rewritten for everything you do in wars, power, magic and politics and to strengthen alliances Yennefer and to end wars. You and Jon can write your own books. You're such a powerful couple. You five are so successful in life", said Lyanna, Rhaegar and Elia. Yennefer smiled, "oh thank you, that's cool. Oh we're all gonna change a lot. These two worlds are similar. I've never had as much money as I have now. Ciri has never had so much power and money. The adventures have only just begun.
I've never been this powerful before and all this is something more for all of us. You know that Eddard Stark sabotages, manipulates and corrupts everything. I love Jon and he loves me, Jon has given and done enough. Daenerys loves him as a brother and he her as a sister, Geralt loves Jon as a brother. Eddard Stark was never as honorable as everyone thinks you know that perfectly well Lyanna, he wanted to sell you. Your mother wanted to sell you Elia. Jon and Geralt are very similar and could be brothers. I've known Jon for quite a while now, I have known him for many years now, Daenerys and Geralt have known each other for many years now, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon were jealous Eddard Stark wanted King's Landing and he deserved to die he died because of the lack of Sincerity, Eddard Stark didn't die of honor between Lannisters and Baratheons, he was never as honorable as anyone believed, Ned Stark's had a dark side and on this dark side he died, he was a hypocrite he didn't admit mistakes he made", said Yennefer and Lyanna, Elia and Rhaegar nodded, "I've never felt better than now. None of the three of you are to blame for what happened, an ugly realm isn't worth giving you three headaches over, you three did everything right, you did everything right Rhaegar, you are a better man than Emhyr, Ned Stark, Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon or Jon Arryn, father-in-law. You three, Aerys and Rhaella are extremely good, smart and powerful others would kill to get a little advice from you, you five have a good heart no matter what others say or think it's the truth. King's Landing is out of the game. We love you as you are. People say a lot but have no idea about the subject. Ciri is a good person. Daenerys is a good person. Geralt is a good person. Jon is a good person. Yennefer is a good person. Rhaenys is a good person. Something will never quite work out, something will always be left on the way it's all too thin for that, we are in gray territory. It has nothing to do with choosing anything somewhere small apologies have to end and there we are and we broke wheels of power. This world concerns Yennefer, Ciri and Geralt; our world is your concern; hence it is that we all were chosen to do so, it means also Destiny", Jon, Ciri, Daenerys and Geralt nodded, "yes", and Lyanna, Elia, Aerys, Rhaella and Rhaegar hugged Yennefer, Jon, Ciri, Daenerys and Geralt, "we love you."
"I am the happiest girl in all the worlds, I have two fathers and two mothers. I have everything in these two worlds, a lot to do to finally change something. Adventure, Magic, Dragons. I love the four i really do they are so strong, powerful and smart, they're the best. Sometimes I'm naughty and then there's trouble because I want it.
Yennefer Vengerberg-Targaryen and Jon Vengerberg-Targaryen, Geralt Rivia-Targaryen and Daenerys Rivia-Targaryen, Ciri Vengerberg-Targaryen
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Black has always been the color of the sorceress and the Targaryen wolf. The feared Witcher models for his Khaleesi", said Ciri and the five laughed aloud.
"How many people have to die because Eddard Stark backed Robert Baratheon in the Rebellion! This was abuse of power through usurpation, the usurper divided the continent. This is civil war, that's the fault of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark. Iron Throne destroyed for many years, kingdoms in Independence and yet civil war is coming, very impressive Eddard Stark, what a hypocritical asshole. Open war is over Westeros. From north to south the continent is divided because of Eddard Stark. Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark tore the realm apart. He was a Monster the Usurper was a Monster. Robert Baratheon was always the bad guy. The realm is in a thousand pieces because of the fat, stupid, monstrous Storm King. This is high-treason what Eddard Stark committed at Elia, Lyanna and Rhaegar, his betrayal goes deeper than we realize this is Eddard Stark's betrayal during the Rebellion, just because Ned Stark messed with a powerful Sorceress shattered the continent's foundations. He threatened Yennefer to hand Ciri over to Robert Baratheon. Open war across worlds", said Jaime Lannister under Casterly Rock and Myrcella, Joffrey and Tommen and Cersei Lannister nodded, "yes these are now split camps. Robert was a warmonger."
"This is the next level of a Game for Power that Yennefer plays. This is the final stage of a game. None of us can play that. Littlefucker Baelish couldn't play this game. A woman disempowered a man, that's so good.
Jon's fiancee is extremely powerful, they are a dream couple. Jon is so cool. This is so cool. Daenerys and Geralt are a dream couple. I respect that. Ciri is so powerful and cool.
Ned Stark's betrayal goes deeper than imaginable. Robert wasn't just a warmonger, monster, misogynist and thug he was also a hedonist, Eddard Stark knew about Mya and her mother and that Robert didn't give a shit about her and Ned Stark did nothing for Mya's mother.
Eddard Stark betrayed everything and everyone. His betrayal reaches to the very foundations of the continent. Yennefer has almost more money than we have, mum, dad", said Joffrey and Myrcella nodded, "it's right. Eddard Stark meddles in things that are none of his business. He interfered in the internal and external politics of the Crownlands, although that was none of his business. Yennefer, Jon, Geralt, Ciri and Daenerys already have more money than we do."
Cersei smiled, "never has anyone bent the kingdoms so well as Yennefer, Jon, Geralt, Daenerys and Ciri, that was Lyanna, Elia and Rhaegar last when they gave independence. The people of the Stormlands hate Robert Baratheon and tremble at Yennefer's political understanding. The people of the Vale of Arryn tremble before Geralt's and Jon's power.
It's always been about power, Robert Baratheon thought Lyanna, Elia, or I was power and Yennefer, Ciri, Rhaegar, Jon, Elia, Lyanna, Daenerys, Geralt have shown the the kingdoms that they are mightier than them. Never before has someone shown the north the limits and put them in their place in such a cool way, the way Yennefer plays, mighty games of power are played, everything she does is right she had already told him the answer he should have written a book on corruption, Ned Stark licked Robert's boots, that means Ned Stark's dependence on Robert Baratheon and hence corruption it is not at all easy for northern kingdoms to be independent, the Ironborn are attacking the north, Boltons are in open rebellion; on Skagos is open rebellion against House Stark of Winterfell. The north is sparsely populated, has no money, no economy, uncivilized barbarians north of the wall, zombies and countless enemies, an alliance is also required for economy, everything Yennefer does has purpose. Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn wanted to hand Ciri over to Robert Baratheon. This is the intensification of a game for power that Yennefer exercises there is no consequence that Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon are dead she's innocent that they're dead, they did too much wrong. Yennefer disempowered Eddard Stark, a woman disempowered a man completely for his mistakes and dark side that's awesome. This is a game for power. King's Landing is out of the game. Baelish could never play like that, he doesn't have Yennefer's political reach. That's political stability, she's far too cunning and stabil that's a huge political reach, I have no idea about Cintra or Aedirn, she plays way better than I ever could, I would never get into Nilfgaard or Cintra. I would die instantly if I entered Yennefer's world. This is a game like Rhaegar, Lyanna and Elia played during the rebellion when they gave independence. Yennefer knows how power works far better than I do. She plays better than I ever could. She's a lot smarter than me or Sansa it can all be seen where it's going, she's a lot smarter than i could ever be. She is so powerful, i like her games and power, Jon found a wonderful, powerful woman, I respect Yennefer, Jon, Geralt, Daenerys and Ciri. Myrcella, do you want to go to Dorne as a diplomat for a while? I'll take you to the capital, and Lyanna and Elia will take you there", said Cersei and Jaime, Myrcella, Joffrey and Tommen nodded.
•Eddard Stark calls Yennefer witch. Outbreak of Civil war•
Yennefer Vengerberg-Targaryen gives the North a warning, a rubdown and political consequences for supporting Robert Baratheon, drawing a red line, isolating the north on all sides. Yennefer shows Eddard Stark's dark side. House Bolton declares war on House Stark of Winterfell.
House Martell, Targaryen and Stark of King's Landing and the Independent Crownlands, the Independent Dorne, Cintra, Aedirn, Essos, Temeria, Kaedwen, Redania join forces, defense pact of Harrenhal
Yennefer's political stability, tremendous games and power
Eddard Stark gets caught up in the war between Lannisters and Baratheons. The Death of Eddard Stark between Tywin Lannister and Robert Baratheon during the Battle of Storm's End between House Lannister and Baratheon, no political consequences, "that's what he deserves, OFF WITH THE HEAD", roared Lannister and Baratheon soldiers and the head flew in a high arc, "I'm Eddard Stark, I plead guilty to high-treason on my own blood."
•Karma for the role in the Rebellion: Now the truth of what he lied to and manipulated is dawning on Eddard Stark, Eddard Stark's high-treason to Elia Martell, Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen during the Rebellion. Yennefer exposes Eddard Stark's betrayal of Elia Martell, Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen when Eddard Stark was at Robert Baratheon's side•
"You started the shit standing by the usurper's side. Nobody threatens my daughter with war or insults my daughter, Ciri's my and Daenerys' daughter asshole and she will not be sold into political marriages as long as Daenerys, Geralt, Jon and I stand! You knew about Mya and you did nothing for her mother. You don't even know my name. I don't have to give my name out because you don't give a shit. The bad truth hurts, doesn't it, Lord Stark? You lost a sister and a child a long time ago when you gave a fuck about Mya's mother like Robert Baratheon.
I gave you the answer to writing a book on corruption because I was hoping for an apology but you are no more than a good northern lord, you weren't even a good King in the North, you are no better than Robert Baratheon. It's none of your business or Robert Baratheon's business what Jon does. He's my fiancé, i won't let Jon's power be taken away. Ciri is none of your business. Daenerys is none of your business. Geralt is none of your business. Nobody has my story, you don't know me Lord Stark. You are just like Robert Baratheon and it's really sad that a grown man like you behaves like a toddler and complains about how unfair it is you are stuck at level 1 Lord Stark, you are like him, you two are very terrible people you are no better than him you two are one person. You two are no better than my father who sold me like a pig for a handful of coins. You're no better than the son of a bitch Emhyr var Emreis.
You, Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Elia's mother and Emhyr var Emreis can shake hands how to properly treat own sisters and daughters like dog shit", said Yennefer in heavy Aedirn accent.
"That is indecent and not proper. Ciri must marry, she must protect the realm, I give her to Robert Baratheon, Ciri's power belongs to Storm King Robert Baratheon. That's the will of Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon. Robert Baratheon will marry her off to a lord. No will not be tolerated! Rebellious phase will not be tolerated it is indecent she must be docile and submissive and give birth to children. I'll teach you discipline and order, vicious witch. The south must listen to what I say, y'all must be submissive. My will! My will! My will. I make no mistakes I'm perfect, be submissive evil witch you must die I will disempower you, the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword I'm perfect. Robert Baratheon will teach you two evil, whoring witches manners until you're half dead in the corner. I said be submissive there's only my will. MY WILL! MY WILL", roared Eddard at Yennefer like a stupid child. Yennefer spat in his face and kicked him between the legs and everyone laughed aloud over Eddard, "and here you see a hypocritical, lying, manipulative pig."
Ciri, Yennefer, Lyanna, Elia, Rhaegar, Jon, Geralt, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Aegon, Triss and Tissaia laughed aloud, "You are the bad guy you are showing your true colors right now, you are manipulating and a hypocrite. You can wait a long time for us to be submissive."
"Come here asshole and we'll kill you with our own hands", Geralt and Jon jumped up but Triss, Elia, Lyanna, Aerys, Ciri and Yennefer stopped them from punching Eddard in the muzzle, "calm down."
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Beware of the wild dragon, careful the dragon is free your own fault when you start that shit
Aerys, Rhaegar and Rhaella jumped up from their chairs and roared like wild dragons,"Get out. Run to Robert Baratheon and snitch you're good at it. If you're good at one thing, it's snitching.
Commander Hightower, Ser Thorne, Ser Dayne, Ser Selmy, Ser Martell, throw Eddard Stark out of King's Landing", Aerys, Rhaella and Rhaegar jumped up and roared across the room like wild dragons that Eddard flinched even Rhaenys, Elia, Lyanna, Daenerys, Ciri, Jon, Geralt and Yennefer's knees wobbled at the roar of dragons and the people cheered and applauded.
Aerys, Rhaegar, Elia, Lyanna and Rhaella glared at Eddard, "careful Lord Stark."
The roar pounded the room like a thunderbolt, "Get out of our city or you're a dead man. Leave the girls alone or you're a dead man count on it then you can watch the flowers sprout from below", Lyanna, Ciri, Dany, Triss, Rhaella and Elia smiled, "So strong."
Lewyn Martell, Alliser Thorne, Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower and Arthur Dayne grabbed Eddard Stark.
Verily I say unto you, the era of the sword and axe is nigh, the era of the wolf's blizzard. The Time of the White Chill and the White Light is nigh, the Time of Madness and the Time of Contempt: Tedd Deireádh, the Time of End. The world will die amidst frost and be reborn with the new sun. It will be reborn of Elder Blood, of Hen Ichaer, of the seed that has been sown. A seed which will not sprout but burst into flame.
• Prelude to World War, Prologue to World War •
War Culprits Eddard Stark, Emhyr var Emreis, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister
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Attack on Jon and Geralt north of the wall by paid Baratheon soldiers.
House Baratheon declares war on Aedirn
Attack on Yennefer, Rhaenys and Ciri in the Riverlands by mercenaries.
Attack on Daenerys Targaryen by Baratheon Knights in Essos
Attack on Yennefer of Vengerberg, Ciri, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Targaryen, Geralt of Rivia and Rhaenys Targaryen, Ciri's girlfriend, through Baratheon soldiers on the orders of Robert Baratheon, attack on Dignity, Equality and Freedom through Eddard Stark, Misogyny against Yennefer, Rhaenys and Triss, Fiancee of Daario Merigold-Naharis by Eddard Stark. Misogyny against Yennefer, Daenerys, Ciri, and Triss by Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, and Hoster Tully: Triss Merigold-Naharis and the Circle of Sorceresses vs. Eddard Stark. Eddard Stark calls Triss Merigold, Daenerys Stormborn, Rhaenys Targaryen, Ciri and Yennefer of Vengerberg vicious witches.
Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully and Robert Baratheon threaten Essos, Dorne, the Crownlands, Aedirn, Cintra, Kaedwen, Nilfgaard, Temeria, Redania to deprive of liberty: Outbreak of World War•
"Lord Stark you bring World War you and Robert Baratheon. Yennefer has already destroyed you Lord Stark. You bring open war across worlds Lord Stark. Once you step out of the capital, you're a dead man for your mistakes. You don't understand you can't go to Winterfell. Yennefer is innocent you made too many mistakes", said Daenerys, Lyanna, Jon, Rhaegar, Aerys, Arthur Dayne, Oberyn, Aegon, Rhaenys, Elia, Ciri, Triss and Tissaia.
Yennefer laughed aloud.
"I will not watch a power imbalance develop because you make yourself more important than Lyanna, Daenerys, Elia, Rhaegar, Geralt, Ciri, Jon, Rhaenys and me. Do you actually know what kind of damage a power imbalance can do? Power imbalance causes foundations of continents to crumble. Everyone is replaceable Lord Stark you too Motherfucker!
I won't let anyone humiliate me or Daenerys and disempower! I like it when men like you beg Lord Stark. I will not be humiliated by you, Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Boltons, mercenaries or any barbarian before I will play basketball with your miserable life before that happens I wipe the floor with you. Ciri never lets herself be humiliated. Before I'm disempowered, I'll unleash pitch black magic. and take away from you every basis of life, careful what you wish Lord Stark it might come true and then you are ruined. I once created a magical orgy, do you know what the secret was? The people in this room wanted this orgy, they were hypocrites and liars like you, Robert Baratheon or Tywin Lannister", said Yennefer and Lyanna, Geralt, Daenerys, Elia, Ciri, Jon, Rhaegar, Aerys, Rhaella and the People applauded loudly.
I have disempowered you Lord Stark, you should never have had power. You have abused power and committed high-treason. As soon as you step out of the capital, you're dead. Once you leave King's Landing you're a dead man, I see where you will die. I want to tell you that you are a very terrible person, I have even worse words in mind for you. I loathe you with all my heart, many who live deserve to die and many who die deserve to live. You and Robert Baratheon deserve to die. I am one of your countless enemies.
You can't go to Winterfell. You lack sincerity Lord Stark. Do you actually know what sincerity is? Honesty and sincerity this is not the same. Have you ever used the word honor before? Admitting and owning up to your imperfections and ignorance, King's Landing was built by House Targaryen and not through Northerners, asshole!
Your legacy is a lie Lord Stark. The rebellion is a lie. I've seen People like you and I don't even remember the names, do you know what happened to them, they ended up alone because nobody wanted anything to do with it anymore and you are alone. I don't watch Geralt suffer.
When Daenerys, Lyanna or Elia are evil then so are Geralt, Triss, Rhaenys, Ciri, Arianne Martell, Ashara Dayne, Allyria Dayne, Olenna Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell, Rhaegar, Aegon, Jon, Barristan Selmy, Arthur Dayne and I. The true villain is Robert Baratheon. When Rhaegar, Lyanna and Elia deserve to die, we all deserve it too. Daenerys, Ciri and I belong to Geralt and Jon. When I deserve death, then Sansa Stark deserves it too", said Yennefer and the People applauded loudly.
I'm not watching Daenerys and Jon fight because you stand at Robert Baratheon's side Lord Stark. Daenerys is good the way she is. Jon, Rhaenys and Aegon would have been dead for your support for Robert Baratheon. Jon is more like Rhaegar than he knows, King's Landing is Jon's home. Rhaenys and Daenerys are more like Rhaegar than they know. Aegon is similar to Lyanna and Elia", said Yennefer and Lyanna, Rhaenys, Ciri, Geralt, Elia, Jon, Rhaegar and Daenerys nodded.
"You have lost Lord Stark and because of you Lord Stark there will be a world war. Thank you for nothing Lord Eddard Stark. I hated you at first sight, everyone is replaceable Lord Stark, everyone, you are not needed Lord Stark. Aegon, Jon and Geralt are brothers. Ciri and I are not watching Calanthe's Kingdom suffer from you, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully and Robert Baratheon. I'm not watching Vengerberg suffer. I'm not watching the fall of Kaer Morhen", said Yennefer in heavy Aedirn accent like a snake.
"Jaime, Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella and Cersei Lannister said it: realms, kingdoms, two worlds are at war because of you and Robert Baratheon. Jaime Lannister and Olenna Tyrell said it: you and Robert Baratheon brought civil war. You're the culprit you are a warmonger like Robert Baratheon.
Daenerys is my sister we are far too alike, Daenerys and I are one person, Geralt and Jon are one person. Daenerys and I could be sisters, Geralt and Jon could be brothers.
You Lord Stark will end up alone like Robert Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Euron Greyjoy, Jon Arryn, your brother Brandon, Benjen and father Rickard, Hoster Tully. Jon's and my relationship is none of your business and I'll tell you something, Geralt, Jon, Ciri, Daenerys and I wish you dead.
I will not watch Geralt, Jon and Aegon clash because Robert Baratheon was a warmonger. I will always love Geralt for what he did; I will always love Jon for what he has done. Daenerys will always love Geralt for what he has done; Daenerys will always love Jon for what he did. Geralt and Jon belong to Daenerys, Ciri and me. We belong to them. Daenerys is a good woman, anyone who says otherwise is lying or manipulating", said Yennefer and spat in Eddard's face and Elia, Jon, Ciri, Rhaegar, Geralt, Aerys, Triss and Lyanna nodded and Daenerys and Jon hugged each other. Jon and Daenerys hugged each other, "i'm sorry."
Yennefer wanted to do drugs but Daenerys, Ciri, Geralt and Jon stopped her. Arianne, Allyria, Daenerys, Rhaegar, Ashara, Elia and Lyanna threw the drugs away, "this shit should never have been invented. Away with that shit. No honey", Yennefer cried loudly in Jon's arms.
"It's ok."
Daenerys stopped Yennefer. Geralt and Yennefer hugged, "I'm sorry."
"It's OK."
"Now hug each other and talk to each other. We five need to talk", said Ciri and Yennefer, Jon, Geralt and Daenerys nodded.
"I don't fuck losers like you", said Yennefer and Triss, "Haven't you sprayed down in the stinky fish from Riverrun enough times you have five children you little bunch of shit and your, Emhyr var Emreis, Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, Hoster Tully and Tywin Lannister's cum isn't needed pillow fucker, you're worth nothing you puny creatures are good for nothing", said Yennefer, Oberyn, Lyanna, Elia, Ciri and Triss and the People applauded loudly and Eddard started crying and everyone laughed aloud over Eddard, "Insult Triss and I'll punch you in the face. Call her a whore again and I'll beat you up", Daario yelled half-mad but Rhaegar, Jon and Geralt stopped him.
"I promise you one thing Lord Stark, I'll raze Winterfell to the ground, Yennefer and I should have done it much sooner. I should have leveled it the first time I saw it with the shit that's coming out your snout. Pull yourself together or we'll capture you if you ever come back to King's Landing", said Triss and Geralt, "You are no better than Ciri's biological father, Emhyr var Emreis, who blames others first who always blamed Ciri's grandmother Calanthe and her mother Pavetta while he was the one who brought war. As soon as you open your ugly snout, all that comes out is bullshit, hypocrisy, manipulation and lies you little bunch of shit. Shut up asshole, the one who cuts off boys' heads on the executioner's block and you call it honor chopping off boys' turnips in the name of Robert Baratheon. If you have no idea about anything Lord Stark you should shut up. You and your misogynistic friend that you want to fuck in the ass in your hypocritical honor you little motherfucker", said Triss and Jaskier, "You, Jon Arryn, Tywin Lannister and the three Baratheon brothers are no better than Nilfgaard's smelly bastard Emhyr var Emreis who lets children be killed in the cradle because infanticide moves mountains you hypocritical child killers, you stinking war criminals dividing continents in civil war and massacre cities. I'll punch you in the muzzle when you don't shut up", said Yennefer, Barristan Selmy, Ashara Dayne, Gerold Hightower, Oberyn, Aegon, Arthur Dayne, Jaskier, Triss, Tissaia, Rhaenys, Jon, Geralt, Rhaegar, Lyanna, Elia, Daenerys, Ciri and the People in the room applauded loudly, Eddard didn't say a word.
An epic clash: Daenerys Targaryen vs. Emhyr var Emreis, Ciri's biological father and killer of Pavetta.
Infanticide / The attack on equality and freedom / Political Marriages / Fear / Warmongering / Manipulation / Lies / Corruption / Usurpation / Abuse of Power / Misogyny / High-Treason / The sale of own daughters and sisters / The Lack of Sincerity / Hypocritical Honor / Civil War / War criminals / Hypocrisy: Two sisters Yennefer and Daenerys vs. The hypocrite from Winterfell: He's no better than Emhyr var Emreis
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"It's a wonder Elia, Jon, Lyanna, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Aegon or Rhaegar haven't gone mad over pigs like you I would have lost my mind long ago at the bullshit you spew. But I know why, they created a kingdom according to their own ideas and wishes the Crownlands and Dorne are better than the rest of Westeros. Get out there and die because I'm two sizes too big for you, believe me Ciri, Daenerys, Geralt, Jon and I will outlive Sansa. I'm way too smart for you, Sansa, Cersei, or Lysa Arryn I'm way too strong in power or politics.
You made yourself a god when you backed Robert Baratheon you have summoned open war. You had the choice to end it with Robert Baratheon, several warned you, I warned you not to use hypocritical honor, corruption and abuse of power. Try again and I'll make you the laughing stock of the continent. I always win Lord Stark, I'm way too smart for you it's not my fault you're going to die now i'm innocent, it's your own fault. Farewell Lord Stark. May your head always roll well. Whoever starts a feud with me and my daughter will regret it. I won't let a lying, hypocritical dick disempower me. You should never have had power. Feud is over and you lost. You, Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister will burn in hell. I only see one bastard here and that's you Lord Eddard Stark. Yennefer Vengerberg-Targaryen sends her regards Lord Stark, you can greet Emhyr var Emreis from me, Jon, Ciri, Triss, Jaskier, Tissaia, Daenerys and Geralt when you, Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister see him in...HELL. TO HELL WITH YOU CUNTS THAT'S WHERE YOU BELONG", said Yennefer in heavy Aedirn accent and Eddard Stark cried and walked away alone and everyone laughed aloud over Eddard as he went away.
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"This woman wiped the floor with me. I am disempowered. Fuck I shouldn't have messed with her, that went haywire. Damn it. Jon's fiancée completely exposed and destroyed me for my mistakes, that will doom the North forever because of my mistakes", thought Eddard Stark as he rode to Storm's End.
"War criminal, high-traitor. This is open war with open visors. You brought open war upon worlds Lord Stark. Out of King's Landing. I banish you, your brothers, your children, Jon Arryn, Lysa and Robin Arryn, Stannis and Renly Baratheon, Peter Baelish, Yohn Royce, Robin Arryn, the King in the North Robb Stark, Hoster Tully, Howland Reed, Catelyn Tully from the Crownlands forever, should you come back you will be hanged for Betrayal of Elia Martell, Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. The North will never again sit in political councils, the North will never again receive goods from the South, and the port of White Harbor will be blockaded", said Yennefer as Eddard left the Red Keep and Arthur Dayne, Jon, Geralt, Ciri, Lyanna, Elia, Ashara, Rhaegar, Barristan Selmy and Gerold Hightower nodded.
"Ah Rickard Stark and his three lying sons, lame in spirit and quick to anger when something doesn't suit them.
Do you actually know Lord Stark what that means: Love is sweet but it cannot change a man's nature. It means in other words Robert Baratheon gives all sorts of venereal diseases. Elia, Lyanna, Cersei and Ashara are smart enough to see it", said Yennefer and Ashara and Elia, Ciri, Jon, Geralt and Lyanna nodded.
"As I said, with puny creatures like you, I wipe the floor without making an effort. Elia, Lyanna, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Aegon, Jon, Rhaegar, Geralt, Ciri, Ashara and I play games with you all you will never get there, no one can see through it. You are a terrible person do you actually know that, your lies, manipulation and hypocrisy stinking like pig shit. You call me a power-hungry witch but put on a stupid, ugly, astonished face when I roll your hypocritical manipulation in your muzzle. Do you actually know what you are Lord Stark? You are a high-traitor to Elia, Lyanna and Rhaegar that's why you die you're a high-traitor at your own blood, that's your own fault people are dying because of you and Robert Baratheon. You two divided the continent in civil war, your legacy means nothing Lord Stark I will erase the name Eddard Stark forever. It's over, the debt for your part in the rebellion is paid. You were king in the north because of Lyanna, Elia and Rhaegar and you were a mangy king. The kingdoms have Independence because of Rhaegar, Elia and Lyanna.
Everyone sees that Eddard Stark was never honorable and has a tremendous dark side I will wipe out you, your lying brothers Benjen and Brandon and stinking father Rickard for what you have done.
I warned you several times and you didn't hear, I told you. It's your fault alone surprise motherfucker when you suddenly have to realize that the legacy is worth nothing for the own bullshit you have mortified. I see what's at the end I know exactly where this is going in the independent kingdoms and I'd love to see that, you have nothing to do with it. Elia, Lyanna, Rhaegar, Jon, Geralt, Ciri, Daenerys, Rhaenys and I know what's in the end and that's a long way off. You're not as smart as you think you are, I'm smarter than you, Sansa, Robb, Cersei or Catelyn.
Karma is a bitch Lord Stark. Karma fucks everyone motherfucker. Karma believes in you. You should have thought about who you were messing with beforehand. High-traitor at Elia, Lyanna and Rhaegar. High-traitor at the own Blood. Your death means nothing your insight comes a little too late. Like I said, you should have written a book on corruption for licking Robert Baratheon's boots: A long night in the ass of a heartless monster of Storm's End. Farewell Lord Stark, you, Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister will burn in hell for what you have done. Burn in hell! Next up is Jon Arryn, the Littlefucker Baelish and your lying brother Brandon."
Culprits: Eddard Stark, Tywin Lannister and Robert Baratheon
House Lannister declares war the North. The North declares war on House Lannister and Baratheon. House Greyjoy declares war on the North. The death of Robert Baratheon: Storm King Robert Baratheon inflicts defeat on Tywin Lannister but is wounded against the better Lannister armies and dies by a boar, no political consequences. The Death of Tywin Lannister through Tyrion Lannister after the defeat against Robert Baratheon, no political consequences
Yennefer sat on Jon's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, "let's go to Vengerberg for a while with Ghost, we have something to do. Ciri and Rhaenys are busy on Dragonstone for some months and Dany and Geralt are going to Essos for a few weeks. We can do so much", Jon smiled and nodded, "Sounds good."
The death of Emhyr var Emreis in Nilfgaard, dissolution of the Nilfgaard Empire
Dorne, the Crownlands, Aedirn, Essos, Cintra, Temeria come very close to the north. Yennefer mops the floor with Eddard Stark. Yennefer's disgust and hatred of Eddard Stark. Yennefer of Vengerberg exposes Eddard Stark's hypocrisy and lies: "It's all hypocrisy and lies, it's not honor, it's just manipulation. That's a hypocritical pig. I hate him so much. He started it, he started the feud with me, he wants war with me, I'm innocent. He wants war with me then I will let him die", said Yennefer and Ciri, Jon, Geralt and Daenerys nodded.
"You should write a book about corruption Lord Stark how does that sound to your ears while kissing a heartless Usurper's ass that would definitely be the absolute hit I can already see the title in front of me: The Long Night in Robert Baratheon's Ass, I think I'll pass that on to the citadel then you can set yourself up for war with Oldtown and I'll let you die between Lannisters and Baratheons. Hypocritical, lying pack get out of my sight motherfucker, this game is too big for you I wipe the floor with puny fellows like you who cut boys' heads off on the block and call it honor, hypocritical asshole. I give you my word, I will destroy you. Out of King's Landing and rat it out to Robert Baratheon you're good at ratting. I have too much political reach and am politically too powerful and stable. Oh one more thing you gotta protect me I'm your sister's daughter in law if you don't you'll be guilty of warmongering so be careful what you do", said Yennefer in heavy Aedirn accent from the table where the Iron Throne once stood.
Lyanna, Ciri, Aerys, Rhaenys, Rhaella, Elia, Ashara and Rhaegar fell off their chairs laughing, Geralt, Aegon, Jon choked on beer and laughed aloud, the people in the room laughed aloud over Eddard. Eddard didn't make a meter, "i don't protect you", Yennefer smiled, "oh ok then the north will never sit in political councils again, your fault. Ok then I'll have you captured when you come to the Crownlands again because then it's a declaration of war. This is politics and power Lord Stark! You think you're clever, i'm smarter. You messed with me, not the other way around! Jon, Geralt, take the sword from Lord Stark. Ciri, Daenerys and I wipe the floor with puny creatures like you."
Geralt, Jon and Ciri took Eddard's sword away. Lyanna, Elia and Rhaegar jumped up and roared loudly that Eddard flinched, "Out", Aegon, Viserys, Aerys, Jon, Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower and Geralt jumped up and Eddard walked away alone and everyone laughed aloud. Rhaegar, Lyanna, Elia and Vesemir hugged the five, "we are very proud of how you do all this and how successful you are", Geralt, Jon, Yennefer, Daenerys and Ciri smiled, "thanks."
I didn't want to be a fighter i just wanted to be free. I didn't make mistakes, the Iron Throne is destroyed, the kingdoms have Independence, only we write world history. It's the fault of Tywin Lannister, Emhyr var Emreis, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon when the sky crushes down on them, they brought madness, stupidity and civil war. We are the semblance of the last, mightiest alliance, we're equal. We're the Gatekeeper of an endless war, we're the Weapon and the Key, and what are you? Yeah what are you? Yeah what are you. We're the best. We always win, we are the most powerful and the smartest. We're the strongest side. We wash our hands in innocence
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"What you could have, this alliance, something more, balance, something powerful and epic": Freida Pinto as Elia Martell, Kaya Scodelario as Allyria Dayne, Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg, Freya Allan as Ciri Vengerberg, Emily Ratajkowski as Arianne Martell, Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia, Aisling Franciosi as Lyanna Stark, Wilf Scolding as Rhaegar Targaryen, Jason Isaacs as Aerys Targaryen, Diane Kruger as Rhaella Targaryen, Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen, Eddie Eyrie as Gerold Hightower, Luke Roberts as Arthur Dayne, Stanley Weber as Barristan Selmy, Katie Mcgrath as Ashara Dayne, Kit Harington as Jon Targaryen, Bruna Marquezine as Rhaenys Targaryen, Jamie Campbell Bower as Aegon Targaryen, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen
"I was born a fighter, gatekeeper of an endless war where Justice and Revenge are dishes best served warm. Where the lines between right and wrong don't exist anymore. I'm judge, jury, executioner. I'm the weapon that hands out the sentence: I'm the Last thing you'll ever see. But I didn't want to be a fighter, i just wanted to be free."
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il-contessino-tucci · 2 years
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mahoganygold213 · 1 year
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Naomi Campbell @2023 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Radhika Jones Wearing: Schiaparelli
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fandom · 2 years
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Taika Waititi went up +69 this year. Nice.
Queen Elizabeth II
Joseph Quinn
Andrew Garfield
Tom Holland +3
Chris Evans -3
Taika Waititi +69
Oscar Isaac +32
Robert Pattinson +44
Misha Collins -5
Tobey Maguire
Joe Keery
Zendaya +7
Sebastian Stan -10
Jensen Ackles -9
Elon Musk +22
Pedro Pascal -15
Chris Pine
Rhys Darby
Neil Gaiman
Henry Cavill -12
Florence Pugh +20
Maya Hawke
Chris Pratt +12
Will Smith
Alex Hirsch +55
Johnny Depp +24
Kit Connor
Mads Mikkelsen -10
Ewan McGregor +28
Tom Hiddleston -24
Sadie Sink
Hayden Christensen
Dana Terrace
Hailee Steinfeld +29
Timothee Chalamet -11
Joey Batey +59
Matt Smith
Tom Sturridge
Dylan O’Brien +8
Katie McGrath -25
Joe Locke
Finn Wolfhard
Alfred Molina
Keanu Reeves -8
Noah Schnapp
Benedict Cumberbatch -4
Zoë Kravitz
Hugh Dancy -22
David Tennant -21
Elizabeth Olsen -33
Hayao Miyazaki +10
Natalia Dyer
Apo Nattawin
Charlie Cox
Tom Hardy -24
Paul Dano
Jamie Campbell Bower
Mile Phakphum
Jodie Whittaker
Sydney Sweeney
Chris Rock
Chris Hemsworth -22
Alexa Demie
Ryan Reynolds
Nichelle Nichols
Marilyn Monroe -17
Amber Heard
Barry Keoghan
Natalie Portman
Harvey Guillén
Selena Gomez
David Jenkins
Con O’Neill
Christopher Eccleston
Tessa Thompson +15
Simone Ashley
Jonathan Bailey
Jodie Comer +7
Walker Scobell
Bella Hadid -22
Wang Yibo -54
Betty White
Scarlett Johansson -58
Anne Hathaway
Emma Watson -9
Millie Bobby Brown
Jared Padalecki -76
Ana De Armas +3
Xiao Zhan -60
Oliver Stark -23
Bible Wichapas
Prince William
Angelina Jolie
Toby Fox
Jack Black
John Mulaney -84
Michael Sheen -42
Blake Lively
Ryan Guzman
Anya Taylor-Joy -68
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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firstfullmoon · 2 years
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Campbell McGrath, from “Storm Valediction,” in The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing [ID in alt text]
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
more favourite poems
ron padgett collected poems: "how long"
donald justice collected poems: "there is a gold light in certain old paintings..."
rita ann higgins witches in the bushes: “be someone”
frank lima incidents of travel in poetry
campbell mcgrath nox borealis
ha jin a distant center: "all you have is a country"
jack underwood war the war
kit schluter pierrot's fingernails: "bad faith"
angela mao theme and variations on ai weiwei's "dropping a han dynasty urn"
lilly bechtel the shape of grief
simon shieh act i
c.d. wright steal away: new and selected poems: "everything good between men and women"
stephen dobyns name-burning
dan vera speaking wiri wiri: “small shame blues”
hannah srajey the lamppost glows orange in the daytime
deborah landau the uses of the body: "september"
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booksquared · 1 year
The Unbroken Figure
The Unbroken Figure by Campbell McGrath
Why perpetuate myths about fig leaves and apples when we ourselves are the garden— and the serpent’s tongue and the unforgiving god
and the naked bodies we have no choice, as with the knowledge that would clothe them in reverent obscurity, but to desire?
What calls us here, what carries us across the threshold into existence, what breathes life into a handful of dirt and casts it staggering along the orbit of its fate?
Maybe the sun has a message for me after all, a message written in silver intaglio long after the molten gold of midday fades.
I stand abased before its annunciation, this light that carries itself like a herald from the king, acknowledging its command to waste nothing,
never to misstrike the chisel, to make of each rough block some essential shape, of each page a poem fateful as a star.
Make it beautiful and true, that’s all, that’s all. I’ve done what I can— take these words, plant them, and tell me
if an apple tree grows there.
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ltalaynareor · 4 months
Personnages de " La secrétaire " avec les acteurs qui pourraient les représenter.
Attention vous pouvez vous faire votre propre idée 😉
Aro : Michael Sheen
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Marcus Volturi : Christophe Heyerdahl
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Caïus Volturi : Jamie Campbell Bower
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Sulpicia Volturi : Eva Green
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Didyme Volturi : Katie Mcgrath
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Athénodora Volturi : Emily Blunt
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Et enfin grâce à l'IA, oui toujours.
Althéiana Swan :
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textbye · 1 year
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Part 2
Photographer: Steven Meisel
Stylist: Lori Goldstein
Models: Anouck Lepere, Liya Kebede, Christy Turlington, Carolyn Murphy, Linda Evangelista, Anne Catherine Lacroix, Stella Tennant, Carmen Kass, Jacquetta Wheeler, Karen Elson, Caroline Ribeiro, Valerie Sipp, Erin Wasson, Liberty Ross, Hannelore Knuts, Bridget Hall, Mariacarla Boscono, Maria Carmen Hillestad, Ann Oost, Trish Goff, Amanda Moore, Gisele Bundchen, Devon Aoki, Natasha Vojnovic, Naomi Campbell, Shalom Harlow, Meggie Rizer, Marisa Berenson, Zuzana Macasova, Stephanie Seymour, Donna Mitchell
Make-Up: Pat McGrath
Hair: Sally Hershberger
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