#can I get one nice Latina . can we not be bitches 4 one second. i am tired of the lacienega treatment
glitterhoof · 11 months
okay thinking about paulina again why did they do that to her.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH - A Russian Alien in Detroit
This one is a little more rushed, but I wanted to introduce Artyum and Val before I proceeded to mess around with any more of my androids.
The DBH fandom needs just as many interesting and fun human ocs as it has awesome android ocs!
    In all of his 2 years of experience living in America, Artyum found that everything was kind of the same as his home city in Russia.
It stank of pollution and the people sucked ass, although very often he found that being so rude didn't do him any favours.
Or maybe just being a foreigner already screwed him up big time. He couldn't decide which one was it just yet...
    On arrival he'd been fresh out of uni, with his engineering degree still holding that pleasant new smell, and his hair being cut short and beard trimmed to perfection.
His grandmother had always told him first impressions mattered when going to a job interview, and applying for an apprenticeship at Cyberlife in America meant that he had to be careful with how he spoke, dressed and worked.
Perfect and efficient were what she'd told him to go for. Never less.
His father in turn, had told him to be better than that, so as to show the Americans how Russians got shit done. Honestly, he'd tried.
But when you're Russian and your country is having a dick measuring contest with the one you're supposed to live in for work reasons, you can kiss the simplicity of a nice life goodbye.
His superiors had hated him for being a “Commie” spy, and they'd all treated him like a trash fire for looking older than he really was.
Genetics were a bitch, and the male side of the family all reached 6’ in their early 20s.
He was 21 and built like a bear.
The chief engineer who was a pretentious jackass with the self-confidence of a worm, really didn't like that in particular.
Apparently being outsized, outweighed and outsmarted by a 21 year old graduate, was a personal blow to his fragile ego.
Really there was nothing, short the food and work, that got a tiny bit of pleasure out of his stay in the country.
And then working in the engineering department, testing the newly built androids, became less fun and more nerve-wracking.
    Everyone in his department knew about the “Defects”. The androids that just didn't come out working as they should.
His supervisor told him that he should flag any of the 'droids that just bugged out and acted up weirdly, but honestly?
Something just never felt right about it when he did it. A sort of gut feeling that had nothing to do with the sugar glazed donuts and redbull he'd had for lunch.
And then, being the curious idiot that he was, Artyum Kutznekov just started really paying attention to his tasks, rather than punching in his card and disassociating for the day until his shift ended.
The false bliss he'd felt over working his “dream job” had come crushing down when it really clicked what he was doing.
The “Defects” weren't so much as glitching androids as they were aware.
And not just a simulation gone wrong. They were scared, and it was REAL.
    Artyum wasn't that clean shaven nerdy boy anymore. He wasn't sucking up to Cyberlife and it's corporate vampires. He'd quit, sent a letter home, got a lecture back and then said fuck it to everything.
He became an official citizen of the United States and moved into some shitty hellhole of an apartment, right above some Brazilian couple that fought every night and then fucked their brains out at 4 am. The above tenant was nice, an old Scottish grandmother who'd greeted him with a beer and a few words.
 “Welcome to the most culturally diverse part of Detroit. We get all the immigrants here.”
 “Is that good or bad?” He'd asked.
 “Russian. Tsk tsk… Lose the thick accent and ya might not get shot in an alleyway.”
 “Would be much better than to live in America anyway...”
 “That's the spirit lad. You'll fit right in.”
She hadn't been kidding.
There were a lot of people with different ethnic backgrounds in the apartment and they weren't all that bad.
One of them, Val, was a young 19 year old latina who lived in the basement floor.
No parents, no other relatives, just her and her android dog, Regi.
She was as smart and cunning as a fox and had the tongue of a sailor. Nana Agnes scolded him for giving the kid vodka sometimes.
It kind of paid off that he'd befriended her in the end, after Sergei came into his turbulent life.
 “So, couple of custom parts and something to help save his skin?” The girl grimaced “Sugar, you're really killing my buzz here. That android is fuuuucked.”
 “Tell me something new...I know it is a difficult task, but I am being at...At wits end. Repairing is easy, yes? But customizing to fit older model is your bread and...and.” he paused, clicking his tongue for a second of annoyance as he tried to recall the proper term.
 “Butter. My bread and butter, which requires pay.” Val rolled her eyes. “I swear, you're a heck of a fuckin’ dictionary Artie, but how can ya remember the precise name of biocomponents and shit, if you can't remember how to say butter or even spork?”
 “I studied! Manuals have all information on complex parts, but they do not come with information on what one is to put in toast!” He pouted. “Also combining spoon and fork is most stupid thing I have ever been told! There are different utensils for reason!”
 “Oh my god Art you're killing me.” Val smirked “And fiiine. I'll get you those parts, but ooonly if you let me tweak the voice box for Sergei.”
 “You are enabler though! You will give him annoying voice that will get on my nerves!” he'd complained.
 “Hey! Sergei's all about dat sweet sweet gay culture. If he wants a super funny and cute nasally voice, let my boi have one! Bitches gotta go all out my dude!”
 “I swear I do not know why we are friends.”
 “Cuzz I'm such a charmer, and you're bored of hearing Marcello's and Joana's soap opera dramas every morning.”
 “Becoming listener of their activities was not a choice.” He reminded her.
 “And the term you're looking for there, is vouyer~”
 “I am not a vouyer!!!”
 “No, but you're a big hairy dude that lives with a gay robot that's missing several limbs and a lot of screws.”
 “You make it sound very questionable.”
 “I build custom vaginas and dicks for androids that can't consent, while knowing that there are living ones fighting for their rights in this shit show of a city. Life's fucked. Let me have fun at the expense of my Russian bear neighbour and his twinky android roommate.”
 “I will drink to that.” he replied as he took both their glasses for a refill.
 “Yeah could sure do with another drink. To our shitty weird as fuck life.”
 “Like God would condone any of this, lol.”
    America wasn't all that great, neither was Russia really, and honestly Artyum had chosen a poor time to move into Detroit, but hey...
If he hadn't died in some alleyway because of hate crimes, then he was surely not gonna die because of what was up with the city and it's "Deviancy problems".
If he did, at least then he'd die knowing he wouldn't have to get shot at the grocery store for having a thicker accent than people were comfortable with.
Until then he was content with repairing Sergei. The PL600 sure could use a helping hand after he'd been put through, whatever the fuck his twisted owner had done to him before Artyum found him in pieces.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Pick Up Pick Up (Courtney x Valentina) - Stephanie/Veronica
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A/N: Hi all! This is another entry for the fic challenge, taken from Chapters 3 and 4 of Undone (and some sneak peaks from Chapter 5), with some “bonus content” from Valentina’s POV.
Summary: When Courtney picked up Valentina at the club, she was not prepared for Valentina’s Feelings.
From Steph: Can we all just take a second and realize how crazy this bitch Valentina is. I hope you love this as much as I love it.
From V: As always, undying gratitude to our beta readers, @theofficialcunt , @willamdelrio , @artificial-jazz , @collidinggalaxiesofstars
VALENTINA: Hola! It’s me, Valentina. I had fun this weekend. This may sound crazy but I think I left a hair clip at your place. I know it’s dumb but I’m kind of attached to it. It has red roses on it. 🌹🌹🌹I’m sorry to be a pain. Lol
COURTNEY: It’s no problem, I’ll look when I get home.
VALENTINA: OMG thank you so much.
COURTNEY: NP. I hope I find it. It’ll give me an excuse to see you again.
VALENTINA: Well, if you happen to be free, my friend Enrique is having a party on Friday. You wanna be my date? 🌹
COURTNEY: Can I get back to you later in the week? We usually do night shoots on Fridays.
VALENTINA: I’m sorry, lol, I didn’t mean to be so pushy
COURTNEY: You’re not! I just don’t know what time we’re gonna wrap. I might have to roll in late looking a bit rough…
VALENTINA: Lol you’ll look gorgeous. I can’t wait. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
“Girl, can you please calm down? You’re doing that manic thing and it’s just a lot, this early in the morning,” Aja complains, slipping on her headset.
“I know, I’m sorry, I just…I can’t help it.” Valentina tries to hide her radiant smile, but it’s useless. She’s glowing with light and love, bursting with happiness, and she wants to tell everyone.
“I know, but for some of us, it’s Monday, and that’s like, shitty, so…please. Take a Xanax or smoke a bowl or like…I dunno, read something about homeless puppies.” Aja turns to her computer, pretending not to notice Valentina still peering over the top of her cubicle. She takes a long sip of her coffee, answering an email from her boss, and then slowly turns back around, sighing. “Fine. Tell me about this girl.”
Valentina squeals happily, prancing over to her cubicle and sitting down on the rolling file cabinet, beaming.
“Okay, so, her name is Courtney and she’s beautiful and caring and perfect and I think I’m in love.”
Aja bursts out laughing.
“I’m serious! You weren’t there. When she kissed me, it was like time stopped,” Valentina says, eyes shimmering. “I can still feel her skin against mine when I close my eyes.”
“Do you want some privacy?” Aja asks, one eyebrow raised.
“Don’t be jealous,” Valentina smirks.
“Ha! Unlikely.”
After a pause, Valentina adds, “I’ve seen her around. I know she’s a little bit of a player. But…this was different. The way she held me, you don’t understand. Nobody has ever made me feel that way. It was like…she really saw me, and…and besides, she already said that she wants to see me again. So, that’s not some casual thing, right?”
“No,” Aja says, sorting through a pile of receipts. “It sounds like she’s totally on the same page. I mean from what I know about lesbians, ‘I want to see you again’ pretty much means ‘bring a UHaul with your stuff and let’s get a cat,’ right?”
“Is it weird that I started a wedding board on pinterest?”
“For you? No, that’s not weird at all.” Aja rolls her eyes again, going back to her computer.
Valentina lets out a giddy laugh as James pops his head over the cubicle.
“You know what you should do?”
“Jesus!” Aja jumps, startled.
“Sorry girl. But, you know what you should do?” James asks earnestly.
“What?” Valentina asks, happy for someone else to be invested in her budding romance.
“Change your relationship status on Facebook,” he says, clapping his hands.
“Yes! It’ll be so funny, she’ll think it’s adorable.”
“So funny,” Aja echoes sarcastically, snickering.
A slow smile spreads across Valentina’s face at the thought of everyone knowing about Courtney. It would be pretty adorable. And what’s the harm? They’re well on their way to a relationship anyway, what’s the problem with announcing it a little early? Worst case scenario, if Courtney thought it was too soon, she’d take it down, but it would give her the opportunity to confess that she could really see a future together. And someday, it would be a cute story they’d tell. She giggles, excitement bubbling up inside as she walks back to her desk.
“Courtney!” Adore bursts into the wardrobe trailer. “Holy shit, girl, tell me you did not sleep with that crazy bitch Valentina this weekend!”
Courtney and Bianca both turn to Adore slowly.
“Uhhh…I could tell you that, but it would be a lie.”
“Dude, what the fuck? Why would you do that?”
“Um, because she was beautiful, and…willing. And, I’m single. I dunno. It’s not like I’m marrying her, calm down.”
“Have you not heard Shea’s stories about that girl?” Adore sighs.
“…No?” Courtney ventures.
“She’s fucking nuts, bro. She used to text her 50 times a day and like, even called her office and once she-”
“Adore, you know how dramatic Shea is. She seemed like a very nice girl. We had a good time. She even made me breakfast.”
“At your house or her house?” Adore asks, crossing her arms.
“My house, why?”
“Lock your doors at night, is all I have to say.”
“Thanks for your concern,” Courtney laughs.
Adore shakes her head, exiting the trailer.
“So apparently you got laid this weekend?” Bianca says lightly. She zips up her dress, trying not to stare at the deep scratch marks covering her back and shoulders.
“Yeah,” Courtney answers casually, looking at Bianca’s face in the mirror. For some reason, she’s not sure how much she wants to elaborate about her rendezvous with the beautiful Latina girl who’d caught her eye at Roosterfish. Her glittering eyes, ruby lips and deep curves. The way, in a certain light, her lovely face looked a little familiar, the way holding her close satisfied a particular ache. So she flips it around with a coy, “You?”
“No comment.” Bianca smirks at her.
“That good, huh?” Courtney chuckles.
“Shut the fuck up,” Bianca laughs, shaking her head. “You rude bitch.”
Courtney giggles while Bianca pins the straps of her dress. “Well, mine was delightful. Don’t believe Adore’s hysterics. She was…something else. Body to die for. Gorgeous smile. I spotted her across the dance floor and just…” Courtney tongue pops.
“That easy, huh?”
“Like candy from a baby,” Courtney smirks, winking at Bianca in the mirror.
Bianca clears her throat, shaking her head slightly. A notification goes off on Courtney’s phone and she looks down, frowning slightly.
“Um, it’s just…I got a Facebook notification. It’s kind of…strange.”
“Be a little more cryptic, it’s not like I’m working,” Bianca says, rolling her eyes.
“Sorry.” Courtney holds up her phone to show Bianca the screen.
Valentina Leyva tagged you in her life event: In a Relationship with Courtney Hamilton.
Bianca raises her eyebrows. “Uhhh. When did you meet her?”
Courtney puts down the phone. “Saturday.”
Bianca whistles. “You forgot to give the baby her candy back.”
“And…it sounds like you owe Adore an apology.”
Courtney groans.
COURTNEY: Um. I’m not sure exactly how to say this sensitively…
VALENTINA: Ok i’m a little scared lol
COURTNEY: Yeah, uh…what’s with the Facebook thing?
VALENTINA: OHHHH! Hahaha omg sorry, that’s just me and my friends messing around. We thought it was funny. 🌹
COURTNEY: I’m probably just missing the joke
VALENTINA: Like, he said it would be cute lol
COURTNEY: It’s not
VALENTINA: Ok i said sorry, you don’t have to get weird about it, wtf
COURTNEY: I’m going to respectfully disengage from this conversation. Have a nice day!
VALENTINA: YOU are gonna “disengage”
VALENTINA: What does that even mean?
“James!” Valentina cries, as Courtney’s phone clicks over to voicemail for the second time. She drops it onto her desk, shaking slightly.
“What’s wrong, muffin?”
“I…I…I think I fucked up.”
“What do you mean?”
“She didn’t think that Facebook thing was funny-”
“There’s a shock,” Aja mutters.
“And then I kind of freaked out and I think I pissed her off and now she’s not answering my calls and what if she doesn’t give me another chance, James, what am I gonna do?!” Valentina’s voice breaks into a sob, as James runs around the bullpen to awkwardly hug her around the waist.
“Val, honey, this is why you shouldn’t get so invested after one damn night with someone!” Aja lectures, throwing her hands up in the air.
Valentina turns to her, tears streaking down her face. “You’re the one who said she was on the same page! And the thing about the UHaul!”
“That was a joke,” Aja laughs.
“Way to pick your moments, Aja,” James says.
“And you! This is your fault!” Valentina exclaims, shoving James away.
“I’m sorry, I really thought it was-”
“Shut up!” Valentina cries, covering her face and collapsing into her chair.
James looks over at Aja with a worried look. Aja shakes her head, mouthing “DRAMA” back at him.
VALENTINA: Why aren’t you answering my calls???
VALENTINA: Oh I see how it is
VALENTINA: Courtney, you’re being stupid, I just want to talk.
VALENTINA: I still want you to come Friday.
VALENTINA: We can work this out, okay? I don’t understand why you are being so mean. You said you wanted to see me again…
COURTNEY: Please stop calling.
VALENTINA: Please Courtney
Looking back, there were red flags. First of all, there was the whole doe-eyed innocent act. “This is my first time here,” Valentina had said, when Courtney knew for a fact that she’d been coming to that club for over a year. Shea knew her somehow - through work or something. Shea also didn’t like her for some reason. But then again, Shea didn’t like a lot of people, so Courtney wasn’t about to hold that against her.
But in retrospect…it may have been a good idea to ask Shea what her deal was. Just like, a refresher on why she hated the kid. Because maybe then Courtney would have been able to avoid the whole drama.
Of course, she didn’t do that. Because it was late and Courtney was bored and there was something about her eyes, and her smile, the curve of her cheek, that captivated Courtney. In a certain light, she almost looked like…well, of course, Courtney knew who she looked like; there was no use dwelling in it.
There was no denying how beautiful she was. How her bright smile practically glowed. On the dance floor, she melted into Courtney’s arms, gazing at her with those big amber eyes, lapping up the attention like a greedy little baby. And when Adore waltzed over to slur goodnight, kissing Courtney full on the mouth and squeezing her ass, Courtney felt nails digging into her waist, eyes flashing with a jealous rage. Another red flag that Courtney ignored. Some girls didn’t like it when the women they were with kissed their friends on the lips. That was fair, right?
When Courtney suggested heading to her place, she’d practically swooned right there on the dance floor. They’d walked the three minutes to Courtney’s house, Valentina’s soft hand tucked in hers, Courtney’s arm around her waist, making sure she didn’t trip in her staggering heels - impractical for this neighborhood, but Courtney couldn’t deny how sexy her legs looked.
Once inside, Courtney realized that she had a real live pillow princess on her hands. But, one thing that Courtney never lacked in bed was generosity. So she worked slow and gentle…stripping off her dress, her bra…worshipping every inch of her smooth, golden brown skin, until she was writhing and begging. And then she peeled off her soaking wet panties and began to lick her softly, hands holding her trembling thighs, tongue swirling and stroking and dancing over her, sucking on her clit. Valentina’s breathing grew ragged and she began to whimper, and Courtney increased the pressure, stroking her thighs.
Her first orgasm was breathy, airy, almost restrained. Courtney pressed a soft tongue against her core, patient. Knowing that soon enough, she’d be doing much better. When her panting began to slow down, Courtney swirled her tongue faster, sliding a finger inside her easily, curling it forward, eliciting a low moan.
Courtney stroked her from the inside, bringing her to the brink, then withdrawing her hand. Valentina whined, clawing at the covers as Courtney licked up her torso, sucking on her nipples, biting gently at her collarbone, kissing her neck up to her pulse point. She threaded her hands into her dark hair and kissed her deeply, grinding her down into the mattress, nuzzling against her face, feeling her flushed cheeks, lifting her head to look into her dazed, hooded eyes, dilated pupils dark with lust.
From the way she squeezed her eyes shut, arching up, muscles tense, Courtney could tell she was on the brink again. This time she sounded slightly more desperate, nails digging into Courtney’s waist. Courtney reached down to help her along, toying with her clit, then pressing the heel of her hand against her while one finger worked inside. Valentina cried out, gasping, her grip on Courtney’s waist like a vice.
Courtney held her, kissing her sweaty temples while she caught her breath.
Valentina’s eyes fluttered, gazing up at Courtney lovingly, and Courtney grinned. “Got anymore in you, baby?”
“I…oh god…”
Courtney laughed, stroking her thigh. “Your decision. I can call it a night if you want. But if you’re up for more…”
“Don’t stop,” she whispered hoarsely.
Smirking, Courtney tilted her chin up to look into her hooded eyes. “How adventurous are you feeling?” She reached behind her, pulling open a drawer of the nightstand, and took out the strap-on, letting it dangle from her fingers by the harness.
Valentina’s chest heaved. She reached a hand up to touch Courtney’s cheek, nodding.
“I’m afraid I need some actual verbal consent here, love.”
Valentina flashed her Miss America smile. “Yes. Yes please.”
Courtney smiled back, turning to slip into the harness, adjusting the straps, covering the whole thing with lube. When she turned back, Valentina was sprawled out on the bed, legs spread, giving her best Playboy pose.
“Okay,” she said in a sultry voice, lashes fluttering. “I’m ready.”
A laugh escaped Courtney’s lips. “Baby…” she kissed Valentina gently on the mouth, hands sliding around her waist. “I’m not just gonna jam it inside you straight off…”
Valentina giggled nervously. “Right.”
“Just relax…” Courtney continued to kiss her until she was breathless, working her way down her body until she was quivering, begging for it. Courtney blew softly on her as she writhed and arched, clawing at Courtney’s hair.
“Please, please, please…” she whined.
Courtney held down her hips, hovering over her, pressing the tip of the dildo against her, teasing, tits brushing against her lightly as she rolled her body forward.
A pitiful moan escaped from Valentina’s lips as she tried in vain to tangle her legs around Courtney’s.
“Are you ready, baby?”
Courtney pushed slowly inside her, sliding her hands around to her ass, holding her close as she sucked gentle kisses into her neck. She rocked her hips, slowly at first, and then speeding up gradually, tongue gently massaging hers, kisses wet and deep.
Valentina began to whimper, nails raking Courtney’s back, digging into her shoulders. Her legs were wrapped tightly around Courtney’s narrow hips, arching up to meet every thrust, clit grinding against Courtney’s, skin burning hot.
Courtney moved a hand to her breast, pinching a nipple between her fingers. A moan escaped her lips as she clawed deeper into Courtney’s skin.
And then she came, moaning until her throat was hoarse and raw, until her body was limp as a rag doll.
Courtney gathered her into her arms, kissing her over and over.
“Was that good, my love?” she murmured, stroking her sticky thighs.
Valentina had snuggled blissfully against her, nodding, drifting off into a contented sleep.
In the morning, Valentina ran her fingers lazily through Courtney’s hair and told her in a breathy whisper that she wanted to cook her breakfast. Courtney kissed her eyelids, told her that wasn’t necessary, but she insisted.
So, dressed in an oversized shirt that was a wrap gift on one of Courtney’s old shows, she bustled around the kitchen trying to make sense of the vegan ingredients on hand while Courtney boiled water for tea and explained what tempeh was.
Afterwards, before she called an uber to head back to her place in Mar Vista, Courtney pushed her onto the sofa and gave her one more orgasm for the road. She was just trying to be a good host. The last red flag was the look of pure, head over heels puppy love that she gave her before shutting the car door, like Courtney was the center of the fucking universe.
VALENTINA: Courtneyyyy!! Picckkkk uppp!!!!
Valentina sits in front of her mirror, eyes dull with tears. Her phone screen has a crack across the front from when she’d thrown it against the wall yesterday. She closes her eyes, wishing the same things that she had since that awful Monday when her world had come crashing down.
I wish that she would talk to me
I wish that she would love me.
If she can’t love me, then I wish I could forget all of it…the way she looks, the way she smiles, the way she touched me, the way I felt in her arms…every second I spent with her. Please make me forget.
She covers her face, tears leaking through her hands, sobbing quietly until she’s gasping for breath. When she opens her eyes, she hates the reflection that looks back at her in the mirror. She glances down at her phone, fingers itching. She knows she shouldn’t, but she can’t stop herself.
VALENTINA: Why are you ignoring me???
VALENTINA: Who the fuck do you think you are?
VALENTINA: Some washed up nobody, working as a fucking extra
VALENTINA: Please, please answer! 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
VALENTINA: You rude bitch
VALENTINA: You’re all I think about. I don’t understand why you’re ignoring me. I’ve never felt this way before, about anyone. I know you felt the same way - why won’t you just talk to me? 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
COURTNEY: Please listen to me. I am not interested. I’m not going to respond again. You need to stop.
Courtney sighs, drumming her fork nervously on the table. Valentina has been calling all week with increasing frequency. She flips her phone over so that she doesn’t have to see it lighting up with her name anymore.
“I’m telling you, block her number,” Adore says, turning her hat around. Today it says “FUCK OFF.”
“That’s really extreme. I told her to stop. Now I’m just gonna ignore her; she’ll get bored.”
Bianca shakes her head.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with Joan Jett over here. Block her crazy ass before she boils a rabbit.” She takes a bite of lasagna.
“That’s funny,” Adore laughs, mouth full. “She’s funny.”
“I told you,” Courtney says.
“I guess you do have more to offer than your tits,” Adore says. “Cheers.” She holds up her plastic cup.
“Forget it, I don’t agree with anything she says, ever,” Bianca says, rolling her eyes. “Go with your instincts.”
Courtney laughs.
“Thanks, you’re both very helpful.”
VALENTINA: I don’t understand why you’re doing this 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
VALENTINA: I thought you liked me
VALENTINA: This isn’t fair!!! 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
VALENTINA: Tell me what you want from me
VALENTINA: How can you be so heartless???
VALENTINA: 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
Wondering how it ends with Valentina? Chapter 5 of “Undone” will be posted in full soon! XOXO
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daddyconfessions · 5 years
sugar tales: Amoladora
Amoladora sent me a wink on whatsyourpice. I had all but forgotten about that site. Never been a fan of it really. Most of the girls I’d met were only looking for some quick cash IMHO. But after Ripoff, I couldn’t do any worse at this point. I reply back with an offer and 3 days later we’re texting.
Amoladora isn’t in town at the moment which works for me. I use the time to get to know her better and more importantly see if she is serious about a SD. Generally, I’m not as stern about wyp dates and if nothing happens as a result its no biggie. But I was admittedly salty after Ripoff  and down about 3 stacks with nothing to show for it.  
As we talk, she puts me at ease and I relax. I realize I can’t hold every sugar chick accountable for what someone else did. Feeling like I got part of my mojo back, I jump on SA and peruse the ads. I see Ripoff is still on there wrecking havoc. Bitch. I send out several messages, one to a young lady I’ll blog about next called Casino and another who would become Firecracker.
Btw, sorry it took so long to update my sugar tales. I was busy answering all your anons and private messages. Some of you ladies are really going through some things so glad I could help. Some of you other’s are too much.
Besitos Cohiba :)
And this one took longer because I still had the messages (text, email, etc.) so I went through them to write the post. Its still a bit choppy from my POV but I had to shorten it.
Anyway....within a couple of days Amoladora has allayed any concerns I have for the moment.  I bring up allowances, but she shy’s away from any commitment until after we’ve met. We go silent for a day or two, can’t remember how long really. Then she surprises me one morning and text me 7:30am. It’s amazing and funny how chicks know you’re up that early just because you have a job.  Baby wants to meet up that day. But the whole ordeal of Ripoff floods back into the mind and suddenly I want to cancel.
I shrug it off and by 1:30pm I’m pulling into some nice upscale apartments. I was shocked I got to pick her up actually. Lot of sugar chicks don’t go for that sort of thing. I haven’t had another chick in the car with me for quite some time including my wife (she hates my car). My passenger seat still looks new. I’m always meeting chicks somewhere or at the hotel. It’s always “I’ll meet you there…”  or some stuff like that.
As I wait in the parking lot, I catch a glimpse of this sexy as Latina coming down the stairs. At first I think its someone else but as she comes closer I see its Amoladora. Nice. Cuter than her pics. Body is nice too. A little extra belly fat, but nothing to complain about.  She gets into the car all perfumed up. “Nice car she says.”
We chit chat along the way. “You’re really cute,” she says randomly. Amoladora runs a manicured nail along the back of my hand and up my arm as I shift through gears.  Then she smiles at me, “I wasn’t expecting that. You got like a little preppy boy face.” Not sure if she was lying or not, but it sounded good. I needed the ego boost.
I pick an upscale chain. Its after the lunch rush so we get seated quick. We spark of a fairly decent conversation. She thinks I’m funny. Laughs at all my jokes. “So how are you a Mexican from Missouri,” I asks. She laughs. “Oh you have jokes Mister.” I go on cracking jokes for almost an hour. We manage to talk about our lives, experiences in the sugar bowl, our background. We run out of things to talk about so I bring up the allowance again.
“I think we’re looking for two different things sweetie,” she says. “That’s too low for me.” I smile and ask, “Well how much baby?”
She throws out an amount and I immediately agree to it. Too quick. She kicks me under the table. “Really? You were just giving me a shitty offer to see if I would take it?”  I tell her yes and we both laugh.
“I better watch you,” she says, wincing at me, pursing those full lips at me. She touches my hand again. “You’re really cute. “
I know tumblr. I’m a bastard. But hey, I was understandably a little salty after the last month with Ripoff. We order another set of drinks and then go on talking about some minute details of our arrangement.
“Can I ask a question babe?” she says, serious all of a sudden. I give her the nod as I sip of my drink. “How big is your penis?” I nearly spit my drink out. “How big is what?” I ask. We spend a few minutes talking about my size. Smh. She tells me she doesn’t like big penis’. Something to the effect she’s small down there and how she’s shaped. Smh. Only in the sugar bowl.
I tell her to relax. If it becomes uncomfortable we can stop. “Ok baby,” she says. “I trust you.”
By now its time to get back to work. I’m going on my second hour for my lunch break. If I leave now I can make it back by 4:30ish and be in my office when all the big boys walk by on their way out.  So I ask when we can have our second date. It’s the moment of truth. Is this the usual wyp date for me or am I on the verge of a new beginning? Amoladora  shocks me – she tells me something about her roommate is gone and she doesn’t have anything planned for the rest of the day. “We can get started baby,” I remember her saying. “Or do you have to get back to work?”
I did! I whip out the phone and send a few emails to cover myself for the afternoon. “I’m all yours baby,” I say putting my phone away.
Back in the car I tell her I have to run by the bank. “You need condoms too sweetie,” she says, confirming how the next 2 hours are about to go down. I’m thinking in the back of mind, “I’m about to tear the kitty up!!!” At some point Amoladora tells me she could really use some weed. I tell her no prob. I got the connect.
“No fucking way,” she says wide eyed. “You look so innocent. I wouldn’t think you did stuff like that.”
I don’t. About a week prior to our date, I was at a gas station when this fine ass black chick pulls up. I’ve been lazy about approaching girls in the vanilla world. I just don’t have that hunger I did when I was in my 20’s. And since I stay coochie down to the socks, its hard to put forth the effort and work the vanilla scene requires. But I couldn’t pass up this hottie. Maybe she’s into sugar?  We spark up a conversation and two minutes later I’m going nowhere fast. Then I realize she’s high. I ask her if we could hang out, maybe smoke a little ganga. Her whole demeanor changed. The conversation went from 0 to 100. I got a kiss, hug, phone number and the promise  of a potential vanilla/side piece type relationship. But my old ass didn’t save the number when I put it in my phone and later lost it. A day later I consult the Oracle about upping my game with a little 420. She tells me “Hell yea.” Says chick’s who smoke weed love a dude that has some. Can get it. “Shit, I met let you hit this if you come through with a bag,” she tells me. The Oracle is immune to my charm and money, so it means a lot coming form her. Never knew 420 was such an aphrodisiac….Back to our story.
I tell Amoladora I don’t smoke it, but I’d try a little with her.
Within the hour  we’re walking up the stairs to her apt. She tells me something about her roommate may be home so when we walk in I need to be as quiet as possible. A flag is raised. I see flashbacks of a month ago where Ripoff was disappear into a back room to change into something more comfy. The some bitch ass dude comes in all nonchalant like he just went to the store. Outside, more of the homies are waiting for backup…..My eyes dart around to see if I see anything suspicious. I’m nervous, but Bartholomew (my second brain) is in control now and I’m throwing caution to the wind. She opens the door and we walk into this upscale apt. with wooden floors and pretty swanky layout. I only take a few steps before she diverts me into a door on the right. It’s the bathroom and has another door to her bedroom. She pushes me in gently, follows me in and closes the door behind me.
Oh snap. It could be the perfect setup. Big wad of cash in my pocket. In a room that’s dark. Some buster could jump out at any minute. WTF? How did I let myself get back into this situation? Am I about to get robbed again?
Amoladora picks up an open bottle of wine on a nearby night stand and says, “let’s finish this.” I sigh in relief. Heart stops pounding.  I chuckle at being smuggled in like I’m some guilty pleasure of hers. Reminds me of back when I was teenager, sneaking into some girls house. She runs to the kitchen and returns with 2 glasses. We sit on the bed and talk, sipping wine. Before long we start to kiss. I can taste the sweet taste of wine on her supple lips. Even as I type this, I can recall the taste like it was yesterday.
By now, Bartholomew  is about to bust through the zipper. Then I realize I hadn’t took my Lamar Odom’s (herbals  for those who don’t know) before I left work. Oh well, I don’t think I’ll be having a problem today anyway.
Before long we’re taking turns removing clothes articles of clothing. After several minutes of play, I’m naked. I push her back on the bed and go down on her. The kitty is fresh and clean. I pour a little wine on her, just a few drops, as began to thrash her with my tongue. I watch her face and upper body to see how my efforts are going. Sometimes licking the clit directly doesn’t always achieve the right results. And even if it does, there is a certain amount of pressure she might like, hard, soft, medium, and then there’s speed – fast, slow….it’ a guessing game at best. I lick the kitty in several places until I find the right spot. She’s squirming and arching her back now. Got her. I cup my hands under her buttocks and raise her up. Her back arches and she becomes stiff. I got the muff right in front of me now. A couple of times she tries to push my head away but I ignore it. She’s playing the game so many before her have – refusing to cum.
I’ve had girls tell me its against the rules. They’re not suppose to enjoy it. Blah blah. Probably in some sugarbaby rule book somewhere. The shit I hear I tell you. As usual, I just bulldoze right over that bullshit and mercilessly thrash the clit with my tongue. Before long she’s cums. Her body twitches violently as she grabs the back of my head. I remove my hands and let her fall back to the bed, then I wrap my arms around her thighs. No sooner does she cum then does she push my head away. She tries to move away but I anticipate as much and I pull her back to me and continue my assault on the clit. “Babe, st—“ she tries, but I’m going to town now. No intention of stopping.
Before long I’ve chased her across the bed, with my head buried between those creamy thighs.
She’s about to fall off the side when she sits up and says, “Okay. Stop baby. I’m sensitive now.”
As I move away from her slightly, I still see her stomach fluttering and her lower body twitching. I kiss and rub on her legs and lower torso while she recuperates. “I never came twice in a row baby,” she says, rubbing a hand over my head. That’s my cue….. I go back down again. She stops me and tells me its my turn. My kind of girl :) We switch. She licks the shaft a few times and looks at Bartholomew. “Its big baby,” she says, voice sultry now. She continues on, licking the shaft before taking Bart in her mouth and going down a quarter of the way. She has a pretty good technique of suction and simultaneously working the tongue on the shaft. Now it’s my turn to twitch and squirm like a little bitch. Pretty good fellatio I’ll admit. No deep throating, not a lot of saliva, but I’m satisfied. She stops suddenly and apologizes that she can give me a better BJ due to some teeth problems.
She doesn’t know I’ve heard that one many times before. “Oh I can’t give head because I had a tooth pulled” or “I’ve had some recent dental work so I can give you a BJ” or “I have braces, it may hurt you” or “I have braces and can’t open my mouth as wide …” or “I have problems with my wisdom tooth” even though she’s 25. But maybe Amoladora is telling the truth. She does happen to have Bartholomew in her mouth when she says it.  I tell her to keep going, she’s doing a good job despite her “mouth” issues.
I had no idea that was a precursor to future problems.
When Bart is good and hard, we slide on the condomn. She tries to get on top, but she can’t take it. I’m too big.  We switch and after a few gentle strokes, I’m able to get a good rhythm going. Baby is nice and wett. I think she’s a keeper.  Before long she’s raised her legs and wrapped them around me, encouraging my thrust. I oblige, burying myself deeper inside her with each thrust. Amoladora bury’s her fingernails gently in my back.
If you’re wondering how I remember this even so vividly its because  no sooner than it began then did it end. I cum before I know it. Damnit. I wanted to enjoy it more. But since I was sans Lamar Odom’s, my stamina was off. Bart was down and out. I would have taken them if I had known we’d be getting physical on the first date. I totally expected to pay for the wyp date and call it a wrap.
Afterwards we lay in the bed chatting. I inquire about her living situation and she tells me she has an old friend who lets her stay in the apartment. As long as she respects him she can stay but she wants her own place.
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She explains its just a guy she knows that’s helping her out. But doesn’t offer more details. Smh. Always some weird shit in the sugar bowl.
I start to wonder if everyone on SA and Wyp is homeless or something.
I’m hard again from all the talking. Baby’s brown skin is enticing and sulty voice as she lays on my chest is getting me aroused again. But Amoladora isn’t interested. No second round for Daddy. She does want me to come back later though. Tells me we can sit on the porch and enjoy the 420. Her roommate will be working.
I get dressed and rush back to work. Almost five when I sit down behind my desk, just in time for everyone to walk past my office. Most thought I’d been there the whole time working with my door closed. Cool. As I put on the appearance of a long day of work, I get out my phone and get my connect up. No answer. I text baby the news but she still wants me to come back anyway. I close my eyes and thank whatever deity looks down on sugardaddies. I’m going to be taking my time tonight.
The family is out of town so I got the house to myself. I’ll be joining them in a few days. Going back to kick it with Amoladora is not a problem. No excuses to make up tonight. No lies. A few hours later, I’m omw back to Amoladora. I stop and get more wine and fruit. Back at her place, we sip wine and try and watch tv but we mostly talk.
Then she asks me the big one. “Would you mind helping me get an apartment down here?” The question catches me off guard. “Um yea. Sure.” Baby unloads about her situation. She wants an apartment in town and already has it picked out. She just needs help getting it. Finding a job has been close to impossible. “Honestly, I really don’t want to work at all,” she says. “I just need a daddy to take care of me,” she says.
I feel the S burning on my chest again. I have to control myself before I leap off the couch and into my Cap’n-Sav-a-hoe outfit.
I hear my cape flapping in the wind as I prepare to swoop down and save her. Ok I’m being silly.
But her request comes with strings. She wants me to get the apartment in my name. Uh…..
Suddenly I’m doubtful. I tell her I’m not comfy doing that. But she says she can’t get it in her name due to not having a job. I tell her how I can get her the documentation she needs, but she feels that’s fraudulent and doesn’t want to go that route. We go back and forth but baby is adamant that she wants the apt and wants it in my name. Amoladora tells me I’m less likely to run out on her if its in my name. It’s a story I’ve heard before. Babies want me to get a car or apartment in my name that way I’m obligated to pay for it. Not a bad approach actually. The only time I don’t want to do something like that is when I know the sugar isn’t going to last long.
But its never worked for me. Last time I signed a lease, baby girl ran out on the lease. Left me holding a fairly big rent payment. She was gone, apt was empty and I had 3 months left to pay. And that was the second time that happene dot me. The first time the girl left after a month and she damaged the floor. I’m still jaded about signing leases and stuff. So naturally, I wasn’t looking to even take the chance.
“Would you at least consider it?” she asks. Sure I say. With that, we start playing. We end up back in her room but she only lets me make out with her. WTF? Says she’s a little sore. I would have stayed home if I knew I wasn’t getting any nookie. I know. I was being selfish.  I get up to leave, but Amoladora doesn’t want me to go. She lays on me to prevent me from getting up. I like it. Feels good to be appreciated. “This is how it’ll be when we get my place.” Nicely done Amoladora. I’m warming up to the idea. We end up rolling around in the bed playing around before she falls asleep. I stay up another hour, Bart hard as a rock and nothing to do with it.
Fuck. I can’t win.
Staying the night is rare for me. Sugar babies usually don’t get down like that unless you’re off  on a trip or something. Baby lays on me the first part of the night  like I’m a teddy bear. But I wake up about 3am and freezing to death and hearing this grinding sound. I look down at my body and I have no cover. I look over at Amoladora and she has all the covers. WTF?  I’m so cold I’m starting to go numb. I keep hearing this gnawing, grinding sound. I manage to get part of the sheet from her stingy ass but it only mildly keeps me warm. I manage to doze off for a bit only to be awakened again by the sound. Now baby is back on me again, wrapped in the comforter, grinding her teeth together.
I can’t win I tell you. Smh. No nookie, freezing my ass off and this teeth grinder over here (Amoladora ) wants her own place. Only in the bowl.
I fall back asleep despite the cold and noise. I wake at 6 and I got morning wood. Really? Any other morning my old ass would be be as soft as tissue. But this morning I’m standing strong and nowhere to put it. I give. The sugar gods are frowning on me.
I wake Amoladora up and tell her goodbye and head back home to freshen up. I get to work but luckily for my tired ass things are slow. All the big boys are gone for a conference. Cool. I might close my door and catch a nap. Then my phone starts blowing up. Amoladora wants to know what I think about the apt. I see she’s well rested. We spend the rest of the day talking, mostly her trying to convince me to put the apt in my name and me saying no. Amoladora tells me she wants me to come back over that night. I have to fly out the next day to join the fam so I’m not sure. But she insist. She wants to get a hotel this time. Turns out her roommate came home and saw my shoes at the door and got uncomfortable. Said he couldn’t sleep with another man in the house. Go figure. I tell her we can use the house, which is usually a big no no. But the fam’s out of town so I’ll bypass the hotel. She also wants me to try and get the weed again. I hit up my connect and after work I swing by and pick up the cannabis.
I go by and pick her up. “Your car’s so loud,” she says. “It vibrates. Its kind of naughty.” I look over at her in disbelief and think to myself, I am so tearing this pussy up tonight.” We stop by the store for some cigarillo’s and we head back to my house.
I pop the garage and drive right in letting the garage down behind us, just in case the neighbors were watching. We head to the guest house and she cracks open the cigarillo and re-rolls it with the 420....
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and then we head out to the patio with our drinks and stuff.
I pull out a Cohiba and light it. Hadn’t had one in awhile. We sip wine, laugh and talk as she blazes.
Damn I hope the neighbors aren’t in their backyards too. I put the cigar out and take a couple of hits with baby. Amoladora finished it tho, while sipping wine with me.
We’re both sweaty from being out in the summer heat so we go back inside and watch a little TV. She brings up the apt. again. I keep telling her I’m fine with paying for everything but she wants it in my name still. I tell her I’m strongly considering it, just to keep her from talking about it anymore. I’m ready to get to the rest of the night’s festivities. Before we can get started she’s got the munchies all of a sudden. We make a quick dash to the burger spot, get the combo and then back to the house.
After she eats half of everything (love how you sugarbabies hate to eat all your food around men. It’s the cutest shit ever. But I know your asses are hungry. ). We retire to the bedroom to have more fun. She excuses herself to the bathroom and a few minutes later she comes out wearing some sexy lingerie.
As we kiss, baby tells me she wants to spend the night again. And I remembered to take my Lamar Odum’s too? OMG I’m sooooo  going to miss my flight in the morn.
But, things weren’t as good as the night before. I go down and taste the kitty, but she stops me early and says, “Come fuck me……” I climb on top. No quickie’s tonight. I’m full of the herbals and I’m ready. Not sure how long I went, but baby grabbed me by the chin and asked me to hurry up and cum. Told me it was hurting. I decide to end things, dumping my unborn into the plastic latex. Afterwards, we lay in each other’s arms and talk more. She doesn’t bring up the apt. again. Instead we talk about all the things we’ll be doing together once she lives here permanently.
“We don’t have to use condoms daddy,” she tells me. Only in the bowl. “Once you get the apartment I’ll get on BC and everything. You’ll be the only guy I’m sleeping with.”
Then she hits me with more news.
“I have a son,” she says. I’m like WTF? Why the cloak and dagger. Why not tell me upfront. Not that it was a big deal or anything but I felt like we had a pretty good beginning so no need to lie. She tells me she didn’t want to scare me away. As a sugar daddy I’ve seen most everything so her having kids is no big deal. We kiss passionately and I try to get some more kitty but she’s not having it. We fall asleep at some point and she starts grinding her teeth again. It doesn’t keep me up this time and the next thing I know I’m staring angrily at the alarm clock going off.
We jump up, get dressed. “Can I keep the weed daddy?” she asks as we head to the garage. “I’ll keep it for us so you don’t have to worry about it.”
Heeeeeeeeell naw. She ain’t smoking up all my shit.I might need this in the coming weeks.
But I say nicely, “Oh no. i’ll give you some of it.” We head out before the neighbors are up leaving for work. I drop Amoladora off and then speed to the airport.
Over the next few days we keep texting here and there. Mostly staying in touch and talking about how much time we’re going to spend together when I get back. She wants me to hit up the apartments first thing when I get back. I must admit, by the time I board the plane to return to the states, I’m missing Amoladora.
I get back a couple days ahead of the family. Big board meeting on Monday so I had to be there in case the BoD had questions for me or my dept. For lunch, I go by Amoladora for some fun. She’s wearing a maxi dress, nothing underneath. We do little talking as I raise the dress up over her head to reveal her naked body underneath. I get a strong whiff of the body wash, signaling she’s all fresh for Daddy.  Once again I push her back gently on the bed and bury my face between her legs, thrashing that pink muff. This is a few rounds later so I know right where to concentrate on. Within moments she’s squeezing my head and ears…She tries to pull away but I’m unstoppable.  She starts shaking again and but she’s not running from me this time. She lets out along moan, signaling the bell had been wrung.
I get her up and make her turn around on her knees. Time for some doggie. I give her a nice slap here and there as I pound her from the back. Then I stop, grab her by the waist and pull her back and forth on me rapidly and repeatedly. “Daddy....” The ass looks like it has waves rippling through it as she she slams into me. I wish i could have took a pic of it too.
Yea I know.
Afterwards, we freshen up and swing by the apt. complex. Nice place. Two story condo’s. Nice neighborhood in uptown. They’ve completely renovated the apts. Wouldn't mind living there myself if I were single. We look at a few that are big enough for her and the youngin then go back to the office to fill out the paperwork and then we’re gone. She’s hungry so we stop by one of my fav Chinese places. The tone is changing rapidly. She’s nice now. More attentive. Even takes back my order because they messed it up. We talk more about the apt. She tells me about her son and how she came to be in the situation she’s in. Then she surprises me again, “Is it ok if I work daddy?”
“What do you mean?” I ask. She tells me with me paying her rent and giving her an allowance plush child support from baby daddy she doesn’t really need to work. But at the same time, she’s new to town so she can’t fathom what she’s going to do with her time. So she’s thinking about getting a job at a bar or restaurant. Cool with me. I take her home and just stop long enough for her to get out. “You don’t’ want to come in daddy?” she says, rubbing my arm.
Nah. I got to get back to work. I kiss her by and head back to work. I needed to get home before the fam came home and make sure nothing incriminating was left behind. I give the guest house a once over and then I have cleaning lady tidy up. That night, I meet with the Oracle. Needed to discuss the apt. thing. The whole idea of it in my name has me nervous. I need advice. The Oracle tells me it’s a bad idea. If I had known the girl more than 7 days, she’d say yes. But its too early. She reminds me of the last time I did this and how I was left paying on an apt for months while baby up and left. She also reminds me of the risk I’m taking. Anything could happen. Baby girl could run out on the lease and damage the place and I’d be responsible. Something could happen to her and her son and I’d be involved. On and on.
Hadn’t thought about all that.  A few hours later I text Amoladora and tell her I’m fine what paying for everything, but I just can’t put the apt in my name. Too risky and . For the next 24 hours we text back and forth on the subject. But I just can’t do it.
Then it happens. Just like many of the girls before her,  the text start trailing off. Generally its not apparent, but I notice immediately. I try to keep it going but Amoladora is fading fast from my grip. Damn. I thought we had a good thing too.
By now I’m texting I’m talking regularly with Casino and Firecracker. I’m also getting ready to meet Firecracker for the first time. As the days go on, Amoladora becomes more and more silent. Before text would be answered right away, but now hours go by. Soon, no response at all.
Amoladora’s exit is bitter sweet as it were. The pics of Firecracker and Casino got me quite excited. Two bad ass black chicks. Hadn’t really been involved with any since Nebraska. And Casino’s body is just quite simply – extraordinary. I hate it that things didn’t work out with her. I’ll tell you all about it later....
A week after things go cold, I’ve gone out with Firecracker. Casino’s stopped texting. But I still send Amoladora a text to see if she’s gone for good. No response. I do actually like her and other than the name on the lease I was going to make her quite comfortable. Then to add to my woes a week after that Firecracker goes MIA. She stops texting too. Sigh. I am not winning.
Now we’re in July and I’m SBS (sugababy single). Its looking like its going to be dry spell for the summer. Perhaps its time to get out the sugar game? Put up my Capn’ Sav’em outfit and cape?
By the time I’m ready to call it quits, Casino text me. She’ll be back in town the next day and wants too meet when she gets back….To be continued
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donkeywrotewhat · 7 years
The Hurting, The Healing, The Loving: Part II- The Healing
“Hello? Yeah, yeah I know, I know and I’m sorry. I was just out and I was with friends and-“
“He knows. Yeah I made sure because the last time I didn’t he was really mad and yeah-“
“I’ll call you when I get home. Yeah you don’t need to worry, alright sleep tight, love you too Mani.”
 Lauren ended the call and tapped her fingers against the marble counter while she looked around her favorite coffee shop in Los Angeles. She looked at her phone’s watch and clearly the day was just about to start while she was about to head home after having a blast night with her friends whom she haven’t met a very long time.
 Alright folks I know I am probably late but this is the moment you have all been waiting for. Camila Cabello finally releases her latest single, Crying in the club video which has already 300,000 views! How rad is that?! I just recently listened to the audio and I am so excited for the video so pl-
 “Here you go ma’am one-“ The cashier held her breath. “You’re Lauren Jauregui.”
She smiled and didn’t confirm it. “Thanks for the drink.” She then turns around to leave but-
“Wait! I don’t know anything but you should listen to her music. It’s really nice you know.”
 She turns around and gave her a small nod and smile before heading towards her car. She places her drink in the cup holder. She sighs out in frustration and in annoyance and ran her hand through her hair. And just as she thought that she could just forget about what happened weeks ago but now she’s having an internal battle if she should listen to it or not. She closed her eyes to calm down for a second but her mind was playing against her.
“I have a song about us and I hope you can listen to it one day.”
“And when you do, I hope it hits you like a fucking train just so you can understand the half of the pain that I was going through.”
 “You know what, fuck this shit. I’m just going to get this over with.” She types in the words and pressed the very first video that appeared.
 Lauren taps her steering wheel but unlike the tapping she did against the marble counter, this one was more of an anxiety because she was getting impatient with all the waiting she had to suffer because the video was still buffering. She has never felt so impatient in her life. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sound of the cello echoed through her car and she saw Camila walking in a very beautiful dress and her heart broke when she saw a tear fall on the younger Latina’s face when she started singing.
 Why did you leave me here to burn?
I'm way too young to be this hurt
I feel doomed in hotel rooms
Staring straight up at the wall
Counting wounds and I am trying to numb them all
Do you care, do you care?
Why don't you care?
I gave you all of me
My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears
Why don't you care, why don't you care?
I was there, I was there, when no one was
Now you're gone and I'm here
 I have questions for you
Number one, tell me who you think you are
You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart (I have questions for you)
Number two, why would you try to play me for a fool?
I should have never ever ever trusted you (I have questions)
Number three, why weren't you, who you swore that you would be?
I have questions, I got questions haunting me
 I have questions for you, I have questions for you
I have questions, I have questions for you
 Lauren didn’t care about the other music as she immediately brings the small circle back from the beginning and listened to the entire things again. She looked at the girl in the screen and she felt her pain. She felt her regret, her anger, her sadness and every bit of negativity. She leans back on the chair and closed her eyes because she knew very well how this song was formed. It was her fault after all.
 “Lauren I am asking you a question.”
“And I am politely requesting you not to annoy the shit out of me.” She says coldly. “Can you please get change? Everyone’s waiting for us at the roof top.”
“Not until you tell me why the hell Lucy was here inside the hotel room, looking like you fucked her so well!”
“Because I did okay!?” She snaps. “She came here and apologized, Camz she went out of her way to say sorry to me where in fact she needs to be somewhere else right now. I couldn’t say no to her effort.”
“Lo, she cheated on you with your friend Keana-“
“They were both drunk and regretted what happened okay and I forgive them both for that.”
“C’mon Lo, you know she’s just messing with you. Open your eyes Laur! She doesn’t love you!”
“No Camila if there’s someone who needs to wake the fuck up, it’s you!” She was so angry at Camila right now. “You’re just saying shit because you can never accept the fact that I can’t love you and me never will love you the way I love Lucy and it’s fucking eating you.” She argues. “Wake up Camila,  if the management didn’t request for us to act like as a couple, I wouldn’t notice you. You’re crazy as fuck if you think Lucy who is an amazing person for someone like you because you’re not worth it, you’-“
Lauren was silent when Camila finally slapped her. “Fuck you.” She was also stunned at the amount of venom in those words.
“Thanks but no thanks Camila, I’ve got Lucy for that.” She knew it was so wrong to rub at her the reality but she was just offended. “You should just stay here, I can’t have any fun whenever you’re around.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be in my fucking hotel room so that I couldn’t burst your bubble.”
“Hey honeypie, where’s Camzie? I thought you were coming to get her.” Mike asked her daughter.
“I tried but she wanted to have marathon of FRIENDS. Plus, she easily gets cold.”
“Ugh, seriously that girl needs some social classes.” Dinah groaned.
“Let her be guys, I am pretty sure that she just wants to be alone.” Ally looked at Lauren and the green-eyed beauty looked away as if she knew what was going on. “C’mon let’s just enjoy alright?”
“Happy 4th of July bitches!”
  “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Lauren said as she slams her fist against the wheel. “Stupid Lauren! How could you say something like that!?”
 She felt her tears on her cheeks and she immediately wipes them off before leaving the place. She was really driving in a faster speed, gripping on the wheel as hard as she wants to reach the place who can give her solace right now. She bit her nails as Camila’s lyrics struck her so hard and she couldn’t seem to get the memory out of her mind even if she wanted to.
She parked her car just outside before climbing onto the fence. Jumping on the other side, she messed up her hair again and started pacing back and forth like a lunatic before screaming her heart out. She needed something to calm her down and then she remembers her coffee but now she remembers that her coffee was inside of the car which was probably not so hot now and cold coffee can’t help to calm her down. She groaned in frustration and threw the very first thing that was on her hand which unfortunately was, her phone.
 “FUCK!” She screams in realization. “ Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh what the hell it doesn’t matter anymore! Damnit!” She reaches something in her back pocket which was her pack of cigarettes and her lighter. “Fuck this shit.”
Just as she was about to light it up, someone spoke. “I guess old habits die hard huh.”
She was surprised to see Camila on the other side of the fence. “What are you doing here?”
The latter shrugs and started to climb on the fence which Lauren helped her with. “Thanks for that.”
“You’re welcome.”
“See, I told you old habits die hard.” Lauren was confused but then Camila looked at their intertwined hands so she removes them. “I was talking about your nails but it’s not like I was using it as an excuse to hold your hand because-“ Camila stopped when she heard Lauren chuckling.
“I get your point.”
“Biting your nails is a bad habit.” Lauren blushed out of embarrassment. “And by old habits, it’s about us going to this place whenever we feel like we can’t breathe.”
“That’s right.”
“But out of all the old habits you’re doing, this has gotta be the one I hate the most.” She pulls out the stick from Lauren’s mouth and threw it away along with the pack. “I would’ve included the lighter but I know it was a gift from your abuelito.”
“T-thanks for remembering.”
“You don’t need a raspier voice Lauren, it’s already amazing as it is.” That made Lauren blushed. “Although I really feel sorry for your phone.”
“How long have you’ve been there?”
“Enough to hear cursing for the rest of the year.” She chuckles. “No I wasn’t spying on you, you were just distracted because if you weren’t you would probably hear my engine. It’s not that hard.”
“Wow, so now you can drive now?”
“I needed to, I have no one to be on my side when I wanted to escape, I mean there’s Juno but you know she has some other things to do.”
“Look at you doing all the adults do.” Lauren decides to tease which Camila just rolled her eyes. “But it’s nice to know you can do things on your own.”
“It’s kind of weird seeing me be all mature and stuff, I may be 20 but I still feel like my 15-year old self.”
“And that’s good because if there’s one thing I love about you it’s your pure soul. I hope you won’t let them take that away from you.”
“You forgot that I am the biggest goof as well.”
Lauren chuckled. “That too.”
Camila smiled looking at her chuckling. “I remember the first time you took me here, I was scared to death and I remembered peeing in that spot.” Lauren was now laughing her ass off. “That wasn’t funny! You know it wasn’t every day for me to break the rules!”
“I’m sorry I just-“ Lauren wipes the tears in her eyes. “Laur, please let’s get back to the hotel what if someone sees us up here?” She says imitating Camila’s rant. “LAUREN MICHELLE JAUREGUI MORGADO THIS SHIT HAS GOTTA STOP! I WILL NOT CLIMB THIS STUPID FENCE JUST SO I COULD SIT ON THE CLIFF ABOVE THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN!”
“I am a Hispanic and the president might be considerate but if Obama sees us I’m doomed!” Camila adds to the memory.
“Well now Trump’s here, consider us deported.” Both of them laughed. “But you still went in for me, even though you’re about to pee in your pants.”
“I was scared as fuck but I still went for you because I know you needed someone. I was scared of what you might do, but mostly because I’m a sucker for cliché movies and I wanted to be your personal solemn place to be our solemn place, and that we get to call this place ours.” Camila says with a smile on her face. “Besides, I take every opportunity to be with you. And being the only person who knows this place will always probably be my only advantage when it comes to her or to him.”
“You shouldn’t compare yourself to them because neither of them could do the half of the things you did for me. So being the only person who knows about my solemn place isn’t the only advantage you have but for everything that you’ve done for me, for every pain and hurt you concealed just to hear me cry about someone else or how happy I am after every date I went.” She says. “I could mention a lot of things but we’ll probably going to be here for days-“ She chuckles “but out of all the things you did to me, one thing stood out and that was you, loving me so selflessly without expecting the same amount from me in return.”
“I just wanted to see the one I love happy. It was all I ever wanted for you to be because you deserve it.”
“And I should’ve known, I should’ve known that you were hurting that night and you were continuously hurting until you couldn’t take it anymore and then you left. You left them because I was hurting you and I wish I noticed it earlier so that I could make you stay, so that I could make you be- I just want you to be happy too.” Lauren was having another panic attack. “You had anxiety, depression and all the negativity and I was too blind to see that your were drowning-“
“Shhhhh, Lauren you need to calm down.” Immediately, Camila grabbed both of Lauren’s hand and kiss the back of it.”You were never the main reason why I left, I left because I wasn’t happy anymore, I was done being the management’s puppet and even though I need to hurt your feelings as well as the girls, I needed to because if I didn’t, I would lose myself and you didn’t want that, I didn’t want that to happen so I left. And for the words you said that night, I forgive you for it because I know you were only saying those things because you were hurt.”
“I didn’t say those things because I was hurt; I said those things because you were right. We were just using one another but still I didn’t let Lucy go, I said those things because I was scared, I felt like I was cheating on her whenever I am with you because she never pops out in my mind when you’re here with me, it felt so wrong but goddamnit Camila being with you feels so right, like I was meant to be with you and you were meant to be with me. I said those words to push you away because honestly, deep inside I was feeling things that I should never feel for you, but mostly because you deserve someone else.”
“Everybody kept on insisting that I didn’t deserve you but Lauren Michelle Jauregui, the heart wants what it wants and I want you, I’ve always wanted you.”
 Both of them looked at one another, thick tension filled the air within the surrounding until Lauren was the only finally surrendering. She brings the other one closer, gripping on her waist as she closes the distance between them. Feeling those plump lips against her own felt so familiar. Camila’s lips tasted happiness, sadness, pain, love, want, the yearning but most of all, her lips felt like home.
Camila’s hands were rested on Lauren’s neck as they kissed at a slow phase like slowly remembering the feeling of each others’ movement for they haven’t done this in a very long time. The older Latina felt the younger one licking her lower lip which slowly she opened to as they continue to explore each others’ mouth. When air was needed, both of them pulled away but kept their foreheads pressed together.
It was Lauren’s eyes who opened first and saw the tears streaming down on Camila’s face so she used her thumbs to wipe them off as she traces the lips that were on her own just a while ago. When Camila opened her eyes and met Lauren’s green ones, she finally got the courage to say the only thing she wanted to say.
 “I love you Camila, I love you and I probably always will.” Camila instantly hugs her tightly as she begins to sob. “Did you hear that? I finally said I love you.”
“Say it again.”
“I love you, and I’m sorry it took so long for me to say it.”
Lauren makes Camila face her and they looked at one another. “I love you Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao-Jauregui.” Camila jumped and wrapped her legs around Lauren’s waist which made her laugh. “I love you, I’ve always had.”
Camils drops herself and she trails Lauren’s facial features. “I like the sound of that.”
“I like the sound of that too.”
“I love the fact that you finally admitted it… However, I fucking hate your timing for saying it.” Her jaws clenched. “We both the idea of me taking your surname but I know it’s not the time for that yet. We can’t make it now because there are other people involved now.”
“But there were other people involved too in the past but that never stopped us right?”
“Because in the past that was the 16-year old me and the 17 year old you who never cared about anything but our own happiness.” She says. “Now we have to be the better version of ourselves.”
“I don’t want to do it, I want to be with you.” Lauren’s tears were threatening to fall. “I love you so much to lose you again. Camz please…”
Camila’s heart broke Lauren’s sad voice. “Those people involved now Lauren doesn’t deserve to be in pain because of us. Even though you won’t accept the fact, I know that you love him and you care for him because he was there for the times that I wasn’t. He’s a good guy and I care about her happiness too because I love her. I’m starting to trust in love again so I need to give myself a shot at finding happiness in someone else’s hands. She’s an amazing person Laur, they both deserve the love that we can offer to them. It may not be as equal as to how we love another, but that’s how we learn to love again.”
Lauren pressed their foreheads together as tears fell from her face. “Why do I feel like you’re slipping away from me again? Like you’re going to be out of my life for the second time around?”
“Because I am… I need to be out of yours and you need to be out of mine for the time being because the right type of love is never forced. If we’re meant to be together just like how we believe, then we’ll find our way back. We can’t continue to be together because we’ll be each others’ worst nightmares.” She tries to explain. “You wanna know why I named my album the hurting, the healing and the loving? It’s because it’s my stages of moving on. And this stage that we’re currently in Laur, is the healing stage. I need to temporarily close my chapter with you but at least I end it with me knowing that you love me… We’ve healed each other by saying how we really feel.”
“You said you had questions right? I know you have a lot of questions but I have the answers now. I can answer anything you want. I-“
“I think you answered all of them when you told me you love me.” She smiled. “Please stop being stubborn you’re being a pain in the ass now.” Lauren knew that Camila was only being playful to lighten up the mood. “Seriously though, I’ve got all the answers that I’ve been wanting to hear from you.”
Eventually Lauren nods her head in agreement. “If this is the price I have to pay for not being brave, then I’ll accept it. But I’ll wait for us, I’ll wait for our time, I’ll wait for us to re-open our story again.” She looks at the love of her life. “I hope it’s you and me in the Loving stage.”
Camila smiled warmly. “I don’t know but I am hoping it’s you that I’ll be seeing in my finish line of the healing stage. I want you to know that if we never find ourselves back to one another, it’s still okay. We’re allowed to fall for someone else, we’re allowed to end up with someone else.”
“That goes the same for you too. You deserve to end up with someone who appreciates you endlessly.”
“We both do…” They smiled.
“Good luck with the promotions, I know your album with be so dope because you’re a lyric genius. I can’t wait to hear the entire song on Sunday.”
“Promise me you’ll give your thoughts about it when we meet again?” Lauren nods, even though she’s unsure of the next time that they’ll meet again. “We should head back now, unless you plan on staying here?”
She thought about it for a moment before nodding her head. “I’m gonna stay for a little while but you should go, today’s a very busy schedule for you.”
Lauren helped Camila onto the fence as the younger one successfully made it on the other side. “You girls go rock on your next album. I’ll probably like some of the tweets about you girls and Roger will probably unlike them.” She rolls her eyes. “Typical, I should’ve known.”
“It’s okay, I know you’ll support us in your own ways.” She says. “Just be yourself alright?”
“I’ll probably kill all thinking that this album is going to be about boys because damn, I don’t remembering swinging that way.” Lauren laughs. “I mean it! Seriously, I feel like they’re shoving dicks on my throat-“
“Stop…” She laughed like there’s no tomorrow. “You go and do your thing butterfly queen 1.”
“Oh, the entire Camren world has probably recognized that song was for you, and I’ll probably acknowledge that Camren is real at one point-“
“And even though I’ll fucking deny it in the public, I want you to know that Camren is always real for me.” She smiled.
She smiled. “I’ll see you around.” And then she started walking towards her car.
“I love you Camz.”
Without looking back, Camila responds. “I love you Lo.”
 Lauren watched as she enters her car and drove away from the place. She looked back at the view and saw the sun started shining at the entire state and she smiled. Sure, it probably felt like hell because she just lost the one person that her heart beats for but there’s this one thing that she’s hopeful to happen.
That after the healing stage, no matter how long the two of them might take, they’ll both see each other at their own finish lines. And when they do, Lauren promises that she’ll love Camila right this time.
Alright! That’s a wrap everybody, I hope you guys like this one shot though, I’ve been meaning to write about Camren but my hands are tied to other commitments but I just wanted to share this short story with you guys, thank you for the support and let me know if you want the part 3 for this one and we’ll make it happen. :) See you around soon! Ciao!
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marveliye-blog · 7 years
Three Dollars, Six Dimes {Part 4}
“Get low, get low Zola.” Justin informs her to dunk down as we pass the police car around the corner. Six people in Justin’s used, black Sedan was a tight fit, but we made it work. I sat up front in the passenger’s seat, Marrisa in the backseat behind me, Rashad was in the middle, Sasha on the other side, and Zola sat on Marrisa’s lap. We pass the police car, and Zola gets up with a giggle. We return to our conversation about the recent school events, everyone laughs and talks as we ride with the windows down…well, everyone but Sasha. She sat in that back seat the whole time with her mouth twisted in a big scowl, her brows scrunched, and her body language read nothing but attitude. She was mad at the world, at me, with her friends and brother, and probably Justin even though he didn’t do anything but a ride and cordial hello.
I noticed from the interactions with her friends and brother that they ignored her when she acted like this. I’m grateful because she would have seriously killed the vibe otherwise. Sasha Campbell had to be the most uptight teenager that I’ve ever met. Before going to Marri’s house, we stop at the convenience store around the corner to get snacks…everyone got out of the car but Sasha. I quickly pick up a couple of packs of fruity lifesavers and head back to the car. It’s too hot so stand outside, so I savor the car’s AC and take my chances at being alone with Sasha.
I glance back at her as I get in and she doesn’t move or make a sound. It was the first time that I’d ever been this close to her. Though Marrisa and I had been friends for years my contact with her up until this point had been limited. Her presence wasn’t big like Zola’s or made you feel welcomed like Marrisa’s; it was just stifling.
“Want one?” I ask not because I am playing nice, but it’s because it was how I was brought up. She looks up at me with those deep dark eyes and her scowl returns.
She then says “Does it look like I want anything from you?”
I start to cuss her out and say some shit that would hurt her feelings and to think that I almost felt sorry for her this morning.
“What?” she asks when she notices I’m still turned around glaring at her. I didn’t know what I wanted; I was just pissed off at her unnecessary attitude.
“I was trying to be friendly.” I muster, a lump formed in my throat with all the negative words that I wanted to say.
“Don’t bother. You and Marrisa have been friends for years, and we have managed to say only about two words to each other. We’re sixteen now, so there’s no need to start.”
“You’re such a fucking bitch.” I say harshly before I can even stop it.
She takes off her glasses and stares at me hard with large dark, brown eyes. “I’ve heard that shit all my life, so I’m going to need to hear something new to be offended.” she says it cool and calmly. I’m convinced that there is a demon trapped in there somewhere.
I glance at the driver’s side window and see the rest of them coming so I turn around. “Damn weirdo.” I mumble to myself.
“Thank you.” She chirps out gleefully as the crew climbs back in.
From the Casiano’s house, the walk to our apartment was only a few minutes away, but instead of walking home like we agreed on, Rashad wanted to hang out a little longer. Instead of being the little brother shunned by his older sister’s friends, he fit right in while I was the one left out. I sat at the dining room table doing my homework with Marrisa’s ten-year-old sister, Marisol, while the others sat in the living room watching Martin and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reruns. When Marrisa was halfway done with Leon’s hair, she took a little break to check on me.
“Move big head, let me talk to Sash.” Marrisa shoos her sister and Marisol looks at her in disgust.
“Why I gotta move?” she whines. “It’s bad enough that Mommy won’t let me sit with ya’ll.” She folds her arms defiantly and locks eyes with Marrisa to challenge her.
“Marisol don’t be a brat and move.” Marri demands. I pop my gum and watch the scene unfold. Siblings were the reason that we always hung out at Zola’s house. She’s an only child, and her mom is super young and lets us do whatever. Mrs. Casiano always had a bunch of rules, and her three younger siblings tend to be obnoxious. My house was ok unless Regina was there, which was quite often, she always felt the need to play boss around my friends. “Fine, you won’t move, I’ll just sit on you.”
“There are two other chairs you can sit at.” Marisol argues while Marri bounces on her lap.
“I want to talk to Sasha alone.” Marrisa insist on covering Marisol’s ears so she can’t hear our conversation. Both girls struggle with one another until Marisol gains the upper hand.
“Get your ass off of me before I tell Leon that you like him.” Marisol says with a smirk just low enough for me and Marri to hear her. Though Marrisa’s back is to me, I’m sure her brown eyes get big.
“Mama, Marisol’s in here cussing!” Marrisa shoots up off her sister and shouts. Before Marisol has time to defend herself, her mom calls for from her bedroom in a menacing tone.
“Imma get you back.” Marisol pops her sister in the arm before running off to see what her mother wants.
Marrisa looks back at me with an amused look before pulling her chair up closer to me. “Come on and sit with us. You’re sitting in her all alone being antisocial.” She pats my forearm which causes me to mess up the “S” I was writing.
“I’m good.” I stop my writing altogether to look at her. “Plus, I wasn’t alone. I was just fine sitting here doing my homework while Marisol eavesdropped.”
“Ugh, she’s so bad. I can’t believe she’s only ten.” My friend frowns in the direction of the hallway Marisol ran down. Since Marisol didn’t come back to the front, I figured that her mom made her stay back there with her and their five-year-old and two-year-old little brothers. “Come on, now stop acting like that and join us.” Marrisa insists once again.
“Acting like what?” I’m confused because for the most I’ve been on my best behavior.
“I know you don’t care for Le and Justin but you can at least be a part of the crowd.”
“I’m doing what I want to do which is my homework. I’m not about to be up half the night doing algebra work because I was sitting around, playing friends with two bubble-brained boys.” I stand my ground because I was not bothering anyone.
“You’ve been on one since Leon asked me to do his hair. Can’t nobody stand when you act like that, me and Zola included.” Her voice gets higher, and her Latina accent is more noticeable, which is a sign that she’s getting angry. For a second I believe that I’m unreasonable until I look over my shoulder at the four in the living room. They are rapping and dancing obnoxiously to the clean version of Rack City.
“I can act however I want. I’m not trying to impress them on your behalf. He’s either going to like you for you, regardless of who your friends are, or it just won’t happen. And if he hasn’t noticed you by now then he probably won’t Marrisa.” I snap because I know that this is what this conversation is about. She was starting to hang out with Leon more outside of school and wanted me to be nicer so he would want to come around more.
“God, you can be so bitchy, and you wonder why no one at school likes you.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re so damn rude to people, it’s annoying.” This conversation was taking a turn, and it was evident that Marrisa was expressing how she really felt.
“If I’m so annoying then why do you hang around me?” I pull my eyes from hers and try to focus on my math homework.
“Honestly Sasha, if me, Zola, and your brother didn’t tolerate your attitude who would you hang around?” Those words hurt but I wouldn’t let her see me cry about it. I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t thought about my friends drifting apart from me, and Rashad warding me off in fear of becoming a social pariah like myself. “He’s been a good friend to me. He was there for me when my dad went to prison, and he helps out when my mom gets sick. The only reason we don’t hang out as much is because you’re always around.”
“Fine,” I slam my book closed with a loud thud. I feel eyes on my back, and the way Marrisa glares over my shoulder confirms it. “Well, I’ll stop coming around.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just saying be nicer, and people will like you more. Stop acting like you’re so much better than everyone else.” She tries to say in better tone, but the damage has already been done. I throw my books and notebooks in my backpack until my area at the table is clear. She could sit there and stand up for her stupid crush all she wanted. I didn’t have to sit there and listen to it.
“Shad, I’m leaving, and I’m not walking home by myself and neither are you.” I announce to Rashad as I storm to through the living room in a fury. They all look at me like I’m crazy, but I don’t care; I was done being “nice” for the day.
“Sasha.” My brother says my name in a tone that lets me know that I’m embarrassing him.
“I’ll wait outside.” I say firmly then burst through the Casiano’s storm door.
My cell phone rings at my aunt’s personalized ringtone. I go out to the front porch so I can hear her over the blaring music videos.
“Hey Tía Tia.”
“Are you home?” He huffs.
“What was that? Did you say, hey Nephew? How was your day in school, Nephew? Well, Auntie, I had an awesome day and—” I continue this sarcastic jab until she cuts me off.
“Boy, don’t play. Are you home?” She says in a stern tone of voice. Most of the time we had this great brother-and-sister type dynamic then there were moments like this when she would get this surge of maternal energy and switch up on me.
“I’m at Marrisa’s house. She’s braiding my hair.” I turn my back to the surly Sasha who’s still outside waiting on her brother.
“Leon, I’ve told you again and again about hanging out when I’m working these late shifts, especially in that part of town.”
“Tia half of my head is done. I’ll go home when she finishes. It shouldn’t take her long.”
“You don’t tell me what you’re going to do.” She snaps, and I look up into purplish gray sky wishing this conversation would end. “Your grandparents are on their way to the house. They are spending the weekend because I’m working the late shifts all weekend.”
“How was I supposed to know that when you didn’t tell me.”
“Leon Christopher Bradfort.” My name floats from her lips like a song. Tiana Camille Bradfort had been getting on my case lately about minor shit, and I wasn’t here for it.
“I don’t need them to babysit me anymore. I’m sixteen.”
“Like I’m going to give you full reign at sixteen.”
“I’m responsible,” I argue, and I hear Sasha scoffs behind me.
“It’s not about that. It’s about you doing what I tell you to do because I’m responsible for you. Your grandparents, my mom and dad, should be there within the hour and I expect you to be home.”
“Marrisa should be done by then.” I challenge.
“Look my break is almost up. You just better be home when they get there.” With that, her phone clicks off. For a few minutes, I ponder if hearing an earful from Tia and being “grounded” would be worth it. She would be too tired to fuss when she came home, and once she got around to it, she wouldn’t be mad anymore. Her groundings also never stuck, so I head back inside as Rashad was coming out. I sit back down in front of Marrisa and let her finish my braids.
© Marveliye
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