#can be an open stater
chronicparagon · 1 year
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"No!" Harmony snaps, "No! N! O! There is no way in hell that Grimace has a birthday.
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Sure enough...It's a thing!
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"Oh, my God!"
First, she finds horrific discoveries of Anons creating culinary nightmares with sweets. Now, the fast food she enjoys occasionally is not safe...
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forestofstarlight · 1 year
(Continued from @jesdavi.)
Jewel looks up at the golem and slowly approaches it. She was used to seeing golems since she had a few that helped her with excavations, but she had never seen one of such a large size. Honestly, it was different from any other golem she had seen before.
“Hello? What is it that you want from this place? I don’t know if you realize, but you’re causing a major disturbance for me and the other miners working here.” She says.
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Henry was currently sitting on the floor of the Fredbear’s employees only break room. The building's coffee pot on his lap , a screw driver held in his mouth, and a few pieces already removed from the machine lying in a pile next to him.
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scbrvght · 2 years
press the ♡ for a starter from your wishlist tag.  c:
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multi-cannon-rp · 3 months
Like for a random starter from my grimilin Nitsuki.
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tokufan400 · 1 month
Open Stater
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"Well aren't you a cutie~." Ryofu said as she eyes your muse, admiring them with interest. "And you look pretty strong to. Tell you what, how about we have some fun? Though if you want, that can also mean a spar. I don't mind either way~." Ryofu said.
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thelostflxwer · 8 months
open stater !! @evermorehqsstart location: rap's art & paint studio
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❛ oh gosh, hello !! sorry, sorry, one moment, ❜ the blonde greeted, paint smeared across her cheeks, hair braided back though rogue strands had somehow worked themselves free around the framework of her face. wiping her hands on her apron, the blonde stood from her stool, nearly tripping over her own hair as she navigated her way up to the front of the shop— practically hopping over her braid. ❛ please do forgive me, things have been kind of hectic around here. ❜ rapunzel smiled, hand pressing to her belly as she finally made it to where they were standing, catching her breath. ❛ alright— okay, here i am. anything i can help you with ?? ❜
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 9 months
New Year, Same Etiquette
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//Hello guys. Just rolling by to toss this lil PSA.
This is a reminder that my blog is open to all.
That means we can interact even if we are not mutuals! Of course, that is assuming your blog is not mutuals-only. The ball is in your court.
But Saru, WHY are we not mutuals?
At present I am following a little under 200 blogs and for my own sanity I cannot let that number grow. In fact I might need to lower that threshold soon. The dash has been crazy. That doesn't mean I won't follow back from time to time. I feel like I have pretty lax requirements to do that.
I will follow back if: 1) I know the mun and enjoy writing with them OR 2) I don't know the mun, but I am familiar with the muse's fandom OR 3) Despite being unfamiliar with the muse fandom, I find the bio interesting and with potential for things I haven't explored yet (wink wink at fandomless OC blogs~) if none of these conditions are met I will probably not follow back, but I'm an open blog. If a blog I didn't follow interacts with me and I like what they're offering, chances are I'll follow back then.
Lastly, reminder of my rules.
My rules always apply with almost no exception. Rule n.4 is especially important to me. If you haven't at least reached out to me in some form to let me know what muse you want from me (and this means anything: send an ask, send a meme, engage a stater, drop a message, etc.), it'll be difficult for me to engage you. No, this isn't me trying to be entitled. When I follow a blog I always do them the courtesy of reaching out first and letting them know what I want, so I'm only asking to receive the same kindness in return. If I had to take the initiative every time someone follows me out of the blue, I would have absolutely no time left to actually roleplay.
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I think that's everything. The turn is yours!
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dovingmemes · 1 year
twst en sentence stater
quotes from the disney mobile game 'twisted wonderland' taken from this twitter. as always, change as you see fit.
" certainly.. your secret's safe with me... heh heh heh. "
" YESSS! i wanna hit up more anime sites! "
" nooo! if you're not going , i'm bailing! "
" i grabbed the nearest tool and bashed it against the door so hard it busted open. "
" cake me , baby! "
" what a load of hot garbage. "
" O WELL. guess i'd better figure out what i'm doing this weekend, what with my LACK OF PLANS... gonna be boresville over here... "
" hmph. i grew out of such childishness one month after i was born! "
" what is it? do you wish to lodge another complaint? "
" may i give you a hug and a kiss? "
" ugh , bunch of casuals. you know nothing of a nerd's heart. "
" look , can we just get this over with? i could cut the awkwardness with a knife... "
" hmph. i don't buy that shady smile for a second. "
" ahahahahahaha! wow , you can't even beat that level? what a casual! "
" WUT. who would ever love this world?! it's a dump! "
" eliminate! eliminate! ELIMINATE! ELIMINATE! "
" the world totally sucks as it is. "
" you want to play video games? "
" our journey together ends here... let's make it a parting to remember! "
" eeek! cut it out! how can something so cute be so violent?! "
" i didn't ask for this job , you know. i could be grinding out an event with my favorite character RIGHT NOW. "
" quiet. something strange is goin' on. i can feel it. "
" ah pimples... a symbol of youth. they do have their own charm. "
" you don't hurt me, i don't hurt you. capiche? "
" is that anyway to greet the guy who's lap you've been snorin' on for three hours? "
" that's disgusting. get changed. "
" you think you're real slick, don'tcha? "
" yes , MOM... "
do i look like someone who can make that happen?! "
" just be careful not to get hurt , okay? neh heh heh. "
"thanks. you're precious. "
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frameshiftworks · 11 months
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Frametober Day 19: Plump
In the occupied territories of the Free States, dotted across the El-Khalaban Empire's western coast, the scars of the war remain fresh. Whilst much of the Federation and Empire have had a chance to relax in the past decade and a half, the people of the Free States do not go a week without hearing of another mine being set-off accidentally, or undetonated ordinance causing devastation to the cliffs surrounding their perilous lands.
To handle these circles of entrapment and danger around the ancestral lands of the Free States, the RFI created "Open Circle", a Lance of Frames with the express purpose of clean-up, land renewal, and peacekeeping inside the Free State territories.
To that end, Open Circle Frames tend to be Artillerist or Spiders - fast moving Sprinter class Frames would be of little use in the slow, methodological clean-up process of the surrounding hills and farmlands, and Mages were quickly deemed too unpredictable to be of any use. As such, the typical Open Circle Frame tends to be heavily armoured, bulky, slow, or any other pejorative you can think of. Don't worry, the Free Staters have already thought of better ones.
That brings us to the most notable thing about Open Circle - it's utter failure. Although some minefields and ordinance in essential areas were cleared away by their Frame Fireteams and attaché infantry units, the removal of explosive devices especially in an Easterly direction has been slow-going at best. On top of that, Open Circle takes its "peacekeeping" role more seriously than most, and as such not a protest goes by in the inner cities of the Free States where an Open Circle Fireteam isn't present, watching with revolvers armed.
This all goes to say that Open Circle are at best disliked by the locals, and at worst, feared. The RFI has been thinking of revamping the sub-organisation for years, but with the glacial progress on the ratification of the fabled "Dune Peace", their hesitance to fully clean-up the Free States of its many mined spaces speaks volumes.
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♚ — @tragedicn ;; Eric & Shanjie. Stater Call.
"Welcome back."
In a rare change of event, Eric was the one to open the door today. Never was he the one to greet guests, to open the door for them and invite them inside. That was always handled by Zero, who took care of the guests and managed the estate on his own, as he was created and trained for. Something he doesn't entirely know if he--explained to Shanjie. There's probably a lot that he hasn't that he really does need to explain to Shanjie.
There's just a worry there that if he did do that--would Shanjie stop showing up? Would he look at Eric, see what other people saw, and leave for the last time. That isn't something he's ever thought he would worry about again, not since his Wife.
Maybe he's gettiing to attached.
Eric moved out of the way and allowed Shanjie inside the Manor, allowing him through the door before he closed it behind him. He flipped the locks into place and then turned to face the other man again, running his gaze over his body to check for any sign of injury. Shanjie never explained to him what his line of work was, but Eric had the feeling it wasn't exactly something safe for a mortal to be doing.
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"I will have Zero prepare your room again. I think you left some clothes behind that he's been taking care of. And if you need anything he can run to the store and get it." If Shanjie didn't bring anything with him. They had spare supplies around that are needed daily, like a toothbrush, deoderant, and other bathroom supplies. They could provide that stuff easily.
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chaoscrawls · 8 months
@cursedblessed - Liked for a stater with Hastur
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Music thumps heavily against the brick walls, through bodies pressed close together in a state of bliss. As far as he could gather, his cousin had brought a bunch of people here to feed off the natural chaos that exists between folks who have ingested many legal and illegal substances. 
He isn’t allowed inside, nor is he meant to be here, but that doesn’t stop him from patrolling the outside of the establishment with a skip in his step. It isn’t till he spots a pair of mortals sitting on the back doorstep that he conceals himself away in the shadows. The pair are sharing a drink, faces red and giggling. It’s not long before they take each others’ hands and drag themselves back inside to continue their revelry. 
Except they have left something behind. There on the concrete stairs is the half-finished bottle of wine that they had been sharing. Stepping out from his hiding spot, he eyes it curiously. Realistically, he doesn’t need to drink but he’s curious as to the appeal. This drink brought so many people together and caused them to do such silly things.
Sniffing the neck of the bottle, he places it to his lips and takes a large swig. Well, it isn’t unpleasant - maybe a bit bitter. But these humans have better, tastier drinks. So why- Before he can finish his thoughts the bottle drops from his hand. His stomach churns and his legs begin to tremble.
Black oily liquid begins to spew forth from his lips, his body rejecting the alcohol. Lifting a hand to his mouth he tries to stop himself but it's a weak attempt, the odd substances spewing out from between his fingers. Hearing the door open he looks up. “H-Help…”
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I think its time...
I do not like the animaniacs reboot.
Hey all toony here. And prepare your pitchforks and torches for a guy having a opinion on the internet
Im going to start off by reiterating i dont mind if you like the reboot its your opinion and you shouldnt be crucified for it.
Allso most of my points here are ripped from a video by @lovelylivelyv on the media momentos channel (hey sneeks im sorry but its a obligation to ping you in a post once a week)
They feel very toned down and not as chaotic.its a god given magical moment whenever they feel like the warners. One skit thay feels like propper warners is ralph cam! Its the most warner feeling skit in the entire package and moment wise. I feel like in the tapestry songs opening is very warner like! The warners are being there classic zany selves to clear out the auction area to win said auction. But thats all i can give to that themselves the rest of the time they do just like one thing and its over. I feel like the warners work best when there not just playing around with a single gag idea and are raped firing through gags. Example is in taming of the screwy where they go from the misinterpreting bit to the bust and goodnight everybody joke.here we have.
Dot redirects a lion..yakko files a lawsuit a while after...
Jesus christ they massacred my boy. Im not at all agenst yakko being sort of a dad to his siblings but if they make him total dad mode no nonsense stuffs. That creates a rift between him and his siblings they dont feel as unified as before because of yakkos dad mode. I feel like that adds to the general toned down chaos of the three.
This ones short because honestly hes the most quote in quote faithfull of the three but i do have gripes on his depiction. For staters and this is kind of a nitpick. Mister "do you swear?" "Yes!" "Well you shouldn't its not nice" says hell. And yes its a more low tier curse and is ment via the setting but can still be counted as a curse at times. But they make him super duper dumb. Hes not suposed to be the smartest man in the world but hes not downright stupid. The ending of bun control gives me a hernia. I go to garage sale of the century where he fixes the garage door remote and makes it better!
Fuck reboot dot. She went from a feminist do a downright misandrist she constantly bullies her brothers and smashes them with mallets just for being dudes at times. Hell they even change yakko and wakko to act like this is something they deserve! Like yakko would not sing a "MaNsPlAiNiNg SoNg" in the 90s like at all. Plus there are like multiple times where there just like "hey guys lets sexualize this 9 year old girl!" And i guess you can argue they did that some in the 90s but AT LEAST THEY DIDNT GIVE HER A DEFINED CHEST AND JUST SEEMED LIKE A 9 YEAR OLD BEING A SILLY 9 YEAR OLD *breaaaaaaath* shoot me
I like pinky and the brain and thats about it lmao. If i have more to say that i realized i didnt talk about here i'll post more on my opinion
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mistydeyes · 1 year
If it’s still open if not you can completely ignore and delete this message butttt can I get a
MW2 Pairing Please 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Pronouns: she/her 
Race: I’m Hawaiian, Filipino, German and Italian (I’m a lot more things but these are the one I know by heart.)
Appearance: Recently I buzzed cut my hair so I don’t have my curly hair anymore, Hazel eyes, I would say I’m average height for a female (5’5), I’m more on the curvy size, glasses and light tan skin. 
Personality: Oh boy where do I start, we’ll for staters I can be very goofy and very serious at times, I have a very dry and dark humor when it comes to my jokes, ENTP, usually at work I’m very bubbly and always being a motherly type figure to my kids, but I will add that I am Bipolar so my personality tends to change whenever I hit a manic episode but nothing to hurtful or mean just more of tired and hardly energetic which usually leaves me in bed for a few hours during the day usually on my off days I’ll let it sink in I’ll never bring that type to things to work.
Things I Like to Do: Reading and Playing video games is usually what I like doing on my free time if not I usually go to the gym to get out of the house if I don’t want to be around family, if not I’m usually drawing or doing a bit of voice acting for my friends series she has going on. If not I love a good hike or driving around very late into the night or star gazing.
Job/Interests/Education: I currently work as summer camp group leader which is me helping the kids learn new things, and play fun activities with them. But right now I just signed up for National Guard as a combat medic so I’m hoping I can head to training sometime later this year for my training. As for my education I actually have a associate degree in Digital art…yea 😅 I don’t know how my job or me joining the military even fits in with my degree 😅
Fun facts: I love tattoos and have a few of my own, I have two tarot cards (sun and moon), a ghost face knife and a Star Wars quote, I can speak a little Hawaiian, Spanish and German, I’m also bipolar, bisexual, I’m the only girl and youngest out of 6 kids, little bit autistic usually if I stim I like to trace or hold one of my friends hands or arms (usually my best friend bc he has tattoos on his arm and lets me color it in).
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
How you met: Military After years in the National Guard, you would think as a combat medic you would have seen it all. But now you had an interesting story as you helped to patch up Johnny Mactavish. After a joint US and UK op, he presented to your tent with not 1 not 3 but 10 shallow knife wounds. The most you had ever seen was maybe 7? "This is a new record," you said as you cleaned his wounds and applied antibiotic ointment. "What can I say, lass? I am a record breaker," he smiled at you as you examined his extremities for any remaining cuts. You grabbed a variety of bandages and went about applying them to the necessary areas. Soon he looked like a child who fell off his bike with the amount of bandages on him. "Alright I think I got all of them," you smiled before taking off your gloves, "just be sure to let them heal and you can replace the bandages in the next few days if they fall off." You made sure to hand him a few extras as you knew combat and traveling would inevitably cause some of them to peel. "And try not to get any more cuts, I don't want my new record to be 11," you said before signing off the appropriate documents and sending him on his way. "Okay, bonnie but I might be seeing you around," he started as he got up, "gotta find more excuses to see your pretty face."
A peek into your relationship: You anxiously looked at your face in the mirror and adjusted your glasses. Today was the day your family would meet your boyfriend. "Nervous?" Johnny asked as he snuck up on you and nearly scared you have to death. "Yes!" you exclaimed before playfully hitting him on the shoulder. You had made sure everything was perfect, preparing some dishes from your childhood and relentlessly running through all the characteristics of your family with Johnny. "I come from a big family, sweetheart, don't worry" he said in an attempt to reassure you. But as you waited at the door, your nerves were unmatched. When the door opened, you saw your 5 older brothers and parents standing there. Your parents were overjoyed to see you but your brothers looked like they were about to eat your boyfriend alive. Your mother quickly ushered you to put down the trays of food and your brothers took Johnny aside for a little talk. As you chatted with your mom about some of the more recent events in your line of work, you could hear a mix of languages happening in the next room. You and your parents peaked your head in to see Johnny and your brothers fully engrossed in a conversation about the nuances of languages. "No you tube, its 'Pishin’ it doon out here'" you could hear your boyfriend say. Your brothers laughed before the oldest one replied, "why wouldn't you just say 'it's a downpour'?"
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littleollieballard · 2 years
Open Stater: Playroom
Open to: (Anyone you can be used by Oliver or try and convince him to let you top him ) 
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Ollie perused the selection of toys that were available to him. He usually liked the contradiction and the surprise on men’s face when he revealed that they were not the ones who would be using him. Though sometimes it was nice to be appreciated and fawned over like his appearance would normally belay. It was just rare he actually let himself give into those feelings, and allow a man to treat him like that. Lost in thought he held up a rather large dildo, turning it over in his hands, he almost jumped out of his skin as he heard the door to the playroom open. 
“You scared me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Sorry if you are going to use the room I can leave. I just- I was just looking at the toys that’s all.” he put the dildo back and smiled at the other man. “Please excuse me.” 
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dogmovesout · 2 years
closed stater for @scamperoo​ location: tramp’s apartment, a few days after the party
The night of Atta and Molt’s engagement party was primarily a blur to Tristan - certain parts sticking out more than others. Fighting with Lilah, seeing Scamp for the first time in five years, and throwing up at Annette’s feet being the moments he remembered the strongest, but even that wasn’t saying much. Which is why when the doorbell of his apartment rings out, Tristan can’t help but be confused. It wasn’t his week for Colette and even when she did randomly come over, she had her own key and didn’t bother with the niceties of knocking or announcing her presence in any way other than just barging right in. There was no memory of the invitation he had extended to his son at the party nights before, so when he opened the door with a beer car in hand he had hardly expected to see Scamp standing before him.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, words coming out before he can think them through. Though he may not be as completely plastered as he had been the other night, his current state certainly wasn’t one of a sober man either. But that wasn’t a surprise. Hardly was he ever in a clear state of mind - always either some stage of drunk or hungover. Not that Scamp would be aware of that, his drinking problem having been far more under control back when the boy was still around. Catching himself on the way his question could have come across as his not wanting his son here, Tristan steps aside and motions for Scamp to enter the apartment. “Do you, uh, want something to drink?”
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