#heroine of misfortune
chronicparagon · 1 year
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Art made by Yohao88
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
Some indie game recommendations from ones I’ve played or know enough about them to suggest them to others(mostly in no particular order), Part 2, since Tumblr stopped letting me add more for some reason:
Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights
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Murder By Numbers
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Sally Face
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Fran Bow
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Little Misfortune
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The Forest of Drizzling Rain
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Croixleur Sigma
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Ara Fell
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Cosmic Star Heroine
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Touhou Luna Nights
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The Strange Man series(The Crooked Man, The Sandman and The Boogieman)
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Yume Nikki/Yume Nikki: Dream Diary
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The Witch’s House
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WILL: A Wonderful World
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Mad Father
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Fears to Fathom Series
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Record of Lodess War: Deedlit in Wonderland
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Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk/ Milk Outside a Bag of Milk Outside a Bag of Milk
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
I wonder if maybe Emilie's "main character syndrome" made her think nothing bad would happen to her from using the Peacock Miraculous because she thought she'd have plot armour, like "Well, it's never going to happen to me!" And maybe she didn't just use the Butterfly Miraculous instead because it's for giving powers to other people and not yourself (unless you exploit loopholes like Gabriel did).
Initially, but when The Signs started happening, SL Emilie accepted her new role: Tragic Heroine. What misfortune that she has to die, that her husband and son and totally not girlfriend have to mourn her for the rest of their lives, what an unavoidable series of circumstances that have led her to haunt the narrative forever. Who'd have thought that this story was a bittersweet poetic tragedy?
lol the idea of people Moving On never crossed her mind.
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hisui-dreamer · 11 months
such lengths
Pairing: Floyd Leech x f!reader
Synopsis: if your fiancé is the one to kill you in an arranged marriage you can't refuse, then why not seduce said fiancé so he won't kill you?
Tags: fluff, cliché isekai plots, reincarnation, female reader, historical setting, arranged marriages
Word count: 1.7k+
Notes: how did i write more for floyd than malleus💀
anywaysss early birthday prize for everyone's second favourite eel!!
✧Jade's Villainess✧ ✧Malleus' Villainess✧
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The tale of this noblewoman is nothing short of a pitiful one.
Though born into a lineage of high prestige, her family's former glory had withered away, drained dry by the toils of generations past. Yet, the count and countess, bound by love and tenderness, still showered their daughter with affection, sparing no effort to ensure her well-being.
The noblewoman yearned for this fleeting happiness to linger, but destiny rarely extends its benevolent hand for long. On her eleventh birthday, her mother, weary from the ceaseless burdens of the household, succumbed to a devastating illness and became bedridden. In a desperate gambit to procure funds for the cure to his wife's illness, the count embarked on treacherous voyages to distant shores, seeking business opportunities in the coastal realms.
But alas, the wheel of misfortune turned relentlessly. On her fourteenth birthday, while returning home with promises of a prosperous business deal, the count met his untimely end in a harrowing carriage accident.
As the sole heir to the county, she was burdened with the weight of the title, a mantle too heavy for an adolescent to bear. She undertook the grim task of orchestrating her father's funeral. During the somber ceremony, a peculiar party of visitors arrived, their countenance unsettling, teeth like razors and stature unnaturally tall. She soon learned these were the Leech family, the very traders her father had forged deals with.
They dangled an irresistible proposition before her, one she could not refuse; in exchange for becoming the betrothed of the eldest Leech son, her mother's well-being would be safeguarded, and the finest remedies would be at her disposal.
Thus, the noblewoman, too foolish and naive, chose to secure her mother's future. Their union was sealed when she reached the age of eighteen. Yet, not even a year passed before a sinister illness overcame her, her constitution ravaged by a poison slowly administered by her own husband.
The Leech family, though incredibly wealthy and influential, had always hungered for the societal standing that had long eluded them. The noblewoman, unknowingly, was their golden ladder to ascend into aristocracy, for deceiving the aristocratic circles into believing she was sickly, much like her mother, proved a simple task.
And so, the noblewoman passed away pitifully, her title passed into the hands of her husband, and her mother soon followed her beloved daughter.
of all the characters you could've have reincarnated as, you had the worst luck of all when you woke up as Floyd's late wife
heck, Floyd wasn't even the main character of the novel, it was some businessman that grew up to be greedy and cruel, but had to learn how to love again after meeting the heroine
his late wife was just briefly mentioned for a paragraph about how the leech family, basically the mafia from "fathoms below", started gaining more influence and helped the businessman with his schemes
though Floyd and his twin brother jade did gain a large fanbase, they were a pretty striking duo and when did red flags ever stop fans from simping
you yourself were a huge fan of the twins, but even you didn't instantly recognize you became Floyd's late wife
it was only when you were grieving with your mother about the passing of your caring father and the leech family showed up at the funeral
the striking teal hair, mismatched eyes, and carefree grin stood out almost immediately
Mr. Leech, an formidable figure, cast a shadow of authority as he shattered the oppressive silence that had draped itself over the elegant garden. His voice, deep and resonant, possessed a commanding quality as he addressed you. "My condolences for your loss, my dear. Your father and I were business partners... He spoke very highly of you."
With a sense of poised grace, you offered a nod at his words. "Thank you, Mr. Leech. It is an honor to have made the acquaintance of your family, even under these less-than-fortunate circumstances."
Jade, his sharp and composed eyes keenly focused on you, joined the conversation. "I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm Jade," he offered his hand in greeting.
You shook his hand, your voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Jade."
In stark contrast, Floyd, exuding an aura of indifference. Mr. Leech took it upon himself to introduce him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "And this is Floyd, my eldest son."
You extended a polite greeting to Floyd, your tone warm and inviting as you curtseyed. "Hello, Floyd. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Floyd, maintaining his stoic demeanor, made a "hmph" sound before turning away, his demeanor aloof.
Sensing the tension and his apparent disinterest, you scrambled for a way to interest him. "Oh uhm, you must be tired from your journey. Would you care for some refreshments? We have some pastries prepared, if you'd like."
He turns back to you, a glint of interest flickering in his curious eyes. "Hmmm... Alright, why don'tcha show me what you've got prepared, Shrimpy?" He responds, the edges of his lips curling upward.
thankfully, the funeral came to a close peacefully, and Floyd seemingly got along with you
from then you awaited the offer letter from Mr Leech to arrive
you remembered that Floyd, though easily bored, could be really dedicated to something if he wanted to
so what better way to survive, than to make Floyd like you?? only then will your mom get the medicine she needs, and you'll survive without struggling in poverty
worse case scenario, he gets bored of you when you're older and you'll just divorce
and if he's the one asking for the divorce, he can't really make you pay compensation for the past medical fees
so, you decided to accept the proposal nonetheless
but not without precautions!! you started studying intensely on all sorts of poisons and antidotes, just in case Floyd randomly gets bored and tries to unalive you
though if he wanted to end your life with brute force, you knew you wouldn't stand a chance against him
as fiancés, there's not much improvement in your relationship
sometimes he's bored and finds hanging out with you a chore, other times he's following you around like a curious puppy, and there are also moments where he pranks you to see your reactions
you've tried becoming closer to him by getting him cool shoes and playing instruments, but he's far too aloof for you to know if he likes you or not
but thankfully, your mother's complection has improved a lot, and it does look like she's recovering
and once you're both officially adults and married, you start attending public events with floyd to establish your connections
or more accurately, for the leech family to establish connections with aristocracy
this time, it was a tea party held by some business competitors of the leech family
The elegant garden was a tranquil haven for the tea party, the soft murmur of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze providing a soothing background to the clink of fine china and hushed conversations. You, Floyd, and the other aristocratic adolescents settled around a beautifully adorned table, the porcelain teacups and dainty pastries tempting you all.
Floyd lifted the delicate teacup to his lips as he rolled his eyes, having grown weary of the incessant chatter and polite pleasantries that surrounded him. Just as he was about to take a sip, you noticed a faint, unusual scent wafting from his cup, a scent that sent a chilling realization down your spine.
With lightning-quick reflexes, you reached out and pressed your hand against Floyd's, preventing him from taking that fateful sip. "Wait, Floyd, don't," you whispered urgently.
Startled, Floyd's gaze darted to your eyes, confusion etched across his face. "What's wrong, Shrimpy?" he asked, taken aback by your trembling hands.
You carefully take out the silver hairpin gifted to you by Mr Leech from your hair, murmuring, "Please explain this to father-in-law later..." Carefully, you submerged the hairpin into Floyd's cup, and both of you watched in horror as the pearly hairpin rapidly transformed into a sinister shade of black.
His eyes widened as he looked down at the poisoned tea, realizing the danger he had been unknowingly on the brink of. Anger simmered beneath the surface, his emotions stirred by the audacity of someone attempting harm. Swiftly, he plucked the hairpin from the cup, using his handkerchief to conceal the incriminating evidence before the guests could catch on.
"I'm bored," His voice carried throughout the venue, capturing the attention of the other guests. "Let's get out of here." He said as he pulled you up from your seat with a firm yet gentle gesture, placing an arm around your shoulder as he guided you away from the tea party.
Once you were far from prying eyes, he pulled you close, wrapping you in a protective embrace. His large hand moved soothingly over your back, attempting to calm your trembling form.
"Thanks, Shrimpy. I owe ya one" he whispered into your hair. After a brief moment, he pulled back slightly, his intense gaze fixed on your eyes. "But how'd ya know my tea was messed with?"
Anxiety seized your body at the question, the weight of your response holding immense consequences. If you answered wrongly, Floyd might suspect your intentions. In a panic, you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"I wanted to protect you!"
Floyd blinked. "Protect... me?"
"Yes!" You affirmed. "I thought maybe there would be attempts on your life since your family's incredibly influential, and I wanted to be able to protect you..." You murmured the last bit, praying that you were making sense.
With an expression of genuine astonishment, Floyd stared at you, unblinking. It was clear that your explanation had taken him by surprise, the notion of your dedication leaving him momentarily speechless.
"You... you went through such lengths... to protect me?" Floyd finally managed to utter, a hint of incredulity in his voice. A glimmer of warmth crept into his eyes as he studied your face, taking in the sincerity in your actions.
Before you could conjure up an answer, his grip on your shoulder tightened, drawing you closer to him. "You're really something else, Shrimpy," he murmured, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Hahaha! I wouldn't mind having you around!"
needless to say, floyd started following you around even more now
it seems this event really helped you gain his trust and affection
soon after the party, he gifted you a new hairpin, with "pearls he found himself" he says
he starts getting jealous when you spend more time studying poisons with jade but if you say you're doing it because you want to protect him he melts again
looks like you're not losing your life anytime soon, but i also don't think that eel is letting go of you ever
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thekatebridgerton · 8 months
More reasons why I love Sophie Beckett
So it’s no secret in this blog that I love Sophie as a character, she is very close to my heart and on my bad days I find strength in characters like her because she is so well written. The thing I admire the most about Sophie, is that she didn’t let her circumstances break her, or harden her into becoming jaded and cynical. Sophie endured terrible circumstances, she knew she was unwanted, unloved, and had no resources to escape her terrible situation. The servants who treated her marginally better than Araminta and her family, either left or were let go because Araminta was a terrible mistress. Sophie was alone in a hostile environment with little hope of rescue. The love of her life was a wonderful man whose fatal flaw was that he thought he could buy her and believed that she should be satisfied with such offer.
And yet Sophie never stopped being kind, she didn’t let those things define her, she continued to hope and to believe and to endure, because she refused to let Araminta or her absent father break her spirit, she refused to let Benedict’s persistence make her into something she wasn’t, she continued to silently fight,  until she got out, and when she finally got out, she took Posey with her, because once she was in a position to help, she did.
I need characters like her, because in Sophie, her kindness, compassion and consideration isn’t a weakness. She’s strong because she has managed to retain all those things even in a circumstance where any other woman would have lost their optimism. In a world of cynical heroines, Sophie is cheerful. She never feels sorry for herself, she doesn’t blame things beyond her control for her misfortunes and she just keeps moving forward with hope. She is confident enough in her worth as a person, to demand the same respect from Benedict. Araminta tried to take that away, the world tried to take that away, they wanted to Sophie to feel worthless, which was a common thing among illegitimate women, who thought being a mistress was enough to survive. But Sophie knew she could keep going regardless. She knew she was a good person, she knew she was worth more than her bastard status, and her penniless circumstances and if that meant standing up to Benedict and refusing to be his mistress then so be it.
And I just want to see that on screen. We need more characters like Sophie. A character who’s only superpower, and deus ex machina, is having such a big heart, that she’s able to overcome tough circumstances and reach for her happy ending without compromising the kind and loving essence of who she is.
 And that’s the tea.
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clairebishop6226 · 1 year
A study on the character of Ambrosius
Nimona (Netflix)
Am I the only one who sees the sharp difference between the photos?
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(Ambrosius seconds before having to use his forced smile to please the audience)
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About halfway through the film, we see Ambrosius freaking out under the pressure of having to hunt down someone he loves who is working alongside one of the capital's greatest threats, he says he never wanted to be descended from Gloreth and that he didn't want to be the figure he was represents the ideas of someone who lived hundreds of years ago.
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In the first few seconds of the film we see a complete stereotype of a golden boy, and then we see a completely funny and soft man when he meets his boyfriend Ballister.
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Already throughout the rest of the film we see a lonely guy who just lost his boyfriend, completely closed with his teammates and constantly being snubbed in the work environment even though he is the purest noble of the team.
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I saw that there were a lot of people complaining about Ballister's attitude of forgiving someone who caused him a lot of pain during the narrative but for me it's important to also look at things from Ambrosius' point of view, at no point in the film do we see Ambrosius really feeling Ballister's anger, he constantly backs off when he meets him again and he bends the rules by not following the protocol of neutralizing the threat immediately, he doesn't show it but he was always freaking out at the idea of ​​once again disappointing the man he loved most and considered the his whole life as a best friend, he didn't know if he followed the rules that haunted him all his life just because he had the misfortune of being born into the lineage of the most famous heroine, he never asked for this but that's his obligation, his personality change in the movie is one of the things I like most about his character, he does have a life of privileges but he never seems to like it he just wanted to please everyone always and be by his boyfriend's side to be able to deal with all the pressure.
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I like the character of Ambrosius precisely because he breaks all the stereotypes that his appearance represents, although we don't see much, he is much more than what the movie shows us
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esther-dot · 10 months
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Pride & Prejudice AUs
You Look Like A Movie, You Sound Like A Song 2k @jonsastan
She had met Jon Targaryen there. It was a complete accident and at first, Sansa thought, a complete misfortune. He was drenched from an impromptu swim in his pond, and she was flustered, not wanting him to think she was vying for his attention. But as she had attempted to make her hurried escape, he had found her and invited her parents to stroll with him around the gardens. He had offered her kindness, and thoughtfulness, he had talked with her parents, discussed the present state of politics with her father and chatted knowledgeably about gardens with her mother.
A Certain Step Toward Falling in Love 2k by @comma-splice
Jon Snow returns North after departing abruptly one year ago.
The Bennet Sisters - a P&P AU comic by @melinaillustrations
P&P Gifset by @sardoniyx, P&P Gifset by @dcbicki, P&P Gifset by deactivated
Persuasion AUs
Who Loves Longest, Who loves Best 1k by @ladysaruka
After refusing him years ago, Sansa sees her cousin once again.
Persuasion edits one, two , three by @glueck
Mansfield Park AUs
Half Agony, Half Hope 10k, incomplete by @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth
After the death of his disgraced mother, Jon Snow is taken in by his uncle's family, the Starks of Winterfell. He grows up alongside his cousins, including the beautiful and kind-hearted Sansa, but knowing he can never truly be their equal, he fears he has little choice but to leave the place he's come to call home. corresponding moodboard
Catch Me If You Can 34k (P&P and Emma inspired too) by @ben-barnes-is-my-husband
Set in the countryside of Regency England, Jon Snow has been in love with Sansa Stark for as long as he can remember. He wants her as his wife, but Sansa is not sure she wants to be a wife at all, and she knows she doesn’t want to marry the pragmatic and boring Jon. She’d rather help Theon Greyjoy come out of his shell and play matchmaker. But then Jaime Lannister comes to town and Jon finds he has some serious competition for Sansa…
Moments Like This (So Few and Far Between) 3k by @lydiamartenism
Mama and Papa left the house to go pick up Jon, the son of her father’s oldest friend. Three weeks ago, the phone rang and their parent’s announced that Jon would be coming to live with them since his mother passed away and had no one else to take care of him.
Northanger Abbey AUs
The Lady in White 7k by @kissed-by-circe
Dragonstone Manor had looked like it had woken only a few days earlier, after a slumber of several years, if not decades, and Sansa had felt like the heroine of a gothic novel, a mysterious, naive girl with a dark past or a dark secret, arriving at the opening scene of the most dramatic story of all times. Or Sansa as Katherine Morland in a Jane Eyre Setting.
Sense & Sensibility AUs
In Such Jocund Company 2k @maybetwice
It would be no matter at all for Captain Snow to return to the north after seven months’ absence, had Sansa’s heart not changed entirely in that time. A remix of Colonel Brandon and Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility.
Emma & Clueless AUs
if i loved you less 2k by @ladystarks
Her father has, often and fondly, told Sansa that she and Mr. Snow bite at each other like wolves, but he hardly understood that their verbal sparring was as exhilarating as a sport well done, or a match coming together under Sansa’s skilled hands. corresponding artwork
Sansa: A NOVEL in Five Parts 15k by @imagineagreatadventure
Sansa Stark, handsome, clever, rich, hopes to establish herself as her town's foremost matchmaker. After seeing her governess Miss Shae married to the rich and clever Mr. Tyrion Lannister, she feels as though she deserves that title. Her dear friend and cousin, Jon Targaryen, heartily disagrees and is quite proven right when Sansa sets her sights on marrying off her newest and dearest friend Jeyne Poole to the vicar Mr. Baelish.
A Baldwin and a Betty 2k
Jon drives to the Valley to give Sansa a ride home.
Emma AU art by @dcvahkiin and Clueless art by wolvesofspring
Emma Gifset by @dcbicki
General Regency AUs
No Notion of Loving by Halves 2k @darkmagyk
The Stark cousin, Jon, goes home to discuss matters concerning the entail on Winterfell. In which Jon is a really good guy, and I flagrantly disregard how entails actually work.
Manners and Misunderstandings 114k, WIP by @x-winging-it
The Stark sisters have travelled all the way to London to begin their first season, leaving behind the familiar world of Winterfell Hall and a disappointed Jon Stark- with whom the eldest Miss Stark has been convinced to break off a connection. In London they join family friends the Baratheons and the fashionable young Tyrells in a world of romance and balls. Meanwhile Gendry Waters has been plucked out of the life he knew to become his ailing father's heir, Robb, Theon and later Rickon embark on military careers in the Napoleonic wars, and their aunt Lysa makes a foolish marriage. When tragedy hits the family, they must come together, learning how manners may hide monsters and the best people are often those misunderstood by society.
You Could Draw Me to the Gallows 2k by @azulaahai
After having eloped from home with and subsequently been abandoned by wealthy heir Joffrey Baratheon, Sansa Stark refuses to come home. Having caused a scandal that is sure to prevent her from ever marrying, she is adamant not to bring further shame to the family name by returning to Winterfell. Until, that is, a visitor comes to her - Jon Snow, an old family friend, determined to bring Sansa with him back north. He has a solution to offer her - a proposal with the potential to change both of their lives.
A Perilous Dance Indeed & fiercely, tenderly and eternally 27k by @amymel86
He should either look away or interrupt this improper little meeting, he knows. For some unfathomable reason, he does neither. The two look far too intimate for Jon’s liking, although he feels he should have come to expect it to be so. A romantic like Sansa – however proper she is – would simply adore overt flirtations and a secret tête-à-tête. Even from where he stands, Jon can see the way in which she has stars set in her eyes like precious cut stones. He only hopes the man for whom they shine is deserving of it. *** Cousin Jon is to inherit Winterfell Manor and its estate after the untimely death of his uncle leaves a widow and two daughters. Sansa is expectant of an imminent proposal from her dear beau, Harrold Hardyng and everything will be absolutely, stunningly, utterly fine.
Waiting for Your Slippered Feet 49k by @wintry-ritu
Lady Sansa Stark has always looked forward to her come-out season in London, the balls, the rides in Hyde Park, evenings at Vauxhall, the romance and wonder of it all. Never had she imagined that it would happen like this, with her parents gone and her younger siblings underfoot. Now, all Sansa wants is for it all to be over quickly so she can get back to Winterfell. She needs a kind, amiable man who will be brave enough to take on his wife's siblings. That should not be so hard to find in London, should it? And while she is most grateful for Jon Targaryen's help, why must her cousin be so distracting?
To Make You Love Me 16k incomplete and orphaned
When Ned Stark dies, he leaves behind his wife, two daughters, and his family’s estate at Winterfell. What follows is a series of unwanted marriage proposals, houseguests who far outstay their welcome, and Arya parading around in a comically large hat and an oil-paint mustache as she declares herself the new ‘Lord of Winterfell,’ in an attempt to dissuade her sister’s suitors. However, when Mr. Jon Snow — their distant cousin and Ned’s appointed heir to the estate — comes to call, an oil-paint mustache is hardly enough to deter him from courting Miss Sansa Stark. And she thinks, perhaps, that a man could marry her for love more than her claim, after all.
Mine for a Season 101k by @vivilove-jonsa
Colonel Jon Targaryen is a single man in possession of a good fortune who claims no interest in finding himself a wife. With his war wounds, he thinks no young lady would want him anyway for anything beyond the allure of his pocketbook. Fortunately and unbeknownst to him, Fate has chosen to find a wife for him and will even deliver her right to his doorstep. Taking on the responsibility of shepherding a young lady about for a Season in London is not at all what Jon had wished to do but he had accepted out of a sense of familial duty. However, once he meets Sansa again after only having met her years ago as a child, he may not consider it a duty so much as a torment.
a lady of winterfell 185k, WIP by @wandering-scavenger
She bit her lip and exhaled shakily, “If you are so sickened by the prospect of marrying me, we should be able to obtain an annulment easily enough with your father’s connections.” “I will do no such thing.” he snapped, refusing to look at her. Sansa had never felt more rejected than she did at that moment. Her past experiences of being humiliated at the hand of Joffrey did not feel as painful as this. Even so, she could not allow him to see the weakness in her, not now. “I will not be left out, Jon.” she said, tilting her chin up to look down at him. He grimaced. They were silent for longer than she cared to count, but each second that he did not speak chipped away at her resolve and her ability to withhold her tears. Jon did not want her, and she could not blame him. Who could ever want her? It should not have distressed her as much as it did. She was never his favourite sister, she who treated him as a stranger since she was old enough to understand what a bastard was. A tear slipped down to her face until she tasted the salt of it on her lips. “If we marry, we will remain so.” corresponding gifset
moth's wings 47k by @cellsshapedlikestars
Sansa was determined to convince her aunt to let Arya debut, which is how she finds herself in her current predicament. “Who is this secret gentleman who has asked for your hand?” Aunt Lysa asks, and Sansa knows from her tone that she does not believe. (She has every right not to believe, for it is not true.) And then Sansa does something very, very foolish. She says a name. “The Duke of Dragonstone!” Or, Sansa fakes an engagement so that Arya can debut and marry the man she loves. The only problem? Her fake fiance just so happens to be in the city when he was not supposed to be.
An Understanding 2k, WIP by @thewolvescalledmehome
At the start of Sansa Stark's third London Season, she decides it will be her last. She will secure a husband by the end of the final ball. Jon Snow is new to the London Season and high society. He never expected to inherit money or property from an unknown uncle. When they meet at a ball, Sansa gets an idea.
you're in my blood like holy wine 72k
Sansa finds it difficult to look at Jon’s face, with its weathered lines and cragginess. It is the face of the North and a face that northerners trust; the face of Sansa’s brothers and her father, who had been loved and respected by their tenants as their forefathers had been when they were kings. How can Sansa feel anything but resentment, looking into that face and knowing that all of her years of hard work will never earn her the respect that that profile engenders within seconds? But she does. It is a small, burning coal of something that must be smothered.
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joannechocolat · 1 year
On why women’s rage is a superpower
My mother hates my new book. I gave her a proof just a few days ago, and although she’s still only halfway through, she can’t wait to tell me all the ways in which she hates my novel.
“Is this science fiction?” she says. (She detests science fiction.) “Were you ill when you wrote this?” (I was.) And repeatedly, she says: “Why are the women so angry?”
I get it. She’s out of her comfort zone. At 83, with no internet, no interest in pop culture and a deep-rooted hatred of anything close to horror or the supernatural, she wasn’t my target audience. And yet it’s never easy to hear such criticism from a loved one. But in some ways, she isn’t wrong. Broken Light is an angry book. It came from a time of lockdown, when social media was my only window onto the world. It came from a place of trauma, when I was fighting cancer. It came from a place of corrupt hierarchies, self-serving politicians, anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers, victim-blamers, and those eager to blame all their woes on minorities. And of course, it arose against the background of the #MeToo campaign and the Sarah Everard murder – a murder that shocked the nation, not least because the murderer turned out to be a serving police officer with a reputation for sexual misconduct - which unleashed a collective howl of protest, as well as an ugly, misogynistic backlash. Even so, my story came as something of a surprise to me: the story of a woman’s rage, and, on reaching the age at which women often feel least valued, her coming into her power.
It surprised me, most of all because I wasn’t an angry person. At least, I didn’t think I was. Those who know me describe me as someone who tends to flee conflict, who generally tries to find common ground, who gets upset when people fight. And yet, writing this story, I found myself saying and feeling certain things on behalf of my heroine, Bernie Moon; things I might not have said for myself, but which felt right and urgent, and true, and strangely liberating.
Anger has a bad press. A woman’s anger, especially. While men are encouraged to express feelings of justified anger, women are often criticized when they try to do the same. Angry women are often portrayed as “harpies,” “banshees,” “Furies.” It suggests that a man’s rage is righteous, but that a woman’s is unnatural, making her into a monster. Male anger is powerful. The God of the Bible is one of wrath. Seldom is he ever portrayed as expressing any other emotion. In the same way, men and boys are often led to believe that expressing emotion is weak - except for anger, which is seen as acceptably masculine.
In comparison, women are often criticized when they show aggression. Angry women are hysterical, shrill, out of control, unreliable, unattractive, unfeminine. A perceived lack of “femininity” makes a woman less valuable, less worthy of respect and of protection. The Press coverage of women victims of violence is a case in point. A victim of violence needs to be attractive, white, gender conforming and virtuous in every way if she is not to be overlooked, or worse, portrayed as somehow having contributed to her misfortune. When trans teenager Brianna Ghey was stabbed, the Press were very quick to state that her murder was not thought to be a hate crime, whilst at the same time obsessing over – and questioning - her gender. When Nicola Bulley disappeared, police felt obliged to divulge details of her struggle with the menopause, as well as her alcohol issues, even though this was privileged information and of no public relevance. When Emma Pattison, the Head of Epsom College, was murdered alongside her daughter, the Press immediately assumed that her husband George must have felt “overshadowed” and “driven to distraction” by his wife’s prestigious job. In all three cases, the victim falls under the hostile scrutiny of the Press, while the perpetrator is given an excuse. In all three cases, the victim – one trans, one hormonal, one better-paid than her husband - is effectively portrayed as “unnatural”. Subtext: Unnatural women do not deserve the protection of the patriarchy. Unnatural women come to bad ends.    
Once you start to acknowledge it, rage grows at a surprising rate. Over the past three years, I have found myself growing increasingly angry. Angry at the injustices committed by our Government; t the greed of corporations; angry at the prejudice extended to those who are different.
Connecting with others on social media has made me more aware of the lives and experiences of those from different backgrounds to mine, and with different levels of privilege. For a long time I’d been resistant to calling myself a feminist. Feminists are angry, I thought. What right have you to be angry?
Growing older, I realize that this was my mother speaking. A woman of a certain generation, who although she was aware of the challenges of living in a patriarchy, still had a level of privilege that many women do not share. White, professional, cishet women can sometimes have the luxury of choosing not to be angry. White, professional, cishet women can sometimes have the illusion of equality. But feminism isn’t only for just one kind of woman. A feminist must look beyond the limits of their own experience. And that’s where the anger really starts: anger at injustice; anger at corruption and lies. Most of all, anger at the prejudice against certain people for just being themselves; for being transgender, or Black, or old, or simply not conforming to what a white, patriarchal society expects and values. And once you start seeing injustice, you start to see it everywhere. It’s like an eye, which, once opened, cannot unsee inequality.
My anger flourished in lockdown. A time of growing divisions. Masks are invaluable in a pandemic, and yet they inhibit connection. They serve as a kind of reminder of who can speak, and who is to be silenced. While Boris Johnson was urging the public to trust the police, a vigil for Sarah Everard was broken up, with violence, by officers citing lockdown laws. While elderly people were dying alone; while I drove for four hours just to go for a half-hour walk in the park with my son; while I sat alone in my chemo chair, politicians were partying. Billionaires were enriching themselves. Behind the mask, the eye opened wide. I caught myself making faces behind my disguise at strangers. There was something weirdly liberating about this; as if, behind the piece of cloth, I could express myself at last. Not unlike writing a book, in fact. On screen, the eye opened wider. Bernie Moon, my heroine, was unlike like me in many ways, and yet anger connected us. The anger that comes from helplessness; from seeing others mistreated. Anger at a society that propagates inequality. And the anger that comes from hormones – those mood-altering chemicals that everyone produces, and yet which allegedly make women erratic; unreliable; hormonal.
In his novel, Carrie, Stephen King tells the story of a girl, whose telekinetic powers are unleashed by her teenage hormones. Carrie is unpopular, bullied, isolated. Her rage finds an outlet in her power. Driven to breaking-point by the bullies, she becomes a monster. Of course she does: after all, the author of this tale is a man, writing from the perspective of a couple of thousand years’ worth of patriarchal inheritance. In literature, a woman’s anger is unnatural; monstrous. It leads to terrible, unnatural things: makes murderers and infanticides of Clytemnestra and Medea; monsters of Medusa and Scylla. Unnatural, monstrous women are always punished in literature, even while acknowledging that they are often the victims of men. And unnatural women are often seen as physically repulsive – a reminder that, to be valued and loved, women must be young, and pure, and conform to the standards of beauty set out by their society. In literature, just as in life, those women who do not conform tend to be less valued, less seen, and when they do appear, do so as wicked witches, evil stepmothers, ugly crones and hideous travesties of womanhood.
But what would happen if a woman took control of the narrative? In recent years, we have observed a number of retellings of Greek myths from the point of view of the monster. Stone Blind, by Nathalie Haynes; Medusa, by Jessie Burton; Circe, by Madeline Miller. In both cases, the monstrous woman is seen from a different perspective; her rage absorbed and justified; her narrative reclaimed from a patriarchy that seeks to tame and subdue a woman’s rage, even at the cost of her life.
My new novel, Broken Light, comes from the same process of reclamation. It owes a debt to Carrie, but I have avoided the explicitly paranormal theme of the original, as well as the girl-on-girl bullying and the psychopathic mother. In my version, Carrie lives; marries her childhood sweetheart; internalizes all her rage and suffocates her power. Until the menopause – a topic which until recently has been largely misunderstood and taboo – at which point her power returns, and with it, a new kind of freedom. Freedom from the male gaze; from the responsibilities of motherhood; from the largely impossible expectations of society. Unlike puberty, menopause is triggered by a lack of certain hormones; and yet the symptoms can be just as dramatic and isolating. Loss of libido, exhaustion, depression, emotional outbursts as well as unpredictable and alarming hot flashes – my version of Carrie’s pyrokinesis. Whether my heroine’s powers stem from any kind of paranormal source is very much up to the reader to decide – after all, paranormal is only a step away from unnatural. And what counts as unnatural is in the eye of the reader – an eye that has been opened, I hope, to a series of new possibilities.
One is that rage is natural. Living in a patriarchy, women have a right to their rage. In fact, it seems more unnatural to me when women are not angry, given how much misogyny remains in our society. And growing old is natural. Being hormonal is natural. Differences are natural; so are disabilities. All women matter; whatever their age, or colour, or sexual orientation, or marital or reproductive status. The value of a woman’s life should not be defined by her popularity, or her age, or her looks, or her kids, or her value to the patriarchy. And no-one else gets to decide what a woman ought to be. A woman is not what, but who - a person, not an object; an active participant in her world. Women have lived too long behind the mask. They deserve their own stories. Stories in which they are allowed the full range of human possibility. So, to answer my mother’s question: Why are the women so angry?
Because it’s a superpower.
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ihaveforgortoomany · 1 month
Reverse 1999 and the Nature of Tragedy: Analysis on how the tragic structure is used and potentially why (spoilers for Chapters 2,3 and 6 mainly)
Reverse 1999 loves tragic characters, we don't go any patch without suffering. Here Im going to explore how the tragic structure in literature is presented in the game through at least three main story chapters.
Tender is the Night (although I have covered aspects already in previous Chapter Two analysis)
Nouvelles et Textes pour Rien
E Lucevan le Stelle
What is Tragedy?
Tragedy is often described as a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character (thank you Oxford Languages)
Yes this is common knowledge but the core to a tragic narrative is the inescapability on the tragic ending - the way I usually describe tragdies is like a cake no matter how you slice it, it is either too sweet or stale and never a perfect bite.
Tragedy in Tender is the Night
This will be short as I have analysis on the chapter in previous posts so here will be specific bits. Schneider here can be considered the tragic character as she ultimately gets taken by the storm, while I don't consider her to have a traditional tragic flaw the status as a human pretending to be a arcanist does doom her character. She is denied by the Foundation/ the Chicago Branch so attempts to find safety in the Manus by lying that she was adopted into the Greco family, however likely Manus had captured Mariam and after being tortured by them reveals Schneider's identity.
Throughout Chapter Two there is a moments of false hope that she might be saved, somehow surviving multiple bullets (I mean really she was shot so many times arcane healing must do wonders) . It is only the very end to we realise Schneider was never going to survive (gameplay does trick us as well since we can play as her in the boss fight of Ch.1 and for some reason still in the final tutorial stage which I only found out at lvl 40 when I wanted clear drops lol).
Tragedy in Chapter Three
A large part in tragedy is the helplessness the audience feels at being aware of all events yet unable to prevent events from happening. We get the perspective of Constantine setting up the conditions for the Breakaway attempt to occur on the day of the Storm, even making us watch chess board style how Vertin and her friends are lured into a trap. Tragic characters do not need to experience a literal death, as Vertin could be considered the tragic heroine here, her hubris being the hope and desire for the outside world that led her to attempt to leave SPDM. Ofc she doesn't die but her actions result in the reversal of her friends and cementing her role as the Timekeeper.
The point of no return could be seen in the children choosing to escape on an earlier date, unable to see the scheming and manipulation of Constantine to create loopholes the children view as opportunities to escape rather than a trap.
Tragedy in Chapter Three
This is a big one as operas and plays tend to be tragedies themselves. Isokania is a tragic relationship as both Isolde and Kakania regardless if they lived each other were doomed from the start: being an unethical doctor and patient relationship, Kakania not being a licensed doctor therefore completely misjudging her patient's wellbeing, Isolde's own mental instability, dangers of her arcane powers, the history of her family ... the list goes on. Even if they ended up together they would not truly be happy.
Isolde is a tragic character, other than being a reference to Tosca, she is doomed by the nature of the arcane power and the nature of her family. A family own for misfortune as a result of their arcane skills (her sister dying at age 3 to a seance) + the social pressures of being an upper class woman in the 1910s.
Book six having a reference to 'A Streetcar named Desire?'
So we already know Book Six reference multiple tragic operas such as Tosca but I want to suggest the final chapter in this patch potential makes reference to a 1940s tragic play called "A Streetcar Named Desire".
(This is a stretch since Tennesse Williams published the play in the 1940s not the 1910s)
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So. In this scene Kakania attempts to interrogate Isolde on the nature of The Salvation, to confront the fact that she was the co-creator to the painting, the fire was caused by Theophil who hoped to end both his and his sister's suffering but was shot by Isolde instead.
It is notable that Isolde repeatedly asks for the lights in the room to be turned down, refusing to look at the truth in the painting. While we could just view this standalone I think we could make a guess or suggestion that this scene is meant to reference another tragedy.
(Maybe there is an older tragic play that employs a similar scene but Ive only studied this one, someone can tell me in comments)
A Streetcar Named Desire sees a fading Southern Belle Blanche Dubois move into New Orleans with her sister Stella and her husband Stanley effectively as a last resort, her past is filled with "leaky roofs" and instability with sleeping with men to survive, alongside the destruction of the Old South leads to her to seek refuge with her only surviving family.
She almost finds salvation here, finding love in an ordinary man named Mitch. However this is a tragedy. Late into the play Stanley, Stella's husband confronts Blanche on her lies about her past, putting a light to her deception in order to reinforce is own authority over the house. Eventually succeeding in sending Blanche to a mental hostpital (Im summarising a play, I may miss other details and this is long)
And what about Isolde? Like Blanche she is forced to confront the truth she had tried to repress in her memory, remember in a previous seesion with Kakania the detail that she shot Theophil with intent (again who allowed her a gun and who taught her? I guess she can channel the spirit of a sharpshooter?) is omitted, similar to how Blanche in the play distorts the truth with lie, the "what SHOULD be true" could be viewed as Isolde making the world her stage, everything as a performance that never ends.
The idea of having to confront the truth of events being forced into the light is similar to Blanche's reoccurring motif of bring adverse to strong light, revealing all her flaws. However the person forcing them to see the truth is different, where Kakania acts out of a determination to right her wrongs and find the Storm Immunity Ritual to save everyone, Stanley (similar to Mr Karl) acts out of self preservation and malice.
Here's the big one: why does Reverse 1999 employ so much tragedy?
Tragedies are usually employed as a message to the audience, a commentary on the state of the world about people/ individual facing the impossible force of society, its expections and its demand for conformity.
There can be many answers, we still have more chapters to explore the narratives of this game but so far it seems Reverse 1999 wants to tell a story about overcoming adversity, to not be defined by others or your past, to "beat onboard boats against the current" (see what I did there?) even if the odds are surmountable. It is a struggle for both the truth and the future even if the odds are against you.
(This is giant speculation, nothing concrete but yeah feed the brainrot)
(We could analyse each 'focus character' of each patch because I think they generally follow this theme but that's alot, the game is still updating and i have uni soon so)
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nhularin · 1 year
GET UP . . . p.sh (TEASER)
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i don't wanna fight your shadow
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A mage who struck himself and a heroine who couldn't defeat her inner monster.
PAIRING soulmate! Sunghoon x reader
GENRE heavy Angst, soulmate AU, sunghoon is a Delinquent, broken promises, love triangle, (curable hanahaki disease?), death, elements of greek mythology, written series (4-5 parts
TAGLIST comment if you want to be added ^^
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Have you ever felt a strong connection with someone, who you've never met?
Everyone in this universe has a purpose, to have a long and fulfilling life but most importantly to meet your own soulmate.
As soon as the clock hits 12'o clock on your 18th birthday, a light sense of deja vu is supposed to hit you with the image of your destined partner engraved in your mind. In soulmate mythology, two kindred souls share the same psyche and subconscious, embracing each other's emotions till they have found each other.
Some find their forever lover as soon as they turn of age, and some wait hopelessly till the end of time.
Some stories remain passed down for generations, despite the misfortune the characters went through and their happily ever after being universes out of reach. Such stories were meant to leave a mark, merely being a dark spot amongst the comforting tales out in the world.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as they went about their lives, unaware of the profound connection that awaited them. Yet, fate would soon intervene. It was on a rain-soaked evening, when the sky wept tears of nostalgia, that their paths finally crossed.
As their love story unfolded, the mage and his siren realized that destiny had brought them together for a reason. Their souls had been intertwined long before they even knew of each other's existence. They embraced the nostalgia and déjà vu that accompanied their union, cherishing every moment of their journey.
Though stories are met with tragedies
This is a tale of two despaired hearts trapped in the love of war, aching for the familiarity they find comfort in, yet trapped in suffocating chambers of selfish actions and naivety.
He's the ruthless king, leading his troops through the gruesome battle, fighting through every obstacle that leads to his lost Queen.
She is his white rose, stained red with the blood of their tragic love.
he put new stars in the sky and redecorated with new colors, made himself at home along the giant nebulas and the infinite constellations of hope.
Days pass, seasons go and when spring and the sun reveal themselves once again, will she be there too?
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© haew0nz 2023
NETWORKS @hyfenet @k-labels @kflixnet
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ: Wild - The 7 Heroines Symbol Analysis
Ya'll, with @alasse-earfalas' help, I realized that dang near every one of the Heroines' symbols all relate to mathematical symbols or phonetic symbols in some way!
To start off, one of them is most definitely a Lambda, which relates back to another theory, but that's for another time.
Anyway, here are the symbols in question!
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The one in the upper left is the Lambdah (Λ/ʎ), which is the letter correlating to L in the Greek alphabet.
The Lambda is the 11th character in the Greek alphabet & according to Herodotus, Labda was the daughter of Amphion (demi-god son of Zeus & twin to Zethus, associated with the lyre) & the mother of Cypselus by Eetion. Cypselus eventually established the earliest known tyrant dynasty.
Evidently, it symbolized unity under oppression & is referred to as the Greek letter for “sameness.” It also corresponded with the number 30 in the Greek numerical system. Which, 30 was often associated with maturity, as well as the attainment of a certain level of experience or wisdom, especially considering the lifespan expectations in ancient times.
The origins of the letter is thought to depict a shepherd's staff, meaning that it has themes of guidance & authority. It's shape also resembles an arrow pointing upwards, which conveys an impression of accent or elevation. And this leads to metaphorical themes revolving around progress or advancement.
Not to mention, in physics, it refers to wavelength. But in calculus, it's a "formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction & application using variable binding and substitution."
Here are the symbols, as I know them. Λ (lambda, phonetic symbo, Ll; ʎ used in math), ʃ ("esh" & integral; phonetic symbol, formerly used to represent ‘sh’) or ⎎ (technical symbol, hysteresis symbol, correlates to f), ǁ (math, parallel to; phonetic symbol, aveolar lateral consonant), : (ratios or scales), ❜ (phonetic symbol), o (phonetic symbol) or O (math, Landau's symbol, describes the asymptotic behavior of functions or represents the null matrix where all elements are zero), last is the drop-looking symbol that I'm struggling with.
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It may be that the colors of them are also important.
Just for reference, asymptote is defined as "a line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance."
Now, for the Heroines, here's what we know.
Rotana said that the powers were: "skill, spirit, endurance, knowledge, flight, motion, & gentleness."
However, the Stelae say that they are: "heart, skill, fortitude, wisdom, flight, mobility, & compassion."
Luckily, these are easily condensed: heart/spirit, skill, fortitude/endurance, wisdom/knowledge, flight, motion/mobility, & gentleness/compassion.
Heart & spirit are interchangeable as "heart" is likely referring specifically to one's spiritual heart based on Kokoro (心), which can translate to both.
For now, I believe that the Λ may be the symbol for the Heroine of either wisdom/knowledge or motion/mobility or possibly flight. Though, for the moment, I'm leaning more towards wisdom/knowledge.
And, because of the nature of spirit within Japanese culture, I'm inclined to believe that the symbol of the Heroine of heart/spirit may have been ❜.
Heart = ❜
Skill = "The ability to do something well."
Fortitude = "Courage in pain or adversity."
Wisdom = Λ?
Flight =
Mobility = Λ/O? "The ability to move or be moved freely & easily."
Compassion = "Sympathetic pity or concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others."
Also, the gifts left for the 8th were a gold rupee, a ruby, a sapphire, a topaz, a spear, a shield, a claymore, & scimitar.
These gifts were all positioned at the foot of a statue with, most likely the 8th being the one in the center.
Starting from front-left (Gerudo Shield), middle-left (Golden Claymore), back-left (Ruby), middle-back (Sapphire?), then going back-right (Topaz), middle-right (Gerudo Scimitar), front-right (Gerudo Spear), & ending in center (Gold Rupee?).
I haven't figured it all out yet, but if anyone has any suggestions or knows what the drop symbol is, I encourage assistance.
Edit: I'm sorry.
I just realized that it's very possible that the game already shows you which is which.
Look at the way they are always arranged.
It appears to be the same each time.
And, the Stelae, which may or may not have been carved by the Heroines themselves, write it out as "heart, skill, fortitude, wisdom, flight, mobility, & compassion."
Also, something interesting of note is the characters used for them in Japanese.
Shin or Kokoro (心) = Heart, spirit, mind.
Gi or Waza (技) = Skill, technique.
Tai or Taeru (耐) = Enduring, to resist or withstand (e.g. 耐火 is “fire-proof”).
Chi or Shiru (知) = Knowledge, wisdom.
Hi or Tobasu (飛) = Flight, used in a lot of verbs related to jumping or letting something fly.
Dō or Ugoku (動) = Motion.
Jū or Yawaraka (柔) = Gentleness, softness (it’s the “ju” in judo).
Heart = Shin (心; heart, spirit) = ❜ = Shield
Skill = Gi (技; skill, technique) = Λ = Claymore
Fortitude = Tai (耐; endure, resist) = O = Ruby
Wisdom = Chi (知; knowledge, wisdom) = : = Sapphire
Flight = Hi (飛; flight) = ⎎ = Topaz
Mobility = Dō (動; motion) = Drop Sign = Scimitar
Compassion = Jū (柔, gentleness, softness) = ǁ = Spear
Did I just figure it out?
... Regardless, even if I am right, I'm still ridiculously curious as to what the drop symbol is, though. Like, is it just the odd one out that they chose just to mess with us?
Are the gifts they left for the 8th in any way related to their Special Powers™ or the way they fight? Are the symbols?
And, if so, how?
Like, I'm pretty positive that, if I am right, then the Heroine of Heart's symbol is, in fact, a reference to the Mitama of Japanese myth & the Heroine of Fortitude's gift may have been a hint to the term taika (耐火) meaning "fireproof.
Though, I noticed that the weapon missing from this line-up is the Golden Bow. But, then again, it's possible that one of the Heroines that gave a gem might've used one. Possibly the Heroine of Flight. I mean, Hi (飛) is evidently used in verbs referring to “letting something fly,” so that might well be it.
I'm not entirely positive of the rest, though...
... That drop sign is gonna erk me until I get confirmation, won't it? 😮‍💨
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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chronicparagon · 1 year
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"No!" Harmony snaps, "No! N! O! There is no way in hell that Grimace has a birthday.
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Sure enough...It's a thing!
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"Oh, my God!"
First, she finds horrific discoveries of Anons creating culinary nightmares with sweets. Now, the fast food she enjoys occasionally is not safe...
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aurumacadicus · 8 months
Alright my friends, it's time to choose the book for February! Our theme for the month: Romance! I'm not original. However, the bar for romance was skimming the floor and so we have a wide variety of titles to choose from! If you'd like to join the book club, send me a message and I'll send you the link to our Discord! The summaries for the titles are under the cut!
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
Reader, I murdered him. A Gothic retelling of Jane Eyre. Like the heroine of the novel she adores, Jane Steele suffers cruelly at the hands of her aunt and schoolmaster. And like Jane Eyre, they call her wicked - but in her case, she fears the accusation is true. When she flees, she leaves behind the corpses of her tormentors. A fugitive navigating London's underbelly, Jane rights wrongs on behalf of the have-nots whilst avoiding the noose. Until an advertisement catches her eye. Her aunt has died and the new master at Highgate House, Mr Thornfield, seeks a governess. Anxious to know if she is Highgate's true heir, Jane takes the position and is soon caught up in the household's strange spell. When she falls in love with the mysterious Charles Thornfield, she faces a terrible dilemma: can she possess him - body, soul and secrets - and what if he discovers her murderous past?
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who's ever been chosen. That's what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he's probably right. Half the time, Simon can't even make his wand work, and the other half, he starts something on fire. His mentor's avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there's a magic-eating monster running around, wearing Simon's face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here — it's their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon's infuriating nemesis didn't even bother to show up. Carry On - The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick
A romantic ode to the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again. What would you do if you forgot the love of your life ever even existed? Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love. But then Stevie has a terrible fall. And when she comes to, she can remember nothing of the last two years—not California, not coming to terms with her sexuality, not even Nora. Suddenly, Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn’t quite understand, one where she’s estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends, lying about the hours she works, dating a boy she can’t remember crushing on, and headed towards a future that isn’t at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned. And Nora finds herself…forgotten. Can the two beat the odds a second time and find their way back together when “together” itself is just a lost memory?
Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose
A fresh, fun contemporary rom-com from debut author Elle Gonzalez Rose, about an aspiring artist who agrees to fake date one of his family’s longtime enemies in the hopes of gathering intel good enough to take down their rivals once and for all. Devin Baez is ready for a relaxing winter break at Lake Andreas. That is, until he runs into his obnoxious next-door neighbors the Seo-Cookes, undefeated champions of the lake’s annual Winter Games. In the hope of finally taking down these long-time rivals, the Baezes offer up their beloved cabin in a bet. Reckless? Definitely. So when annoyingly handsome Julian Seo-Cooke finds himself in need of a fake boyfriend, Devin sees an opportunity to get behind enemy lines and prove the family plays dirty. As long as Devin and Julian’s families are at war, there’s only room for loathing between them. Which is a problem because, for Devin, this faux game of love is feeling very real.
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
All her world's a stage. Bertie Shakespeare Smith is not an actress, yet she lives in a theater. She's not an orphan, but she has no parents. She knows every part, but she has no lines of her own. That is, until now. Enter Stage Right NATE. Dashing pirate. Will do anything to protect Bertie. COBWEB, MOTH, MUSTARDSEED, and PEASEBLOSSOM. Four tiny and incredibly annoying fairies. BERTIE'S sidekicks. ARIEL. Seductive air spirit and Bertie's weakness. The symbol of impending doom. BERTIE. Our heroine. Welcome to the Théâtre Illuminata, where the actors of every play ever written can be found behind the curtain. They were born to play their parts, and are bound to the Théâtre by The Book, an ancient and magical tome of scripts. Bertie is not one of them, but they are her family, and she is about to lose them all and the only home she has ever known. Lisa Mantchev has written a debut novel that is dramatic, romantic, and witty, with an irresistible and irreverent cast of characters who are sure to enchant the audience. Open Curtain
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Here’s the other regency romance novel I was talking about! It’s called Venetia, the characterization isn’t nearly as 1-to-1 as the other book, but the premise I think works really well (a/b/o again for those regency proprietary vibes)
The handsome omega Hob Gadling, thanks to a reclusive and over-protective father, grew up in the country, away from the world. He longs for some adventure, or at least a chance to travel, but even after his father’s death his new guardian is fairly content to leave him there, disinterested in helping him.
His peace and quiet is one day disturbed by the dashing but rakish alpha Lord Dream Endless, who arrives to spend time at his estate next door. He has a reputation of shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades (including throwing at least one orgy that people know of, the horror!), and multiple people warn Hob to steer clear, lest he be immediately seduced and abandoned by the man.
But when Hob bumps into Dream on a walk, they’re each surprised to find that they click remarkably easily together as friends, learning over the course of further meetings that they share many of the same interests and opinions. Dream is fascinated by Hob’s open and candid manner, finding himself sharing several stories of his past, and admiring how none of his scandalous tales shock or appall him, and they quickly become the best of friends. When they fall in love however, Dream is convinced that marriage with him would cause Hob’s social ruin, and insists that it would be wrong to inflict this upon him.
Hob, who has also been fending off the patronizing and fluttering concern of the community who believe they have a say in the matter, is thoroughly exasperated by the whole thing. He really doesn’t care about his reputation or what society would think of him, and would very much like everyone to stop treating him like a delicate and naive young ingenue who needs protection. Has no one considered that perhaps he’d also like to participate in shocking behavior and unspeakable sexual escapades? Maybe he wants an invite to the orgy, an orgy sounds fun! (This is actually the heroine’s opinion in the book, it’s amazing 😆)
Omg yes this is just as good as the other romance novel inspired ask you sent!! I love it!
Just because omega Hob hasn't had the opportunity to do anything scandalous and terrible, doesn't mean he doesn't want to! He just has the misfortune to live in a rural community with no access to like minded people. And Dream’s arrival changes all that! He's full of ideas and stories and he's seen so much of the world! Hob is besotted with him, and dares to ask him all kinds of questions that no one else has ever answered - mainly about biology. He wants to know how his own body works, and he's very pleased when Dream presents him with diagrams and a full explanation of how an omega's body works.
Someone from the village comes around warning Dream that he'd better back off, that Hob is a nice omega and he doesn't need a filthy debauched type of alpha sniffing around him (Hob is currently sitting behind the sofa trying to hide the fact that he's giggling. He's really not a nice omega, he's just never had any opportunity to be bad).
Dream shrugs and says, alright, he'll marry Hob. Will that make everyone happy? And Hob falls out of his hiding place to say "yes" before anyone can answer for him.
They have a very quiet wedding and run straight off on honeymoon soon after, as Dream has promised to spoil Hob by taking him on a tour throughout Europe. There might be orgies. There will definitely be fucking. Possibly on public balconies. In any case, Hob intends to simultaneously adore his husband AND shock everyone who has ever known him <3
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jadedbirch · 10 months
Happy Centennial to La Divina!
December 2, 1923 was a blessed day for that was the day Maria Callas was born. Unmatched as an operatic diva, on and off stage, we are so fortunate to have many of her recordings to remind us of what we lost and for new generations of opera lovers to discover and become entranced with.
And now, the impossible task of picking my own personal top 5 Maria Callas roles.
5. Elvira (in Bellini's I Puritani)
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Callas singlehandedly revived the bel canto repertoire and brought Bellini's operas (most not performed since the 19th century) back to the fore. Of all the operas in which La Divina got to excel in mad scenes, I chose this one because essentially the entire opera is one long mad scene for her character - Elvira - a young, Puritan girl who thinks that her beloved has abandoned her on the day of their wedding. Callas somehow finds an entire theatrical range of heartbreaks in this performance, and doesn't stop breaking your heart until the last (surprisingly happy) note of the opera.
Recommended: I would invest in the 1953 EMI studio recording with Giuseppe di Steffano and Rolando Panerai. But while I was fucking around, I also found this 1952 live recording from Mexico, that I'm excited to check out.
4. Leonora (in Verdi's Il Trovatore)
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Callas was so famous for singing Verdi heroines, that it is almost impossible to chose one above others. I'm going to buck the trend and NOT choose Violeta from La Traviata, because that would be too easy. After all, Violeta is the focal point of La Traviata, and history has proven again and again that the public is wild for a consumptive courtesan. In contrast, Leonora is perfectly privileged and healthy, she is a lady in waiting to the Spanish Queen, whose one misfortune in life happens to be her questionable taste in men (as is often the case in Verdi's operas). Il Trovatore is known to be a vehicle for the tenor, but a good Leonora can steal the opera from under him, especially in the final act, and Maria Callas easily does just that.
Recommended: EMI's 1956 recording with di Steffano, Barbieri, and Panerai is really to die for. I have no notes! Here's a tasty snack to sample.
3. Medea (in Cherubini's Medea)
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Some roles are so mythic that you need someone approaching demigodhood in order to pay them proper homage. Medea may have been a controversial figure in Greek mythology, but also an absolute badass and a powerful sorceress not to be fucked with. Callas imbued her with all the righteous rage that fueled her, but also with a keen humanity and vulnerability. I dare you to listen to any of her Medea recordings and not to come out of the experience rooting for those babies to be stabbed all the way dead. Hahahah just kidding. (Or am I?)
Recommended: Any of her studio or live recordings of Medea are great, but do yourselves a favor and listen to this 1953 LIVE recording conducted by Leonard Bernstein (yes that Bernstein). You will get the chills, I swear to all the gods. HER POWER!!!!
2. Tosca (in Puccini's Tosca)
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This was my first complete opera recording that I purchased for what would later accidentally turn into my Maria Callas collection. I have listened to it more times than I care to admit, but in my defense, it was life changing. The way that Callas spits "ASSASSINO!!!" into Scarpia's face during the Act II torture scene. *chef's kiss* I get goosebumps to this day. The recording in question was was 1965, very late in her career, and by some accounts not when she was in her "best voice". But the sheer power of her artistry, the maturity with which every line is sung and acted, her understanding of the character far exceeds her early career interpretations of the same heroine. This was the Callas I fell in love with - the woman who made me realize opera could be about so much more than pretty singing.
Recommended: Lucky you, here's the full 1965 studio recording with Carlo Bergonzi and Tito Gobi. There are some live recordings available now on Youtube from the same year! But if you're looking for a "prettier" sounding Tosca, there's always her 1953 studio recording.
Norma (in Bellini's Norma)
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Haha, how predictable, you might say, but listen - why fuck with perfection? Has anyone since her been able to come anywhere even close in this role? Some big names have tried. Some big names never even got the cojones to try. Some have flirted with recording the famous Casta Diva aria alone. But listen - she was incomparable, show stopping, life changing. When I listen to her sing Norma, I feel like I know what it's like to be in the presence of God.
Recommended: Do yourselves a favor and get the 1955 EMI studio recording. Although really any recording of her singing Casta Diva will make you see angels/fairies/unicorns if you haven't already.
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From the moment you were born, your life had been one misfortune after another. Life was hard yet still you persevered, right until the day you died. When you opened your eyes once again, it was as the youngest child of Duke Forestier, a character from a book you once found comfort in. Though it may seem like a second chance, the truth is this too is yet another misfortune. You are but a mere bastard, unwanted and cursed, living in the shadow of the story's heroine, your elder sister, doomed to become her antagonist. Can you change your fate? Or will you meet your end just as the original host did? The choice is yours. 
So I have decided to continue writing it, I will be taking it slowly though as my new job demands more attention now that I've moved up(so not as much free time as before foe writing) as well as not stressing myself out like I was before about putting out my demo as soon as possible. Since I'm starting from scratch again, I will just be writing as I please.
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