wearysoulart · 1 year
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wouldn't it be nice for someone to care
who would care if i was gone i never met no one who'd care if i was dead and gone who needs me to care for them nobody needs me why should i just hang around
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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(〃-ω-) zzz
discord: whatsappskull
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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is it too much to ask for?
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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partial hanging ftw. does a few minutes of pain sound that bad in comparison to a futile existence? i have to think about this everyday.
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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im not ha[[y today . i want to ddisappear completely . the desire to simply not exist is overwheleming now. i dont want to deal with anything. i dont want to think. simply being is tiring. ahhhhhhhsfopkfpqkwdpkwcq,rp32;3,v52,3/.5,/v and fuck you ,you only like depressing shit and dont appreciate the cute stuff you just want me to suffer dont you . well here you go fucking clap at the monkey
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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being happy makes others feel happy :)))
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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i wanna be cute! here's flower-doggy! yayyy look how happy he isss! yayyyy puppiessss~! aaaaaaaa~!
(✿ ᵒ̌ ᴥ ᵒ̌)
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wearysoulart · 1 year
*Hugs* your art really speaks to my heart. Are you doing okay?
heyo! im glad you like my stuff. ( ˘⌣˘) i started posting my stuff in hopes people might find solace in it.
i sketch without thinking as a form of therapy/expression and then come back to my sketches and improve them with coloured pencils when im feeling better.
my art is pure, unadulterated thoughts and emotion. it doesnt always relfect reality, but its what i feel. conciously or not.
and lets just say im feeling typical.
love you~! be kind to yourself~! ( •̀⩊•́)
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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my hobbies are drawing, photography and worrying too much.
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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i think too much. i think too much. i think too much. i think too much. i think too much. i think too much. i think too much. i think too much.
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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i was certainly not expecting to see how much attention my last post got, especially in that short amout of time. i really do appreciate you people, whoever you are, thanks. more depressing shit coming later hehe. have this cuteso bear instead. i wasn't well yesterday - horrible sleep, i was thinking about someone important to me who isn't thinking about me. be well everyone, take a deep breath for me please.
( ´ ・ᴥ・`)
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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i'm not afraid of dying anymore. honestly i'm more scared of what i'll become if i keep going.
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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sometimes death is the only thing i crave. i don't want to get better, i don't want to try, i don't want to want.
(„ ̄︿ ̄)
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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i relapsed after a month. i'll be kinder to myself this time.
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wearysoulart · 1 year
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why do i always have to overthink
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