#can't believe i have to make this post again but without links because tumblr is a Functional Website
onlylove4louis · 12 days
Okay, the "Vampire Bond" and why Loustats "bond" is different...
This is the post I wanted to make a day or two ago, that I was sitting on because I was waiting for the go ahead from @nalyra-dreaming, to put a link to one of her ask/answer posts, here. But I think Tumblr actually ate the message I sent her, so I am going to go ahead and add the link and hopefully she sees the post and can let me know if it's okay or not to keep it. (No harm done, if you want it removed 😉)
Okay, so the Vampire Bond, which is described and explained better than I ever could, by Nalyra, here:
What I wanted to talk about, is that what ultimately makes Loustats' "Vampire Bond" different, and or unique... is that it was created with a deep and unbreakable rooting, in love. Plain and simple. Now I know, to an extent this is a bit obvious to some, and a lot of people no doubt already got this. But I do routinely come across posts about it, and asks and comments discussing, etc. about it. Basically asking "why". So I wanted to throw my own mind about it, into the discussion pot too.
If you've read the books, then you know one of the most, I would say common or usual, reasons Vampires are made, is necessity. I do hesitate to say "slavery" and/or "servitude", because it tends to almost limit the meaning. But seeing as how Lestat himself says essentially that in the 1st book, I'll go ahead and start there. But I do mean a bit of a broader sense... Vampires are often made, to combat things like loneliness, or like Lestat and the fledgling he was with/using in 2x08. His "rat catcher". Who was clearly made (if we're to assume Lestat made him himself) to essentially bring Lestat food, while he stayed in and... languished in his self imposed purgatory. More often then not made as tools to use, for companionship (and not necessarily in love, or out of love). And made to prevent death.
I fully believe that in Loustats case, and specifically Louis' case. Why it's different than both Claudia (for Lestat), and Madeleine (for Louis)... is that Louis and Lestat had already built a deep soul-mate, twin-flame type of bond. Of both love and trust, and honestly co-dependency BEFORE the gift was given. And the turning itself was a given of love. An offer of one soul to another, and an acceptance as well as a return of it. It's honest and true, love and the joint desperation for it. Not just companionship itself, not just necessity, but genuine love.
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It's why their breathing and heartbeats sync up. It's why they literally can't function properly without the other. It's why neither one of them could truly, indefinitely leave the other.
Now, in the case of Claudia and Madeleine. They were made of obligation. In both cases, the desire for their turning had to do with love. But not FOR them, by the ones who made them. Lestat made Claudia, for Louis. He made her out of obligation to Louis. In an attempt to reconnect with Louis, and Louis' love. So yes, he has the Vampire Bond with her, as described by Nalyra (in the post linked above) but it's nothing like what he has with Louis. There was no love at all for Claudia, from Lestat, in turning her. He didn't even want to make her. Same goes for Madeleine, Louis made Madeleine FOR Claudia, and not in any way to reconnect with Claudia or her love for/with him. But to give her something she desired/needed, wholly apart from him. To give her a companion, that he could never be for her. To give her love. But again, he also didn't actually want to make her, he simply didn't have another option (meaning he didn't have someone else to do it for him/for her). Which is also why, yes Madeleine can "feel" Louis, and through him can feel his unwavering love for Claudia. And is also why she can feel Lestat, and Louis' love of/for Lestat, through that bond. But again there is no love or syncing up of anything, between them. Because the bond wasn't created within and out of LOVE. So it's just the basic Vampire bond.
Their uncommon bond, is remarked on more than once in the book(s). By Marius, Khaymen, and others. In regards to the fact that it's not common among them, or typical. Even Amel later describes it being and feeling wholly different, when he's within Lestat. Lestat makes fledglings like they're coming out of a Pez dispenser, and Lestat loves so easily and has love for just about anyone and everyone in his life. But only with Louis is there a very marked difference...
But that's why I personally think Loustats bond is different, and not just the Vampire Bond. As I wholeheartedly believe Louis realized, in making Madeleine. And why he then rejected it so hard, and immediately attempted to sever it (bleed it back out). It was not the same and therefore only served to dilute the bond he has, with Lestat.
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anistarrose · 3 months
You added an "image description" to my post - now what? (FAQ)
[Plain text: "You added an 'image description' to my post - now what? (FAQ)". End PT.]
While I'm literally always willing to answer (good faith) questions about image descriptions, alt text, and online accessibility writ large, I also know lots of people have social anxiety about sending DMs, doing IDs "wrong," or just not knowing what IDs are for in the first place. Hence, this FAQ.
If I added an ID to your post and/or asked you to do so, and you're confused about any aspect of that, this is where to start. You can absolutely still reach out to me, I just thought I should consolidate as many answers as possible.
"What is an ID and why does it matter?"
IDs are a description of the content of an image, and can range from a transcript of a screenshot of text, to a description of a detailed piece of art. They should be in plain text, and placed on the line immediately following the image (unless it's alt text, more on those pros and cons later).
IDs are primarily for blind and low vision people who use screen readers to navigate the internet — but help others too, including lots of neurodivergent people. Check out this post (link) and the notes for more examples (dyslexics, migraine sufferers, people who can't interpret expressions, people with slow internet...)
IDs are important because without them, the Internet really sucks for people who need them. You probably don't realize how many undescribed images circulate on tumblr every day, with no way for a lot of disabled people to engage with those posts.
A blind person talks in more detail about all of this here (link).
"I reblogged your ID, is that enough?"
It's not that I don't appreciate it, but editing it into the root post and then reblogging that is much more impactful, for a variety of reasons. It means people who need IDs don't have to dig through the notes for them, it means that Tumblr can't glitch by failing to load the notes and make the ID functionally disappear, and it means all people who find the post in the tags or on your blog will be sharing the accessible version.
To explain visually, the best thing to do is something like this:
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[ID: two mock-up Tumblr posts to illustrate adding an ID from the notes to the root post. A blog named "your-blog" posts an image of text reading "something cool you posted" with the caption "check out this cool image I made!" In the notes, the blog "image-describer" reblogs with an ID, which is highlighted. This version of the post is labeled: "original post, reblogged via ID writer."
The second version of the post is from "your-blog" again, where they've added the ID directly under the image, with the same caption below the ID. This version is labeled "updated root post, with ID copy-pasted. End ID.]
"My caption/commentary first, or ID first?"
Include the ID right under the image, followed by your caption or commentary. Unless you're putting your commentary before the image itself, a sighted person will see "image, commentary" in that order, so to ensure the post flows the same way, use the order "image, ID, commentary."
Commentary frequently assumes that the reader has seen the image, after all! A person might not even realize the image is described if the ID is buried too deep, because they might lose patience and skip the post. Or, to explain visually:
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[ID: two mock-up example posts with an ID, one formatted well and one poorly. They both start with an image, which is just the text "screenshot of a tweet or something." The first post includes the ID immediately under the image. Below, it continues: "commentary blah blah blah get a load of this guy can you believe it." The post is labeled "Like this!" in green with a check mark.
The second post includes the commentary first, then the ID after the commentary. It's labeled: "Reads awkwardly, deprives screen reader users of immediate context" in red with an X. End ID.]
"I want to make a change to the ID, is that okay?"
Yep! If you want me to change it on my blog too (whether it's characters' pronouns, some typo, etc), just message me.
"What if someone else adds an ID to my post? Would they also be okay with me editing it into the original post like you are?"
Almost certainly! I can't speak for everyone, but I've literally never met an ID writer who wouldn't be okay with it — because we all have the shared goal of maximizing accessibility. If you're unsure or nervous, you can always include credit, but most people are even fine with going uncredited.
"I put your ID in the alt text, is that enough?"
I will never tell you not to use alt text when the alternative is an undescribed post, but I really strongly suggest putting it in both the alt text and the post. Some people who use screen readers prefer the flow of alt text, for good reason — but it's also poorly implemented on Tumblr, and it can glitch and disappear on reblogs, in drafts, or just apropos of nothing.
Moreover, when a low-vision person or anyone else wants to read the alt text directly, Tumblr's display options aren't great. (Unless you use XKit Rewritten's AccessKit, which I will always plug, but that's not an option for mobile users.) Long alt text often extends off the page and gets cut off. Tumblr used to use a terrible eye-straining purple background for it, and could always do that again with no warning. It's just not ideal.
Here's a visually impaired person talking more about the pros and cons (link).
It seems we're in need of a compromise, so what can you do? One option is to include the same alt text as image description (placing the ID directly under the image as always, because remember, flow for screen readers is important). I like to lead with "ID from alt," in order to clarify to screen reader users that they can skip the ID, and help differentiate it from the other option I'm about to describe. This should be self-explanatory, but here's an example of a post I did in this style (link).
Option two is to include a short description in the alt text, and a more detailed explanation in-post. This can let screen reader users instantly know that the post is described, and decide whether they're interested enough in it to stick with it, but it maintains an in-post description for others to benefit from too.
Example of me doing this in a post about IDs (link)
Example of my mutual describing art like this (link)
Also, it's the style I follow throughout this exact post! Take a look!
As usual, the ID is directly below the image in all these cases. This means screen readers move immediately from the alt text to the full description, and the post flows the same way it would for a sighted person.
If you're here because I wrote an ID for you, it might be easier for you to put it in the alt text and the post body identically, and that's perfectly fine! But if you're confident writing one short sentence for the alt text and including my ID in the body, you can always go for that too!
"Do I need to keep the brackets or the words 'image description/ID' in the alt text?"
Nope, no need. Brackets are purely for the visual distinction, and most screen readers preface alt text with something like "Image" that fulfills the same purpose as the "ID" label. It's not the end of the world if they're there, but it's redundant, so feel free to remove them.
"Can I put the ID under a read more? Or in small text?"
Please don't. Read mores are glitchy, and oftentimes have to be opened in a new tab. Accessibility that requires jumping through extra hoops isn't accessibility. And worse, if you change your URL or get deactivated, that read more link is usually just gone for good, and the post is undescribed again.
Meanwhile, small text, italics, colored text, and so on aren't good for low vision people or others who read the IDs directly — such as with increased font size — for whatever reason. If you want the ID to stand out visually even more than with brackets, an indent is fine as far as I know. And remember, IDs always go immediately below the image!
"Why do you sometimes copy italics and stuff as plain text? Is that a screen reader thing too?"
Same reason IDs shouldn't be in small text, italics, etc — because of sight readers with low vision. Font in weird styles, or in a fixed size regardless of device settings (to my knowledge, this includes headings) isn't very accessible, so I try to provide an accessible transcript.
Colored text is sometimes even inaccessible to sighted people using certain Tumblr themes! If Tumblr gave individual users the option to disable small text and colors on their dash, then I'd tell you to use them to your heart's content, but as it stands, they're not very accessible.
"Okay, I want to make my blog more accessible, but I don't feel capable of writing IDs on my own. How can I get help?"
Good news, this is my absolute favorite question! I strongly recommend the People's Accessibility Discord (invite link here, please let me know if it breaks).
It was created for this exact purpose of crowdsourcing IDs (and answering questions about them). I talk about it more in this post (link), where I also describe an alternative if you're like me and have massive social anxieties about Discord servers.
TL;DR: ask in the post if someone can add an image description, and edit it in once someone does! If you've read this far in the post, you're clearly an expert on how to do that.
In that post, I also recommend OnlineOCR (link) and Google Lens to extract text from images and save you typing if it's just a twitter thread or something. I would always spot check the text, adjust formatting, and remove superfluous characters, but it usually saves you lots of time when you might not normally have the energy to describe something.
Lastly, a lot of description blogs take requests! I don't unless I specify otherwise, because I easily run out of spoons, but @accessible-art is a great example of a blog that does this for non-fandom art, and there are lots of fandom blogs out there that do similar.
"I want to learn how to write image descriptions for my posts! Do you have any resources?"
This is my image description masterpost (link). I get a little scared about linking it because it's long, and a lot of the linked posts are long, and I don't want to overwhelm people — so please, start with the first few links to get the broad strokes, and then feel free to treat the rest like a index. That is, peruse it if you're looking for answers or advice on a specific topic!
While learning, keep in mind that different ID users want different things out of IDs, and that's okay. Some people, including many blind people, care quite a bit about color, but others don't, and that doesn't mean either is wrong about the types of IDs they prefer versus ones they find unnecessary.
Blind people have a massive range of lived experiences, and all the other people who benefit from IDs broaden that range even more. Generally, no one involved wants huge walls of text, but some people prefer super-minimal IDs, while others prefer a nice handful of (relevant) details. It's stuff like the difference between "Two characters hugging in a cozy-looking house," versus "Two characters hugging with their eyes closed, both smiling. Their house looks cozy and cluttered, with warm lighting."
Neither of those is objectively wrong, and there will be people who prefer either. Nor is it wrong for you, the ID writer, to make a subjective judgement, such as on the "cozy" mood. You don't want to misrepresent things, but subjectivity is usually unavoidable on some level, and therefore fine. Likewise, you don't want to let the ID get so long it's a slog to get through (here's an example of what NOT to do), but if you're describing a complicated image like some art might be, it's okay to add some details. Just start with the important stuff and general idea first.
The purpose of an image also matters. With memes, shorter is almost always better, and excessive detail is annoying (post with examples). You don't need in-depth detail to appreciate most quick jokes. But on the other hand, art is often shared for the purpose of appreciating the details. This post goes into detail about how context matters, and how longer IDs make sense for art sometimes. It puts it better than I could, so I really suggest reading it if this is something you're wondering about! Key word: not length, not brevity, but "relevancy."
In my opinion, IDs are easiest to learn by doing, but also by starting small. If you want to build up your "description muscles" and confidence by just transcribing tweets, that's perfectly fine — and also, the path that myself and a lot of people I know have followed.
Lastly: follow some described blogs! Check out how other people do it! Writing IDs is an art, and though it has a few hard do's and don't's we've gone over, we've also gone over how it's subjective. Everyone brings a slightly different style, with a different level of lengthiness, and it's great to learn from multiple sources. Here's one list of blogs like those (link)!
"Why would this matter if I know I don't have any blind people following me?"
Consider the cycle of inaccessibility (link). If no one ever accommodates blind people, then of course you're not going to see them on Tumblr, in fandom, or in whatever internet circles! And blind people aren't the only people who need image descriptions — again, consider this post, especially this addition (link).
Worst case scenario, even if you have no one who can benefit from IDs either following you, and no people who need IDs would follow you even if you included them, you're still helping people who do maintain accessible blogs to do so — and moreover, normalizing image descriptions in general.
"I don't think blind people would be in this fandom. I mean, there's a huge visual component!"
Described comics and webcomics exist. Audio descriptions for TV shows and movies exist. Disabled people who find creative ways to play video games exist. People who watched a playthrough of a video game by a person who happened to read out the dialogue, and give descriptive commentary on the action, also exist. People who lose their vision over time, or gain other reasons to rely on IDs over time, also exist.
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lilacsareinbloomagain · 11 months
Yandere time and hyrule headcannons
I'm not sure if you've seen the hype around sky being in his undershirt and being ✨pretty✨ in the recent update, but could I please request reader fawning over Yan!sky in his undershirt or some general hc's for him?
Thank you both for requesting!
Notes: I wasn't that online on tumblr around that time, so I only saw it now lmao.
Anyway, I did both headcannons and a oneshot, hope you'll like it!
Also, yes, I merged those two requests since headcannons can be piled into the same post.
I'll probably sound redundant in a lot of these, simply because I didn't write this at one go and when I got to it again I may have forgotten that I wrote it before. My memory is not the best, forgive me.
There are more headcannons for Time because he's my favorite, sorry.
I need a master list, seriously.
Edited before sleeping, I'm sleepy and probably messed up one or two paragraphs of this.
The oneshot in question.
TWs: Yanderism, Mentions of food and bad eating habits and a little of my fairy/fae brain rot.
Don't mind grammatical errors, please!
Headcannons for yandere Sky, Time and Hyrule.
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Yandere! Lu! Sky x Reader
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For starters, Sky is sweet, but he is very manipulative.
Therefore, don't be surprised if you notice you stopped doing many of the things you used to do when you first got through the portal.
Most of the time it's not even bad things!
He might team up with Hyrule and Wild to take care of your main health, like eating habits. If you're a picky eater then expect Sky to slowly transition you into eating a little bit of everything, in no time you'll be eating like Wild does.
Then again, he'll also make sure to get the ingredients to the foods you do eat without struggling, also getting Wild to make a separate meal for you, should you not eat that one specific recipe Wild made for dinner.
You'll probably be getting help from him when it comes to self-care habits as well, like, the max of skin care and hair care you can get at Hyrule. He will make the effort to talk to people who know more about your skin and hair type, those who have it and take care of it well.
But, we can't ignore the genuinely bad things he will try to influence you into doing...
Privacy? Gone.
Not only will he be around you most if not all of the time, but he will also always be paying close attention to you and what you're doing.
So if you believed keeping a journal in your language would help you keep some things to yourself, then think again. The privacy of using your language instead of hyrulean to write in your jornal will soon turn into a mere illusion. Despite being more quiet and seemingly the less imposing of the Links, Sky has already gone, and will keep going through lengths for you, which includes learning the language you use.
Of course he noticed you kept a private journal, and despite you trying to lie about the contents of it, it's only a matter of time until he is skillfully scanning through the pages with his eyes like he's reading his favorite book. Memorizing any and all information he can find about you.
As manipulative as he is, he is also delusional, he doesn't have any idea of what he is doing, he simply doesn't know that what he is doing is wrong on so many levels.
He's not doing anything on purpose, he's just trying to protect you and get you to like him, like a normal guy!! At least, Zelda liked it when he did this with her back then, just how different are you two?
Genuinely, Sky would have a hard time figuring you and your emotions out. You're a human being after all, and he respects that those things are not supposed to be easy to figure out. In fact, he highly respects and appreciates that you're complex.
Not that he'll respect boundaries, nope, no way.
You're a puzzle he's very much looking forward to figuring out. Honestly, the only puzzle he'd ever want to figure out.
So, I'll probably elaborate this later, but the chain as Gods. Sky would be very much a Thor. That means silly blonde lightening man.
Imagine hylians from Sky's era used matching earrings alike engagement rings, like, Sky just randomly inviting you to an overly nice picnic, just to hand you blue earings just like his.
And if you don't have your ears pierced anywhere it'd be even better in his eyes, since he'd just adjust it to be a "normal" ring.
It was actually an engagement ring, but you didn't know that, or any of the other Links, really, since this tradicional custom got lost in time.
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Yandere! Lu! Time x Reader
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I think pretty much everyone knows Time is a teasing bastard.
Don't get me wrong, he can be pretty mature, but trust me, it's not really common for him to act like that.
Time is used to pretending, he used many different masks to become different races in his journey, that was needed from him at the time, the same way that being the mature one is being needed from him right now.
Just because he is deeply traumatized emotionally and physically from his job as a hero doesn't mean his personality is lost as well.
It didn't change that much since he was a child, not really.
He is addicted to making you flustered, so if you get flustered easily I'm sorry for you.
If making you blush is a challenge then I'm just as sorry for you, because Time isn't quite known for giving up easily.
And he's good at making people embarrassed, too.
The amount of women who were in love with him is everything I need as proof.
But the worst part? He doesn't have bad pick up lines.
Look, Time is a toucher, so yes, his love language is physical touch, that makes sense to me.
That doesn't mean only cuddling, of course, it can mean cuddling and hugging when you're alone, but do expect a few more things.
I was gonna say hand holding in public, especially in crowded places, but you know what? Guiding you by holding the back of your neck is simply easier to him, and a lot more obvious "back off!" to strangers who look at you for far too long.
Also, randomly leaning against you, the two of you may be just walking and suddenly you feel a large mass lightly leaning against your own body, almost making you stumble. you might just be standing in front of the dinner table, reading a recipe book and once again you just feel that familiar presence right behind you, but instead of hugging you from behind he's just there, like he is reading the book along with you.
Remember how you were reading that one recipe book? Well he might give it a try and help you make something in the kitchen just to spend time with you. Like, you're just pouring ingredients in a bowl and he's there "helping" you by wrapping his arm around your waist to give you "emotional support", as he calls it.
He is, in reality, just standing there watching you cook, trying his best to resist the urge to distract you and simply annoy you, because he is still trying to make it seem like he is a mature, grown man, and definitely not one who is eyeing the flour in his reach and thinking about launching a handful of it at you.
You did see his hand slowly reaching for the flour in the corner of your vision. He only stopped once you threatened to scoop out his remaining eye should even a speck of flour hit your face.
Yet, Time is a creative man, flour was only one of his plans.
He's got wandering hands and wandering lips. And he can and will make use of those just to distract you.
And that's how Time became banned from the kitchen when you were the one cooking, only being able to join you for cleaning later.
So yeah, his love language is physical touch, but it is also disturbance.
In that matter, he's not very different from Wind when you two are alone. If you ignore his flirtatious moves, that is. But he's quite different when you two are with the others, especially if you've done, or is doing something to annoy him, then he has to keep up that mature facade of his.
He believes the others won't take him seriously should he reveal his actual personality, so really, when you're around others you'll only get glimpses of it from time to time.
It is mandatory from the Links to be stubborn, but Time takes the cake.
Maybe it is his age, but he will never change his mind, ever. No point in arguing.
So when he is silly, he is silly, but when he is serious he is terrifying, no exaggeration.
The worst part is that older people have a lot of respect in Hyrule, so no matter what he says, his word is law.
Now, don't get me wrong, by now, pet names are just a thing Time always does with you, in a way you barely hear your own name coming from his lips unless he's being really serious about something.
But actual words of affirmation? Not his thing.
He'd much rather be as clingy as glue to you when you're alone.
But, not like Sky's soft, light cuddles. Time Will basically smother you.
Seriously, it may be his sheer muscle mass, but he'll drap himself over you in a way you'll feel yourself surrounded by him.
In fact, the first time he did it you probably almost suffocated.
You'll get used to it eventually, though. Hopefully.
He's pontual and very strict as well, he and Hyrule are probably gonna be bickering in most matters involving you, like, for example, "five more minutes" naps.
Don't even try to trick him, you'll hear stuff like "I was your age once" and shit, the man will act like he's a hundred years old or something.
Then again, he might be, after all, he is older in mind than he is in body.
He was forced to mature quicker and went through a lot of trauma, that, and he also had to go back in time a lot of times.
Now that I think about it, he probably lived for longer than your grandparents. Just saying.
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Yandere! Lu! Hyrule x Reader
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Don't get him wrong, Hyrule is very much full of love, really. He cares about everyone equally.
Yet, as corny as that is, your name isn't "everyone", you're not anyone, you're you, how could he even think about possibly treating you the same way as he treats everyone else?
You're put on a pedestal, everyone else is treated equally by him, except you, you are treated like you are divine and not mortal like he is.
So you'll feel like a toddler 24/7 around Hyrule, he is not as stubborn as Time, he's just… Persistent.
The other Links will find themselves teasing him for it a lot, even if deep inside they are just the same.
Play nice, walk on the line and you'll have a Hyrule at your beck and call. If you know how to do it right, you will be able to use his babying to your own benefit, because trust me, his persistence can work on the Links much more than yours, after all, they trust him for being another Link.
I feel like he'd also help you keep pets, it may be his fairy nature, but he is just good with animals, especially with forest animals. Be them small or big.
Although he definitely has a soft spot for smaller pets, even more if you're the one asking him to bring along a pet you found.
Surprisingly or not, Hyrule is probably one of the most protective Links if you happen to lean more towards the naive/vulnerable side of the spectrum.
It's a general fairy headcannon of mine, but since fairies take care of forest and the animals there, specially the smaller or more vulnerable types of animals, then it's not new for them to be also quite protective towards humans close to them.
Bonus points if they have those traits.
But then again, you're Hyrule's darling, you may be as strong and independent as a Link yourself, but he'll still see you as in need of his care and attention at all times.
That also may or may not be another reason why Hyrule treats you like a toddler.
So yeah, coddling. Lots of it.
Hyrule is also a fan of small things, trinkets. Natural or shiny... Precious or useless... In his eyes all are treasures.
Treasures you'll find your bags and pockets full of.
He is absolutely a rock, cristal guy.
Imagine, you're just walking to another village, and suddenly Hyrule stops walking for a few moments, just to speed walk towards you again just a bit later, cleaning something he is holding in his hands with the help of his sleeve.
Then he hands you a small, clear rock, grinning.
Better get used to this, it's probably gonna happen at least once every day.
So yeah, love language is gift giving and acts of service.
I feel like he's very awkward with words of affirmation, he didn't spend a lot of time saying or hearing those, after all. Like most of the Links.
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scientia-rex · 1 year
Some Thoughts on Antipsychotic Medications
Ok, enough of you seemed interested in this when I asked in my antidepressant post (don't ask me for a link, search my goddamn tumblr for it, oh my GOD people were so lazy about my post on bariatric surgery). Once again, this is NOT medical advice, medical advice must be TAILORED TO THE INDIVIDUAL, that's the whole POINT of a professional field, literally every answer is "it depends" and without being your doctor, which I better not be because if you're my patient reading this I need to nuke my entire social media presence, I can't give you good advice and I wouldn't anyway because I already work 115% time and I'm very tired and you don't pay me.
There's a lot of crossover between "antipsychotic" and "mood stabilizer." I don't have as much experience with antipsychotics as I do with antidepressants, but more than your average bear. So you may see a med here and go "wait, what?" because of that overlap.
It's also worth discussing what psychosis is. There are a lot of media representations, and they are generally very stupid and bad. About 3% of the population will have a psychotic episode in their lifetime, so keep that in mind when you're talking about psychosis. There's about a 1 in 30 chance that the person you're talking to will actually have had psychosis, and a much higher chance that someone they know or love will. So don't be a dick about it. Psychosis involves losing the ability to distinguish what is reality and what is not. It seems to involve overactivity of dopaminergic transmission in specific brain pathways. It tends to be very frightening for its sufferers, although not always. Psychotic symptoms can range from a persistent delusion--I have one patient who is quite simply certain that they have worms in their lungs, despite all the tests indicating that they don't--to hallucinations of voices, to visual hallucinations, and any combination of those. Delusions and hallucinations are often negatively valenced, which means that they make the sufferer feel bad in some way, whether it's an auditory hallucination of someone telling you you're the devil, or a delusion that you're being persecuted by conspiracies for unclear reasons, or hallucinations of shadowy figures out of the corner of your eye. Delusions, when I see them in my patient, often reflect a patient's deepest fear. I had one patient who was a caregiver and they were fixated on the idea that there was a conspiracy of people watching them and setting up "tests" to make sure they weren't hurting patients or doing drugs.
It's also worth mentioning meth. Meth is one of the major causes I see of psychotic symptoms (especially since I'm in a rural area), and you need to understand that the longer and the more you do meth, the higher the likelihood of persistent psychotic symptoms. When I was a med student on an inpatient high-acuity psych ward, I had a very pleasant gentleman who'd been doing meth for years. It's tough to get a clear history, but my impression was that he probably hadn't developed psychotic symptoms until multiple years into daily use of meth--but now, despite being on the ward for over a week, there was no sign of the psychosis going away. He believed he could say things to passing cars and the sound would travel with the car, and someone miles away would hear it. He also believed there were indistinct white figures who hovered around his campsite. (He was homeless.) Meth can break your brain. Don't do meth.
The original antipsychotics are old school. We're talking the 1930s. Promethazine was developed in the process of trying to come up with antihistamines. First-generation antipsychotics are dopamine antagonists, and that means that they're blocking a large proportion of dopaminergic transmission both in the brain pathways related to psychotic symptoms, but also in the pathways related to reward, which sucks. When you think of "antipsychotics," this is most likely what you're thinking of unless you have personal experience with antipsychotics. First-generation antipsychotics include haloperidol (Haldol), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), and a handful of others, but it's a smaller class than the second generation.
Second-generation antipsychotics were a game changer. These are serotonin-dopamine antagonists. They include risperidone (Risperdal), paliperidone (Invega-Sustenna), quetiapine (Seroquel), aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa), lurasidone (Latuda), ziprasidone (Geodon), and also clozapine, AKA the antipsychotic everyone hates prescribing because it can cause your white blood cells to suddenly go bye-bye and boom, you're at huge risk for infection. The only patient I've ever seen develop clear, unambiguous serotonin syndrome was on clozapine. I don't prescribe it as an outpatient family doctor; it's a medication of last resort, and more often seen in inpatient settings due to the need for frequent blood tests to monitor.
Because the brain is a great recycler, we also use dopamine in the control of our movements. This means that one of the more serious side effects of antipsychotics is a problem with movement. This is typically going to be something called "tardive dyskinesia," which means "slow messed up movement," but in Greek because we're fancy. TD is dreaded because we can't always reverse it. A medication called benztropine can help, but the better option, if at all possible, is to get someone off the medication that called the TD in the first place.
If you're keeping track, you're noticing that dopamine does a lot in the brain: the reward pathway, psychotic symptoms, movement. Your body also uses it for stuff outside the brain, like affecting gut motility and blood vessel dilation. It is really hard to come up with medications that only affect one thing, because the body will use the same messaging systems over and over. This is a big part of why there's some much cross-talk between medications that are ostensibly for one thing but used for many other things.
First-generation antipsychotics can be particularly bad about making people feel flat and incapable of feeling joy. The technical term for "incapable of feeling joy" is "anhedonia," Greek again, this time for "no happiness." This is incredibly punishing and people will often go off their meds in order to feel something. I don't want to hear any bullshit blaming people who do this. You probably would too, and learning not to throw rocks from a glass house is critical to being a decent fucking human being. However, it does mean that I have much more success keeping patients on second-generation antipsychotics. There is both a lower risk of anhedonia and a lower risk of TD, so in general, unless someone doesn't respond to second-generation antipsychotics, they won't be started on a first-generation. I have absolutely used first-gen antipsychotics for patients but they're more typical in the inpatient setting, where it's okay--and sometimes a good thing--if someone is sedated. One memorable example was in an emergency department where a woman was violent and had to be restrained with both physical restraints and a spit hood. We can't just go around sedating people these days--that's a whole-ass thing, because for a long time "treatment" in inpatient facilities was too often taken to be "sedation"--but boy howdy, she needed some Haldol.
I also work part time at the county jail, and while I again try hard not to use first-generation psychotics in patients who didn't come in on them, there are patients who actively request Haldol because they hate how being totally wound up and psychotic feels. I write for them to have as-needed oral doses. This means if they ask the jail nurse for it, they can get it, and it helps immensely.
The leading cause of death for patients with mental illness is heart disease. Antipsychotics tend to cause weight gain, and that is not only psychologically distressing to my patients because we live in a fatphobic world, it's probably related to worsened insulin function. Unfortunately, just putting everyone on an antipsychotic on preventative metformin (a medication that improves insulin sensitivity) also didn't work when we tried it, so we don't do that. But it's scary. I'm actually really hopeful that this new GLP-1 agonist med class that's in constant shortages because it causes weight loss (Ozempic, Wegovy, etc.) will be an option to help improve long-term health for psychotic patients. Some antipsychotics are worse than others for weight gain, but there are few genuine head to head comparisons of effectiveness, so I can't say "X works better than Y," we just have to pick one based on a) my familiarity with it and b) whether it seems like a good idea. I also feel it is better to be fat than dead, so if someone needs one of the more fat-inducing antipsychotics to live their life and/or have a decent quality of life, I'll prescribe it and I fucking dare you to talk shit, I will eat you.
My clinical experience has been that Seroquel and Abilify are the best-tolerated antipsychotics. I don't know why. Someone else might, but those are the ones I usually reach for unless someone is having really severe symptoms, in which case I think risperidone works faster. Data are, again, generally pretty weak.
But mostly I want you to remember that psychosis is not a funny punchline, "psychotic" is a shitty fucking insult to use, and someone you know and love probably has psychosis. Some people have a single break and it never happens again, some people can control it with medication, some people need to be institutionalized. It's a life-changing illness and people with severe psychosis, yes, even the weird ones who scare you, are still human beings whose lives have exactly the same inherent value as yours, and who deserve the exact same inalienable human rights as you do. Any other approach is garbage. Human rights are not negotiable.
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privateanxieties · 28 days
Hi! I hope you're having a good day. I've been reading your fics since sometime in 2022, you're up there with my favourite Peter parker writers. I know a while back you took down a lot of your fics (understandably so) and mentioned maybe putting them up on Ao3 at some point. I was just wondering if you ever did that. Because I would love to reread some comfort fics. No worries if not! I was just curious :)
Hey there!
I'm doing alright, thank you for asking. And I recognize your username from a while ago, actually! You always had something kind to say in my notes. I can't even believe it's been over two years since I've been posting on this blog.
To answer your question, some of the fics are still available on tumblr, with a few exceptions that I've privated and left that way, and some are indeed available on AO3, though they are archive-locked (for users only). It's the same username on there if you'd like to find some of them that may not be accessible on tumblr. I never quite managed to transfer everything over there, and in all honesty some fics I kinda cringe reading now, so I don't know if I could just post them as they are without feeling the impulse to re-write or edit them.
I was thinking that I'd maybe re-publish (as in, un-private) them here on tumblr, just because I feel like it's been long enough now that my writing/perspective has changed and I'm not that attached to them anymore (sentimentally, I mean). I'm just primarily bummed that people have stopped interacting with writers' stories and that they go as far as using generative AI to "finish" discontinued stories, which sort of hurts everyone?
People have also been asking about them more and more, and it makes me feel bad because it's been quite a while since I privated them. If people still remember reading them and want to do so again, I just feel like it'd be unfair to leave them unavailable. I know I wouldn't like not being able to return to some stories I keep close to heart. It's both humbling and flattering.
I think I'll set aside some time this weekend to post them again and hopefully the links on the masterlist start working.
I hope you're doing well too and thank you for taking the time to reach out!
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Welcome to To Daydream Believers : A Community Klaine FanWorks Blog
Hello Everyone!
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Welcome and Re-Welcome to To Daydream Believers!!
I know the blog has been around forever, but with the influx of new people I thought I'd refresh the blog and welcome everyone again! I've been wanting to give the blog a facelift for a while, and it seems now is as good a time as any to reintroduce and reinvigorate the blog.
What is TDBFic?
I originally started the blog as the fanfiction reblogging sideblog to my original Glee/Klaine rewatch, fun&games, and podcasting blog - @todaydreambelievers. TDB isn't being run any more, but I've always maintained that as long as there is interest - I'd keep the blog going.
The intention of the blog was to be a safe space where fans of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson could read works (about them individually or as a couple) without fear of running into bashing of either character. It was also meant to be a community blog where anyone could choose to participate on their own terms.
Becoming a Member -
Whether you're an author who would like a place to showcase their works or just a fan who'd like to recommend their favorite fics, anyone is allowed to be a member. All you need to do is shoot me -- @spaceorphan18 -- a message, and I'll make you a member. All I ask is that you follow (my relatively few) guidelines.
Also - even if you become a member, there's no obligation to reblog content, but the option is always open!
Guidelines -
So what are the guidelines?
All fanworks must be Kurt Hummel friendly and Blaine Anderson friendly. While that doesn't mean bad things can't happen to them - it does mean that a fan of either character can read a work and not feel like their favorite character is being intentionally bashed.
Be respectful of other users.
A couple of smaller items such as - please reblog, don't post and don't spam. Some basic common curtesy things.
That's really it. I'll have some more details on a main page when I get that up. But really, it boils down to play nice.
What about tagging?
You don't have to tag - but it is encouraged so people can find your works if they click on one of our links. I'm working on cleaning up the tagging page so that the tagging system is clear and easy to use.
What about all the old stuff?
It's not going anywhere - though please bear with me as I try to clean up the main page. You should be able to find all of the old content, as I don't plan on taking anything down.
Anything new to the blog?
Why yes! I have some ideas for ways to keep the activity up on the blog...
Author Spotlights -- Every week we would highlight a author or artist - featuring their works on the blog. I'd like to do this again! I'll get more details out soon - but anyone is welcome to participate, even if they've done it already!
Prompts & Tropes -- I'm not sure how I'd like to implement these, but I thought it'd be fun if we occasionally did prompts or trope weeks to inspire you to create new things.
Events -- We haven't been event heavy, but @snarkyhag and I are already thinking of something fun to do for this summer!
Polls -- Okay, so this isn't entirely creation focused, but back in the day, TDB did polls every Tuesday. Now that tumblr has a fun, new polling system, I thought I'd bring these back - because why not?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
I'm really open to anything you guys might have to say! Please drop a line any time you like -- I'm always happy to hear from you!
I do encourage you to come join and be a member! The more the merrier!
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Happy Creating!
Xoxo- Spaceorphan18 :)
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Hello~ I saw that you are Martin Enthusiast, so I thought you would know better and wanted to clarify something. And sorry this is an uncomfortable topic to speak but I wanted to make sure before I conclude something. The thing is I saw a post with 200 likes about Martin and Benedict are shi**y people... Especially Martin uttering rap*st jokes and being homophobic? I don't know anything about them, it's only been a month I came to know these actors and after seeing this allegations I don't know what to think, so I thought maybe you could enlighten me that contradict this before I dwell into more of their movies/series. Again sorry for bringing such heavy topic into your feed, I can't help since I'm sensitive to such accusations, if it's not true I have no idea why people think these are something normal to accuse someone of, so yeah..... Have a good day 😇🥰
Hello, dear anon.
Before I answer in more detail let me say 3 things:
Thank you so much for not just blindly believing what you read on the internet and asking for advice. You have no idea how much this delights me. A few weeks ago, a TikTok video went a bit viral and claimed that Martin was homophobic, racist, abuses his kids and tells rape jokes. Seeing how many people blindly believed what they saw in a badly researched TikTok and cancelled Martin was disheartening. I also saw the post you mentioned, but decided not to react- because well, what's the point?
As you said yourself, I am a Martin enthusiast. I know next to nothing about Benedict, so all I am saying will be about Martin.
Most of the accusations are old, like several years old and originate from the infamous 'your fave is problematic' tumblr blog. Google it if you want to, I won't link it for obvious reason. The person behind that blog now looks back at it with 'shame and regret'.
So, is it true that Martin said some things in the past he probably shouldn't have said? Yes, it's true- there is no denying that. But then again: isn't that something we are ALL guilty of? I know I've said things in the past that I regret now. I have a very twisted and dark sense of humour, not unlike Martin (I think). Yes, he is a famous person and he should be more aware of what he says. I think his publicist probably hated him many, many times for speaking his mind. 😆 But that is also something I adore about Martin- he just says what he thinks without caring about what people will think about him. He just doesn't give a shit. I envy that. And I like him even more because of that.
Also, none of the things he said were truly awful. Most of them were taken out of context and sound bad- until you read the whole thing. Please read this article which deals with that nicely and so much better than I ever could. Also, this is totally worth a read and shows that Martin isn't a bad person and Cancel Culture sucks.
Do yourself a favour and read both articles/ blog posts I linked.
Maybe one of my followers has some similar links for Benedict?
I decided not to go into further detail about any of the 'problematic' things he said. For now. If you want my opinion on a certain quote/ joke, just let me know. I am not shying away from it, I just don't want to spend too much time on something if it's not really needed.
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope this helped.
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jayteacups · 6 months
my stance on ships & shipping culture - a quick note
(please read before interacting!)
I'm seeing discourse in the AOT Tumblr niche ramp up once again (what would the AOT fandom be without harassment and discourse /s), so I want to put up this quick note to be linked in my pinned navigation post. Therefore, from now on, if someone sends an ask about ship discourse, it'll be clear whether or not they've read this post. Therefore that'll make it easier for me to see who respects my boundaries and who is and isn't worth my time.
This blog is primarily a Levi x Reader-insert/OC-insert/Self-ship blog. If you have a problem with this, save us both the time and energy, and just block me. If you harass me or anyone else who enjoys this type of harmless content, I will block you. This is not up for debate.
However, I am also a multi-shipper. You'll occasionally find that I reblog fanworks of Eruri, Levihan, Rivetra, Levifar etc, and that I tag all ship content so you can filter out the ones you may not like. I’m not a ‘proshipper’ though; for example, you won’t find any reblogs of fanworks involving a veteran character being with a recruit character in a romantic or sexual sense. However, I will never harass anybody for shipping a ship that I don't like, so I expect everyone from every corner of the fandom to return that same courtesy.
So please do not bring me into any ship discourse, I’m not interested in entertaining pointless debates over ships. I do not and never will condone harassment over people's opinions on fictional ships.
If somebody doesn't ship your OTP, or they ship something you personally do not like, that doesn't mean you have the moral high ground over them, and that certainly doesn't mean you can falsely accuse people of awful things or leave anonymous death threats in people's inboxes. Additionally, it's okay for your OTP to be fanon. The canon/fanon status of a ship doesn't make it better or worse than another ship. The sooner people accept this instead of twisting canon to suit a false narrative, the better. On that note, please don't send me long-winded, unsolicited asks about how a fanon pairing is 'actually canon if you read the subtext' whilst quoting 'facts' with no or incorrect sources. Let canon be canon and fanon be fanon. There's a difference, and a reason why they have separate labels. I'm not saying that you can't have a different interpretation of canon or the subtext, but I'm saying that not everybody will agree with you, and it doesn't automatically make your opinion the right or 'true' one.
I should also point out that the actions of a few bad apples is not representative of an entire ship community. For example, I have seen some people falsely assume the entire Eruri community are toxic based on the recent anons harassing Levi-centric blogs. This simply isn't true. The majority of shippers are very chill, but the toxic minority just happens to be the loudest. Let's not make assumptions about Eruri shippers or insult their OTP, because I have seen a few people do this in response to seeing the harassment, which I find incredibly hypocritical and unhelpful. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture - which is that we're all fans of the same thing and we all want to have fun in whatever way appeals to us.
Fandom is supposed to be fun, and I believe you should be focusing your energy on what you like rather than what you don't. Personally I think it's strange that these weirdo anons and harassers spend so much time and energy harassing people who don't ship their OTP, rather than using that time and energy to support creators who make fanworks of their OTP, or even creating some fanworks themselves. They care more about making other people miserable rather than fostering a positive community around their ships, and that is something I absolutely do not support or condone.
If you've read everything and have reached the end of this post, thank you for your time. If you fundamentally disagree with my stance, fine, but don't debate me on it. I've made it clear I won't change my mind on it, and you probably won't either, so I suggest you block me instead of starting a futile argument.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
The law is separate from the general definition of a teenager. It's from thirteen to nineteen and are generally classed as adolescent. The term minor is a legal phase and in terms of classification as an adult, it varies from country to country depending on age. Some countries it's 16, others it's 18 or 21 even. But the general definition in the English language is a teenager from 13 - 19. The fact you can't grasp this is mindboggling. That's why I'm not arguing with you because your other arguments are bs in their concept. If you are calling a nineteen year old is not a teenager then there's no point in engaging with you. There's all these concrete facts on things out there that you seem to be in absolute denial about it and have to pointlessly confront all the time. Nothing you say makes sense and if anything does, it's because you stole it from someone else. It's like the only thing you see and hear is yourself and you are trying desperately to make us all see it too. Tbh you probably need mental help. When you say a teacher accused you of plagarism but somehow it didn't happen then what did happen? You're always twisting the narrative to suit yourself. You seem incredibly naive as well blindly believing people over this weird Grace thing, leading to other users on here being harassed because you didn't have the sense or judgement to question what is being sent on anon. You need to log off and seek help. Stop stalking the tags and sending asks/replies to people to fuel conflict or cause trouble. Stop sending links to yourself on anon so you can post vitriol on it. Stop spreading false information. Stop plagiarising. I have been told by several people you are unhinged and I have given you the benefit of the doubt. But now I see you need mental help.
I think it's you who needs mental help.
I'm not the one who makes the law. In my country, the legal age of majority / adulthood is 18, as in many others. It's that simple. Legally for many places, 19 is an adult. Do you want to complain about that ? Fill the system. I'm not saying that someone aged 19 is necessarily an adult mentally, I'm just saying that they are legally one. But I'm sick and I need help to just say this reality of our world ? I believe once again that it is you who needs help.
So, in fact, Rhaenyra is legally, by globally our modern standards, an adult in episode 4, in addition to being one for Westeros as well. At this point, what you're doing is nitpicking to piss off...
Again, I don't steal anything from people. I didn't plagiarize anyone. You love to repeat this when there is literally no proof !
And I didn't let any tumblr users be harassed, it's bullshit sent for defamation :
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I don't bother stalking any tags either. Where does this accusation come from this time ?
I then rarely send requests to other accounts, and it is not fundamentally different from other requests they may receive. How does this disrupt tumblr ? Those to whom I sent requests never complained. Where does this other bullshit come from ?!
And I don't send any anonymous requests to myself. Again, WTF ?
And what false information have I spread ? You really accuse me of things, each crazier than the last... If it's in relation to Grace, there's no way to verify this story and I always take it with a grain of salt. So how am I spreading false things ?!
Besides, you say that I am naive and blind to believe people about Grace, even if in reality I always took this story with a grain of salt, without affirming that it was true, whereas you believe without problem baseless bullshit about me in addition to saying new ones...
And once again, I didn't plagiarize ANYONE. Leave me alone with this.
Again :
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I'm someone who generally stays in my corner, I don't understand the passion you all have for coming to annoy me like that.
You are the one who should get mental help at this point.
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luimagines · 1 year
*Runs in like I have a lynel on my heels, hands you a basket filled with warm drinks and sweet snacks with a note, promptly passes out without elaborating* Greetings, first of all, how have you been doing? Also, Happy Late Tears of The Kingdom release date. Second of all, finally an excuse to ramble about your works as much as the Tumblr word account limit will allow me in an extensive way like a greek orator holding assembly like Plato talking about Atlantis. Or well at least some, cause if I were to ramble about everything you've posted so far we'd be here all day (SPECIALLY if I were to gush about Time and Twilight), so I'll limit myself to an arguable top six for today.
Ahem. *Clears throat* Anyway if I have to pick any works that are my favorite of yours, my very first pick would likely be the Fear Room.
Wind and his intense trauma about losing Aryll? His desperation as an elder brother who was supposed to protect her and thought he failed again? Wild and all of the ghosts of his kingdom that haunts his steps because he died way back when because he failed and the feeling of survivor's guilt being in full display? That if he could he'd trade his life for theirs so he wouldn't need to live with the most intense feeling of failure out of all the Links and to look at Hyrule and Zelda and everything like the pages of an old faded book? To say goodbyes to people he doesn't know anymore? Sky and his feelings over never being enough? Of always being just a second too late while the people he cares for are in danger and out of his reach, further made worse by the fact Demise's Curse took hold because of his actions/inaction in Skyward Sword and that feeling further exacerbated by Impa through the game? Hyrule not wanting all that he went through to be for naught and not wanting to be all alone again, specially given that without Zelda he wouldn't be able to keep Ganon at bay alone? Twilight's pure anguish and desperation of seeing bad things happen to his loved ones and losing them again and again and being unable to do anything about it? Time being so afraid of losing control over the Fierce Deity and being so, so, so tired. Tired of being strong, tired of being thrust into adventure after adventure and having his agency denied again and again on wether or not he wants to continue on or not? That he has been strong for so long that he not only just cracks, but BREAKS. Warriors pulling his punches because even if it looks like his shield brothers betrayed him and he's tired of traitors he doesn't want to believe it and doesn't want to hurt them? Four failing to save Dot, his childhood friend and in turn likely losing not only Ezlo but the colors and Shadow, literally pieces of himself after he jigsaw puzzled them back together and likely can't see himself living without them? LEGEND WITH THE KOHOLINT TRAUMA? Not to mention all of the other people he lost over the years, his parents, his uncle, technically Sir Raven of we go by the manga who was basically like a brother to him (also know as an incredibly gorgeous man I am itching to write for after the Fairy Tale series is done), Marin, technically Ravio and Hilda if Ravio doesn't go to live in his house after LBTW's, and finally Reader's reaction and lingering trepidation after it's all said and done, it's really well written horror and the horror enthusiast in me delights in it even if it's pure pain and my dog will never not be startled when I giddily cackle over it, 1000/10, would absolutely read again. Plus it inspired stuff for certain parts of the Fairy Tale au.
Tending Temptations, First and Reader are "Just Friends", calling them by their name and Prince Twilight- *takes a deep breath* What it I just die? Those are also a one shot and drabble that will need their own post, but let's just say that the frequency I reach when I read any of them and makes me way too soft and should probably only be heard by small mice, because I adore the way you portray Time and Twilight and First specially given there's maybe only one other author who writes them as well (shout out to Dreaming of Lu and their impeccable Time and First takes) and I love the way you write Twilight with all my heart, I don't think there's anyone who's come as close to delighting me when writing him so really, thank you so much for all your work in the fandom!
And finally, if predictably, the Fairy Tale and Dragon au, Dragon au will have to be it's own thing but I feel like the Fairy Tale au is probably a bit self explanatory since I'm writing a series based on it xD, but also I really like seeing the Links throw into a sudden situation and how they'll adapt and react to it and a great way to do that is to throw them into Fairy Tales we know or even in myths (*cough cough* Just saying, Twilight would kill it as Tam Lin and Time would make an amazing Odysseus) and you have some really unique ideas, so definitely a must read and what inspired me into trying to expand on it in greater detail (when life isn't kicking me in the ribs that is).
Overall, you're a great writer, and reading your stuff after bad days is an almost sure fire way to brighten my day and to make anyone's day, so thank you for all your work in the fandom! Hope you're doing well!
-Just an Anon on a Stroll 🐚/WintertimeStoryteller.
Dreaming of Lu is truly a master of their craft.
I'm glad you enjoyed the Fear Room so much! I don't write horror! Hardly ever! XD I thought I would have botched it.
And I'm sure you'll be happy to know that an expansion of Legend's segment for Fairytale au is queued up for later this year and that Dragon au is also getting a full sized fic expansion beginning in August. (Warrior centric, but I digress. XD)
I'm glad you enjoy the way I write Twilight though! He's one of my favorite so I'm happy to do him justice. :D
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fundip404 · 3 months
My personal take on the meaning behind the lyrics of the Foundations of Decay —
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Starting off — If you feel like you've seen this before, you've probably seen my Twitter post from a couple of months back (follow me @/Fundip404). I'm posting this again on here because I'm still proud of it, and I need SOMETHING to be my first Tumblr post.
Note; This is NOT my regular content. I have not made a lyrical analysis before or since, and it will probably stay that way for a very long time.
I personally believe that The Foundations of Decay is a song about the current state of our society, or at least our society in the U.S., and I'm going to explain my reasoning lyric by lyric. I will be going through the entire song.
"See the man who stands upon the hill. He dreams of all the battles won." This is the idealization of war in America. We teach it to our children as if it is a triumph, something to be proud of, to dream about, when it isn't. It can also be interpreted in another way, too. A man who looks back upon his life in his old age, reminiscing over the past.
"But fate had left its scars upon his face with all the damage they had done." Once again, this can be interpreted in 2 ways. 1; physical scars left from war. 2; "scars" meaning things like age spots and wrinkles, bathed in a sour light because that's how society often views it. When you age, you're not seen as "attractive" anymore. Too many of my older relatives, even those as young as only being in their 40s(which, no, isn’t really all that old. It's middle-aged) are insecure in the way they look because they don't look young anymore.
"And so tired with age, he turns the page. Let the flesh subit itself to gravity." Here, Gerard tells you it's okay to age, to grow old. He tells you to welcome, just like he has.
"Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame, let our blood in vain, you find God in pain." Moving on from the topic of age to Christianity. The line is mocking the idea of sin and repentance. "Mark our hearts with shame, let our blood in vain" make us believe we are shameful, Punish us for crimes that are not crimes(things like being gay or trans, or believing in a different religion), "You find God in pain" you think horrible things are supposed to happen because "God intended it to, God has a plan."
"Now, if your convictions were a passing phase, may your ashes feed the river in the morning rays. And as the vermin crawls, we lay in the foundations of decay." Gerard takes a jab at trend hoppers; people who only support things like black lives matter because it's "popular", or people who are only alt because it's "trendy." He says if it was just a phase, then go on, we don't need you, you've done your part. We will stay and await better days. We will lay in the foundations of decay.
"He was there the day the towers fell, and so he wandered down the road. And we would all build towers of our own, only to watch the roots corrode." This line was hard for me to interpret. But, after some thinking, I've come to the conclusion that to me, this reads as Gerard Saying that the higher-ups on our government cast aside the suffering of the citizen. They don't care about us. They'll keep building their tower and watch us suffer, ignoring the fact that without us, they would have no empire, for we are their roots.
"But it's much too late, you're in the race, so we'll press and press 'til you can't take it anymore." The stress of being in the spotlight. The public pressures you to do what they want, be what they want. It's all consuming. They pressure you until you just can't take anymore.
"Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame, let our blood in vain, you find God in pain." Same interpretation as before. I just didn't want you to think I forgot about this line, lol.
"And if by his own hand his spirit flies, take his body as a relic to be canonized." Another one I found hard to interpret. I can only link it to the idolization of people(mostly men) long dead. I really struggled with this one, but I promised a full analysis.
"Now, and so he gets to die a Saint, but she will always be a whore." How women in our society are treated. When women come out about being abused, people say things like "what was she wearing?", "Why didn't she fight back?", "Why would she come out about that? Does she not realize he has a life, too?". But for the man, he's seen as a "chad", that he was just taking what he "deserved", what was "his". They demonize the victims and idolize the abusers.
"(You look stressed out)" living in this society can be stressful."
"Against faith, against all life, against change, we are plagued." (Google disagrees with me on these lyrics, but THAT IS WHAT I HEAR) once again, the higher ups don't care about us. They're against our beliefs, they're against all life, they're against change, they are a plague.
"(Cage all the animals 'cause the message must be pure)" A reference to how police will arrest peaceful protesters to silence them and accuse them of being violent and aggressive, when it's more likely the police were the ones being violent.
"(You can wander through the ruins, but the poison is the cure)." It's telling the higher ups and the police that they can support this broken system all they want, but to fix it, they have to listen to the protesters("poison") they try to silence.
"You must fix your heart, and you must build an altar where it swells." (my favorite lyrics) It's telling them that they have to look inwards and see your wrongdoings. You have to fix yourself and never do those things again. You have to rebuild yourself to rebuild our society."
"When the storm it gains, and the sky it rains, let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away." Gerard says that when change comes, not to try and stop it. To welcome it. It's a storm; it's inevitable.
"And as you stumble through your last crusade, will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?" Continuing on, it asks those higher ups that when you've lost the fight, and when change shines in, will you welcome it? Will you welcome your fate?
"And as the swarm it calls, we lay in the foundations - yes, it comforts me much more - yes, it comforts me much more to lay in the foundations of decay." This is Gerard saying that he welcomes the change, that he wants it, we all do, really.
"Get up, coward." Is a call to arms, telling us to get up and fight back so that the change may come sooner. He's telling us not to be pushovers, cowards, not to let the government control us.
Thank you for reading my overly long analysis on the lyrics of The Foundations of Decay. I really love this song, and it's honestly my favorite by mcr. Gerard is, as always, a lyrical genius. I've been obsessed with the lyrics of this song since I first heard it, so thank you for reading my rant about it. This is, of course, just my opinion, and you can have your own interpretation of the song. I love to hear other people's opinions on things I'm passionate about. This isn't what I usually post, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways!
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purrpickle · 2 years
Here, have some more Royalty AU!Mon headcanons and thought dumps!
...Followed by another fanfic scene drop under the read more because of course. (...Can't really call it a ficlet anymore with the combined writing I've done so far.)
(Again, I can't post links without tumblr eating this, but you can search Royalty AU!Mon on my blog and find the other parts of this 'verse if you want context.)
First, more guest ideas that I agree with completely from @kiarcheo that I will incorporate into the 'verse. Thank you!
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Now mine because of course I couldn't stop thinking about it either. These jump around a bit as they are highly indulgent of how my brain works.
While Mon has access to quite a bit of money, she's been living without it for years, held in an account that she can only get into for emergencies, probably needing to go through her father until she reaches a certain age (I'm thinking 25?). This was on purpose, and something Mon grew up with, so her feelings of being a sugar baby and being unable to get Sam a birthday present are real. It's only when she's in England and attending to her duties that she has money to spend because she pretty much has to to be presentable. So that scene in Ep 5 where she left the party because she felt so inferior is real. She's never had that kind of money in Thailand, so for her, that inability to provide for Sam like she thinks she should is her truth.
Mon's social media accounts are pretty well managed, due to Mon having to submit her posts to her father's own social media management team first (one of the things he asked her to do when she started getting into Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, etc.). Mon doesn't mind, really, knowing the probability of her accounts getting recognized because of something she accidentally posts or something that wouldn't be good to be blasted on news outlets years later goes down. Besides, when she turned 16, she negotiated to be the only one capable of signing in to her accounts for personal privacy sake, so none of Sam's 'Wanna suck mouth' or 'Bragging. I. Did. It. With Mon' gets seen by anyone other than her (or the friend group), anyway. It's practically second nature now, sending off her ideas, especially when she gets a response pretty quickly, but there are times where she wishes she could post that pic or this TikTok, except it makes her much too recognizable or not presentable.
The only picture she's managed to get approved of her and Sam is one where Mon's slightly behind her, her laughing face pressed against the side of her shoulder as Sam gives an unamused glare at Tee behind the camera. Mon hadn't really tried to submit too many, even though she wanted to celebrate her lover, because not only did Sam not really care for putting her own picture up online (versus the staged ones Tee, Kade, and Jim did), but Sam was recognizable herself, and potential diplomatic fallout was always a real worry as well. Instead, all her other pics are safely stored on her phone and backed up.
(Ironically, knowing that her own social media accounts were tempered and not a truly full illustration of who she was, Mon had still genuinely believed Sam's were because they matched up so perfectly with the teenager she had known and idolized.)
Speaking of photos, Mon knows she can't do anything about Tee, Kade, Jim, or Yuki (or sometimes Nop or her coworkers) taking pictures of her and posting them themselves, but she's managed to make it clear to all of them what kind of photos she doesn't want them to put up, and by and large her combination of earnest puppy dog eyes and firm requests pulling on their better natures (hah!) does the trick. Of course a few slip through and all Mon can do is hope they get buried and never see the light of day. (I'll let you use your imagination what those could be.)
Mon had wondered if Kade had recognized her when they first met, having known the actor had spent time in Europe, but what she didn't say during the interrogation had told her she hadn't. Which is nice. Kade is a dramatic sweetheart, and aside from telling everyone when she saw her and Sam kissing, she's been a very good friend. Mon had even mused to herself that if her secret ever got out, Kade would probably be the one who would understand it the most due to her lakorn work.
Mon always has to have her phone near in case it's a message or alert from her father or to her in capacity of a member of her royal family. She's so used to checking each alert or vibration as soon as they sound that it doesn't matter where she is or what she's doing. Very rarely does she turn her phone onto Do Not Disturb, but she has the important numbers set to ring anyway. She knows Sam thinks it's because of her being part of Gen Z, and to be honest, Mon plays it up a little. She has to when she does things like:
A vibration, and she's pulling her phone up in the middle of a presentation she's giving about Diversity Pop. A ding! and she's pulling back from Sam's arms to reach over to the bedside table to check Facebook. A ring, and she's excusing herself from the meeting between her, Sam, Kirk, and Noi to discuss her coming back to Diversity, reappearing twenty minutes later with a tight stressed look on her face that only changes into a new tight stressed look when she's informing Sam later that night that she has to fly to England the next day to take care of some things with her father.
((Under here is where the continuing fic is. Again, kinda rough because I'm trying to not let myself get too obsessed with making it perfect with these exploratory scenes.))
Sam stood up, crossing her arms as she turned to stare at Mon still sitting on the couch. "I thought you weren't going to England."
Mon looked up at her. "I'm not moving there, Lady Sam."
"Then why are you going?"
It was Sam's churlish tone, a step away from becoming angry as she obviously fought to keep from being accusatory, and Mon sighed, nodding. Leaning forward to reach out and slide her hand down Sam's rigid arm, she gently tugged her a little closer so she could use her in suggestion of needing to pull on her to stand up, Sam stubbornly lightly swaying with the motion as if in protest.
Once she was on her feet, Mon managed a smile at Sam, stroking her hands up to wrap around her tensed upper arms. "Lady Sam," she started gently, meeting her gaze, trying to put as much reassurance into her voice and expression as she could, "When I made plans to move there, my father set some things in motion for me and I need to visit him to help him undo them."
"Like what?" It was immediate. Petulant.
"I need to sign some documents, talk in person with a few people..." Studying Sam to make sure she was listening to her, Mon softened her voice even more. She knew Sam was struggling not to panic or jump to conclusions, but Mon needed to do this; needed to meet in person to explain why she wasn't fully assuming her royal status just yet like she had said she was. "My father really stuck his neck out for me, and I want to see him. Help in any way I can." Gently pulling on Sam's still crossed arms until she disentangled them to allow her to take her hands in hers, Mon squeezed them. "Even though I don't regret staying, I feel guilty. ...I have to make things right."
As much as Sam didn't want her to go, Mon didn't want to go either. Aside from seeing her father, there was nothing else in England that made her want to pull away from the lover she had just gotten back, and it hurt to think about being away from her at all. She had focused so intently on England in the past few months, even before deciding to move back, and part of her was just as afraid that if she left to go there, she would be never coming back.
Sam inhaled sharply, looking away. Her body still incredibly tense, she closed her eyes, squeezing them shut for a few moments before turning back. She stared at Mon. "And you're not staying there?"
Mon's heart cracked. She shook her head. "No, Lady Sam." She was going to do everything to make sure she came back. Leaning forward, she closed distance between them with a smile, Sam's gaze automatically dropping to flicker along her lips like they always did even if that was the furthest thing from her mind. "It should only be for a few days. A week at most." Pressing a kiss to the corner of Sam's mouth, Mon straightened back up. She wiggled Sam's hands in hers. "Once everything's settled, I'll be on the very next flight home." Mon knew she sounded more confident than she felt, and she gave Sam another smile. "I promise."
Sam looked at her intently, eyes darkening as she studied Mon's.
Mon gazed back up at her.
Please don't please don't please don't -
Sam did. She lifted her head. "No. I'm going with you."
Even though she had worried about Sam deciding that, Mon flinched, hoping she had misheard her. "What?"
Sam nodded firmly, her normal brash assertiveness suddenly filling her up again. She took over the handhold, fingers wrapping around Mon's slackened grip, tightening as she nodded again. "Yes! That's it. I'm going with you. We'll be together, and then we can even make a trip of it. Since you're already going to be flying, it will be perfect." She sounded excited, assured, certain that would solve the issues as her expression brightened.
No. No no no. Mon stared up at her in alarm. "You can't do that, Lady Sam."
Sam stopped, frowning at Mon. Her brow furrowed. "Why not?" This time, it was a little accusatory.
Mon drew in a breath. "Lady Grandmother still needs your help. I can't forgive myself if I take you away from her."
Blinking as if she hadn't thought about that, Sam dropped Mon's hands, and Mon curled them together in front of herself.
She continued. "And so does Diversity, with Yha and Chin and then myself coming back. The office needs you to keep everything running."
[[Fast forward to where Sam and Mon are sitting on the couch again after Sam argues that she doesn't need to stay while Mon sticks to convincing her she does need to stay, because I couldn't find the words and moved on]]
"I don't want you to go."
Mon knew it wasn't an order or request. It was a statement, Sam openly showing her her distress, trusting her with how she felt. Trusting her to be able to understand her.
"I just got you back. I don't want to lose you." Sam exhaled thickly, looking up to blink back tears before meeting Mon's gaze again. "Mon... Not again."
Reaching up, cupping Sam's face, Mon swallowed as tears gathered in her own eyes, her thumbs stroking along Sam's cheeks. "I know. If I could push it back any later, I would. We haven't had a lot of time together again, yet." She shook her head, sniffing. "But this is time sensitive. I have to go." Pulling Sam's unresisting head forward to press a soft, slow kiss to her lips, Sam kissing her back, Mon gave Sam the best smile she could muster before moving back in to kiss her again. "I'm not leaving you, Lady Sam." She stroked her fingers through Sam's hair, then dropped them to rest on her shoulders, Sam inhaling jerkily as she suddenly moved forward onto her lap, straddling her. Sliding her arms around Sam's shoulders and shivering as Sam's hands wrapped around her hips in turn, Mon leaned in to kiss her again. It was deeper, longer, Mon trying to press all her affection and love and feelings into it.
When Mon pulled back, Sam swallowed, expression disgruntled even as her hands slid along Mon's back, arms circling around her to pull her closer. "Mon. I know you're trying to distract me."
Mon gave her a small grin. "Is it working?" When Sam only sharpened her look at her, Mon sighed, nodding, and shifted to rest her chin on Sam's shoulder.
Going along with changing their embrace into a hug, Sam lay her head on Mon's.
Mon sat there, breathing against Sam, letting herself just be with her, something that still felt new again and special, something to hold onto with both hands in case this was just a temporary dream.
Finally, Sam swallowed, turning her chin to press a kiss into Mon's hair, her arms tightening momentarily around her. "You understood when I needed to go to Grandmother," she began, voice starting and stopping as if she was still gathering her thoughts as she spoke, "So it's only fair if I do the same for you. You spoke about love needing trust, so I need to trust you that you'll come back to me." Inhaling, Sam's voice broke when she finished in a rough whisper, "But Mon. I'm scared."
Mon's heart broke, and she moved back, taking in Sam's dark, vulnerable gaze. "Lady Sam..."
Sam shook her head, tears starting to build in her eyes again. "I'm scared," she repeated.
She didn't have to say what she was scared about, because Mon knew. It was too soon, still too raw that they had almost lost each other to the same place Mon now had to go to.
Opening her mouth, then thinking better of saying what she was going to, Mon sat up. Settling more of her weight back, towards Sam's lower thighs, she pulled Sam to her chest after a moment of her lover looking at her before closing her eyes and letting her, stroking her hair as she held her. As Sam leaned into her, wrapping around her as she allowed herself in turn to be held, it was strange, being the strong one for Sam, but Mon wanted to be that for her. Needed to show her that she could comfort her too.
"I love you, darling. So, so much. So I don't allow you to be scared," Mon murmured, calling back to the first time she slept over in what was now her and Sam's house. "Hmm? Do you hear me?" She squeezed Sam securely as she poured all her love into her voice, "We're not losing each other, Lady Sam. I'll be back here with you before you know it."
Sam exhaled, making Mon shiver as her warm breath passed through her blouse to caress along sensitive skin, and turned her head to press a lingering kiss to Mon's arm where it curled around her. "I love you too."
And for a little while, it was as simple as that.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
I'm really sorry to hear about your art getting reposted!
Is it okay if I ask if you are not scared you'll lose fans over calling somebody out who loves your work enough to repost it?
Would you be okay with reposts that include credit, or is it never okay to repost?
It is always okay to ask questions!
I love that people want to learn!
And thanks, I'm feeling better today!
Am I scared of losing fans?
Not really. The person who I called out had an account purely of reposted art, none of which had given credit and AI art. People who do this do not respect artists, thereby do not respect me. Thereby, I do not consider them a fan. Plain and simple.
If these are the people who stop following me over calling out harmful behaviour towards artists, GOOD. I don't want those people here.
And maybe they do love my work, but loving somebody's work does not justify TAKING it. And if they believe this is the case, again, I'd rather lose them.
Reposting with credit?
Some artists will allow reposting with credit.
Personally... Ask me.
Send me a PM.
"Hey, love this piece, mind if I post it on pinterest with credit for my inspo board?"
I will probably say yes. Or maybe I already posted it there and can you send you the link to pin!
For me this is fine, it's fanart, I'd love for more people to see it! But I want to be able to see the feedback on my work. If you post something even with credit and I don't know, it's a small minority of people who will bother to come back to tumblr. Most will comment on the repost and that is all feedback, I, as the artist, miss out on.
I have writing advice of mine from back when I posted on @deardragonbook all over the internet, and there are hundreds upon hundreds of comments I never will get to read because I can't track down every repost of my work. It makes me sad. The fact my work was consistently taken without my permission is why I stopped posting there. I took time to put those posts together, so it hurt to have it taken.
To this day there is less feedback on original posts than there are on reposts on Instagram that gave credit but often did not inform me, the original creator.
A lot more artist than people realise are tired of this dynamic. And it leads to burnout.
It leads to less art, less writing...
I know I'm kinda repeating stuff from previous posts. Sorry if this is boring, but it is important!
An artist takes time to create a piece, that time leads to not being able to compete with accounts that just repost. Which leads to artists being left out of the conversations to do with their art.
I don't know what the solution is; I do know I'm going to fight for the right to keep my own art.
(Also a quick note REPOST and REBLOG are not the same, re-blogging is perfect because it shares art and posts without ever separating the artist from the art! Tumblr has an amazing system that I cannot praise enough and wish people would understand more!)
The reposted art that got me talking about this whole thing had been taken down! By pinterest, so that's great.
It's always nice when social media sites are fast and effective with their intellectual property protections. And if you're an artist going through this same strife and wondering, is it worth filling out the form... Yeah! It's quick, and it works.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Hi! I think the links for your masterlists are broken 😞. Just a quick FYI.
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thank you all for letting me know!!! I really appreciate it and don't worry this isn't a bother at all!!!
i didn't realize that there was an issue and since I haven't checked tumblr in a few days I hadn't realized anyone had been trying to let me know about this issue!!! (in case something like this happens again and i dont respond within the day i'm more likely to see it on twitter- just in case!)
i'd also like to thank the two asks I included above they were the ones to catch it early! on what seemed to be the 14th.
so I believe I know the cause of this issue of not being able to view the masterlist especially in regards to the the second ask where it mentions an issue with a browser. the only thing I've changed about my tumblr recently was I messed with the visibility settings to be as I set below
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I changed it to hide my account from people without an account about 4 days ago because of something that happened on twitter (nothing bad! just my realizing that underaged people could view the content and follow when it's something I prefer they didn't and since turning of anon on the inbox to prevent underaged people from sending asks would be hurting others who want to retain anonymity I decided to do this instead.)
however this seemed to have the unintended conseqeunce of messing up the masterlist link for people on mobile it appears (desktop as well possibly?). the masterlink issue seems recent since it's never happened before and this is the only change I've done recently so I think the only fix i can do is to undo it (which I've done and the masterlist should be working as of my posting of this ask👍)
I'll just be more clear in the description box and header that the content is nsfw and 18+ and if any underaged person sees this and decides to read the matierial anyway that is just something I have to be okay with as a possibility, I really have no say in what anyone does on the internet and I doubt every person who has visited a porn website or read an E rated fic on ao3 was an adult so I do get the curiosity.
but with the anonymity factor of the inbox and just the overall blanket of assumption that everyone on the internet may be lying- i can't actually stop an underaged person from sending me an ask but I can state that i'd greatly prefer they DIDN'T.
underaged people stumble across and seek out nsfw content I get that but what they shouldn't be doing is sending asks, interacting with, messaging, or following that content and its not just about the kind of matierial it is that makes it a problem.
-interacting with strangers online (not just nsfw ones) should always be conducted carefully don't give out your age, name, personal details without thought for the very serious repercussions they could carry if the person turns out to be a not-so friendly stranger.
-if you're underaged and leave your phone or computer out: a parent could see the kind of content you watch/read and the consequences could range from mild embarrassment to pretty severe depending on the household.
-nsfw work is not a how-to guide or an instructional manual. there's a 'right' way that sex works in real life and if you're young you may not fully understand that and try to use what you've "learned" from fics, porn, etc and you could hurt someone or yourself.
sorry if this seems preachy or that this ask about a simple issue with the masterlist led to a spiel and small PSA.
tumblr hasnt proven to be an issue with this kind of thing recently so id ont want anyone to feel discouraged but I just wanted to make sure anyone who was curious about it understood the 'why'.
hopefully the masterlist is back in order! from what I can tell the links themselves in the lists work fine and it was just the masterlist link itself that was the issue!
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novaheart8 · 2 years
I like this theory, but my hobby is trying to disprove theories, so this was my work on your theory. (N is Cyrus and Cynthia's child) It's wayyy too long to put here so I put it in a pastebin. It might feel passive-aggressive but honestly rn I'm just a little angry so it's nothing to do with you. Can't put links in questions so go to pastebin and put /UrFQjAJH after the link. If you don't know what pastebin is or something, well uhh idk what to say :P
Thank you for this!! I actually enjoyed reading it /g. I think there's a huge misunderstanding in the disproval of the theory concerning the timeline though, so I'll explain it more here if you'd like to read it (otherwise, you can skip ahead). Then, if you would like to make another argument, I'll be happy to read it!! /g (I CAN'T STRESS THE /GENUINE ENOUGH. I ENJOY DISCUSSIONS!!!)
The idea was always that N was kidnapped as a toddler/young child. Never as a baby. Because you're right! Ghetsis and the rest of Team Plasma would want nothing to do with a baby.
I'm not too sure where you got the "N is 14 during Unova" from. Because for my theory, he's 18 during BW (and therefore 20 in B2W2), and N was canonically designed to be around that age range (18-20) anyway. Which means, following that Unova took place 10 years later than Sinnoh, that N was 8 at that time period - meaning he's 3 years older than Team Galactic, and that actually helps me since I can pinpoint that N was kidnapped at 3! Thank you for that, since that was a detail I overlooked!
It is heavily implied, if not canon, that Cyrus is depressed due to the loss of Rotom (besides his parents emotionally neglecting him), because he had never felt so connected to a Pokémon. That much, I understand; and in fact, had I been up for writing any more, I would've written more about them! However, I simply haven't had the motivation to write more stories. In my eyes, the loss of Rotom was a separate life-changing event that happened much earlier to Cyrus (when he was still a child), and wasn't what pushed him to form Team Galactic and remake the world to be without emotion and spirit. The loss of his family is what I believe pushed him into that.
I'm not going to deny that the line that mentioned he cared about others was about his Commanders, because it absolutely was! But I like to think it was also about his family, though Cynthia, at this point, wouldn't acknowledge that.
Now, as far as my theory posting being a big part of the Mizuhikishipping tag, I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that there simply isn't a ton of recent Mizuhikishipping content besides this. I'm in the same boat with you in wishing that there were more posts for them!! Sorry if you're getting tired of seeing my posts though. I think tumblr has a feature that allows you to block tags? Maybe? If so, I always tag my theory posting as such (#the cyrus and cynthia are n's parents theory), so you can block that tag. Hopefully that'll free up some space as you look for other content!
Your friend should not, under any circumstance, push my theory down your throat. I am deeply flattered they believe in my theory, but at the end of the day, it is just a theory, and is very likely not going to be made canon, no matter how much anyone would like for it to be. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I know I'd feel the same way in your situation.
I hope this all leaves you with a better impression. Again, if you want to talk more about it, you can leave me another pastebin link or something! I'd be happy to discuss this theory with you, since it's something I treasure, and knowing its flaws can help me to fortify it. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night, anon! ❤
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butcanagirldream · 2 months
Self - 1.Confidence
I shall start with my self since I currently believe that is the easiest to deal with right now. Plus, I am most certain that aiding my self will allow me to overflow with love and magic onto others.
It is a little hard to choose between me wanting to start with looking how I want to, caring for myself better or confidence. But I know that even if I change my outside appearance, with no confidence I might turn back to my old ways or not feel confident enough go through the steps to achieve how I wish to look. On the other end, not looking how I want to is also taking my confidence down a peg.
They are linked either way, but I believe confidence will inevitably allow me to grow quicker and to tumble into my next steps easier.
In regards to caring for myself better, I believe that confidence will help grown my self-love and get me to purposefully put more time into caring for myself better. Though again, I know caring for myself affects my confidence and gives it a boost, without the constant support of confidence, my caring abilities towards myself crumble and remain quite ephemeral.
Thus, here is my plan:
I must as simply as possible, find a way to become more confident.
Honestly, I have very little clues on how to do so. Maybe it's again the lack of confidence making me believe it's hard to become more confident. All I remember is how confident I was as a kid, and how I wish to return that bitey little sassy eloquent fighter that was 5 year old me. I say 5 years old, because my life changed at 6 when my parents packed our bags and moved us over the ocean onto a new continent. But we won't get into that. That is something I must work with in conjunction later.
Now, we plan for confidence.
The simple thing I can imagine now that will help is just singing and possibly getting out there. I know that there is a little list I can do to help myself get more confident:
Singing out loud (actually trying to not hold my voice back from its full tone)
Posting YouTube videos as scared as I may be
Affirmations (these are hard for me to remember to do consistently but I wish to try at least)
Subliminals (because it can't hurt to get extra support)
That 369 method people talk about
Posting more on Tumblr but with actual posts of mine, not just reblogging and liking things (this one might seem silly but my fear of posting things online is very strong)
If I wear to break down the list into more detail (because I love talking and writing if you can't tell):
Singing out loud
I want to practice this by actually just recording myself singing until I like the voice I hear back in the speaker. I love listening to my talking voice when I record stuff, I find myself fascinatingly entertaining. But I always tend to whisper sing stuff (even if I took singing lessons when I was a kid) because I kind of hate if people were to judge me on it. I'm not sure why though. Nobody has ever really made fun or complained about my singing voice. I got some compliments from my friends even, but I still feel horribly shy about it. So, I want to record myself till my voice sounds comfortable to my ears. The process than becoming: me singing so I know how my voice sounds -> if my brain says I might be bad -> "No, I can't be, I heard myself on recording and I sound phenomenal, your argument is invalid" -> if brain is still stubborn -> "Fine, we'll practice more then until we feel right singing just by feeling how our body moves when we sing".
Posting YouTube videos
Putting myself out there is important. Again, I fear judgement, that I know, its why my confidence rebuilding is so important. Working on those videos will help me learn new skills and help me succeed at bringing my daydreams into real life. I have envisioned the videos and their end results so much that I just want them to be in my reality already. But for that, I must take action and not just believe that I shall magically one day get the confidence to post it. It is scary and I don't feel ready, but sometimes you have to do things scared and unready because they could hide bigger blessing behind them.
This will mostly involve me listening to guided meditations and telling myself "I am confident" in the mirror while striking the power pose (aka Wonder Woman pose : Hands on hips, legs spread shoulder width apart, Chest up, chin tilted a bit up). Also, like writing the affirmation on a piece of paper and taping it to my mirror will work also, so I shall also do that.
Same as the step above, just straight up listening to subliminals about confidence everyday.
The 369
If you don't know about this method it is essentially just writing in a journal, or a notes app, or somewhere the affirmation(s) you want. 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, 9 times in the evening. now, my job and mental health make it hard for me to have the time to do so (though if I really tried I could find something, but my brain finds this too tedious for the moment) I instead shall only focus on "I am confident" being written down 3 times a day in a journal or notes app. Be that morning, afternoon or evening.
Posting on Tumblr
The fear I posses towards social media and knowing how people will tear others down when they can hide behind anonymity is horrid. I wish to post however because I don't want to be constantly dulling my sparkle and happiness because a sad nobody to me will decide to parade and mock me on the internet so they can feel important for a faint fraction of time. And I know they are brilliant people who shine and glow in my colors and motifs who would love to hear me. So, I shall post. Find my courage and post art or my stories or random bubbling thoughts that pass through my mind. And I am especially posting these thoughts on this virtual blog which shall be my virtual journal to force myself to walk on the path that will bring me to my self. That will bring who I believe I am to light and connect it to my reality. But for that I must stop hiding, and I must be not afraid to speak up.
I shall update here and there as I progress on building my confidence, and then once I feel more confident and whole, I shall start tackling the next battle on my list towards my favorite self.
Thank you for reading this big ass post if you read it all. I hope you have a nice day today or tomorrow, no matter when you read this.
A girl who dreams
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