#can't believe it's been almost 5 months 😭
medusa in the tv show asking for someone to come help her in the kitchen KNOWING that percy would be lured in because he has a single mom and helping in the kitchen would be instinctive and it actually working is genius writing fr.
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fryofthefrench Β· 2 months
answer some or all I wanna know more about you πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ
Do you have freckles?Β 
Β Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it?Β 
What was the last song you listened to?Β 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?Β 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?Β 
Do you prefer drawing or writing?Β 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?Β 
What’s your favorite band/artist?Β 
When is your birthday?Β 
How tall are you?Β 
What color are your eyes?Β 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?Β 
What’s your favorite color?Β 
What’s your favorite season?Β 
Want any tattoos? What of?Β 
Want any piercings? Where?Β 
Who is the last person you texted?Β 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends?Β 
What/who do you miss?Β 
How was your day today?Β 
How much sleep did you get last night?Β 
Do you believe in aliens?Β 
When was the last time you cried? Why?Β 
What’s your favorite decade?Β 
What are some seemingly childish things you like?Β 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times?Β 
How are you, really?Β 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions?Β 
What are you looking forward to in the near future?Β 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future?Β 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?Β 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?Β 
What’s your favorite flower?Β 
Do you currently have a squish?Β 
Do you like your middle name?Β 
Do you prefer dogs or cats?Β 
Do you have any phobias?Β 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy?Β 
What’s your favorite cartoon?Β 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many?Β 
Who was the last person you saidΒ β€œI love you” to?Β 
Is there anyone you would die for?Β 
What do you need when you’re sad?Β 
Have you memorized your phone number?Β 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life?Β 
What does your last text say?Β 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away.Β 
GOD DAMN THAT'S A LOT OF QUESTIONS??? gonna answer probably all of them though. I only ask that you also answer some of them too please 😭
Do you have freckles?
No! I do have just a few birthmarks tho, most notable one is on my hand
Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it?
I drink both! I really like hot tea, almost any blend (although I'm not a fan of particularly Earl Grey tea, it tastes gross) and sometimes sweet tea. As for coffee I like it pretty sweet, a med to light roast with some sugar and creamer! My mom only makes dark roast though :((
What was the last song you listened to?
Risk, Risk, Risk! By Jhariah
Do you sleep on your back, stomach, it side?
Stomach and side! Sometimes on the couch I make an exception for my back, but otherwise I physically cannot fall asleep laying on my back
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Absolutely!! And if I can't get one to sleep with I'll usually bunch up a bit of my blanket and pretend it's one.
Do you prefer drawing or writing?
Usually I prefer writing, I'm a very word oriented person if that makes sense? Which is why even when watching TV shows in English I still use the captions because it makes things more comprehensive in my mind. But sometimes I like to draw! Especially if it's something that I don't know how to put into words that make sense, y'know?
What's your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
Depends on how big each blanket is but usually 2!! Although I absolutely CANNOT tolerate a comforter/the big blanket that most people use over their sheets. I use throw blankets almost always.
What's your favorite band/artist?
I'd say right now it's Jack Starbur! Although earlier this year it was Destroy Boys, and I almost convinced my brother to take me to the concert with them, Mother Mother, and Cavetown because I love all of them but alas we had no money 😭
When is your birthday?
How tall are you?
5'5 Β½ ft or 166cm!
What color are your eyes?
Shit brown 😁
Who are 5 (or more) people you want to hug right now?
Uhhhh Edie, 2 of my teachers, Toby, Edd, and Jackie (I haven't talked to Edd or Jackie in a very long time but they're still on the list). Ooo and Kage and Vio!!
What's your favorite color?
Probably purple or something
What's your favorite season?
Fall!! It's a really beautiful time of year and it's the only time that the weather is actually tolerable in the whole year, and also marching band!
Want any tattoos? What of?
Oooo, I really want a few tattoos, mostly silly little ones of a few things, but I really want a big tattoo on my forearm of an anatomically correct heart!! Maybe on my shoulder instead but I can't decide!
Want any piercings? Where?
YES. I've been wanting a tongue piercing called Frog Eyes for years!!!! It's 2 vertical piercings on each side of your tongue!! I might also want a nose piercing or something but mostly frog eyes!!!
Who is the last person you texted?
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends.
I think the most obvious answer is Edie (who I've been friends with for a little over a year now) but it's actually my bed. his name is Bertha and we've been friends for 6ish years!
Who/what do you miss?
I miss my old home! I used to live in California a long time ago and I just really miss the air around their, the general sense of existence there as well. Our apartment was in Joshua Tree so there wasn't a lot of people around very often! It was nice out there.
How was your day today?
Pretty good I think! I got Dr. Pepper spilled on my pants at lunch but that was actually pretty funny! I also went and spent time at my friend's house! I always love going there even if I'm scared to ask to go 😭 but it's genuinely one of my favorite places to exist in besides my bed.
How much sleep did you get last night?
I took my melatonin and fell asleep around 11, so about 6 hours if you subtract the time I was awake at 3 with an ATROCIOUS cramp in my calf πŸ˜”. Shit hurt man, had me crying and everything 😭 it still kinda hurt today but it wasn't anything I couldn't ignore lmao (yes this was answered with the purpose of going on a rant about the cramp last night even though ive had them before more times than i can count)
Do you believe in aliens?
Dawg the universe is way to big for aliens NOT to exist. So yeah I guess lol
When was the last time you cried? Why?
This morning when I woke up at 3am with that fucking cramp. If you don't count that then I think probably a week or 2 ago because I thought my friend was mad at me
What's your favorite decade?
Probably the 2000's ngl, that or 170 BC
What are some seemingly childish things that you like?
WARRIOR CATS. and people I love coming to support me at things!! It's not really a childish thing but for me it's something I wanted so badly as a kid and eventually grew out of the need for people I care about to come to things like performances that are important to me (but I still wanted it to happen). But one of my friends has been coming sometimes when I ask them too and it's the best!!!
What's your favorite book? Or just one you've read a few times?
CLAWS BY MIKE GRINTI. I LOVE THAT BOOK SO MUCH. I had a copy a few years ago that I read about 7 times but I lost it on a school trip somewhere a few years back.
How are you, really?
At this very moment I am chillin 😎 I just got home recently and my stepdad bribed me to run errands for him with a pretzel. I got 2 of my books back from someone who's had them for a year and I was reading it earlier, it's a good book and I was gonna go back to reading it later tonight as well. It's Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer. My mom hasn't woken up for work yet and my stepdad is on his computer, my brother's at work, so it's pretty quiet in the house and nice and calm.
Does it take you a long time to make decisions?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It really just depends! But lately it's been a lot easier for me to just make a decision on a whim and go with it so decisions come a bit faster for me now
What are you looking forward to in the near future?
The eclipse! Don't tell my friend or my mom yet but I'm planning on asking if I can stay the night with my friend on Sunday and we can watch the eclipse together on Monday.
I'm also looking forward to getting a job, I've applied to a bunch of places and no one has really gotten back to me but I'm still trying!!
What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
Hmmm, I'd say college. But not starting college in general. I plan to get my bachelor's in psychology here nearby the town I live in but after that I plan on going to New York!! There's a college up there that I really wanna go to and I'm super excited to go there! Although I probably won't apply for another 10ish years, college is expensive and I need to save up
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
Either to one of my friend's house or wherever in my dream last night that I got the hoodie I had in said dream
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Open! I was never allowed to close it when I was younger and the habit stuck with me. That and I'm still not really allowed to close it very much ΰΌŽΰΊΆβ β€Ώβ ΰΌŽΰΊΆ
What's your favorite flower?
Lilly of the Valley and wild Geranium :D
Do you currently have a squish?
Yeah! It's a little owl and it's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, I got it last year or so from someone
Do you like your middle name?
Yeah! It's Lyn, so pretty gender neutral!
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Do you have any phobias?
ROACHES. just roaches tho, any other bug is fine
Do you stay up late?
Sometimes! I'm not allowed to have my phone at night anymore on school nights so it's really boring but sometimes I do stuff to keep me entertained like read or go for a walk. I try to go to sleep tho (which is why I take melatonin) because it makes waking up in the mornings just a little easier
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy?
I've only been to the beach once when I was a little kid but it was still pretty mediocre. Maybe it'd be more fun now but I'm still not really gonna go out of my way to go to one, especially not by myself. If I do ever go to one again it'd be to have fun with whoever I'm with!
What's your favorite cartoon?
Too many good ones to choose from ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຢ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຢ⁠༽
Do you have siblings? How many?
I have 1 brother 😁 he's 19
Although sometimes if I think for long enough I could probably say that Toby is my brother as well and get away with it. Someone actually thought he was my cousin or something one time
Who was the last person you said "I love you" too?
My friend 😭 the same friend I keep talking about lmao. Although idk if I actually said it or not but like body language??? Y'know? Not words but with actions and stuff. I count that as saying it tho sooo :D
Is there anyone you would die for?
MY CAT. and Cinnamon. And yes like half my friends but mainly the cats.
What do you need when you're sad?
Emotional support hot cocoaβ„’. And a stuffed animal. And my hoodie. But mainly a nap or something. Sob my eyes out and then depersonalize and no longer be sad about it and just go to sleep lol
Do you have your phone number memorized?
Yes but I don't trust myself that I have it memorized so I always check it to make sure
Who's someone you can trust with your life?
Toby and Edie probably. maybe Constance.
What does your last text say?
"I like bananas because they have no bones" that song is almost always playing in my head somewhere i SWEAR
Wild card
What's your favorite philosophical idea??????
hopefully this isn't far too much to read 😭
I exposed myself quite a bit for this too without thinking but I'm too lazy to go back and read it and change it so I apologize if shit gets weird or something up there.
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spiteless-xo Β· 7 months
Whew, Finally after mentally battling myself for almost 5 months i finished tbaw.. I'm so glad that I got to enjoy it till the end, i wonder if there will be an epilogue..i actually predicted this ending but didn't expect the time skip..it actually makes sense.
I guess this is the end of core four since I can't see jean recovering from this😭.
I was actually hopeful that he will get a character conclusion somehow it felt like he was abandoned halfway, i remember you mentioning Mikasa may appear somewhere during the end. I hope you were not forced to rush the ending.. I'm can't believe i completed tbaw the same day aot is airing.πŸ’€..i don't know what I'm going to do from now on..maybe wait for your next word🫣
thank you so much for reading along!! i haven’t seen the new aot ep yet (i’m waiting until tmo to watch w some friends) but i’ve been seeing all the gifs on my dash and it’s making me sad πŸ₯Ί
so!!! mikasa in tbaw!!!!
ok yeah. you guys were right. tbaw!reader was tbas!mikasa AT FIRST.
i mentioned in another ask that i was gonna do a whole β€œThe Boys” universe fic series so i was gonna sub one of the girls as reader in each fic. but i ended up scrapping that idea primarily because it’s confusing but also because it caused a lot of issues with the reiner spin off i was gonna do.
originally, the reiner spin off was gonna take place during his and reader’s trip to hizaru!! so i was gonna make tbaw!reader into mikasa and have reiner fall in a love with a new reader.
but this caused problems because, obviously tbaw!reader goes on this journey of self discovery while she’s in hizaru, so i didn’t want people to feel obligated to read the reiner spin off to understand why she ended up choosing eren.
so i scrapped the whole mikasa thing and also the hizaru reiner spin off story. (i still have a reiner spin of story planned, but it’s got a different plot now!!)
also, i feel like it’s important for mikasa to be absent in tbaw in order for eren to end up the way he does pre-reader. he had to have no women in his life in order to fall for zeke’s ideology and become the person he was. so i killed his mom and didn’t introduce him to mikasa πŸ’€
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chiskz Β· 1 year
γ€Š π’π“π‘π€π˜ πŠπˆπƒπ’ 𝐗 ππ˜π‹πŽπ πŸπŸŽπŸπŸ‘ 》
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β™‘taglist: @alyszaen , @smh-anon , @neohyxn , @stealanity
β™‘ πŸ“πŸŽ ππ”π„π’π“πˆπŽππ’ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒
1. How did you get your name? If you know the reason, please let us know.
CC: Ichi means "one"! I chose this name myself, wanting to become number 1, hahaha.
2. What nickname were you called when you were little?
CC: I didn't have nicknames.
3. What does your family call you?
CC: By my full name.
4. What is your unique charm point?
CC: I'm the best listener in the world.
5. When you were a student, what subjects did you take pride in and what were you not good at?
CC: I was good at a little bit of everything, but nothing in particular.
6. Do you organize your computer desktop and smartphone apps? Do you keep them downloaded?
CC: No, I leave them as they are because my brain quickly gets used to their original arrangement.
7. Do you organize your cameraroll?
CC: I only delete photos if needed.
8. What's your current smartphone wallpaper?
CC: Sleeping I.N.
9. If you were to spend your time off with the members, who would you be with and what would you do?
CC: I want to visit Cat Island with Lee Know.
10. If you had 1 day off?
CC: I would finish the kdrama I started.
11. If you had 1 month off?
CC: I would visit Japan and hang out with my friends.
12. What are your personal preferences for your room and interior?
CC: Sensory board in my room.
13. When you're busy at work or things aren't going as planned, what do you do to refresh yourself?
CC: Work out.
14. What's your favorite number?
CC: 1 and 9!
15. What do you always do everyday?
CC: Bother my members, hahaha.
16. What was the best thing you ate recently?
CC: Cheese ramen.
17. What made you laugh the most recently?
CC: Seungmin makes me laugh every day, so it must have been something he said.
18. What made you surprised recently?
CC: One of my favorite restaurants has closed.
19. What have you searched for recently?
CC: Food delivery website. I still didn't download the app, hahaha.
20. What was your recent dream about?
CC: I don't really have dreams.
21. What do you do when you can't sleep at night?
CC: I go to the room of one of my members, I fall asleep with someone immediately.
22. Is your sleeping position good or bad?
CC: ... I do my best 😭
23. If you could use one magic?
CC: Healing.
24. What would you do if a zombie appeared in front of you?
CC: I would teach him "God's Menu" choreography and debut him ASAP.
25. What frightens you the most in this world?
CC: Being alone.
26. Who is the quickest member to reply messages?
CC: I.N, Felix and me.
27. Which member easily succumbs to loneliness the most?
CC: Me. I can't stand being alone.
28. Which member has the biggest gap between on stage and the usual?
CC: I.N's gap has increased recently. He's getting more confident on stage and his facial expressions are really eye-catching. Offstage, he's still his calm, fluffy self.
29. What do you always do before you go on stage?
CC: Pee.
30. How do you relieve tension?
CC: By using sensory toys. I have plenty of them.
31. Of the 9, what is the thing you're second to none?
CC: I believe it's weightlifting.
32. What are some unforgettable scenes and happenings from your world tour so far?
CC: Energy of STAY is different and equally amazing in every country, so every concert is unforgettable!
33. It's almost the 4th anniversary of your debut and 5th anniversary of Stray Kids. Do you remember when you were 4-5 years old?
CC: 5 years old? That's when I went outside with my sister when it was cold and caught the fateful flu!
34. What do you feel has changed the most since 4 years ago?
CC: My self-esteem.
35. Which member do you think has changed the most since 4 years ago?
CC: I think we've all changed. We have matured.
36. What kind of artist do you want to be 5 years from now on?
CC: I want to be an artist whose fans are proud to listen to him.
37. What would you like to do in 2023?
CC: I want to keep studying. I am thinking about further studies in the field of law and constantly improving my choreography skills.
38. Tell us about the members' TMI today!
CC: I fell asleep in the living room with Bang Chan today.
39. What are the members' standard way of living in the dormitory?
CC: After all, hardly anyone here likes to eat alone, so each of us is always looking for a companion.
40. When do you feel the most joy in doing your job?
CC: When I run around the stage with my members and STAY do nothing but cheer loudly!
41. If possible, can you praise yourself?
CC: It's not possible.
42. What would you like to do with STAY?
CC: Watch funny things on Y*uT*be together and eat popcorn!
43. What do you like about Stray Kids?
CC: Each of them is unique and different, but we all share common dreams and goals. We're family.
44. Any studying tips for STAY?
CC: Use colors in your notes, but don't overdo it! Optimally, 3 to 4 different colors should be used.
45. How do you feel about the fact that you've recently started contributing to songwriting as well?
CC: I thought I would never do it because I was never good with my words. The members, however, inspired me enough that the words came by themselves.
46. So far, you are the only one from Stray Kids to have released your solo album, a digital one. Do you feel better as a soloist or a member of a group?
CC: Ah no no, I've never been a soloist, I've never debuted solo! I keep emphasizing that it's the "CHICHI OF STRAY KIDS" ' album because I want it to be clear. I don't like being alone so soloist's life is not for me.
47. Do members consult you for Japanese language advice?
CC: Yes, although they are already quite good at it themselves! Mostly I work with 3RACHA when it comes to Japanese songs, I help translate or write them.
48. What's the song you can't stop listening to lately?
CC: "Antifragile" by LE SSERAFIM! I think I've been listening to this song at least once a day since its release, hahaha.
49. Do you feel that you are the oldest member of Stray Kids?
CC: Absolutely not. Everyone seems to forget about it too and bully Bang Chan about it (I'm sorry Bang Chan!).
50. One message to yourself from the past?
CC: It's hard and it's going to be even harder. But remember that it will also be worth it!
Β© copyright : questions 1-43 are translated from original nylon interview by @/innifinity on twt!
β™‘ CHICHI in members' answers:
* all members mentioned Chichi as the fastest responder to messages
* all members mentioned Chichi as person who succumbs loneliness the most
* I.N mentioned Chichi as a person who is sometimes more "maknae-line-like" than himself, because she is everywhere, always looking for company and enjoying small things
* Changbin replied that he currently has a photo of Chichi from the restaurant as his phone wallpaper
* Bang Chan, Felix, Hyunjin and Changbin mentioned Chichi as having the biggest personality gap between onstage and offstage ("she seems unapproachable and fierce onstage, but offstage just pat her on the head and she's yours")
β™‘π¬π­πšπ§ 𝐭𝐰𝐭
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slasheru Β· 10 months
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Heyyyyy Slasher Nation!Β πŸ–€ First of all - HOLY CRAP THANK YOU!! Even though the Kickstarter didn't hit the goal, the fact that 98 of y'all (!!) got us a SIGNIFICANT part of the way there (almost $3,000!!) is MINDBLOWING!! <3333 I can't thank you enough 😭
So What Now / Wait you had a Plan B the whole time?!
Yeah, man, you thought I was just gonna leave you guys hanging? ;) We're gonna try this again with a WAY smaller goal on Crowdfundr! (I'll talk more about this below!) Short pitch is: $1,125 goal (which we nailed in 48 hours here), keeps SU running, launches September 7th, Crowfundr is being hella cool and sponsoring it for SPX Spotlight, follow along HERE! [https://crowdfundr.com/slasheruact2]
But ALSO, holy crap, you guys are AMAZING:
I can hardly call this thing a wash, though, because the amount of love, attention, and SOLD COPIES OF SLASHER U: ACT 1 have been ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WILD. I just wanted to shout out to:
More than 600 new Slasher U: Act 1 players downloaded the game since the Kickstarter launched
Slasher U: Act 1: Alpha Edition maintains a whopping 4.9 out of 5 Stars average rating on itch (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I sold enough copies of Slasher U: Act 1 to cover MORE THAN HALF MY RENT THIS MONTH!! If this Kickstarter stopped right here, you guys would've been able to cover 4 MORE months of rent & production time! Which is HOG WILD.
We got shoutouts from:
Beautiful Glitch, the team behind Monster Prom, Monster Camp, & Monster Roadtrip!! Beautiful Glitch are one of my most inspirational/aspirational heroes of game dev, and the Monster franchise was a HUGE inspiration for SU, so I can't BELIEVE this happened!!!! Thank you guys SO MUCH!!! <333
WWAC (Women Write About Comics), where journalist Alenka Figa wrote SO MUCH NICE STUFF about my storytelling I'm gonna fuckin cry!!
Corinne Halbert of ACID NUN - she and I are actually gonna do an Acid Nun x Slasher U collab where you'll be able to unlock an Acid Nun player skin!! Shhhh!!
The crew at Lewdgamer who wrote an awesome writeup of the KS campaign!
Indiepocalypse - we made it into Issue #42 and Alex had us on his podcast, which was SO MUCH FUN!! According to Alex, Slasher U had one of the highest audience participation/engagements he's seen on Indiepocalypse Radio, and it was MEGA FUN watching him parse some of your saucy Sawyer questions, LMFAO.
And here's some Slasher U & SUKS stats for you:
More than 2/3rds of you ended up dating either Sawyer or Tate. >:)
In total, 94 of you backed the game here on KS!!! YOU ALL KICK SERIOUS ASS
Almost 1,000 new copies of Slasher U: Act 1 (both Regular and Premium) were downloaded during the campaign!
During the campaign, at least 3 people personally thanked me for Slasher U completely changing their life by discovering something about themselves or making them feel seen and heard, which is going to make me FUCKING CRY and is the ENTIRE REASON WHY I MAKE THIS GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE. I love you all so, so so sosososoososososos much, Student Disembody. :'))))))
So this "Plan B", eh?
Some of you know I'm a cartoonist by trade (I drew for the official FNAF franchise and more!). This year, I ended up talking to some sponsors for this upcoming SPX (Small Press Expo), which is like SDCC for indie comics, including Crowdfundr - one thing led to another, and now I'm partnering up with Crowdfundr and SPX to bring you a WAY SMALLER but also WAY MORE PERSONAL campaign to keep the lights on here at SU, as part of Crowfundr's SPX Spotlight event! For the non-comics folks here, Crowdfundr is basically the indie comics Kickstarter - I've been buddies with this crowd (pun vageuly intended) for a while and I'm psyched to be doing this with people I've been meaning to collab with!!
The new goal will cover the absolute bare minimum of making SU - $1,125, which includes font licenses, the Mac port, and taxes. Then, any EXTRA will go to more production time on Slasher U! Basically, I'm swinging the campaign around so the minimum amount is the goal, and the goal-goal's the reach goal. The GOOD NEWS is we apparently smashed this $1k goal within 48 hours of THIS Kickstarter, so I'm VERY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT ROUND 2 OVER HERE.
(You'll ALSO still be able to snag one of those custom player skins I'm drawing - there's gonna be only 5 slots this time!) Aaaaand you can click to follow when the Crowdfundr launches in a month, here:
P.S: estimating the first Early Access build with *just* Laila's Act 2 content, plus some core extras, in the next month or month and a half >:)))
xoxoxooxoxoxoxo, love you guys SO FUCKIN MUCH, and, as we like to say on campus:
STAY HORNY!! xxoxooxox Professor Plutonium
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pomodoko Β· 1 year
oh my god. OH MY GOD. HOW DID I FORGET WHO YOU ARE? I followed you like 5 months ago and just now remembered you did the hbomb thumbnail art. AND the vh RPG meme that I loved before ever watching vault hunters. I only just remembered this after going on the vh wiki after finally started playing, looking through the dev team, and my brain record scratched. I’ve come to associate your blog as β€œliterally where half of my dash/reblogs come from” to the point where I forgot I subbed to your YouTube channel first 😭
Anyways, I love the ever-connecting Interweb
Ngl I can't believe I managed to land a place on the Iskallia Dev Team either! I've been working for them for almost a year now and it still feels like a dream sometimes. I'm glad you thought of me to send me this message. This is very kind of you and it makes my day so much brighter!
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kunikiiida-kuuun Β· 11 months
for being so nice and cute, copy this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. πŸ’•βœ¨πŸŒŸ - Hey, Kris!! How've you been? The new season is soon!!! And I love that Asagiri said that Kunikida was created to suffer alongside Dazai 😭❀️
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KATIE IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! Sending this right back at ya! πŸ₯°β€οΈ I'm doing fine, how about you?
It's unbelievable that Season 5 is almost upon us! :'D I can't believe Asagiri sensei revealed Kunikida's "origin" to us hahahahπŸ˜­πŸ˜‚β€οΈ
How are you feeling with the Fyodor content this month??? I NEED to hear your thoughts about the new chapter!!!
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elliebean714 Β· 2 years
Through The Years
Edward Nashton x Wayne!F!Reader
Diversion From Canon
Summary~ Y/N And Eddie Move In Together
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10 Pt11 Pt12
An~ Three quarters of the way through this series. Yall ready for this to end?😭 I've obviously never bought a house before so this is πŸ’«inaccurateπŸ’« this is bad and pretty boring but I needed to get something out, don't worry though, the next part is ULTRA cute.
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<5 Years Ago>
<27 Years Old>
You had been dating Edward for two years, you had recently begun discussing moving in together. You reached the mutual decision that you would both buy a house together closer to the outskirts of the city.
Ever since you came to the agreement, you spent a lot of nights together, scrolling through all the houses for sale. You currently sat on his laptop, looking through all the options whilst he quietly worked on some riddles beside you, smiling to himself as he wrote.
After searching through all the options, you found the perfect one, you instantly fell in love with it. Concealing your excitement, you show him the listing.
"Hey Ed? This ones cute." You moved to show him the cozy home on the screen. The house was an average sized yet cute home, painted a warm beige with a lush garden out front.
"Wow." He smiled brightly, he imagined his life there with you. Those sweet domestic moments together, cooking, dancing, cuddling, his eyes filled with tears at the thought.
"You like it?" You enquire softly, grazing his hand gently.
"I love it." Edward whispers
The week later you both decided to visit the house, wanting to see it in person. The morning of your visit, you and Edward were equally excited to check out your dream home. You both woke up giddy, exchanged a sweet, romantic kiss before getting up to get dressed, stealing kisses between each piece of clothing you put on.
"You ready?" You asked him once you were both completely dressed, with your coats on and everything you needed when you left the house.
He nodded enthusiastically, kissing you softly before opening the door, following you out and closing it again, locking it behind him.
The owner guided you both around the property, as you and Edward explored the house together you fell more and more in love with it. You both had already decided to buy the house before you even visited it but viewing it in person firmed the decision for you both.
Months later, you and Edward were almost finished moving into your dream home, only needing to move the last few pieces of furniture before the rest of your lives would begin.
"I'm so excited!" Edward squeaked into your ear as the movers lifted everything into their truck.
"I am too Eddie Baby!" You kissed his cheek softly, before you both entered your car and begun driving towards your new home.
"I can't believe this is finally happening!" He exclaimed, "Why did this take so long my dear?" He gently picked up your hand, placing a delicate kiss to it.
"Uggh, I'll never know. But it's over sweetheart." You soothed, smiling lovingly.
A week after you both got settled into your new home, Edward was still waking up in the middle of the night from his nightmares. He often woke you up with him, you'd comfort him and hold him for as long as he needed. Tonight he was careful, you deserved a night without having to deal with him. You always told him how he would never be a burden on you, he tried to believe you but it was difficult due to his insecurities and self doubts.
He quietly left the bed and began walking towards his private office. He kept a secret journal in a hidden compartment in one of the drawers in his desk. It held his darkest thoughts, his horrific desires, the sickest parts of him he'll never let you see. He opened it carefully and turned to a blank page to write about his dream, which would eventually evolve into his hatred for this city. Edward lost track of time, stopping his writing when he heard you open the door.
"Eddie Baby?" You come up behind him, he quickly closes the journal before you manage to see what he was writing, "What's that babe?" You ask, gently kissing is ear.
"Nothing." He answers, fast, standing and turning to hold you properly.
"Okay... well, what do you want for breakfast hon?" You inquire.
"I'll just have whatever you want." He answers as he started playing with your hair.
"Alright love." You smile and kiss his nose before you left to go make breakfast.
Once you closed the door behind you, Edward opened the journal to review what he had written, the endless pages of the usual things he wrote about weren't surprising, what was though was his shockingly thorough plan to cleanse the city. Based on the Renewal folder he'd found whilst living in the Wayne Manor with you, he had made a plan to fix everything.
Rereading the plan, he was very proud of it. Edward knew it had to be done by someone, the only thing stopping him was the thought of how angry you'd be at him, part of the plan included killing your brother.
Edward quickly shoved the journal back into the secret compartment before he exited his office to help you cook breakfast.
As much as he wants to go through with his plan, he won't risk it. He can't. He lost you once, and he'll never let that happen again.
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kayspeaks Β· 10 months
#Sigh... I haven't been here for a while. Well I'm back.... Remember I promised to say more about 'Sam' the love of my life. Here goes...
But wait let's rather address this one to God.
Dear God
I am back there again. Back where tears are my blankets and my heart has the most overwhelming yearning for her... I keep playing back moments with her... Wishing for different outcomes in some... Re-writing some of the scenarios and just heartbroken all over again.
I think you of all of creation knows how much I love her.... She literally means the world to me.... And living without her is excruciating... Yes most days I am able to live with it.... Hell some days it completely dissipates... I recall some days I am so convinced that I'm finally over her and look over at her pictures void of emotions... That's usually worth celebrating and I tell those I can tell including myself that I've finally gotten over her.... I jump for joy and think of the relief... Atleast I don't have to worry about loving someone who clearly doesn't love me anymore. I can finally move on! 😁
Then boom! One day πŸ’”it all comes falling down... Its mostly self inflicted. Usually my triggers are talking about her to strangers.... That makes me sooo excited because I get an opportunity to retell the stories, to relive some of the moments I speak of momentarily. To hype the idea of her...belonging to me... And cling to those moments one more time. Ofcause most people find the stories intriguing and will comment and say '' Maybe she still loves you... Have you tried telling her how you feel '' that's when I wake up from my fantasies because if you knew Sam you'd never even ask. The most stubborn, opinionated, headstrong, witty and self-deluded person I know. She will NOT trust anything I tell her.... Her rejecting me keeps her in control and mybe she's just not that into me anymore because for the past 5 years all I've been trying to communicate in 500 thousand different ways is that 'I AM CRAZY ABOUT YOU WOMAN'. Flawed as I may be... I am still sooo inlove with you..... The one month we physically spent together has been the most defining time of my life.
Dear God, the overwhelming feeling of loving her, wanting her desperately and needing her is back. My spiritual mentor said because I've met her in my past life... That's why this yearning is so strong and our paths will never quite align 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. I honestly don't want to hear that.... That's the one thing I think she is wrong about! Sam is my wife...... She is the love of my life I can not allow myself to believe that, I don't want to believe it πŸ˜”πŸ˜”it can't be true. If it is why don't you take the feeling away God.... Make the pain of her absence go away... Make it bearable πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
I'm back to blaming myself, yet again for the collapse of our Relationship. I should have, I could have, why didn't I... Are literally the first few words of almost all my thoughts all day long. I know that it is the past and there is no use pounding over the past.... But I can't let Sam go. My soul can't... I wish I could and you know if even attempted Tik tok candle soultie breaking rituals.... Prayed, cried, blocked her, everything imaginable but it's all not helping. Why did you take me to Canada at that point !!!? Or why did you bring her into my life at that point!? 😭😭😭😭😭I'm sooooo ungrateful right now.... Canada was such a privilege..... Thank you God for that blessing but going then cost me the love of my lifeπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” my betrayal was never melicious, I never ever meant to hurt her..... I never thought I could lose her... Not out of arrogance but ever meet that person you just click with and you just know they instantly become family... A part of you and it's hard to imagine your world without them. I knew she loved me and that made me so wreck less and there is nothing more I regret in my life. I wish I could open my heart for her to see I'm not who she perceives me to be..... That was but a moment of weakness it doesn't define who I am and my love for her.
I want her to realise that I am not a cheat, a villain, 'sneaky' 😭... I am literally the most loyal human being when in love.... I just had a wreckless flirt moment.... Which caused me my whole life! My wife 😭😭😭😭please bring her back to me God. Please restore her trust for me... Please allow her to give me a chance to show her who I truly am and how much I love her.
I wish you could give her a secret camera view into how miserable my life is without her.... I don't wanna lie I have many many great moments in my life but her departure is something I carry with me in my heart for every waking moment I'm breathing. I want my women back πŸ’”
I'm tired of crying so much, I'm tired of this pain and hurt I'm in shambles...all I want is an opportunity to redeem myself.
Sigh, Dear God alternatively take this feeling away.... I hate it😭😭😭 This unrequited love is too painful to bear.... But I guess all I'll hold on to is these memories and moments where I get to talk to her....it pictures she uploads which I may have access to...... Anything that will delude me into feeling closeness to her.
That day when she came over I was in a weird space.... I remember it was less than a month since Sinazo came back from her initiation.... I was infested with a hope of finally getting the relationship I wanted a whole year to have, deluded by the fact that I was a 'mother' (how pathetic because all my experience being a mother was... Was only through images or the WhatsApp) but my excitement about that delusion clouded my judgment completely. She came over on the day I was supposed to spend time with my younger sister, my' daughter ' and Sinazo and it was cancelled. Therefore my head was still in family mode and I immediately felt compelled to proof to her that I've built a life without her... Flaunting my gf and child, speaking about my gf it was all just desperate attempts of proving I was fine without her. In those moments it felt like I wasn't inlove with her anymore.... I waited four years to see her yet when I did I was so unprepared.... I remember how I used to imagine how I'd react bumping into her in a Gautrain Station or at Menlyn or at Pride.... It was so vivid... My awkward reaction was so clear in my mind but when that day came I was very non-chalant.... And confused and not feeling what i expected to feel in the moment. I know though if she slept over we were gonna fall back into our bubble....but circumstances didn't allow that.... I often think to myself.... I would have taken her on a date.... Our first date that evening.... And make it special....... It really would have never been about having sex with her (well I still wanted to lol) but rather about feeling close to her and spending the night like it was gonna last forever. I still yearn for a similar day with her and this time I'll be better prepared.
I also didn't want to break Sinazo's heart in that way... Knowing her insecurities about Sam it was going to be such a vile act on my end to go that route..... My love with Sam and finally being reunited with her should never be at the cost of anyone's heartbreak.... I want her but it will cause impurity onto our love and will contaminate the magic.
I however hope that as long as my this love survives in my heart no matter how discouraging and dreadfully long this situation has dragged on.... I will one day he united with the love of my life and mother of my kids Samkele Dineo Mlotywa. And I hope your grace keeps her safe, you prosper her with all she needs and her heart desires, she reaches her greatest potential and she experiences pure love and joy.
My heart will continue to beat for her till the day you call me home.
Thank you for the gift of love regardless of the pain it may bring.
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hoarsedevours Β· 2 years
wowwww this shit's insane. i can't believe I have so many emotions for this drama. i want to run and bounce. I want to swim in the sea. I want to do a pirouette. I want to text all my loved ones that i love them. i want to resume journaling. i want to hit all the gongs that exist on planet earth. i want to scream and shout then roll in the fields!!!! aufgshfdhgsf 2521 is a masterpiece!!! mannn....
i know that was going to happen! heedo's mom is very....maybe she doesn't have a backbone....maybe she is very "i am just doing my job"...oh my god the parallelism between heedo and her coach and how ms. shin hurt them in tha name of "journalism"🀑 (missmaam u can just abstain ig like the judges who wouldn't judge if someone they're close to has a case) all i know is that not all mothers should be mothers....
god and the way how people who are not blood-related to heedo are the ones supporting her. her mom doesn't have an excuse, really. when we have a similar reporter yi jin sleeping overnight in a hotel lobby waiting for the referee to pass and when that didn't work out he chased the ref and does an extra shit just to have a statement of clarification.... and then we have random old men cheering her up, saying things that completely resonated with her soul............i know that feeling of being seen by strangers. a sort of catharsis that someone does understand
i love how the writers showed the 2 sides after the competition. because i've always been curious about the losing party. how did they cope? what are their thoughts and feelings. i feel for heedo but at the same, i also feel for yurim? does that make sense? yurim's a very what i like to call a very "asian woman" almost all of the things she does are for her family. family is everything. she's been doing it for as long as she can remember that she now forgot what are the things she does because she herself loves it and what is for her family....they get it (girl probably bcs they're asian as well?) her father comforting her.....oh my god......i haveeee.....
i shed tears again. every damn episode. i swear. first time for a kdrama and i've been watching kdrama for years. like princess hours era long? well if u count meteor garden taiwanese version as kdrama then also that? (lol) or maybe u can also say that i haven't watched as many dramas as i can in those years. but like personally, this drama touches my feels in so many wayssss....ugh
and of course...not to forget the thing that got me giggling is the possibility that yijin is heedo's husband and min chae's father. he was just fucking quarantined that's why ms. shin told heedo that she "saw him last month" and ofc heedo misses her husband. gorl duh. man i love this possible reality. because...i know...i know...first loves not ending up with each other is a normal occurrence (according to my research lol) i've seen it happen in the people i know personally and read and hear in media....but 2521 is a story of hope...u know....among other things...but like hope is the main theme and believing in each other. of hopes and dreams and wishes and believing. like sis please give it to us alreadyyy 😭sis i'm begging u... i didn't watch this drama for angst...i mean shitttt fuck i actually watched this for angstπŸ’€ (hello at the gifset that have yijin saying "you have to be in love for a break up to be sad, you idiot" but i have the assumption that it's an "angst with happy ending" goddddd😭😭😭
ok i actually replayed episode 5 an unhealthy amount of times to analyze the interaction between heedo's mom and min chae. and min chae's giving me the vibes of knowing something but refusing to say it for some reason. her expression when she said "tell me about baek yijin" looks like fishing for something that she already knows πŸ‘€i meannnn her eyes are avoiding and assessing her grandma'sπŸ‘€ yeas but i am very biased so of course, none of this theory is with valid support
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heymacy Β· 2 years
macy, macy, moving loving macy. some movie themed questions for you. 🎬
πŸ“Ό what’s the first movie you remember falling in love with as a kid? which vhs tape had static lines of over watched love seared into the film?
πŸŽ₯ your going to the theater. what’s the routine? snacks? drinks? where do you sit? how early do you arrive? do you stay through the credits?
🍿you have unlimited money and are designing your own tlo status theatre room. tell me all about it.
tina my beloved πŸ₯ΊπŸ’™
πŸ“Ό when i was 5, my mom let me rent "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island" from the local video store (not a Blockbuster, believe it or not, just some little family shop next to the grocery store) - and i was obsessed. i watched it all the time. i mean like, almost every day for a whole month. we wound up buying it from the video store. it scared the shit out of me, but i loved it. two years later, my dad decided i was old enough to watch Star Wars, and the rest is history!
πŸŽ₯ i haven't been to a movie in an actual theater since before covid and i MISS it!! going to the movies is my favorite thing in the world. i might go see something with a friend from work soon and i'm very excited about that. and i have a very specific routine. i buy my tickets online, go directly to the snack bar for a box of junior mints and a gigantic root beer, then go to the theater. i like to sit as far back as possible, as close to the middle as i can get. i can't stand having people behind me. i LOVE previews, so i always get there early. i usually don't stay for the credits, but i let the crowd filter out first. no way i'm bumping elbows with exhausted parents and horny teenagers, no ma'am.
🍿oh don't even tease me with this one - the tlo theater room is one of my favorite things i've ever come up with, next to the Milkovich basement in td. mine would have black walls and a black ceiling with LED lights that look like stars. there would be red curtains hanging around the projection screen, very old school Hollywood vibes, and we'd definitely have the same recliners/massage chairs that ian has in tlo. i'd also love an old fashioned popcorn machine and shelves to display my movie collection (and comics) - but i'd also add a Coca-Cola freestyle machine so my friends could have any soda imaginable! oh, and i'd shell out for the best sound system on the market. it needs to be immersive. i wanna be IN the Millennium Falcon, okay??
tina i'm so sorry, i'm deeply unhinged about movies and anything cinema related so this might be my favorite ask i've ever gotten, thank you for letting me ramble 😭
ask me anything ✨
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k1ll-ur-vibe Β· 3 years
I don't come on here much, so just so you all know: #IStandWithAllTimeLow #IStandWithJackBarakat and I always will. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
ATL saved me from myself when I first was being treated for severe depression and anxiety. They literally stopped me in the middle of a suicide attempt when I was 14. They helped me stop self-harming in 2013 when I was 15. Jack made me promise never to hurt myself again in 2017 when I was just a month away from turning 19. The year after that, I had my biggest episode in years and was extremely suicidal, to the point of writing a suicide note and making plans even. But I didn't do it, nor did I even hurt myself, because I promised Jack I wouldn't. He saved me. ATL have saved me, over and over again, since I was 14 years old. In April 2022, I'll be 24. And 6 days after my 24th birthday, it will officially be the 10th anniversary of my love for this band. I found them on 13th April 2012, and I've never looked back.
Over the past almost-decade, I've made so many amazing friends and so many amazing memories. I've seen the guys 16 times in person, 8 livestream shows over the pandemic. I've met them 5 times in person, as well as once over video chat during Basement Noise. I also went to soundcheck for the first time this past UK tour. β™₯️ They recognise me these days and are always so happy to see me. They've never been anything but lovely to me. I am friends with their sound guy, Ricky, I'm basically friends with Alex's mother too as we've had a kind of back-and-forth going on Twitter for six years now and bonded over both being Welsh as she really misses it here sometimes. I'm mutuals with Zack on both Twitter and Instagram, and we've DMed before, as well as the fact that I've had him tag me in random posts, much to my shock when it happened LOL. I love these boys, and I always will. I have 3 ATL tattoos, one of those tattoos being of their signatures. They wrote those signatures for me in 2017, the same day that Jack told me to stay clean. I cherish that day so much. They were so kind about it being for a tattoo, which was so relieving as I was nervous that they would think I was weird for wanting a tattoo of their signatures. Nothing could have been further from what actually happened, they were actually so understanding and kind about it all. I adore them. πŸ˜­πŸ’– As for Jack specifically, I've gamed with this man multiple times, he knows who I am now, we're literally at the point where, during Ricky's 1 year stream, Jack joined chat and the FIRST THING he did was scream my name to greet me. My *real name*, not my username. πŸ₯ΊπŸ’– I adore this man, and I always will. He is a total sweetheart and he doesn't deserve any of the BS being thrown at him rn.
I've known for a long time that my love for ATL is unconditional, I just don't tell anyone outside of my close circle that because I know that I would get pummelled for it if I said it on, say, stan Twitter. It doesn't matter what they do, I will ALWAYS love them. They're family to me now. Even then though, I don't believe these allegations anyway. They're so fucking easily disprovable if people would just look. I'm sick of going over the same things all the time though so I'll just say this: I will be with the boys every step of the way during their legal battle and afterwards, and I can't wait for these girls to get their asses sued into the ground by the guys. I was worried that the guys would be too nice to sue for defamation and stuff tbh bc, lbr, Alex didn't even report his fucking stalker. Sometimes these guys are too nice for their own good, but I think they're starting to thankfully finally realise that being too soft on this stuff can make it spin out of control. I just hope they're doing alright and that they'll make it out of this OK. β™₯️ I am fully behind them, until my last breath. All Time Low for life. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ”†πŸ”†πŸ”†πŸ”†πŸ”†
If my stance makes you uncomfortable, please just block me and move on. Thanks. Oh, and if you're sending Jack/the guys death threats, leaking Jack's personal info, or telling Jack to kill himself, fuck you. You are human SCUM if you're doing any of that shit or spreading it. I don't care what your opinion on the situation is, YOU DO NOT DO THAT SHIT. It's fucking DISGUSTING and I hope ATL's team get all your asses arrested and thrown in jail honestly.
My inbox is always open for anyone who's affected by all of this. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Anon is off for my own safety and mental health but other than that, I am here if you are supportive of the guys and this has got you feeling down or worried at all. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Those of us who are still supportive of the guys really need to stick together rn. πŸ’–πŸ₯Ί With our love and support, I'm sure the boys will make it through this OK. We've got a tough road ahead but we can do it. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– I believe in us, ATL fam. I doubt the boys will ever see this but if any of them do, I just want to say I love you boys and I hope you're doing OK. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ Hang in there for us, OK? πŸ₯Ίβ™₯οΈπŸ’–β™₯️
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toftie Β· 3 years
πŸ’–πŸŒΉβœ¨ the person sending you this wishes for you to have a great week! to spread some positivity, list 5 things that you've done recently that made you happy. spread the love to your favorite mutuals! πŸ’–πŸŒΉβœ¨
omg thank u bea 😭🧑 i read urs and it was so sweet, mine cant possibly compare
but um let me see ! my memory is rlly bad nowadays hm
1) i texted my close friend again recently and we basically streamed ai the somnium files! i havent texted them in a while nor have i seen her since the lockdown so it felt rlly nice to talk to her again. i rlly missed her :^)
2) yesterday i accompanied my sister cuz she needed to go buy stuff. i helped her buy a new ipad for my lil brother as an xmas present and helped her pick out her materials cuz shes going to get into cross stitching! i havent hung out and rlly talked to her in a while either so it was good to catch up. im excited for her ^^
3) oh i drew again in like what's been almost 2 or 3 months? it wasn't much, i made some simple portrait sketches of my oc and like fanart but it felt good to have a pencil in.my hand again and make something..
4) i guess i've been making an effort to actually like. text back people? i'm usually the worst at it bcuz i love to self isolate but lately i'm trying to get to ppl right away and talk to them. it's a work in progress but it does make me feel good kinda cuz i missed my friends
5) also i painted my nails black recently. its been a long tjme since i painted my nails but for some reason i had a sudden impulse to do it and i'm so happy i did? i did a crude job at it so it looks sloppy but honestly it feels good to see my hands do stuff like i still can't believe nail polish can change so much ToT
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woozi Β· 2 years
yza your new theme is so sexy. it's even got a little ruby that's so fucking cool.
also rip,, to be fair, we did go back to physical classes and i can't say my social skills improved all that much lmaoo.
uh so we start w nursery and end with y13 it's like. you start around 4 yrs old and finish at around 18-19! so it goes nursery (4 yrs old) then reception (5) then yrs 1-13 dhfshldfs. not everyone does nursery though dfhkgdf. how does the system work where you are? and yeah chemistry!! tbh the more i learn about the structure of an atom the more i wonder. how much more is there in an atom. but it's really fascinating! drawing the structures is so much fun hlfsdsdffds my favourite thing is probably when they give you a structure and you have to name it.
also wow i cannot believe?? i've been here almost a year?? time feels fake wtf. here's to another year!! 🍾πŸ₯‚ sdjggkfsdf. as for the theme perhaps it should be ruby <3 in honour of jihoon lmao dfgldsfdsf.
- your wife πŸ‘€πŸ‘œπŸ•ΆπŸ’ (that chain of emojis gets longer every time i'm loving it gdjffdsffds)
lich rally ruby world domination idc idc <3 also u flatter me too much omg my head's gonna be so big 😭😭😭
KDFKDFJDJFK i mean 😭😭 it IS very difficult to improve it ngl. also love that u got to go back i feel like i'd be so πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ when we finally get in person classes again (though i doubt it tbh, the situation's just worsening and i only have 3 semesters left lol)
OHHH okay that makes a lot more sense!! the school system's kind of been revised here lately, kids used to start off with primary school (had 3 levels, but kids could skip a year or two), grade school for 6 years, 4 years of secondary school, and then uni/technical vocational schools. i was about to graduate from secondary when it got revised JDFJKDFKJ so now it's kinder (just one level i think), then 10 years of the aforementioned, + an additional 2 years called senior high school, which i had to take KJFKJDFJFD. similarly, kids can choose paths they like (kind of like your subjects) in senior hs!!
gonna have an existential crisis at 1 pm in the afternoon icb this KJFDJKFDJKFDFD aND UR RIGHT <3 <3 <3 THAT IS V FUN!!!
also can i just say how incredible it is to me that we started off by talking abt jun's eyebags and now we're here lmao 😭 IKKKK. since covid hit i feel like it's just been 1 whole year tbh. ALSO RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!! imagine a red dress omg that'd be bomb <3
u know what, at the rate we're going, you'd prob be named entirely different by the end of the month 😭😭
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woozi Β· 2 years
VISUAL COMMUNICATION that's so cool omg. every time i send in an ask you just get cooler?? feel like the wedding ring should've been engraved w a πŸ•Ά tbh. also you got into the top uni in your country can't believe my wife is a GENIUSβ„’.
as for the school system here! in year 12-13 everyone chooses different subjects to Specialise In depending on what they want to study in uni (prior to that you all take pretty much the same subjects until years 10-11, where you take Mostly the same subjects like english, maths and the sciences, and some different ones depending on what you want to do), and, since these are subjects you're Really Doing In Depth, people tend to only choose 3-5 (3 alone is incredibly difficult, though, and only actual geniuses choose 5 lmao). i chose maths and computer science because i want to study compsci at uni (which you need a maths a level for lmao) and then i chose psychology because i like it and find it interesting. chemistry was a surprise lol i literally just took it because i had a free slot and thought why not, since i enjoyed it when i took it before.
also omg you love psychology and language classes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€?? same brain omg i took a modern foreign language (arabic) during my gsces and honestly, i would've taken a language this year as well except i was Not ready to do 5 a levels lmao.
also!! accounting and econ πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ nice.
also yes i think i've been here since maybe two months before your spider layout?? sdfhlgjdfsfd. and i am Ready to renew my vows!! if that's what it's called lol fdhlgdggf. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
- πŸ‘€πŸ‘œπŸ’ <33
NAURRRRRRRR i'm not cool at all i'm literally just some girl but thank u i am v flattered that u think so <3 also i'm just good at academics tbh, but that's not really useful irl so 😭😭😭 really wish i could hone on my social skills more but we've never went back to in person classes since the start of the pandemic </3
YOU ALL HAVE YEAR 13??????????/ that is insane oh my god how long do you guys have to go to school 😭 i'm assuming you guys don't have kindergarten/pre-school anymore? ALSO U TAKING 4 OMGGGGGGGG <3 U R THE GENIUS HERE HELLAURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! ok we really should get that πŸ•Ά on our rings <3 ur choices are so sexie omg u have a wrinkly wrinkly brain i bet. ALSO FELT W CHEMISTRY!! also took a few units for it in uni just bc i wanted to lol. and i used to love drawing the chemical structures JFDJKDFJFD
YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 maybe this is why we're married <3 and arabic!!!!!!!!! one of my friends took this up she had a really fun time that semester. also love how you're managing yourself <3 <3 MWAH that's on self-care
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