#can't play twilight princess rn like i wanted
alicenpai · 1 year
not related to my last post today . but feeling big crush on link this entire week. idk maybe im just. ill! maybe im sick!!!!!.. he my ideal guy.. exactly my type.. why link gender so ?swoon worthy......
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yourdoorisunlocked · 4 months
The Altruist Family Children - Headcanons
𝐀/𝐍: Some headcanons about Alastor x Reader's children in my AU <33
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🎙️ Rowan and Louise are darling twins of the Altruist Family, your own little bundles of joy that grew up to wreak havoc across the neighborhood. Absolute sweethearts.
🎙️ They both look strikingly similar to their father, with deep gray skin, cherry red hair and gleaming yellow teeth, sharpened to the point, but their hair ends in tangles and curls, much like Alastor's when he was alive.
🎙️ Lousie is Alastor's little princess, of course, and he just adores doting on the little girl. Purchasing her whatever her little heart desires, whether it be trinkets and toys, her favorite desserts, frilly dresses and laced skirts – he'd spoil her absolutely rotten.
🎙️ Rowan, on the other hand, was quite the anomaly, at first. Raising a boy – as a father – were uncharted waters that Alastor wasn’t all too keen to tread, at first.
🎙️ Truly, Alastor was just little bit nervous apprehensive when he learnt that you would be having a boy, since his own experience with his father was rather... unsavory, to say the least. But when you sat him down, giving him all the faith and reassurance a man could ever need, well... how could he say no to his darling wife? 
🎙️ And so, Alastor resolves to raise Rowan as his dear mother, bless her heart, raised him to be – a gentleman. The first time Rowan opened the front door for you was the only time Alastor allowed a camera inside the house, or anywhere near his children.
🎙️ When your sweet little boy finally came of age – at a ripe eight years old – your husband took him out hunting. As much as you wanted to suggest that he wait a few more years, the giddy excitement Alastor exuded while polishing his favorite rifle, preparing for a full weekend of spending time with his son, was just too endearing for you to say no to him. 
🎙️ So, every weekend, Rowan and his father would disappear for a few hours, only to return at near twilight lugging some sort of Hellbeast behind them, and their prey only grew in size each year. And by the time Rowan turned thirteen, it wasn’t just wild game that he and Alastor were hunting. 
🎙️ You cut their hair. No questions asked.
🎙️While Louise refuses to get down into the mud and dirt with her brother and father, she adores gardening and growing her own flowers, and has a collection of books on poisons and toxic plants. You humored her fascination with toxicology and allowed her to grow a collection of poisonous flowers, so long as she kept them far away from the kitchen. 
🎙️ Family dinner nights are a given, especially when Alastor does the cooking. There'll be a jazzy swing number playing in the background, while Louise helps her father prep for the meal, and you'll be laughing and dancing with Rowan in the living room.
🎙️ Sometimes, whenever the children play with you, Alastor would lurk just around the corner, watching you with such softness in his eyes, before they drift down to your stomach. You were so good with them, perhaps you'd grace him with another?
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This turned out to be so long 😭 I just have so many ideas for this AU, I can't wait to release the oneshot
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 24 days
Yo! Already sent you this, but I didn't know if you saw it or not, so I'm sending it back because I'm in a bit of a pestery mood rn.
Something interesting, but also really twisted? I'm pretty sure that OoT's Phantom is noted to be a dark spirit from another world that Ganondorf essentially brainwashed & experimented on. Though, something I recently thought of was the possibility that OoT's Phantom might’ve originally been his Lorulean alternate self. This is based on the theory that Shadow Link (specifically from the FSA manga) had originally been that Link's Ravio; his Lorulean counterpart. But, yeah. I tend to enjoy the idea of Lorulean counterparts either mirroring or parallelling their Hyrulean selves in most ways. Both narratively, in their history/experiences, & in other ways, such as personality, as well. That, they share the same soul & even extremely similar genetics, & are, in many ways, reflections on each other had they been born in the other world. So, it’s a fun thing to play with & explore them as individuals, I think. The reason being that it can very well act as a way to gain some insight into the thought process of those from Hyrule.
As such, I would be willing to bet that, if so, OoT’s Phantom would be every bit as inclined to fall for the same people as OoT, just possibly for different reasons.
I <3 This. I Love any sort of lore or ideas on the Phantoms. The thought of them being twisted Lorule alts? Mmm... Very nice.
The idea that each Phantom could be a twisted reflection of their Hyrulean counterpart is fascinating and adds a deep layer of complexity to the characters. If the Phantoms are indeed Lorulean counterparts, this creates an eerie mirror where the essence of each Ganondorf or Demise is preserved, but warped by the harshness of Lorule's reality.
Here's how each Ganondorf and Demise's Phantom might be like, and how they would react to the Real Demon King's significant other (SO):
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf's Phantom
If Ocarina of Time’s Phantom was once his Lorulean counterpart, it would have a deeply twisted sense of loyalty and identity, perhaps even confusion about who it truly is. This Phantom might still carry echoes of the Lorulean Ganondorf’s ambition, pride, and desire for power, but all of it would be distorted by its transformation into a Phantom.
Haunted and fractured, the Phantom is tormented by flashes of memories and emotions that it can't fully understand. It is obsessed with proving its worth, not just to its Hyrulean counterpart but to itself.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom would be drawn to the SO, perhaps out of a longing for something it once had or wanted in Lorule. It might feel a twisted affection or obsession, driven by its confused memories and the desire to reclaim some semblance of identity. It would be conflicted, torn between a desire to serve the Demon King and a subconscious yearning for the SO’s affection.
Wind Waker Ganondorf's Phantom
If Wind Waker Ganondorf's Phantom is a Lorulean counterpart, it would likely embody a deep sense of loss and desperation, mirroring the themes of Wind Waker. The Phantom would be more cunning and perhaps more melancholic, reflecting on what was lost in Lorule.
A strategist with a tragic sense of inevitability, this Phantom is methodical and calculating but carries a deep sadness, as if constantly aware of its doomed existence.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom might view the SO as a figure of both hope and doom, seeing them as a potential source of redemption or final destruction. It would be drawn to them, seeking validation or perhaps attempting to manipulate them to secure its own fate.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf's Phantom
This Phantom, if born from a Lorulean counterpart, would be fierce and feral, driven by a primal need for survival and dominance. It would be the most physically imposing and terrifying of the Phantoms, reflecting Twilight Princess Ganondorf’s sheer power and will.
Brutal, relentless, and animalistic, this Phantom is a force of nature, more driven by instinct than by thought. It’s a being of raw emotion and power, perhaps even more dangerous than its Hyrulean counterpart because of its lack of restraint.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom might see the SO as something to conquer or possess, viewing them as a prize that proves its dominance. However, there might also be a protective, almost territorial instinct toward them, seeing them as something precious to be guarded jealously.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf's Phantom
If Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf had a Lorulean counterpart turned Phantom, it would embody the chaos and destruction of the battlefield. This Phantom would be the most chaotic, reveling in destruction and power.
Chaotic, unpredictable, and bloodthirsty, this Phantom is driven by a need for conquest and domination. It thrives on chaos and destruction, feeding off the energy of battle.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom might be fiercely protective of the SO, seeing them as its most valuable possession. It could also be dangerously possessive, willing to destroy anything or anyone that it perceives as a threat to its bond with the SO, even the Real Demon King.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf's Phantom
This Phantom, if it were a reflection of a Lorulean counterpart, would be the most cunning and insidious. It would be a master manipulator, using illusions and deceit to achieve its goals.
Deceptive, patient, and calculating, this Phantom is a master of manipulation and illusion. It prefers to work from the shadows, pulling strings and playing mind games.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom would be deeply intrigued by the SO, perhaps seeing them as a kindred spirit or a puzzle to solve. It might attempt to manipulate the SO, testing their loyalty and resolve, all while hiding its true intentions. There would be an unsettling intimacy in how it interacts with them, always leaving the SO uncertain of its true feelings.
Demise's Phantom
If Demise had a Lorulean counterpart that became his Phantom, it would be the embodiment of pure malice and destruction. This Phantom would be the most dangerous, driven by a primal hatred for all things.
Malicious, vengeful, and overwhelmingly powerful, this Phantom is a reflection of Demise’s pure hatred and desire for destruction. It exists only to serve its master’s will, and it revels in the suffering it causes.
Reaction to the Real Demon King's SO:
The Phantom might feel a twisted sense of duty toward the SO, seeing them as the only being worthy of its respect or care besides Demise. However, its affection would be expressed in dangerous, even deadly ways, testing the SO’s strength and resolve, pushing them to their limits as a way of proving their worth.
Small Scene: Imagine the Real Demon King’s SO encountering one of these Phantoms for the first time. The Phantom, cloaked in darkness, steps out from the shadows, its eyes glowing with an eerie light. The SO feels a strange, almost familiar pull toward it, as if some part of them recognizes this twisted being.
The Phantom speaks, its voice a distorted echo of the Demon King’s, "You... remind me of something I’ve lost. Something... precious."
The SO, wary but unable to look away, asks, "Who are you? What do you want?"
The Phantom tilts its head, a twisted smile forming on its lips. "I am a shadow of a shadow, a reflection of what might have been. And what I want... is you."
As the Phantom steps closer, the air around them grows colder, and the SO can feel the weight of its dark presence pressing down on them. They realize with a start that this Phantom, despite its monstrous appearance, is not just a mindless servant but something far more dangerous—a being with its own desires, its own twisted sense of self.
"Do you fear me?" the Phantom whispers, its voice almost tender. "Or do you fear... what I represent?"
The SO's heart pounds in their chest as they take a step back, realizing that this encounter is not just with a monster, but with a reflection of the one they love—an echo of the darkness that resides within them.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 11 big brain moments
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Immediately going from Gannon's rant we wake up...SOMEWHERE.
That iconic triforce symbol glows on Shadow Link's hand.
Uh oh.
Ganondorf rants to himself smth he says during the Twilight Princess manga.
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Hello Ganondorf! :D
Alright let's dissect the shit Ganondorf says real quick.
Panel 1: He's talking about Link, obviously. Who unlike Ganondorf and Zelda (Sometimes...Twilight Princess Zelda outright calls OOT Zelda herself/her so...) doesn't/never seems to remember their endless reincarnation....Which I have some THOUGHTS ON WHY but we might get to that when it's more relevant. Just keep it in your back pocket that Link never remembers "His" previous adventures.
Ganondorf's the same Ganondorf from OOT in Akira's manga series, we dunno how much FSR Zelda currently knows about her endless reincarnation because she has the soul of Hylia in her,
Panel 2: Shadow Link has never seen Ganondorf in his human form. That's established with his lines of confusion. He clearly RECONIZES him either through his presence or voice though.
Panel 3: Ganondorf ignores Shadow's question to keep rambling.
"I even thought...Two can play the split ourselves in pieces game..."
He's clearly referencing the FIRST time a Link used the four sword, as there's a previous hero of the Four Sword mentioned at the start of the FS Manga. (That's my interpretation since there's two different four swords games, SOME people think he meant the Minish Cap Link but...I disagree strongly with that shit ngl and I think the ONLY reason that idea exists is because we never got a manga for the first Four Swords game but the SEQUEL for whatever reason...? As minish cap Link was a child when he went on his journey and looked NOTHING like the OOT style adult hero we saw in the "Flashback/story" scene in FS. I'm like 99% sure it was referencing the hero from the FIRST Four Swords game because the four swords manga we HAVE is based on Four Swords Adventures from what I can tell?)
Either way, in FSR he's refencing THAT Link as the reason why he...split himself in pieces.
"This game of ours gets boring after awhile...We have to make new rules...invite new players, mix things up..."
So, this is why he used Vaati. Vaati was the "New player"
Technically an old player brought directly into the Triforce gang's bullshit as Vaati used to be a solo villain from what I understand removed from Gannon.
Shadow Link could ALSO be a part of these "New players" he's talking about.
Either way Gannon's view on the endless cycle has seemingly shifted to a "Game". A game he wants to win, obviously.
If you want a reason why he'd try taking this outlook: Dude's coping hard, he keeps losing. Looking at it like a childish game makes him retain SOME sanity he's shed after getting his ass kicked so many times. As he clearly shed a LOT of his humanity to become the pig form in the OG manga without ANY PROMTING Usually that's like, a second phase of the fight Something's different about Ganon in FSA compared to usual.
Panel 4:
Ganon muses he didn't think "A part of him" would play "Their" side.
He's obviously talking about Shadow Link at this point aiding Zelda and Link. But the dread of what Gannon's saying hasn't truly set in yet.
Panel 5:
So in Twilight Princess, Spoilers Gannon just like, straight kills himself when he feels he's losing. Man is a massive piss baby.
He does something similar here. "CAN'T KEEP ME IN A SWORD IF I END MYSELF HAHAHAHA" - Gannon.
But...There's still a part of Gannon around...As he passes the Triforce of power (Something he admits he cannot stand in Twilight Princess, if nothing else BECAUSE it ties him to Zelda and Link who have Wisdom and Courage respectively.)
So while not outright CONFORMING FSR Link and FSR Zelda HAVE the Triforce, it's heavily implied they do. Zelda at least, had it on her hand earlier in the comic. (With an outdated design of her haha but it still counts here. Haven't been any major ret cons as of rn in FSR and I'd mention any if they do come up hah)
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Ganon not so subtly references the conversation Vio and Shadow had about the Triforce where Shadow admitted he wanted it to make his wishes come true.
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Which just, with current context really puts into perspective that little desire of his.
Also, it's even FUNNIER that he says he wants to touch the Triforce...While being all over Vio. Who has a piece of the Triforce of courage.
Yes that was intentional and yes I was laughing my absolute ass off while drawing/writing those scenes...I was shaking that I couldn't mention that for so long lmfaooooooo.
He's a part of Gannon. Of course he wants the Triforce.
Shadow still looks like he's comprehending shit. I mean this is a LOT to take in. All this time he assumed he was NOTHING but Link's shadow. But NOW we know he's not only Link's Shadow, but a part of Gannon as well.
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Ganon congrats our little man.
He gets to wield the title of the Demon King AND the Triforce of power! :D HOW LUCKY...HE GOT TWO THINGS HE WANTED! :D
Oh...Shadow isn't a fan of that. Especially at Gannon's prospect that he should destroy Link.
Lines that are hilarious with this new context go brr:
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Haha- Well he IS A KING-
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Vio just look to your left.
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"I've done infinitely worse in past lives pal-"
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Literally this entire scene has new meaning with how VISERIALLY ANGRY he is at the prospect they just gotta do what they have to because "it's what we're supposed to do".
Shadow Link's behavior in general in current day in FSR is just, makes much more sense with the context he KNOWS he's a part of Gannon.
His desperate urge to be nice, seemingly TOO NICE?
Well, he's trying to reject the idea he has to destroy the heroes and wants to be helpful and good.
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Translation: "I don't have to be Gannon if you don't have to be Link"
Also smth you'll notice in the Gannon talks to Shadow pages: Shadow's eyes are red the whole time just like when was talking to Vaati.
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Shadow's ending state in FS was a form of torture and you can't convince me otherwise.
He's in misery.
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Fucked up thing to note: Shadow link feels he deserves to suffer.
We're not given his full thoughts on WHY but we can either assume because of his actions in the FSA manga OR because he's Gannon.
That's just sad.
Link's catatonic like usual.
Shadow likens Link's state to a corpse that's rotting which is, disturbing.
Unlike Gannon, he isn't getting any pleasure watching the Hero rot away mentally.
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Oof. Yeah. What good's the Triforce of power when you can't use it to save someone?
You'll notice Shadow defaults to waving to get people's attention. What else can he do?
Link notices and touches him.
Which again: We know from Shadow's brief breakdown in the temple this isn't something he did a lot.
We can venture to guess from these pages, Link was usually just, not there mentally a lot of the time to notice Shadow Link and he wasn't filling the gaps because Shadow couldn't talk, because Link went mute after awhile.
Either way Shadow cherishes the times where Link acknowledges him.
If you go back and read the pages where Shadow's talking about his time with Link the main thing he talks about is how LONELY he felt.
He doesn't actually talk about Link's behavior in a negative way per say...Mostly that HE was lonely.
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Like from the wording he isn't exactly BASHING Link for ignoring him, just expressing how it made him feel in the moment.
And from here we can see Shadow understands just how poorly Link was doing.
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He wants to hug him-
Shadow wants to be comforted and to comfort but can't do or get either.
Poor dude is suffering.
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Shadow dissects his feelings.
Vio's promise struck a cord with this dude for a lot of reasons, partially because Gannon as we know from Twilight Princess REALLY wanted Zelda to join him/another Triforce user to join him cobbled with Shadow Link himself loneliness and inability to trust his teammates led to Vio's promise of ruling the world basically made him explode with joy lol.
Gannon's literally always playing this "Game" alone. Shadow Link is lonely from his own experiences and from Gannon's. He actually doesn't MIND the idea they're all gonna be spending eternity together forever, he just doesn't wanna be locked in fighting them lmfao.
Art notes: Shadow's eyes look like Gannondorf's eyes in page 207 the "I want to be close to you Link" panel.
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Zelda and Vio/Link have had a positive affect on Shadow Link as a person, so instead of 100% hating them like Gannondorf does he has a mixed bag of emotions towards them.
Another art note:
Page 208 Shadow's eyes look like the Malice eyeballs from BOTW/TOTK
Shadow Link interprets his own feelings as him wanting to be close to Zelda and Link/Vio due to his own loneliness. He's the new demon king and he doesn't want to further their fated connection through hatred alone.
Shadow's further thoughts on being Ganon and the affects it has on his behavior going forward are for sure going to be present so if something wasn't brought up here/expanded upon, it probs will later.
Something to note is Shadow's KNOWN he's a from of Gannon for 7 years and HASN'T Told any of the gang yet...Which is interesting.
Not like he could SAY that before and they've still only been separated for a day but still.
More art notes: The way they're structured in 208, is in the shape of the Triforce. Shadow on "Top" representing the Triforce of power, Zelda to the left representing wisdom and Link to the right representing courage.
It is interesting to note how Vio and Link are interchangeable in Shadow's mind at least in this instance...
From his further thoughts in 209 it's implied he's SPECICICALLY talking about Vio, but Link is still pictured...So Hm.
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So it bares repeating Vio booked it to Shadow Link the second he saw him because of their unfinished business hah.
Further idea:
Shadow doesn't purely means "Vio's here" as the "dream" he's talking about.
He has a physical body again after 7 years. He's not a prisoner to his own mind anymore and has the ability to affect the world around him.
He was completely stripped of agency and ironically enough "Power" for 7 years.
Like Vio, someone he loves being there is nice too but I don't wanna understate how important Shadow's relationship to Link himself is either.
As in the series so far Shadow's blatantly done the things he stated he wishes he could have done for Link in the pages previous TO Vio because, he has the ability to now.
Basically: We don't need to shoot down Shadow's 7 year long relationship with Link just to bolster Vio and Shadow's.
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Stalker lmfao.
So it's interesting to note he CRIED from Shadow's memories.
Weird moment for Dark Link. It's odd he even cried at all. He has an actual personality outside of just batting people's anxieties and fears back at them after all.
He himself seems rather calm but if you notice, his chest eyeball looks deeply emotional over it.
Question to ask: Is he crying from joy or sadness? Or some third thing?
Did he even realize he was crying? He didn't wipe his tears away.
You'll note, instead of just purely calling Shadow "the traitor" as he did earlier, he switches to calling him his title + traitor lmfao. "Treacherous demon king" he changes his language to be more accurate to his new information about Shadow Link.
Another thing: Dark Link isn't INTERACTING with Shadow Link here like he did with Vio. How he approached it was purely as a spectator.
He's not mentally fucking with Shadow here.
Which shows an odd sense of, genuine interest about Shadow's past that didn't exist earlier with Vio when he purely only said things to make Vio break down.
HE was watching those flashbacks with us and soaking in the information. He has a better understanding of Vio AND Shadow because he can see from BOTH their perspectives as you noticed...and Vaati's.
But that cute little fact isn't important rn.
And with all that word vomiting we will pick up again another time.
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luna-loveboop · 4 months
Luna!!! How are you?? How's Wind Waker going??
- hero-of-the-wolf
Hiiii :D
I haven't actually started wind waker yet except minimal checking to make sure the disc will start because I'm finishing tp BUT I do have wind waker which I will start on soon but
My main event rn with video games is my dad and I are playing through twilight princess together in the summer. (My game is way ahead of his so I know what to do when he gets there.) He's really. Really bad at video games lol. So he plays it and I teach him controls and how to get through the dungeons and stuff. He keeps saying midnas annoying :(
The reason I'm still doing tp is because I finish the game 100%... the first time. I won't move on until I've covered every detail possible from where I'm at in the story. So it takes much longer but that means more fun! (Right?) but I'm really excited to do wind waker soon :D
Also thank you so much for the post you made and tagged me in? It was so sweet. Thank you.
I'm not necessarily 'worried' about lacking making a ton of posts right now because I'm on tumblr in the first place because I want to share my thoughts and rants and meet nice people :)
I'm not on here a lot because of health stuff- and language is harder right now so I can never tell if I'm being understood or accidentally offensive
BUT I do have like sixty (<not exaggeration) posts in drafts right now- I like posting so that's why it's mostly been really short posts- because I'll go get one out of drafts and finish it when I can't do a long one.
And I'm doing good :)
Thank you for asking :D
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infatuatedheloise · 5 months
May TC Qs 1-5
since I won't be seeing him for a while & my posts will prolly get more sporadic/less exciting, I figured I'd do the questions this month! playing a little catch-up here so bear with me~
1. How did your relationship start? Was it you who did most of the initiating?
I definitely started it. I first met him in a class of his I took in spring 2023, but we weren't really close then and I only went to his office a couple of times. However, this past fall, I started to express more interest in his research and field, so I started showing up to his office to talk more often, plus I had a class with him. And now we are where we are!
2. How often do you think about them?
lol all the time, especially on weekends or time when I know I won't see him for a while (so like, rn over summer 😔)
3. What kind of weather matches their vibes? What about yours?
hmmmmmm this is so hard! I think maybe a sunny spring day where it's not too hot and not too cold, a breeze gently brushing past your face and fluffy white clouds are scattered throughout the sky. but also I might just be getting that image because that's how the weather's been on our last couple walks lol. as for me... maybe a rainy spring day where it's just cold enough to need a jacket and so dark from the clouds that even with the curtains open, you still need a light on to see, but a nice and cozy day for reading a book or binging TV!
4. May the fourth be with you! Do they have a favorite movie franchise? Do you?
I dont know about his fav movie *franchise* but I do know a couple of his favorite movies--The Princess Bride and The Seventh Seal. my fav franchise would probably be either The Hunger Games or LotR/The Hobbit
5. Do you have a playlist dedicated to them? What are your favorite songs on it?
lol of course! I have a bunch of songs that remind me of him and some songs that I know he listened to after I posted them on insta stories. Some favorites are: Why Can't I Have You, Gloria Laing; I Want To Be With You, Chloe Moriondo; Twilight, bôa; Ready For You, Cherry Glazerr; Envy The Moon, Morgan Powers; Once More To See You, Mitski
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molloytheboy · 1 year
Characters that are very me coded
Tagged by @dontbesylly to share my "so me" characters. thanks! <3
Lestat, Louis, & Armand - these guys are like my unholy trinity of blorbos. currently I see different aspects of myself in all three but ive also been on a bit of a journey over the past ten years in how I relate to them. when i first watched/read IWTV I related strongly to Louis bc depression and self-loathing. then when I got to TVA I imprinted on Armand like a baby duck for gender reasons. TVL also had that effect on me but my understanding and acceptance of myself wasn't developed enough back then for me to recognize that for what it was. the past couple years as ive been uncovering who i really am when im not trying to please anyone ive realized I vibe the most with Lestat in terms of presentation and his general lust for life and romance etc. also I'm pretty sure he and I have almost identical taste in music and men
Guillermo de la Cruz - I think this one is pretty self explanatory
Link (Legend of Zelda) - I grew up playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, then Twilight Princess in high school and Breath of the Wild more recently. I experienced gender envy over Link before I even knew what that was. also I related a lot to him as a character whose forced to take on adult responsibilities at a young age and has to mature quickly with little guidance. all while being non verbal and being viewed as kind of a weirdo. and BOTW Link is just straight up transmasc so there's that
alright fine since i can't think of anyone else rn
Naruto - hyperactive blonde idiot ostracized by his community for things outside of his control. also absent father and in love with his emo best frenemy
tagging @nightcolorz @butchybats and anyone else who wants to
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blueskittlesart · 3 years
I’m so glad you like windwaker so much because it was my fave game as a kid and while I never beat it or properly knew how to play it it’s still really nostalgic for me
ww is like. well ok. heres a little abridged preview of what im writing to add to my fucking dissertation rn because im insane a little bit. wind waker is really what twilight princess wanted so badly to be--a game that is just perfectly haunted by the memory of the hero of time. and it's so well executed in that sense. i will never fucking forget entering the palace for the first time, seeing the statue of the hero of time front and center, and being too short to look him in the eyes. i tried everything to look that statue in the face and i could not. because he is your destiny and your destiny is far too great for a kid your age to comprehend. and what would you see, if you could look at him head-on? the hero you're expecting, or a child like you, forced into this awful fate by adults who believed him their savior?? would you ever willingly pull sword from stone if you were able to see his face? if you knew the pain that was to come?? AND THEN. and then. you come back later, having finally remedied your mistake, having restored the power of the sword he once wielded, and when you enter the castle he has been broken, shattered, thrown from his pedestal, and all you can see is his face. you can't look away. he stares you down, and you finally understand what a hero's destiny means, far too late.
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