#can't wait for people to get mad at me for this one 😈
hanktalkin · 2 years
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TF2 Rare Pair Week 2022 Friday (Nov 11) : First Times / Last Times
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Drive With You Forever
Chapter 6.1: some chaotic group texts
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader
Chapter summary: just some group texts between the quartet
Warnings: sexual innuendo, mentions of the Daniel incident, Max being a dad, Lando being a menace, reader is gullible, Charles is a clutz
Notes: I felt the need to show you the chaos I have going in my notes and writing software for these four
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Lando: so what's the plan for tonight?
Charles: Max won so its up to him
Lando: but like... I could not do what he says 😈
Y/N: ah yes I love watching Lando suffer
Lando: hey! You're just no fun!
Y/N: i am fun and also do what I'm told. I think Charles would agree with me 👀
Charles: yes, but it's also fun to watch as Lando begs for mercy.
Maxy: and here I thought we could have a soft night
Lando: absolutely not
Lando: I woke up a menace to society, and I plan on ending the day that way
Charles: Lando no
Y/N: Lando no
Lando: Lando yes
Lando corrupts y/n
Maxy: Lando, I swear on everything that if I find you starting before me and Charles get there, I will not let you finish for a year.
Lando: guess who's here with me
Lando: *image*
Charles: At least she's waiting like we asked
Lando: unless 👀
Y/N: I tried to tell him
Charles: Lando, I will not hesitate
Lando: ha! Look at the perfect angel now! *video*
Maxy: I'm stunned
Maxy: I swear I will have both of you crying by the end of tonight
Y/N: I'm sorry! Lando started talking, and my head just did what he said :(
Charles: sounds about right
Lando: *video*
Maxy: how the fuck are you even recording this??
Lando: skills.
Charles: you're corrupting the innocent!! Leave the angel alone!!
Max being a dad
Maxy: what time is everyone planning on being home? I have dinner on the stove
Y/N: I am home. I have no friend remeber?
Maxy: is my company nit enough for you? 🫢
Y/N: You sound like Seb rn
Lando: after Jon let's me live in peace
Maxy: work hard Lan! You'll make it!
Lando: Did you wake up okay? Are you sick? When did you become a father?
Maxy: why are you being so mean?
Charles: I won't be there for dinner, my mother is feeding me tonight
Y/N: awe! That's so sweet!
Maxy: be safe!
Charles: 😶
Lando: 😶
Y/N: Sometimes he's dad, but most of the times, he's daddy
Y/N becomes an avenger
Y/N: I have decided to learn martial arts
Lando: intresting. Why?
Y/N: because all the avengers know martial arts and I'm already halfway there
Charles: anyone sometimes forget that y/ns powers aren't normal?
Charles: like we're litteraly dating a superhero
Maxy: just be glad you weren't there when she learned she could use it on people
Maxy: I scared her so bad she accidentally threw me across the paddock the first race back from break
Maxy: I'm sad to say I was turned on from it
Lando: does this mean you'll be fighting crime?
Y/N: Does crippling depression count as a crime? If so, then yes
Y/N does some research
Y/N: did you guys know this is a thing???
Y/N: *link*
Charles: alright whoever gave her access to Google (lando) I promise I won't be mad if you confess
Lando: why do you think it's me?
Charles: because of what that link it
Max: who told you about this y/n?!
Y/N: it was Carlos, actually. He mentioned it and I was confused sk I asked what it meant and he said to Google it
Charles: I will be having words woth my teammate
Y/N: he said it's where people share ideas about what they do in the bedroom
Lando: honey... no
Max: Sometimes, I forget you are still gullible
Lando: on the other side... any intresting finds 🤔
Y/N: now I'm confused
Lando: nothing new
Charles: Lando be nice, the poor girl was just told about this
Charles: I asked Carlos what he said
Charles: did you really not know the females can do this?
Y/N: No? It's not like anyone has ever sat me down and explained every atmomical function of my body, and this one just sounds weird
Max: Anyone down for further research? 🤚🏻
Charles: Obviously, we can't let this opportunity go to waste
Lando: maybe we can convince her of other things while we're at it
Y/N: you're so mean to me
Post Daniel incident
Lando: You should have seen Daniel during interviews today!
Lando: he's an absolute disaster!
Charles: what a pervert
Max: Please tell me he's not making eyes at you
Y/N: Doesn't he have eyes? Why would he need to make them?
Max: I'll explain that one later
Lando: No, he's not. Don't worry, your pretty little heads
Lando: he's been blushing at every question that involves us
Y/N: as partners?
Lando: everything.
Lando: "what do you think of the grid quartet? Are you all still close friends?"
Lando: his response was between yes and no, and he couldn't make eye contact with the interviewer
Max: I think we did a number on him
Charles: a well deserved number might I add
Max: we're never doing that again though
Y/N: omg! I tried to go say hi, and a reporter spotted us and came to ask a question but turned around after he heard Daniel apologize for my throat for the millionth time 🤭
Lando: man can't win today
Charles: I'm glad he apologized
Max: I'm glad he's finally stopped trying to take pictures of us
Max: If he ever does it again, I'm running him off the track and into the wall
Charles the uncordinated
Lando: Has anyone seen Charles? I made dinner for us and can't find him.
Max: You know me and y/n are in a meeting rn right?
Lando: yes but I'm worried
Y/N: Can't we see each ithers location?
Lando: ...
Lando: Why is he at the park?
Charles: I went for a run, remember?
Lando: that was two hours ago, mate
Charles: ... it's been a long run
Max: is everything okay Charlie?
Y/N: Did you sprain it?
Lando: Sprain what??
Charles: :/
Charles: traitor
Y/N: I had a vision that he fell while out on his run and told him to be careful around the curbs
Y/N: it looked pretty bad. Do you need us to go get you, love?
Max: The answer is yes. We're on our way to get you.
Charles: I can get home myself
Charles: is Lando upset? The radio silence from him is killing me
Charles: nvm he's running at me in his bright orange McLaren sweatshirt
Charles: he's holding a first aid kit
Lando: no need to worry, the doctor is in ;)
Charles: Someone save me
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Tags: @styles-sunflower @purplephantomwolf @boiohboii @reblog-princess-blog @jjsprobablywrong @jayda12 @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @lpab @yaaadii @80sloverry @spongebeck3101 @eviethetheatrefreak @jjsprobablywrong
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marquisegallery · 1 year
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An Angsty Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Headcanon (also spoilers): Despite what the cueball DOT EXE member says in game before trying to recruit him*, the death of the crew's leader affected him a lot more than he would like to admit.
* = (at least from the impression I got, he sounded very... not-bothered by it)
More rambling under the cut!
For ease of reading, I'll refer to the DOT EXE leader and cueball member with my headcanon names for them: 8-ball and Cueball respectively.
So basically, Cueball not coping well with 8-ball's death during the main game is what leads him to leave DOT EXE and be willing to join up with BRC in the post game. Maybe even throw in some particularly-not-handling-this-well in the form of Cueball outright making fun of 8-ball's death ("What a noob to get wasted like that LOL"). Which leads to the other DOT EXE members getting understandably mad at him for it, thus kicking him out.
(I would like to think they all can still reconcile later, hopefully after Cueball gets a better handle on his feelings and apologizes to the others for not coping with it very well. But I digress.)
Additionally, this got me thinking, "Wait, what if 8-ball survived that after all??" And I would think, no, Cueball and probably the other DOT EXE members would still be traumatized by what happened, at least to some degree.
I like to think that "full-cyber" people like DOT EXE (and by extension, anyone with a cyberhead) do have the option to "back up" their minds. If you can copy a mind from a flesh head into a cyberhead, like you would copying a large file from one computer to another, then you can probably make back-ups of them too.
But this is either very expensive, a very long process, or otherwise just very prohibitive for the general public to handle on their own. Only the richest people (or otherwise those who have the resources to set up and maintain their own equipment and servers for the back-ups) would be able to afford to do so regularly, if at all. Heck, maybe most people wouldn't bother, sort of like a philosophical or spiritual "I cheated death once already, so I think the next time I wouldn't mind if it's permanent" kind of way.
So if 8-ball ends up restored from a backup and a rebuilt body, there's still the possibility he might be missing, say, a month's worth of memories. Maybe even more than that, depending on how vigilant DOT EXE is about backing themselves up in case of emergencies.
Who knows, maybe that kind of thing ends up bothering Cueball way more than he would have expected. So again, he's not handling it well, maybe even this time making fun of 8-ball over what happened to his face, and then getting kicked out of the crew shortly after.
(Again, I would still like to imagine they all get to talk it over and reconcile later at least.)
Not to mention, the way I personally see it, someone being brought back to life doesn't erase the trauma of seeing them die in the first place, yeah? At worst, Cueball starts seeing 8-ball almost like a undead monster or something. He can't get the image of 8-ball just after getting shot out of his head, which is kinda what I was going for with the pic above, tbh.
Angst bonus, 8-ball refers to Cueball as his bro in game. I'm going to intentionally choose to interpret that as them being actual brothers, not just a bro-as-in-friend kind of way. Maximum angst, you see. 😈
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drinkpisser · 1 month
This one shall be quite interesting for sure, dearest readers 😈🙏
Enjoy and thank you sm if you do check it out!!!<3
begin reading chapter 4 beneath the cut!
Ray had been awaiting Gerard's return for a full week now. A week without his best friend, just as glum as you can imagine it. Actually having to take part in a routine, listening in on other people's conversations because you can't have your own, waiting for each day to end so you can be even lonelier at night. He had company, sure, but what's company if you've never felt so isolated?
Desperate to retrace his vacant steps, Ray decided to walk the paths Gerard mentioned he would cycle. This resulted in nothing more than some wheel tracks, yet anything is a clue at this point. He followed, careful to not tamper with the traces left. To his detriment, the woods seemed to be identical with each corner he turned.
Just a mundane old forest, what did Gerard see in it?
Ray pauses. A bike is leant against the stump of a tree, one wheel deflated and the other poorly attempting to keep its balance. He was here. Transfixed on the plethora of predatory situations he could have been in, Ray loses focus on his main objective- to gather clues. Does he go back and tell someone he could be in danger? Would they even believe him? The staff questioned him harshly enough already, accusing him of assisting Gerard in running away and covering his back so he wouldn't get in trouble. He feels like nothing but a nervous wreck, struggling to keep up with the rushing turmoil in his head.
"Ray?" an unsuspecting voice asks.
His heart palpitates, startled. His neck recoils so quickly that it could have snapped off his body. It was only a rugged, exhausted Gerard stood in front of him, sporting a clueless expression on his face and scratching his head like nothing ever happened.
"What're you doing here? It's super early, right?" he repeats.
"You-" Ray struggles to find an adequate response in disbelief, "You've been gone for fucking days, dude!"
"I was just getting a pump for the tyres, they busted on me whilst I was biking. I couldnt have been too long- maybe a half hour?" he responds, dismissing the claim. To Gerard's dismay, he wasn't fully aware that the passage of time is extremely warped in different realities. A few harmless hours to him was more than likely a week and a half for Ray.
"You're serious- you're serious! You don't know how long you've been!?" Ray disputes. Gerard was blank as a sheet, giving in to a defeated shrug.
Nope, he doesn't know. Idiot.
"You dont even have- where were you, Gee? At least answer me that. My bare ass has been on the stove for you over here. And you look like shit!"
"I- I don't know." Growing more disoriented, he finds it increasingly difficult to come up with a realistic answer. It had already been a confusing time for Gerard, and all these questions weren't helping his case even if they were reasonable enough.
Ray sighs, "I can't stay mad at you. Just take me with you next time, at least. Wherever you were it couldn't have been that fun on your own."
Gerard resorts to a hug in order to comfort Ray's visually apparent distress. He wishes he could tell him the truth with his entire soul, but he couldn't bare to see what could happen if he did. More than anything, he was afraid. That's why he needed to start creating art as soon as possible, to save everyone.
"If you need to talk about anything- you know I'm here, yeah?" Ray adds.
"Yeah." Gerard smiles mildly.
Ray pats his back, and they get to walking back to the main area of camp, almost clinging onto eachother. As Gerard reconciles with familiar faces, Ray awkwardly clenches his teeth in a feeble attempt to smile. Spotting Frank, they head in the direction of the bench he's sat on.
Frank raises an eyebrow, dropping the nachos he was just snacking on, a baffled "That's Gerard?" exiting his mouth.
"Sorry, I don't recognise you-" Gerard discloses.
"This is Frank," Ray chirps once again, "he bought me cookies and now we're pals. He likes Iron Maiden and plays guitar too!"
Affectionately, Ray slaps Frank on the back of his shoulders, causing him to eject a sheepish "owch!".
"Awh, cool! Nice to meetchya Frankie." Gerard grins, awkwardly shaking his dorito dusted hand.
"Gerard Arthur Way! There you are!" a disciplinary voice hollers.
"Well shit." Gerard mutters, the boys snickering slightly at his remark. Almost dragged by the hood, Gerard is indefinitely sent off to a questioning of some sort.
The staff member escorts him to an important looking room, featuring an even more important looking name tag on the desk: 'Principal'. Surrounding it, there are small, framed photographs of staff members and past campers, who seem tremendously happier than anybody here currently.
Just gotta survive this interrogation without giving everything away, he monologues in his doomed brain. So doomed... So fucked.
A stern looking woman clicks her heels as she enters the secluded room, taking a seat as she glares intensely into Gerard's entire existence.
"Where were you? Is everything okay? Were you hurt?" Just as he'd anticipated, the questions came flooding insufferably in.
"Hey, listen..." Gerard pinches the bridge of his nose as if he's in excruciatingly dire pain, "I just got back and i ain't feelin' well. I fell over and busted my lip, see? Can I please go to the nurse instead?" He believes that reverse psychology is effective, and that his injuries from over a week ago look fresh. Oh, dear. Maybe save the big ideas for when you turn 25 next time.
She grumbles, shaking her head.
"Not yet. You can afterwards, however."
She begins jotting down notes. Following this, she looks at Gerard expectingly, despite his nervous silence.
"So?" she suggests, tapping her pen against the clipboard she's writing on.
"So, what?" Gerard backchats, crossing his arms and deciding to play smartass.
"So, what were you doing outside campus, unauthorised for a fortnight?" she demands the question.
He tuts, rolling his eyes. A surpisingly bold move for him, but a typical one. He grows cockier, due to the hindrance and his heightening feelings of annoyance towards having to answer for himself.
"I like, ran off for a week, 'cause I'm bored shitless of this place..." he smirks, "In other words, I skipped. What're you gonna do about it, kick me out? I already left once."
The principal lets out a diabolical gasp.
Gerard knew from that alone, he was not going to get away from this any easier than before he opened his mouth.
"What I can do is expel you, young man! That won't be a laugh to explain to your parents, will it?" she exclaims at the top of her lungs.
"Do it! I don't fuckin' care. I'm worth more than this place anyways, and so is Ray. If you're gonna kick me out, at least do the same for him. Leaving him alone in this dump was the mistake i made, not skipping." he rants.
"You're really about to do this?" she lowers her voice in concern.
Gerard glances around in hesitation before doubling down on his claim, his eyes lighting up slightly.
That felt like a strangely refreshing moment for Gerard, as though being argumentative with higherups was the epitome of being punk and an absolutely rock solid act on his behalf.
"Alright, we'll call your parents to pick you up. And Ray can go with you, he's in deep trouble because of you now. I hope you understand that." she lectures.
"Aight," he scoffs, getting up out of the chair he'd slumped in.
"I'm out."
He storms out of the office desperately searching for Ray and Frank, not realising they had snook off and waited outside right next to him.
"Hm, I heard yelling." Frank observes, pursing his lips.
Gerard turns to each of them almost instantly.
"Oh, thank god-" Gerard clutches onto both Ray and Frank's arms with an underlying agression.
"We gotta go, like, now! I am so serious!" he blurts out obsessively.
"Dude, wh-" Ray begins, interrupted by the snatch of Gerard's run. He drags them behind a bush, heavily encouraging them to be silent with a desperate "shh!".
Several staff members rush past the glorified pile of leaves shielding the three.
"Can someone please tell me what is going on?!" Ray hisses through a whisper.
"Okay, okay! I will. I spewed bullshit to the principal lady. Told 'er I skipped on purpose. She threatened to expel me so I humoured 'er and said you shouldn't be left here alone and-"
"Sorry, the fuck do I have to do with this?" Frank interrupts.
"Just sit and look pretty or somethin' whilst I explain the goddamned situation! You're involved 'cause you are. I wasn't about to just leave ya." Gerard groans.
Frank huffs.
"So... You sold me out and lied?" Ray disputes in confusion, a slight look of upset on his face.
"No- I just thought if I said that as a bluff I could get us out of here quicker. You want to leave, right?" Gerard defends.
Ray remains silent for a few seconds, considering it.
"Screw it." Ray beams.
A feeling of relief washes over Gerard's sweaty face, glad that his stupidity didn't get taken the wrong way.
Two staff members park themselves not too far away, beginning to discuss.
"Ray is now gone, they must have been planning some kind of rebellion from the beginning." One starts.
Frank raises an eyebrow.
"Hey, seeing as I'm the pretty one I could go ask what they're gonna do to ya."
He rolls his eyes with a pinch of salt, getting up on his own accord. Gerard knew it was best to not crush Frank's withering dignity any further, so he let him get on with it. Ray watched closely in slight suspense. Frank hunches over, approaching the two staff members all whilst kicking some gravel and looking down inside of himself.
"Mcscuse me, what's goin on?" he asks with innocent eyes.
"Do you have any idea where your accomplices are? Ray Toro and Gerard Way?" the staff's dialect felt restrictive.
"Can't say I do. Why's the matter?" Frank asks further, intentionally using poor phrasing for cool effect.
"They are to be arrested, and cannot leave the premises under any circumstance."
Gerard chokes. Ray's jaw is almost touching the grass. Frank elongates a whistle. He pauses, before then intelligently throwing a right hook towards the man's face.
"WE NEED TO GO!" He screams at the top of his lungs to the once concealed duo, snatching a plank of wood lying around and hoisting it underneath his greasy armpit.
Ray and Gerard chase behind him in desperation, quickly noticing the upcoming dead end. It would be futile to look back now, they're already being ambushed!
"Oh, Frank! What the fuck were you thinking runnin' this way?!" Gerard cusses.
Frank briefly catches his breath, before screeching at the barbed wire fence.
"There's a reason I stole a plank of wood, jackass! We're gonna use it to cross the old river behind this fence!" Frank begins climbing with a hint of pain from the spiky material separating the boys from freedom.
Gerard gulps in realisation. He can't swim, and his phobia of drowning doesn't make the idea of a flimsy bridge any better.
"Huh, now that's a funny joke, Frank-Anthony." he crosses his arms sarcastically.
"Does it look like he's joking!?" Ray complains, already up and over the fence. They're getting closer as Gerard grows in hesitation. In a fit of panic, Gerard snatches the plank of wood through a gap in the wall. The two teens shriek in annoyance.
"What the fuck!" Ray exclaims.
"Make your own way, I'll catch up!" Gerard blurts out. He'd honestly would rather them stay, he was consumed by fear. Ray denies before getting dragged away by an eager Frank, turning back in instant regret.
By now, Gerard had no coherent thoughts. The only energy coursing through his body was the adrenaline of facing danger head-on. He takes a swing at the current enemies, whacking the woodplank in half off of the now hostile janitor's head. Once his only weapon had shattered into shambles, he looted an unconscious park officer for any useful self defence. He manages to find a sharply ended hammer. Ooh, goody! A hammer! This will certainly end well.
Gerard suddenly feels a strange sensation of electricity within his weaponised palms. Visions of the mothership come lurking into his mind, clouding his perception of reality. Almost as though he was possessed, his scleras glow an iridescent white. All that was visible to his half-naked eyes we're the similar enhanced surroundings he'd witnessed before finding Lola. Nothing seemed quite right, not even the concept of nothing. His actions didn't feel like his own, as though the control room in his brain hit autopilot.
The rest of the committee come dashing in, and, as promised, Gerard begins bashing in, gushing the brains of old acquaintances onto the forest floor. He couldn't stop himself, no matter how hard he tried. Decrepit thoughts invade his mind- the deformed extraterrestrials, the secrecy, the defenselessness. The yearning to escape is too much for him; he can't take the strangeness anymore, and whatever can't make it stop in the moment should be destroyed. Or, maybe, was it that anything obstructing Gerard from the prophecised future was to be eliminated by an external force?
The hammer pierced the skin of its victim, critically damaging whatever it hit. As the bodies fell more and more, the static inflicting pain up Gerard's psyche faded.
Akin to the flicker of a light switch, he drops the bloodstained hammer in disbelief. As his pupils dilate, Gerard runs his red smothered fingers through his hair in distress and backs away from the remains he'd just bludgeoned. He can feel every erratic beat in his heart, one after the other, aching in dismal harmony.
Meanwhile, the others had crossed the unanticipatedly wide abandoned river using a derelict canoe. Still sailing, Ray's worries were still with Gerard.
"Don't you think staying with him would have been a better idea? I mean, I know him and he's not really a violent person. What if something's wrong?" he suggests.
"Try to relax. You're rambling," Frank comments, "He'll be okay, I promise. He surely must be if he didn't wanna go with us." he adds, troubled.
"Are- are you mad at him or something?" Ray enquires, perking his head up.
"No, just confused. I could've sworn he was acting off. There was this look in his face when he told us to run, and I'll be honest, it scared me." Frank speculates.
"Oh..." Ray frowns,
"I really do regret leaving him, though..." his words trail off in apprehension as he slowly taps Frank's shoulder to look in the same direction as him.
"Is that?-" Frank questions in a mildly bewildered state.
Gerard sat slumped on the grass awaiting the pair on the successful side of the river, his head askew in fatigue and his eyes swelled up with dainty tears.
"How did he get there so fast?" Frank asks in pure disdain.
Upon noticing the pair, Gerard gets up once again, debating on running away- only in fear of hurting who he cares about the most. He doesn't know how he even did that to those adults, he doesn't want to know. He wants to forget it. He wants to forget all of it. Even from afar, his shaking became exceedingly evident.
"Gee, it's gonna be fine! Just stay there, alright?" Ray attempts to comfort, shouting as softly as possible.
Gerard glances around himself once more, itching with a sense of paranoia. The two eventually head over to him, seeing through the bloodily drenched killer and envisioning a vunerable friend, allowing time for a group embrace. Gerard softens up, losing tension, and begins to sob like never before- he'd never felt fear like this before. It was a classic sense of dehumanisation, as though his pacifism had been violated.
After all, he wanted to save lives, not take them.
The miserable moon grows in exhaustion from lighting up the night, and gingerly begins to set. As the sun rose curiously, dawn declared a new muse for the trio. The feeling of comfort needed after a rough night, even if it was by their own hand. But they're merely teenagers, incapable of living those years entirely scuff free. Mistakes were bound to be made, even gorefilled ones. It just took a group hug for Gerard to realise it.
The trio begin to drift further away from the campsite, utilising the apricity shielding the cool morning breeze as a blanket of safety, following the light. They were about to go home, or maybe they'd already found it within eachother. Regardless, it was irrelevant how bad it was where they stayed anymore because, at the very least,
they were free from dreary old summer camp.
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I feel really weird requesting this...even as an Anon...but, can I please get a (separate) Nagito, Hajime, Kokichi, Shuichi, and Rantaro x transmasc! S/o who has several mental issues and accidentally relapses on self harm alot due to PTSD please? If you can't, it's fine!
Oh absolutely! Thank you for requesting and I hope your alright. Sorry for not adding rantaro and Shuichi. You can always request when thier open so don't be nervous! 😋💕
Characters: Nagito, Hajime, and Kokichi
Male reader/ uses male pronouns(?) (I'm a female (born one) so if I mess anything up, don't be afraid to tell me!)
"hey hopekins, I know things aren't going really that well right now. And im 100% not mad or upset at you for relapsing! Please talk to me about this stuff if your comfortable with it. I'll do absolutely anything I can for you, my hope. I don't care how long it takes for you to get better. As long as thiers progress and your happy, I'll wait forever of I have to."
He's super understanding with your problems. He has a few of his owns so he would never judge, even if you don't have a talent. he's come to learn that talent isn't everything and has stopped (and apologized) to people (cough Hajime). Overall he's someone you can count on and would absolutely anything for you!
"Hey. Nagito told me that he noticed something strange about you today and for the past week and I've been seeing it too so I wanted to talk to you about it."
"Don't be afraid to tell me. I'll completely understand. I might be annoyed at Nagito a lot but obviously I'm not gonna be annoyed at you for sharing your problems. So tell me what's been happening if your comfortable."
He's straight to the point with it, he's of course not gonna be a bitch but he's gonna let you know he cares and doesn't mind that you have mental issues. For fucks sake, he has a whole different personality, I doubt he's gonna judge you. He lavas you!!!
He knows what your going through, be can read expressions, body language, ect. And isn't afraid to comfort you. He's a little shit though so he'll tease a bit but if you clearly stated that you didn't like it or it made you upset he wouldn't. He's a shithead, not an asshole 🐟
"hey! So I know something is going on and I know what it is. But I'm 100% not upset or angry! ☺️ Do you need anything? I'll get my super amazing and huge organization to get it😈"
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
Ooh! You'll have to excuse my enthusiam becasue I'd love to hear your answers for 💖 (What do you like most about your own writing?),😐 (What embarrasses you most about your own writing?), 😈 (Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?), and *of course* 🖊 (Post a snippet from a current WIP).
I'm going to start with 😐 (What embarrasses you most about your own writing?) because the rest will follow from that I think.
I live in a perpetual state of embarrassment and mild shame that I only write one thing. I am a one trick pony, and even if I've become pretty good at that trick. (perhaps excellent, I do like my ability to do it). (this is sad somewhat sarcastically) I can really only do one thing and it's not a serious thing. It's an embarrassing thing.
I really like to write pregnancy fic. I checked the tags and it's about 20% if I go by number of fics. My long fics (with very small exceptions) are about pregnancy, so really it's like 1.5 million words of my 2.5 million word count. (about 60%) That's embarrassing! So embarrassing. I should write real things that are important. (like plotty dark fic or slow burn and sex).
So I am embarrassed about that often, I'll get a new idea and its inevitably a babyfic idea, but I shouldn't writee it I already have all these babyfics and I should...
but writing is fun and if this is what I want to write, I can let myself be happy. Even if it's embarrassing.
I teach middle school and one of my *very* determined students found my AO3 and he asked me if I felt bad about it and...really it's very tame. It's not something HR would bring me in about. I write pretty vanilla mostly f/f babyfics. So also embarrassing but not really?
😈 (Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?)
I am inevitably writing the *wrong* thing. I've written many different pairings and I kind of go through phases. There's a Stargate Atlantis phase, a Star Trek TNG and Voyager phase, Once Upon a Time phase, Agents of Shield phase, Once Upon a Time again, Star Trek Discovery, Agents of Shield again, and Star Trek Discovery again. (this is where we are now).
Sometimes someone will very politely ask me to write something I haven't written in awhile, and...it's gone. At some point, I really enjoyed that pairing, and now it's just out of my head.
Some readers really hate pregnancy to and I do it a lot. Some people don't want to read about that, which is totally fine!
I was on a discord server where I had to spoil pregnancy and it absolutely was not the intent of the request, but it was such a shame thing. This is bad, you can't talk about it anywhere. Not even the NSFW channels. Most things had a place you could talk abut triggering topics but that one had to be spoiled on the whole server and it just took the fun out of it. I think that's more of a shame than an embarrassment, but they're connected.
I used to write Swan Queen (which is the big pairing in Once Upon a Time) and then I wrote Dragon Queen, which is tiny, and then I had some friends who liked Dragon Outlaw Queeen, and I wrote that, and that was a big thing. That got hate. (not my readers so much but)...that was messy.
I'm getting better at just doing what I want. (My current long fic is a Michael/Laira, so it's a tiny pairing, it's a pregnancy fic, so it's tiny tiny tiny and I love it, so that's what counts.).
💖 (What do you like most about your own writing?)
It made sense to do this one last. I love vulnerability. Frequently, I will see a character and I can't wait to see how she deals with vulnerability. Laira was like that. I was in love with her from the beginning of the season, and then she and Michael where working together, and I kept hoping she'd get injured in the last couple episodes (this was not what it was about and I'm not mad about it, but if it had been Laira gets injured on the bridge I would have been there for it) Episode 10 where she's SO vulnerable emotionally was what made me realize I wanted to write her and Michael, and then @aleksandrachaev wrote them together and damn.
I like exploring vulnerability. Sometimes it's intentional (rare, it's hard to offer to be vulnerable), often it is forced (injuries, illnesses, pregnancy). One of my favorite fics about (former emperor) Philippa, Michael and Tilly has Philippa injured, and balancing how much she cares about Michael and Tilly, how much she hates having them care about her (and actually, they all love each other very much it's just hard to talk about).
I don't know if I'm good at it, but it's what I love the most. Those are the fics of mine I reread. Certain parts of Quantum are my favorites, the fic where Laira's sick on Andoria...little things, and I love them.
(Laira is much easier to look after than Philippa.)
Someone needing to be taken care of and getting it, especially from a village of people who love them is one of my most favorite things about my own writing, and whenever I can do that. I'm happy.
Thank you so much for asking!
fanfic ask game
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silverhallow · 2 years
Here are my burning questions, sorry it's a lot! 😅🥺😈✨💖❌👀🧠🧠(One for Benedict and Sophie...)🤩(you can't say Benophie, pick one!) 😬🎉
Don’t worry it’s keeping me entertained 😂😂
Soooo here we go
😅 Ohhhhhhhhhh i’ve cringed my way through a few stories and chapters not gonna lie… I write something and i’m like Shittttt why did I write that… or what was I thinking and it makes me blush something rotten but i think some of the smutmas stuff… actually NO! The erm Brandy Bottle scene between Lucy and Greg in the After Dark story… that is erm… very embarrassing haha
🥺 writing Benedict Proposing to Sophie… it never fails to make my heart go like mush
😈 ALL THE DAMN TIME! Cliffhangers darling… I love a cliff hanger. I am a SUCKER for you guys screaming at me like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don’t leave it there!!!!
✨ compliment myself? Jesus do you know me haha let me see… I think i’m an alright smut writer. I mean when my muse is on fire she’s on FIRE… but otherwise… I am just a mad woman with a keyboard and no filter…
💖 Okay so I answered this one just before so you should be able to see that one below this post…
❌ Infidelity. Cheating. Incest (like actual incest where they’re stupping one another… sharing a person that’s different haha) oh and Alpha stories… that kind of thing. And soul marks… don’t understand it so don’t wanna write it haha
👀 Soooooooooo we’ve got Rock Paper Scissors which I’ve written 4 chapters of. Mineralogist Benedict and Literature Curator Sophie… meeting again after a magical night 5 years earlier… will either of them recognise the other… you’re gonna have to wait and see!
🧠 Favourite Sophie Headcanon: In regency: Sophie takes over the running on My Cottage, does the ledgers, deals with the farms and the tenants and does a lot of the work herself (a bit like Billie Bridgerton but without the riding horses backwards!)... In Modern era: Sophie loves to make her own clothes, she regularly wears something she’s bought at a charity shop, taken apart and made again.
🧠Favourite Benedict Headcanon: in modern era’s that he rides a motorbike and is a fucking huge sci-fi nerd. In regency… he’s a malewife. Sophie takes care of absolutely everything in that house and he’s never been happier.
🤩It USED to be Kate… I used to love writing Kate but because of reasons… I struggle for the most part now but I think if i’m not allowed my beloved Benophie. I’d have to say Hyacinth.
🎉 interactions, comments and hits… the more people react and comment the more I want to write it… the more I know people are enjoying it so it’s like a physical reaction as I get the emails and the asks for peoples reactions… Like AMD… that BLEW MY MIND at how people reacted to that… like by far was my most popular fic.
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Random (with ♏ENFJ cameo)
♊ENFP: I don't have a type ✨😌✨
♎ENTP: um, I hate to break it to you dumbass, but you do, you're an ENFP
♊ENFP: *screams/screeches fast* I-SAID-I-DON'T-HAVE-A-TYPE!!! 😤🤬 I can not be labeled 💁🏽‍♂��
♎ENTP: everyone has an MBTI type, yes, people with the same MBTI may behave differently duh, you have to account for upbringing, their moral compass, whether they're ND, etc-
♊ENFP: I said 😐, that I don't have a type 😐, period, point blank 😐.
♎ENTP: fine whatever makes you sleep better at night 😒 stay dumb that ain't my problem
♒INTP: I mean technically MBTI isn't backed by science anyway, it's just a theory some psych philosophers came up with, it doesn't even hold much merit
♊ENFP: seeee? You're the dummy 😌
♊ENFP: ;A; *gasps* OFFENDED 😤🙏 💀
♎ENTP: ;^; I'm sowy *pokes INTP on the cheek* please forgive me
♒INTP: I'm not even mad I'm just annoyed
♎ENTP: tbh at this point I'd rather you be mad 💀
♎ENTP: idk, I don't do well with disappointed looks, but angry people look funny
♒INTP: oh I can ASSURE you I don't look funny while angry.
♏ENFJ: he really doesn't 😐
♎ENTP: I mean... come ooon ;D
♏ENFJ: you've never had him be mad at YOU.
♒INTP: honestly you're correct
♎ENTP: it can't be thaaaat bad
♎ENTP: I mean, you being scared isn't much of a high bar 💀
♏ENFJ: 😑 name one thing I'm scared of...
♎ENTP: well... see... um... FUCK.
♏ENFJ: wow you're an asshole... *leaves*
♒INTP: I mean you're also not wrong 💀
♊ENFP: y'all are dicks 💀
♎ENTP: right because you aren't
♊ENFP: I'm a nice dick ✨😌✨
♎ENTP: you can put glitter on a dick it ain't gonna make it more aesthetic I'm sorry 💀
♎ENTP: Don't. Shhh. Stop. Right now.
♒INTP: but like haven't you seen Hentai dicks?
♒INTP: but what if they did 🤔
♊ENFP: ooooh I'm curious 🤔
♊ENFP: wtf did I get into 💀
♒INTP: stfu I saw your search history, do you not know what an incognito tab is?
♒INTP: you are like, REALLY freaky 💀💀💀
♊ENFP: 😐, if you dare, talk about my search history, one more time, at all, anywhere, at any time, 🔪
♒INTP: I'm not really scared of you lol, besides I'm into knife play 😏
♊ENFP: I give up 😑
♎ENTP: yeah they think they're a vampire lol
♒INTP: I AM ONE *hisses*
♎ENTP: it's not gonna happen, let it go
♎ENTP: ok Dracula
♊ENFP: *snorts*
♒INTP: make fun of me all you want, but I will be the one to make an entire race of vampires, genetically modified and everything, but it first has to start with-
♎ENTP: see I'm a simple man, I just wanna be a ghost 💀
♊ENFP: but in order to BE a ghost you have to die
♎ENTP: I know 😎
♊ENFP: ......
♎ENTP: 🥲 put me out of my misery already
♊ENFP: y'all are insane, I just wanna be a pretty elf ✨😌✨
♒INTP: lame
♊ENFP: 🔪
♒INTP: kinky
♊ENFP: *chokes INTP*
♒INTP: *moans*
♊ENFP: *drops INTP*
♒INTP: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
♊ENFP: I can't believe I like them...
♎ENTP: I can 💀
♊ENFP: 😐 what are you implying?
♎ENTP: 💀💀💀 like INTP said, yous freaky 💀
♊ENFP: 🔪
♎ENTP: *grabs ENFP's wrist and smirks*
♊ENFP: *sweats*
♎ENTP: *slowly puts ENFP's arm down* that's it, be a good boi
♎ENTP: then what are you waiting for 👉😎👉 *sings* "if you gave me a chance I, would take it"
♊ENFP: 💢💢💢💢💢💢
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
So goes down there and BG is in poor format and he gives him money and to drive a crappy minivan around it looks like Chris Lambert's and he's mad at both of them and they're shooting their mouth off about it and he doesn't like Trump and that's his character and he takes the money he drives away and he pulls a Bentley in and it starts to pull apart part of the window so you can get at it the guy comes back and says I see her doing that wrong he says what are you talking about I take this apart because it's a Bentley and you do the whole window you don't do what you can get to it says how to do it without taking it apart just stuff it in there. So as soon as laughing so BG says okay and it's put it back together he goes wait a minute I will look at it so it looks at it and her son says he wouldn't know what you're looking at if you looked at it it goes what are you talking about and you didn't say anything so he's looking at for like half an hour this is look I got other stuff to do I get paid by the hour and you're holding me up so you guys give me the keys I'm out of here I said no you have to pay for the time I spent on it he pays like a couple hundred bucks and he drives away with the window partially dismantled. So he's BG is checking out the code and see what it is to them and he's asking his people he figured it out and they said do you know what this is to the max cuz you're being an a****** on purpose and he doesn't know he said I checked it out and says you're a spendthrift and I'm a miserly person and issuing orders for us to do that kind of stuff and he's saying I can't believe this s*** so they go around around talking about why they know and then they found some Max and asked him and they were telling them and he said why would you tell us this is because we heard you're stupid and we want you to know they're watching you 24/7 and we're making you pay for your answers and they said which ones and then they said we don't know and he said that's the problem they have me doing stuff to me all day long then they said that they're the good guys and they're trying to stop you so they both started laughing and they said stupid s*** I'll get to know what to do and what not to do and her son says if it hurts you or someone else you're probably doing the right thing and they said wow that's stupid and said yeah that's why I said you're stupid so they grabbed a bunch of Max and they're fighting and they having a war and that's what they say it doesn't stop Trump from doing his stupid kidnapping routine it does it because he's stupid and he says that's not the whole thing and I said yeah it's Brian's going to win if there's an election at all and he says wow that sucks as a matter of fact where's Brian when Kobe one Kenobi is around and Stan is in the museum he looks over and says who the hell is that guy this is BG is sitting there with him and so he goes that's ridiculous why can't we figure that out maybe stands in the museum already no he's clueless too sexy sitting around with a bunch of retires oh it says retirees so we started laughing and they said no it's retarded yeah this whole thing is you're going to dress up in karate ghee and go around and hit each other with swords just like yesterday so they started saying this sucks cuz they know what to do
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 11 months
I’m not doing this anymore! It’s fucking bullshit!!! Who makes someone count rice grains! Fucking sadistic people that’s who! To bad she ducked out so she can’t stop me 😈
I didn’t even do anything that bad! Although I might’ve accidentally wondered off one too many times when she told me not to while we were shopping! And then ran away from her once on purpose because she looked really mad! But I’m my defence she knows I get distracted very very easily so what was she expecting honestly!
Can you believe she threatened to buy me one of those kiddy bags with a leash! Who does she think she is???
I can’t drink hot coffee but I loveeeee ice coffee!
I have a feeling that abandoning your task carries an even harsher punishment... But I guess I'll find out :D You ran away on purpose? Oh, dear... Umm... She thinks she's your domme? Sounds like the kind of thing a domme would do... I love them both! And I can't wait for next Sunday, because not only am I going to a Spa for a few days, but I'll also be having my favorite coffee from Starbucks and a muffin. <3
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haloburns · 2 years
WIP game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Tagged by @deathcomes4u
okay, this feels like a call out post alskdjfldsjf i'm only doing DP again because since the last time i did this in april?? my wip count has grown exponentially and that's already too much. (literally i think i did this in april and i only had like 29??) i'm gonna split it between au series and non au series stuff because i do have other ideas!! i just never write them
the world is having more fun than me (tonight) wips
we're going in chronological order because that's how i have them organized
mateo's jealous of tony - literally exactly what it sounds like. i was rereading "college is a time of firsts" and i wanted to expand on that because honestly i didn't pay enough attention to it at the time, and i think mateo deserves to be a little jealous, as a treat
morning adrenaline rush - a scrapped chapter from "i'm not okay (i promise" that i think works as a standalone. i'm just polishing it up at this point
cape - stupid fucking work that i haven't named and i can't seem to fucking write. it's supposed to be right before "longer than the song of the whippoorwill" to provide some context but i haven't written it!! so it wallows
quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead! - working on the last chapter after invisobang
INVISOBANG - i can't wait to share this one 😈
by all means, i'm getting mad (that don't mean i don't feel sorry for you) - danny visits dan in prison and things are fun and not at all angsty!
intermediary winter break fic & ectober 14 - literally what it says. ectober 14 i think is the one where i have nikau arrange a ringtone for danny and it's the show's theme
heaven's grief brings hell's reign - more smut! this time with even more angst! this is the end of the [invisobang] arc.
clockwork post IB fic - i want to write out some clockwork stuff as a "prequel" to IB, but it's gonna go after, i tihnk. timey wimey stuff.
mateo post IB fic - i have a scene i want to write from mateo's pov that i don't have time or space for in IB, so it's going here, probably!
first date fic - spring semester! new arc! danny and mateo are going out on their "first" date to the boardwalk and their friends are being more emo about it than they are (might become rated E, not sure yet)
big date fic - a series of dates i wanted danny to go on with tony before i deicded tony was a shitty person and these are better dates with mateo anyway. will probably write them all in the same work but then mark where they go in the timeline in each chapter
mateo gets interrogated by vanessa - this one has IB spoilers but it's gonna be fun. they're relationship is gonna develop nicely
you're the best thing to happen to me - a oneshot i wrote on tumblr a while back that i'm gonna polish up and post
sin francisco - i want to finish this SO BAD but IB has taken every brain cell i have
fishin' in the dark - mateo comes to amity for their first summer together and danny shows him what it's like to be a kid out in the middle of nowhere. bonfire party turns into skinny dippin, all set to nitty gritty's fishin in the dark.
anything you say can and will be held against you (so only say my name) - another smutty fic, this time it's pure smut. dunno where it goes yet, mostly because i just have the smut, i don't have the story around it built yet, but it lives here for now
with every sin i still wanna be holy - dan realizing he's tired being shitty and alone, and he would like to be a better person now pls. (also known as dan goes to therapy)
the weight of living - another dan centric fic where he gets out on parole and immediately starts causing problems for the specter squad. he's doesn't remember what it's like to live as a human, let alone a halfa, so there are some growing pains. angsty and comedic
jr/sr antics - a catch all for the last two years of their school. atm i think there's a couple of funny snippets that are now anachronistic because of IB things, but thats it
danny and mateo coreplay - uhhhhh i don't have an explanation for this one except blame the server
so shall it be - the beginning of the once more with feeling arc. angsty. sad. heartbreaking.
once more with feeling - emrys accidentally makes a wish and now the whole campus is stuck in a musical - and danny and mateo aren't handling it well
where do we go from here? - the end of the once more with feeling arc. angstier. sadder. heartbreaking-er.
here comes goodbye - the actual end of the once more with feeling arc and a recent addition. graduation! but make it heartwrenchingly sad!
hey there, shadow - the beginning of the kneel to the crown arc. smut. the kneel to the crown arc is basically just smut. i can't explain it, i don't make the rules.
misery loves my company - this may be a standalone or it may be part of "hey there, shadow" i haven't decided, but spectra gets her claws in mateo
my wish for you - danny makes a stupid wish and mateo suffers th econsequences - and when he finds out? he's livid. he and danny work out their anger. in ways. >.>
kneel to the crown - the culmination of the series that has too many spoilers so i can't even tell you what's in it. but it's a rom com. and it'll be great.
ghost king danny welcomes mom home - a phic phight fill i never finsihed that i want to work on
[anachronistic atm] - a series of friend date fics that mirror "such a big, big world" where danny spends time with the squad and i get mroe time to develop them
[anachronistic atm] - the haunt - sam wasn't kidding about opening a bronze style club in amity. that's all i've got so far, but i'll come up with something soon i think
non series au wips
danny grave fic or j13 origin - based on the song "johnny" by american murder song, it's either a "danny had to bury his body" fic or a johnny 13 origin fic, which i've already kinda started
danny stripper identity reveal fic - gray ghost fic, exactly what it sounds like lmao
dp as syfy's alice - this is based on this post by dreamwraith, actually, about the fallout from reign storm and the weird ambiguity of who was supposed to be king after. vlad takes it for himself (making him the queen of hearts) and the asserts his hold on the world, taking maddie as his king of hearts, making Jack the Carpenter... i have the whole character list written out now. it was originally gonna be everlasting trio but now i'm thinking it'd be a nice pitch pearl au. phantom as hatter?? sign me the fuck up
floral collab - paulina brings blood blossoms to class and danny's reaction causes him to reveal himself. one of a few reveal fics i have that i've just never finished
perfect - an angsty fic based on the song perfect by simple plan. i have a fic already titled after this song, but i want a truly angsty one where danny's reveal to his parents doesn't go so well...pitch pearl
tuck everlasting au - FUCK am i so excited to work on it. dark ages raised immortal phantom, plucky and naive danny, a tragic lovestory... i need invisobang to be over so i can work on this NOW
primeval crossover - british tv show from the same era as DP, deals with anomalies in time that bring them dinosaurs. the anomalies are actually portals in this au and the villain from primeval is the big bad danny was chasing that landed him and team phantom in london surrounded by men in black pointing guns at them. probably gonna be everlasting trio, which is new for me! i have dynamics written out, but that's about it
TUE but it happens bc danny says fuck - mostly crack but kinda wanna write it...
ghost light stripper au - danny is a stripper in this one and the specter squad takes mateo out for his birthday. pretty sure the plan is for this one to end in a one night stand that has them both addicted and suddenly they're kind of but not really dating while their friends just stare at the ceiling and pray for a braincell
ghost light ABO au - this one is also the servers fault. no i will not be taking questions at this time
in the shadow of your heart - my ghost light atlantis au 💖 it's already started and been posted, but i had to stop working on it for invisobang. i can't wait to get to work on it again. i've done so much work to make it logical to find the ghost zone and keep the atlantis bit of the au still close, it's gonna be great, promise
and they were history project partners UFS version - i wanted to turn one of my series au phic phight prompts into a UFS version because ti was there and if i hadn't already decided it was part of my au, i would've gone full fledged. (this one is red's fault 💖)
i'm not tagging 44 people, sorry, lmao but i will tag some of my favorite people 💖
@dreamwraith @cheezygoddess @pennerjones @i-think-in-metaphors @ectoplasmicsoda @redead-red @jadenoryuu @floralflowerpower
also u guys should totally send me asks about these because i love talking about my writing and i feel like i haven't gotten a chance lately with non-IB stuff 👀
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Can't wait to see the j1 stans starts to hiss and spit when they see all the attention Jensen will get with The Boys, starting today! They'll have to get real creative to make this one all about Jared -- and/or find a way to tear Jensen down over it. They're not all that smart or creative so it will be entertaining to see them try. 😈
People are LOVING Jensen and the new pictures, interviews, etc. Even on my personal accounts where I follow SPN fans and people who don’t like SPN alike, Jensen is making big waves for everyone. 
Maybe that’s why the Jared stans are getting mad and sending me messages again. Just go focus on trying to save your king’s show, yeah? 
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togansweep · 2 years
3, 7, and 11 😈 maximum chaos
3. shiv pulls you aside and asks if you think there’s “anything weird” going on between her husband and greg hirsch. what do you say?
of course I'd cover for tom, I'd defend him with my life HOWEVER I'm a bad liar as in I usually just start rambling without thinking. so what comes out of my mouth would be something like this:
"if by something weird you mean tom making greg kiss his feet ha ha. your husband really can be quite dominant if he wants to, maybe an idea for the next time you're doing.. you know? sexy stuff? my apologies if that crossed a line, and I don't mean to underestimate you of course, it's obvious that you're in the lead most of the time. but no, no I don't think there's anything going on between them. can you imagine? and who in their right mind would choose lanky cousin greg over you, that's crazy. you'd have to be a real madman for that. I mean, I heard about tom throwing water bottles at greg so he does kind of fit that description... but not mad enough to cheat on you with your cousin of all people, I promise you you have nothing to worry about. you saw a lovebite on his neck after he was working on something with greg, you say? oh uh, yeah he accidentally stabbed himself with a pencil, it's a long story. anyway, do your wanna get drinks later?"
7.  shiv invites you to have a threesome with her and tom. it will be super hot, but you know tom will be super sad the whole time. do you do it?
that's not even a hard question, have you seen tom be sad?? that's him at his prettiest, with his glassy droopy eyes. why do you think tern haven tom is my favourite? I like to see him miserable. I want to drink his tears. and shiv is super sexy and could step on me and I'd thank her, so honestly this situation is the dream. and after the threesome I'd have the chance to wrap tom in blankets and make him tea while he cries to taylor swift, what else do you want from life.
11. greg invites you on a date to california pizza kitchen. however, you know that tom wambsgans will also be there in a really bad disguise. greg will never see him, but he will stare you down the whole time. do you still go?
I'm not really into greg in that way, BUT I'd accept the date anyway just so I could play matchmaker for him and tom.
we'll be sitting in california pizza kitchen, greg does his best to be romantic: "yeah I uhmm, I really like your eyes? they're like, the sea when it's storming. ahoy!"
he ordered chicken linguine for both of us, even though I don't like it that much but that doesn't matter because I won't be staying much longer.
"greg wait, hold that chicken. I think that's tom two tables away? oh yeah, he looks like a character from moulin rouge with that top hat but that's definitely him. hey tom! over here!"
at first tom pretends he doesn't hear us and takes a big sip from the (very much below his standards) white wine. but I don't give up that easily, so I walk to his table and take the hat of his head. "love this new look man, it suits you. what are you doing here? I thought you'd rather die than be found at a place like this. I'd almost think you're stalking us."
tom blushes, "no, it's not what you think! I uhm, I needed to try out their wine? vanity fair said it didn't completely taste like toilet water and I had to see for myself! to make fun of greg, which I do because I don't like him! not one bit. and well, uhm maybe it's good to see who greg goes on dates with? so I can warn his date to blow it off before it's too late haha, because who would ever want to date greg? certainly not me!"
greg stops chewing on his chicken and eyes tom confusingly. tom fumbles with the sweater he tied around his neck, and while he's distracted I spill tom's wine on my trousers and pretend he did it.
"oh fuck no, tom! I have a very important business meeting after this, I can't possibly show up with wet pants. I'm sorry greg, but I'll have to ditch the date."
greg is visibly disappointed, "oh yeah, sure, I uhm get that."
"here's an idea: tom, why don't you have my chicken linguine? and greg, order some wine for the two of you. on my costs. alright? oh and greg, tom was stalking you because he's jealous and too scared to ask you on a date himself. enjoy your evening!" I push tom into my chair and quickly make my exit. (the next day I see tom walking a bit limp, apparently they really enjoyed their evening.)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Dodge Charger 1970 V8 Sounds" on YouTube
Is one of our son's favorite cars and he loves it and he used to see when when he was younger and come by and would peel out the thing was real powerful and loud it's massively loud and had sex with enough fifties in the back and he said that 60s but he had 60s but those are why they're like drag car tires really really potent and not painted and looked even better he said but not really but boy it was nice you really must really it was a real muscle car had a 396 hemi and he said it and it was really beefy and Tara's roadrunner no it's a charger but she considers that's one of his creations believe it or not but hers looks the same they love that they love their car it saves a lot of lives it's one of his favorites cuz those cadre it's for real.
We're going to go ahead with this idea of the Trump bike and we're holding off and we're going to wait and see what they do and it was made at Orange county choppers and we're not holding the two buildings that might be Tommy f is having to say it and I can't resist cuz he has a mean but you're stalking me like b****** some b**** slapping you what do you want to and so he gets mad this is a b**** slapping you. Now it's kind of control and he's going to check into the parts see how many has the carburetor is a problem he said cuz they don't make it anymore and it looks funky but he said he can make one that's close but it's not the same it says I'm only kidding since we can make that but so he's going to make he's going to manufacturer a lot of the parts of custom and he has the bike and you can make molds and my son says it's very simple if you have a few and you have a few prime customers you can put online and see what the sales would be and it would start circling and he says maybe you could put it like on a blog one of your Trump logs that Trump people look at and say that Orange county choppers making these for us and it's for a fundraiser for the election or something he says that's a great idea and that's what the bike could be and you can have Raffles you can have let me call him auctions if I had money I'd probably buy one just to somehow switching your face. So Dan doesn't know why that would do that but he's laughing. Cuz people will do that I have your bike and sold it to you. So you're the idea then Dave. Says yes now this is fascinating cuz I'm doing the talking but he's sort of opening the door for them to start thinking about this and the video of him and Trump but he's Trump is amazing to him this is going to work cuz. So he says that's a great idea it's like a fundraiser and he made the bike and maybe auctioning or raffling and could raffle it like in Trump areas so we're going to go ahead and wait to see what they do if they don't make him we'll probably make him and try and get his signature on it and he can do it what he wants with them then we're talking mass production and it would be a big job he can only make cuz I can octillion a year at this time but he might only want to to keep it to his guys and draw only the higher-ups but it might not dry Tommy f unless there's a bunch of them he's trying to think about it he can sell it without the coat of arms to make tons of them so it's an idea so you don't know until you start and that's what he's going to do
Thor Freya
This is a great idea it's a terrific idea and it will work and we are going to see how it goes with the first few of them and he said he was going to proceed and do that and it's going on hopefully tonight and tomorrow it's exciting because it's an interesting idea and it's groundbreaking kind of thing and it's new so we are waiting now to see what will happen. But boy I mean what a reaction from Trump just a really big reaction and it looks like Tommy F was standing there in shock or something we don't know but he was very happy about it he was ecstatic about the deal and he started to think about doing it and he'll have to hire Dan to make bikes and suddenly he says to go after what so he makes too few damn might go after the guys that's what you see make a whole bunch and the clothes will go after the bikes and Dan will go after the clones. So I guess the idea would be to make Dan's bike too but he can look into it and sure is a fundraiser for something it's not ready for president so it's okay this way I can make a fundraiser for a charity of some kind homeless vets those things work and they need stuff and just thinking about doing it. No there's some ideas but he's a good ideas we're going ahead with it means we're going to try and see if he'll do it then if he doesn't want to make the production he'll do it himself and probably just let him do it and we will for no reason to do it if he's in a do that and some other things front wheel drive it really is quite horrible and should have two breaks in the rear it's just poor designs all the time and the gear shift just wait on there this is a nightmare. Talking about e-bike track and ours is much better the gears are not in the way of the ground the bike has the powers in the back and it's not both Wheels it's a motor off of shaft and the battery is hidden because you have room and it goes fast and the wheels are all the same tire size as a rechargeable Chris Evans is but you can plug the bike in or you can plug the battery just open the thing and pull the battery for the key but you can plug in the bike to a different spot and there's you have to reach in the battery compartment it's terrible really the advances takes so long. Then he'd say no to us and he only has like 50,000 head guys and they keep the bike under lock and key if we made like 200 octillia need to see it right away and we would just pay him to stipend then he'd be trying to use the money probably to hurt our son and he get f***** up
Well I said the bottom two paragraphs and she was doing a great job and I had to have my two cents
I helped out and boy the girls here are weird and the demented a lot of them and strange but it's kind of walking by and he looks at him that's it for years
Olympus the Sun is going to be huge not fat is genetically big not chubby and it's probably time to go home eat something and there's a few more things going on tonight and we should get out there one is oxygen levels of Logan day here but in the ocean just in a few days and it's going to happen shortly also there's an invasion for us growing it's about 500,000 octillion but in real numbers it is probably 10,000 octillion which would be equal to 20 areas it's a huge for us it's a giant number okay and the force and the fleet is probably 500 octillion it's gigantic did you see it coming it covers like the whole ocean that's huge and the numbers are more realistic because they are but we are putting an alert out there because of what bja said nobody makes fun of me while I'm dying a lot of people are and as soon as not really but you see him too is well I really need to say it I said not really you're getting victimized by Tommy F and sometimes Trump he's going who's laughing ass it's not funny it's the matrix I don't know who's laughing at is probably the clones he was oh and inspiring others to I mean everybody is a fool out here they don't know about the matrix I mean stuff for one guy to run so if you got mad and said we would have chicken and see it's my clan and I think they got defeated and my people say that they were so it's big trouble what's going on now because their attitude is really bad no matter what you say he went off for me didn't care and he said I'm having a lot of trouble and didn't want to go to Walmart and all this other stuff so maybe if they have one so the women and put the daughter probably doesn't so Mom checked found one and he said how fast does it go and hit him on pretty fast so he's going to get it and he likes it and he fixed the gear on the Suzuki no money and we're putting an alert out and it's a regular and these warlock is going to attack our area is too and we found tons of devices today and finding a lot more now and we are putting out a general call to arms immediately
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