#cancer: michael maguire
biketalkla · 11 months
On Bike Advocacy with Detroit Greenways Coalition Executive Director Todd Scott, Santa Monica Spoke Director Cynthia Rose, and cohosts Nick, Lindsay, Taylor, and Seamus.
Michael Schneider on Healthy Streets Los Angeles, converting a freeway to a park, and how Streets For All advocates for bike friendly politicians. 15:10 on.soundcloud.com/NeMZe
On the study showing women have lower rates of cancer in walkable (bikeable) neighborhoods with Guardian US writer Aliya Uteuova and Taylor Nichols. 31:44 on.soundcloud.com/XsrZ7
San Francisco MTA Director of Sustainable Streets Tom Maguire on the controversial center-running bike lane on Valencia Street. With Seamus Garrity. 42:51 on.soundcloud.com/WeFFt
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Family of Matteo di Girasole
Thaddeus & Simone Lugo, parents of Tamsin & Luca
Andrew & Tamsin Evans, parents of Philippa & Bartholomew
Philippa Evans (14)
Bartholomew Evans (8)
Giovanni & Luca di Girasole, parents of Matteo & Marcella
Marcella di Girasole (14), sister of Matteo
Because I love a good family tree and since today’s oneshot introduced Matt’s family, why not post the family tree. Also, yes, including the endgame ships - I mean neither of those two are a surprise at this point and I genuinely don’t think that Tanya’s parents will make it into the story at all, I still drew and designed them though because... that’s just part of my character design process; where do they come from, from whom do they come. Same goes for the Maguires, since they’ve both been dead for ten years now.
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The Thief of your Heart - A Chibs Telford/Abi Maguire (OC) Story.
So, because I am SO EXCITED to share, and also because my lovely @vulgar-display-of-escapism​ is likely to hunt me down and smack me over the head with a large book until I relent, here is the first chapter of my new story, y’all! It isn’t exactly canon as you’ll see, but somewhat follows S3 of SOA. Also, I’ve embelished actual history a little, where the troubles in Northern Ireland are concerned. 
The title comes from the song, You Made me the thief of your Heart, by Sinead O’Connor, which I reccomend you listen to, as it’s THEIR song. It fits them perfectly. Notes as well, you’ll see on the story banner two separate photo’s for the lead characters, The top pics are how they appear in the past, the flashbacks we will go into to see how they once were, and the bottom pics are them present day in the story. 
And now, to sit here and chew my nails off in anticipation over whether you guys think it’s any good or not! 
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Words - 4,347
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
The atmosphere in the clubhouse was tense. A father broken from the snatching of his infant son, and a band of brothers determined to do whatever it took to locate the child again.  
“Nah, I don’t trust anything that comes from Jimmy.”
Clay’s eyebrows twitched, rolling his cigar between his thumb and forefinger. “Right now, Chibs, that’s all we have.” He then contemplated his next words carefully, his small, blue eyes studying him from across the table, glittering through the plume of pungent smoke. “Unless you reach out to her.”
His reaction was immediate, visceral, agitated. Exactly as he presumed it would be.  
“No, no fucking way.”  
“If she knows whether Jimmy is lying about Abel not being in Belfast, she’ll tell you,” Clay reasoned quietly, those in the know over the woman whom he referred to all watching Chibs closely, those in the dark looking like they were missing the vital pieces in the jigsaw puzzle that was Clay’s request.  
Chibs took a deep breath, his hands beginning to tingle, a feeling not unlike being hit by the harsh cold of a winter morning back in his homeland spreading through his chest. “I have’nae spoken to her for just shy of fifteen years, you know that. I don’t even have a contact for her, lest know where she is. Running guns through Africa is the last I heard, Jimmy keeping her out of the way.”  
Clay raised his eyebrows, sniffing. “It was just a thought.”  
“Wait, who is...” Jax began, turning to Chibs, looking between him and Clay.
“Ahh, fuck!” He was out of his chair and through the doors, Jax making a start to go after him.  
“Leave him, son,” Clay advised, gesturing back to the seat he’d just risen from.  
“Does somebody wanna fill me the fuck in on what I’m missing here? What this mystery woman might know about where my son is?” he asked, looking between his stepfather, Tig, Bobby and Piney, the four men who wore it upon their faces, the knowing looks of men who were under no illusion as to why their brother had torn a speedy escape out of the room.  
“Yeah, who is this woman, and why did he, well...” Juice questioned, gesticulating at the open door.  
Clay took a long pull on his cigar, leaning back in his chair. “The woman is Abigail Maguire, daughter of Michael Maguire, may he rest,” he began. Of course, the name Michael Maguire wasn’t lost on anyone at the table. He was a legend, one-time leader, succeeded by a tenure as one of the kings of the IRA until his passing from liver cancer fifteen years previously. “She’s the reason why Chibs was kicked out of Ireland. He had an affair with her, back when he was thirty-one, and she seventeen.”  
“Damn,” Juice exclaimed quietly, his eyes widening a touch.
“Hey man, don’t judge him. We’ve all been there,” Tig contributed with a pointed finger, Opie snorting.  
“Speak for yourself and your desire for underage pussy.”
“She wasn’t underage,” Clay quickly interjected, not willing for anyone to be misinformed at Chibs' expense. “Age of consent in Northern Ireland is seventeen, so he wasn’t in Tig territory.”  
“Hey, fuck you man. She told me she was eighteen,” the man himself spoke, a rumble of laughter going around the table.  
“But obviously, ole’ Mickey Maguire didn’t see if that way, to learn one of his own had been piledriving his little girl on the regular, no matter that Abi wasn’t exactly a particularly normal teenage kid,” Clay then added.  
“You can say that again,” Piney gruffed from the other end of the table. “The way Mickey raised his girls; I was always convinced it was to punish them for not being the boys he wanted. The fact that they thrived on the lifestyle he threw them into like a pair of goddamned javelins was likely a plus in his eyes.”  
Clay then embellished further. “Michael had two daughters, Monica and Abigail, both of whom he raised as if they were sons. They were shooting guns at nine and able to build bombs at twelve, neither really had much of a regular childhood, being raised as soldiers for the cause. By the time they’d finished school, that’s exactly what they were, full time foot soldiers for the army. Lookouts, snipers, bomb builders, you name it, they did it. And they did it well, believe me. My ole’ lady claims there are only three women in this world who scare her. Abi is one of them.”
“And her sister?” Jax broached.
“Dead. Shot by the British military, the perpetrator of her demise picked off by Abi from a nearby rooftop during a riot. Shot him in the throat and took great pleasure in watching him choke to death on his own blood. Anyway, that’s how she met Chibs. By that point, he was patched into SAMBEL, but still pulled his weight for the cause.  
“That was, until Michael found out about him and Abi, his last dying wish to punish him so greatly for it, he’d wish he was dead, those wishes handed to him via Jimmy O. Banished from Ireland, with scars to remind him of what he’d done whenever he looked in the mirror. Michael’s vengeance was cold, even from beyond the grave. He could have easily killed him, but he did worse. He made it so he lost his family, his club, his army and Abi, all in one fell swoop. He came over here, patched into SAMCRO, and never spoke of it. That explains why you three didn’t know.”  
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jax exclaimed, rubbing his chin, shaking his head.  
“We only know because McGee clued us in prior to his arrival,” Bobby offered.  
“And he told me once, when he was out of his head on scotch,” Tig then spoke.
“Hold on, I thought members of the army couldn’t be ex-communicated for personal reasons?” Opie then questioned, taking a long drag on his cigarette.
“A rule that’s kinda made moot if you spend just over a year bangin’ on one of the king’s daughters, son,” his father confirmed, Jax then standing as he lit a cigarette, heading out in the same direction Chibs had torn a path in. He found him outside, sitting on one of the tables in the dark, a bottle of Glenfiddich in his hand, swigging the contents.
“I assume Clay filled you in,” he spoke, taking the cigarette he was offered with thanks.
“He did,” Jax confirmed, climbing onto the table to sit next to him. “After what I just heard, I understand your reluctance, but brother, anything you could do to help me find Abel, and I gotta ask you to take that shot.”
Chibs sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. “Jimmy won’t have said anything to her, I can bet on that. Because of the circumstances, as I said, the last I heard she was back and forth between Ireland and Libya mainly, Cameroon and Nigeria also, arms dealing to the LIFG and Boko Haram. She’s out there specifically to be kept out of Fiona’s way. As you can imagine, there’s a whole lotta bad blood there. Jimmy only keeps her around because she’s a vital asset. The Libyan lads will only deal with a Maguire, out of respect for Michael, so yeah, last I heard, she was gun running,” he explained. “If it means we get a solid lead on the wee bairn, though, I’ll try. I’ll reach out to one of the lads in Belfast, see if I can get her number.”
Jax was impressed at her mettle. “Dealing with Africa, huh?”
Chibs laughed a small burst through his nose. “Aye. Suits her down to the ground. That lass is hard as fuckin’ nails. They won’t have known what hit ‘em when they first met her. I sure as fuck didn’t.”
He was intrigued. “Tell me?”
Chibs took another glug of scotch, closing his eyes, seeing her there. He’d never not. She was burned into him, like a branding. “Tell you what, Jackie boy? How I broke myself apart for that girl, shattered my life, ruined my marriage and lost everything because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants when some hot little piece of Irish gash gave me the come on?”  
He smirked a little, taking a drag on his cigarette. “It’s as good a place to start as any.”  
Chibs laughed, albeit a quiet, dead laugh of no sparkle or joy. A dark laugh of remembrance. “I did resist her at first. That girl, though. She was a fucking spitfire, likely still is. Her flirting had all the fuckin’ subtlety of smacking a concrete post with a lump hammer. I told her over and over that I was married, and because of that, I wouldn’t fuck her.  
“That was all until one afternoon, after she’d thrown a fucking grenade at a paddy wagon and scarpered on foot. She was meant to be a lookout on an arms deal, and fair enough, the lassie made damned sure her actions meant most of the coppers could’nae follow the club, but I had to make sure she was alright, so I ran after her. It would have been on all of our heads if Mickey Maguire’s little girl had come to a sticky end. So, we outran ‘em, ended up ducking into this old, abandoned church to lay low, the place still rubble after it had been bombed out a few years previously...”
Belfast, 1994.  
“Where in god’s name did you get that grenade from?” Chibs panted, sitting behind a pew in the ruins of the old altar of Our Lady of Lima, Abi at his side, pulling her cigarettes from the oversized camouflage jacket she wore.  
Lighting up after throwing one onto his lap, she winked, licking her lip. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He scoffed, staring at her with incredulity. “Well, that is why I was asking you, hen.”
“Me da’s cache, if you must know. Don’t worry, I didn’t rob it from McGee.”
“I should think taking it from your da is a shite side worse if he finds out. Guns only. No heavy fuckin’ artillery.” Her grin did nothing but grow wider, pleased with herself, Chibs snorting. “What the fuck am I gonna do with ye, girl?”
“Pin me down and fuck me?” He should have seen that one coming.  
“Abi.” His tone was warning, but he couldn’t hide the small, smug uptilt of his mouth. She could lust after anyone she wanted, looking the way that she did, but no. Abi Maguire solely coveted him. Sexy, long, light blonde hair, blue eyes perpetually made even sultrier by a liberal smudge of black kohl, great tits, beautiful legs, a body that thoroughly begged to be touched. And she wanted him.
She learned around, until she was imposing his direct line of vision. “You want to, though.”
“Never said I didn’t, pet. I said I wouldn’t.”
He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair and down his face. “You’re Mickey’s daughter.”
“I’m not about to tell him.”
“I’m married.”
She snorted softly. “You’re an outlaw! Since when have you guys been particularly known for your fidelity?”  
“You’re seventeen, for Christ’s sakes!”
“Eighteen in two weeks. Besides, seventeen is legal, you wouldn’t get into trouble.”  
He groaned slightly, closing his eyes. “Morally, it isn’t right. I’m fourteen years older than you.”
“I know, that’s why I want you so badly,” she began, taking another drag on her cigarette, stretching her legs out. Those legs, Christ. He dreamed of those beautiful, long legs, dreamed of them wrapping around him as he railed her until she screamed. “I’m fed up of boys who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. I need a man between my legs, and you know I want that man to be you.”
It was always the same, whenever they were alone. She was slowly eroding at him, like water perpetually dripping onto a rock, indenting its surface, wearing it down. Wearing him down. “You’re not going to let me keep suffering bad sex, are you, Filip? I bet you dick down like a goddamned champion, don’t you?”
The erosion... lord, was it wearing thin.  
He looked her up and down, his heart beginning to race. “Aye. But you’re not finding that out first hand, young lady.”
She poked out her bottom lip, a tactic rarely used by Abi. She didn’t do cute. She did unabashed, unashamed she devil, and by the saints, did she do it well. “It can be my birthday present?”
Her suggestion had him laughing, drawing fiercely on his cigarette. “You know Fi would scratch your eyes out, if she even so much as caught a whiff of how brazen you are with me, don’t you?”
Her face was deriding at such a prospect. “Your wife doesn’t frighten me, big guy.”
His eyebrows rose, his eyes widening a fraction. “She should.”
She scrunched her nose, shaking her head. “But you know I’m not easily scared.”
True, she most definitely was not. She was Mickey Maguire’s daughter, after all. She was raised to be an immovable force, scared of nothing, answerable to no one. Except Michael himself. She was perhaps one of the most fearless people he’d ever met, and still at such a tender age. She had no qualms about walking into gunfire while wielding a rifle, hell, he’d witnessed her do it enough times. McGee often voiced that if she were a fella, he’d patch her in.  
A somewhat uneasy silence followed, uneasy for Chibs, as he felt himself pressed down under the weight of her stare, taking out his hip flask and swigging a mouthful back, handing it to her when she gestured. Her father would punch his lights out just for that, giving his daughter alcohol. He reasoned though, that she was only two weeks away from being able of drink legally. “You know I’d be content just to have you once, don’t you? It wouldn’t have to be a regular thing.”
And still she continued. Good god, she’d be the death of him.  
“It isn’t even gonna be a onetime thing, Abi, because I’ve told you no enough times now.” His words were all refusal, but the way he looked at her, oh. She knew what want looked like. It was right there in his dark eyes, every time they fell upon her.  
“But you don’t mean it.” Moving, she grabbed the back of his long legs, lowering his bent knees enough to climb astride him, his slender thighs hot against her almost bare legs. Almost, bar the pair of fishnet tights she wore beneath her casual black dress. “Maybe when I know you mean it, I’ll quit asking.”
“Abi, stop.” The way she looked at him, god in heaven. No woman had ever looked at him like that in his life, her want rampant, unabashed, her need for him palpable. It was so strong he swore, he could even smell it, her desire for him as it bubbled in the air between them.  
Her hands reached for his neck, the muscles cording beneath her fingertips, making lust twist strongly within him, a jolt he could barely contain. “You don’t mean it,” she breathed, leaning closer, her lips following her fingers, her hands at his chest, feeling his heart hammering like a war drum. “And you never have.” Another kiss touched to his stubbly throat, pressing herself against his crotch, her pulse flipping wildly when she felt his hands on her hips, his chest rising and falling faster.  
Her beautiful pout curled into a sultry grin, Abi knowing that she had him, witnessing his resolve disassembling itself. Finally, she was going to receive what she wanted, what she had been steadily stirring for; a very aroused, very pent-up outlaw, let loose upon her.  
To his credit, he attempted to hold onto it, the last remaining shards of his resolve. Like a cowboy in a futile struggle to tighten the lasso around the neck of an unruly bull and bring it under control, except it was too furious, what he felt inside, roaring, charging, kicking for release. It was at the point where if he didn’t simply let go of that rope, it would damage him, tear up his insides, gore at the soft spots within him where she’d weakened his well-built walls. So, he did what any man would do. He released the rope and let it charge.  
It took her by surprise, to have his mouth suddenly fly at hers, kissing her in a way that made her cunt pulse instantly, his tongue fighting into her mouth, arms locking around her, her entire being buzzing with elation. Finally, she had Fillip Telford exactly where she wanted him; between her legs, kissing the life out of her. His hands led paths of scorching heat over her body, feeling her at last, relishing in the contact he’d craved, his touch reaching the apex of her thighs, two handfuls of fishnet material grasped, torn with a loud rip, her underwear decimated with matching hunger.  
She gasped a shuddered breath into his mouth, bowled over by such prowess, manliness and intense craving, his fingers meeting her already dewy folds and stroking her, her hips shuddering immediately at the contact. “Is that what you wanted, you bad, bad girl?”  
She cried out as two fingers pushed within her, arms winding around him tighter as he immediately sought spots inside her no boy of her past had ever been skilled enough to find. “Oh, god yes!” she wailed, kissing him again with burning lust, the want within her chaotic as she was assailed by fingers that knew exactly what they were doing. Little sobs welled in her throat as the press of his fingertips had glimmers skittering through her like little lightning bolts, his mouth breaking from hers, burying at the side of her neck, the rush of tingles consuming her, Abi feeling almost high on him.  
He was that cold, then hot rush from a shot of whiskey, the moment of pain just before a burn if one held their finger to close to an open flame, the adrenaline that preceded the squeeze of a trigger. He was everything that shouldn’t have felt good, but did; and he eclipsed it all. Her slick muscles began to pulse around him, his fingers circling, the heel of his palm pressing to her clit, rocking back and forth, evoking a high-pitched cry the likes of which made his cock throb. She could feel it, hot and hard against her thigh, and boy, it felt big.  
His mouth consumed hers once more, sucking her tongue, biting her lower lip, his free hand pawing at her dress, Abi shaking her jacket off and untangling her arms from the straps, his hand yanking the front down, gripping her neck and pushing her back, teeth biting down on her nipples in turn. Oh, he was savage. Exactly how she’d expected him to be, but it was with the kind of finesse that only came from a man with an abundance of experience. He knew what to do with a woman.  
Her neurons buzzed, the synopses snapping wildly, tingles rushing through her as she began to purl against his hand, seeking greater friction, Chibs sensing it, driving his hand against her harder, adding speed, mouth sucking a purple welt at her neck, his heart going into overdrive as she began to gasp and uncontrollably. Her hands grasped at his dark hair as it came for her, like a billion lights firing into life beneath her skin, her cunt spasming, her clit oversensitive, the rush charging, her entire sex throbbing as she came for him, hard, rolling and unrelenting, much like him.  
No one had ever made her cum before. Not even herself.  
The aftermath was tingling, tight and throbbing, Abi knocked sideways. As if a man could make her feel like that, just with one hand. “So, that’s what an orgasm feels like, then,” she panted, resting her forehead to his, watching him grin with self-satisfaction at hearing such a revelation.  
He kissed her, dirty and slow, removing his fingers from within her, shrugging himself out of his jacket and kutte. “Do you want another one?”  
“Aye.” He kissed her again, laying her back upon the altar, her hands tugging his t shirt off as he undid his belt and jeans, freeing his cock, and against any kind of sense, logic or reason, burying it within her. “Oh my fucking god, that’s big!” she gasped, laughing with utter delight.
“Aye.” His mimic had her laughing into the kisses they shared, fervent and hungry, her hands roaming his tattooed arms as she undulated her hips up into him, loving the feeling of being filled and stretched out, the pace even and rolling to begin with, their sync perfect. “God damnit, you are so fucking beautiful, and shit, if yours isn’t about the fuckin’ most gorgeous cunt I’ve ever been inside of.”  
Those words made her feel elated, their kisses heating up as he began to breech her with more urgency, cock hitting her summit as the need for greater friction consumed him, fucking her right there in the ruins of a place where sinners had confessed their misdeeds, knowing at some point or another he’d feel guilt for his own, but not then, not in that moment, balls deep in the last girl he ever should have allowed himself to be. Her father would have him shot. His wife would vow to do it for him.  
Her nails grazed his back, her soft moans becoming louder, legs winding around him as his thrusts became completely uncontained in all out frenzy. “Oh Jesus, fuck. Fuck me, Fil.” she purred. And he did. And it was brutal. It was everything she had ever fantasised it would be. He was everything she fantasised he would be. She drank him in, knowing he’d be resolute that this wouldn’t ever happen again, savouring the feeling of his cock arrowing her soaking centre deeply, her nerves buzzing, pleasure streaking through her like a hail of shooting stars beneath her skin.  
Each hot, rhythmic grind against her walls had her fluttering madly, the breath knocked from her. Yes, he was ferocious with her, but it wasn’t a mindless battering of her innermost sacred area. He fucked her with purpose, knew exactly how to align his cock so it yielded nothing but pleasure within her, his groans hungry at her neck, hands pawing at her, lost and adrift on the vast sea that was sex with a horny, gorgeous young woman.
It became so intense, Abi was unsure whether she was pulling back or driving against him, the sizzle of pleasure igniting her down to her very bones as his thrusts became staccato, both of them hurtling towards sweet, throbbing culmination. The heat snapped like a tempest, her thighs going rigid around him, his diligence tipping her into the swell of heaven, filling her with thick ribbons of cum as his teeth clamped on her neck.
He continued to move in a slow glide within her, everything softening, his hands cupping her cheeks, kissing her, both fighting to breathe, until his chest suddenly stilled in rigidity, his eyes widening. “Tell me I haven’t possibly just knocked you up.”  
“No, I’m on the pill.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” He rested his head to her shoulder, chest still heaving, waiting for it, the guilty feeling to smack him harder than a spiked bat. It didn’t. He just swam in post-frenzied tingles, not wanting to pull out of her, wishing it had lasted longer, but knowing himself, and knowing right there and then, it wouldn’t be the last time he was inside of her.  
“So, once wasn’t enough then, obviously,” Jax commented, back in the present, Chibs’ mouth twisting at one side, his head cocking slightly.  
“Aw, hell no.” They shared laughter there, Chibs sighing. “I banged that girl so fucking much, I’m surprised she could still bloody walk.” He passed the bottle to his friend, Jax taking it, swigging a mouthful before handing it back.
“I sense that’s not all, though.”
Oh, how right he was, and how it still burned through Chibs. It would never stop, never leave him be. He’d never find peace from it. “I loved her, Jackson. I fell so fuckin’ hard in love with Abi, I’m yet to feel that love fade. Doubt it ever will, truth be told.”  
And there it was, what he lived with, what had haunted him like a ghost for the past fifteen years. The ghost of Abigail Maguire, his one true love. Of course, he had once thought that woman to be Fiona, the woman he was still married to, the one who flat out refused to divorce him out of pure spite so he could never marry Abi, should she ever be free to follow him to America.  
He closed his eyes, seeing her there, back in her flat in Belfast, smiling at him as she stroked his face, leaning down to kiss him.  
“I love you so much, CB.” CB, crazy baby, as he fondly called her. Because she was crazy, and she was his baby, and she’d never not be. He could be with a hundred women, and likely had been in the time between, and still never even feel one eighth the way he felt when he was with her. All the time and oceans that separated them would never change that, either.  
Jax left him to it, returning to the clubhouse while Chibs pulled out his phone, calling the person he knew would likely have what he needed. “Seamus, how are ye, lad? Aye, not too bad. Listen, I’ve a wee favour to ask. Have you got a contact number for Abi? Right, text it to me, then. Thanks, brother.”  
His heart almost somersaulted clean out of his chest when his phone beeped with the message five minutes later.  
A/N - Please do you hard working author a solid by commenting and reblogging! I don’t have many Chibs fans in my followers, so helping me promote this would be bloody fantastic of you!
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glitter-troublewind · 2 years
aries sun aries moon: leighton meester, randall park, anya taylor-joy , jenny slate
aries sun taurus moon: diana ross, quentin tarantino, robert downey jr. , keira knightley, saoirse ronan , elton john
aries sun gemini moon: bette davis, jackie chan , sterling k brown
aries sun cancer moon: chaka khan, emma thompson, natasha lyonne, aretha franklin
aries sun leo moon: gloria steinem , rani mukerji
aries sun virgo moon: leona lewis ,elle fanning , perez hilton , james franco
aries sun libra moon: maya angelou , steven tyler, kristen stewart, claire danes , ilana glazer
aries sun scorpio moon: eddie murphy, lady gaga, hayden christensen
aries sun sagittarius moon: robin wright, cynthia nixon, america ferrera
aries sun capricorn moon: billie holiday, sarah jessica parker, julia stiles, eric andre , reese witherspoon , david tennant
aries sun aquarius moon: christopher walken , ashley judd, lake bell , keegan michael key , steve mcqueen
aries sun pisces moon: ali wong , rob mcelhenney
taurus sun aries moon: malcom x , janet jackson, cate blanchette , dev patel taurus sun taurus moon: iggy pop , katherine hepburn, kelly clarkson taurus sun gemini moon: ella fitzgerald , amber tamblyn taurus sun cancer moon: penelope cruz, robert pattinson , lena dunham , jemima kirk taurus sun leo moon: queen elizabeth II , barbara streisand , renee zellweger , megan fox taurus sun virgo moon: channing tatum, michelle phieffer , laurence olivier taurus sun libra moon: grace jones ,tina fey, rosario dawson , amber heard taurus sun scorpio moon: wes anderson , mark zuckerberg , bono taurus sun sagittarius moon: al pacino, adele taurus sun capricorn moon: taurus sun aquarius moon: jessica lange , james mcavoy , dianna agron taurus sun pisces moon: jerry seinfield, audrey hepburn , kehlani
gemini sun aries moon: tupac, angelina jolie , russel brand
gemini sun taurus moon: bob dylan, amy schumer, michael j fox
gemini sun gemini moon: brooke shields, leelee sobieski
gemini sun cancer moon: nancy sinatra, patti labelle
gemini sun leo moon: helena bonhom carter, clint eastwood , gotye
gemini sun virgo moon: jfk , natalie portman, courtney cox
gemini sun libra moon: annette benning, adriana lima
gemini sun scorpio moon: alanis morisette , john wayne , miles davis
gemini sun sagittarius moon: nicole kidman, naomi campbell, tom holland
gemini sun capricorn moon: stevie nicks, johnny depp, awkwafina
gemini sun aquarius moon: marilyn monroe, octavia spencer
gemini sun pisces moon: juliette lewis, kanye west
cancer sun aries moon: milo ventimiglio, michelle branch , nick offerman
cancer sun taurus moon: meryl streep, lindsay lohan
cancer sun gemini moon: frida kahlo , 50 cent, aubrey plaza
cancer sun cancer moon: george orwell, courtney love, jack white, ed westwick
cancer sun leo moon: lana del rey , kris kristofferson
cancer sun virgo moon: hope sandoval , suzanne vega , elon musk
cancer sun libra moon: nikola tesla , michelle rodriguez , topher grace , sylvester stallone
cancer sun scorpio moon: john cusack, lizzy kaplan, kali uchis
cancer sun sagittarius moon: kevin hart , judy greer
cancer sun capricorn moon: carly simon , liv tyler
cancer sun aquarius moon: princess diana , toby maguire
cancer sun pisces moon: diane kruger , robin williams
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Sean Connery, Oscar Winner and James Bond Star, Dies at 90
Sean Connery, the Scottish-born actor who rocketed to fame as James Bond and became one of the franchise’s most popular and enduring international stars, has died. He was 90.
Connery, long regarded as one of the best actors to have portrayed the iconic spy, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2000 and marked his 90th birthday in August. His death was confirmed by his family, according to the BBC, which notes that the actor died in his sleep while in the Bahamas. It’s believed he had been unwell for some time. His last acting role had been in Stephen Norrington’s “The League of Extraordinary Gentleman” (2003).
Connery was an audience favorite for more than 40 years and one of the screen’s most reliable and distinctive leading men. The actor was recently voted the best James Bond actor in an August Radio Times poll in the U.K. More than 14,000 voted and Connery claimed 56% of the vote. Global tributes poured in for Connery on Saturday following news of his death.
In a statement, Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said Connery “was and shall always be remembered as the original James Bond whose indelible entrance into cinema history began when he announced those unforgettable words, ‘The name’s Bond… James Bond.’
“He revolutionized the world with his gritty and witty portrayal of the sexy and charismatic secret agent. He is undoubtedly largely responsible for the success of the film series and we shall be forever grateful to him,” said the producers.
However, Connery — who made his debut in the first Bond film, “Dr. No” (1962) — also transcended Ian Fleming’s sexy Agent 007, and went on to distinguish himself with a long and mature career in such films as “The Wind and the Lion” (1975), “The Man Who Would Be King” (1975) and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” (1989).
His turn as a tough Irish cop in Depression-era Chicago in Brian De Palma’s “The Untouchables” (1987) brought him a supporting actor Oscar.
Even as he entered his seventh decade, Connery’s star power remained so strong that he was constantly in demand and handsomely remunerated. In 1999 he was selected People magazine’s Sexiest Man of the Century, and from his 007 days to “Entrapment” (1999), opposite the much-younger Catherine Zeta-Jones, his screen roles more than justified the choice. Age seemed only to intensify his sex appeal and virility.
In his early career, his physique was his main asset as he modeled and picked up acting jobs where he could. In 1956, he landed the role of a battered prizefighter in the BBC production of “Requiem for a Heavyweight.” Good notices brought him to the attention of the entertainment community, and his first film was “No Road Back,” a B crime movie in 1956. He seemed doomed to play the hunk to ageing leading ladies, as he did opposite Lana Turner in “Another Time, Another Place,” or roles that stressed his looks such as “Tarzan’s Great Adventure” in 1959.
It was easy to dismiss him in films like “Darby O’Gill and the Little People,” but his Count Vronsky to Claire Bloom’s Anna Karenina on the BBC brought him some respect and the kind of attention needed to raise him to the top of the Daily Express’ poll of readers asked to suggest the ideal James Bond.
After an interview with producers Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, he landed the role without a screen test, according to Saltzman. It was a controversial choice at the time, as Connery was an unknown outside Britain. But 1962’s “Dr. No,” the first of the Bond films, made him an international star.
His stature grew with the ever more popular sequels “From Russia With Love,” “Goldfinger” and “Thunderball,” which arrived over the next four years. Bond gave Connery a license to earn; he was paid only $30,000 for “Dr. No” but $400,000 for Alfred Hitchcock’s “Marnie” and was soon getting $750,000 a film.
His initial efforts to break out of the Bond mold, however, proved fruitless. Films like “A Fine Madness,” “Shalako” and “The Molly Maguires” were well-intentioned attempts that did nothing to shake Connery as Bond from the public consciousness. After 1967’s “You Only Live Twice,” he left the Bond franchise, but he was coaxed back for 1971’s “Diamonds Are Forever.” He looked old for the role, and the series seemed tired, so with that, he left Bond behind — though money would tempt him back once last time in 1983 for “Never Say Never Again.”
He took a major misstep with sci-fi film “Zardoz,” and his career seemed to be foundering.
But he bounced back in 1974 with a supporting role in “Murder on the Orient Express” and the following year with “The Wind and the Lion” and “The Man Who Would Be King,” two bold adventures featuring a mature, salt-and-pepper-bearded Connery. “Robin and Marian” (1976) opposite Audrey Hepburn was not a popular success, but critics embraced it, and the film cemented Connery’s reputation as a versatile, serious screen actor.
In the late 1970s, there were more missteps such as “Meteor,” “A Bridge Too Far” and “Cuba.” But he scored in Terry Gilliam’s “Time Bandits.” It wasn’t until after his last Bond film that his standing as a box office star caught up to his critical reputation, thanks mostly to two huge worldwide hits: “Highlander,” which was not a big hit in the U.S., and “The Name of the Rose,” which was also much more popular abroad.
BAFTA gave him a best actor award for “Name of the Rose,” and he received his Oscar for “The Untouchables.” After that, he was an instant greenlight any time he agreed to take a role even if some of them, such as “The Presidio,” and “Family Business,” were not so hot.
Pairing Connery and Harrison Ford as father and son in the third “Indiana Jones” film was an inspired move, and the film grossed almost half a billion dollars worldwide.
Meanwhile, “The Hunt for Red October,” in which Connery played a defecting Soviet sub captain, was also a major hit in 1990.
By the 1990s, he was so popular that his uncredited cameo as King Richard in “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” became one of the film’s highlights.
He was still a force to contend with in the foreign market, as “Highlander 2,” “Medicine Man,” “Rising Sun,” “Just Cause” and “First Knight” proved over the next several years. His salary was regularly $5 million and above.
One setback was a bout with throat cancer in the early 1990s, but Connery rebounded with a burst of activity. He starred with Nicolas Cage in 1996 actioner “The Rock,” playing a character that drew more than a little on his history as James Bond. In 2000, he essayed a very different role and received positive reviews for “Finding Forrester,” playing a reclusive writer who bonds with a young black basketball player who’s an aspiring scribe himself.
Nevertheless, he continued with action roles well after his 70th birthday, playing the legendary adventurer Allan Quatermain in 2003’s “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” He announced his retirement in 2005. He voiced a James Bond videogame the same year, and he subsequently did some other voice acting, playing the title character in the animated short “Sir Billi the Vet” and reprising the role in 2010 for “Sir Billi,” which he also exec produced.
Thomas Sean Connery was born of Irish ancestry in the slums of Edinburgh on Aug. 25, 1930. Poverty robbed him of an education, and by his teens he’d left school and was working as an unskilled laborer.
At 17, he was drafted into the Royal Navy, but he was discharged three years later due to a serious case of ulcers.
He returned to Edinburgh and worked a variety of jobs, including as a lifeguard. He took up bodybuilding and placed third in the 1950 Mr. Universe competition.
After moving to London, he learned of an opening in the chorus of “South Pacific.” He took a crash dancing and singing course and, surprisingly, landed the role, in which he stayed for 18 months. He was “hooked,” he said, but spent several years paying his dues in small repertory companies in and around London before anyone else became hooked on him.
Connery was devoted to his native Scotland and used his stature to press for the re-establishment of a Scottish parliament. When the body reconvened in 1999, 296 years after its last meeting, Connery was invited to address the first session, where he was greeted with a thunderous ovation. The next year, when he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II — an honor he called “one of the proudest days of my life” — he asked that the investiture be performed in Edinburgh.
Connery published his autobiography, “Being a Scot,” co-written with Murray Grigor, in 2008. Besides his knighthood and his Academy Award, he received many kudos over his long career, including the Kennedy Center Honors in 1999 and the American Film Institute’s lifetime achievement award in 2006.
Connery was married to actress Diane Cilento from 1962-73. The couple divorced in 1973 and Cilento died in 2011. Connery is survived by his second wife, painter Micheline Roquebrune, whom he married in 1975; his son by Cilento, actor Jason Connery; and a grandson from Jason’s marriage to actress Mia Sara.
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superrichlads · 6 years
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“I always work off the motto of, ‘if you think you’re working hard, there’s always someone else who’s working harder’… there is nothing easy about the sport or music industries, and you have to work so hard to be successful.” - Niall Horan
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On The Loose: released official fourth single from Flicker, including a radio edit, lyric video (rip), official video, behind the scenes video, Basic Tape remix, Slenderbodies remix, acoustic version, acoustic video, and vertical video So Long: performed unreleased song on piano throughout Flicker World Tour dates Mirrors EP: released on vinyl for Record Store Day 2018 Seeing Blind: released acoustic video, live video, and radio single in Australia Finally Free: released song for Smallfoot soundtrack and live video recorded at the Greek Theatre, Los Angeles Flicker (song): released as a radio single in the Netherlands Flicker featuring the RTÉ Concert Orchestra: released live album in Ireland, featuring nine songs including an official live version of previously unreleased song So Long
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81 tour dates: across Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Americas, playing arenas, amphitheatres, state/regional fairs, and large theatres Featured opening acts & special guests: including Wild Youth (Killarney), Julia Michaels (Europe), RuthAnne (Dublin), Lewis Capaldi (Glasgow), Hailee Steinfeld (London), Maren Morris (NZ, Australia, the Americas), Jayda (Manila), Ming Bridges (Singapore), Sugar Me (Tokyo) Setlist: featured 14-15 original songs and 3-4 covers Regular covers: Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen), Crying in the Club (Camila Cabello), Drag Me Down and Fool’s Gold (One Direction) Covers for select tour dates: Dancing in the Moonlight (Thin Lizzy - Dublin night 1), Where the Street’s Have No Name (U2 - Dublin night 2), Won’t Back Down (Tom Petty - Greek Theatre LA, Red Rocks & others), New York State of Mind (Billy Joel - Jones Beach Theater, Long Island), Life in the Fast Lane (Eagles - final September tour dates) Filmed Red Rocks show: for potential future release Top 50 worldwide tours of 2018: selling more than 445,000 tickets
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BBC Biggest Weekend: played a six-song set on the second day of the festival in Swansea Reputation Tour: special guest for Taylor Swift’s first night at Wembley Stadium, performing Slow Hands together RTÉ Concert Orchestra special: performed nine songs from the Flicker album for broadcast in Ireland, later broadcast in France & South Africa Sounds Like Friday Night: performed acoustic version of On The Loose & interview  New York State Fair: played the headline show on the final day of the fair Official livestream: of Flicker World Tour Amsterdam show, in partnership with Live Nation, for a global streaming audience Late Late Show: performed Slow Hands on London episode Virtual reality concert: made London Flicker Sessions show available on MelodyVR platform
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Sounds Like Friday Night: interview on BBC RTE: interview with Eoghan McDermott, as part of RTE Concert Orchestra Special The Project: interview on Australian TV The Voice Australia: guest mentor with Delta Goodrem Today Show: interview on Australian TV Sunrise: interview on Australian TV Studio 10: interview on Australian TV Late Late Show: guest on London show, brief appearance on show in October
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TalkSport: co-hosted breakfast radio show in January & September Dubai Desert Classic: played in Pro-Am with Rory McIlroy and a competition winner, and participated in a golf clinic, helping two of his Modest! Golf clients gain entry to the pro event US Golf Masters: ambassador for Drive, Chip & Putt competition Ladies golf: signed Maguire sisters to Modest! Golf, announced Ladies event for NI Open in 2019 Ryder Cup: played in celebrity match & Team Europe ambassador BMW PGA Championship: played in Pro-Am with the winner of a BBC Children in Need charity auction Sky Sports British Masters: played in Pro-Am Interviews: ESPN, SkySports, BBC Radio 5, Golf Channel, Bunkered, Ladies European Tour, The Irish Times, Golf Magic, among others LUFC: provoked an infamous Twitter clapback from Leeds United Modest! Golf: supported four players who have secured tour cards for 2019
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Irish referendum: supported the yes vote to legalise abortion March for Our Lives: supported cousin’s participation in march for gun control US politics: publicly denounced Trump (again) US mid-term elections: urged US citizens to vote
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Horan & Rose: hosted the second edition of the charity gala & golf event, upping the total money raised for charity to £1.5 million to date Charity t-shirt: released second charity t-shirt raising funds for Cancer Research UK and the Kate & Justin Rose Foundation Rays of Sunshine: hosted teens at Flicker World Tour London soundcheck & show, donated Jingle Bell Ball Santa shirt for charity raffle Charity auctions: donated items for multiple fundraisers, including a signed guitar & VIP concert experience for a Grammy auction raising $4,500 for Musicares Foundation; signed boots to a Small Steps charity auction, raising £1,130; signed artwork; signed guitar to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation auction, raising €4,000 Anti-bullying Week: supported efforts to stop cyber-bullying on Twitter Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr: supported Brazilian football superstar’s work providing education for kids in Praia Grande, Brazil World Cancer Day: supported Cancer Research UK’s Unity Band initiative LauraLynn Hospice: spent time with kids in hospice care before Flicker World Tour Dublin show
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BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw: how real are these Niall Horan ‘facts’?, can Niall Horan remember his own lyrics? BBC Radio 1 Biggest Weekend: when Niall Horan met Shawn Mendes BBC Radio 1 Biggest Weekend with Matt & Mollie: Niall Horan answers questions he’s never been asked before EW: Niall Horan listens to Dua Lipa, Springsteen and more on tour - check out his exclusive playlist Billboard Pop Shop podcast: Niall Horan on new song 'Finally Free,' 'disappearing' after tour to work on next album & 8 Years of One Direction MORE FM: Niall Horan talks about his “intimate” connection with NZ The Edge afternoons with Jono, Ben & Sharon: Niall Horan talks about being mates with Dan Carter The Edge 30: Niall Horan says NZ is his favourite country to perform in Nova 969 Smallzy’s Surgery: could new Niall Horan music be on the way? Nova 969 Smallzy's Surgery: Smallzy’s backstage tour with Niall Horan Nova 969 Fitzy & Wippa: exclusive chat On Air with Ryan Seacrest: Niall Horan recalls best Flicker World Tour moments so far FUN 107 The Michael Rock Show: Niall Horan surprising secret to great hair Walk 97.5 Christina Kay: interview Coup de Main: interview - Niall Horan on his upcoming NZ show, recording live, and honesty in writing ‘Flicker’  Coup de Main cover story: interview - eye to eye with Niall Horan GQ Italia cover story: Niall Horan: my life after One Direction George Ezra & Friends the podcast: Series 2, Episode 1 Zeit Leo: "I get restless very quickly." Singer Niall Horan has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. How music helps him, he tells here.
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GQ Italia: Music Issue cover shoot Paul Smith: guest at Paris fashion show and spent time with the designer in his studio Revista GQ: Niall Horan is, right now, the only person who knows how to wear a shirt with undershirt as it’s done in 2018 Fashion Bean: best-dressed men of the week
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US RIAA certifications: Slow Hands 3 x platinum, This Town 2 x platinum UK Official Charts certifications: Flicker x gold Australia ARIA certifications: Slow Hands 5 x platinum, Flicker x gold Canada Gold/Platinum certifications: Slow Hands 5 x platinum, Too Much To Ask x platinum Chile certification: Flicker x platinum Songwriting awards: BMI London Pop Awards Song for Slow Hands, BMI Los Angeles Award Winning Songs for Slow Hands & This Town  Spotify milestone: Flicker surpassed 1 billion streams in June 2018 Billboard #1s: achieved his 9th solo Billboard chart number 1, with Too Much To Ask reaching #1 on the Dance Club Songs Chart Billboard Year-End 2018: achieved album, song, radio, social and artist entries on the year-end charts US radio: On the Loose became Niall's fourth Top 20 single on Hot AC radio, and fourth single to chart on Mainstream Pop, Hot AC & AC radio formats, reaching #22 on pop radio Hollywood Music in Media Awards: Finally Free nominated for Original Song - Animated Film RTE Choice Music Prize: Slow Hands nominated for Irish Song of the Year iHeartRadio Awards 2018: winner of Best New Pop Artist & Best Lyrics (Slow Hands)
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April: using soundchecks to come up with ideas October: wrote a tune on the piano November: ‘3 days into making tunes and it’s feeling good !!!!!’, ‘exciting watching ideas come to life in the studio’, in the studio with Julian Bunetta & John Ryan in Los Angeles I / II / III / IV, RuthAnne Cunningham tells CelebMix she will be writing with Niall for NH2 December: ‘exciting week of writing’, writing session with Jamie Scott, Mike Needle & Dan Bryer in London, ‘very much in writing mode’
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Everyone loved Niall: and Niall loved everyone, but especially Hailee Steinfeld, whom he quietly dated while avoiding the media circus which often surrounds celeb relationships.
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Soundcheck Q&A and Meet & Greets: made fan engagement a central part of his Flicker World Tour experience Golf events: made time for fans who came out to see him play at pro-am events Maintained boundaries: called out fans for taking creep shots & obnoxious behaviour Calmed audiences: and looked out for the wellbeing of fans at his shows, especially in Latin America Twitter & Instagram: read and responded to fan tweets and questions with a mixture of sincerity, gratitude, brutal honesty, and humour Jade: made one young fan’s night (/life) by inviting her up on stage to dance at the Allentown Fair show
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Baby Marit: melted hearts everywhere offering reassurance to two new dads
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Celebrities Sun x Moon: Cancer Sun
Cancer Sun x Aries Moon - Ambitious, Dramatic, Caring, Moody
Selena Gomez
Pamela Anderson
Benedict Cumberbatch
Matthew Lewis
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Cancer Sun x Taurus Moon - Realistic, Emotional, Unforgiving, Empathetic
Lindsay Lohan
Jennette McCurdy
Nicole Scherzinger
Meryl Streep
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Cancer Sun x Gemini Moon - Witty, Protective, Calm, Restless
Khloe Kardashian
Alessia Cara
50 Cent
David Hasselhoff
Machine Gun Kelly
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Cancer Sun x Cancer Moon - Pessimistic, Caring, Passive, Maternal
Jared Padalecki
Courtney Love
Jessica Simpson
Sofia Vergara
Tia & Tamera Mowry
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Cancer Sun x Leo Moon - Confident, Caring, Bossy, Possessive
Ringo Starr
Tom Cruise
Tom Hanks
Carlos Santana
Patrick Wilson
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Cancer Sun x Virgo Moon - Organized, Domestic,  Withdrawn, Passive
Andrea Barber
Bill Cosby
Jason Mraz
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Cancer Sun x Libra Moon - Charming, Emotional, Indecisive, Empathetic
Ariana Grande
Sylvester Stallone
Kristen Bell
Missy Elliott
Dan Aykroyd
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Cancer Sun x Scorpio Moon - Moody, Charsimatic, Dominating, Calm
Margot Robbie
Will Ferrell
Cyndi Lauper
John Cusack
Wendy Williams
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Cancer Sun x Sagittarius Moon - Free-Spirited, Sensitive, Flighty, Nurturing
Georgie Henley
Vin Diesel
Michael Phelps
Mike Tyson
Kevin Hart
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Cancer Sun x Capricorn Moon - Devoted, Anxious, Emotional, Intelligent
Ashley Tisdale
Linda Cardellini
Jaden Smith
Larry David
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Cancer Sun x Aquarius Moon - Distant, Empathetic, Independent, Pessimistic
Tobey Maguire
Solange Knowles
Sophia Bush
Mel Brooks
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Cancer x Pisces Moon - Caring, Artistic, Impractical, Oversensitive
Keegan Allen
Drake Bell
Robin Williams
Kathy Bates
Olivia Munn
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 years
Transiting Sun enters Cancer
June 21 - July 22, 2017
The Sun in Cancer - in the Northern Hemisphere - is at its peak strength and power. This is an important thing to remember when dealing with a Cancerian.
This is (in the US) a time for family reunions. We are supposed to get together, probably for the 4th of July holiday, and celebrate with the rest of the clan. Cancer is very family-oriented, very tribal if you will - when the Sun’s spotlight moves through Cancer, our experiences in the natal house(s) it rules are more obviously shaped by our experiences as a member of a family.
We cling to the past, too, in the Cancer portion of our birth charts. Which is perfectly fine as long as we can manage to be in the here-and-now, too, keeping an eye on the future!
Finally, Cancer nurtures. This area of your chart is in need of some tender loving care, always. Again, use that Solar spotlight to see what requires your attentions.
Most of the aspects, unfortunately, are of the “challenging” variety. And, the two instances of Solar trine aspects have Solar squares on the same day. Cancer (like Taurus) doesn’t like being pushed out of its comfort zone. The instinct is to withdraw into the shell and hang on tightly. This is probably one of the worst forms of response - “ignore it and it’ll go away” never, ever works. Our notions of kinship and of family need an overhaul.
Celebrities with Sun in Cancer: Ringo Starr, Princess Diana, Tom Cruise, Selena Gomez, 14th Dalai Lama, Prince William, Ariana Grande, Meryl Streep, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Nelson Mandela, Angela Merkel, George W. Bush (43), Nikola Tesla, Alexander the Great, Harrison Ford, Tobey Maguire, 50 Cent, Frida Kahlo, Vin Diesel, Michael Phelps, Priyanka Chopra, Julius Caesar, Richard Branson, Franz Kafka, Malala Yousafzai
Wednesday, June 21, Mercury/Cancer conjunct Sun/Cancer, 00:23
To be blogged about momentarily!
Planets/Points affected lie between 00:00 and 01:23 of the signs Aries*, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra*, Scorpio, Capricorn*, and Pisces.
Sunday, July 2, Juno Rx/Capricorn opposite Sun/Cancer, 10:50
This can feel like the snooty in-laws mincing into your cosy home and dissing your granny square afghan. Our fears of rejection keep us from reaching out to form relationships - “it wouldn’t work out anyway,” we mutter, as we deliberately set ourselves up to fail. We need to learn how to interact in harmony with others, even when they are uppity snobs or vulgar boors.
Planets/Points affected lie between 9:50 and 11:50 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 24:50 and 26:50 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Wednesday, July 5, Neptune Rx/Pisces trine Sun/Cancer, 14:09; Jupiter/Libra square Sun/Cancer, 14:14
The first of the two mixed bag trines. We’re torn between the “I know better” Jupiter/Libra and the escapist Neptune Rx/Pisces, when what we should focus on is becoming more tolerant (Jupiter) and compassionate (Neptune).
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:09 and 15:14 of the signs Aries*, Taurus, Cancer*, Virgo, Libra*, Scorpio, Capricorn*, and Pisces.
Sunday, July 9, Pluto Rx/Capricorn opposite Sun/Cancer, 18:07
This is bound to bring out the timid, fearful side of Cancer, as we are seemingly confronted with/by Plutonian forces of absolute, cold control. This is also the day after a Full Moon, which will ramp up the fearsomeness factor. Remember that water eventually erodes even the tallest mountains.
Planets/Points affected lie between 17:07 and 19:07 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 2:07 and 4:07 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Saturday, July 15, Eris/Aries square Sun/Cancer, 23:52
It takes a lot to make a Cancer spoil for a fight, and this may do it. The Crab feels attacked and cornered by Eris’ relentless attacks. But, this also can drive us, as a result of feeling “Othered,” to seek kindred souls. Just think of all the positive things that will happen once all the 99% comes together!
Planets/Points affected lie between 22:52 and 24:52 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*; and between 7:52 and 9:52 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*.
Thursday, July 20, Uranus/Aries square Sun/Cancer, 28:27; Chiron Rx/Pisces trine Sun/Cancer, 28:41
The second mixed bag, this time featuring Uranian rebellion (or pressure to rebel) and Chiron getting addicted to whatever it’s doing to heal. I do feel that as a species we’ve backed ourselves into a corner, a very comfortable corner for some. The more we identify with our sister/fellow humans (which is certainly a revolutionary act), the faster we’ll heal ourselves and the planet.
Planets/Points affected lie between 27:27 and 29:41 of the signs Aries*, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra*, Scorpio, Capricorn*, and Pisces.
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
Globe, February 18
Cover: Drunken Camilla’s brawl with the Queen 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Goldie Hawn, Ben Affleck, Arnold Schwarzenegger 
Page 3: Charlize Theron, Cybill Shepherd, Peter Dinklage and daughter 
Page 4: Robert Redford has just months to live 
Page 5: Doctor suing Gwyneth Paltrow for more than $3M after she ran into him on the ski slopes then kept going
Page 6: Livid ex-wife hauls Hulk Hogan back to court, celebrity clothes cleaner says the band Slipknot had the grossest clothes he’s ever seen, Rod Stewart insists on only being photographed from his good side because he’s ashamed of his nose 
Page 8: Cover Story -- The Queen has finally had enough of Prince Charles’ wife Camilla 
Page 10: MS miracle may let Teri Garr walk again, Camille Grammer has been living in a trailer home since losing her Malibu mansion to California’s wildfires last year, Spot the Evil Twin -- Lukas Haas and Alex Honnold 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow have been secretly huddling about a show that doesn’t include Jennifer Aniston, Jim Parsons is socializing more thanks to husband Todd Spiewak, Tobey Maguire is addicted to shopping especially for girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman, Rob Kardashian getting a tummy tuck for new girlfriend Alexis Skyy, 300-lb. Russell Crowe eating himself to an early grave, Josh Brolin and daughter 
Page 13: Kristen Bell, Demi Moore, Wayne Newton, Hook-ups & Babies & More 
Page 14: Anne Hathaway dumbstruck by how handsome Matthew McConaughey is, Fashion Verdict -- Kelly Ripa, Emily Blunt, Irina Shayk, Pamela Anderson, Victoria Beckham 
Page 16: Clint Eastwood wasting away, Jax Taylor of Vanderpump Rules secretly wears heel inserts to make himself look taller, Jussie Smollett attacked 
Page 18: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Tim Allen, Alex Trebek gets hit on a lot by women in their 70s and 80s, Lindsay Lohan is the boss from hell 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 24: Kate Beckinsale hospitalized with a ruptured ovarian cyst, Ozzy Osbourne coughed so hard he burst a blood vessel in his eye, Artie Lange says his misshapen nose came from a punch from a kidnapper after he racked up a $62,000 gambling debt 
Page 25: Robert De Niro’s divorce has turned into an ugly custody war over their seven-year-old daughter 
Page 28: Health Report -- Cancer will be cured in a year
Page 30: Straight Talk -- Dumbass Justin Bieber supporting woman beater Chris Brown, Spot the Evil Twin -- Chip Gaines and Jake Busey 
Page 32: Bachelor contestant Caelynn Miller-Keyes says her life was flipped upside down after she was drugged and sexually assaulted four years ago 
Page 33: Inside the mind of Ted Bundy 
Page 34: Married MSNBC anchors Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski looked like they were broadcasting from Washington, D.C. but were really in Florida, Duchess Megan Markle is enlisting her mom Doria Ragland as a nanny
Page 36: Funny Photo Quiz -- Robert Irwin and Jimmy Fallon 
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 41: Macho Michael Jackson’s double life as a ladies’ man, deadbeat Tori Spelling must pay $88, 246 to American Express, Tisha Campbell-Martin’s year-long divorce battle has turned nasty 
Page 45: Paranoid convicted sex fiend Bill Cosby thinks he’s being spied on and he may be right because someone flew a drone over the prison trying to get his picture, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is being pampered in prison, rabid golfer Michael Douglas fell for Catherine Zeta-Jones because of her love for the links 
0 notes
Will Matt and Mike actually drive to another city and get married there ? And will Jamie be attending the wedding ?
Thaaat entirely depends on just how crazy shit in LA is gonna get. Between their very time-consuming jobs, the superhero-business and their private life, planning a huge wedding is quite a lot.
Sooo, we’ll have to wait and see on what Matt and Mike will decide to do. But believe me, they sure want Jamie at their wedding. And hey, even a small wedding would need a bar and some alcohol. Now that sounds like a wonderful excuse to not make it awkward to invite him too, riiight? ;D
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Official Website: New Year's Eve Quotes
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• A flower is a daisy chain, a graduation, a valentine; a flower is New Year’s Eve and an orchid in your hair; a flower is a single geranium blooming in a tin can on a murky city fire-escape; an acre of roses at the Botanical Gardens; and the first gold crocus of spring! … a flower is a birth, a wedding, a leaving of this life. – Jean Hersey • A happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I’ve played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here, And made of it a happy year. – Edgar Guest • A year of ending and beginning, a year of loss and finding… and all of you were with me through the storm. I drink your health, your wealth, your fortune for long years to come, and I hope for many more days in which we can gather like this. – C. J. Cherryh • All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives. – Steven Spielberg • An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. – Bill Vaughan • And New Year’s Eve is very, very important to me. – Debbie Harry • And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been – Rainer Maria Rilke • Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live! To Banish worry, doubt and fear, to love and give – William Arthur Ward • Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day. – Michael Josephson • As a standup comedian, I’ve worked almost every New Year’s Eve of my adult life. It’s the best-paying night of the year. – Elayne Boosler
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'New+Year', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_new-year').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_new-year img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. – Benjamin Franklin • Calgary wins for my coldest New Year’s Eve gig. That’s when I learned Fahrenheit and Celsius cross at 40 below. I could see callers’ breath coming out of my phone. – Elayne Boosler • celebratin’ New Year’s Eve is like eatin’ oranges. You got to let go your dignity t’ really enjoy ’em. – Edna Ferber • Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey • Dieting on New Year’s Day isn’t a good idea as you can’t eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on January the second. – Helen Fielding • Do what you do. This Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, Twelfth Night, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, St. Paddy’s Day, and every day henceforth. Just do what you do. Live out your life and your traditions on your own terms. If it offends others, so be it. That’s their problem. – Chris Rose • Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go. – Brooks Atkinson • Each age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer. – Walter Scott • Every man regards his own life as the New Year’s Eve of time. – Jean Paul • Every New Year’s Eve, I have a pact to do something I never thought I’d do. So I created this list. You have to free your mind to do things you wouldn’t think of doing. Don’t ever say no. – Carl Lewis • Every time the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, We toast to more money, we smoke to more cheese. – Prodigy • Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress. – Charles Kettering • Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. – Henry Ward Beecher • For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move! – Mehmet Murat Ildan • For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice. – T. S. Eliot • For the millennium [New Year’s Eve], you really have a choice to make. You either have to be naked with your head on fire and a shotgun in Bali or else you have to spend time with friends or family around the fireplace. And I’m choosing option B – Tom Morello • For years, I worked seven-day weeks, through birthdays and most public holidays, Christmases and New Year’s Eves included. I worked mornings and afternoons, resuming work after dinner. I remember feeling as if life were a protracted exercise in pulling myself out of a well by a rope, and that rope was work. – Antonella Gambotto-Burke • From New Year’s on the outlook brightens; good humor lost in a mood of failure returns. I resolve to stop complaining. – Leonard Bernstein • Games were moved to New Year’s Eve as part of a plan by college football executives where they want to create a tradition of watching football on New Year’s Eve. – Audie Cornish • Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given; While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth. – Martin Luther • God, do I hate my little fat tits. You ever pinch your little meat tits and wish you were dead? You ever just stand naked in the mirror. “You little fat-titted mediocre failure!” You ever do that for 3 hours on New Year’s Eve. – Jim Norton • Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. – Oscar Wilde • He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool. – Farquhar McGillivray Knowles • Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • I always work on New Year’s Eve, no matter what. – Debbie Harry • I don’t even drink! I can’t stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year’s Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don’t touch booze – I’m always the designated driver. – Kim Kardashian • I get myself a gig somewhere, whether it’s in a club, whether it’s in a bar, it doesn’t matter, and I just work on New Year’s Eve because I always feel it’s very symbolic for me for the next year, for the new year. – Debbie Harry • I had a terrible fight with my wife on New Year’s Eve. She called me a procrastinator. So I finished addressing the Christmas cards and left. – Robert Orben • I hate New Year’s Eve. One more chance to remember that you haven’t yet done what you wanted. And to pretend it doesn’t matter. – Gregory Maguire • I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn’t be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year’s resolution is not to bark back. – Tucker Carlson • I have spent every New Year’s Eve since 1992 in Lourdes. I spend the hour of my birth every year in the grotto. It’s a place with meaning for me. – Paulo Coelho • I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes…you’re Doing Something. – Neil Gaiman • I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. – Neil Gaiman • I like to work on New Year’s Eve. It has a nice spirit; a nice feel about it. If you are all about the ‘year-end’ thing at all, then laughing with fellow human beings is a great way to start the new year. – Paula Poundstone • I love watching ‘Twilight Zone.’ New Year’s Eve they do the marathon; I watch it every year. – Gerard Way • I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. – Anais Nin • I saw Ronnie Hawkins play near my hometown, Port Dover, Ontario, and I saw him play there on New Year’s Eve and the following spring I booked myself to be his opening act on maybe five shows, and he hired me after the first night. – Rick Danko • I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the years’. – Henry Moore • I was a total nerd growing up. I’d rather sit home and read a novel on New Year’s Eve and say, ‘Wow, I read the whole thing in one night!’ That was my idea of a big time. – Beth Broderick • I was at a New Year’s Eve party, and someone asked me how was my year, and I said, ‘I honestly think 2011 was the best year of my entire life,’ and I actually meant it. – Dave Grohl • I won’t be going to any New Year’s Eve parties because I think they’re naff. No one over the age of 15 should bother going to parties. – Julie Burchill • i would like to remind the management that the drinks are watered and the hat-check girl has syphilis and the band is composed of former ss monsters However since it is new year’s eve and i have lip cancer i will place my paper hat on my concussion and dance – Leonard Cohen • I would rather receive a Pap smear from Captain Hook than venture out on New Year’s Eve. – Jen Lancaster • I would say happy new year, but it’s not happy; it’s exactly the same as last year except colder. – Robert Clark • If the age of the Earth were a calendar year and today were a breath before midnight on New Year’s Eve, we showed up a scant fifteen minutes ago, and all of recorded history has blinked by in the last sixty seconds. Luckily for us, our planet-mates–the fantastic meshwork of plants, animals, and microbes–have been patiently perfecting their wares since March, an incredible 3.8 billion years since the first bacteria. …After 3.8 billion years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what surrounds us is the secret to survival. – Janine Benyus • If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. – Cyril Cusack • If you feel compelled to give a New Year’s Eve party, don’t invite people to arrive too early or they’ll go off the boil before midnight. – Jilly Cooper • If you over plan New Year’s Eve it’s going to be a disaster so you have to be alive to changes. – Cate Blanchett • I’m usually at home and in bed by 10 o’clock. I do not want to be out at anybody’s New Year’s Eve party. – Andre Leon Talley • It goes Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day. Is that fair to anyone who’s alone? These are all days you gotta be with someone. And if you didn’t get around to killing yourself at Christmas or New Year’s, boom! There’s Valentine’s Day. I think there should be one more after Valentine’s Day just called, ‘Who could love you?’ – Laura Kightlinger • It was February sixth: eight days until Valentine’s Day. I was dateless, as usual, deep in the vice grip of unrequited love. It was bad enough not having a boyfriend for New Year’s Eve. Now I had to cope with Valentine datelessness, feeling consummate social pressure from every retailer in America who stuck hearts and cupids in their windows by January second to rub it in. – Joan Bauer • It’s hard to say what I meant by “as we know it.” I’m not about to go up on a mountain on new year’s eve and wait for the lightening to strike. – Hunter S. Thompson • I’ve had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year’s Eve. – Debbie Harry • Let each new year find you a better person. – Benjamin Franklin • Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. – Goran Persson • Let the dead Past bury its dead! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you have always wanted to do but could not find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you do not think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You will look 10 years younger. Do not be afraid to say, I love you. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world. – Ann Landers • Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the time. – Ann Landers • Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Whatever you’re scared of doing, Do it. – Neil Gaiman • Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come. – Melody Beattie • Make your mistakes, next year and forever. – Neil Gaiman • Many years ago I resolved never to bother with New Year’s resolutions, and I’ve stuck with it ever since. – Dave Beard • May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. – Joey Lauren Adams • May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! – Aleister Crowley • May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! – Aleister Crowley • Maybe this year, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives not looking for flaws, but looking for potential. – Ellen Goodman • My look is always glitzy for New Year’s Eve, even if I am at home. – Gloria Gaynor • My New Year’s Eve Toast: to all the devils, lusts, passions, greeds, envies, loves, hates, strange desires, enemies ghostly and real, the army of memories, with which I do battle — may they never give me peace. (New Year’s Eve, 1947) – Patricia Highsmith • My New Year’s Eve is always 2 July, the night before my birthday. That’s the night I make my resolutions. And this year scares the life out of me, because no matter how successful, how good things appear, there is always a deep core of failure within me, although I am trying to deal with it. My biggest fear, this coming year, is that I will be waking up alone. It makes me wonder how many bodies will be fished out of the Thames, how many decaying corpses will be found in one-room flats. I’m just being realistic. – Tracey Emin • My New Year’s resolution was to stop saying ‘You go, girl’ to myself. – Zach Galifianakis • My parents used to throw great New Year’s Eve parties. They invited such an eclectic mix of showbiz people. All those cool people were always hanging out at our apartment. – Ben Stiller • Never tell your resolution beforehand, or it’s twice as onerous a duty. – John Selden • New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday. – Charles Lamb • New Year’s Eve always terrifies me. – Charles Bukowski • New Year’s eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. – Hamilton Wright Mabie • New Year’s Eve, we’re going to be doing a concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Symphony Hall. It makes me feel good, because of all the people they could have had, they wanted me! We do have to do a little work with the rhythm section. – Barbara Cook • New Year’s Eve, where auld acquaintance be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. – Jay Leno • New Year’s Eve. It’s a promise of a night. Single, married or widowed, in love, loveless or lovelorn, we all leave our apartments and pick through snow in high heels, or descend subway stairs in tuxedos, lured to wherever we’re going–whether we know it or not, would deny it or not–by the kiss of a stranger. – Jardine Libaire • New Year’s is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. – Mark Twain • New Year’s Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time. – James Agate • Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. – Mark Twain • Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means you’ve met your New Year’s resolution. – Jay Leno • Of all sound of all bells… most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year. – Charles Lamb • On New Year’s Eve he ould make a resolution to recover some his previous scepticism, but until then he would do as the Romans do, and smile at people even if he disapproved of them – Nick Hornby • On New Year’s Eve, my dear friend lost his battle with depression . . . Though he wasn’t the first friend I’ve lost to suicide, I sure hope he’s the last. I wish I had the chance to go back and tell them what they meant to me. I wish I had the chance to beg them to seek help, to keep fighting. I wish they knew that they were surrounded by countless others who struggle on a daily basis. – Jared Padalecki • One of the many reasons I love living in New York is that we get a front row seat to the innumerable thrills that take place here – from conventions and awards shows, to parades and U.N. assemblies. But my favorite New York tradition is the annual New Year’s Eve ball-drop on Times Square. – Marlo Thomas • One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: ‘To rise above little things’. – John Burroughs • Only sad sacks and conformists need things like no kiss on New Year’s Eve to remind them to feel lonely. They’re as bad as the people who need St. Patty’s Day as an excuse to get drunk or Halloween to wear slutty outfits. You can feel sorry for yourself and dress like a hooker all year round: Hallmark never needs to know. – Julie Klausner • Ring out the false, ring in the true. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Shaving my head was a millennium ritual, to not let it pass as just another New Year’s Eve. A lot has happened to me in the last couple of years, personally and spiritually. I wanted to mark it for myself. – Joan Jett • So I started shoveling Bob’s driveway, which is a strange thing to do at a New Years Eve Party – Stephen Chbosky • So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. – Neil Gaiman • Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to. Stay home on New Year’s Eve if that’s what makes you happy. Skip the committee meeting. Cross the street to avoid making aimless chitchat with random acquaintances. Read. Cook. Run. Write a story. Make a deal with yourself that you’ll attend a set number of social events in exchange for not feeling guilty when you beg off. – Susan Cain • St. Patrick’s Day is the fourth biggest drinking day in America. It’s not the biggest. It’s right behind New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, or any Secret Service party. – David Letterman • The feeling I have reminds me of New Year’s Eve, when the countdown is coming and I’m not quite sure whether to grab my camera or just live in the moment. Usually I grab the camera and later regret it when the picture doesn’t turn out. Then I feel enormously let down and think to myself that the night would have been more fun if it didn’t mean quite so much, if I weren’t forced to analyze where I’ve been and where I’m going. – Emily Giffin • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt • The last thing I stole was a box of Coca Cola from a parked truck in Adelaide. I was nice and drunk. It was New Year’s Eve. And that was about 28 years ago. – Ronald Biggs • The merry year is born Like the bright berry from the naked thorn. – Hartley Coleridge • The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows. – George William Curtis • The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. – Melody Beattie • the object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • The only way to spend New Year’s Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. – W. H. Auden • The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year’s Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you’re married to. – P. J. O’Rourke • This leg will be known as Christmas, and this leg will be known as New Year’s Eve! Ladies…why don’t you all come visit the Big Valbowski between the holidays. – Val Venis • Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn. – Delmore Schwartz • To me, doing a gay pride show is one of the most fun things. My first show that paid more than $10,000 was in a gay club on New Year’s Eve in San Francisco. – Queen Latifah • To shut the door at the end of the workday, which does not spill over into evening. To throw away books after reading them so theydon’t have to be dusted. To go through boxes on New Year’s Eve and throw out half of what is inside. Sometimes for extravagance to pick a bunch of flowers for the one table. Other women besides me must have this daydream about a carefree life. – Maxine Hong Kingston • To this day, on my cheat days from my diet, which are New Year’s Eve and my birthday, I buy luxury foods that are very indicative of my class. – Sandra Cisneros • Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. – Brad Paisley • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. • We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential. – Ellen Goodman • We’ve made mistakes, But we’ve made good friends too. Remember all the nights we spent with them? And all our plans, Who says they can’t come true? Tonight’s another chance to start again. It’s just another New Year’s Eve, Another night like all the rest. – Barry Manilow • What you do for Jewish New Year is you go down to Times Square. It’s a lot quieter than the regular New Year. It’s just a few Jews walking around going, “sup?” – Jon Stewart • When I go, I’ll take New Year’s Eve with me. – Guy Lombardo • When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He’s responsible for my favorite New Year’s memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying. – Elayne Boosler • When I stopped wanting my New Year’s Eve to be perfect, to bring in the New Year right, is when it started working out right. When I was young, I was always looking for the best party to be at, to ring in the New Year, and I always ended up in the car going, “Happy New Year.” – Hilary Swank • Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New year will bring new opportunities. – Michael Josephson • Women get a little more excited about New Year’s Eve than men do. It’s like an excuse: you drink too much, you make a lot of promises you’re not going to keep; the next morning as soon as you wake up you start breaking them. For men, we just call that a date. – Jay Leno • Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey • You staying home all alone on New Year’s Eve? Unthinkable. Take my advice the countdown should be shared with someone, or it’s just another set of numbers passing you by. – E. A. Bucchianeri • Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties”.- Helen Keller, American author, political activist, and lecturer “Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. – Goran Persson Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. -Steve Jobs • Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to. – Bill Vaughan
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
New Year's Eve Quotes
Official Website: New Year's Eve Quotes
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• A flower is a daisy chain, a graduation, a valentine; a flower is New Year’s Eve and an orchid in your hair; a flower is a single geranium blooming in a tin can on a murky city fire-escape; an acre of roses at the Botanical Gardens; and the first gold crocus of spring! … a flower is a birth, a wedding, a leaving of this life. – Jean Hersey • A happy New Year! Grant that I May bring no tear to any eye When this New Year in time shall end Let it be said I’ve played the friend, Have lived and loved and labored here, And made of it a happy year. – Edgar Guest • A year of ending and beginning, a year of loss and finding… and all of you were with me through the storm. I drink your health, your wealth, your fortune for long years to come, and I hope for many more days in which we can gather like this. – C. J. Cherryh • All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives. – Steven Spielberg • An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. – Bill Vaughan • And New Year’s Eve is very, very important to me. – Debbie Harry • And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been – Rainer Maria Rilke • Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live! To Banish worry, doubt and fear, to love and give – William Arthur Ward • Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day. – Michael Josephson • As a standup comedian, I’ve worked almost every New Year’s Eve of my adult life. It’s the best-paying night of the year. – Elayne Boosler
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'New+Year', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_new-year').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_new-year img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. – Benjamin Franklin • Calgary wins for my coldest New Year’s Eve gig. That’s when I learned Fahrenheit and Celsius cross at 40 below. I could see callers’ breath coming out of my phone. – Elayne Boosler • celebratin’ New Year’s Eve is like eatin’ oranges. You got to let go your dignity t’ really enjoy ’em. – Edna Ferber • Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey • Dieting on New Year’s Day isn’t a good idea as you can’t eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on January the second. – Helen Fielding • Do what you do. This Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, Twelfth Night, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, St. Paddy’s Day, and every day henceforth. Just do what you do. Live out your life and your traditions on your own terms. If it offends others, so be it. That’s their problem. – Chris Rose • Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go. – Brooks Atkinson • Each age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer. – Walter Scott • Every man regards his own life as the New Year’s Eve of time. – Jean Paul • Every New Year’s Eve, I have a pact to do something I never thought I’d do. So I created this list. You have to free your mind to do things you wouldn’t think of doing. Don’t ever say no. – Carl Lewis • Every time the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, We toast to more money, we smoke to more cheese. – Prodigy • Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress. – Charles Kettering • Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. – Henry Ward Beecher • For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move! – Mehmet Murat Ildan • For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice. – T. S. Eliot • For the millennium [New Year’s Eve], you really have a choice to make. You either have to be naked with your head on fire and a shotgun in Bali or else you have to spend time with friends or family around the fireplace. And I’m choosing option B – Tom Morello • For years, I worked seven-day weeks, through birthdays and most public holidays, Christmases and New Year’s Eves included. I worked mornings and afternoons, resuming work after dinner. I remember feeling as if life were a protracted exercise in pulling myself out of a well by a rope, and that rope was work. – Antonella Gambotto-Burke • From New Year’s on the outlook brightens; good humor lost in a mood of failure returns. I resolve to stop complaining. – Leonard Bernstein • Games were moved to New Year’s Eve as part of a plan by college football executives where they want to create a tradition of watching football on New Year’s Eve. – Audie Cornish • Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given; While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth. – Martin Luther • God, do I hate my little fat tits. You ever pinch your little meat tits and wish you were dead? You ever just stand naked in the mirror. “You little fat-titted mediocre failure!” You ever do that for 3 hours on New Year’s Eve. – Jim Norton • Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. – Oscar Wilde • He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; He who makes one is a fool. – Farquhar McGillivray Knowles • Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • I always work on New Year’s Eve, no matter what. – Debbie Harry • I don’t even drink! I can’t stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year’s Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don’t touch booze – I’m always the designated driver. – Kim Kardashian • I get myself a gig somewhere, whether it’s in a club, whether it’s in a bar, it doesn’t matter, and I just work on New Year’s Eve because I always feel it’s very symbolic for me for the next year, for the new year. – Debbie Harry • I had a terrible fight with my wife on New Year’s Eve. She called me a procrastinator. So I finished addressing the Christmas cards and left. – Robert Orben • I hate New Year’s Eve. One more chance to remember that you haven’t yet done what you wanted. And to pretend it doesn’t matter. – Gregory Maguire • I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldn’t be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Year’s resolution is not to bark back. – Tucker Carlson • I have spent every New Year’s Eve since 1992 in Lourdes. I spend the hour of my birth every year in the grotto. It’s a place with meaning for me. – Paulo Coelho • I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes…you’re Doing Something. – Neil Gaiman • I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. – Neil Gaiman • I like to work on New Year’s Eve. It has a nice spirit; a nice feel about it. If you are all about the ‘year-end’ thing at all, then laughing with fellow human beings is a great way to start the new year. – Paula Poundstone • I love watching ‘Twilight Zone.’ New Year’s Eve they do the marathon; I watch it every year. – Gerard Way • I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. – Anais Nin • I saw Ronnie Hawkins play near my hometown, Port Dover, Ontario, and I saw him play there on New Year’s Eve and the following spring I booked myself to be his opening act on maybe five shows, and he hired me after the first night. – Rick Danko • I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the years’. – Henry Moore • I was a total nerd growing up. I’d rather sit home and read a novel on New Year’s Eve and say, ‘Wow, I read the whole thing in one night!’ That was my idea of a big time. – Beth Broderick • I was at a New Year’s Eve party, and someone asked me how was my year, and I said, ‘I honestly think 2011 was the best year of my entire life,’ and I actually meant it. – Dave Grohl • I won’t be going to any New Year’s Eve parties because I think they’re naff. No one over the age of 15 should bother going to parties. – Julie Burchill • i would like to remind the management that the drinks are watered and the hat-check girl has syphilis and the band is composed of former ss monsters However since it is new year’s eve and i have lip cancer i will place my paper hat on my concussion and dance – Leonard Cohen • I would rather receive a Pap smear from Captain Hook than venture out on New Year’s Eve. – Jen Lancaster • I would say happy new year, but it’s not happy; it’s exactly the same as last year except colder. – Robert Clark • If the age of the Earth were a calendar year and today were a breath before midnight on New Year’s Eve, we showed up a scant fifteen minutes ago, and all of recorded history has blinked by in the last sixty seconds. Luckily for us, our planet-mates–the fantastic meshwork of plants, animals, and microbes–have been patiently perfecting their wares since March, an incredible 3.8 billion years since the first bacteria. …After 3.8 billion years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what surrounds us is the secret to survival. – Janine Benyus • If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. – Cyril Cusack • If you feel compelled to give a New Year’s Eve party, don’t invite people to arrive too early or they’ll go off the boil before midnight. – Jilly Cooper • If you over plan New Year’s Eve it’s going to be a disaster so you have to be alive to changes. – Cate Blanchett • I’m usually at home and in bed by 10 o’clock. I do not want to be out at anybody’s New Year’s Eve party. – Andre Leon Talley • It goes Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day. Is that fair to anyone who’s alone? These are all days you gotta be with someone. And if you didn’t get around to killing yourself at Christmas or New Year’s, boom! There’s Valentine’s Day. I think there should be one more after Valentine’s Day just called, ‘Who could love you?’ – Laura Kightlinger • It was February sixth: eight days until Valentine’s Day. I was dateless, as usual, deep in the vice grip of unrequited love. It was bad enough not having a boyfriend for New Year’s Eve. Now I had to cope with Valentine datelessness, feeling consummate social pressure from every retailer in America who stuck hearts and cupids in their windows by January second to rub it in. – Joan Bauer • It’s hard to say what I meant by “as we know it.” I’m not about to go up on a mountain on new year’s eve and wait for the lightening to strike. – Hunter S. Thompson • I’ve had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year’s Eve. – Debbie Harry • Let each new year find you a better person. – Benjamin Franklin • Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. – Goran Persson • Let the dead Past bury its dead! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you have always wanted to do but could not find the time. Call up a forgotten friend. Drop an old grudge, and replace it with some pleasant memories. Vow not to make a promise you do not think you can keep. Walk tall, and smile more. You will look 10 years younger. Do not be afraid to say, I love you. Say it again. They are the sweetest words in the world. – Ann Landers • Let this coming year be better than all the others. Vow to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the time. – Ann Landers • Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Whatever you’re scared of doing, Do it. – Neil Gaiman • Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come. – Melody Beattie • Make your mistakes, next year and forever. – Neil Gaiman • Many years ago I resolved never to bother with New Year’s resolutions, and I’ve stuck with it ever since. – Dave Beard • May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. – Joey Lauren Adams • May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! – Aleister Crowley • May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! – Aleister Crowley • Maybe this year, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives not looking for flaws, but looking for potential. – Ellen Goodman • My look is always glitzy for New Year’s Eve, even if I am at home. – Gloria Gaynor • My New Year’s Eve Toast: to all the devils, lusts, passions, greeds, envies, loves, hates, strange desires, enemies ghostly and real, the army of memories, with which I do battle — may they never give me peace. (New Year’s Eve, 1947) – Patricia Highsmith • My New Year’s Eve is always 2 July, the night before my birthday. That’s the night I make my resolutions. And this year scares the life out of me, because no matter how successful, how good things appear, there is always a deep core of failure within me, although I am trying to deal with it. My biggest fear, this coming year, is that I will be waking up alone. It makes me wonder how many bodies will be fished out of the Thames, how many decaying corpses will be found in one-room flats. I’m just being realistic. – Tracey Emin • My New Year’s resolution was to stop saying ‘You go, girl’ to myself. – Zach Galifianakis • My parents used to throw great New Year’s Eve parties. They invited such an eclectic mix of showbiz people. All those cool people were always hanging out at our apartment. – Ben Stiller • Never tell your resolution beforehand, or it’s twice as onerous a duty. – John Selden • New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday. – Charles Lamb • New Year’s Eve always terrifies me. – Charles Bukowski • New Year’s eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. – Hamilton Wright Mabie • New Year’s Eve, we’re going to be doing a concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Symphony Hall. It makes me feel good, because of all the people they could have had, they wanted me! We do have to do a little work with the rhythm section. – Barbara Cook • New Year’s Eve, where auld acquaintance be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. – Jay Leno • New Year’s Eve. It’s a promise of a night. Single, married or widowed, in love, loveless or lovelorn, we all leave our apartments and pick through snow in high heels, or descend subway stairs in tuxedos, lured to wherever we’re going–whether we know it or not, would deny it or not–by the kiss of a stranger. – Jardine Libaire • New Year’s is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. – Mark Twain • New Year’s Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time. – James Agate • Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. – Mark Twain • Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means you’ve met your New Year’s resolution. – Jay Leno • Of all sound of all bells… most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year. – Charles Lamb • On New Year’s Eve he ould make a resolution to recover some his previous scepticism, but until then he would do as the Romans do, and smile at people even if he disapproved of them – Nick Hornby • On New Year’s Eve, my dear friend lost his battle with depression . . . Though he wasn’t the first friend I’ve lost to suicide, I sure hope he’s the last. I wish I had the chance to go back and tell them what they meant to me. I wish I had the chance to beg them to seek help, to keep fighting. I wish they knew that they were surrounded by countless others who struggle on a daily basis. – Jared Padalecki • One of the many reasons I love living in New York is that we get a front row seat to the innumerable thrills that take place here – from conventions and awards shows, to parades and U.N. assemblies. But my favorite New York tradition is the annual New Year’s Eve ball-drop on Times Square. – Marlo Thomas • One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: ‘To rise above little things’. – John Burroughs • Only sad sacks and conformists need things like no kiss on New Year’s Eve to remind them to feel lonely. They’re as bad as the people who need St. Patty’s Day as an excuse to get drunk or Halloween to wear slutty outfits. You can feel sorry for yourself and dress like a hooker all year round: Hallmark never needs to know. – Julie Klausner • Ring out the false, ring in the true. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Shaving my head was a millennium ritual, to not let it pass as just another New Year’s Eve. A lot has happened to me in the last couple of years, personally and spiritually. I wanted to mark it for myself. – Joan Jett • So I started shoveling Bob’s driveway, which is a strange thing to do at a New Years Eve Party – Stephen Chbosky • So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. – Neil Gaiman • Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to. Stay home on New Year’s Eve if that’s what makes you happy. Skip the committee meeting. Cross the street to avoid making aimless chitchat with random acquaintances. Read. Cook. Run. Write a story. Make a deal with yourself that you’ll attend a set number of social events in exchange for not feeling guilty when you beg off. – Susan Cain • St. Patrick’s Day is the fourth biggest drinking day in America. It’s not the biggest. It’s right behind New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, or any Secret Service party. – David Letterman • The feeling I have reminds me of New Year’s Eve, when the countdown is coming and I’m not quite sure whether to grab my camera or just live in the moment. Usually I grab the camera and later regret it when the picture doesn’t turn out. Then I feel enormously let down and think to myself that the night would have been more fun if it didn’t mean quite so much, if I weren’t forced to analyze where I’ve been and where I’m going. – Emily Giffin • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt • The last thing I stole was a box of Coca Cola from a parked truck in Adelaide. I was nice and drunk. It was New Year’s Eve. And that was about 28 years ago. – Ronald Biggs • The merry year is born Like the bright berry from the naked thorn. – Hartley Coleridge • The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows. – George William Curtis • The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. – Melody Beattie • the object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • The only way to spend New Year’s Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. – W. H. Auden • The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year’s Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you’re married to. – P. J. O’Rourke • This leg will be known as Christmas, and this leg will be known as New Year’s Eve! Ladies…why don’t you all come visit the Big Valbowski between the holidays. – Val Venis • Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn. – Delmore Schwartz • To me, doing a gay pride show is one of the most fun things. My first show that paid more than $10,000 was in a gay club on New Year’s Eve in San Francisco. – Queen Latifah • To shut the door at the end of the workday, which does not spill over into evening. To throw away books after reading them so theydon’t have to be dusted. To go through boxes on New Year’s Eve and throw out half of what is inside. Sometimes for extravagance to pick a bunch of flowers for the one table. Other women besides me must have this daydream about a carefree life. – Maxine Hong Kingston • To this day, on my cheat days from my diet, which are New Year’s Eve and my birthday, I buy luxury foods that are very indicative of my class. – Sandra Cisneros • Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. – Brad Paisley • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. • We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential. – Ellen Goodman • We’ve made mistakes, But we’ve made good friends too. Remember all the nights we spent with them? And all our plans, Who says they can’t come true? Tonight’s another chance to start again. It’s just another New Year’s Eve, Another night like all the rest. – Barry Manilow • What you do for Jewish New Year is you go down to Times Square. It’s a lot quieter than the regular New Year. It’s just a few Jews walking around going, “sup?” – Jon Stewart • When I go, I’ll take New Year’s Eve with me. – Guy Lombardo • When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He’s responsible for my favorite New Year’s memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying. – Elayne Boosler • When I stopped wanting my New Year’s Eve to be perfect, to bring in the New Year right, is when it started working out right. When I was young, I was always looking for the best party to be at, to ring in the New Year, and I always ended up in the car going, “Happy New Year.” – Hilary Swank • Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New year will bring new opportunities. – Michael Josephson • Women get a little more excited about New Year’s Eve than men do. It’s like an excuse: you drink too much, you make a lot of promises you’re not going to keep; the next morning as soon as you wake up you start breaking them. For men, we just call that a date. – Jay Leno • Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey • You staying home all alone on New Year’s Eve? Unthinkable. Take my advice the countdown should be shared with someone, or it’s just another set of numbers passing you by. – E. A. Bucchianeri • Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties”.- Helen Keller, American author, political activist, and lecturer “Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. – Goran Persson Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. -Steve Jobs • Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to. – Bill Vaughan
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Nintendo America, Comic-Con 2019, Microrobots
Yes, it is that time at last; the latest episode from the Nerds is here, so everyone can relax, the wait is over. Once again, we bring you an awesome show that is jam packed full of the topics that are crossing our desks. First up we bring you news that many of us will find refreshing, Buck does. Now hold tight to your pencils as we tell you about how the all-powerful Nintendo are being sued in a class action because of faulty equipment involved in the Switch. Want to know more to see if this can help you with that dodgy gadget playing up? Well it is the first topic and there is some truly interesting developments arising from this.
Next we have a brief news update from San Diego Comic Con, with the talk from Marvel and also some from DC. No, we still aren’t getting paid by them, contrary to the way it appears. But there are some really cool things coming up to look forward to from both groups. We hear about the Marvel Phase 4 universe and the various upcoming movies. DJ is excited about these and is quite eager to see these unfold. There is the news about the various DC series with some shows seeing a possible end and others announcing the latest seasons.
Next up we need to go grab our magnifying glasses as we look at micro bots. That’s right micro bots, tiny little robots that are going to help change the world. One operates in response to specific frequencies and is called a Bristle bot, totally cool. The other is even smaller and is operated by optoelectronic tweezers (OET), which use light patterns to directly interact with the bots. That’s right – LIGHT FEAKING TWEEZERS!!! Sorry about that, but that is so cool, these bots are so small normal tweezers are too big. Would you like to know more? Well then, you are going to love this, listen to the episode and you will hear a lot more.
As normal we have the Shout outs, Remembrances, Birthdays and Special Events for the week. What do you me and a poltergeist have in common, probably more than you would realise, to find out more head over to our friends at the great new podcast from TNC by that very name (You, me and a poltergeist). Now that is a Segway, now it is time for me to go, time for this to end, but before I vanish let me just say this last little thing. Look after yourselves and take care of each other, stay hydrated and keep Nerdy. Catch you all next time.
Nintendo America being Sued
Comic-con Announcements - https://comicbook.com/marvel/2019/07/21/marvel-phase-4-schedule-complete-kevin-feige-comic-con/
Microrobots in cells
- https://www.scienceandtechnologyresearchnews.com/these-u-of-t-researchers-use-tiny-microrobots-to-scoop-up-transport-and-deliver-cell-material/
- https://www.scienceandtechnologyresearchnews.com/tiny-vibration-powered-robots-are-the-size-of-the-worlds-smallest-ant/
Games currently playing
– They Are Billions - https://store.steampowered.com/app/644930/They_Are_Billions/
– Company of Heroes - https://store.steampowered.com/app/228200/Company_of_Heroes/
– Dawn of War 40,000 : Dawn of War - https://store.steampowered.com/app/4570/Warhammer_40000_Dawn_of_War__Game_of_the_Year_Edition/
Other topics discussed
Graphite (a crystalline form of the element carbon)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphite
Nintendo: Quality over quantity
- https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/336293/Quality_over_quantity_is_Nintendos_firstparty_focus_as_the_Switch_nears_year_3.php
Xbox Red ring of death
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_technical_problems
PS4 Blue screen of death
- https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/7byh2i/blue_screen_of_death_on_ps4/
Nintendo 64 joystick injuries
- https://www.cnet.com/news/nintendo-offers-glove-to-prevent-joystick-injuries/
Nintendo 3DS problems and solutions
- https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/common-nintendo-3ds-problems-and-how-to-fix-them/
Simu Liu (Chinese-Canadian actor playing Shang Chi)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simu_Liu
Green Book (2018 film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Book_(film)
Young Justice (DC animated TV series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Justice_(TV_series)
DC Universe Animated Original Movies
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Universe_Animated_Original_Movies
Batman: Hush (DC animated movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_Hush_(film)
How to make a bristle bot
- https://www.robotgear.com.au/Share.aspx/Post/5
- https://www.knex.com/
The optoelectronic microrobot: A versatile toolbox for micromanipulation
- https://www-pnas-org.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/content/pnas/116/30/14823.full.pdf
Mu or µ (SI prefix for micro)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(letter)#Measurement
Prey (2002 Michael Crichton novel)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_(novel)
Help KyoAni Heal
- GoFundMe link - https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-kyoani-heal
Kyoto Animation has opened an account to receive donations
- http://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/information/?id=3075
Kyoto animation studio and their works
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Animation
Rutger Hauer (Dutch actor 1944 – 2019)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutger_Hauer
"Tears in rain" is a monologue delivered by character Roy Batty (portrayed by Rutger Hauer) in the 1982 Ridley Scott film Blade Runner.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tears_in_rain_monologue
18 Jul 2019 - Kyoto animation studio fire - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kyoto-animation-anime-studio-arson-attack-1225232
23 Jul 1967 - First successful liver transplant, on 19-month-old Julie Rodriguez by Dr Starzl at the University of Colorado - https://www.express.co.uk/news/obituaries/777849/lives-remembered-dr-thomas-starzl-liver-surgeon-pioneer
23 Jul 2015 - NASA's Kepler mission announces discovery of the most Earth-like planet yet - Kepler-452b, 1,400 light years from Earth - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-452b
23 Jul 1916 - William Ramsay, Scottish chemist who discovered the noble gases and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904 "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air" (along with his collaborator, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics that same year for their discovery of argon). After the two men identified argon, Ramsay investigated other atmospheric gases. His work in isolating argon, helium,neon, krypton and xenon led to the development of a new section of the periodic table. He died from nasal cancer at the age of 63 in High Wycombe,Bucks. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Ramsay
23 Jul 1942 - Valdemar Poulsen, Danishengineer who made significant contributions to early radio technology. He developed a magnetic wire recorder called the telegraphone in 1898 and the first continuous wave radio transmitter, the Poulsen arc transmitter, in 1903, which was used in some of the first broadcasting stations until the early 1920s. He died from natural causes at the age of 72 in Gentofte. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valdemar_Poulsen
23 Jul 2012 - Sally Ride, Americanastronaut and physicist. She joined NASA in 1978 and became the first American woman in space in 1983. Ride was the third woman in space overall, after USSR cosmonautsValentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya. Ride remains the youngest American astronaut to have traveled to space, having done so at the age of 32. After flying twice on the Orbiter Challenger, she left NASA in 1987. She worked for two years at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Arms Control, then at the University of California, San Diego as a professor of physics, primarily researching nonlinear optics and Thomson scattering. She served on the committees that investigated the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters, the only person to participate in both. She died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 61 in La Jolla, California. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Ride
Famous Birthdays
21 Jul 1951 - Robin Williams, American actor and comedian. Williams began performing stand-up comedy in San Francisco and Los Angeles during the mid-1970s, and is credited with leading San Francisco's comedy renaissance. After rising to fame playing the alien Mork in the sitcom Mork & Mindy (spun off from Happy Days), Williams established a career in both stand-up comedy and feature film acting. He was known for his improvisation skills and the wide variety of memorable character voices he created. Williams has been voted the funniest person of all time. Williams was nominated four times for the Academy Awards, winning for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as psychologist Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting. He also received two Primetime Emmy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and four Grammy Awards. He was born in Chicago,Illinois - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Williams
23 Jul 1892 - Haile Selassie, was an Ethiopian regent from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974. He is a defining figure in modern Ethiopian history. During his rule the Harari people were persecuted and many left the Harari Region. His regime was also criticized by human rights groups as autocratic and illiberal, such as Human Rights Watch. Among the Rastafari movement, whose followers are estimated to number between 700,000 and one million, Haile Selassie is revered as the returned messiah of the Bible, God incarnate. Beginning in Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafari movement perceives Haile Selassie as a messianic figure who will lead a future golden age of eternal peace, righteousness, and prosperity. He was born in Ejersa Goro - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haile_Selassie
23 Jul 1967 - Philip Seymour Hoffman, American actor, director, and producer. Best known for his distinctive supporting and character roles – typically lowlifes, eccentrics, bullies, and misfits – Hoffman acted in many films from the early 1990s until his death in 2014. He began his screen career in a 1991 episode of Law & Order and started to appear in films in 1992. He gained recognition for his supporting work, notably in Scent of a Woman, Boogie Nights,Happiness, Patch Adams, The Talented Mr. Ripley among other movies. He began to occasionally play leading roles, and for his portrayal of the author Truman Capote in Capote, won multiple accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Actor. Hoffman's profile continued to grow and he received three more Oscar nominations for his supporting work in Charlie Wilson's War, Doubt & The Master. Remembered for his fearlessness in playing reprehensible characters, and for bringing depth and humanity to such roles, Hoffman was described in his New York Times obituary as "perhaps the most ambitious and widely admired American actor of his generation". He was born in Fairport, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Seymour_Hoffman
23 Jul 1989 - Daniel Radcliffe, English actor and producer. He is known for playing the titular protagonist in the Harry Potter film series, based on the novels by J. K. Rowling. Radcliffe made his acting debut at 10 years of age in BBC One's 1999 television film David Copperfield, followed by his cinematic debut in 2001's The Tailor of Panama. At age 11, he was cast as Potter in the series' first film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and starred in the series for 10 years, starring in the lead role in all eight films culminating with the final film in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, released in 2011. Radcliffe became one of the highest paid actors in the world during the filming of the Potter films, earned worldwide fame, popularity, and critical acclaim for his role, and received many accolades for his performance in the series. Following the success of Harry Potter, he acted in other movies such as the Edwardian horror filmThe Woman in Black, Kill Your Darlings, Victor Frankenstein, Swiss Army Man among others. Radcliffe began to branch out to stage acting in 2007, starring in the London and New York productions of Equus for which he received immense praise from critics and audiences alike, and in the 2011 Broadway revival of the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. He was born in London - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Radcliffe
Events of Interest
23 Jul 1983 – Gimli Glider:Air Canada Flight 143 runs out of fuel and makes a deadstick landing at Gimli, Manitoba. The subsequent investigation revealed that a combination of company failures, human errors and confusion over unit measures had led to the aircraft being refuelled with insufficient fuel for the planned flight. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimli_Glider
23 Jul 1995 – Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp discovered Comet Hale-Bopp separately before it became visible to the naked eye. It is difficult to predict the maximum brightness of new comets with any degree of certainty, but Hale–Bopp met or exceeded most predictions when it passed perihelion on April 1, 1997. It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months, twice as long as the Great Comet of 1811, the previous record holder. Accordingly, Hale–Bopp was dubbed the Great Comet of 1997. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Hale%E2%80%93Bopp
23 Jul 1999 – Space Shuttle Columbia launches on STS-93, with Eileen Collins becoming the first female space shuttle commander. The shuttle also carried and deployed the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STS-93
- https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/07/sts-93-at-twenty-years-planning-to-launch-chandra/
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Wes Morgan scores dramatic late winner as Leicester play for 87 minutes with 10 men
High winds and high drama.
Leicester, down to 10 men after Harry Maguire was dismissed after just four minutes were hanging on grimly for a point as the final whistle neared against a fired-up Burnley at a blustery, drenched Turf Moor.
Then – on a rare foray forward – Brendan Rodgers men snatched victory when old stager Wes Morgan, brought on following Maguire's red, nodded the brilliant Youri Tielemans cross in for the winner.
     Substitute Wes Morgan celebrates with Ben Chilwell after scoring a 90th minute winning goal as Leicester beat Burnley
     James Tarkowski in the air Morgan rose highest to bean; heading into the bottom corner and giving Tom Heaton no chance
     Dwight McNeil's 19-year-old winger low finish leveled the score on 38 minutes in the Premier League fixture
     James Maddison's curling free-kick put Leicester into a surprise lead on 33 minutes at a windswept Turf Moor
     Keeper Tom Heaton was unable to repair Maddison's effort as Burnley were unable to take advantage of Maguire's dismissal
BURNLEY (4-4-2) : Heaton 6; Bardsley 6, Tarkowski 6, Mee 6.5, Taylor 7; Berg Gudmundsson 7 (Brady 81), Westwood 6.5, Cork 6.5, McNeil 7 (Vydra 90); Wood 6 (Crouch 70, 6), Barnes 6
SUBS NOT USED: Lowton, Gibson, Hart, Vydra, Hendrick,
SCORERS: McNeil (38)
BOOKED: Bardsley
MANAGER: Sean Dyche 6
LEICESTER (4-1-4-1): Schmeichel 6; Ricardo 6.5, Evans 6.5, Maguire 3 (OFF 4), Chilwell 6.5; Ndidi 6; Gray 4 (Morgan 6, 7), Tielemans 7.5, Maddison 7 (Fuchs 63, 6), Barnes 6 (Mendy 76, 5); Vardy 6
SUBS NOT USED : Iheanacho, Ward, Okazaki, Ghezzal
SCORERS: Maddison (33)
BOOKED: Maddison
SENT OFF : Harry Maguire (4)
MANAGER: Brendan Rodgers 7
REFEREE : Michael Oliver 7
ATT ENDANCE : 20,719
   <! –
                          Premier League
            Premier League
             League One
             League Two
             Scottish Premiership
             Scottish Div 1
             Scottish Div 2
             Scottish Div 3
             Ligue 1
             Series A
             La Liga
                   James Maddison's stunning free-kick cool 10-man Leicester the lead against Burnley. CLICK HERE to see more from Sportsmail's MATCH ZONE feature.
It may well have been their only effort of the half, but it was enough for a second win in three under the former Celtic manager.
The visitors had duties the lead when, despite the red, the impressive James Maddison curled in a free-kick but were pegged back by Dwight McNeil's leveler and looked to be well-satisfied with a point. They got three.
Conditions were dreadful. Earlier in the afternoon the nearby M66 was closed after a river burst its bank, flooding both career ways while Rochdale's town center was placed on flood alert.
Both teams acquired themselves well.
     Maddison was booked for removing his shirt in celebration; revealing a top which reads: "RIP Sophie, I love you"
     Leicester's Harry Maguire was dismissed after just three minutes and 11 seconds for a foul on Johann Berg Gudmundsson
     Maguire looked despondent as referee Michael Oliver raised the red card on the edge of the penalty area
     New Leicester was forced into an early change after Maguire's dismissal; replacing Demarai Gray with Wes Morgan
Leicester actually started well and should have gone in front when a sliding Jamie Vardy narrowly avoided connecting with a Demarai Gray low cross at the far post.
Then came Maguire's red which, after just three minutes and 11 seconds, represented the quickest Premier League dismissal for four years. It came after Jack Cork released Johann Berg Gudmundsson behind the England man and while he may argue there was no intent, there was contact. Referee Michael Oliver had little option other than to send him off.
It certainly seemed needless and out of character from Maguire. Perhaps he still had his mind at former club Sheffield United's win at Leeds, which had finished moments before this one kicked off, or perhaps he was still adjusting to the blustery conditions.
Regardless, Burnley were quick in their efforts to make their advantage pay. From the resulting free-kick Gudmundsson saw his deflected effort tipped against the bar by Leicester captain Kasper Schmeichel before Rodgers brought off Gray, who had touched the ball five times, and replaced him with defender Wes Morgan. At least he could go and get dry.
The Claret surge, however, did not emerge, despite the cajoling of an animated Sean Dyche. Leicester adapted well and looked the more dangerous. Their supporters, who traveled in numbers, took to teasing the home fans. "Have you ever seen Burnley win the league?" They asked. You would imagine that some of the freezing Lancastrian present may well have been here in 1960.
On 33 minutes the deadlock was broken thanks in part to another questionable act from an England defender. Burnley’s James Tarkowski hassled but was then turned by a lively Maddison on the edge of the area and reacted by bringing him down.
     Chris Wood headed narrowly wide on 11 minutes as Burnley looked to make their numerical advantage count
     Jack Cork goes for goal from the edge of the area in a game of few chances as Burnley struggled to break down Leicester
The playmaker, not selected by Gareth Southgate for the forthcoming Euro 2020 qualifiers then curled a delicious effort into Tom Heaton's top corner. Maddison lifted his shirt to reveal a touching tribute to Sophie Taylor, a five-year-old supporter or his former club Norwich City who tragically passed away after suffering from cancer in January.
With chants of 'we've only got 10 men 'barely belted out or a delighted away end, Burnley were level. Charlie Taylor found Dwight McNeil on the left of the Foxes area.
The winger, in the midst of a breakthrough season, drilled a fine, first-time drive into Schmeichel's far corner to create another highlight. McNeil signed a new contract earlier this year and was last week selected for England Under 20s. The future for the 19-year-old Dwight would appear to be bright.
At Half-time the Burnley DJ, seemingly with their tongue-in-cheek, went for Rihanna's Umbrella and Travis' Why Does it Always Rain on Me ?, with the heavens continuing to empty.
Following the break, the home side almost went in front when Jack Cork fired over from inside the area after being teed up by Ashley Barnes before Ashley Westwood hit a low effort into the side netting.
     Chris Wood missed a glaring opportunity to give Burnley the lead; poking Dwight McNeil's cross over the bar from close range
     Charlie Taylor goes down in the penalty area under the challenge of Wilfred Ndidi as Burnley push for a winner
Again, Leicester regrouped, forcing Dyche to turn to Peter Crouch. Almost immediately, the hosts screamed for a penalty when Taylor went down in the area under a challenge from Wilfred Ndidi. Replays suggested there was little, if any contact. Another shout was turned down when Crouch's header appeared to hit the arm of Ndidi, before McNeill volleyed a Cork cross over.
By this stage it was attack versus defense. McNeil stopped the ball from going out of play then made his way to the edge of the box before clipping a fine shot narrowly wide. Then came Morgan's moment, rising above Tarkowski to grab victory, and another airing for the "10 men" chant.
For Burnley this is four defeats in a row. Deserved or not, it is a trend which needs to change.
     Heaton runs out of his goal to attack a corner with defender Ben Mee as Burnley try to salvage a draw in stoppage time
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'Spider-Man: Homecoming': Why Does Peter Parker Mean So Much to So Many?
'Spider-Man: Homecoming': Why Does Peter Parker Mean So Much to So Many?
Dan Gvozden, a life-long Spider-Man fan, is a Heat Vision contributor and co-host of Amazing Spider-Talk podcast.
Several weeks ago, at my bachelor party, a friend asked me, “Why Spider-Man?”
Out of context, it must seem like a strange question to be answering at one’s bachelor party, instead of engaging in male-centric merriment and copious amounts of alcohol. But you see, I’m no ordinary fan of the webbed wonder, I’m what you might call a fanatic.
I will never forget the first time I encountered the character, peeling back the pages of the gold-covered Amazing Spider-Man No. 375. Inside the pages of that comic I met Peter Parker, in a costume that was torn to shreds while investigating a man named Eddie Brock, the host of a creature named Venom. Comics!
I had no idea what was going on but I knew I needed more, precisely three-hundred and seventy-four more issues worth. Since that day, I set out to collect every single issue of Amazing Spider-Man ever printed, now totaling nearly eight-hundred issues. Thousands of dollars, quizzical looks, and close-calls later, I’ve completed that collection.
Along the way, I learned the answer to my friend’s question, “Why Spider-Man?” The simple answer is, “Because he’s me.” That’s not to say that I’m a brunette kid from Forest Hills, Queens, who fights tentacled villains with my arachnid-induced superpowers; though I did live in Forest Hills for a couple years, natch. I was, like Peter, a socially awkward kid, unsure of my future, scared of the consequences of my actions, trying to do the best I could… just like everyone else.
That’s the appeal of Spider-Man and his alter-ego Peter Parker, he’s everyone. Whether he’s blasting off into space, lifting tons of steel over his head, running a Fortune 500 company, scraping coins together to pay for laundry, or eating wheatcakes with his Aunt May, his story is our story, his journey our journey. Peter is primed to not only be the “everyman” but to be the stand-in for the audience, no matter the medium.
When, at sixteen years old, I was struggling with the loss of my best friend to reoccurring brain cancer, Peter was there for me. His strength in the face of adversity and emotional defeat reminded me I wasn’t alone, that the mere act of perseverance was enough and that we carry our loved ones with us every day and reflect their love through our choices. That year I carried dozens of Spider-Man comics around in my backpack, seeking solace and comfort in the reliability of Peter’s resolve. The extra weight was never even a thought.
I’ll never forget my reaction to Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man for the first time. Embarrassingly enough, I wept in the car ride home from the theater (they were not tears of joy). Honestly, the experience was probably too much for me to handle at the time. I had spent my childhood describing to people and outright lying, as a form of wish projection, that I had heard about various Spider-Man films headed into production; including a Venom vs. Carnage film, which seems to actually be happening now (I take it back). Whatever that first Spider-Man film would be, it would have to contend with over a decade of fantasizing, and rarely does art live up to a decade of childish imaginings.
Still, many of my initial reactions to the film still hold true for me today. The film works best when it is focused on the origins to the character, specifically in regards to Peter and his relationship to his family and friends. I still feel that Raimi and his team absolutely nailed the most important part of the story, the sequence with the burglar, Peter, and the wrestling coordinator. Raimi somehow manages to get the audience on Peter’s side, cheering for him when he lets the burglar get away with robbing the place. Obviously, this would be undone moments later with Uncle Ben’s death, landing a sweet sucker punch on an unaware audience.
After several years of reading Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley’s Ultimate Spider-Man, a grounded approach to rebooting the Spider-Man character and a smash success, it was hard for my brain to switch back to enjoying a campier Spider-Man representation. As a fan of the character I longed for my favorite characters to be taken absolutely seriously. To this day, I still have trouble watching scenes like the one where the Goblin ties up Spider-Man and talks to him about “owning this town,” like some kind of third-rate mobster. My negative emotional reactions were so bent out of shape, when a friend had a birthday party to see the film, I joined them in the lobby and then ducked out of the film just so I wouldn’t have to relive it.
I was more prepared for 2004’s Spider-Man 2, with my expectations rightly brought down to a more realistic place. The film was everything I could have dreamed of and remains my favorite superhero flick. My friends encouraged me to see the film opening night, but I was hesitant; no one likes to be the spoiler to a group of excited filmgoers. Attending the screening were dozens of people in various Spider-Man costumes and I remember feeling like I had made a mistake in not embracing the enthusiasm of the moment.
I loved the film, and who couldn’t. Spider-Man 2 remains the most enthusiastically faithful representation of any comic book character in film. The film loves Peter Parker, while also beating him up at every single possible moment. I left the theater, went home, bought tickets for the next morning, and this time wore every piece of Spider-Man gear I could assemble from my closet. I read comics while waiting in the line to get in, bought the catchy soundtrack, and cursed at myself for not getting onboard this hype train years earlier.
This would be my undoing for 2007’s Spider-Man 3. Dressed in full Spider-Man regalia underneath a Peter Parker photographer get-up, I was ready to be impressed by the third outing in this trilogy. A large group of excited friends and I camped out in Times Square for the midnight premiere: taking photographs, speculating on how the Harry Osborn plot would resolve, and saying a silent prayer that they would handle Venom (a fan favorite) appropriately.
We were devastated.
I don’t want to relive the disappointment of Spider-Man 3, but its failures were important to my development as a filmgoer and were the base for a growing cynicism that I’ll admit still has a strong hold over me. Even a layperson could quickly put together what likely happened behind the scenes of the film and the deleterious effects to the characters could not have been more devastating. To turn an audience against Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborn, while sloppily introducing Gwen Stacy, was an incredible feat and one that I felt would undermine any future installments in this series. The silent walk back to the subway and subsequent ride to Forest Hills was not how we expected the night to end.
My screenings of 2012’s Amazing Spider-Man and 2014’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 were met with a similar apprehension and excitement. I loved the cast they assembled, was optimistic about director Marc Webb and writer James Vanderbilt, and hopeful that with a relaunch they could veer more towards my beloved Ultimate Spider-Man and avoid the mistakes of the past. I didn’t expect the films to invent a whole new series of problems that underlined what was becoming a crystal-clear misunderstanding of the titular character.
This Peter Parker reflected me and my values in no way. When challenged to live up to his great responsibilities he flaunted his decision to go in the opposite direction. When bullied and bruised by his peers and enemies he decided to hit back stronger, with a vengeance. A young Peter Parker once said in the comics, “Some day I’ll show them! Some day they’ll be sorry! Sorry that they laughed at me!” It’s the ravings of a potential villain and a warning about who Peter may have become without learning a powerful lesson in power and responsibility from his Uncle Ben. This Peter Parker was that villain.
Still, it was exciting to see Spider-Man, with the aid of CGI, move and fight in a way that I could have only dreamed of. I also have to admit to tearing up during Amazing Spider-Man 2 when Spider-Man approaches a bullied child, scaring off his bullies, and asking him to tell him a bit more about himself. When that child returned in the final moments of the film in a Spider-Man costume, it definitely hit me hard. I later learned that Andrew Garfield had advocated for those scenes to be added to the film and it makes sense. As a lifelong fan of the character, Garfield understood the power that superhero comics can have on a bullied child, eventually empowering them to stand up for the values they hold dear.
On Thursday, I attended the first screening of Spider-Man: Homecoming I could find. Dressed in a Scarlet Spider hoodie, to aid in finding fans with as deep a knowledge of the character as myself, my wife and I nervously sat down for the film. Between all the back-and-forths between Sony and Marvel over the future of this character, I was ready to just see what they had to offer, pushing back any of my knowledge of the complicated dealings that made this possible. It was hard to watch Spider-Man: Homecoming without any baggage, but I was determined to do so.
To put it succinctly, I loved the new film and its very unique take on Peter Parker and Spider-Man. This was no longer the Tobey Maguire, mopey Peter Parker that was representative of Spider-Man from the 1960s comics, but a fresh remix of every generation of Spider-Man stories, with some seriously deep continuity digs. My love of the character is very much rooted in the more soap operatic interpretations of the source material, that Sam Raimi also seems to love, but there’s no way not to embrace Tom Holland’s fresh take.
We’ve gotten six Spider-Man films, with three different actors, three different directors, and three different continuities in fifteen years. It’s a lot for anyone to take, especially if you’re a diehard fan like myself. But just as Peter had to learn a few lessons to find himself, the cinematic representation of Spider-Man’s journey has been equally as valuable.
#Homecoming #Parker #Peter #SpiderMan
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Unicorn Princess Squad Group Shot
Tatiana Tarasova - Melanie Maguire - Michael Maguire - Matteo di Girasole
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