#candy red eridan
serfuzzypushover · 9 months
mutant eridan eyes emoji
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beforus vers bc i like the red woaa
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months
Wait what was that that Beforus Eridan being Kankri’s culler? What? How? Does that mean that candy red includes aquatic mutations?
Okay, so, this is PURE speculative headcanon and I debated over whether or not I should even say it, but it's pretty fucking hilarious so I figured I'd mention it with the heavy caveat that I made it all up & not to take it seriously, it's just a headcanon I believe because it's a really funny idea to me, and i do not at all consider this "canon" the way some of my other theories are. i hope you also find it funny
So the big difference between Feferi and Meenah's troll society is what "culling" entails; where on Alternia, culling means killing off the weak, orphaned, disabled, and/or lower classes, on Beforus, it means taking care of them. So the characters on Alternia that would've been slated for culling would, on Beforus, actually have lived very cushy lives where a highblood provides for them. It's still another way of enforcing the class divide, so it's still shitty, but I guess it's better than people being killed all the time.
Karkat is one of the most cullable trolls on Alternia for being a mutant not on the hemospectrum, and the only reason he has a symbol and lusus at all is because the Signless's followers prepared them for him. This is why Kankri doesn't seem to have a symbol or lusus, because a situation similar to the Signless never happened on Beforus, and instead, Kankri (and presumably Karkat as well) would've been culled, AKA taken care of by a highblood.
Another part of Kankri's characterization is that he fucking loves sea dwellers - he's actually pretty polite to Meenah, even trying to ingratiate himself to her via nautical references, and desperately, desperately wants to be pale with Cronus. This leads me to infer that Kankri was specifically culled by a sea dweller, and the law of conservation of detail (not a real thing, it's a trope name) leads me to further infer that Kankri was culled by one of our KNOWN sea dwellers, either Feferi or Eridan. And since Feferi was busy managing Meenah, it seems like the task would've fallen onto Eridan.
Now, I have a whole set of headcanons for what Beforus!Eridan was like, but as I tend not to speculate too much on AUs divested too far from canon, I'm only going to note the pertinent details:
Beforus!Eridan was very well-regarded by the population and had the same kind of standing as a major celebrity,
Many hundreds of sweeps ago, Karlkat Marx Karkat Vantas used to be Eridan's freeloader. Their relationship was extremely difficult to classify, and nobody really understood it (many assumed Eridan was culling him, but Eridan vehemently denied this, insisting Karkat just lived on his sofa rent-free and all expenses paid, like this was a normal thing for them to be doing),
Karkat was generally an absolute disaster in the romance department, having a long string of relationships up and down the hemocaste with his trademark Blurry Quadrant Bullshit, always sadly slinking back to Eridan's sofa at the end of his wild, vascillatory flings,
Karkat would write a massive scathing critique of Beforan society, its consumer capitalism, its casteism and classism, its power structure, etc. etc., which Eridan distributed posthumously, because unfortunately Karkat had the lifespan of a lime & passed away long before Eridan was even at the halfway point of his own lifespan,
Eridan was never the same, and while his public persona remained widely beloved, he became an interpersonal disaster in his private life, and Feferi handed him Kankri as a wiggler to cull in the hopes that it would get him out of his funk,
This Did Not Work At All and in fact fucked up a perfectly good wiggler
I mean, honestly, I don't think there exists such a thing as a "bad class," but I do think Princes should not be raising kids.
So Eridan, who, even in the best case scenario, has disastrous social skills and a fucked up sponge, had literally 0 idea what to do with this kid, and pretty much just threw money at it. It was pretty inevitable for Kankri to remind Eridan of Karkat, so most of what few conversations they'd actually have revolved around Karkat, especially Karkat's extremely fucked up romantic affairs, the recounting of which slowly shrivelled the Seer of Blood up like a raisin and made him decide that romance was really, truly not worth it.
At the same time, Kankri craved an emotional bond with his fucked-up adoptive dad, and the spark would sometimes come into Eridan's eyes whenever Kankri started talking about hemocaste equality. The guy who used to live on his couch would say things like that...
But this would also mean that Eridan was alive at the same time as his descendent, Cronus, so I'm pleased to inform you all that he managed to neglect TWO children, both his biokid and his adopted one. Hooray! As Eridan was universally beloved, Cronus always had a lot to live up to, and very little opportunity to be his own person, divorced of his status as a sea dweller or his ancestor's shadow. Hooray!
But the way it comes full circle is this: Canon!Eridan actually outright admits that his typing quirk is fake, calling it "weird" and dropping it when he's trying to be emotionally sincere. Thus, to me, it stands to reason that it's something he would stop using after he has his character development, and he stops caring about how a "sea dweller" is "supposed to" act. We see it happen with the other trolls, losing/changing their quirks to reflect big life events - Aradia dropping her 0s because she's not doomed anymore, Sollux losing his 2's when he loses his li2p. I've been struggling for a while with what Eridan would replace his quirk with after he drops his ww/vvs because it'd be kind of lame if he just had, like, basically nothing.
Also, I lowkey don't really vibe with Karkat ever using the sym69ls in text - he already resented his ancestor, and he'd especially hate the idea of using them after meeting Kankri. Hell, he's pretty reluctant to even type in his blood color even after everybody knows what it is. But then I realized - Eridan is already the guy on the team who dresses up in the colors of his dating partners. What if he replaced his ww/vv quirk with the sym69ls to show his support for Karkat?
Like yeah Karkat would hate it but it would also be literally so funny, and I think Karkat would be secretly comforted by the way Eridan would stubbornly insist that he's doing it FOR KARKAT, and not for the Signless or whatever, he's literally called Signless, that was like his whole thing idiot, this is Kar's symbol, shut the fuck up.
And also, genuinely, one of the things I'm most sad about missing out on was a conversation between Kankri and post-character-development!Eridan, because... can you fucking imagine? Here's Kankri, who actually loves sea dwellers and the caste system, who wants to be pale with Cronus so so so badly, yet is celibate by choice because he's a slut shamer (and in this headcanon, because he heard too many terrible stories about his ancestor's hellish dating life), who uses "social justice" as a cudgel and couches outright contempt for his friends in "polite" mealymouth language about equality...
... And then Eridan "these are my emotional support slurs" Ampora rocks up to the chat.
Even without the culler stuff, it'd be fucking hilarious, right? Eridan's insane and makes a lot of wild assumptions, but he's usually kind of right (he assumes Kanaya doesn't want to c3< him and Vriska because she's in <3 with Vriska, and he's at least right about the latter; he assumes Rose is highborn nobility, and, like, she IS a rich girl). Despite posturing about supporting the caste system, he doesn't actually give a shit about it, and arguing with him is basically a huge waste of time because he doesn't listen to people.
What I'm saying is, Kankri would be like "excellent, another sea dweller to befriend" + "finally, emotional validation from my distant father" & Eridan would immediately call Kankri a slur, ignore his arguments and rebut with something crazy like how "royal-v" is actually a more offensive term than "wader" because the former assumes sea dwellers have such delicate feelings that they can't stand not to have their globes kissed every five seconds, call Kankri a wader, ask Kankri why Kankri is hitting on him (Kankri isn't), proclaim that he and Karkat make out despite being moirails, and then start insisting that Kankri has to stop using his quirk because it's a quirk for Karkat and Karkat doesn't even like Kankri so Kankri doesn't get to use it anymore.
I think Kankri would start crying. Especially because a crowd has gathered and Kankri accidentally calls Eridan "dad" and Eridan is like i Don't know what that is.
Anyway the point that im making is the sym69ls were originally Beforus!Eridan's quirk because that was how he and Karkat used to curl up on the sofa together. 69. All cozy like. And that's where Kankri got them from and he decided to match his whistles to the motif. And after bullying Kankri into not using them anymore and taking them on himself, they go back to being Eridan's quirk. In a beautiful and stupid time loop of karma, the likes of which Homestuck is so fond of. Amen
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garysprites · 10 months
Could i request your take on a mutantblood Eridan? (candy red)
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oy mista! you me dad?
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kabutoden · 5 months
Sorry if youve answered this before, but how do you chose the bugs to assign to each character ? Also they are all really cool and fun :3
Hi, I’ve explained this before but I’ll do it again! Last time I explained it was less specific to the character and more to the caste, so this’ll be a little different. I use the metaphors and associations of the insect to pick their species as well as their diet. I’m calling the species a troll mimics their ‘morph’.
Aradia: Fly. Associated with death. Detritivore. Tavros: Craneflies. Frailty, timidness, clumsiness. Thinking longhorn beetle might be a funnier pun though, so I might change it. Herbivore. Sollux: Bees. Construction, intelligence, connections to groupthink/hiveminds/psi. Herbivore. Nepeta: Caterpillar. It’s a pun. Herbivore. Karkat: Isopod. Highly social insect. Durable shell representing defensiveness/personal barriers, but also serving literal aspect of ‘thick skin.’ Detritivore. Kanaya: Hornet. Dangerous but caring parents, association with femininity. Omnivore. Terezi: Dragonfly. Good eyesight’s associated with clarity, though large eyes would also be easier to blind. Good at flying. Dragon pun. Carnivore. Vriska: Spider. Manipulative, association with femininity. Carnivore. Equius: Beetle. Strong. Omnivore. Gamzee: Praying mantis. Associations with religion due to unique praying pose. Carnivore. Eridan: Anolomacaris. Extinct skilled distance hunter. Carnivore. Feferi: Trilobite. Large curved spines, trident tongue, ‘ruler of precambrian seas.’ Detritvore.
All insects before Jade are herbivores or detritivores, and all insects jade and after are middle to highblood can hunt. This was to set up an intentionally antagonistic relationship between lowbloods and highbloods. It’s also a new way to play with themes in my personal work which are all about animal dynamics.
I mostly did the human kids as bugs as a joke, because they’re not aliens at all so its funny!! But I had a ton of fun with them so here we go again. I chose them off colors and gimmicks.
John: Spitbug. They’re bright green and gooey boys. Like ectoplasm. Rose: Rosy maple moth. Name association—also bright pink and yellow against their will. Rose wishes she was a cool goth all-black moth. Moths are associated with ‘seeking light.’ Dave: Assassin beetle/wheel bug. Have a gear shaped bump on back, large black eyes, efficient predators, some red coloration. Fits in with his expectations and pressures. Jade: Wooly aphid. They’re white, fuzzy, with rainbow wings. That’s so her.
Jane: Candy-striped leafhopper. Bright cyan with red highlights, food-themed name.Roxy: Pink-spotted cattleheart. Gorgeous pink and black coloring. Butterflies are nectar-drinkers, associated with celebration and inebriation. Kinda clumsy too. Dirk: Tiger beetle. They can move in bursts of motion faster than they can see. That’s flash stepping. Orange and black. Jake: Diving beetle. Dark green with orange highlights, explorers who go where other beetles cannot.
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b-33-s · 4 months
Isnt it cool that eridan as a character is notorious for wearing the blood colors of his quadrants and march eridan (probably unintentionally but whatever) wears a candy red skirt
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somberauthor · 11 months
What do you believe the trolls would look like as humans? I would love to see your interpretation of humanstuck.
This ask was actually interesting. but uhmm
mixed with asian and hispanic, she has brown hair (like chestnut brown) its slightly curly (or wavy) as welland a triangle nose.
Mexican (or just Spanish in general), he has a hooked nose, and black hair (its either very gelled or very fluffy)
asian (specifically Vietnamese), he has an upturned nose and has split bleached hair (one side is bleached into a light blonde and the other side is a dark ((almost black dark)) brown)
black (american, though) ((part of me also thinks hed have vitiligo aswell), i think hed either have a large round nose or a grecian nose, 4c light black (almost dark brown) hair
hispanic, cleft lip, she’d have short brown hair (her hair being only a few shades of brown lighter than Aradia), she’d have a button nose too
she's either french, or indian, her hair would be (correctly and safely) straightened 3A curly hair (she’d also use hair spray to make her hair flat and glossy), she’d have a mix of a roman nose and a hooked nose.
white.... (scottish, i like to think she has a heavy scottish accent), she’d also have brown straight hair but she’d have her side pieces dyed candy red to match her glasses, shed have a droopy nose.
also white, with blonde scene hair (shed have raccoon tail dyed hair), shed have an upturned button nose though
black (russian), his hair is straight greasy black hair, and he has a aquiline nose. (he’d actually be so scary irl)
black (american again), he tried to straighten his hair once and permanently damaged his hair, but he has horribly straightened 4B black hair, he has a hooked nose too.
asian?? (british though, he's 100% british), he has straight blonde hair that he slicks back (but he doesn’t slick back the part he dyed purple), his nose is either grecian or roman. (out of all of them he has the best skincare routine)
egyptian or greek, she has 3A brown hair, a hooked or grecian nose, and she always has flushed cheeks.
(this is edited, with more detailed descriptions!)
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
What's worse about the toxic masculinity introduced in Act 6, that theme gets brought up again in the book commentaries where Andrew Hussie describes Eridan Ampora as being the PROTOTYPE Caliborn. How? Most people had compared Caliborn with Karkat more if not only for their CAPS LOCKS, the red candy color theme, or possible limeblood connection, but mannerisms in being an prick while also being strangely charming for audiences that it was hard to fully hate him, even when he said awful things. Even if Eridan Ampora was said to be the beta version of what Caliborn would act like, why didn't he as a character have more connection to Caliborn like what Gamzee or Dirk have as parts of Lord English? If it was 'originally planned' that Eridan was the base for Caliborn, why isn't he more involved like them outside of Doc Scratch predicting he would go Grimdark for Murderstuck? I call bullshit on another one of the stuff Hussie claims it was planned from the start. Hussie even has the nerve to say Nepeta is the proto-Calliope in return on that same book commentaries. But the two characters are barely seen on-screen talking to each other outside of mentions that Eridan flirted with her when he was helping her get in the game, but Nepeta rejected his advances. If you are gonna call characters as the working versions of new ones, it probably be best to address then WHY these two never got to be part of a big role like them.
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bramblestar334 · 11 months
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I know I just posted the last four of these but I wanted to make a post where people could see all of them at once, along with explaining the thought process behind some of my choices. I'm putting my rambles underneath a readmore but before that, I just want to say that anyone can use these designs (with credit of course) (and if you do please tag me or something just so I can see it)
First off, John! He's a bunny partially because of the buck teeth, and partially because of the Nic Cage reference. Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box.
Rose is a cat because not only did she have a cat (Jaspers) but I also headcanon her as a therian. She gets to be a catgirl.
Dave is a bird because when I was in the process of deciding species, I mentioned the lack of birds and two of my friends immediately went "bird dave bird dave".
Jade is a dog, because of Becquerel, and her personality seems very dog-like. Plus I haven't gotten to that part but I think she canonically becomes part dog at some point. Whatever, she deserves a tail to wag.
Aradia and Tavros are... very simple. A ram and a bull, just like their zodiac signs imply.
Sollux is a snake, because his typing quirk involves changing his s's in some way. Plus it just felt right.
Kanaya is a bat, because she is a literal lesbian vampire furry. That's it.
Karkat is a cat, because his name has "kat" in it and I thought making him an angry little kitty would be extremely funny. I was right.
Nepeta is a cat because anything else would be utterly wrong. Look at her. Canonically two seconds away from being a catgirl. I also headcanon her as a therian.
Terezi is a dragon, because she already roleplays as one, although I didn't give her wings because I'm pretty sure those are a God Tier Thing. On a side note, I headcanon that she paints her nails, and here she paints her spikes. Candy red.
Vriska is a snake because she's a huge bitch. I love snakes in real life, but they seem to be a trope of traitors. Plus, as I noticed after deciding her species, John's item is an apple (representing the "original sin") and Vriska manipulates him throughout the comic. I love unintentional symbolism.
Equius is a horse. Like Nepeta, I really had no other choice. I also have no idea how to draw horses. My friends all wanted me to put him in a crop top but I'm not doing that. ...Maybe another time.
Gamzee is a goat, because my friends also suggested it, and because Capricorn is a goat-fish thing.
Eridan is a skunk, because I showed a picture of him to my friend who doesn't read homestuck and told them to assign him an animal. He stinky.
Feferi is an axolotl, again at the suggestion of my friends who did read homestuck. I think it fits her. :3
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healingpuppys · 9 months
Stimboards pt 2
agere terrance stimboard
chinchilla stimboard
CG! feferi and little eridan stimboard
agere annie skullgirls stimboard
crunchy slime stimboard
crunchy stimboard
eliza skullgirls srimboard
purelily stimboard
western border collie stimboard
soft bunny stimboard
Flip! charles henri sanson stimboard
scottish highland cow stimboard
spongebob stimboard
blues room stimboard
agere fox stimboard
cat paw agere stimboard
ibuki x mikan cg stimboard
CG! alastor and little angeldust stimboard
pink agere mitski stimboard
agere alastor stimboard
cats vs dogs stimboard
nighttime minecraft stimboard
cg! will and small nico stimboard
izuku midoriya stimboard
agere/petre Dylan Lenivy stimboard
vox stimboard
agere fluttershy stimboard
alastor stimboard
petre kidcore valentine’s day stimboard
halloween kidcore rottweiler stimboard
toga himoka stimboard
agere futurama stimboard
agere taco from inanimate insanity stimboard
futurama stimboard
agere grover stimboard
masq black cat stimboard
red, black, and orange stimboard
rainy studio ghibli stimboard
flip! agere willy wonka 2023 stimboard
butterfly tail goldfish stimboard
agere dan and phil stimboard
agere mafuyu sato stimboard
agere furina stimboard
hook 1991 imaginary dinner stimboard
personal stuffy stimboard
squawkabilly stimboard
silver fox stimboard
christopher robin stimboard
agere + petre cure wonder stimboard
agere ocean stimboard
bojack horseman stimboard
aizawa stimboard
rainy day stuffy cuddles stimboard
cg! shane stardew valley stimboard
black lab stimboard
cg latula and little mituna stimboard
red fox stimboard
agere vaporeon stimboard
brown aussie shepard stimboard
bug collecting kiddo stimboard
Smash hit Endless mode level stimboard
nepeta and feferi stimboard
kai and damon stimboard
usps truck stimboard
agere + petre dave dsaf stimboard
glow in the dark stimboard
cg calypso stimboard
cg jade and tiny nepeta stimboard
cg carmy berzatto stimboard
agere kurloz stimboard (420)
candy dealer stimboard
aphrodite stimboard
agere springtrap stimboard
paci gifs 4
scene/emo agere stimboard
agere mangle stimboard
pink stuffy stimboard
toy freddy stimboard
toy bonnie stimboard
toy chica stimboard
mangle stimboard
puppet stimboard
bonnie stimboard
foxy stimboard
freddy stimboard
chica stimboard
golden boy stimboard
flutterbat stimboard
halloween stimboard
fluttershy stimboard
zombie apocalypse stimboard
silly kitty stimboard
pink leopard stimboard
will solace stimboard
nico di angelo stimboard
angelic stimboard
cinna stimboard 2
bingo and bluey stimboard
ocean stimboard
chilly cinna stimboard
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Round Two Polls
NOTE: Every poll is a completely randomized matchup.
Purble (Flight Rising) vs Preminger (Barbie Princess & The Pauper)
Vaati (Legend of Zelda) vs Skywarp (Transformers)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Erin Ruunaser (Aurora)
Shaun Gilmore (Critical Role) vs Skeletor (He-Man)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) vs Chowder
Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone) vs Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
Me (Baba Is You) vs Tallest Purple (Invader ZiM)
Eduardo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) vs Professor Plum (Clue)
Gerard (Monster Prom) vs Nelson (LEGO Ninjago)
Taako (Adventure Zone) vs Mayoi Ayase (Ensemble Stars!!)
Wally (Kikoriki) vs Shockwave (Transformers)
Hino Eiji/PuToTyra (Kamen Rider OOO) vs Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Dionysus (Hades) vs Blinky (The Hatchetfield Universe)
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Henchman (Cuphead)
Garry (Ib) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Gengar (Pokemon) vs The Purple People Eater
Prowler (Into The Spider-Verse) vs King Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) vs Asgore (Undertale)
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Austin (Backyardigans)
Marx (Kirby) vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara (Devil Is A Part Timer) vs Stacy/Stacaesar (Zenkaiger)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) vs Cyclonus (Transformers)
Aaravos (Dragon Prince) vs James (Pokemon)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) vs Spyro
Mike Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Pocketcat (Fear & Hunger)
The Wizard (Stardew Valley) vs Purple (Animation vs Minecraft)
Chu Chu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Skull (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Enderman (Minecraft) vs Frank "Doc" DuFresne (Red VS Blue)
Ravio (Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) vs Sonic (One Punch Man)
Prince vs Star Platinum (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shinsou Hitoshi (My Hero Academia) vs Therion (Octopath Traveler)
Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Barney The Dinosaur (Barney And Friends) vs Prince Humperdinck (Princess Bride)
Adonis Otogari (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Parado (Kamen Rider EX-AID)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic The Hedgehog) vs Nidoking (Pokemon)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Humphrey (Harpy Gee)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai) vs Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Ai / Dark Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) vs Galvatron / Megatron (Transformers)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You) vs Essek Thelyss (Critical Role)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) vs Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
MewTwo (Pokemon) vs Stan LaVey (Monster Prom)
High Geologist Shaggy (Tumblr) vs Chase (Kamen Rider Drive)
Purple Link / Vio (Legend of Zelda: Four Swords) vs Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) vs Purpled (DreamSMP)
Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Narancia Ghirga (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role) vs Count von Count (Sesame Street)
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honeyweaselcandles · 1 year
Candle Catalogue
Here you can find a list of all the candles I have on offer, with a link to the page to buy them and a description of the scent of said candle. It will also contain my commission information, all under the read more.
Linked above is my commission form, once submitted I will look it over and contact you when I am ready to begin discussing it with you. Depending on other orders/commissions/my own schedule, I may not get back to you right away. Commissioned candles are, of course, more customizable than my premade variety. If you want a specific kind of vessel for your candle, for example, provided you have the funds I can make something different than my usual metal tins.
Commissioned candles do not have to be fandom related. You're welcome to commission a candle with a specific scent you like and can't find elsewhere, for religious purposes, or just about any reason you can think of. You could also commission a candle I make already, with modifications, in a different container or subbing out a scent. You could make your own blend for a character I already offer, anything at all is on the table.
If you do get a commission in my standard 4 oz tin as many people do, however, here are my prices:
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To clarify: if I already own the scents necessary for what you want, there will be no extra charge. If I need to purchase new ones because I don't own them yet, that is what would cost extra.
Pre-made Candles
Here I will list all of my currently available candles and their scents, with links attached.
Egbert: Fresh air, light florals, white musk, coconut, zingy lime, bright blue razzberry gushers. (Tealight Link)
Julian Devorak: Orchid, rosemary, seasalt, black coffee, and a hint of leather. (Tealight Link)
Asra Alnazar: A mix of bright citruses, green tea, sage, with a pop of blue raspberry. (Tealight Link)
Rose Lalonde: Roses, lilac, fresh rain, and old books. (Tealight Link)
Jade Harley: Green leaves, fresh fallen snow, turned earth, and light musk. (Tealight Link)
Dave Strider: Juicy apple, thyme, sandalwood, jasmine, and vinyl. (Tealight Link)
Jane Crocker: French vanilla, almond cupcakes, and tobacco smoke. (Tealight Link)
Roxy Lalonde: Sweet cotton candy, orchids, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Jake English: Caramel popcorn, pine, cut wood, cedar, and woodsmoke. (Tealight Link)
Dirk Strider: Orange soda, teakwood, amber, hints of motor oil and steel. (Tealight link)
Aradia Megido: Graveyard dirt, black cherry, and petrichor. (Tealight Link)
Tavros Nitram: Worn playing cards, rock sea cliffs, warm caramel, and coconut. (Tealight Link)
Sollux Captor: Honey, apple, sage, lemon and citrus. (Tealight Link)
Karkat Vantas: Warm cotton sweaters, coffee, and maraschino cherry. (Tealight Link)
Nepeta Leijon: Dry leaves, dirt, chamo-meow-ile, mint, and a touch of patchouli. (Tealight Link)
Kanaya Mayram: Rosemary, blackberries, pepper, clean linens, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Terezi Pyrope: Dragon's blood and fruity red kool-aid. (Tealight Link)
Vriska Serket: Blood orange, grapefruit, lemon, ginger, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Gamzee Makara: Baked goods, lime, cannabis, and sea salt. (Tealight Link)
Eridan Ampora: Violets, cashmere scarves, crackling ozone, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Feferi Peixes: Ocean air, teakwood, fresh strawberries, and sakura blossoms. (Tealight Link)
Calliope: Brown sugar, linen, books, and lime. (Tealight Link)
Pink Frog: Bubble gum
Frog Candles
Bi Pride Frog: Rose, cashmere, black cherry, firewood, and amber.
Green Frog: Vetiver, green moss, rain water, and violets.
Gay Pride Frog: Fruity grapefruit, lemon, and raspberry.
Trans Pride Frog: Daisy, cotton candy, and honey.
Nonbinary Pride Frog: Honey, frankincense and myrrh, turned earth, and a drop of motor oil.
Lesbian Pride Frog: Cinnamon, honeysuckle blossoms, and strawberry.
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timecryptid · 1 year
South Park as Homestuck Trolls
(Like what they would be on Alternia)
Stan is probably a blue blood more in terms of Vriska. He only has small hints about his ancestor but he ignores them because his ancestor sounds like a shitty guy and not in a good way. He was the troll version of an alcoholic and also just a general nuisance. His lusus is actually pretty nice being maybe some sort of dog or wolf and while he’s she does require troll meat to live or else she’ll go fucking bad shit she also doesn’t try to get Stan to do it all the time. I also feel like his god teir would be something Heir but I don’t know what. He has some kind of mind control but he doesn’t use it much. He only uses it when he has to. And he only feeds assholes to his lusus. Usually people being assholes to his friends.
Kenny is a brown blood (I don’t remember what it’s officially called but Tavros) and he has no indication about who his ancestor is but also doesn’t care. His lusus would be some weird raccoon thing that sneaks in and eats his soper slime and as such is high constantly.
Kyle is a lime blood but he has to hide it because all the lime bloods were culled and somehow his ancestors blood got in their before they were all killed off. As far as he knows he doesn’t have any powers but he also doesn’t know much about himself and his blood. The only thing about his ancestor he knows is that he was killed off by hunters for his blood. His lusus is pretty protective of him and weirdly knew Kyles ancestor. I do not know what animal his lusus is though. While it is weird and unheard of his lusus also took in another young grub who was small and weak. He was bound for no lusus having bright candy red blood and as such Kyle and his lusus took the young male grub in.
Cartman I think would be a violet blood although higher then Eridan was. He definalty talks about killing off all the low bloods but he doesn’t actually try to or anything. He is very suspicious of Kyle although as far as he knows Kyle is just an olive blood. His lusus is a catfish who is very casual and is weirdly gone a lot. But when she is around she spoils the shit out of Eric. As much as a lusus can of course. He does not know a single thing about his ancestor which is odd for a violet blood. His friends joke that he doesn’t have one.
So then their relationships would be Stan and Kyle are morails along with Kenny and Cartman. Another obvious is that Cartman and Kyle are kismesis although they do fluctuate between kismesis and matesprites. When they are more ksimesis Stan acts as their auspicious. Wendy (a purple blood) and Stan are of course matesprites. Kenny doesn’t let himself be tied down. Accept for Cartman of course.
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askcasteswitch · 1 year
1. NO NSFW!! The owner of this blog is uncomfortable with all of that, and the timeframe this is currently taking place in is when the characters are all 13. In the future, it may cut to the meteor, so at most, they will be 16.
2. Try To Keep It Casual. Don't ask questions that would be to hard to answer. For example:
Hey, Terezi! Did you know Gamzee is going to use you as a battery when he begins to start is crusades?
3. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS BLOG IS RUN BY ONE PERSON. There will be quality dips and shifts, but remember why. Late uploads will be common as well
4. If you make Fanart, don't send it in the inbox. Please post it and @ me in it.
5. Magic Anons/ anons interacting with the characters is allowed.
6. If the askbox is closed, it's closed for a reason. Don't pester me when it is.
7. Please don't vent in the inbox.
8. Don't RP in the inbox.
9. Don't try to take control of the story once it starts off. This blog will start off as a simple askblog, but the story territory will pick up soon enough. Be patient
Its essentially just a bloodswap au. I switched around some trolls' castes and yeah. Now we got this.
Its essentially just a bloodswap au. I switched around some trolls' castes and yeah. Now we got this.
Eridan is now a Burgandyblood
Vriska is now a Bronzeblood
Terezi is now a Goldblood
Tavros is now a Lime/Candy Red blood
Karkat is now an Oliveblood
Equius is now a Jadeblood
Aradia is now a Tealblood
Feferi is now a Cobaltblood
Sollux is now a Indigoblood
Nepeta is now a Purpleblood
Kanaya is now a Violetblood
Gamzee is now a Fuchsiablood
General Character Design Basics Below
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what do colours taste like
grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began trolling tumblrAnon [TA] GA: Best To Worst Troll Blood Tastes Biased Towards Women For Obvious Reasons GA: I May Rank Jade Another Time GA: Terezis Teal Is A Tantalizing Minty Fire Tang GA: Harmonizing A Symphony Of Honey Sweet Creams Beneath As Sharp As Seer Personality But As Soothing As Seer Smoother Side GA: Vriskas Cerulean Swill Brings A Lust Monsters Dream Of An Excellent Elixir For Indulgent Inebriation GA: Feferis Fuchsia Fancies Bright Blossoms At The Height Of Spring Leaving One Tasting Tropical Fruits Feeling Light As A Hummingbird GA: Aradias Burgundy Blood Of Rust Reminds One Of Tasting A Battery Its Shocking With A Delicate Numbing Afterwards Much Like How Reaching Death Must Be GA: Eridans Violet Has Hints Of The Fuchsia Flowery Aftereffects But More Subtle Hints Of Sour Citrus With Undertones Of Dark Chocolates Its A Deeply Sought Dessert That Finishes A Well Rounded Meal GA: Nepetas Olive Is Sharp And Bitter Much Like Human Salads Of Dark Leafy Greens They Leave One Feeling Comfortable But Desiring Something Heartier GA: Solluxs Gold Blood Glows Like The Setting Late Summer Sun Blazing Over The Ocean A Delicate Bitter Salt Flavor Brightened By The Freshness Of Recently Caught And Seared Tuna GA: Gamzees Purple Blood Had A Rather Benign Unimaginative Taste Thats Generally Only Quenching When Exhausted And Approaching The Bounds Of Dehydration Having The Bloodlust Motivation To Quench Ones Thirst With This Blood Exemplifies The Flavor To Unseen Bounds Its Truly Only Flavorful When Fraught With Feverous Rage GA: Equiuss Indigo Tries To Outcompete Vriskas Cerulean But Overpowers The Sensible Notes Blind Siding Ones Mouth With A Harsh Unnatural Silky Smoothness Of Hard Human Liquors With Too Much Proof Unlike A Fine Cognac Of Cerulean GA: Karkats Candy Red Blood Tastes Like Shit Its Too Sugary But It Was Worth Trying Once As It Leaves One With A Horrible Sugary Drunkenness Youll Stumble Over Everything At Once With The Excess Drug Energy Of Sugar GA: Tavross Bronze Blood Tastes Like No Other Theres Iron Like Rust But A Sharp Pang Of Demotivating Regret As It Attempts To Simulate The Brightness Of Solluxs Blood As It Flops Miserably Thankfully When Slow Cooked Properly It Simmers To A Brilliant Shine As Savory As Well Roasted Muscle Beast grimAuxiliatrix [GA] ceased trolling tumblrAnon [TA]
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You already know about fuscia being mantis shrimp, blue/indigo being beetle, and gold being bees. Going from the bottom of the hemospectrum up, the rest of them are as follows:
Rustbloods are flies Bronzebloods are ants Limebloods are trilobites [candy red bloods are horseshoe crabs] Olivebloods are crickets/grasshoppers Jadebloods are mosquitoes Tealbloods are mantises Cerulean/Bluebloods are arachnids Purplebloods are cockroaches
And last but not least, the most heartbreaking in the context of dsmpstuck, violets are lobsters. Specifically because I wanted eridan to have to have a shitty little moustache and be unable to get rid of it.
THAT'S SO COOL. OMG. rustbloods being flies ohhh my god. short lifespans + association with death I LOVE THAT!!!! and limeblood trilobites ahgshagh YEAHAHAHHA!!!! love lobster violetbloods. lobster eret!!!!! oh thats so cool i love it so so so much
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b-33-s · 4 months
Isnt it cool that eridan as a character is notorious for wearing the blood colors of his quadrants and march eridan (probably unintentionally but whatever) wears a candy red skirt
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