#cannabis mention
passionfruitmango · 6 days
What's your neopets ritual/routine?
I like to get somewhere between comfortably and violently high and do my dailies 🥰
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bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
If I were a mermaid, my name would be The Coral Reefer.
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fill-me-with-dirt · 5 months
Just hit a bong for the first time then went to McDonald’s with my husband and his friend and parked at the beach watching the waves while a seagull sat on the hood staring us down and the whole time I was thinking “fuck i should’ve been smoking weed with friends when I was like fucking fourteen
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poondragoon · 6 months
About two years ago, I spent about 90 minutes floating in the shade in the backyard pool of an Airbnb in Florida, just slightly stoned and half asleep, listening to Liquid Tension Experiment.
Probably one of the best times I've had in my life. Top ten, easy.
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briarpatch-kids · 7 months
I'm trying to figure out what the pain management physician can even DO for me next week. I've gone through therapy for it, and that helped me quit using cannabis, but now I need pregnancy safe options. Beyond getting electrics to the backrest, I don't know what to try or do. I know massage is a thing but the VA is NOT gonna cover that lmao. They already denied me acupuncture.
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bayonettas-tits · 8 months
Ever think about all that potential you were told you had as a kid that was then wasted by the education system and the world being shit to you?
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caneryderr · 9 months
I'm laughing so fucking hard I am so high
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blow-me-a-kis · 11 months
I'm looking at character art pieces from lockdown era I want to upload for POD shop, and Im like damn I was making art so freely when I was a bonafide stoner lmao
Idk how I even came up with some of this shit. Like if you asked me to recreate my style idk if I'd even be able to
I'm inflexible and anxious these days when I hop into Procreate. I haven't really enjoyed cannabis frequently lately. Other than an edible with my cousins at the family reunion a month back lol
Back at the start of the pandemic, I would literally sit on the back porch of the queer house where I was staying at the time and just sample like five different concentrates back-to-back. I think it's also that I had just gotten my ipad, so I was a kid discovering crayons. I was experimenting and making whatever made me happy and inventing all sorts of new OCs
I don't need to be that guy, cause he was Super depressed and sad and scared and lonely and borderline suicidal. Ppl don't just get high like that cause everything is good in life lmao. I was clinging to my art for dear life back then, and if you would have asked that guy if his work was any good, he might have said it was inconsistent af. But I gotta get back to that freedom with my creativity, that fearless exploration
I also could stand to enjoy an edible every once and a while, or a hit of my vape. I don't need to be a daily user, but I could be intentional about my use and just make it apart of my creative practice
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lemonbalmgirl · 1 year
Finally remembered to contact the Etsy store that I haven't received my order from - I ordered May 9th, it says they shipped my stick on May 16th, but tracking wasn't included and...it never arrived? It was only coming from Tacoma, too. (But it's supposed to be the central sticker on my travel mug, so I can't put anything else on until it arrives.)
Trying a new brand of sleep candy tonight. My mom had some gummies from a different brand at her place, so she just brought me some to try. The main difference is that the ratio is 1:1 instead of 2:1, so I'll be getting the same amount of THC, but more CBD. I'm trying them at the approximate dosage I was using of the other brand, so 2.5mg of each. We'll see how it goes.
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fill-me-with-dirt · 5 months
I’m going to be super paranoid no matter what I do I might as well also be blazed
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predictament · 1 year
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im sexually attracted to this bread
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mur-art · 1 year
It's 4/20, y'all. 🍃🍃 Which states are partaking in the "festivities"?
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erikahammerschmidt · 1 year
I would like to reiterate my perennial position on #AprilFools which is that this day, due to its position approximately midway between 3/14 and 4/20, should be devoted entirely to celebrating pot pies.
any kind. chicken pot pie. vegetable pot pie. even a #pot pot pie, or a #pi pot pie, if you figure out how to make such a thing. April 1 is no longer about fooling, it is #PotPieDay.
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dddemigirl · 1 year
Wren bought some THC gummies that came in the mail today. I just had half of one. The aftertaste is shit. 🥲
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geistxhund-a · 2 years
ye be warned, I have returned and with a vengeance! or at least as much as my smol adhd brain will allow before over-processing stuff again. tbh I'll be full speed tomorrow, today's gonna be a lil' slow and sparse but all in all I'm trying to get over some heavy stuff irl but am doing so as positively as I can w/ the best intentions. gimme like one more hour though to chill after my 5 hour escapade and then me'thinks I'll begin to look at getting some asks done later into the evening though I'll be leaving to play my newly ( and honestly justly required brand new AAA game 'cos the last time I bought myself a genuine game was the resident evil 2 remake like 3 years ago AKA blind god of war ragnarok time w/ some booze and the devil's cabbage.
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straight up ignored a house guest who misgendered me. Didn't acknowledge he even spoke, just sat there unmoving, looking at my phone until someone else said something. I've done it to this person NINE TIMES.
if he hadn't been here to buy weed he never would have been here, btw like we do need the money so yeah. That's how i'm dealing with it 5 years afte coming out. Either you get silence until business is finished or i shout you outta my house!
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