#canon samdean things
lilacpaperbird · 7 months
guys I know we have a mental breakdown over sex and violence twice a week but I just watched it again and. I still can't believe they shot and aired this. it's insane
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in my mind a huge part of sam and dean’s dynamic at the beginning of season one is like.
dean is so terrified that sam doesn’t need him anymore. yes, he came back, but he’s grown up and he’s seen so much more of the world and he’s smart and self-sufficient, and so even though he’s with dean, dean feels basically useless as a protector/caretaker, the role he played his entire life, the only one he knows, and it’s now no longer really needed. so he handles that (poorly) by overcompensating to an EXTREME degree. like being even more of a helicopter parent, not letting sam go anywhere alone, checking on him all the time, etc etc.
then finally sam explodes on him, because he’s not a kid and dean doesn’t need to worry about him anymore.
and dean is soooo offended by that because like. how do you not KNOW, sam. if you think there’s a single universe where i don’t worry about you every waking moment of my life then you don’t know me at all.
and sam metabolizes that as, i’m a burden, i’m sorry for being such a fucking burden, i’m sorry you feel so stifled by having to take care of me.
and they never talk about any of this by the way. so it just becomes a never ending cycle of he doesn’t need me anymore // i’m such a burden to him on and on and on
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lambmotifz · 1 month
controversial opinion perhaps but the only lover dean can be aggressive with is sam, and sam secretly loves it and so does dean <3
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Supernatural 1.06 “Skin”
What happened? He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her.
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spnnps · 2 years
samdean fake dating but its only because right before stanford sam’s distain for switching from school to school has turned into boredom instead. dean’s dealing with his own crises on the other side, the weight of “holy shit this is the rest of my life now” finally sinking in so they decide okay fuck it. it would be funny if at sams next school dean pretends to be sam’s older boyfriend while their dad is on a case the state over
dean picks sam up in the impala every day and sits outside of his school leaning against the door, waiting with his hands in his pockets for sam to come rushing out to see him in his perfect studious high school cosplay, pink cheeked and tousled hair and his books threatening to slip out of his arms. the whole school watches sam trot up to dean and talk about his day while theyre nose to nose, deans hands going from his pockets to sam’s waist, and literally no one ever confronts them because even as a joke they read so perfectly like the kind of couple who probably won’t last more than ten minutes before theyre all over each other in the back of that sex magnet car
its a fun bit for a while (dean’s arm around sam at the diner in town, playing footsie in the library while sam is studying, dean even goes to a dance or two on sam’s arm) but the attention it draws in isnt Exactly what dean was expecting. girls have always loved sammy, even if he never noticed, and it seems like making him unavailable has just made him more of a heart throb based on the way the local skirts giggle and blush when they pass.
the first time they kiss, dean presses Sam up against the wall of a shop on the main street of town (he caught a handful of girls he knows are in sam’s class trying to come talk to them) and hes not really thinking about it until theyre there because until this point he’s been so focused on Boyfriend Sammy that he forgot Brother Sammy is waiting in the wings
sam panics (fucking obviously) but dean’s got his hands wound in his shirt and its the first time they’ve ever been flush together like that and his brain kinda. short circuits. and then he kisses dean back. and then he keeps kissing dean back because woah he’s never kissed a boy before but dean’s lips are surprisingly soft and the noise he makes when he realizes they’re actually honest to god making out in public makes his knees go a little wobbly
and then the flirting in public turns into quick kisses, and teasing gropes, and also one notable occasion where dean almost gets them caught dry humping in broad daylight in the impala. and by the time john gets back, somehow the brother wires and the boyfriend wires have gotten so crossed that dean spends 70% of his mental capacity holding back from copping a feel on his little brother all day
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awinchesterrifle · 2 years
I know the finale was controversial but I really like Dean’s death scene idk. I just watched it again and it’s like the final entry in how fucked up and weird their relationship is. Like it is decidedly NOT brotherly in its framing, Dean saying I love you to Sam, them holding hands on his chest, the forehead touch. They’re both in their 40s I think and Dean still calls Sam baby brother. Ugh him begging Sam to tell him it’s okay to go! The whole thing is just like the final crazy psychotically irrationally erotically enmeshed cherry that, for whatever weird directions the show had taken in the last like. 10 seasons, was the last word on the fact that this was what it was all about. It wasn’t perfect but some of the parts about the scene that seem strange are what makes it so fitting?
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fangpie · 6 months
s4ep14 "i should be your little brother" UH LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK! What on gods green earth - like how the hell am i supposed to read this other than some serious 🤨 brother loving bullshit. a motherfucking siren.
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rottingsam · 2 years
my problem is i go into gas stations and see things like pineapple fanata and think “hm,,, should only drink this flavor of Fanta and dean would know that and specifically buy it for him but also shakes it up before giving it to Sam” that is what I think about.
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loving-family-poll · 4 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut:
literally the blueprint. it's implied that charles once had a quasi-incestuous relationship with his sister (charlie's mother) and once she got married put all his affection into the child that was named for him
She tries to get him convicted of murder, he tries to kill her. the whole thing is wrapped in a metaphor about growing up and sexual maturity and the rot at the center of the normal all-american family. their final conflict takes place on a train which is. uh. if you know anything about hitchcock. that's. that's a phallus. whatever they have going on is so much weirder than if they just fucked nasty.
They parallel each other and understand each other to a point where there's some unexplained telepathy happening and they are framed by the camera as love interests, whereas her scenes with her love interest are shot as if something's off about them
Uncle Charlie says she's the thing he loves most in the world and gives her a ring
They have a folger-esque 'no, I don't need any presents, you're here' scene
She's very happy to have her friends see them together and both act jealous when the other is being approached by someone else.
They beat the Hays Code and walked so Stoker and House of the Dragon could run
They repeatedly say they're more like twins than an uncle and niece
"Because we're not just an uncle and a niece. It's something else."
mortal enemies and lovers forever <3
one of the characters in the show said 'they fight like dogs but they would die for each other' and i haven't been normal about them since. so much angst and hatefucking potential with these two
Damon dedicated his life to making Stefan’s miserable. Damon only becomes interested in his canon love interest when he realizes that Stefan likes her too. They both blame each other for ruining each other’s life miserable. They look like they’re about to fuck every single time they’re on screen. Stefan thinks about Damon during sex and vice versa
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Anybody who thinks that abomination of a TWin finale was BETTER than the spn finale or FIXED anything about it can fuck right off, tbh. Bad vibes, dnw.
Like the biggest thing about TWin is it's INSULTING.
It's insulting that it's called "the winchesters", when The Winchesters are Sam and Dean. It's insulting that those involved kept telling people to trust them and "canon we got you" and stringing people along a whole fucking pointless season. It's insulting that they claimed they were so passionate about it when it's... Like This. When clearly no one could bother to even consult the canon, or hire actors who would be faithful to the OG representations. When it feels like a really cheap cash grab, when the interviews with Robbie and Jensen tell a story of people who knew they HAD to make this work, but didn't actually have a vision or focus for it. When Danneel appears to have been given way too much creative control despite not actually watching most of spn. When her passion for the project appeared to be the clothes she and Jensen could be photographed in -- this isn't wife hate, this is sincere criticism of someone who had creative control in a project they didn't even know the canon for.
It's insulting they spent the money for good music and played actual Led Zeppelin in THIS STUPID FINALE.
I know the last seasons of spn got pretty out there, got pretty stupid and lackluster (ghosts redux but daytime? Ehh), but at least in s15 they were running through "greatest callbacks" territory. TWin was not only worse quality, it had no fucking purpose. They didn't have a STORY TO TELL at all. You think THIS was where they were originally heading with that "Dean" voiceover from the pilot, talking about the true story of his parents?
(None of these questions are important enough for an s2, mind you; this show gets the atla live action treatment--never happened, doesn't count)
THE WHOLE FUCKING REASONING IS JUST POINTLESS AND STUPID. AND THERE DIDN'T SEEM TO EVER BE ANY REAL STAKES FOR THIS SCOOBY GANG ALL SEASON. It was The Magic Tree House, with all the answers handed to them. (Not to mention the pretty bad acting I witnessed from Meg -- a too-short-to-be-Mary-when-Drake-is-that-tall Claire lookalike I'm supposed to believe as Mary🙄 --and the total lack of JohnMary chemistry, and the weird af lore breaking holywater!hair vamp splash that started as a joke and shouldn't have even made it onto the page🤦‍♀️-- if you wanted to be that kind of camp you should've just done a straightup AU spinoff, and not tried to tie this in to the OG while LYING about "canon we got you" and getting your tone all the fuck wrong)
This doesn't fix anything from spn finale--NOTHING NEEDED FIXED. Whatever gripes there may be about aspects of the spn finale, essentially it was PERFECT. THIS bullshit takes a Dean who had finally come to terms with the life they'd lived, who had his actual loved ones largely available in heaven (and Sam on earth, but knowing he'd meet Dean up there, and time is different in Heaven), and takes away any character growth the spn finale suggested-- because he's ALREADY LEARNED THIS LESSON ABOUT TRYING TO CHANGE THE PAST WTF.
Also, that was not Dean. I get that Jensen probably couldn't cut his hair or whatever, but that turtleneck sweater was not an outfit OG Dean would wear, AND Jensen seems to have forgotten how to do the Dean voice/accent. They should've said it was huntercorp!Dean or something, cuz that was not the Dean that died in 15.20 and went to Heaven and took a drive to wait for Sam.
The only correct thing in TWin finale is that Sam was still Dean's #1, and all the SamDean parallels to JohnMary throughout the show get rights for preserving that. But the JohnMary was so dull.
This ridiculous show is NOT CANON, and I hope whatever future endeavors come out of spnverse has greater respect for the OG and its fandom, and better writing and casting. (I would prefer for it to die than become another abomination.)
I'm sorry for Drake's decent acting that this was the story he got, since he seemed to actually be a fan of the og -- even though some of his comments lost him some points with me. Sorry for some of the other wannabe scooby gang actors, who should've just gotten their own spoofy spinoff. I would be happy to not see Meg in anything ever again -- not that I wish for an end to her career, just that *I* won't have to see her face act. I would also be ecstatic for the Ackles' friends to not be cast in roles they're unsuited for just so they can all work together 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 how the fuck was that supposed to be Samuel?
You make a variety show for this shit, not a fucking prequel-that's-not-a-prequel. Good grief. Get you some good people that will tell you no. Maybe talk to Jared about it, jfc. He actually gets thoughtful about his headcanons.
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lilacpaperbird · 3 months
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stolen glances ♡
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spngirlpolls · 8 months
got an influx of new people here recently so just curious: if you follow/interact regularly with this blog please self identify what kind of fangirl(gn) you are, this is purely for science and to see to what parts of the fandom these polls actually reach. this is not to block or ostracize anyone for any opinion they have i'm just genuinely curious
i know what kind of community i have on my main blog (@ladylightning) with my mutuals etc but on here i get notes with opinions that run the gambit (which is totally fine and great!) but it’s just useful for me to see who is participating here so i can post stuff that we can all enjoy
ok thanks bye!!
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lambmotifz · 3 days
me when someone shits on post s5 sam: spn ended at s5 and dean jumped into the pit right after sam did, and anything past that never existed
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supernatural lends us readings pretty easily for deanjohn & samazazel, but the important thing is that they both are dependent on that one scene at the end of devil's trap. this is where john gets the most physical with dean, and where azazel gets the most physical with sam. everything else in their stories depend on how these respective fathers ruin their lives, how each brother finds themselves unable to detangle from the plans set before them through fate. not to mention that john and azazel share some sort of sexual connection with mary, and i really love the theory that sam is azazel's child (a la an antichrist). i also think this is why samdean's love is so beautiful and unique, both in canon but also in a sexual capacity; it reclaims incest (whether metaphorical or literal) from abuse and control and transforms it into something that finally allows dean to stand up to john, and something that inspires sam to resist azazel's machinations and instead give himself to the world. it's because of that love, despite these respective fathers.
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vivi-scera · 7 months
Umm please talk about johndean. You seem insane enough no offense
none taken!! if the shoe fits etc. and lmfao i'm embarrassingly insane about a show that i'm only about 20% into watching. not watching past season 5 of course <3 blame @amonsternamed for infecting me, i'm just about to rehash/repeat conversations we've had before. but that probably doesn't make me totally unqualified— many such pairings/dynamics i'm well versed in that give me the background (see batman & robin... which i can talk about as well if you or someone else asks, totally not a suggestion haha 😐).
hmm johndean... probably should preface this by saying i'm way more into samdean since i think the fruition (physically or not) of an incestuous relationship (more incestuous than is already implied in the canon anyway) between them would make more narrative/thematic sense. but there's a lot to be said about the inherent eroticism in johndean's dynamic. you could say that they have a sergeant/soldier or god/follower dynamic in the canon which negates any sort of sexual charge. but the fact that they're father and son makes it erotic, imo. if there is a relation that gives precedence to all other relations/dynamics between the two then that very relation could be seen as erotic because it defines them and gives them their closeness. the physicality of their father-son relationship precedes even a quality that is divine.
it's this unjust exploitation of a "natural" power dynamic. corruption (whether physically or metaphorically of the blood, of the family, etc.) is, from my understanding, a HUGE theme in supernatural. they wouldn't have had the relationship that they had— dean wouldn't have had the opportunity of being corrupted— without them being father and son. whether john actually has/deserves the power to corrupt in the larger narrative could be argued, but that's another topic. he is, after all, a born-again hunter not one by blood like mary is. but the fact that his ordinary human blood that flows through dean has the ability to corrupt. the fact that the father twists and takes advantage of the very thing between him and his son that is supposed to protect the latter. it's horrific but un/fortunately there is eroticism to be found in the horrific.
even if john is the absent father-god he has enough of a physical presence to corrupt. it's why dean is so devoted, i think. his daddy is just close enough to touch! if he's good enough maybe he finally can. but would he still be "good" if he's able to get to that point? what would it say about him if he's able to come close to the very thing that corrupts him? when it comes to hunting and/or loving john, is dean doing what he needs in order to survive? or is he doing what he wants? and what does that say about him? there's such an obfuscation— where i'm at in the story at least— between dean's needs and wants, where his needs/wants transcend himself. his motivations center the person that he loves/feels a duty towards, regardless of what his own personal feelings on the matter are. if he even knows them that is. maybe he feels more comfortable in the serving, finding indulgence the same as betrayal of duty. in fact, this is part of what makes johndean sexy. what is dean betraying if he indulges in an incestuous relationship? is he really betraying his father if he does what his father wants? or is the real sin fulfilling his own desires and not the actual incest? this could just as easily be applied to samdean if we shift the target of his motivations. but even then... john was the one who gave dean responsibility over sam. none of this is to say john is all evil/corrupt. he loves his sons, of course he does, you cannot deny that statement without denying the canon itself. but how that love is displayed/professed is often conflated with violence. would any of them know how to approach love without violence or vice-versa?
also there's some basis in how the canon is set-up that lends itself to an erotic interpretation. he literally made him a mother!! it is in their profession/blood as hunters to confront that which is supernatural— unknowable, horrific and without presence— which is their curse to bear. so this is all to say that i don't exactly want johndean to fuck (such an event would probably conflate john's role as the absent, untouchable, unknowable, etc. in the canon story actually), i just think their relationship can be examined erotically, having both/neither positive or negative connotations since this is fiction yknow. and even if i did want them to actually fuck so what!! sorry this got so long about a pairing i don't even know that much about sdkjfhslf imagine what i could say about shit i actually have authority over.
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missmisdemeanor · 7 months
happy dadfucker friday! how do you think deanjohn contributed to the development of samdean (at least for me it's in this order with a side of testing the limits in teenage years/weecest)?
ooh, good question! i think yes. (and i'm gonna do my best to answer this as it aligns with canon)
the difference of the john/dean power dynamic and the sam/dean power dynamic is certainly not lost on dean, for one thing. i imagine he feels safe, sometimes even in charge with sam- especially a teenage-ish sam. i imagine him getting abnormally close with sam almost as a coping mechanism (it's all about that trauma bond, baby) and pushing sam's boundaries. dean may also believe sam is the only person who could love him knowing what happened between dean and john. god knows there's a lifetime of therapy these two simply do not have.
as they get older, they're the only people who understand each other, both the monsters outside their house and the monster inside their house, as it were. and the rest of their insane, tangled-up, unhealthy thing is history <3
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