#cant comment on plot since I have yet to fully watch it
blu-wingz · 2 years
whats up its stampede saturday and ive GOT SO MANY THOUGHTS
trigun/stampede/manga spoilers blah blah im normal
ok so what the fuck /pos
ok so fuck. i know i said i had thoughts but ah to put them into words FUCK
disclaimer: i’ve read the manga and seen 1998 trigun so i know whats up.
The Tesla scene. god. they made it much more gruesome and i loved it. KEEPING HER ALIVE ooooh that hurts. but i wish they had a whole episode to explain tesla, what the humans did to her and how this drastically changed the twins’ POV of humanity and their place in the world. bc god that scene was only like less than 2 mins long and i dont think they did her much justice. maybe they will dive into it more but i doubt it since they have to deal with A GIANT PLANT MONSTER
that thing is gorgeous btw. the animation style is so good, that doesnt need to be said but god the studio is using the medium so well. im sure some botany fanatic is gushing about the flora symbolism. and i’ve no clue how July will perish now. anyway, vash is gonna feel SO guilty after this. oh goodness.
VASH HANGING ONTO HIS LAST REMNANTS OF REM THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH FUCK. AND WHEN NAI TOLD HIM “i did this [The big fall] all for you” “so its my fault”. OH BOY I DO LIKE TO SEE VASH SUFFER BUT BITCH THAT FUCKING HURTS. man. seeing him as a husk, a void vash, and it hurt. and him asking if he knew meryl and roberto, fuck!! ouchie!! and also Knives reading the Bible and deciding “yeah humanity is fucked and heres the proof” is SO FUCKING FUNNY. lmao. the implications that he was inspired yet disgusted by the bible sm that he despises humanity and also started a religious cult. oh my god.
Wolfwood wasn’t in a hurry to leave. he didnt want to get involved but he wasn’t rushing to the exit to move on with his life. he was hanging around just in case. of what? idk. this tristamp WW is a bit more mysterious for me and i like it. He didnt make Meryl leave either. didnt bother to stop her. that says so much about him.
oh and poor meryl. for a sec i saw the vines unleash in the room and thought it was gonna be like that volume where she sees what Vash’s feels/sees bc she touches his feathers. i got so scared. bc damn it. every moment in the manga has its impact and trying to shuffle them around to fit this new story hurts me personally /sarcasm. again, i LOVE this new show. im thankful for this new cake but sometimes i see remnants of the manga and i miss the original story. anyway, i cant wait to see what will happen to July, WW and Meryl.
also wtf happy birthday twins i fucking guess. idk if it was hinted before but what a jumpscare. but not a terrible jumpscare as the fucking plants being impregnated by Vash or Knives of the fucking core or whatever the fuck. like yeah. i know the metaphors of motherhood and shit but fucking. i didnt need that imagery personally. and i dont wanna think about it anymore. yall can have it. whatever. it just makes me uncomfy, nothing serious lol
it seems like they keep touching, briefly, on plot points from the manga but not exploring them fully. and i get it. its hard to explain anything from og trimax in 22 minutes, much less 12 episodes. and also i cant blame them so much. maybe watching this live is skewing my view of the entirety of the show. i am definitely re watching this when its finished. i fucking love trigun. and so i won’t comment much on the event order or whatever. i should just let it go. Its a new show with remnants of the manga and its so cool.
.anyway last episode is the day before my birthday so yipee! bday gift for me lol
edit: VASH HAS LEG PROSTHETICS WOOW how did he lose em hmmm
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supersecretnerd · 2 years
I have yet to watch it, but I saw this image of a 1976 James and the Giant Peach film and I had to share.
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The Despair Disease
While the post I made saying I want to make this post didnt gain a lot of traction I’m making it anyway to defend the motive the fandom deems the worst of the worst when it’s one of my favorites
This post contains spoilers for SDR2 and DR1′s chapter 6 and other chapters so finish those before you read. I dont believe I spoiled anything about DRV3 but if I did shoot me a comment I’ll update this.
In this post I will explain why I adore this motive (its prolly even my favorite in the franchise) and later explain the despair disease we got. If people want I will make another post on what the other cast would get as a despair disease but this post is getting very long.
Also I apologize if this post makes no sense I write on pure passion and don’t feel like trying my best to make it cohesive. Feel free to ask in replies or my dms what Im saying in some points.
The criticism behind this motive
I see a lot of posts saying this motive is a lazy excuse for foreshadowing and how it butchered characters like Mikan because they were running out of motives.
In my opinion, to say this is lazy foreshadowing is a bit ridiculous because it foreshadows two things pretty well when I was watching a playthrough (I wasnt able to buy the game *mourning noises*)
- Junko AI’s control over the world is foreshadowed with the fact the disease easily came and went. As the teacher or admin essentially she has the power to do this because its a game world not the real one. 
- Mikan’s breakdown and motive is the biggest remnant of despair foreshadowing we get prior to it being revealed in Chapter 6. 
I’ve seen people say Junko choosing to only infect Mikan with the remembering disease is ridiculous because she should just infect everyone then they kill each other and she takes the bodies but this idea forgets one key aspect of Junko’s plan.
She wanted to trap Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya in the Neo World Program
TLDR: Junko cant trap the survivors if they’re all despair cause Byakuya or Kyoko would’ve ended the whole thing and have the DR2 cast killed.
If Junko made everyone back into despairs, Makoto might’ve jumped in if he was alone but Kyoko and Byakuya (well maybe with Makoto’s urging just Byakuya) never would’ve gone in and they would’ve stopped Makoto. Byakuya might even just straight up pull the plug on the operation and tell Makoto its impossible to save them because they’re optimistic not delusional. They believed in them in Chapter 6 because they were still themselves but if they all became despair then Byakuya or Kyoko would’ve ended the whole thing and her plans would go down the drain. 
Of course causing herself despair may have been a side motive but above all if she made everyone despair she couldnt trap the survivors which she wanted to do so only Mikan became despair and I fully believe Mikan was an appropriate choice for the remembering disease not because she outlived her usefulness to the plot or she’s too useful but rather she along with Hajime are the most fitting candidates for the remembering disease.
To prevent this post from becoming super long my elaboration on the Despair disease and how it works will be under cut along with me explaining why this motive stands out to me to be one of my favorite motives 
How does the despair disease work
As the name suggests to put it lightly the disease causes despair but how exactly you may ask
The disease makes the character act or experience something that makes them miserable
I mean in hindsight it’s actually pretty obvious since its name isn’t exactly subtle yet most seem to think it just makes them behave erratically (I did initially but upon rewatching chap 3 which is one of my favorite of DR2, another hot take but the hate on that chapter is more justified so I dont feel inclined to defend it.)
TLDR: Akane hates being a coward, Nagito wants to be helpful not just spew nonsense, Ibuki wants to be herself not a mindless doll and Mikan has a horrible past and hates remembering it.
Akane Owari (Coward disease) - This disease is the most obvious in how it causes its host despair as in the main story and her free time events its made  very clear how much she hates crying and being afraid. She will charge in head first at danger and despises crying, even keeping herself together after Nekomaru sacrificed himself for her so she must’ve thoroughly hated crying so much and acting so pathetic.
Nagito Komaeda (Lying disease) - This disease makes Nagito not just lie but spout info that is blatantly wrong or unhelpful. The way this disease causes him despair is not actually that Nagito hates lying. In chapter 1 he freely acted like he had no clue Teruteru was the murderer and will gladly help the killers which would require him to lie. This disease causes him despair because in this state Nagito is extremely useless and flat out in the way. Nagito as problematic as he is always has meaning behind his action whether its to try and inspire hope or its to lead his classmates to the correct answer he doesnt just do things for the sake of insanity. With the despair disease, Nagito is saying the most dumb and useless info along with not being able to give proper lies or half truths to this classmates which means he’s just actually bothering them now with no purpose which is what causes him despair (And the fact the disease worsened his what must be painful tumor so yeah that mustve caused him despair as well)
Ibuki Mioda (Gullible disease) - Admittedly I know less about Ibuki then a lot of the cast but I will say why this disease works in my opinion. Ibuki left her band that made her so successful to make her own music because of creative differences because Ibuki likes being herself. The gullible disease makes her just some subservient lapdog with no personality. She believed Mikan who told her to go to the music venue with her during the night with no suspicion whatsoever because of this disease and she didnt die being herself but just being some doll who will believe anything and do anything because of how gullible she is.
Mikan Tsumiki (Remembering disease) - Alright time to explain the most criticized one. This disease is honestly perfectly fitting for Mikan because of Mikan’s abusive past. It’s not rocket science to tell Mikan was abused after the first chapter of the game with her timid and weak personality along with frequent reference to bullies. Mikan both in the main story and her free time events never actually elaborates on things like her home life and how bad her bullying was. Of course we know they did things like draw on her and cut her hair but she never actually talks about events that scarred her for life or things like why she’s covered in bandages, its mostly implicitly told by her behavior and one instance where she mentions her home as a place she was beaten a lot in. This just shows that Mikan doesn’t like looking at her past and she would rather try to please the people she’s currently with or just be happy about her current situation (she calls the neo world program a paradise because no one abuses her there). For Junko to give Mikan a disease where she remembers all about the things she’s forgotten along with the memories of her past that weren’t wiped must’ve been hell for her as she would remember all the pain and agony throughout her life which made her return to her despair self, the Mikan who snapped and become dependent again on the person she believes is the only one who’s ever been kind to and loves her. It takes more than remembering Junko to return Mikan to despair, she would have to remember all the bullies and people who beat her at home for her to return to the remnant of despair who chose to plunge the world into chaos and madness. 
Now why do I love this motive
TLDR: The despair disease has the framework of a sympathetic motive that would make us shed tears for Mikan but she hits us with the fact this was who she was before the killing game. This motive is great because the person it triggered to kill wasn’t some innocent angel who would never do it otherwise, it’s someone who just needed a good push to kill not one but two of her classmates.
After that very long elaboration, I want to say why this motive is one of my favorite in the franchise and a motive I deem one of the best.
As I mentioned earlier this disease makes the characters feel or act in a way that makes them miserable or as the game would call it “bring them despair”. It’s really interesting to watch because the characters aren’t all going “We’re friends and we’ll never kill each other!” which is the expected attitude after Terueru and Peko’s sympathetic and tragic ends. This motive makes the infected erratic and the uninfected afraid of the infected because they don’t want to get sick. 
This motive was done by Monokuma and the Junko AI because after the events of chapter 1 and 2 where Teruteru didnt get to learn what happened to his mom and where Peko begged her classmates to never do a senseless killing again, it takes very extreme circumstances to make the cast kill again because these events united them so Monokuma needed to break it open because if it weren’t for motives like the despair disease and later the funhouse and the truth behind the cast, they likely would’ve actually stopped killing because it’s not like life is hard on the island, it’s quite pleasant for them honestly. 
But of course necessity to the plot isn’t enough to make a motive something I deem part of the best, now what about this motive makes me think it is one of the best in the franchise.
The sympathy aspect
Now what do I mean by this?
In Danganronpa it’s very easy to identify a sympathetic motive from an unsympathetic motive. For example: Danganronpa 1 case 1 is a sympathetic motive because Leon was scared and panicked after Sayaka tried to kill him so he killed her before she could leave the bathroom she locked herself in and try again. Danganropa 1 case 3 is obviously an unsympathetic motive because Celeste for cash, no stakes on her life she just wanted the cash prize.
The despair disease is written with the framework of a sympathetic motive because it forcefully changes the way a character is so it would hypothetically make someone crazy against their will then kill someone without them actually wanting to but this motive throws your expectations right in your face because of Mikan’s despair disease.
Mikan’s disease being the remembering disease turns the motive of this case to “Poor soft nurse was forced to kill her friends” to “Soft nurse remembers she’s actually really insane and wants to kill her classmates to inflict despair and join her beloved in death because she believes they loved her above all else.” 
Danganronpa 2 is full of sympathetic killers at the start with Teruteru wanting to first save the others then later save his mother when Nagito ends up living and with Fuyuhiko wanting to avenge his little sister who died too young but Peko sees what he’s doing will get him killed so she kills Mahiru instead of him to at least let him live another round. 
This motive was supposed to make another character in this cast a sympathetic victim of Monokuma as they would not kill the people they did on other circumstances but with the disease that would inflict Mikan the most despair, it made her remember everything that has happened and what made her want to kill. 
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Story I’ve had in my mind for a while that I honestly wanna make a comic with
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(This is very simplified and with out any of the big events lol) tw blood mention
So there are three time travelers. None of them know they others are also time travelers, and keep running into each other without knowing it. Over time they all fall in love. Luka, Marshall, and Wilbur.
How Time Travel Works -
If you die in one time you don’t come back.
They don’t quite know how time travelers actually works. They know that they can’t find themselves, that the world spins when they travel, and the inbetween. Which is also where they first meet and find that they are all travelers. (Aka me still trying to figure out how time travel will work)
“The inbetween” is a giant White Castle/mansion. It was empty till Wilbur and Marshell started bringing in little items from their travels that their friends and family’s would feel odd about. It’s where they go after and before they travel to a place, because it gives them a second to process what they’ve done and possibly go back and fix mistakes. Which these himbos never do.
These are the only rules I’ve made about time travel, when I want to I watch movies and dives into different movies take on time travel to see what works.
Luka -
He was born in some timeline. He doenst remember which, but he has a few memories.
This is his motive of traveling. He’s trying to go back to his time, which he can’t find because he has no memory of when he was.
He first time travelled when he was five and has been trying to find his way since he was eight, after being taken care of by a forty-five year old man.
Who he often visits now.
He’s now twenty-one.
All his memories:
Playing in a flower field with who he assumes is his brother, who has the same dirty blond hair as him and freckles. He remembers his brother telling him “Dads gonna be so mad having to get all that muck out of your hair.” Most likely from rolling around in the field.
Having someone with very rough yet gentle hands running there hands through his hair as he watch’s his brother write.
A blurred figure telling him about how it’s going to be cold out that day while putting his long hair up. He somehow remembers the hair tie being black. (That has nothing to do with the plot lol)
He somehow fell on his face and he remembers his father (he assumes) telling him off while wiping off blood from his face.
He has long, dirty blond hair which he usually ties into a ponytail. (He hates when people touch his hair.) He has a small amount of freckles and brown eyes. He has a number of small scars from getting a little to into peoples business while traveling. He’s on the slim side, but has lots of lower body strength from running away from business owners after trying to steal stuff.
He likes trying the foods around different timelines; which lead him to getting food poisoning way more time than he should’ve.
He often felt bad about stealing stuff at first but after bringing a hoodie to 3,000 B.C. that he stole from a target he doesn’t feel an ounce of guilt.
He often ends up interacting with the Wilbur more than Marshall, just because Wilburs reaosn for travel makes him go to times similar to his. (Wilbur finds flowers comforting, Luka visits a lot of flower fields)
Cant take a compliment or insult.
He wears lots of different things from different times, casually wears modern clothes the most because their the most comfortable.
He simps real easy
Bi king, more into guys
Will laugh at anything
Total DND nerd and he has a little DND group in the late 2000’s that he makes sure to go to on time
Basically he’s bastard baby and we love him
“Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle”
Wilbur -
He’s from modern day 2000’s
He’s just trying to run away from his problems ngl
His family’s having so many issues, trying to keep their small diner up and running in COVID while they have to pay for his sisters funeral.
She was only eleven.
He’s a shy guy but if you crack his shell he RANTS SO MUCH ITS ANNOYING
He’s a big fan of mcyt and accidentally mentions it while talking to a poor bread boy in 1675 🥲✋ who turns out to be Luka-
Was the first to suspect that there were more time travelers cause he’s the only one with a brain cell
“Humble” aka hates everything about himself even though he’s the BEST
Give him praise or he will cry
Huge cry baby, might just be me projecting but like jabsnjsbshsja
Gets straight (pan) A’s in school 👌
Has curly brown hair that he dyes all the time and has to use impermanent dye so he can wash it out. He’s fillipino, he’s not really into the culture but loves the food. He’s a little overweight but still healthy.
Has the softest skin in the world like jesus
He wears lots of sweaters/hoodies/ anything bigger because he’s insecure about his weight 🥺 again projecting
This really just went straight from lore/ plot to baby didn’t it-
He plays animal crossing while chilling in the back of a horse drawn carriage in the 17’s
He’s pretty cautious about everything, not wanting to mess up history and all that.
But he’s legit created like fifthteen different time lines-
He’s like 19 the poor baby
Marshell “Anger Issuse” Taylor
The reason he travels is because of his sister and brother. They died in 9/11 and worked making food there.
He often visits when the towers fell, thinking in his mind how he could save them. But he won’t risk it.
I’ve worked the least on him
People at his school used to always call him Marshmellow and when I tell you it pissed him the fuck off I MEAN IT
he’s muscular can and will beat you up
Fully capable of murder
Besides being a walking time bomb he’s pretty nice.
Sarcastic comments are his thing
Luka thought his DND alignment would be “lawful evil” at first but legit broke when Marshell told him he though he was a good person in the sweetest tone-
He DEFINITELY fell for the others first
He notices little things, and he has a whole list in his head of little things that Luka and Wilbur do that he loves
He likes the inbetween.
Was held back in fourth grade and called stupid for it.
When they all get together romantically the ages are - Luka: 23 Wilbur: 21 Marshell: 22
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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ericdragonslayer · 6 years
Sal X Ash Fic birth
Ive begun the birth. 
These are just some ramblings of ideas I want to include. Ive never written a fic before, so Im just trying to figure out how to get all this work vomit from the dome to the page. Its done slightly in order?
Just scratching the surface. 
Sal x Ash fic:
Playing off of the idea that Sal has a crush on Ash but is unsure of how she feels. Ash also has a crush on Sal and can tell he likes her back. She’s been waiting for him to make a move, but he seems oblivious, so she is going to make things happen. Story is written from Sal’s perspective.
Plot ideas:
-Ash helps Sal move in with Todd.
-Sal borrowed Todd’s parents trunk to move all his stuff. The truck smells heavily of weed.
-It's storming too hard outside so Ash cant ride her motorcycle home, (she just got her bike recently), so she decides to stay the night.
-Sal and Ash have to sleep on Sal’s mattress, which is on the floor because they just finished moving it in. All his stuff is still in boxes.
-Maybe do a part where they order pizza and watch a shitty 80s horror movie, (Ash’s favorite), on sal old tv.???
-Ash asks Sal if he has any PJs she can wear. He digs in his boxes, (maybe a bit too long), for his cosiest sweater and a pair of PJ pants. When Ash puts the pants on, they look like high waters, since she's quite a bit taller then Sal. Sal has a hard time not thinking about her naked body under his clothes.
-Sal and Ash have slept in the same bed before but it was always with friends. Sal suggests he sleep on the couch but Ash says its no big deal. Gizmo has been curled up on the mattress for sometime
-They have some sort of deep conversation while laying down in the dark. Maybe they discuss her fears of moving to the city for school? Maybe they discuss things you talk about late at night, like how humans came to be, spiritual beliefs, how insignificant you and your problems seem compared to the cosmos??? At some point deep in the conversation, (at an intense part), lightning flashes really bright and they both scream, sending Gizmo dashing out the door with his tall all poofed, they both go into a laughing fit.
-Sal goes to bed with his mask on, worried about Ash rolling over in the middle of the night and getting scared because of how creepy his face might look in the dark, (like rolling over and seeing a pale ass expressionless mask wouldn't be scary as shit. Come on Sal)
Smutty plot part ideas:
-The window in Sal’s room doesn't fully shut because Todd's house is old as fuck. (describe the worn curtains; how the moonlight makes all the furniture seem like dark navy blobs)
-Sal says he's cold and is going to get up and find more blankets. Ash instead grabs his arm and cuddles close. She interlaces her fingers around his. He is nervous and stiff, feeling white hot all over. Ash comments how he feels like a mannequin and makes some remake about how this must be how David and Sara feel. She means it in a playful way so Sal loosens up a little, but it only spirals him into thinking about being married to her and laying with her like this every night.
-After a little bit, Ash brings Sal’s hand up to her mouth and places it on her lips and whispers “Sal, are you still awake?” “Ye- eh um- Yea..” he whispers back. When his whispers it sounds like when you haven't talked for a while and your voice sounds hoarse.
-When Sal and Ash are spooning, (Sal big spoon, Ash little spoon), describe how Ash’s body feels against Sal. The sharp bones of her shoulder under the thick worn sweater, pushing against the arm he has wrapped around her. Her hair smells sharply of wind from riding her bike and doing labor all day, but underneath that smell it smells like, her, indescribable to pinpoint, but it smells warm, soft, familiar and comforting.  
-When Ash rolls over to face him, she gives him a hard look when she sees his mask is still on, (kind of like she took offence that he didn't feel comfortable enough to take his mask off around her even to sleep) but then her face softens as she realizes his reasoning was probably to benefit her. “You don't need to wear this when it's just us”, she says and she reaches around his head to unbuckle. When it comes off, go into a description of his face, (not entirely sure how I want to do this yet, but it will come to me).
-Ash smiles at his unmasked face and puts a hand on his scared cheek, lightly tracing over the scars with her thumb, her eyes following each scar as she traces. Sal’s face is hyper sensitive because he doesn't have it exposed so often. It feels like when you lightly trace the lines on your palm with your finger.  
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faerieyoongles · 6 years
by: @lwannag0h0me-c0m
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Plot: Werewolves are assigned a human soulmate from birth, as werewolves cannot reproduce with other werewolves. Although humans cant tell when they’ve met their werewolf soulmate (mostly because they think werewolves don’t exist), werewolves become fully aware once they are united with their true love. Most werewolves meet their soulmate around mid to late teenage years (because that’s when their bodies become sexually mature). Yoongi is 18, almost 19, and on his last year of high school and still hasn’t found his soulmate yet. He’s starting to believe maybe he doesn’t have one, until one day a new girl named Y/N enters the school.
Chapter(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Genera: Werewolf au, fluff, smut, (a lil bit of angst), supernatural romance
Chapter 1
{I’m so sorry for any spelling mistakes, I haven’t edited yet}
Yoongi has never been a fan of waking up early (or waking up at all really), especially if it was for school. He wasn’t a bad student or anything, he had decent grades and never fought with any of the other students or teachers, it was just exhausting for him to walk around and pretend to be interested in the events going on around him. He wasn’t the social type, or the athletic type (not anymore at least, he did play basketball his freshmen and sophomore year, but eventually quit due to a shoulder injury), or the artistic type, or the nerdy type, or any type really. Granted, he was very musical and he did enjoy listening to music and maybe writing a few songs for himself here and then, but those skills aren’t very useful in high school. To Yoongi, high school almost seemed pointless. Yoongi’s mother is a werewolf, which makes him a werewolf. Once Yoongi graduates high school, he’s supposed to help his parents by becoming a head leader of the pack. Yoongi’s mother, Bitna, was the current leader of the pack, with her husband, Ankor, by her side. Yoongi wasn't opposed to the idea of helping lead the pack, in fact, he was quite excited to help his parents lead, as he had been watching them do so since he was young. He was, however, disappointed in himself. Every werewolf has a human soulmate that they usually find once their bodies are fully mature and ready for mating, which would usually be somewhere around the ages 14-17. Werewolves can’t reproduce with other werewolves because there needs to be a balance of human and wolf DNA. If two werewolf parents gave birth to a child, the child would come out with too much wolf DNA for its body to handle, and end up dying either before it’s born, or only a few moments after. Yoongi was now 18, almost 19, and still hadn’t found his true love. It was expected of him to have a mate by the time he became a leader to provide the pack with more members. It was now the first day of his senior year, which gave Yoongi only one more year for him to find his mate. He felt like he was disappointing his parents, even though they made it very clear that they where in no way disappointed in him, and that it wasn’t his fault his mate hasn’t shown up yet. He knew there wasn’t anything he could do about him being mate-less, but still, he wanted to make his pack proud of him, and living a werewolf life without a mate while you watch other wolves be happy with theirs was very lonesome. Some of his friends from his pack that he hung out with had already found their mate, like Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon. That left him, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook to be the four mate-less ones in their friend group. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook where all younger than Yoongi (Jimin and Taehyung being 16 and Jungkook being 15) so it wasn't abnormal for them to have not found their mates yet. Yoongi was almost starting to believe that maybe there wasn’t someone out there for him. Thoughts like these caused him to fall into this ongoing state of depression and lack of motivation, so now a days he tended to get annoyed and short tempered easily when one of his friends starting talking about their mates or when someone mentioned him having not found his yet.
It was now Yoongi’s first day of his senior year. He put on his clothes, which was just a pair of dark blue jeans, a black hoodie with a white graphic tee underneath, and his usual red basketball sneakers. Although he didn’t play basketball anymore, he still was found of the sport and owned some basketball jerseys and sneakers in his closet. He never worried much about his appearance, it’s not like he had anyone to impress. He brushed his hair and teeth quickly and headed outside to meet his friends who lived in the same area. Since him and his friends are all from the same pack, they all lived in the same neighborhood. The next few streets next to Yoongi’s street where all people from his pack. Closing the door to his house, he was suddenly greeted by his six friends all staring directly at him. Yoongi stopped in his tracks, he didn't expect them to all be waiting for him at once.
“What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for you for like 15 minutes?” asked Hoseok. He was clearly more annoyed than the other members. Hoseok was the only member in the friend group to have a soulmate that went to their high school. Jin and Namjoon’s mates where girls who lived on the other side of town and went to the other high school. Hoseok was no doubt in a rush to get to school to see Dawn, his mate, who he hadn’t seen all summer because she was living in Seoul, spending the summer with her father.
“Sorry” said Yoongi “I woke up late. I forgot to set my alarm.” He turned around to face his front door to lock it. His parents had already gone out, so it was his responsibility to lock the house.
“Are you not excited?’ asked Jimin. Jimin could tell Yoongi wasn’t in the best mood at the moment, so he felt it was his responsibility to help him feel better.
 “No” replied Yoongi “Why would I be? High School isn’t necessarily my ideal place to spend my time.” Yoongi started to walk down his front steps and down the side walk, his friends quickly followed him. He put his keys back in his pocket and took out his phone and headphones to listen to music. He knew Jimin was only engaging in conversation with him to cheer him up. Deep down, Yoongi appreciated it, but at the moment he was too tired to hear his friend’s sad attempts at making him feel better.
“Because it the first day of school!’ Jimin said trying to sound enthusiastic, but he wasn’t a very good actor.
“Again. Why is that exciting?” Yoongi asked, not really giving his full attention, the music in his ears seemed more interesting to listen to. Jimin really didn't know how to answer that, he as well didn’t find school anymore exciting than Yoongi did.
“Because” Started Hoseok “Exciting things could happen this year.”
Yoongi scuffed “Really?” he said sarcastically “like what?”
“Like maybe if you walked a little faster, we’d get to school faster, and maybe today you’ll find your mate! Now can we please get to the bus stop?” Yoongi clenched his jaw at the mention of his un-found mate. Hoseok got a forceful punch on his shoulder from Namjoon. Hoseok knew better then mention Yoongi still hadn’t found his mate, but he was desperate to get to school to see his.
After about a five minute walk, they all reached the bus stop. All six guys where now having a new conversation that Yoongi couldn’t be bothered to listen to. He loved his friends, but he enjoying being in their company silently when he was in a bad mood, than making an exhausting effort to take part in a conversation that he just wasn’t in the mood to be in. Thanks to Hoseok’s careless comment about his mate, Yoongi’s mood was now even worse than when he first woke up. 
It didn’t take long for the bus to arrive. Yoongi was the last of his friends to get on. When he got on, he saw all his friends had taken a seat except for Jungkook who was still standing up waiting for Yoongi to sit on the inside of the bench so he could sit on the outside. Jungkook knew Yoongi preferred the window seat so he could rest his head on the glass. This was Jungkook’s way of helping Yoongi feel better, and so far, it was the only effective one. 
“Hyung” said Jungkook in a very quiet unsure voice. He didn’t want to upset Yoongi more than he already was. Lucky for Jungkook, Yoongi had a soft side for him, with him being the youngest member of the group and all. Yoongi decided he didn’t want to take his anger out on the Maknae, so he took out one of his ear phones to give Jungkook his full attention. “It’s gonna be this year, I know it! Look, I know this might not be what you’re in the mood to hear right now, but trust me, when our mates come I’m sure all the waiting would have been worth it. That’s what Namjoon hyung told me, and he’s never lied to me before.” Although Yoongi wasn’t fond of hearing yet another person this morning mention the absence of his mate, he knew Jungkook meant well. Yoongi gave Jungkook a simple nod and a short smile before he returned the earphone back to his ear. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t hopeful that this was finally the year he’d find love. ‘It has to be! I can’t wait forever!’ he thought to himself.
The bus finally came to a stop in front of the school, and Hoseok was the first to run off with Jin running after him close behind trying to contain Hoseok’s excited and rushed energy. Yoongi took his time walking off the bus and into the school. The school had already sent the students their class schedules and locker numbers during the summer, so Yoongi’s friend group had all dispatched at this point to get to their classes. Yoongi never bothered with his locker, they allowed backpacks inside the classrooms so he never saw a need for them anyways. He went straight to his first class which was English. Unfortunately for him, Namjoon wasn’t in this class with him like he was last year, so Yoongi would actually have to do his own work instead of copying off of Namjoon. He entered the classroom and sat in a seat in the back next to a window. He preferred to sit by himself than to try and make awkward conversation with someone. His conversation skills weren’t very good, and besides, he had all the friends he needed from his pack. He rested his head on his hand while he looked out the window and watched the trees wrestle with the wind. He saw a stray cat climb up on one and lay down to take a nap. ‘It must be nice to be a cat. You just get to sleep all day.’ He thought. He then chuckled at the fact that technically, he was a dog, who was wishing to be a cat. Ironic. The classroom was loud and fulled with life as students where telling their friends what the did over summer break, gossiping over new students and what not. Finally the teacher walked in with a coffee mug full of freshly brewed coffee in his hand.
“Okay everyone” he said “Please take your seat and settle down.” The students obeyed, and took their seats. Since it was only the first day of school, students haven’t yet become as rebellious as they will later on in the year, so quieting down the class wasn’t too hard of a task for the teacher. He set his coffee mug down on his desk and walked toward the center of the front of the room.
“Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Ling.” the teacher said in perfect English. He then repeated the phrase in Korean for his students to understand. Yoongi was decently good at English, and learned a few things not only from school, but also from Namjoon, so Yoongi understood what the teacher had said before he translated it. Yoongi silently praised himself for his well understanding of the English language.
“Before you guys introduce yourselves to me, we have a new student this year. Please take care of her and make her feel welcomed to our school. Okay?” The students nodded in response. Mr. Ling walked over to the door and opened it. A girl then walked through. Her posture gave away that she felt very shy and awkward. Immediately she caught Yoongi’s eye, but he wasn’t the only person in the room to take an interest in her. Other guys suddenly started smiling and taking their attention to focus more on what this new girl had to say.
“Um hello. My name’s Y/N. Please take care of me.” The girl said it so quietly you almost didn’t hear her. Luckily at this point, Yoongi had paused his music to hear you speak. The new girl then bowed to the class and looked at the teacher for her next direction.
“It’s lovely to have you here Y/N. There’s an empty seat in the back beside Yoongi, you can sit there if you’d like.” said Mr. Ling. Yoongi was taken back by the spot light suddenly put on him, but he collected his scattered thoughts and waved at you so you’d know who he was. He gave you a short but genuine smile, and you returned the favor as you walked to sit next to him. At this moment, Yoongi thanked whatever god there was that none of his classmates ever wanted to sit next to him. You put your bag down by your new desk and sat down. At first, coming to a new school was diffidently something you where in no way excited about. Making new friends was never something you where good at, and whats the point of making new friends senior year when you’re only going to graduate in a few months anyways. The boy sitting next to you though was now making you rethink that thought. He looked inviting and you got this calm, safe, and warm vibe from him.
“Okay so, now what I’d like to do is go around the room and introduce yourselves to me, Y/N, and any other classmates that might not know who you are. Lets start with you!” said the teacher as he pointed to a student sitting at  the far right of the front row. One by one students sat up and said their name, grade, and one interesting thing about them. Trying to come up with something interesting seemed like a hard task for the students, so this process seemed very slow and excruciatingly painful to watch. After 20 minutes, Yoongi was starting to get a headache from all the “ummms” and “yeahs” coming from student’s mouths every three seconds, so he unpaused his music. When he turned his phone on to click the play button, you caught a glimpse of the song he was listening to. He was listening to “Kind Heart” by Glowing Eyes, and immediately you decided you had to be friends with this boy. Glowing Eyes was your favorite band and you just couldn’t stop your excitement from taking over. If the boy sitting next to you didn’t make you feel so comfortable just by giving you a smile, then you would have never said anything, but you just couldn’t stop yourself (nor did you really want to). You tapped him on the shoulder and Yoongi flinched dramaticly. It took you back a bit because you where sure you like barley touched him. What you didn’t know is that when you touched him, even in the slightest, it sent electric waves of shock through Yoongi’s body, but it felt good and warm. He almost wanted to you tap him again. You gave him a kind of perplexed look. Did you really tap him that hard, or was he just really sensitive?
“Um, yeah?” Asked Yoongi, still in a state of shock.
“Uh” you said quietly, so the teacher wouldn’t hear you having a conversation while another student was introducing themselves. Yoongi realized your soft voice and took out one of his ear phones.
“Your song. Your listening to Glowing Eyes.” You said, feeling slightly less confident then when your first tapped him.
“Yeah” said Yoongi “You like them?”
“They’re my favorite band.” You said with a smile, now slightly regaining confidence now that Yoongi was now understanding where this conversation was going.
“Really?” He said, your smile now rubbing off on him.
“Let me ask you this then.” He now felt more interested in talking to you (as if he wasn’t already before) now that he found out you two have something in common.
“Which album is better? ‘Worth the Wait’ or ‘Destiny’s Course’ ?” You’re almost taken back by the fact that he’s now speaking to you like he’s known you forever, but you really liked the fact that you could just skip over the ‘awkward conversation’ phase of friendship, so you played along with his vibe.
“Oh ‘Destiny’s Course’ by far!” You said with up most certainty.
Yoongi crinkled his nose “Hmm, i dunno. ‘Worth the Wait’ had more of a raw and real sound.”
“Yeah but in that album they replaced James with Leon as the main vocalist, and James is a far better singer.” Although you where disagreeing with Yoongi, you still thought that this conversation was the best one you’ve had all day. Yoongi was unknowingly agreeing with you.
“Well yeah but, the songs are just so much more..” he pause for a minute trying to come up with the right word to use.
“Raw and real?” You say, mocking his words from earlier. You slightly roll your eyes, wanting to make fun of your new friend, but not wanting to push it because you two had only just met.
“Well yeah” Yoongi laughs. You start laughing too but it’s quickly cut short when you hear the teacher call your name.
“Y/N!” he says “I know you just introduced yourself, but why don’t you do it again and tell us something interesting about you, that way we can get to know you even more!” He was clearly aware you and Yoongi weren’t paying attention, but since it was the first day of school and you where a new student, he decided he wouldn’t scold you and instead be grateful you had already made a new friend.
“Oh, um okay.” You said. You then stood up to face the class for a second time and said “My name is Y/N, Im a senior, and..” You where trying to think of something interesting to say when an idea popped into your head. “and I think- no, I know that’Destiny’s Course’ is Glowing Eyes’s best album.” You hoped your new friend found your teasing funny. The teacher looked confused by your statement but decided to brushed it off and move onto Yoongi. He looked at Yoongi’s direction, waiting for him to speak. As you sat down, Yoongi sat up.
“Uh, my name is Yoongi, in a senior, and I know for a absolute 100% fact that ‘Worth the Wait’ is without a doubt Glowing Eye’s best album.” He said with a playful smirk. You sighed in relief that Yoongi was playing back with you. He looked down at you and gave you a smile. The teacher smiled as well, feeling proud he created a friendship by having you sit next to Yoongi. The bell then rang signaling for the next period to begin. Luckily Yoongi was the last student to introduce himself, so every student had gotten the chance to take their turn. You turned and grabbed your backpack on the floor beside you and started to walk towards the door. You stopped when you felt someones hand pull you back by your upper arm. When you turned around, you saw it was Yoongi. Yoongi wanted to talk with you more, which is why he decided to pull you back. When he held on to you, his hand got warm shocks of energy that was now circling in his hand and up his arm. He stared at his hand holding your arm for a few seconds wondering what the heck was going on. He snapped back into reality when he noticed you where looking at him for an explanation to why you where being held back.
“Um, I- I think you’re pretty cool, I guess.” He then let go of your arm, realizing he was still holding on to you “I wanted to know if uh- if maybe you wanted to go to this music store that’s like a 10 minute walk from school? I mean I know we just met but I’ve always wanted to go there but ah, my friends never do and it’d be nice to go there with someone instead of by myself. Ya know?” He nervously chuckled. With every word he said, he lost more and more confidence, fear and awkwardness now finally sinking into him. You on the other hand where beyond glad that you had easily made a friend you had something in common with.
“Yeah sure!” you said with an obvious grin on your face. Your energy rubbed off on Yoongi and he felt relaxed again.
“Great! Um, if you gave me your number I could tell you where to meet me after school.” He said, finally relaxed that you seemed to like him as much as he liked you (or at least he hoped). It felt weird to him though, asking a girl for her number. That was something he had never done before.
“Sure.” you said. He unlocked his phone and handed it to you, and your put your number into his contact list. You then handed the phone back to him. While doing so, your finger came into contact with his, and yet again, Yoongi felt those same waves of shock. He couldn’t understand what it was at first, but after you had first tapped him on the shoulder, he’s had sometime to think about it, and he’s 90% sure that maybe he knows. He wants to feel them again though one more time before you walk away. So he does the only thing he can think of in the moment. He extends his hand out for you to take.
“Friends?” He asks. You take is hand with out question.
“Friends.” You state. Yoongi looks at your hand touching his and inhales sharply, really loving the feeling of your skin coming to contact with his. You then let go of his hand, whispered a ‘bye’ and flashed him a small but genuine smirk as you walk out the door. You didn’t really want to leave him, but you also didn’t want to be late to your next class either.
As Yoongi watched you walk away, he knew his mood had been completely changed from what it was this morning.
He knew for sure, that he finally found his mate.
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gorsethorn · 6 years
Stormshine’s decision
a summary of Stormshine’s story, a haunted windclan mother.
keep in mind these details will most likely change as i develop the plot more
tw for animal death, not an image but its a part of the story
pelt color: gray and light gray, dark gray paws
eyes: light gray blue
Personality: angry, easily irritable, sweet occasionally. Tired.
Stormshine song: a Baby for Pree by Neutral Milk Hotel
Stormkit was born to Mousetooth and Herbclaw during a rain storm. Mousetooth was already a bit old for having kits, and were residents in Riverclan. 
Stormkit was born with the power to see dead kits and how they died. It haunted her in her daily life. (think goosefeather, he would see dead cats everywhere)  
Her parents wanted her to be medicine cat, because Herbclaw was before having kits with Mousetooth and becoming a warrior. 
Stormpaw refuses, and after being mistreated in her clan for rejecting the medicine cat role, she begins to leave the camp at night for fresh air.
She meets Liontail, a windclan warrior, at the gathering spot. She approaches and talks to him, a spark of a romance.
9 note: liontail is not that much older than Stormpaw, only 2 moons)
The next day after meeting Liontail, she becomes a warrior. 
She continues to meet with Liontail, feeling like she is in control of something for once. She eventually gets pregnant. 
Mousetooth comments on Stormshine getting fatter, and Stormshine proudly says that she is pregnant with kits. She says that she its a windclans cat. She is proud of her kits, she believes that Liontail loves her. 
Mousetooth and Herbtail are enraged, and Mousetooth claws at her, saying she cannot have windclan kits in their good clan.
Stormshine leaves Riverclan, daring anyone to hurt her or her unborn kits.
She runs away to windclan, confident that Liontail will be with her. She arrives and a patrol brings her in. Beetlestar and Peltclaw question why she is there, to which she replies that she is Liontail’s mate and these are his kits. Liontail walks in, neither happy nor upset to see her. He confirms that they are mates, 
She is accepted into windclan, since they want more kits. The clan gets used to her, and she befriends Goldenfoot (another queen who is pregnant around the same time as her)
Liontail often leaves camp on “patrol” or some other reasons. This irritates Stormshine, as she expected him to be a bit more happy about the kits. 
She follows him one day and he gets upset that she was following him, saying she should stay in the nursery and never go out. He gets angry when she protests and claws her stomach slightly. This terrifies her, and she runs back to camp and stays in the nursery.
Moons later, she has the kits. She gives birth to Webkit and Gorsekit. Webkit is a stillborn, due to the injury that Liontail gave her. Gorsekit is her only kit that survives of the litter. She becomes protective of them, swearing that nothing will come to harm them ever again. 
Goldenfoot had her kit a day before, naming him Shadekit. Stormshine has trouble producing milk for Gorsekit, so Goldenfoot feeds Gorsekit occasionally when Stormshine has trouble producing. 
As Gorsekit and Shadekit grow up together, Stormshine is still in the nursery, scared about Liontail who has become meaner and harsher on her. 
Gorsekit sees this, and follows Liontail one day, hoping to help their mother.
Liontail sees this and knicks Gorsekit’s ear with his claws. Gorsekit yowls as Liontail tries to drag Gorsekit from running away. Stormshine hears this and runs over, fiercly clawing Liontail and giving him a scar across his face. She is furrious and fearful for her kit. She goes back to the nursery, with a new anger in her heart.
She still sees dead kits everywhere, and how they died. She has gotten used to it, but it only makes her more fearful for Gorsekit when she sees a memory of a kit being murdered by another cat.
She decides to follow Liontail when he goes out once more, being sneaky and careful. She finds him with a kittypet, who is obviously pregnant. She sees this, and instead of attacking him, she goes back to camp. She is in shock that this whole time he was seeing another cat.
One day, Liontail uncharacteristically asks Gorsekit to come play. Goldenfoot was watching Gorsekit for Stormshine so she says yes. Liontail leads Gorsekit out of camp and is trying to take them to be a kittypet with his other mate and the unborn ktis. He believes that Gorsekit will be better off with him. Gorsekit doesnt want to and tries to leave, but Liontail picks them up by the scruff and yells that this is for the best, and that they don’t need Stormshine. 
Gorsekit meows for Stormshine, but no one hears except Wrinklestep, the medicine cat. He runs back, dropping his herbs everywhere, and yowls that Gorsekit is being taken away by Liontail. 
Stormshine hears this and goes into Save My Kit mode, running with her claws fully out and desperate to get to her baby. 
It begins to rain, so the scent is hard to find, and she panics for a moment before hearing someone talk to her. Its a few dead kit ghosts, telling her to follow them and they will help her find her kit. They lead the way, and Stormshine finds Liontail and Gorsekit, Gorsekit screaming out when they see their mother. 
Stormshine demands to know what Liontail is doing, what is he doing with her kit. Liontail is taking Gorsekit to be a kittypet with him, where its safer. Stormshine says that Liontail cant just take her kit. 
Stormshine attacks Liontail, who puts up a fight but eventually lets Gorsekit go. 
Stormshine goes back to the camp, and tells the now Peltstar about Liontail and how hes leaving to be a kittypet.
Liontail comes back to the camp and Peltstar questions him about what Stormshine said. He admits it and is banished for hurting a kit, cheating on Stormshine, and etc. 
Stormshine’s novel ends with Gorsekit becoming a paw with Shadekit. Stormshine watches the ceremony, and watches as another memory of a deadkit appears next to her. Its not a memory, but her own kit Webkit. They sit next to Stormshine and watch the ceremony, smiling. They both watch as Gorsepaw’s name is shouted among the clan. 
Stormshine smiles, and says Gorsepaw’s name. Webkit does the same, and fades away. 
keep in mind this is the first draft, and not really done yet
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foolgobi65 · 7 years
What’s the deal with padmavati?
this is going to be a long long post im so sorry in advance.... to start off with, im a diaspora kid raised in a dominant caste hindu family, and i just finished watching this movie in hindi which is not a language i understand well so if i didnt catch some things im so sorry and please feel free to add more. 
im basically going to separate the movie from the news event, and go further into why its both a bad movie and a bigoted one. the rest of this is under the cut
ok! padmavati/padmaavat (they had to change the name) as a movie and as a general News Item is .... a fucking disaster. 
in terms of the news, the karni sena which is a hindu nationalist (terrorist) group decided that this movie was an affront to their ancestors and dishonored their “queen” padmavati. Padmavati is the character in a Sufi poem called the Padmavat, and thus did not actually exist. There was talk of some dream sequence where she got with Khilji, the antagonist but most people are pretty sure it doesnt exist. The Karni Sena and their ilk has turned to rioting since the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the movie should be allowed to play, and their latest act of Rajput Valor has been attacking schoolchildren to show India the true glory of their caste. Before the movie came out there was a bounty on Deepika Padukone’s nose, her head, the director Bhansali’s head, and threats by Rajput women to commit jauhar (burn themselves alive). 
All of this, notably, without a great deal of interference and sometimes the tacit encouragement of the BJP government in power both within the provinces that are affected as well nationally. 
This mess meant that the movie released about 2 months after it was supposed to, and created this idea that to watch it was to support free speech. 
padmavaavat as a MOVIE is also a giant fucking mess.
it’s got a ridiculously regressive worldview, and the movie so far is casteist, sexist, islamophobic and homophobic. it is also a poorly written, plotted, and edited movie. 
casteist: it glorifies the dominant rajput caste, does not include anyone from outside that caste at all, will not fucking shut up about rajput valor when its clear in the present that rajput valor and values has led to a lot of shitty things. within the movie the rajputs basically constantly lose yet are still somehow portrayed as winners. their biggest victory comes from padmavati, who is from Singhal (sri lanka) and uses her intelligence instead of just fronting about her “rajput values.” Also historically the rajputs didnt become winners until they surrendered to the mughals and became commanders of the mughal army. they’re huge losers who are trying to rewrite history because theyre a pathetic martial caste known for hundreds of their women burning themselves alive when the men lose a batttle. 
sexist: the whole concept of jauhar is based on the idea that a woman’s chastity is more important than their life. 11 year old girls, pregnant women, it doesnt matter. A rajput woman cannot be allowed to live if there is even a glimmer of doubt that she may be touched by a man. Within this, she doesn’t even have the dignity to choose to die, and must ask permission beforehand from her husband. Are there women who might have wanted to live? Who knows? They’re all dead now, coerced into burning themselves alive. I’d also like to add that the movie never addresses the fate of the /non/ rajput women, which highlights a huge issue of caste and how it affects gender dynamics of hindu women. Dominant caste women are considered pure, and so they must die to preserve this purity. Other women are ignored -- if they are taken as slaves, it doesnt matter because the real victory is that khilji couldnt take the Rajput women. 
Islamophobic: the entire movie exists to highlight the differences between the “perverse” “dark” “dank” “dirty” “insane” “cheating” “evil” Muslim, and the “clean” “light” “honorable” “pure” Hindu. The colors, the scenery, the food, and of course the characters themselves, all serve this insidious idea that Muslims are the savage invader, in India to plunder everything beautiful about it, especially its dominant caste women. By all nominal accounts, Khilji was a conqueror, and he acted like many conquerors did -- including, I might add, many “hindu” conquerors. If he was crueler than other conquerors, that is of course because of who he was as a person and not because of his religion. Khilji’s wife played by Aditi Rao hydari might have been the only actually good muslim character and even then she’s portrayed as the islamophobic victim muslim wife, trapped in a horrific marriage with a savage. There’s more to be said but like ... the foundation of this movie is the idea of a primordial culture clash which of course doesnt actually exist 
homophobic: malik kafur is khilji’s eunuch slave general and he’s portrayed as being in love with khilji. its one sided, and theres one homophobic comment by the rajputs at some point. khilji maybe could be seen as reciprocating a little but tbh its all just to further this idea that khilji and co are savage, foreign (muslim) perversions. a few scenes directly contrast malik and khilji v padmavati and ratan and clearly, the hindu heterosexual couple is meant to be the good, pure, holy one. i will say malik/khilji was the only pair i was really rooting for, and this was an almost 3 hour movie meant to center on padmavati/ratan. 
bhansali also lowkey exotified sri lanka and made it seem as like .. some foreign place with lots of buddha statues and like ... shes this strange jungle princess??? i appreciate the mention of buddhism in sri lanka/south india but i dont think she was shown to be buddhist so .... yikes. also it was 7 minutes but it was weird. he cant do anything right. 
special shoutout to the absolutely horrific jauhar scene for valorizing and glorifying hundreds of dominant caste women killing themselves because their king is too incompetent to win in single combat. the way khilji wins is btw a pathetic attempt by bhansali to make his victory actually ratan’s victory even tho ratan is a huge loser who cheats on his first wife, drones on about his honor to the point where i want to kill him myself, has the military sense of a guppy fish, and is visibly proud that the love of his life wants to burn herself alive for him. 
also SPECIAL shoutout to the end positioning of the battle between the rajputs and khilji as a “dharma yudh” or a war of righteousness. it is compared to rama v ravana, and the kurkshetra war and khilji v rajput is said to be the third war of righteousness, akin to these religious struggles. khilji is directly compared to ravana. its ridiculous. its dangerous. its horrific. of course the victory of truth in this instance is that the women khilji covets (only the dominant caste ones ofc) are burned to death. to position khilji (whose army carries flags that look EXactly like the pakistani flag) as the essence of pure evil, and the fight against him a righteous war of religion in this especially islamophobic time is disgusting. the writers should be ashamed. 
As a movie, the dialogues which i admit i didnt fully understand are apparently overwrought, sappy and ridiculous. 
the plot was too much, there were a bunch of plot points that could have been cut to make a better movie.
i was never convinced of the central love pair because there really wasnt anything about them that made me feel the other was worth being their one and only love. the falling in love process was rushed to the point that i think it should have been cut out altogether and the movie should have started with padmavati established as his queen. 
the treatment of ratan’s first wife was horrific -- shes basically sidelined and is jealous a few times and then kills herself along with everyone in the fire. just ... bad writing all around. 
the editing overall was bad. the editing of ghoomar to make the karni sena happy was atrocious. 
i hated ratan, i liked padmavati for like 30 minutes maybe when she’s in charge of the kingdom and is smart, i liked khilji despite the ways he was villanized, i liked aditi rao hydari as khilji’s wife, i liked malik kafur. the visuals were fine but the battles looked weird. 
overall its a shitty bigoted movie that people are watching because the movie itself is like ... soft bigotry and portrays a bigoted worldview but the karni sena hindu rajput terrorists are stupid and decided to throw a fit and stone schoolchildren. it became some free speech victory to go watch a movie that espouses the same worldview as the ones trying to shut it down bc 2018 sucks. 
sorry for the long rambly reply, if you have any more questions feel free to ask! if anyone has more to add please do -- like i said theres stuff that i might not have caught given my privileged worldview 
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momtaku · 7 years
SnK Chapter 92 Poll Results
The chapter 92 poll closed with 500 reported entries.
RATE THE CHAPTER (486 responses)
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This chapter had a better reception than the last one. Seeing Reiner and Zeke was cited as a factor by many. Also the action was hard to resist.
that was an interesting way to set up a new story arc. i don’t really know whether i liked it or not, and i’m really eager to see what’s going on with our main crew. i’m gonna reserve most of my judgement until there’s a bigger picture though, so i can fully see what’s going on and why Isayama decided to start like this.
I have no idea what’s going on anymore.
Switching perspectives and presenting intel for readers from new, fresh and different povs is an ability Isayama has like no other, tho can be criticized for its abruptness and the kinda unexplained way it came crashing to the story..but nevertheless I enjoyed it and I think Isayama aced it.
It’s odd, I can see the effort made for us to connect with these new characters. But that just isn’t working for me sadly. While this and the previous chapters have been useful, I would have preferred more SC content. In particular reactions to the recent losses
I have no idea if it was intentional or not but Zeke’s dramatic “War is bad” line right as he chucked a fistful of rocks at the boats was hilarious. Like stahp Isayama I can’t handle all this Edge.
Zeke did the superhero landing, now I can die in peace
I’m grateful as we’ve finally seen Zeke’s method of turning humans into titans and I believe it has nothing to do with his titan form since he’s able to use it without shifting
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Unsurprisingly, 86% of the fandom found something here to agree on. Reiner scored extremely well on the scale from “No Thanks” to “Hello Daddy”!
Reiner is getting hotter with each passing chapter. I fear we may rapidly be approaching a state of ultimate hotness that may be too much for us mere mortals to handle.
I am sad that “Hot Dayum Daddy-o” Is not an acceptable answer for Reiner’s hotness rating.
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While the results were still favorable, Zeke’s long luscious locks were missed by a significant portion of the fandom. The scale from “No Thanks” to “Hella Hot” had the largest percentage of respondents sat right in the middle.
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I was very curious what this result would be. I watch the poll numbers shift back and forth between sympathy for Reiner and the big picture view of Eldians as whole. In the end “The world’s view of Eldians” narrowly edged out Reiner’s flashback and comment about walls at the 2nd most tragic moment.
Seeing what actually fighting within the walls has done to Reiner–his trauma, etc. was an excellent contrast to the relative innocence the new cast gives off, and it’s heartbreaking to consider that the Warriors we know may have once been the same way. Eren & co. please arrive promptly and save them.
Reiners flashback scene was the most impactful moment in my opinion. It was so heartbreaking.
I thought poop machine was bad, titan carpet bombing is even more wtf
Devastating. To see the Eldians being used as mindless weapons was severely disturbing. And Zeke finally realising that War is indeed a terrible thing. 
These chapters are hella intense and enlightening about the world outside. It’s still really sick though. Totally sick I can’t even.
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Gabi’s glee in the last chapter didn’t sit well with some people. In this chapter she was more sedate, but still very much in it to win it, even accusing Falco of having ulterior motives for rescuing that dying enemy soldier. While the majority claim to have had no real shift in opinion, I urge you to look at the next question to see how popularity numbers have changed.
Her sympathy for her older warriors. that line with “Reiner… be careful” killed me
Her character seems more sympathetic. She was kind of a brat last chapter. This chapter she seems to actually see the realities of war.I was supposed to have an opinion on her?
I lost a lot of respect for her when she didn’t support Falco’s choice to help the soldier from the other side
Something that stuck out to me was Gabi’s concern for Reiner, “Reiner… be careful.”   It’s a bit odd, she wants his power (aka eat him) but is concerned for him?
I think it was kinda satisfying to see Gabi’s view on the world change since she seemed so cocky before hand.
I was supposed to have an opinion on her?
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In the last chapter poll, support for Gabi is overwhelming. She had 38% of the popular vote and Colt was second with 25%. Falco was sitting in 3rd with only 19%. But look at how opinions have changed! Falco is new best boy with 37.2% picking him as favorite while Gabi has dropped more than 10 percentage points.
Gabi and Falco warmed on me but not enough. I still want to spend the whole volume on Marley before moving on.
It was really disturbing to realize that Annie, Bertolt, Reiner, and Marcel were once probably just like Gabi, Falco, Udo, etc. They might have been idealistic, prone to kindness even to their enemies (like Falco)…
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The overwhelming majority think Reiner’s streak of immortality will continue. This is one of those times that I disagree. I think Reiner’s titan age plus the severity of his hit may have weakened him to the point of no return.
I’m still sad about Reiner’s potential fate but I have to get prepared for him to die next chapter or in the chapter after. Poor boy only dedicated his life to an imposed duty since childhood without a break, on top of losing everybody he loved.
Since Reiner’s been knocked out (again XD) it could be a good time for the next chapter to open up with a flashback and end with him waking up?  He’s been kept alive for a while, and there’s obviously a reason for it.
Maybe im in denial but Reiner cant die yet, he’s the warrior that knows the enemy best and needs to teach someone to use the 3dmg (If he hasnt already in these 4 years)
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Last month 39.3% thought Reiner would keep his power. Confidence has grown slightly in chapter 92 with 42.3% thinking he’ll stay around a bit longer.
i hope reiner will not gonna die because of gabi , if isayama want to kill him no matter what i want him to die like a hero
I really don’t want Reiner and Zeke to be replaced, as I don’t see how that would add anything to the story and many conflicts would never be resolved.
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Last month 55.4% thought Zeke would keep his power. That number has increased to 58.6% with The Jaeger Brothers Reunion Tour cited as the primary reason. 
The real difference here is that last month 26% thought Colt would be his successor. That number is down to only 16.3% with Falco gaining the difference.
I wish they would show why zeke was the holder of the key to the whole story.
I don’t think Zeke is going to get eaten, not soon, at least. He’s got so many plot points that require him
I can’t wait until Eren re-unites with Zeke.
Perhaps I’m really reaching, but I hope Zeke was genuine when he said he’d save Eren.
I refuse to bid Zeke farwell before he gets to see his lil bro once more
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Last month 39.8% of people thought Ymir was dead. While this question isnt identical, it carries the same thought. 69.2% of people think Galliard is a new and unique shifter and not a recycled Ymir.
While Gaillard is agile, Ymir’s titan didn’t have the special jaw design, which would be weird AF if she really was the “Jaw Titan.” So I’m pretty sure she’s still safe
I feel 50/50 about the probabilities of Galliard eating Ymir, but the agility he has is not a proof, i don’t believe the “every titan has a unique ability” thing.
I hope Ymir isn’t dead not just bc she’s my bae, but bc, contrary to Reiner to who I don’t see relevant to the story anymore, so, Ymir is…
YAMS my man dude bro I wanna know the dealy-o with Ymir ASAP thx
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People are curious, but seeing Pieck and Galliard as humans is not as important as seeing the main cast.
I’m really hoping to see Galliard and Pieck’s human forms soon. Since there were many parallels between RBA and EMA and Zeke is said to be like a warrior Levi, I’m hoping for Galliard and Pieck to be like some warrior versions of Erwin and Hange.
I do want to see Galliard and Pieck’s human forms but not if it means we get another Marley chapter. It’s time to go back to the real protagonists.
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I’ll leave this one without my usual commentary :D
All I hoped for was to at least see Reiner and Zeke again. But I’m ready to see my children again next month. :’)
honestly I really want to see Eren’s side again, but I think it would be extremely entertaining to discover what exactly changed within the Walls and the Scouting Legion from Reiner/Zeke/Marley’s point of view once they will actually attack them. It would mean more surprises which is always good, no matter how much I’m dying to see what our other characters look like now.
please @ god i miss our main cast babies
I can’t wait to see Eren & Co! \>o</ Maybe Armin had grew his hair into a Ponytail too!
back to eren, please
fans are making too much drama for the recent lack of the main trio and the 104th squad. I’m more happy to learn about new characters outside the island and see differents points of view about the world
It’s all well and good to introduce new characters but this late in the story, after all these very dramatic plot/character changes and massive mystery revelations it’s a bit… abrupt, to suddenly be with all these new people.  I feel like it’s a different series and no one told me about it.
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Last month 42.1% cited the 104th as faves; 33% favored the vets; 10.9% said the warriors. This month the warriors saw the a nice increase, moving up to 14.7%.
Final thoughts
There are more chapter thoughts in this post. If I didn’t publish your comment, please know that I read it and I thank you for the support. Even though these polls are more silly than serious, I enjoy getting a perspective that’s wider than my own. Thank you!
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mysticdragon3md3 · 8 years
9:49 PM 11/24/2016 (after watching ep7; before watching ep8) I feel out of sync with the rest of the Yuri on Ice fandom.  
I feel like 45% of the fandom is losing their minds over the shonen ai (maybe even getting insulted that I used the term "shonen ai", even though, compared to "yaoi" or "BL", that's the most literal reference to the male/male romantic subplot, while still also referencing anime being more apt to pander to fujoshi than portray realistic or at least dignified male/male romance), another 45% is ready to attack anyone who isn't also using the series as a talking point against heteronormativity, 5% are insisting it's just a sports anime with no romantic undertones, and another 5% want Victuuri's bond to develop further before we'll jump head-long into saying they're "totally in full-blown love right now".  I'm in the last camp.  And maybe that's made 95% of people stop reading this essay.  
But quite frankly, I'm exasperated with how quickly the Yuri on Ice fandom became this landmine, where any little literary criticism was labelled as being against homosexual romance stories.  Please stop doing that.  Any good story is worth analyzing and standing up to criticism.  And I won't say Yuri on Ice is a flimsy series.  I'm all for any type of good romance, as long as it is not a cliche, "harlequin novel", shallow rom-com type of romance (which happens to be about 90% of the Romance genre stories out there).  So maybe you can see why people in my camp are reluctant to just jump in from the very beginning and say that protagonists have been in love since first sight.  That's not enough for us; that's not meaningful for us.  That's not the type of story we enjoy.  (Unless we're in the mood for shallow smut---Let's be sex positive here: Sometimes that's just what we're in the mood for.  I suppose in the same way, shallow romance, which just gets immediately to the "romantic situations", is just what the Romance genre geeks are in the mood for, 24/7.)  And when we see a story with such character depth and potential for an actual, emotionally substantial portrayal for romance, like Yuri on Ice, it feels sad to just rush it and assume all aspects of the story should be interpreted as rooted into the romantic subplot, rather than to wait for it to grow.  After all, rushing to romantic interpretations implies that deeply intense platonic relationships as invalid, rather than equally significant.  And in this romance-obsessed society, it's getting kind of tiring seeing all deep relationships assumed to end in Romance, and that result taken as being the norm.  (Maybe I'm gray-A-romantic?  Who knows.)  
It's dumb of me to feel exasperated with everyone so strongly asserting their interpretations of Yuri on Ice, because a story can have multiple interpretations.  And the more meanings that people can read into a story, the better proof of that story's quality.  That versatility (rooted in a fundamental human experience) is what enables a story to "speak to" people.  Like when "Frozen" was interpreted as an allegory for multiple repressed ways of life, by everyone from introverts, to homosexuals, to people with social anxiety disorder, even though the writers explained in interviews that they were intending a portrayal of artists who needed outlets of expression.  The fact that that movie could be interpreted in so many ways, and mean so much to so many different people's issues, was proof of the story's power, relevance, and catharsis.  So it's actually a good thing that Yuri on Ice's interpreted themes can have such versatility.  I just don't want to feel like I'm going to get pounced on for disagreeing with anyone---even slightly!  o~o  
Like for example, here are some criticisms I have for the argument that Yuri on Ice should be treated as just as a "shonen ai" series, as 90% of the fandom has made me feel:
1)  Yuri is an extremely introverted, socially cut-off type of person with few friends and difficulty maintaining bonds with the friends he has.  His whole conflict with getting the music for his free program, revolved around him still needing to learn to be more open to people, whether that meant staying in touch, depending on them, sharing his vulnerabilities, or understanding that they wouldn't reject him for it.  As such a private person, it seems out of character for him to jump at Romance, at the first chance.  If he does feel it, it would be more reasonable for him to not even realize he was in love.  This is why he lumped-in Victor along with his family and friends, during the press conference where he stated his season's theme as "Love".  Yuri was just now learning to be aware of, accept, and mutually reciprocate the platonic bonds he had.  He wasn't about to be totally in romantic love now.  And without that conscious awareness and acceptance of any love he feels (whether romantic, platonic, or subconscious), it can't be fully realized until he consents to his own feelings.  If (Romantic) Love is such an advanced form of human relationship, often cited as the realm of the mature, then how can detached Yuri, of all people, have fully realized it yet (halfway through the season 1)?  I think the enjoyment of a "character study" series like Yuri on Ice is to watch Yuri gradually develop those emotional senses, so it would be a shame and a foregone conclusion to the plot, for Yuri to come to that mature developmental level too early in the series.  I want to watch Yuri go from becoming comfortable with his familial relationships, to his friendships, then to deeper friendships, then to intense platonic relationships, then to romantic love.  I'm here for the whole show, and when Yuri on Ice presented itself more like a "character study" than anything else, it set itself up for that higher expectation. 
2)  Let's face it: Most of the Victuuri scenes (first half of the series) have been just pandering to fujoshi.  I've seen enough BL; I recognize it when I see it.  And as some other people have noted, a lot of the Victurri scenes so far, have been played for laughs.  How is that different from all the sex comedy gags from harem genre anime?  I'll take Victurri seriously, when the series stops treating their sexual tension scenes as just comedic or fanservice.  
3)  There need to be more scenes of Victor and Yuri building a rapport and defining their characters to the audience, for us (or at least me) to believe they're really in love.  There's been a lot of "character study" scenes on Yuri since the series began.  And there have been glimpses of what deep-seated issues and needs Yuri has, that Victor happens to fulfill.  We need more scenes like the one at the beach where Yuri's monologue noted how when he opens up, Victor meets him half way, and after learning what a struggle it is for Yuri to open up, we feel how significant Victor's outreach to him is.  We need WAAAAAYYY more of that, to get to levels substantial enough to call Romance.  And we need to know more about Victor too.  What do we know other than he's flippant, playful, and impulsive?  What does he value most, and does Yuri coincidentally embody those same values?  Some characters have mentioned in-passing that Victor values surprising the audience while he skates, more than anything.  But "tell vs show" doesn't cut it, especially when the series itself has established precedent of good "show vs tell", when it comes to portraying characterization.  The series has already gotten us to _feel_ along with the characters before, so it can't skip out on that level of portrayal now, especially on emotions as advanced as romance.  We need to not just hear second-hand about what they're like and assume they must be feeling this.  When Victuuri happens fully, consciously, and consensually, it better be as equally visceral as Yuri on Ice has made us feel hesitant, self-doubting, afraid, and surprised with ourselves, along with Yuri's internal journey, regarding everything else in his life.  
All that said, I _am_ very eager to see some true Victuuri.  (After the debacle of some series sinking seemingly canon ships, I'd more than welcome Victuri canon.)  I'm just willing to wait until it's fully baked.  I won't settle for raw cookie dough, after what this series has already proven to be able to do with characterization.  And I expect that when it does come, fully cooked, it will be the most savory katsudon EVER.  
On Nov 22, 2016 2:36 am I reblogged http://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/153512094252/rainbowcitrin-i-don-t-care-what-people-are and commented in tags: #same #i'm picky about believing characters are in love #if yuri on ice gives enough reasons to believe then i would get behind victuuri all the way #too many romance stories expect you to suspend disbelief & just accept romantic scenarios #i'm watching yoi for character study & sports anime & not for a hollywood rom-com movie #yoi has potential for romance on a believable foundation
On Nov 30, 2016 4:21 pm I wrote:  http://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/153882409577/i-cant-be-excited-about-the-new-episode-of-yuri
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taehyungie-is-bae · 7 years
Lazy Cuddles
Okay I had a full out plan for this story, but one day I just kinda went “Fuck it!” And now it has a huge plot twist to it. Also I’m sorry if the personality at the beginning switches to a different one, it was originally supposed to be for Yoongi. and I’m sorry if the personality doesn’t quiet match JK, it’s supposed to fit the story, anyways, Enjoy!
Plot: She want’s to go out but He want’s to stay in and cuddle, soon she finally gives in. Later now He want’s to go out but She want’s to stay in, they compromise and go grocery shopping. But what will happen when trouble meets their path? (I suck at Summary’s)
Genre: Fluff. A little action(ish) at the end. 
Characters: Jungkook X Reader. Ft. Hoseok.
Words: 4,010
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I apply the last finishing touches to my make up. I sigh and sit back in my "make up chair", which was really just Jungkook's office chair. I stand up and decide to get dressed as well
As I'm getting dressed I hear the door open, "Jungkook!" I shouted, covering my torso with the shirt that was not yet on my body. He just looked at me and eyebrow raised.
"Really?" He asks with a giggle.
"What? You just barged in!" I exclaim, grabbing an article of clothing near me and throwing it to him, it landing on his head.
He grabs the clothing, dropping it on the floor. He sighs, heading towards our bed "We live together, were married, and yet you still get scared when I barge into our room unannounced?" I stopped scowling and thought. He had a point. I really had to get more comfortable around him.
I watched him as he laid down on our bed, arms behind his head as he looked at me. I just stood there awkwardly, shirt covering my chest.
"Well..?" He questioned again with a chuckle.
"What?" I answered back.
"Aren't you going to put that shirt on? Or are you just going to go out in a bra?" He chuckled and I roll my eyes. I quickly glance at him still staring at me before quickly slipping the shirt over my head, already feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.
When the shirt was over my head I looked up at him. He had the most evilest smirk I had ever seen.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I scolded, and he laughed.
"No reason. I just find it adorable when your flustered" He commented.
I covered my face with my hands, and I could hear another chuckle from him "Come here" He spoke up. I uncovered my face to look at him. He had his arms outstretched for me and I shook my head.
"Come on" He persisted and I shook my head again. I knew exactly what he wanted. When he was being cheesy it meant he wanted to cuddle, but then that meant staying in the house all day just being lazy, and I did not want to do that.
"Y/NNNNNNN! Come on!" He complained, drawing out my name.
"Uh-Uh" I finally spoke "I didn't do my makeup today for nothing. I want to go out"
"You wanna go shopping?" He turned over so he was now laying on his stomach.
"No. I want to go on a date. We haven't gone on a date in a while. Can we do that?" I pleaded, giving him my puppy dog eyes, but I remembered he couldn't see me since he was on his stomach.
I walked up to the bed, sitting at the edge. I rubbed small circles on his back, and he sighed.
"I want to cuddle" He mumbled over the pillow his face was in.
"I want to go on a date" I retorted. There was a bit of a silence after that, we were both thinking on whether we should give in or stand our ground.
Jungkook turned over again, forcing me to stop massaging his back. He looked up at me, a smile still on his lips, before I could ask him what he was planning his arms quickly wrapped around my waist.
I squealed as he flipped us around so my back was laying on the bed and he was half on top of me, our faces inches away.
"Jungkook!" I playfully hit his chest and he only chuckles.
"Come on. I don't want to go out, let's just cuddle and watch something" He complained, making sure to stick out his bottom lip a bit.
"No Jungkook. I put on all this make up. I want to go out somewhere" I quickly answer and he groans, leaning down so he was laying on my chest, his nose nuzzling my neck.
"Cant you just.. wipe it off and save it for later or something?" He halfheartedly mumbles.
I chuckle "It doesn't exactly work like that.." I chew on my lips, contemplating on whether I should just give in to his devious plans.
Jungkook sighs in my neck "I miss cuddling with you" I could tell he was pouting and I roll my eyes.
"Alright! Alright! We can cuddle!" I give in. I could feel him gasp and he sat up, the biggest grin on his face.
"Really?" He exclaimed.
"Mhmm" I nod my head, marveled by his cuteness. I lean up to give him a quick peck on the lips before slipping out of his grasp, and walking away from the bed "I need to wipe this makeup off first though. I'll be right back" I announce with a long disappointed sigh before walking towards the bathroom. I can hear a loud groan from Jungkook, and I laugh.
After I'm done wiping off my perfectly put on makeup, I decide to dress into something more comfortable. I walk back into my room and quickly slip into some sweatpants and a tank top.
"Hey while your up can you get some snacks?" I hear Jungkook say as I'm slipping my shirt over my head. I look at him when my tee shirt is fully on, raising an eyebrow, he was turning on the TV in our room.
it took him a while to notice me, but when he did he just simply smiled "Yes?" He asked. I roll my eyes and walk out of the room smiling "Wait! What did I do?" I can hear him call, but I continue my trek without answering him.
When I walk back into the room Jungkook is shirtless and under the covers. He was completely engrossed in the movie he was watching, with a blank expression on his face.
"Well then" I comment once I get to the bed "Someone got comfortable" I chuckle, pouring out all the snack on to the bed. He looks at me with a bunny smile.
"Yea well I figured since it was.." He stopped to look at his watch ".. 6:25" He finished.
I rolled my eyes but smile none the less. I climb onto the bed and under the covers, Jungkook instantly wraps his arms around me and I don't exactly argue. I love cuddling with Jungkook, despite my previous protests, he was cute when he wanted to be playful.
"What are we watching?" I ask, looking at the TV carefully.
"형 (My Annoying Brother)" He answered with a giggle.
"Again? Jungkook I swear, this has been the tenth time we have watched this" I grumbled.
"I know.. But it's really good. I love it" Jungkook snuggled his nose in the crook of my neck, hiding his face.
"I know. I loved it the first couple of times, until we continued to watch it eight times"
"It's sooo good though!" Jungkook sat up, only to lay back down on my lap, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes "Please?" He pleaded and I crumbled.
"Alright. One more time" I smiled as his face lit up. He leaned up to place a warm kiss on my lips before sitting up again, returning to his original position.
I watched as the judo fighter was head to head with another judo fighter. It was the first scene, where the well known judo fighter severed a nerve, completely loosing sight in his eyes.
The actor for the blind judo fighter was good friends with Jungkook and his friends. Hence why Jungkook wanted to watch it so many times. It was obviously okay with me, I always loved seeing him being so supportive for his friends. The only problem was that this was our tenth time watching it.
Jungkook's head was rested on my shoulder, his breathing slowing down and when I craned my neck to get a better look at him, he was fast asleep. I chuckle at him. His work has kept him busy and he's already tired.
"I'm home~!" I call out. I set my keys on the coffee table while slipping my shoes and jacket off. Dropping my bad on the couch and making a bee line to my bedroom.
What I found made my heart drop. There sitting on the edge of our bed, was a fully clothed and fully groomed, looking fancy and handsome--and on his phone--was none other than Jeon Jungkook.
At the sound of me opening the bedroom door he looked up from his phone, giving me a bunny grin I wanted to slap off so bad.
"Hey there beautiful" He commented and I scoffed. I rolled my eyes and headed straight to our bed. I slightly glanced at Jungkook who was pouting before I landed on the bed with a thud.
"Ah.. Sweet comfort. All here.." I hummed in satisfaction, shifting my position so I could slip under the covers, not bothering to take my work clothes off.
I felt a sink next to me in the bed and I dreaded what was coming next. I could feel soft hands draw circles on my back, slowly massaging my tense muscles. I sighed in content, maybe what I dreaded wasn't coming.. Of course I was wrong.
"Y/N..~?" Jungkook sign songed.
"Hmm?" I groan.
"Did you get my text?" I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
I groaned once again and sat up on my elbows, forcing Jungkook to stop his massaging.
"Jungkook. As much as I would love to go out with you on a romantic evening.. I had a full work day, and all I want to do now is just sleep and sleep and did I mention sleep?" I let my elbows slip and I fell back down on my bed.
Just when I thought Jungkook was going to give in and let me rest, of course his stubbornness got the better of him. I could hear a long sigh, followed by a louder sigh when I didn't answer.
I rolled my eyes, finally giving in to his silent calls and I sit up like before. I give him a death glare despite his on going sweet smile and open my mouth to speak.
Before I could even let a sound come out of my mouth Jungkook leaned down and planted a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me dumbfounded and mouth open.
"What was that for?" I managed to ask.
"A little convincing" He leaned down again, kissing me on my forehead
"And that" On my nose.
"And that" On both my cheeks.
"And that" One my chin.
"And that-"
"Alright, alright!" I quickly reach up to stop his teasing, all the while giggling. I let out a huff and look up at Jungkook's pleading eyes and bunny smile.
"How about we do something in between" I suggest and his eyes light up.
"Like what?" He quickly asks.
"How about we just go grocery shopping, since I did forget to do it Friday anyways and we're still going out" I answer and Jungkook suddenly stands up.
"Yes! Let's do it" He spoke a bit too enthusiastically and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Sometimes I feel like the man of this relationship" I sit up and raise an eyebrow when he smirks at me, taking a step towards me.
"That's not what you say in bed" He comments and I gasp.
"Jungkook!" He laughs and I giggle "Go change!" I playfully push him back and he turns around--still laughing--to go change.
Unfortunately, considering Jungkook is a well known celebrity, we had to dress in disguise. We had on all black clothes; Jungkook has on a black hat and mouth mask, while I had a white hat under an over sized hoodie, partially covering my face.
On the way to the grocery store, I got a text from Hoseok.
Hoseok - Hey! Can you two come for dinner later? All the guys and wives are coming!
I smiled at the thought. We haven't been able to hang out with the guys in a while. Since they were all on a break, we went our separate ways for a bit. It would be good to visit.
I looked back at Jungkook, and I frowned. There were bags under his eyes, and even with a smile on his face I could tell he was exhausted. I looked back at my phone and replied.
Me - I would love to but I don't know Hoseok.. Jungkook looks really tired.. Maybe.. I'll ask and see what he says.
Hoseok - Alright! Hopping for the best! Your sister is saying she misses you.
I smile. A couple years after I met Jungkook I had introduced my sister to BTS, and she immediately clicked with Hoseok. Two years later they get married.
Me - Me too. I'll try to convince him.
Hoseok - Okay! See you then!
Me - See you.
I turn off my phone when I realize we arrived at the small grocery store. Jungkook turns off the car, hopping out of the car and quickly running to my side to let me out.
I smile at him and quickly give him a kiss on the cheek before walking towards the store, Jungkook running behind me until he slipped his hands into mine from behind.
Near the door was a group of friends. Normally I wouldn't think much of it, but their growing stares made me a bit uneasy. Some among that group were girls, one had a BTS shirt on and I immediately panicked.
The world knew of mine and Jungkook's relationship, but I have heard previous rumors of fans that wanted to do horrible things to both Jungkook and I. I was afraid they would do something.
Jungkook sensed my uneasiness, he squeezed my hand and when I looked up I could tell even under the mask he was smiling bright at me. I smiled back at him and I was already feeling safe again when I looked back towards the double doors.
When we walked inside the store, Jungkook let go of my hand to grab a shopping cart. I walked past him towards the produce isle, and he carefully followed behind.
"Do you think we need lettuce?" I ask, looking at the lettuce like my life depended on it.
"Do any of us eat salad or lettuce?" He asks and I shrug.
"I kind of eat salad.. Every now and then?" I wasn't sure if that was a comment of question.
"Do you now?" Jungkook chuckles and I look up at him with a glare. He had his mask down so he could speak clearly, and he was giving me a cheeky grin.
"Alright. No lettuce it is" I finish. I continue walking towards the cereal isle, and Jungkook is in heaven.
"Ooh! We should get this one!" Jungkook had abandoned the shopping cart, leaving me to push it. He lifted up a chocolate based cereal and I chuckled while shaking my head.
"Why would we need that? You're just going to forget about it and I'll have to throw away yet another wasted cereal box" I explain and he frowns.
"I promise you I wont forget about it. I'll eat every ounce of it" He pleaded and I waited for a minute. I sighed before speaking.
"Alright. But if you don't finish it, no more special cereals" I finish and Jungkook let's out a grin, quickly making his way towards me and placing a long kiss on my lips, making forget the reason why I ever said no.
Jungkook was my drug, there was no doubt about that. I could never focus whenever he was around, sometimes it could get a bit frustrating but I loved it as well.
Mid-kiss Jungkook's eyes widened, he quickly parted and his mouth fell "Oh my god! It's banana chips!" He shouted before running somewhere behind me.
I shook my head while chuckling, continuing to walk down the isle, grabbing whatever we needed. Jungkook was long gone, probably finding all the stuff he wanted, and when he would realize he couldn't hold everything he would come back, only to have to put it back because I said no.
I was left alone in the ice cream section. I had my chin held in-between my thumb and forefinger, trying to decide between Coffee or Neapolitan.
Suddenly I felt a light slap on my butt. I gasped and chuckled a bit while turning around.
"Jungko-" I started but was immediately stopped when I realized I was not faced with my husband Jungkook. Nope it definitely wasn't Jungkook.
"Hey there sexy" A tall man with a low voice spoke. He only had a tank top and some shorts on, his face was full of scars that I wanted no details from. When he gave me a menacing smile, I could tell he his teeth were definitely not taken care of.
"I-I'm sorry.. I-" I tried.
"Oh come on sweetheart" He reached over to grab my hand and I jumped at the touch, earning him a chuckle "Baby, you're cold. Why don't I warm you up there" He finished, taking a step closer, forcing me to step back until my back hit the freezer door.
I looked past him to see his "group" of friends laughing and pointing at us, the same group that was near the front door.
I closed my eyes shut, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Please.. Get away from me! I-I have a husband!" I shouted. Hoping someone would notice, hoping Jungkook could hear, but he was no where in sight.
"Oh? And where is this so called husband? I don't see him here right now to protect yo-"
"I'm right here!" Someone's loud voice bellowed throughout the small store. Customers stopped what they were doing to see the ruckus.
The man stepped back from me, turning around to the source, and I was washed with relief when I realized it was Jungkook.
The couple girls that were wearing BTS merchandise gasped when they saw Jungkook's face, some shouting "Oh my god"s or "It's Jungkook!"
"Oh? And what are you going to do? Are you going to hurt me? Oh! I'm so scared!" The man sarcastically hid behind his hands, only to chuckle and shake his head.
"No. What I'm going to do is ask you to please step away from my wife, and we will leave you in peace" He calmly put and I was shocked with his steady words, normally he would blow.
"'Leave me in peace'?" The man scoffed "Be a man and take me head on!" The man took a step forward, letting me able to slip away. Jungkook side stepped, able to get past the man and to me without being hit.
I grabbed Jungkook's arm when he spread it in front of me, keeping anyone who was threatening away from me. I watched the girls as they were glaring at me, I gasped when one brought out a knife.
"I know. I see" He whispered back, reassuring me.
The man let out a long laugh, I could feel Jungkook tense up, and I knew something bad was about to happen.
Before anyone could react the man brought out a huge knife, he quickly swung his arm and aimed at me. Thankfully Jungkook was quick. He pushed me to the side and ducked just in time before the blow hit him.
Unfortunately Jungkook and I were no longer together. I lifted my head up from the floor, my eyes caught the girls from before. They were now smiling and walking towards me, taking the chance of mine and Jungkook's separation.
I panicked, my breathing getting faster. I quickly glanced at Jungkook who was already looking at me, he gave me one last look before shouting "RUN!"
I stood up and bolted the other way, unfortunately followed by the girls. I looked towards the door, deciding whether to go outside, but I thought against it, afraid things would only get worse outside.
My eyes caught a single bathroom and I made a bee line for it. I could feel the girls at my heel, their footsteps getting louder and faster. I could feel my heart thumping out of my chest, fear pushed to the side as adrenaline kicked in.
I made it just in time to the bathroom to be able to close it shut and lock it. I looked around the bathroom, quickly grabbing a small cabinet dresser and pushing it against the door, praying that would hold it from the girls banging.
I jumped every time they hit the door, tears were falling down my cheeks and I stepped away from the door until my back hit the wall. I slid down the wall until I was hugging my legs against my chest.
"LET US IN!" They shouted "WE WONT HURT YOU!" One started and I looked up "WE'LL ONLY TORTURE YOU!" Another laughed, joined by the others, and the banging continued.
"Look, there's a fire hydrant. Maybe we can use it to break the door down" My eyes widened and I stood up again.
I looked around the bathroom again. Grabbing the plunger, I raised it up in the air and used it as a temporary weapon. 
Suddenly there was silence. My heart stopped as well as my breathing. I jumped at the sound of another bang. I closed my eyes shut, grasping the plunger tighter while waiting for the door to be broken down.
After a minute.. And another minute.. I opened my eyes in confusion. I pried my body away from wall, waiting for any other sound of noise.
I jumped once again when there was a knock on the door and my breath hitched. I took a step back again but when I heard the soft voice of my husband, my heart leaped.
"Y/N.. It's me. You can open up, they're gone" I let out a long breath before dropping the plunger and running to the door, pushing away the dresser and unlocking the door to open it.
My arms immediately found Jungkook's and he brought me in for a tight hug.
"I thought they got you, I thought you were hurt.. Or even worse" His voice cracked and I let out a giggle.
I shook my head "No... It's time's like these where I'm happy I am the woman of the relationship" I answered, referring to my previous comment at home.
Jungkook chuckled and I joined him. When we were finished, Jungkook pulled back and started kissing my face, everywhere. On my forehead, cheeks, nose, uperlip, chin, and finally my lips.
"You've got to stop doing that" I giggled and he shook his head.
"You love it" He answered and I nodded my head.
"I do.."
"We should leave" He suggested and I nodded again, wrapping my arm around Jungkook's as we walked out of the store.
When we were both safely in the car, I let out a long sigh "So much for catching up on shopping" I commented and Jungkook laughed, gripping one hand on the wheel while the other is tightly grasping mine.
"Where should we go? Home?" He suggested and I shook my head, remembering my previous text.
"To Hoseok's!" I shouted, pointing a finger ahead of me.
"Alright. To Hoseok's it is" He answered before turning the corner. The whole way there Jungkook's hand never left mine. 
Yea. Jungkook was my drug, but he was also my protector, and with him.. I’ve never felt safer.
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faerieyoongles · 6 years
Welcome to the masterlist! Here you can find stories I’ve written along with stories by other authors that I enjoy. Click here if you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc. Click here if you’d like to possibly add to the list!
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none yet :(
One Shots: 
none yet :(
Recommendations (not my work): 
Life is A Whisk- by @readyplayerhobi Summary: You have no problem with Kim Seokjin most of the time, in fact you even consider him to be handsome and funny and he feels the same about you. Until you are both placed into a kitchen, and then it becomes the battlegrounds for World War Three, the Bake-off edition.
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Inamorata-  (Werewolf!Yoongi x Reader)
{special thanks to @serendipity-secrets for helping with revisions and a bit of plot work on this series}
Summary: Werewolves are assigned a human soulmate from birth, as werewolves cannot reproduce with other werewolves. Although humans cant tell when they’ve met their werewolf soulmate, werewolves become fully aware once they are united with their true love. Most werewolves meet their soulmate around mid to late teenage years. Yoongi is 18, almost 19, and on his last year of high school and still hasn’t found his soulmate yet. He’s starting to believe maybe he doesn’t have one, until one day he finally meets her.
Chapter(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  on hiatus
One Shots: 
none yet:(
Recommendations (not my work): 
Fortuna- by @readyplayerhobi (Yoongi x Hoseok x Reader x Jimin) Summary: 300 years ago, half the world’s population died when the experimental Fortuna virus escaped. The remaining male population has been rendered infertile with one loophole that has meant polyamorous relationships have become the norm.
Dancing With the Devil- by @screamyg Summary: (no summary was given but basically Yoongi’s a rich guy who visits the bar you work at almost everyday because he’s got a thing for you)
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One Shots: 
none yet :(
Recommendations (not my work): 
Big Bad Wolf- by @readyplayerhobi (Wolf Shifter!Hoseok x Rabbit Shifter!Reader) Summary: It’s been months since Hoseok marked you in the frenzy of his heat, and he’s been content and happy with you ever since. But with the stress of college ending and the fact the bond remains uncompleted, what happens when you go into your own heat?
Fortuna- by @readyplayerhobi​ (Yoongi x Hoseok x Reader x Jimin) Summary: 300 years ago, half the world’s population died when the experimental Fortuna virus escaped. The remaining male population has been rendered infertile with one loophole that has meant polyamorous relationships have become the norm.
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none yet :(
One Shots:
none yet :(
Recommendations (not my work):
Little One - by @kinktae (Vampire!Namjoonxreader) Summary: It’s a routine outing- Namjoon is careful and leaves no tracks. It was a regular feeding for him. Except one small irregularity. The four year old girl who watched him do it.
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none yet :(
One Shots:
Fresh Air (Stoner!Jimin x Ghost!Reader)
Eternity wouldn’t be so bad, as long as I got to spend it with you.
Summary: Being dead was extremely lonely, there’s nobody to hang out with or talk to. All you really can do is follow around your friends and family and help them try and move on with their lives. You were convinced you’d spend the rest of your days wallowing in depression and self pity, until one day you Jimin. It’s odd really, you’ve never heard of someone only being able to talk to ghosts when they’re high.
Recommendations (not my work):
Casual Clothes- by @httpjeon ( therapist!au) Summary: Seeing a therapist for your sexual troubles is one thing but to land yourself in bed with the very man who knows your problems is a whole other thing.
Fortuna- by @readyplayerhobi (Yoongi x Hoseok x Reader x Jimin) Summary: 300 years ago, half the world’s population died when the experimental Fortuna virus escaped. The remaining male population has been rendered infertile with one loophole that has meant polyamorous relationships have become the norm.
Ineffable- by @drquinzelharleen (Brother’s best friend au) Summary: As cliché as it was, you had a crush on your older brother, Taehyung’s, best friend Jimin. He was shy and quiet but yet had a certain reputation and charm. What happens when you both can’t hide your attraction?
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none yet :(
One Shots:
none yet :(
Recommendations (not my work):
Waterloo- by @kinktae (art prodigy!taehyung x art student!reader) Summary: Taehyung is a famous but pessimistic art prodigy who doesn’t believe in love. You are an art student studying in Paris, who sees the world through rose colored lens and is a certified cheesy romance film enthusiast. And this is your love story.
Tempting- by @kinktae (demon!taehyung x angel!reader) Summary: Y/N is an angel and a good one at that. She steers clear of the seven deadly sins, especially lust. She is out performing her duties when she runs into a demon. Luckily for her, that demon, Taehyung, doesn’t seem to buy into that whole “Angels and Demons are sworn enemies” idea. But unluckily for her, Taehyung just so happens to be the very embodiment of sin. Especially lust.
Watch your mouth- by @screamyg Summary: (no summary was given but basically you work for a phone sex hotline and one of your callers sounds a lot like your best friend...)
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One Shots:
none yet :(
Recommendations (not my work):
Into The Woods- by @gukwitch (goblin au) Summary: you never thought one accidental encounter with a goblin in the forest would change your life, but jungkook proves to be a force to be reckoned with, making you wonder if you would leave everything you knew behind for a goblin.
Every Breath You Take- by @gukwitch (stalker au) Summary: with a looming presence that seems to follow you everywhere you go, you must decide whether or not it’s just your paranoia acting up or if something more dangerous is at play.
Deep Down- by @jeonssky (mermaid au, Atlantis au, pirate au) Summary: Deep, deep, deep down the ocean there is a city filled with secrets.
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