#captive Scott Mccall
scribeoffate · 6 months
Scott Whump Rec List pt 1
Happy holidays everyone! I know they can be stressful for all of us, so one of my favorite ways to de-stress is to stress out Scott 😈. This first rec list is going to focus on fics that do not have explicit sexual content. Pt 2 will cover those.
Lost Boys Don't Cry by CranApplePye (156K words)
This fic is sort of THE sciles whump fic. It features sciles being taken captive and delicious, delicious whump for both characters. The sciles feels are A++. This is a must-read if you are a sciles fan, Stiles whump fan or Scott whump fan.
Sawdust & Snow by QuickLikeLight (63k words)
While this fic is light on the physical whump, the emotional whump is A++++++. And again the sciles feels are just stellar. This fic takes a look at choices Scott and Stiles may have made post-canon and it's just so good.
worth fighting for by momentofmemory (18k, wip)
Am I biased because this fic was written for me, to my exact tastes? Absolutely. It is still a fantastic fic? Also absolutely! This is a scira fic that follows a captive Scott from bardo, to the place he's being held and back. It explores his relationships with all of the villains from the show and gyahhhh. It has everything you want in a captive! Scott whump fic PLUS some.
blood in the water by momentofmemory (7.5k)
This fic!! It's a missing scene, canon compliant fic about Scott covered in blood. It features sciles feelings and is utlimately a scalia piece. It's so good and so painful and so lovely.
heavy heart by momentofmemory (1.3k)
This fic features a Theo trying to figure Scott out, which is always a favorite of mine in sceo fic. But it also features Scott taking on whump he doesn't even need to. Lovely.
I chose those three- but if you are a Scott fan @momentofmemory's fics are not to be missed. Most of them involve some form of physical or emotional whump. And they are all absolutely stunningly crafted. Fantastic works, all!
the hunted sky by spikeface (1.2 k)
This is a missing scene style fic for 4x01, which features some of my personal favorite canon Scott whump- electrocution in Araya's house. The way this fic just adds so much depth to that scene is masterful.
the boy who swallowed the earth (19k) by spikeface
This one is more Theo centric than Scott centric, but def features a very healthy amount of half dead Scott for our reading pleasure. And if you want a fic with layer after layer after layer, this is absolutely it. You'll feel like you're going in circles in all of the best ways.
Dominion by Escalus (81K)
Again a little more Theo centric, but the Scott whump is lovely. And it features captivity, which you will note is something I enjoy v v much. This one is so fun, I love the way it plays out in the end.
my blood by LuthienKenobi (2.6 k, wip)
This fic features sciles on the run and a very, very, very hurt Scott. Love, love love.
Breaking Point by liliaeth (2.5k, wip)
If you hadn't realized, captive!Scott fic is my favorite. And this one delivers! It's one of those I've read mutliple times even knowing that it is only one chapter. I regret nothing. It's so delightful.
this beast that you're after will eat you alive by cat (rileyfinns) (4k)
This scira fic is all about scott and kira getting to cry. It's hurt/comfort but so heavy on the comfort. I love the emotional beats of this fic so much, they def scractch that emotional whump itch.
A few self recs as well, because my own teen wolf fic page is filled with Scott whump, because it is my favorite!
Just Breathe by idc_chan (1.3K)
This is a pre-canon Scott, Stiles and Theo fic focusing on Scott's asthma and it's just so much fun.
Catch and Release by idc_chan (2.4k)
This is a sceo fic featuring, you may have guessed it, captive! Scott. It's also got paintaking and Scott taking too much pain as a theme. A lot of fun and fts phsical and emotional whump.
So Part 2 is definitely gonna include some Very Explicit recs, but while making this list, I realized there will definitely be more parts. If you appreciate this list, leave some feedback for the authors! They would love to hear from you. <3
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dailyscottficrec · 1 year
Jan 7, 2023
worth fighting for by momentofmemory
Author summary:
Table at his back.
Restraints around his wrists.
Harsh fluorescent lights glaring down, bright like the High Line, isolating like the church.
He can’t think.
Or: Scott wakes in an unfamiliar place. It gets worse from there.
Reasons to love the fic: So it turns out, probably I should have waited a little bit to rec this. Because I started thinking about what to say here and all I had was: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (er again). Is this fic written specifically for me with all sorts of tags that make me so heart eyes? Yes.
As always with mem fic though, it's fantastic in every way. The care taken with the characterization and plot and the word choices are just so spot on. And then this has a mystery and hurt! Scott and Kira with an entire arc!! And scira! The scira of it all!!!! Am I biased? Maybe.
But also the fic is absolutely stunning. <3
Please be sure to let the author know if you enjoyed the fic!
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wolfsbane chapter one - wolf moon
Chapter One – Wolf Moon
Scott's life takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious creature attacks him while on a mission to find a missing body. Instead of succumbing to the bite, he discovers that he has acquired extraordinary abilities that set him apart from others. As if that wasn't enough, he also finds himself working alongside a peculiar new colleague who seems to have a strange connection to a resident who has recently returned to town. And to add to the whirlwind of events, Scott finds himself falling for someone new, only to discover that this person harbours a deep family secret that could change everything. Scott's world is now filled with intrigue, danger, and a web of interconnected mysteries that he must navigate to uncover the truth.
Word count – 16,609
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Wednesday, September 6th, full moon
The police force was at a loss for how to respond to the unexpected call that had come in. The night air was cold and still, and it would have been a peaceful evening if not for the persistent sniffing and barking of the dogs. The officers stood there, uncertain of what awaited them, their minds racing with possibilities and their hearts pounding with anticipation. It was a moment of suspense, as they prepared themselves for whatever lay ahead, ready to face the unknown with courage and determination. It had been a while since anything like this had occurred in Beacon Hills, and the residents were understandably anxious. The local law enforcement officers were hoping that they were the only ones lurking in the dense undergrowth of the preserve, but it seemed that an unknown entity was observing them. Beneath the ethereal mist, his sapphire eyes gleamed with an otherworldly brilliance, captivating all who beheld them. His nose, ever so delicately poised, yearned for a mere whiff of the elusive scent they were relentlessly pursuing.
The enigmatic figure was enveloped in the overpowering aroma of sage. The pungent scent of charred sage filled the air, causing his nostrils to tingle with irritation. With each heavy step he took, the sound of crunching leaves echoed through the stillness of the surroundings. Yearning for a stroke of luck, he longed for a moment where everything would fall into place. However, his hopes were shattered when he stumbled upon his sister's lifeless form that fateful night. The haunting image of her pale, lifeless body etched itself into his memory, tormenting him with its crimson gaze. As if that wasn't enough, an agonizing pain gripped his body, as his bones twisted and contorted, while his once smooth hair transformed into a course, unruly mane.
Clad in nothing but a pair of gym shorts, Scott McCall busied himself with re-threading the laces on his lacrosse stick. The anticipation of the big day ahead had him feeling restless, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't seem to calm his nerves enough to get some shut-eye After deciding that the net on his stick was satisfactory, he carelessly threw it onto his unkempt bed. To distract himself, he began using his push-up bar, pushing himself to his limits until he was interrupted by a sudden noise. In a hurry, he quickly threw on a burgundy hoodie and dashed down the stairs, tightly gripping his untouched baseball bat. As he reached the front porch, the darkness enveloped him, making it nearly impossible to see anything beyond the door. The absence of light heightened his senses, adding an air of mystery and anticipation to his surroundings. As he heard a strange noise, Scott cautiously stepped out of the door frame to investigate. To his surprise, he saw a figure hanging from the roof. His heart racing, he let out a yelp of terror, almost hitting the person in the face. However, as he took a closer look, he realized that it was someone he knew. Stiles Stilinski, his dim-witted companion, let out a piercing yelp that echoed through the air. Stiles Stilinski, his dim-witted companion, let out a piercing yelp that echoed through the air.
“Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!” With a low growl, he rolled his chocolate-brown eyes in frustration before extending a hand to help his companion up from the ground. Stiles was known for having moles all over his face like stars in the sky, and his hair was usually shaved to his scalp or overgrown and messy there was never an in-between. His eyes were similar to his best friend’s, but the honey rings were a big difference. “You weren't answering your phone! ...Why do you have a bat?” Stiles seemed more hyperactive than usual, making Scott realise he would be in for it that night. “I thought you were a predator!” With a loud clank, he set the bat down and observed as Stiles brushed the leaves off his body. “Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called. they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police.” A sly smirk spread across Stiles' face as his friend glanced up at him, clearly taken aback. “Two joggers found a body in the woods.” It was as if his eyes were defying the laws of physics, growing even larger than before. “What, a dead body?” His speech faltered, stumbling over words as he struggled to communicate. “No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!” With a burst of energy, Stiles hopped back and forth, unable to contain his excitement. “You mean, like, murdered?” the buzz-cut teen shook his head “Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.”
“Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?” There was a brief pause in Stiles' actions.
“That's the best part. they only found half.” A mischievous grin spread across Stiles' face as he tightly grasped Scott's shoulders, letting out a hearty chuckle. “We're going.”
(Y/N) navigated the twisting roads that led her to the weathered sign, which greeted her arrival in Beacon Hills. As she drove, her car shook, and she cranked up the volume of her music to drown out the eerie silence of the surrounding woods. In the absence of silence, she was well aware that her mind would be tormented by the constant buzzing and jolts. The tranquillity of nature's silence was not a viable choice. As she extended her hand to soothe the creature, her black cat emitted a gentle meow. As they ventured further into the preserve, the terrain became increasingly rough. The once smooth roads transformed into a combination of mud and gravel, making the journey much more challenging. Just as she was about to make the turn, the young woman abruptly brought her vehicle to a halt. The blinding lights emanating from the police cars compelled her to stop in an instant. Taking a deep breath, she switched off the engine, instantly catching the attention of the officers. With a timid gesture, she raised her hand in a shy wave as a police officer approached her with cautious steps. “Sorry mam, the roads are closed for emergency purposes.” The sound of his worn-out voice filled the air as he illuminated the surroundings with his torch, hoping to get a closer look at the girl who had an unusually gothic appearance.
The mysterious woman would stand out from the crowd, exuding an air of uniqueness that set her apart from other girls her age. Judging by her appearance, it seemed she was in her early twenties. Clad entirely in black, she adorned herself with intriguing accessories crafted from bones and stones. he hoped they were fake. Dark shadows and thick eyeliner adorned her face, catching the attention of the officer. While he was accustomed to seeing teenagers with alternative styles like goth, grunge, and hippy, this grown woman was different to the grunge moody teens. “Sorry to disturb you, officer. I’m new in town and I think my new house is just down the road.” With a stutter, she gestured towards the opposite side of the obstructed zone. The officer's eyebrow raised in curiosity, and then he directed her attention to the trembling hands clutching the information booklet. (Y/N)'s gaze met the worn-out image of the cottage, a sight she knew all too well, while the officer observed her. With a fit and slender physique, the middle-aged man had short, light brown hair, a lightly tanned complexion, and captivating hazel eyes. (Y/N)'s attention was drawn to the slightly grimy sheriff badge, causing her to gulp nervously.
“Ah, the old cottage. Been a very popular hangout for the kids.” With a chuckle, he returned the pages to the girl, observing her anxious behaviour. He couldn't help but notice the state of her hands, which trembled with every gesture he made. Upon closer inspection, he saw that her nails and skin were gnawed to the point where blood had crusted around the wounds. “I’ll have to escort you down there miss. Unfortunately, there’s been a body found and we are doing searches in the woods surrounding your new home.” With a subtle nod, she expressed her gratitude to him before redirecting her attention towards her vehicle.
The traditional exterior of the cottage chosen by the elderly couple that previously owned it, it became evident as (Y/N) inspected the premises. As she did so, the sheriff followed closely behind, illuminating the surrounding field with his flashlight and circling the delightful structure. The meadow appeared undisturbed, as if time had forgotten it. The grass grew tall, yet it concealed the vibrant blossoms yearning to burst forth. Once the sun graced the sky, a kaleidoscope of colours would paint the landscape in breathtaking beauty. “I think the county had the place cleared out for you he was used as a drug den for a while so please be careful.” While he shared the information, she responded by nodding and carefully placing her suitcase on the porch, causing a slight creaking noise. “I had a company come in a put my stuff in the house for me. I just hope my bed is intact because I’m pooped.” With a playful remark, she managed to bring a smile to his face. “Here pass me your phone.” Fidgeting with her cardigan button, she handed him her unlocked device. As he glanced down, he realized it was an outdated flip phone with a keypad. The only other time he had encountered such a phone was when they were confiscated as evidence in burner phone cases. “If you need anything miss…?”
“(Y/N) Williams sir.” In a seamless motion, he typed his number on the device before promptly passing it back to her. “(Y/N) If you need anything or see anything please don’t hesitate to call. You’re a bit of a way out, don’t want you on your own out here.” She quickly thanked him, registering he had put his name in her phone Sheriff Noah Stilinski. “Thank you, Noah, I hope you have a good night.”  
As the teal blue Jeep driven by the two teenagers entered the preserve, the sign warning against entering after dark was instantly illuminated by the powerful headlights of the vehicle. “We're seriously doing this?” With a torch gripped tightly in his hand, Stiles stepped out into the night. The sound of the dying leaves echoed beneath his shoes, creating a haunting melody. Scott trailed behind, struggling to keep pace with Stiles as they ventured deeper into the mysterious woods. In his hand, he clutched his trusty white inhaler, a symbol of his determination to face whatever awaited them. “You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.” The teenagers pressed on, their curiosity leading them deeper into the woods, where the distant sounds of dogs added an element of suspense to their adventure. “I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” Stiles' mocking laughter echoed through the trees. “Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort.”
“No, because I'm playing this year. I'm making the first line.” With a chuckle, Stiles redirected his attention to his innocent companion. “Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” The boys strolled along, enveloped in silence, while the symphony of nature played in the background. The atmosphere grew denser, causing Scott to pause and rely on his inhaler for more breaths, slowing their pace. “Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?” Breaking his gaze from the muddy ground, Stiles shrugged indifferently. “Huh! I didn't even think about that.”
“And, uh... what if whoever killed the body is still out here?” The duo paused once more in their journey. “Also, something I didn't think about.” The sound of Scott's exasperated sigh indicated his weariness with the common hurdle also known as Stiles. “It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail.” Stiles turned with his signature mischievous smirk. “I know.” Scott propped himself against a tree, reaching for his inhaler from his pocket. Stiles urged him on, and Scott followed him up the steep incline. The ground beneath them grew muddier with each step, caking their once-pristine shoes. Taking cover behind a massive, decaying tree limb, the pair quickly grasped the dire situation they found themselves in - right in the path of the relentless search party. The sound of the baying hounds grew louder, urging them to swiftly devise their next course of action. With a shared understanding, they discreetly extinguished their torch, determined not to draw any unnecessary attention to their presence. “Wait!” Scott's voice barely escaped his lips as he whispered. Little did he know, Stiles' impatience would soon triumph. Succumbing to the urge, he whispered back to Stiles and leapt out towards the group. “Stiles! Wait up!”
The sudden sound of a dog's jaw snapping shut took Stiles by surprise, sending him tumbling to the ground. “Hold it right there!” The noise of the barking grew increasingly louder, causing Stiles to squint as the bright torchlight momentarily blinded him. Meanwhile, Scott quickly sought refuge behind a nearby tree, his breath creating a mist in the chilly air as he covered his mouth. “Hang on hang on!” As the angry voice of Stiles' father echoed in the background, Scott let out a deep breath into his inhaler. “This little delinquent belongs to me.” With a frustrated sigh, the officer pressed on, determined to scour every inch of the dense forest. “Dad. What are you doing?” With a sigh, Noah lifted his child from the grimy earth, his hoodie now adorned with a layer of filth, twigs, and foliage. “So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?” The young boy couldn't help but laugh, his hand nervously finding its way to the back of his head, scratching away his unease. “No er… not the boring ones.”
“where’s your usual partner in crime?” Stiles attempted to appear as bewildered as he could, shrugging his shoulders once more. Nevertheless, his father remained unconvinced and refused to believe any of it. “Who, Scott? Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. It's just me... In the woods... Alone...” Raising his torch, he cast its light across the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of Scott, who remained hidden behind the unchanging tree. “Scott, you out there? Scott?” After a brief moment, Scott remained completely still, not making a single movement. The exhausted sheriff hesitantly concluded that Scott was not accompanying Stiles. Letting out a sigh, he firmly grasped the back of Stiles' neck and guided him towards the entrance of the dense preserve. “Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car... And then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called "invasion of privacy." He growled, Stiles sweating profusely.
Scott exhaled deeply; his lungs relieved after being held captive for so long. The barking of the dogs ceased and the light from the officers' torches faded into the mist. The young boy sprinted down the hill, feeling a strange vibration under his feet. The eerie silence of the forest overwhelmed him, sending shivers down his spine. The darkness was suffocating, and the thought of a potential killer lurking nearby made him uneasy. He reached for his inhaler, hoping it would calm his nerves, but before he could take a puff, a group of deer came charging towards him in a frenzy. With every step, the terrifying creatures trampled over him, forcing his body to the chaotic ground. The rustling of the dead leaves beneath him grew louder and more violent, causing his inhaler to be flung several meters away into the abyss of darkness.
After the deer had finally dispersed, Scott, still in a state of disbelief, managed to stand up. His immediate priority was to use the flashlight on his phone to search for his lost breath on the forest floor. Unfortunately, his efforts yielded no results. As Scott cautiously scanned the ground, he startled himself when he caught sight of the upper half of the body that Stiles had warned him about. The upper portion stood severed, a gruesome sight. Flies had already taken residence, hastening the decay of the lifeless form. Her once vibrant eyes, now dull and lifeless, mirrored the presence of death. The chilling sight of blood stained her motionless, unclothed figure.” AHHHHH!” The sight of a young woman, her face as white as a ghost and her hair tangled with mud, left him completely speechless. He hadn't anticipated the intensity of this situation, and it took him by surprise. In a daze, Scott stumbled backwards, falling further into the preserve, desperate to distance himself from the horrifying crime scene he had just witnessed.
Scott rose unsteadily, letting out a pained groan as he leveraged himself up with the aid of a fallen tree trunk. His skin was likely riddled with scratches from the surrounding twigs, and his clothes were undoubtedly ruined. A noxious blend of dirt, mud, and animal waste clung to him, creating a foul layer of stench. He hurried through the woods, desperate to escape the area as quickly as possible. The noise of something unfamiliar was not concealed by his trousers. Suddenly, a menacing growl echoed from behind, causing him to halt in terror. He gradually pivoted, only to be confronted by a monstrous creature. It was some sort of wild animal, but he didn't have the luxury of pondering its identity before sprinting away. With a sudden burst of energy, the monstrous creature pounced on him, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground once more. Despite his attempts to crawl away, the beast had different plans in mind. It seized his battered ankles and dragged him back like a lifeless puppet. The piercing red eyes bore into him before sinking its teeth into his side, causing the young man's screams to echo through the forest.
Frantically, Scott raced through the dense forest, stumbling and falling as he desperately attempted to escape from the unknown assailant. Eventually, he managed to reach the closest road, relieved to find that the creature had not pursued him any further. Just as he thought he was safe, a car came speeding towards him, honking loudly. Miraculously, the driver skilfully manoeuvred away from Scott, narrowly avoiding a collision. Scott breathed a sigh of relief as he found a safe spot to rest. He gingerly lifted the tattered fabric of his hoodie to inspect the deep bite wound on his hip. The rain was relentless, mixing with his blood and creating a gruesome scene. Just then, a haunting howl echoed through the woods, sending shivers down Scott's spine. It seemed like tonight was not going to be his night after all.
The eerie cry of the creature echoed through the forest and across the meadow, causing the new girl to pause her gentle strokes on her cat. With a sense of unease, she fixed her gaze upon the dense woods that enveloped her unfamiliar abode. With a quick stride, she approached the meadow, her ears perked up for any sign of a howl. Alas, there was none. She let out a sigh and made her way back to her abode, securing the door behind her. Retrieving her notepad, she jotted down a new seed to add to her collection for the upcoming meadow. (Y/N) took a moment to admire the vibrant purple flower, knowing it was an added layer of protection. She was willing to go the extra mile if it meant staying safe. As she stood in the kitchen, she cautiously opened the window, calling out to her beloved feline friend, hoping to avoid attracting the attention of the creature that had been howling nearby.
As the enigmatic man with piercing blue eyes made his way towards the well-known meadow, memories of his past flooded his mind. The grass, still covered in morning dew, had flourished over time, and the cottage remained steadfast in its place. However, an unexpected sight greeted him this time - the lights of the deserted house were mysteriously switched on. Curiosity piqued, he inhaled deeply, recognizing the familiar scent of sage in the air. Yet, there was an unfamiliar undertone, a new herb perhaps, that he couldn't quite place. Nevertheless, the essence of sage remained potent, drawing him closer to the enigma that awaited him. His attention was caught by a soft feminine voice, causing him to focus his gaze. He then proceeded to crouch down amidst the lush greenery, observing as the kitchen window slowly opened. “Bones! Here boy!” A shrill voice echoed through the air, catching his attention. Judging by its pitch, he guessed it could be a woman calling out to her pet. As he observed, a sleek black cat gracefully hopped onto the windowsill and disappeared inside the building. Despite his curiosity, the man decided it might be better not to pry too much into the new owner's identity.
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Thursday, September 7th
As Scott pedalled his bike through the school car park, he couldn't help but notice the swarm of teenagers scattered across the paths and roads, clearly reluctant to enter the building. Skilfully, he dismounted just as he reached the bike rack, effortlessly sliding his front wheel into place and securing it. With a quick adjustment of his backpack, he hung his helmet on the handle and tightly fastened a lacrosse stick to the back, ready for the day ahead. As the silver Porsche glided into the parking spot beside him, Scott's detached expression quickly soured. Jackson, his captain, emerged from the car with a self-satisfied smirk, carelessly slamming the door into Scott's back and shooting him a venomous glare. “Dude! Watch the paint job.” A grumble escaped his lips as he made his way into the school, his frustration evident in his determined stride.
Jackson possessed undeniable good looks, characterized by his medium height, sharp-cut dark blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. His choice of attire always highlighted the finest money could buy, effortlessly conveying his arrogant and sarcastic nature without the need for words. Scott, feeling insulted, refrained from retaliating as he observed Jackson. Meanwhile, Scott spotted Stiles at the school steps and approached him eagerly, ready to share an intriguing tale. The boy with the buzz-cut hairstyle pulled his friend closer, pleading to see the alleged bite mark he had mentioned. “Okay, let's see this thing.” With a chuckle, he uttered, "Check this out!" Scott raised his shirt, revealing the bandaged bite wound to Stiles. The gauze and tape barely contained the seeping blood, most likely a result of his speedy bike ride. “Ooh!” Stiles' hands darted forward, eager to explore and prod, catching Scott off guard before he could even adjust his shirt. “It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf,” Scott's words hung in the air as Stiles let out a dismissive snort. He swiftly retrieved his bag and made his way towards the exit, paying no mind to Scott's comment. “A wolf bit you? No, not a chance.” Scott rolled his brown eyes. “I heard a wolf howling.”
“No, you didn't.”
“What do you mean, "No, I didn't?" How do you know what I heard?”
“Because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, sixty years.” Scott finally stopped arguing as Stiles made a valid point. But what did he see? “Really?” he mumbled. “Yes. There are no wolves in California.” As he scratched the back of his neck, he couldn't figure out what had bitten him. Could it have been a mountain lion? He pushed the thought aside, eager to share the more exciting parts of his story with his friend. “All right. Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're not gonna believe me when I tell you I found the body.”
Filled with exhilaration, Stiles leapt up as if his energy were fully charged, vigorously shaking Scott's shoulders. “You… are you kidding me?” With a hushed tone, he scanned the area to keep an eye on everyone nearby. “No, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month.”
“Oh, God, that is freaking awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-” Before he could finish his sentence, something seemed to catch his eyes. “--Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look—” The girl persisted, step by step, as she made her way towards the school, “--Like you're gonna ignore me.” Stiles perceived Lydia as an incredibly attractive young woman with a petite figure, a fair complexion, enchanting green eyes, and beautiful strawberry-blonde hair. He greatly admired her flawless skin and vibrant hair, which reminded him of the sun. Additionally, she possessed a fashion sense akin to Jackson and embodied the essence of a popular and influential figure. “You're the cause of this, you know.” Confusion washed over Scott's face as he and Stiles joined the rest of the students, entering the school together. “Dragging' me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you.”
With a deep exhale, (Y/N) jolted upright in bed. She wearily rubbed her eyes, attempting to dispel the foggy feeling in her head. It was yet another night of tossing and turning for the exhausted young woman. She had grown accustomed to it but knew that she couldn't keep going like this forever. merging from the chilly embrace of her bed, (Y/N) made her way downstairs, glancing at her watch to check the time. The arrival of the delivery van, carrying her new furniture, was imminent. However, the daunting task of purchasing all the essentials weighed heavily on her mind. She had grown accustomed to relying on her group for everything, from furniture to pencils. Now, she found herself navigating this unfamiliar territory alone.
As the sound of a horn echoed through the air, she stepped outside, lighting a cigarette and inhaling deeply, feeling a sense of relaxation wash over her. With a wave, she beckoned the workmen to approach, watching as they stepped out of the van. “Morning boys.” As they kicked off the project, a beam of delight adorned her face. “I would offer you some coffee, but I haven’t got anything, sorry.” A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she pondered why socializing seemed like such a daunting task. The men seemed to pay no attention to her remark, instead focusing on the task of moving her belongings into the house. She couldn't help but notice their lingering gazes, taking in her exposed legs and arms adorned with dark tattoos. The weight of their judgment was palpable, making her feel self-conscious in their presence.
“Jesus this chick must have issues.” As she listened, one of them muttered from within her house. (Y/N) observed him examining the pictures she had already hung on the wall. It didn't seem like a big deal to her - just some sketches of toxic plants and a few photos from her previous residence. However, considering her old home was situated in the heart of a graveyard, she began to reconsider. Perhaps it wasn't as ordinary as she initially believed. That's probably why, she speculated... “What the fuck are in these jars?” Moving onwards, the two men explored the area, their curiosity driving them to pick up and shake the jars of bones with a mixture of repulsion and fascination. “I hope they’re from chicken wings.” With a scornful look directed at her, he chuckled and exited her living room. “Freak.” Hopefully, they’d be gone soon.
Just as she was about to stumble through an explanation, her phone erupted into a lively ringtone. Swiftly flipping open the screen, a warm smile spread across her face as she recognized the name flashing before her. “Good morning, Dr Deaton.” She spoke with excitement. “Good morning (Y/N) I hope you’re settling okay.” Curiosity sparked within him as he inquired. Meanwhile, she found solace on the porch bench, gazing out towards the serene meadow, while the men continued their barrage of insults. Determined to distance herself from their negativity, she redirected her attention to the phone, channelling her energy elsewhere. “Besides the delivery guys, it’s been okay.”
“Well, that’s good. I’ve got a big list of patients to sort out today but if you want to come by after close, I’ll get you settled in and you can meet Scott. He’s the younger boy I was telling you about.
“That sounds perfect Deaton. I’ll see you after close.”
As Scott and Stiles walked into their first-period class, they settled into their seats. The teacher began the lesson immediately, causing the boys to feel restless and uninterested in no time. “As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night.” With a mischievous smile, Scott spun around to face Stiles and playfully winked at him. “And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester.” As if practised the entire class groaned.
Scott and Stiles exchanged a bored glance once more when, out of nowhere, Scott's ears were assaulted by a shrill phone ring. Surprisingly, no one in the room seemed to react to the noise, leaving Scott perplexed and furrowing his brow. Eventually, his attention was drawn to a row of windows on his left by the sound of a woman's voice. Outside, on a public bench, a young girl sat engrossed in her phone conversation. Her voice was melodic, perfectly synchronized with her moving lips as she just picked up the call. “Mom, three calls on my first day is a little overdoing it.” She mumbled rummaging deep into her bag. “Everything except a pen. Oh, my God, I didn't forget a pen. Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya.” Scott’s eyes followed the girl as she walked with the vice principal into the school “Sorry to keep you waiting. So, you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?” he said through the walls. Scott’s mind was muss with this discovery.” No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family.” The door to the classroom nudged. “Well, hopefully, Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while.”
As the wooden door creaked open, Scott's heart skipped a beat. Standing before him were the principal and a young woman who appeared to be a phone call girl. The woman was tall and slender, with a complexion as smooth as porcelain and delicate freckles resembling snowflakes. Her curly dark hair resembled the colour of chocolate, and her eyes were a perfect match. “Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome.” As Allison entered the classroom, she noticed Scott sitting in front of her. She brushed a stray hair from her face and sat down behind him. Scott turned around and smiled at her, offering one of his pencils. Allison whispered a quick thank you, her mind racing with questions. How did he know she needed a pencil?
As the stranger made his way through the dense vegetation, his muddy trainers made a distinct crunching sound. He caught a whiff of a particular plant, but his usually sharp sense of smell was hindered by a familiar scent - burnt sage. The aroma grew stronger and stronger as he approached the overgrown meadow. Suddenly, he halted in his tracks, observing a dark cloud forming above the canopy, signalling the presence of a new owner for the abandoned cottage. It was the last thing he wanted. He dreaded the thought of another person invading his world. He silently prayed that his new neighbour wasn't the type to make small talk. The mere idea of someone knocking on his door made him shudder. He observed as the sheriff's car pulled up beside the peach-coloured vehicle that he assumed belonged to his neighbour. He quickly retreated into the woods, relieved that the unpleasant odour was fading away as he walked.
Noah gently tapped on the worn-out door of the cosy cottage. Inhaling deeply, he was greeted by an enchanting aroma that filled the air. As the door swung open, he was not only met by the familiar face of the girl he had encountered the previous night but also that captivating scent. “Something smells amazing.” The sight of his smile was so infectious that it brought a smile to her lips too. “Come on it sheriff. Just in time too.” Upon entering the cottage, Noah surveyed the newly furnished room, noticing a few boxes still left unpacked. His eyes were drawn to the various pictures of plants and animals adorning the walls, causing him to let out a sigh. “you’ve moved to the right place if you like nature.” Y/N was filled with panic as she watched him eye the mushroom and nightshade, just like the delivery men did. She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find the jars. “Oh yeah. I studied plants and animal care in school.” the comment seemed to satisfy Noah. “So, what brings you over?” As she opened the oven, she inquired about the muffins and pulled out the baking tray. Noah's eyes widened at the sight of the delicious treats, making his mouth water in anticipation. “Well other than those muffins…” With a gentle laugh, she carefully set them on the windowsill, allowing the cool breeze to refresh them. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about last night.” With a casual nod, she gestured for him to take a seat on the bar stool she had just acquired for her breakfast table. Positioned by the windowsill, the two chairs allowed Noah to enjoy his muffin as it cooled to perfection. “Raspberry and dark chocolate by the way.” She mentioned watching him burn the top of his mouth impatiently.
“Okay, so you said you had just got here last night. So, I’m guessing you don’t know any more from around here?” she nodded her head calmly. “a friend of mine is acquaintances with Dr Alan Deaton, the vet. He gave me a job there. But other than Alan I don’t know anyone else. I haven’t even had the chance to go into town yet.” As she spoke, she observed him jotting down every word she uttered in his tiny notebook. “Did you see or hear anything either on the ride here or when I dropped you off?” With a quick nod of her head, she diverted his attention away from the muffin and onto herself. “About an hour or two after you left, I was sitting on the porch, and I sounded like a howl came from the woods. it might have been one of your search dogs, but I don’t know if it sounded…bigger.” She was cautious not to reveal too much, fearing that her suspicions might be correct. Above all, she wanted to protect Noah from any potential trouble he could get into. “I know there are no wolves in the state but maybe a mountain lion?” With a nod, he closed his notepad and eagerly devoured the remaining crumbs of his muffin.
“Well, since you don’t know anyone yet, I know one of the boys that you’ll be working with at the vet. Scott?” he spoke with a mouth full of sweets. “Deaton mentioned him,” she confirmed. Noah swallowed his muffin writing down an array of numbers on the pad. “This is Scott’s mum’s number. Her name is Melissa, I'll drop her a text to call you. Shell be able to show you around and get to know some people instead of staying up here all day.” With a smile, (Y/N) expressed gratitude towards him for folding the paper into her pocket. She couldn't help but wish to know someone who wasn't a police officer, even just one person.
The lacrosse field, freshly painted, was buzzing with the team's energy as eager students practised, hoping for a spot on the starting lineup. Scott and Stiles wasted no time, sprinting towards the field with their equipment bouncing against their backs. “But if you play, I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you gonna do that to your best friend?” Stiles playfully teased Scott, fully aware that he had not shot at making it onto the first line. “I can't sit out again. My whole life is sitting on the side-lines.” With a forceful thud, Scott hurled his bag onto the glass. “This season, I make the first line.” As he observed Alisson engaged in conversation with Lydia, he inhaled deeply and adjusted his stance. The captivating smile on Alisson's face had a captivating impact on him, but his train of thought was abruptly interrupted by the coach. “McCall! You're on goal.” The coach surprised him by thrusting unfamiliar equipment into his unprepared hands, leaving him bewildered. “I’ve never played...” he mumbled. “I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's a first day-back thing. Get 'em energized! Fired up! It was very clear the coach had no belief in the teenager. “...What about me?” The coach gave a reassuring pat on his shoulder and urged him towards the goalpost, his shoulder pads providing extra protection. “Try not to take any in the face.” He joked.
“Let's go! Come on.” Lydia's attention was drawn to a new boy standing nearby, prompting Allison to inquire about his identity. “Who is that?”  With a tilt of her head, her strawberry blonde locks fell in a cascade of confusion around her face. “Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?” It's puzzling that she hasn't recognized him yet, considering they've been going to school together since the very beginning. “He's in my English class.” Scott's attention wavered, causing him to miss the whistle's blow and sending his focus into disarray. As a result, he stumbled and fell to the ground, leaving his teammates with an open opportunity to score effortlessly. Jackson seized the chance and struck Scott's helmet, intensifying the ringing in his ears. The field erupted with laughter, accompanied by a single "ouch" from Stiles. “Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!” he smirked.
Filled with determination, Scott rose to his feet and loosened his shoulders, readying himself for the upcoming shot. As he exhaled, his breath transformed into misty puffs, resembling smoke in the cold air. The ball was thrown towards him by the next player, and with lightning-fast reflexes, Scott effortlessly caught it with his stick. The sight left everyone, including Scott himself, in awe. “Yeah!!!” The sound of Stiles' shout echoed through the air, drawing everyone's attention. As the second, third, and fourth balls effortlessly landed in Scott's net, Jackson's nonchalant demeanour quickly transformed. Coach Finstock stood there, mouth agape as if he couldn't fathom what he had just witnessed.” He seems like he's pretty good.” Allison said. “Yeah, very good,” Lydia glanced over at her boyfriend, her words barely audible as she spoke under her breath.
As Jackson stepped forward, Scott's body tightened with anticipation, bracing himself for the impending chaos that lay ahead. “Oh, God...” With lightning speed, Jackson sprinted towards the goal and launched the ball with all his might. However, to Scott's amazement, the ball appeared to be moving in slow motion, giving him ample time to catch it effortlessly. Stiles and Lydia jumped up in excitement, causing Jackson to grit his teeth in frustration. “THAT'S MY FRIEND!” Stiles cheered.
“I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things.” In their quest to locate the body Scott had spotted the night before, Scott and Stiles leapt over the creek in the nature reserve. Both boys dreaded stumbling upon it, fearing it would further traumatize them. Scott's primary concern, however, was his misplaced inhaler, desperately hoping he wouldn't have to confess to his mom that he had lost it. “Smell things? Like what?” Stiles rolled his eyes, completely unconvinced by anything he had just heard. Scott exhaled deeply, turning to face Stiles with a mischievous grin on his face. “Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket.”
”I don't even have any mint mojito—" The boy with a buzz cut searched through his cluttered pocket, carefully avoiding pens that might leak and crumpled pieces of paper, in order to locate the piece of gum he was looking for.” I told you so." Stiles wolfed down the piece not caring about the age. “So, all this started with the bite?” Scott abruptly halted him, interrupting his movement. The meadow held a sense of familiarity for the boys, as they would often come across the entrance of the abandoned cottage during their pre-teen years. They felt a sense of rebellion as they ventured into the notorious drug den. The gravel driveway was obstructed by two vehicles - Stiles' father's police car and a vintage 1952 Chevrolet with peeling peach paint. In the distance, they spotted Stiles' dad, chuckling while holding a container of what appeared to be muffins, their curiosity piqued by the person who brought joy to the sheriff. The two boys were mesmerized by the arrival of the new girl in town. She was a captivating sight, with her unique tattoos, edgy black attire, and eccentric hairstyle that perfectly matched her dark makeup and voluminous lashes. Scott and Stiles couldn't help but stare as Noah bid farewell to the goth beauty and drove away in his car, leaving them in awe.
As Noah made his way down the lane, two teenagers emerged from the bushes and eagerly flagged down a passing girl with beaming grins on their faces. “Excuse me!” The woman and her cat were taken aback by the unexpected sound made by Stiles. “Can I help you?” She shouted taking a step back as the strangers got closer. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you.” Scott panted. “I’m Stiles I’m the sheriff’s son.” With a sense of relief washing over her, the girl greeted the world with a friendly wave. “I’m (Y/N) if you’re looking for your dad, he just left sorry.” Stiles shook his head finally catching his breath before continuing. “We came to find something. We were in the woods last night and my friend here lost his inhaler.” Scott waved with a faint hello continuing Stiles’ sentence. “Is it okay if we search the meadow, we promise to not touch anything, but I can’t afford another inhaler.” With a pleading tone, he begged for her forgiveness. The girl, however, appeared annoyed as she gazed towards her field, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. To the boys watching, her eyes sparkled like two precious gems. “Yeah, go for it guys. Be careful though I’ve just planted some bushes along the perimeter so don’t stomp on them please.” Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she inquired. The two boys eagerly pledged to vigorously nod their heads. With a mischievous smile, she proudly presented a basket filled with what appeared to be delicious muffins to the boys, enticing their taste buds. “For your journey weary travellers.” With a playful smile, she observed as the boys playfully snatched a muffin each, expressing their gratitude before confidently striding into the tall grass.
“Dude! She’s hot.” With a mouthful of muffins, Stiles let out an exclamation as they made their way back into the woods. They effortlessly leapt over the recently planted half-grown bushes, immersing themselves in the wilderness once again. “Dude focus! What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?” Scott panted. “You know what? I think I've heard of this. it's a specific kind of infection.” Stiles forced himself not to laugh as his friend turned around with a worried look on his face. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy.”
“What's that? Is that bad?”
“Oh, yes, it's the worst. But only once a month.”
Scott’s eyebrows arched. “Once a month?”
“Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon.” Stiles paused. “Aroooo!” With a dismissive gesture, Scott pushed his friend towards the leaf-covered ground, his eyes rolling in annoyance. “Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!”
“Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!”
“I know! You're a Werewolf! Rawrrr!” With a mischievous grin, Stiles mimicked the movements of a wild animal, swiping his hands towards Scott's face like sharp claws. “Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause I’m preparing myself” Scott's finger froze mid-air, no longer indicating the same spot on the ground. The once-hidden mud now lay bare, with the leaves beneath it shattered and displaced. “No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body; the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler...” Stiles cast his gaze downwards, then scanned the surroundings with a perplexed expression. “Maybe the killer moved the body?” he mumbled. “If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty dollars.” Scott let out a deep sigh and kept his gaze fixed on the ground until Stiles gave him a sharp tap on the shoulder. “What are you doing here?”
His attention was captured by the unfamiliar voice. “Huh? This is private property.” Filled with rage, the stranger's brows furrowed, and his eyes gleamed like sharp blades as he approached the two teens who remained silent, ignoring his question. “Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know.” Stiles stuttered. “Yeah, we were just looking for something, but...” the mysterious man arched his brows impatiently. “...Uh, forget it.”
Out of nowhere, the man unexpectedly tossed Scott's inhaler, leaving both boys perplexed as to how he obtained it. Without uttering a word, he swiftly turned around and retraced his steps. Casting one final glance at Scott, he appeared to completely disregard Stiles. “Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work.” Just as Scott was about to take another step, Stiles intervened by extending his hand, effectively putting a halt to his progress. “Dude, that was Derek Hale!” he whispered hoping to not gain Scott’s attention again. “You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us. His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago.” Scott's eyes grew wide with surprise as he absorbed the shocking news. “I wonder what he's doing back...” Stiles shrugged his shoulders.
Derek released a sigh of frustration while attempting to restrain a loud snarl. The aroma of charred sage permeated his nostrils, prompting him to question the reason behind his strong aversion to it.
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As the night grew darker, Derek flicked on his headlights, scanning through the pouring rain, praying for a storm-free night. The rain intensified, but his wipers were working tirelessly. Just as he was about to turn onto the lane, a peach-coloured car caught his eye, seemingly parked on the roadside. It was the vintage car of his new neighbour. The urge to stop suddenly overcame him, and he couldn't explain why. Nevertheless, he pulled over onto the raised section of the roadside and put on his jacket before stepping out of his car. As he did, the pungent scent of burning sage filled his nostrils. He heard someone cursing nearby and realized that the car parked next to him was a vintage 1952 Chevrolet Style line Deluxe. “Need some help?” With a rough shout, he noticed a figure dressed entirely in black holding a phone up to the sky. The figure eventually turned around, causing him to abruptly stop in his tracks.
Derek was completely captivated by this woman, seeing her as nothing short of a divine being. In comparison to him, she appeared petite, possibly in her early twenties. Her legs, which were on full display, were adorned with intricate tattoos and covered in spider web tights, giving her an edgy allure. Despite the rain, he could still make out her carefully styled hair, which was damp and clung to her neck, with a purple bandana serving as a makeshift headband. She wore a slim fur-trimmed jacket that enveloped her arms, concealing her voluptuous curves. A chunky dog collar choker adorned her neck, adding an unexpected twist. However, it was her captivating eyes that stole the show. Enhanced with dramatic purple eyeshadow and long, fluttering false lashes, her (E/C) eyes shimmered like hidden gems in a mysterious cavern.
As he gazed into her eyes, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as if it was dancing in perfect rhythm with hers. The dryness in his throat was akin to the last drop of water in a vast desert. His once sharp and alert pupils were now dilated, resembling the euphoria of consuming the most potent drug imaginable. Despite having some prior knowledge about what was happening to him, he had only been given limited information about what to anticipate. Little did he know that someone could have such a profound impact on him, but it happened, nonetheless. And he couldn't resist falling head over heels for it.
As (Y/N) glanced at the driver beside her, she nearly lost her balance. He towered over her, his tight grey shirt revealing his muscular build. His jet-black hair was styled upwards, and his blue-green eyes sparkled with a hint of gold. He was undeniably handsome. His scruffy appearance was accentuated by his olive complexion and a messy mane of dark hair. He opted for a laid-back style, donning boot-cut jeans and a sleek black leather jacket. Although he gave off a rebellious vibe, she reminded herself not to pass judgment on him.
Suddenly, the duo shook themselves out of their daze and brushed their hair aside to get a clearer view of one another. “Hi yes my car broke down and I’m gonna be late for work.” With a huff, she glanced at her phone and immediately felt a surge of panic. However, her worries were quickly eased when she saw him smiling back at her. It had been ages since he had last smiled, but he knew that she needed to see that smile in that moment. “You mind if I take a look? I’m not a mechanic but I’m the best you’re gonna get around here.” Stepping back, he ensured that she felt secure in his presence before gesturing towards the car's bonnet. “You are a lifesaver thank you so much.” She smiled grabbing her torch from her boot. “I seem to have everything you would need except the knowledge of cars.” She joked. With caution, Derek took off his jacket and placed it in the back seat, hoping to avoid any potential stains that might be difficult to remove. Meanwhile, he examined the contents of the boot, specifically a large tool bag that he had no prior knowledge of. “My friend bought me it but forgot to tell me how to use any of it before I moved out.” A chuckle escaped her lips, a mix of amusement and lingering stress from the situation. Meanwhile, (Y/N) stood by, holding the flashlight, as he opened the car's bonnet and peered inside. “I’m (Y/N) by the way.” As the raindrops gathered on her plump cupid's bow, she softly murmured while delicately wiping her lips. In response, he flashed a charming smile and playfully winked at her. “Derek. Now I would usually charge for this kind of service. but for a beautiful damsel like you, I’m sure I can risk a free MOT.” When was he a flirter? What was going on with him? Within mere moments, this girl had the power to make him feel a whirlwind of emotions. “Good news is it’s not that bad. Your battery just needs a little boost. You got any jump cables?” she nodded happily before grabbing the tool bag and handing it over to him. “Seriously though, thank you so much for this. It’s nice to know this town isn’t just full of murderers and police.”
With precision, he connected the cables to her battery and cautiously manoeuvred the cable towards his vehicle, ensuring he didn't stumble along the way. “I’m, guessing you moved here when the body was found.” With a hint of concern in his emerald eyes, he glanced up at the woman and inquired, attempting to conceal his prior knowledge. “Yeah, I live down the meadow. First night here and the police had blocked the whole road off from my home. Got a private escort and everything.” With a flick of his wrist, Derek fastened the cables to his car, conjuring his special touch to revive the lifeless vehicle. “Well, I guess that makes us neighbours.” She grinned as she observed him lowering the hood and picking up the wires. While dragging them across the pavement, the cord came perilously close to her legs, posing a tripping hazard. In an instant, Derek dropped the cables and caught her, encircling her waist with his strong arm. The electric shock that surged up his arm was matched by the shudder that ran down her back as he drew her nearby. “You, okay?” he asked. Enchanted by his rugged voice, she found herself captivated. As she leaned in closer, the scent of his cologne filled her senses, causing her to let out a soft sigh. However, she quickly snapped out of her trance, abruptly distancing herself from him, and in an instant, the warmth they both shared dissipated. They couldn't help but yearn for it once more. “Yeah, I’m okay thanks.”
With utmost caution, he proceeded to neatly coil the cable, ensuring every twist was secure and her feet were kept firmly on the ground. “My old home is in the woods next to you. I don’t live there but I’m there pretty much all the time. Be careful in the woods there’s a lot of wildlife you don’t want to mess with.” Closing her bonnet, he leaned towards the girl, savouring every moment as he absorbed her entire being. “Do you mean about the wolves in the woods?” She joked. The smile dropped from his lips. “Wolf?” he asked. “didn’t you hear it last night? The howling. It was beautiful. You know wolves only howl when they’re alone and need to find their pack.” A sigh escaped her lips. Beautiful? The notion of calling monsters beautiful was completely foreign to him. “I am guessing you’re a lover of nature.” He asked making her nod. “Just a bit.” Using a pinching motion, she playfully squeezed her glossy, black nails, resulting in a low chuckle from him. “Well, Miss Nature, I would like to claim my prize for fixing your car.” With a perplexed expression, she tilted her head, puzzled by his actions, as he sneakily took her unlocked phone. To his surprise, it was an archaic device, possibly one of the earliest models of mobile phones ever created. “In case you go wandering too far in the woods. Here’s my number. And for my prize, I hope will be me taking you out to coffee sometime.” A playful smile danced on her lips as she coyly showcased her tongue piercing, leaving him both curious and enchanted by her teasing allure. “You can cash that in whenever you want…?” she looked down at her phone spotting the new contact in her phone. “Mr Hale.” She finished. He nodded his head with a low laugh. “Sounds perfect.”
Derek strolled back to his car, casting one last glance at the girl who would undoubtedly occupy his dreams tonight. Reluctantly, he started driving away, savouring every moment spent by her side. Meanwhile, (Y/N) let out a deep sigh as she settled into the driver's seat, feeling a sense of bewilderment. With a contented smile, she began to drive, relishing the reassuring hum of her engine. However, as she glanced over her shoulder to check her blind spots, she noticed Derek's leather jacket resting on the backseat.
Closing time at the animal clinic arrived, and Scott made his way to the front entrance. With a flick of his hand, he turned the red sign to indicate that they were closed for the night. It had been a quiet evening, just the way he preferred it. Heading towards the staff area, he placed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a stack of bandages on the shelf, ready for the next day. As he lifted his shirt to replace the bandage, it appeared as though the agony he had suffered had disappeared. Uncertainty filled his mind - should he be concerned or relieved? Was the absence of pain a positive sign when it came to animal bites? Slowly, he removed the layers of tape and blood-soaked gauze, only to find flawless, unblemished skin. There was no trace of a mark anywhere.
Disregarding it as pure chance, he went back to his work, pulling along a hefty bag brimming with nourishment for felines. “Hey, kitties.” He grunted. Suddenly, the cats got extremely stirred up and started growling. The room erupted into various levels of whines, screams and hisses. Scott looked up at the cages watching them all try and claw their way out on the metal bars. He pushed himself back up locking the door behind him just in case.
As the evening settled in, the vet clinic grew quiet, bringing a sense of contentment to (Y/N) as she lugged boxes filled with her work tools. Deaton swiftly swung open the door, granting her entry with a welcoming gesture. “Not the best of nights is it, Alan.” She joked making him smile at her positive attitude. “Would be better if it was a thunderstorm at least we get a show.” As (Y/N) entered the main treatment area, she couldn't help but notice the familiar sight of the examination tables. After placing her boxes down, her hands instinctively went to her loose skin, focusing on the remaining flesh that hung on. Just then, Deaton joined her and directed her attention to a door in the far corner of the room. “This will be your office it will be locked at all times, and you will have the only key.” She thanked him lightly trying her best to ignore the zaps playing with her brain. “Well speak more in my office.” He noticed her nervous actions; her eyes never left the examination tables. “If it helps, we have table covers you can use. Just so you can’t touch the metal.” She nodded her head following him inside his office.
The two adults sat beside his desk the soft light from the lamp illuminating their faces. Deaton was a tall, lean man with dark skin and eyes his head was recently shaved head with a slight stumble framing his mouth as he smiled towards the young woman. “Miss High-Loch pretty much explained everything I needed to know about your situation.” A heavy sigh escaped him as he attempted to erase from his mind the countless struggles this young woman had endured in her mere two decades of existence. “I don’t expect protection I’m sure my people have explained this. All I want is a place to live. If my parents or anyone comes looking for me all I expect is a message or call and will be out of your hair” The vet's heart was warmed by her anxious rambling, but he was filled with immense anger at the thought of a parent treating their child in such a way. “I can offer you a place to work here. If you ever need help, call me. I am retired but for certain people, I will gladly help. Especially when they are innocent.” With a gentle swipe, she brushed away a lone tear that lingered on the edge of her eye, expressing her gratitude to him. As they both stood up, they gracefully walked towards the clinic's main entrance, opening the door together. “Before you go I'll introduce you to my other colleague.” She nodded with a small smile.
“Hey, I'd be freaked out too. I'd probably cry. And not like a man, either. Like the biggest girly girl ever. It'd be pathetic.” (Y/N) recognized the voice but couldn't quite place it. Walking alongside Deaton, they rounded the corner to find two children standing near a table, where a medium-sized dog lay across, whimpering. “Sorry didn’t realise you had a late-night patient.” With a playful tone, Deaton cracked a joke, causing the two teenagers to whirl around, their faces adorned with gentle smiles. “Sorry I know you’re closed, but I didn’t know where to go-” Deaton raised his hand in a stop motion smiling lightly. “You did the right thing. Scott looks like you did an excellent job.”
(Y/N) shifted her focus to the young boy, and it suddenly dawned on her who he was. “Nice to see you again inhaler boy.” She joked making his tan skin flush with red. “oh yeah. Thank you again. I found it.” He stuttered. “I love your tattoos.” With a smile, Allison gestured towards (Y/N), drawing attention to their newly revealed arms.
Scott carefully examined the fresh ink, which displayed a fascinating array of creatures ranging from mighty dinosaurs to tiny insects. “Oh, thanks I have a thing for cryptids.” She smiled. “Cryptids?” Scott asked. “The supernatural. You know bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and werewolves. I’m a bit too into it all.” she joked, each time pointing to one of her pieces of art. “I’m guessing you’ve both met before,” Deaton asked the two nodding. “ (Y/N) will be working with me during the day you might see each other when you come for your evening shift.” With a mutual understanding, the pair exchanged nods and bid farewell, making their way towards the exit. However, just as she was about to leave, Deaton reached out and gently grasped her arm, compelling the girl to face him once again. “Drive safe (Y/N) I don’t know what’s going on out there with the girl, but I can assure you nothing about it is normal. Keep yourself protected.” Deaton released (Y/N) arms as she agreed to wave goodbye to the vet and walk back to her car.
At the far end of the parking lot, Scott accompanied Allison to her car, shielding themselves from the pouring rain. Scott appeared anxious while Allison opened the car door and casually placed her drenched shirt on the passenger seat. He stuttered, struggling to gather the courage to express himself. “So, um... I was wondering... I mean... Is it a family night on Friday, or do you think maybe you'd like to go to that party with me?” With a mumble, he uttered the final words, causing a radiant smile to spread across the girl's face. “Family night was a total lie.” She giggled. “So, is that a, yes? You'll go?” Allison looked down shuffling her feet as he begged. “Definitely yes.”
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Friday, September 8th
The following day, Scott got ready for the last day of try-outs by putting on his lacrosse gear. He let out a frustrated sigh as he placed his backpack in his locker. Something didn't feel right. His chest felt constricted, his breath was hot, and his skin burned. It seemed like his body was twisting and turning, with his bones cracking and muscles throbbing. Out of nowhere, Jackson startled him by slamming his gloved hand on Scott's locker. “All right, little man. How 'bout you tell me where you're getting your juice.” His blue eyes twitched with anger. “What?” Jackson taunted Scott by deliberately speaking slowly and mockingly, making sure to emphasize each syllable, as if he believed Scott to be the most unintelligent person on the planet. “Were. Are. You. Getting. Your. Juice?” Scott blinked registering the question in his brain. “My mom does all the grocery shopping.” He muttered. “Now, listen, McCall, you're gonna tell me exactly what it is and whom you're buying it from, because there's no way in hell, you're out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.”
“Oh, you mean steroids! … Are you on steroids?”
Scott's jersey collar shot up as Jackson forcefully collided with the lockers, potentially leaving a dent in them. “What the hell is going on with you, McCall???”
“What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind.” Jackson stood frozen; his mind clouded with confusion. This time, he found himself speechless, unable to produce a clever response. He took a moment to process the passionate outburst, trying to make sense of it all. “You think you're funny, don't you, McCall? I know you're hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes.” With a surge of anger, Jackson forcefully slammed his fist against the locker, mere inches away from Scott's ear. He then delivered a powerful smack on Scott's shoulder before striding away, leaving Scott feeling utterly overwhelmed in his wake.
“Scott! Scott, wait up.” With the school day behind them, the lacrosse team eagerly readied themselves for an evening of hard work and challenges. “Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man. Can it wait?” Frustration consumed Scott as he let out a deep groan. Despite his attempt to distance himself, Stiles firmly held onto his shoulders, locking eyes with him, revealing bloodshot eyes that mirrored his anger. ”Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fibre analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!” Scott let out a frustrated sigh and turned his back on his enthusiastic companion. “Stiles, I gotta go.” Filled with anticipation for his chance to score, Scott grabbed his lacrosse stick and helmet, ready to take on the field with a determined jog. “Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was!” Stiles came to a halt, his gaze fixed on Scott who seemed completely absorbed in his thoughts. He spoke softly, his voice barely audible, as he concluded his train of thought. “...It was a wolf.”
Coach Finstock positioned himself at the heart of the field, summoning the players to gather around him in a tight-knit circle, their shoulders touching. “Let's go! Gather round! Bring it in, come on! Come on!” Positioned on the sidelines, Allison prepared to take her seat on the bleachers, eager to observe the practice for the second consecutive day. Catching sight of Scott, she greeted him with a friendly wave, to which he responded with a beaming smile. “ Okay. You know how this goes. If you don't cut, you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. Do you make the cut? You play. Your parents are proud. Your girlfriend loves ya! Huh? Everything else is, uh... cream cheese.” Laughter filled the air as the group playfully bumped elbows, sharing a moment of joy and camaraderie. “Now, get out there and show me whatcha got! Come on!” he ordered.
“Let's go! Let's go!” The session kicked off with the players engaging in a drill, exchanging passes with one another while Scott maintained a lively bounce on his toes. Surprisingly, he effortlessly caught the ball with minimal exertion when it came his way once more. As he dashed across the field, he swiftly pivoted to dodge a player attempting to snatch the ball from him. Suddenly, Jackson materialized out of nowhere and forcefully tackled him to the ground. Jackson triumphantly removed his helmet and flashed a smug smirk at Scott, before casually jogging away.
Scott and Jackson faced off against each other at the start, locking eyes for a brief moment until Coach Finstock blew the whistle. To Jackson's disappointment, Scott effortlessly snatched the ball before he could react, leaving him to chase after Scott as fast as he could. Just like in yesterday's practice, time seemed to slow down for Scott, allowing him to evade the other players' attempts to tackle him, gracefully leap over a player's ankle when they tried to trip him, and ultimately perform a hands-free round-off flip over three players who tried to bring him down. Finally, Scott scored a goal by skilfully manoeuvring the ball between the goalie's legs.
Scott's jaw dropped, struggling to comprehend the unbelievable turn of events, while Jackson's face contorted with a mix of anger and curiosity, desperate to uncover Scott's hidden secret. In the blink of an eye, this geek had transformed from a clumsy player to a lacrosse sensation overnight. It was clear that something was amiss. As Scott triumphantly raised his fists in the air, his teammates rushed towards him, playfully patting him on the back, while Allison rose from her seat in the stands, applauding and cheering for his remarkable achievement. “McCall! Get over here!” With a thunderous roar, the coach's voice echoed across the field, causing the mass of players to scatter and create a path for his entrance. “What in God's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team?”
“No, Coach.” He stuttered. “What the hell was that?”
“I don't know. I-I was just trying to make the shot.”
“Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what?” the coach slapped his padded arm. “You're startin', buddy. You made the first line. Come on!” Stiles, sitting on the bench, was the only player who didn't share in the excitement, sighing heavily as he racked his brain to understand what was troubling his closest friend.
As soon as (Y/N) completed her initial shift at the clinic, she ventured into the enchanting woods that encircled her meadow. Along her journey, she collected an assortment of mushrooms and leaves, relishing in the beauty of nature. With each step, the crisp sound of leaves under her feet echoed, while she gracefully bent around rocks and puddles. As the birds chirped, their soothing melodies provided her with a sense of tranquillity, gradually drowning out the cacophony that had taken hold of her thoughts. Surrounded by the serenity of the woods, she found solace in the embrace of nature, even though the haunting echoes of her past experiences lingered in her mind. The persistent buzzing sounds continued to torment her, a constant reminder that true safety remained elusive.
Little did she know, Derek was stealthily tailing her every move. His emerald eyes were locked onto the well-worn leather jacket draped over her shoulders. The fragrance of his presence mingled with the lingering aroma of sage, which had been relentlessly pursuing him for the past forty-eight hours.
As her foot made contact with the decaying wood, she hesitated for a moment. The wood, now a dark shade of black, disintegrated beneath her weight. With her captivating (E/C) eyes, she gazed up at the remnants of what used to be a house. As (Y/N) cautiously entered the ruins, she carefully watched her every step to avoid any potential falls. The remnants of the once cherished abode were now filled with water, remnants of the previous night's rainfall, forming small puddles that dripped down. Uncertain about what to do, he hesitated in deciding whether to approach the girl who appeared concerned for her safety amidst the ruins. The eerie atmosphere of his old home, now in ruins, had momentarily diverted his attention from rescuing her, fearing she might be snooping around. Suddenly, her basket dropped to the ground with a loud thud, jolting her back to reality. Her eyes welled up with tears as she lifted the basket, her trembling hands betraying her fear of the house. Removing her shoulder covering, she unveiled a plethora of tattoos beneath a brown tank top. But it was the werewolf tattoo, with its piercing red eyes, that left him utterly astounded. At that moment, he realized she must have possessed knowledge about the supernatural realm; otherwise, it would have been an extraordinary coincidence.
Once again, he trailed behind her as they ventured deeper into the woods, eventually coming to a halt just outside her house. A sudden pause made Derek wonder if she had caught sight of him, but she merely turned around while he swiftly concealed himself behind a nearby tree. (Y/N) knelt down, retrieving a carefully crafted stick from the ground. But upon closer inspection, it was not just any stick—it was an arrow. She carefully examined the intricate details before delicately placing it in her basket. Left behind by the full moon, a sweet scent of sage filled his nostrils as she leapt into the bushes near her house. The familiar aroma overwhelmed Derek, forcing him to kneel in agency. It was Wolfsbane, a vibrant purple flower that had mysteriously bloomed overnight. His eyes widened in disbelief. How could this be?
With a click, (Y/N) secured her front door and carefully set the basket of precious items on the kitchen table. Resting beside it, a sleek black jacket lay neatly folded, catching her attention. A moment of hesitation passed before she reached out to pick it up, all the while feeling the scrutinizing gaze of her feline companion. “What?” she asked as the feline tilted his head. “Stop judging me Bones.” Before slipping on the jacket, she muttered under her breath, "It's not my fault he forgot it." Curiously, she discreetly took a quick sniff of the collar, detecting a blend of pine and dog. Wet dog? Probably a dog lover. With a contented sigh, she eagerly looked forward to Monday night.
After a long day of practice, Stiles made a beeline for his bedroom. As he entered, the room was engulfed in darkness, with only the glow of his computer illuminating the space. Eager to delve into the world of Werewolves, he began his online exploration by delving into articles about Lycaon, the legendary first Werewolf. Intrigued, Stiles then turned his attention to an ancient, worn-out book titled The History of Lycanthropy. However, his thirst for knowledge was not quenched, and he returned to his computer to scour the internet for more articles. Growing increasingly concerned by what he had discovered, Stiles decided to print out an old sketch depicting a Hunter aiming at a transformed Werewolf with a crossbow. By the time he finished his research, his room was transformed into a chaotic mess, with piles upon piles of paper scattered everywhere.
Out of nowhere, a loud knock-on Stiles' door jolted him from his seat. Stiles pondered his next move, but eventually shut his MacBook and made his way to the bedroom door. With a sigh, he opened it to find Scott waiting with a grin on his face. “Get in.” Scott's eyes swept across the room, taking in the multitude of printout pages and books that filled the space. It was a stark contrast to the usual appearance of Stiles' room. “You gotta see this thing. I've been up all-night reading-- websites, books, all this information.” With concern etched in his brown eyes, Scott gently placed his backpack on the floor beside Stiles' bed, never once taking his gaze off his friend. “How much Adderall have you had today?” Stiles paused at the question before mumbling “A lot.” Stiles shook his head before changing the subject. “Doesn't matter, okay? Just listen.” Scott settled onto the dishevelled bed while Stiles dragged his desk chair nearer. “Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?” Scott inquired, but Stiles simply shook his head in response. “No, they're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale.” Scott raised an eyebrow in surprise as he looked at the newly introduced man. “Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day?”
“Yes. But that's not it, okay? Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore. The wolf, the bite in the woods... I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?”
“Should I?”
“It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So, if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em.”
“Whole pack of wolves?”
“No-- Werewolves.”
Frustration began to bubble up inside Scott as he rose to his feet, convinced that Stiles was playing an elaborate prank on him. “Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour.” Scott hastily slung his backpack over his shoulder, preparing to depart. However, just as he was about to make his exit, Stiles swiftly seized his arm and firmly placed his other hand on Scott's chest. “I saw you on the field today, Scott, okay? What you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible.” Ignoring Stiles' accusation, Scott attempted to brush it off and made another attempt to depart from the situation. “Yeah, so I made a good shot.” With a swift motion, Stiles snatched Scott's backpack and flung it onto his bed, eager to rummage through its contents in search of something specific.
“No, you made an incredible shot! I mean, the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. Y'know, people can't just suddenly do that overnight. And there's the vision and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore.” With a swift motion, Stiles grabbed Scott's phone and effortlessly slid it open, unveiling the vibrant glow of the screen. “Okay! Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow. “The moment those words reached Stiles' ears; a wave of panic washed over him. Concern for Scott's safety and the people around him consumed his thoughts, leaving him feeling overwhelmed. “Tomorrow?! What? No! it says it takes 48 hours for the curse to infect the body. Your 48 hours end tonight. Don't you get it?”
Scott's frustration reached such a peak that his words stumbled and faltered, his speech becoming riddled with stutters, while he engaged in a heated argument with Stiles. “What are you trying to do? I-I just made the first line. I-I got a date with a girl whom I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?”
“I'm trying to help!”
“You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon that will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak.”
“Yeah, your urge to kill.”
A low rumble escaped from Scott's throat, catching Stiles' attention. “I'm already starting to feel the urge to kill, Stiles.” In a desperate frenzy, Stiles snatched The History of Lycanthropy book from his cluttered desk and began reciting its contents aloud, hoping to persuade Scott with every word he uttered. “You gotta hear this. The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse. All right? I haven't seen anyone raise their pulse as Allison does. You gotta cancel this date I'm gonna call her right now.” Stiles opened the phone again scrolling through Scott’s few contacts. “What are you doing?” Scott growled louder.” I’m cancelling the date.”
“No, give it to me!”
In a sudden burst of anger, Scott forcefully grabbed the phone from Stiles' grasp, carelessly letting it fall to the ground. He then forcefully pushed Stiles against the wall, his fist poised to strike. However, after a moment of reflection, Scott released his grip on Stiles and redirected his frustration by hurling his desk chair across the room. Stiles' face filled with terror as Scott's actions sank in, and Scott's remorse washed over him almost instantly. With a heavy heart, he glanced down at the floor, his face etched with shame, and quietly muttered an apology to Stiles. “I'm sorry. I-I gotta go get ready for that party.”
With a rapid motion, Scott grabbed his phone and slung his backpack over his shoulder, making his way towards the exit. He cast a final apologetic glance at Stiles before departing. “I'm sorry.” As soon as Stiles' friend disappeared from his view, he couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. However, his distress was still evident as he forcefully grabbed his desk chair and placed it back down. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat when he noticed four deep gashes resembling claw marks on the leather cover of the chair. It was clear that tonight was not going to unfold smoothly for him.
Derek traced the path of the wolfbane bushes across her property until he reached the end of her driveway. It seemed impossible that the wolfsbane had suddenly appeared after being hidden underground for just two days. Suspicion grew within him, suspecting that she had a hand in this peculiar occurrence. He desperately hoped that her interest in the plant was purely aesthetic, and not indicative of something more sinister, like being a hunter. As he pondered, the sound of jingling keys echoed through the air, signifying (Y/N) leaving the house. Wrapped in her beloved leather jacket, she exuded a captivating aura that weakened his knees. The jacket suited her perfectly, and as she sniffed its collar, a surge of excitement coursed through her body. Overwhelmed by pleasure, the man couldn't help but groan as he watched her relish in his scent, their connection palpable. Derek discreetly positioned himself behind a tree, observing as her car disappeared down the road, leaving him longing for her presence.
The anticipation of their scents intertwining made his pulse quicken, causing a stir in his black jeans. Thoughts of claiming her as his own flooded his mind, contemplating ways to leave his mark through clothing, marks, scents, and the chemistry of their bodies. Struggling to maintain control, his fangs clenched together, reminding him of the last time he felt this powerless, back when he was a teenager navigating the complexities of his changing physique. Hoping for a different outcome this time, he silently pleaded for this woman to be unlike the others. However, the mere thought of her ignited a fiery anger within him, fuelling a desire to tear her apart if they were to cross paths again. The fear of heartbreak loomed, but he was determined to win her over, despite the haunting tattoo on her back that served as a reminder of his past. Hopefully, she wouldn't possess the same murderous tendencies as his ex.
Just before losing control, he instinctively seized a piece of the purple plant, tightly holding onto it with a gloved hand, before disappearing into the enigmatic woods once again.
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Scott and Allison made their grand entrance to the party just in time. The crowd was already in high spirits, paying no attention to the unfamiliar face leading the event, and the music was blasting, creating the perfect atmosphere for them to dance the night away. As they made their way through the house, they discovered a lively scene on the back patio, with partygoers enjoying themselves by the pool. Amidst the excitement, Scott noticed a mysterious figure casting a dark shadow near the fire pit by the yard's entrance. Derek Hale and Scott locked eyes, their tension palpable. However, their intense moment was interrupted by the neighbour’s dog, which began barking at Derek. Instantly, Derek shifted his focus to the rottweiler, commanding it to silence. Once the dog quieted down, Derek turned back to face Scott, who had taken Allison further onto the dance floor. “You, okay?” Allison interrupted Scott's intense gaze at the enigmatic man, demanding his attention. But when Scott turned his head back, Derek had mysteriously disappeared. “What? Yeah, I'm fine.”
Scott and Allison moved in rhythm to the music beside the pool. As the beat intensified, Allison gently wrapped her arm around Scott's neck, drawing them closer together. With a playful smile, she lovingly ran her fingers through the back of his hair before nuzzling her face against his neck. Scott's eyes wandered until they landed on Lydia and Jackson, locked in a passionate embrace against one of the pillars in front of the house. As Jackson began to kiss and nibble on Lydia's neck, she suddenly glanced up, breaking free from the intense moment. Scott couldn't help but stare at her, noticing a peculiar look in her eyes, as if she were envisioning him instead of her athletic boyfriend.
Allison and Scott stood face-to-face, their noses almost touching, ready to conclude the night with a passionate kiss. As the moon began to cast its enchanting spell on him, Scott's fingers instinctively gripped the back of Allison's jacket. However, a sudden and excruciating headache overwhelmed him, causing his vision to blur, and forcing him to reluctantly break away from his beloved dream girl. “Are you okay?” As she observed, he stumbled his way into the house, she inquired about his condition. “I'll be right back.”
Scott stumbled his way into the house, abandoning Allison in the backyard. As he made his way through the dining room, his eyesight began to tremble. He brushed past Stiles, his balance wavering. “Yo, Scott, you good?” Stiles' voice trembled and cracked as he spoke, leaving Scott feeling unsettled. The weight of the moment was too much for Scott to handle, causing him to ignore Stiles' question and hastily navigate his way through the house and out into the garden. Without hesitation, he sprang into his mother's car and sped away, leaving a bewildered Allison standing alone on the porch, trying to make sense of it all. “Allison.” the brunette spun her head round, her gaze fixated on a man wearing a jacket. His piercing green eyes held her captive, casting a spell on her akin to a mesmerizing cobra. “I'm a friend of Scott's.” he finished “My name's Derek.”
Scott sprinted up the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest. He swiftly locked the bedroom door and slumped down against it, feeling a mix of anxiety and adrenaline coursing through his veins. The intense heat of his sweat made his skin tingle, and his hands throbbed with an inexplicable force. Letting out a pained groan, he stumbled into the ensuite, hastily removing his jacket and t-shirt. Seeking solace, he sought refuge in the bathtub, turning on the shower to wash away the overwhelming emotions. As the water washed away his sweat, he felt a brief sense of relief. However, his relief quickly turned to agony as he clenched his teeth in pain and anxiously ran his right hand across his face. When he glanced down at his water-soaked palms, he was filled with horror to discover his fingernails transforming into long, razor-sharp claws. These dark-coloured talons were now his new reality.
In a state of panic, he rushed out of the shower. Scott's heart raced as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror above the medicine cabinet. The sight of his canines transforming into fangs and his irises shimmering like molten gold left him utterly bewildered. Suddenly, a forceful knock echoed through his bedroom door, intensifying his already heightened anxiety. “Go away.” A low, menacing growl escaped his lips as he anticipated his mother's arrival, but the persistent knocking persisted, unfazed by his reaction. “Scott, it's me.” The sound of Stiles' voice echoed faintly from behind the wooden door. Recognizing his best friend, Scott reluctantly unlocked the door but only allowed it to open a crack. Leaning his forehead against the door, Scott fought to steady his breathing, trying to regain control. “Let me in, Scott. I can help.” Panic sets in as the realization dawns on him that Stiles is drawing nearer, regretting not heeding his friend's advice from the start. It's uncanny how his friend always seems to be spot-on about the most peculiar matters. “No! Listen, you gotta find Allison.” With his fresh set of full gums, he stumbled over his words as he tried to adapt to the unfamiliar sensation. “She's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's-she's fine, all right?”
“No, I think I know who it is—"
“Dude, just let me in! We can try—”
“It's Derek. Derek Hale is the Werewolf! He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods.” Stiles took a moment to absorb the latest information Scott had shared with him, carefully considering his response before delivering the news that Scott was dreading to hear. “Scott... Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party...” he stuttered.
With a forceful bang, Scott forcefully shut the door once more, only to swiftly escape through the window as if it were a trivial task. Unaware of his friend's departure, Stiles frantically pounded on the door, desperately calling out Scott's name. Meanwhile, Scott's physical appearance underwent a complete transformation as he sprinted through the dense forest. His eyebrows became furrowed, his ears pointed, mutton chops adorned his face, and his eyes emitted a mesmerizing golden glow. Claws and fangs completed his newfound features. His elongated canine teeth glistened with saliva as he unleashed a fierce roar. Scott's first stop was Derek's car, conveniently parked near the entrance sign of the reserve. A quick glance inside confirmed that neither Allison nor Derek were present, prompting him to venture back into the dense forest.
Scott's mind was consumed by rage towards Derek as he relentlessly pursued the sweet scent of Allison. He couldn't help but wonder what game Derek was playing by involving Allison in the first place. However, as Scott noticed Allison's jacket hanging on a broken branch, he realized that it was her scent he had been following all along, not his date's. “Where is she?” With a low, menacing growl, he anxiously scanned the surroundings, desperately hoping that Derek was nearby. “She's safe... from you.” In the silence, a haunting echo reverberated through the air. Scott's eyes darted across the expanse of grass, searching for any sign of another presence. Suddenly, the world seemed to tilt as the ground rushed towards him. Derek's powerful grip held him firmly, forcing his face into the earth. With a swift motion, the older man hoisted him up, only to forcefully press him against a sturdy tree, the impact resonating with a resounding slam.
“What did you do with her?” Scott mumbled under his breath, straining to catch a glimpse of Derek's wolf form before he transformed back. All he managed to see were the glinting fangs, which only served to confirm his suspicions. “Shh, quiet. Too late. They're already here. Run.” Derek yanked Scott up from the ground and guided him further into the dense forest. Abruptly, a dazzling beam of light halted their progress, causing an object to forcefully pierce Scott's arms, pinning him against yet another tree. A low growl escaped his lips. Out of nowhere, three men emerged from the shadows, led by a figure who had a crossbow pointed directly at Scott. Derek observed the scene from afar, maintaining his distance. “Take him.”
Without wasting a moment, Derek swiftly incapacitated the two men standing closest to him, leaving their leader at a disadvantage. Seizing the opportunity, Derek swiftly removed the arrow lodged in Scott's arm, causing him to let out a pained roar. Sensing the chaos, the two assailants hastily retreated, leaving their leader to tend to his fallen comrades. However, when he turned his attention back to the tree, he discovered that Scott had mysteriously disappeared. Determined to catch up with the fleeing wolves, Derek pressed on, only to abruptly halt as he stumbled upon a trail of wolfsbane. “Stop turning that way.” With a commanding tone, he directed Scott towards the bustling streets, urging him to steer clear of the poisonous flower.
After catching sight of the road, Derek and Scott decided to take a break and let the younger one catch his breath. Scott, who had returned to his human form, collapsed to his knees as he recuperated from the intense ordeal of transforming into a Werewolf, fearing for Allison's safety, and being targeted by Hunters. Although it wasn't the smoothest transformation night Derek had witnessed, given the difficult circumstances, the young boy handled it admirably. As he glanced at Derek, his face displayed a mix of frustration and resentment. “Who were they?” A low, menacing growl escaped his lips as he sensed his sharp teeth gradually shrinking. “Hunters. The kind that has been hunting us for centuries.”
“Us? You mean you! You did this to me!” Derek couldn't help but roll his eyes in exasperation. ” Is it so bad, Scott? That you can see better? Hear more clearly? Move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for. The Bite is a gift.” Scott let out an exasperated sigh, clearly unimpressed with his remark. A gift? “I don't want it.” Scott didn't see this as a gift at all. “You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it.” As Derek's hand gently rested on Scott's shoulder, his emerald eyes magically transformed into a mesmerizing shade of ocean blue in an attempt to frighten the poor new blood. “So, you and me, Scott? We're brothers now.”
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Monday, September 11th
Stiles and Scott returned to school, their weekend spent relaxing and reflecting on all that had transpired. They also crafted a convincing tale for Allison, ensuring that their adventures remained a secret. “You know what worries me the most?” Scott inquired, and Stiles steered the vehicle into the school's parking lot. “If you say "Allison," I'm gonna punch you in the head.”
“She probably hates me now.”
“I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or, you know, you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' Werewolf.” With a forceful push, Scott forcefully shut the sturdy metal door of the jeep. “Okay, bad idea. Hey, we'll get through this. Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once. I could do it.”
As the sun streamed through her sheer curtains, (Y/N) leisurely tidied up her bed. Bones, her black furball of a pet, playfully rolled around on her pillow, leaving a trace of his presence. Annoyed, she glanced at the mess he created, but before she could fix it, her phone suddenly rang, startling her. With a quick glance at the caller ID, she eagerly answered the call, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Well good morning, Mr mechanic.” With a playful grin, she playfully gathered the bones and playfully set them down on the floor.
“How about that coffee date?” With a smile on his face, he closed the door of the sturdy house and proceeded to unlock his car door. “I’ll be ready in five minutes do you want me to meet you in town?” Seating himself in the driver's seat, he expertly guided the car out of the remaining portion of the driveway. “Not a chance I'll come pick you up. Don’t even think about bringing your purse with you I’m paying.”
In a hurry, (Y/N) raced down the stairs and quickly settled on the bench outside. With determination, she tried to tie her shoes using only one hand. “I can’t do that you helped me with my car and let me pay.”
“No can do. My mother raised me better than that.”
“Well, we will see about that Derek. I’ll race you to the card reader.”
“May the best person win.”
As the boys stepped outside the doors, they realized how swiftly the school day had passed. “So, what happened? You left me stranded at the party.“ As Scott glanced back, he caught sight of Allison's gaze fixed upon him, filled with an unmistakable sense of betrayal. “Yeah, I-I know, I know. I'm sorry, I am. But you're gonna have to trust that I had a really good reason.” Stiles made his way towards his trusty jeep, ensuring the two teens got some privacy. “Did you get sick?” Scott lets out a deep breath, his thoughts replaying the events of Friday night in his mind. “...I had an attack of something,” he mumbled. “Am I gonna get an explanation?” Scott hesitated briefly, carefully constructing his sentence. “Can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one?” Allison let out a deep sigh, creating a gentle ticking sound with her lips. “Am I gonna regret this?” Scott shrugged sheepishly smiling lightly. “Probably. So, is that a "yes" on a second chance?” With a slow nod of her head, Allison brought a surge of joy to the werewolf's heart. Their smiles exchanged in a fleeting moment, only to be abruptly interrupted by the blaring of a car horn nearby. As Allison's gaze lifted to locate the origin of the noise, she caught sight of a familiar burgundy SUV, signalling her departure from the date. “That's my dad. I better go.”
Scott was just about to head back to the school for his lacrosse practice when a familiar scent hit his nose, causing him to abruptly change direction. It was the unmistakable combination of gunpowder and pine, the same scent from the previous night. As he glanced towards the SUV, he noticed her father stepping out of the car - the very same man who led the group of Hunters that had shot him a few nights ago. Mr Argent's eyes locked onto them, causing Scott to be momentarily speechless. With a hint of awkwardness, he waved at them using his gloved hand, unsure of how to react.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
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❝ While it was fairly well-known, at least in certain circles, that the small town of Beacon Hills had a history of werewolves and hunters, those people who could turn into beasts under the silver glow of the full moon and those who made it their life’s mission to hunt the former group and rid the world of them. But what was decidedly less known - in fact, almost no one outside of the Hale family, and now its last two surviving members, were aware of it - was that the woods surrounding Beacon Hills were home to a colony of fairies. Certainly this little California town was not the only place in the world where fairies hid, their little forest kingdoms hidden behind wards that would only break for those outsiders they chose to let in, but the Beacon Hills colony had been in their woods since before the town was even founded, and they were more than content to remain there, all but unknown to the non-fairies of the area, especially when the majority of the Hale family perished and its last two members began to keep away from the woods, allowing them to continue their lives in peace with much less bother than before.
But in any society that isolates itself from the outside, there will always be one who remains curious about that outside, even in a society of fairies. That curious inevitability came in the form of Lucinda, the child of the most valued advisor to the colony’s leader. A naturally outgoing child, whose powerful affinity for light magic perfectly matched their bright and friendly demeanor, she had always been captivated by the stories the colony’s elders told of humans and their world, how they lived completely without magic or wings but still somehow managed to create marvellous inventions that made existing easier for them. For most of their life, she had longed to venture out past the colony’s concealing wards and walk among the intriguing creatures they had heard about - and when Derek Hale, one of the only people left who knew about the town’s fairies, moved back to Beacon Hills, Lucinda saw what might be her best chance.
Their choice was certainly not approved by the colony, and certainly not her own parents, but regardless, Lucinda had left the protective wards that concealed their world, taking a fully-sized and wingless human form for the first time since she had been taught to take it as a young child, and approached Derek Hale, asking to stay with him in the burnt-out shell of his family’s home while they explored this new world. Though initially hesitant - and throughly annoyed by Lucinda’s constant smiles and questions - the sullen werewolf was forced to agree, lest he leave the young fairy by herself and potentially allow them to accidentally reveal her kind’s existence. Thus, Lucinda began an education at Beacon Hills High as Lucinda Hale, a distant cousin of Derek’s who had come to live with him - and, while their relative ignorance when it came to interacting with humans quickly earned her the label of the “weirdo new kid,” they were taken under the wing of popular girl Lydia Martin, who insisted she could give Luce the so-called “makeover of a lifetime,” as well as making fast friends with Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, the latter of whom’s newfound lycanthropic secret forging an instant bond between them.
But, Luce has found, the most intriguing human she has come across in Beacon Hills seems to be one Jackson Whittemore. Though he is aggressive and sarcastic and often terribly rude to others, the light fairy finds that an air of aching instability and sadness hangs heavily around him, and as such, perhaps against better sense, they take it upon herself to become his friend. Though Scott and Stiles remain wary of Jackson, in part because of the torment he has put them through and in part because of the danger of Lydia taking this mission of friendship the wrong way, they refuse to leave off their efforts to break down Jackson’s walls, never having been one to let anyone hurt on their own. However, as Jackson’s aura takes on an entirely different air - a more dangerous, more unnatural one - following Derek’s near-death experience from a wolfsbane bullet, and the danger surrounding the mystery of the wolf who transformed Scott continues to grow, she begins to think that perhaps they should have listened to advice just this once, especially as she finds their feelings for Jackson growing deeper in a way that she’s never felt before.
And yet, Lucinda finds that they can’t regret leaving their safe little fairy haven to become a solider in the fight between Scott and Derek and the darker forces surrounding Beacon Hills. Because at their very core, Lucinda “Hale” is someone who will do whatever it takes to save those she loves - and if staying away from the world she grew up in and putting themself in danger will be what it takes to defend this dysfunctional little family she has made for themself in the human world, then the choice to do that is really no choice at all. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @nolanhollogay.)
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scottappreciation · 11 months
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Thank you to everyone that participated in Scott McCall Week 2023!! We received over 40 entries this year and have been so delighted to see the amazing works you’ve created to celebrate Scott. 😁 Below is a round up of all of the contributions—days 3-7 and alt prompts are under the cut! For more Scott-centric works, including ones from previous events, we’d encourage you to check out scottappreciation’s collection of Scott-centric works.
If we’ve missed a post by you, please send us an ask, and we’ll add it.
Thank you again for helping make this event so successful, and we look forward to hosting more events in the future!
Day One - You’re an Omega / Traits
s1/2 moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
scott in s2 + soap fanvid by @bericas
what beautiful eyes you have fanart by @toastybugguy
an alpha of your own pack gifset by @momentofmemory
traits graphic by @seemebaremyteethforyou
s2 fic by @kitkatwinchester
scott + traits gifset by @letthestorieslive
Day Two - That’s All I Got / Quotes & Lyrics
scott & parental figures moodboard and fic by @jjsstars 
sciles fanart by @slumop 
ocean vuong gifset by @bericas 
battle born gifset by @seemebaremyteethforyou
inheritance gifset by @momentofmemory
you’re not a monster fanart by @toastybugguy
think of everything you’ve got fic by @smile667
Day Three - I’m Not Ready to Die Yet / Fight Scene or Romance Scene
fight scene graphic by @seemebaremyteethforyou
healing/processing moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
brothers, bitch! fanart by @toastybugguy
it’s just something i traced with my fingers graphic by @scribeoffate
miriam kramer gifset by @bericas
Day Four - The Shape You Take / Relationships
once i had a child fanart by @toastybugguy
identity moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
scott + hayden graphic by @seemebaremyteethforyou
Day Five - I’m Going to Tell You a Story / Aesthetics & Colors
scott + colors gifset by @letthestorieslive
that fearful sound of fire fanart by @slumop
that’s what he wants fanvid by @momentofmemory
scira canon divergence moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
haunting memories fanart by @toastybugguy
s2 scackson canon divergence fanvid by @domesticated-feral
Day Six - Trust Me, I Restrained Myself / Close-ups
e.d. smith gifset by @momentofmemory
the colors in your eyes captivate my mind fanart by @slumop
rage moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
pantone colors + closeups graphic by @seemebaremyteethforyou
rubble and dust fic by @princeescaluswords
Day Seven - Dealer’s choice
conversations with a future veterinarian shitposts by @spikeface
you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven fanart by @nacreousgore
scackson brokeback mountain au fanvid by @domesticated-feral
after hours sceo fic by @wolfboy88
raymond carver gifset by @momentofmemory
talking to allison moodboard and fic by @jjsstars
language of flowers graphic by @seemebaremyteethforyou
lay your gun down sceo fic by @shinigamimailjeevas
scott week pride month fanart by @toastybugguy
Alt 2: Lil Shit Scott
scott + (◡‿◡✿) (ʘ‿ʘ✿) (ʘ‿ʘ)/✿  gifset by @momentofmemory
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bonniebird · 2 years
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McCall Pack x Psychic!Reader
Requested by @shadowcatgirl09​
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Part One
Scott sighed as he paced back and forth. “It’s been hours. I still remember (Y/N).” 
“We all do.” Lydia pointed out. She had been pushing to go to Deaton for hours and had been, to her vexation, ignored. 
“We’re missing something.” Stiles insisted as he followed Scott in pacing up and down the road that they had found your phone on.
“We're missing what (Y/N) is. Deaton knows something: he is a vet. He can’t prescribe medicine for (Y/N) and they don’t have a pet but her mom always picks stuff up every week.” Lydia insisted. Stiles waved her off dismissively. Malia looked at Lydia and frowned.
“I think Lydia’s right.” Malia spoke up. She was ignored as well as Scott and Stiles stopped.
“We’re running out of time and clues.” Scott grumbled. Lydia rolled her eyes and stood up.
“I’m going to find Deaton.” Lydia said firmly, having had enough of being disregarded. 
“No need.” Someone said as they approached. Everyone stood together, alert and weary until Deaton stepped into the light of a nearby lamppost and looked over the group. “I trust you’re looking for (Y/N)? You’re not going to find her.”
“They can’t have been kill….” Stiles trailed off. He refused to finish his sentence and he felt Lydia gripping onto his arm. Malia hugged Lydia’s other arm while Scott clenched his fists and stared at the ground. 
“What do you mean?” Scott asked when he had taken a deep breath and looked back up.
“(Y/N). Is not. She’s not human.” Deaton explained carefully as he walked closer.
“We gathered that.” Malia snapped and glared at him. Deaton nodded, looking up at the sky, the dark clouds above threatening to spill as if setting the mood Deaton needed.
“She is not something that is easily killed. In fact it’s harder to kill one of her kind than it is to find one. There are about eight in the world at the moment. Three are missing, two are held captive by hunters. One is trapped in a cursed tomb and then there is (Y/N) and her mother.” Deaton paused and frowned as if he had misspoken and wrung his hands together. “I suppose I should say there are seven now.”
“No!” Lydia said insistently. She hadn’t felt you slip away.
“(Y/N)’s mother has been syphoning her powers and giving them to (Y/N) without her knowing for years. They’re rare which means more people want them. (Y/N)’s mother knows that. I’ve been helping suppress the additional powers. We have forty seven minutes almost to the second until (Y/N)’s last dose of medication wears off.” Deaton folded his hands behind his back and looked at the group.
“What happens then?” Malia asked when no one else said anything.
“Whoever is guarding (Y/N). Is going to die.” Deaton answered ominously. 
Your eyes fluttered open as your body burned. The burning ran through your throat and to your eyes your brain screaming at you to take a breath. Moving you felt the soft flow of water making it difficult for you to move around. 
A tiny gap at the top of whatever container you were in allowed you to rise up and take a small snatched breath before you sank back down. Whatever you were suspended in and the consistency of water but smelled and looked different it glowed faintly, a bright blue. It smelled faintly of sulphur and stung your nose.
Swimming to the top again your hand fumbled against a metal bar. You pulled and heaved against it, trying your best to loosen it. Your feet slipped on the watery side of the tank and something banged against the edge. It was a rider. You recognised the clothes and the gun filled with a liquid the same colour as the tank you were in. If they had taken you no one would remember you were here. Was there any use in getting out? If no one remembered you, no one would look for you and there was very little chance that you would manage to get away from them once you were free. Letting go of the bar you sank and sank until you hit the bottom. 
When you curled up and didn’t move the rider bagan thumping on the tank again. With fury and pain building inside of you, you turned. There was a silent scream that bubbled out of you as you smacked your hands against the glass side and the wall separating you shattered into sandy shards of glass. The water devoured the rider who seemed to dissolve in a mixture of flesh and bone, the sight of which made you gag. You felt yourself washed out of the tank with the rest of the water before you could gain control and stop yourself being swept away with the flow of the liquid. Having no idea where you were, you tried to look around the room and figure out if you were still in Beacon Hills.
“We’re close!” Scott yelled as he and the group approached some kind of doorway. A rider came through and everyone scattered as Lydia screamed, knocking it away. 
“Go to the doorway and get her!” Lydia yelled. She didn’t want to use her full power. If you had managed to get away for a moment then she could hit you as you tried running to freedom. She couldn’t risk it. More Ghost riders came for them, surrounding them as they struggled to hold them off. The door started to close and everyone panicked. Then they stopped. The wind that had been whipping around stopped. Everything. Stopped. There was only the sound of heavy breathing and whispers of comfort from the pack as they clumped and huddled together. Then the ghost riders hurried to a figure that was stumbling through the doorway. They fell into the street and heaved a heavy breath.
“(Y/N).” Malia whispered. No one moved. They couldn’t have gotten through the riders to get to you, even if they tried. 
“We can’t just stand here.” Scott whispered. Still no one moved. One wrong movement would set off a flurry activity that none of them could contain. But you got to your feet. Looked up and the riders surged forwards. There was a crack. A light that broke the sky. Blinded and deafened, the group desperately clung to each other as they heard a yell. Scott's ears rang painfully with a shrill tone as he clutched onto whoever was nearest to him. Standing up and focusing his eyes began to glow. The riders were gone but there was a slumped body barely breathing at the end of the road. Getting up and stumbling towards them he dropped to his knees.
“(Y/N)!” he said as he shook you a little. You responded weakly and he carried you towards the group.
“Deaton was helping people get out of the way down the road.” Stiles said as he stumbled towards Scott. The group hurried the way Stiles instructed and Scott spotted Deaton next to Chris who was informing people of a gang attack in the area and that they should leave for the night. When you were spotted in Scott’s arms panic ensued and everyone rushed to leave the area.
“What happened?” Chris asked as he and Deaton hurried over.
“There was a light and this noise.” Scott said unable to explain what had happened.
“Argent. Find (Y/N)’s mother. Scott, you should go with him. The rest of you. I need your help. We need to get back to the vets quickly.” Deaton directed as he took you from scott and led the group to his car.
“What’s happening?” Malia asked as she and Lydia got in the back to hold you steady while Stiles got in the front with Deaton.
“You said it was hard to kill her!” Stiles snapped.
“She isn’t the one that will be dying. (Y/N) pulls the spark from supernatural creatures. In small doses it simply gives her psychic powers. Divination, Dream telepathy, making prophecies. They manifest in too many ways to list them all. But. In everyday life it happens in such small doses that no one is harmed. This…” Deaton trailed off as he turned towards the exiting Beacon Hills sign instead of the vets.
“This is bad because?” Stiles pressed as he stared Deaton down.
“Oh god.” Lydia gasped and a hand flew to her mouth. “Deaton, she's absorbed so much so fast!”
“The energy has to go somewhere.” Stiles muttered once he was caught up. He looked at you, barely conscious and with a slight ominously blue glowing hum to your skin. 
“I had hoped we could syphon some of the power back out. (Y/N) and her mother would both be able to keep their powers but we won't have time.” Deaton’s voice was strained and he kept glancing in the mirror as if you would go off at any second.
“I’ll call Scott.” Stiles said as he hurried to fumble in his pockets for his phone. He filled Scott in as Deaton sped down the highway. A few minutes later there was a siren behind them. Malia looked out of the back window expecting to see Parrish in his squad car. Instead she saw Mellissa furiously calm and driving at such a speed it was a miracle that the ambulance she was in hadn’t tipped when she overtook Deaton and forced him to stop. The door opened and Satomi, Derek and (Y/N)’s mother climbed out.
“Get her in!” Melissa yelled as she kept the engine running. Chris and Scott followed behind in a second car. The Sheriff was with them and a siren light had been stuck to the top of Chris’s car. 
“Allan get in. You can help syphon a little before it builds.” Satomi instructed as she gestured to Deaton. Stiles flailed as he climbed over the gear stick and started Deaton’s car. Then a parade of cars sped down the road. Stiles followed when the ambulance turned. Then the back door opened and Derek got out carrying you out of sight. The trio in the car tried to get out but Deaton gestured for them to stay.
“What do you think will happen?” Malia asked.
“Deaton said that (Y/N) would be fine.” Lydia answered quickly. The ground began to shake and the lights in the car flickered. Stiles glanced at Lydia and Malia before squeezing into the back. The three of them huddled together as the car shook with the ground. Wind whipped up and the sky filled with thunder and lightning.
“We’ll be ok.” Lydia insisted as She reached over Stiles to grab at Malia’s hand and rested her head on Stiles’s shoulder. The car shook so violently that it felt weightless.
“We're not on the ground any more!” Stiles said in a voice that was caught between panic and curiosity. Stiles looked out of the back window and saw that Argents’ car was also off the ground a little. Scott gestured to ask if they were ok and Stiles nodded. Then there was a boom. It was so loud that it made Stiles feel sick. Then silence and stillness followed it. Completely dead silence. Not even the sound of his ragged breath could be heard over the lack of sound. The car suddenly shook violently and then the car was high in the air. It went higher and higher until it twirled and spun without hitting the ground or bouncing on trees. There was a moment of thought that he should strap himself into the seat but he couldn’t find time for as quickly as they were thrown in the air the group came crashing down. The glass windows had shattered, cutting at them. But the sting of wounds was far from the list of worries as the car finally collided with the ground and a burst of light exploded into the sky, lighting everything blue for a few moments. Stiles thought that he stayed in the back of the car for a few seconds after the incident. Melissa informed him later that Scott and Derek pulled them out of the car fifteen minutes after the light.
Trees had been stripped of their leaves. Some even lost layers of bark. Telephone poles melted and splintered. The ground was hot and smoking. The ambulance was turned on its side. Scott and Derek had hurried to help hoist it the right way up once Stiles, Lydia and Malia were free of Deaton’s car.
“Is everyone ok?” Scott asked.
“We're ok.” Stiles answered quickly. 
“Is (Y/N) ok?” Lydia asked.
“After what happened. Would anyone be ok?” Malia said as she stared at the trees. There was a horrible quiet that blanketed around them. It made the hairs on the back of Malia’s neck stand on end. Deaton, Chris and Derek went to check on you while your mother stayed with Melissa and Satomi.
“Do you think we got far away enough?” Scott asked.
“If you can turn then we did.” Satomi answered swiftly. When Scott’s eyes began to glow red she smiled and nodded wiseley. “Then all will be fine for the time being.” 
Derek emerged with you in his arms, untouched by what had happened. Stiles was glad you didn’t have the hum that reminded him of a plug left in a socket too long anymore. He felt a bit guilty for thinking it but when you opened your eyes it was quickly forgotten.
“(Y/N)!” Your mother gasped. She hugged you as Derek set you carefully on your feet.
“We need to move as soon as we can. This isn’t something people are going to miss, or ignore. We don’t want to be caught in the middle of it.” Chris said. Scott agreed and hurried over to you.
“Are you… ok?” He asked as he got in the back of the ambulance with you.
“My head hurts a little and I’m pretty hungry.” You answered. Scott laughed and promised to get you food once you were back in Beacon Hills. The closer to home you got the better you started to look and sound. There had been a tiredness to your face but now it looked as if you had slept hours. Melissa insisted that she had taken the ambulance for a serious reason when she was questioned upon returning. You did your best to play along and when the Sheriff insisted that you had recently been kidnapped and he couldn’t imagine arresting Melissa for saving you, she was simply put on a watch list and informed she was on probation. You apologised but she assured you that keeping you and the town safe was worth it. Scott stayed with you when you were put into a hospital bed and before long you were as right as rain and sent home.
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 7 months
The Captive Duo
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51780022 by Euphoric_Misfit One moment, Peter was eating his food at home and then the next moment, he felt a prick in his neck. He blacked out and then woke up in an unfamiliar place not being able to move his arms and legs. His captor—a blood crazed Stiles Stilinski—is hellbent on revenge and is determined to acquire what should be rightfully his. Words: 1290, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, steter, Peter Hale & Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Twisted, Dark Stiles Stilinski, Forced Bonding, Forced Pregnancy, Dark Peter Hale, Mates Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Stalking, Kidnapped Peter Hale, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Power Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Top Peter Hale, Obsession, Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Stiles Stilinski, Werewolf Peter Hale, Werewolf Stiles Stilinksi (eventual), Mpreg, Breeding, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Masochist Stiles Stilinski, Teen Stiles Stilinski, Pregnant Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Sassy Peter Hale, Hate Sex, Crazy Stiles Stilinski, Creepy Stiles Stilinski, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Blood and Injury, Porn With Plot, Crazy Peter Hale Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51780022
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momentofmemory · 1 year
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worth fighting for
Rating: T Chapters: 4/5 Word Count: 6,050 (18,899 total) Relationships: Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura Relevant Tags: Post-Canon | Canon-Typical Violence | Kira Yukimura Returns | (Or Does She) | Captivity | Electrocution | Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Needs a Hug | Kira Yukimura Needs a Hug | Hurt Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) | Suicidal Thoughts | Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Angst with a Happy Ending | Dreamscapes | Berserker Trauma          ↳ for @scribeoffate
The first thing Scott notices is the bones.
Scraping his cheeks raw. Filling his nose with dust. Blocking out his vision. Blunt bones strapped to his shoulder blades and sharp ones fixed to his hands.
A bear’s ribcage wrapped around his chest.
It digs into his sternum like an ill-fitted corset, pressing tight against his lungs and gaping uselessly over the hollow of his stomach, bare and unprotected against the cold.
The second thing he notices is the hunger.
Clawing at his insides, biting, gnawing, aching, like he hasn’t eaten in days.
He feels ravenous.
(Or: Scott wakes in an unfamiliar place. It gets worse from there.)
Read on Ao3
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Scott Rogers / Dark Rogers (bgeast.com, bgenterprises)
I get bored of typical pornography.  It's just not captivating or attention grabbing and it just doesn't engage my feelings the way that erotic wrestling does.  Scott/Dark Rogers is an example of someone who engaged and put my feelings into overdrive.  
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Scott Rogers / Dark Rogers (bgeast.com, bgenterprises)
Scott Rogers was part hero, part jobber, but above all, he was the 'good guy'.  Now fast forward to a few years later and something snapped within our hero and he transformed into Dark Rogers - the part heel, part carnal, and above all 'bad guy'.  I guess we'd call him the alpha Rogers.  
In any case, I really dig the contrast between hero and villian, earnest and treacherous, and most of all from wrestle domination to erotic mastery of his opponents.  Dark Rogers was one of my favorite performers from the era - a captivating backstory and mastery in all things wrestling and erotic.
Appearances [Not all shown]
Scott Rogers / Dark Rogers (bgeast.com)
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Dark Rogers v Shane McCall (bgeast.com)
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Scott Rogers v Tommy Lopez (bgeast.com)
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Scott Rogers v Matt Carlton (bgeast.com)
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Scott Rogers v Chuck Collins (bgeast.com)
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Dark Rogers v Clint Morgan (bgeast.com)
Scott Rogers (bgenterprises) - yes, I know this is both bgeast and bgenterprises but I really wanted to talk about Scott so I made an exception. 
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Sexy Trio - Scott Rogers v Kid Leopard (bgenterprises/bgeast)
For the original post, check out:
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When Darkness Falls
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50848267 by mountains111 Step into the captivating world of Beacon Hills as two souls, Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski, find themselves entangled in a complicated romance with dire consequences. When a dark spirit possesses Stiles, a race against time begins, testing the limits of their love and loyalty. As the threat of darkness grows, will their bond withstand the relentless forces that seek to tear them apart when darkness falls over the world? Words: 19150, Chapters: 7/7, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Alan Deaton, Peter Hale, Kira Yukimura Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Void Stiles, Nogitsune Stiles, Possessed Stiles, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Stiles is scared, Derek cares about Stiles, Nemeton, onis, rewriting s3b, Sexual Content, Character Death read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50848267
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stuff-mar-reads · 11 months
Amidst the chaos we find our peace DamnSterek
Amidst the chaos, we find our peace https://ift.tt/xf5Wnev by DamnSterek Amidst World War II, Captain Stiles Stilinski and Lieutenant Derek Hale find themselves on different sides. Stiles, a charismatic and enigmatic army captain, leads his troops with determination, but hides a perilous secret. His father is a captive of German soldiers, driving him to guarded silence. Derek, an exceptional and dedicated lieutenant, becomes intrigued when he meets the man his sister had mentioned before the war. He seeks to learn more and is drawn to an unexpected, passionate encounter. Balancing duty and affection, Derek grapples with Stiles's secrecy, unaware of the captain's personal turmoil. Amid the chaos of war, their clandestine love deepens. But secrets emerge, testing loyalties. Stiles and Derek confront their feelings and decide where true alliances lie. Passion and forbidden romance fuel their journey, as they navigate the treacherous waters of love. Words: 3844, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Bobby Finstock, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd & Isaac Lahey & Derek Hale Additional Tags: War, World War II, Soldiers, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - No Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Porn With Plot, Minor Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Eternal Sterek, Alternate Universe - World War II, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Derek Hale & Isaac Lahey Friendship, Vernon Boyd & Derek Hale Friendship, sterek, Captain Stiles Stilinski, Bottom Derek Hale, Top Stiles Stilinski, Bottom Derek Hale/Top Stiles Stilinski, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Gay, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Cora Hale & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Polish Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Speaks Polish, Soldier Derek Hale, Bi-Curiosity via AO3 works tagged 'Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski' https://ift.tt/ECcbqvB July 28, 2023 at 04:33PM
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scribeoffate · 1 year
We're stuck together in this cabin until the storm passes + Scott & Deaton? 🥺👉👈
Scott pulls the door closed behind him. The wind howls louder than a pack of wolves and rattles the windows of the cabin. Scott sets the last armful of firewood with the rest of the stack and stomps the snow off of his boots.
Dr. Deaton looks up from the fire and smiles. "Thank you, Scott. It seems the storm had other ideas regarding our desire to get home."
Scott shakes snow off his coat and hangs it up on the hook to dry, grateful Dr. Deaton had insisted on cold weather gear when visiting their allies in the midwest.
"Alpha Williams was very generous to let us stay in this cabin."
Dr. Deaton hmmms. "Generous and perhaps a little calculating."
"You think she knew we'd get stuck." Scott pulls off his boots and grabs one of the piles of wood to set closer to the fireplace.
"I think she suspected."
Scott sits on the small sofa pulled close to the fire. Another gust of wind rattles the walls of the small cabin. Dr. Deaton gets the fire roaring, and Scott makes room for him on the sofa.
"What does she gain from keeping us here a few more days?"
"I don't know, yet, but I suppose we'll find out."
Scott unfolds a blanket beside him and hands it to Dr. Deaton, who takes it with an appreciative nod.
"It doesn't make a lot of sense. Unless she's testing me. Seeing how I react being cut off from the pack like this?"
"Perhaps. Or perhaps she had no ulterior motives at all."
Scott sighs. "Either way, I suppose we're stuck here until the storm passes."
Scott can't help the thought that his entire life has felt like a storm that won't pass for years.
"I suppose we ought to make the most of it. You have exams coming up, I can help you study."
Scott smiles. Maybe in nature's storm, he can find a few days of peace.
request a ficlet
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dailyscottficrec · 2 years
Oct 14, 2022
how are we on a scale of one to ten by ShinigamiMailJeevas
Author summary:
Nine hours since Scott was taken from them.
Nine hours of not knowing if Scott was even still alive.
and Scott says "Hey."
Reasons to love the fic: They had me at "captive Scott" and then add a Theo rescue? Uh yes!! This is so great, I love the look at Scott in the first half and then Theo in the second. And there's a lovely hand holding.
Be sure to let the author know if you enjoyed the fic!
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sees-writes · 2 years
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I posted 191 times in 2022
That's 175 more posts than 2021!
43 posts created (23%)
148 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 103 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#teen wolf - 32 posts
#scott mccall - 29 posts
#ao3 - 13 posts
#see's writes - 12 posts
#scottuary2022 - 7 posts
#the clone wars - 7 posts
#daredevil - 6 posts
#ask game - 6 posts
#ahsoka tano - 5 posts
#tyler posey - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#the unique teeth designs are one of the more interesting things about teen wolf’s werewolf designs
My Top Posts in 2022:
Does anybody else just love to search up other peoples headcannons about your favorite shows and just spend like, ungodly amounts of time reading what other people think happened or how these characters interacted?
32 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
To all the angry Stiles Fans...
Ok to the people pissed they aren’t bringing Stiles back for the Teen Wolf movie because it has the Nogitsune (allegedly)... take a chill pill. Like you all are acting like he was the only one involved with the Nogitsune and are completely forgetting about the idk WHOLE REST OF THE PACK THAT ALSO HAD TO DEAL WITH IT. Like yes, Stiles was possessed and had to see first hand what the nogitsune was doing and he blames himself and what happened to him was horrible... but he wasn't the only one to walk away from that unscathed. Sheriff Stilinski had to watch his son go through the same symptoms his wife went through before she died, then his son was possessed and people were trying to kill him. Lydia was literally kidnapped by the nogitsune after she had to dive straight into its mind and she was held captive in a place filled with screaming spirits. SCOTT had to watch his best friend suffer and he couldn’t do anything, he had to actively fight people who were ready to put a bullet in Stiles head, he literally got a sword stabbed into him by a demon wearing his best friends face, and his first love died in his arms. OH YEAH ALLISON LITERALLY DIED TOO DID YALL FORGET THAT. 
We see mention of the nogitsune maybe like 4 more times after 3b and a shockingly, not all of them were related to Stiles :O In season 6b when the Anuk’ite is trying to taunt Scott, he first uses Void Stiles’ form then the actual Nogitsune form. You literally see Scott flinch when we first hear Void Stiles voice. 
So no, the Nogitsune story line does not belong to Stiles. He was a large part of it, but he is not the main focus. The Nogitsune can possess whoever, in the movie it looks like it could possibly be Allison. The nogitsune was the arguably the best villain in all of Teen Wolf, Void Stiles was not stiles, it was the fox disguised as Stiles, it makes perfect sense to bring it back.
48 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
In Teen Wolf I found it really interesting to see the transition of how the characters viewed the moon. In season 1 and 2 the full moon was viewed as a negative entity, one that caused the characters pain and grief.
In season 3 we see a little bit of it at the beginning and it was still a slightly negative thing, but it wasn’t as bad, there was more control. I love at the end of S3A during the eclipse, how so far we’ve mainly seen the moon give power but we also finally got to see it take it away.
By season 4 most of our characters have figured out the moon, they have control and it becomes a kind of right of passage to control the what happens during the full moon.
By season 5 the moon seems more like a benevolent entity. It gives power and it takes it away. In the beginning of the season it has little effect to our characters and mainly seems to promise new beginnings. By the end of S5A with the super moon, it’s once again and enemy.
Season 6 doesn’t really feature the moon. It’s there but it isn’t interfering. I like to think it went back to watching the events instead of influencing them. But without the moon, none of the events would have transpired.
66 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Mild Top Gun Maverick Spoilers……
Ok I’m spiraling after seeing Top Gun Maverick again because I WANT THE MAVERICK AND ROOSTER CONTENT. I want the bonding, I want them talking about pulling the papers, I want them just BEING FRIENDS AND FAMILY AGAIN. Give me the fics if Maverick being there as Rooster grew up, give me works or headcannons or anything about them like seriously I need them and I probably need help
73 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok but imagine during the clone wars the 501st is tasked with doing a stake out on some backwater planet to find a crime lord that was dealing with the Separatists, but Anakin is stuck doing something with Obi Wan back on the ship so he sends Ahsoka to lead the stake out. 
They’re in this seedy bar all in disguises and they are waiting for one the crime lord to make an appearance and they’ve been there for like an hour when some drunk guy stumbles in and immediately sidles up to Ahsoka. Which makes a bunch of the troopers suspicious. He starts trying to talk to her but she’s just ignoring him because a) its not the first time something like this has happened, b)he’s not who they are there for and c) she doesn’t want to blow their cover. 
Then he tries to grab her and next thing he knows he’s got about 29 different blasters pointed at him, 17 knives, and multiple broken bottles along with about 40 people that look the same all glaring at him. 
And the Togrutan he was just trying to touch is no where in sight because a bunch of the clones grabbed her and she is currently being airlifted out with her arms crossed and an “are you fing kidding me” expression on her face.
84 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hcnnamarin · 2 years
Hanna sighed as she signed her name on the visitation list, entering the guarded cells for the second time today. Although she understood the need the be cautious, it angered her that some of Coin’s former followers were still behind bars, awaiting questioning. Bellamy, and Raven, who Scott was now helping treat at the hospital, had aided the rebels escape Coin’s captivity. Surely that stood for something. Hanna was determined to help them in return for what they’d done for Rose.
“Bellamy? It’s Hanna. Again.” She smiled, but the expression failed to meet her eyes. She felt exhausted. She’d been arguing with officials all day, trying to vouch for three people she now considered friends. “We just dropped Raven off at the hospital. Melissa… Nurse McCall - says she’ll be fine.” Knowing that was only half the explanation, Hanna shook her head, and pulled up a chair in front of the metal frame that separated her and Bellamy. These cells were nicer than those in the Capitol, but the principle was the same. The hallway that connected them still felt cold. “She won’t make a full recovery, she went too long without treatment. But… she’s going to do everything she can. Once they operate and get the bullet out, we’ll know more.”
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mrsstruggle · 2 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 12 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Depictions of Violence/Injury/Death/Murder, Mentions of Needles/Being Injected, Characters Held Captive, Mentions of Drugs, Accusations of an Inappropriate Relationship, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come!
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 2.8k
Note: I am posting every 2-3 days! I'm going to try to get on a schedule of posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story. This also loosely follows Teen Wolf Season 4.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so that more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Tony questions.
"Tell me you're lying," Derek doesn't want what Lydia said to be true.
"Why would I lie?" Lydia looks up at Derek, tears slowly streaming down her face.
The Avengers in the room didn't understand what was going on. One second the red-haired girl was intensely listening to the fireplace, and now Y/N's friends say she's some key to a list. Her being the key seems to be something horrible due to their reactions.
"I, uh, I'm..." Stiles stands up from his spot on the ground, "I need some air." He rushes out of the lake house through the front door. Lydia gets up from her spot in front of the laptop and runs after him.
Steve looks at Scott and Derek, "Can one of you please tell us what's happening? We need to know everything so we can find Peter and Y/N."
Derek and Scott share a look as Derek walks over to the laptop. He bends down to look at the list to see if they had gotten in.
Seeing the list staring back at him, Derek turns to Scott with an angry look in his eyes, "Tell them. Everything."
Scott looks around at the Avengers in front of him, "Um, okay. What just happened is we unlocked the third Deadpool list."
"Deadpool list?" Bruce questions.
"Yes, it's a list of people with numbers by them." Scott tries to explain to the confused Avengers, "Each number represents an amount. An amount the person is worth."
"Are you killing people?!" Steve angrily exclaims.
"It's more like people are trying to kill us," Lydia states, walking back into the room with Stiles following behind her. His eyes are visibly bloodshot from crying.
"Why would people try to kill you? What does this have to do with Y/N?" Tony asks, tired of wasting time and skirting around what's going on.
"You handed me this file," Stiles holds up the file in his hand, "You know what she is. You know she's a werewolf."
"How do you know that?" Bucky questions.
"I'm her brother," Stiles scoffs.
"What does her being a werewolf have to do with her being the key to this Deadpool?" Tony just wants answers, and he wants to find his kids.
"The Deadpool is three different lists of every supernatural person who lives in Beacon Hills." Stiles explains, "One-hundred and seventeen million dollars was stolen from Peter Hale's vault. The numbers next to each name add up to that amount. It's also how much each person is worth dead."
"Peter Hale is Derek's uncle," Lydia informs the Avengers, pointing over to Derek.
"How do you know this?" Steve asks.
Scott flashes them his alpha red eyes, "Because we're on it too."
"What are you?" Bruce asks, fascinated by Scott's red eyes.
"I'm a werewolf, like Y/N. So is Derek." Derek flashes his red eyes for everyone to see.
"Is that why your eyes turn red?" Natasha questions.
"Yes, but it's also because I'm an alpha." Scott explains, "Alphas have red eyes and betas and omegas have yellow eyes. Unless the beta or omega has killed an innocent, then they have blue eyes."
"Fascinating," Bruce whispers in shock.
"In the pictures, Y/N has yellow eyes. She's a beta?" Tony looks to Scott for answers.
"She's a beta but..." Scott hesitates with his answer, "her eyes are blue."
"She's killed someone?" Bucky never wanted Y/N to live a life like he had.
"She's had blue eyes since the day she showed up at my house," Stiles informs them.
"Oh god." Tony mutters to himself, moving to sit on the couch, "What did Hydra make her do?"
Steve looks over to Lydia, "What are you?"
"Banshee." Lydia states, "I can sense when someone is about to die. Although most of the time I end up somewhere, they're already dead."
"Is Y/N dead? Is that what you heard when you were listening to the fire? If she's a supernatural like you say she is, wouldn't she be on a list and not the key?" Bucky quickly fires off each question.
"Y/N was on the first list. I don't know why she's the key to the third one," Lydia explains.
"What were the first two keys?" Steve asks.
"Allison and Aiden," Stiles states, trying not to start crying again thinking about what this could mean for his sister, "They were friends of ours."
"They, um, they're kinda dead now." Stiles watches as the Avenger's faces drop.
Tony nervously cracks his knuckles, "You're telling me that we just found out today that my daughter, who was taken from me fifteen years ago, is alive and now she's probably dead?!"
"She's not dead," Derek states.
"How do you know that?! You just told us that she more than likely is and now you're saying she isn't?!" Bucky yells in frustration.
"She's not dead," Derek states again, crossing his arms in anger.
"Derek..." Scott sighs, he almost looks at him in pity.
Derek huffs in irritation, "I would know if she's dead and she's not."
"What? Can you also predict when someone's dead?" Natasha questions.
"She's my girlfriend. I'd know if she was dead."
"Is it like a wolf thing or something?" Bruce asks curiously.
"Don't even ask," Stiles rolls his eyes, "He won't tell you anything. He just says he knows these things and expects you to believe him."
"You're her boyfriend," Bucky looks Derek up and down before scoffing in disbelief.
"He said that earlier when he asked why you took the picture of Y/N," Wanda informs him.
"Y/N definitely has a type," Nat smirks, staring at Derek.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bucky questions her.
"The girl was basically in love with you when she was little." Nat lightly hits Bucky on the arm, "I'm sure she loves him too. Tall, brown-haired, broody guys must be her type."
"How old are you? You look like you're 37." Bucky continues to stare Derek down.
"I'm 23." Derek states.
"She just turned 18." Bucky takes an angry step toward Derek.
"She turned 19 a month ago." Derek takes a step towards Bucky.
"She's 18." Bucky takes another step toward Derek, "When did you two get together? Were you just waiting patiently until the day she became legal, or could you not wait?"
Derek growls and takes an angry step towards Bucky at his false accusations before Scott quickly jumps in between them, "This is not the time!"
"I've already spent the last fifteen years thinking Y/N was gone. Until I see a body, she's alive." Steve states, watching the tension between Bucky and Derek.
"How much is she worth?" Thor speaks up, "You said she's on the first list. How much is she worth?"
"Fifty million," Stiles answers.
"We need to find them now." Tony stands up from his spot on the couch, "Hydra has both of my kids and who knows what the hell they are doing to them or if they are even still alive. We need to stop discussing things that don't matter right now and find them."
"Like I said earlier, Bruce and Nat go to the jet and start searching for anything. Use the computers and everything." Bruce and Natasha run out of the house and towards the jet at Steve's order, "We will start digging through the files to try to find something."
"I'll call the rest of the pack to get down here to help," Scott states, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.
"Not everyone is going to be much help. It's a full moon tonight." Stiles informs him, "It comes up in like an hour."
"My grandma's cabin is across the lake. Tell them to go there. We can chain down Malia and Liam, and the rest of us can start researching." Lydia explains to them.
"What's going on?" Everyone turns their heads to see Sam walking into the room with bloodshot eyes and Fury and Maria behind him.
"You might want to sit down for this," Bucky points to a spot on the couch.
"Peter? You still with me?" Peter hasn't spoken in about five minutes, and it has Y/N worried.
Whatever drug Hydra had given her had worn off a while ago. She has broken free from the restraints and has broken Peter free from his. Now they are sitting against the wall, waiting for what's to come.
"Yeah. I feel great." Peter mumbles, his head hanging down because he can no longer seem to hold it up.
"The moon will be up soon," Y/N informs him, looking up at the sky.
"I'm sure you can find a way to save me and the others."
"I don't want to think about that right now," Y/N mutters loud enough for Peter to hear, "I just want to make sure whatever they gave you doesn't kill you before I get the chance to get the cure. If it even is a cure."
"I bet they're scared," Peter mumbles, worried about the three boys who were huddled together against the wall opposite of them.
Y/N stays silent at Peter's statement. He's just like Scott. He thinks he can save everybody, but he doesn't understand that it's not always possible to do so. She doesn't want to kill anyone. If it was just her, she'd let them rip her to shreds, but she has to protect Peter.
She looks back up at the sky to see the moon starting to shine through. She looks over to the three boys and sees them starting to transform. The full moon is starting to affect them.
"It looks like you'll be getting your cure soon," Y/N mutters to Peter. The glass wall separating them from the three werewolves moves down into the ground. Now there is nothing in between them.
"The safe will open once their hearts stop beating," The voice booms throughout the large room.
She looks towards the three boys to see they are already staring back at her. Their claws and fangs are out and ready to rip her to shreds.
She knows with her powers she could kill them easily and not have to put up a fight. She could use the darkness to create arrows or swords. She could stab their shadows so she'd never have to touch them. She could manipulate their shadows and throw them against the wall as hard as she could. She could do so many things but there was a voice in her head telling her not to. She can't hurt them unless she has to.
The three betas charge toward her and Peter. She decides to charge toward them in hopes of keeping them away from him. It's not her best idea but it's the only thing she can think of.
The bigger one of the three goes for her first. She dodges his claws as he swipes at her face. Her foot connects with the chest of the boy who reminds her of Stiles and sends him flying against the wall next to him.
She notices the smaller boy running towards Peter. She uses her powers to stop him by grabbing his shadow and throwing him backward. She throws him hard enough to get away from Peter, but not hard enough to kill him.
The larger boy's claws rip through her left arm as he swipes her when she's distracted. She hisses in pain before swiping her claws through the back of his neck. He falls to the ground, no longer having control of his limbs. She knows that with his werewolf healing he will heal soon, but it gives her some time for now.
The boy who reminds her of her brother tackles her to the ground. He gets on top of her and uses his strength to pin her down. The power of the full moon makes him a lot stronger than her.
She cries out in pain as his claws rip through her stomach. She uses all her strength to punch him in the face using her right arm. It doesn't do much to him, but it stuns him enough she's able to push him off her and kick him hard enough in the face to render him unconscious.
Looking around for the other boy, she sees him running back towards Peter. She stands up and runs towards him before tackling him to the ground. They both stand up quickly ready to fight each other.
"Peter?! You still good?!" Y/N yells out, checking to make sure he is still alive.
When she doesn't receive an answer, she glances over toward him to see he's no longer conscious. She hones her hearing in to hear that his heart is still beating but it's barely holding on.
That's when she makes her decision.
As the werewolf in front of her lunges at her, she sidesteps him and nearly gets clipped by his claws. She jumps onto his back and wraps her hand around his throat. Her claws rip through his throat before he falls to the ground dead.
She feels as if she could throw up, but she doesn't have time to do so. She quickly forms a bow and arrow with the darkness surrounding her. She'd rather shoot the other two from afar than feel the life leave their bodies as she rips out their throats.
She sees the larger boy slowly rise from his spot on the ground before he starts running toward her. She quickly fires off the arrow into his heart and watches him collapse dead onto the floor. She's now grateful she had Allison teach her how to use a bow.
She forms another arrow before shooting the last werewolf down. She covers her eyes as she runs past him towards the safe. He looks too much like Stiles and she knows if she looks at him, she'll break down and never make it to the cure.
As she approaches the safe, she notices that it's still closed, "They're dead! Open the safe!" She pulls at the handle, but it doesn't budge, "You told me you'd open it after I–"
She's cut off by the feeling of an arrow being stabbed through her back. She looks down to see it went all the way through and is now sticking out of her stomach.
Y/N turns to see the Stiles look alike staring down at her. She can see where she missed his heart and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry," she whispers to him.
Her claws rip through his neck as he tries to swipe through hers. She hears the safe behind click open as his body hits the floor.
She needs to get the cure for Peter, but she can't do that with an arrow sticking out of her. She shakily breaks off the sharp end of the arrow that's sticking out of her stomach. Her screams of pain echo throughout the room as she pulls the rest of the arrow out from her back.
Once the arrow is fully out of her, she drops it to the floor and quickly grabs the cure for Peter. She hobbles over to Peter before jamming the needle into the same place they drugged him before. She's hoping that whatever she just gave him was a cure and not something to kill him more.
Y/N jumps a little as Peter starts to gasp for air. The cure worked its way through his body and killed off the previous drug Hydra had given him.
He slowly sits up and notices the blood on Y/N's hands. He looks behind her to see the dead bodies scattered on the floor.
"Did you have to kill them?" Peter questions her, his voice low and raspy.
"It was the only way to save you." She replies, hoping he won't be disgusted with her since she did it to save his life.
She holds out her pinky finger towards him, "I promise."
As they shake pinky fingers, he notices her ripped shirt and the large claw marks on her stomach as well as what appears to be a puncture wound, "Are you okay? Do I need to do anything?"
"You're the one who almost died. I should be asking you that." Y/N giggles at him, "I'll be fine. I'll heal."
"Well done Shadow Wolf," the voice booms through the room again, "It wasn't your fastest time, but you are a bit out of practice."
"My name is Y/N, not Shadow Wolf! Why don't you come in here and we can see how fast I can kill you!" Y/N exclaims.
The voice chuckles through the speakers, "We will meet in due time. Now I think it's time we move onto phase two."
The same mist from the last room starts to fall from the ceiling before surrounding her and Peter. Their vision goes black as they fall to the ground unconscious, unknowing of what’s to come.
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