#car in front of me so i dont get fucking pancaked by your big stupid truck. if you let off i might be nice and go ten or more over for u
toytulini · 1 month
boston rush hour traffic really has u experiencing such a range of human manners. i was looking judgementally at the lack of distance between the bumpers of 2 cars, the driver doing the tailgating noticed me looking, and gestured to me asking if i needed/wanted to get over, implying he'd let me over if i did, but i said no, and he gave me a thumbs up. and continued the tailgating
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shineonbubbledy · 5 years
Pt. 1
Wendy x Reader
You and Seungwan is now in 3 years in a relationship. But something change in her, she always not in home or go home late, and she reply to your text after several hours.
Your worried, that's why you decided to visit her in her office. While you walked tp the corridor some of her employee greet you with an awkward smiled. You noticed that but you decided to ignore it and continue to walk to Wendy's office.
While you stand in ftont of her office door you inhaled. Opening the the door slowly you was totally in shocked to see Wendy with this girl back hugging her and rest her head on Wendy's shoulder.
"Y/n" Called seungwan who is now very shocked to see you
"Oh, I'm sorry? I guess I disturb your romantic time." You said sarcastically looking to Wendy and you walked out in her office
"Y/n, wait" Wendy called you while running to reach your arms
"Let me explain" she said in watery eyes. You turn around and look to her eyes in a cold gaze.
"It's not what you think! I-its just nothing, we're not in a relationship you are thinking, it's just..." Explained panic Seungwan who doesn't know what to say next
"It's just what?" Asking her in a cold tone
"She's being so clingy to me and I cant, I don't know, I-m, im just"
"No! I don't! I don't love her Y/n, please"
"You don't love her but you always go home late and you really not going home! Where do you spend your night? One more, you didn't reply to my text or not answering my phone calls, and you what? She just nothing to you? What the stupid excuse Seungwan!!!" You said, this time you can't control your anger you want to say what you feel right now
"I'm sorry"
"Ha! I'm sorry? I guess we should stop this Wendy"
"No! Please, dont! I'm sorry please don't leave me" she said while crying
You don't know what to do. Your mind says you better to stop this but your heart says it's better if you fix this. You love her, you really love her. While you are thinking she hug you and murmured a hundreds of sorry. You back to reality and say to yourself to give her a second chance.
But after a weeks you feel like you being so irritated everytime you two are together. You don't want to to feel this way, because you know you still love her. But you can't control your emotion. Everytime she was near you, your mood suddenly change.
One day, you are at the grocery store to buy some kind of ingredients you needed. And you hear someone called your name in nowhere, you look to the side where the sound is coming from. You shocked when you saw yoyr Highschool friend smiling and running to hug you. You smile back and hug her.
"Y/n how are you?" Joy asking you in a very happy and loud tone
"I'm okay, how about you? You didn't message me anymore when you go to America" you said while pouting. Joy giggled to your reaction
"I'm sorry, I'm very busy in school! College is suck!" She said while rolling her eyes remembering the worsts days in her college life.
"Let's eat together" she said. You agreed and you two go to a restaurant near at the grocery store
You spend your time together that day till night. You missed one another very much. She tell you the things she experienced when she was in abroad. And her life now when she was back at your country.
"She didn't change, she still the Joy I know" you thought
"Let's go home, it's late" she said while smiling. You smiled at her
"Let's go"
You park your car in front of her house.
"Goodbye Y/n, let's meet again next time" she wave her hand and unlock the car door to get out.
- - - - - - - - - -
When you got home. All the lights are now turned off. When you go to your room, you see Wendy sleeping while hugging her olaf toy. You look at her for a second and you go to the bathroom to take a bath and do your routines. After that you go to your bed and thinking about Joy. You're happy. You know your happy cuz finally you saw your highschool friend after a long time.
After a weeks you always spend your time to Joy, you two always eat finner together after your work.
Wendy in the other hand know this things between you and Joy.
She was in her meeting place when she saw you laughing with this girl. Till that day she always hunting you and this mysterious girl.
"Why you don't confront her?" Asking her friend Seulgi
"I-i can't Seul, what if she was getting mad at me and asked me that if I can do it to her why she can't?" She simply answered in a sad face. Seulgi rolled her eyes and feel so sad to her friend.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
You woke up and you smell the pancakes. You sure that Wendy was the one who cook. You get out of your bed and go to the bathroom to do your morning routine. After that you go to kitchen and saw Wendy preparing the foods. You quietly sit at the chair and wait her to sit next to you.
"Good morning y/n" Wendy great you. You just smile and start to eat. Wendy smiled dropped and focus to her pancake. There was a deadly silence between you two. Till Wendy talk first
"Y/n, let's have a movie marathon later." She said, her heart beats so fast
"Alright" You simply replied. She smile big
"I will order a pizza" she said. You nodded and continue to eat your pancake and excuse yourself when your done to prepare to your work.
Past 9 in the evening when you got home. And all the things was ready for the movie marathon
"Oh fuck" you murmured to yourself and look for Wendy
You actually forgot that you and Wendy will have a movie marathon when Joy texted you to meet her at the cafe in 7pm. Ofcourse you two spend you time together while telling her stories about her day
You felt so guilty when you found Seungwan, and says a sorrys because your late. You two still continue your marathon. But Seungwan is hurt. She can't focus on the movie because she knew why you're late. She know you and Joy seeing each other again. She don't want to think of it but she can't. She feel her heart clenching and she wants to cry.
"Y/n, are you happy with her?" She suddenly asked you. Your shocked, you knew she knows about you and Joy. You think for a second and answer her
"Yes" It's true your happy with Joy, but not the kind of happiness you feel with Wendy before
"D-do you love her?" She asked you again while sobbing
"I... guess." You know your lying but you still answer that word.
"Im so sorry y/n, I-i love you, and yeah, I'm... I'm gonna... I will - I will let you go" she said while sobbing
You look to Wendy, when you see her crying, you want to hug her and say that she was wrong, because Joy is your friend only. Your heart clenched, that time you feel that you still love her. But you stop yourself, you thought that maybe you two needed a time to think.
"Thank you" you murmured but you make sure Wendy will hear it. You stand and go to your shared room.
Wendy face palm and cried to her hands. She hurt she can feel her heart broke into pieces. She's not sure if she can move on and continue her life without you. She really love you. She really really do. But she can't blame you nor asking for a chance because she knew you doesn't love her anymore. And think that it's all her fault. That's why she respect your decision and try her very best to forget about you.
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Lame. Lame. Lame😂 Sorry this is my first story ever! If my grammar is wrong, I'm so sorry😅
Pt.2? Don't know
Photo by Masternim Maplesyrup
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imakemyownworld · 5 years
When The Party’s Over
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So, I started writing this out of the blue. It was supposed to be smut but I decided to do it differently.
I usually write about things that Im familiar with and things I cant talk freely about in real life and well, this is it.
Plot: Isabella struggles with drug use, Ethan is her best friend and always there to help. Lucas is a guy she parties a lot with.
(English is not my first language and theres probably some bad grammar in here sorry)
Warnings: drug use
Part 1
Im a mess. Once again I was barely awake, sitting on a sidewalk waiting for him to pick me up. This happened countless times already. 4,5,6,7 AM calls for him to pick me up because Im too fucked up to even go home alone.
“Just send me your location, Ill be there” Ethan sleepily said through the phone. I needed a few minutes to send that location but he was there within 15 minutes already.
“Jesus Christ Bella” he got out of a car to help me get in. He brought a jacket with him and made me put it on.
“Im sorry” I tried to get up but he picked me up and lay me down in the backseat.
“Puke through the window” he said getting in the driving seat.
“I dont puke. You know this” I was half asleep already.
“What did you take?” Ethan was glancing at me in the rear mirror while speeding down the Hollywood boulevard. “Youre pale as fuck”
I didnt answer so he sighted.
“Im sorry” I repeated quietly.
Ethan was my best friend for my whole life and he hated to see me like this but he made me swear to call him every time I feel like I need him. I would hate if something happened to you while Im only one call away. He would say and I understood him because it was the same way around, just with some other things. Im mostly a good citizen, a good student and a good friend but I need to let some steam out from time to time so I go to parties and use some drugs. Nothing major, ecstasy or coke and I wouldnt go any further than that. Ethan didnt support this whatsoever but he learned to deal with it when he realized he couldn’t help.
I dont remember the drive home but I remember Ethan carrying me inside.
I sat down in his bathroom and smeared face wash all over my face then dragged myself in the shower and turned the water on while still sitting on the floor letting it drip all over me.
I woke up in dark, glass of water next to Ethans bed. I felt fine, drugs dont cause that much of a hangover as alcohol but more of a depression. Come down, they call it.
Are you home? I texted Ethan and he shortly entered his bedroom.
“Hi, you hungry? We’re ordering postmates” he asked
“Pancakes” I replied. He sat down on the bed and peddled with his phone for a bit.
“Im sorry” I looked at him. He was wearing his red pants and a gray hoodie.
“You’ve e apologized ten times already and I told you that you dont have to”
“I did? Sorry” I laughed “Was I stupid?”
“Hm” he lay down “You talked some gibberish in the car. About someone stealing your face” he looked at me and I looked at him confused.
“Fuck” Im such a mess. Hallucinating is pretty normal, but rarely happens to me.
“Who were you with?” E asked and I knew why.
“Emma, Rob, Ivy, Harry” I avoided the conformation.
“Lucas” he continued. I stayed silent so he rolled his eyes. “That guy is big trouble. Why do you have a thing for damaged goods?”
“Because Im damaged goods”
“Youre not” E sat down. He knew me but he didnt know my inner thoughts and struggles. He didn’t understand how all I want is forget the world for a few hours and have fun. Empty brain and a happy soul even if caused by chemicals in my body.
I got up slowly and went into the bathroom to look at my state. My pupils were still huge and I had black all around my eyes. I decided to shower again.
I had countless conversations with him about this subject. Ethan is the perfect boy. Hes smart, funny, handsome and good at everything he does. Im a fuck up. My family is fucked up, all my friendships and relationships were fucked up. Im depressed and anxious but somehow still manage to be good at college and everything I do while everything around me is falling apart. Or at least thats how it seems to me. I feel like I deserve this occasional indulgences to blow off some steam.
When I got out Ethan was still there.
“E we talked about this already. You cant do anything about it” I took a shirt from his closet and a pair of leggings I left one day for this kind of occasion.
“I know. But I feel terrible. It hurts me to see you like that”
That was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I wish he could just leave it be. I love being able to count on him on nights like this because I need safety and love but I know it hurts him. I almost wanted to cry. I stood in the middle of the room just looking at him not knowing what to say so I just shrugged my shoulders.
“Dont cry. Its fine. Lets go, Gray and I were playing switch” he got up and pushed me in front of him.
I knew it wasnt fine and it wasnt fair of me to keep calling him so I promised myself this was the last time.
Gray was on the sofa scrolling through his phone.
“Hey party girl” he glanced at me and back to his phone.
“Hola” I took the sparkly water out of the fridge.
“Smash bros”
“Meh, fine.” he threw me the controller and started the game. He was excellent at acting like he didnt know I was trashed the night before.
Soon after our food arrived and we were eating, watching netflix almost like a family. I loved these guys. I dont want to keep disappointing them.  
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Guess whos evil anD HATES ME, ITS KATIE! @not-reddie ❤❤❤
Eddie: *He sings in the shower every morning when he gets up. And its not your cute dainty singing, oh no. Its a full out concert in the bathroom, he sings along to ‘eye of the tiger’, 'we are the champions’, 'boys are back in town’ all the best jams.
*Eddie knows how to cook. Since his dad died his mom kinda stepped back as a parent and left him to learn how to do basic grown up duties. Hes really good at making spaghetti much to Richies humor.
*He is a really bad rage gamer. The losers have monopoly night which use to be dark souls night till Eddie shattered a ps2 controller.
*Actually a thicc and juicey boy. This kid is eating well and it shows.
*Eddie is a metal head. He likes NIN, Korn, Marylin Manson, Tool, but worst of all ICP. No one knows he likes ICP but 'piggy pie’ and 'boogey woogey’ are his jam.
*Eddie is also fairly good at doing voices along side Richie. They like to talk to each other in Mickey Mouse and Goofy voices all the time.
*He cannot own a fish or plant because IT WILL DIE.
*After Eddie moves his medical transcripts are taken literally and he ends up an addict for a year.
*Hes got a terrible terrible laugh. Is not cute or anything itll start off normal but then hes just wheezing and snorting till he basically passes out and clams down.
*Hes good with cars, hes the one who rebuilt Bills firebird.
Richie: *He has the Austin Powers theme set for his alarm, he dances to the coffee pot every morning in nothing but boxer breifs, crocs, and a blue robe to his while the song plays.
*Hes an ass man?? Guy, girl, his age, or 50 years old Richie Toizer digs the booty.
*Richie and Bill had their own band, '2+2.’ They both were lead guitar and vocals and only ever played Tenacious d.
*Richie has a real hard time telling people to 'fuck off’ or to 'go fuck themselves’ because hes afraid theyll actually leave him.
*Because of his sensory overload (a side effect of adhd) booming noises piss him off, stomping on the floor or when someone knocks too loud on the door it instantly throws him into a bad mood.
*Richie does a really good Selvester Stalon impessionation, its probably his best and most obnoxious voice.
*Hes a cat person for the simple fact that no one else really likes cats and they’re super chill and goofy.
*Both points above being said, he makes up voices for his pets and when hes lonely he makes them “talk” to him.
*The Chinese take out place a block over from his apartment know him by name because he once ordered every item off their menu and ate it all with chop sticks including his mochi balls.
*If you cant find Richie hes on the roof.
Ben: *This. Boy. Is. Good. At. Makeup. And. Hair Fight. Me. Ben heard Bev complaining one day about how hard it was to get ready in the morning so natrually he studied beauty blogs night and day for a month to help her.
*Hes your go to man with an problems you have, hes damn good and listening and giving back good feedback on the issue.
*Hes the one who loads the coffee pot because hes the only one who knows how.
*Ben joined the Marines after marrying Bev to carry on his familys tradition of serving the country.
*Because Beverly hangs around him so much, and speaks so highly of him, Bens first male crush was Richie.
*Hes a mamas boy through and through, it might not show as bad as Eddie does but he would kill for his mommy.
*Hes been a licensed contractor, and a very sucssesful one at that, since he was 17.
*Bens favorite day is Tuesday because then he gets to wear his 'taco Tuesday’ shirt.
*He wears really nice cologne and uses really nice minty shampoo and conditioner. Ben never smells bad ever.
*He knows all the names of the carebears.
Stan: *Whos severely lactose intolerant but loves cheese to the end of the earth? Stanly.
*Stans a really good drawer and writer but doesnt flaunt his work. What poems and art he has done are all hidden in a little notebook he carries everywhere with him.
*When he gets angry or excited he spout off in Hebrew, he hates it but everyone loves it.
*Hes clinically depressed as well as Mike so they have their own little get togethers in his room to talk and just be soft and warm together.
*“Joy to the world” by: CCR is the one song Stan cant not sing and dance along to.
*Speaking of dancing, Stans a damn good dancer?? He doesnt like to dance in front of others but sometimes he really can’t help himself.
* Hes got a tramp stamp that only Bill and Eddie know about.
*Stan is a really terrible drunk, like hes a mess and a hot one at that. His 21st birthday was a nightmare, thats where the tramp stamp came from.
*Stan fucks with everyone more than anyone else does but hes so suave about it everyone else points fingers at everyone but Stan.
*He doesnt know it but the brownies in the back of the freezer are Richies editable… He has one every Friday.
*Still has bath toys and he uses, cleans, and plays with them regularly.
*He really likes otters and has big dreams to go to an aquarium sometime.
*He hates Monday’s with a burning passion, he hates Monday more than Garfield. So on Monday he makes everyone pancakes for breakfast to make it better.
* Bill is a babysitter for Georgie and a writer on the side. Being an uncle is a full time job with benefits.
*Real life superwholock nerd fan: Billiam Denbrought.
*He was a swimmer in high school and he cant grow hair on his legs anymore because of it.
*He pure edits all the losers homework and essays.
*He makes it a point to take his dogs and Eddie down to the park to play catch/fetch every weekend.
*His worst fear outside of losing his brother is Spiders or creepy crawlies in general.
Mike: *Super flirtatious, like he doesnt even know hes flirting hes just really good at it.
*He collects stuffed animals. At first he was just having a hard time getting rid of his baby toys but now its a problem.
*He loves the color yellow?? Its his color, is room is painted yellow, his car is yellow, his favorite sweater is yellow. Mike really likes yellow.
*Spicey food makes him cry. Not because it makes him sad but because its fucking spicey.
*Chivalry and manners are alive and well in this one. Hes a complete gentlemen to men and women alike but even moreso to children.
*Mike is ticklish, way super ticklish, you even wiggle a finger at him at hes like: “FKDKF FHHEHEHEHEHE STOOOOOOOP.”
*Hell never say it but alot of his songs are about Bill. And not just cause they in love but because Mike genuinly loves and looks up to Bill as a person.
*He can play the guitar, bango, harmonica, piano, cello, the triangle and he can sing.
*Mike kisses all his friends platonically on the lips and no one has ever questioned it.
*Hes really good at riddles and rhymes.
Beverly: *She totes around a huge bag full of crap 24/7, its like Eddies fanny pack but 1000× larger and its full of crap theyll never need.
*Bev will not drink milk, i dont know why she just doesnt.
*She makes all hers and Richies clothes and fixes all the torn, ripped, and button missing clothes in the house.
*Beverly is a tree climbing champion.
*Beverly believes in faries because she is one and shes not ashamed of the fact.
*She talks in her sleep loudly too. All the guys will stay uo during their sleep overs just to hear what stupid shit shes gonna say while klonked out.
*She volunteers at the animal shelter, soup kitchen, and cleans uo trash off the side of the road for fun.
*When shes sad she listens to he Srgt. Peppers Loney Hearts Club Band record on repeat till she feels better.
*Shes always wanted to play Rizzo in Grease.
*She helps Mike run their greenhouse which she and Ben built together.
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desktopgargoyle · 7 years
The Road Trip Series - Chapter 3
AN: so this chapter is super duper late....but better late than never?
ff.net link
Chapter 3
“Nino really needed some rest, huh?” Marinette looks over her shoulder at Nino and Adrien, who are both curled up against each other and snoring in the back seat of the car.
“Yeah, he’s had some pretty crazy shifts lately. I barely get to see him awake anymore.” Alya laughs somewhat sadly. “He works late and sleeps late, I leave early and end up asleep before he gets in. You know how it is.”
Alya’s tried not to make a big fuss over Nino’s working hours because she knows that he’s doing a job he loves and excels at. But she will admit that it’s difficult for her to not see him as much as she used to. She misses Wednesday Spaghetti Nights on the sofa watching old horror movies with awful special effects and she misses making pancakes at midnight on Breakfast for Dinner Fridays. She misses going on dates and she misses lazy Sundays just hanging out in pyjamas with hot chocolate.
They’ve have talked about it a couple times and Nino hates their reduced time together as much as Alya does. The difference is that he also loves his job, and Alya is not about to try to tear him away from it just because she misses him. Besides, it’s not like she never sees him, it’s just that she sees him less than she’s used to and –
“Alya, you know it’s okay to miss him, right?” Marinette has been watching Alya chew on her lip and furrow her eyebrows for the last couple minutes. She knows exactly what Alya is thinking. “You don’t need to feel bad about it. Your feelings are what they are, you can’t help it.”
At the back of the car Nino stirs slightly, moving so that his head lolls just above Adrien’s shoulder as his hat falls off his head. Alya looks at him fondly in the rear-view mirror and a small smile creeps onto her face.
“Okay then, Miss Relationship Guru,” Alya smirks at Marinette. “How about we talk about your love life instead of my petty issues? A certain someone has totally got it bad for you!” Alya cackles as she watches Marinette’s face turn beet red in embarrassment.
“Nobody has anything bad for me, Al! Don’t make that kind of stuff up.” Marinette squeaks, sinking into her seat. She’s just glad that Adrien is a heavy sleeper and will (thankfully) hear none of this.
“Come on, Mari. I thought he was meant to be the oblivious one here, not you! The boy has been dropping so many hints and you have thus far failed to see every single one!”
Marinette shakes her head vehemently. Alya’s been saying this for years and trying to convince her that Adrien likes her back. Marinette knows he doesn’t. If he did in fact like her, wouldn’t he attempt to ask her out or at least drop some more obvious hints? God knows she’s been so obvious at times that she might as well wave a massive flag saying ‘hey there, just so you know I am a little bit in love with you so would you please love me back?’ in his face. With sparkles. And all-caps writing. In neon colours. Actually, scratch that. Flashing neon colours.
“I’m not oblivious!”
Alya cocks an eyebrow at her. It’s her ‘are-you-freaking-kidding-me-right-now’ look and Marinette has found herself on the receiving end of said look more and more in the last few years.
“Remember the school trip to London?”
“The one where we lost Juleka and Rose for about three hours and later found them in M&M World?”
“Yeah, that one.” Alya laughs.
It had been an eventful trip, they could say that much at least. Aside from the Juleka and Rose thing, there had also been an incident in Harrods where Chloé got into a fistfight with some rich brat over a pair of Valentino pumps that resulted in her eventually being escorted out of the building, screaming that her father would hear about it. On their third day in London, Adrien was stampeded by crazed fans as the class left the Natural History Museum and then on the fourth day, Max and Kim somehow ended up stranded in Piccadilly Circus while the rest of the class was at the National Portrait Gallery. Needless to say, there had been no abroad trips for the class after that.
“It was such a great trip, right? I love London so much, even if we were stuck with all the tourist trap locations.” Marinette smiles.
“Yeah, and the four-hour Eurostar journey wasn’t too bad either.” Alya shoots Marinette a sly glance.
“I mean, you and Nino sure had a blast. You guys were being so mushy I wanted to gag!” Marinette snorts.
“Oh, and you and Adrien weren’t being equally as mushy?” Alya retorts. Marinette flushes.
“We weren’t being mushy, we were never a couple! And the only reason we were sat together is because a certain couple couldn’t bear to be apart for four measly hours and it was a toss-up between me and Chloé!” Marinette pulls a face at Alya and slumps down in her seat.
Alya rolls her eyes. If she remembers correctly, she and Nino had video footage of Marinette and Adrien tangled up together and snoring. Of course, neither of them has ever seen this footage because she’s keeping it a secret until their wedding.
“Believe what you will, Mari, but my boyfriend knows his husband very, very well and, from what we saw, Model Boy’s intentions were a little more than just platonic, if you catch my drift.”
Marinette groans and leans her head against the cool glass of the window. Over the years there were a couple moments in which she’d let herself indulge in the idea that the attraction was mutual. The Eurostar trip was one of them. Adrien had all but dragged Marinette into the seat beside him and immediately began chatting away as if it were no big deal.
One hour into the journey he decides that he has to take as many pictures together as possible with as many stupid faces as possible, claiming that he rarely gets to do things like this and he needs to document it. He almost sounds like Alya. He saves every single one, even, much to Marinette’s horror, the photos in which she looks like a complete and utter idiot. Of course, he looks great in Every. Single. Damn. Photo. (Marinette’s theory to this day is that a life of modelling has made him permanently photogenic and there will never ever be a bad photo taken of him.)
Two hours into the trip, he gets up to go stretch his legs.
“I don’t think you get it, Mari, I’m too tall for these seats. My legs need freedom. We didn’t have, like, a million revolutions and behead the king just for me to endure this kind of oppression!”
“Are you calling me short?” That’s all she could think to say because holy-nickname-Batman he has just called her Mari. This is the first time he has ever in the history of their friendship called her that and Marinette is having a minor breakdown.
“Seriously? That’s your concern?”
“I’ll have you know that I am 5’6” and I am not short.”
“Mari, you’re 5’5”.” Crap, he did it again.
“Shut up, I’m still above average.”
“Only by an inch though.”
“I thought you were going to stretch your legs, you freakishly tall person?”
“Mari, I am a very average height. If you think I’m freakishly tall then you kinda just proved me right.” This marks three times in one conversation. Perhaps you could call it overkill, but Marinette doesn’t care.
With that, he flashes her a grin and saunters (he’s such a model) down the aisle toward the onboard café.
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta Update 1: I’ve changed ur contact name from Alyyyybuggg to Al dente pasta Update 2: there’s a toddler behind me who keeps kicking my seat
From: Al dente pasta To: Mariiiiibuggg Al dente pasta? Really? Is this because of the journalism competition? Because I swear if that is a fucking pun about my year’s supply of pasta prize I will kill you. Was this Adrien’s idea? It was totally his idea. Never mind. You are in the clear. I know you love him but I swear to God I will bake his head into a lasagne.
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta u didn’t let me get to update 3 also leave Adrien alone and don’t bake the love of my life into a lasagne
From: Al dente pasta To: Mariiiiibuggg Ooooh what’s update three?
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta Alya. he cALLED ME MARI
From: Al dente pasta To: Mariiiiibuggg WHAAAAATTTTTT GIIIIIRRRRLLLLLLL
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta wait for it THREE TIMES IN ONE cONverSATION
From: Al dente pasta To: Mariiiiibuggg HOLY SHITTTTTT (babe I love you but your grammar is killing me)
From: Ninbro To: Maribro dude I’m trying to nap and all I can hear is alya squealing wtf happened
From: Maribro To: Ninbro adrien called me mari three times in one conversation
From: Ninbro To: Maribro shit dude thrice mari-d congratz anyway tell alya to shut up bc she won’t listen to me goodnight
From: Al dente pasta To: Mariiiiibuggg Did Nino just tell you to tell me to shut up?! I’m gonna kill him.
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta let the boy sleeeep
From: Adrien To: Mari Hey, I’m in the queue at the snack bar. You want anything? It’s kind of a long queue so you have time to decide :)
From: Mari To: Adrien oh, um. Idk, depends on how expensive because I’m kind of broke at the moment.
From: Adrien To: Mari Nah, don’t worry about that. I’m paying :)
From: Mari To: Adrien WHAT? NO!
Marinette stares at her phone. He isn’t responding. She stretches up slightly to scan the carriage and spots Alya and Nino a couple seats ahead. She hazards another glance at her phone but still nothing. Hopefully he’s taken her somewhat panicked caps lock texts as a ‘No thanks, I don’t want anything’. Hopefully.
“Right so you didn’t specify so I grabbed you a hot chocolate and this sweet and salty popcorn. Best of both worlds, right?” Adrien throws the bag of popcorn at Marinette and slides into his seat next to her. He places the hot chocolate down on the folding table in front of her and opens the lid of his coffee, adding two sugars. Marinette stares at him.
“What? I know you’re trying to cut down on the caffeine so I figured hot chocolate was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, I am nowhere as motivated as you and I have no intention of kicking my caffeine intake.” Adrien takes a sip of his coffee before suddenly wincing. “And there go all of my tastebuds…ouch.”
Marinette opens the lid of her cup and blows some of the steam away. “Thanks,” she smiles. “But seriously, how much did this total? Let me pay you back, seriously.” She leans down and begins rummaging around in her bag. Adrien grabs her hands and pulls them away from her bag, completely stunning her into stillness.
“I said I’d pay, and I paid. It’s no big deal, what are friends for, am I right?” He grins. She watches him intently as he eyes his drink cautiously, attempting another sip while simultaneously looking terrified.
From: Mariiiiibuggg To: Al dente pasta you know that stupid cliché about how you fall in love with someone more and more each day? I don’t think it’s stupid anymore. Alya I’m so totally screwed.
Alya still has the screenshot of that last message. She’s saving that for the wedding too. She elbows Marinette in the ribs lightly, telling her to stop looking like a lovesick chihuahua.
Once again, they’ve hit traffic. Alya takes the opportunity to stretch her arms and roll her neck; driving for extended periods of time is not necessarily her favourite thing to do but she’ll sacrifice comfort to let Nino sleep. She would let Marinette drive except Nino has henceforth banned Marinette from the driver’s seat following the Crash of July 19th (which, in Marinette’s opinion was actually not a crash because I only scratched the car slightly, Nino).
“Kinda busy today, isn’t it?” Marinette yawns. She checks her phone. No new messages. No updates. No alerts. “Weren’t we supposed to be halfway there already?”
“That was the original plan. From what I can tell, we are currently an hour and a half behind schedule.” Alya groans. “You know, I had this entire trip planned down to the minute! And now look at us!”
Marinette nods sympathetically. “I know, Al. On the plus side, at least it’s not – ” Thunder cracks in the darkening skies above before Marinette can finish her sentence. “ – raining.” Alya shoots her an ‘are you serious’ look and lets her head drop against the steering wheel with a loud thud, hitting the car horn in the process.
“Shit!” Alya starts up in surprise as Marinette giggles uncontrollably.
The rain starts out as a light drizzle, the droplets scattering across the glass like constellations as it beats softly against the cool windows of the car. The sky turns from a crystal blue to a pale grey as the rainclouds stretch across, moving slowly and heavily. It remains this way for about fifteen minutes before the rain begins to fall harder. It pelts down aggressively, hitting the window panes and rolling down in streams. The gentle patterns formed earlier on the glass blur together until it becomes difficult to see properly.
Alya runs a hand through her hair and turns the window wipers up to a faster setting. As much as she loves the rain, she’d really rather not drive in it; slippery roads tend to make her nervous.
The traffic gradually begins to move again, although at an agonising pace, which both frustrates and relieves Alya. On one hand, she really wishes they could get the hell out of this nightmarish rut in their journey and just make it to Marseille already but, on the other hand, the sluggish speed means that there won’t be any asshole drivers trying to force her to speed up in the freakish downpour. She supposes that, in some ways, the positive cancels out the negative so she’ll just have to make do and be happy for now.
Adrien stirs slightly in the back seat. He groans slightly as he stretches his arms out (he whacks Nino in the face in the process); he’s starting to believe that he is, in fact, too tall to nap comfortably in such a cramped space.
“Are we there yet?” he mumbles groggily as he rubs his eyes.
“Sorry, cupcake, we’ve hit some more traffic.” Alya’s really not sure why she feels the need to christen Adrien with these ridiculous pet names. It’s just become a Thing she does, despite his being over a foot taller than her. The list has only increased over the years and now includes sunshine, buttercup, sweetie, My Son, kitty-cat, jellybean and, Alya’s personal favourite, Mon Petit Cantaloup. Nino has started to use My Son and buttercup, which makes Alya prouder than it should.
“If it makes you feel better, you managed to nap for almost two hours.” Marinette chirps.
“Yeah, you and your husband, who is supposed to be my boyfriend, looked pretty cosy back there.” Alya snorts. “I’ve got to ask, what is your secret? He doesn’t snuggle with me like that anymore.”
“Nino likes to be the little spoon,” Adrien says sagely. “It makes him feel secure.”
“Too bad you’re like three feet tall, Al.”
“Shut up, Mari! You’re only three inches taller than me!”
“Actually, I’m five inches taller than you.”
“Well, I have a foot on both of you so I win.”
The two girls turn to face him and Adrien is certain that if looks could kill, he would be dead twice over. He grins sheepishly in response and rubs the back of his neck. Thankfully, the traffic starts moving and Alya is forced to turn her attention back to the road. Marinette narrows her eyes at him once more before she too turns to face the road.
Adrien can’t be certain but he swears that there is something in the way she looks at him, even when annoyed at him, that surpasses everything. He’s only really started to notice it recently, but for a fleeting moment he is sure of it. Upon reflection, he decides that he is deluding himself. There’s no way. Marinette is just a really good friend. That’s all.
As she turns back to the front of the car, Marinette gulps slightly. There was something strange about the way Adrien has been looking at her recently. Not strange in a bad way, but strange in a new way. His expression seems softer and there’s something different reflected in his eyes. For a second she thinks – no. In her head, she laughs at herself. She’s just projecting her own feelings onto him, she rationalises. He just sees her as a friend. That’s it.
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decompxsed-blog · 7 years
I met you at a concert 1
"Happy Birthday Vic!" I heard my family shout from besides me. I groan but get up. I sit up on my bed and rub the sleep off of my eyes and look at my family. My brother is standing there smiling and holding a blue envelope. My mom is holding a camera taking pictures, of course. And my dad is holding a medium sized cake, with the words "Happy 17th birthday Vic" written in cursive with blue icing. "Smile sweetie." My mom said, and I smiled at the camera because I wanted to make her happy. "Oh your so big now mijo." She said hugging me still with that big smile on her face. "Oh let's go cut your cake,and then you can open your present that Mike picked out for you" she said walking out the door. My dad followed her a few seconds later and my brother stood around until they left. He walked closer to me until his lips were a few inches away from my right ear. "Your going to love your present" he whispered and walked out. Leaving me with a confused and excited mind. ☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ I walked downstairs already dressed in just some plain black skinny jeans, some vans, a red beanie and a red All Time Low shirt. Aka my favorite band. Once I got to the kitchen I saw everyone sitting down at the table. There was four plates of food. Toast, bacon, eggs, and pancakes. And last but not least the cake and the envelope were in the middle. Ugh I just wanted to open it. "Sit down and eat Vic." My dad said to me while picking up his fork. "Oh and you and Micheal aren't going to school today because one it's your birthday and two you guys already missed two periods." My mom said chuckling at the end. ☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ "Time for cakeeee!!" My mom shouted overly excited. We just finished eating. And let me tell you it was probably the weirdest thing ever. My mom kept talking, and then my dad kept laughing, very oddly I might add. And me and mike just sat there waiting for them to finish their "little" chat. My mom picked up a knife that was next to the cake and told me to hold it. How did I not notice it earlier what the fuck. "Here cut the cake while I take pictures" she said smiling. I grabbed the knife correctly and cut the cake. I heard the flash go off which meant my mom just took the picture. I cut four pieces of vanilla cake, one for everyone. We finished eating our cake and my mom finally asked me if I wanted to open the present. The stupid present that was on my mind this whole time. She handed me the blue envelope and without even thinking I ripped open the envelope. I almost screamed at what was inside. I went up to mike and hugged him which caused him to start scratching my arms because he couldn't breathe. "Thanks! Oh my god, oh my fucking god. I'm seeing All Time fucking Low! Oh my god, when is this?" I was overly excited right now. Who wouldn't be happy that they are seeing their favorite band live. And being front row at the concert. I'm literally going to cry. "The concert is tonight at 7 and it's 12 right now so you have a couple of hours." She said picking up the dishes and walking to the sink. I excused my self from the table and walked up to my room with the atl ticket in my hand. ☾☾☾☾☾☾☾ It's currently 6:27pm and the concert starts at 7. Good thing the concert is downtown. I grabbed a black beanie and started walking downstairs. I was wearing a black atl crewneck, some black skinny jeans with rips on the knees and my black vans. I reached the living room and saw my parents and mike watching some soap opera. Ew. I cleared my throat to catch their attention. "I'm ready ma" I told my mom who was now looking at me. "Oh I forgot, let's go!!" She said standing up and walking to the table where she left her keys. We walked out the door and made our way to my moms car. *imagine an awkward car ride with atl playing in the background* ---Outside the venue--- "Bye ma I'll text you when it's over" I told my mom closing the car door. "Bye sweetie, have fun!" She called back to me and started driving away. I got line to get into the venue when I saw a boy around my age with jet black hair, and pale skin fall on the ground next to me. "Ow" he said quietly. I just watched him, not in a creepy way, as he stood up. After dusting himself off he turned around and caught me staring. "Hi!" He said happily. He had a soft yet loud voice, and his eyes were amazing. They were blue yet green with a bit grey in them. "Hey" I said kind of awkwardly. Actually no, really awkwardly. "What row are you? Ya know, you're cute. OMG WE COULD BE SITTING NEXT TO EACHOTHER!!" He asked and yelled out the last part. When he realized what he said he blushed and hid his face behind his hair, which I gotta say was adorable as fuck. I chuckled "I'm front row and in seat 182, and your not so bad yourself " I said with a little more confidence "OMG WE ARE SITTING NEXT TO EACHOTHER IM SEAT 181! Wait what?" He said finally realizing what I said. "Nothing" I said losing all my confidence. I looked over at him again and saw he had a disappointed look in his face. Now I felt bad. I saw that he still wasn't in line so I pulled him into line. He almost fell but they would've made him go all the way in the back if he didn't get in line. ---inside concert--- "Now give it up for All Time Low!!" The guy on the stage called. Everyone started screaming and chanting 'All Time Low'. The concert has been overall fun which is good. All Time Low came out and the crowd got even louder. I probably wont be able to hear tomorrow. "Hey guys!" Alex (the lead singer) yelled to the crowd. "How have you guys been this fine ass day?!" He called out and everyone started yelling answers like 'yes' 'great' 'I love you guys' 'have my kids alex'. "That's great! Anyways we are looking for someone in the crowd today to write a song with. We will choose a random seat number after our set and the winner will be able to write a new song for our new album!" He yelled once again. The crowd started getting even louder. I really hope I don't get chosen. Honestly mostly everyone will be happy to write a song with their favorite band but I can't sing. ---After atl's set--- "Okay guys, we have decided" Jack called out to the crowd. "And the winner is seat number.......182!!!" The whole band called out at once. Wait. Shit thats my goddamn number. "Number 182, you out there?" Alex called out while everyone was just looking around to see who won. "Dude thats you. Just go up there, its not like they are going to hurt you." I heard blue eyes call out to me. I should just man up and go up there. I mean I dont really have a choice. I got up on my seat and yelled "ITS ME" I had to yell because of all the noise. A security guy that was in front of me pulled me up and over the barricade so I can get to the stage. I went up some stairs and made my way to Alex, who was in the front of the microphone. "We have a winner!!" Alex yelled over the roaring crowd. "Whats your name?" Zack asked me, bringing the microphone he was holding closer to my face. oh god. "V-Vic" I said into the microphone. "Well Vic, you will be able to write and produce a new song and music video with us. Are you excited?" Zack asked me. "Yeah!" I said exactly yet nervous at the same time. because fuck, I'm literally going to write a song with my favorite band. Hopefully I don't fuck this up.......
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