#what a wide range of manners you have my friend. holy fuck
toytulini · 4 months
boston rush hour traffic really has u experiencing such a range of human manners. i was looking judgementally at the lack of distance between the bumpers of 2 cars, the driver doing the tailgating noticed me looking, and gestured to me asking if i needed/wanted to get over, implying he'd let me over if i did, but i said no, and he gave me a thumbs up. and continued the tailgating
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My Girlfriends Roommate - Chapter 5
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Holy cow, I was so focused on re-editing my original draft of this story that I forgot to post warnings. Fortunately we haven't reached the good parts yet but we are getting there, loves. Seriously, were over the halfway mark. I will forewarn, the smutty chapters is very detailed and graphic, and is going to be multiple chapters on their own because it's very descriptive, poetic, and passionate....but also very explicit.
Warnings: A little harassment towards you (reader). Use of intimidation and force, and tough demeanor. (I told you Heeseung was a stud didn't I?)
You once overheard Vicky mentioning to her friends as she recounted moments of Ethan’s displayed chivalry and sense of protectiveness. Which was strange considering he was emitting an alpha prowess when he was trying to extract an explanation out of her from earlier.
This time, you got to witness it yourself as he stepped up, reached, and looped his arm around your upper back. His strong hand grabs hold on to your shoulder as he sets a firm but gentle grip with his cold fingers pressing into your skin, and you felt a an extracting force of powerful strength pulling you backwards, away from Gabe.
The unexpected action would have caused you to fall from the abrupt and uncoordinated back steps you were forced to take as a result from his pull. Yet Ethan acted as your support system while his arm bore the bearing of your weight, preventing you from losing foot or balance and guided the direction of your body to twirl around shifting your placement in the room and stand behind him.
His ability to move you in a suave and effortless manner astounded you. The hint of his finesse and range of control he used made you consider the reason behind Vicky’s attraction to Ethan. If this was something he displayed frequently as she stated before, nothing needed to be made out other than, you get it.
As he pulled you back, he took one side step and placed himself right in front of Gabe, squaring off with him. Not saying a single word, the two just looked at each other scornfully, Gabe turns his face in Vicky’s direction,
“Vicky… if he does not back away from my fucking face, I’m leaving.”
Gabe’s tone was very stern, that high squeaky pitch he spoke in before disappeared, dispelling a lower tone instead. He was angry as he bid Vicky to do something about her Ethan. Even at the peak of his anger, Gabe did not match the formidable aura Ethan had established in the room. His stance enhanced his caliber as an alpha; the way he just continued to close the distance and stare down at Gabe’s turned face.
Ethan’s risky and confident attitude sent hair raising chills to your spine as you watched him issue the same treatment Gabe bestowed on you moments earlier. Closing the distance, Ethan invades Gabe’s personal space, using only his enclosing presence, he forces him to take a series of steps back.
The bill of Ethan’s hat would have harshly pressed up on Gabe’s face, had it not been for him bending slightly backwards at the hip, an attempt to be as evasive as possible from Ethan. Of course you were unaware of their history together, along with Vicky, but based off what was happening before you you knew that having the both of them together was not entirely a good idea. The moment Gabe walked in, there was tension between him and Ethan, although you tend to understand Ethan’s stance more so than Gabe.
However, if there was anything to take from all this, it was the fact that while Gabe was rude, a bit narcissistic and presumptuous, Ethan was the one that was most frightening to you. Even though he was being ethical, there was a scary sense with the way he went about it.
He was bold and dominant. It was contradicting as he wasn’t necessarily mean, but he wasn’t exactly super nice either, he was very platonic. Yet, when it came to Gabe, the way he acted towards him was anything but neutral.
The moment she heard his warning, a wide eyed and nerved Vicky stepped up and projected a displeasing tone to the two fellows, mainly Ethan. Directing her attention to the man clad in all black, she appeals to his sense as her boyfriend and lashed out.
“Will you stop?! What is wrong with you?” Vicky expresses her annoyance to Ethan with her frustrated voice and daggering glare.
He did nothing but shifted his sharp eyes to meet with hers, not moving a single muscle in his body. Gasping at the sudden piercing look she received from him, a gulp could be heard as she forced one down her throat. Standing mute, Ethan remained still, his eyes locked on to Vicky as she looked shamefully down at the floor once more.
Looking over to Gabe, who was also avoiding eye contact with Ethan and maintaining an unhappy countenance, Vicky spoke once more towards her boyfriend, she sighs tiredly. Gabe remained standing still with pursed lips and simply stared at the door blankly, rolling his eyes on occasion while hearing Vicky’s pleas for peace to Ethan. Vicky tries to settle the situation, no doubt she intended to come off impartial and fair, but the words and tone she used was evidently in favor of Gabe.
“Ethan, he didn’t do anything. He was just being friendly and if she really wanted to, she could have just said no. I think she knows that as well.”
The last bit of her statement was directed at you, not just verbally. She tilted her head and eyed you down with a look that you never received before. She looked irritated; her eyes pretty much signified that you were the cause of this fiasco. Surprisingly, she displayed a heart of gold by initiating your guy’s departure, showing that she still wanted to spend the day with you as originally planned.
“Y/N, let’s go. Gabe, lead the way to your car. Ethan was just leaving anyhow.”
Ethan lowered his head and spit out a whispered “Yeah” while nodding and licking his lips with the obvious look of anger and annoyance. Even though his response was in the affirmative, everyone in the room could tell that by the tone he used and his facial expression, he disagreed with Vicky’s resolve.
Turning his face over his shoulder, his side profile coming into full view from where you stood and you found yourself glancing at it for a mere second before his eyes shifted to look you in the face. Eyeing you from the side, your eyes stared at your feet. You kept your head upright, trying to remain some ounce of dignity since your eyes lacked the courage to face his ghostly stare. You don’t know why, but you questioned yourself as to why there were repeated moments where Ethan would take moments to stare you down, not in the perverse manner that Gabe would. It was very different. The way his iris would flicker and shift, absorbing your image, it was like he was looking for something.
Vicky walked Gabe out the door and stood right outside the entrance waving for you to come along. Walking from behind and recollecting your composure, you make your way around and took a second to stand next to Ethan. You looked in the direction of the pair standing by the open door, you smile slightly to issue a sense that everything was fine, which Vicky responded with a wider one.
You looked over to Ethan and without breaking your gentle and genuine smile, you spoke to him in a near whisper, “…thank you.”
A single nod to you was the only response he gave. With his head low, only his lips and nose were visible, everything else hid under the shadow of his hat.
At that, you continued your way towards Vicky and Gabe, but not without hearing Ethan’s footsteps trailing behind you, clearly making his way to exit the dorm. Walking in the opposite direction, Ethan leaves without saying a word to either one of you. For a quick moment, Vicky rushed over and stops him. You couldn’t make out what she said, but from the looks of it, it seemed to be words of endearment spoken in Korean, followed with a hug and kiss before hurrying and making her way back towards you and Gabe.
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dovechim · 4 years
lonely hearts club (m)
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➾ 11k
➾ summary: jeon jeongguk has annoying little brother energy™. you know this deep in your bones. wedding after wedding, you keep running into him at the goddamn singles’ table, and he just won’t leave you alone. until you start to wonder... is he your ticket out of the lonely hearts club? 
tdlr: enemies to lovers
➾ warnings: hate sex, public sex (in a photobooth lmao), impregnation role play, oral (f receiving), jk has intensely annoying energy, it gets unbearably cheesy towards the end
➾ a/n: wow, addie is back???? finally??? gosh, even I can’t believe it. please enjoy, and thank you for waiting :)
The first few times, it was lovely. Watching your friends find their partners and get married in holy matrimony, their faces filled with bliss as they walk down the aisle together towards their happily ever after. You tell yourself that you are truly happy for them, and you are. But you can’t deny that deep seated feeling of envy buried within you, and the sense of dread every time you receive a new wedding invitation.
Why’d all of your friends have to be so good at getting their shit together?
Which then begs the question, what are you actually doing here?
Other than celebrating your friend’s wedding, obviously. You crane your neck to look around the large, luxurious ballroom for any sign of Kim Seokjin and his husband, and you think you spot them at one of the tables up front.
You scan the attendees at your table surreptitiously. It goes without saying that anyone can see that this is the singles’ table, it’s obvious enough by the way no one talks to each other and how the host has made the painstaking arrangement to alternate the genders. You have no idea where this tradition of a singles’ table came from, and why you’re relegated to it at every single wedding you attend.
You sniff in indignation as you take a sip at the flat soda in your glass. For all they know, you could have a secret celebrity boyfriend hidden away somewhere. The both of you have decided to keep your relationship under wraps so as not to risk the wrath of the public, so that’s why you can’t bring him to events like this. There. Let that be your saving grace.
It’s embarrassing to be at the singles’ table at a wedding, even more embarrassing when you realise that the faces at the table come and go, all except for yours. In fact, you spot a few familiar faces integrated into other tables, drinking and laughing happily with their significant others by their sides, while you remain a permanent resident of the singles’ table.
This is your fifth wedding in as many months; and at this rate it seems like you’ll never graduate from the singles’ table.
A sudden movement interrupts your moment of drowning in self-pity, and you glance to the side only to realise that the empty seat beside you has been filled. All night long the empty seat had been mocking you, reminding you of what could have been a lovely night in with a few bottles of soju and some chicken, but now it presents you with a new contender to the singles’ table.
And God damn, you can feel the women at the table perk up at his presence, some of them shooting you envious looks because you happen to be seated next to him. The girl on his other side seems to be swooning already, but you staunchly refuse to react. Refuse to even look at his side profile.
Two singles matching up at the singles’ table is practically every host’s wet dream. So much so that you refuse to let it happen. No matter how good looking he is, you won’t let yourself stoop so low.
Are you bitter? Yes.
But are you willing to admit it? Most definitely not.
“No way- Jeon Jeongguk?” The gentleman on your other side stands with his arms spread in what can only be the bro code. “What are you doing here? God damn- I never thought the day would come when I meet Jeon Jeongguk at the singles’ table!”
Wait, why does that name sound so familiar? You can hear the smirk in the newcomer’s voice as he stands as well, and the two men embrace each other in a manner that involves a lot of back slapping and chest bumping.
It’s only then that you unwillingly catch a glance of his face, and immediately an unwanted thought occupies the front of your mind persistently. He is most definitely, without a doubt, the most eligible single man at your table right now.
Jeon Jeongguk looks like the kind of man who is aware that eyes are on him at any given moment and milks every single second of it to show off. His broad shoulders are the first thing that catch your attention, he fills out the jacket of his dark blue suit just right, and yet the tapering of his torso into an impossibly slim waist has you questioning if he’s even real. You stop yourself from going any lower.
His face is a whole other matter, a cocky smirk pasted onto his face, charming doe eyes that lock right onto yours as he sits back down.
“Well, for my first foray into the singles’ club, I can’t say I’m disappointed,” he lowers his voice so that only you can hear it.
Scandalized at how he’s already prepositioning you within minutes of meeting, you make the mistake of turning to face him, witnessing how he adjusts his suit jacket as he makes himself comfortable in his seat, spreading his muscled thighs under the banquet table.
“For someone who’s sole hobby is the gym, I’m surprised your vocabulary range is better than a five-year old’s,” you shoot back at him, immediately annoyed by his very existence itself.
“So you admit you think my body is nice?” He raises an eyebrow and leans into your personal space, causing you to cross your legs and angle your body away from him in response. “You aren’t wrong there, but I could give you a much better idea of what’s under these clothes.”
Your hand tightens around your glass, getting ready to swing your entire body and drench his stupid good looking face with flat, lukewarm soda, but a loud burst of laughter ruins what could have been a perfect moment of humiliation.
“Ah, _______! Jeongguk! I see you two have met!” Kim Seokjin, approaches with Kim Namjoon on his arm, and the two of them look like they are glowing with happiness. “It’s about time, I can’t believe you guys are finally here!”
Finally? What is he on about?
You stand and Seokjin gives you a warm hug, a kiss on the cheek and you immediately feel slightly better, and more than slightly guilty at almost having caused a scene at one of your closest friend’s wedding. Namjoon greets you with a bright smile as well, holding out his arms and embracing you tightly.
Having always been the more sensitive of the couple, Namjoon holds you at arm’s length for a moment. “You alright there?” Namjoon’s gaze wanders over to the table behind you, and it’s like an epiphany strikes him. “God, I’m sorry! I wanted to put you at the table with my parents, seeing as you’re already like a daughter to them, but Jin wanted you to have another chance at…”
“Love,” you grimace as you complete his sentence for him. “I’m used to it by now.”
Namjoon looks like he’s about to say something else, but then Seokjin gets your attention, his arm slung around Jeon Jeongguk’s neck.
“______, as I was saying, I can’t believe you guys only met now. Jeon Jeongguk, meet _____. The sole reason why I managed to graduate from university on time. And ______, meet Jeon Jeongguk, the reason why I almost couldn’t graduate on time.”
Jeongguk snickers and elbows his hyung in the ribs, and you stare in shock at their camaraderie. Seokjin takes in your frozen expression and gestures wildly to get his point across.
“Hello? Remember Jeon Jeongguk?” Seokjin waves his hand in front of your face. “He basically lived in our dorm for a year without even attending our school because he wanted to see what university was like. You always complained about him leaving his cereal bowls in the sink!”
No fucking way. That snot faced brat became… this?
“How you doing, _____?” Jeongguk has the audacity to wink at you. “I see you’ve grown up a little.”
You eye him up and down in shock. From what you remember, Jeon Jeongguk was a scrawny little kid who shadowed Seokjin everywhere, to classes and even to the washroom. He was just a wide-eyed high schooler who worshipped both Seokjin and Namjoon back then, and cowered at your very presence.
“I see you haven’t,” you reply coolly, inwardly praising yourself for thinking of a comeback that quickly. You will not let this stupid brat intimidate you with his looks. Just because he grew up a little and got some muscles doesn’t mean he isn’t the same person who begged to carry your books to class for you.
You remember how he basically lived as a parasite in your dorm that year, irritating the hell out of you with his messy living habits, puppy dog eyes and basically taking turns to follow you everywhere you go. Now the memories are coming back, and so are the teasing laughter from your friends who thought he was your cute little younger brother and doted on him every chance they got, not aware that he’s actually the devil incarnate.
“You guys are getting along right?” Seokjin grins from ear to ear, likely already more than tipsy. “My two bestest friends, and my husband, all in the same place. This calls for a toast!”
“We’re getting along amazingly, aren’t we, ______?” Jeongguk says with a sickening grin as he passes you a champagne flute. “In fact, she was just complimenting me on my workout routine, and I was about to tell her that I’d be more than glad to incorporate her into my home workout too-“
“Toast to the happy couple!” You immediately cut him off, feeling your cheeks burn at his insinuation, raising your glass and avoiding Jeongguk’s gaze. “Congratulations Mr Kims!”
The happy couple moves off, and in your wealth of experience, you know that the night is coming to an end, and so is the event that you dread. You start to gather your things just as everyone starts to rise from their seats to gather in the middle of the ballroom, where a space has been cleared out. Instead of making your way with the crowd, however, you go the opposite direction, ready to make the practiced and unnoticed slip away out into the night.
But this time, a hand on your wrist stops you. It’s Jeon Jeongguk, a slight frown on his handsome features.
“Hey, where are you going? They’re about to do the bouquet toss.”
You pry your arm out of his grasp. “I know.”
And without a single glance back, you slip out of the back entrance of the ballroom, unnoticed by all except one.
The next time you see Jeon Jeongguk, it’s at Kim Taehyung’s wedding.
It’s a lovely wedding, a little abstract for your tastes, but totally Taehyung’s style. Expensive paintings worth more than your entire lifetime’s earnings adorn the ballroom, the menu is Italian cuisine, and the wine is exquisite. Him and his blushing bride are gorgeous, the night is perfect, were it not for one tiny little…
“Nice dress, bet it’d look nicer on the floor of my bedroom, though,” Jeongguk eyes your navy blue halter dress that shows off your shoulders.
The two of you are once again reunited at the singles’ table, and the fact that he’s seated right next to you has you in a foul mood.
“Why don’t you just slither off back to whichever hole you came from?” You hiss at him, finishing your third glass of wine for the night. “I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing you again.”
“And leave you all sad and alone at this miserable singles’ table?” Jeongguk grins. “I don’t think so. In fact, I can’t imagine how you managed to survive all these weddings without me. Why do you even hate me that much?”
What a question indeed. There are a million and one reasons as to why you hate Jeon Jeongguk, number one being his cocky personality, number two being his unfair glow up, while you’re still stuck looking pretty much the same as you did back in the first year of uni, if not more tired and world-weary.
“Oh, I managed alright,” you say through gritted teeth. “Not that I’m curious or anything, and I’d hate to give off the impression that I care even one iota about your existence-“
“Don’t worry, you can ask anything about me and I’d be more than happy to indulge,” Jeongguk says with a maddening smile.
“… why don’t you just get a girlfriend and graduate from this sad little island of singles? It’s not like you don’t have a ton of girls falling at your feet everywhere you go,” you roll your eyes as you witness the girl on the other side of him leaning over so far to show off her cleavage that she nearly falls off her seat. “It should be so easy for you.”
“Why would I do that when it’s more fun to stay here and annoy you instead?” He grins, topping up your wine glass, and that’s the only reason why you hesitate from smacking him on the head. His arm lingers on the back of your chair in a manner far too intimate for your liking, but if you were to smack him it would mean you have to touch him, and that’s a definite no-no.
Today he’s wearing a crisp white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone, showing a hint of his toned chest. His jacket features a dark grey floral print that matches nicely with the abstract, artsy theme of the whole wedding.
You’re saved from having to reply when it’s time for the couple to cut the cake. In true Taehyung fashion, he smears a dab of wedding cake on his bride’s cheek, causing her to gasp in shock and everyone around them to coo in adoration. Photographers are snapping away, capturing the perfect moment.
“I’d want to get married on my birthday too,” Jeongguk remarks off handedly beside you as the applause dies down. “You know it’s Taehyung’s birthday today, right?”
“Of course I do, what kind of friend would I be?” You roll your eyes at him. “And in response to your other statement: I don’t care.”
But Jeongguk continues as if you haven’t said a word. “I bet they’ll be spending lots of time in their birthday suits tonight.”
“Ew!” You can’t help but react as you turn and smack his arm. Just the thought of imagining Taehyung, your best friend since childhood, naked and doing… those things…
Jeongguk grins salaciously. “First contact: success.”
Still trying to stave off all the unwelcome images of Taehyung, you frown at him in confusion. “What?”
“It’s a rule I personally go by. No matter how interested I am in a girl, I always keep my physical boundaries until she breaks the touch barrier by initiating physical contact with me first.”
Hmm, who’d have thought the bastard would have a sense of morals?
“Well, you’re completely wrong because I’m not interested in you at all,” you turn your head away from him. “And if you think that one touch from a girl entitles you to do all kinds of lewd things, then you’re sorely mistaken on what it means to be a gentleman.”
“Who said anything about lewd?” He leans in, and you smell the sweetness of the tiramisu on his breath that is oh so tantalizing. “I think you’re the one who brought it up first.”
Snagged, you reach for your wine glass to take another chug, hoping that it might explain away the redness on your cheeks.
“You know, most people become more relaxed the more they drink, however with you I think it’s the opposite.” Jeongguk comments, swirling his wine in his glass casually as he studies your side profile.
You can’t help but get a little flustered at his attention. You can see the envious gazes of the other women at the singles’ table, and once again you are reminded of how very eligible Jeon Jeongguk is, especially amongst the rest of the males at the table.
“What would a guy like me have to do for company for his lonely heart?” Jeongguk turns his sparkling doe eyes on you, and at the same time, the lights in the ballroom dim as Taehyung directs everyone’s attention towards the ceiling.
While everyone looks up at the now bedazzled ballroom ceiling, amazed by the projection of multicoloured galaxies and shooting stars, you find yourself unable to look away from Jeon Jeongguk.
Then, while the lights are still off and everyone’s attention elsewhere, he leans in closer until you can feel his breath on your cheek. When you don’t make a move to push him away, Jeon Jeongguk places a hand on your chin and coaxes you those last few inches towards his lips, and you find that you don’t exactly hate the feeling of kissing this obnoxious brat.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is more demure than you’d expected it to be, judging from his fondness for dirty jokes and double entendres. You taste a slight bitterness from the coffee powder in the tiramisu on his tongue. He takes it slow, exploring every inch of your mouth with his, and it’s obvious that he enjoys kissing.
Jeongguk draws away just before the lights come back on. Suddenly feeling very exposed, you jerk away from him in a panic, just as the emcee calls everyone together for the bouquet toss and hightail your way out of the ballroom.
* “Why do you always leave before the bouquet toss?”  
“God, you have such annoying little brother energy,” you sigh, taking your eyes off Jung Hoseok’s grinning face as he dances and sings on stage, with his bride standing off to the side.
“Do you still think of me like that?” Jeon Jeongguk looks a little taken aback at this statement, though he recovers quickly. “My sources tell me that we aren’t far apart enough in age for you to be calling me that.”
“I don’t know who your sources are, but they’re wrong,” you shoot back at him. “Wait, are you stalking me now?”
“I hardly think asking around constitutes stalking,” Jeongguk says defensively. “And is that all you think of me? An annoying little brother?”
“What else could you be to me?” You cover a yawn with one hand as one of Jung Hoseok’s relatives comes on stage to make a speech.
“I highly doubt you kiss your younger brother like that,” Jeongguk smirks, one hand brushing your hair off your shoulder to expose your collarbone. “Unless…”
“I don’t,” you hiss at him, half annoyed at him, and half at yourself for letting him wind you up like this again. “You’re like… an annoying little punk who thinks he’s a man.”
To avoid any further conversation with him, you get up and head for one of the photobooths hired for the occasion, fully intending on getting a photo to prove that you’d been here, say your congratulations to the happy couple, and get out of here as soon as possible.
Jung Hoseok has chosen an outdoor wedding, and the venue is nothing short of spectacular. It’s a starry night, Shakespearean theme, and the décor is absolutely gorgeous. Having attended ballroom weddings for the past few months, this is most certainly a breath of fresh air, but you’re a little worried about how you’re going to get out of here, seeing as it’s quite literally a field in the middle of nowhere.
You’d better leave after this photo and try and call an Uber outside.
However, much to your consternation, Jeon Jeongguk follows you into an empty photobooth, planting himself right next to you on the tiny little loveseat, with his solid thigh against yours. He draws the curtains shut, and since the photobooth is automatically set to go off on a timer, it means that the two of you are currently very much alone in a confined space.
Inwardly you curse Jung Hoseok for having even the photobooths built for two.
“What are you doing? Get your own photobooth!” You growl at him.
“Not until you tell me why you��re running away from me,” he persists, crowding you on the small seat so that you’re nearly on top of him.
From this close up, you feel your resolve weakening, he might be a jerk but he’s a damn good looking one.
“I can feel you want me.” Jeongguk says with his lips pressed against your ear. “Don’t fucking deny it.”
Oh fuck it. It might be the folly of those earlier shots at the bar that makes you grab his collar and pull him into you, your lips crashing together in a clash of tongue and teeth. Unlike last time, the kiss is anything but gentle, and your touches are anything but demure as the two of you grope each other like animals in the small confined space.
“I fucking hate your cocky little mouth,” you hiss at him, biting down hard on his lower lip and eliciting a delicious little whine from the back of his throat.
Jeongguk responds by grabbing your waist and pushing you onto the seat, just as he swivels to end up on his knees. He’s tall enough so that he’s able to kiss down your neck, sucking and leaving behind bruises on the way.
“mhm… show you what this cocky little mouth can do,” his muffled voice sounds more like a threat, growing bigger by the minute as he kisses his way down your throat, to your collarbone as he pulls down the sweetheart neckline of your dress to mark the top of your breasts with his lips and teeth.
There is a moment of hesitation as his fingers pause at the top of your glittery black dress, just shy of exposing your bra. You answer his unasked question for him by pushing it down yourself. Once your breasts are exposed to his reverent gaze, he doesn’t waste any time in cupping them with his large hands, rolling your nipples expertly with both hands, pinching it every so often to make you wince.
“I hate your stupid, gorgeous hands,” you gasp at a particularly hard pinch. “And I hate your fingers.”
It’s those very fingers that are currently travelling up your bare thighs, your dress having ridden up from sitting down. You can feel the cool metal of his rings on your heated skin. Jeongguk doesn’t respond to your declarations of hate for him, instead he’s far too interested in exploring what lies between your thighs, in finding out whether the noises you make are the same as what he’s been imagining all these nights with just his hand for company.
You hate how he leaves you feeling, desperate for his touch and just to feel him everywhere. Hate how exposed he makes you feel, dress and bra pushed down inside a photobooth in the middle of a wedding.
“Could someone with little brother energy make you feel like this?”
With a surge of strength you hadn’t expected, Jeon Jeongguk pulls you to the edge of your seat so that your thighs are draped on his shoulders, legs spread to his liking. He has a front row view of how your panties are already soaked. Pushing the saturated material to the side, his tongue explores your folds eagerly, lapping up every drop of you and teasing the hell out of your clit.
It’s all you can do to keep silent, other than cursing him and his stupid mouth over and over again as he eats you out. His fingers dig bruises into your inner thighs as his lips start to suckle at the most sensitive part of your body, tongue flicking in and out. This for sure isn’t his first rodeo, for he adds his fingers into the mix deftly. You can feel yourself completely drenching his face, and a part of you would be embarrassed had you not already thrown your pride away when you first let Jeon Jeongguk kiss you with that filthy mouth.
“Oh my god,” your arms flail out in search of something to anchor yourself with and find purchase on his hair. Taking pleasure in messing up his perfectly styled hair, you urge him not to stop, both with desperate tugs on his silky black locks, and egging him on with every insult you can think of. “Don’t fucking stop, I swear to God…”
“Like my cocky mouth that much?” Jeongguk grins as he takes a breather, resorting to his slim fingers as he glides them in and out of your drenched cunt. “How about my fingers? Or my cock?”
“Shut up and make me cum,” you dig your nails into his scalp, making him wince a little. “Your fingers are probably the only part of you that doesn’t disappoint.”
His eyes darken just a smidge before he re-doubles his efforts, flattening his tongue against your clit and licking until you are near tears. With a final thrust of his fingers inside you, he sends you over the edge, relishing how you tighten deliciously around him as your body tenses in orgasm.
Jeon Jeongguk lazily thrusts his fingers in and out to help you ride out your high, pulling out to lick your essence from his fingers when you push him away.
“Well, doesn’t seem like you hated that,” he grins in a self-satisfied way that immediately irks you once more.
You close your legs and pull your dress to cover yourself, ignoring the fact that your thighs are still shaking from that orgasm. “I guess you aren’t that bad at going down on someone, which is a blessing considering that disappointment you’re packing in your pants.”
The dark gaze that you caught a glimpse of earlier comes back into view again, and just as your standing up, straightening your dress and gathering your wits about you, Jeon Jeongguk slides his arm around your waist, pulling you against his body in with a sudden movement.
“Does this feel disappointing to you?”
You can feel him pressed up against you, the considerable bulge right against the swell of your backside has your words caught in your throat, and you can’t bring yourself to refute his claim.
Jeongguk gives a low chuckle that sends shivers down your spine. “Didn’t think so. But don’t worry. I won’t fuck you here. Only good girls deserve my cock.”
He finally pulls away, and the space in between the two of you allows you to breathe and get your senses back once more. Throwing a disinterested glance over your shoulder, you bend over to collect the pictures that have dropped into the little slot on the machine, well aware of his eyes jumping from the curve of your ass just exposed to your chest still marked with the imprint of his lips.
You toss him one strip of the pictures, along with a parting shot.
“Who said I wanted to be your good girl?”
If you thought that weddings were bad, that was because you hadn’t experienced baby showers yet.
It hadn’t even been more than a month since you attended Kim Taehyung’s wedding, but the baby shower cum announcement invitation shows up in your mail anyway. You highly suspect that this wasn’t the result of their wedding night, but you all knew that Taehyung was the most eager out of all of you to start a family.
Right, back to why baby showers are even worse than weddings.
There isn’t even a hint of a singles’ table here at baby showers. Everyone here is happily married at least, some of them are pregnant, but either way they are more taken than your sad, single self.
“_____! So glad you could come!” Taehyung approaches you with what looks like a diaper stuck onto the front of his suit. “Ah, sorry about this, I was playing pin the diaper on the diarrhea…”
It’s all you can do to stop yourself from grimacing as you intercept his full-on bear hug with a side embrace instead. You can see Namjoon and Seokjin off to one side, laughing and proudly showing off scan pictures of their surrogate baby. Jung Hoseok and his wife are grinning happily just behind them, tanned and blissful having just returned from their honeymoon trip, and judging from the way that his wife has one hand protectively on her lower belly…
“Did you manage to get a drink yet?” Taehyung grins, an arm around his suddenly very pregnant wife. You have no idea how she managed to appear svelte and slim at her wedding just a few months ago.
“Ah, no, I was wondering if there was anything… stronger,” you grin weakly, holding up a glass of orange juice.
“No there isn’t,” Taehyung says with an embarrassed frown, reaching to scratch his neck. “I thought since this would be mostly couples who were kind of starting a family themselves…”
You force a smile onto your face at the confirmation that there isn’t a single drop of alcohol at this god forsaken baby shower. Surely the rules don’t apply to Namjoon and Seokjin??
“It’s fine,” you wave away Taehyung’s embarrassment. “Congratulations, by the way! Do we know if it’s a girl or boy yet?”
“Not yet,” Taehyung’s wife giggles, exchanging a look with her husband. “We want it to be a secret.”
You smile awkwardly as husband and wife exchange a loving kiss, but glance at your watch to see how much time has passed. Off handedly your thoughts suddenly stray to one Jeon Jeongguk, and you wonder if he’s here.
You have to say that having him present at one of these events really makes them a lot more tolerable, and you are feeling the effects of his absence, especially so without alcohol. It’s not that you like him, god forbid, but it’s just… he’s become somewhat like your partner in crime at events like this. He may be annoying, but his stupid jokes and handsome face helps pass the time quicker.
You suddenly find yourself wishing Jeon Jeongguk were here.
“Miss me?”
And the devil speaks. You whirl around to find Jeon Jeongguk dressed down in a pair of ripped black jeans and a white shirt with a casual blazer thrown over, hair grown out a lot longer than the last time you saw him. It frames his face in slight waves, giving him a far more carefree look than the last time you saw him, sharply dressed in a suit with his hair pushed back off his face. He looks even more annoying with his long, unkempt hair like this, and you have a great urge to just tangle your fingers in it and pull till he cries.
“No,” you say just to spite him. By now, Taehyung and his wife have wandered off to another group, so you feel safe enough to say your next words. “This party was a bore. Just looking for a semblance of intelligent life.”
“And alas, I come when called,” Jeongguk smirks at his double entendre, placing a hand on the small of your back to lead you to a small corner of the garden party. His touch sends shivers down your spine, brings your mind back to the last thing you did with him.
“I’m afraid I’m still looking,” you retort without any real heat in your voice. Bickering with him has become normal now, it’s comfortable with him like this.
Jeongguk feigns being stabbed in the heart, then takes a swig of his drink. Judging from his reaction, that is most certainly not plain soda, and you grab his hand, bringing his glass to your lips for a taste.
Definitely not soda.
“Where’d you get this from?” You hiss, feeling like a druggie on withdrawal.
Jeongguk shrugs. “Brought my own. Y’know, since this is supposed to be a baby shower and all, I cam prepared. You’d obviously come expecting virgin drinks.” He takes out a cleverly concealed flask from his blazer.
You help yourself by uncapping it and tipping it into your half full drink, sighing when you take a sip and the alcohol burns on the way down. Jeongguk watches you with an amused smirk, thinking how there isn’t any other girl who gets him just like you do.
“What?” You catch him staring at you, finishing your drink with one more gulp.
“I was thinking…” Jeongguk starts with a slow drawl.
“Oh wow, that’s a first for you-“
“… why haven’t you jumped me yet? You and I both know I’m the most eligible man at the singles’ table. Being here only strengthens my argument, I’m the most eligible single man here.” Jeongguk is enjoying riling you up, likes watching you spit insults at him and exchange banter like there’s no tomorrow. Just for good measure, he throws in a last jab. “Judging by your age too, I don’t think you have much time if you want to pop out at least three of my children.”
For a moment your eyes narrow in your annoyance. “I have plenty of time left, thank you very much. I’m still on the right side of 25-“
“-not for much longer,” Jeongguk helpfully throws in, gleefully delighting in the way you glare daggers at him.
“- and who said I want three of your children?” You cross your arms, stopping just short of stamping your foot. “Maybe I’ll go and be Namjoon and Seokjin’s surrogate!”
“Be my guest, I’d very much like to see how you look when you’re swollen and pregnant,” Jeongguk lowers his voice as he crowds your body with his, and you realise how much taller and broader he is. “Preferably if the baby is mine too.”
“W-why’d I want a baby who’ll grow up to be as insufferable as you?” You know your comeback is weak, but you find your mental faculties really at a limit especially when he’s this close. “He’d have the mentality of a five-year-old for his entire life.”
Jeongguk gently takes your empty glass from your hand and sets it down on a nearby server’s tray. Taking your hand, he leads you into Taehyung’s house, where much of it is empty as compared to the garden party outside.
“He’ll at least be as handsome as me,” Jeongguk offers with a hopeful grin, closing the door behind him to ensure no one accidentally wanders in. “So, do I still have that annoying little brother energy after what happened last time?”
At this point you’ve gone too far with him to straight up deny it. “Fine,” you admit. “You might be half decent at oral. But my theory that you have small dick energy still stands. You’re just a little brat who thinks with his dick and is used to girls dropping their panties for him-“
“I seem to recall you spreading your legs for me just as easily,” he hums as he traces a finger down your covered thighs, slightly displeased at your choice to wear a longer dress today.
“You’re just asking for it, aren’t you,” Jeongguk tsks under his breath, his tattooed fingers coming to rest on the front buttons of your modest midi dress. “Pretending to be all demure and modest like a good girl when in actual fact you’re a slut who lets random men eat her out in photobooths.”
“You’re not just any random-“ the words slip from your mouth before you realise it, and Jeongguk looks up sharply at you.
“What was that, babygirl?”
You cover up your own slip by bursting into slightly exaggerated laughter at his pet name of choice. “Babygirl? Oh my god. You’re the kind of guy who likes to be called ‘daddy’ in bed, aren’t you?”
Feeling slightly attacked, Jeon Jeongguk’s sky high confidence dips a little, and you spot the tell-tale signs of his eyes widening in shock, giving you a glimpse of his younger, more vulnerable side.
“Wh-what’s wrong with ‘daddy’? It’s a classic.”
“Only for those who actually fit the bill,” you say, placing your hand on his cheek and trying your best to ignore the sharpness of his jawline. “For your information, I only use ‘daddy’ when it comes to real men. Not stupid young punks like you.”
His eyes flicker with anger, jaw clenching even tighter so that a muscle jumps in his cheek, and the sight of it sets off a thrill in your lower belly, your heart racing in your chest, and it makes you feel even bolder.
He attempts to take back control of the situation by grabbing your waist with both hands, pushing you up against the wall and supporting your entire weight as if it’s nothing. Jeon Jeongguk obviously likes to show off his strength, and while you are indeed impressed, it’s not like you’ll ever show it, not unless you want to stroke his already inflated ego.
You loop your arms around his neck to keep your balance, feeling his hands on your ass and thighs and his bulge right against your centre. Taking advantage of your proximity, you lean in to suck right under his ear, leaving behind a red mark.
“’Daddy’ is only for men with big dick energy,” you whisper, breath hot against his neck. You draw back to take in his reaction, and he does that thing with his tongue against his cheek that tells you he’s really pissed off.
“Shut up,” he growls, one hand on the front of your dress as he tears the buttons open, exposing your bra in one movement. “I’ll fucking show you what ‘Daddy’ is.”
Another rip and your bra falls open, exposing your breasts to him as he harshly bites and marks you, enough to replace the fading marks from last time. While doing this he also grinds into you, letting you feel how hard he is through his jeans.
“I’m gonna fuck you right up against this wall, with all our friends just outside,” Jeongguk breathes into your neck, taking one hand off your ass to push your dress up. “Gonna rip your panties off so you’ll have to go home with no underwear like the whore you are.”
“Do it, if it makes you feel more like a man,” you urge him on, and that bastard really does rip your underwear, tucking it into his pocket for later like the pervert he is.
He ignores your jibes at him to push your body weight against the wall with his own, one hand supporting you as he slides two fingers against your core to find out how wet you are. They come away soaking, and it boosts his confidence further as he licks his fingers.
“Could anyone but a man make you this wet? Even without touching you?” He smirks, using one of his thighs of steel to support you better as he starts to stroke your clit with his thumb, plunging his fingers into your tight cunt to stretch you out.
“Still so fucking tight for me, creaming all over my fingers like a dirty girl,” his words are getting filthier and filthier the more you egg him on, and you are indeed coming all over his fingers embarrassingly quick. You bite into his shoulder to conceal your moans, and he hisses a few curses under his breath.
“You’ll be calling me Daddy by the time I’m through with you,” Jeongguk casts you a dark look as he struggles with the zipper on his jeans with one hand.
You throw your head back with a laugh. “Go ahead, baby boy.”
The nickname only infuriates him more, and he spanks your clit once, making you dig your fingernails into his arms. Already overstimulated from the first orgasm, Jeongguk doesn’t let up as he continues to rub your clit until you weaken in his arms, only then does he feel like he’s got the upper hand once more.
You have to say that you’re impressed with his strength so far and you help him out by unbuckling his belt, tossing it to the side and lowering the zipper on his jeans. He pushes it, along with his underwear, down to his knees, and while he’s doing that you take the opportunity to push his shirt up, exposing his rock hard abs that make you want to grind against them.
“Like what you see?” Jeongguk is smirking, he knows all his hours at the gym pays off well.
“I’ve seen better,” you say with a sniff, but you’re lying and the both of you know that from the way you can’t keep your hands off his chest and abs.
Jeongguk pushes his underwear off, and his cock slaps against his belly, the head an angry red and fully erect. At the first sight of it, you’re tongue tied. While some men are blessed in girth and some in length but not both, he seems to have the best of both worlds, and his entire length spans almost three quarters of your forearm.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” He presses a suckling kiss against your collarbone, pushing his sticky cock against your inner thighs.
He’s left with a satisfied smirk when you really do have nothing to say, instead reaching down to stroke him. The feeling of your small hand on his cock makes him swear under his breath, sweat dripping off his forehead as he thrusts forward into your grasp involuntarily.
“Have protection?” You remember at the last minute, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from thrusting into you bare.
“I got a vasectomy,” Jeongguk answers, and you nearly choke on your saliva.
“Wha- whe- I-“
“I knew it! You want to have my babies,” Jeongguk snickers at your reaction, but not for long when you grip him tighter and he groans. “I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I’m as fertile as a bull in the china shop.”
“That’s not how the saying goes- you know what, just shut up and tell me if you have any condoms. You’re a lot more attractive when you aren’t talking.”
“In my blazer pocket,” he answers, and you reach for it, finding a foil packet and tearing it open, rolling it over his cock.
You note how the packet says extra-large, and in your mind, you can already imagine his cocky little self walking up to the pharmacy and fucking asking for the extra larges even though there is stock on the shelf.
Jeon Jeongguk is just that kind of cocky little bastard.
“Big dicks aren’t everything, Jeon,” you say at last, guiding him towards your centre. “Not if you cum after the first three strokes.”
“I’ll fucking show you what stamina is,” Jeongguk growls as he surges forward into that delicious, warm heat, your pussy tightening around him despite having been stretched out earlier. You cry out against his shoulder as he fucks into you, having mercy enough to give you shallow thrusts at first before building up to sheath his whole length into you.
“Haven’t cum yet? I’m surprised,” you mock him, tightening your core around him and feeling his steady rhythm falter.
“Fuck you,” he grits his teeth, using the power in his thighs to fuck up into you.
“That’s what I’m trying to do, but you’re gonna cum too soon aren’t you,” you coo at him, petting his cheek and babying him, all of which you know by now he absolutely hates. “Cute little Jungkookie’s all grown up.”
“Don’t fucking call me cute when I’m pounding my cock inside you,” Jeongguk leans forward to bite your lower lip in a harsh, punishing kiss, effectively shutting you up as he pistons his cock in and out at an unforgiveable pace.
Since you came once already, you thought your second orgasm would be way far off, but you’re proven wrong especially when Jeongguk buries his cock deep, limiting his thrusts so that he’s just grinding his cock against you, his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit just right. He then shifts so that his arms slide under both your thighs, opening you up even more for him as he fucks you against the wall with his incredible strength, and you feel yourself tightening around him again.
When he smirks against your neck you realized you must have called out his name when you came. But in this position you can’t do much other than wrap your arms around his neck as he gives you the pounding of your life.
“Ready to call me daddy yet?” Jeongguk pants against your neck, leaving his cock buried so deep that he can feel your cervix.
“No fucking way,” you refuse to relent.
“Then how ‘bout you make me a daddy instead?” He proposes, pulling out suddenly to the tip and slamming back in, making you whine his name again. “That’s right baby girl, I saw all your envious looks at all the couples out there.”
“Wha-? I…”
“Don’t fucking deny it. You’d look so much better swollen and pregnant than all of those women out there. You know you want to, especially when I started teasing you about getting too old. You want a baby, you want mybaby fucked into you.”
You don’t know what kind of roleplay this is, but all you know is that you get even wetter around his cock, and all you want is for him to fuck you against this wall until you forget your own name and you can’t walk tomorrow.
“Fuck… keep going. Tell- tell me more,” you pant against his neck for more as Jeongguk starts fucking his cock into your pussy once more, every thrust ending so deep that it taps your womb.
“Gonna fuck a baby into you at our friend’s baby shower,” Jeongguk grips your thighs hard. “You want that? Hm? Then next it will be our turn to have a baby shower. Though I think we’ll have it before our wedding, where everyone will see you round and swollen with my baby.”
“Wh-who fucking said I wanted to marry you-?” You can barely get your words out of your mouth as you dig your fingernails into his shoulders. There’s something about how primal his thrusts feel when he talks about fucking a baby into you, and you want more.
“I can give you a baby right now and then you’ll have one more reason to marry a cocky little bastard like me,” Jeongguk smirks against your neck as he lets one of your legs drop to rub your clit, and you squeeze around him again, crying out into his neck.
Your thighs are quivering, cunt clenching around his still pounding cock as Jeongguk grunts. You feel his cock twitching, and even though all of this is make believe- the condom wrapper on the floor reassuring you… you wouldn’t exactly hate it if it were all real. Being with Jeon Jeongguk… doesn’t sound that bad after all.
Feeling him close to his orgasm, you wrap your arms around him tighter, legs around his waist as you feel his desperation soar.
“Give it to me. Your baby, I want it,” you whisper against his cheek, not knowing how much of it is just for the heat of the moment, and how much of it isn’t. All you know is you love his reaction to your words, the way his thrusts stutter in rhythm and he lets out a deep groan.
He moans your name in the most beautiful way as he spills his load, continuing to thrust to ride out his orgasm, his hips pinning you against the wall as his hands encircle your waist.
The both of you remain like that for a moment, his harsh breaths against your neck as you find yourself stroking his back and leaning your cheek against his broad shoulders. Gingerly, Jeongguk puts you down so that your feet are once more touching firm ground, and he slips out of you in the process.
It’s slightly awkward now that everything is over, and Jeongguk turns away, pulling the used condom off his softening cock. While his back is turned, you start to straighten your clothing, realizing that the bastard has really ripped all your underwear and even your dress too.
Cursing him loudly enough so that he hears it too, you stuff your now useless bra into your bag, trying the best you can to button your light blue lace midi dress back together again and failing miserably. You cross your arms as you glare at his broad back, until Jeongguk feels the weight of your glare and turns around.
He disposes of the used condom in the trash, and has the gall to check you out, particularly lingering on your half exposed chest.
“Quite a number you did on my arms… this’ll last for a while definitely-“
“You fucking ripped my dress! How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?”
Jeongguk can’t keep that stupid smile off his face as he shrugs out of his blazer, coming towards you and draping it across your shoulders so that it covers you adequately. Despite being pissed off at him, you can’t help but notice how much bigger he is- his shoulders stretch as he assures his blazer is securely on you and the concentration furrows his brow as he buttons it up.
“There. Like that. I think you look much better, to be honest.” He takes a step back, smirking in satisfaction before he turns you around with one arm around your shoulders. “Look. I am a gentleman. I’ll even walk you out so that we can call a cab together.”
“Are you crazy?” You shrug his arm off violently. “We can’t go out like this together! Everyone will know we just fucked!”
“Well, we just did…” Jeongguk has a stupid grin on his face as he states the obvious, and it makes you want to smack him.
“You stay in here for five minutes then come out. Look like you just came in here to piss or something,” you shove his chest in an attempt to get him to stay, trying to ignore how firm his pecs feel under your touch, and how he barely even moves.
Jeongguk has an amused smile on his face as he watches you arrange your hair, check your makeup for any smudges before gingerly stepping outside, all while oblivious to that fact that you wearing his blazer is the biggest telltale of all.
Truly, he’s never met a girl like you.
Jeon Jeongguk’s goal is to get you to stay for the bouquet toss just this one time.
More specifically, he wants to find out why you always leave before it happens. Personally, it’s his favourite part, aside from the free flow booze and food and cake. He particularly likes seeing the women’s faces when they spot him, and then see how desperate they are to catch the bouquet later on especially when he’s in the crowd.
But today he’s more interested in seeing one particular person’s face when the bouquet goes sailing through the air.
Jeongguk rubs his hands together in glee with a devious smile on his face, peeking around the corner to find his best friend Eun Woo and his bride at the center stage, taking pictures with guests.
“Bro! So glad you came!” Eun Woo greets him with a wide grin that reaches his eyes, spreading his arms wide to embrace Jeongguk.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jeongguk grins back, slapping his friend on the back a few times before pulling away. “You remembered my request, right?”
Eun Woo clasps Jeongguk’s hand cordially. “Of course man. Just point her out to me and we’re good to go.”
Jeongguk steps back to let Eun Woo go back to his bride and entertaining his guests, all the while keeping a close eye on the door. You hadn’t showed up for the wedding ceremony nor the dinner that followed, and Jeongguk knows from sources that you’d been invited to this wedding too. He fidgets anxiously, wondering when, or if, you’ll show up.
After what seems like forever, you slip in quietly, alone as always, wearing that same light blue midi dress that he had the pleasure of ripping off your body.
You weave through the crowd in order to get to the front, wanting to get it over and done as quickly as possible. When you catch a glimpse of Cha Eun Woo dressed to the nines, smiling and laughing with his bride, you feel a small little pang in your chest, considering that you had a crush on him once.
In fact, that was the main reason why you decided to only show up at the end. When you received the invitation, it wasn’t like you were shocked or anything because you knew the two of them had been dating for a while, but the same old blues just crept up on you, and you don’t think you can bring yourself to sit through another wedding and watch another couple find their happy ending, when all you wanted was to find it yourself.
So here you are, forcing a smile on your face as Eun Woo springs to his feet once he sees you, engulfing you into a hug for old times’ sake.
“I almost thought you weren’t coming,” he says with a pout, and your heart almost melts.
Eun Woo just has this way of speaking that makes anyone feel incredibly important to him. It’s the way his voice softens to an intimate tone and his eyes focus on you entirely. He holds you at an arm’s length to really look at you.
“Long time no see,” you laugh, extricating yourself from his embrace, all too aware of his bride standing beside him looking a little out of place. “Congratulations, brat. I’m so happy for you.”
Eun Woo grins, a heart-achingly handsome smile directed just at you, and damn if it doesn’t make you feel special even when you’re here attending his fucking wedding. Your moment of regret is interrupted by a slight shove to your back that puts some distance between you and Eun Woo, and you turn your head in annoyance to see who it could possibly be.
Jeon Jeongguk sure knows how to ruin a moment, for he steps in between you and Eun Woo, bro hugging him generally making a lot of noise. Before you can quickly slip back into the crowd, however, Jeongguk grabs your arm, tucking it into the crook of his elbow.
“Did you meet ______ yet?” Jeongguk says, winding an arm around your shoulders tight to stop you from escaping. Slippery little minx you are.
Eun Woo hesitates for a second, and some kind of unspoken communication goes on between the two men, and you roll your eyes, wanting to just leave now that you’ve shown your face.
“______?” He says your name with such surprise in his voice, and his eyes widen, as if seeing you for the first time, taking in Jeongguk’s arm around you. Then he coughs awkwardly and tries to play it off smoothly. “Dude, we go way back since uni, my partner in crime when it comes to project work,” Eun Woo shoots you a fond little grin, and you feel your heart flip.
Jeongguk catches this little interaction and frowns.  “Wait, you guys… know each other that well?”
“Yeah. We even-“ you cut yourself off, realizing that this isn’t the best time to bring it up.
“Oh, you can say it, Eun Woo told me and it’s all cool,” his bride grins, casually looping an arm around her husband. “I know you guys used to date for a while.”
You can feel Jeongguk’s grip tightening slightly around your shoulders. “Um… wow. Okay. That was… uh, unexpected.”
You shoot him a sharp glance, wondering why he’s being so weird and saying such weird things and trying to figure out if he’s trying to be funny and embarrass the both of you. But Jeon Jeongguk seems genuinely flustered, the tips of his ears growing red.
“Anyway, uh, congrats you two,” you clear your throat and give them a slightly subdued smile. “Wishing you guys happiness always.”
Eun Woo reaches out to grasp your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Thanks, ______. I really appreciate it. You guys, stay till the end of the event, ‘kay? We have something really special planned.”
The two of them are soon dragged away by another group of friends, leaving you and Jeon Jeongguk alone in the crowd of strangers.
“Okay, what was that?” Jeongguk demands, folding his arms across his chest.
You’re still staring somewhat wistfully as Eun Woo and his wife as they wrap their arms around each other. “What? It’s nothing.”
“Nothing? You were practically making love eyes towards him!” Jeongguk points out indignantly.
You roll your eyes and start to head for the refreshment table, figuring you should at least get something to eat and drink while here. “It’s all in the past. We used to date for a while, that’s it. Maybe there’s still some lingering feelings for him. Maybe I’m feeling a little bitter while attending my crush’s wedding. What’s it to you?”
Picking up a flute of champagne, you down it in one gulp, feeling much better once the alcohol hits your system.
Feeling the urge to outdo his best friend, Jeongguk steals a chocolate covered strawberry off your plate and pops it into his mouth, making sure his lips wrap around the strawberry. He sucks it for a moment, making eye contact with you to capture your attention before he bites it off, closing his eyes as the sweetness bursts on his tongue. Jeongguk has to make you forget about your long lost crush.
“Stop it!” You hiss at him, at the way he licks his chocolate covered fingers obscenely.
“What?” Jeongguk shoots back, eyes wide and innocent. “I’m not doing anything!”
It’s ironic, the way practically everyone here is dressed for a black tie event, and here Jeon Jeongguk is, bow tie and suit, licking chocolate off his fingers like a five year old. But strangely, rather than irritate you, it’s kind of… endearing.
You like how he’s not afraid to make a fool out of himself even at events where everyone seems to be doing their best to pretend they’re sophisticated adults. He makes boring, stuffy old events like this more fun, and you realise… you want him in your life.
“You’re an idiot,” you say without any real heat in your voice, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“I see you’re wearing the same dress,” Jeongguk comments with a glance down your body, and you fold your arms protectively.
“Yes, because washing machines are a thing,” you roll your eyes at him. “Sorry I don’t earn enough to debut with a spanking new dress every time one of our friends decide to get hitched.”
“God, you’re so defensive,” Jeongguk attempts to pry one of your arms loose. “I was just thinking that perhaps I didn’t do a good enough job of tearing off your body. How’d you even get it to be in one piece again?” Jeongguk watches the way red blooms across your cheeks. “So, am I still little brother energy?”
Judging from the way the cocky little bastard grins, he already knows the answer, but he just wants to hear you say it.
“No… but you’re far from daddy,” you add the last bit just to stop his ego from inflating so much that he can’t walk out the door later. Doing him a favour, really. You take your plate of cakes and pastries and find a seat somewhere in the ballroom, in a nice and secluded corner where no one will notice you stuffing your face.
Jeon Jeongguk follows you, grabbing more glasses of champagne along the way and handing them to you once you’re seated. “You said you had feelings for Eun Woo.”
“Yeah. Key word, had,” you clarify. “Past tense.”
“And me?” Jeongguk holds his breath in anticipation. “Do you… have feelings for me?”
You let the plate rest in your lap for a moment, considering how to best word your emotions. As much as you want to deny it and say he’s just an annoying little punk… it’s gone too far for you to do that. “I guess… yeah. I do. Don’t get me wrong though, you’re still annoying as fuck and you irritate the hell out of me sometimes, but I guess somewhere along the way… I stopped minding it so much and even started to miss it when you weren’t there to annoy me. It’s not just because we fucked or anything like that, but… having you beside me at all those weddings made me see how happy everyone around me was, only because… you kind of made me happy to begin with. Attending all those weddings by myself and seeing everyone get their happily ever after… I was kind of lonely, but now I’m not anymore.”
Embarrassed at your sudden show of emotions, you glance away, nearly spilling your glass in the process, but Jeongguk saves you by taking it away from you. An insatiable grin is on his face. “So… you’re saying I make you happy by annoying you?”
“And your dick is pretty nice too,” you grumble under your breath, in an attempt to distract him from how raw your emotions are feeling.
“I know,” Jeongguk steals a monster bite of your cake without asking. In the midst of his chews he sneaks a kiss on your cheek so that he leaves some cream behind. “I like annoying you too. I want to keep annoying you for the rest of my life.”
Just when you’re about to smack him for being so cheesy and disgusting, a voice comes over the speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, our lovely bride and groom will now be preparing for the bouquet toss and the garter throw. If you would kindly gather, please.”
Jeongguk takes your plate and puts it aside before grabbing your hand securely in his, but there’s no need to, because you’re not going anywhere without him at your side. There was a time where you would have rather died than witness the bouquet toss, see the bundle of flowers being thrown into the air and hoping against hope that you’ll be lucky enough to catch it… but this time, with Jeon Jeongguk by your side, all you feel is warm and content, like you’ll be happy as long as he’s with you.
Jeongguk guides the both of you to a prime spot at the front, where you see Eun Woo’s bride seated in a chair, and Eun Woo on his knees before her. Realising you’re about to witness what’s called a garter toss, your eyes widen in shock when you see Eun Woo dive under his bride’s skirt. The crowd reacts with giggles and wolf whistles as Eun Woo seems to struggle a little, but a few minutes later he emerges, hair ruffled, but victorious with a lacy band between his teeth.
“We’re so gonna do that at our wedding,” Jeongguk murmurs under his breath with a squeeze of your hand.
“Getting a little ahead of yourself hmm? I never said I’d marry you,” you reply with a half-smile.
Eun Woo stands up, holding his wife’s garter high in one hand before he extends his other hand towards her, and together they turn their backs to face the crowd. You can see his wife’s beautiful bouquet of pastel peonies, tiger lilies and baby’s breath, held over her head.
The crowd is holding their breath with anticipation, and you can feel the people around you jostle slightly in their eagerness. You see Eun Woo lean down to whisper something to his wife, and she giggles, nodding in return before casting a glance backwards at the crowd behind her.
Eun Woo does the same, and his eyes lock onto yours before shifting slightly to beside you. Then he turns his back, and with a count of one, two and three, husband and wife toss their respective items high into the air.
For the first time, you see the bouquet sailing in the air towards you, and it’s as if everything is in slow motion. The crowd around you disappears, miraculously no one is pushing or shoving against you, and… could it be? The silk wrapped bouquet looks like it’s actually going to… this is impossible. The chances are so slim, there are so many people here…
And yet, your arms move of their own accord, the bouquet lands in your grasp, and you smell the sweetness of the flowers immediately as the sheer size of the entire silk wrapped bundle blocks your vision entirely.
Then, time unfreezes and sound filters back in. People around you are cheering and clapping, they’ve given you some space now. You start to shy at the attention, lowering the bouquet and half-panicking over what Jeon Jeongguk will think- will he take this as a sign that you’re a psycho who wants to marry him even though it’s this soon? What if he’s scared off by this?
But as you lower your bouquet, you realise that Jeon Jeongguk isn’t empty handed either, he’s holding a lacy garment in his hand, grinning from ear to ear with that annoying little smirk of his that tells you this went exactly as he planned.
Welcome to the lonely hearts club: table for two, please.
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 4 years
December (Part 1)
A/N: Here’s my fic for @wondershawns winter writing challenge! It’s kinda Christmasy but not like a ton so do what you will with that information. Anyways, happy reading! Please let me know your thoughts! There will be a part two (and maybe three 🤭)
Summery: Shawn’s in love with you, his best friend. When Connor starts giving you the same looks he does, Shawn worries that he might lose you to someone else. 
Word count: 3.9k+
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Prompts: The smell of freshly baked cookies and “You know you’re in love with her, right?”
Shawn lit another candle as he waited for everyone to show up at his condo. It set the perfect comfy mood for the small gathering he was hosting. There was a batch of cookies in the oven, the lights on the Christmas tree were on, and various holiday decor was strewn throughout the condo. It was the first day of December, his favorite day of the year: cookie night.
Every year, Shawn hosted a small party where everyone exchanged cookies and hung out until they ate so much they couldn’t move. It was one of his favorite Christmas traditions and he looked forward to the day all year long.
He was getting snacks out when there was a sharp knock at the door. He couldn’t even put down the bag of pretzels he was pouring into a bowl before the door was slammed shut and Brian appeared from around the corner.
“Good lord, how many candles do you own?” he asked, vaguely gesturing to the numerous candles scattered around the kitchen.
“Not enough to keep away that stench of whatever you brought in. What is that?” Shawn replied, scrunching up his face.
“Deviled eggs.”
“You said to bring food to share. This is my food in a shareable size.” Brian insisted, sliding the plate of cookies Shawn made out of the way so the platter could be in the center of the counter.
“First of all, get that disgusting thing away from my cookies.” Shawn took the platter over to a far away corner of the kitchen. “And second of all, you’re the only one who likes that crap so there was no reason to bring so many.”
“You said shareable-” He was cut off by the ring of the doorbell, making Shawn laugh.
“Would you look at that. Someone has manners and rang the doorbell,” Shawn commented as he made his way to the door. “Y/N, great to see you! Thank you for using the doorbell like a decent person.”
“Hello!” you said from behind the tupperware containers piled in front of your face. “I brought cookies!”
Shawn chuckled as he took the top three containers from you, revealing a bright smile and the top of a Christmas themed sweater. You looked over his shoulder and saw Brian eating something while staring at you with a blank look on his face.
“Brian, what is that?” You stepped inside and Shawn closed the door behind you.
“Deviled eggs,” he said through a mouthful.
“Gross.” You made a face similar to the one Shawn made just minutes before.
“You’re gross.”  
“I don’t know what’s wrong with him either,” Shawn said, nudging Brian out of the way with his shoulder and leading you to the kitchen.
“Holy shit, how many cookies did you make?” you asked, wide eyed as you took in sight of the insane amount of cookies covering the counter.
“Less than I was originally planning, actually,” he laughed. “Quality over quantity, right?” He turned around right as the cookie timer went off, grabbing some potholders and taking the tray out of the oven.
“I mean, I’m not complaining.” You put your tupperware down and reached for a snickerdoodle, knowing that if you were going to eat your weight in cookies, you might as well start early.
“Hands off. We have to wait until everyone’e here.”
“How did you even know I was grabbing one?”
“We’ve been friends for seven years. I’d be more surprised if I didn’t know you were grabbing one.” He turned off the oven and turned around to see that you had already eaten half a snickerdoodle.
“Brian’s eating eggs.” You pointed to Brian, who’d taken a seat at the table and was distracted by something on his phone.
“Nobody else is going to eat that shit though. The cookies are to share.” He gave you a knowing look that did absolutely nothing to make you feel bad about what you were doing.
“I guess I’ll just put it back on top of the pile then,” you teased as you slowly moved your arm to put the half-eaten delicacy back on the plate.
“Disgusting! Finish the damn cookie, would you?” Shawn rolled his eyes playfully and moved the plate away from you, knowing that you’d want to sneak more when he wasn’t looking.
The doorbell rang as you made a face at Shawn, who was busy trying not to laugh as he moved the cookies from the oven to a cooling rack.
“I’ll get it.” You shoved the last bite of cookie in your mouth and dusted your hands off on your jeans.
“Y/N!” Connor said once you opened the door, hands holding a small box of cookies he’d obviously bought at the store. He brought you in for a quick hug and shuffled into the condo. “Good to see you!”
“Good to see you, too! Long time, no see.” You followed him to the kitchen and stood back and he greeted Brian and Shawn.
“Store bought cookies?” Shawn looked at Connor with disbelief. “I said BYOBG. Bring your own baked goods.”
“At least he bought the good ones,” Brian said as he placed his plate in the sink.
“See, I put in some effort,” Connor said. “Ooh, deviled eggs!”
“Hey, those are mine!” Brian swatted his hand away from the plate.
“I thought they were to share,” Shawn said matter of factly.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think any of you actually liked them.”
“Sharing is caring,” was all Connor said before he popped one into his mouth. All Brian could do was grumble something about how much he hated it here.
Two hours went by before Shawn realized that he forgot to get goldfish: an essential snack of every gathering at his place.
“Shawn, how could you forget the fucking goldfish? It’s the second most important part of the cookie extravaganza!” You exclaimed, dramatically throwing an arm over your forehead as you huffed in frustration. “I just might pass away from this travesty.”
“Yeah, Shawn. How could you?” Connor asked jokingly from his spot next to you on the couch. He placed his arm around you and rubbed your shoulder comfortingly. Shawn’s eyes squinted the slightest bit at the sight of it, a sudden urge of protectiveness coming over him. Since when did Connor get to do that to you?
“I am simply devastated.” You leaned into Connor’s shoulder, pretending to cry.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll get you some goldfish.” Connor stood up and grabbed his keys off the coffee table.
“My hero!” You jumped up from the couch, a cheesy smile on your face.
“You sure you want to drive all the way to the store for goldfish?” Shawn asked, trying his best to mask the sudden jealousy he was feeling.
“I mean, the store’s five minutes away. It’s no big deal.” Connor shrugged, grabbing his coat and tossing yours to you. “We’ll be back in no time.”
You waved goodbye at Shawn and Brian as you walked out through the door Connor opened for you. You sent a wink to Shawn before closing it, making his cheeks go pinker than their usual tint.
“Smooth,” Brian commented once he heard the start of the car engine outside.
“Shut up.” Shawn chose to bury his face in his phone rather than walk into the conversation he knew was coming. It was the same one they had every time you made Shawn weak in the knees.
“You know you’re in love with her, right?”
Shawn kept his eyes on the game he was playing, knowing that this was going to end the same way it always did: Brian telling Shawn about every little thing that makes it obvious that he likes you and Shawn telling Brian about every little thing that made him think the exact opposite.
“She literally winked at you and you looked like you were about to pass out. Not to mention, you looked hella jealous once Connor got within a foot of her.”
“She called him her fucking hero for getting gooldfish. Since when are they even that close of friends?” Shawn grumbled.
“You could’ve offered to go get some.”
“I didn’t get the chance to before he did.”  
“Well stop gumbling. Connor’s not gonna steal your not-so girlfriend so get over yourself and let the two responsible adults get their goldfish.”
Shawn mimicked the last part under his breath and Brian took it as a sign to stop talking and let Shawn sulk. He would realize sooner or later that you were just as in love with him as he was with you.
Twenty minutes passed and Shawn started to feel a tinge of worriedness seep into the back of his mind. The store was literally three and a half minutes away so was it really taking you 14 minutes to find goldfish?
Brian seemed completely unbothered by the amount of time the other half of the party had been out. Whatever video he was watching was apparently much more interesting than the whereabouts of Connor and Shawn’s not-so girlfriend.
23 minutes. Still nothing.
Shawn put his phone on the coffee table and ran a hand through his hair. “What’s taking them so long?” he asked, hoping that the concern in his head wasn’t as clear in his voice.
“They probably had to get gas or something.”  
“That doesn’t take that long though. They’ve been gone for almost half an hour.” His foot started to bounce.
“They’re 20 years old. I’m sure they can handle themselves.”
“I’m gonna call Y/N.” His phone was pressed up to his ear in less than twenty seconds, anxiously waiting for you to pick up and laugh at him for being so worried. That’s all he needed: to hear your laugh.
“Yo,” you said as you picked up the phone, already knowing the exact reason as to why Shawn was calling.
“You guys are taking a while. You alright?” You could picture him pacing around the living room as Brian sat there and did nothing. Brian tended to be more rational in these kinds of situations (not that you minded Shawn calling, though).
“We’re fine,” you reassured him. “The store was out of goldfish so we had to go somewhere else. Guess they took a play outta your book.”
Shawn sighed in relief. “You almost back?”
“Turning onto your street right now. See you in a minute, Mr. Protective.”
“Alrighty.” He hung up to tease you, knowing how much you hated ending phone calls without saying goodbye. His phone rang almost immediately and he smiled to himself.
“You bitch. You didn’t say bye.”
“Bye.” He hung up again, laughing as he heard a car door slam shut.
The door to his condo opened to reveal you holding a giant tub of goldfish and a very pissed off look covering your features.
“You are the actual worst person ever.” You glared at him and sat down next to Brian, opening the tub and eating a handful before offering some to Brian, who stuck his hand in without a word. Your friendship with Brian was a strange one, but Shawn had to admit that your wordless communication when food was involved was impressive.
Connor appeared in the doorway, chuckling when he saw you staring straight ahead, like you were in a trance, as you ate the fish one by one. “Let’s get this party started for real this time!”
Shawn didn’t miss the look of adoration in Connor’s eyes as he looked at you.
The rest of the night felt off to Shawn. Maybe it was the twelve cookies he ate earlier or maybe it was the fact that he could not tear his eyes off of how close you were to Connor.
Usually, you and Shawn were attached at the hip. That’s just how your relationship was: heads on shoulders and hands on the smalls of backs; platonic. Seven years of friendship meant that you were quite comfortable around each other. Too comfortable, almost. The line between platonic and romantic was blurred for the two of you, and it only seemed to get blurrier as you spent more time together.
But tonight was different. Tonight, you were all over Connor and Connor was all over you. Not like how you and Shawn usually were, but more than what basic friends would be like. You were never like that with Brian. Why were you like it with Connor?
He kept his thoughts to himself until he was grabbing a glass of water when Brian came out of the bathroom.
“You alright?” Brian asked. “You look a little mad.”
“Yeah, I’m . . . I’m fine.” He stared straight ahead, watching as water filled the glass.
“You sure? You’ve been cold to Y/N all night. That’s pretty unusual.”
“What are you talking about? I’m not acting cold. I’m being room temperature”
“Okay.” Brian gave him a look as he walked away that made Shawn think that maybe he hadn’t been hiding his jealousy as well as he originally thought.
I’m not acting strange, he thought to himself as he took a sip from his glass. I’m not even jealous. It’s her life. What do I care who she hangs out with?
His thoughts were disproven as soon as he walked into the living room and almost spit out the water in his mouth. Jealousy and hurt surged through his body as he saw you lying asleep on Connor’s lap. Since when were you that close with Connor? And since when did Connor look at you like that? Why was he giving you the same longing look that Shawn gave you every time you turned around?
“You guys look tired,” he said, nodding to the clock that read 12:23 p.m. “We should probably call it a night.”
Brian and Connor hummed in agreement and Shawn tried his best not to stare as Connor softly shook you awake. He turned to go back to the kitchen and grab the tupperware full of leftover cookies you divided up earlier to take home.
You sleepily stumbled over to Shawn as Brian and Connor got their coats, leaning against his side for a second before taking the container from his hands.
“Thanks for the party. It was a lot of fun, even if you forgot the goldfish.”
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that,” he chuckled, wrapping an around you and squeezing you into him. “But I’m glad you had fun. I did too.”
“We need to hang out soon. I feel like it’s been a while since it was just us, you know?”
He nodded in agreement, already thinking of the next free day he had to do so. “You need a ride home? I don’t want you walking back by yourself this late.”
“Oh, Connor’s gonna take me so you don’t have to go out of your way. Thank you though.”
“Oh, okay.” Hard as he tried, he couldn’t hide the disappointment. Taking you back home was something he cherished, even if it was slightly inconvenient. “Text me when you get home, alright?”
“You know I will.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek. “See you later, alligator.”
“In a while, crocodile.” He forced a laugh. Just like that, what had been an okay night turned into one that would plague his mind for weeks.
It was three weeks before the two of you hung out after the party.
Three weeks of Shawn trying to distance himself in order to figure out his feelings: ignoring texts, staying off of social media, letting your calls go to voicemail. Three weeks for him to come to the conclusion that you didn’t have feelings for him in return. Three weeks for him to believe that you had feelings for Connor.
Three weeks of you trying to close the distance he was creating. Three weeks for you to worry that Shawn didn’t have feelings for you. Three weeks for you to decide that if he didn’t want to be around you anymore, he was going to have to say it to your face.
Truth was, you thought you had made it very clear that you wanted more than the friendship you had. For years, you watched as Shawn brushed off every flirtatious comment and relative approach to something more than platonic. You were even sure that he wanted more too; That he didn’t want to sit on the line between platonic and romantic any longer. But now, you weren’t so sure.
So you showed up unannounced at his door, praying that once he opened it, he wouldn’t slam it right back in your face.
Shawn was definitely surprised when he opened the white piece of wood and saw you standing there, a bag of goldfish in your hands and an apprehensive look covering your face, but he didn’t slam it back in your face.
“Hey,” you said nervously, glancing up at the beautiful brown eyes you knew so well. “You wanna, uh, hang out?”
“Yeah. I . . . uh . . . sure.” He stepped out of the way to let you in, closing the door softly behind you and following you to the couch.
“Your house still smells like cookies right out of the oven,” you laughed.
“I’m making some right now, actually. I ate all the leftovers from the party.”
“Me too. They were gone in like three days.”
“Wanna help make the next batch?”
And just like that, the awkwardness that filled the space of the last three weeks evaporated into thin air.
The hours flew by and before you knew it, it was seven o’clock and you needed to be getting home. As much as you wanted to keep talking, your assignments weren’t going to complete themselves.
“Alright,” you put your mug of hot chocolate down and took the Christmas llama blanket you gave him for Christmas last year off your lap. “I should probably head on home.”
“Let me grab my keys.” He knew you’d deny his request to drive you home, but it was cold outside and there was no way he was letting you walk home alone at night either.
“I am perfectly capable of walking home.”
“And it’s December in Canada. No fucking way am I letting you walk home.”
“Oh come on, it’s not even that cold.”
“We can look at Christmas lights!”
“We can do that in the car.”
“It’s more of an experience when you’re walking.”
He sighed and begrudgingly grabbed his thickest coat from the closet, causing you to jump up with glee.
“You owe me.” He grabbed a hoodie off the chair next to the door and passed it to you, giving you a look that said you needed to put it on.
“You’re the bestest friend ever!”
His smile faltered at ‘friend’.
“You could say that.”
After forcing a few more layers on you and making sure he had his phone and keys, you were out the door and starting the five minute walk to your apartment.
Maybe the cold was numbing his common sense or maybe it was the number of cookies he ate earlier, but it felt like the right time to tell you how he felt. It felt like the right time but there was one thing plaguing his mind that told him to stop:
“So . . .” You tore your eyes from the house to your left at the sound of his voice, eyes just as bright as the lights displayed in front of it. “I see that you’ve been hanging out with Connor a lot more.”
“Yeah. We haven’t really hung out that much before but after cookie night he asked if I wanted to go around the city with him while he took some photos and I was like ‘why not?’ and we became pretty good friends.”
“You’re not into him?”
“Pfft, no,” you laughed, thinking he just made a joke. “No, I’m not into Connor. We’re just friends.”
“You sure?” he pushed, images from the party flashing through his mind. His tone wasn’t joking but that’s all you seemed to hear. “You can tell me, you know.”
“There’s nothing going on between Connor and I. I promise.” You nudged his shoulder with a grin and kicked at the snow on the sidewalk. As infectious as your smile was, Shawn couldn’t bring himself to turn the corners of his lips upwards even the slightest bit.
“Sure as hell looks like it,” he muttered under his breath. He kept his eyes on the ground but he could feel your head snap up at the comment.
“Shawn,” You stopped walking, grabbing his arm and forcing him to look at you. “I am not into Connor, okay? Never have been, never will be.”
“Really?” Shawn gently pulled his arm from your grasp. “Because he’s obviously in love with you.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Connor is not in love with me! And even if he was, how would you know?”
“I’ve seen the looks he gives you, Y/N. I’m not blind.”
“What look, Shawn? What look does Connor give me that just absolutely gives it away that he’s in love with me, huh? What obvious looks have I failed to notice for all this time?”
“I know because they’re the exact same looks I give you!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in frustration. “And the looks you give him and not the same ones you give me.”
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape your eyes. No, they weren’t the same looks. You looked at Connor like your friend. You looked at Shawn like the love of your life.
“I can’t do this,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I . . . I  can’t do this.” You unzipped the coat he made you put on before you left and tossed it at his feet before removing his hoodie, leaving you in just your sweater and light jacket.
You met his eyes one last time, the pain in his mirroring the devastation in yours. With that, you spun on the heel of your boot and started walking home, leaving Shawn standing there, stunned in the snow.
You didn’t get far before Shawn snapped out of his trance, realizing that you were out in the Canada cold without nearly enough protection against it.
“Y/N, wait! You’re going to get sick, or freeze, or worse!” he called out, hoping you would at least come back for the coat and he could look at you one last time. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m an idiot and I didn’t mean it!”
You didn’t turn around so he decided to go to you, picking the now snow covered hoodie off the ground and jogging towards you.
Your patience wore thinner with every step of his you hear getting closer to you.
“Stop following me!” You turned around and all Shawn saw was the absolute heartbreak held by your eyes. “How dare you accuse me of this shit when I’m obviously in love with you!”
Shawn stumbled and stopped, mere steps away from taking your arm leading you back inside where it was warm and you were safe.  
“Merry fucking Christmas, Shawn,” you spat, giving him the dirtiest look you could muster and bolting away.
He knew that he messed up. He knew you were beyond angry and hurt. That you wouldn’t text when you got home. That there was no saving this.
December is a month for hope and love, but hope as he might, Shawn knew that you had no love left for him.
December was almost over, but his mind would be stuck in it forever.
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@fallinallincurls @lonelyreputation @yourstrulyamour​ @aelingalthynius @voguesir @shawnsreputation @drayshadow @otaculo @mendesficsxbombay @particularnarry @shawnaus @friendlyneighborhood-mendes  
Additional tags: @wondershawns
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misterewrites · 3 years
Secret Agent Bard (Welcome to the Underground!)
Hello everyone! E here with a new chapter of the underground! Woo! I hope you are all doing good and staying safe.
So I actually have more to say today! That's a trip. I’ll have an author’s note under the line. 
So that's it for now. Stay safe, take care of you and your loved ones, stay out of trouble, wash your hands, wear your mask, get vaccinated if you can and push to release the vaccine world wide cuz we're all in this together. Have a great week and thanks for reading. I appreciate it and feel free to tell your friends, reblog, drop likes and feedback i love it all. Bye for now and enjoy!
If you want an easier place to read the story cuz tumblr sucks sometimes here’s a link to the chapter https://archiveofourown.org/works/27814297/chapters/79541746
The First Chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27814297/chapters/68094967
and since you made it this far here’s a link to all my stories!
Author’s note:  Today’s work will be a little different as there will be singing. The chapter with the bard is gonna have singing? Go figure haha So if you see a sentence in Italics, that means someone is singing. Bold and italics represents various people singing as a group. The song in question is called twiddles. There's different versions of it but the one I chose is from the misbehavin maidens. Great group but all their work ranges from innuendos to straight up not safe for work so listen at your peril. I have now completed my responsible adult duties haha. here’s a link to the chosen song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS1-_fKF5ug
Summary: Oliver has quite the task ahead of him as the group splits to achieve their goals. Leading Sel and Flora, the young bard will have to think quick on his feet to ensure this mission is a success. Luckily he's an old hand at this. Ironically the one person who could distract him may make a surprise appearance tonight.
Oliver stood quietly, arms crossed and his mind thoughtful as the group prepared to go their separate ways. While ideally nothing would go wrong, that was a childish belief: Every person and robotic being here knew safety was not guaranteed in their line of work.
Even the old man knew the risks.
Oliver hated doing nothing. He thrived when he was busy, focused on whatever task required his attention whether it be being a better bard or upholding the Choir’s values. Too many ghosts and regrets lingered on the edges of his mind and he found the best solution was to simply keep occupied.
But that was his coping mechanism, not everyone else. He knew better than to rush his team: The party would last at least another few hours and beside the goal of getting Sel to the third floor, there was nothing else to do. No information to gather, nothing to review. Let them have their moment, it was good for morale.
Terri and Flora were sickeningly adorable: Hands clasped tightly with Terri tearfully asking her girlfriend to not poison everyone. Flora gave a halfhearted promise while as they shared a tender kiss. Terri noticed her less than enthused tone but refused to press the matter further.
Tyrell stood awkwardly to the side, his face twisted in a strange mixture of sick and excited. He fidgeted with something in his pocket, seeking comfort from whatever lay within. Given the shape of the bulge and size, Oliver guessed it was a knife.
Sel stood nearby, motionless in the shadows of the alley. They hadn’t moved in some time though he suspected the automaton was simply waiting for the next phase of the plan.
“Alright” Oliver spoke up, his voice firm yet gentle “Times up. You have your assignments?”
Uneven murmuring responded.
“Let’s go.”
Oliver, Sel and Flora went down one end of the alley, Terri and Tyrell disappearing in the opposite direction.
It didn’t take long for the trio to find the main streets of the Merchant Ward and make their way towards the Brambleoak banking office. The crowds weren’t as thick as they had been during the day but Oliver knew everyone out and about did so with a purpose.
“Bard.” Flora asked without warning, breaking the awkward silence “Question.”
“Answer.” Oliver cheekily replied.
Flora glared.
Oliver coughed “Yes?”
“You are a First Chair Soprano correct?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Yet you are so young. How did you manage that? I thought First Chair ranks were only reserved for experienced or particularly skilled members. You don’t seem to be very magically powerful.”
Oliver paused for a moment, trying to best answer the question.
In a way Flora was correct in her assessment: He wasn’t particularly powerful as a spellcasting bard. Unlike Flora who clearly committed herself fully to nature and thus druidic magic, Oliver had only recently thrown himself into the magical arts.
Unless you were a wizard who studied the secrets of the universe with a very intimate and well versed knowledge of magic, most spellcasters drew their power from sources of existence: Clerics from their gods, Druids from nature, Warlocks from something beyond mortal existence yet not quite a deity, sorcerers because a family member fucked around with pure incomprehensible concepts. Magic was the fabric of the universe and the more you threw yourself into a source of power, the more the source threw itself into you, guiding your hand and your spells.
Of course each, wizards exempt, were limited in their spellcasting options. Clerics were powerful holy/unholy practitioners but couldn’t command plant life to save their lives. Druids were in tune with nature and the weather and all the lovely flora and fauna but ask them to superimpose an image onto something and they’d give you a dumbfounded look. Warlocks kinda just do whatever their sugar patrons felt like lending.
Magic bards drew their power from the arts: Drawing, singing, poetry, even witty and funny satire. Bards were in tune with life, with existence. Art could heal, could hurt, could make you feel happy and sad. It could make you feel like a whole new person or perhaps take you to a time and place you’d forgotten. Bards sung the song of life and Oliver was no exception.
However, Oliver still wasn’t sure what he could do exactly. His magical muscle was average on a good day and he could only cast a few spells before needing a good night’s rest. The basic healing spells and comprehension language he cast earlier today had taken a good chunk of his energy but he relied more on his wit than raw magical strength. He discovered creative and useful ways to cast his spells like amplifying dissonance noises to distract and disorient foes or temporarily place another person’s image over himself. Magic was as much about creativity as it was skill, pushing the limits of what you can do with your particular brand of spells.
“I’m clever.” Oliver answered honestly “The whole magic of the arts is new to me but I’ve been in the Choir for a long time now. I used to be Tenor like Sel here but more fast talking than breaking and entering. I guess they carried over my old position into my new one.”
Flora nodded, satisfied “That answers much. How long have you been a bard?”
“Few years now.” Oliver checked the street sign to ensure they were on the right path “The magic part is going on 3 years.”
“I see.” Flora scratched her chin “I’ve been a druid my whole life so it is a strange concept to be so new to the spellcasting arts yet hold such a high rank.”
Oliver gave a casual shrug “Not sure what you want me to say. We’re here by the way.”
The bank looked as unkempt as Oliver had remembered: Faded, peeling green paint with gaudy gray stone pillars. Two guards in green uniforms stood in front of the massive reddish brown doors that led into the bank.
“Lea’s mercenaries.” Sel pointed out “They are not letting anyone in.”
“Correction.” Oliver brushed off nonexistent dirt from his washed-out outfit “They’re not letting nobodies in. Luckily tonight we’re somebodies. Follow my lead.”
Oliver let out a tense breathe before strolling forward, his mannerism cocky yet unsteady. He reached the top of the steps when two sharp looking blades reached out to stop him.
“Halt” The elvish woman spoke with a hint of irritation “You lost?”
“Not at all!” Oliver beamed with a smile that was too wide to be natural “I’m here for the party. There is a party inside no?”
“No” The human man spat out.
Oliver gave a forgetful grin “Oh? I could’ve sworn Brambleoak was having some sort of charity event tonight. I’d show you my invite but I think I misplaced it.”
The elvish woman sneered “Right. How convenient for you having lost your special one of a kind invite.”
“Pfft.” Oliver scoffed “Special one of a kind invite? Reiner hands them out like candy. Probably find one in a gutter nearby.”
The guards shared an unspoken understanding with one another.
“Well.” The human began “Let’s pretend that is true.”
“It is but go on.”
The human’s eyes narrowed “Why should we let you in? You dress rather poorly for someone claiming to be in Reiner’s usual circles.”
Oliver let out an exaggerated gasp as he puffed out his chest “Do you know who I am?”
“Umm no.”
Oliver growled unhappily, his fist clenched tightly within his pocket “I am rich! I AM POWERFUL! AND I DEMAND ACCESS!”
As quick as lightning, Oliver flung a handful of gold coins towards the pair. The two reeled back in surprised as the money clanked onto the smooth marble floor. A moment hardly passed before the guards were shoving the loose coins into their tunic pockets like hungry dogs. They straightened up, eyes alive with greed.
“Of course sir” The elvish woman bowed her head in apologize “Deeply sorry for that.”
“Please go ahead.”
Oliver gave a self satisfied nod before moving past the pair only to stop as he heard the sounds of swords scraping each other. He turned backwards to see the guards barring access to Flora and Sel.
Flora looked back and forth between the guards, her eyes calculating and cold. Sel stood still but clearly at the ready for any sort of trouble.
“They’re with me.”
The Elvish woman shook her head “We said we’d let you in. These two? Definitely not Reiner’s usual prey.”
“They aren’t” Oliver admitted “But I need them.”
The human turned to him, suspicion in his eyes “Why?”
“She…” Oliver pointed lazily towards Flora “Is my street doctor.”
“Street doctor? As in….?”
Oliver gave a cheery wink “The fun kind.” And for give measure, he added a weak shiver to his act “Ugggggh I feel cold, are you cold? It’s cold.”
Before anyone could say anything, Oliver began shaking. He rubbed his hands for ‘warmth’ while swaying back and forth.
“Uh oh.” Flora spoke dully, pushing past the guards and holding Oliver steady “He’s crashing. I need to give him his umm medicine.”
“Medicine?” Oliver repeated, his voice soft yet manic “Yes medicine. I need it. I NEED IT!”
Folks began to turn their way, the guards shifting uncomfortably under the sudden attention they were receiving.
“And this one?” The Elvish woman gestured to Sel.
Oliver began to rock back and forth, his voice a harsh whisper. “Guard. Guard. Guard guard guard guard.”
The human threw up his hands in defeat “Bah! Get him in there and fixed! Any trouble and I’ll personally come over to beat your asses.”
“Thank you sir.” Flora murmured through gritted teeth. She guided Oliver and Sel through the doors and into the party within.
Flora sighed as Sel cracked the tension out of their fingers. Oliver straightened up, wiping the sweat from his brow.
True to his expectations, the bank had been altered to be suitable for a charity event: Torches lined the walls, casting the building into a bright light. The desks normally found on the floor were gone as to allow a more spacious setting. Oliver counted a handful of guards scattered about, wandering about for any sign of trouble. All except for the lone guard beyond the empty elevated platform who stood in front of the stairway to the upper floors.
“What now?” Flora asked
“Split up. Sel stay close to the door, Flora and I will figure out a distraction.”
“Sounds good.”
And without another word, Oliver was swallowed whole into the crowd.
It had taken an hour for Oliver to figure out what kind of distraction he would need.
The patrols themselves hadn’t been very difficult to plan for: They would move randomly about, keeping an eye on the party and each other. He counted about 6 of them total and each one of them was easily starstruck. At the sign of any disagreement, they would swarm in groups of three and quickly threaten any troublemakers into compliance. However, upon meeting anyone with even the smallest bit of fame, they would subtly motion to each other and make their way as one to the person in question, hoping for a glance or the chance for an autograph.
So the floor guards were no problem but the one standing watch over the door was much more difficult. Evidently Lea was smart enough to give the most important job to the most responsible of his idiots. The stairway guard or Stairy as Oliver labeled him, would not budge at the sign of any trouble. Loud arguments, agitated party goers, a waiter being tripped (sorry it was for science buddy). None of these would pull him from his post. Celebrities wouldn’t either. Any time his buddies motioned to a famous person, he would shrug his shoulders and stay put.
Oliver was beginning to wonder if Flora needed to poison Stairy until he noticed something about half way into his observations: Stairy was a music lover. Specifically a cute girl music lover.
His gaze would wander every time he caught sight of a pretty girl who happened to be too close to him. Oliver wasn’t sure at first so he decided to test his theory. With his pocket change lessened, Oliver noticed how often a girl would catch Stairy’s eye. His attention didn’t shift when they fell in front of him, obviously in distress, or walked slower allowing him to enjoy the view longer but Oliver caught him smiling and tapping his foot when the odd girl would sing. He even staggered away from his door a few steps at a time before catching himself and returning to his post.
So the best distraction would be a girl who could sing and have some level of fame attached to her name.
Oddly specific and Oliver hadn’t the slightest idea how he was going to mange that. He was attempting to solve this puzzle when something caught his ear.
“Get off me you mulched dirt licker!”
That rather unique set of cursing could only mean one thing: Flora.
Oliver turned to where he last spotted her and found the young druid being hassled by a tall man in an elegant uniform.
Oliver noticed the guards were looking about, not yet spotting the commutation but aware something was going on. He needed to act first if he wanted to stop Flora deciding to kill everyone in the room.
The bard quickly slipped into the crowd, darting and weaving between any and everyone he could. He saw Flora slip a small vial into her hand as the man towered over her.
“I jus wanna dance.” the man’s words slurred out of his mouth “A pretty thing like yo shou wanna dance”
Flora’s eyes narrowed angrily “For the last time you dried poop stain, LEAVE ME ALONE!”
Flora pulled back her hand, prepared to throw the mysterious vial at the drunk’s face.
“Whoa!” Oliver cried out, tightly grasping onto Flora’s wrist “What seems to be the problem?”
“Nothing I can’t solve on my own.” Flora coldly glanced towards the drunken man.
“One sec.”
Oliver eyed the man carefully, absorbing every little detail he could.
He could see the muscles strain against the fabric of his light green tunic so this man worked in something physically laborious. The sheathed sword on his belt weight seemed to throw him off balance with every step. His gaze was unsteady and Oliver could see his pupils dilating wildly.
So this man was physically fit, armed with a sword in a charity event for the rich people and wearing light green tunic while currently drunk.
“You should leave her alone” Oliver said, sarcasm dipping from each word “You are so not her type.”
“So?” The man hiccupped “What’s the big deal?”
“So she’s got a girlfriend you idiot.” Oliver gestured with his hand “Besides you should go before your boss Lea gets here. I’m betting he won’t be happy one of his undercover mercs is currently drunk on the job. Of course I could always tell your captain what’s going on. That’s him over there right?”
Oliver gestured to the closest guard making his way towards the trio. He didn’t look any different than any guards but Oliver noticed his green was a shade darker than the rest. Lea probably used different hues to signify rank in his mercenaries.
The drunk’s face paled as he fidgeted nervously. He rose his hands in surrender, eyes darting between the two “Sorry.”
“Any trouble?” The captain approached, his hand tightly held around the hilt of his blade.
Oliver beaned cheerfully, trying his best to pull attention away from the fuming Flora “Not at all my good sir. This man simply mistook us for someone else, correct?”
The drunk nodded slowly “My bad. Forgive my intrusion.”
The captain gave a cold smirk “Apologizes. Mikey?”
The drunk flinched “Yes sir?”
“A word in private. Now.”
Oliver let out a sigh of relief as the captain dragged Mikey away..
“You should’ve let me poison them.” Flora muttered darkly.
Oliver scratched the back of his neck tiredly “Night’s still young. Still might get your chance if I can’t figure a way past Stairy.”
Flora tilted her head quizzically “Stairy?”
“The asshole at the base of the stairs.” Oliver answered absentmindedly as he spotted a familiar streak of platinum blonde hair among the crowd of strangers “And I just figured it out. Can I trust you not to poison everyone here?”
“You have an hour. I get bored easily” Flora swirled the sickly purple liquid in the vial threateningly.
“You and me both.” Oliver patted her shoulder before chasing down his perfect distraction.
Oliver’s heart began to thunder loudly in his ears, a nervous and uncontrollable energy overtaking his resolve. The mission was important but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to see Maria today.
Maria Thoreau was the daughter of a powerful, influential family. The Thoreau’s were more concerned with their standing in high society than any virtuous endeavors and thus each one of their children was trained from birth to excel in their chosen field. Maria’s older brothers were an aspiring politician and merchant respectively.
Maria’s path was to be a well famous singer and patron of the arts. She wanted nothing more than to sing for the people. Unfortunately, her father only saw a chance to further the family’s good name and tied his desire for power with her passion and dream. It was bittersweet really but nothing much could be done about it.
Maria knew Oliver as a musical rival who thwarted her group’s attempts at winning local competitions which in turned derailed her father’s plans. So needless to say she was less than thrilled when she caught him making his way over.
“Ollie” she forced a smile while her hazel eyes narrowed, peeved “I’m surprised to see they let you into this exclusive event.”
Oliver gave a cocky shrug “Well your beauty caught my attention and I couldn’t resist trying to figure out a way in.”
Maria’s cheeks burned a pinkish hue.
Maria was the same age as Oliver with short, tastefully cut dark brown hair. A single streak of platinum blonde hair hung off the side of her face, giving her such a cute look. Her clothes were practical tonight since she wasn’t performing: A simple white blouse with a long flowing dark blue skirt that went all the way down to her feet. Her shoes were sensible dark blue flats designed for comfort over style.
Maria coughed into her hand, willing her blush away.
“So.” She cleared her throat “Is this your sad attempt to throw me off my game? You won’t win the next competition. We’ll be dealing with professional judges this time.”
Oliver’s eyes widen in false surprise “There’s a competition here? Fancy that. I hadn’t been made aware of that but since we’re both in town, why not have a round two?”
“I mean” Oliver went on, pretending not have heard “You are a much better singer solo than with those harpies you’re forced to keep around.”
Maria glanced to the side timidly “Don’t be absurd, the Melodic Maidens are a perfect, well oiled machine.”
Oliver scoffed dismissively “I suppose they’re nearby, listening in. Hardly leave you alone, don’t they?”
Maria opened her mouth to respond when a shrilly voice cut in.
“What do you know you two bit hack? How much did you bribe the judges last time?!”
Oliver gave a strained smile as the rest of the ladies forced their way into view.
“Lilly, Filly, Sally. You suck.”
The triplets snarled in unison, openly glaring at the bard.
Lilly, Filly and Sally were Maria’s chains: They were as much there to further her career as they were to report back to daddy to ensure the errant daughter stayed on course.
As triplets, they all shared the same features: Three pairs of dull green eyes and long messy black hair. Even their clothing were the same with each wearing a strapless dress that showed way too much skin and skirts that were way too short. The only reason Oliver could tell them apart was due to their preferred colors: Lilly in a shade of pink that was bright for her skin tone, Filly with a pale ugly yellow and Sally in seas of dark red.
The trio surrounded Maria, their arms embracing her in an uncomfortable hug. Maria bit her lip, trying to hide her uneasy.
“Still wearing that tacky outfit huh Ollie?” Lilly eyed his faded clothing distastefully.
Sally let out an unfriendly laugh “Ollie always looks like trash. Not even prize money could buy an ounce of class.”
“Actually” Oliver brushed his shoulder dismissively “Class is cheap. No amount of money could buy an ounce of character. You can blow hot air at me all you want but nothing in this world could ever change the fact that the three of you are bitches.”
The trio clicked their tongues disappointingly, their normally plain faces twisted into unflattering visages of rage while they screamed as one.
Oliver casually waved his hand “All bark and no bite. I’m supposed believe you’ve gotten any better in two months? Last time I checked I won the last competition.”
“OH YEAH?!” The triplets yelled, furious.
Maria threw a suspicious glance Oliver’s way “Girls, I don’t think…”
“Come on Maria, we don’t want to have to tell daddy you backed down from a challenge.”
A shiver ran down her spine, the fight draining out of her face. Oliver felt a tinge of guilt but said nothing as the girls took their positions.
Maria paused for a moment, her breathing slow and calm. The murmur of the crowds grew louder and louder upon the recognition that the ladies nearby were the Melodic Maidens.
Maria pivoted on her heels, a bright warm smile gracing her lips. Oliver could feel his heart skip a beat at the sound of her soft, airy voice beginning to sing
“Oh you hear a lot of stories about the sailors and their sport” Maria gave a playful wink his way. His cheeks burned brightly at her playful banter.
“About how every sailor has a girl in every port”
Maria twirled, her steps mischievous and alluring as her dark blue dress chased after her. She gracefully held two fingers aloft for everything to see, her smirk cocky and assured.
“but if you added two and two you’d figure out right quick”
Maria backed up as the triplets step forward to join her, the group made whole and ready for the chorus.
“It’s just because the girls all have a lad on every ship”
Maria turned to throw a sultry look towards her rival bard but instead of finding a dumbstruck Oliver, she found a smiling one. His gaze was gentle and loving as if he was seeing utterly beautiful. A small smile was tugging at his cheeks. Maria could feel her heart thunder in her ears as, without warning, Oliver gave a thumbs up and mouthed an appreciative “Thanks” before ducking into the growing crowd.
“And it’s twiddley idle idle idle, twiddley idle aye.”
What was once a spattering of folks formed into a massive gathering. Most of the party goers and guards had come over to catch the free show the girls inadvertently given and thus all focus shifted onto them. What was an attempt to show up Oliver ended up being a very unnecessary showcase.
“It’s often times a man will leave you broken with dismay”
Boy was Maria feeling that dismay right now.
Oliver’s plan worked: Stairy hadn’t been to resist the siren call of a beautiful woman and her singing. Luckily the harpies hadn’t ruined it with their imperfect pitches. Stairy hadn’t taken more than a few steps when Sel slipped in behind and began working at the door. It took a moment but one blink later and the automaton vanished out of sight.
Oliver let out a sigh when a hand gripped his shoulder tightly.
“Hello sir.” A guff, low voice in a less than friendly voice “Might I have a word? You’ve been acting rather strange all party long.”
Well fuck.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Warnings: Too much cuteness , cute bickering , fluff , non descriptive mention of sex
(Coffee Stains Masterlink )
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How on earth were you supposed to know that the mission Natasha and Bucky had gone for would be lasting for over a month? Had you known that, you would have asked them to send someone else instead. Ever since Bucky had made that tiny confession the day he left for the mission, you hadn't been able to stop thinking of him. Especially at nights, when you went to bed at night, cuddling against the pillow that Bucky had gotten for you, you missed him. Your mornings were mostly spent with Wanda or Sam at the gym, where you practiced your yoga and a few mild exercises, while Wanda and Sam worked out their usual. It was almost five times in a week that you lazily strolled up to Steve; and tried to subtly ask Steve by making small talks with him on the updates of his mission, and when was Bucky and Natasha coming back.
It was almost 35 days later, and you stepped out of your bath, your towel wrapped around your now oversized body; droplets of water dripping off you onto the rugged floor of your warm room. You went into your closet, squinting slightly when you turned on the lights and sat down on the floor, crossing your legs underneath you, as your eyes started looking for anything you could wear for the night that was remotely comfortable. You wouldn't lie, the past month had been a horror in terms of you wreaking havoc at the Avengers towers, screaming and blasting at others because there was nothing that you would actually fit into. Worst part of all that you felt was, Tony had decided to take a vacation with Pepper now, when he would have helped by magically filling up your closet with a wide array of loose fitting outfits by just a twirl of his magic wand.
You were, however, beyond thankful to Sam Wilson. The two of you snuck into Bucky's apartment; to steal his t-shirts at times. And tonight was one of those days.
You stepped into Bucky's closet, your fingers skimming over the range of his t-shirts, until they landed on a soft cotton black t-shirt with a Captain America shield printed on it. You couldn't help but giggle as you pulled it off the hanger, running your palm over the print. You locked the closet from the inside, ignoring the rummaging sounds that you could hear outside, knowing well aware that Sam was going through Bucky's stuff again.
Sliding the t-shirt on, you looked at yourself in the mirror; a faint hint of a smile breaking out on your lips as your eyes fell on your own reflection in the live size mirror in his closet. Your hands mechanically moved to trace over the outlines of your seven month old bump, but that smile was short-lived when the baby inside squirmed and kicked your bladder hard, causing you to almost double over, gripping the counter in front of you. "Please stop my love, please stop squirming, I know you have your father's energies running inside you, and you want to come on out already but that's not happening for another two months buddy. You gotta hang in there."
You grabbed one of his loose fitting sweatpants next, and hurriedly shoved your feet into them, struggling to pull it as much as you could so the elastic remained at the base of your belly's curve.
You unlocked his closet, scratching the back of your head as you stepped out of the closet; waiting to come face to face with your friend, who had probably dumped the entire contents of Bucky's bedside table drawers onto the bed. You had least expected a dozen condoms strewn over the bed, and you were ready to blast Sam out for doing that but a sudden look of startle graced your face when you saw that instead of Sam, Bucky was sitting on his bed, his eyes exhausted and droopy, yet, a look of excitement to be back home evident on his face. He has his hands on his elbows, and he was leaning forward, and the instant you stepped out, he couldn't help but feel blown away, even more so because you were dressed in his clothes, making it a lot more intimate than he had imagined your first meet with him post the mission to be.
"Holy shit! James Buchanan Barnes!" Your hand flew to your heart, and your eyes widened in surprise, but soon, a soft smile broke out against your lips, and you could feel tears poking into your eyes.
"Hi?" He let out a soft chuckle, and stood up slowly, taking two reluctant steps towards you.
"Hi, Barnes. You're late." You smirked, taking two steps towards him, and then pausing to eye him, for any injuries that you could see. "Are you– "
"I'm fine, doll," he smiled, and then crinkled his nose in the most cutest manner, before mumbling in a low voice, "Come 'ere." He threw open his arms, wide enough for you and your massive bump to fit in entirely, and you just let out a sob, loud enough for him to hear it, as you waddled into his embrace, burying your nose into the side of his neck.
"Jesus, Buck. I missed you." You mumbled against the side of his neck, when his flesh arm came to rest against your back. "How'd it go?"
He slowly pulled back from your embrace, and took your wrist in his, walking with you to the side of his bed. He made you sit down against the edge of the bed, slowly lowering himself down in front on his heels and toes, looking up at you. "It was alright, we kicked some asses. Punk told me though, the not so subtle ways in which you kept trying to get information out of him."
"Hey! I tried my best. How can you blame me? I wanted to know when you were coming back." You giggled, toying with one of his sweaty strands of hair, twirling it around your fingers. "You're a mess, Barnes. And you stink of sweat." You smirked down at him, only to have him smirk back as he stood up, hooking two of his fingers against the round neck collar of the t-shirt that you were wearing, belonging to him, and tugged at it playfully, until you were slightly pulled to the front, a low gasp escaping your lips, "Barnes, you pervert!"
"Might as well let me take a shower, and then I'll talk to ya," he smirked before he turned away, his footsteps subsiding until the door to his bathroom slammed shut and the sound of the shower turning on reached your ears. You randomly grabbed your phone, finally deciding to text back on the messages that were pending to be replied since over a week. It was now or never, right?
By the time you were done with replying to all the texts, you heard the shower go off. Seconds later, Bucky stepped out, wearing his sweatpants, and a worn out t-shirt that looked comfy as fuck, the towel still around his neck, his hair sticking to his face . He pulled the towel off his neck, mumbling something under his breath as he started drying his hair, and at the same time, his eyes started darting all across the room, looking for something.
"Buck, what you looking for when I'm right here?" You looked at him, smugly.
"My hair tonic," he deadpanned, "must've been your partner in crime, Wilson."
You crossed your legs and sat back, your head now resting against the headboard of his bed, while your fingers stroked over the fabric over your bump, trying to calm down your baby, who was beginning to wake up from their slumber again.
"That's the reason for your beautiful, silky locks?"
"If you weren't the mother of my child, you'd be thrown out of my room. No one shames me for my hair treatment." He fake scowled at you, but you could see the smirk hidden behind that scowl.
Finally, giving up, he tossed the towel away, and made his way into bed, climbing into the blanket that you had now draped over your feet. He turned to his side, his arm stretched and resting on the headboard behind you, he kept staring at you. It was the first time; you realized that the two of you were going to talk to each other, ever since you were back.
Suddenly, the silence and the anticipation was killing you. You averted your gaze, looking down at your fingers when he cleared his throat.
"This isn't how I wanted this to go."
"Well, I'm sorry I put a responsibility on you then– " Bucky hadn't even begun speaking completely, you had already started hyperventilating.
"Yeah, can we have a conversation like mature adults? Without you trying to pick a verbal fight with me?"
You just lifted your middle finger, scratching your nose with it, and gave him a scowl. He rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore it, and began speaking again, "I just – I am kind of not very opposed to this idea. Of us, having a kid together."
"Am I dreaming or Sergeant Barnes is actually happy he knocked me up?" You unknowingly pushed yourself closer towards him, so now your side was brushing against his. However, before you could say something else, Bucky 's lips pressed against yours and a small squeal left your lips, as a reflex for you had least anticipated this, at least not at that time. His lips were soft against yours , his kiss gentle and carefree. When he finally pulled back, he swiped his thumb over your lower lip, "You don't shut up, do you?"
"If that is how you're gonna shut me up, then you're gonna have to deal with my sharp tongue for a lot longer."
He parted his lips, almost ready to speak, but his face fell slightly, and it looked like he was contemplating how to say whatever it was that was stuck to the back of his mind. Your smug smile washed off and a look of concern filled you up, your fingers tightening against his in reflex, "Buck, you know you can say it to me. I know, the last time, we spoke to each other and bared out our life in front of each other, it didn't go so well but I promise I am going to try my best to understand."
"There are a lot of what ifs in the back of my mind, I just can't seem to get past those," his voice sounded low, and weak. It was so sad, it broke your heart.
"Buck, it's okay. Look at me. You think I'm handling this well? Hell, I'm scared of waking up, and finding my baby taken away from me, and being experimented upon in any of HYDRA's bases, and I won't be able to find them."
His eyebrow twitched, and a sudden surge of anger surged through him, and reflexively his metal arm slid through your waist and he pulled you close so you were now sitting with your bump pressed against his side, "But Buck, I also know that this kid's got bad ass parents, who are never going to let that happen."
He looked up at you, his eyes failing to hide his insecurities, his fears that were slowly eating at him from the inside; making him look like a vulnerable child. Hesitantly, you reached for his flesh arm, coiling your fingers against his, bringing his palm to your swollen stomach as you let it rest there. You could sense his hesitancy, but after a few seconds, you felt him relax into you, his hand now firmly placed on your bump, warmth radiating from him, "What if I suck at this? At being a dad? What if my super serum causes problems that our child has to deal with– "
"Bucky?" You brought your lips to his temple, kissing him softly, "I know you're freaked out. So am I. And I know, this baby might be different, given your super serum, that I'm sure they are, no normal baby kicks like that Buck," you chuckled, and at the same time, a loose tear escaped your eye as you hiccupped and wiped it away, "the point is. We both are and we both will have to deal with it. We bring them up like any normal baby in this world should grow up. It doesn't matter that their parents are a freaking spy and a super soldier."
"And they will keep coming after them, just because it's my fucking serum running through their veins." He said, with a look of seriousness in his eyes. You knew he was right.
"Let them. I'm ready for them, they can try all they want, but I won't let them touch a hair on their head," you replied back, immediately stiffening as Bucky's metal arm came to rest against the low of your back in order to calm you down.
"I won't let that happen, love. Trust me, if they try to take what's mine, I will pull each of them out from whichever corner of the world they're hiding and send them to hell."
"Buck," you finally smirked, in a sudden movement as you waddled on top of him, pinning him to the headboard as he just looked at you in a daze, his jaw lightly hung at the suddenness of it all, as you sat on his abdomen, "I think my water just broke?"
He looked at you in horror, ready to jump out of bed, "What?!! Already? Friday– "
"Jeez, I'm kidding Barnes, I was just trying a pick up line."
"You what?!!" He sat up, holding you by your shoulders, looking at you in an annoyed way, "and what kind of a pick up line was that, Y/N?"
"Well, I think my water just broke, or was that just the effect of your words?"
"That was the most pathetic pick up line ever."
"Was it, really?" You smirked, as you teasingly rolled your hip, your core brushing over the bulge in his sweatpants, his eyes momentarily closing as he pressed his head against the headboard and grunted in a hungry way, "I really do think it had an effect on you."
"Come on, you're seven months pregnant. What if something happens?"
"Barnes, we're not going to fight a wrestling match. I'll be on top." You winked, and before the father of your baby could protest, you were already snaking your palm through the waistband of his sweatpants, "besides, you keep forgetting , this kid is not just a baby, it's a freaking super soldier baby."
The sex was amazing, and you were screaming out Bucky's name so loud, Sam had to knock on his door screaming his ass off that the two of you needed to keep it down, for he was trying to read. You chuckled, sliding underneath the warm covers that he usually slept in. They were soft and they smelt nice, just like him.
You saw from the corner of your eye, as Bucky sat up, moving his legs out of the blanket so he could slide his slippers on. You grabbed a mound of his t-shirt , rolling the fabric into your fist, "Where are you going?"
"To get your pillow, I thought you can't sleep without it?"
You gave him a smile and reached for his arm, trying to get him back into bed, "I have you to cuddle against, my live size pillow."
"I don't want to crush our baby, doll."
You nodded, giving him a sweetest little smile as he stood up and disappeared out of his room, and within a few minutes, he was back, the yellow maternity pillow draped over his waist like a snake coiling around him. You threw out your hands like a two year old waiting to be given candy and he grinned, walking up to your side of the bed so he could place it there.
Immediately, you coiled around the pillow, curling into a ball around it, and you almost dozed off, feeling Bucky get into bed behind you, and flicking off the lamp.
You weren't used to this, sleeping in bed, with James Buchanan Barnes, and having him snuggle into you, forming a big spoon around you, while you clung on to your pillow, and he clung on to your bump, his hand protectively holding you against him.
It was all fine and good, until your eyes jerked open in the middle of the night, and the loss of physical contact made you stir slightly in bed, as you rolled over to Bucky's side. A smile paved its way to your lips, when you saw him almost rolled over on his front, his arm hanging the side of the bed, all the blankets having been hogged by you. Slowly, you inches closer to the Winter Soldier, slowly placing your palm on his arm, nuzzling against him slightly, "Bucky, are you awake? Mhm, wake up, Barnes, your baby wants to have a hot chocolate fudge sundae."
"Go to sleep, woman," he grumbled, trying to pull the pillows over his head but you just nudged him harder.
"Wake up, I'm pregnant because you didn't use a fucking condom. And now, it's your job to make sure your little family is fed."
He slowly stirred , letting out a loud yawn as he slowly turned on his back, and rubbed his eyes, and then opened just one eye, grabbing your wrist so he could yank you closer, "Oh yeah? You could have asked to pull out. But you wanted to take it all. Said you could handle it."
"Fuck you, Barnes. Now can we? I know a place that's open 24x7 where we're gonna get what this bugger wants."
"Cant you have pretzels? I thought they liked pretzels."
"Yeah, that's old news, babe. You were gone for a month." You smirked and pushed yourself out of bed, and groaning to himself, Bucky finally sat up and grabbed the clock from his bedside table glancing at the time, before mumbling, "Good thing I love you doll because it's fucking 3 am in the morning."
You almost slipped forward, your foot barely into your slippers. Your knees felt wobbly suddenly and you had to grab the wall for support to keep yourself upright. Bucky's head snapped towards you and he looked at you, alarm filling him up. Within a second, he was by your side, looking down at you.
"you okay? What's happening?"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"You just slipped Y/N."
"Nah, that was my little display that I was shocked."
"Holy shit, you're so dramatic," he lifted you off your foot; bridal style, as he made his way towards the door, but you didn't let him step out of the door, as you lodged your foot against it.
"Put me down, Barnes."
He smirked, "No!"
"I hate you."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No, you idiot. I love you too! Now put me down."
(Okay, this chapter is somehow really close to my heart. I loved writing it. 😭❤️)
Permanent Bucky Barnes Taglist :
@really-dont-forget-it @thepeakygurl @all-art-is-quite-useless @baumarvel @janajjj @chipilerendi @nyotamalfoy @skittychat @allidoiswritewritewrite @jessyballet
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 / 𝙲𝚑 𝟷𝟼
Chapter 16: A Sliver of Hope? 
Description: John B’s Sister comes home from staying with their mom, only to find out that her brother is missing and her dad was murdered. JJ may have just lost his best friend. Her and JJ have to figure out what to do and how to pick up the pieces.
A/N: Hey guys, I have no idea if this chapter has literally any accuracy to how things like this work, but here it is. Enjoy. I might not be super active in the next few days because I have a lot going on, but I had this done and wanted to get it out:) As always my asks/messages/requests are always open:)
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Need to Catch Up? Collision MasterList
“Actually, we might have.”  As the words left Pope's mouth I could feel the smile take over me. I pulled JJ in closer to my chest. Looking over at his face he was smiling just as wide. 
“Well go on!” Kie said patting Pope on the shoulder before looking over his shoulder. 
“Okay, Okay.” He laughed before pointing to the screen and redirecting our attention back to it. “Here is what they call a passenger log.” He said pointing to the list. He hovered over the ship's code and clicked. “This right here is the ship that made the weird turn,” He pointed to the column in the middle of the screen. “Here.” He tapped it twice.”Says that there were 8 people on board when they left port in Delaware.” He used two fingers on the trackpad of the laptop to scroll down the screen. It was moving painstakingly slow. Then reached up to point at the second number. As his finger fell right below it. I read the number. My breath left me as I felt a familiar wave of hope wash over my body. “10” Pope said with a smile. 
I jumped back from JJ with a smile on my face as he stood up and turned to face me. “Pope you are a genius!” I was practically yelling. I was literally bouncing on the balls of my feet. 
 “Holy shit,” Kiara said, turning Pope to pull him into a hug. JJ was standing in front of me, his smile was one that I missed seeing. He looked so purely happy, for the first time since we found the ship’s code that night. We locked eyes and I couldn’t look away. The look of absolute hope in JJ’s eyes was enough for me to reach forward, putting both my hands on either side of his face, bringing us closer together. 
I felt JJ’s arms wrapped around my middle as he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he spun me around. I dropped my head to whisper in his ear, “I am so fucking proud of you right now.” As he set me back down, it was almost as if I was getting grounded again. The feeling was so overwhelming and heavy, but I was so happy. 
I hadn’t even noticed how emotional the whole deal had made me. “No need to cry baby” JJ chucked the name once again rolling off his tongue without a second thought. He moved one of his hands to cup my face, wiping the tears from my face. I laughed, looking down at his now slightly wet hand, a small laugh escaped my lips as I pulled JJ back into a hug. 
“They’re alive JJ like there is tangible proof that they are.” I stood back from him. I raised my voice so that the other two could hear me. “We did that. We found them.” I said throwing my arm around Kie and pulling her into a hug with me. 
“What do we do now though?”  Kie asked as she pulled away from the hug. 
I felt my face contort back into one of confusion and worry. She was right, what are we going to do. I found my seat back on the other side of the picnic table. JJ followed my movements, once again sliding in beside me. “Well, we’re gonna go to the Bahamas,” JJ said in a joking manner, causing Kie to scoff at him. I wrapped my arm through JJ’s and leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt him rest his head against mine. The worry in the pit my stomach was now joined by an array of butterflies at his small action. 
I looked at Kie who had a knowing smile on her face. Then followed her glance to Pope, who was typing on the computer at a feverish pace. I watched as Kie knitted her eyebrows together and leaned closer to look at his screen. 
“You look tired,” JJ said, looking down at me. I didn’t miss how close his face was, as I could feel his warm breath. Even in the sweltering late July heat, I didn’t mind how close we were, even if JJ was like a human heater. 
“Just what every girl wants to hear” I said chuckling with him. 
“No, no” he stuttered. “You’re cute when you’re sleepy. You got up early this morning, don’t think I didn’t catch you going over the maps before the sun was even up.” He laughed 
“And you didn’t help me?” I said, feigning offense. We kept our voices low, as Kie and Pope we’re focusing on the computer screen in front of them. 
“Bro I was tired.” He laughed, but I didn’t. 
“Where’d you go last night anyway. After..” I trailed off but he knew what I meant. 
“Just to the beach, I walked for a little bit.” He said with a soft smile. “I  wasn’t gone for long, but when I came back you were asleep, so I just hung out and cleaned up the pogue.” Something about his words didn’t convince me but I let it slide, just softly nodding my head. 
I shifted my focus back to the pair in front of us. I left my exhaustion to get the better of me and laid my head back against JJ’s shoulder, I kept my arm laced through his, but this time he reached to place his hand on my thigh, slightly pulling me closer to him. “So what are you coming up with over there, not gonna let you work on this alone” I stated, causing Pope to look up from the screen for a moment. 
“Yea, Okay, so I found the company's number and it’s a long shot, but I’m gonna ask them if I can speak to the captain of the ship? Or a crew member?” Pope said reaching through his bag till he pulled out his cell phone. 
“What exactly are you gonna do though? Like if they ask you why?” JJ piped in causing Pope to groan. 
“He’s got a point,” Kie laughed. 
“School interview?” I said with a question. “That’s how we got the maps?” 
“I don’t know Y/N, they might just ask to answer my questions.” 
“Tell them you noticed a specific wave pattern that day or some shit, and wanted to know how they combatted the storm?” JJ said growing slightly impatient. “Just call em man” 
Pope gave him a side-eye before unlocking his phone and starting to dial the numbers with a beep, I heard the phone turn to speaker mode. Kie reached for my notebook, reached across the table, and handed her a pen. She sat in front of her on the table, so she could write if needed. As the dial tone rang quietly at our table I reached to grab JJ’s hand under the table. His grip was tight, even if he wasn’t showing it, he was worried, just like me, that it would be a dead end. 
“Transatlantic Liners, this is Denise speaking, How may I help you?” The lady over the phone’s voice ringing through the air made all of us tense up immediately. The only thing helping me stay grounded was the small movement of JJ’s thumb across the back of my hand. 
“Uh yes ma’am. I am a reporter for Kildare County… Uh. SmytHS.” Pope made a noise resembling that of a phone static, rather convincingly, before continuing with his statements. “We see here that you had a freight liner come through the morning after the tropical depression that hit our North Carolina Coast. We were wondering if we could talk to the captain or one of the crew members for an interview?” Pope finished his sentences finally, his fake, over-exaggerated, southern accent making his words hang in the air for longer than they normally would. 
“Was the accent necessary?” JJ giggled quietly beside me, making me smile. 
“Ah yes, Did you know which ship you had in question?” Denise spoke, before a bit of rustling was heard. JJ made a typical yes, fist bump with Kie, as she pointed to the ship number on the paper in front of them. 
“Uh, Yes Ma’am, code 45759.” He said, a smile prominent on his face. I started to feel the familiar rush of adrenaline. This was going unbelievably well. 
“Oh okay, Captain Larry Jones and Jim Steinman, were on the ship that day. Looks like they’ll have a good story to report, turns out they came across something, but I’ll let Jim tell you about that.”
Kie was writing down the names of the men as fast as the woman on the other side of the phone was speaking. My heart rate was skyrocketing at this point, but it also felt like the world was standing still. I was staring intently at Pope as he feigned a laugh before muttering a quick “Thank you.” 
“I’ll just transfer you to Jim, might take a bit, he’s a popular man these days.” I could hear her laugh and some rustling again before the line went dead. The air was now full of a monotoned beeping noise as we all waited for Jim to pick up his line. Kie glanced up at me and JJ, a huge smile on her face as she tapped the end of the pen against the pad of paper in front of her. No one dared to speak for fear of jinxing this moment. The longer the beeping continued the more nervous we all became. JJ began to bounce his leg up and down in an attempt to focus his energy somewhere. I used my other hand to cover his, now holding his hand between the two of mine in my lap. JJ sent a soft, blushed smile my way before we heard a sharp click on the other end of the phone. “This is Jim, What can I do for ya?” The man’s voice was sharp, but he spoke slowly. He didn’t sound too old, but rather tired. 
“Hey, yes sir,” Pope began, eyes wide, looking at the rest of us expectantly. We all shrugged and shook our heads. Kie whispered something about the ‘interview and Pope finally began talking again. “I had a few questions about your ride through the Atlantic last week, we had a tropical depression here in the Outer Banks, wondering how you dealt with that?” He paused to take a drink before continuing. “On our map here we saw that you made a rather out of place turn outside of Kildare Island, any reason for that?” Pope finished with the question, but the man on the other line was quick to start talking. 
“Oh, yea! Let me tell you, that was the most interesting ride I’ve been on in a long time fella.” He spoke, obviously trying to recount the events for us. 
“Do you mind giving us some details?”  Pope questioned further. 
“We were out on the water, we’d held back because of the storm, but crossed into the state early that morning. When we were about halfway down the coast we saw a reflector from the water. It didn’t look like much but, we headed that way anyway. Found a shipwreck.”
The man stopped talking and there was a rustle before he continued. “We found two kids out there, in the middle of the sea. I have no idea how the hell they survived that storm in that rickety old boat they had.” The man paused to laugh, causing JJ to scowl at the man's words. 
“She was a great boat” He whispered, causing both me and Kie to laugh. We were all smiling from ear to ear as we listened to the man recount his travels with John B and Sarah, who were alive. 
“And they came all the way to Port with you, in Nassau?” Pope questioned. 
“Yes. Yes. They were awfully excited when I told them they had booked a free ride to the Bahamas.” He chuckled again. “I haven’t seen ‘em since, but they were in a hurry, they asked me what direction Cameron’s Airstrip was in. Blew me away honestly, Mr.Cameron’s got business dealings everywhere.” The man paused for a minute. We all looked at each other, silently questioning how he knew about the Camerons. “Not that you all know what I’m talking about. Did you have any further questions?” 
“No. No. I think that covers it. Thank you so much for your time.” Pope said, the fake smile in his voice evident. 
“No problem son, send us a copy of that article you’re gonna write, alright?” Jim said. 
“Of course, sir.” Pope hung up the phone, as we all let out a sigh of relief as he set the phone down, then let his head fall in his hands. Kie was quick to move her hand to rub his back. 
“So why the hell were they trying to go to Ward’s airstrip?” Kie asked. 
“Isn't it obvious?” Pope said, his head snapping up to look between us. We all wore a confused expression. Our silence begged him to continue. “Cameron’s plane took off with the gold in it?” He drugs his words out slowly, trying to get us to understand. 
Then it clicked. “He was sending the gold to the Bahamas,” I said with a smile, turning to face JJ whose smile was growing to match mine.
Taglist (if you wanna be added PLEASE send me an ASK:)) 
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themoonlits · 4 years
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Title: Birthday Cake
Pairing: Wonshik/Dae/Gyu, Dae/Gyu, Dae/Wonshik
Character(s): Daehyeon, Changyun, Wonshik
Summary: Following the birthday party his friends at Neostar managed to plan for him, Changyun decided to reveal another gift he had in the works for Daehyeon, one that involved the latter on a bed with two of his friends having their way with him. 
Warning(s): just smut and smut alone! involves: threesome, degradation, sensory deprivation, oral sex, praise kink, corruption kink, unprotected sex. 
Note(s): none of these boys are in a romantic relationship! and although aftercare isn’t present in the scenario, it sure as hell happened afterwards because it’s important! 
Having his birthday on Halloween often meant numerous things for Daehyeon, and that ranged to costume parties as a kid, friends trying to gift him tricks rather than treats, and the never-ending jokes about Daehyeon being cursed with a Halloween birthday. See, Daehyeon had grown accustomed to all of these things, and always welcomed a Halloween/Birthday party mix with open arms. 
However, in the 21 birthdays he’s experienced, he never imagined one of them resulting in him being blindfolded and naked, on his knees with his face being pressed against his friend’s crotch, while another friend stood to the side getting undressed. 
Maybe getting older wasn’t as bad as he joked about. 
“You were so desperate that you didn’t even questioned it when Gyu told you to get on your knees, huh?” the words came out harsher than Dae had ever heard Wonshik speak, and the sole response Dae could muster up was moaning against the latter’s pants. “You can’t even see what’s around you with that blindfold on, but all you cared about was getting a dick near your mouth.”  
Daehyeon wanted to reply, but his mind was being pulled in several different directions. Wonshik’s hands hadn’t left the back of Dae’s head, shoving it against the former’s hard on that was prominent in the bulge of his pants. There was the sound of Gyu stripping to the side, Dae desperately wanting to remove the blindfold on him to melt at the sight of it, but the want to prove that he could handle what was thrown at him overpowering it. 
“He didn’t even know who was waiting for him.”
Wonshik’s hand suddenly stopped putting pressure against Dae’s head, eliciting a soft whine from the youngest. “Really?”
“I tried telling him, but he said he wanted it to be a surprise. I told him it was a mutual friend, and someone he trusts, and that’s all he needed.” there was a playful tone burnt into Gyu’s words, a teasing flame emitting from the soft chuckle that escaped his lips. 
Daehyeon suddenly felt Wonshik’s fingers tug into his hair, pulling his head away and up, Dae assuming it was so Wonshik could see his face. 
“You didn’t even care to know who was going to fuck you?” Dae let out a surprised grunt when he felt Wonshik’s foot press onto the former’s cock, setting the right amount of pressure against his ever-growing hard-on to make him whimper the slightest. “You really are nothing but a whore, holy fuck.”
“Hey, that’s a bit harsh.” Dae both heard and felt Gyu approaching the two of them, his heart beginning to race in excitement.
Granted, maybe he shouldn’t have been this excited over two of his closest friends getting ready to fuck him, but what could Dae say? He knew what he liked. A silent gasp shuttered from his lips when he felt Gyu’s fingers softly grasp his chin, the contrast of his gentle touch against Wonshik’s harsh mannerisms making his head spin.
“He’s more of a pretty slut, than a whore, no? Look at him. Good enough to just sit there and let us do whatever.”
“It’s because he likes being used,” Wonshik raised his foot up twice to bounce at Daehyeon’s dick, simply causing almost inaudible whimpers to come from him once again. “You should feel how hard he is from just us talking.” 
“Then let’s give him something more than just talking and see what that’ll do.” the response from Gyu made goosebumps appear on Dae’s body, his mind racing with anticipation, finally getting something more than teasing behind clothes. 
Dae heard Wonshik finally get to slipping his pants off, at the same time he felt something prod at his lips, and although he wasn’t quite sure what it was, he simply let his mouth fall open and knew immediately. 
Gyu’s dick slipped into his mouth at an almost teasing pace, making Dae whine against the dick in his mouth, making the older almost leave his mouth only to teasingly slide in one a fraction of his boner. 
Dae, quickly growing impatient and wanting more, moved his hands to gesture that he wanted more, only to feel hands quickly grasp onto his wrists. 
“C’mon Dae,” the aforementioned man rolled his eyes at the smirk that was evident in Changyun’s voice. “Good boys wait, right? They don’t get to pick how they get used.”
“Good boy?”
“Yes?” the response to Wonshik’s question seemed to ignite something in Gyu as he was quick to suddenly shove his entire dick into Dae’s mouth, making the younger choke in surprise, only for the dick to escape from his tongue and quickly re-enter all the way once again. 
“You think a good boy would be taking all of your dick out of nowhere like that? He’s a whore, Gyu, a pretty whore.” Wonshik retorted all while he held Dae’s wrists, moving one of them so Dae could jerk him off. “I can almost bet you, you’ll see him how I do after tonight.”
“Fine.” Gyu bit back, his hands now slipping to handle the back of Dae’s head, the way his hand ever so slightly guided him back and forth contrasting the harsh speed he was fucking Dae’s mouth at. “What’re we betting?” 
“Blowjob. Your lips are pretty, I’m sure they’d look prettier wrapped around me.” 
“Fine. I would say the same but you’re not really my type.”
Daehyeon felt his eyes roll once again, wondering how the fuck the two managed to find a time to make bets and banter all while he was sitting there naked on the floor waiting to be touched by them. 
“Hey!” Dae heard the sound of skin being slapped, an automatic response of wanting to turn to the direction of the sound, but instead focusing on taking all of Gyu inside of him. He remembered when he and Gyu first started sleeping around, and how he could barely manage taking half of Gyu in. And now, he was to the point where his nose was pressed against Gyu’s groin, his mouth so wide open that the drool slipped from the corner, loving the feeling of his mouth being filled up the way it was: with Gyu’s dick rushing in and out, treating his mouth like just another hole. “Stop making him jerk you off, it’s his birthday, take care of him first.”
“Sure, says the fucker who made himself busy fucking his throat.” Wonshik’s voice came back, moving from the side of Dae where he was jerking him off, to the back of Dae, suddenly moving Gyu’s hand out of the way and instead wrapping his fingers on the top of scalp and pulling him off Gyu’s dick. “Let’s move him to the bed.” 
The movement was quick, and Dae would’ve swooned over how strong Wonshik was to pick him up that quickly and easily, but he was more focused on getting on all four when he was thrown onto the bed. Gyu quickly moved to get in front of Dae’s face, while he felt Wonshik come into step right behind him, making the younger move his ass out just a bit further trying to entice him. 
Daehyeon reached up to take off the blindfold, only for his hands to be stopped. 
“Keep it on a bit longer?” There was a concern swarmed in Gyu’s question, making it clear to Dae that he was asking if he was comfortable with having it on longer. Dae simply responded by smiling at Gyu, remembering how the older pestered him about how he should use his safeword at a second’s feeling of discomfort. “That’s a good boy.”
The praise made Dae smile as he moved his head down to try and get to where Gyu’s dick was, only to suddenly feel a force come down on his ass, the sound of a sharp smack emitting across the room, the pain making Dae both jump a bit, but also make him feel his own dick harden at it. 
“Trying to help Gyu win, huh, Dae?” the younger suddenly felt Wonshik’s words breathe against his taint, making him subconsciously try and move his ass back to get his hole the attention he wanted so bad, however it only resulted in another slap against his ass. “I know how much of a cockslut you are, Daehyeon, don’t forget.”
That was the last word that slipped from Wonshik’s mouth before Dae suddenly felt his tongue attack his hole, giving a quick but wet lick that elicited a moan from the youngest that Gyu took advantage of by pulling Dae’s head down onto his dick once again. 
The sudden feeling of having both of his holes have attention on them sent Dae into a state of pure bliss. He took note of how Gyu wasn’t motioning his head any longer, and was quick to focus on taking his dick in and out as best as he could. He was tempted to try and start teasing Gyu by giving him slow licks around his dick, but realized it would probably end in him getting teased more and retracted that thought. With Wonshik’s licks growing more intense, and deeper, it practically motivated Daehyeon to do the same with Gyu, making sure he took Gyu deep enough to where he could feel him hit the back of his throat, and stay there for a few seconds just the way he knew the eldest liked.
He heard nothing but degrading praises slip from Gyu’s lips, making him move faster and sloppier, wanting to hear more of the phrases that Gyu knew were his weakness, knowing he was doing well when he felt Gyu’s hand on his head once again, now taking over to move Daehyeon around instead. Lacking the control, Daehyeon simply kept his mouth open and sucked whenever he felt Gyu thrust his dick into his throat, his hands slipping down to toy with his own cock as Gyu’s deep moans turned him on even more. 
On the other hand, Wonshik had been adamant on kneading Dae’s ass, giving them sharp slaps at times, all while tongue continued to toy with Dae’s hole. Going deeper, and making all of it as wet as he could, he played with himself at the sight of Dae’s throat being fucked at such a rapid pace. 
Wonshik smirked when he took note of how Dae was playing with him at the same speed his mouth was being filled. Wanting to fill up one of Dae’s holes too, Wonshik was quick away from kneeling on the floor, to where he knew Daehyeon stored the lube in his room, and rushed back to the ass that was presented for him to fuck with. He wasted no time in opening the bottle of lube, and turning it upside down to let the liquid drip against Dae’s hole, biting his lip at the sight. 
He moved his hands back to the younger’s ass, this time allowing his fingers to spread his hole a bit to let the liquid slide a bit in before thrusting the first finger in, grinning at how easily it went in. Wonshik wasn’t one to waste time, and over time he realized how rough Daehyeon liked things. It was something that took time to learn about, but to put things simple: Daehyeon liked when things hurt the right amount, and it also intensified how roughly Wonshik decided to treat him, so he spent no time in adding another finger in, although slowly as he didn’t want the burn of the feeling to hurt too much but when he realized Dae was only getting faster at jerking himself off, he decided it was fine. 
“Hey, Gyu,” Wonshik received a grunt in reply, looking up to see Gyu’s face in absolute bliss; his eyes rolled to the back, his mouth wide open as he shamelessly let out both praises and moans. Wonshik felt himself harden more, if that was even possible, at the sight. He knew he was being greedy, but Wonshik wanted that face wrapped around his cock at the end of the night. “Would a good boy be jerking himself off without telling you?”
The question made Gyu’s mouth shut, his eyes looking forwards with a quirked eyebrow, only to mouth a curse at Wonshik, before looking down at Dae, who was trying to look up at Gyu through the blindfold, all while continuously taking his dick in his throat. 
“Baby,” Gyu let out in a slight whisper, his hand quickly moving to grab at Dae’s head and pull back harshly, making Dae let out yet another whimper that was music to Wonshik’s ears. Seeing how he had succeeded in making Gyu from his gentle yet tortuous touches, to more rough and quick, Wonshik went back to fingering Dae’s hole. “You want to see me lose, don’t you?”
“It would be kind of hot.” Dae’s voice came out hoarse, evidently from how his throat was being fucked, and yet there was the same airless innocence in his voice that had spent both boys over the edge countless times. 
Wonshik took this as the opportunity to slide in another finger, finding himself leaning over to plant a chaste kiss on the same place he had spanked previously, looking up at Gyu and giving him a sly smile that was accompanied with a wink. 
“Fine.” Gyu was quick to move himself and Dae to where it was obvious the younger no longer could freely have Gyu’s dick all to himself, making the younger let out a whine, trying to move back so he could taste the cock back in his mouth. Gyu was quick to stop him, pulling him closer to Gyu’s face instead, making Wonshik slow down the speed at which he was thrusting his finger to pay attention
Gyu was quick in giving Wonshik a smirk before turning his attention to Dae, and bringing his now swollen and wet lips onto his own, slowly starting to make out with the birthday boy. However, he was quick to gently move his hands to where he was grabbing onto Dae’s arms, and move them ever so slowly so he could wrap them around his own shoulders, pulling Dae deeper into the kiss. And effectively, making him focus on the kiss than his own dick. 
“Well played.” Wonshik murmured to himself with a grin, realizing it was part of Gyu’s trick, although Wonshik wasn’t one to let up. The man was quick to stand up and strip his shirt off, effectively taking off all of his clothes. He grabbed the bottle of lube once again, this time focusing on his own dick, wanting to make it wet enough that it would do the job of fucking Dae with ease. 
He lined himself up with Dae’s hole, biting his lip as he wondered if it would be the smartest to simply grab his attention by thrusting in all at once and leaving him breathless, or making him beg for it like they’ve done most of the time. Hearing a moan slip from the two making out in front of him allowed for Wonshik to make up his mind. 
He brought himself close enough to where the tip of his dick didn’t need even an inch of movement to where it would penetrate Dae, effectively grabbing the younger’s attention as he rolled his hips back to meet Wonshik’s, trying to get him to effectively enter him. 
“Daehyeon.” Wonshik spoke, trying to get Dae to look at him, although Gyu was adamant in holding Dae close to himself, making Wonshik sigh and resort to pulling his hand back up and swatting it down right onto Dae’s hole. “Daehyeonnie?”
The youngest was quick to pull back from Gyu, letting out a frantic gasp from the pain the action brought him. 
“I need to hear how much you want me.”
“Needy much?”
“Daehyeon?” Wonshik ignored Gyu’s remark, simply leaning forwards and placing his hands on Dae’s hips to pull the younger closer to himself, a part of him wanting to prove a point to Changyun, but the larger part wanting to give Daehyeon exactly what he wanted. 
“Wonshik, please.” Dae pleaded, finally moving his head away from Gyu to crane his neck back, attempting to look in the direction where he assumed Wonshik was. The man that was pressed against Dae’s ass motioned for Gyu to finally take off the blindfold, not making it clear as to why he wanted it all of a sudden. 
However, the eldest of the three obliged, quickly wiping the drool from his own lips before reaching out to untie the blindfold, and let it drop, letting out a gentle coo when he noticed how Dae squinted with the sudden invasion of the light in the room. 
Wonshik tightened his grip on Dae’s hips ever so slightly, grabbing the attention of the younger as he finally looked back and made eye contact with his friend for the first time since he stepped into the bedroom. 
“I don’t want you to beg me, Dae.” Wonshik’s smile ignited a sudden rush of goosebumps across Dae’s back, slightly pouting and barely shaking his hips in a hope that that would be enough. “I want you to look at Gyu.”
The younger’s brows furrowed in confusion, but he immediately did so, desperately wanting his hole to be filled with Wonshik, his eyes darting to how swollen Gyu’s lips had become, suddenly wanting to lean forwards and continue kissing his leader. 
“I want you to tell him, how bad you want this,” the request brought a spark of confusion in Changyun’s eyes before it morphed into realization, a smirk growing on his face as he looked into Dae’s eyes and took note of how the younger was still wrapped in confusion. “If you want me to fuck you, I need you to make sure Gyu knows you’re the furthest from being innocent as possible.”
“Make him acknowledge how much of a cockwhore you are, Daehyeon.” The command came with another slap to the side of his ass, all while Wonshik had his other hand wrapped around his own dick and was thrusting his dick right on top of Dae’s hole, teasing the boy. “Let him know that the only thing on your mind is getting a dick inside of you.”
“Fuck off, Wonshik.”
“I rather fuck you.” Wonshik’s remark made a dry laugh escape Gyu’s lips, shaking his head before he avoided Wonshik’s eyes to stare into Dae’s. “Are you going to tell him, Dae? Finally get him to know how much of a slut you are so I can fuck you like one?” 
Daehyeon’s pout only intensified, the desperation and lust that lingered in his eyes betraying the small frown that tried to remain on his face. His eyes hadn’t left Gyu’s since Wonshik had begun speaking, and it seemed as if Dae had been in a trance as he looked at Gyu with a pleading look, as if he was trying to egg Gyu on into fucking him instead. 
Gyu knew what Wonshik was getting, he knew how he was not only trying to get the pleasure of having Dae be vulnerable for him, but he was also trying to win the bet. Although Gyu was less than determined to let him win it, the thought of Dae saying all of that to him, and getting fucked in front of his eyes was enough for Gyu to wave the white flag. He had his own vices too. 
“Okay.” Dae’s voice came out shaky, which immediately caught both of his friends’ attention, but before they could make a move or say anything, Daehyeon was quick to open his mouth once again, “Gosh, can’t you just fuck me?”
All three of them let out a small laugh at the tone he spoke, allowing for a lighthearted moment to slip in between the rather serious and lustful aura that had been lingering in the room for the longest time.
“Just repeat after me, baby boy.”
Gyu’s eyes widened as he watched Wonshik put a hand on Dae’s shoulder only to pull the younger backwards, to where he was right up against Wonshik’s chest, allowing for the latter to teasingly press his cock against Dae’s wet hole. 
Changyun was aware that both of the boys were speaking, and that Wonshik was whispering everything he wanted Daehyeon to say to Gyu into his ears all while he was rubbing his dick against him and was toying with his nipples with his free hand. However, Changyun managed to block out what he was saying and instead focus on the sight in front of him. 
Daehyeon was attractive, there was no doubt about that, especially considering his status as their visual. Yet, seeing him like this was completely different. The expression on his face looked both pleading yet worn out, his lips were swollen from how hard Gyu was kissing him, and unlike Gyu he hadn’t wiped the drool from his lips making him look even more of a mess. His chest moving fast with how shaking his breathes were going in and out, his cock was harder than ever, the tip of it red with how much attention he had given himself previously, pre-cum evidently leaking from it just slightly. 
The sight of Daehyeon was enough to make Changyun reach down and start playing with himself, by the sight of Wonshik’s built body behind Daehyeon’s, and while he stared down Gyu with a hunger glint in his eyes made him stroke himself faster. 
Changyun wasn’t oblivious, he knew Wonshik was an attractive person, albeit not his exact type, and the way he was looking at Gyu all while playing with Daehyeon put Gyu in a different state of mind. 
“Gyu.” the whine finally broke Gyu’s trance, finally looking up from their bodies to Dae’s face to see the same pout present as before. “Did you hear me?’
“I think he was a bit preoccupied, just say it again, Dae.”
“I want to you to fuck my mouth while Wonshik fucks me.” the words that slipped from Dae’s lips matched with the look in his eyes that looked as if Dae was only seconds away from begging, was enough for Gyu to accept his defeat. As much as he wanted to drag this out against Wonshik, he also wanted Dae to get what he wanted, and although he seemed more than content with the treatment, Gyu wanted the best for his birthday. 
“Then c’mere.” Gyu suddenly moved forward to try and bring Dae’s body back to him, only for Wonshik to let out a sharp ‘tsk’. 
“You going to suck me off or-”
“Yeah, yeah, you got it, just fuck Dae before he ends up crying.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time if he did.” Wonshik smiled against Dae’s neck, briefly putting his lips to his skin before shoving him forward to fall forwards onto the bed once again. “Spread yourself open from me like a good slut.” 
Dae was quick to do as he was told, reaching towards his ass, and pulling at both of his cheeks allowing for clear access to his hole, all while his eyes darted from Gyu’s eyes to his dick. 
“Do you want it slow or-”
“Just fill me up, I don’t care if it hurts at first.” the desperation in Dae’s voice was enough for both boys to make their moves, both of them angling themselves in the proper position. Gyu was quick to grasp Dae’s cheeks quickly, giving him one look in the eyes before murmuring a soft you’re doing so well, which allowed for them both to smile. 
“Gyu, you ready?” Wonshik asking the question the way he did made Gyu realize what he was trying to do, and Gyu wasn’t one to back down from it, especially knowing how it was probably exactly what Dae wanted. 
He was quick to grab his dick and hover it right over Dae’s lips, spreading the pre-cum onto the younger’s lips without ever really going back in, until he made eye-contact with Wonshik. In a split second, both Gyu had decided to thrust into Dae’s throat once again, all while Wonshik decided to slip into Dae in one quick yet smooth thrust. 
Feeling Dae tighten at the feeling of being filled up so quickly made Wonshik want to take it a bit slower, only for Dae to loosen and tighten himself around Wonshik, giving him the signal to bottom out into Dae. 
At the same time as Wonshik filled Dae up to the brim, Gyu was quick to make sure Dae managed to deepthroat all of him, shoving the man’s head right into his groin, wanting to make his previous plea to come true. 
Gyu was quick to notice the tears that brimmed in the corner of Dae’s eyes, and tensed up in a split second, ready to pull out and question if everything was right, only for Dae to start setting a rhythm in how he took in all of Gyu. 
Matching Wonshik’s thrusts, every time he pulled back so did Dae, and every time he harshly thrusted back in Dae choked on all of Changyun. 
“He's crying from it feeling so good, again?” Wonshik’s remark came across as taunting, but the way he was smiling made it seem as if this wasn’t far from a common occurrence between the two. “Guess you didn’t realize how much of a painslut your member was, huh?”
The retorts triggered something in Dae as he began to match Wonshik’s thrust, rolling his hips so he threw his ass back every time Wonshik rushed his hips forwards, as if he was trying to confirm what Wonshik had asked. 
Changyun didn’t know what it was, maybe it was having the chance to fuck Dae’s mouth while he constantly gagged on his dick, or maybe it was the how he was crying because of how much he loved being fucked by Wonshik, but Changyun felt himself getting closer with each passing second. 
He often made it his goal to have Dae reach his climax before he did, but with how Dae had been servicing all night, and Wonshik’s rampant teasing directed at him, the eldest didn’t know how much longer he could last. 
“I’m getting close, Dae.” Gyu’s statement made Dae look up through his eyelashes, giving his leader a quick glance before Wonshik gave him a particularly rough thrust which caused him to get back to sucking Gyu off, this time with more haste, as if he was needy for Gyu’s release. 
That’s the sole hint Gyu needed, suddenly grabbing Dae’s head with his hands and thrusting up into his mouth all while he pulled his head back and the same fast pace, as if he was using Dae as a toy to fuck. 
The room was silent for the first time aside from the sound of Dae gagging on Gyu, and both Gyu and Wonshik’s moans and groans littering the room. Changyun simply needed one last one to feel the head of his cock reach the back of Dae’s throat and feel him suck on his dick for Gyu to cum straight into his mouth, not bothering to give him a warning or anything. 
He roughly grabbed Dae’s hair and made sure the latter’s head didn’t move in the slightest, wanting to dump all of his seed straight into Dae’s throat, making sure he felt all of Gyu at once; from his cock to his cum. 
Wonshik had retorted something degrading which was meant to rile Dae up, yet both boys simply ignored him, and instead Gyu finally pulled out of Dae, watching as Dae licked his lips and swallowed everything Gyu had left inside of him. 
“That was hot as fuck to watch, I won’t lie.” Wonshik’s laugh came across as a shock to Gyu, considering how he was still going at it with fucking into Dae with all of his strength, not stopping the rhythm of harshly entering him and leaving at such an intense speed, not forgetting to add multiple smacks to Dae’s ass here and there. 
Gyu felt himself fall back against the headboard, Dae following in letting his head fall onto Gyu’s thighs, making the older smile ever so softly. 
“Want me to fill you up, or-”
The plea came out desperately, his voice was a simple whimper that was no doubt to the fact that his mouth was being fucked for so long. 
Wonshik quickly pulled out of him, making Dae tilt his head up in an almost worry, only for Wonshik to flip him onto his back for a change, grabbing his legs and pulling them up before thrusting right into him in this position without a care. “I want to see you when I fill you up.”
The statement made Dae reach out, grabbing Wonshik’s shoulders and pulling him down so he could finally bring their lips together. Gyu had half a mind to attempt to crack a joke about how Wonshik would be tasting him, but seeing how into it Dae was, and how Wonshik was going along with literally everything Dae wanted this whole night, he refrained. 
Dae’s hand went down to start giving his own dick attention, while his tongue played with Wonshik’s, loving the way it felt to simply let Wonshik take control even there and go along with it. The feeling of Wonshik pounding into him was absolute bliss to Dae, the latter loving the feeling of how he was quick to pull out and almost leave Dae empty, only to quickly thrust right back in at such a speed it felt like his cock was stabbing at his prostate. 
Sex with Wonshik was always rough and fast; both of them simply wanting to do enough to get themselves off, it’s why they both worked together well. Wonshik knew how to put Dae down in a way that felt good. He turned what could be pain into pleasure and that’s what Dae loved. 
“Get ready.” Wonshik pulled back only to whisper those words before biting Dae’s bottom lips, his thrusts finally losing a bit of it’s intensity and instead provided sloppy thrusts that had Dae’s eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
In one particularly harsh thrust, Dae felt Wonshik spill into him, providing him with the feel of the liquid pouring right into him just like he was craving, and was the same feeling that had Daehyeon cumming right onto his stomach. 
The room was filled with silence once again, the only noise was the two boy’s heavy breathing, Wonshik still not emptying himself out of Dae, having enough energy left to pull back slightly but suddenly push back in, an obvious attempt to try and make sure his cum stayed inside of Dae.
However, Dae watched through a glazed look how Wonshik’s face that was in utter euphoria, turned into one that had a playful grin on it, finally yanking himself out of Dae and leaving the boy feeling empty for the first time in what felt like forever. Daehyeon wasn’t too much of a fan of the empty feeling, but what more could he ask for?
“You still up to repay the bet you lost?” Wonshik’s question was light-hearted, and although it seemed like he wanted for Gyu to stay true to his words, he was evident in his tone that it was solely up to the other boy. 
Gyu looked at him with a quirked brow, gesturing to how Wonshik had already come, and it wasn’t like he was to stay hard for too much longer. 
“Lick me clean?” 
Gyu groaned in response, as if he wasn’t up for it, only for his body to move towards Wonshik’s, watching the latter stand up on the bed as Gyu neared him. 
“Leader following in suit of his member huh? Is-”
“If you degrade me I’ll bit your dick off.” the remark carried little to no weight considering how Wonshik’s cock, which was covered in drips of his own cum from trying to fuck it into Dae, was centimers from Gyu’s lips. 
The taller of the two grabbed the base of his dick, and was quick to slap it against Gyu’s lips, obviously enjoying every second of looming over the eldest. Dae never let his eyes slip away from the sight at hand, watching how his leader looked up with a squint only for him to make a move and give Wonshik’s cock a lick from his balls to the it’s head, eliciting a shaky moan from Wonshik. 
“You can do better right? Set an example for your member?” Wonshik teased Gyu as he 
positioned his dick in front of Gyu’s mouth, taking advantage of how he opened his mouth to spit out a response to slowly tease it in. 
The leader didn’t seem opposed at all, taking in his dick bit by bit, suddenly breaking eye
contact and doing his best to take in all that he could. It was an odd feeling, Changyun had sucked dick before but it was never under the “command” or “directions” of someone else. Although he wasn’t sure 100% sure if he would love it the way Daehyeon did, he knew Wonshik did from the way he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. 
When Changyun made a bet, he stuck with it. 
And maybe he took pleasure in seeing Wonshik’s eyes shut fast before opening widely when Changyun purposefully took all of him in at once only to move away, teasing the man successfully. 
Wonshik nodded, both boys falling back onto the bed, allowing for a moment of peace to slither in the room, each boy now laid across on the bed, their energy completely fucked out of them. 
“Happy birthday, Daehyeon.”
“Yeah, happy birthday, bud, I hope the present was how you wanted it.”
“It was perfect...we should celebrate like this more often.”
“I’ll shove you off this bed.” 
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mordellestories · 4 years
Give a Beetle a Bone
It was a fucking disaster, is what it was! It wasn't like Betelgeuse's plans had never gone to shit, quite the opposite; his plans ALWAYS went to shit in some way or another, but this time? This time took the fucking cake ! Getting eaten by a sandworm just moments away from being free as a bat at dusk, now that's a story to tell the grandkids–wherever the fuck those little turds were. How could this be the end? How could he have gotten so close, only to come out of the other end of a giant, very satisfied, striped asshole? At least one of them enjoyed themselves. He shuddered at the memory of being squeezed right out into a steaming mountain of sandworm shit.
What was he supposed to do now? Wait his turn with the other deadbeats in waiting room 8, just to get bitched out by the cunt-of-an-ex-boss? Again?! No. No freaking way. This was it. This was the last straw that broke the corpses back, and Betelgeuse was ready to go to war .
The riled up poltergeist shot out of his chair, still in tatters from his meet and greet with the jaws and intestines of that legless, enthusiastic fucker on Saturn. (The beast actually took a liking to Betelgeuse once he was out. Must have grazed the thing’s sweet spot or some shit.)
"I'm not gonna stand for this," Betelgeuse said with righteous determination while standing. "I'm the ghost with the most!" He beat his chest with an angry fist and stomped his foot on the ground. "I do what I want when I want, and none of you dupes can do a thing about it!"
"You!" Miss Argentina shouted from the reception. "I can hit this big red button right here and send you right back to where you came from if you like," she grinned wickedly.
Betelgeuse held up his hands in surrender. "Woah! Not necessary, babe," he winked, exposing his grimy overbite. "I'm just gonna hit the john, maybe have some grub, and I'll be right back." He chuckled slowly and dangerously, placing his hand to his chest and straightening. "Cross my heart and hope to live," he cackled wildly and popped into the midplane between life and death. Time to pay up, betrothed. His shrieking laughter rang through time and space as he zeroed in on his target.
He landed in a darkroom. It took a few moments to realize he was trapped in a negative hung to dry.
"You ruin my art, and I'll ruin your afterlife," droned a familiar feminine voice from afar.
Betelgeuse craned his neck every which way to catch a glimpse of the snot-nosed, betraying, little shit. The backstabbing kid was gonna feel his wrath from here to kingdom come– HOLY HANGIN' GEMSTONES BELOW!
A slim form was hunched over a table, examining her work with a Buddhist monk's calm and concentration—jet black hair pulled up in a messy bun, chocolate eyes, moonlight pale skin, and grown up in every way that counted in his books!
Mother o' pearl, look at those tits!
"Yowzers!" Betelgeuse let out, followed by a sharp whistle. "How long was I in that literal shithole," he grumbled and scratched his head, utterly confounded.
"Eighteen years," Lydia replied dryly, not sparing a glance in the poltergeist's way, making Betelgeuse feel entirely insignificant.
It was insulting. It was infuriating. It was-it was-it was... It was a massive turn on , and Betelgeuse was instantaneously stiff in more ways than one.
He leered in her direction, even though she was still ignoring him, and scanned her top to toes again, shaking his head in bewilderment. Betelgeuse hummed with approval. "May I just say, you're lookin' like a beetle on a cracker ta me right now, babe. Ya sure as hell didn't get your pop's looks, thank my lucky stars," he mumbled the rest.
Lydia arched a brow, the only sign she had heard him at all.
Lordy-lord! That stoic, unperturbed, porcelain face was making him itch in all the right places.
"I wondered when you'd have the stones to come back," Lydia murmured absentmindedly.
Oh, this bitch was messing with the wrong dead man. "Is that right," he drawled with a sneer. "Well, honeybun, your wait is over. Time to ta hold up your end of our deal."
Lydia scoffed with the tiniest smile, her complete amused disregard for the poltergeist going straight to his dick.
Look at me, look at me, look at me! Betelgeuse shook himself and tried to sound as menacing as possible and not like he wanted to grovel at her feet and beg her to scratch his head like the flea-infested dog he was. "Sweetums," he warned, "I think you remember what I'm capable of–hard to forget, I'm sure. I'd watch yourself if I were you."
This time, Lydia did turn her gaze up to meet the ghost, but the look on her face was far from frightened. There was a wicked glint in her hooded eyes, but the rest her face remained as impassive as ever. "What are you going to do? Summon a merry-go-round and a jumping mice circus? Dress as a clown? Oh, wait," her brow furrowed slightly, "you're already in costume."
Oh my god... Cupid had aimed a long-range missile right between his legs and shot his cock up to the heavens that didn't exist a moment ago.
Betelgeuse actually needed to swallow for the first time since he'd keeled over. His jaw was slack, and his eyes were bugged out. He needed to get this shit under control, or he was gonna roll over and let his tongue loll out of his panting, rabid mouth. He cleared his throat and adjusted the lapels of his ruined wedding tux.
Lydia had the decency to keep eye contact, but it unnerved him, and that was just insane. "Listen, kid, uh, woman, uh, pretty lady," he stammered, "I bent the laws of nature for you, saved your friends, scared your folks straight, I'm due some compensation, okay?" Betelgeuse couldn't get over sounding like a handyman being gypped out of his hard-earned cash by an unsatisfied customer. "We made a deal," he all but whined.
The medium raised a single brow and smirked, giving Betelgeuse her undivided but callous attention. "Poor Betelgeuse," she cooed.
The ghost could not suppress the electric sparks from shooting out of his ears at the sound of his name on those pretty pink lips.
"Oh, baby ," Betelgeuse drawled, desire gripping onto his sanity and wringing it out like an old dishrag. "Two more times, and I'm yours," he breathed with manic, pleading eyes. "I'll do anything, and I mean... anything," he pronounced while whipping his arms open to make it abundantly clear.
Betelgeuse could feel Lydia's eyes appraising him, and he was suddenly, painfully aware that he looked like he'd been chewed and shat out of a Saturn giant. She was looking at him like he was a bug–and not in a good way.
Betelgeuse latched onto the intrigue like a lifeline, because that's exactly what it was! "Anything," he swore and knew he'd follow through because-holy shit-she was gorgeous. To prove his point, he blinked a bouquet of roses into Lydia's arms.
Surprise registered on Lydia's face and then a smile, and fuck, he felt like she'd given him a treat for being a good boy.
"Cute," she deadpanned and let the flowers drop to the floor, "but cliche."
Betelgeuse snapped his fingers, a box of chocolates manifested next, which Lydia snorted at.
A wave of his hand brought a generous shower of jewels and gems.
She rolled her eyes.
Betelgeuse snarled. "Aw, c'mon! Waddya want?! Dresses?" All manner of old fashioned gowns fell onto Lydia's lap. "Just say the word, and it's yours."
Lydia seemed somewhat pleased with the wardrobe above everything else, but it still wasn't the reaction any other woman would have had. Hell's bells, this woman was hard to please! He hit all the staples, didn't he? What else could a chick want?!
"Hmm," the stoic beauty hummed and shrugged, "I dunno, Betelgeuse ."
"One more B-word, snookums," the ghost pleaded.
She sighed dramatically. "I'm not very impressed, and I honestly have everything I've ever set my mind to," she looked at her nails and then dead in his eyes. "Except..."
Betelgeuse pressed his face up against the photo's barrier, squishing his crooked nose and fogging up the image. "Tell me," he purred, fire igniting every cold bit of his soul.
Betelgeuse let out a high-pitched wheeze and shot a hand to his dead heart. "Me?! Fuck, babe, ya got me! Hook, line, and sinker! Let me outta here!" He clawed at his prison and whimpered.
Lydia's grin was downright evil, and the ghost shook in his boots. "I'm not going to marry you," she clarified. Betelgeuse deflated but waited for her to continue. "But, I'll let you out every once in a while if you're a good boy."
Good boy. "Want me ta be good? I'll be good for ya. I'll sprout wings and a halo for you, babes."
"I don't think you understand," Lydia chuckled and shook her head, bemused. "I'll own your soul, you'll be my errand boy for all of my whims, and I decide if and when you get to come out to play."
"Yes." Betelgeuse had said it without hesitation, and no follow-up.  
Lydia's eyebrows disappeared under her bangs. "You can't be serious," she narrowed her eyes. "I'm offering you scraps!"
Upon snapping his fingers again, Betelgeuse's ears grew and flopped over, a tail sprouted out of his ass crack, and a collar with the name Lydia in big neon green letters wrapped around his neck.
"As long as those scraps come from your table, Lyds, I'll sit, rollover, and even play dead for ya." He grinned wide, let his tongue roll out past his chin as he panted, and let out a needy bark.
It was obviously the right thing to do because the passive woman burst out laughing. It was music to Betelgeuse's new doggie ears. He was so in trouble.
"Okay," she let out on a breathy giggle. "Then we got a deal... Betelgeuse ."
The ghost cackled and cheered. "Aw, yeah! It's showtime, babes!"
Mordelle on Ao3
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vee-angel · 4 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 1, repost)
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
Mackenzie had just turned eighteen and had recently transferred to a new high school. Despite being rather pretty, she tended to go relatively unnoticed. She had dark red hair that hung flatly down to her mid-back, and ivory skin that she never adorned with makeup. She was on the slim side, but took pride in the fact that she had rather pretty breasts, a bit more full than would be expected from her frame. Not that anyone ever saw them, her plain and somewhat modest clothing saw to that.
While rather timid in real life, her online activities were anything but. She had discovered internet pornography at a relatively young age, and her curiosity led her, over the years, to pursue greater and greater levels of filth. In her younger days, she was satisfied merely to watch videos of women urinating, but her tastes evolved from there to piss-drinking, fart porn, vomit, spit, snot, and of course, scat. The idea of “dirty women” captivated her. Her interest primarily centered on images and videos in which a woman was on the receiving end. She often imagined herself taking the place of the women.
Sadly, her shyness and modesty kept her from actualizing her fantasies. She had tasted her own urine once, and for days afterward had feared that someone would discover the shameful thing she had done. She wished that she could be as bold and shameless as the women she looked at online. She fantasized that someday she’d find a women who somehow knew what she wanted without her ever having to say it, someone who could elicit a passion in her that was so irresistible that it left her inhibitions shattered.
Little did she know that today was the day her fantasy would become flesh.
She didn’t really mind that her parents moved often. She was forced to change schools multiple times, but it’s not as if she ever made friends anyway. The first day at this new school was much like the others. She quietly kept to herself, and when lunch-time rolled around she made her way to the bathroom to avoid having to interact with any of the other students.
She always tried to find the least-used bathroom, usually the one farthest from the cafeteria and common areas. If she was lucky she could go an entire lunch period without having to see another person.
When the lunch bell rang, she made her way through the halls, trying to avoid attention until she reached her bathroom sanctuary. She finally made her way there, opening the door and putting her purse on the counter. A confident voice from behind her made her jump, “Hey fire-crotch, what’s your deal? You new here?”
She turned around to face the girl who spoke. As she laid eyes on the young woman, her heart felt it was clamped in a vice.
She was both awed and shocked at the vision she saw before her. The deep green mohawk caught her attention first. Her hair fully shaved on both sides. The right side of her head adorned with a tattoo reading “Potty Mouth” in a vomit-looking punk rock font. Her pretty face had delicate features, and other than the generous amount of eyeliner, she wore no makeup. A short leather jacket and tiny tattered black t-shirt covered her torso. She was skinny, with minimal body-fat hiding the taut muscles of her youthful abdomen. Her tall black boots contrasting with the exceptionally short red-plaid skirt, barely long enough to cover her ass.
Mackenzie wanted to speak, but felt intimidated by the extreme looking girl in front of her. She decided to quickly turn around and pretend to be looking at something in her purse. The wet sound of her chewing gum was the only sound in the room for a few seconds.
“Don’t talk much, huh? That’s all right, I’m sure you’ll open your dick-holster when you’ve got something to say.” the punk-rock girl said.
Mackenzie thought, did she just call my mouth a dick-holster???
“Anyway, I’m doin’ a thing in here. Feel free to stick around, should be a good show. I’m Piper, by the way, feel free to call me Shit-Pipe.”
My god! thought Mackenzie, can this girl go five seconds without saying something vulgar?
As much as Mackenzie wanted to be judgemental, inwardly she was exhilarated by the idea of this shameless classmate of hers.
She glanced in the mirror to see Piper removing some cable ties from her backpack and fastening them on the handles of the stall doors, seemingly blocking access to the toilets for anyone who might happen to come in.
The two girls waited in silence for a couple of minutes, Mackenzie glancing at Piper’s reflection in the mirror. Each time she checked, it appeared that the girl was chewing gum with an appreciative smile as she stared intently at Mackenzie’s ass.
Just then the door burst open and a pretty blonde cheerleader rushed in. She yanked the door to one stall, then another.
“Piper! What did you do?” the cheerleader yelled exasperatedly.
“Hey, who says it was me?” Piper replied with a confident-yet-sarcastic smile “Maybe I just heard that the toilets were out of order and thought it was a chance to volunteer my special services as a shit receptacle.”
Mackenzie perked up. Did she really just hear what she thought she heard?
“Oh my god, Piper, what the fuck? I know what people say about you, but you’re not really into that, are you?” the cheerleader asked as she danced about with one hand holding her ass.
“Hey, looks like you don’t have much of a choice.” Piper said as a grumble emanated from the cheerleaders stomach, “You can either shit your panties or shit in my mouth.”
“Stop fucking around and open the door, I really, REALLY have to go!” the cheerleader exclaimed.
Piper pulled the piece of gum from her mouth and lifted one leg as she inserted it, like a suppository, into her own anus. She then dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue obscenely.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this. You’re so fucking nasty.” the cheerleader said. Accepting the fact that she had no choice, she scrunched up her face in disgust and turned around.
Piper wasted no time, immediately lifting up the back of the cheer-girls skirt and yanking down her panties. She thrust her open mouth between the girls butt cheeks before reaching around and giving a good squeeze to the girls lower abdomen.
Mackenzie watched in the mirror, transfixed on the vision behind her. A loud fart, muffled by Pipers mouth echoed through the restroom. A loud rhythmic swallowing sound could be heard as Piper chugged the blonde girl’s diarrhea. A few seconds of this passed before the sound turned to muffled, sputtering flatulence as the shit exploded directly into the walls of the green-haired girls mouth. Apparently a new stream of feces began to flow, as she once again heard the loud chugging noise, though this time it was periodically interrupted by a wet chewing.
While Mackenzie didn’t have the best vantage point, she thought she observed a trail of brown slime drip from Piper’s chin before a few drops landed on the firm, pale skin of her stomach.
After several seconds, the mortified cheerleader finally pulled away. She waddled toward the paper towels next to the sink, her panties still around her knees. “Hey, you didn’t even give me a chance to clean you up. I can put a real spit-shine on that turd-cutter of yours!” Piper called in a mocking tone from across the room, the cheerleaders brown ass-slime still dripping from her chin.
The blond girl quickly wiped with a paper towel before pulling her panties up and rushing out of the bathroom.
Piper gathered up the shit from her chin with her finger and licked it clean, she repeated the process a few more times, making sure to get every drop. She then looked down and scooped the two dollops of cheerleader diarrhea from her tummy and swallowed those down as well.
“Bitches just don’t appreciate good customer service, eh fire-crotch?” Piper asked.
Mackenzie still just stared down at her purse, her heart racing with excitement at what she just saw. She never imagined that this was something she would just come across in her everyday life.
“Oh, hey where are my manners? Do you need to squirt a turd, too? ‘cuz I still got plenty of room in here” Piper said, slapping her flat belly.
“Nnn…. na… no.” Mackenzie replied shaking nervously. This girl was a dream come true, and she had no idea how to act.
“Hey, well I’ll be around if you change your mind,” Piper said before turning around and sticking her leg up onto the sink right next to her. She bent over and looked up at Mackenzie from between her legs. The shy girl actually turned her head to look down at the girl in the obscene pose, her skirt having ridden up to expose her tight pink asshole. Piper looked up at her as she dug her finger into her sphincter and retrieved the piece of gum she’d stored there earlier. She stood up and popped it back into her mouth before walking to the door.
“See ya around, red,” she said before casually flipping up the back of her skirt and farting loudly toward the shy red-head. She walked out of the room and Mackenzie was suddenly alone to process the mind-blowing scene she had just witnessed.
“Holy shit.” she whispered quietly to herself.
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Awesome, Helpless
((Sequel to this and based off of the Addict music video. Buckle up, this is a long bitch it gets heavy at points because that video was heavy as fuck and this is how I cope-))
After sweeping up the last dollar bill into his hands, Angel stood up straight, making sure to trail his fingers up his thighs with the motion. Then he turned on his heels, walked up the catwalk and to the main part of the stage. He shot the crowd one last seductive look before the curtains closed and the stage lights went out.
“Well, I can’t say that was really my taste in entertainment,” Alastor spoke up from his seat at the table, “But he did certainly put on a performance. Brava!~”
Husk slammed his glass down on the table with a muffled thunk against the table cloth.
“Yer jus’ glad it’s over, aincha?” the winged feline piped up.
“Even with his voice, I still get his gender confused. Why does he do that with his chest floof?” Nifty added.
“Because his audience is gross and he knows it,” Vaggie said flatly.
Charlie was immediately scanning around the scrambling crowd for the spider demon.
Yes, she was aware that he’d need to get dressed after his show, but she wanted to be able to spot him as soon as he came back.
Soon enough, there she spotted him, emerging by the stage. It wasn’t hard to notice him, he was nine feet tall and almost pure white. He was practically a beacon.
“Come on, guys! Let’s go congratulate him!” the blonde said, immediately standing up.
The princess rushed off with the sinners in towe. 
It didn’t take long for Angel to take notice of the approaching group and grin. He walked towards them in wide strides
As the space between them closed, Charlie’s nose twitched and wrinkled a bit. Her sensitive nose had picked up something rather sickly sweet coming off of Angel. It was a scent that already subtly wafted in the establishment enough that no one else would notice, but it smelt more concentrated off of the pornstar. Like perfume. But it wasn’t his usual perfume, that was for sure.
At the very least his sweat dulled down the scent some…
“What’s with the face, toots?” Angel prodded as soon as he and the group stopped in front of each other.
“You smell funny,” she answered without thinking.
Alastor chuckled behind her, clearly amused.
“Well, yeah,” Angel said with a snort, “I jus’ got finished dancin’ a storm up there, baby. ‘Course I’m gonna be smellin’ a bit rank.”
Charlie opened her mouth to reply to that, but decided against it. Instead, she smiled wide and grabbed him by the hand excitedly.
“You were terrific out there!”
“You certainly know your audience. I’ll give you that,” Vaggie added, a hand on her hip and a half smile on her face, “I guess I can see why you’re popular now.”
“I knew you were fluffy, but I didn’t realize you were this fluffy!” Nifty added.
Angel gave an amused and cocky grin.
“Thanks, gals~” he rang before his mismatched eyes trailed up to the men of the group, “And you...?~”
Husk rolled his eyes.
“It was fine, I guess.”
Alastor, meanwhile, chose not to comment, favoring just tilting his head to the side instead.
The spider demon merely shrugged.
“Eh, I’ll take those as compliments~”
The Radio Demon’s neck then straightened, eyes flicking past Angel.
Charlie’s sensitive black nose crinkled again. That same sweet smell from Angel. But much much more potent. And coming right towards them. That prompted her to turn her head to the source, the rest following suit.
Angel pulled away from her, the grin and pep all but fading.
A blue skinned moth demon, nearly a foot taller than Angel and wearing a bright red fluffy coat and hat, was walking towards the group. Rose tinted heart shaped shades glinted against the light of the club, and a golden tooth gleamed in that wide grin among the otherwise pink teeth. Accompanying him were two scantily clad demonesses, one cat like, and the other may or may not be an imp. Her eyes weren’t glowing in the dim lighting, so she may not have been.
“Angel cakes~” a rich, velvety voice greeted from the tall moth’s lips, “Do ya have my money?”
“Yes boss…” Angel muttered as he began digging around in his pillowy “cleavage”.
Ah. Boss. So this was Angel’s employer, then. Made sense.
The blue demon then looked at the others.
“I definitely recognize the Radio Demon, and one looks vaguely familiar. New friends of yours, sugar?”
Angel tensed up a bit at that but handed him the stack.
“No sir. They just work at the hotel I’m stayin’ at now,” he explained, “They’re more landlords than anything.”
Vaggie could only cock a brow at that.
“Sir”? This is the first time she’d ever heard Angel say that… unironically that is. So formal and polite… And yeah, this is his boss, but still. With how he behaved usually, she expected him to be bratty, or at least casual. It was… surreal…
Charlie extended a hand to shake, even despite the overwhelming scent assaulting her senses.
“I’m Charlie, the founder and owner of the Happy Hotel.”
Angel’s boss stared for a moment, gears turning in his head. Then, he started laughing. Low and slow for a moment, and then building it’s way up up up, all the way to gut busting. Even the two women with him started giggling.
The demon princess lowered her hand slightly, a tad discouraged now.
Vaggie, however, was more miffed than anything.
“What’s so funny?!” she growled.
“Holy shit, I remember now!” he blurted out, “You’re the princess from that interview! God, I haven’t laughed as hard as I have when I watched that shitshow in ages!”
“Well, at least we can both agree that it was quite entertaining,” Alastor chimed, “Don’t get used to that, however.”
The silver haired demoness looked about ready to blow a gasket. What stopped her from going around her girlfriend to punch this fucker in the face was a hand on her shoulder. Angel’s hand.
She looked up to see said spider demon looking down at her and shaking his head from side to side slowly.
She’d… never seen him look so… serious…! What the fuck!?
Charlie was about to completely lower her hand in defeat, but the laughter suddenly stopped, and one of the man’s own hand shot for hers, partially grabbing her wrist when he’d caught it in his grip.
“You can call me Valentino, baby doll~” he said cordially.
Charlie didn’t even have time to express any discomfort at the pet name before she was suddenly pulled closer to the pimp.
“Charmed!~” he added, his voice breathy.
At the “charmed”, bright red smoke rushed out of his mouth and into Charlie’s face. They saw it a few times during Angel’s show, but neither Charlie nor Vaggie knew where it came from. They just figured it was part of the show with how it interacted with Angel. At least until now.
That overly sweet scent again. But much more concentrated. Powerful. Overwhelmingly so. It blocked out all other scents, violently assaulting her senses. It was dizzying. She normally loved sweet smells, but there was such a thing as too fucking sweet! Too fucking much! And it was already too sweet in the air, and too much coming off of Angel. Even more so from Valentino. This. This just made her feel ill. Made her want to retch.
All the while, Angel was deathly stiff as he watched, his grip on the by now furious moth demoness much tighter. He had no idea what to do, what to say, all he could do was internally freak out-
Shit shit shit shit shit- Val, no! Not her! Don’t fuckin’ do this to her!
“Hey, what the hell!?” Vaggie snapped at her fellow moth.
She didn’t know what he was doing or why, but damn was she itching to bring out her spear-
Husk, Nifty, and Alastor exchanged knowing glances before, with a swish of the chimera demon’s large wings, the red smoke was fanned away and towards the two women with Valentino. Both of whom gladly inhaled it. The two then stared at each other, eyes half lidded.
Valentino’s smile ebbed slightly.
Huh… He was sure she inhaled at least some of it… and yet...
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that blowing smoke in someone’s face is rude?” Nifty chastised from below, “Shame!”
Alastor gently pulled Charlie away and out of the pimp’s grip by the shoulder in a casual motion.
“Then again, can’t expect any manners from someone who associates with Vox of all people.~”
Valentino’s attention was pulled away from the princess and onto the Radio Demon behind her. That let Angel relax enough to finally release Vaggie, who promptly moved to gently hold her girlfriend by the arms.
“Are you alright, Charlie?”
The blonde could only nod, still reeling from the assault on her senses.
Fuck, she could still taste it in the back of her throat. It was like being force fed cups and cups of nothing but pure honey. It stung!
“Speakin’ of Voxy, a shame he already left. He would have loved to have seen you, dear~” the pimp said.
“Rather fortunate that he did leave, because I do not share such sentiments,” Alastor responded rather curtly as he released Charlie’s shoulder once he was certain she was safe from anything further from Valentino.
“What does bring ya here anyways, baby?” the red clad moth continued, “I thought this wasn’t your scene. Didja finally decide to have some real fun?~”
“I would hardly consider this my definition of ‘real fun’,” the radio host scoffed, “I only came by Charlie’s insistence.”
Valentino snorted at that.
“I’m sure ya did, sweetheart…~”
The deer’s red eyes narrowed, his grin sharpening.
“You find yourself quite fortunate that I am temporarily sworn off of non self defense violence for the sake of my entertainment, or I would have made certain that you are no longer able to make such disgusting innuendos.”
After all, what sane person would check in if they felt the people working there were dangerous?
“Awwww… Learn to have fun…~” Valentino teased.
“Big Veeeeee…” the feline demoness whined, “Can we go back to the studio?~”
“Yes, daddy, I want to play, and there’s no good place to do so here~” the other agreed.
“Awh, you bitches needy?~ Alright, alright, we’ll head back…~”
The pimp’s attention finally returned to Angel.
“Angel baby, come on now.”
“W-Wait a minute,” Charlie spoke up without thinking, “Didn’t you get your money already? Shouldn’t he come back home with us now that he’s done?”
Valentino cocked his head to the side at her, his mostly pink grin quirked in amusement.
“Awh honey, donchu know how this works?~” he asked, his tone condescending, “I need to make sure that he has given me it all… Can’t have a sneaky lil’ whore tryna siphon more than their earnings off of me, you know~”
Angel hesitated, looking between the group and Valentino.
“Can’t you just count your money here?” Vaggie piped up, “It shouldn’t take that long, should it?”
Red eyes narrowed from behind heart shaped rose tinted lenses. He seemed to be struggling to keep his grin up.
“Didja not hear my bitches, sweetie? They wanna go now,” his face then softened when he looked at the spider demon, “Besides, we need to talk about his upcomin’ shoots. Don’t we, sugar?”
“... Yes mista Valentino,” Angel sighed out.
“We’ll have him back to your little joke- I mean hotel once we’re done with our business, ‘kay?”
He tucked away his stack of bills before wrapping his lower set of arms around the waists of the girls and using one of his top hands to make a beckoning motion with his finger.
“Come along, baby~” he cooed.
Before either of the girls could protest this further, Angel obediently followed after him, looking over his shoulder with an… unreadable expression.
“Well, see ya fuckas late-a, I guess.”
Once the four were gone, Charlie looked at the others anxiously. Something rubbed her the wrong way, and she couldn’t put her finger on what.
“Well! I think it’s about time we made ourselves scarce as well, wouldn’t you say!?” Alastor suddenly exclaimed.
Before anyone could respond, he ushered the group out the exit. 
They didn’t have to wait in the night long before the limo pulled up. Out of the front seat Dazzle emerged, floating to the door to open it and allow them inside. Everyone crawled in to find their places. Charlie and Vaggie sat in the back seats while Alastor and his little crew sat across from them. Nifty was seated in the lap of Husk, who had to position his large wings awkwardly to fit in his seat.
Onces everyone was seated, the red goat shut the door. Moments later, the limo started moving.
The ride was quiet for a while, everyone trying to process the encounter after the show.
Then, the silence was broken.
“Charlie…” came Alastor’s voice, his tone uncharacteristically sober.
That was enough to pull her and the others out of their thoughts and bring their eyes to him.
His usual smile was still there, but he was leaning forward, eyes hard focused on the princess across from him.
“I need you to answer me something, and I need you to do so honestly… Could you do that for me, darling…?”
Charlie nodded slowly, a brow raised. Where was this coming from?
“Are you feeling an unexplainable warmth? Perhaps some sort of strange craving?”
That only confused her more.
“N… No…?”
The Radio Demon hummed in thought for a moment.
“Are you feeling anything else, then…? Anything out of the ordinary…?”
“... I’m still having trouble getting that taste and smell out.”
Alastor raised a brow.
“Smell and taste…? From that smoke?”
“Yeah…” she said with a nod, “I don’t know how strong it is for you guys, but...”
“Charlie’s nose is really sensitive,” Vaggie explained, “While we may smell something subtle, it’s a lot stronger to her. And she can pretty easily pick up scents we probably would not be able to smell.”
“It… got my throat stinging…” the princess added.
Husk nodded.
“I have a pretty good sense of smell too. One of the only useful things of bein’ a giant fuckin’ cat…” Husk mumbled, “I ain’t still got it stuck in my nose or mouth, nor got my throat stingin’. Then again, I also didn’t get shit blown in my face.”
“... I see…” Alastor finally said softly.
There was another moment of silence before Alastor snapped back into his normal postured, the jovial lit in his voice returning.
“In that case, I know the best cure for this! Who’s up for gumbo!?”
“We already ate dinner in that club, Alastor…” Husk groaned.
The Radio Demon scoffed.
“Like that bushwa they serve can compare to what I cook! What a joke!”
A laugh track punctuated Alastor’s sentence.
When we get home, everyone is getting a bowl!~”
Charlie refused to go to bed tonight. Not until she was ensured that Angel was back.
Every hour she would leave her office to check the lobby. And when she didn’t see him there, she would go back to her office and busy herself to keep herself awake. She had given instructions to Husk at the bar that if he ever returned in between those times, he was to give her a shout.
It was five in the morning when she went to check again. Husk had been dead asleep three hours ago, and she didn’t have the heart to wake him up.
When she drew closer to the lobby, she could hear… singing… Soft, sad singing...
And when she emerged out into the lobby, what she saw… surprised her…
Angel at the bar, singing at a sleeping Husk.
In one his hands was a cigarette. It was strange, though. It was producing that same red smoke that she’d seen at the club they came back from.
“I’m addicted…
“To the sorrow…”
Angel was startled, nearly startled out of his melancholy song, when feeling a hand on his shoulder. He swatted at it briefly in irritation, nearly slapping it off of him. He only missed because the hand moved off of him just in time. He glared over his shoulder at the source to see…
… Charlie…
Son of a bitch she moved quietly!
… He was too tired to care enough to feel guilt for the look of hurt on her face. Just… too damn tired… So yes, he was giving her that fuck off look as she stared at him. He was in no mood for her happy sappy shit. None of it! And no amount of that kicked puppy look was going to change that.
Plus… he still had one of Val’s little… “gifts” with him. A brand new pack as thanks for… showing him a good time…
And he still wasn’t entirely sure it was safe around her. Nor did he want to take that chance. That is heart attack inducing, god dammit.
So he walked off, regarding her one last time with a glare and a middle finger as he made his exit.
The sweet smelling smoke and his voice trailed down the hallway with his pace.
“When the buzz ends…
“By tomorrow…”
And all she could do was just… stare after his retreating form and watch it steadily disappear until the only trace of him left was the fading red trail of smoke...
“What’d I miss…?” came a groggy gruff voice, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Charlie looked over at Husk to see, yup, he’s awake now.
She rubbed her face to relax the muscles before smiling at him.
“Angel just came back home…” she said gently, “Go back to sleep, alright…?”
Husk mumbled something or other before drifting back off to slumber, right on top of the puddle of drool he made in his sleep previously.
With that, she made her way back to her office. She could go to her own bed, but that was about the same direction he went, and she didn’t want to come off like she was following him. It was… clear he wanted his space...
… Why did Angel react to her like that…? Did… did she do something wrong…? She thought that… going to his show would bring his trust in them up, but… He’s shut her out more than ever… It was like she had taken one step forward and then jumped ten steps back. He wasn’t even holding her at arm’s length at this point, he was pushing her away. Far far away from him.
Her thoughts drifted back to Valentino, the reason he wasn’t home immediately…
What happened…? Should she have fought harder to ensure he immediately went home with them…?
Maybe she could ask for advice on how to help? But who could she ask? Her first thought was Vaggie, but she had the feeling that said demoness would go off on him if she mentioned the slight hostility he demonstrated. And that was the last thing he needed on top of… whatever he was going through right now... She doubted Alastor would give all that great advice. Husk was a tad… apathetic to be of much help here… And Nifty… she wasn’t sure about Nifty’s qualifications on that front either.
… She can talk to him in the morning… Not about what’s wrong if he doesn’t want to, but something to make him feel better? Maybe???
Charlie woke up on her desk the next morning.
… Or… well… Afternoon. It was already past lunch time.
The blonde stood up and headed out of her office and to the lobby.
… No Angel yet… And Husk has confirmed that he hasn’t come down for a drink yet. So maybe he was still sleeping… or healing… or both…
So she decided to wait on the couch, occasionally seeing Nifty zip by on her duties.
She’d passed the time texting Vaggie, occasionally glancing up to see if he was here yet.
[TEXT]: Hey love. I just woke up. Afternoon. <3
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Hey, sleeping beauty. How did you sleep?
Probably shouldn’t mention that she slept in her office…
[TEXT]: I slept fine, thank you. <3
Apple of my Eye <3 [Text]: Did you see Angel come back to the hotel?
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: What time, if you did?
Charlie’s thumbs hovered over the keypad, hesitating.
[TEXT]: About 5am.
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Was he okay? Something about him going back with that sleazeball of a pimp did not sit well with me.
More, longer hesitation.
That’s the thing. She didn’t know. She wasn’t entirely sure. He was in a significantly sour mood, that was for damn sure. And before he knew she was even there, he sounded so… sad… Looked so, too… But she couldn’t wrap her head around what could have possibly happened between leaving with Valentino and coming back to the hotel. And that… scared her…
Little to say, she… didn’t know how to answer that.
She swallowed before typing.
[TEXT]: All I know is that he was a bit cranky… I’m sorry… I’m hoping to catch him in the lobby so I could talk with him about it.
Again, she’d rather not bring up him slightly lashing out at her. No need to make things worse for him. She just hoped Vaggie didn’t figure that out.
Thankfully, she didn’t.
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: I guess that’s to be expected…
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Did you notice how he was behaving with that Valentino douche? It was almost creepy how his attitude just shifted like that.
[TEXT]: I noticed that too. It’s kind of scary…
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT] And I thought Alastor had the most punchable face in Hell.
[TEXT]: Vaggie, no! We do not solve our issues with violence! >=0
Apple of my Eye [TEXT]: Hey now, I never -said- I would. I just said that he just has one of those faces that would be fun to punch. [smug side eye emoji]
Charlie laughed lightly despite herself.
[TEXT]: So what did I miss anyways?
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Nothing much. I decided to ask Razzle and Dazzle to take some of your paperwork out of your office so they and I could get to working on them. Figured it would keep us from falling behind.
[TEXT]: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Vaggie! I didn’t mean to put that on you! D:>
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Hun, it’s fine. You were up trying to make sure Angel was back home safe, and you needed your sleep. Any one that tries to fault you for that is a dick.
Then, the clacking of big boots against the hardwood floor. Charlie looked up to see Angel heading to the bar.
Alright… There he is…
[TEXT]: G2G, Vaggie! Angel’s here! I’ll get to my paperwork afterwards!
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Alright, Charlie. Good luck.
Angel plopped himself on one of the stools, propping his head up on his elbow.
“Hey, Husk…”
The feline raised a brow. Huh. Lacking the usual pep. The smile looked tired, forced. He thought he could see bags under the pornstar’s mismatched eyes. His features in general seemed to… sag… like he was somewhat deflated…
“... What’ll it be, bud…?”
“I’m thinkin’...”
He heard a weight plop down on the stool next to his. It took one glance to see…
Oh boy… Charlie…
This was awkward.
He was starting to wonder if she was a cat or something with how she just kept sneaking up on him like that.
His eyes went back to staring out in front of him.
“... Some wine…”
Dammit, he was hoping to get some of the harder shit!
“What kind?”
Angel waved at that.
“Don’ matta, babe. Ain’t picky right now.”
“Rosè it is.”
Angel chuckled weakly as Husk grabbed a wine glass and poured the wine in.
“It’s ‘cuzza the pink, innit...?”
“Yup,” Husk said simply as he handed it to the pornstar.
“Well thanks…~”
Golden eyes then looked over at the princess, who’d just been sitting there quietly, patiently.
“Didn’t know ya drink, blondie.”
“Oh, no no, I’m not here for a drink. I mean, unless you have any-”
“-Virgin drinks?” the winged cat finished, “What kinda fuckin’ bartender would I be if I didn’t know how to make ‘em. Gimme a sec…”
Silence permeated the air for a second, aside from the clinking of glass of Husk doing his work and Angel occasionally sipping from his glass.
Charlie glanced up at him.
He wasn’t even looking at her. Just staring straight ahead…
It felt like an eternity before Husk handed her her drink.
“Hope ya like er whatever. Figured ya were probably sick of sweet shit from last night, so figured somethin’ more citrusy would be more to yer likin’ right now.”
Angel stiffened slightly but said nothing.
The blonde smiled gently as she took it.
“That’s very thoughtful, Husk. Thank you.”
“Don’t fuckin’ get used to it.” he huffed as he grabbed for his bottle and took to drinking from it.
… More silence, this time without much to fill it other than the occasional sipping of drinks from one of the three. The silence would have been deafening otherwise.
He still wasn’t looking at her.
… Maybe if they were alone…
Husk should know morse, right?
Gently, she knocked on the surface of the bar, looking up to see his ears twitching with each beat.
Husk straightened up, folding his bright scarlet wings on his back before moving out from behind the bar.
“Gotta go grab a snack… be right back…”
Angel’s grip on his wine glass tightened at that.
Wait yor jus’ going to leave me alone with her?!
He couldn’t come up with a natural excuse fast enough to either keep Husk here or follow him before the feline had left towards the kitchen.
… More awkward silence… More Angel refusing to look at her…
The blonde gently drummed her knuckles against the bar’s surface as she tried to think of what to say.
“... Ya in a percussionist mood today or something?” he asked, still not looking at her.
Charlie scratched her cheek awkwardly.
“I guess you can say that… Yooouuuu know me.”
The spider demon snorted slightly.
“Yeah, you live yor life in a fuckin’ musical.”
… A bad habit that seems to have rubbed off on him a bit…
Charlie laughed softly.
There was a moment’s hesitation before she looked up at him.
“... Uhm… You have a beautiful singing voice by the way…”
… Son of a bitch, speak of the devil. Or devil’s daughter- wait didn’t she say her dad wasn’t the- Ah fuck it.
Okay, but to be fair, he was singing during his performance last night too. He’d give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that that’s what she meant.
“... Thanks, toots…”
More silence. Charlie stared down at her hands before deciding to speak again.
“... Soooo…” she started, hoping it sounded casual, “How did you sleep…?”
“Fine,” the spider demon responded.
She smiled gently.
“That’s good. You seemed like you had a rough night, so…”
Angel just sighed.
“I was jus’ fuckin’ tired toots. It was nothin’ personal.”
And apparently that’s all he had to say on that. Fair enough. At least he said that much.
“No, it’s okay, I get that. I’m not upset about that. Honest. Just… worried…”
… Yor worried…?
He finally glanced down at her for the first time since she took the seat beside him.
… He had to know…
“... ‘Nuff ‘bout me, though, sweetheart. I wanna ask you somethin’.”
The princess perked at that.
He took a sip of his wine as he tried to think of how best to ask his question.
“So how are you feelin’? Ya got any headaches, or feelin’ weaka? Maybe feelin’ any shakiness or anything like that?”
Charlie seemed to grow more and more confused the more he spoke.
“N… No…? I’m fine… Why…?”
First Alastor, now Angel. What was up with asking how she felt?
And just like that, Angel felt the tension melt away from his relief.
Thank god!
He had a love… mostly hate relationship with Val’s shit. On one hand, damn did it feel good. It was a hell of a high. Practically like you were floating. Made getting it up easier and more fun, made you more sensitive… Hell, even the smell and taste grew on you after a while, became delicious. It just gave an overall liberating feeling.
On the other hand, the liberating feeling it gave was a facade, a trap. It was a highly addictive substance. One full hit, and it was over. Your body would want more. More more more more- and it was never enough! And god were the withdrawals awful. Your body would be convinced it would fucking die without it. It was quite possible it would. It made you desperate for more. It made you reliant on the provider. Made you come back to them. Gave you no choice but to stay with them. It was a never ending cycle, a whirlpool you’d have no chance of escaping except to concede and drown.
He would know. He’s tried. He’s tried to quit it. One day and he was desperate to satiate that craving his body demanded. He’s actively trying to figure out how to wane it. No such luck so far. And going clean has not been helping.
And fuck did Val take advantage of it. Of course he did. Why wouldn’t he? It made business good for him. All he had to do was pay them the bare minimum and a hit from him or drugs laced with it, and that would be enough for them. Sometimes to make a job go by smoother, he’d give it to them to make them nice and ready. He could do anything he wanted to anyone hooked on his shit, and they would never be able to do shit about it…
So little to say, Angel was glad. He was glad Val didn’t manage to pull this one in. He wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Let alone…
“... That’s all I wanted to know…”
Charlie looked up at him, inching a hand to one of his arms before pausing.
… After his reaction last night… probably not a good idea…
She pulled her hand away before finishing off her drink.
“Well, you should probably go get you something to eat. I don’t think you’ve had anything since lunchtime yesterday. There might still be gombo left.”
He looked at her, a brow raised.
“Since when did we have gumbo yestaday?”
“Since we came back after your show. Al’s idea.”
Ah… made sense…
Charlie then stood up from the stool.
“... And.. hey… if you ever need to talk about something… anything at all… I’m here, okay…?”
Oh yikes-
Angel had to keep from rolling his eyes. Instead, he took a sip from his wine.
Wow she just went straight for that, didn’t she?
“A-And I mean anything at all. When you’re ready. I want to be here for you anyway I can… If you’re not ready yet… if we’re not there yet… that’s fine… there’s plenty of time… But I just want you to know… anytime… okay…?”
“... I’ll keep that in mind, sweetheart…” he said, noncommittal.
If it would get her to shut up. Not that he was thinking of ever considering it.
Charlie gave a hopeful smile at that.
“Now go feed yourself! I’ll be in the office area. Uh… Just uh… Just in case you need something… something maybe not as heavy like… Like to borrow a CD or something.”
He huffed out a small laugh at that.
And with that, she bounded to the office area.
Yes, there was absolutely no commitment to him saying he would keep it in mind. She would have to be blind to not notice that. But the seed was still planted. She won’t expect him to talk about whatever he’s going through today, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. But that’s fine. They had all the time in the world for him to feel ready to open up. And when he was, she’d be right here waiting for him.
Angel sat there and watched her leave before standing up, still holding what remained of his wine in one hand as he made his way to the kitchen.
God this bitch just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Yeah, let’s divulge all the gorey details of his afterlife. That’ll be fun for everyone. The sentiments were nice for sure, but she knew nothing about him. And a large chunk of him was convinced it was better that way. This isn’t a fairytale. This was reality. Ugly, brutal reality-
We want to help you.
… Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time Charlie has tried to give the metaphorical finger to reality. That’s exactly what this hotel was, after all. Not out of the ordinary for her, really.
… Silly...
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omgviolette12 · 5 years
After Hours - A Professor Loki fanfic
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Summary: Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, Eventual Romance/Smut
Pairing: Loki / Original female character
Chapters: 1/?
Words: 1681
A/N: The professor Loki fanfic you never asked for  ;.; I was gonna wait till I had like… six chapters written in advance till I posted this, but fuck it. I’m fairly consistent, so you don’t have to worry about ‘when the fuck is this gonna update!?’ Anyway, let me know if it’s good so far.
Come check this out, babes!: @milkymaidme @dangertoozmanykids101
“Excuse me! Sorry, please move! I said move!”
Evelyn spoke as she weaved her way through the busy hallway, bee-lining straight towards Professor Laufeyson’s office.
She had been absent not once, but three times the past two weeks for each one of their meetings, and she could feel that his patience had long vanished.
Until now, being a TA for his calculus course had been smooth sailing - contrary to what herself, and everyone else who had taken his class thought.
When Evelyn opted to take calculus the previous semester, she had already braced herself for failure. Math had never been her strong suit, barely passing even the most basic of classes despite her studious nature.
But under his tutelage, Evelyn had unexpectedly grown a deep love for the subject - and the professor himself.
In class, while professor Laufeyson could be unbearably strict most times, he never failed to find innovative ways to make each lecture fun and engaging. Not only that, he was extremely patient with her when she came for extra help during his office hours. She had even breached his lunchtime on multiple occasions, and not once did he turn her away.
That was why after passing his course with flying colors, Evelyn decided to apply for the TA position as soon as it opened. Admittedly, she had grown attached to the man; not only was he knowledgeable in mathematics, but with subjects ranging from history, literature - anything she could possibly think of.
But now, as she raced towards his office, she steeled herself for a harsh tongue-lashing from her scary professor. One thing that professor Laufeyson hated the most, was tardiness. He had been lenient with her thus far, and Evelyn feared he would think she was taking advantage of his good-will.
Reaching the door to his office, she swung it open in haste.
And there he sat, his mere presence exuding authority. One long elegant leg crossed over the other as he flipped idly through a book, not sparing a glance in her direction. He was even more intimidating with his sharp way of dressing; White dress shirt pressed to perfection, covered by a dark, slim- fit suit vest. Evelyn was a sucker for men in suits, and her professor wore them like no other.
She scuffled inside, closing the door behind her. Evelyn made sure to check if it was closed correctly - perhaps due to its age, the door refused to click most times.
After doing so, she walked to stand in front of his desk, shuffling awkwardly on her feet as she waited for him to speak.
It took several beats of silence before she finally heard his cold voice, “ Enlighten me…what day is it, Miss Monroe?”
Shit…what was today?  “Uhm…Taco Tuesday..?”
He looked up from his book to give her a sharp look, “Is this a joking matter to you?”
“N..No..Nope! Uhm..I don’t- what… what was today suppose to be again?”  Really Evelyn? Taco Tuesday? That’s the first thing that came to mind?
Sighing, her professor pinched the bridge of his nose before lifting a sheet of paper into view with two fingers.
Teaching Assistant Evaluation Form: Midterm Progress
“I am highly disappointed in the effort being displayed thus far, Miss Monroe. Out of all my other TA’s, I expected much more from you.”
Evelyn gaped stupidly at the paper in his fingers, and then began to panic internally. She had no idea TA’s had midterm evaluations, so she did plan on slacking a tiny bit until finals rolled around.
As an art major, taking three studio classes began to take its toll - so much that even professor Laufeyson became an afterthought. But now faced with the danger of failing, she would have to re-organize her priorities.
“I understand that you have a lot on your plate this semester. However, I would advise that you treat all responsibilities with equal priority.”
“Yes…I’m sorry professor, I promise to make up for all the lost time…”
The look he gave her after she said those words made her extremely uncomfortable. Sharp, and burning with intensity. Uh…did I say something wrong?
Having noticed that he must’ve looked off, he turned his head abruptly back to his book.
“Actions speak more than words, Miss Monroe. Now sit. You have much to make up for.”
And so, for the next three hours, Evelyn worked hard in the suffocating silence of his office grading one too many papers. Her professor never talked much, granted. But he wasn’t usually this quiet with her.
Over the past four months as his TA, they had developed a sort of… companionship. If you could call it that.
She was intimidated at first- and still is, but he was surprisingly easy to converse with. After she assisted him with whatever he had on his plate, they would usually fall into casual conversation, and talked about all manner of things that inevitably drew them closer.
But now…she could sense that he just was watching her, and she could barely concentrate on grading due to nerves.
Evelyn raised her head from the papers to chance a glance at her professor - and sure enough, he was staring at her with furrowed brows, and narrowed blue-green eyes.
What.. what’s his deal? He’s acting so weird…
Evelyn cleared her throat stiffly to breach the silence, “Uh… is everything okay?”
He shot her the unfriendliest look she had ever seen on his face, but spoke in a calm voice that did not match it, “You pull three no-shows, show up late, and then have the audacity to ask if everything’s okay?”
Welp…guess I shouldn’t have asked…
He closed the lid to his book a bit too harshly, causing Evelyn to jump slightly in her seat at the sudden sound.
“You’ve done enough, you may take your leave.”
Evelyn glanced down at the pile of papers she barely managed to make a dent in, “ Oh..but-”
“It is lunchtime, and I’d like to eat in peace. Now please leave.”
At his stern command, Evelyn gathered her things quickly before walking to the door. She glanced over her shoulder to look at her professor one more time, guilt weighing down her heart as she watched him gather the large pile of ungraded exams in front of him.
While she was a student in his class, professor Laufeyson always went above and beyond to make sure she knew the material and spared no effort in tutoring her when she asked for help. He was a busy man, so he rarely showed any other students the same courtesy.
But her lack of effort and laziness not only gave her a poor grade, but unnecessary stress to the person she admired the most.
No wonder he was so affronted with her.  She was a terrible student, in addition to being a terrible friend.
Evelyn walked a little around campus aimlessly with a heavy heart, until she went inside a cafe across the street.  
She loved the place - it had a cute little reading corner at the back, and she would always order a huge slice of lemon cake to eat while she studied.
And at the thought of cake… Evelyn was suddenly struck with an idea. She recalled, during one of their many casual conversations, that he mentioned having a bit of a sweet tooth.
Even if she couldn’t make up entirely for her poor work ethic, she could at least treat him to a nice, big slice of cake as a start.
After studying for a few hours, she went up to the counter to order the biggest slice of lemon cake they carried.
It was around six in the evening by the time she left the cafe, the skies now a dark purple hue as she scurried across campus with a large cake box.
The cake’s size was a bit overkill -  but like her mama always said, go big or go home.
She just hoped he was still there around this time. More than likely he is, with the amount of work she left behind.
Evelyn entered the now empty building where his office was situated, taking care to walk as slowly as possible. She could be a bit clumsy when she was nervous, and at the moment her heart was beating a mile an hour.
Just give him the cake, apologize again, then head on home. No biggie.
He was really pissed with her earlier on though, and she hoped he cooled down considerably since then to accept her gift graciously.
As she slowly approached the office door, Evelyn paused.
Eh… the heck is that sound?
She walked closer to the door, and the sounds grew louder as she did.
Whack! Whack!
Evelyn was beyond perplexed. What in the world was he doing in there to make that sound?
She was about to knock when the sound of her professor’s velvety voice through the door caused her to go stock still.
“I am highly disappointed in you, Miss Monroe. Who told you to come?”
Evelyn shivered at the tone of his voice, her eyes growing wide.
How…how did he know I was here? And why’s he talking like that? 
She plagued herself with so many questions that she felt herself turning silly.
’‘But… I suppose you’ve been a diligent, good girl. You may come now, Evelyn. Come for me.”
What the…I guess he wants me to come in then?
Without further confirmation, Evelyn twisted the knob to swing the door open.
“Uhm… I’m sorry for -  Holy SHIT!”
Little did she know… it wasn’t the ’come in, have some tea!’  type of come, but the sexy, kinky kind.
Evelyn all but threw the cake inside the room with a surprised yelp, shocked at the sight that now tainted her poor virgin eyes.
Her beautiful professor… whom she secretly admired… was currently balls deep within a fortunate female victim - paddle in hand as he fucked her mercilessly against the obviously sturdy surface of his mahogany desk.
                   Good? Bad? Worth pursuing? Let me know~
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 29
“So, how was everyone's weekend?” Teba asked. They were gathered together behind the school at the end of the day, none of them really in any hurry to get home.
“Uneventful,” Urbosa said.
Teba nodded. “Right, right. I'm sure it was considering you bitches all jumped ship Friday night.”
Daruk shrugged. “The Captain told us to scram, so we did.”
“We had our own issues to deal with,” Urbosa said, narrowing her eyes at Teba.
“Oh, yeah, me too, like busting Revali out of jail.”
Daruk whistled. “Nice. What was he busted for?”
Teba rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Well, let's see.” He looked up thoughtfully. “There's the loud noise ordinance, the underage drinking, the drugs, assault, and somehow attempted murder.”
“The fuck?” Link muttered.
“Yeah. Turns out trying to choke a guy doesn't fly well with the cops, especially when the guy's a fucking bitch.”
“Huh,” Link said. “I thought they were getting kinky.”
“How did he manage to get out?” Daruk asked.
“Oh, you know how it goes,” Teba started. “His dad pulled some strings.”
“So, where has he been all day?” Urbosa asked.
Teba shook his head. “Maybe his father finally killed him.”
“You don't know?” Link said. “I thought he was your boyfriend.”
Teba sneered at Link. “I don't spend every moment of my life with him. I haven't seen him all weekend. I've been with Suki.”
“No one has thought to check on him?” Urbosa said. “It's not like him to go silent like that. I don't think he even knows how to shut his beak. He practically announces his presence whenever he enters a damn room.”
“And I suppose that's my job?” Teba said. “It wasn't my turn to babysit him.”
“Not it,” Link said, putting a finger on his nose. “Not it times infinity.”
Daruk sighed. “I'll call him.”
“Cool,” Teba said. “Let me know how it goes. I've got shit to do. But if he's in jail again, don't call me. I did my time.”
Daruk pulled out his phone and dialed Revali's number as Teba left them. It took three rings before Revali answered.
“Hey, man,” Daruk said. “The hell have you been?”
“I dunno,” Revali said. “I found this feather and I followed it.”
Daruk raised a brow and turned to his friends. “Huh?”
“Yeah, you'll never fuckin' believe it,” Revali continued. “It's a fucking feather, man. Like, the prettiest looking feather I've ever seen.”
“Is he on crack?” Link asked.
“The fuck are you smoking, dude?” Daruk said.
“No, guys,” Revali continued, sounding excited. “You gotta check this shit out. It's fucking magic, man. A fucking magic feather.”
“And where did you find this feather?” Urbosa said in a bored tone. “He's fucking with us,” she said to them.
“I swear to fuck I'm not,” Revali shouted. “I had this wild ass dream last night and this feather was in it, and when I woke up it was on the fucking window and I followed it.”
“Why the hell would you follow a feather?” Daruk asked.
“Because of the dream, man! The dream!”
“He's lost it,” Mipha said. “He's high as a kite.”
“Shut the fuck up, guys,” Revali said, still shouting. “Its magic! I'm a fucking legend! Just get the fuck over here and check it out!”
Daruk's brows furrowed. “Where are you?”
“I dunno,” Revali said. “Outside the city. Who the hell knows. I wasn't paying attention.”
“Fine,” Daruk said with a sigh. “I'll just stalk your phone. We're coming to get you.”
“Hey, wait,” Revali said. “Don't bring Link. I hate him.”
“You're a good friend, Revali,” Link said. “I don't give a damn about your stupid feather, anyway.”
Urbosa nudged Link's ribs. “Sounds like some magic shit you may want to look into,” she muttered. “You know, something to help with anondorf-gay.”
Link raised a questioning brow and Mipha giggled. Urbosa rolled her eyes and beckoned with her chin. “Come on.”
The tracker on Revali's phone brought them right to him. To their surprise, he was much further away from the city than they realized. In fact, he was just on the edge of the Hebra region, almost a four hour drive from the city. The sun was already sinking low in the sky, threatening to dip behind the distant mountain range, still capped with snow despite the warmth of the approaching summer.
Revali stood atop the hill, playing with the feather that dangled from his wrist. He turned to his friends as they crested the hill, leaving the car behind on the side of the road.
“You're not just outside the city, dude,” Daruk said angrily. “We drove almost four hours to get here.”
“Really?” But this didn't seem to interest Revali. He held the feather up for them to see and grinned.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Daruk said. “All over a damn feather?”
“Hell, yeah,” Revali said. “Check this shit out!” Revali raised his arm with the feather around his wrist and a bow took shape in his palm, materializing out of thin air with an angelic flair. Specs of glittering dust moved together to form the structure of the bow, emitting a soft, golden light as it took form. His fingers wrapped around the wood of the bow, and with his other hand, he pulled back on the drawstring, and an arrow took shape in a similar manner. He pulled the arrow back, waited a moment for the world to fall still, then released. The arrow soared through the air, a light blue hue around it, flying gracefully toward the horizon. When it didn't make impact with a target, it simply burst into a glittering blue dust, catching the rays of the sun until it dissolved completely.
“Guess we've got our ranger,” Daruk muttered.
“Perfect,” Urbosa said with a hand on her hip. “We've got our Dungeons and Dragons team.” She rolled her eyes.
“Please tell me there aren't going to be dragons,” Mipha muttered.
Revali turned back to his friends proudly. “You bitches can't do that.”
Urbosa looked up and smirked. “Actually.” She snapped her fingers and lightning struck the ground just yards from them.
“Holy fuck!” Revali shouted, springing backwards. “What the fuck?”
“Yeah, you know something,” Daruk said with a hand on his chin in thought. “Link's the only one without cool powers.”
Link crossed his arms. “I have a sword,” he said. He dropped his arms after a moment, defeated. “And... a triangle that glows.”
“Wait,” Revali started, putting a hand in the air to stop them. “Rewind. You all have cool powers?”
Mipha shrugged. “I'm the healer.”
“The healer?”
“Yeah, so stay on her good side or she'll let you die,” Link muttered.
“You're serious,” Revali said slowly. His brows furrowed. “Wait... do you guys know about Ganondorf, too?”
Urbosa raised a brow. “How do you know about Ganondorf?”
“He was in my dream. It was like... like I had to stop him or something.”
“Something like that,” Daruk said.
Revali turned his wide eyes to him. “He's real? He was like, trying to take over the world!”
“Yeah,” Urbosa said. “So, he kinda needs to be stopped.”
“Well,” Revali said, straightening. “If this world needs a hero, a hero it will get!”
“Actually,” Link said with a grin. “That's my job.”
“Fuck off, loser.”
Urbosa sighed. “Yeah, that's Link's job.”
“Shit,” Revali spat. “We're -”
“We know,” the others said in unison.
“Shut the fuck up!” Link barked.
“So, this is real,” Revali said. “This is happening?”
They each nodded. And one by one, they each told a part of the story; of the legends, of how their own powers came to be, and of the recent attack by the Shadow Beasts. When they were finished, Revali stared at them dumbly. After a moment, he finally spoke.
“Why the fuck am I the last to know about this?”
“Because you're an unobservant loser,” Link muttered.
But Revali did not react to Link. He looked at the feather looped around his wrist for a moment. “So, if we're gonna be superheroes,” he started. “What's our name? We need a cool name.”
“The L-men,” Link said with a grin. “For Link.”
Revali snorted. “More like L for loser. That name sucks.”
“You suck.”
“I vote Justice League of Hyurle,” Daruk said.
“The Fantastic Five,” Revali said, then added, “and Link.”
“Those all suck,” Urbosa said.
“I agree,” Mipha said. “If anything, Zelda gets to pick the name. She is the princess of Hyrule, after all.”
Revali rolled her eyes. “She'll pick something stupid, like Unicorns or something.”
“You know her so well,” Link muttered.
“Fine,” Revali said. “But for the record, if you let Link be our little leader, you're all stupid.”
Link turned around and made his way down the hill, toward the car. “We're leaving him here, right?” he said over his shoulder.
His friends – and Revali – followed suit behind him.
“What the hell was Hylia thinking, anyway?” Revali said. “How can the fate of Hyrule rely on such an incompetent, lazy idiot?”
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rinusagitora · 7 years
Gems flow in her bloodstream.
Fandom: BLEACH
Characters: Toushirou Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, Momo Hinamori, Shuuhei Hisagi
Pairings: HitsuKarin-centric, minor Rannao, minor ShuuHina, platonic HitsuMatsu
Words: 2,000+
Summary: Modern AU, movie star!Karin, trans!Karin. WARNINGS-- depression and horror themes. Gift fic for @gloomyplum for HitsuKarin Secret Santa 2017. Toushirou, famous novelist, is having his latest and most popular horror trilogy adapted into a movie. Unfortunately, the lead lady is hot.
His eyes peeled open, jostled from his slumber, to Rangiku as she smoothed her blonde hair. “Nap’s over, Hitsugaya-kun. We just landed.”
“Motherfucker.” He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. “These flights are gonna be the fucking death of me.”
“That’d be a lame way to kick the bucket. Your novels portray such artistic deaths. Wouldn’t you be embarrassed to die of jet lag?” she teased.
“Hence my complaining.” He popped his neck. “Do you think my sister will forgive me if we detour for some fucking coffee? I may die otherwise.”
“She has a press at home, doesn’t she?”
“She had one of those coffee bars-- two, in fact. Both defective in the space of a year. She just goes to the Starbucks by her place now.”
“Send her a text, then. You have manners.”
“Yes, mom,” he snort as he switched his phone off airplane mode. “It’s a quadruple shot night, though. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow.”
“Maybe for you. I’m going home to my girlfriend and sleeping for the first time ever, so you’re gonna have to catch a cab. As much as I love you, I miss my girl.”
“That’s fine. Tell Ise I say hello and look forward to seeing her once we start filming.”
“Aren’t you sweet? Will do, Hitsugaya-kun. See you in the morning.” Rangiku grabbed his elbow and kissed his cheeks, ever affectionate. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. She had been his publishing agent for so long she was almost his friend. What was once an annoying gesture made him smile even as exhausted and overall standoffish as he was.
“Get some sleep, Matsumoto,” he told her.
He dragged his luggage behind him and hailed a cab from the entrance. It was only four o’clock in Shibuya, but he swore it was four in the morning. His tour in the Americas fucked over his circadian clock. He, ever a creature of habit, took days to adapt to a new routine, even if it was a return to a year’s-old routine.
In the backseat of a cab with his luggage in the seat beside him, he sighed. “The Kamiyo high rise apartments,” he told the driver.
“Fancy,” the driver replied. “Are you from Shibuya?”
“I live here, if that’s what you mean. I moved to be closer to my sister and work. She owns the Hisagi Gothic Art Gallery with her husband.”
“Oh, hey, you wrote that Haruka trilogy, didn’t you? I knew I recognized you. My wife raves about those books. All that gore makes me kinda queasy, though.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the point. I love writing nasty stuff.”
“She adores the ghost chick too. My wife normally only likes male characters, but she tells me Haruka was captivating. Congratulations on your movie, by the way. I watched Funeral Home and it was fantastic. I’d love to read it if I didn’t work so much. Got a baby on the way, you know.”
His heart slammed like an emergency brake in his chest. “Congratulations,” he said.
“Shit, my wife is gonna dig this when I tell her, though. She loves your books.”
He smiled. Hearing from his fans in an everyday setting was one of his favorite parts of being a writer. He wasn’t so popular he was swarmed when he was just out and about, but he was recognized just around in coffee shops and bookstores. He didn’t mind so long as he wasn’t bugged at the grocer’s or the mall.
With his fare paid, he walked inside and rang his sister’s suite from the ground floor. He was soon welcomed into an elevator and then his sister’s spacious suite.
Momo giggled, her lips pulled into a wide, ruby-colored smile as she jogged over to him barefoot and wrapped him in a hug.
“Welcome,” Momo cooed with a squeeze to his neck. He rubbed his hand over her chiffon top and kissed her cheek like Rangiku kissed him. “It’s good to see you again. I missed you so.”
“Hey,” Shuuhei cheered from their kitchen.
“You’re all looking splendid,” he told them, shoes and bag left in the genkan. “I come with gifts! Do you guys want them now or after we do some catching up?”
“After dinner. I want to hear all about your time in the States.” Momo pulled him onto the couched and curled her dress and her legs under her.
His sister so easily made him smile, however exhausted he may be. “My god, it was eventful,” he told her. “My English is still shit and I hate road trips, but I got to see a couple of art galleries in New York and a gothic-inspired independent fashion show in Los Angeles which was superb. I got to try a lot of good food. There’s nothing more to say other than Kyouraku driving his assistant up a wall.”
“Ugh, you’re so boring.” She reached into her clutch on the table and pulled out a cigarette. “Tell me about the places you ate at.”
He laughed. “Well, it was either diners or Michelin star establishments where I had to wear a fucking suit and tie. I really liked this one diner outside of Orlando, Florida. It was towards the end of the tour and I was fucking beat. Their cheeseburgers and milkshakes were to die for. So juicy, so cheesy. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.”
“And those art galleries?”
“I saw one in Houston, another in Seattle, and the final one in DC. None of them were gothic or otherwise related to horror. My favorite was the abstract gallery in Seattle. The artists featured expertly demonstrated feelings and events through color and shape. There was this installation where there were these glow in the dark strings in this dark hallway. I think it was meant to express the feeling of MDMA at a rave, or something. I loved it.”
Momo cackled. “Oh god. It sounds like you had fun. What was the fashion show like?”
“Fantastic! I sat next to Marilyn Manson. We talked a little before the show began. Apparently, he’s read my novels and had wonderful insights on Bear Claw. My English is shit but he was understanding and promised I was understandable.”
“Marilyn Manson?”
“He’s a popular metal musician in the United States. It’s atmospheric and angry. I adore it. I listened to his newest album while writing the Haruka trilogy.”
Momo hummed. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“Here you guys go.” Shuuhei deposited three plates on the table they surrounded. Steam wafted up to his nose, sausage and potatoes and oregano. He grinned.
“It smells amazing. Thanks Shuuhei.”
His brother-in-law winked with a click of his tongue. “No trouble. It’s great you have you back, Toushirou. It just doesn’t feel right when you’re not in Shibuya.” Shuuhei kissed Momo’s cheek. “How’s that new book going, by the way? I saw an outline pulled up on your laptop the last time we were over.”
He laughed. “Pretty good. I’m finished world-building for now, I’m working on the cast now. More ghosts, more grunge, violence galore.”
“Look at you, corrupting our children with your books.” Shuuhei and he laughed.
“By the way, how’s your book going?” he asked.
“Oh god. I’m either writing at lightning speed or distracted by my wife,” he answered. “I’ve been researching interrogation approaches so that’s a bit of a speed bump. Can’t read and write at the same time, after all. Nonetheless, progress is progress, as Rangiku-san tells me.”
“Don’t you have researchers to help you out with that?”
“Technically. I’ve always preferred doing things myself, however. I was always taught to do as much as I can and then ask for help when there’s nothing more.”
“I suppose you’re right. Progress is progress either way. That’s the most important thing to remember, especially about writing. Research, writing, working with the publishing company, et cetera. Matsumoto tells me that it’s like a circle filling in at stages rather than a linear progression. She’s wise that way.”
“Rangiku-san is wise in many ways,” Momo smiled. “She’s good to us, especially you, ‘Shirou-chan. I hope you treat her well.”
“I try. She likes making her life difficult, I think, since she’s so opposed to actually doing her job.”
Momo and Shuuhei snort in unison. “Yeah,” Momo replied, “that sounds like our Rangiku-san. But you know what I mean.”
“I do,” he smiled.
He sighed, plate finished, and then stood. “Enough chat. I have gifts! Let me fetch my bag.”
Momo’s sigh followed him to the genkan. He hooked his arm through his rolling luggage, not brave enough to risk Momo’s anger for ruining her flooring. Shuuhei had cleared their plates and he set his bag down. Moments later, he presented Momo a velvet box.
“To start off, for my lovely sister.” He opened the box to a jeweled collar, the color of Momo’s eyes, chocolate diamonds draped with milky pearls. “I thought of you the second I saw this.”
Momo’s eyes bugged out of her skull. “Holy shit….” Gingerly, she lifted the collar out of the box. Shuuhei clasped it behind her. “Toushirou, it’s gorgeous. How did you ever get your hands on this?”
“I have an internationally bestselling trilogy and movie deals. I’m loaded,” he answered.
“Shit,” Momo chuckled, “you spoil me and I don’t ever have anything for you.”
He shrugged. “I don’t mind. You’re my sister. You’re the most beloved person in my life since our grandmother’s passing, I don’t mind giving you nice things. Anyways.” He presented Shuuhei a pair of silver guitar-shaped sleeve cuffs. “For you, my friend.”
“These are nice.” Shuuhei pulled his wrist cuffs to his eyes. “Damn, look at the detail. My publishers are gonna dig these. Thanks so much.”
“No problem at all.”
“Now then,” Momo laughed, “I adore these gifts and I’m sure Shuu does too. I want to hear about your movie deals, though.”
“Obviously, the one for my second book is finished-- thank god. I had to fight tooth and nail for the studio to keep the details and plot to the book. I’m not exactly optimistic about my trilogy’s film adaptation, however. The studio still doesn’t seem to trust my judgement despite my prolificness as a writer. I’m grateful to have Kyouraku directing again, since he’s more open to keeping to my story rather than shooting off with his own, but the company is a pain in the ass.”
“I hope they stick to the book. You’re a very talented writer. You know what you’re doing.”
“Alright,” He slid out of his chair and hugged Momo. “I have an early morning tomorrow. Thanks again for the food, it was delicious.”
“Of course. Don’t be a stranger, now.”
“Of course.”
He called another cab outside. It was silent his ride home. Tours always took a lot out of him, but with the excitement of seeing Momo fading, he was beat. He longed for his plush mattress, his satin sheets, the smell of home.
He sighed as he flipped on the light. He dropped his luggage on the couch, he’d take care of it sometime the next day. He undressed and turned on soft violin music and laid beneath his blankets.
His suite was very open. In terms of music, the acoustics were fantastic. He could turn on the speakers in his kitchen and he could hear it in his room. In the enclosure of his room, the very air seemed to reverberate with melody. His heart felt like the strings the bow slid over.
It crushed his chest like stones.
His home was empty like he. He adored Momo, but they only had so much social energy. Dating took effort he didn’t have the time for. He could barely take care of himself, let alone a pet. He was alone. Even with Momo divorced from Sousuke for years and back in his life, even with Rangiku, he was alone. Ever doomed to be stuck with fame and money and the sound of his keyboard and violins, never to be completed by someone wrapped in his arms.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stared wide-eyed at his stucco ceiling. The hollowness of himself and his home made him ache.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Needing & Wanting
Summary: Reader gets hit with a curse where she needs to have sex but not everyone is taking this seriously...
Square Filled: Sex Pollen
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Rating: explicit (smut (noncon by means of magical curse), language)
A/N: Written/created for @spnkinkbingo
“Argh!” you shouted in the motel bed. You could feel both boy’s eyes on your back but you were too wound up to care at the moment.
“Problem there sweetheart?” asked Dean, his chair creaking as he stood up. Yeah there was a big freaking problem. You’d never been this horny in your life and you had a bad feeling it was all because of Dean knocking that plant off the shelf at the witches’ house straight on your head.
“I’m fine,” you said, wondering if sneaking off to the bathroom to get yourself off would do the trick. 
“Y/N, you kind of...” said Sam, his voice stopping as you groaned and you heard a slight moan to it.
“You look like you’re humping the fucking bed, Y/N. What, need some alone time or something?” asked Dean, a teasing smile on his face.
“Dean, the victims,” said Sam, running over and feeling your forehead. “She’s hot. I think-”
“Fix me dammit,” you whined, turning over onto your back, hands fisting in the sheets.
“Oh,” said Dean, not even bothering to hide the smirk on his face. “I always wondered what you look like horny. Sound hot too.”
“Sam, I need you to figure out a cure. Now,” you said, sitting upright, panting as you clutched the sheets.
“Well if the witch gets ganked then-”
“Go. This town isn’t that big,” you said, feeling a light coating of sweat break out over your skin.
“Sam can take care of it. Someone should stay with you just in case,” said Dean. You weren’t in a mood to argue so you waved Sam off.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, Y/N,” said Sam, grabbing his coat and the keys, tearing out of the parking lot to leave you with Dean.
“So...you’re like...super horny? What’s that feel like?” asked Dean, sipping on his beer, giving you a coy smile.
“It feels like if I don’t have sex in the very, very immediate future I’m going to explode,” you said, trying to make your face hard but only doing that pouty thing that came out when you were trying to coax a guy into bed.
“Bet you’d feel a whole lot better with a nice thick cock in you,” said Dean, licking his lips. 
“W-What?” you asked, sure whatever had cursed you was affecting your hearing now.
“You need it. I’ve always wanted it. What are friends for?” said Dean, standing up, watching as you scrambled to your own feet. You paused when his hand reached out and brushed up against your arms. 
“Oh God,” you said, spinning back around and grabbing hold of his face, bringing him down into a dirty kiss. This was the biggest mistake of your life. You couldn’t screw Dean. You told yourself you’d never screw that cocky bastard. But he was there and your body needed someone to fuck you right now.
“Fuck, we should have you touch more cursed crap more often,” he said, pulling you off and moving you back towards the bed. You reached up for him again but he caught your wrist, shaking his head. “You want it, you got to ask real nice.”
“Fuck you,” you said, trying to fight how his hand on your skin soothed away the ache that ran rampant through you.
“That’s not very nice. Maybe someone should teach you a lesson,” said Dean, lowering his head, whispering in your ear. “Do you want this?”
“I need it,” you said, pawing at his shirt, already hating how he was slowly pushing your hands back. “Dean...”
“Forget the dirty talk. I said do you want it. Not what some crazy magic witchcraft you got going on in there says you need. Do you want it?” he asked. 
“I don’t know,” you said, dreading saying so as he moved away. “No, Dean! You make me feel better. Please, I need you to touch me.”
“Until I get permission, real permission, you ain’t getting nothing,” he said. You groaned as he pulled you up and walked you over to the bathroom. “Take a cold shower, see if that helps.”
As you stood under the cold water a few minutes later, all you could think of was what was up with him turning into an upstanding guy after riling you up, after saying what he did. 
“Hey, if you’re going to tease someone like that, maybe someone should teach you a lesson,” you said, stepping out of the bathroom, water dripping everywhere as Dean read over a lore book.
“Oh, come on I was...” he said, eyes going wide, his mouth moving but no words coming out as he lifted his head. “Y-You’re naked.”
“Fuck me,” you said, walking over more confidentently than you thought you ever could in front of Dean Winchester. “Cold water didn’t work, I’m just more agitated. Now fuck me Winchester.”
“Um, I...I really think we should wait for-”
“Of course,” you said with a scoff. “All talk, no action. Like you could ever teach anyone a lesson anyway.”
“Y/N,” said Dean, standing up, giving you a dark look.
“Yes, you have all the permission in the world Dean. Too bad you’re too scared to actually help me-” you said before his lips were on yours, pushing you back against the bed so fast your squealed under him.
“Time to learn some manners sweetheart,” said Dean, tearing off his shirt, thrusting his tongue in and out of your mouth so hot and wet you nearly forgot about the burning need that had pooled down low. He chuckled against you when you whined, reaching a hand down between your stomachs to get at his pants. “Uh uh, think you need to get a punishment first.”
“Dean,” you said, moving your hands anywhere and everwhere, his body staying close the only thing keeping you from falling apart. “N-need...” you said, your hand starting to shake as it clung to his shoulder.
“Sh, relax Y/N. I’ll tease you another time. Just tell me what helps,” he said quietly. He rested his forehead against yours and you sighed a small wave of relief. “Is closer better?”
“Yes, please don’t go away,” you said, not sure if you’d be able to live with the agonizing need to have him pressed up against you if he left now.
“Not going anywhere,” he said, running a hand over your cheek, up and down your arm. You smiled everytime his long fingertips grazed your ribs, Dean smiling to himself when he started moving that same hand down your chest. “This feel good?”
“Y-Yeah. I just...fuck Dean,” you said, your body boiling as he moved a hand up to your head.
“Shit, you’re burning up,” he said, sitting up to undo his pants fast, kicking them off as you squirmed on the sheets, wondering if you were about to end up a victim yourself.
You sucked in a breath when you felt Dean’s cock nestle through your folds, his tip pushing inside you just a touch. 
“God, don’t stop,” you said, reaching your hands down his back, groaning as he pushed in slow. You swore your tempature must have dropped five degrees like that, Dean all around you bringing you back to the realm of safety.
“Holy shit you’re hot,” he said when he bottomed out, his body hovering over yours as he looked down with soft, dark green eyes.
“I feel a little better now,” you said, his chuckle so very different and not cocky at all this close up.
“I’m glad but I was talking about you actually. You’re-” he said before groaning when you shifted your hips. 
“Sorry. I think you better start fucking if we want to keep my fever down,” you said, shaking your head at the absurdity of it. Dean ground his hips slowly, a pure, desire filled moan filling the air. You laughed as he began to move, smiling to try and ease your nerves.
“You doing alright down there?” he asked, your hold on him tight but your body flooded with relief at having what it needed.
“S’fuckin’ great down here,” you said, moving your legs, spreading yourself wider for him.
“Only great? I can do better than that,” he said, thrusting in harder, your back arching that time. “You like it rough, don’t you.”
“I don’t care what you do, just keep doing it,” you said. 
That’s exactly what Dean did. He set a steady rhythmn, going deep every single time, winding you up in the most perfect way possible. You’d been too eager to get him inside you before that you hadn’t taken the time to see what he had to offer. If the feeling between your legs was any indication, the pleasant stretch he created, you knew he had to be big.
“Dean,” you whispered, pulling his head down for a kiss. “I’m c-close,” you said against his lips.
“I know. I know. Just one-” he got out before his phone rang. 
“It might be Sam,” you said. “Better get it.”
Dean reached an arm over and dug around in his jeans for his phone, putting it on speaker and picking up his pace again. Your eyes were wide but he only shrugged.
“What’s up Sammy,” said Dean. “Take care of-”
“This is going to sound crazy but you got to...do it with Y/N. She needs to have sex and fast or else-”
“Well, we were a little eager once Y/N was practically melting on the floor. What else ya got?” asked Dean, a squeak coming out through your lips. Dean raised an eyebrow and put a hand over your mouth.
“You guys aren’t doing it now are-”
“No. That’d be weird. So how do we fix her?” asked Dean.
“She’s got to...get off and it’ll go away. She’ll be back to normal after that. Witch isn’t a problem anymore. I’m going to swing by the house and destroy that plant. You help Y/N with her...problem,” said Sam. Your hands gripped Dean’s wrist as you tried to tell him with your eyes you were about two seconds away from resolving this for good.
Dean opened his mouth but didn’t make a sound as you hit your orgasm, spurring Dean into his. 
“Hello, you want me to grab dinner on the way back or not?” asked Sam. Dean moved his hand away as you nodded, the weight of the curse off you but something else pooling in you instead.
“Yeah. Make mine extra greasy,” said Dean, grabbing the phone and tossing it aside. He turned his attention to you, panting and flush under him, his fingers moving some hairs from your face. “How you doing?”
“I’m going to clean up,” you said, Dean sitting up so you could move. You walked to the shower on wobbly legs, trying to shake that awful pit in your gut. When you finally found it in you to leave in a fresh towel, Dean had cleaned up the bed and laid out your favorite pajamas for you, his head turned away as he watched something on his laptop.
You changed in the bathroom and came out to Dean ignoring you when you asked if you could watch too.
“I’m...I don’t even know how to apologize for something like this,” you said, sitting on the other bed. “God Dean, I’m so sorry you had to do that.”
“Definitely not how I wanted that to happen,” said Dean, still averting your gaze.
“You were kind of sweet there once you dropped that cocky facade,” you said. “I...I like that Dean. I’m pretty sure that’s the real one too.”
“What are you saying?” he asked, flashing you a quick glance before looking back to his paused movie.
“I’m saying you can drop the act around me. You know I feel shitty about the whole situation and you cleaned up and got me fresh clothes and...just...you’re a good guy. Whatever I can do to make this up to you, name it and it’s yours,” you said. He pushed his computer aside and swung his legs over he edge of the mattress, staring at you for a moment before curling his lips up in a smile.
“How about a date,” said Dean. You raised an eyebrow and he laughed. “You said I could have whatever I wanted and I want one of those.”
“Up until about an hour ago, fuck less than that, you’ve always thought of me as an arrogant son of a bitch. But since I had to go and show my nice side, maybe you’re more open to the idea than the hundred times I’ve almost asked but knew the answer would be either a fuck no or a fist to my face,” said Dean. He seemed sincere and you saw he was softer when he wasn’t putting on a tough guy attitude.
“You can have a date,” you said. “As long as we never bring this whole thing up ever again.”
“I can agree to that. You are really hot though,” said Dean, giving you a wink.
“Dean, bring up us having sex ever again-”
“Next time, I’ll touch the magic plant and you can return the favor,” said Dean, throwing you another wink, this one paired with a dark smirk.
“Sure thing you can be on bottom next time. All you had to was ask,” you said, standing up and stealing his computer away.
“Lucky me,” said Dean, plopping down on the bed beside you. “There’s going to be a next time.”
“Let’s see how that date goes before you get too excited about squirming under me.”
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf@smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball @feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass @fangirl1802 @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass@mogaruke @secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love@heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester
@tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyh @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione@jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx @ayeeitsemry @mac5323 @atc74@captainemwinchester @lemonadegazeelle @nanie5 @idalinette @quiddy-writes @sassyspn67 @pureawesomeness001 @poukothenerd @af112992@mickey-m399 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @upon-a-girl @amazinntay @akshi8278 @baconlover001 @leather-moccasin-hero @flufy07 @jayankles @alilianamendez​ @batmanprincesskitten @uniquewerewolfsuit
@acreativelydifferentlove  @bellastellaluna  @maximoffangel-girl @arryn-nyxx  
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teenager-probs · 7 years
The Styles Effect Pt. 2
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Part One Part Three
Requests Open
Warnings: Cursing, a little smut (teacher Harry), feelings, multiple parts (slowish burn)
Pairing: Reader x Harry(s)
Y/n finds a notification on her phone asking to make a wish.
Little did she think that her wishing all her Harry fanfictions to come to life would actually come true, and the craziness it would bring.
*Y/N = your name *Y/L/N = your last name *Y/F/N = your friend’s name *Y/O/F/N= your other friend’s name
A/N: This story was originally posted on wattpad by chingyonce. I give her full credit for this. I have changed some things and I’ve taken some things out. I wanted to have this story on this platform so if you don't have wattpad you can read the story here.
The class bell rang catching me off guard as I blinked at my surroundings in confusion.  
Class bell?  
My eyes widened when I realized I was in the deserted hallways of my school, the last few people walking into their class as I pushed myself against the locker I was leaning on, my fingers absentmindedly running over the straps of my backpack as my heart raced.
How am I at school, I don't even remember getting here.  
The last thing I remember was standing in my kitchen, male me, then Harry Styles.
"Is this what being high feels like..." I mumbled to myself with wide eyes, my gaze locking with the school janitor who was emptying one of the trash cans nearby, stopping his actions when he heard me as he sent me a questioning look making me flash him an uneasy smile before I fast walked down the hall to the other side.
I passed one of the classrooms, peering through the window of the door to check the clock on the wall inside.  Fourth period had just started.  
But that didn't make any sense, it was morning, I don't even remember going to any of my other morning classes.  
A chill went down my spine as I backed away from the classroom, heading to my own period as I shook my head.  
Something was definitely not right here.  But really, when did anything ever go right in my life, to be honest.  
I entered my history class which made every head in the room turn to look at me in a synchronized manner like they always do when someone's late before I spotted y/f/n and y/o/f/n in the front of the room, sitting in their seats.   
I looked over to Mr. Klerk's desk, grateful that he wasn't in the room as I quickly made my way over to my two friends.  
"Hey, you're here today! Why are you late?" y/f/n asked in her small voice, looking at me with her big eyes as a strand of her hair fell in front of her face while I took my seat behind the two.  
"It's y/n, she's always late." y/o/f/n said with a smile, running her hand through her hair as I placed my backpack down and looked at the two of them with wide eyes.  
"You guys...does today feel... I don't know, does it feel kind of weird today, just like how the hours are passing and everything?" I questioned, my tone guarded as I tried to ease my nerves while they turned in their seats to look at me, exchanging small glances.  
"You know what she's right..." y/o/f/n began, her eyes widening as well as she looked between y/f/n and me while my breathing hitched at her words.  
"It so feels like a Friday even though it's Wednesday today." She concluded with a nod as y/f/n snapped her fingers and pointed at y/o/f/n with a smile.
"Oh my god! Right!? I was just about to say that-"  
"No I mean," I cut them off, making them look at me with confused expressions as I struggled to explain myself.  
"I don't- I don't remember getting here at all. I was in my kitchen and then the next thing I know I'm at school. I don't even know how I got here and I don't even think I went to my first three classes." I blurted out, trying to emphasize how freaked out I was as they watched me with concerned expressions.  
And by concerned I mean they’re looking at me like they think I’m crazy. 
"I'm not crazy, I know what happened, but that wasn't even the weirdest part. I had a brother who looked like a male version of me, like a small mustache and everything -which by the way, was not pretty. And then, and then Harry Styles, he was in my kitchen-"  
"But you do have a brother." y/f/n interrupted, giving me a confused look as I furrowed my brows at her words.  
"No I don't, I have a sister-"  
"Hold up, what was our history teacher doing at your house?" y/o/f/n asked, resting her cheek against the palm of her hand as they both turned to me.  
"Our history teacher..." I blinked at the two, my mouth immediately going dry as I dramatically looked over towards the entrance of the classroom.  
After a few minutes, no one came in.  
"Yo, so are you just going to continue to creepily stare at the door and ignore us or..." y/o/f/n began, waving her hand in my face before I looked back at them.  
"Sorry, usually in stories there's always like on cue timing and I thought Harry would just walk in right when I mentioned him."  
"I apologize for the wait, I miscounted the papers I had to print and was a bit short by a few." A deep voice resonated from the door before Harry walked in, this one much taller and definitely older than the one I had met in my kitchen, his long brown hair falling to his broad shoulders and the sleeves of his black dress coat over his white buttoned up shirt rolled up to reveal a few his tattoos. 
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"Fuck! See that! Told you- did I not fucking tell you guys, that was on cue." I said, spazzing in my seat snapping and pointing my fingers frantically at Harry as he ran his fingers through his hair before placing the stack of papers down on the table.  
"Alright, we're all here right? Don't really feel like calling all of you guys' names so let's just assume everyone's here and get this done." He smiled, chuckling lightly as he clasped his hands together, catching everyone's attention as he stood at the front of the room.  
"He looks so good in white." y/o/f/n commented under her breath in a strangled voice as y/f/n nodded in agreement.  
"Definitely his color." She nodded slightly making me turn in my seat to look at all the girls, and even a few of the guys silently swooning in their seats at the sight of Harry.  
Well, shit, me too.
I looked back to the front at teacher Harry who was passing out the papers, lightly licking the pad of his thumb to separate the sheets as I began to sweat.  His green eyes flickered up, meeting my gaze before he smirked and looked back down at the papers in his large hands.  
Oh shit.  
I remember this fanfiction...  
So this morning wasn't a dream, all the fanfiction Harry's were coming to life.
"Are you fucking kidding me here! Do you know how many fucking psycho daddy demon fanfics I've read in my lifetime!" I blurted out to no one in particular, standing to my feet in a panic, my chair pushing back against the floor creating a loud screech against the ground as I brought my hands to my hair while everyone turned to gawk at me in shock at my outburst.  
"Miss Y/l/n, I'd appreciate if you didn't announce every thought that appears in your head with that foul language in my class," Harry said, sending me a tight lip smile even though his deep voice held a stern authority as he gave me a warning look.  
"So what, no one is going to freak out about this? Oh yeah, it's whatever, it's all good we just have Harry Styles as our fucking history teacher no big whoopdee doo there." I said, looking at all my classmates as y/f/n and y/o/f/n took their phones out to record me break down.  
"Miss Y/l/n."
"What do you want!" I snapped back, my stress levels going haywire as Harry stood from his desk, resting the palm of his hands on his desk as he glared at me.  
"What I want is for you to see me after class Miss Y/l/n." He said and god did he sound pissed.  
Never have I heard Harry's voice when he was angry and just the tone of it sent chills down my spine.  Like the good 'oh my god you so fine' kind of chills.  
I sat back down, overwhelmed by the feels and sort of in a daze as I processed his words.  
"Oh, so we're doing this whole 'see you after class' bullshit now..."
"You purposely disrupted my class and continued to use inappropriate language in my classroom when I distinctively told you not to." Harry berated, his hands placed behind his back as he paced back and forth in front of me before I blinked in surprise, coming out of my daze as I looked around to find the whole room empty.  
"Holy shit. Did you feel that? Did you feel that time lapse? Oh my god I don't even remember how the rest of the period went, I swear it just cut to this part-" I began, clutching to my desk as I looked around rapidly like a scared wet dog before Harry slammed the palm  of his hands onto my desk in front of me, catching me off guard as I leaned back in surprise.  
"Are you really trying to get yourself in more trouble than you already are Miss Y/l/n because I swear I am this close.." He growled out, bringing his pointer finger and thumb up to show just how close he was to snapping and all I wanted to say was bitch me too as I gulped in my chair.  
"Look, big fan, like I said I love you and everything but this whole teacher thing, I read that fanfiction as a one time thing and it was really good you know," I said, slowly rising from my feet as I casually pushed my chair in, his eyes watching my every move as I tried to walk past him.  
"So if you could just go back into your story cause this is actually making me really uncomfortable but I don't know if it's good uncomfortable or bad uncomfortable which makes me even more uncomfor-" He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back abruptly until my back pressed against the front of his hard chest before I felt his lips at my ear.  
I don't even like when teachers pat my shoulder or stare at me for too long but damn teacher Harry was getting some bonus points for that move.  
"Why must you tease me Miss Y/l/n." He drawled out, his voice lower into a raspy husk, lips grazing my skin as I stood there with a stiff posture until I brought my shoulders up, scrunching my neck to make multiple chins trying to get his mouth away from my neck.  
"You know I'm really ticklish there so I really wouldn't-"  I let out a little yelp of surprise when he turned me around and gripped my waist, swiftly lifting my body up until I sat on his desk before he positioned himself between my legs, cupping my face as he looked down at me with what some people would say, lust filled eyes.  
Or how his eyes clouded over with lust.  
Either that or he was totally stoned.  
"Dude you're my teacher, what are you like twenty-five, I'm seventeen, this shit is illegal." I reasoned with him, jumping slightly when he rested his hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly as he tried to lean down to kiss me again.  
"Age is but a number Miss Y/l/n."  
"Uh yeah, the same number that will determine how many years your ass will be in jail." I countered back, bringing my hand up to tug at his hair, my fingers tangling into his luscious soft brown curls making him let out a throaty groan of approval.  
Woah, what shampoo did this man use? Very nice, I liked it a lot.  
Very nice.  
"You don't need to worry about me y/n. What you need to worry about is yourself and how absolutely delectable you look in your little school skirts." He breathed, kissing my neck again as his hands rested on my legs.  
I guess I am now a bucket of fried chicken.  
"I'm wearing jeans." I stopped him, trying to push at his chest as I gave him a look before he smiled.  
"No you're not," Harry said and that's when I felt his fingertips on the bare skin of my legs making me look down to find him playing with the hem of a short skirt -which I had no memory of putting on or even owning- along with a pair of knee-high socks.  
Talk about being tumblr as fuck.  
"Woah, holy Jesus," I muttered, backing away sliding my ass on his desk before swinging my legs to the side to check out my new clothing.  
"Wow, your legs are really hairy," Harry said, eyeing my limbs as I pursed my lips.  
"Well yeah I wasn't really planning on having a skirt magically appear on me today so..." I trailed off, shrugging as I tried to hike up my socks.  
"Oh quick! Say I look delicious in my new Nike jays!" I said, turning to Harry before he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me hard on my lips.  Like actually really hard where I was mumbling a small "ouch" into the kiss.  
Kissing Harry fucking Styles on a fucking desk in a fucking classroom where the door is probably open but everyone is too oblivious to give a shit.  
This was amazing.  
His lips were soft, lots of tongue action but I guess that was called the battle of the tongues?  Mine was winning ha take that, feel thy power of my sword- you know, if my tongue could hold a sword.  
"You're so beautiful." He panted when we broke away for air, going on a whole monologue about how innocent I looked as I smiled, blanking out whatever he was saying and just thinking about how I can check everything off my damn bucket list and die a happy woman.  
"Yeah thank you- uh so is no one going to notice that school is still going on and you're practically dry humping me on your desk- I mean, not that I'm complaining," I said, just now realizing I was laid flat on the cold wood of his desk with Harry on top of me.  
"No, we noticed." Someone said, making both Harry and I snap our heads in the direction of the voice before my jaw dropped at the sight of all the seats in his classroom taken by another period of students as they all looked at us with blank expressions.  
"Miss Y/l/n!" Another shrill female voice snapped from the entrance of the room, Harry not even bothering to move off me as he continued to pepper soft kisses on my neck when the principal approached us with a look of outrage on her wrinkly face.  
He peppered kisses on me.  
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He is seasoning me like the bucket of fried chicken I am.  
"Thank you! Finally, someone catches the student and teacher together!" I clapped my hands slowly since these types of stories weren't really my thing as she glowered down at me.  
"I can see your bra strap, violating dress code one thousand and fifty-two I see. Detention." She scolded, handing me a slip of paper as I gawked at her, raising my head up from the desk, trying to push Harry off me who was starting to grind on me.  
"What the- do you not see this!" I said, motioning at Harry on top of me on his desk.  
"Ah Mr. Styles, and what exactly are you doing in class today?" The principal said, lowering her prescription glasses at him with pursed lips.  
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(A/N: I know Ms. Honey is the sweetest and most kind teacher in the world but its the best gif I could find, :/ )
"Me! He's trying to do me!" I exclaimed from under him before he clasped his large hand over my mouth to quiet me while I screamed into his skin.  
"Just teaching sex ed." He answered with a grinned as the principal nodded her head in approval.  
"But this is history class!" Someone yelled from the back of the room.  
"Shut up Billy or I swear I'll flunk your essay on Harriet Tubman!" Harry snapped, yelling across the room pointing at one of the boys in the back as the principal gasped.  
"I love a teacher who can control their students! Keep up the good work Mr. Styles." She cooed as I tried to scream even louder, Harry's hand muffling my yelling as he maintained his smile, watching her leave the room.  
"This is some serious bullshit!" I seethed when I pushed his hand away before I grabbed the large history textbook on his desk, raising it in the air.  
"I'm sorry! I love you!" I said before I brought the thick book and swung it, hitting him square on the head making his tall body fall back before he hit the floor unconscious.  
I clumsily scrambled off the desk, tugging at the hem of my skirt panting as I crouched down to Harry's side before I checked his pulse.  
Oh, thank God, still alive.  
Let's just totally avoid the fact that he could possibly have brain damage or internal bleeding because you know what, he's fanfiction Harry.  
"Alright, let's do this." I breathed out, rubbing my hands together before bending down and grabbing his ankles, dragging him out of the room with the skin of his arms and back making a loud awkward squeaking noise across the floor as I hauled him through the empty school hallways.  
"You just gotta think clearly y/n, think clearly about this. You made a wish on an app, it actually worked, now you've got all these, these Harry's from all the fanfictions you read." I mumbled to myself, sweating and panting as I pulled at Harry's ankles.  
"You've got brother's best friend Harry- oh that was a great fanfic.... You know what, gonna call that one cupcake Harry, he was kind of a cupcake. Okay, got cupcake Harry," I said, looking down at the passed out man on the floor.  
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"Teacher Harry," I concluded, walking backward as I lugged his heavy body.  
"I'll just herd all the Harry's together and then I'll figure out what to do with them... For now, I just need to know who's next-"  
I suddenly bumped into someone making me let go of Teacher Harry's ankle with my body almost falling to the floor before I balanced myself and turned around, my gaze meeting the same yet different pair of green eyes as I looked at the other new Harry in front of me, my blood running cold as I took in this one's appearance.  
You have got to be kidding me.
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