#this could be very easy! we should switch spots. if you let me over
toytulini · 4 months
boston rush hour traffic really has u experiencing such a range of human manners. i was looking judgementally at the lack of distance between the bumpers of 2 cars, the driver doing the tailgating noticed me looking, and gestured to me asking if i needed/wanted to get over, implying he'd let me over if i did, but i said no, and he gave me a thumbs up. and continued the tailgating
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
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The first episode of our shearing saga ended with Poldine being freed and happily running towards her family (who, let me remind you, had abandoned her and refused to provide any emotional support during her first ever shearing.)
I followed her, hoping to snap pictures of a heartwarming family reunion. Which didn't happen. Poldine's mum and grandma mostly looked perplexed.
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Then horrified.
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Poldine was, understandably, driven to existential despair by her mother's reaction to her new haircut.
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Needless to say, when I tried to catch Pampérigouste to shear her, it was next to impossible. She knew what awaited her and wouldn't go anywhere near me, even when I made the Muesli Whistle (which usually draws a Pavlovian response out of her), even when I threw a handful of actual muesli in her direction to attract her. If anything she looked vexed that I could think she was no smarter than a pigeon.
But I have a PhD in catching Pampe. I decided to try something I'd never tried before: lie in wait by the watering hole like a hyena. You see, there's a gate near the water trough that can open all the way in either direction, and I figured I could simply trap my llama between the gate and a tree.
I waited, I waited, and eventually, finally, Pampe got thirsty.
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Once she was trapped behind the gate it was very easy to halter her, and then she grumpily followed me to the corral, where I tied her to a post to shear her.
As soon as I switched on the electric shears, she freaked out. She reared up like a wild stallion, started foaming at the mouth, desperately pulling on the rope, it was awful! I tried to turn on the shears some distance away then get progressively closer when she got used to the noise, but she didn't get used to the noise. I tried to sing her favourite protest song over the noise, I tried everything; she kept acting like I was an exorcist and she was possessed by a swarm of demons. Eventually I thought I should just start shearing and get it over with as quickly as possible.
Pampe was so good with the llama shearer two years ago! She was perfectly calm and relaxed! She didn't care at all about the noise of the shears even when they were right behind her ears!! What is the explanation for this?
(when I expressed surprise at her good behaviour with the shearer back then, someone said she reminded them of the type of brat who's well-behaved with their teacher at school but insufferable with their parents)
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Pampoldine stayed right next to her mum the whole time her ordeal lasted. Poldine, you are too good for this world.
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These are my only two photos of Pampe being shorn, because my photographer was busy trying to soothe her by petting her, or distract her by offering her a hazel branch to eat. At some point Pampe tried to lie down and play dead, which made shearing her neck complicated, so my photographer was promoted (or demoted?) to Llama Scaffolding—she had to lean against Pampe with all her weight to prevent her from lying down. The last time I'd seen a llama play dead was when Pyrgus was sent away, which was pretty heartbreaking...
(Pampe possibly expected to receive the same amount of sympathy, but we had to remind her that Pyrgus was a child being separated from his mother forever while she was an adult getting a haircut.)
Since I sheared her as fast as I could, Pampe looks worse than her daughter—much less smooth, with some remaining woolly spots here and there that I wasn't able to go back to because she kept shaking her head, kicking her feet, squirming and generally acting like she was being tortured. It's now clear to me that she was only well-behaved last time out of spite, because I'd warned the shearer that I had one Difficult Llama. I sort of already suspected it at the time:
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Please note that as soon as I released her, all the fuss and drama ended. In an instant. I thought she was going to jump away from me when I took off her halter, and run like hell, or stand there shaking from stress, but no—she ate a few hazel leaves from the branch (no longer panting, no longer drooling) then scratched her neck with her back hoof looking very composed, then trotted away lightly and happily.
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thebigbadbatswife · 1 year
Day 3 - Hate Sex
Pairing - Arkham Knight!Jason Todd x F!Vigilante!Reader
Warnings - 18+ content, if you're under 18 leave immediately! Hate sex, rough sex, table sex, ass slapping, name calling, degradation.
Summary - The Arkham Knight finally gets you right where he wants you.
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You’re sure that he is smirking beneath that stupid Batman-esque helmet of his. Why wouldn’t he be? He has you pinned to a desk, on your front, your hands being held behind your back by one of his much larger ones and his thick cock pumping in and out of your dripping cunt. It’s embarrassing, not only because of how wet he has made you, but how much you’re enjoying it. The desk creaks beneath you from the force of his thrusts and just as you start to wonder whether or not it’s going to hold up or collapse beneath you, he gives a particularly hard thrust that hits a spot that finally has you moaning.
The Arkham Knight chuckles and does it again, making you moan louder. Until now you had been doing a good job at holding them back, not giving him the satisfaction. Mentally, you scold yourself. 
Your weapons lay scattered across the floor. The condom wrapper glistening in the light of the street lamp pouring into the office, from the window. At least he had those on hand otherwise tonight would have turned out completely different.
“Didn’t know that Batman had started allowing such whores into his ranks,” he taunts. “Wonder what he would think if he was to walk in on us right now. Bet it would piss him off seeing you bent over and letting me fuck this sweet hole of yours.” 
“Fuck you,” you spit, glaring at him over your shoulder.
“It’s the other way around, baby.” To prove his point his next thrust was even harder, making the legs of the desk scrap against the wooden floor. You mewl loudly, the head of his cock hitting a spot that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head. “Yeah, Batman will be really disappointed knowing his brand new friend is such a slut. Do you think he’s listening in right now? Hearing how much you like having my cock inside of you?” 
He wasn’t. Batman couldn’t be. You had switched off your comms before coming here. Not to mention the man in question was currently AWOL. He would have no idea where you are or what you were doing.
He pushes one of your legs up onto the desk, letting his thick cock hit deeper, making your moans louder. He leans forward, trapping you beneath his body so he can lean in. “I bet he is listening, isn’t he? That’s why your cunt is trembling so much around me. You want him to hear us.” He stands up straight again and suddenly the palm of his hand meets your ass cheek. Pain and pleasure from it has a high pitched moan leaving you.
“Hear that Batman? That’s your partner being a complete whore for me! Bet she didn’t even know what a cock hungry slut she was until she saw my cock!” He almost sounds manic as he yells out. “Maybe he should have you fuck the rest of Gotham’s rogues. Maybe you could even set some of them on the right path with this sweet hole.”
“Shut up! That’s not true!” You can feel tears forming in your eyes.
“Of course it is,” he slaps your ass again, forcing another moan out of you, while his thick cock keeps driving into you. “Why else would you be so easy? Moaning and creaming all over my cock? Finally someone who knows exactly what to do with a whore cunt like yours and you’re loving every fucking second of it.”
“I hate you. I fucking hate you.” Venom drips from your voice and your blood boils with hatred for him, but your body disagrees. Your words only drive him on as he keeps fucking each inch of his fat cock into you. Despite your very best efforts not to, your body reacts to his, your walls tightening and stars starting to dance behind your eyes as the only thing your brain can focus on is the feeling of his cock still drilling into you.
Then he pulls out of you and gives your ass one last slap, already stuffing his cock back inside his pants and zipping them up. “I’m sure that we’ll do this again sometime.”
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
Hi!! First off I just want to say that this is my new favorite writing blog on tumblr!! I'm so grateful for whatever strings the universe pulled that led me here. I'm literally addicted to every single thing you've written here. I swear I've read Mutually Assured Destruction like ten times within the past 24 hours.
I was wondering, if you find the free time and the inspiration, if you could write a villain x medic/civilian snippet? Maybe Medic accidentally witnessed villain's crime so villain can't let them just wander around freely since medic works for the hero agency, but also doesn't want to kill medic since medic is useful?
Thank you so much! I've always loved the idea of Villain x Medic so here you go!
CW: Kidnapping
“You know my face.”
The medic knew this day would come. Still, they froze in the doorway of the living room, keys dangling in their hands, blood frosting over in sheer dread. The villain sat with their legs crossed in the medic’s favorite armchair, the fire place unlit. The room in semi-darkness, the only light a glow from a street-lamp.
They didn’t ask how the villain knew their address. They should have taken Hero’s offer to leave under witness protection, but their whole life was built here. They couldn’t just leave and start over.
“I haven’t revealed it,” the medic said.
“Yet,” the villain amended. “I’m sure you would for the right price. Or under the right pressure.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I don’t. But I am not going to risk it.”
The lamp beside the couch switched on. The medic flinched away from the sight, eyes trained on the coat rack by the door. As if mattered anymore if they saw the villain’s face again. As if they hadn’t doomed themselves the first time.
Footsteps creaked over the old wood floors. The medic took slow deep breaths, holding it for four counts and releasing it. A trick they had taught people afraid of IV needles to calm their racing heart.
The time to run had long since passed. And even if it hadn’t, the villain most definitely had people outside lying in wait for such an escape.
Hands that tipped the medic’s chin to meet that dangerous gaze.
“You’re going to kill me,” the medic said. It was not a question.
An eyebrow raised. “You sound very calm about that.”
“My career has taught me how to recognize and accept things that aren’t in my control. Right now there is nothing I can do to stop you.”
“This is true.”
The villain studied them, thumb brushing absently against the curve of their bottom lip.  The darkness of their eyes felt unfathomable, like the Marianas Trench. Like the deepest part of the ocean, full of wonder and terror.
“I am not going to kill you,” the villain said finally. “I owe you my life. And I always repay my debts. But you know my face.”
The medic swallowed thickly against the barrage of options that opened up. The villain could blind them, torture them into insanity, cut out their tongue. All of the above. The villain’s hand slips across their cheek to cup the back of the medic’s head. A possessive gesture, they noted with a shiver.
“You are coming with me. Whether it be conscious or unconscious, I leave up to your . . . control.”
Relief warred with new fear. “Where are you taking me?” they asked.  “What happens to me when we get there?”
“Questions I will happily answer in the car,” said the villain, their hand sliding down the medic’s 
neck before retreating. “Hand me your phone and your keys and then go pack your things. You have ten minutes.”
The medic stood rooted to the spot. This was real, this was happening. And it yet it still felt like a bad dream. Ten minutes to pack their life up? Ten minutes?
“Tick tock, darling,” crooned the villain, holding their hand out.
Numbly, the medic dropped their phone and keys into the villain's hand and took robotic steps towards their bedroom. Clothes were easy to grab and stuff into the suitcase. As were their birth certificate and other identity papers. Personal items, less so. Medic spent precious minutes at their bookshelf, picking a well thumbed classic from their childhood, their most referenced medical texts, and a novel they hadn’t started yet.
The pressure of time throbbed in the back of their head, making it difficult to think rationally about what they needed. They ducked into the bathroom, grabbing their contact case and solution, their toothbrush. Then they stood in the middle of their bedroom, frantically trying to think of what they couldn’t live without.
“Times up.”
The villain’s voice came from behind, causing the medic to jump out of their skin.
“Zip it up and let’s go.”
The villain’s car lay hidden in the shadows of the back alley. A dangerous looking driver waiting for them, their cigarette glow the only light. The villain opened the backseat of the car for Medic with a mocking flourish.
It was their last opportunity to run, but the medic knew a shot in the back waited for them if they tried it. So, dread sitting heavy in their stomach, they climbed in. The villain took the seat next to them, giving out curt orders to the driver in a language the medic didn’t recognize.
 The nagging horror that the medic forgot something important haunted them. They leaned their head against the window, mentally walking through their house, trying to remember. But the fear churning in their blood made it so difficult.
“I’m taking you to my compound,” said the villain, almost conversationally. As if detailing the itinerary for a date. “I have a room set up for you, as well as a med bay. You can resume your work taking care of my mercenaries.”
The medic listened with half an ear, watching the wave of street lamps pass them by. What were they missing?
“No objections to that?” the villain asked, bemused.
They passed a park, one the medic had many birthday parties in as a child, and the sudden zing of memory made them gasp.
“Stop! We have to go back!” they cried.
The driver didn’t so much as flinch.
“Go back?" The villain laughed. "Too late for that, doctor. You should have protested before you climbed into this car."
"I forgot something!"
"Whatever it is can be replaced," the villain said with a dismissive wave of their hand. 
"It's not replaceable. Please."
Desperation clawed at their throat but the villain remained unmoved.
"If it were so important, one would think it would be the first thing you packed, not the first thing you forgot. You will have to learn to live without it."
The medic closed their eyes the rest of the journey. They couldn't bear to look at Villain's face.
"Do you regret it?"
The villain sat upon the examination bed, looking almost innocent.
It had been a week since the medic was taken. Their life had changed so drastically that the normality of the med bay, of the tools they had spent years around, clanged like a discordant note. They threw themselves into their work, demanding physicals for the Villain's mercenaries to establish a baseline of health. These people, so used to sewing their own wounds, grew awkward around the medic’s soft and attentive care. Some refused to come. 
The villain showed up last, a new laceration on their ribs. They sat, spine straight and unflinching as medic carefully cleaned the wound and bandaged it. 
"Regret what?" the medic asked. 
" . . .Saving my life."
Their hands stilled for a moment, hovering over the wound. It was a tricky question and the medic wasn't sure how to answer it honestly. 
"I would have regretted the person that I'd become if I had let you die," they said finally. 
"Oh? Most people would consider it a net positive, preventing all my future damage."
"It's not up to me to decide who deserves to live and who doesn't."
"I beg to differ. You hold people's lives in your hands every day. Who else, if not you?"
The medic glanced up at the villain, who stared at them with open-faced fascination, rather than the usual dispassion. 
"I don't think any one person should have that power," they said pointedly. 
The villain smiled, a slow curving movement. "A pity. You could be terrifying indeed."
The medic swallowed something strange dancing in their gut. "You're lucky I'm not." 
"Indeed I am."
They finished the examination without further conversation. The villain watched with quiet fascination as the medic sterilized their tools, folded unused bandages away, updated the Villain's medical records. 
"What did you leave behind?" they asked softly. 
"My life," the medic said, tersely, as they tapped on the keyboard. 
The villain was undeterred. "What did you remember in the car?"
The medic paused at that, unsure if they should answer. They didn't want the villain's mockery over it. But lies rarely went over well with the villain -- the medic had cleaned up the wounds left behind from that. 
"A box under my bed," they replied, keeping their eyes locked on the computer. "It had my keepsakes in it. Family photos, birthday cards, that sort of thing."
"Sentiment," the villain said skeptically. "That's what got you so worked up?"
"I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand," they snapped, standing up. 
The villain watched them leave and the medic felt their gaze like a laser all the way down the hall. 
Two days later a painfully familiar box sat on the examination table. Scribbled in sharpie on the cardboard was a message: 
I do understand. 
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pepperonidk · 4 months
lover boy || h.js
Pairing: joshua x gn!reader
Summary: playing hooky with your best boy, your lover boy
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1525
a/n: wrote this on my phone bc i missed someone and i missed being in college and the times i used to skip my classes with him this is a very loose sequel to And What if We Kiss? but you don’t need to read it to enjoy this
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Today was one of those Fridays that didn’t feel like a Friday. The gloomy overcast sky paired with the warmth of late spring made the day pass at a glacial pace. Even in the air conditioned hallways of the science building, a layer of sticky sweat found itself on your skin.
Your three-hour neuroscience lecture was one of the last places you wanted to be on this less than ideal Friday. So you were pleasantly surprised to find Joshua Hong waiting for you at the door with the promise of a better offer.
“Wanna play hooky with me?” he asked with an easy smile as you walked up to him. His backpack was slung over one shoulder and his hair, tousled and disheveled from the wind was stuffed under a baseball cap. His shirt was the same one he slept in last night and he looked like home.
“Shh,” you whispered with a playful smile. “Not so loud.”
“Sorry,” he reached out for your hand and spoke in a mock whisper. “Wanna play hooky with me?”
He pulled you against him for a hug, laughing when someone scoffed in annoyance at the sight. The smell of his cologne was a welcome comfort and you nodded against his chest.
“Take me away, lover boy,” you smiled as you let your boyfriend pull you away towards the back stairwell of the building. In the building heat as you got closer to the exit, you could feel your hand grow clammy against Joshua’s.
“I’m surprised you agreed to skip your neuro lecture,” he remarked as you walked towards his car in the parking lot. In the sun’s late-afternoon zenith, the pavement reflected the glaring brightness of the gray clouds and the warmth wrapped itself around you like a sticky blanket. Joshua’s face was glistening with sweat by the time you made it to his car.
“It felt like one of those days,” you shrugged as you settled into the car seat, leaning forward to feel the air conditioner blasting against your face. “I probably would’ve fallen asleep halfway through, to be honest.” Soft music filled the car as Joshua picked out his driving playlist.
“It’s a good thing you’ve got your own dashing knight in shining armor to rescue you,” he winked at you as he buckled himself in. “Anywhere you wanna go?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. Joshua wasn’t one to invite you out without a plan already formulated in his mind. “Don’t you have a plan?”
He chuckled and reached across the center console to pull your hand in his, resting your intertwined hands in his lap. “Duh,” he replied. “But as a gentleman, I should still ask for your input.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Take me away, lover boy.” Lover boy. You’re not really sure where your nickname for him came from, but it stuck. For the last year and a half that you’ve known him, Joshua has always been your lover boy and he was damn proud of it. Every time the nickname came up, you’d see him smile and puff his chest with pride just the smallest bit.
Sometimes, of course, he could be your sweetheart, your baby, but his favorite thing to be was your lover boy.
He put the car in reverse and gracefully backed out of his parking spot, and you were grateful to not be caught in the traffic of the mass exodus that fills the roads after your neuro lecture.
It wasn’t long before Joshua pulled over to the side of the road and put the car in park once again. He had brought you to your favorite cafe by campus, the one where they display a new joke at the counter every day and offer you a free danish for being a regular. He switched off the car and you instantly missed the air blowing against you.
“I think we both can use an afternoon pick me up,” he remarked as he opened your door to let you out. Ever the gentleman, that lover boy of yours.
“I never see this place so empty,” you noted as you and Joshua waited for your drinks by the bar.
“Perks of being a delinquent,” he teased you with a nudge. He laughed as you rolled your eyes at him then leaned forward to read the small display with the joke of the day written on it in fun lettering.
“What do you call a bear who makes coffee?” you ask Joshua with a smile.
“What?” he indulged you.
“A bear-ista.”
Joshua laughed and shook his head, more amused by how funny you found the joke than the joke itself. When the barista handed your drinks to you, she handed two bags of pastries as well, on the house. As Joshua held the door open for you to exit, he asked, “What did the newly-caffeinated handsome boy say to his partner who got him a free pastry?”
“What?” you asked with a laugh as you waited for him to match your pace as you crossed the parking lot.
“I love you a latte,” he winked at you.
Joshua’s next stop for your day off was one of your favorite spots. By now, the sun was beginning to set and the breeze provided a much appreciated respite from the earlier heat of the day. He stopped the car at a local park. By now, most of the kids who usually played here had gone home and you and Joshua were the only people around.
He led you deeper into the woods of the park where a small river ran through with a small waterfall at one end of it. Joshua had brought you here the first time he asked you on a date. He had asked you out about a week after stealing your seat in a psych class a year ago, even though he was sure you hated his guts. Broke from countless nights of eating overpriced tacos and sushi, he emptied his wallet and ordered a single pizza and brought you to this very spot.
At the time you were partially convinced he was plotting to push you in.
Instead, however, he layed out a picnic blanket and stuttered his way through offering you a slice of the pepperoni pizza he bought and blushed in embarrassment when he realized he forgot to buy drinks to go with it. That was the Joshua that became your lover boy.
Now, Joshua led you to the same spot as he did that day, right by the bank of the river where he was close enough to skip rocks. He spread out the same blanket, and instead of a pizza, he set down your drinks and the sweet pastries and removed his shoes before sitting down beside you.
“We haven’t been here in a while,” you remarked as you watched the water rush down the waterfall.
Joshua nodded as he reached to break off a piece of the danish and pop it into his mouth. “Yup,” he agreed with a small smile that implored you to find out more.
“Why are we here, lover boy?” he turned to smile at you before planting a kiss on your forehead. He moved himself closer to you, inviting you to rest your head on his shoulder as he pulled your hand into his.
“I’ve just been missing you,” he said softly.
“We literally live together, Joshua,” you chuckled. He shook his head.
“We’ve both been busy with finals and org activities, and sleeping next to you is nice,” he explained. “But we haven’t really just sat and enjoyed each other lately. I always find myself missing this place when I’m missing you.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Why’s that?” you asked.
“This is where I realized I love you,” he said simply but his words sent a flutter in your heart. The whispers of sunlight that still remained were reflected in the broken waves of the river. It was peaceful and it felt like home.
When you didn’t reply right away, he continued. “I still wonder sometimes why you even said yes to going out with me. I thought you hated me.”
“I did,” you agreed. Joshua let out a surprised chuckle. “You were annoying and a slacker and you took my seat.”
“Ouch,” he pretended to wince. “But that’s fair, I did do those things.”
“You’re still annoying,” you pulled away from him to give a teasing smile. He rolled his eyes as you assumed your position against his shoulder.
“So why’d you say yes,” he asked.
“You were also cute,” you answered.
“Were?” he echoed.
“Were, are, will always be,” you affirmed. Joshua could feel you smile against him. Joshua was more than just cute. He was charming, smart, and above all, he was kind. Falling in love with Joshua Hong was easy, like the end of a good song, like coming home. It happened so quickly and so deeply that you can’t even remember a time that you didn’t, and you surely can’t imagine a life where you don’t love him.
“Don’t ever leave me,” he begged.
“I’m all yours, lover boy.”
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taglist: @yksthings @iamxelia @coveyland @xuimhao @sana-is-ms-rmty @gummymintae @jespecially
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abstract-crossverse · 23 days
Could you do Phobos x fem!reader headcanons? Pretty please with a cherry and sprinkles on top? 🙏🙏
Weeeell since you asked so nicely… Been a while since I wrote for Phobos lmao, I do love this director, also I'm so sorry I've been away for so long, I got hyperfixated on other things and just been working my life really I got a little carried away… Yall deserve something big for how long I’ve been away lol, enjoy I still don’t know when a name ends in s if I still use ‘s or just ‘ at the end of it when merging “is” to the name…
Phobos x Fem!Reader // [hc/fic, fluff]
You probably met while you worked as an engineer for Nexus, let's switch things around, I mostly see scientist readers or something, it's not a bad thing but I wanna explore engineers and soldats as well, buckle up
Here’s the thing that I should explain before anything, Nexus Engineers and Soldats are not yellow blooded, those were not made in the labs, alr? These are your everyday Joes who are a little more interesting than your casual grunt with their knowledge, engineers are promoted with their knowledge to fix things and good insight while Soldats are promoted with high combat skills and high ambition, endurance and shit, all of them start as normal agents, got it? Alr lets go
You probably didn't work for anyone in specific, freelancing and fixing anything you could for a quick buck, you had a good reputation as one of the best engineers around Nexus City though. Phobos caught wind of your existence while passing one of your buddies who did work for him, the Soldat was telling their co-workers about your skills and how “you could fix anything you touched”. He's really exaggerating here, but he’s always been supportive of you, we’ll call him…. Tom, for easy reference.
The Director grew skeptical of your skills, it almost sounded too good to be true, and with how highly this mortal was talking about you, you must be good, after all, this was one of his top soldats, he wouldn’t be lying if he knew what was good for him.
“Really? She’s that good?” Phobos’s voice boomed from the door to the break room, many of the grunts flinched and straightened their postures in the Director’s presence, including Tom, who scrambled to turn around — knocking over his chair in the process — singled out as the rest of the room took a step back. The soldat stammered, caught completely off guard by Phobos’s sudden appearance, tensing as the much taller grunt stepped closer.
“Answer me, Soldat, is she as good as you say she is?” He asked with a dangerously calm tone, it was threatening, as if the Soldat said one wrong word he’d be beheaded on the spot, Phobos couldn’t bother to remember his name. 
Tom swallowed the lump in his throat quietly as Phobos towered over him, his glaring red monocle almost casting a red spotlight on his face, he seemed to take a deep breath before answering confidently, “Yes sir, she is the best I’ve seen in a long time.”
One of the engineers scoffed at that, unfortunately just loud enough to make the Director shoot them a glare, making their blood run cold and lower their head in fear. Phobos hummed in acknowledgment, returning to Tom “... very well.” Phobos drew in a breath, “Lucky for her, we are still in need of recruits, especially engineers, so they can help with the machines and whatever else they do around the Tower. You will bring her here tomorrow for an interview, if she’s as good as you say, she will be hired.” with the demand in place, Phobos stood back up to his full height, looking down at Tom as he slightly shook in his boots.
“... and if I don’t..?” 
Phobos’s glare intensified at the question, Soldats always seemed to be curious about the most insignificant things, how dare he question Phobos’ orders. 
“Then I will personally make you an example as to why you shouldn’t lie about someone’s capacities to me.” He finished sharply, turning on his heel and marching out of the room, nearly knocking Tom over with the mere force of him being hit by his cape.
As soon as the employees thought Phobos was out of earshot, he could hear many of them reprimanding Tom for not shutting his mouth when he had the chance, it did make a grin tug at the corner of his lips, thinking the way most just immediately jumped on Tom for being a little too positive about your abilities and being caught was absolutely hilarious. However, if you truly were as good as Tom claimed, then you might just earn your spot in the Tower, yet another stepping stone for his plan of achieving Godhood.
When Tom came to you with the story, you… didn’t exactly know how to feel, flattered Tom spoke so highly of you? Annoyed he dragged you into this situation? Or scared of what Phobos might do to you if you didn’t meet his expectations… Either way, anxiety shot up, you had been questioning whether to apply to Nexus Core though, maybe actually get a full-time job instead of living off freelance, so this was the best time than any other to actually get that job. Or suffer Phobos’s wrath.
You dragged Tom inside your home to explain to you how the machines in Nexus Core looked so you didn’t have any surprises when going over. It was very bare bones; Tom knew nothing of machines aside from basically what they did, but it was enough to help you through and figure it out yourself.
When the next day came, you put on your self-assigned work clothes and got a ride with Tom to the Science Tower, yawning the majority of the way there. Tom had to go in early as shit due to his status, meanwhile, you usually got to sleep in unless you had a job, you weren’t used to the early routine, but nothing a cup of coffee on the way there didn’t fix.
Going through the Tower was long-winded, to say the least, the thing looked bigger on the inside, and the number of floors… Christ, you were starting to reconsider this opportunity on the 10th flight of stairs you had to go through, and you weren't even in the middle of the tower yet. But going around the rooms you normally would’ve never had clearance to as a normal visitor to the museum part of the place was good to know which type of electronics you’d be working with; they seemed… complicated, and it made you nervous.
Tom had been leading you by the hand because he just didn’t want you to get lost, and then get yelled at for it, so before you knew it you were faced with the Director’s entry doors. The guards were cold in their tones, requesting Tom state his business before letting you both through, and honestly, you were not surprised to see how huge the office was, what you didn’t expect though was to see other scientists working around in the same room, just right there next to the Director, you wondered if these were high-rank employees or if this was a way of keeping them under Phobos’s personal surveillance.
The Soldat let go of your hand and gave you a look of reassurance before you both looked at the towering silhouette at the top desk, seeming to admire his city out the window; the scene looked like something almost out of a movie. Tom took a deep breath before marching up to his office, with you following suit, pausing only for a moment to hear the G03LMs announce your approach.
As you approached his desk, he didn’t turn to you both just yet. Glancing at the other two Soldats standing guard to his sides made you double-take; they looked almost exactly like Tom did in uniform, only these guys seemed to have more buttons and pins on their uniforms than Tom did, those must be a bitch to take off every laundry day. Tom cleared his throat lightly before bowing his head to the Director, motioning for you to do the same before speaking.
“Director, I have brought the engineer you requested.” Tom announced almost as if talking to a king. 
Phobos turned from his wide window to look at you both, the light from the dawn outside highlighted very few parts of him; it almost looked like a painting if it didn’t look oddly terrifying. He seemed to take a moment to analyze you before lifting his hand and lowering it a couple of inches down. “At ease, Lieutenant. You too, Engineer.” he boomed, allowing you both to stand straight again. His tone was sharp, but not harsh, simply an order.
Phobos retracted his hand into his cape, you’re not too surprised he actually wears the thing, Tom’s told you about the times he accidentally or intentionally knocked people over with his cape whenever he came around for lunch. 
“I will take it from here, I’d like to get to know our… Possible recruit. Return to your duties, Lieutenant.” he ordered again, your eyebrows furrowed a bit as Tom nodded and spun on his heel, giving you a pat on the shoulder before marching away. Your anxiety spiked as you were left to stare up at Phobos on your own.
Okay, I'm getting too carried away here, let me speed things up a bit.
Phobos gives you an interview himself, normally it would be someone lower in rank due to his schedule being SO busy with paperwork, but again, Tom gloated about you so much he just had to see you with his own eye, completely valid reason, right? Yea, yea sure. Also, escaping from the amount of paperwork from their projects and agreements with other companies was a little nice.
He got your basic info, you answered his questions, that he had written in little slips of paper with basic answers under them he had a handful of the engineers write, he’s by no means a “tech nerd” like you engineers, but he did his best to grab the essential answer from your longer explanations with a smile on your face, you seem to enjoy mechanics, good, the ones with more passion seemed to give better results.
After all of that, he got up from his chair and walked around his desk to you, damn he was far taller than you anticipated. He said he’d give you a tour of the place and have you fix a couple of things with the other engineers, under his monitoring; we don't need you going somewhere you don't need to be, of course.
So the whole day you followed him around, grouped with a couple of random engineers in the facility; you successfully fixed something — which as much as these machines looked complicated they had pretty standard problems to be fixed so far. Around lunchtime, he took you back to his office which was mostly empty aside from some scientists finishing up work before quickly leaving to get their food and finish it within the 2-hour break Phobos gave them, which was surprising, most jobs didn't even give an hour. You may have off-mindedly muttered about that being nice, Phobos, seeing it as an opportunity to make a better impression and gloat a bit, claimed it was because he understands how huge and time-consuming getting up and down the tower to the food court and back was, plus, he enjoyed the time to himself that the break gave.
One long and unnecessary speech about how great of an asset you’ll make to Nexus Core, how he sees great potential in you, and how he can see you climbing the ranks quickly later… You're hired! Congrats, you work for the minion look-alike now. Yippee.mp3. He gave you a handshake, let you know where you could get the proper uniform for your work, and set you free to go home, saying you’d start that next Monday. Telling the good(?) news to Tom on your way out, he took you out for a celebratory lunch at your favorite place. At least he was happy you’d get to see each other more often; work always got in the way of your hangouts.
Either way, working at the Tower isn’t as bad as you thought it would be, most of the time at least; you got to know a couple of Tom’s other friends and co-workers around your first day, setting you up with one of his most “trustworthy” engineer friend. Much to their dismay, Tom begged them to babysit you until you got the hang of things in return for like… 5 favors he’d owe them in return. We’ll call this one Kai. 
Kai did as promised, giving you a more in-depth rundown of how certain machines worked and what their most common problems to fix were just to give you a heads up, claiming they were feeling generous enough to let you know. Allowing you to take the lead in fixing some of these machines similar to how Phobos did in your interview, quizzing you from time to time on the machines, what they did, or how to fix a certain problem.
As much as they were incredibly monotonous in their voice, you could tell they were just as passionate about mechanics as you were.
Something you did notice throughout the day, however, was that the Director himself was around very often.
“Yep, that’s correct once again, great job [Name].” Kai gave you a tired nod and praise as you answered their question about the cloner in front of you correctly, glad you were paying attention to their ramblings about the machine earlier. You smiled at them behind your mask, hoping they saw how your eyes squinted to know so before they began to speak again.
“Now, this one has been having some problems with faulty wiring, I’ll fix this once since this equipment is so delicate, but I need you to watch and learn how it’s fixed so you-” Their thought process was interrupted halfway through unscrewing the machine’s control panel, raising their head and looking into space for a moment before looking at the doors to the room expectantly, cycling through every couple seconds, did they hear something? You mostly just heard the beeps and scribbles from the machines and the scientists, though… you felt some slight vibration at your feet. “.. is something wrong?” 
“... The Director’s coming… again… don't do anything-” 
“stupid, I know.” you finished their phrase as they continued with their work, feeling the vibrations of his footsteps approaching far clearer than before, ‘there are 3 doors leading to this room, two on the east and west, and one north-east up a staircase, it doesn’t feel like the footsteps are coming from above but I can’t tell where the sound of his boots are coming from, but… I’m willing to bet the… east door?’
The sound of a door opening to your right had half of the people in the room looking towards it, mainly those who were so lost in their work to notice, including you and Kai. ‘huh, it was the east… lucky guess..?’
You didn’t dare look at the Director for too long, after all, you had to focus on what Kai was doing… Kai, who was inspecting what the much taller grunt was doing with interest for a minute or so before going back to work with a light huff, sounded.. Baffled? You wondered what was wrong as you watched them mess with the wires, disconnecting and reconnecting a couple of set wires before starting to close the panel again, they worked fast that’s for sure.
“See? It’s pretty easy once you know which must be reconnected or switched around. Sometimes in a hurry some other engineers or scientists who don't know what they're doing mess up the wires and make the machine faulty.. The nerve of some people…” they muttered with a disappointed look, making you chuckle briefly before nodding in agreement, not before you felt a familiar looming presence behind you, though.
The large hand on your shoulder made you flinch as the Director’s voice nearly reverberated in your chest with how close he was, like a loud bass in giant speakers. 
“Heyy, how’s the work going-... [Name]..! Liking this magnificent Tower so far?" His tone was far friendlier than you’ve heard before, a smile clear in his tone; it seemed like he struggled to remember your name for a moment but you wouldn't blame him if it was the case, with so many workers here and this being your first day…
“Oh! Uh- great! The work- well, the introduction is going great! I do.. Enjoy it here!” you answered a half-truth with a nervous smile behind your mask, you knew he probably couldn't see it but expressions die hard. “Good! Good! And- hello to you too….. Kaaaailee, yes, Kailee.'' The pause with Kai’s name was longer, and the confidently incorrect answer made it painfully obvious he genuinely didn't remember their name; it was almost charming, just a bit.
“Close yet far, sir.” Kai mumbled to themselves as they gave him a small bow “Hello, Director.”
“How’s your work?” he questioned with a small tilt of his head, his hand still firmly placed on your shoulder. 
“Nearly done, sir. I’m just teaching Ms. [Name] here how our cloners work.” Kai gestured to you as Phobos nodded with satisfaction. 
“Good good, delightful. Anyway, I must get back to my duties. You treat our new engineer well, Kailee, we don’t want a 2-week’s notice so soon!” Phobos’s laugh echoed through the room, sounding almost cartoonishly villainous as he gave two firm pats on Kai’s back before walking off through the west door.
You gave him an awkward wave even if he didn't see it, a hand lingering on the warm spot from his hand on your shoulder for a moment, ‘... that was weird’ you thought before turning your attention back to Kai, who looked to be in slight pain, leaning against the cloner for support.
“... you good?” your hand placed on their shoulder gently, concern starting to lace your voice, Kai let out a small groan in annoyance. “He never knows how to regulate his strength… either way, that was quite the odd interaction.” They stood back up straight. 
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t be clueless. You noticed him following us too, right?” You paused before nodding with an unsure look, “Yeah- well, I mean.. It could just be a coincidence, right?” Kai shrugged their shoulders, 
“Maybe, but the patterns are just too convenient…”
“Patterns?” you questioned, giving them way to elaborate “Well, when he comes around, he scans the room quietly before he focuses in our direction, then tries to act natural by looking over other people before gravitating to where we are. Looking over us or- like he just did, and maybe strikes a conversation.”
“It is a little odd when you put it like that, but doesn't he monitor new people like me too? Surely this is normal-” Kai held up a hand, something you caught on to mean he wanted to stop you mid-sentence before speaking, interrupting you but not at the same time. “Not really, no, at least not that I’ve seen.. He never did that with me at least, nor with any other engineers that I’ve trained before.”
You were about to speak before another engineer passed by you, butting into your conversation. 
“I think yer thinkin’ into it too much again, Kai. Yer scarin’ the poor gal.” he softly punched the taller engineer on the arm, holding a box labeled ‘parts’ under his other arm, the thick southern accent being the first thing you noticed before processing his appearance, he turned to you. “Don’t ye worry yer tiny head about it, rookie, I’ve seen Ol’ Bos monitor some other newbies more closely like that befo’. Seems he does this stuff to ones who he thinks are troublemakers or ‘ave had a bad impression o’ him or Nexus as a whole! Ye don’t seem like the trouble kind, he’s probably just tryna give you a good impression or sumthin’.” he shrugged, stealing your bonnet for a moment to ruffle your hair lightly with a laugh before handing your hat back to you and walking off without another word.
Kai sighed with a shake of his head, rubbing the spot he was punched at as you fixed your hair with a light chuckle, “he’s in good spirits at least.” you mentioned as you repositioned your bonnet on your head, “I guess… he could be right, or not, Phobos is… a bit unpredictable at times… I hate it.” Kai complained as you chuckled again, he motioned for you to follow again, your shift wasn’t over yet and there was more machinery to fix.
I love expanding like this, even if this is probably not what you wanted, I’ll try to speed this up again.
Even after your first day, Phobos kept… lowkey stalking you through your first week, especially after Kai stopped holding your hand through things; you boiled it down to just being him making sure you're not getting into any trouble by yourself, though, it started becoming a bit more obvious that wasn’t the true intention as he started ‘accidentally’ bumping into you on the halls or taking the same elevator to places, sometimes even walking into you seemingly without noticing as you tried getting to Tom and Kai, who often invited you to have lunch with them at the break room if you weren't getting food at the patio.
Phobos didn't understand why he felt compelled to see you, he’s monitored newbies a few times, so this shouldn't be any different, yet… it was.
Most would try to get away as soon as possible unless he actively requested to have a talk with someone, no one dared stay around for long, they feared him, it was always the intent, to be feared, respected, to be this City’s GOD. Yet you were different, you weren’t scared; nervous at most, but it didn’t seem to be directed towards his presence completely. You consumed his thoughts when he was attempting to do his work, his mind gravitating to your face, your mannerisms, your laugh… It was frustrating, what had you done to him? It’s only been a couple of weeks and he’s enamored by you, he’s been attracted to other people before, albeit before he became Director, but it never seemed to go past their appearances, but this? This was bigger, this was more.
It didn’t take long for him to make sense of his thoughts, sure, a couple frustrations didn’t go unexpressed as he seemed to be unpredictable around. One day he’d be all gleeful and conversational with you, the other he’d be distant and judgemental, you assumed he was simply having stressful days… but your gut said to ask, to figure out what was wrong with your boss, especially since some of your coworkers found themselves with the short end of his temper.
So you asked, slipping into his office after the doormen left for lunch, you knew he was in there, he said he enjoyed the time for himself. The office was empty aside from his hunched-over shadow up at his desk, he didn’t hear you slip in as your boots clicked against the floor, making your way up to him.
He had his head resting in one hand as his other held a pen to a paper he didn't seem to read, simply staring straight down, taken by his thoughts. Soon you stood in front of his desk, holding his (allegedly) favorite cup of tea you had gotten based on his orders from the cafeteria in your hands, trying to find a way to gently snap him out of his thoughts without it backfiring harshly on you. Pulling down your mask from your face and letting it lay over your upper chest as you called out his name softly.
Took about 3 times and light taps on his desk for him to see you were there, irritation shifting to surprise to see you in his office, much more without your mask, he hadn’t seen your face properly since the interview… Clearing his throat, he asked what you were doing here, you explained that you were worried about him, and how stressed he was lately, so you came to ask if he wanted to talk, to rant, anything to make him less stressed just so he doesn’t end up killing anyone for a minor mistake sending him over the edge.
… You… wanted to talk… with him? I mean of course you would, he’s Nexus’ God-Emperor and Director after all, why wouldn’t you? Your words warmed his chest, you cared? You didn’t seem like the lying kind, and he had no reason to believe you would lie to him…
Of course, your request to spend time with him was accepted with a welcome, if you were anyone else he might have thrown you out of the window though. Your lunchtime was spent listening to the Director rant about anything he felt like telling you, about the worries of a certain grunt going against his cause, the stress of his goals, and the annoyance that was needed to cater to MERC and their demands for G03LMs, the angry and poorly written emails from their manager still sat in his drafts as he tried to word an unhostile email, it was hard!
He didn’t elaborate on certain things, but you didn’t pry, maybe if you did he’d get more stressed, that wasn’t your current goal. Though you couldn’t help but feel charmed by his demeanors, obviously he didn’t pass on opportunities to gloat about himself, but after he was done ranting, he asked to know more about yourself. It surprised you he was interested in your life at all, but he insisted, so you complied.
You both lost track of time, talking and laughing about funny stories from your lives and even gossiping about things outside and in the tower. Your previous image of Phobos had been broken, that intimidation and nervousness vanishing like smoke in the air, he was just like you and the others, if not a little up his ass but he was still a grunt like everyone else; He liked to gossip, he enjoyed technology and what it could do, he enjoyed comedy, horror, and action movies.
The more you talked, the more the both of you fell for each other, at some point he had forgotten to drink his tea, by the time Lunch was over and his guards came back wondering what you both were laughing about, the tea was cold.
You were disappointed to need to go back to work but you had machines to work on, Phobos suggested you pick up your conversation again the next day. And so followed your new routine, you’d come to work, do your thing, and stay with Phobos for the lunch hour until you went back to work, he even started messaging you after a while to send you goodnights or for you to elaborate on certain things he was really curious about from your conversations earlier.
It took a few months for him to ask you out, and even longer to finally ask you to be his. He made a big deal out of it, of course, it was something private between you both but he went all out on it, flowers, tuxedo, your favorite treat, the works. You made it official on the Tower’s rooftop, watching the sunset together.
He loves you just as much as he loves himself, dare I say even more, his diamond, his queen, he wants you to rule alongside him when he achieves Godhood. He hasn’t told you the full extent of his plans though, you know it's important but he won't elaborate on what he’s trying to do.
He loves PDA, getting a kick of showing others you’re his and only his, kisses, handholding, gentle touches along your sides and shoulders, etc. he doesn’t care about who sees you together, in fact, how dare they stare in the first place.
Phobos can be a bit of a jealous partner, getting protective and possessive of you at times if you hang out with your friends for what he deems to be too long. Later when you're both alone, he’ll remind you of who you belong to with long, deep kisses, and hold you against him, trapped in his arms. It’s nothing too rough to overwhelm you, he’d never forgive himself if he dared hurt you, he tries to take it lightly and playfully, trying to make you giggle even if he’s serious about his words.
Regardless he just wants you well, if you’re in any pain at all he WILL just give you the day off, mayhaps he’ll even excuse himself to keep you in his bedroom, staying with you and getting you anything you need, painkillers, water, anything you crave at the time. Spoils the HELL out of you, and will cling to you as long as you're comfortable.
Speaking of that, he’s a HUGE fan of physical touch. He’ll trace his nails along your back and gently rub your thighs when cuddling, trace his thumb along your knuckles when holding hands, touch legs when just sitting next to each other, and can't hold hands, rest his head on your shoulder and hug you if you're sitting on his lap. Playing with your hair… He’ll never admit he’s a fan of romance books, he’s always wanted to do this with someone, and with you he can finally relax and be soft-ish for once.
Also, he’s big spoon when you cuddle, he enjoys holding you more than anything, but if you insist on him being little spoon he won't protest much, being held is nice too.
If you have a spot when you keep your things at the tower he’ll take the time to leave you little gifts, mainly small things that you mentioned you’d like to buy some time or something, flowers, treats, even just little notes to lift your spirits. He enjoys being romantic, and if it means it’ll bring a smile to your lovely face then so be it.
Some of your co-workers are slightly concerned about your relationship, warning you of his manipulative ways at times, others can't be bothered to say anything because you keep Phobos in good spirits, and keep them from being yelled at so whatever. But he’d never manipulate you I’m sure… right?
Nicknames! My Dear, Starlight, My Love, My Queen, anything to do with your name, usually he’ll put “My” before the nickname because he enjoys reminding himself that he somehow managed to bag such a lovely person. It’s the only thing he questions about how he got so lucky.
He loves you beyond everything. It’s really gonna sting when he dies… Hope you’re ready for that.
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saibugslegacy · 23 days
The Wand Chooses The Wizard
Word Count: 2k
Ambrose Varyn & Everett Varyn, Ambrose Varyn/Sebastian Sallow
Summary: It's the week before Ambrose's 6th year at Hogwarts and, as it turns out, his little brother Everett's first year. Normally Diagon Alley is an exciting place to visit but for two children on their own and visiting for the first time during the busiest time of year, well. Things can get a bit confusing.
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There was very little Ambrose had enjoyed about his journey to Hogwarts the previous year. But he had a feeling that he should be glad he skipped on visiting Diagon Alley. The place seemed lively and warm and like it should be quite fun, if only you weren't two children sentenced to navigate it on your own your first time being there.
"Ambrose!" Cas exclaimed and Ambrose felt a sharp pain in his ankle.
"Ow! Did you just kick me?" Ambrose complained.
"Yes, I did, because you've been too busy worrying to actually walk," Cas said.
"Alright, alright, you grindylow, let's go," Ambrose rolled his eyes. 
He double checked his wand was still in his very rushed bun then set off down the alley. He made sure to hold onto Cas with one hand, so as to not lose the much much shorter boy in the late summer crowd. It seemed every Hogwarts student and their mothers were in Diagon Alley that day. To be fair, Ambrose and Cas were doing their shopping rather late too. Term started in a week after all, but it took Ambrose this long to arrange for his parents to actually get them to Diagon Alley. He just hoped that certain…legal matter had been settled.
They got to Gringotts and thankfully they were escorted right back to Professor Fig's vault. Well, not quite thankfully. While he was of course thankful to his mentor for leaving him the money in his vault, he much preferred having the man alive and well. Still, he got the money he thought he'd need for his and Cas's supplies and left the rest in Fig's vault. Or, he supposed it was his vault now.
Now to figure out where the hell he was going. Gringotts was damn easy to find but he didn't even know what shops he was looking for, much less where they were. 
"Okay I do know there's an Ollivander's somewhere around here," Ambrose said but he was pretty much thinking aloud. "So let's start with your wand and see what other stores we spot looking for it, alright?"
"Oh I am going to regret this," Ambrose chuckled. 
The pair trotted off down the street, more wandering than anything. han anything. The leather pouch full of coins felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket, right along with the two supply lists. At least he only had to buy books for himself, though he did need some new quills. Cas needed a uniform, his books, a wand, cauldron, telescope, scales, parchment, quills…it was fine. Ambrose could pull this off. God the Wizarding World was hard enough to get used to when he only had to worry about himself. He missed his field guide. 
“Oh finally,” Ambrose sighed in relief. “Ollivander’s.” 
Ambrose steered them into the shop and rang the bell. He heard a noise from above and looked up to see Anton Ollivander leaning precariously over the balcony railing towards one of the shelves.
“I’ll be down in just one mome-” Mr Ollivander began. But a wand box fell from the shelf and hit the ground, opening the box and setting off the wand which of course fired some sort of magic right at the balcony railing turning it into something that looked suspiciously like chalk. It crumbled beneath Mr. Ollivander’s weight and Ambrose barely saw the chalk crack before he whipped out his wand.
“Wingardium Leviosa!” Ambrose cried, catching the wandmaker in mid air. He carefully lowered Mr. Ollivander to the ground. Then he switched gears, casting reparo on the railing and following it up with a quick alteration spell, turning it back into wood. 
"That was terribly embarassing, wasn't it?" Mr. Ollivander laughed. "Grovend Ollivander, now at your service."
Mr. Ollivander's gaze drifted to Ambrose's wand as he stuck it back in his bun.
"How strange," Mr. Ollivander hummed. "I don't seem to remember your wand. Or you."
"I got it at the Ollivanders in Hogsmeade," Ambrose said. "I started Hogwarts as a 5th and couldn't get to Diagon Alley because my, my professor was helping me catch up. Then on the way to Hogwarts there was an incident with a dragon...it's a long story. It's uh, Aspen wood and a Phoenix feather."
"My my, that is quite the powerful wand," Mr. Ollivander nodded. "You must be a force to be reckoned with. However if you already have one, I assume the wand you are here to find is for this young man?"
"Yes sir," Everett said. He was already grinning ear to ear and Ambrose could tell he'd be shaking his hands if they weren't clenched into fists.
"Then let us begin our search!" Mr. Ollivander clapped.
He moved to the shelves and shelves stuffed to the brim with wand boxes, Everett right on his heels. Ollivander hummed as he scanned the boxes. There were multiple times we're he reached for one only to shake his head at the last second. After at least a full minute he finally pulled a box off the shelf and offered it to Everett.
"Pine wood and unicorn hair," Ollivander said. "Let's try this, shall we?"
Everett took the wand and glanced at Ambrose.
"Flick it," Ambrose chuckled.
Everett flicked the wand and the entire thing erupted in angry red flames. Everett shrieked and dropped it. Ambrose immediately rushed to his side, grabbing his hands to inspect them for burns. Thankfully he found nothing. A sigh of relief left him and he quickly kissed Everett's forehead, more for his own reassurance honestly.
"Aquamenti!" Ollivander exclaimed, putting out the wand with a gush of water. Somehow the thing remained completely unscorched. He picked it up by the tip with two fingers like he was worried it would ignite again. No more flames showed up so he put it back in the box and put it on a shelf as far from Everett as he could.
"Not that one," Ollivander told them, like that wasn't obvious. He knew it wasn't the old man's fault but Ambrose still felt the urge to smack him upside the head with a wand box.
Ollivander checked the shelves again, this time grabbing a box and just handing the whole thing to Everett.
"Try that one," Ollivander said. "Larch wood and phoenix feather, quite versatile."
Ambrose also took a step to the side just to be safe.
"And this one won't set on fire?" Everett checked.
"The chances of it doing so are miniscule I assure you," Ollivander claimed. "Even if it is an I'll match, the likelihood of two wands having the same negative reaction are infinitesimal."
Everett went to flick the wand but before he could even bring it down, the thing shot out of his hand towards the ceiling before falling back down.
"At least nothing is on fire?" Ambrose offered.
"Shush," Everett waved him off. He carefully put the wand in the box and handed the box back to Ollivander.
In return Ollivander handed him a third box. Just like the last two this one (Willow and dragon heartstring) rejected him. Everett was starting to look more and more rejected as they went through another two wands, meaning he'd tried five wands with horrible reactions each time.
"Is it possible for a wizard to have no wand match?" Everett wondered, barely hiding the light quiver in his voice.
"It's never happened before," Ollivander replied. "Yet we are running out...oh!"
Ollivander rushed to the back and came back with a wand that didn't even have a box. It was a bit paler than Ambrose's wand, but not quite white. It had rings leading up to the hand, which turned into a crooked swirl of light and dark brown.
"This is a Dogwood wand with an...experimental core," Ollivander told them. "I've long believed there were other possibilities for cores beyond the three wandmakers have become comfortable with. I was experimenting with this one. I only just finished it this morning. It's core is made from the ash of an ashwinder."
Everett stepped forward with an almost glazed look in his eyes. He took the wand with a severance and care Ambrose had never seen before. This time when he swished it a beautiful stream of lights explodes from the tip, dancing around the shop in every color Ambrose could imagine, and even some he couldn't.
"The perfect match," Ollivander was grinning like a kid on Christmas, which was a rather odd look on such an aged man. "Take it, on me. Consider it thanks for proving my theory correct."
"Thank you so much, Mr. Ollivander," Ambrose said.
"I'll put it to good use," Everett promised. He was practically vibrating in pure joy, bouncing on his toes and vigorously shaking the hand that wasn't clutching his wand.
"Come on little firefly," Ambrose laughed, wrapping his arm around Everett's shoulders to steer him out of the shop before his excitement lit something else on fire. "I take it you like it?"
"It's a magic fucking wand Ambrose!" Everett giggled. "Yes I like it! And I used it! Because I'm a freaking wizard!"
"Yeah you are," Ambrose ruffled Everett's hair only to get shrieked at. "What do you think, books next?"
Ambrose stopped mid step, immediately searching the crowds for that oh so welcome and oh so familiar voice. Within moments Sebastian appeared in front of them and Ambrose didn't hesitated to drag him into his arms. Just having Sebastian close melted all the tension from his system. All his worries about the crowds, the money, and his parents just faded away. It was the first time he'd felt a feeling of home since the term ended.
"Merlin I've missed you," Sebastian murmured into Ambrose's shoulder. "Have you been okay? It hasn't been too bad, has it?"
"I told you I'd send you an owl if it was," Ambrose reminded him, still not surfacing from Sebastian's hair.
"I also know your definition of bad is much lower than it should be," Sebastian pointed out. Ambrose finally pulled back to cup Sebastian's face in his hands, tilting it back and forth to look him over. As hard as he'd tried, he hadn't been able to find a way for Sebastian to stay with him over the summer. "I'm fine, Rose."
"Quiet you," Ambrose shushed him. Eventually he was satisfied and let his hands drop to Sebastian's shoulders as Sebastians arms were still around his waist.
"Like I said, I'm fine," Sebastian swore. "I've been working and staying at the Leaky Cauldron to have a roof over my head. Got just enough extra money for my supplies this year."
"Okay good, I'm glad!"
"Hi there!" Everett chirped from behind him.
"Fuck," Ambrose muttered and stepped to the side, but Sebastian still kept an arm around his waist. "This is Everett."
"Your brother?" Sebastian's eyebrows shot up and almost disappeared into his bangs.
"Yeah, him," Ambrose nodded. "Ev, this is my boyfriend-"
"Ominis or Sebastian?" Everett cut him off, eyes now narrowed. Was he threatening? How was he threatening?
"Sebastian," Sebastian answered with a chuckle.
Everett's eyes narrowed further and before Ambrose realized what he was doing, the hem of Sebastian's robes was engulfed in flame.
"Ow!" Sebastian cried as he threw his robes onto the ground to escape the flames.
"Everett!" Ambrose scolded. But Everett just stood there glaring at Sebastian with his arms crossed, four feet and nine inches of 11 year old rage.
"Don't call my brother ignorant," Everett warned.
"Trust me I have apologized for that at length," Sebastian swore. "Multiple times."
Everett glanced at Ambrose who nodded, and suddenly Everett was his normal lighthearted self, holding his hand out for Sebastian to shake.
"Nice to meet you then," Everett grinned. Sebastian hesitantly shook his hand. "You know Diagon Alley?"
"Pretty well, if I say so myself," Sebastian said.
"Good because Ambrose is lost," Everet informed him.
"I am not lost," Ambrose protested. "I just...haven't found everything yet."
"We only have my wand."
"Don't make me hold on to it until next week."
"You suck."
Ambrose sighed, trying to ignore Sebastian snickering next to him.
"Fine, I guess some help would be appreciated," Ambrose admitted.
"Time for a proper Diagon Alley welcome," Sebastian teased. Ambrose rolled his eyes, despite the smile on his face. "This term is going to be fun."
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typically-untypical · 9 months
A Magician's Mask
AU: Circus
CW: Alcohol Usage
WC: 3,574
Date: 12/17/2023 (That's all for today until after I clean my kitchen for the Holidays!)
Patton felt safe in Roman's arms, gently pressed against the canvas fabric of the circus tent as the two of them exchanged soft kisses. This was fairly normal for them, praising each other on their acts and swapping sweet secrets hidden behind the main tent. Even Janus walking up on them was fairly normal. He had seen the two of them making out far more times than he could count, and he didn't mind one bit. 
"Ring master," Roman drawled, pulling back only enough to allow Patton an escape.
"I guess I should expect a lion tamer to be ballsy, kissing out in the open like this." Janus took a step forward, giving Roman a kiss first then Patton before he stepped back again, leaning on his cane. "I have a job for you. Well, more for Patton then for you."
"Rude," Roman pouted, shifting to give Patton a bit more space. "And why is it I'm not included in this special job?"
"Because your social skills suck," Janus deadpanned before fondly rolling his eyes. "We have a new start." He tapped his gloved fingers against his cane, using it more for stabilization than he'd probably like to admit. "However, he's a bit shy. I figured Patton, out of the two of you, would make the best impression and be the least likely to leave him wanting to run away from us."
"Rude," Roman repeated and Janus stepped forward, leaning in closer to Roman. "I could give you a special assignment as well, but that requires you behave." There was a shiver in the air, a lingering quiet that was broken by Patton stepping in to save the day.
"I'd be happy to look after the new kiddo, how old is he? Oh! Did we finally get to adopt a youngen? You know I've always wanted a kid." He clapped his hands together and Janus moved back once again, smiling at his boyfriend's enthusiasm.
"No, he is about our age so I wouldn't consider him young. However, maybe we can kidnap you a kid in the next city we stop in."
"Now that wouldn't be very nice," Patton pouted and Janus just smirked again.
"I know."
"You're incorrigible," Roman waved his arm, pulling Janus in, though really Patton knew he was giving Janus plenty of opportunity to move on his own so he wouldn't mess up his knee. "Don't worry Patton, I'll keep our temptress from attempting to hurt any of the children who visit us."
"How sweet, and how do you intend to control me when you can't pull your thoughts away from kissing Patton." 
"Not true," Roman whispered, "I can easily distract you by switching my attention." He leaned in to kiss Janus, stealing his lips and breath. The two slipped into their own twist of subduction and romance, so Patton decided to slip away, allowing them privacy to flirt and canoodle. He did have a job after all.
It wasn't often they got new people in their little family. Janus was very picky about who he let in but he always had a reason. Even if with Roman it had mostly been because 'the pretty boy is hot'. Patton giggled at the thought as he made his way to the center of their encampment.  Janus set the wagons in a way that encouraged cooperation and collaboration. New people were almost always put at the center so it would be easy for them to reach out and ask for help if necessary. Once they were a bit more incorporated into the group, the wagons would get rearranged again. Sure that could be a bit difficult for people who didn't like the spot light, but who in the circus was afraid of a little attention? Knocking on the door to what served as their spill over wagon normally, Patton waited with bated breath, curious about who Janus had hired. He hadn't heard about anyone applying but sometimes these things were a bit sudden and the sudden ones were almost always the most interesting. They had a lot of the standard circus acts but Janus had a knack for finding things that wouldn't work in a typical circus and incorporating them here. He had also started doubling up on performers so they could run longer shows without burning people out. The circus was getting big and Patton loved every moment of it. "Hello, I'm Patton, part of our patented welcoming committee!"
The door opened to a tall man, probably only a few inches shorter than Roman, looking curiously at Patton. Where Roman was bulky and strong, this man was thin and whispy. He had an air of magic to him and Patton was excited to soak it all in. "Was that supposed to be a pun?"
"It was, I think I'm rather punny." Patton could see the way this new man fought back a smile attempting to remain serious and stoic. 
"Interesting. My name is Logan, I believe Janus spoke of you. You are the trapeze artist, is that correct?"
"Yep, that's me, I had rather lofty goals in life don't you think."
Logan brought his hand to his mouth and coughed but Patton could see the hints of a smile just past his pointer finger. "I believe anyone who is willing to throw themselves through the air is a very adventurous and entertaining person." Logan cleared his throat, putting his hands behind his back. "Though I am curious as to what brings you to my door step. You said something about being the welcoming committee?" 
"Yep!" Patton clapped his hands together. "It's my job to show you around, make sure you're familiar with the space and introduce you to everyone else in our circus. We keep getting bigger every year so if there are people you don't know it's okay." He gave Logan a reassuring smile and held out his hand. "Do you want to come with me?" For just a moment, Logan hesitated. His fingers reached out but then curled in. Was there a reason he was hesitant to reach out to an offered hand? Eventually, Logan nodded, but his hands behind his back, leaving Patton with far more questions than answers. Maybe he could sweet talk Janus into giving him more details later. For now though, he was playing host!
Patton took his time showing Logan around, trying to leave the other man plenty of space to talk about things. He didn't seem like the talkative type, at least not anymore. He would open his mouth to say something but then close his lips tight. It was disappointing, especially when bits of his personality would show through. Via, the daughter to one of their ushers, had almost tripped and Logan quickly caught her and helped her up. He gave her a soft smile before producing a handkerchief with the flick of his hand. He dusted off her cheeks before offering her the cloth. That wasn't the only trick Logan had up his sleeves, and it wasn't the only time he helped someone without a second though. Patton could see how the close up magic would work well to stir up a buzz in the crowd, but had Janus known about the compassion?
"Patton?" Someone was calling his name. Oops, he hadn't realized how lost in thought he was. Patton looked up, catching Logan's eyes. They were such a deep blue, far deeper than Patton remembered from early but then again he hadn't been this close. His cheeks dusted red as he lost his words. "Apologies for invading your space, but it seems like you wandered off there, metaphorically. Is everything alright?" Logan was so close, so incredibly close and Patton wasn't used to people being this close and towering over him. Most people treated him with kid gloves, the only two people who towered over him and didn't worry about the impression they might make was Janus and Roman.They towered over him with smirks and teasing quips, but there was concern and compassion in Logan's voice. Oh, shit. Would Janus be upset if he fell for the new guy on the first day?. 
"Oh yeah, I'm good kiddo, perfectly okay. Just got a bit distracted." He took a step back, almost tripping on one of the tent stakes but Logan caught him, arm wrapped around the small of Patton's back, his other hand in Patton's. That was not helping his problem right now.
"Please be careful, the human body is surprisingly resilient when properly taken care of but it's best not to put yourself in situations where you may get injured."
Patton just nodded slowly, mouth hanging open slightly. "Well, Think that ends our tour." His mouth felt so dry and the lump in his throat had grown bigger.
"That may be best, you are looking a bit flushed. I hope you haven't gotten too hot out in this sun."
"No, no, I'm good," Patton muttered, giving the best smile he could. "Please let me know if you need anything, kay?"
Logan nodded slowly, gently taking a step back from Patton. "Of course, thank you for your kindness."
[Section Break]
Roman wasn't avoiding the newbie, honest, it was just that... well, Logan wasn't really his type. The man was quiet, stoic, and walked around as if he were a ghost. Sure there was probably a reason, no one moved that quietly without having a reason, but it still felt weird. The whole situation was made worse by the way Patton was enamored. He talked so much about the different things that Logan was doing, the magic, the pulling in of crowds, the pulling of his own weight with chores, it all made Roman feel a bit insecure. What was so good about this Logan character anyway? He had Patton's approval, and obviously he had Janus', but that wasn't enough. 
They were going to be heading to the next city tomorrow morning, so this was their last night to celebrate, yet Logan was sitting just far enough that he wasn't part off the group. What did Patton see in someone so antisocial? Roman had a few drinks in his system, and just enough liquid courage to turn off his impulse control. He was finally going to tell Logan off. "How dare you steal my boyfriend's attention? So smug and so smart. I bet you think you're all that, don'tcha?" That wasn't what he meant, right? It was because Logan was so sullen, but he was smart. He had helped Patton with a few tricks to make them safer and he had actually discussed methods for helping Janus' leg hurt less during performances. Was it really his intelligence that irritated Roman, or just that Logan had taken Patton's attention?
If the look on Logan's face was any indication, he was surprised at Roman's observation. Did he not realized how enamored Patton was? How dare he be that stupid? "Apologies, I'm a bit lost, by your boyfriend, do you mean Patton?"
"Obviously, yeah there's also Jannie, but you couldn't have him if you tried." A look of something crossed Logan's face, something Roman couldn't read in his inebriated state. "Jannie's too smart to fall for a... for a... meanie."
What he could understand, were the words Logan spoke next. "I apologize that you see me as mean. However, I'm aware I can't have Janus, as I'm aware that Patton loves you. You won't lose him to me." There was a gravity behind his statement that soaked into Roman's core, a memory of his brother looking listfully out to the ocean which was always just out of reach for the two of them. Logan had turned to look at Janus and Patton, curled up together as Patton tried to feed Janus a marshmallow he was pretending he didn't like. Still, Janus occasionally took bites from it when Patton pretended he wasn't looking. Roman followed Logan's gaze, watching the scene and feeling the warmth fill him. He smiled at the two of them. He almost forgot he was standing next to Logan. 
"You should rest," Logan's voice was smooth and despite not being as deep. Roman wasn't jealous when Janus and Patton were cute or when they talked about each other, so what made Logan different? And what was with Logan's tone. It was heavy. It tasted wrong. "Let me take you back over to the two of them."
"And you won't steal my boyfriend?"
"I won't steal your boyfriend," Logan agreed, putting his hand on Roman's back slowly leading him toward the fire.
"What about stealing me?"
There was a pause, a stutter in Logan's even steps before he continued. "I had the notion that you didn't particularly like me?"
Roman shrugged. "Who knows, you're softer than I thought. I'm never wrong, but maybe I could know you more. I'll debate you when the world is less woooh. If you win you can kiss me."
"We can discuss the details when you're sober." That felt like a rejection and Roman pouted, right up until he focused on Janus and Patton again. Throwing his arms open he stumbled toward the two of them.
"My loves!"
[Section Break]
As Logan watched Roman sit down next to Janus, leaning into him and spinning an epic tale about defending Patton's honor, Logan slipped away, fingers playing at the shirt buttons on his wrist. He had expected Roman not to like him. He was everything Logan could be, loud, vibrant, creative, he just hadn't expected Roman to think he was trying to take away Janus and Patton. Sure, he was closer to the two of them than anyone else but that was because they were they two who had reached out, and Logan was a bit too nervous to talk to the others. 
When he had first asked Janus if he could join them, Janus had asked Logan why he wanted to join the circus and his answer had been the only obvious one. Logan wanted to find a place where he belonged. He wasn't convinced this was the right place. It had been nice thus far but he couldn't get into the groove of it. Everyone here was so full of life, and Logan was.... he couldn't break out of his own silence. 
It was hard for him to relax and let go of all of his fears of failure. Watching Roman, Patton, and Janus, not to mention the others, Logan wondered if he'd be able to go back to the way he was when he was younger, seeing the world through the eyes of childlike wonder, asking questions that never had answers, existing without reservation. He grabbed a coin from his nightstand, sitting on his bed as he flipped the metal disk along his fingers. There were times when he almost let it slip, almost allowed himself to speak freely. There were times when it felt like the chains of his past were going to let him go. However, as soon as his lips would curl to speak he would hear the voices in his head, the cruel jabs at him being annoying, over bearing, and unwanted. It was hard to fit in when he was playing a part, but he couldn't give up his mask. He couldn't risk people hating him for who truly he was. If they hated a watered down version of him, that was alright. He hated himself too.
With a sigh, Logan set the coin back down and lied back in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Janus had hired him to do close up magic, and Logan was good at that, but he had said something that still rung in Logan's ears. "We all have masks, the question is are you happy with the one you're wearing." Was he?
A knock at his door pulled him out of his thoughts and Logan pushed himself up, dusting down his rumpled clothes. He walked over to the door, opening it up, words dying on his lips as he saw Janus and his all too knowing smirk.
"May I come in?" Why was Janus here? Shouldn't he be curled up with Roman and Patton at this point? The night was beautiful, if Logan had a lover he would want to be in their arms under this sky.
"Of course." Logan took a step back, giving Janus the space to enter. "I'm sure you are aware there isn't much room for you to sit but feel free to take a seat on the bed."
"Thank you, Logan, always so considerate." Janus walked over to the bed before slowly sitting down, rubbing his leg at the knee. "I wanted to apologize for Roman, I'm aware of how... protective he can be but please know it comes from a place of care and not a place of hostility."
That was obvious. The care Roman had for both Patton and Janus shone through all of his actions, the way he held his breath every time Patton did a stunt, the way he led Janus to a chair after each performance. Logan had been watching all of them carefully, silently observing the life they had built together. He had been jealous. No matter how loud Roman was, no matter how much Patton didn't understand, no matter how secretive Janus could be, they all still loved each other. The three of them accepted each other just as they were. "I took nothing he said to heart. Alcohol has a way of getting to all of us and I know his affections for Patton run high." Patton had been one of the best parts of being here at the circus, and also the worst. He thought he was a comedian with all of his puns, and while Logan had, at one time, loved a good play on words, he found himself groaning internally at Patton. For so long he had been told that was a low brow form of comedy, but it was cute, wasn't it? It was a fight between who he wanted to be and who he had been told he had to be.
"Yes, his affections for Patton do run high, and he can be a bit possessive despite us having an open relationship. More than once I've had a talk with him about scaring off people I want to pursue. Should I tell him to back off from you as well?" 
There was a purr in Janus' voice that Logan didn't understand and he furrowed his brow. "I don't believe there is a need for that. If my understanding is correct, Patton is simply being friendly. He acts similar around me as he does around others in the troupe."
Janus chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm fairly sure your understanding is wrong, but I also wasn't asking about your connection with Patton."
Logan furrowed his brow as he looked down at Janus. "You are Roman's only other partner, correct? I..." It was like being struck with sudden understanding. "Do you have an interest in me?" That was news to him. He assumed he had just been a form of amusement for Janus.
"It's interesting. You are extremely perceptive, you approach people who will be interested in the tricks you have to show. You gage moods, attitudes, all in a blink, and yet you haven't noticed what is right in front of you." Janus stood up, leaning on his cane as he took a step forward. "I am interested in you. I'm interested in the smile you try to hide when Patton makes a joke, I'm interested in the way you strategize, I'm interested in who you are when you let your walls down." Logan stepped back as Janus approached, back hitting the wall as his breath caught in his throat. "Just to make things extremely clear. I want to pursue you. Will you let me?"
Logan hesitated. He didn't know how to respond. What if this was all some cruel joke to show him how much of an outsider he really was? Logan caught that anxious thought and tried to pull it away from his heart. Janus wasn't like that. Janus wasn't like the people he knew in his past, but he hadn't thought the others were like that either. He would have to sleep on it. "May I... May I have time to think?"
Taking a step back, finally giving Logan room to breathe, Janus nodded. "Of course, but don't think I am the only one on pursuit," He smiled. "Oh, something I might add. Roman is insufferably jealous, but it's not usually about people his partners are pursuing but rather about people he wants to be pursued by. Just a hint."
"Masks are useful," Janus whispered, "But if you never take it off, you'll forget who you are." He nodded his head to the door and Logan slid away, giving Janus the space to exit. "It can be hard to take a mask off, but it's worth it when you find the right people. I know from experience." It was a strange bit of wisdom to leave Logan with, but he did leave, closing the door behind him leaving Logan standing there as a blushing mess. 
He wanted to be seen. He desperately wanted to be seen.
But was he ready for it?
Looking back at the coin on his nightstand, Logan went to turn out his light. 
There was only one way to tell.
@tsspromptmonth @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @glacierruler
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
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Satrou Gojo x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, mad shit talking, reader uses sex to get things she wants, suggestive talk, other lovers, this will be in your pov but does switch, and that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers ^this means start the song 💋 probably not proofread 🤪
miscellaneous masterlist
Summary: Everyone tries to warn Gojo about his new girlfriend since she is titled ‘the maneater’
posted: August 20,2023
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I was walking through the outlets. You know the rich outlets. I always walk through rich people spots to find my next victim. It’s easy to find one, I mean I would say I’m absolutely stunning and people would say the same. I have beautiful skin, a beautiful body, beautiful smile, and anything a guy could want. People would say Ima maneater but who cares and also here’s a Y/N tip.
Men are useless and is nothing but a piece of meat.
As I’m walking I see him.
Gojo Satrou. CEO of Jujutsu Tech.
And one of the richest men in all of Tokyo. ^
Take it back, take it back
Everybody look at me, me
I walk in the door you start screaming
Come on, everybody what you here for?
He walks into this cafe by himself so no one to interfere. Perfect! Y/N tip #2.
Always go up to a guy who has no one with him so no one can cockblock.
God those glasses look great on him.
“Hello I just wanted to say your eyes are absolutely beautiful.” He said coming up to me. Oh wow a guy never came up to me before. “Thank you, your eyes are also very pretty.”
He offered to let me sit down at his table. We had a conversation. He paid for my meal.
We were about to walk out. “Can I get your number beautiful?” You looked at him. “I don’t even know your name playboy.”
I did but he doesn’t know that. “It’s Gojo. And what’s yours?”
I pretend to look confused. “Your name sounds sooooo familiar.” I took a pause. “You’re the CEO of Jujustu Tech. I use your electric batteries for my vibrator! It last for like forever!” He just looked down shyly. Y/N tip #3.
Use sex to get what you want. Pussy is power.
“Yea that’s cool but what’s your name beautiful?”
“I’ll tell you on our date playboy.” I gave him my number and left.
Move your body around like a nympho
Everybody get your neck to crack around
All you crazy people, come on, jump around
I wanna see you all on your knees, knees
After a few dates with Gojo or should I say Satoru I got him wrapped my freshly manicured finger. He paid for them. Now I’m with my friend Ami. My little hacker. She basically just gives me info about the guys I date. Then when the time is right she hacks their accounts and sends their money to our bank accounts.
“You scored Satoru Gojo!”
“Yea who do you think paid for these 70 dollar nails.” I said showing her my nails. “Oh my god! We’re gonna be rich!” She says walking around her apartment while clapping.
You either wanna be with me or be me (come on, now)
Maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
Gojo invited me to this gala or whatever the fuck it’s called. We walked in and some people gave me dirty looks. They obviously know who I am. Which is not a good thing. Some people called Gojo over. “Hey I’ll be right back pretty.” He gave me a peck on the lips and I went to the bathroom to call Ami.
Gojo went over to his friends. Suguru Geto and Nanami Kento.
“Why are you with her?” Nanami asked.
“What? Y/N? What’s wrong with her? Did she reject you Mimi?” He said with a baby voice teasing his friend.
“She’s a maneater make you buy cars and cut cards.” Geto responded.
Then Gojo remembered that he bought you a porsche in your favorite color two weeks ago.
“Surprise!” He uncovered my eyes and I saw a porsche. “Oh my god!” I quickly ran to the car as fast as I can in heels.
He smiled when you screamed in delight when you saw the inside.
He saw you run towards him almost tripping and you jumped on him.
“So I take it that you like it?”
“I love it Satoru! And I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Poor baby
Make you cut cards, make you fall real hard in love
She's a maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
Satoru has been working nonstop just so he can make you happy. After the porsche purchase his bank went crazy on him saying he needs to stop making big purchases. So they deactivated his card.
Here he was cutting his card that he only made big purchases on. He was in office and then you walked in with a plate of food.
“Toru what’s wrong?” You said sitting on his lap. “My bank deactivated my card because I bought you that porsche.”
This can not happen again.
Make you cut cards, wish you never ever met her at all
And when she walks, she walks with passion
When she talks, she talks like she can handle it
When she asks for something, boy, she means it
Even if you never ever see it
“A what bag.” He asked me. I wanted a birkin bag but he didn’t know what it was.
“A birkin bag. It’s like a really rare bag and there’s only 200 in the whole world.”
“As much as I want to you know my bank doesn’t want me making big purchases anymore. They’re still mad at me for your car and it was a month ago.”
You begged and begged.
But he still said no.
“I felt bad so I got you your bag.”
He gave me the bag and it was exactly what I wanted. “Ahh! Thank you Gojo! But I feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad darling.”
Everybody get your neck to crack around
All you crazy people come on, jump around
You doing anything to keep her by your side
Because she says she love you, love you long time (come on, now)
After nine months of Satoru and I together. He still doesn’t listen to what people are telling him. Saying that I’m not good news and he should run while he can.
But he doesn’t care.
You love him and he loves you.
Maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
Make you cut cards, make you fall real hard in love
He was at a party and you went out with your friends and people are still trying to warn him.
“You know Haruto?” Gojo nodded. “Yea all his money mysteriously disappeared.”
“Well guess who was his last lover.”
She's a maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
Make you cut cards, wish you never ever met her at all
Gojo was now thinking. Were you really the reason that the richest man in Tokyo got bankrupted? There’s no way. You wouldn’t do something like that. He will just ask you when you get home.
Come on now
Maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
“Hey Y/N?” You look up. “Yes Toru?”
“Are you what they call the maneater?”
How the fuck did he find that out?!
Make you cut cards, make you fall real hard in love
She's a maneater, make you work hard
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her love
She's a maneater, make you buy cars
Ok Y/N be cool. Y/N tip #4.
Never let anyone think they got you.
“What makes you say that?”
He just scoffed. “The bags, cars, nails, phones. What’s all that about?”
“So it’s my fault you bought all that stuff?!”
“Yea it is!”
I just looked at him shocked. And left.
He was right of course but it still hurt.
Make you cut cards, wish you never ever met her at all
No, never ever met her at all (what you sayin', girl?)
You wish you never ever met her at all (what you sayin', girl?)
You wish you never ever met her at all (what you sayin', girl?)
After your falling out with Gojo. He started to notice that his money was slowly decreasing.
Shouldn’t have fucked with the maneater.
You wish you never ever met her at all (come on)
You wish you never ever met her at all
You wish you never ever met her at all
You wish you never ever met her at all
“You are dirty!” Ami exclaimed. “You are mad at him because he figured you out. And you want me to take 500,000 each week?!”
“Yes. I don’t care if it’s unethical, plus we get 250,000 each week.” I smiled.
“He wished never ever met me.”
You wish you never ever met her at all
She's a maneater
A maneater
(I've been around the world, I ain't never seen a girl like this)
Gojo was working extra hard to pay off the money he lost. His bank has no idea on how to stop it and he doesn’t want a loan because what if he doesn’t have enough money to pay off.
He wants to earn it all by himself.
He has no idea who or what is causing this.
She's a maneater
A maneater
(I've been around the world, I ain't never seen a girl like this)
She's a maneater
It’s all gone. All his money is gone. He no longer has his playboy lifestyle. He still has enough money for an apartment and three bedroom apartment. 1,500 a month it’s doable.
He’s sitting in his living room then he sees you on the news. You are Takamis new girlfriend. Then he realized.
They were right.
You were the maneater.
A maneater
(I've been around the world, I ain't never seen a girl like this)
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An: YALL THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE I was supposed to post in like july early august but saw Barbie (10/10) and Oppenheimer also (10/10) went on a trip then went back to school then I got sick so apologies 🤧 but until I post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: John b x reader*
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stardustpinkart · 1 year
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I cant believe Owl House is ending in two days ;-; I’m excited and sad and all sorts of things. Sad becuase its ending and its such a great show, BUT at the same time excited because, I want to see how the story ends! Dont we all with a story? Hopefully it has a happy ending. I mean theyve done very well despite being cancelled, theyve made the most of the time they had rather than gave up? I respect that, same with Infinity Train. They did the best they could in time they had, rather than “Ah slap any old thing together who cares.” I found Cage of eden and the Unfortunate events books dissapionting this way.
I always hoped I would finish this, but yknow how it goes sometimes. THIS is a Owl House “Little Mermaid Au”.
Luz is a mermaid princess, but, despite her royalty, people still mock her and see her as a piece that doesent fit. Other kids openly tease and call her “Luzer”, and even the advisors and royal court dont approve of her, she doesnet behave much less how a PRINCESS should.
King is her “Flounder” :) Her best friend and eager helper in her adventures and curiosties. But Queen Camilla grows worried over how Luz behaves and, decides to send her away to perhaps a sort of boarding school to teach her to be, better? Much like sending her to camp in the cartoon, or even Luca’s parents sending him to another part of the sea?(That part made me think of a young boy being sent to a monastary).
Meaning well but, nevertheless hurting her daughter... If, nobody wants her, not even her Mother, then, Luz feels maybe she should just dissapear? Run away?
The night she runs away she runs into Eda, the sea witch. Sea witches arent evil in this world, but people do assume so or look there nose down at them? There happy to go to them for spells and stuff but see them as lesser beings, second class citizens.
If the kid wants to run away, she ought to try the human world! Thats the place, the most fun, so much to explore. Eda still goes there, collectign objects, mingling amongst the humans... So, she takes Luz in, she has a shack on the land. She can switch her and Kings tails for legs easy!
Much like King Triton Camilla is fretful when Luz goes missing, blaming herself for her daughter running away.
Other characters to make an appearence will of course be Willow and Gus, and in there case, instead of admiring humans, its mermaids? Its so exciting to meet one!
Amity is a princess in this version, and very unhappy one at that. Under a lot of pressure from her mother, not able to be herself, more a pretty little wind up doll that is meant to do what shes told... But starts to break away from that, when meeting Luz. They start to fall in love, happiness. I think Hunter would be Amity’s guard? Luz is also in a spot of danger. MERMAIDS are held in high regard, as trophys. Possessing such a creature like a fish in a tank in your home is a great status symbol. If Odalia had any idea Luz was a mermaid she’d lock her up in there palace. Amity is naturally worried for her girlfriends safety.
THATS about all I have for this AU :) But I hope you like whats there. LETS HOPE THE ENDING OF OWL HOUSE IS AWESOME!
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darnedchild · 2 years
Universally Monstrous - The Mummy
Today we’re looking at the Mummy... sort of.  Technically it’s not The Mummy, it’s a mummy. 
So here’s another one:
On Ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21127292
and below the ‘Keep Reading’ for the linkphobic
 Universally Monstrous - The Mummy
“I must admit I’m surprised you managed to secure authorization for me to see the mummy.”  Sherlock sounded rather impressed by her accomplishment.
The discovery of a bog mummy was a rare occurrence.  To be given the opportunity to observe one that had just been excavated had been too good for Sherlock to refuse.  When Molly had called with the news that the small hospital where her grandmother was recovering would be playing host to such a specimen, he’d bought a ticket to Denmark and flown out that very night.
“Technically, I haven’t,” Molly hissed.  “Neither of us is supposed to be here; so I would appreciate it if you stopped talking about it in the hall where anyone could overhear you.”
Sherlock stopped moving and grinned.  “Just when I think I can’t be any more attracted to you than I already am…  God, I can’t wait to get you back to the hotel.”
Molly rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, I know.  Breaking the law always gets you hot and bothered.”
“Blatantly untrue.”  He reached out and grabbed her hips, pulling her up against his chest.  “I only react this way when I’m bending the law with you, Mrs Holmes.”  He stressed the word bending, as if it would make a difference to the police should they get caught.  Sherlock leaned down a pressed a kiss to the skin just below her ear.  
“I’m sure John would be relieved to hear that,” Molly teased.
He gently pushed her away with a grumbled, “And the moment is ruined.”  He gestured for her to continue walking.  “If we don’t have permission to see this thing, how are you planning to get us in?”
“I used to visit Nana for a few weeks every summer, and one of my good friends from back then is an orderly here.  He’s actually the one who let me know the mummy was being stored here for a few days until the museum could send a crew for it.”  She took a moment glance at the directional signs on the wall and then lead him down another hall.   Molly lowered her voice to a near whisper.  “Jarrod said he’s pretty sure he can get us ten minutes to look at it.  But absolutely no touching.”
“What about-“ Sherlock began.
“No.  No touching.”  
He huffed like a spoiled child who had been denied a sweetie.  Then his expression grew hard and he reached out to grab her wrist.  “Stay here.”
Molly froze in place.  “What is it?”  She tried to identify whatever it was that had triggered his switch to Detective Mode.  
Then she saw it.
The only door on the right side of the hall was slightly ajar.   Almost, but not quite, flush with the frame.  As if something had kept it from closing all the way when it swung shut.  
Once she’d noted that, it was easy to detect the sparse trail of something dark that lead from (or to) the door, down the hall to the T at the end, and veered left.
“Stay here,” Sherlock repeated as he began to cautiously move toward the door and whatever was splattered across the floor.
Molly didn’t bother replying, she simply ignored his words and followed closely behind.  
Sherlock silently urged the door open just far enough that he could peer inside the room, and then pulled it the rest of the way open to allow Molly to see.  “Is that your friend?”
She gasped and rushed forward, dropping to her knees next to the still body sprawled out on the floor next to an overturned exam table and a puddle of more of that dark slimy stuff.  “Jarrod!”  Molly felt for his pulse and immediately sighed with relief.  “He’s alive.”  She quickly bent over to examine him, looking for signs of life-threatening trauma.  “Just dazed.”
Sherlock bent to examine the puddle of goo and the trail that joined up with the one they’d spotted in the hall.  “Do you smell that?   Rotting vegetation.”  He dipped his finger into the mess and brought it to the tip of his tongue.  He smacked his lips and grimaced.  “What is that taste?”
“It smells like peat, and you’re an idiot.  Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to lick stuff you find on the floor?”  Jarrod groaned as he allowed Molly to help him sit up.  “What happened?”
Rather than reacting to the insult, Sherlock stood up and moved to the doorway to study the mess in the hall.  
“It looks like you got hit pretty hard.”  Molly delicately sifted her fingers through his hair.  “You’ve already got a bruise forming on your forehead and a bit of a lump back here.  You’re going to need to see a doctor just to be sure there’s nothing worse going on.”
Jarrod nodded and grimaced, then finally seemed to realize what was missing from the room.  “Someone ran off with the mummy!”
Sherlock shook his head.  “Close, but judging from these tracks it would seem that your mummy ran off on his own.  Or stumbled off more precisely.”
“That’s-that is not possible.”  Molly looked toward Jarrod for confirmation.  “Right?”
“Of course not.  He’s been dead for… a really, really long time.  Dead people don’t just get up and wander off,” Jarrod agreed.
Sherlock looked as if he were planning to argue, but his attention jerked toward the T junction at the end of the hall.  “Up.  Stand up.   Molly, help me get him off the floor.  We need to go, right now.”
“What-“  Her eyes widened as she heard it too.  Something was out there.  Something that made a wet, squishy, slurping sound as it slowly moved closer.  “Time to go, definitely time to go.”  
She let Sherlock take the majority of Jarrod’s weight as they pulled her friend to his feet, then slid his arm over her shoulder to help steer him out of the room.  
The wet shuffling was getting louder, and Molly knew it was only a matter of moments before whatever it was stepped into view at the end of the hall.
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ulfrsmal · 1 year
2 & 22 & 24 for the violence ask game
Hello! This is for the fandom in my pfp; I'm not naming anything to avoid maximum violence.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Welp my fave is the Main Character and his Pretty Boys, and I think they all switch... BUT. I can give an argument to why the Sickly King never doms (as opposed to never tops, given that he has children and has therefore Topped. But I don't think he was leading the fun let us say).
Powerful as he is in his day-to-day life, at least in matters of war and state, the bedroom is another story entirely. He wants to please his wife the Queen, and she's a force to be reckoned with; folding under her desire is both easy and pleasurable. His illness spares him from flare-ups because he's not exerting himself, she's right at home over him -- figuratively and literally --, and any sin he incurs in by letting her top can be prayed away. Most often with her on her knees at his side in front of the cross in their palace's private chapel. It is simply the perfect arrangement!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
A fact I wish more mlm Main Character writers could incorporate into their work: Big Tall Surly Englishman was Main Character's first real male crush back in the first season. They're as canon as can be in the books too!
Though I have to say that my corner of this fandom is blessed in this regard, we don't tend to forget important bits!
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
OHOHOHOHOHO. This is the question that, had you asked me on reddit, would have prompted me to go on a literal neon*zi hunting spree. By which I mean blocking and reporting if it applies. Anyway, it's the Heathenry history part. Especially when tied to "historical accuracy". This type of show tends to attract a very specific type of asshole, and I can spot them at first glance. For those unaware but curious, the checklist goes something like this:
white man
norse pagan ("odinist" and "folkish" are literal neon*zi terms; "asatru" is one that should be examined more carefully)
really into viking history
the valknut symbol. thor's hammer and the helm of awe are the only other valid symbols
Odin Thor and Freyr are the only gods and if you worship Loki you're evil and if you worship any other god (eg Baldr) you're weak. Freya is there to be the goddess of love but never of war and she's always placed below Odin Thor and her literal twin brother Freyr
"the show can't be accurate because it must be politically correct for people to like it", "there were no black people in viking scandinavia" (factually wrong btw)
Also check any and all numbers in pfps, profiles, discord number IDs, etc. There are some associated with n*zism, eg eighty-eight & fourteen-eight eight.
On a more general note, if you suspect someone but aren't sure, other common themes are:
fan of Skyrim whose fave in-game race is the Nords
likes historical figures for their war achievements. even if the figure did civilian things, eg improved agriculture or made trade deals. even if the figure isn't well-known for the war efforts. if there is any military connection, they will like that and see value in only that
interest in military history and ONLY that (the biggest red flag is WW2 but I've also seen WW1, north-american wars, etc.)
metalhead super into black metal who won't accept any "posers" (aka metalheads who aren't into the same subgenres/bands). may or may not condone and/or agree with the likes of varg vikernes (who has done some truly vile things I'd have to Trigger Warning in here. look that up with discretion. there are MANY real-life horror stories in the history of black metal).
When in doubt, block preventively!!
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Hey, it's me again! 😁 Would it be okay if I make another request?
Imagine if the s/o of the Prime Deceptions switched sides from the Decepticons to the Autosbots (no specific reason). At some point they went missing in action. Now that both fractions are on earth, their ex s/o crash-landes there and joins Team Prime.
How would the cons react to seeing them again in battle?
Each and every request is welcome, don't you worry bout that. They'll be headcanons, sorry if they're out of character (Probably will turn into short stories 22:30/10:30 PM) (Goddangit, it did. 22:52) Megatron: - He would be shocked. - Would lower his guard for a short second, only to pull it right back up. - Has a shit ton of questions, but rage, anger, and sadness take over his rational thinking... as usual - Would have a mental battle, whether to hurt you or just to go easy on you. - Blames himself "I should have known." He chuckled darkly staring at your optics. His face chuckle soon to be replaced by anger and a hint of sadness. "I could have giving you EVERYTHING you desired, yet you decided to side with the autobot filth. " He nearly growled as he loaded his gun. His anger levels only rising as he noticed you doing the same. "Then so be it." With a sad sigh he attacked you Starscream: - He would cower away, not wanting to battle with you. - The betrayal tho, how could you. - Would think as to why you would join the autobots, did he do something wrong? He froze in his tracks as he spotted you standing with the autobots. His mouth falling open. It couldn't be, not after all those years. A shot near his head woke him up from his daze. "How could you!" He shouted before stepping back, letting the vehicons do the job. He panicked as he noticed you walked towards him, him being the last decepticon on the field. "W- We'll meet again." He transformed and flew off, nearly crashing into the mountain. Knockout: - He would be very surprised - Would freeze for a short second his mind running wild, before trying to fix his composure. - He would hesitate whether to attack you, or to kidnap you and hear you out. - Would go for the first one With a smirk he attacked you, yet something seemed off about it. "And thus we meet again." His voice sounded rather sad as he looked you in the optics. The attack was half assed, it was clear he didn't want to hurt you. As the battle continued he couldn't help himself but to ask eventually. "Was it something I did?"
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fang-wife · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
voyeur | m. izuku 
➳ tags ;; sub!izuku, dom!reader, watching hentai together?, reader is mean and nice </3, quirkless college au!izuku, corruption kink/religious guilt, unprotected sex/creampies, established relationship, afab reader
➳ wc ;; 2.1k
➳ a /n ;; @/sems-diarie made a post abt this a while ago n my brain wouldn’t let it be so. here we are </3 
➳ plot ;; izuku didn’t sneak you into your dorm to watch.. this with you. but he has a habit of letting you do what you like. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
This is embarassing. 
He knows this is embarassing - more embarassing than he really cares to admit to. He should really know better by now then to let you do as you please. You’re always stringing him along with your schemes and plans and he loses sight of his morals. His standards. 
Then again, he doesn’t have any at this point. The point of him paying for this single dorm was so that he could have space to focus. It wasn’t to sneak you in when his R.A. wasnt looking. Even more then that, it wasn’t to do.. whatever this was. 
It’d be one thing if he was having sex. That’s a normal thing to do in college, to sneak your partner in and smash. But you’re you, and all you ever seem to have planned for him are hair-brained schemes. It’s what this feels like - when you sit on his twin size bed and pat the empty space next to you. The distrust in his expression makes you laugh.. He sighs and does what you’ve asked. 
“What’re you doing?” 
He sounds exasperated. You laugh - too pleasantly for him to be comfortable. You type something into the search bar. Green eyes widen, skin warm and blushing. 
“Wh-what’re you doing?” 
You laugh as you prop the computer on the bed. You grin at him, tucking yourself under his arm. The website mocks him, all black background and animated women with huge tits covering the screen edge to edge. 
“You know something, after you’re done using incognito mode - you’re supposed to switch out to regular search, you know,” you explain. Your hand rests on his thigh. Deku freezes. 
The sound of your voice has always been something of a vice. It gets a little raspy like this - sultry in a way that has him squirming. He doesn’t know what to do. He can feel the heat of your body. 
“Would you know my surprise when I borrow your phone to look up when the convience store closes,” you inch closer, press further “only to see..” 
He knows what you saw before you announce it. His skin feels like it’s on fire, tuning out whatever description you’ve been giving of what he chose to watch. 
Maybe it was the way he was raised - but he always had such a specific sort of guilt towards pornography. Always told himself he shouldn’t watch things like that, shouldn’t touch himself. Izuku had always been a good, well-behaved boy. Done the right thing even when it was hard. 
Meeting you had changed that, changed him. He found his body craving you when he couldn’t control it and he ended up here - watching porn and jerking off with his shirt in his mouth. It’s all come back to haunt him, really. 
“I’m not mad, y’know,” ― and your tone goes soft - it’s assuring enough that Izuku can whimper out an okay, but you’re not done ― “I’m just curious. Can’t we watch it together?,” 
“That’s ― !” 
You flutter your lashes him. 
He has a million words that he can say. That he should say. Bad, wrong, immoral. Words that belong at the end of the sentence to describe what he’s doing with you and what he’s considering. 
None of that comes out. 
“That’s.. too much” 
You grin at him. 
“Do you not want too?” 
“..I didn’t say that, it’s just -” 
Your hand squeezes his thigh until your stiletto's dig into them. Your mouth trails his jaw with hot, open mouth kisses until your turning his head to face you. A hand splayed on his face, tongue deep in his mouth. French kissing makes him pant - hands twitching eagerly to touch you. He watches, dazed - the spit trail of saliva that stretches between you two. 
He’s so easy, it’s cute. You press forward with a chaste kiss. 
“Show me what you were watching, Izuku,” 
His hand trembles as he leans forward. He remembers the title - doesn’t know if that’s good or bad. Within seconds, it shows up and he clicks. You lean forward too, observing the tags with a small smile on your face. 
“Milf, NTR, Gangbang,” 
“S-stop reading them!” 
You giggle. 
Without warning - you press play. Izuku finds himself frantic. Worried about the sound, the time, all of it - but you don’t seem to care. The AD comes on and you skip that too. It’s on. A familiar arousal blooms in his chest, the memory of what he’d seen appearing. You settle between his legs, your back pressed to his chest. You bring his hands around your waist.
“Let’s watch ~” 
Izuku face twists with displeasure. The plot nothing to ride home about - a lonely housewife goes out to a club and finds someone to take care of her needs. At first it’s just one stranger at the club - then two, then she’s surrounded and its too much. 
Izuku assumes you’re gonna find him disgusting, but when he looks at your face - you’re smiling, heart-beating in your chest. His eyes blow wide when you take his hand between your legs. You’re wet and you’re letting him touch you and he’s trying his hardest not to show how much he’s shaking. 
A little sigh of pleasure leaves your mouth when Izuku very carefully rubs your clit. It throbs under the pressure of big fingers - you hold his wrist and moan. He can hear the porn in the background but it doesn’t serve to distract him from you. 
“You want me to go n’ get fucked by a bunch of strangers, ‘zuku?” 
He shakes his head furiously. 
“Then you just like watching depraved shit, huh?” 
Unable to argue with you or with the the way his cock twitches and jumps in his jeans, he opts to whine. You can feel his it against your lower-back, the little wet-spot that presses to your thin tshirt. He’s too turned onto think properly - watching the way your body jerks and twitches. 
The woman on screen is stuffed to the brim with cock - it’s all over exaggerated he knows, but he thinks that’s why he likes it. Maybe he just likes the idea of fucking someone that stuffed fulled of cum, how it leaks and pours onto every surface and the way her cunt just seems to take it. And Izuku is such a good, well behaved boy - it’s never crossed his mind to think about doing it to you. 
And no, he doesn’t really want to see you get fucked by so many men but if there were more than one of him he’d be more than inclined to let you. His chest feels tight forgetting to breath. 
He thinks maybe you’re some kind of witch because you always seem to know what he wants before he does. The right way to push all of his buttons. 
“Oh, I see’ ― and he’s afraid of whatever words come out of your mouth next ― “you wanna fuck me full of your cum, Izuku? Wanna know how it feels raw?” 
He moans - loud and shameless and needy against your ear. A breathless laugh leaves your mouth because that’s exactly what he wants. He wants to fuck you full of cum, just picturing how good it might feel. 
You sit up on your knees and bend over a little - pulling short-shorts beneath the curve of your ass and thickest parts of your thigh. Your panties are drenched, clinging to your folds. He inhales sharply, frozen till as you lean forward - pulling them to one side. 
“Take your cock out ‘n fuck me then, baby” ― you challenge, dark and dangerous. Everything about you is so sinful and too tempting for him to ignore. His cock aches ― “Do your best”  
His body moves before he has a proper chance to feel shame. Whatever devils been whispering in his ear (read: you) has won whatever leftover dignity he has left. Without a proper word, his cock stands to attention. His hands are fidgety but they mange to settle on your waist. He guides you down on his dick, bottom lipped pulled between his teeth hard enough to draw blood. 
“Oh, fuck” 
He’s going to cum right away if he doesn’t take a breather. This is the first time he’s feeling you, and it feels so much better than he could understand. The lingering thoughts of the dangerous act silence by how tight and how wet and how willing your pussy is for him. The way your walls twitch - ache shamelessly around his cock. He’s fucking sliding in and out of you - it feels like a special privilege he’s done nothing to earn.
He’s shivering, over and over. When he looks down, he’s not all the way in. He’s not sure if he’s praying to god for the right reason - for forgiveness. All he can think about is how good it feels to be inside and how he absolutely doesn’t want to do anything else. 
“How’s it feel, Izuku?” 
He groans at the sound of your voice, the way you clench down on him and stretch so tightly around his shaft. He’s too wrapped up in the feeling of your cunt - like heaven and silk. 
“F-feels so, so good” 
Part of you thinks you should ride him, but another part of you is more interested in seeing how he fucks you. You snap the laptop closed and push it to the other side of the bed, before flipping around and laying on your back. His cock slips out and he snaps into reality - the way you have your legs in the air and your arms out. 
“I’ll let you fuck me as many times as you want today,” ― your legs reach and wrap around his waist, easily forcing his cock back inside ― “go on,” 
Izuku is a mess, really. His pants are only half-way pulled down and he’s wearing a nerdy graphic t-shirt. He’s borderline in hysterics over how good your pussy feels and can’t do anything other than thank you repeatedly and fuck you with an animalistic need. It’s clumsy like you’d expect, but he makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm. 
His cock is long and pretty - hits every spot you need it too. Izuku fucks you with shallow, sloppy thrusts - so needy and chasing his orgasm. Selfish and inexperienced. Every time he pushes forward, you can feel he’s throbbing. Aching to cum inside and unload. 
You reach a hand between the two of you to finish on your own time - planning on cumming before him. He doesn’t seem to care. 
“Ngh, ohh my god, feel’s’good” 
“Yeah? Gonna cum inside me, handsome? Makin’ such a pretty face for me” 
His stomach churns at the way you call him pretty. It sounds so sweet and adoring - but he knows that you’re a bully. He knows that about but fucks you with all his strength anyways - overly frustrated and fucked out of his mind by the feeling. Like a drug. He likes you so much he feels stupid over it. 
“Yeah, yeah ‘m gonna” 
Your own orgasm washes over you in a pleasant wave, squeezing his cock with force. He gasp and goes faster - all the thoughts washed away from his head. He needs to finish more than he needs anything. More than he needs to sleep for his 6am work-out and 8am class. More than he needs to be quiet because the walls of his dorm are paper thin. More than he needs to exercise self-control, he needs to cum so fuckin bad. 
“Look at me,” 
He follows your command, like always - and you look amused and fucked out just like he is. And Izuku has really never been this into anyone before so seeing you evokes feelings he can’t understand. 
“Oh, fuuck“ 
Briefly he understands that he really just came by looking at you, but nothing really makes sense to him. His eyes are heavy and he’s drooling onto your shoulder, spasming and clinging to your body with the most needy little whimpers. It’s so lewd, how he can feel his cum spurt out and coat your insides and his cock. It’s all so sinful but it feels so good, he can’t bring himself to care. 
“So,” ― you smile, full of mischief ― “if you want to be like that, we’ve got a few rounds to go” 
Izuku splutters at your comment and you laugh. He knows you’re not joking and he whines. You really are a bad influence on him. But with the way his cock is twitching to life again.. 
He might not be any better. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
I would pay you real world money for short Dainsleif fluff. Anything fall themed I'd give u all of my money /sobs <3
♡ 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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♡ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dainsleif x gn!reader
♡ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff <3
♡ 𝐚/𝐧: and this one's free because i love you and you're a wonderful human being. here's baking fall treats and wearing turtlenecks with dainsleif! ❤️ hope you're having a day just as wonderful as you are! | like/rb if you liked this!
♡ 𝐩.𝐬.: i hope you found the little easter egg! XD
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"Dain, stop looking over my shoulder." You chuckled, your lover peering over you to look at the ingredients. You looked up to kiss him on the cheek, the older kissing you back tenderly.
"Can't a man be curious?" Dainsleif smiled. He wrapped an arm around you, holding you close as you whisked flour and sugar together. His black cashmere turtleneck looked amazing on him, you thought – a soft blush forming on your face.
The two of you had decided to commemorate fall for the first time – or rather, Dainsleif's first time. You were nothing but shocked and horrified that he had never experienced the luxury of a hot chocolate by the fireplace, or eaten pumpkin spiced cookies, or had apple strudel – all these little pleasures you looked forward to every year.
"Weren't you looking through a book just now? Why not wait until I'm done so we could enjoy the treats?" You laughed, not unkindly. He rested his chin on your shoulder in response, sighing deeply.
"Oh, the ordeals we men have to go through. What a shame." Dainsleif teased.
"I'm just kidding. You know I'm always pleased to spend time with you." You kissed him again. Adding an egg into the mix, you hummed a cheerful little tune as you worked your way around the kitchen that you made your place.
Dainsleif watched you used your lemon salt shaker to add to the scone mixture, a soft smile on your face. Years ago, if you had told him that he was to be married in the future, he might have laughed in your face. Look at him now! A perfect lover, a perfect family, a perfect place he was blessed to call his home. And he loved every single moment of it.
His attention lingered as he watched you meticulously add cinnamon to the mix, the delicate smell enticingly making him imagine the tea spread the two of you would have later in the day. Scones, lattes, pumpkin and cinnamon muffins... it was nothing short of perfect. You were nothing short of perfect to him, he thought.
"...Dain? Love?" He snapped out of his musings, to see you snapping your fingers amusedly in front of him.
"Ah, sorry about that. Do you need my help?"
"Could you get started on the hot chocolate, please? Don't burn it, just melt the goods enough that it turns into a thicker liquid. Let me know when it's done?" You pecked him on the cheek and returned your attention to your muffins and scones – prepping the dollop cream and jam.
Dainsleif was confused. Food was note his forte! That was your area. You provided the meals, serving waffles, pancakes, buttered toast for breakfasts, and occasionally breaking out the sweet pastries you knew he had a soft spot for. But, ahh! He didn't want to disappoint you.
"Okay, pour the chocolate chips into a bowl over hot water. That sounded easy enough." Dainsleif thought. He couldn't screw that up, right?
Turns out, he could screw that up. Dainsleif had almost started to boil the chocolate, much to your shock and later amusement.
"Dain! Switch off the fire!" You yelped, setting your pan away and running over from your spot in the kitchen. Studying the now-very-hot chocolate for a moment, you decided that it was still salvageable.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't realise the fire was too hot." He chuckled nervously, toying with the hem of his shirt. He hated disappointing you over such a trivial matter; looking into your eyes for any confirmation that you were not angry. You softened your gaze, and his shoulders slumped in relief once more.
"It's okay. Let's add some milk into it, it should be fine." You brought out the white carton from the fridge, gingerly pouring it into a measuring glass. He took the glass from you, finger brushing against your palm gently, and poured it into the chocolate. Well, hot chocolate saved, crisis averted.
"Phew. Okay. I think the scones and muffins are done. I'll take them out to the dining area, you could bring out the mugs and whipped cream?" Dainsleif looked at your soft smile, kissing you in response and turning to the cabinet behind him.
The table was all set, food laid out, and the fireplace was lit.
"Enjoy, my love. You can finally experience fall." You spoke dreamily, sipping on your hot chocolate.
"Perhaps we should do this every year," Dainsleif replied.
"Perhaps we shall."
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OHHHHHH THIS FELT SO LONG BUT IT WAS SO SOFT TuT i hope you enjoyed, lane!!! | like/rb if you liked this!
taglist: @bookuya, @mikachuchu, @starglitterz, @cherubbic, @noirkkat, @the-gayest-sky-kid, @ajaxeology, @icecappa, @almondoufu, @gnyuvile, @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst. @simplyxsinned, @heaven-dissolution, @xiaoyksa, @yua1106, @gnyuvrse, @mayple, @rim0na, @kamitoge, @abyssheart, @hushyouu, @thaliastea
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mercurygguk · 3 years
the first year | jjk (m)
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genre; parents au + established relationship au
pairing; dad!jungkook x fem reader
✎ summary; in which jungkook learns that his new life as a parent can be difficult at times and that it takes a great amount of patience, but even with all that, jungkook wouldn’t trade it for anything.
warnings; my weak attempt at being funny, jungkook as a dad, SMUT; sexual activities, fingering, swearing, light dirty talk, actual sex, jungkook being a simp for his baby mama
word count; 4,121
a/n; here’s a part 2 of my dad!jungkook fic - hope you like it, enjoy!! also, please feel free to give some feedback <3 didn’t proof read at all, ignore any possible typos thx
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Parenting is anything but easy.
That is something Jungkook has learned after the first few months of being a dad. His daughter is usually very easy to handle, very peaceful at most times and over all a very happy baby. However, she likes to wake him up in the middle of the night with loud cries. At this point Jungkook can’t even remember what it feels like to get 8 hours of sleep at night.
Tonight seems to be another one of those nights. Her cries are nothing but irritation, not satisfied with the lack of attention. Jungkook has learned the differences in her cries from the way they sound and whether there are tears or not. Sometimes she’s only doing it just to get some attention when all she really has to do is sleep. She must have inherited her mother’s temper and need for attention.
A heavy sigh falls from Jungkook’s lips, eyes still closed as he waits a few moments, hoping she’ll fall back to sleep without him having to get up and go to her room. Beside him, his girlfriend and the mother of his daughter is stirring, turning over to face Jungkook’s back. Scooting closer, you reach out to touch his back, your palm running up and down.
“I’ll get her,” you softly tell him, speaking into the darkness before blindlessly pressing a kiss to the skin of his back. Before you can get out of bed, Jungkook is getting up. You watch as he drags his feet out of the bedroom and down the small hallway to where his daughter is currently having a midnight crying fit. A small smile sneaks its way onto your lips, knowing he doesn’t mind getting her in the middle of the night despite how tired he sounds and looks. 
There’s nothing in the world he wouldn’t do for her.
Jungkook carefully opens the door, peeking his head inside to see his 7-month-old daughter standing up in her crib, her hands tightly gripping the edge to hold herself up. He switches on the night lamp on her dresser, lighting up the room in a warm glow. Her big brown eyes with long lashes looks at him, no tears in sight, just a small mischievous grin on her face because he’s there to check on her again. The way she has him wrapped around her tiny pinky finger is beyond him. 
“You little tease,” he coos with a smile as he steps closer to the crib, immediately picking her up when she reaches for him. Once she’s in his arms, she cuddles closer to him, head neatly tucked into the crook of his neck. Jungkook sighs deeply in content, running his hand up and down her back as he makes his way out of her room and back to you in the bedroom. You’re still awake when he appears in the doorway, a knowing smirk on your face as he moves closer to the bed. You reach out while pouting, wanting your baby girl in your arms. She’s already half asleep again as Jungkook hands her over before climbing into bed.
Jungkook watches with pure adoration in his eyes as the two most important girls in his life are cuddling up against him. You glance up at him, noticing the small smile he always seems to sport whenever you catch him looking at you and your daughter. She’s fully asleep now, completely unaware of the way her parents are watching her with proudness in their eyes and hearts.
“We got lucky, huh?” You softly say.
Nodding, Jungkook intertwines your free hand with his.
“We really did.”
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“You know what we should?” 
You turn to look at Jungkook, eyebrows raised in question. He looks out of the window in the living room, watching the skyline and tapping his chin as if he’s in deep thought. You wait patiently until he looks your way.
“We should throw a party for Areum’s 1st birthday,” he says. You give him a look only to receive one back.
You scoff lightly, “you don’t think I haven’t thought of that?”
Jungkook shrugs. “Well, you never mentioned it, so how should I know?”
Pretending to be offended, you place a hand on your chest and let out another scoff. Jungkook chuckles at your silliness, scooting closer before pulling you onto his lap. You smile at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Of course, we’re throwing her a party. It’s her first one after all.”
Smiling, Jungkook rubs his palms up and down your thighs. Soon the smile falls from his lips. You frown as you watch it happen, his eyes falling to look at anything but your face. You know what he’s thinking, he’s mentioned it before.
“I can’t believe she’s already a year old soon,” he mumbled. You smile softly, reaching up to run a hand through his hair to remove it from his face. He looks at you again, a sad smile on his face now. “She’s growing so fast, it terrifies me.”
“Oh, I know, baby,” you coo, “but she can’t stay tiny forever, you know that.”
He sighs deeply. “Yeah, I know. I just wish I could slow down time sometimes.”
Your heart aches watching him being this sad over something so inevitable. He loves her so much and he’ll do anything to protect her, go to great lengths to get her whatever she needs. It warms your heart, makes you wonder if you ever could’ve found someone more perfect than him if you didn’t have him?
“She’ll always need you, Jungkook. Even when she’ll say she doesn’t.”
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“Areum, sweetheart, no- watch out!”
You watch with wide, horrified eyes as your daughter climbs onto the couch and stands up, wobbling on her very unstable legs. You’re not quick enough to get up and catch her before she tumbles to the ground, her head thankfully not hitting the floor as hard as it could’ve. A loud cry sounds throughout the living room, tears welling up in her eyes as you pick her up.
You examine her for any injuries while cradling her to you. When you don’t see any, you press a kiss on the top of her head. “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, it’s okay,” you coo, holding her close as she cries it out.
As she sniffles against your shirt, a thousand thoughts run through your mind. Firstly, Jungkook must never know this happened. Secondly, you feel like the worst mother ever, the way you just let her climb up there without support and basically just watching her fall down and almost hit her head very badly.
“Oh, God,” you breathe out, letting out a quiet cry of panic.
The front door opens, your boyfriend’s humming sounding throughout the apartment. You listen as he kicks off his shoes and unzips his jacket. You quickly check Areum’s face for visible tears, hurriedly drying off the remnants with your sleeve. You press a quick kiss to the tip of her nose, flashing her a smile before picking up a toy, handing it to her and pretending her fall didn’t just happen minutes ago.
“Hey babe,” Jungkook appears in the living room, smiling widely at the two of you. He’s quick to come closer, reaching out for Areum and picking her up. He smooches her cheeks with a smile, but it’s without her usual reaction of laughter. You watch, waiting until it hits him. His smile falters, glancing at you whose face is grimacing in apology already. 
The red spots from tears on her small, soft cheeks is what gives it away. That and how quiet she is when usually she’s laughing hysterically when Jungkook smooches her.
“Has she been crying? And is that a bump on her forehead?” He asks, turning to look at you.
“Yeah...” you trail off, wincing as your boyfriend stares you down in suspicion, “we might’ve had a small accident-”
“____!” Jungkook exclaims, horrified as he sits down on the couch with Areum in his lap. He examines her like you did when the fall happened, worry written all over his face. You sigh deeply, getting up from the floor to take a seat beside him. “How did this happen? Did you not watch her?”
“I did!” You quickly defend yourself, “she was crawling onto the couch and before I knew it she was falling down head first into the rug!”
Jungkook exhales, looking back at Areum who’s playing with the thin silver chain around his neck. The bump on her forehead doesn’t look too bad. “I guess the rug took most of the fall, the bump isn’t that big.”
“Oh God, I’m the worst mom ever!” You cry out at the sight of the small bump on your daughter’s head, wrapping yourself around Jungkook’s arm, your face hidden in his shoulder. Jungkook can’t help but roll his eyes. You always have to be so dramatic, thinking the worst about yourself when this could’ve happened to any parent.
“____,” he calls out, catching your attention. You sniffle lightly, lifting your head to look up at him. He smiles at you. “You’re not the worst mom ever, okay? You’re the best and this minor accident doesn’t define your entire role as a mother. She’s okay, look.”
You look at your daughter, her attention still focused on the silver chain, although now her small mouth is curved into a small smile. You smile at her, Jungkook does too. “It’s just a tiny bump,” he tells you, pausing before saying: “there will probably be much worse in the future.”
Gasping, you slap his upper arm causing Areum to let out that precious baby laugh. “Don’t jinx it!”
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Jungkook is in a good mood, a pep in his step as he makes his way up to yours and his apartment, fully aware that you’re probably already cooking a delicious meal and making everything ready for your ‘date night’. The drive back from his parents’ place, where he just dropped off Areum, was filled with loud music that made him even more excited for finally having some time with you alone after God knows how long.
Once he steps through the front door, a delicious aroma of his favorite dish hits his nostrils causing him to let out a deep sigh of content. He quickly slips off his shoes and jacket before making his way to the kitchen. Feel-good songs are playing on the speaker and you’re moving around while preparing the food, singing along and just enjoying yourself. You’re not aware of Jungkook standing behind you, a big grin on his face.
Deciding to surprise you, he sneaks up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. You jump lightly in his embrace, turning your head slightly to see that it is in fact the love of your life who’s hugging you.
“Hi,” you softly say, smiling when he presses his lips to your cheek in a soft kiss.
“Mhm,” he hums in response, “it smells delicious, baby.”
“Good for you that your favorite dish is the one I make the best,” you smirk, flipping the steaks on the pan. Jungkook chuckles before agreeing with you. You turn the heat down before turning around in his arms, coming face to face with him. Without another thought he leans in and steals a quick peck. He grins at you when he pulls back to look at you again. “Go get cleaned up,” you tell him, pushing him away from you.
“I love you,” he smiles sweetly as he backs away and heads towards the bedroom. You watch with a lovesick smile, your eyes automatically landing on his butt because it’s right there and you can’t help yourself. Something tells you, you won't finish dinner at the table, but in bed instead.
Sure enough, you stayed at the table until you finished the main dish. You had prepared dessert as well but Jungkook is in the mood for another kind of dessert – that’s what he had said when he got up from his seat before pulling you from yours and tugging you towards the bedroom. Screw the ice cream, you thought to yourself and allowed Jungkook to guide you to the bed.
Ever since Areum was born you’ve had few chances of being alone with Jungkook, enjoying his company and the love he always stores deep inside of him until he feels like showering you in it. 
It’s slow but hurried, it’s passionate and yet filled with desperation, it’s you and him together in your own bubble. Your eyes close shut as Jungkook traces your skin with his lips, his hands running over and feeling your curves and every dip in your body. His lips brush across the faint stretch marks on your stomach, his hands cupping your breasts softly yet firmly.
“God, you’re the most beautiful mama to ever exist,” Jungkook groans as he hovers over you, looking you up and down, noticing every single detail of your body and skin. You smile, a faint blush covering your cheeks as he dips down to kiss you softly. His tongue meets yours halfway, a soft moan falling from your mouth and into his. He swallows the whimpers you let out as he reaches down, fingers running between your lower lips, the wetness there evident to him.
“Jungkook,” you sigh in pleasure against his lips as he rolls your clit with his thumb, “more, please.”
He smirks softly, lips moving from your lips to your cheeks and further down to the top of your breasts, peppering kisses all over you. All your senses are on fire, the feeling of his lips, his fingers, his body against yours, the growing erection against your leg. Your hand reaches down to rub against it through his boxers, the only piece of clothing separating his cock from your clenching hole. You’re whimpering against him as the pressure from his thumb on your clit is edging you closer to your release.
“J-jungkook, please, I need you,” you gasp, you're moving automatically against his fingers causing more friction, “n-need you so bad.”
“That desperate for my cock, huh baby?” He teases, smoothly sinking his fingers inside of you, “you want me to finish you off now or would you like to cum all over my cock?”
You moan at his words, back arching up against him. “Your cock, please, wanna cum all over it.”
A grunt leaves Jungkook as he imagines it before him. It doesn’t take long for him to strip off his boxers, throwing them onto the floor beside the bed. You anticipate the stretch, already clenching around nothing as Jungkook lines himself up with your entrance. You reach for his hand just as he starts pushing past your walls, stretching you open so deliciously in a way you’ll never be able to handle without gasping in pure pleasure. Jungkook intertwines his hand with yours as he keeps it pressed against the mattress right beside your head.
He bottoms out, filling you to the brim. He breathes out heavily, his breathing ragged as he  lets you adjust to his impressive width and length. “Fuck, I’ll never get tired of seeing you like this,” he rasps out as he pulls out and pushes back in, watching the way your eyes roll back in pleasure, “my pretty baby all fucked out.”
It blows your mind how he always manages to make it so dirty yet soft. You’re already a mess beneath him and he’s barely begun. “Oh god, Jungkook-”
A forceful push of his hips has you gasping, a high pitched moan tumbling from your lips. His hips connect with yours in a rhythm, skin against skin, the lewd sounds of your wetness and the feeling of Jungkook thrusting and grinding into you. His lips are back against your skin, your collarbones earning kisses and small bites, your free hand running from his lower back and up his spine to the hair in his neck. You tug at it, earning a grunt from Jungkook. Lifting his head, he looks you in the eye, his lips slightly parted as he works you both to your highs.
His eyes are soft while his actions are far from it, the look he’s giving you tells you everything he doesn’t say out loud. “Oh my god, I’m gonna- fuck,” you gasp, tightening your hold on his hand, giving his hand a squeeze.
“Me too, baby, me too,” Jungkook moans, leaning down to press his lips to yours, kissing you like it would be the last. He swallows your whimpers, your moans and gasps as your orgasm hits you hard. Jungkook follows you, his orgasm hitting him as you clench around him. He stills inside of you, moaning deeply at the feeling of you clenching and milking him for every drip of cum. He’s panting as he comes down, his face hidden in the crook of your neck. Yours and his breathing is the only thing you can hear in the room as you both try to collect yourselves. Your fingers are caressing his scalp as he stays in your arms, letting his weight rest upon you. Silence engulfs you and him, Jungkook’s breathing clashing against your neck, your fingers dancing across the skin on his back. You can feel his cum trickling out of you, but you don’t really care at this point, just enjoying the moment and worrying later about the mess that is the sheets.
Jungkook’s thoughts are running a hundred miles per hour as he lays in silence with you close against him. His thoughts shift from the first time he met you to when he first kissed you to the way you told him you loved him before he told you. Then his thoughts wander on to his daughter, the tiny person he created with you just from the love between the two of you. There are so many memories with you, moments and life events he shares with you. An idea pops into his mind, it’s something he has been thinking about for a long time, he just didn’t find the right time yet. He wants to add another meaningful celebration of life and love to the memories he shares with you.
He wants to marry you.
Jungkook already asked for your parents’ approval. They told him yes in an instant, reminding him that he has a child with you and that the two of you are already past asking for approval. That thought alone makes Jungkook chuckle softly. He really did things with you in a messy order. First he slept with you then he dated you. Then he asked you to be his girlfriend and then after a few years he accidentally got you pregnant and now he’s thinking about proposing to you.
“What?” You ask, smiling softly as you hear Jungkook chuckle.
He rolls over, his back hitting the mattress and pulling you with him to lay halfway on top of him. He smiles at you, his fingers reaching out to tuck strands of your hair behind your ears.
“It just hit me how we’ve done things in a really random order,” he tells you. Your eyebrows pull together in confusion at his words. “First we slept together and then we started dating after that, then I asked you to be my girlfriend,” he’s grinning from ear to ear as you listen and he’s talking, reminiscing the years he’s spent with you. “I got you pregnant by accident and now we’re parents and I just…”
He falls silent, his smile faltering as he looks you in the eyes. You’re looking at him with those eyes that always hold so much love for him and Areum too. Beautiful eyes that can calm him at any given time, tell him everything’s gonna be alright without you saying anything. Jungkook would do anything to look into those eyes for the rest of his life. He could just ask you, right now in this very moment. It doesn’t have to be a candlelit dinner or with rose petals. What matters is you and him together in an intimate moment where all feelings lay in front of you, bared for the both of you to see.
“Marry me.”
You freeze, your fingertips that had returned to running over his skin freeze in their movement. Jungkook can tell your eyes are watering. You open your mouth to speak, a small voice coming out as you say: “w-what?”
Jungkook nods, “you heard me, baby,” he softly says.
“I’m-” You begin but cut yourself off. Jungkook watches as a wide smile spreads across your face, the first few tears falling from your eyes and running down your cheeks. He reaches out to wipe them away, smiling softly himself. “Oh my god,” you cry.
“So, is that a yes?”
Nodding, you crawl up to wrap your arms around him in a tight hug, pressing your lips to his in a kiss. “Of course, it is! It’s a million times yes!” You say against his lips, pulling away slightly to rest your forehead against his. “I love you so much, Jungkook.”
“I love you the most, baby.”
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Areum is 1 year old today.
She’s 1 year old and Jungkook isn’t sure how to handle it. His baby girl is growing up so fast and it both terrifies and amazes him. You seem to handle it pretty well, but Jungkook has a feeling you’re just very good at hiding it. There’s no way you’re not emotional about the fact that the baby you carried around for 9 months is already 1 year old.
“How’s my favorite granddaughter?” Jungkook’s mother coos as she walks right past her son and towards Areum who’s sitting on the rug in the living room, surrounded by her toys. Jungkook watches in disbelief how his mother doesn’t even give him a moment of attention, clearly only here to visit her grandchild.
“Mom, she’s your only granddaughter,” Jungkook deadpans before turning back to greet his father, “hey dad.”
Jungkook’s father gives him a tight hug before moving on to give you an even tighter hug. “How are you, ____?” He asks, smiling as he pulls away to look at you.
You smile in return. “I’m good! And you?”
“Same as always,” he shrugs, “not much happens when you reach a certain age.”
You chuckle at that, telling him to go say hi to his granddaughter. You watch as Areum greets his grandfather with a big grin, reaching out for him like she does with everyone she loves. You smile at the scenario in front of you, how Areum is the center of attention for all of her four grandparents. Your parents had arrived earlier than Jungkook’s, having kept Areum entertained for the past hour or so.
“Should we tell them today?” Jungkook asks as you join him in the kitchen, his voice low in case his mom should suddenly appear behind him. “You know, about that,” he points to the ring on your finger.
Smiling at him, you lean up and kiss him quickly on the lips. “Sure,” you agree with him, making him smile, “but remember it’s Areum’s day today. So we’ll just mention it and then move on with her birthday party.”
Jungkook nods at that. “Of course. Nothing is bigger than her 1st birthday-” he pauses at that, the fact hitting him once again. He then turns to you, giving you a confused look, “how are you not emotional about it at all? I literally cried when I gave her a bath last night.”
A laugh emits from your lips. “You cried? Because it’s your daughter's 1st birthday?”
Offended by how you’re finding his devastation humorous, Jungkook scoffs. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did.”
You’re smiling at him in adoration as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. Jungkook hugs you back, pressing his lips to your temple. Areum’s laughter flows through the apartment causing the two of you to laugh yourselves. It’s like sweet music to your ears when Areum has a fit of giggles.
“I adore her so much, ____,” Jungkook suddenly says as he watches from the kitchen, watching how Areum is surrounded by her grandparents, having the best 1st birthday. You’re constantly smiling, you have been ever since Areum was born. The joy she brought with her when she came into the world is unlimited and you feel like you’re on top of the world for creating such a happy, lively small human being.
“I know, baby,” you tighten your arms around him, giving him a squeeze, “she’s the best thing that’s happened to us.”
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