#with your big stupid SUV!!!!!!!! stop it!!
toytulini · 4 months
boston rush hour traffic really has u experiencing such a range of human manners. i was looking judgementally at the lack of distance between the bumpers of 2 cars, the driver doing the tailgating noticed me looking, and gestured to me asking if i needed/wanted to get over, implying he'd let me over if i did, but i said no, and he gave me a thumbs up. and continued the tailgating
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Once in awhile, you can get one over on The Man. Finally, after all these years of toiling under his rule, doing his dirty work, begging for his praise, he has well and truly fucked up. And, it turns out, your entire life has been building up to the moment that you can milk him for all he's worth.
Have you ever seen a Dodge Caliber? They're getting sort of uncommon now, but when they were new, they were pretty hateful cars. Cheap, buzzy, surprisingly uneconomical, steering that felt like telling a funeral home operator how to sign a birthday card over the phone by long distance. And they fell apart all the time. Most cars get repaired, but these things got gleefully shovelled into the junkyard at the first chance the owners got.
Not all of them, though. This is a story about one very special Dodge Caliber. You see, my aunt needed a car. And my aunt is very nervous about owning a car. The skills of shitbox repair never made it into her genes, you see, possibly because she is not related to me by blood. So, in order to get that car, she went to the Dodge dealership, and she asked them: can you do a lifetime warranty, unlimited mileage, no questions asked, cover everything? And they said: for you, ma'am, we absolutely can charge you an obscene, eye-watering amount of money.
Once I found out about this, I was mad. And then I figured it out. You see, what my aunt did have was being insanely cheap. That's why she was a part of my degenerate family. She still is, even though my Uncle Larry exploded that one night at Arecibo. Unlimited mileage. There has never been a sweeter phrase uttered in the English language.
Now, whenever anyone we know needs to go for a long trip, we tell them: take the Caliber. Rack those miles up. Punish those stupid motherfuckers for writing such a terrible, open-ended contract. My aunt runs a taxi service consisting entirely of this vehicle, a fleet of drivers constantly rotating in and out, the thing rolling virtually 24/7. I love driving this car, because every single mile that ticks up on the odometer is more salty tears from the low-wattage pig who thought he was a big-time wheeler and dealer down at Old Time Country Dodge.
To their credit, they figured out the enormous error that they had made fairly quickly. When Aunt Hilda rolled in the thing, smoking and wheezing, for its sixth transmission replacement at eight-hundred-and-fifty-thousand kilometers, they offered to buy it from her and give her a brand new luxury SUV, just for being such a great customer. She laughed, and told them to get started overhauling the Caliber, and don't forget to take a look at the squeaking sound it started making in the back.
When things got real bad during the recession, they tried to go bankrupt, thinking that might get them out from having to maintain this economy car until the sun burns out. Ha! Death won't save you, my friend. My attorney Max picked that one up pro bono, despite hating warranty law, just for the pleasure of watching their attorney read the purchase contract. Her eyes got so big that they stuck that way. The paramedics had to use the jaws of life on her eyelids so she could blink again.
If you see me in the Caliber, make sure to honk. I probably won't stop to say hi, because we gotta keep this odometer rollin'. Rest assured, however, that I will honk back, maybe ten or fifteen times. Really get my money's worth out of that horn.
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heli0s-writes · 8 months
A/n: You know how sometimes when you’re having a breakdown and nothing is helping but then something completely unrelated and stupid just does it for no reason. This is that. With pot brownies and kissing. Bucky is recovering and reader is an moron with a heart of gold. Angst, hurt/comfort, humor. Reader/Bucky. 3k words Warnings: Marijuana use; conversations about trauma, particularly food-related; language.
The path leading away from the cabin is littered with wet patches of morning. Rime colors of miserable winter in sludge grey are starting to be overtaken by sprouts of green, yellow, and brisk dew, springtime optimism come to life.
Pepper’s got the front of her house looking like a farmer’s market flower stand. Pots of tulips and daffodils explode up the steps and tri-color ribbons connecting porch-light to porch-light. The magnolia tree is soon to bud, and she’s hung hummingbird feeders and birdhouses all around.
When the cars start rolling in for the quarter-yearly potluck, you hang out near the garden, rocking back and forth on your feet. You'd shown up early but didn’t know what to do around a toddler, so outside it was.
The familiar Range Rover halts to a stop, Sam’s door opening as he makes his way out, holding ceramic handles of an enormous crockpot.
You call, “Bring your famous chili?”
“Damn right, I did,” he beams, “you bring your appetite?”
You waggle your eyebrows before looking to the SUV he hopped out of, Steve lingering by the back door with a brown paper box tucked beneath his arm, knocking on the heavily tinted windows with a long-suffering sigh. “C’mon, Buck. Up and at ‘em.”
A loud, decisive knock thumps back at him and Steve rolls his big, pitiful, puppy dog eyes in your direction. Beneath the blue of his left orbital is what looks suspiciously like the fading ochre stain of either an almost healed bruise or a newly forming one, which only makes Steve’s silent call for aid more pathetic and urgent.
Damn, okay. Since you’re kind of on thin ice already, this could go one of two ways.
Sliding up, you crack your knuckles.
“Barnes,” you call, “I got something illegal for you. Wanna see?”
“Dead body.” He responds from behind the still shut door, and you’re not sure if that’s a question. Steve glares at you accusatory, as if you’d actually bring a dead body to a potluck, good grief.
“Uh, no.”
Steve shoots you another look—which is just ridiculous at this point, the both of them.
“Knives aren’t illegal.”
Steve shifts the box of what looks to be cherry turnovers and mouths phrase day, which means that Barnes decided to stop talking in complete sentences sometime between when he woke up and probably when Steve over-crowded him and is now reducing all communication to two or three words as both a method of punishment for Steve and self-preservation for Barnes.
“It’ll make you feel better,” you urge, “Loads better.”
“Sex.” He rolls down the window just enough for you to get a glimpse of his eyes, narrowed and steely. “Drugs?”
You mouth bingo, outrightly ignoring the fact that it feels like Bucky Barnes nearly solicited you for sex, and Steve puts his hand over his own face, about to quip until he realizes that he’s probably said too much already—which is what got him in this predicament to begin with—and simply drags himself toward the house.
Barnes watches him go wordlessly before he opens the door and steps out, looking down at you, lightly shivering in the cold, and says, still one-worded, “Okay.”
He pops three brownies into his mouth and chews, opening just enough to get out a muffled, “too sweet” before returning to grinding down like he’s cracking pecan shells in there.
“I know you have like,” you make panicked motions with your fingers, snapping the red Tupperware lid back down frantically, “hella metabolism, but pump the brakes or you’re going to flip.”
“Flip,” he concludes, determined. He squirrels about two more in before you can do anything about it.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! I was going to let you take those home later—oh my god, I’m going to get into so much trouble.”
The two of you are stopped at one of those cutesy stone birdbaths around the perimeter, leaning on the lip as Barnes licks remaining chocolate off his fingers, looking as pleased as punch. As much as he can look, anyway, you think, since you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him smile at anything other than the time Steve stubbed his toe bad enough on Tony’s kitchen island that he doubled over. 
“Did you say sex earlier?” You suddenly remember the flash of silver from the darkness of the SUV. “Wait, actually, I wanna go back even before that—did you really think I’d have a dead body?”
He shrugs.
“Cool,” you reply, “cool, cool, cool, cool. I think I should be more concerned, but you know what, I like it. Feels like a vote of confidence.”
A wide grin stretches across your face and you temporarily forget that Bucky fucking Barnes has eaten about half a pan of brownies with 25 grams of pot baked into them, that in about 15 minutes you’re both expected to sit down like normal people and have a nice dinner without anyone doing… whatever it is that he might do when he’s blazed to high heaven.
You shake the thought of Steve’s disappointment out of your head. Maybe it’d be best to keep acting natural, get him into some kind of headspace.
“So,” you whistle, “what’d you bring to the potluck?”
He gives you a sidelong stare and if there were Olympics for how someone can convey eat shit and die without moving anything but their eyes, he’d win every 8 years for the rest of his unnaturally long life.
“Well, I brought myself,” you curtsy, starting back down the trail again, figuring that you’ve got five minutes walking forward before it’d be time to turn back to the house, “and your present,” to which he gives you a short nod, “and an empty stomach. You excited for Sam’s chili?”
“Spicy?” you recoil, suddenly finding the prospect of a man who gave Captain America a black eye last week or possibly this morning—the monster who ate half of your most lethal bake—panting and sweating over a bowl of chili astoundingly inconceivable.
“Oh wait, you live with Rogers. What’s he feeding you at home? Steamed chicken?”
You sigh, “God, you’re fucked. Nat brought something with Carolina Reaper infused honey glaze. Barnes... we’ll have to do a prayer circle for your ass.”
His face twists into a look of disgust before he starts to notice his lips, pressing them together, pulling them apart. After a few more motions like he’s discovering his body, bit by bit, he turns to you, and announces, “Feeling it.”
You laugh, jealous, because although you had a bite about 30 minutes before he even arrived, the brownie hasn’t hit you yet. “Good,” you say anyway, “that’s good, right?”
He only apathetically regards a sparrow flying past. You suppress a chortle when Barnes repeatedly licks his lips and rubs at the sleeves of his sweater.
“Have you ever been high before?” You correct, “In the fun, recreational, consensual way?”
Another listless shrug before he turns his head. You push yourself off a nearby log and make a show of stomping through haphazard piles of sticks and dead leaves, curling your fingers in a come along motion.
He follows, boots crunching, steps short and patternless, making a racket behind your back. He looks like a kid, fingers tucked up into his long sleeves, bouncy knees as he attempts to splash into every puddle as he possibly can before catching up. He’s almost got a grin when he looks at you, remembering where he is again, and there’s a light brush of color along the tops of his cheeks from the chill.
Around a small bend in the path, you duck under a branch, hop over a stone, and when you land back on both feet, the ground wobbles just enough to notice.
The air smells nice. Your eyelids feel heavy in a good way.
“Steve really piss you off this morning, didn’t he?”
Barnes lands a couple of feet away, his face dropping into an exhausted expression at the question, which you can’t fault him for because Steve’s a lot of things. Simple things, on the surface, but Barnes has known him longer than most anyone else and you imagine all of his noble qualities—his longstanding patience and willpower and belief in the goodness in everything and everyone—you imagine that shit gets old.
Hell, it gets at you on occasion, and you’re not even the brainwashed best friend who’s probably hearing a hundred voices in his head and is too tired to hear one more no matter how well-intentioned it might be.
Sometimes, being inundated by language just breaks it all back into foreign, incomprehensible script. And sometimes, being exceedingly plied with something you can’t make any sense of makes you turn inward, makes you bare your teeth in self-defense.
Which makes you realize you probably should ease up, too, talk less, but then he takes a long step with his ridiculous legs and is by your side, walking as if you two do this all the time.
“He’s a fixer.” Bucky’s brows are scrunched together, hands buried in his pockets. You nod quickly, not wanting him to go into any more detail than that because it’s not news that the entire population is still wary of Bucky Barnes’ re-emergence as a United States citizen when he was, up until very recently, a—uh, Russian one.
This, obviously, puts many things at odds with each other, including Steve, who is Mr. United States himself. The Avengers, too, who are mostly Team United States, considering the location and overwhelming population. But most of all, Bucky, who is still cobbling together bits and pieces of his life each day, is faced with the knowledge that everyone in the world knows more about him than he does.
You rub the back of your neck sympathetically because that shit would kill your heart so fast.
“You know what.” You shake the Tupperware at him, “Have the rest of these. You deserve it. And like, a million hugs.”
He barks a laugh, gladly gulps down the rest, and there’s a dapple of fudge on his chin looking so silly and sweet as he chews.
Ah, shoot. You avert your gaze, feeling very bad ideas break out up your arms and neck, and the shudder that is about to overtake you seems less about Barnes’ sweet face and more about Steve’s disappointed one. Like, he’s going to read your mind and know you’re having ideas about his best friend. And he’s going to do that thing where his eyebrows drop and his lips press together as he attempts to hold back a few choice words. Until later, probably, when he corners you somewhere and unleashes them anyway.
What were you thinking?, he’ll hiss. Are you capable of thinking rationally?
“What?” Barnes prods. “What is it?”
“Nothin’” you take a leap forward, herding the both of you back. The closer you are to the cabin the more you’ll remember that you’re at a family event, with friends, who should all stay in the friend territory.
But you blurt anyway, “You said sex earlier!” Because you’re a whole ass idiot.
He makes a small noise, says, “Yeah,” like that’s any help.
“Are you…” what the fuck, your head is spinning, “like, in… need of some?” Your face feels hot.
“Maybe. My body is…” he frowns, so weirdly open right now, and then he looks at you with half is face in a weary grin, the other half lost and confused. “Responding to stimuli in ways I haven’t— responded to in... Trying to fix it. Steve wants me to be fixed.”
He tilts his face to the sky, glaring at it. “Can’t get it out.”
You’re trying to force your rabbiting heart down to a manageable pace. You’ve never had any in-depth discussions with him about anything, much less his sex drive. The most interaction the two of you get is the occasional mission or get-together where you crack jokes and get shitfaced when the job’s done. You’ve been told you’re sort of a pain and haven’t given a fuck too much to change that.
You’re sort of in trouble right now, having been “irrational” during the last mission, running across the iced lake instead of taking the planned route and falling in. It ended up working out, since you got to the enemy helicopter before the enemies, but then there was the stabbing because you were sort of outnumbered and the pneumonia afterwards because you fell into the fucking lake…
There was a massive chewing out. Steve and his many, disappointed words.
Something about motor-mouths and low-object permanence but sure, good on the inside when it counts.
You hope this is one of those times where it counts.
“Listen,” you start. “Take as long as you need, there’s no rush on recovery and pushing yourself too hard is detrimental to your health. It’s not a straight line.”
“I hit him.”
Your wheeling brain is making a sharp left, trying to figure out where Barnes is driving toward. Oh. The black eye.
“Aw, Steve?” You wave your hand, swatting nothing. “He’s a big boy.”
“I’m hungry. Then I’m not.”
“I mean, that sounds normal—“
“No, a lot. Fast. Cyclical. Endless.”
It must be his metabolism adjusting. The realization of his relationship with food comes fast, almost visceral. Scarce when he was young, then rationed during the war before it was taken from him altogether. He was given the bare minimum with Hydra—protein slurry, tube-fed—then purged—stomach pumped—before being put on ice.
For decades.
Starvation must have truly felt endless.
And now with food being a surplus, with his body readjusting to it, yet his mind still struggling with habits—it must be so confusing. Another seemingly natural function to be confused about.
“Ah,” you manage, a lump in your throat like a blockade.
“I get nightmares.” He’s glaring at his hands, one flesh, one metal, opening and closing his fist like trying to get a grip on himself, and his voice is so small and pained. “These thoughts. All sorts. Can’t sleep.”
You extend your hands, shake off the dry sob that wants to erupt from your chest, and declare with flourish, “On the fourth day, God made Purple Kush, and it was good. So, we can—we can fix that.”
He takes another one of those long looks, through his lashes, lips quirked in quiet humor.
“You’re not really a fixer.”
He shakes the container of crumbs in your face.
You gasp, snatching it back in offense. “I can fix… some things! I replaced the utility light in the kitchen yesterday!“
Your cheeks are hot, face twitching like a broken screen because all you can think about is how handsome he is, out here like this, nose blushing, eyes lazy and crescent shaped, the heavy creases beneath them less pained and more relaxed.
And how he’s teasing you—- and he’s kind of a little shit.
“You fucker,” you say.
He grins—all big and silent, and for a second you count your blessings that he’s not going to say anything else shitty until he quips, “Not unless you’re offering.”
He’s staring at you intently, a curious expression winding its way up his face. His eyes are huge and blue and the most alert, glazed-over, pair of bloodshot, redder-than-the-devil’s-dick eyes you’ve ever seen on anyone stoned halfway to the moon.
His tongue darts out, sweeps a slow, careful line over the width of his bottom lip, practically asking, and you’re just the simple idiot who openly gawks at him.
“Ah,” you nod. “Yeah you’re definitely right. I’m—“ you gulp, “more of a fuck-up.”
Because what’s another fuck up to add onto the long-running list of fuck ups you’ve had recently, anyway? Kissing Barnes might count as a really serious one, sure, but at least it’s not pneumonia.
It’d make him feel better, probably, it’d make him feel something, at least. Steve would appreciate that, if Barnes came to the dinner table verbal, maybe even laughing. No one has to tell Steve that his best pal kissed your face off in the woods.
The idea of your face being kissed off is doing a number on you. The idea of Bucky Barnes, this gorgeous, miserable, godly, tragic contradiction, your at-arm’s-length teammate, your quickly-becoming friend, kissing your face off because he needs to feel something soft in the midst of the rest of the horrible, jagged things he already feels every second of his life—and he can get it from you.
You’re stupid and simple and how could anyone say no to that? So you take one last second to steel your heart, push forward, and lean in.
It’s, frankly, bizarre.
He kisses you gently, fantastically, inconsistently, wavering from assured one second to apprehensive the next, like he remembers how but can’t quite execute.
You meet him where you can, respond to the parting of his lips with your own, adjust to his tension with grace, and when he starts feeling like he’s getting the hang of it, like muscle memory has  finally settled into his body, you let him lead.
One hand finds the base of your skull, the other placing itself on your waist. His kisses grow greedy, like he remembers desire is a thing that occurs to him. He tilts his head down, kisses up like he wants to swallow every sigh between your lips, like he’s hungry for the sounds you make—and you’re making, embarrassingly, a lot of them. He’s good—dominant but kind, mouth wide, lips full, tongue cocoa-sweet and clever as it strokes yours again and again.
When he backs you up into a tree, you barely register it. His hand has moved to cushion your head, and he’s urging his entire body forward into yours, grip tight at your hipbone, moving his mouth to your jaw, then your neck, and you stutter a string of letters that refuse to make words.
Barnes is expertly sucking marks beneath your collar, right beneath the neckline, his breath hot and coming out in a near snarl and when he scrapes his teeth down, sinking them into the soft skin of your chest, you yelp loud enough to send a few birds scattering from the trees.
He jumps off like he’s burned you, eyes frantic, afraid.
“No—” you clear your throat, hands out, “Hold on.”
He’s blinking, head clearing, head trying to assess what he’s done, the situation, the pulled loose neckline, the wet shine of his spit up your throat.
“No, don’t be sorry.” You give him his distance but take a small step forward. “That was hot. But,”
He blinks, confused, and this whole thing could easily go pear-shaped, your well-intentioned explanation might turn into unintelligible speech at any moment, but you have to try or else he’ll tailspin into catastrophe, and you suddenly feel so sorry for Steve, the poor fuck who’s doing this every day, clinging onto the hope that what he’s saying doesn’t set Bucky off, doesn’t push his boulder back downhill.
He's still stuttering sorry, starting to pace.
“Listen,” you say firmly, clipping your own panic, “that was wow, let me tell you. But if you don’t stop, I’m going to like— hotwire a car.”
Somehow this stops him in his tracks, “What?”
“Well, I didn’t drive here. Because you know, I was going to like, get really shitfaced.”
“Yeah, and like, take you to a hotel or something.”
He frowns, obviously completely lost. “Why?”
It’s your turn to be lost. Both of you open-mouthed and panting at each other like two dumb dogs chasing each others’ tail in an ouroboros of idiocy.
“Huh? What do you mean why? You just tongue-fucked me, do you think I’m immune to getting on my knees for that?”
Now you can see it happening—the incomprehensible speech like a marquee as it runs across Barnes’ brain. Tongue-fuck, immune to getting on my knees. He doesn’t understand any of that, and god bless any soul who can. What language are you even speaking right now other than hot-brained, hot-skinned, hot-hearted to him, who’s still struggling to defrost?
“Never mind,” you redact, “ignore that.” You put your hands on his shoulders to ground yourself, vaguely thinking that maybe you shouldn’t touch him but the firm slap of your palms seems to break him out of his new trance. “Can we kiss again, later?”
He blinks, staring at you, at your hands on him, at your lips all swollen up.
You sigh, relieved and thankful that other than you, no one’s freaking out, that your plan to get Bucky Barnes high worked out after all, and that he has agreed to make out later because he’s really, really good at it.
“Wonderful. Let’s go back now? Are you ready?”
He mulls it over and shoves his hands into his jacket pockets. “Sure, but I’m not eating chili.”
“Well, you’re in luck, there’s plenty of chicken.”
He grimaces, cuts a sharp look up to you before a twinkle settles in his blue, blue eyes. “Okay,” he agrees, “guess we should do a prayer circle for my ass.”
You clap your hands together and recite Our Father.
“It was sex, wasn’t it?”
Sam’s got one hand over his belly, snickering. Everyone else looks your way, gullible, scandalized, and you can’t blame them since the two of you were gone an awfully long time and came back extremely disheveled.
Bucky had walked in dutifully behind you, wiped off his boots, sat down at the dinner table, and asked for seconds saying please and thank you and he even threw in a that was delicious just to watch Steve’s head explode.
And Bucky, who you’ve come to realize is genuinely a shit— still one-worded and knowing full well the repercussions of his one word— only shrugs and responds, “Yes.”
The room erupts into shouting as you throw a buttered roll at his head. He catches it easily and brings it up to his grinning mouth, shimmer of spit glossy and fantastic on his lips.
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aboutkiyoomi · 2 months
005. lame ass | antipathy
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"why do i have to be the designated driver again?" kiyoomi sighed as everyone squeezed into his tesla, which was probably a bit too small to comfortably fit all his roommates.
"because i plan on getting drunk as hell, and i need you to make sure i don't do anything i'll regret and post it on the internet," you replied with a grin, kicking your feet onto his dashboard.
"who's gonna be there again? makki told me he'd show up, but that's obvious, since mattsun is hosting…" tendou groaned, his phone's brightness illuminating his exasperated face possibly from the light pre game they did at home.
"i got invited by yachi. i only know her, mattsun, iwa, and oikawa are for sure making an appearance," kiyoko chimed in, trying to apply her lip gloss with precision.
"oikawa is gonna be there, and he didn't text me? flawed as hell!" you screamed, immediately opening your phone to send an absurd amount of texts.
"and i have to be sober for this," sakusa muttered with a slight frown as he drove steadily toward the party.
meanwhile, in kuroo's car, kenma was complaining to shoyo about kuroo's refusal to stop at a convenience store for the pre game and for his usual drunken snacks.
"bo… please. just give me one shot, i beg," kenma whisper-shouted, trying to pull a small bottle of tito's from his pocket.
"you pervert, stop touching me!" bokuto yelled, unnaturally loud for someone in a beat down suv.
"i hate you," kenma pouted as he stepped out of the car, the music from the house blaring loudly while people slowly filed through the doors and into the backyard.
"hey omi!" shoyo shouted as he spotted kiyoomi propped up against his car.
"hi hinata. what's up?" kiyoomi glanced up, spotting the two-toned haired boy trailing behind shoyo, a mischievous glint immediately appearing in his emerald eyes.
"nothing, why aren't you inside drinking? don't tell me this party is lame," shoyo groaned, bouncing slightly on his heels.
"designated driver for the night and you should know better, mattsun throws 'ragers'. hi kenma," kiyoomi's smile widened as he sent some super inconspicuous messages to the group chat. kenma waved casually, having convinced bokuto to do shots with him, and more focused on plodding into the house.
in the kitchen, kenma immediately grabbed some jello shots from the fridge while bokuto poured an unnatural amount of vodka into a cup. as kenma began downing shots, he attracted attention from multiple people, mattsun and iwa being the first to join in on the fun. once the kitchen got too crowded, kenma wandered to the couch to people-watch in his drunken splendor. as he relaxed, a particular voice began to catch his interest, a voice he had grown to hate.
"omi, he's here. in the flesh, lurking around like a lame ass," you whined, causing kenma's ears to physically perk up.
"i know, i saw his ass and waited until you were drunk enough to tell you. are you going to admit your denial?" omi giggled.
"bro, in denial my ass. he's an asshole, an attractive asshole, but still a big dickhead, and i hate him," you dragged out, the alcohol-induced smile on your face bright.
kenma's eyebrows raised at the conversation before his head turned to catch sight of you in your drunken oblivion. you stood there, your outfit hugging you in all the right places, your hair pinned up with cute bow clips, and that big, beautiful smile catching him off guard.
he wanted to pass this off as a drunken attraction, genuine confusion from the alcohol clouding his judgment. he hated you and the stupid fact that you looked so good right now. above all, he was just intimidated by you whether that be while drunk or just in general. he found himself wondering, why did he even hate you in the first place?
so, he didn't know why he did this, but he did, and his drunken self was more than happy to go along with it.
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ׂׂૢ kenma's eyes get blurry when he's drunk because he's a light weight and has no clue how to type properly in general.
ׂׂૢ yn and oikawa are influencer moots, they are actually super close and chat all the time about tea within the influencer community.
ׂׂૢ yachi is alsooo an influencer, except she focuses strictly on fashion and kdrama reacts on her channel and she's closer to kiyoko but also loves yn and they talk/collab often.
ׂׂૢ mattsun and makki are always throwing parties, they usually invite their influencer friends because of oikawa and their volleyball friends always make an appearance.
ׂׂૢ kenma tweeted all of that from the bathroom and fell asleep, kuroo had to collect him while doing his 'roomate roundup'.
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a/n: ok i kind of got my motivation back. this chapter was fun to write. i didn't elaborate too much on the party details bcs it wasnt relevant to the plot and we need to get to the LAUVVVV of these two.
see yall next chapter babes Mwah.
taglist: @3lectraheart @fairyrots @chemiru @i-am-trying-i-promise @herteatime @shosuki @sereniteav @sunarots
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 8 months
Originally published on my wattpad: slvt4em1lyprenti2s
Summary: You and Emily have had tension for a while now, and it finally breaks.
Word Count: 2k 
Fluff, implikation of nsfw, normal case details, being held by an UnSub (extremely briefly)
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
Emily's pov:
This case is dragging on, and on, and on. We know who the UnSub is and we're keeping a close eye on him but we have no solid evidence to pin him yet, so we're basically waiting on him to kidnap another woman. 
He stalks them at clubs and then whisks them away with his 'charm' and they think they're getting lucky. But they're not, they're getting an early grave. It's sad but c'mon men are stupid and cruel and disgusting. Ugh men. 
It's hard not to prove the lesbian stereotypes.
Anyway, we're running out of options because this guy just isn't biting, we think he's cottoned onto the surveillance we have in him and is therefore not going to kidnap another woman. We're sitting ducks. We just need a woman he can't resist to waltz into the club he's in right now to resolve this problem.
"You ready?" I hear Hotch say. My interest piqued I look to see who he's talking too and my eyes fall on the y/h/c haired beauty I get to call my best friend. Although I wish it was more. She's in a red dress thats stops around mid thigh, a slit that goes too far up for my liking on her left leg and a plunging neckline that makes it hard not to stare. I come to my senses as I hear her angelic voice.
"Ready as I'll ever be, I didn't imagine I'd be spending my Saturday chatting up a serial killer but here we are." She chuckles, got I could listen to her laugh all day- wait what. She's going to chat up the UnSub?
Rossi must've seen me coming and realised what I'd head as he said "Uh oh, here comes your girlfriend y/n/n." The team all laughed at this as they saw me coming. I wasn't going to stop her from doing her job but I sure as hell wasn't letting her go in unprotected. 
"Take this." I hand her a small pistol that can fit in her clutch, remembering I had been in a similar situation before. 
"Thank you em." The blush on her face is evident to everyone in the room, thankfully no one mentions it. 
As she stuffs it into her clutch she spins to face me and pulls me into a hug. I grip her tightly, my hands resting on the small of her back as I take in her scent. 
"Be careful, please." I plead quietly.
"I will, pinky promise, you know I can't break pinky promises." As she finishes her sentence her pinky makes its way round mine and we each kiss our hand. It's a little tradition we have when we promise something and really mean it. 
Me and y/n/n have had tension for months, I'm not even 100% sure she's into girl but hey, I can dream. 
After this little display Morgan started making kissing noises to which he received a middle finger from me and a 'yeah you wish you could watch' from y/n/n which made the team laugh even harder. 
"As amusing as this is, we have an UnSub to catch, so come in everyone. Let's get going to the SUV's." Hotch said over our laughter.
Time skip to when you are in the bar
Reader pov:
Jesus christ. I didn't know anyone's ego could be this big. He's talking to girls left and right as if he owns them, as if it's his right to talk to them. I actually might throw up. Hotch, Derek and Emily are positioned in different places throughout the bar and Jj, Rossi and Spencer along with SWAT and local PD are surrounding the building so, I'm completely safe.
I fix my face as he looks in my direction putting in my best smile and giving him a flirty wave. He instantly smirks and excuses himself from whatever meaningless conversation he was having with this poor girl and makes his way over to me.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing alone on a Saturday night?" He asks while touching my lower back as he walks up next to me, leaning against the bar.
"Just looking for a friend, you know, the usual." I respond, dragging my finger along my glass of lemonade. 
"I could help with that." He whispers into my ear. God I could punch him right now.
"I'd like that, you wanna get out of here?" I propose trying to get this done as soon as possible.
"Whoa slow down little lady, I gotta get you a drink first. Get to know ya a little." I internally roll my eyes because what he means is 'Whoa slow down, I need to drug you first.' 
He clearly senses my hesitation and puts the dots together. 
"You're not here for a friend, are you?" This time I actually roll my eyes and that's enough for him as I then feel something cold and metal press against my ribs. Shit. 
"Don't make a scene and walk with me." His words are like daggers. Or maybe that's just the actual dagger pressing on my side. Who knows? 
"Eric Mannings, FBI!" I hear Hotch shout with Emily and Derek right behind him, guns out, pointing at him. Immediately my position is flipped, there's now a knife on the throat, not my side. I'm in a headlock, about to get my neck cut and the only thing I can think about is how bad this guy smells and how hot Emily looks in her FBI vest and with her gun out.
He is going back and forth with Hotch until I see Emily out of the corner of my eyes, getting a better position. Uh oh, this is either going to end with a bullet in his body or, Emily's badge and gun on Strauss' desk. I can only hope for the first option. Everyone has been ordered to shoot if they have a clear shot which is exactly what Emily had right now. BANG! I scrunch my eyes as the shot rings awfully close to my ear. 
I feel the grip on my loosen as he falls down on the floor, shot in the neck. Wait why was that hot- OMG STOP. Emily immediately rushes over to me and helps me away from everyone as Derek crouches to check his pulse and everyone else from the perimeter comes in. 
"Hey are you okay?" Concern evident in her voice. 
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I lie through my teeth. In all honestly even though I acted okay, I did just get held with a knife at my throat by a homicidal maniac, so you know, kinda shaken up. 
"No you're not." Her tone gentle yet commanding.
"No, I'm not." Tear prick at the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill. 
"Oh honey, come here." She pulls me into her warm embrace and I cling to her.
Like sure we have nicknames but a pet name? Never crossed that line before. Does that mean.. No stop being delusional she'd never like you back.
A few tears escape my eyes as I lay my head on her shoulder.
"Let's go home yeah?" She says, as she begins to guide me out the bar and into one of the SUV's.
"Yeah, that sounds nice." 
Time skip to when you're  back at Emily's apartment.
"This isn't my place?" I question as we pull up to the block of flats.
I look around the familiar neighbourhood and realise we're at Emily's place.
"I can take you home if you want I- uh I just thought you wouldn't want to be alone after what happened, I know I wouldn't. But, I can leave you alone if you want?" She rambled as her hand subconsciously rests on my thigh. My breath catches in my throat slightly at this action.
"No, no, em. It would be really nice to have some company actually. Thank you." A blush creeping onto my cheeks, thinking about spending the night with Emily Prentiss, alone. 
As we walk out the car and into her flat, our hands intertwine. It sends sparks through my body, as cheesy as it sounds. We finally make it to her flat and she gets her keys out, unlocks the door and we walk in. 
"Make yourself at home; do you need anything?" She asks, instantly fussing over me.
"I'm okay, em, really. I just need you." Now it was Emily's turn to blush. She looked to the ground and muttered a quick, 'I can do that' as she walked me to her bedroom. 
I was passed a pair of old sleep shorts and an oversized hoodie with the words 'FBI Academy' written across it. It was the comfiest jumper I've ever worn; and it smelt like em which was a massive bonus. Emily made her way to the bathroom giving me time and space to change into my pj's. 
As I was slipping my shirt off so I could but on the jumper she gave me I heard the bathroom lock click and the door swing open quicker than I could cover myself. 
"Oh god! I'm sorry!" She squeals covering her eyes. 
"It's okay em don't worry about it! We're both girls, nothing we haven't seen before, right? And plus, I still have a bra on." I try to tame the   blush that's infecting my face, but that fails as soon as she responds to my words "I wish you didn't." She says it so quietly I think I imagined it. 
"What was that?" 
"I mean I wouldn't object to it, if you're being serious." 
She creeps closer to me, our faces inches apart. Her warm breath fans across my face as my arms lace around her back as hers reach for my hips. 
"Honey you have no idea what you're doing to me right now." There it is again, that damn name. If she keeps that up I'm going to melt.
"I think I have some idea." 
"Oh really?" 
"Yeah, I think I do."
"Prove it." 
Without a seconds hesitation I smash her lips against mine in a heated kiss. The months of built up tension, flirting, jealousy, all spilt into this one kiss. I feel her hand travel from my waist to the back of my neck and she pressed my head in and deepens the kiss. Her tongue grazes over my bottom lip asking for entrance which I happily grant opening my mouth. I let out a small gasp as she pushes her tongue into my mouth, instantly dominating and not leaving an inch unexplored. 
We pull away and the look in her eye tells me all I need to know. She gently guided me to her bed until my knees hit the edge and I sit down. I shuffle back and she sits next to me pulling me into her lap. 
"Promise me something." Emily says abruptly. "Of course, anything." I respond, wondering where this is leading.
"Be mine, forever. Be my girlfriend." Her dark eyes lock with my y/e/c ones and I immediately respond, "I want nothing more than to be yours em." That's all the incentive she needed to kiss me with that same passion again. Hungry lips make contact with my collar bone, nipping and sucking at my skin, already leaving marks. 
This was going to be a long night, not that I'm complaining though. 
A/N: LMAO THIS WAS SHITEEE. It's okay though it's 1am so cut me some slack and I started writing this ages ago and completely forgot what I was planning to write so I just made it up as I went along. Sorry for the crappy chapter!
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softdoctorreid · 2 years
that stupid vest | reid x reader
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summary: spencer’s really grown into his fbi vest lately, and you can’t seem to stop staring. when he gets the wrong idea, you decide that honesty is the best policy.
• nsfw/18+, smut, unprotected sex, piv sex, fem!reader
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It used to look almost too big for him, in spite of how tall he was. The velcro straps fastened so far and the kevlar hanging from his shoulders. And it didn’t help that he seemed to have a problem keeping the vest on to begin with, tossing it aside and running headfirst into danger a little too often. Maybe it had been changing for a while, and you just hadn’t noticed. It was hard to tell. But what you were sure of was that all of a sudden, Spencer’s vest wasn’t loose anymore. You were getting suited up to go out to the unsub’s property and it was just so clear. Then again, it seemed like a surprise to him, too, as he frowned at the velcro, begrudgingly loosening the straps and glancing at his reflection in the window.
You couldn’t look away either, staring at all the ways in which the vest emphasized the places where he’d filled out over the last year. The soft tummy poking out from the confines of the kevlar, rounded by the pressure of his stupidly tight pants. How it drew your attention to his hips and the way his chest and back seemed so broad, so strong. His tie poking out from beneath and pointing right down at his belt buckle and just daring you to imagine what was just a little lower. The way it clung to every newfound inch of him, and god, you’d never wanted to be an FBI vest so bad.
He turned back, catching your gaze, face falling. “I, um… I guess I should get a new size,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.
You felt your cheeks flush, panicking at the obvious assumption that you were staring because he looked bad. Quite the contrary – you had to fight from rubbing your thighs together just at the sight of him. “Oh, no, Reid, I wasn’t–”
“I get it,” he said, cutting you off. “I’m well aware I’ve outgrown it.” Before you could reply, Hotch stepped in to tell you it was time to head out. Piling into SUVs, the drive was punctuated with quick chatter about the unsub and what you were looking for, but Reid didn’t speak another word to you. You tried not to look at him too long but it was hard to resist sneaking glances his way when you thought he wouldn’t notice.
You thought.
When you got the run-down farm, the team searched high and low but found no sign of your creep of the week. It was decided you should split up, and while the rest of the team took off to return to the police station or search the unsub’s work address, Hotch asked you and Reid to stay behind and search the property for anything that might be a lead.
Because of course it was the two of you. Reid didn’t exactly seem too pleased, curtly divvying up the area to search before walking off. You kicked yourself internally, cursing that stupid vest. You’d been pining after him for ages now, in love with his sweet demeanor and the ways his eyes lit up when he rambled. Not to mention he was absolutely gorgeous, with that jawline and that smile you could just get lost in. Lately when your mind wandered, you found yourself wondering what it would feel like to have his big hands on your body, to kiss the smile right off that perfect mouth. Now he thought you were judging him, or worse, making fun of him. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Glancing back, you watched as he disappeared around the corner of the barn, that absurdly model-like strut of his drawing your eyes right to his ass. Those pants were so damn tight. You really needed him to size up – not because they looked bad. No, because they looked so good you couldn’t stop the heat in the pit of your stomach or the unbidden desire to grab a handful of that ass and pull him close.
Ugh. You needed to get it together. Shaking the thoughts out of your head, you ventured back into the barn to inspect what little there was inside more carefully. Between the heat inside and the way your heart was still beating a little faster from your proximity to Reid, you pulled off your own vest, holding it in your hand as you went in an attempt to cool down.
Nothing you found was particularly helpful – an old Bible, a stripped down bed, rusted farm tools collecting dust in the corner, and some long-dead leaves. A drawer full of nothing but dust bunnies, and a broken beer bottle. Without any clear insight into your unsub, you walked back outside to find Reid. He was standing a few feet away, inspecting an old sign on the outside of the barn, the paint long since peeled off.
When he leaned over to check the the underside of the sign, you could see him wince at the way his revolver dug into his belly. He straightened up, trying to tug the vest down a bit, but it only made the softness of his tummy more pronounced. You were struck with the urge to squeeze him, hold him tight. And that’s exactly when he looked up to see you. His eyes narrowed as he clocked your line of sight on his waist.
“I told you, I know it’s tight,” he snapped. “You don’t have to keep staring!”
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered. “I wasn’t - I mean, I didn’t mean to… I can’t help it.”
“Gee, thanks,” he scoffed. He stormed off towards the barn.
“Wait, Reid!” You started after him, dropping your vest, but his long legs moving much faster than yours. “Reid, come on. Hold up, just – Spencer!” At the sound of his first name he stopped.
“I wasn’t trying to insult you. It’s not that that at all. I can’t help staring at you because…” You exhaled sharply. No use in trying to lie to a profiler, especially a pissed off one. “Because I think you look really, really good.”
He turned around, eyebrows furrowed. “What? You think I look… good?” You could tell by his tone that he didn’t quite buy it.
“I do! And it’s so damn distracting! That stupid vest just hits all the right places, and you wear it so well. The way you’ve filled out your clothes, I mean seriously? You look so hot it’s actually unfair! And it’s driving me crazy because all I can think about is how it would feel to–”
You stopped yourself this time, stomach dropping as you realized just what you had said. Confessing to your coworker that you couldn’t stop staring at him because he was hot? What the hell were you thinking! You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to face his inevitable reaction.
But he wasn’t yelling at you. Or running off. He was just staring, completely stunned. Then his expression changed, one of curiosity and - what was that glint in his brown eyes? “To what?” he asked, taking a step towards you. “How it would feel to what?”
The way the corner of his mouth quirked upwards ever so slightly at your embarrassment made you realize it was mischief in his eyes just then. Your breath caught. Was he – was he okay with what you’d said? Was he into this? Into you? The anxiety quickly turned to anticipation as you boldly walked to meet him.
“How it… how you would feel on top of me,” you said, voice dropping low. He swallowed hard at your words, Adam’s apple bobbing. You didn’t have to work too hard to profile that, and it emboldened you even more. “Or have you fucking me. How good it would feel if you held me and I could hug you tight. Or what it would be like to ride those thighs.”
Those brown eyes darken. “You’ve been thinking about that?”
“Yeah. I think… I think it’d feel nice. I think you’d feel nice. And strong and soft and just right. You just look so comfortable. So solid. I can’t help it, you look goddamn delicious, Spencer. And I can’t stop thinking about how jealous I am of that fucking kevlar vest!”
The words had barely left your mouth before his was on yours, his hands coming up to hold your face as he kissed you. You squeaked in surprise before relaxing into his touch, tongue swiping over his lower lip, pushing into his mouth. You pressed your body into his, feeling the strange firmness of the kevlar over places you knew he’d be soft beneath, and feeling the half-hardness in his trousers as you kissed him until you were both pulling away breathless.
“You’re jealous of a vest?” he panted, face flushed.
You were almost too stunned to speak. Almost. But the adrenaline made you honest. “It gets to be close to you. To touch you. I don’t. At least, I haven’t been able to before. And I’ve wanted to for so long, you have no idea.”
“I think I might,” he said. “Because I’ve wanted you just as long. But I thought you’d never feel the same way. Especially not now. My hair’s a mess, I need to shave, I’ve outgrown my kevlar…”
“No, you’ve finally grown into yourself, that’s all. And if anything it’s only made you even more attractive and I can’t stop staring at you anytime we’re in the field together. It’s a problem,” you whined. All this time, all this time and you’d both been yearning for the other. Wanting more than you thought you could have.
“Maybe we should solve it then,” he ventured.
“Solve it how?”
“However you’d like,” he said, voice low and thick.
And fuck that was so hot. You surrendered, stepping back towards him to kiss him hard, letting him walk you back to pin you up against the wall of the old barn. Your hands tangled in his hair, his grip on your waist keeping you steady as you gasped for breath between kisses. His hips rolled against you and you could feel the thick ridge of his cock through his pants and you wanted to feel more of him, all of him. With desperate fingers you grabbed at that stupid vest of his, hastily ripping open the velcro and tearing it off of him. He looked damn good with it on but right now, you didn’t want any space between you. You ran your hands over his tummy and up to his chest, starting to undo the buttons of his shirt. Spencer focused his attention at the pulse point on your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin and you just couldn’t help the groan that escaped you.
Spencer leaned down to reach for your blouse but you stopped him. “We – we don’t have much time,” you said. “Wanna feel you on top of me. Want you to fuck me.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. With a needy sigh he sunk down onto the ground with you, for once not thinking about the dirt or germs in the soft patch of overgrown grass beside the barn. You watched with wide eyes as he fumbled with his belt, the sides of his unbuttoned shirt hanging open. By the time he had managed to undo the buckle and button, you’d already unzipped your pants and inched them down on your hips, already aching and wet for him. He let out a moan at the sight of you unwrapped for him, and took himself out of his boxers, only needing to push the fabric down far enough for his straining erection to spring free.
He looked so pretty there, straddling you. The tip already glistening with pre-cum, he stroked over that pretty cock twice before hovering over you. “Oh,” he said, pausing. “I don’t have a condom.”
“It’s fine. On the pill. Just… please. I want you.”
With your blessing he reached between your legs, thumb running over you and spreading you wide before he pushed into you. The pressure was breathtaking in the best of ways, and you tipped your head back, mouth falling open as he gave you a moment to adjust before beginning to thrust in and out, slowly at first and then picking up the pace. It was glorious, the way he buried himself between your legs, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he focused. You watched his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths, the way he let some of his weight rest against you, watched the way he was watching you with such intensity, such need.
Each thrust, each grunt made your body feel electric. Spencer made good use of his hands too, alternating between kneading your breast or stroking over your sensitive bundle of nerves, the warmth of his fingertips so perfect.
You grabbed a palmful of his ass, pulling him closer. “God, you feel so good,” you sighed. “So strong. So real.”
“Perfect, you feel fucking perfect,” he murmured, sloppy kisses peppering your neck as your bodies found the rhythm. Just heat and pace and frantic breath in the quiet of the farm, the sun above you in the clear sky the only witness to what was happening between you. “Wanted this for so long. Wanted to make you mine.”
“I am. I will be. I’m…” Your breath caught as his hips bucked down against you, the friction sending you into overdrive. “I’m yours, Reid.”
He stilled briefly, pushing your hair back from your face. “No,” he said. “My name. Say my name, please.”
“Spencer,” you breathed. “I’m yours, Spencer.” His eyes fluttered closed as he resumed his ministrations, lip between his teeth. “I’m yours.”
You could tell he was close the way his breathing hitched, pace quickening, and you wrapped your legs around his waist to bring him deeper before his mouth fell open in a high-pitched moan and he came undone inside you.
Arms giving out, he collapsed onto you, burying his head in the crook of your neck. His breath was hot against your skin as he sighed your name. “Y/N,” he said. “Y/N.” Again and again he said it, nuzzling into you. And he felt even better than you’d imagined, all of him so sturdy and yet so soft on top of you, enveloping you in warmth. You felt so safe there beneath him, no sound but the wind in the leaves and the birds way out in the distance. Like there was no case left to solve and no dragon left to slay. Just you and Spencer and this moment.
“Hey,” you said softly. “I didn’t just want this, you know. I meant it when I said I wanted you. All of you. I just wanna be with you, if you’ll have me.”
He lifted his head, looking so vulnerable in the afterglow. “You’d really want that? I mean, in spite of everything, you’d really want… me?”
You almost had to laugh, but something in his gentle voice was so tender and endearing. “Of course I do. I told you, I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve pretty much had a crush on you for as long as I can remember.”
He grinned. “Good. Because I want that, too. I want it all with you. Because I’m yours as long as you want me.”
“I do.”
Spencer laid his head back on your chest, squeezing you close to him. “I wanna give you everything. Take you on a date. Take care of you. Hold you close as you want.”
“Mmm, that sounds nice.” And it did, this dreamy haze of a future you could already start to imagine with him. Maybe you were doing things out of order, but it was hard to care when you felt so good. Plus, maybe you’d actually be able to focus on the case now. Oh, right. The case. “But um, I guess we should report back before they send a search party out for us?”
He begrudgingly agreed, helping you up to your feet as he hastily tucked himself back into his pants and redid his belt. You brushed the dirt from your shirt and cleaned yourself up, retrieving your vest from where you’d dropped it earlier.
Looking back to find Spencer, he wasn’t frowning this time as he fastened his kevlar back onto his body. No, he was watching you, an undeniable smirk on his face, as though all his self-consciousness had been converted by your need for him.
“Oh come on,” you groaned. “Now you’re just being cruel.”
He took your hand, walking back to the SUV with you. “Let me have a little fun. What if I promise to make up for it later?” he asked with a pout.
You pinched his side. “I’ll hold you to that.”
That smirk returned, widening with a confidence that sent your heart racing once more. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
tell me what you think here!
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beefrobeefcal · 10 months
Dark!Frankie Saga: VII
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Chapter Seven: Bring It Home
Pairing: Dark!Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Boston. The Frontiersmen is a crime syndicate that deals in drugs, arms, and anything else they can to keep themselves on top. Since the original ring leader, Tom, was allegedly taken out by a rival gang, it's now run by Big Fish, with Pope second in command. Ironhead runs the numbers and Benny is the muscle. Your family member put you down as collateral when they needed credit to score more smack. Problem is, they can't pay it back, and Big Fish & the Frontiersmen always get their payment...
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Chapter Word Count: 3,740
Content Warning: angst, threats of violence, crime, snark, Major Character Death, stabbing, violence, betrayal, kissing
Author's Notes:
Y'all, I know you had big dreams for this chapter... and I thank you for your patience. Please don't hate me 🥺
The biggest, juiciest, wettest thank you to @neverwheremoonchild for being the Beta Fish for Big Fish (get it? Beta'ing the story about Big Fi-... okay, you got it). Thank you, Nevy! 💜🥩💜
thank you to the following for being supportive good eggs & sounding boards: @theywhowriteandknowthings @toxicanonymity @xdaddysprincessxx @thehalflifeofloveisforever @rebel-held @gracieispunk
And this is not the Chubby!Frankie we know and love in the Catfish & the Mouse universe; he's dark, mean, and hungry. I'll be updating this each week (Monday/Tuesday) until you lose interest or I finish it - let's see what happens first! when i feel like it👌
On the Waterfront Masterlist | Previous Chapter
From the time Frankie pulled you onto his lap at the bowling alley to when he stood with you at your bedroom door, you felt like you were in a dream. A beautiful, hazy dream that you were pretty sure was going to end with him fucking you in your bed.
“You did good tonight, Honey.”, Frankie said sweetly, cupping your jaw and cheek in his big hand.
You couldn’t help but stare back, falling further for him through his deep, brown eyes. He but the softness in his gaze hardened as he sucked in a breath and released your face, stepping back. He broke the connection with you and looked away. He cleared his throat and nodded towards your door, leaving you feeling cold and confused. What did you do wrong?
“Night, baby girl...”, he mumbled as he turned, heading towards the lounge.
You opened your mouth to say something to him, but all you could do was feel your body react to the lack of his touch and your cheeks burn from the rogue tears that fell. You were alone in the hallway, and you didn’t know why.
Pope had been outside in the shadows, trying to remain inconspicuous while on his phone, when the blacked-out SUV pulled up at the front doors.
“Yes, I know!... fuck you... I’ll call you back...”, he hissed quietly into his phone before ending the call and focused on the two of you returning.
He watched as Frankie got out of the SUV, holding his hand out to you, and saw the stupid look on Frankie’s face as he helped you down from the vehicle. Pope shook his head and rolled his eyes, watching Frankie pull you in for a disgustingly sweet kiss before he tugged you into the building.
He scoffed as he brought his phone back up to call his contact back, a message popped up on the screen.
Steven is done. Now what?
Pope grinned as his deviously sadistic mind’s wheels turned; he pocketed his phone and walked into the building.
Frankie’s heart was beating fast as he walked away from you, and his palms were sweating as he clenched his fists. He didn’t stop until he was standing in his office, shakily sucking in his breaths, and he allowed himself to think about what had just happened. It was one thing for him to go down on you in the bowling alley and hold you as your body came back down – he was still in control. But looking in your eyes as you looked back at him, seeing the same thing he felt staring right back told him he was no longer holding the reigns in this, and it terrified him to his core. He felt like you could see who he really was under his harsh and mean exterior; under it all he was just the former drug addict who battled his demons daily to keep himself upright; just the man who made himself bigger so he could be respected, because no one was going to respect a scrawny junkie. And if you did see it, why did you still want him at all? Did you see weakness? Did you know that just asking him for a kiss would make him weak in the knees? Why did he allow you to get under his skin?
He was finally broken from his trance when the door to the office opened behind him. Frankie whirled around and found himself facing Pope.
“Fish... you got a sec?”, Pope asked, cautiously approaching him, with a judgmental eyebrow raised. When Frankie nodded, trying to shake the weakness of you from his mind, Pope nodded back in kind.
“What d’you need?”, Frankie said coolly as he made his way around his desk and sat down heavily on his chair.
Pope walked up to the desk and leaned heavily on, deciding not to tell Frankie that he saw him come back with you, and how he saw the look on his face and knew what it meant. He instead decided to set in motion what he hoped would be the last thing he needed to.
“I got a message... from one of the grunts under Will... he was making the rounds and checking in on people that owe us...”, he said quietly, trying to sound nervous about what he was going to say. “and, he - uh…”,
“Fuckin’ spit it out, Pope.”, Frankie groaned after a deep sigh, rubbing his eyes.
“He went to Steven’s...”
“Who the fuck is that and why do I care?”, he growled, not looking up at him. “Get to the fuckin’ point!”
“It’s your girl’s brother...”
“What about him?”
“He’s dead.”
Frankie looked up at Pope, feeling his blood run cold.
After being left on your own, you sat in your room, feeling the buzz from the beer slipping away and letting your thoughts drift towards more nefarious avenues. It hurt to know that no matter what happened, you would end up alone; your brother sold you out for more drugs, Benny hated and abandoned you, Will threw you into the lion’s den, and Frankie didn’t want you beyond getting what he could from you. And Pope... you knew what Pope wanted and it made your skin crawl.
The tears that you’d cried had mixed with your make up had dried on your face, leaving your skin feeling itchy and tacky. You needed to clean yourself up and give yourself some comfort, even if it was small. You stepped into the shower and tried to wash away your sadness.
After drying off and getting into your pajamas, you once again sat in your room alone. The weight of solitude was heavy on you, so much so, you could barely stand it. All you could do was pick up your Kindle and try to distract yourself until you fell asleep.
Benny sat back and watched the other guys play a round of foosball. They’d invited him to join but he’d waved them off. He’d wanted to sulk and be angry with no interference; he couldn’t get your face out of his head from the last time he’d seen you the night before, and Frankie’s words to him sounded off like a fire alarm in his skull: She’s not here for you. Stick your dick in literally anything else, but that is mine.
He’d replayed your last interaction with him over and over in his mind over the past 24 hours, building up more rage and fury over how stupid you were being. He didn’t want you for himself; he wanted something better for you. There’s no way Frankie could offer you what you deserve. Fuck, no one in this fucking building could. He sneered as he shook his head, anger rising further each time Frankie’s words bleated in his brain and deafened the rest of his thoughts. Frankie told him to fuck anything like you weren’t even a person. You were just part of the wide scope of anything, like an object he could own and devour like he did everything else he wanted.
Will watched Benny silently from across the room. He saw his brother furiously twisting his hands and clenching his jaw; saw the vein in his forehead pop out as his face turned red with rage. Will knew he was at fault for this; he knew Benny had a soft spot for vulnerable people, especially women. He knew Frankie was wrong about how Benny felt, but he wasn’t willing to correct him and confirm that Benny wanted to fuck her as much as Frankie wanted to diet. But the powder keg that was hitting a critical point across the room in his brother was far more worrisome than he’d accounted for, given even a day going by hadn’t managed to dampen his rage. Benny could be a dangerous man, given the right mindset, and he wasn't afraid of violence or being violent. It was the reason he was so valuable to the Frontiersmen - he wasn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty for the right cause, and Will worried that you were becoming the right reason for Benny to unleash that terrible dog in him at Frankie.
As Will decided it was in everyone’s best interest to try and quell the fire, Pope walked in with a smug grin aimed directly at his brother, and Will felt like he was about to watch a train derail.
“What’s with the long face, fucker?”, Pope crooned sadistically as he sauntered towards Benny.
“Fuck off, Pope.”, he growled in response, his eyes glaring up at the smiling man.
 Will saw the determined, toothy smile breakout over Pope’s face as he squatted down in front of Benny.
“What’s the matter, baby Benny?”, Pope mockingly cooed, amusement bleeding from his tone. “You mad that Fish is cockblocking you from that sweet little puss – “
Benny’s hand jutting out and gripping Pope’s throat stopped him from finishing his sentence. He stood up, pulling Pope into a standing position as he stared wide eyed and clawed at Benny’s arm and wrist, gasping and choking.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”, Benny snarled, pulling Pope’s face close to his.
Will ran up beside Benny and gripped his shoulder, shaking him. “Benny! Drop’im!”
He yanked Benny’s arm back and Pope collapsed on the floor, gasping and coughing.
“GET YOUR FUCKIN’ HANDS OFF ME!”, Benny roared as Will’s arms wrapped around him form behind and pulled him back.
“Fuck you, Pope! Fuck you 'n fuck your fuckin’ smug mouth!”, Benny screamed at him as Will continued to restrain him. ‘FUCK, WILL! LET ME THE FUCK GO! I’ll FUCKIN’ KILL YOU!”
Will knew Benny didn’t mean it. Sure, he’d probably take a swing and hit him – he’d done it before. But beyond that, he knew it was Benny’s rage talking.
Pope shakily looked up at Benny and offered him a cruel smile. Benny saw red; that fucker fueled his blinding rage, and he threw Will off him, storming out of the rec room.
“Don’t move, Pope!”, Will yelled, pointing his finger at him as he turned and ran out after Benny.
Pope smiled, watching him leave after his brother, seeing a brand-new opportunity. Fortune favours the brave…
Benny was on a rampage. Like a rabid bear, he stalked the hallways, making a beeline to the barracks. He’d walked right past Frankie’s office, not even considering stopping there first to tear into him over what he was doing. Will quickly caught up to him, yelling for him to stop.
Frankie sat in his office chair. He heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door and he looked up, but they moved past.  He thought nothing of it until he heard Will.
“Ben! Stop!... Stop 'n take a fuckin’ breather, man!”
“You’re not thinkin’ this through! You don’t wanna hurt her, Ben! BENNY!”
Will’s panicked voice caught Frankie’s attention and he stood up, listening to the sounds move further down the hallway. He knew not to get in Benny’s way when he was mad, but he was heading towards you and the idea of Benny being in this foul of a mood and even Will wasn’t able to placate him didn’t sit well with him.
Benny threw the doors to the Barracks open and screamed your name. Even being in a separate area, the volume at which he called you made you jump. You dropped your Kindle on the bed and moved cautiously to your door. You clicked the flimsy lock on the doorknob, and you jumped heard the door to the hallway slam against the wall from how hard it was flung open.
Your heart was beating deafeningly loud in your ears, and you backed away from the door as the thumping footsteps got closer and your doorknob jiggled.
Just as soon as you were mentally thanking what every deity was listening for that lock, the door was kicked open and there was Benny. Breathing hard, his face twisted in a snarl and his fists clenched.
You looked up at him, not sure what he was going to do. “Benny... wha - “
“You're so fuckin’ dumb!”, he yelled, stomping towards you and cutting you off. “You’re fuckin’ smarter than this!”
He stood over you, his hot furious breaths fanning over your face. You tried to back away, but he grabbed at your arm.
“Don’t fuckin’ move!”, he yelled in your face, his hold on you tightening.
You yelped and tried to pull away from his grip. He shoved you back, sending you to the floor. Shock gave way to fear and anger as he stalked towards you, and you scrambled back into a standing position.
“Just fuckin’ stay down, you- “
“What do you want from me?!”, you cut him off, yelling in a cracked voice as tears welled up in your eyes.
His eyes narrowed at you and his scowl set further in his face. “I want you to smarten the fuck up! I want you to stop bein’ a dumb bitch!”
You angrily wiped at the tear that fell down your cheek, and, for a brief moment, Benny’s eyes looked at you almost horrified at what was happening. Your face contorted with a frown, and you pushed him with all your strength, making him take a small step back to keep his balance.
Neither of you knew that Will was in the hallway watching this unfold, not sure how to intervene, and his focus was torn away from you both as Frankie walked into the hallway and stood next to Will, ready to jump in.
“What is your problem?!”, you screamed at him.
His menacing glare returned, and he stepped up to you, challenging you.
“My fuckin’ problem is you’re not thinkin’ with your goddamned brain!”, he bellowed. “My problem is you’re thinkin’ with your pussy like a fuckin’ whore- “
Before you could register your actions, your hand harshly made contact with his face; you slapped him hard.
The room fell silent, and Benny’s head snapped back to you, all fury gone. What was left was the look of hurt and disappointment, and you weren’t sure who it was directed at – you or himself. Will rushed in and grabbed Benny, hauling him back. Benny’s eyes didn’t leave yours until Will had dragged him out of the room, cursing at him for his temper.
And once again, you were alone. Your chin quivered and your body trembled as the rage dissipated from your system, replaced with shame and remorse. What did you do?
Before you could collapse under the weight of your actions, Frankie stepped into the doorway.
You raised your eyes to him and held back a sob as you shook your head, silently saying please – I can’t handle any more.
“Baby girl...”, he spoke softly as he walked slowly towards you and pulled you into his arms. You tried pushing him back, but he gently used his strength against you, holding you in his embrace. His gentleness after the harsh intensity of what you’d just experienced with Benny broke you, and you let out a heavy sob that wracked your body. His large hand held your head against his chest and he murmured softly, trying to soothe you.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl... come on, Honey... calm down... he’s gone... I know, baby... I know... he’s gone now... I’m sorry... he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, baby... he doesn’t know what he's talkin’ about...”
“Stop... just stop!”, you squirmed out of his hold and stood back from him. You furiously wiped your face again and shook your head. “He’s right! He’s right about everyth - “
“No, baby girl... no, he’s not!”, Frankie pleaded, holding his hand out to you, beckoning you to come to him.
It made you angrier, his actions seemingly still trying to train you to be his good little bitch, coming when he calls. You shook your head, rage taking over. “I’m not a fucking dog! You don’t order me around like one!”
His voice was so soft. “Baby... Honey, please...”
“No! Mr. fucking Morales! He’s right - I’m just another one of your dumb whores that you can throw away! I’m no better than that bitch you had on your lap at the bowling alley! You just keep me like a pet and bring me out when you need a fuckin’ fix! You don’t want me - no one does!”
You didn’t realize you were screaming at him and walking towards him.  Frankie’s hands were held up, trying to calm you. His eyes were wide and pleading, his mouth was open and frowning, as he shook his head.
“Baby girl… shhhhh… no… no, Honey…”, he shook his head, and cooed, moving towards you again. “No, Honey… you got it all wrong…”
“Don’t…”, you warned as you stepped back, glaring up at him. To Frankie, you must have looked like a cornered, feral cat, fueled by rage and fear.
You didn’t intimidate him. He reached out and cupped your cheek, as he’d done countless times before, but this time you pulled out of his grasp.
You didn’t scare him. But he needed your softness back; this harsh and jaded version of you hurt him in ways he didn’t know he could be wounded. His heart ached as his other arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you into him again. He smoothed his hand over your jaw, his thumb gently caressing your lips. You tried, albeit half-heartedly, to get away, but he saw the softness slipping back into your eyes.
You didn’t deter him. “Don’t push me away, baby girl…”, he said softly, bringing his face close. He ghosted his lips over yours. “I want you here… with me.”
He pressed his lips gently against yours. Your resolve to fight dissolved and you wrapped your arms around his neck, grasping for more contact with him. Opening your mouth to deepen the kiss, he followed suit, slipping his tongue against yours. You were both desperate. Yes, you’d fooled around in a bowling alley, but this was something that wasn’t scratching an itch or a power play; this was the two of you finally, without words, admitting that you needed one another on a baser, more human level.
Frankie pulled back first, breathing heavily and his eyes scanned yours, asking silently for more. You nodded, and with that, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of your room and into his.
After his run in with Benny and making sure his windpipe wasn’t crushed, Pope was back outside around the building in an alleyway. Hidden in the shadows, the only sign of his presence was his phone screen lighting up his face.
As he searched through images confirming Steven’s demise, a call came through. He answered it quietly, keeping his voice low but harsh.
“I need more time - … no, you don’t understand, he - ... I know that was the deal, but you gotta hear me out- … I can’t just… I know it has to look like an accide-… I tried! The fuckin’ little brother… Yeah… fuck, no… No… I know, but I ca-… fuck. Okay… I understand… Yes! Fuck! I got it!”
Will watched from the far end of the building. Pope’s voice, although quiet, carried, and Will’s mind raced, putting piece by piece together, not quite being able to wrap his mind around what he was hearing. He didn’t know what he was up to, but he knew he didn’t like it.
He watched as Pope hung up and stopped himself from throwing his phone against the wall, and he clenched his fists and teeth. Will moved on his feet, causing the gravel to shift and crunch under him.
“What do you want, Will?”
He stopped, feeling his body tense at Pope’s recognizing his presence, even in the dark.
“Who you talkin’ to, man?”, he asked. Will tried to keep no discernable emotion or feeling in his tone, trying to keep Pope off his anxious scent.
“No one… one of the grunts fucked up… just tryin’ to set them straight.”
Will hmm’d in acknowledgement; he knew it was a lie and he knew Pope wouldn’t be convinced that he believed him, but he knew saying anything more would probably drive more suspicion.
“I’ll ask again, Will… what do you want?”
Will moved closer to Pope, trying to keep his voice down when he spoke.
“You gotta stop rilin’ Benny up. I know you think it’s funny, but he’s gonna really fuck someone up and we don’t need that.”
“Fuck you, Will… what are you, his keeper? His fuckin’ nanny?”
“I’m the last thing keepin’ him from killin’ someone… If wasn’t there tonight, you think you would’a made it?”
“So, what you’re saying its you’re the one keeping a leash on him?”
Even in the dark, Will knew Pope was facing him. He could feel the breath on his face. He was close – too close.
“If you weren’t around, no one could stop him?”
“Jesus, man… You know he’s got a fuckin’ temper... he needs someone to hold him back.”
“Yeah, he does have a temper.”
“Then stop pushin’ him! Stop antagonizin’ him!”, Will pleaded. He heard Pope huff a laugh.
“You’re in his fucking way, Will.”
Will heard the smile in Pope’s voice, and his blood ran cold.
“The fuck is that supposed’ta mean?”
Pope got close to Will and grabbed the back of his neck and held his face to his.
“You’re in my fucking way.”
Will felt a sharp sting in his stomach, and then warmth. Wet, hot warmth on the skin of his abdomen. The sharp sting erupted into searing pain, and he sucked in a ragged breath as his head spun.
“Santi… wha- don’t….”
“Fuck you, Will.”, Pope huskily whispered, ripping the knife out of Will’s gut. “This is on you. You wouldn’t let him just...”
“San-Santi? Pope? … why?” Will gasped, stepping back and clutching his middle. He stared up at Pope, wide eyed and trembling as he fell against the wall behind him and slid down to the ground. A tear slipped down his face as he watched his friend – his murderer – turn and walk away, leaving him alone in the alley to slip away into the inky darkness.
@theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @blackfemalenerd @toxicanonymity @southernbe @starkeydaviss @noxturnalpascal @gwendibleywrites @romanarose
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sensei-venus · 2 years
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(Unedited) ( @gemini-sensei ) (Based off this post 👀)
Imagine thy after they get everything worked out with a new car for her she tells them that she has to thank them for all the help. The two say it’s completely fine, she just needed help finding the right car. She still swears up and down she needs to thank them somehow. She offers to take them out to dinner. They tell her it’s fine and they can’t let her go out of her way to take them out to a nice dinner, but she not taking a no.
She finally wears them down and they agree to go out with her.
She’s all smiles as she leaves the dealership in her new car. Her bump sitting perfectly in the front seat as she drives off.
The LaRussos tell the kids they are going out to meet a friend which the kids raise an eyebrow over but don’t question. They tell them to just order a pizza or something don’t wait up for them.
When they show up to the nice little restaurant, that is fancy, they are in awe when they see Reader waiting for them at the entrance of the restaurant. She’s all dolled up in a pretty little dress, it shows off her curves and bump perfectly. The fabric stretching over her tight belly. She has light makeup on and she’s wearing the most pretty little flats ever.
They all sit down together, Reader in the middle. They opt for a round booth. Reader is so sweet and kind, she tells them all about her job and what she’s doing. Amanda asks all kinds of questions about the baby, trying to be as nice as possible about it. They find out that she was in a long time relationship with the father, years together, before he got her pregnant and ran off with a younger woman with more money. She’s a bit down about it but she keeps talking about how excited she is to have this baby.
She can’t stop rubbing at her bump. She’s so excited to be having her first baby even if she’s by herself.
Over dinner, the couple slowly makes their move. Both Amanda and Daniel start by rubbing her arms, getting closer to her. Amanda slowly lets her hand travel down Reader’s arms and slowly down her belly and to her thick thigh. She’s gently gripping the flesh, Daniel scoots over to her and brushes up against her. His eyes won’t stop staring into hers the whole night.
Suddenly they are in the back seat of Readers new SUV.
“Want to see the best feature of this car?”
Her eyes are wide as she watches Daniel hits a button in the car and the back seats completely fall down and disappear into the floor of the car. Before she can stop herself, both her and Amanda are giggling and shuffling into the back of the car. Daniel smirks before getting into the car and locking the door behind him. He’s secretly glad that he had the whole car tinted.
Reader doesn’t stop giggling as she falls on her butt, Amanda laughing with her as they start kissing. Amanda is pulling at her tight dress and gets up enough to sit right under her big bump. Their kisses are soft and long.
“Did you wear this just for us?”
Daniel questions as he takes note of the black thong she has on, barely covering her mound and folds. Reader bits her lip in a bit of embarrassment.
“I feel like I’m to old to be blushing over wearing some stupid underwear-“
“Don’t be, you look sexy as hell in them, and your not old. Your still young. And it’s obvious you can still have some fun~”
Amanda is pulling her own dress off, her breast falling from her dress bra cups. Her own  panties getting wet from excitement. She smiles as she watches her husband unbutton his dress shirt and unzip his dress pants. He pulls both his pants and briefs down just enough.
His hard dick sprang out and slapped against his belly, the head threatening to spill pre at any moment. He smirks down at the two women. Amanda lays down behind Reader and fondled the other women's swollen and heavy breasts. She bits her lip as she smiles up at her husband. Reader is trembling from their treatment, she can't help but keep her eyes on Daniels cock. It's heavy and leaking now.
He gently pulls her thighs apart and then throws her legs over his shoulder.
He presses into her and they both moan out at the new feeling. She's so tight and wet and it's all for them.
He's gently fucking into her and bottoming out in every thrust. She moans and whimpers out so pretty as she is pushed back into Amanda. Amanda is rubbing her clit as she watches her husband fucking the women's pregnant pussy. She can't get over how sexy she looks getting to watch her husband's dick get wet. She can't get over the nasty filthy wet sounds from between them.
Suddenly Daniel is picking up the pace and fucking into her hard and fast.
She's grabbing at his forearms as he pounds into her, she's leaving all over him and she knows it. Her eyes are barely open as she looks up at him. She can't help the loud moans and gasps that leave her lips as he pounds into her, her legs shake as she feels herself losing what little grip she had. Her cunt clenched and the band in her belly was ready to snap.
They both cum hard and fast. Daniel thrusting into her hard and stilling inside of her as they both ride the high. There’s cum leaking from around his cock as they sit there for a moment. The both of them panting, and Daniel’s lips crash into hers as they kiss. It's short but sweet as he kisses from her lips to her neck. They pull away as they take turns kissing Amanda who has already cum from her own fingers and watching the two of them orgasm.
Ultimately they all drive back in Readers' car, the LaRussos saying they will have someone pick up their car tomorrow from the restaurant. They end up going back to the house. They sneak ain't the house and are thankful the kids are already asleep in their rooms.
They get to their room and clean Reader up. They all take a shower together where they all tiredly clean each other. Daniel grabs all of his most baggage clothes and dresses her in some sweats and a t-shirt.
They all end up cuddling in the LaRusso's big bed with Reader tucked between them.
They all pass out for the night, not even thinking about tomorrow.
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
As Long As You're Okay - Neymar Imagine
Summary: Hiii :) Love ur blog. Can u do a imagine where u wreck Neymars new car and ure scared to tell him. Can u make it where Ney is very sweet and understandable and it ends in fluff. It literally happened to me today lol. Kissess xoxo Author's Note: Hi, love. I hope your accident wasn't anything too serious. Thank you for the kind words, lots of love from me. :)
Neymar bought a new car a week ago. He was thinking of purchasing it for so long now. He got a Lamborghini Urus S in his favorite color and he's very excited to drive it. I, myself, drive a Range Rover mini Evoque. It's not as big as Ney's new car, but it's still a SUV. I had to run some errands today while Neymar was still asleep. It's Saturday, so usually Neymar sleeps in late since he doesn't have training. I got out of the shower and did my hair and makeup in the bathroom. After I did so, I went to my closet in the bedroom where Ney was sleeping to get something to wear. I had my back turned to Neymar and I go through my clothes. I'm only in my underwear. "Hey there, sexy ass" he says in a sleepy voice catching me by surprise. "Hey there, amor. I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I turn to face him and jump on the bed to kiss him. "Kind of, but It's okay, I love the view." he says back to me. "I have to run some errands today, I will be back in 2 hours or less. Can you hang out by yourself until then, amor?" I ask him while laying my head on his chest. "Sure, I'll probably fall back asleep after you leave. Hey, why don't you take the new car?" he asks me with excitement. "Uhh, I don't know, bebê. It's a brand new car, I'm scared of ruining it. I'll just take my car." I ask back to him and return to the closet pulling out a sports wear set and a sweatshirt to throw over the shirt, just in case. "No, bebê. You're a great driver, you can take it, it's okay." he asks back to me, finally convincing me. "Okay, then. Thank you, amor! Love you, go back to sleep!" I give him a kiss on the lips, grab my purse and the car keys and leave. "I love you too, amor" _________________________________________________ I had to stop by the pharmacy to pick up some things and go shopping for some bed sheets. After I was done with the pharmacy, I made my way to Anthropologie for the bed sheets. The car is amazing. The interior is very chic and modern. I drove Neymar's cars before, but usually, he's the one who drives when we're together. I park the car and head out to the store. I spend half an hour there before I make my way back to the car. I put everything in the trunk and get ready to leave. As soon as I make my way out of the parking lot, I meet a small intersection. All of a sudden, a car comes from the other way at full speed making a turn at the same time a do. I try my best to swerve the car on the other direction to avoid a fatal hit. I turn my steering wheel towards a pole and I crash into it with my side of the car. The other car just honks and leaves. This is not a very busy road, so he must've thought the same because he was going at full speed in such a dangerous road. He was stupid. What the fuck. I start to panic. I was okay physically, but the only thing in my mind was Neymar. Shit. Fuck. I should've taken my fucking car. How do I let him know about this? I can't call him. But, I have too. Maybe, I can fix it and not let him know. I can't do that. FUCK. I began to cry out of frustration and anxiety. The thing that was bothering me the most was the fact that Ney trusted me with this car, I should've been more cautious. I should've been more careful, maybe paid more attention. I move the car to a more safe place and grab my phone to call my boyfriend. It was time. I hate it when I have to disappoint him. I didn't even care about the price of fixing it, I would work double shifts and pay it, It was all about Neymar. I dial his number and he picks up after a few rings. "Hey, bebê. Where are you? Are you done already?" he asks immediately. I don't know why I began to cry hard and a sob came out. "Ney..." I can't talk, I don't wanna sound weak, but I can't talk without crying. "Y/N? Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks me, now in a worried tone. "Ney, I'm sorry, bebê. But..." I speak to him in a barely understandable voice.
"Y/N, why are you crying? Please, talk to me, meu amor. You're driving me crazy" he asks slightly raising his voice at me. Probably, because of his panic mode not because he wants to yell at me. At least for now. "I was on my way home and.... I didn't see him... or he didn't see me I don't know... And I tried to avoid crashing into him.... and I...." I couldn't even finish before Neymar spoke up. "WHAT?! Y/N are you okay? Where are you?!" he's practically screaming at me now. "I swerved the car and crashed into a pole. I'm okay, but the car is wrecked on my side. I'm so sorry, Ney. I tried my best to be careful, I'm so sorry." I finally confess to him, still crying. "Bebê? Y/N? Amor, it's okay, fuck the car. I'm not mad AT ALL. Do you hear me? Amor, can you tell me your location please?" he asks, now in a calm tone, he can tell that I'm scared of what his reaction will be. "I will fix it, I promise. I will send it in today and make it look as new. I promise, Ney. I know, I should've been more careful." I say back to him, I want to let him know I'm extremely sorry. He works hard for his money, he deserves everything he has and here's me, ruining his possessions. "Y/N, calm down, meu amor. Can you PLEASEEE let me know your location? I want to be there, bebê." he asks, I can hear shuffling in the background, I think he's getting in the car to come to me. I give him my location and hang up waiting for him to come. I want to get out of the car and see the mess I've done. The more I look at it the more sad I get. I know Neymar is able to afford this car, but that doesn't mean I should take advantage of that. That's what I'm scared he will think because of this. Neymar arrives with my car and parks it in front of me. As soon as he parks he immediately gets out of the car and runs to my door. He opens the door and takes a look at me examining me. He didn't even glance at the damaged spot. He looked very worried. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asks while still looking at me, pulling my hair behind my ear looking at my face. All of a sudden his eyes widen." Oh, my god, you're hurt, Y/N. Did you not notice this? I was confused. I wasn't in any pain. Maybe I still have a rush of adrenaline going through me, that's why I didn't notice it. But, I felt okay. I had a scratch on my temple, it was bleeding. "No, Ney. I'm okay, It's just a scratch, bebê. It must of happened when I hit the brake. I promise, I'm okay." I say to him, he's not convinced by my words at all. He grabs my hands and helps me step outside of the car. He presses me against the car and takes a longer look at it. He still hasn't looked at the mess. I decided to speak up. "Ney, did you see the mess?" I ask in a low tone. "I think we should go to the hospital. This could be serious. Do you feel dizzy or anything?" he asks, completely ignoring my question. "Ney? I'm sorry, I will fix it, I promise." I say to him, bringing back the question. "Meu amor, fuck the car. Do you hear me? You could've been seriously hurt. This could've been fatal if you didn't react this way. I know what you're thinking, but trust me, I don't have the tiniest thought of blaming you. I know you don't want to cause me any damage, but I truly believe I was blessed today. You're here next to me." he says all this quickly with his hands on my cheeks, kissing my forehead repeatedly.
We press our foreheads against each other. "Are you sure you're okay, Y/N? Please don't lie to me." "I'm okay, Ney. I promise." "I love you so fucking much. I've never been more scared in my life than the moment you called me crying about the crash." "I'm sorry. I love you too, amor. I fucking love you too."
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aboutchriss · 1 year
Stray kids as cars
Author note: okay so, I think that this needs a little explanation, I grew up between cars and motorbikes because my grandpa used to work as a mechanic.
When I was little and even now I see cars as people, I swear I’m not crazy but there’s some cars that are happy, some cars that are angry, some cars that are sad, so I thought that it would be fun to write this thing.
I’ll probably do the same thing with motorbikes. :)
Interactions and reblogs are appreciated! expecially bc I put my blood and soul on this thread
You can find the maknae line here
Please don’t do stupid shit while you’re driving, drive responsibly and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE
I’m so insicure about my English, as I said it’s not my first language and I’m always scared to make mistakes or stuff like that, so if you find mistakes please let me know, I’ll be thankful and also my English will improve!
Tags: @ilevaar 💛
Expensive and fast
above $58.000
Black it’s THE color for this expensive baby
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Literally the leader of the road
You need a huge pair of balls to drive this beast
Has a passenger seat but you NEED to trust the driver in order to enjoy the trip, and if the driver was Chris, man I would sleep like a baby, he’s a responsible king and I love it.
Hand on your thigh, or YOUR hand in his thigh is a must, definitely he has blankets in the back seat in case you get cold.
Everyone has their eyes on this car.
It belongs to German highway (Germans highway has no speed limit)
very comfy you can do the naughty naughty things in it
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Once again expensive and fast
above $60.000
Cute and small but has a beast in it
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Usually used for drifting, but if you drive this on the road everyone it’s going to be like OMG THATS A SUPRA
Purple/pink it’s THE color for this car
Comfortable as fuck but it’s only for two people, so that’s the right car to bring only your s/o in it
as I said it's small but nothing can stop the naughty naughty things
It’s a softie on the road but with the motor that it has, people it’s going to see only your butt cheeks hehe
Once again, belongs to the German Highways and Tokyo (you know Tokyo drift)
as I said It has a passenger seat but since I can’t drift (yet) I’ll let the driver do it
If Changbin was the driver his hand would be GLUED to your thigh and definitely has some good playlists to enjoy the trip and some good snacks
(Yes, he’s part of the snacks)
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once again this beauty it's expensive as fuck
this car is RARE
LITERALLY just for a few people, in fact there's only seven examples in the whole world
above $ 3.690.000 (yes, you heard it right)
When I say fast I mean it 0-100 km/h in 2.8 seconds, do the math if you don't believe me
red it's THE color for this car
look at it, mad as fuck LITERALLY a beast
it has a passenger seat but honestly I would rather be the driver even if it scared the shit out me
Hyunjin would let you drive it because he turns on when he sees that you’re able to drive a beast like this
If he’s the driver he want physical contact so you guys hold hands or both of your legs are straight on his lap
not too comfy for the naughty naughty thing
Since this car is rare you have to be careful where you drive it, but definitely once again belongs to the German Highway even if I would protect it with my life✋🏼
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(Don’t come at me I have expensive taste okay)
I mean look at this its Minho coded
Expensive and of course fast
This car is HUGE since it’s a suv
Above $230.000
0-100 km/h in 3.3 seconds
Black it’s THE color for this car
This bitch it’s fast, and I’m proud to say that this piece of art is made in Italy
Another car of my dreams but I’m still poor af
This car gives me such a big dick energy that I can’t even explain (so definitely Minho coded)
It’s big, spacious and comfortable definitely a place where you can do the naughty naughty stuff
This car belongs to the german highway (yes, once again) and the street of some fancy city like Monte Carlo or Courmayeur
I would love to be the driver of this piece of art but if I think about Minho hands-on-the-steering-wheel fuck it okay? He can drive it.
he needs to touch you so hand on your ties or locked in yours is a must
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I spent two days working on this so please don’t let it flop.
As always requests are open!���
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xxavengingangelxx · 9 months
Somewhere Only We Know - Epilogue
I'm conflicted as to whether or not I should post this. It's a cliffhanger. I just can't seem to let go of this fic! I want to add more to the epilogue but can't seem to get sudden writer's block. :( I figured something is better than nothing since I promised an epilogue. Just don't hate meeee! I plan on adding to it it just won't be too long.
Notes: No trigger warnings in this one :)
Taglist: @unicorngirly1, @shepgurl, @bellgraves, @lily-lily131313, @sharksausages
“What’re you doing over there?”
Graves was tossing something, some papers, with some handwritten notes, into the dying embers of the fireplace. You were on the couch, a tiny 3-month-old next to you, sound asleep. Well, he sure hadn’t felt small when he was being born.
“Nothin’,” Graves responded. He wiped his hands on his jeans.
“Yeah well that ‘nothin’ is gonna get you burned, commander,” you responded with a smirk.
“Just some useless notes,” Graves shrugged. He sat next to you roughly. Almost collapsed next to you. He sighed, almost as if he had just ridded himself of something that had been weighing on him.
“If you wake him up, he’s yours for the night,” you quipped.
“I don’t mind,” he grabbed beer.
“So gonna get drunk when he’s done breastfeeding,”
“No, the hell you are, Val,”
Graves was gone in the morning but you were expecting him to be. CIA had called. It was the first time since…well since you’d decided to go with Graves in Las Almas all those months ago that he had given you free reign of the house. No Graves, no Shadows. Just you and Rett.
A new hit job with the CIA had promised a big payout. So Graves had taken himself and his top men on it. Other Shadows were overseas while still other groups were working jobs all over the US. Graves had stopped gong overseas at your request, though.
Things were quiet, settled down. Finally.
Congress had come knocking a week back. Again. They had again pressed you on whether or not you had been tortured at the hands of Shadow, even going as far as interviewing you behind locked doors. Without Graves. You remember they had asked you why you looked tired and if you’d been coached the night before. And you remembered telling their stupid asses that no, geniuses, you had not been coached, but that you had a 3-month-old at home and that was why you were tired.
They gave up after two days of questioning.
But now you and Graves were free of Congress’s hypocritical bullshit.
And you had free reign of your house. You two finally had a house. Granted it was in the middle of nowhere in northern Texas, close to Oklahoma, but it was a house. It was chilly in the house this morning because it was cold outside and there was something wrong with the heater. Graves said he’d found someone to stop by and look at it and to just keep an eye out for the person.
In the meantime, you had on extra layers and Rett was bundled up.
You couldn’t go too crazy at home. There were cameras in every common area of the house.
There was a knock on the door and you checked the outside camera before seeing it belonged to a heating and air-conditioning company. You opened the door…and were taken aback.
The man was much taller and stockier than he had initially appeared on the camera.
When he greeted you, he had a unique accent. One you wanted to place. It was on the tip of your tongue but your exhausted brain was refusing to work.
“Your husband called?”
“Yes, sir,” you smiled, but only out of politeness. You reminded yourself that you were alone.
“I’ll get you and your son all fixed up,”
You…when had you told him you had a son? Maybe he had seen the SUV with the huge car seat, clearly for a boy, outside, you reasoned.
“My name’s Andrei,”
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sumerus-little-sprout · 5 months
Pinecones and Primroses~ A Cyno x Tighnari fanfiction
“Hello, jolly campers! Welcome to Stellar Moments summer camp! Get ready for a summer filled with fun, adventure, excitement, and most of all……”
“Stellar moments!” The chattering audience exclaimed excitedly in unison. Tighnari gave a light smile to his best friend as he linked his arm to his. “I can’t believe we’re finally here Cyno, Summer camp!” 
Cyno observed the environment that surrounded him as he twirled his hair with his finger. The fresh air was pure from nature, the campers in little groups on their own buzzing about what cabin they might be in, the councillours taking a head count of everyone, the soft grass under his feet littered with weeds and tiny pinecones. 
“I never understood why you were so excited to come here, Nari.” He scoffed unimpressed, although his affectionate use of his friend’s nickname indicates otherwise. “It’s just…trees and grass and plants and……you know what, never mind.” Cyno teased Tighnari, giving him a mischievous grin “This place must be like heaven to you.” Tighnari gave him a petulant pout as he shoved Cyno away playfully.
“I like stuff other than plants!” he protested, his tail swaying from side to side. “Like, fungi! And…..um…” Cyno laughed at him frowning, struggling to come up with any non-botanical related hobbies. “Reading! Yeah, reading!”
“I have no idea how you’ve managed to convince me anyway,” he grumbled slightly childishly, his grin replacing with a frown. Tighnari grinned himself and chuckled softly “Stop complaining so much you big lummox!” he retorted cheekily “Or are you just upset we might be doing something in the summer holidays that ISN’T training?”
Cyno blinked, taken aback by Tighnari’s sudden comeback, and stuck his tongue out at him smiling “Fine, fair enough.” he admitted, blowing a wisp of his long, soft white hair out of his face “We’re both strange teenagers. Happy?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Tighnari said, wrapping his arm over his best friend’s shoulder “Because we are going to make this the best summer ever!”
Cyno gave Tighnari a usually rare soft smile that he has grown to love, then unexpectedly poked Tighnari in the cheek “Nari.” He looked at Cyno in amusement “Hm?”
He didn’t answer, instead consistently poking Tighnari’s cheek “Nari, Nari, Nari, Nari.” “Whatttttt?” Tighnari asked. For some weird reason, his friend’s voice was getting more…feminine?! And high-pitched. It actually sounded like……
Tighnari jolted awake, his long ears ringing at the sudden and unwarranted interruption. He took a while to process where he was at the moment, still half asleep. He found himself in his dad’s stale SUV, with him at the wheel and Cyno’s adoptive father Cyrus in the front seat next to him, chattering about the classes he took at the school where they were attending, the Akademia.
He took in the stale scent of the old grayed interior of the car as his little sister constantly poked his face with an annoyed pout from the middle seat she was sitting in. 
“I was asking you a question,” she stated, folding her arms and glaring at him. Tighnari sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck “Sorry Collei,” he apologized “I was just really tired.”
“I wish the stupid camp bus didn’t have to leave so early.” Cyno offhandedly grumbled from his seat next to the window. This just made Collei frown even harder than she already had been.
“Well, I had to get up too, AND I’M NOT EVEN GOING!! So listen up!”
“Alright Collei, what is it?” Tighnari asked, leaning into his seat. 
“Can I get your room if you get murdered by Hilichurls?” she asked, her eyes glinting mischievously as she hid her laughter. Tighnari raised his eyebrows in amusement. 
“I’m not going to get murdered by Hilichurls!” He says, tickling his little sister, who erupts into peals of laughter. “But if I do, I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you if you even think of touching my stuff!”
Cyno glanced at the two laughing and gave a small smile before looking out the window, eyes glassy. Tighnari glimpsed at Cyno, leaving Collei alone and resting his chin on his palm wondering what he was thinking about.
He wore a greyish-colored t-shirt over a long white-sleeved shirt with a skull on it. Along with having multiple piercings on his ears, he had a long silver chain with a pendant of the Egyptian god, Anubis on it which he fiddled with. He had never seen him without that damn chain. After all, it was his only connection to his real parents.
“You seem quiet today,” Tighnari whispered softly, prodding Cyno’s shoulder with a coy smile. Cyno shrugged his shoulders but didn’t divert his attention away from the mirror. “C’mon, you can’t be THAT upset about going to summer camp,” Tighnari said, tugging his sleeve in the hope of a response “I’d be all alone if you didn’t come with me.”
Cyno gazed at his friend, took his hand, and gave it a little squeeze, which gave warmth to Tighnari’s fingertips “You know I’ll be with you when you need me to be Tighnari,” he said “After all, you were always there for me. Especially when I needed you the most.”
Collie, feeling increasingly bored, poked Cyno’s shoulder interrupting the two. Tighnari raised his eyebrows, slightly annoyed by the interruption but not showing it. “Will YOU get murdered by Hilichurls Cyno?” she asked, shuffling in her seat.
“Collei, it’s rude to ask something like that!” Tighnari hissed under his breath. Cyno however, lightly held Collei’s shoulder and looked her in the eye seriously.
“If I go to summer camp and never come back, I expect you to protect my TCG collection with your life,” He said, Tighnari letting out a snort of amusement “Am I clear?”
Collei grinned widely and nodded her head aggressively “Yes sir! I won’t let you down!”
“Quiet down back there you three!” Tighnari’s father exclaimed from the front seat, tapping his finger on the steering wheel with him and Cyrus poring over a large map of the forests in the area. All that lay in front of them was an open barren road, trees surrounding every side and corner of the area. “All of these trees look the same!” Cyrus stressed, crumpling the corners of the map to navigate their location in vain.
“Actually, these trees are coniferous. The trees we saw a couple of moments ago were deciduous. But that is beside the point!” Tighnari’s father argued. Drops of water started to patter against the car’s glass, the wind pace picking up outside. “Wonderful,” he grumbled, activating the windshield wipers “Now it’s raining.”
“Are you SURE we are going the right way?” Cyrus asked as he thrust the map close, peering over it with a mix of desperation and irritation, which made him frown even harder, furrowing his brows as he shoved the map away. “Of course I am.” Tighnari’s father lied. The kids silently watched the ongoing argument in the backseats before Tighnari piped up “Why couldn’t we just use a GPS,” he complained “Y’know, like NORMAL people!” The rain outside started to pick up, lightning flashing across the sky.
“I don’t need a GPS!” Tighnari’s father snapped at him “I’ve got it covered.” “This is the trip to Liyue all over again,” Cyno muttered under his breath, picking at his nails, bored of the same scenery repeating itself.
Cyrus tapped Tighnari’s father’s shoulder nervously. “Ummm, maybe we SHOULD check the GPS,” he said “Y’know, just in case.” Collei looked at her father anxiously, as Tighnari frowned when thunder boomed in the distance and Cyno slouched, resigned. He sighed in defeat “Fine. Maybe we could take a look at the GPS.” he muttered, pulling out his phone from his pocket, ears in tail twitching in exasperation. “There’s no signal!”
Cyno exhaled as he rested his chin on his palm. “We would’ve gotten there hours ago if Lisa was driving,” he mumbled. Now was Cyrus’ turn to snap at him “We are perfectly fine going on trips without Lisa!” he retorted.
Collei silently tugged Cyrus’ shoulder, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Yes dear?”
“What’s the name of the summer camp again?”.
“It’s Stellar moments. Why?” her father asked. Collei silently pointed outside at an old, rotting sign that, sure enough, read ‘Stellar moments Summer camp’. “How did we not notice that before?” Cyrus asked in disbelief as everyone gaped at the revelation of the sign.
“Never mind that!” Tighnari urged “Let’s go!”. They drove towards the direction of where the sign pointed, and they soon reached the camp bus stop. Luckily, the rain had stopped after a slight drizzle.
Everyone helped Tighnari and Cyno unload their luggage from the car as they bid their farewells before boarding the bus. “Have fun with the adventure scouts Collei!” Tighnari said, ruffling his sister’s hair with a slightly sad smile. Collie pouted, upset to see her brother leave and frustrated that she couldn’t join the two. “I’d rather be with you two,” she complained, hugging Tighnari “I’ll miss you..”
“I’ll miss you too Collei,” Tighnari said. “Become the best scout there ever was Colleiflower!” Cyno urged Collei, both her and Tighnari groaning at the pun. Tighnari gazed at his father and embraced him as well “I’ll miss you too Dad.” He gave his son a soft smile “Don’t forget to make some new friends, alright son?”
Tighnari nodded, wiping his eyes and smiling. Collie sniffled in sadness as Cyrus was lecturing his son. “Did you take sunscreen?” “Yes.” “Crossbow?” “Of course.” “Toothbrush?” “DAD!” Cyno exclaimed “I have everything. You should stop worrying about me so much.”
Cyrus gave him a wry grin “Alright alright. You and Tighnari look after each other okay?” Tighnari and Cyno looked at each other and nodded. Everyone gave their final goodbyes and it was finally time for everyone to go.
Collie, Cyrus, and Tighnari’s father went off to their car as Tighnari and Cyno lugged their luggage into the large trunk of the bus and went to find their seats on the bus. Most of the campers seemed to have already arrived, occupying most of the seats on the bus and buzzing with excitement.
Tighnari sat near the window and Cyno occupied the seat next to him, putting his backpack on his lap. Tighnari took his phone and a pair of earphones out of his pocket and connected them. He offered one of the sides of the earphones to Cyno and smiled at him. “Wanna listen to some music?” Cyno hesitantly accepted the earphone and put it in his ear as Tighnari turned on the music, laying his head on his shoulder.
When the tears are rolling down
Like a river to the ocean
And there's no one else around
You won't question my devotion
Everybody needs somebody
And you got me
You know that I know that you know that
Cyno looked at his friend, already fast asleep again on his shoulder. He looked rather peaceful, his side felt warm on his skin. Cyno couldn’t help smiling as Tighnari snored lightly, and gazed out of the window as the bus was starting to move slowly.
I'll be there for the highs and lows
Give you mine if your heart gets broke
By your side, when you're all alone
I will be there
When you're down, d-down on your luck
No ride home and you got too drunk
Two A.M. I'mma pick you up
I will be there, ay
Ayo and that's all for chapter one! Please reblog and tell me if ya like it!
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ontheshroom · 2 years
Excuse Me?
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Synopsis: The reader stands up for her relationship with Jack after an interviewer disrespects it.
You sit with an angry look on your face as the interviewer continues to disrespect you and Jack.
“So, Jack, was it hard to bag a girl like y/n? No one expects a pair like, well like you two.” Oh, he did not just ask and insinuate what you thought he did.
“I’m sorry, excuse me?” You ask him not caring to be professional anymore.
“Well, I just mean there are cultural differences and the two of you are so different.” He says making himself look even stupider.
“I think that you’re dumb. Why would it be hard to bag a girl like me with or without our cultural differences? Are you trying to say it’s harder to bag women with cultural differences than women without? You don’t think before you speak and it’s shown every time someone interviews with you. You’ve been disrespectful this whole damn time and I’m not about to just sit here and let you disrespect me and Jack. If you have any questions with actual substance let me hear them if not, we’re done.” The whole studio looked at you dumbfounded in silence.
“Okay, I guess you don’t. Have a good day to all the viewers and listeners and you, I hope you get educated real fucking soon.” You tell the interviewer walking out of the room.
Jack quietly gets up and follows you as the host has his assistant play music trying to de-escalate the situation.
“First of all, are you okay?” He asks looking you in your eyes as he watches you tap your pointer finger to your thumb like you always did when you’re upset.
You take a deep breath and nod, looking him in his eyes.
“Okay, good. Secondly, I really wanna fuck you.” Your eyes grow wide at his words.
You expected Jack to be angry with you, it was really off-brand for you to get angry like that, you were always really reserved and quiet. Neelam and Urban walk out of the room with big smiles on their faces.
“I knew you had it in you!” Neelam squeals as she wraps her arms around you.
“Nah, I saw the look on her face the whole time and knew she was gonna go off.” Urban chuckles.
Your face just stays blank. You’re not happy you acted out like that, it wasn’t your brand, and you hate that you let someone change you like that.
“I just wanna go home, y’all.” You tell them walking away and to the front of the building where the SUV arrived is parked.
You walk out of the building and into the SUV sitting closest to the left door in the backseat looking out the window. You absent-mindlessly bounce your leg getting flashbacks from your actions. The rest of the crew fills the car and the driver pulls off to drop you and Jack off at your apartment under Neelam’s instructions. Jack puts his hand on your leg which shook under his hold.
“It’s alright, babe. No one is gonna look at you differently.” He whispers in your ear.
“I’m looking at me differently, that’s what I care about.” You tell him looking out the window your annoyance with yourself just growing.
Jack doesn’t say anything else to you until you walk into your apartment and kick off your shoes.
“Stop being so hard on yourself.” He says pushing you against the door and trapping your body against his. You could feel how he was aroused he was.
“Seems like you’re the one who’s hard on me right now.” You chuckle reaching your hand down to stroke him through his pants.
He grabs your hands with both of his and pins them above your head.
“This is about you, not me.” He whispers against your neck, kissing it harshly surely leaving marks.
A light moan slips past your lips as he slips his knee in between your thighs and grinds it against you.
“You looked so hot standing up for yourself. You did so well.” His praise made your knees feel weak.
“I need more, Jack.” You breathe out the feeling of his knee not nearly enough for what you really want.
He chuckles, pulling his mouth away from your neck to look you in your eyes taking in the needy look in them. He nods towards the room and backs away from you. He laughs as you nearly run to the room shedding yourself of your clothes on the way. You lay on the bed waiting for him to walk in. A smile is plastered on his face as he walks in taking in how you lay fully nude in front of him while he has all of his clothing on. He takes in the curve of your boobs and the slickness between your thighs that’s fully on display for him. He slowly removes his shirt staring at your body. You bite your lip at him being shirtless, his muscles doing things to you that you couldn’t put into words. He takes off his pants and boxers his hard dick bouncing out. Your heart rate quickens at the sight of your nude boyfriend. He shakes his head and chuckles. He wraps his fingers around your thighs and pulls you towards him causing a laugh to slip from your lips.
“I love you.” He smiles as he leans down and places a kiss on your lips.
“I love you too.” You smile against his.
He slowly slides into you, a moan slipping from your lips. His first stroke and slow and deep allowing you to adjust to his size the ones that follow after that are fast and rough.
“You’re so good, ma.”
“You make me so proud.”
“So proud you stood up.”
“Fuck, You’re so good for me.”
Jack groans, the praise, and his strokes making your head foggy.
“Just like that, Jack, keep going.” You moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he rubs your clit with his thumb.
The wet noises of him thrusting in and out of you fill the room, drawing you even closer to the edge.
“Cum for me, ma, I’m close.” Jack groans speeding up his pace.
Your legs shake as you feel that knot in your stomach let go. You squirt all over him making him groan loudly and cum in you.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans as he cums.
He pulls out and smiles as you lay fucked out on the bed. He grabs a towel and gently wipes you down before you crawl to the top of the bed and get under the cover. He wipes himself off before getting into the bed next to you.
“I really am proud of you, ma. I know you’re not proud of what you did, but you’ll wake up tomorrow proud that you did it.” He reassures, wrapping his arm around your body and pulling you closer to him.
“I feel better already, shit.” You chuckle, feeling his body vibrate from laughter under yours.
“Always down to be of service.” He laughs.
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True Detective: Shadow Land
Chapter 1: Welcome To Hard Times
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(After True Detective: Night Country) Chief Elizabeth Danvers finds herself going back to revisit some old demons when missing Inapiut children go missing that tears the town of Ennis, Alaska apart. An unofficial sequel story following Liz Danvers and Evangeline Navarro aka my pitch for season 5 with them.
A/N: I'm a very big fan of Moby's music so hearing "This Wild Darkness" in episode 4 was like watching your team win the Superbowl
August 2, 2024
It had been several months since Danvers had last heard Holden’s voice beneath the ice. She had thought she was finally able to move on from him. She thought she was at peace. No nightmares since that surreal night at Tsalal station. Every once in a while she would have visions of Clark’s frozen body out on the snow. Tonight was different. Her dreams would be about Evangeline now. She hasn't seen her since April when Liz disappeared after she said goodbye at Liz's lake house. Tonight's dream was of Evangeline and Holden together, it was sweet, they were smiling together. Just the three of them in the dream. No one was hurting them.
Liz woke up to the daylight shining through the floor to ceiling windows, squinting her eyes hoping to see Navarro on the porch. Nothing. She picked up her phone checking to see if she got anything from her. She couldn't stop thinking about them. What they were. It was more than friendship. Liz couldn't help but admit inside she missed her greatly, that she wished she knew where she was. Would Navarro even want to be found? Liz didn't want to jump to the thought that she could be dead somewhere. Navarro could hold her own. She knew that.
“I can't come back to Ennis.”
Those words shook Liz to her core, but she understood why. The town was a fever dream. People will disappear and it will be considered normal.
Liz got dressed in her weather appropriate clothes that were not her uniform this time. Black jeans and a canvas black jacket. Although it was going into fall, she hadn't been able to see her for the majority of the summer. The blonde dialed up her number once again waiting for someone to talk on the other end.
“The number you have reached has been disconnected-”
“Fuck!” Liz slammed her phone down and chugged down the last of the coffee in her mug and thought about everything related to the younger woman that had happened. She couldn't bear to think about the night at Tsalal without breaking down in tears about it. She felt stupid for having emotion at 7 in the morning. She thought about going to look for her. Holden's bear. Shit that's right she left the bear at her house. As Liz sped down the terrible roads, she thought about the conversation with Navarro the last time they spoke at the lakehouse. How they both looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Danvers cried herself to sleep that night, holding a pillow like it was her partner's body. The next day she continued her job at the station like nothing had happened. She shoved it all the way in the back of her memory where she wouldn’t be able to think about it for awhile, until the next time she had a mental breakdown in the kitchen, in the breakroom when no one else was around. Evangeline left one written note. A few lines about how she cares about her and that she hopes she’ll be okay, and that it’s okay to be not okay.
“You know where to find me.”
The crisp air hit Liz’s face as she exited the suv, she found that the door was once again unlocked. Nothing had changed. She hasn't visited in at least a month. Liz had come to accept that her partner would never come back. This morning it looked like her view would continue down that path.
Liz felt another ache in her heart as she went back home to start her day. She swore to herself she wouldn't cry again about her unless her body was found.
She managed to push down her feelings once again by ignoring all those thoughts, she's been doing what Evangeline told her to do in the letter. Go to therapy, but Liz hasn't been very truthful to the therapist either. She'd mostly try to only talk about Leah as if Navarro never existed. Nothing has helped with forgetting her for the most part. She's alone all the time except for when Leah will come home late at night, usually past 12.
Liz closed the door behind her only to feel someone's hot breath on the back of her head. She didn't dare to turn around.
“Don't scream.” The figure said.
Liz could recognize that voice from a mile away. She couldn't bear to let it out now but her voice cracked. “Let me see you.”
“Turn around Liz.”.
Liz turned around. The woman she mourned was standing in her living room. They looked into each other's souls. For a moment Liz swore she could feel her body get warmer.
Evangeline began to speak. “You forgot I'm a lockpicker-”
Liz slapped her. She didn't know why, but it felt right. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She observed the younger woman's face. She looked like she hasn't slept in a long time, like she's spent her night staying up focusing on something she cannot control. Liz stared at her in disbelief.
“The fuck is wrong with you! You can't even wake me up to say goodbye? Instead you- left me a note- I searched for your ass for months!” She yelled not caring if she spat.
“I know you have-”
“Oh? So you've been spying on me too? I thought you were dead! That it had been that long since anyone saw you and that you were out on the ice somewhere. I fucking mourned for you! I didn't know if you were hurt…if you were struggling, if you were- fuck!” She ran a hand through her hair. Her lips trembled with pain.
Navarro took note and lowered her head. “I know you went to my house today. I've been watching you since I left basically. I only came back because someone asked for my help, and that's why I'm here-...”
Liz went to the kitchen and popped some vitamins while she was listening until there was silence. “What? They're vitamins. I'm an old fart, if I want to keep movin’ I gotta take these.”
“I know. Which by the way, watching you try to put on your shoes is entertaining as shit.”
“Fuck you…oh Jesus you didn't see me during bedtime did ya?”
“No, I looked the other way. Anyways I'm here because I need your help on this case with the Inupiat. This cannot be involved with Prior and everyone at the station. Just us.”
“Oh fucking hell- you come back here and expect me to join you after this shit?” Liz shook her head.
“I didn't. The women do. The children are missing, Liz.”
“Then why don't they call us?”
“They don't trust y'all to help, except you. Only because you were with me and gave the autopsy info to them.”
Navarro walked to her and reached for her hand but Liz pulled away quickly.
“Liz I-”
“No…no. Not after this…” Liz wiped her eyes. “Some nights you're here with me, and we would talk. I actually hated myself for how I treated you.”
“I thought about you. All the time. I haven't stopped thinking about you, Liz. Trust me, I did. I still hold on to what happened at Tsalal.” Her voice cracked too. “I felt you slip away from me-”
“Shut up. Stop it…” Liz put on her utility belt and walked out the door. “Get in the car and drive me wherever.”
“You…have you been sleeping?” Liz turned to face her, looking at the black eye that was fading away. “Who hit you? I'll kill em.” Before Liz could think about what she was going to say, she spat it out.
Navarro glanced at her and sighed. Liz hasn't been this attentive in forever. Especially threatening a nonexisting perpetrator. That was new. “I got hit by a fucking tree branch, and no, I haven't.”
“You shouldn't be driving.”
“I'm fine.” She got uncomfortable quickly. “So, who was that woman parked out of your house on Monday? Nice looking woman, quite young right?”
“Jesus Christ Navarro. That's my cousin, and she's in her 50s.”
“Oh. Well I was curious because it was weird that you closed the curtains.” She assumed the hotness ran in her family.
“Why were you spying on me in the first place?
“Long story but short story is I was making sure you were okay.”
“Uh huh.”
Liz leaned her head against the seatbelt strap and thought about what Navarro could have seen at her house.
“It's been several months. How's dating? I mean we know you've fucked every guy in town so I don't know who else is left unless Ms Danvers is into women-”
“Can we just not talk? I haven't seen anyone since before Tsalal. Now shut it.”
“That's surprising.”
“What part of shut it do you not get?”
“Hey I'm just trying to ease back into conversations. I don't care about what sex you date Liz…I just, really fucking missed you and I didn't have a choice about a lot of things. I missed a lot of things…we’re here.”
As they stood at the doorstep Navarro leaned towards her. Liz was taken aback until she realized she was fixing her shirt under the jacket. Navarro toyed with the zipper and held Liz by the biceps.
“What are you doing?”
“You're skinny. You need to eat more.”
Liz scoffed and released from her grasp. “Sorry I wasn't eating because I was scared shitless about you. Thinking my friend was dead!”
Navarro crossed her arms acting like she was trying to assert dominance. “You haven't changed one bit since Tsalal. A woman in this field needs to be built for the job.”
“You should've told that to Connelly when he was still working there ya know?”
“We're not talking about him-”
The door opened in front of them. Liz ran her hand through her hair again and straightened her back. Liz changed almost completely since Tsalal. Peter would say she was extremely generous towards the other cops, her sarcasm and bluntness was still there but she thought of others thoroughly and made sure everyone at the station was good to work each day.
“-...” Liz didn't speak. She could already feel the horror through the pain in the woman's eyes.
“Last time we talked I believe it was about an autopsy?”
“That is correct…ma'am.”
She moved out of the way to let them in where her and Navarro sat down in the chairs they were in last time. Liz took off her hat and looked around the room, the same 11 women were there. They had looks on their face full of sadness, confusion, rage. Liz felt their pain, she felt the same sorrow when she lost her baby boy. She gulped and looked at Navarro, who had several small scabbed cuts on her face, hair looked dirty. Liz’s gaze was directed when Sutres Meli knocked on the wood.
“I’m going to be very blunt, white woman. Our children are missing. All of their children are missing. They’re disappearing from us. We don’t know how or why. We want answers, we want them back.”
Liz gulped and took out her small notepad from her pocket with a pen. “I would like to talk to each of the parents.”
“Fine, but we want justice. We want our babies back alive.”
“Ms. Meli, I’ll do what it takes to find them-”
Liz nodded and Sutres removed herself from the seat. Each woman would sit across from her at the table where they each gave their name, name of the kid, where they were last seen, when they vanished. Every possible detail of what happened. This went on for about 45 minutes. Most of them broke down into tears as they spoke. When Liz was done Navarro leaned into her ear. “We can’t bring the feds into this.”
Liz was puzzled. “Why?”
“Because everyone outside this house thinks I’m dead.”
“You’re going to return to society if you like it or not, I don’t have time to put up with this.”
“You don’t get to decide that Liz!”
“Cut the shit Navarro! We have 23 missing children! Just in this town! We’ll talk about this later-”
One of the women came up to her. Eyes wetted. Liz changed her attitude. “Where Gavin disappeared, I want you to look at where he last was…”
“Take me.”
The woman walked them to the house where Liz got a glimpse of his room, the childhood innocence left behind by sorrow. Liz looked at the walls. The child's paintings from school pinned to a bulletin board.
Liz held it together well being reminded of painting with Holden. She had to stop, to get over him already, he died almost a decade ago and she was still mourning. “A mother’s love for her child never fades.” She ran her fingers over the paper, the constant reminder that Holden was gone and all that was left was his paintings. Liz snapped out of it when the mother gathered her attention to the back shed.
“I asked him to bring in our broken flower pot, we were going to fix it up- After 10 minutes of him not coming back inside, I got worried so I came out here and…he’s gone.”
Navarro looked inside, the pot of dirt shattered on the wooden floor. “Something ain’t right about this Liz.”
“No shit…” She mumbled. Liz observed the wooden floor, rather it being like a weird residue splashed on to it creating an oily finish. Crouching down looking closer at it, a red dot caught the corner of her eye. She looked closer, A dried drop of crimson.”
Liz’s heart sank. Did this mean anything could be permanent? No. Did it mean something. Yes. In Liz’s eyes this person must’ve been very good at this, has obviously done it before. The sun beated through the clouds and on to her back, starting to get warm and overwhelmed. “You have a UV light on you by any chance?”
“It’s a keychain-”
“That’ll work.”
Liz pressed down on the button and let the ultraviolet light hit the work. Smears of blank residue were on the wood. Liz knew from her years what this was but it was extremely rare since when most people clean up blood it never goes away, but there’s one chemical that can get rid of it entirely. “What is it?” Navarro observed her face.
“Whoever this is…they know what they’re doing. Do you know what this is Ange?”
Evangeline was surprised by that nickname. Liz hadn’t used it since before Eve killed that bastard back when they were on good terms. “No Liz.”
“I’m not 100% sure, but this person almost left no evidence. There’s one chemical that can get rid of what blood leaves behind. The stuff in Lysol, hydrogen peroxide, and no, not straight out of the can, but the unfiltered, pure chemical. You can’t inhale that shit. Nor can you get it at a Walmart. Shit, you need a special license I think, I don't’ know. I think you can only get it by being a chemistry teacher or something.”
“So, time to call everyone?”
Liz gave her a stare. “Yes. I’m calling Prior and you’re going back to my place, you’ll stay hidden if that’s what you really want, but come up with a story fast if you want to come back…I want you to come back. We miss you…” Liz looked away from her and stood up to call the station. “We need everyone on this. 23 children missing, so far. I have a shed I need specialists on.
Pete Prior talked to them first. Evangeline decided to make a return to society and came up with a decent story of how she just wanted to disappear. Pete hugged her and had a full reunion. Liz gave a soft smile and talked to the rest of the cops. Connelly was gone thank god. He got fired at the very least. By the time everyone took notes from the families it was dark out and getting cold fast. Liz heard whispers about how Trooper Navarro was back from the dead or some shit like that. Her blonde strands of hair got in her face, she admired Navarro’s presence from afar. Liz stood by herself on the rocks and put her gloves on. “Everyone! This is the biggest case Ennis has seen. We owe it to these people big time. Our respect, their children. They’re good people. I will do whatever it takes to find these children. We all need to work together, but for now we need to get the feds involved. We cannot do this on our own!”
Liz walked over to Peter by the pickup truck and patted his back. He had one of those satellite phones that could call anyone anywhere. She always found that cool. “You on the phone with em?”
Pete hung up.
“So this is what you've been up to all day?”
“You got a problem?”
“I'd just appreciate it if you would let me know about this stuff beforehand?”
“I'm sorry, okay?” The corner of Liz's mouth stretched making a guilty face.
Pete sighed. “They’re going to be here next Thursday. For the whole team. A smaller team will be here Sunday.”
“Shit. Well it’s better than nothing. I’m going home. Fucking late, haven’t eaten anything today. Taking Navarro with me. Don’t let anyone know okay?”
“Of course Chief…be safe?”
Liz nodded before walking off. “Goodnight Pete.”
The car ride back to Liz’s lake house was silent. Liz couldn't believe everything that was happening. She wasn't built for this anymore. She wants to scream into the sky, to disappear into the night, it was all bringing back old memories. Now that Navarro was back she couldn’t bring herself to say the whole speech she prepared.
When they entered the house Liz took off her jacket and gave Evangeline a look. “You smell. Go take a shower. Your box of clothes is in the spare bedroom, your name's on it. I’ll make dinner.”
Evangeline felt extremely fortunate that someone cared for her this much. “Liz”
She popped open a beer from the fridge and looked up. “What?”
Navarro was going to say something about her drinking but when she saw her soft face with hardened edges, she let it go. “Thank you.”
For the first time in awhile Liz smiled the softest she could. The memories flooded back to them both. “We're friends right? You don't have to thank me.” Liz set down the beer and walked over to the much taller woman. Liz didn't think at the moment and caressed her cheek. “I'm just happy you're really here. That's all that matters in this moment.” She tried not to cry, she’s saving the tears for later. Right now she’s happy.
A half hour later Evangeline came out of the shower. Liz changed into some sweats, wanting at least some comfort in the dark hour. She made the burgers on the George Foreman grill and made the burger just how Navarro liked it; spicy ranch and pickles. Finding comfort in making the table made her feel mother-like in a way again. She shook the image of Holden from her head and sat down. Reading the texts on her phone. Peter saying how all of the crime scenes have traces of dried blood left behind. Everything that could come from that would be a horrible assumption.
Elizabeth Danvers: Ok. Get some sleep. Goodnight.
Evangeline came out of the room shortly after. Dressed in the sweat clothes she Left behind at her house from before. Liz looked up and stared at her. Taking off her glasses to get a better look. She looked breathtaking with her hair down, free from dirt and all. The tall woman sits down and digs into the burger. She clearly hasn't eaten real food in a long time.
Dinner was a silent fest unfortunately. Just nothing being said. Liz kelt waiting for Evangeline to say something but it was a bust.
After dinner Liz followed Evangeline to the bedroom where she just simply fixed up her bed for the other woman. Liz picked up Holden's polar bear and played with the off white hairs. Liz grew uncomfortable and broke the silence.
“Can I ask a question? Just one…”
“Did you have anywhere to stay?” She asked in a quiet, soft tone.
“Some dude's place. His place sucked.”
Liz nodded. “Are you hurt?”
“You said one question.”
“Okay I lied.”
“No…but I could use a massage right here?” Evangeline pointed to a part on her back above the shoulder blades. Liz patted the bed so Navarro could sit down while the older one tended to her. Liz pressed her fingers and thumbs deep into the sore areas, she let out whimpers of pain trying to not let them out of her mouth.
Liz gulped and rubbed the space between the collarbone and shoulder blades. Trying not to hurt her too much. Navarro flinched under her fingers with a hiss.
“Want me to stop?”
Danvers swung over her legs so she sat directly next to her on the bed. “I'll sleep on the couch tonight-”
“No you don't have to.”
“But I want to. You need lots of sleep, sleep in if you want. It's no use when you're nodding off on an empty stomach and all on a case. I know what that's like.”
“Okay Danvers.”
“You tired of talking to me?”
Evangeline gave her a glare. “Liz, I don't give a shit about that. It's just, I never wanted to die, I wanted to never be heard from again, but when Sutres came to me about it, I just did not want to believe, but I always wanted to come back to you. I can't stop overthinking about this, it has been haunting my sleep”
“Ange it's okay. Get some sleep. Here.” Liz put Holden's bear in her lap and rubbed her back. “He missed you too.”
When Liz left the room, Evangeline cried a little bit about Liz trusting her with the plush. About how Liz was so gentle with her, how she caressed her face. Evangeline liked her quite a lot, she grew on her over their shared time together. Before Wheeler, she truly was a mentor of hers. She knew Liz like the back of her hand. She thought about her dirty blonde strands of her hair, how they rounded her face so nicely, how her eyes crinkle when she smiles. Danvers was an attractive woman, no doubt about that, especially for her age. She was a sarcastic, blunt person and Evangeline was addicted to her attitude. How she presented herself. She took shit from no one. Being attracted to that legal senior was hard work. She soon fell into a deep slumber. She was back at Tsalal where that night would become the event that would haunt her.
"I'm sorry..." The older woman said. Almost a whisper. Her voice destroyed, sounding so hoarse, the pain and guilt finally leaked out.
Navarro held her close. She could feel her cold breath hit her skin. "I got you. I got you. It's okay." She turned her head so her lips were resting on her forehead. She gave Liz a peck and rubbed her back. The sound of her cries blended in with the howl of the wind outside.
When Evangeline woke up she heard the sound of splashing outside. The sun leaked through the crack in the curtains, the ray of sunshine hitting her directly in the eye. She pulled herself out of bed wondering what could make that sound. She unlocked the door and opened it. It was very mild out for Alaska, a wind chill for sure, but this time of year was nice. Out of the corner of her eye she saw water splashing from the lake by the end of the dock.
She ran to the edge of the dock getting ready to jump in when Liz's head came up from under the water. She had a grin on her face that confused Evangeline. “Were you about to come in and save me?”
“I thought you were drowning!”
Liz chuckled as she swam over to her, lifting herself out of the water and standing herself up on the dock. “Can you hand me my towel?” She asked about, being in some cargo shorts and a sports bra. She caught Evangeline staring at her soaked figure.
Navarro handed her the towel and shook her head. “What the hell are you doing out here?”
“That water is freezing. Do you do this everyday or?”
“I started when you left. I found myself afraid of water so my therapist recommended me doing some exercises for getting used to it again.” Liz saw Evangeline wasn't even looking her in the eyes but paying attention to her strong core. Liz dried herself and snapped her fingers. “Hey I'm talking. What? You surprised I'm not a skinny ass anymore?” Evangeline wanted to touch those rippling abs but god only knows what thoughts in her head would pop up later.
“You're still a skinny ass.” She quipped.
Liz rolled her eyes and whipped her on the ass with her towel. “Asshole.”
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Only the Strong Survive Ch. 3
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Series Summary: Lexie Weston is in a terrible, abusive marriage. In her mind and soul, she feels like she has no way out that won't result in her death. But something changes in her life to make her take the risk. Can she rely on Sheriff Beau Arlen to protect her like he said he would, or will this risk lead to ruin?
Pairings: Beau Arlen x Y/N (eventual)
Series Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut, Angst, Fluff throughout. A pretty slow burn, TW: Abusive marriage, Domestic abuse will be talked about throughout. Chapter warnings will be more specific
Word Count: 3,257
Chapter Summary: Lexie learns news that makes it imperative that she call the Sheriff and finally seek safety.
Chapter Warnings: TW: Domestic abuse mentioned, fear and anxiety due to abuse talked about throughout the chapter. Angst, sadness, abusive and demeaning language and behavior. TW: Discussion of loss of pregnancy, and being pregnant. Also Beau being the best and sweetest, and also a badass. That's definitely a warning!
A/N: So this will be my first Beau series. I already have 8,000 series on the go, so I thought, of course, that I had to make 8001. 😄 But this idea's been sitting in my head for a while so here it is. 😁 I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you do. Feedback is EVERYTHING to a writer, and I'd sure love to read what you thought.
Hope you enjoy Ch. 3!
The beautiful divider at the bottom was created by @firefly-graphics
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Beau pulled his big red truck to a stop just around the last bend before reaching the Weston land. He looked in his rearview mirror and saw his little armada of cars roll to a stop behind him. No sirens were turned on, and no one left their car which was what Beau had ordered.
He pressed the talk button on the radio he carried on his belt, the static click preceding his words.
“Alright, everyone, I’m gonna head up to the house, y'all hang back here. I’ll radio you when I’m ready for you to join us.”
The radio beeped and Poppernak’s voice came through. “I still don’t like the idea of you going up there alone, boss. I mean, I’ve seen this guy in action, and he’s nuts!”
Beau nodded as he spoke into the radio. “Exactly. He’s completely unstable. But I’ve built a bit of goodwill with this asshole, and if he’s there, he’s less likely to panic and do something stupid, if it’s just me showing up on his doorstep and not an entire fleet of cop cars.”
Beau took a deep breath. “Remember, we want to arrest this piece of crap, sure, but our main objective is to get Lexi Weston out of that house safe and sound. We can always come back to serve the arrest warrant.”
“10-4, boss.” Poppernak radioed back.
Beau clicked off and started down the road towards the Westons’. As he drove through the narrow break in the trees that led to the dirt yard in front of the cabin, Beau clenched his jaw tight. This is where Lexi was living? It wasn't much more than a shanty.
He stopped just in front of the house, and as he climbed out of the truck, he plastered his friendliest, most easy-going smile on his face. If the joker was back already, he didn't want anything to spook him ahead of time – not until he could either get Lexi alone for a minute, or get close enough to her that it was feasible he could grab her and tuck her safely behind him and his tac vest.
Beau walked slowly up the crooked steps that hung drunkenly on the outside of the cabin and knocked jauntily on the door. Seconds later, Lexi opened the door, eyes wide and scared.
“Good morning, Mrs. Weston. Is your husband home?” He asked in a tone that said he was merely curious.
But Lexi shook her head. “No, he’s not back yet.”
Beau breathed a sigh of relief and dropped his fake smile, exchanging it for a real one as he clicked on his radio.
“Okay, everyone, come on in. We’re alone here. Let’s move quickly.”
Within a minute the yard was filled with four cop cars, as well as Cassie’s SUV and Jenny’s truck. Beau watched Lexi’s eyes widen and he smiled at her gently. “We’re all here to keep you safe, Lexi.”
Cassie and Jenny came up the steps to stand behind him. Beau gestured towards them. “You remember Cassie Dewell, and this is Deputy Jenny Hoyt.”
The women both smiled at Lexi who simply nodded, still looking somewhat shell-shocked.
Cassie stepped forward a bit, her voice friendly and soft. “Hey, Lexi, do you have any bags packed?”
Lexi shook her head.  “No, I didn’t want to take the chance that he’d be back before you got here, and see them.”
Cassie nodded. “Of course. Are there things you want to take with you?”
Lexi bit her bottom lip, looking back into the house. “Maybe a few clothes and…and a shoebox.”
“Okay, we’ll come help you.” Jenny offered and the three women went inside. Beau followed, but stayed just inside the door, guarding it. As the three women walked around the small cabin gathering up what Lexi needed, Beau looked around the tiny, damp space that she called home.
The thing that broke Beau’s heart wasn’t the brutally sparse, hard living, or the way he could see sunlight stream in through some of the gaps in the walls. What made a lump catch in his throat were the tiny touches he could see around the cabin where Lexi had tried to make the shack a home.
There were a couple homemade rag rugs placed around the floor, some dried flowers hung on the wall for decoration, there were a few large, knitted doilies that draped over the backs of the hard wooden chairs, and a bright green woven basket that sat on the tiny table in the corner, holding onions and potatoes.
Thank God we’re getting her out of this, he thought.
Within a few minutes Lexi was good to go, but as they were approaching the door they heard a vehicle screech into the yard and then a door slam before Simon Weston’s voice was screaming out profanities.
“What the fuck is going on here? Get the fuck off my property! You got no right –“
He was cut off by Poppernak. “Simon Weston, you’re under arrest for spousal abuse and battery. You have the right to remain silent, anything you –“
Suddenly, Poppernak was cut off and the unmistakable sounds of a fight floated through the thin front door.
Beau looked back to see Lexi wearing an expression of absolute terror. He nodded to Cassie and Jenny. “Keep her in here, and keep her safe and covered.”
The women nodded and flanked Lexi, pulling her low to the ground and tucking her behind them. When he knew she was safe, Beau threw the door wide and strode out onto the front steps, gun drawn.  
His deputies were facing a knife wielding Simon Weston, their guns drawn as well, loudly urging him to drop the knife. He could see Poppernak on the ground, with a busted lip, meaning that Weston had punched him while the deputy was arresting him.
Great, I can add assaulting an officer and resisting arrest onto his charges, Beau thought as anger pumped through him.
Not wanting any of his deputies to have to kill this asshole, Beau took control of the situation.
“Simon Weston!” He yelled, loud and forceful enough to have the yard fall silent, and all attention focus on him. He pointed his gun, aiming right at the bastard’s heart.
“You are being placed under arrest for the continuous and ongoing abuse of your wife, Alexandria Weston.” Simon began spewing out threats and curses once again, but Beau yelled over him. “Enough! You make another threatening move with that knife and I WILL pull this trigger. Do you understand me? Drop it – NOW!”
When Weston still hesitated, glaring at Beau with pure hatred, Beau shook his head. “Don’t be stupid, Weston. You can’t win this.”
He pulled back on the slide of his pistol, cocking it, and his finger lovingly stroked the trigger. “I mean it, asshole. Don’t give me good reason to put you down like the rabid dog you are.”
Slowly, Weston bent to drop the knife on the ground, at which point Poppernak jumped back up and continued his arrest, re-mirandizing him as he clicked the cuffs around his wrists.
As he was being led over to the back of a sheriff’s department car, and then pushed inside it, Weston started spewing his vitriol once again.
“This isn’t over you bitch! You hear me? This a’int ever over! You won’t get away with this, I swear to you. You know you won’t get away with this! I’m coming for you, you fucking whore!”
Poppernak slammed the door on his tirade, but when Beau walked back into the cabin, he could tell that Lexi had obviously heard his threats. She was shaking, and as she tried to walk towards Beau, her legs wobbled and gave out, forcing him to lurch forward and catch her before she could crash to the ground.
He wrapped his arms around her tightly, partly to hold her upright, but also, instinctively trying to give her some feeling of security, safety. Cassie went to get her some water, and Jenny gathered up her things again, taking them towards the door.
“Come on, Lexi, let’s get you out of here.” She said in a strong, commanding tone. “You’ll never have to be back.”
Beau nodded and looked down into Lexi’s face as she pulled away from him a bit. “Jenny’s right, darlin’.” He said, unable to keep the endearment from slipping from his mouth, even though he knew it wasn’t professional. He couldn’t help it, couldn’t help his instinctive need to let her know she was safe and cared for. “You’re gonna leave this place, and you’re not coming back.”
He laid his hand on her cheek, desperate to try and clear the raging fear from her gaze. “That bastard can never hurt you again.”
Lexi nodded, still slightly dazed. Jenny double checked outside and then looked back at them. “He’s gone.” She reassured them, as they heard the cars outside, start up and drive away.
Beau nodded and squeezed Lexi’s hand before dropping it and guiding her to the door. “Then so are we.”
Lexi held the white porcelain cup tightly in her hands, willing the warmth from the mug to penetrate her icy fingers, while sipping at the bitter coffee with a grimace.
She’d been sitting in the slightly darkened interview room in the sheriff’s department for nearly an hour, and she was still shaking slightly. It wasn’t yet noon, but she was so exhausted, it felt like midnight. She couldn’t stop herself from going through the morning over and over again in her head.
What if the sheriff had arrived twenty minutes later than he did? Simon would have been back. She’d been a wreck; he would have known something was up. And if he’d figured out what she’d done, she would have been dead by the time the fleet of cars had arrived.
She knew his threats weren’t idle. She knew he meant what he’d said as they were shoving him in the car. He was going to kill her; he had every intention of doing so.
Was he somewhere in this building too? Could he escape? Maybe while they were uncuffing him, he’d attack them and get away…maybe he’d hunt her down in this building…maybe he’d get past the guard the sheriff had posted at the door…maybe he’d get his hands on one of the deputies’ pistol…maybe she’d pissed him off for the last time…maybe –
“Hey Lexi, so sorry to keep you waiting all this time.”
Sheriff Beau Arlen strode back into the room where he’d left her. He brought with him a calming air of safety, acting as a kind of sanctuary as he sat across the table from her.
In her mind’s eye she could see him again, the way he’d looked standing just outside the door of the cabin, legs braced wide, back and shoulders blocking out any glimpse of the chaos outside, as he threatened Simon, and kept her safe. She wrapped that feeling of security around her and it warmed her better than the coffee.
“Do you need a refill?” Beau asked, pointing at the mug in her hands.
She shook her head. “No, thanks, I’m good.”
He nodded. “Okay, so let me fill you in a little bit on what’s happening now.” He leaned forward in his chair, bracing his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers as though he was praying.
“Simon is locked up here for the weekend. The judge can’t see him before Monday for the arraignment. At which point, the prosecutor is going to request that he not be granted bail; we’re going to use the threats he issued against you as he was being arrested, as proof that he’s a danger if released.”
Beau smoothed his hand over his closely-cropped beard and cleared his throat. “Now, I don’t want to lie, there’s a good chance our request will be denied and it’s possible he could make bail.”
Lexi closed her eyes as her stomach lurched, trying desperately to keep from throwing up. “If bail is set, he’ll make it. He’s got a bunch of very loyal friends who think he’s god.”
She saw Beau scowl as she opened her eyes. “Well, it won’t matter because within a half hour, a social worker from Haven House will be here to take you to their building, which has an undisclosed address, and plenty of security, where you’ll be safe; where no one will be able to find you.”
Lexi felt her stomach plummet. “No, I wanna stay with you.” As soon as she said it, she realized how stupid it was to think that she could stay with Beau Arlen indefinitely. What was she going to do, live in his pocket, chain herself to him and make him watch over her forever?
It was just that, being near him was the only place she’d felt safe in years. But she shook her head before he could say anything.
“No, I’m sorry. Of course I can’t stay with you. I…I appreciate you finding a place for me.”
Beau ran a hand through his hair and the action cut through her fear and trepidation, to remind her that the man in front of her really was exceptionally beautiful. He was like a knight from the old King Arthur stories she used to read when she was little, shining and brave and true.
She shook her head over her ridiculousness, suddenly wanting to giggle over her silly swooning.  It had been a really exhausting couple of days.
Beau smiled at her gently. “There’s a big part of me that would like nothing more than to keep you in my sight continuously until that monster is in prison. But I know the people who run Haven House and they’re very good at their jobs. You’re gonna be so happy there, and even more importantly, so safe.”
Lexi nodded and tried to find a smile for him, for everything he’d already done for her.
Beau took a deep breath. “So, there is a lot of paperwork and interviews that you’re gonna be subjected to. They’re tedious and repetitive and will probably take a lot out of you, and I’m sorry for that. But they’re incredibly important to the investigation and trial going forward, so I’m gonna ask you to bear with us, and do your best to persevere, okay?”
Lexi bit into her bottom lip; she was so tired already, but she nodded. She’d do whatever it took.
Beau shook his head. “But not today. Today, you’re gonna go with Sarah, when she comes, and let them get you settled into your room at Haven House, where you are going to eat something delicious, and then get a good, long night’s sleep before the barrage of questions and paperwork starts tomorrow. Okay?”
He gave Lexi a bright, warm smile and it nearly brought tears to her eyes. To think of feeling safe and cared for was too much for her tired mind to accept.
Beau’s smile melted into a questioning look. “You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to. I mean, this isn’t anything official and I’m not taking notes here, but I’m just curious.” He took a deep breath. “What made you finally reach out?”
Lexi instinctively put her hand on her lower abdomen protecting the tiny something that was growing in her belly. She was quiet for a moment, and to his credit, Beau allowed her to speak in her own time; it was not something she was used to.
Finally she spoke just above a whisper. “Two years ago, I was pregnant.” She looked out the window, staring at the mountains she could see in the distance. She spoke quickly, as though saying it fast would lessen the pain. “At first he was excited, and I thought…I thought maybe this would change him, becoming a father, soften him.”
She shook her head. “But of course it didn’t. I was…sick a lot. My morning sickness was really bad, and he got fed up of the fact that I couldn’t get up and clean or cook without throwing up. When I entered my fourth month, he got even angrier, saying I was just making it up now because women didn’t get sick after the third month.”
Lexi looked at Beau and shook her head adamantly. “But I wasn’t lying, I swear.”
Beau scowled and Lexi felt a niggle of fear at the look of anger on his face, but she quickly realized it was anger on her behalf, not anger at her, when he nodded. “Of course you weren’t. My ex-wife was sick throughout her whole pregnancy, it happens.”
Lexi breathed softer and continued. “Anyway, he just got more and more frustrated and angry. I tried to keep up with everything, but I was so sick.”
She closed her eyes and rushed the rest out. “He got fed up with it one day and beat – beat me up really badly. I lost the baby. I think if I’d been well enough, or if he’d taken me to a hospital, I would have left him then, but he just had one of his buddies who used to be an EMT, come check me out.”
She shrugged and brushed away a tear. “And by the time I was physically healthy enough…well, I don’t know…I just gave up I think. But now…”
She put her hand on her stomach again and she saw Beau’s eyes widen in understanding as he sat back in the chair.
“You’re pregnant.” He said quietly, with a nod.
“Yes.” She confirmed. “And I just…I couldn’t let him do it again.” Her tears started in earnest again, and full of shame at her weakness, Lexi covered her face with her hands, and tried desperately to get a hold of herself.
Suddenly she heard Beau’s chair scrape as he pushed back and moved around the table. She pulled her hands away from her face to see him on his haunches beside her.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” He said, taking her hands, that were wet from her tears, in his big callused ones and squeezing them tightly. “I hope you know how incredibly brave you are to have done this, and I hope you know I’m going to do absolutely everything in my power to keep you safe.”
He smiled sweetly. “To keep both of you safe.”
Lexi sniffled and nodded just as a small knock came to the door. They both turned to look, and there was a tall, imposing woman standing just inside the door.
Beau jumped up and moved around the table to greet her. “Sarah, thanks for coming so quickly.” He gestured to Lexi and made the introductions. “This is Lexi Weston, Lexi this is Sarah Lancaster, the woman I was telling you about.”
Sarah walked up and shook Lexi’s hand in a tight, forceful grip. But despite her towering stature, and muscular frame, her face was suffused with kindness, her blue eyes warm and caring.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Lexi. We’re gonna take good care of you now, alright?”
Lexi nodded and gave a smile, feeling the faint embers of hope stir.
“Oh and Sarah,” Beau interrupted. “You’re gonna need a doctor to come take a look at Lexi. She’s gonna have a baby.” He gave Lexi a bright smile and for the first time since she’d seen the pregnancy test, she was excited about her child, instead of merely afraid and desperate.
It was a good start.
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the-fifth-rascal · 3 months
Pinecones and Primroses~ A Cynari fanfic. Chapter 1
 “Hello, jolly campers! Welcome to Stellar Moments summer camp! Get ready for a summer filled with fun, adventure, excitement, and most of all……”
“Stellar moments!” The chattering audience exclaimed excitedly in unison. Tighnari gave a light smile to his best friend as he linked his arm to his. “I can’t believe we’re finally here Cyno, Summer camp!” 
Cyno observed the environment that surrounded him as he twirled his hair with his finger. The fresh air was pure from nature, the campers in little groups on their own buzzing about what cabin they might be in, the councilors taking a head count of everyone, the soft grass under his feet littered with weeds and tiny pinecones. 
“I never understood why you were so excited to come here, Nari.” He scoffed unimpressed, although his affectionate use of his friend’s nickname indicates otherwise. “It’s just…trees and grass and plants and……you know what, never mind.” Cyno teased Tighnari, giving him a mischievous grin “This place must be like heaven to you.” Tighnari gave him a petulant pout as he shoved Cyno away playfully.
“I like stuff other than plants!” he protested, his tail swaying from side to side. “Like, fungi! And…..um…” Cyno laughed at him frowning, struggling to come up with any non-botanical related hobbies. “Reading! Yeah, reading!”
“I have no idea how you’ve managed to convince me anyway,” he grumbled slightly childishly, his grin replacing with a frown. Tighnari grinned himself and chuckled softly “Stop complaining so much you big lummox!” he retorted cheekily “Or are you just upset we might be doing something in the summer holidays that ISN’T training?”
Cyno blinked, taken aback by Tighnari’s sudden comeback, and stuck his tongue out at him smiling “Fine, fair enough.” he admitted, blowing a wisp of his long, soft white hair out of his face “We’re both strange teenagers. Happy?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Tighnari said, wrapping his arm over his best friend’s shoulder “Because we are going to make this the best summer ever!”
Cyno gave Tighnari a usually rare soft smile that he has grown to love, then unexpectedly poked Tighnari in the cheek “Nari.” He looked at Cyno in amusement “Hm?”
He didn’t answer, instead consistently poking Tighnari’s cheek “Nari, Nari, Nari, Nari.” “Whatttttt?” Tighnari asked. For some weird reason, his friend’s voice was getting more…feminine?! And high-pitched. It actually sounded like……
Tighnari jolted awake, his long ears ringing at the sudden and unwarranted interruption. He took a while to process where he was at the moment, still half asleep. He found himself in his dad’s stale SUV, with him at the wheel and Cyno’s adoptive father Cyrus in the front seat next to him, chattering about the classes he took at the school where they were attending, the Akademia.
He took in the stale scent of the old grayed interior of the car as his little sister constantly poked his face with an annoyed pout from the middle seat she was sitting in. 
“I was asking you a question,” she stated, folding her arms and glaring at him. Tighnari sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck “Sorry Collei,” he apologized “I was just really tired.”
“I wish the stupid camp bus didn’t have to leave so early.” Cyno offhandedly grumbled from his seat next to the window. This just made Collei frown even harder than she already had been.
“Well, I had to get up too, AND I’M NOT EVEN GOING!! So listen up!”
“Alright Collei, what is it?” Tighnari asked, leaning into his seat. 
“Can I get your room if you get murdered by Hilichurls?” she asked, her eyes glinting mischievously as she hid her laughter. Tighnari raised his eyebrows in amusement. 
“I’m not going to get murdered by Hilichurls!” He says, tickling his little sister, who erupts into peals of laughter. “But if I do, I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you if you even think of touching my stuff!”
Cyno glanced at the two laughing and gave a small smile before looking out the window, eyes glassy. Tighnari glimpsed at Cyno, leaving Collei alone and resting his chin on his palm wondering what he was thinking about.
He wore a greyish-colored t-shirt over a long white-sleeved shirt with a skull on it. Along with having multiple piercings on his ears, he had a long silver chain with a pendant of the Egyptian god, Anubis on it which he fiddled with. He had never seen him without that damn chain. After all, it was his only connection to his real parents.
“You seem quiet today,” Tighnari whispered softly, prodding Cyno’s shoulder with a coy smile. Cyno shrugged his shoulders but didn’t divert his attention away from the mirror. “C’mon, you can’t be THAT upset about going to summer camp,” Tighnari said, tugging his sleeve in the hope of a response “I’d be all alone if you didn’t come with me.”
Cyno gazed at his friend, took his hand, and gave it a little squeeze, which gave warmth to Tighnari’s fingertips “You know I’ll be with you when you need me to be Tighnari,” he said “After all, you were always there for me. Especially when I needed you the most.”
Collie, feeling increasingly bored, poked Cyno’s shoulder interrupting the two. Tighnari raised his eyebrows, slightly annoyed by the interruption but not showing it. “Will YOU get murdered by Hilichurls Cyno?” she asked, shuffling in her seat.
“Collei, it’s rude to ask something like that!” Tighnari hissed under his breath. Cyno however, lightly held Collei’s shoulder and looked her in the eye seriously.
“If I go to summer camp and never come back, I expect you to protect my TCG collection with your life,” He said, Tighnari letting out a snort of amusement “Am I clear?”
Collei grinned widely and nodded her head aggressively “Yes sir! I won’t let you down!”
“Quiet down back there you three!” Tighnari’s father exclaimed from the front seat, tapping his finger on the steering wheel with him and Cyrus poring over a large map of the forests in the area. All that lay in front of them was an open barren road, trees surrounding every side and corner of the area. “All of these trees look the same!” Cyrus stressed, crumpling the corners of the map to navigate their location in vain.
“Actually, these trees are coniferous. The trees we saw a couple of moments ago were deciduous. But that is beside the point!” Tighnari’s father argued. Drops of water started to patter against the car’s glass, the wind pace picking up outside. “Wonderful,” he grumbled, activating the windshield wipers “Now it’s raining.”
“Are you SURE we are going the right way?” Cyrus asked as he thrust the map close, peering over it w ith a mix of desperation and irritation, which made him frown even harder, furrowing his brows as he shoved the map away. “Of course I am.” Tighnari’s father lied. The kids silently watched the ongoing argument in the backseats before Tighnari piped up “Why couldn’t we just use a GPS,” he complained “Y’know, like NORMAL people!” The rain outside started to pick up, lightning flashing across the sky.
“I don’t need a GPS!” Tighnari’s father snapped at him “I’ve got it covered.” “This is the trip to Liyue all over again,” Cyno muttered under his breath, picking at his nails, bored of the same scenery repeating itself.
Cyrus tapped Tighnari’s father’s shoulder nervously. “Ummm, maybe we SHOULD check the GPS,” he said “Y’know, just in case.” Collei looked at her father anxiously, as Tighnari frowned when thunder boomed in the distance and Cyno slouched, resigned. He sighed in defeat “Fine. Maybe we could take a look at the GPS.” he muttered, pulling out his phone from his pocket, ears in tail twitching in exasperation. “There’s no signal!”
Cyno exhaled as he rested his chin on his palm. “We would’ve gotten there hours ago if Lisa was driving,” he mumbled. Now was Cyrus’ turn to snap at him “We are perfectly fine going on trips without Lisa!” he retorted.
Collei silently tugged Cyrus’ shoulder, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Yes dear?”
“What’s the name of the summer camp again?”.
“It’s Stellar moments. Why?” her father asked. Collei silently pointed outside at an old, rotting sign that, sure enough, read ‘Stellar moments Summer camp’. “How did we not notice that before?” Cyrus asked in disbelief as everyone gaped at the revelation of the sign.
“Never mind that!” Tighnari urged “Let’s go!”. They drove towards the direction of where the sign pointed, and they soon reached the camp bus stop. Luckily, the rain had stopped after a slight drizzle.
Everyone helped Tighnari and Cyno unload their luggage from the car as they bid their farewells before boarding the bus. “Have fun with the adventure scouts Collei!” Tighnari said, ruffling his sister’s hair with a slightly sad smile. Collie pouted, upset to see her brother leave and frustrated that she couldn’t join the two. “I’d rather be with you two,” she complained, hugging Tighnari “I’ll miss you..”
“I’ll miss you too Collei,” Tighnari said. “Become the best scout there ever was Colleiflower!” Cyno urged Collei, both her and Tighnari groaning at the pun. Tighnari gazed at his father and embraced him as well “I’ll miss you too Dad.” He gave his son a soft smile “Don’t forget to make some new friends, alright son?”
Tighnari nodded, wiping his eyes and smiling. Collie sniffled in sadness as Cyrus was lecturing his son. “Did you take sunscreen?” “Yes.” “Crossbow?” “Of course.” “Toothbrush?” “DAD!” Cyno exclaimed “I have everything. You should stop worrying about me so much.”
Cyrus gave him a wry grin “Alright alright. You and Tighnari look after each other okay?” Tighnari and Cyno looked at each other and nodded. Everyone gave their final goodbyes and it was finally time for everyone to go.
Collie, Cyrus, and Tighnari’s father went off to their car as Tighnari and Cyno lugged their luggage into the large trunk of the bus and went to find their seats on the bus. Most of the campers seemed to have already arrived, occupying most of the seats on the bus and buzzing with excitement.
Tighnari sat near the window and Cyno occupied the seat next to him, putting his backpack on his lap. Tighnari took his phone and a pair of earphones out of his pocket and connected them. He offered one of the sides of the earphones to Cyno and smiled at him. “Wanna listen to some music?” Cyno hesitantly accepted the earphone and put it in his ear as Tighnari turned on the music, laying his head on his shoulder.
When the tears are rolling down
Like a river to the ocean
And there's no one else around
You won't question my devotion
Everybody needs somebody
And you got me
You know that I know that you know that
Cyno looked at his friend, already fast asleep again on his shoulder. He looked rather peaceful, his side felt warm on his skin. Cyno couldn’t help smiling as Tighnari snored lightly, and gazed out of the window as the bus was starting to move slowly.
I'll be there for the highs and lows
Give you mine if your heart gets broke
By your side, when you're all alone
I will be there
When you're down, d-down on your luck
No ride home and you got too drunk
Two A.M. I'mma pick you up
I will be there, ay
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