#car scrap policy
motogadi · 2 years
Uttar Pradesh Approves Old Vehicle Scrapping Policy to Tackle Air Pollution and Boost Economy!
Great news! Uttar Pradesh has approved its old vehicle scrapping policy to promote cleaner and more fuel-efficient vehicles while reducing air pollution and improving road safety. #OldVehicleScrappingPolicy #UttarPradesh #RoadTaxRebate #motogadi
Uttar Pradesh has approved a new vehicle scrapping policy to reduce pollution levels. State Transport Minister Dayashankar Singh announced on Friday that the policy would provide a 50% tax and penalty rebate on vehicles older than 15 years, and a 75% rebate on vehicles older than 20 years. The move comes as automobile pollution remains a major issue in India and around the world. According to…
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nohoperadio · 3 months
I remember there was an episode of the CITV children's sitcom My Parents are Aliens (which I haven't watched in like 20 years so there may be misremembered details in this post) where Mel, the sort of rebellious teenager character, decides to protest against her school's uniform policy by wearing trousers, when the school requires girls to wear skirts. The main drama of the episode is a stand-off between her and the headmaster, I don't remember exactly how it goes but maybe he's threatening to expel her or something like that? And she's not backing down. My memory is that the episode definitely takes Mel's side in the conflict, the headmaster is depicted as being both pointlessly cruel and quite stupid, Mel is shown making sensible arguments about how unfair and sexist the rule is, you get the sense the uniform policy genuinely makes her uncomfortable. Like there were other episodes where she's depicted more as a stereotypical moody edgy teen but in this one I felt like the show was really making of point of wanting you to be on her side.
...and then the plot resolves, in the last two minutes or so, like this: Mel sees a photograph of herself wearing a skirt, realizes she has "nice legs", and it turns out she only cared about this whole issue because she thought her legs were bad and now she likes wearing skirts all the time and she immediately stops protesting.
Now, I was like 13 and quite stupid at the time with no media analysis skills, but even I was struck by how completely insane this ending was. The only way I could make sense of it, and I still think this is probably correct, is that the episode must have originally had a different ending where Mel's protest is victorious, but at a moment too far into production to scrap the whole ep someone in a position of authority intervened saying you can't have a kids show actively encouraging kids to break their school's rules, implying they would be correct and perhaps even morally obligated to do so, the ending has to have Mel changing her mind somehow. Everyone involved must have known they were gutting the whole story by doing this. Part of me wonders whether the writers deliberately made the altered ending as dumb as possible to draw attention to how little sense the message makes. Probably not, there's probably just no way to follow that brief that doesn't lead to a car crash.
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vegance · 1 year
Many Europeans are alarmed by the climate crisis and would willingly take personal steps and back government policies to help combat it, a survey suggests – but the more a measure would change their lifestyle, the less they support it.
The seven-country YouGov survey tested backing for state-level climate action, such as banning single-use plastics and scrapping fossil-fuel cars, and individual initiatives including buying only secondhand clothes and giving up meat and dairy products.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this Op-Ed from the Scientific American:
Copper and potash might not seem like the stuff of high drama, but controversy over critical minerals and the question of whether some should truly be considered “critical” is playing out in the halls of Congress right now. A rush for mining mundane metals and salts isn’t about moving the U.S. toward a renewable energy economy either. It’s about powerful corporate interests finding underhanded ways to circumvent scientific assessments and environmental regulations.
Their goal: big profits for a lucky few.
The worldwide move toward a green economy has triggered calls for easing mining of rare earth minerals, ones essential to modern devices and electrical infrastructure. But a flurry of bills that some members of Congress hope to push by year’s end focus on changes to the laws that govern mining and critical mineral designations. Without regard for the status of how critical—or not—a material actually is, however, this tranche of legislation simply allows the mining industry to co-opt the green economy moment. And while the industry seeks to profit, communities and the environment will ultimately pay.
To most people, a critical mineral might simply be a metal that’s important for everyday needs such as smartphones, electric cars and renewable energy. In the mining industry, however, the U.S. government designating a mineral as “critical” can bring significant benefits, including tax credits and expedited permitting allowed under federal environmental laws. But what the mining industry believes to be important or profitable may not be legally “critical”—and that distinction is something the industry hopes the public won’t recognize.
When it comes to energy transition materials, the term “critical” has a specific meaning. Under current law, the Department of Energy assesses which energy sector materials have a high risk of supply chain disruption and regularly updates its “critical materials” list accordingly. Meanwhile the U.S. Geological Survey assesses which subset of “critical minerals,” many mined overseas, are essential to U.S. economic and national security. Each of these federal agencies conducts rigorous, factual and scientific reviews to determine which materials should qualify as “critical.” Conflating these lists and various meanings of “critical” will only obscure our government’s ability to administer the appropriate policy for a specific supply chain.
For example, two of the most problematic bills would effectively designate copper, potash and phosphates as critical minerals—despite the fact that all of these are currently mined in North America and relatively abundant. Moreover, copper is already on the Department of Energy’s critical materials list to address supply chain concerns for the energy sector. But copper is not on the U.S. Geological Survey’s list, because it does not degrade in reprocessing, more than 30 percent of domestic consumption comes from recycled scrap, and the supply chain is not geopolitically at risk.
Mining is needed for a clean energy transition, but poking random holes in a regulatory process that is based on factual and scientific assessments isn’t going to get us there any faster. There’s just no good reason for Congress to rush poorly conceived mining projects. If Congress overrides the U.S. Geological Survey’s factual determinations, certainly there would be more expedited permitting for domestic copper mines. But the potential supply chain benefits of domestically mining more copper are marginal. And such fast-tracking would put towns and homes on the front lines of mining and the environment at great risk.
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astoriawritings · 1 year
Dating Billie Joe Armstrong headcanons
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Set in '94, but if you ignore some parts, it can very well apply to any era.
Requested by @coconutmilkenthusiat. Sorry it took so long and sorry if it didn't meet your expectations!
Billie wrote songs about you before you two got together and never really told you which songs were about you.
He still likes surprising you with songs, even if it is simple guitar riffs.
It's not that often, but you go on gigs with the band.
However, when you don't he tries to call you every evening.
He LOVES cuddling and wraps his body around you; even when it is super hot and it is the last thing you want, you still find yourself in his arms.
He is sarcastic and snappy when mad.
Really, he doesn't mean it, but it happens.
Irresponsible. Maybe way too much. It is a reason for band arguments and arguments between you two.
You live separately. You have your own apartment and he has a basement in a house down the street where he does band practices with Tre and Mike.
He often sleeps at yours though.
You have a strict no-smoking-inside policy, whether you smoke or not, because of your landlord and yet Billie still smokes inside which makes you want to behead him!
He isn't the type to go to parties so if you are, you drag him there.
However, that was until he got so drunk and pissed in your closet. Since then it is if he decides to tag along or not.
He doesn't like parties, you don't like trouble.
And his middle name shouldn't be Joe, it should be Trouble.
No, scrap that, it shouldn't be Billie Joe Armstrong, it should be just Trouble Trouble Trouble.
He takes you out with his buddies to different smoking hotspots; half of the graffiti in Rodeo are his(and yours, at this point) company's; they sometimes break in cars and drive them down a few blocks then ditch them; and that's only a little bit of the shit they do.
Soon enough it became fun for you. The fear of police is exciting you have to admit.
Christie Road is one of his favourite places and you love watching the sunset whilst laying on the hood of his car.
You love going to the movies together.
Drive-in cinemas are his favourite and it gives a more intimate setting.
In public, he's reserved and quiet which led to you not knowing exactly what you were getting into when you started dating.
He loves kissing your hands.
His lips aren't the softest in the world, but you love them.
My Masterlist!
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I’m in the mood for some protective boyfriend Will Miller with his GF headcanons so I’m taking you all down with me:
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Will doesn’t like not knowing where you are. It makes him antsy and he starts to WorryTM. He doesn’t need you to provide an itinerary of your day, but he would prefer that you check in with him now and then, simply to let him know you’re okay.
Whenever you go somewhere, he always likes to doublecheck you have everything you need - gas for your car, an extra coat, food, emergency contact information, etc.
You butt heads when you want to do something fun that requires signing a waiver, i.e. skydiving, paintball, etc. HE does shit like that all the time, but when YOUR well-being is on the line, it makes him uneasy and why can’t you just go to a fucking movie instead?
He has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to someone else flirting with you.
If it’s just some mild, friendly flirting - like with a waiter/waitress - you can get away with teasing Will about the way he scowls and grumbles, getting a little grumpy in general.
But you can tell he’s not happy about it so you don’t push your luck too far.
If someone hits on you at a bar, especially if they make you uncomfortable and won’t take no for an answer…there’s gonna be blood.
Will keeps his cool. Where Benny would explode immediately, Will has more self control.
But he definitely has a hard limit and once he’s past that limit, it’s not pretty.
With steel in his voice, Will tells the offender, “Leave her alone,” as he rests a hand at the small of your back or slides an arm around your waist.
If the offender doesn’t take the hint, Will grips your hand and pushes you behind him. Then he’s baring his teeth and growls, “I said, fuck off.”
For the most part, that gets the job done. There’s a look in Will’s eye at this point that signals to most men with a scrap of working self-preservation that if they value their lives, they better get the hell out of there ASAP.
But sometimes, there are idiots in this world who can’t take even the boldest hint.
Will only gives two warnings. There will not be a third.
If the offender continues to pressure you, Will lashes out with a precise strike to the throat. Another to a secondary weak point - face, kneecap, solar plexus - something that will leave the offender on their knees, gasping and in pain.
“If you even look at her one more time, I will make you beg for me to kill you. Is that clear?”
For the rest of the night, everyone in that bar gives you a wide berth and treats you with the utmost respect.
When you want to handle an issue yourself, you have to talk Will down. Even though he’s a huge advocate for your independence and autonomy, it’s still very hard for him to sit back and watch you struggle when all he wants to do is jump in and help fix the problem.
If someone is disrespectful to you, Will sees RED. It’s going to take all your strength to hold him back.
Then again…you’re not above flaunting your boyfriend for a little leverage.
When the mechanics at the local garage triple the price on your car repairs, all you have to do is gesture to your boyfriend who’s standing behind you, scowling, arms crossed, legs apart, looking like a guard dog about to strike, and suddenly you find people to be very cooperative.
If you’re honest, sometimes it scares the shit out of you to see your normally mild-mannered boyfriend suddenly turn into this beast.
On the other hand, you know he’s just concerned about you and it would kill him if something happened to you on his watch.
On the occasions when Will gets violent, it takes a while for both of you to calm down. But when you do, Will touches you so tenderly and speaks so softly, apologizing that you had to see that, apologizing that he didn’t protect you better as he kisses your forehead and folds you into a hug.
Tuck yourself under Will’s arm. Show Will that you’re with him and no one else. Remind him that you’re just spooked about the situation, not scared of HIM (because it would tear him up inside if you were scared of him). Give him a kiss on the cheek and whisper how sexy it is when he’s protective of you.
That will ease any lingering tension and he’ll laugh softly, giving you a little love-tap on the butt.
“Are you teasing me?”
“Yes. Are you gonna do something about it, soldier?”
He’ll brush a kiss to your temple and take you home, keeping you safe and warm in his arms, in his bed, for the rest of the night.
master list
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eaglesnick · 1 year
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
We know Rishi Sunak would rather he and his cronies made even more money than they already have than save the planet. Even those within the Conservative party acknowledge this fact, and this was BEFORE Sunak decided to issue hundreds of new licenses for oil and gas extraction from the North Sea, or scrap clean air policies for our cities.
“Goldsmith says Sunak is apathetic about the environment. It’s Hard to disagree. Evidence suggests PM has done little to advance green issues and is allowing the UK to fall behind in climate fight.” (Guardian: 30/06/23)
Are people really going to vote for a man who has allowed our waterways and beaches to become polluted by raw sewage? This was a headline from the Mirror newspaper only yesterday:
“Sewage pours into conservation sites including Lake District for 300,000 hours.” (Mirror: 31/07/23)
Back in January the BBC reported this warning from MP’s to Rishi Sunak:
“England's rivers are contaminated by a "chemical cocktail" of sewage, agriculture and road pollution,,,  Microplastics, slurry, car tyre particles, oils and wet wipes are all part of the problem, they said. No English river free of pollution, MPs warn.” (BBC News: 13/01/23)
Clearly, Sunak couldn’t care less as he is advocating more car use, more gas and oil exploration, and has given the privately owned water companies until 2050, to clean up our waterways and coast line.
Even if you are still sceptical about global warming and the lethal consequences this could have for our planet , everyone should care about our rivers and beaches. Two years ago, it was reported “Britain’s rivers are suffocating to death" and that “water pollution (was) causing death by a thousand cuts for rivers”.
In Whitby, there have been “unprecedented levels of crab, lobsters, coral and seabirds…dying on the northeast coast”. (Guardian 10/02/23, while in Kent, Whitstable’s world famous oyster beds are being threatened with extinction from repeated raw sewage discharges into the sea.
“Sewage spills threaten to “wipe out” Whitstable oyster farmers” (The Times: 11/04/23)
Sunak is not interested in you or me. He couldn’t care less about contaminated water, be it inland rivers and lakes or our beaches. He doesn’t care if the waters around our coast are contaminated and dangerous to health, be that human health of the health of marine animals. He doesn’t care for our coastal fisheries or the businesses than make their living from marine farming.
Sunak, a multi-millionaire with a bolthole in sunny California, doesn’t have to live with the consequences of his short-sighted and environmentally damaging actions. It wont be his children paddling in raw sewage. It wont be his children swimming in poisoned waters. It wont be his children who are forced to breathe in polluted air day after day because he has scrapped his own clean air policies. Mr Sunak is an unelected multi-millionaire whose only concern is to make more money for himself and his rich friends. If that means trashing the environment in the process, then so be it – he doesn’t have to live with the consequences. Unfortunately, you and I, and our children and grand children, do.
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farmhousesaleinnoida · 6 months
Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad@+91 82978 65751
Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad@+91 82978 65751
A S Traders is a leading scrap buying and dealing business based in Hyderabad. We have been in the industry for 15 years and have established ourselves as one of the most reliable and trusted scrap buyers in Hyderabad. We buy all types of scrap Iron scrap, Battery Scrap, Brass Scrap, Computer Scrap, Conveyor Belt, Copper Scrap, Demolishing Work, DG Set, Electrical Scrap, Eva Rubber, Ferrous and Nonferrous, GI Scrap, Glass Scrap, Iron Pipes Scrap, Steel Pipes Scrap, Iron Scrap, Lead Scrap, Motor Parts Scrap, Nickel Scrap, Office Furnitures, Old Air Condition, Old Machinery, Old Vehicles, Plastic Scrap, PVB Rubber, Solar Scrap, Stainless Steel, TMT Steel Scrap, Wooden Scrap and many more. At A S Traders Scrap Buyers in Hyderabad, we offer competitive prices and quick payment to ensure our customers get the best deal possible. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and strive to make the scrap-selling process as easy and hassle-free as possible. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to get rid of some old scrap or a business owner looking to dispose of your industrial scrap, contact us.
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Scrap Related FAQs for Hyderabad
What are the way Sell scrap online in Hyderabad ?
There are many ways to sell scrap materials online in Hyderabad as they will come to you on time and pick them up. You can get 24 hours turnaround time, which is not much to get rid of this rubbish collection. There is a freedom to sell metals and non-metals in return for cash in Hyderabad.
What kind of Scrap Metals do scrap Dealer accept in Hyderabad ?
The scrap dealers deal in ferrous and non-ferrous metals that may include heavy types of machinery, electronic appliances, and all other old instruments except woods. You dont have to worry about the weight, size, and material as they accept all the bins from your home in Hyderabad.
How do you pay Steel Scrap Metals in Hyderabad ?
They are offering different ways of paying options as cash, cheque, and bank transfers as per your preference. Get assure cost value in case of any metals as the price of steel scrap cost may also vary as per the metal condition in Hyderabad.
What Price Expect from my batteries Scrap in Hyderabad?
the price may differ in the case of battery scrap as its weight, wear and tears, and the years of usage. In the case of a less used battery, you can expect more price than the battery is totally damaged and out of odor in Hyderabad.
Scrap Dealer Near Me
You can call us at +91 82978 65751  if you are looking for scrap buyers or scrap dealers near you. You can check the Scrap Price or Rate List by calling our customer care team. We are dealing in the following scrap categories –
Copper Scrap
Aluminium Scrap
Iron Scrap
Plastic Scrap
Steel Scrap
Metal Scrap
Car Scrap
Battery Scrap
Brass Scrap
Computer Scrap 
Copper Scrap
Electronics Scrap
Home Appliances Scrap
Furniture Scrap
Paper Scrap
Air Condition Scrap
Machinery Scrap
Solar Scrap
Polythene Scrap
Electrical Steel Scrap
X Ray Film Scrap
Automobile Scrap
Computer scrap
Wooden scrap
Carbide Scrap
Zinc Scrap
Truck Scrap
Carbide Scrap
Nylon Scrap
Chemical Scrap
Camera Scrap
Non Ferrous Metal Scrap
Mild Steel Scrap
Bottle Scrap
Battery Scrap
Wire Scrap
Inverter Scrap
Silver Scrap
Photocopier Part Scrap
Building Construction Scrap
Garment Scrap
Tungsten Scrap
Glass Epoxy Scrap
Cotton Scrap
Disposable Scrap
Bakelite Scrap
Aluminum Scrap
Scrap Price/Rate
A New Tangled Notion to Sell Scrap Online in Hyderabad
The scrap dealers are always organized to help their clientele of Hyderabad by buying the scrap rate per kg and by converting that scrap waste product into an advanced well-furnished one, they also have predictable work of ferrous and nonferrous scrap commodities in Hyderabad, the scrap experts of Hyderabad are regimented in producing anything superior from the given scrap material of Hyderabad. The scrap dealers have all pursue one policy of reprocessing the old waste of Hyderabad customers, iron stuff and contain something astonishing which is pollution-free entirely, they try to make an advanced impression in which there can endure the only pollution restricted stuff of Hyderabad, and they all will be constructed through from top to bottom technology apparatus in Hyderabad.
The online scrap dealers of Hyderabad are skilled person with merely one approach of recycling all the longstanding waste scrap products of Hyderabad and produce something astonishing which can be pollution-free entirely in Hyderabad, they try their level best to paradigm an usual cognizance in which there can be all the things which are well-known by the scrap goods but are entirely real and virtuous for health for the person of Hyderabad. The scrap vendors of Hyderabad manage the pieces at a restored level, and due to their agile familiarity of Hyderabad’s scrap, they can effort on all sorts of scrap products of Hyderabad and they are manageable for all 7 days of the weak including all the leading holidays in Hyderabad as well.
If you don’t know about the worth of the scrap in Hyderabad, then you need not worry about it, as this matter of worry has already taken care of by the online scrap price list mend for Hyderabad is already obtainable by the vendors working for scraps in any of the locations of Hyderabad nearby your area. The prices of scraps keep fluctuating as per the market plea and utilization, online scrap service is authentic and the prices can be universally checked from any of the competitors or local vendors in Hyderabad, and hence they provide the best price to the person who are looking to buy their scraps to the vendors which are true and genuinetowards their work in Hyderabad.
Have you ever believed to sell scrap online in the location of Hyderabad? Shocked? Yes, it is right, this is a brand new idea in Hyderabad, actually, in various of the areas in Hyderabad there are society flats with plenty of security and hence, the normal street-vendors are not allowed to enter, in that condition this online service is really helpful in Hyderabad. Being an authorized marketplace of Hyderabad, we are here to connect you with steady online services of scrap selling, as it new idea which is getting more standard in Hyderabad nowadays and we make sure that the vendors who approach your home are registered vendors, that means they are consistent and trustworthy to agreement with despite any location in Hyderabad.
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There are various scrap buyers in Hyderabad which may surround you but the most imperative thing is that you do not have time to meet, interact, negotiate with them to sell your old unessential belongings as you are so hectic with your own schedule, but these Online Scrap buyers are obtainable throughout the day in the nearby location of Hyderabad so that you can call them anytime as per your accessibility in Hyderabad. The person who are working-class don’t have time to sell their scraps on usual basis, the online scrap selling service in Hyderabad is really beneficial for them and that is the main purpose for getting this idea more & more standard day by day in Hyderabad.
How to Search The Kabadi Wala at Hyderabad Location
The energy requirements of recycled copper in Hyderabad is as much as 80 to 89% less than the dispensation of new copper from virgin ore for the location of Hyderabad, it is a very supportive step of copper conservation, as copper is a non-renewable source, while only 10-12% of known reserves have been expended. As we all know that, Copper metal is an significant component that is essential for flora and fauna health, reasonable excess disclosure to copper is not allied with health risks in Hyderabad, as with former metal scrap, there are vital conservational advantages to the recycling of the copper scrap of Hyderabad, these cover solid waste departure, abridged energy requirements for dispensation, and natural source protection.
It is always recommended to look for a vendor from the authorized website of Hyderabad as the vendors registered on an authorized website are found more dependable, they always provide notable service to make their brand value and the customer rating or reviews do matter to them despite their location in any of the area of Hyderabad. To locate the kabadi wala near me in any of the locations of Hyderabad, you should know the precise words to put on the search for Hyderabad location, that means along with writing in English as scrap vendors, scrap dealer, scrap purchasing, etc. you must also know how to put it in Hindi as Kabari wala, Kabar ki dukaan, for the areas of Hyderabad.
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Are you aware that different to old plastic or paper, metal has cent present perceivable properties, as they can be made impeccable with a single method of recycling, that is the motive the scrap dealers are more interested in buying out your old metal scrap in Hyderabad so that they can earn profit out of this dealing. Now we will talk about metal scrap, metal is a faultless substantial that can be reprocessed and can offer an general variety of profits and rewards in Hyderabad but countless of us don’t know how numerous types of metals are existing in the world, the metal scrap business is one of the primary industries in the Hyderabad location and is still mounting at an recognized stride.
Sometimes the scrap vendors located in Hyderabad do not have contacts and options to recycle the heavy metal scrap, therefore they only accept plastic scrap in Hyderabad, and also the most normal. scrap paper like old books, notebooks, and newspaper in Hyderabad If you also have a lot of steel scrap at your home or office in Hyderabad, you must get in touch contact an experienced scrap vendor and deliberate having it recycled in Hyderabad, you also initially need to ask about the types of scrap they accept and their costs, before calling them at your place, make sure you re-inquire the types of scrap they accept as this shield a lot of your time and energy.
The Different Type of Scraps Sold in Hyderabad
If we talk about the aluminum scrap and the steel scrap of Hyderabad which is very commonly obtained from foils, cans, and other household material, it is mostly used in the infrastructure such as the aluminum windows can be constructed from the old recycled aluminum in Hyderabad, there are several more uses of recycled aluminum in the construction material used for the sites of Hyderabad. Scrap Buyers are there in adequate in Hyderabad, they can assemble the scrap from you, take it to the scrapping ability and ensure the scrap metal is recycled, this not only aids the atmosphere, but it is also used in the home and manufacturing industry, this abolishes the constraint for additional mining to obtain new metals for manufacturing processes.
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The battery scrap of Hyderabad is further a productive material as the lead present in the battery is used again, as the lead is again a non-renewable source of energy and have a worthy value of re-sale in Hyderabad, therefore the scrap dealers earn worthy profits after buying the battery scrap from any of the locations of Hyderabad. The scrap dealers also take rejected pet bottle scrap of Hyderabad, they assemble them, sort them, clean them, then they are shredded and modified into washed flakes, which are then used to yield an range of produces, initiating from polyester fibre, which is recycled for a range of applications like filling material for pillows, cushions, and converted to materials for utilization in clothing.
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Scrap furniture, a few fitting materials, lights, roofing, computer scrap, and countless more domestic products in Hyderabad can convey recycled scrap metal into depletion, giving objects that have stretched the end of their decided period a new tangled, tempting persistence in Hyderabad.
The old heavy fans installed in your homes are having copper binding in old days and therefore, they are very exclusive and valuable when goes in scrap sale in Hyderabad. If you plan to sell the old fan from your home, then the scrap vendors of Hyderabad are interested to buy it for the copper wire scrap, it is again a vastly valuable contract for them and we can also earn worthy profits by buying the copper cable scrap in Hyderabad.
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ao3feed-rhack · 1 year
Catch a Ride
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wA6mTxJ
by BlanketFortAvenger
Rhys has a pastime. It's unspoken Hyperion policy to have one. The shark tank society of Helios demands it. It has to be something unique and risky. Rhys' is fast and flashy. He routinely lets the transport department use him as a test-dummy.
When he runs into more than Pandora's fauna, Rhys will truly be put to the test. He will continue to be a dummy - but will he be written off and scrapped?
Words: 1205, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Borderlands (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rhys (Borderlands), Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Relationships: Handsome Jack/Rhys (Borderlands)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Tales From the Borderlands, Canon-Typical Violence, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Fast Cars, Vehicles, Racing, Street Racing, Car Accidents, dangerous driving, Disregard for Non-existent Road Rules, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Slow To Update
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wA6mTxJ
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jadeee · 2 years
Hi honey for the writer Ask if its still on 😅🎢✨⛔🙋🍆❌🎯🎨🤗💞🧠(Howie)🤩😬📚🤯💔🤭 please? -sarah
i love that you put practically every emoji, hahaha! tysm for spamming me with these asks
😅 what's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
the first thing that comes to mind would be "hot & bothered". the teasing scene at the table during the meeting is very bold. i can see teasing between nicky and mc but in front of others who don't know them all that well is questionable. close 2nd would prob be the find the cannoli scene in vendetta but i'm not even embarrassed. it just makes me laugh or smile every time.
🎢which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
it should be "vendetta" bc there's drama, violence, action, and romance but i automatically thought of "let's get out of here". i wrote that before "vendetta" and it was challenging bc i had to make sure the movements were described accurately since it was in a moving car.
✨give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. 😉
aww! well, when i reread my work i love the emotion it evokes. i feel tied to the characters and like i'm watching it unfold before my eyes.
⛔do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
yeahhhh ... so a few months ago i had an idea for a nanami story {lemme just say that i truly was done writing fanfiction except for "vendetta" which was, and is, still unfinished as a series. i wanted to focus on ocs and original plots but i got swept away by nanami kento and just had to write smthn about him. i had severe brain rot}
i was inspired by this post i saw of men on their knees in front of women/their lovers and thought of nanami on his knees for his s/o, wtv the reason may be. the premise was that he was late for a special dinner at a fancy restaurant that they made reservations for months ago. he got held up at work and was going to meet mc there, but then told them to go on without him anyway. so he ends up meeting mc at their shared home and they're livid, just ready to lay it on him. they don't get the chance to bc as soon as he sees them sitting in the loveseat in their living room he's apologizing like crazy. mc doesn't have the heart to go off so they just do some light teasing instead. i imagine it would've went smthn like
"i don't believe you."
"how can i prove it to you?"
"you can beg."
he took a deep breath and walked toward you. he placed his hands over yours which were on the armrest then sank down to his knees. then he rested his face in your lap and brought your hands to his cheeks, "is this better?"
🙋‍♀️ do any irl people know you write fanfic?
yes. i've told a handful of ppl and surprisingly it's become smthn a few of my coworkers and i bond over.
🍆do you write the spicy stuffs? if so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
i do, or at least i have. my most popular is a hc about nicky treating mc, if y'know what i mean {i know the policy changed with mature content on here so i'm treading very carefully lol}.
❌what's a trope you will never write?
i can't really think of one atm. the ones that i know of are --- OH WAIT i have one, so anything to do with age gaps and minors getting involved with older characters, like lolita-type stuff 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️ idk if it's a trope but it won't be happening here.
🎯have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? care to share which?
i'm not sure i've ever had anyone guess what will happen in a story or chapter {i'm referring to "vendetta" here}.
🎨how do you feel about fan art of your stories?
oh i love it! i remember a couple people made something based off of vendetta and it really took me by surprise. i couldn't believe they were influenced to the point of creating smthn.
🤗 what advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
do it for yourself and not for others. don't worry about who will and won't see it. just write, don't think too much about how or when bc it'll come together in the end, and enjoy it.
💞 who's your comfort character?
i don't have one rn but since this is focused on fanfiction, i would say nicky and nanami. nicky just feels so familiar at this point and with nanami, he's so relatable. from my pov, he wants a simple life. he doesn't wanna work at an office and he doesn't really wanna work as a sorcerer. if anything, cooking at home and going to get bread from the bakery is all he wants to do most days {and travel from time to time} and that's very relatable.
🧠pick a character (howie) and i'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
my favorite hc about howie is prob the boyfriend hc bc it's so wholesome. he'd really be the sweet and thoughtful boyfriend. the thought of mc being swallowed whole by his shirts and him wearing their shirt which is a smidge too tight 🥹
🤩who is your favorite character to write?
nicky! his personality really allows for this nice mix of playfulness and seriousness/melancholy. i admire his charm and wit as well. i loved writing the more hidden sides of his character too, like in "midnight" or "what are you hiding?" overall, he has this nice balance that gives me a lot of room to play with as a writer.
😬which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
definitely any of my nsfw works bc i'm reserved for the most part at work. it takes a while for me to open up completely so i think ppl would be like 'idk she was into that' or the complete opposite 'it makes since bc she's so quiet'. my friends wouldn't really care tbh, they'd prob make jokes or gimme ideas. my family?! 💀 i'd prob be doused in holy oil.
📚would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
yes! when i was younger i often thought it was a bad idea to pursue your passion as a career or major in college bc then you'd have deadlines and guidelines; and i saw that as a sorta crutch on my creative freedom as an artist but now i believe the complete opposite.
🤯what's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
i would say fantasy. in terms of fanfiction, i've mainly written romance with a bit of drama and some action. i've tried writing fantasy before and it requires a bit more artistry - there's world building, figuring out the land, if there are animals, what kinda powers characters have, how magic works, and sm more.
💔is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
if mc died before their wedding night. there's smthn about seeing a good-hearted person get what they deserve only to lose it in the end. i don't take joy in it, there's just some sort of unspeakable pain there where you can't look away.
🤭do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
#madebyjade bc it's like my signature in a way and it's smthn i made and stuffed bits and pieces of myself inside.
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mariacallous · 2 years
On the afternoon of February 14, Junaid Khan, 32, and his nephew Nasir Khan, 25, left their small village of Ghatmeeka in India’s northwestern state of Rajasthan to attend a family function. They didn’t come back.
“When they didn’t return the same night, we got worried,” says Arshad Khan, 44, Junaid’s brother-in-law. “Their phones were switched off as well. We searched for them the whole day.”
Two days later, the men’s bodies were found inside a burned-out vehicle in the village of Loharu, around 240 kilometers away in the neighboring state of Haryana. On their way home after midnight, members of a far-right extremist group had allegedly abducted, tortured, and killed the men, who are Muslims, on suspicion of smuggling cows—animals that are considered sacred by Hindus. Consuming beef and transporting cattle is not illegal, but several states have passed restrictive laws over the past few years, essentially criminalizing a profession that is dominated by Muslims.
“Why did they have to be killed? What was their fault?” Khan says. “Who will look after their poor families now?”
Among the group suspected by police of murdering Junaid and Nasir is 28-year-old Monu Manesar, a high-profile YouTuber who has built a huge following online with his videos of cow vigilantism. Manesar, who is reportedly now on the run, is one of a large ecosystem of sectarian influencers on Indian social media who have benefited from the country’s nationalistic turn under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Human rights advocates say that their content—which is prevalent across Western-owned platforms—is exacerbating social division, and even leading to vigilante attacks on religious minorities.
“We have laws against hate speech that are being used selectively,” Aakar Patel, chair of Amnesty International India says. “Hate speech is allowed both by the government and the social media companies.”
In an email statement, YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon says that YouTube has suspended monetization on Manesar’s channel for violating its creator responsibility policy. “We also removed 9 videos from the channel in question for violating our harassment policies,” he said.
For the past five years, Manesar—a leading member of the Bajrang Dal, a far-right Hindu group—has been part of a team of cow vigilantes along the Rajasthan-Haryana border, and has uploaded videos of their attacks, predominantly on Muslims, to YouTube. His posts often begin with a car chase in the dark and end with group members posing with a cow they have “rescued.”
Manesar and his group have made no secret of the violence they subject their victims to. In June 2016, he was one of a number of people who appeared in a video in which two Muslim men were stopped in Badarpur border, South East Delhi, and forced to eat a concoction of cow dung, urine, milk, and curd. The men had been accused of smuggling beef. The video went viral on Twitter.
In one of his videos on YouTube, Manesar's team is even seen shooting at a truck driven by someone they accuse of being a cow smuggler, in an attempt to deflate its tires. 
In January this year, Manesar and his team caught three Muslim men they accused of being cow smugglers. They livestreamed on Facebook as they interrogated the men. One of the men, 22-year-old Waaris Khan, died from internal injuries the same day. His family says he was lynched, but police say he died in an accident. The Facebook Live video has since been deleted.
Manesar also has posted routinely on Instagram—where he has 42,000 followers—including images of people he’s alleged to be cow smugglers, often visibly injured. In April 2022, he posted a video on his Instagram account showing a group of men assaulting a Muslim scrap picker with sticks. The caption reads, “These are the scrap-pickers that throw stones at our soldiers and Hindutva supporters.”
Meta did not respond to a request for comment.
Khan said that people in his region are aware of Manesar’s social media. “It is supposed to send a message to us,” he says.
In October 2022, YouTube awarded Manesar a silver play button for crossing 100,000 followers. YouTube’s literature says that Creator Awards are not automatically given when subscriber targets are hit, but are granted at the discretion of the company, which reviews channels before handing out the rewards. YouTube did not respond to a request for comment on Manesar’s award.
Comments under Manesar’s videos are mostly adulatory, thanking him and his team for his “service.” He has also had official endorsements. He’s posted pictures of himself with police officers and bureaucrats. In October 2021, Haryana police included him in a special task force to prevent cow smuggling. Three huge rallies were organized by right-wing organizations on February 19, 21, and 22.
On February 24, thousands of people took to the street in Rajasthan and Haryana to demand justice for Junaid and Nasir Khan. The police filed a complaint against more than 500 people for blocking the highway and suspended internet service in the district for three days, citing the possibility of communal tension.
Human rights groups say that sectarianism has flourished in the political environment created by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. The party has routinely equated national and religious identities, accusing people who criticize its politics of being anti-Hindu, while itself being accused of promoting hate speech against Muslims. In January, the government forced social media platforms to block clips of a controversial BBC documentary about Modi’s alleged involvement in intercommunal violence in 2002.
The government has banned hundreds of YouTube channels for spreading “fake news” or promoting “anti-Indian views.” But at the same time, there has been a proliferation of channels that broadcast extreme nationalist rhetoric.
In June 2022, a report by the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights found that sectarian content was widespread in India. “The most troubling abuse of YouTube in India involves the targeting of Muslims by backers of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and other right-leaning Hindu nationalist groups.” The report concluded. “Religious intolerance long predated the arrival of YouTube in India, but widespread social media use has intensified the hostility.”
In December 2022, an investigation by The Caravan found dozens of Hindu nationalist YouTube channels that were broadcasting extremist content, with viewing figures in the hundreds of millions. Senior BJP leaders had been interviewed on some of the channels, which were “rapidly out-performing mainstream news channels in terms of their reach.”
Amnesty International’s Patel says that the proliferation is partly due to the growth of the platforms and the number of people now using them, “and partly because of the fact that hate speech has been condoned. If you make heroes out of people who abuse minorities and are violent, you will encourage more people to follow that path.”
Some nationalist and sectarian YouTubers have built massive followings, including Vikas Pathak, who had more than 800,000 followers on his Hindustani Bhau channel before it was suspended in 2020, after he posted a video in which he threatened to sexually assault a YouTuber from Pakistan. Days after his suspension, he managed to start another channel, which has 83,000 subscribers. He also has 2.2 million followers on Instagram.
Prem Krishnavanshi, a YouTuber from Uttar Pradesh with just over 87,000 subscribers, has built a career on pop songs aimed toward supporters of Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism. The lyrics of one of Krishnavanshi’s songs, released in 2019, roughly translates to, “You are not humans, you are butchers. Enough of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood.”
“The anti-Muslim online hate industry is booming and the companies are benefiting from it,” says Alishan Jafri, co-author of the Caravan report.
Malon, the YouTube spokesperson, says that the company removed more than 156,000 videos in the third quarter of 2022 for violating hate speech policies.
“Beyond removing harmful content, we also leverage our recommendations system and monetization tools, to promote a healthy ecosystem,” the statement read. “YouTube has always had clear community guidelines that outline what is allowed on the platform and we remove flagged videos and comments that violate our policies. These policies are global, meaning we apply them consistently to all creators on the platform, regardless of their background, political viewpoint, position or affiliation.”
Malon also says that creators can be penalized for abuse or violence that occurs off its platform.
As of February 28, Manesar’s YouTube channel was still active. He has added about 7,000 subscribers since the Khans’ deaths. 
India is YouTube’s largest market, with 467 million users—nearly twice as many as the US. 
Prateek Waghre, the policy director of the Internet Freedom Foundation, a digital rights group, says that YouTube’s recommendation algorithms may be partially to blame for the spread of this sectarian content. “YouTube has not been particularly open about its recommender system,” he says. “But the algorithm typically prioritizes engagement. If you watch a certain type of content, it will look to feed a similar type of content.”
Waghre says that detecting hate speech is complex in India, where people often switch between languages. But, he says, social media companies tend to be slow to react when alerted to potentially dangerous content. “Even inaction is a form of action,” he says. “Until it becomes a significant PR crisis, they tend not to take action. Sadly, this is consistent behavior across platforms. These companies need to think about how they perceive their neutrality.”
But Waghre also says he suspects that social media companies are nervous about going after nationalist figures, in case a backlash threatens their business interests. “If you take action against a popular right-wing figure, there is a good chance you might be targeted in some way or the other,” he says.
Patel says that more violence is inevitable as hate speech continues to spread, online and offline. “I am 53 years old,” he says. “I have not seen tensions running so high permanently through the country.”
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docholligay · 2 years
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She is right in that many times these cars are more valuable parted out than they are as a whole. Not all the time, but a lot of the time. So ‘chop shops’ are far far more common than resale of stolen cars. It’s easier to do, and it’s more valuable.
But all these years later, I highly doubt that a scrap shop is going to remember some individual car parts that they very likely bought knowing the title on them was at the very least, grey. This shit happens all the time in scrapyards. Constantly. All the time. And there is, at least in the US, a wavering policy on cooperation with the cops. “I don’t remember, can’t possibly remember that long ago” is a pretty common refrain. Because...if you’re obtaining grey market parts, for cheap, to keep everyone happy, the supply can’t dry up. So.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
New rules will slash air, water and climate pollution from U.S. power plants. (Washington Post)
The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday finalized an ambitiousset of rules aimed at slashing air pollution, water pollution and planet-warming emissions spewing from the nation’s power plants.
If fully implemented, the rules will have enormous consequences for U.S. climate goals, the air Americans breathe and the ways they get their electricity. The power sector ranks as the nation’s second-largest contributor to climate change, and it is a major source of toxic air pollutants tied to various health problems.
Before the restrictions take effect, however, they will have to survive near-certain legal challenges from Republican attorneys general, who have been emboldened by the Supreme Court’s skepticism of expansive environmental regulations.
Another wild card is the November election, which could hand the White House back to former president Donald Trump, who has pledged to scrap dozens of President Biden’s green policies if he returns to office.
One of the most significant rules will limit greenhouse gas emissions from new natural gas-fired power plants and existing coal-fired power plants. It will push all existing coal plants by 2039 to either close orcapture 90 percent of their carbon dioxide emissions at the smokestack.
A second regulation will reduce releases of mercury and other toxic air pollutants from the smokestacks of coal plants nationwide. Exposure to mercury, a powerful neurotoxin, can cause serious health effects, especially for developing fetuses and children.
A third rule will expand federal oversight of coal ash, the waste from coal plants that often contains a mix of chemicals linked to increased cancer risk. A fourth will limit the levels of toxic metals in the wastewater that coal plants candischarge into rivers, lakes, streams and other waterways.
Each rule will yield huge benefits for public health and the planet, according to the EPA. The greenhouse gas standards alone will prevent up to 1,200 premature deaths, 870 hospital visits and 1,900 asthma cases in 2035, the agency said. They will also reduce carbon emissions through 2047 by 1.38 billion tons — equivalent to the annual emissions of 328 million gasoline-powered cars.
Together, the rules represent the culmination of an aggressive plan that EPA Administrator Michael Regan first outlined in 2022. Speaking to an energy industry conference in Houston that year, Regan promised an array of regulatory actions to tackle pollution from power plants, which he said often hits poor and minority neighborhoods the hardest.
Jody Freeman, who directs the Environmental and Energy Law Program at Harvard Law School, said she thinks the rule is on solid legal ground, because EPA lawyers crafted it to comply with the 2022 decision and the Clean Air Act. But it is difficult to predict what the conservative justices will decide, she said.
“The Supreme Court will do what it wants, and it’s shown a particular hostility to EPA rules,” Freeman said.
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𝟮𝟬 𝗙𝘂𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗮𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆, 𝗖𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗟𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄! 🍿 ↓
🚁 Vic Morrow’s Premonition: Vic Morrow insisted on a $1 million life insurance policy before filming helicopter scenes, citing a premonition of dying in a crash. Tragically, he was killed in a helicopter accident on set in 1982.
💥 Iconic Charger: The film features a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T with a 440 cubic inch V-8 engine. Its unique greenish-yellow color sparked a decades-long debate among fans over its true shade.
🚓 Destruction Derby: Six 1972 Dodge Polara police cars were purchased and destroyed during filming, all sacrificed for epic chase scenes.
🎥 High-Speed Filming: Filming began in 1973, capturing a mix of old and new highway markings due to a recent change in U.S. road signage standards.
📺 Tarantino Connection: A clip from Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry is featured in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown (1997), which starred Peter Fonda's daughter, Bridget Fonda.
🎞️ Tarantino’s Film Fest: Quentin Tarantino selected Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry for his first film festival in Austin, Texas, in 1996, celebrating its cult classic status.
🚗 Multiple Chargers: Three Dodge Chargers were used in the film, with the crew making meticulous efforts to match damage between them to maintain continuity.
🧠 Stunt Driver Legend: Famed stunt driver Carey Loftin, who worked on Vanishing Point (1971), contributed his expertise to this film, though he remained uncredited.
🚁 Helicopter’s Tragic History: The Bell 206B JetRanger helicopter used in the film had a long history in Hollywood but was involved in a fatal crash in 1984.
🎭 Roddy McDowall’s Favor: Roddy McDowall took a small role as a favor to director John Hough but requested that his name be kept off the credits.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Father-Daughter Connection: Peter Fonda (Larry) and Vic Morrow (Franklin) were the fathers of Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh, respectively, both of whom starred in Single White Female (1992).
🎸 On-Set Jam Sessions: Despite their on-screen bickering, Peter Fonda and Susan George got along well, often playing guitar and singing together between takes.
🎵 Rejected Musical Score: The film originally had a more upbeat score by Jimmie Haskell, which was scrapped in favor of a more mournful tone, except for one song used in the credits.
🏎️ Fonda’s Need for Speed: Peter Fonda did most of his own driving, frequently hitting speeds of 100 miles per hour during filming.
🔧 Car Consistency: Director John Hough shot the film in sequence, ensuring any damage to the cars was consistent throughout the movie.
🎭 Roddy McDowall’s Request: McDowall requested his name be kept off the credits for his small role, not wanting to overshadow other actors.
🚔 From Hill Street to Swapmeet: Robert Hirschfeld, credited as “Swapmeet customer #4,” is also known for his role as Officer Leo Schnitz on Hill Street Blues.
🎥 Local Talent: Many supporting roles were filled by Northern California-based actors, who also appeared in other films shot in the region like Dirty Harry and American Graffiti.
🍿 Tarantino’s Homage: Tarantino paid tribute to Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry in Jackie Brown (1997), featuring a clip from the film in one of its scenes.
🎶 Theme Song Lyrics: The film’s theme song, Time Is Such a Funny Thing, reflects the movie’s melancholic tone with lyrics pondering the fleeting nature of time.
#MovieTrivia #ClassicMovies #CultFilms #CarChases #HollywoodHistory #dirtymary
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smartkabadi · 15 days
In a proactive move to encourage environmental sustainability and rejuvenate the automotive sector, Nitin Gadkari, India’s Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, has introduced an exciting new initiative that could save you significantly when buying a new car with government approved scraper. The initiative encourages vehicle owners to scrap vehicles, polluting cars in exchange for attractive discounts on new vehicle purchases. This policy is a win-win for both consumers and the environment, as it not only makes owning a new car more affordable but also helps reduce pollution by taking older, more polluting vehicles off the roads. Let’s take a look in depth!
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my-dearest-spoon · 17 days
it's weird but while I am not making a ton of money I feel a lot happier now that I've quit smoking weed and I really focused on just scrapping together what little change I have. Yes I know I had an art show so that really helped but it is seriously only the 8th and I already have half of my rent put together. If I returned that air pump to tractor supply I'll have it--they have a 30-day return policy that thing was 40 bucks I'm at 418, so 418 + 40 is 458. Damn I came up with half of my rent within the first week of this month. I'm not scrambling to get it together last minute I'm not needing to get another loan. And I still have another paycheck coming on the 20th and I think I'm going to be Gucci as f***. I have plenty of money to go towards that car title loan I did and and I'm going to pay 200 bucks on the credit card so the interest isn't stacking up and just leaving me endlessly paying for that thing for no reason.
but I need to stay focused I need to get out of here there are a few other things that I still need to do. I need to apply for my EBT card get WIC and fix my student loan thing.
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