zofias · 4 years
🍓 sup ho ltns
sup alyssa ur still one of my favorite blogs ever okay thats never gonna change you make bomb ass edits, have a bomb ass blog, and just a bomb ass person and also ur gorgeous i luv u so much 
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
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jaeneyre · 6 years
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A truth universally acknowledged...
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen for @caradocdearborn
Happy Birthday Alyssa!
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dominik528 · 5 years
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"Get up, Shahrzad al-Khayzuran. You kneel before no one. Least of all me."
-- The Wrath & the Dawn, Renée Ahdieh
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sanssa-archive · 6 years
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Why do we have to pretend to be sorry, when we have nothing to be sorry about?
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monstress · 5 years
i swear your tv show edits are just uh perfection 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
thank u so much but i admit tho im getting rusty 😩
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shirewalker · 6 years
warnette + 29 “You look so comfy, and cuddle-able.”
ohhh yay!! one warnette request!! sorry it’s been so long ^^’’
 “Juliette, love… I really need to leave.” Aaron said, though he made nomove to change his position.
Juliette snuggled closer, “No, post-pone the meeting. I did it withmine.”
He chuckled, “Because you weren’t feeling well. And after I insisted onyou doing exactly that. You were halfway through the door before I caught you.”
“I wasn’t that…” A sneeze interrupted her then. Juliette sniffed alittle and ignored Aaron’s knowing grin, “I was just a little dizzy. But youwere right, it was better to leave it for tomorrow.”
“Especially since I stuck around?” He offered.
Juliette hummed in agreement.
“Juliette, love!” Aaron rushed to her side, quick to catch her beforeshe lost her footing.
She tried to shoo him off, but his hands were like hooks on her, “I’mfine. I have a meeting with Castle!” A very important meeting. She was sure ofthat, even if she wasn’t sure about the meeting’s topic right now. Her head waslight and spinning, and everything was both hot and cold.
“Love, you can’t go anywhere like that. This is what happens when you goout in a storm with the wrong coat.”
“You and your fashion advice… I really had to go out there, ok? Thosekids needed my help.”
All along,Aaron tugged her back to their bedroom, patiently listening to her rambling onand on, “I know, love, but you still got sick and you still need to lie downand rest for a while. I’ll have some soup brought over before I leave.”
Tugged backinto bed, Juliette frowned at him, “Leave? You can’t.”
Aaronchuckled as he leaned down to check her temperature. His hands were warm andtender. He smiled, “You don’t seem to have a fever, so this is probably just acold. Still, a warm meal and some medicine will do you good, love.” He lookeddown to his hand. Juliette held it in her rock-hard grip. “Love…”
“Stay…” Shepouted, “You look so comfy and cuddle-able…”
The cornersof his lips tugged up in a soft smile, “I suppose I still have time for a fewcuddles. If you promise to eat and drink whatever I give you and change thatmeeting for tomorrow.”
Juliette’spout turned sour. But his gaze was unwavering and after a moment she sighed anddropped the façade, “Ok. I agree. Now please… Cuddles.”
Aaron took offhis shoes and jacket and joined her under the blankets. Juliette was quick tosnuggle up to him, sighing wistfully as he put an arm around her shoulders andkissed her crown, “You are very clingy when you’re sick, love.”
“Shut up.You love it.”
His onlyreply was a bark of laughter.
Hourslater, and after changing his meeting’s time three times, Aaron was starting towonder how serious Juliette’s sickness really was. The medicine and the foodhad improved her complexion quite a lot, but she still sneezed and clung to himlike earlier that day. Not exactly the signs he needed, though.
“Love… I’llbe away for half an hour, tops.” Juliette nuzzled her nose against his neck.Aaron’s eyes rolled in their sockets, a soft moan stuck between his teeth. Shewas… very persuasive. “At the very least let me call Kishimoto.”
One ofJuliette’s hand snaked under his shirt as Aaron slowly realised she wassmiling. So, his suspicions were correct. Of course. “I’ll feel much better inthe morning if you do that, Aaron.”
He shookhis head and brought her lips to his for a quick peck, “You are devious. Howsick are you, love?”
She flasheda smile innocent enough to fool maybe one or two random soldiers. But not him.The glint in her eyes told him quite a lot. “I’m still sick. But I’m betternow. I guess…” She leaned in to kiss under his jaw, “You are an excellentmedicine…”
“You aregoing to rule the world one day, Juliette. I swear.” He let out in a strainedvoice, trying his best to not lose it just yet. There was still one phone callto make.
Julietteseemed to be on the same page, “Go make that call. I think I’m growing dizzy.”She said, tone suggestive enough to make him ponder if maybe Kishimoto shouldjust wait indefinitely. But then he remembered than the payback would be rathersour.
“I’ll useour phone.”
Juliettebeamed, “Wonderful!”
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aeirithgainsborough · 6 years
adam parrish or neil josten
listen. listen. i dont want to get in the way of pynch but imagine having adam fucking parrish in your life WOW. can i pick adam but instead of dating im picking to be his and ronan’s weird cat neighbour who comes over uninvited for dinner but at least always bring a good dessert??
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macbcth · 6 years
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@shadesofmagicnet​ essen tasch match 1: get to know the members
"Death comes for everyone," she said simply. "I'm not afraid of dying. But I am afraid of dying here." She swept her hand over the room, the tavern, the city. "I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.”
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perenelleflamael · 6 years
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HP Characters → The Four Founders
“Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please...”
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sunchosens · 5 years
hi you are cute
alyssa shut up . jfdsak;fja i wuv u so much my heart is growing in my chest x2 like the grinch 
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catlaila · 6 years
congratz cutie, gimme that good good heist crew + 🔪
thanks bb, one gay murder coming right up
ravka / kerch / fjerda / novyi zem / shu han / wandering isle
thief / wraith / runaway / sharpshooter / heartrender / convict
dreg / dime lion / black tip / razorgull
materialki / corporalki / etherealki
want one?
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oikawas · 5 years
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willskempen · 7 years
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The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
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kjyd · 5 years
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ladyeowyn · 6 years
✧ compliment promos 10/? ✧
@raavka: Zaynab, firstly let me say your url is so incredible, I love it to the moon and back!!! second, I actually love everything about your blog. 😊 your beautiful aesthetic icon might be one of the prettiest ones that appear on my dashboard, your posts are always A+++, but my personal favourite are definitely your original creations - especially your aesthetic gifsets always take my breath away 💕
@dahuntress: your blog has such a lovely colour scheme and your theme is beautiful as well 💫
@caradocdearborn: Alyssa, ever since I started following you, you've been one of my absolute favourite blogs and I'm always so happy to see you on my dash. the content you post & reblog is wonderful and you make some of the most stunning & beautifully coloured edits there are! I love them more than I could ever express in words. you're so talented!!! 🌸
@queens-clarke: Runa, I love the colour scheme of your blog so much!!! I love all the little & vibrant detailes in your theme, as well your beautiful icon & url 💖
@stark: Mila, in all honesty I could never list out all the things that I love and admire about you & your blog no matter how hard I tried, but here are at least a few of them. your url blows my mind on daily basis, all the sideblogs that you run leave me in awe and everything around them - icons, themes & mobile themes, posts - is always colorful and on point, you make such beautifully coloured and high quality gifs. but most importantly, all the kindness that you spread warms my heart and your never fail to make me smile or laugh. my dash would be a sad place without you, thank you for being you ✨✨✨
want one? // blacklist #3.5kpromos
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stsgyuri · 6 years
wow happy birthday qtpie!!!!!
thanks u alyssa!!!
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