vizual-demon · 2 years
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Tolkien art by Xavier Collette
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eri-pl · 4 days
Silm reread 17: more B&L
And more fourth wall, and therefore more Pengolodh.
TW: Some musings about what exactly Morgoth wanted to do with Luthien, but vague and rather silly.
Sauron, like everyone there knew Huan's "die on greatest wolf" prophecy. Where from???
Luthien faints! She's not that OP. Her cloak dazes Sauron and Huan saves the day. She takes the island, Sauron flees and doesn't notice Gondolin (I guess Ulmo did his mist thing).
Luthien says that she claims the island and the island replies! The magic goes away and it all crumbles (described in a very awesome way) and the ex-prisoners are in shock (who wouldn't?).
Luthien faints at the fainted Beren, because she thinks he's dead. Of all the books you had to reference Romeo and Juliet? Professor… It's a parody more than a serious thing. And it's so… But ok, maybe that's the point. Maybe the point is that of course B&L don't harm themselves because they have a functioning braincell. And estel. Not necessarily in this order.
Also, we get the note that Finrod is already with his father in Valinor. When? When is this written? I guess the only way to get this info back from Valinor to ME would be the War of Wrath, or maaaybe Gandalf told Elrond. But Gandalf barely remembered anything, so more like War of Wrath. Or Galadriel saw him in the mirror and she told Elrond who added this to the book. This would make sense.
Do we have any info on "Finrod got reembodied quickly" except this line above + fanon?
Nargothrond rebels against C&C and Orodreth becomes king. He doesn't kill them because he is afraid of getting more Doom of Mandos. This… isn't a very moral attitude. Well, at least he doesn't kill them.
Also, Celebrimbor disowns his dad. Or at least his dad's deeds.
Beren, against his better judgment, tries to leave Luthien in safety but she tells him it doesn't work this way.
They fight C&C. Luthien forbids Beren to kill Curufin. Which is great of her. (I wonder what she'd say about Celegorm, but probably the same.)
Curufin curses Beren. "Taking the sky and clouds as his witness" – I guess he is too afraid / too ashamed to mention the Valar. :þ He wishes Beren a painful death, soon. Which …kind of works?
Celegorm tbh doesn't do much in here. He does fight Beren, but Curufin seems to be the boss.
Beren is desperate, leaves alone, sings, Luthien (who was searching for him because no, she won't let him go on the quest alone) sings back. Again. It's not a full rescue, but still, it is the song thing again.
Description of Thuringwethil, who is just a large bat with iron (liteerally? metaphorically?) talons. And Sauron's mail-lady. Mail-monster? Sadly, we don't get an info on who killed her.
Beren curses his promise to Thingol, Huan lectures him, gives him a sort of prophecy and leaves. Why is everyone cursing things all the time?
Morgoth also knows what Huan's fate is (Everyone knows it. How? Did Celegorm gloat about it?), also, more info on how werewolves are made. So, Carcaroth.
Luthien gets a burst of Maiarin powers (because fate, plot and all. Yes. I know. But this is the genre.)
We got an absolute metal description of Morgoth's throne room: "his nethermost hall that was upheld by horror, lit by fire, and filled with weapons of death and torment". Upheld by horror. This is just peak description. (as long as it's sparse and the rest of description is actual description. Yes, HPL, I am looking at you) unspeakably
Morgoth, umm, reacts in a similar way as Celegorm, and we're told that it was the wickest idea he got since he escaped from Valinor. Which:
I respect Tolkien for putting it so high on the wickedness meter
Does the "since he escaped" addition mean that killing the Trees was more wicked??? Sorry, I'm not buying it. Depraving the Elves? Hmm. Making orcs was more wicked in my opinion (in the "from broken Elves" theory), and he indeed invented it before the whole imprisonment in Valinor, so I would like to assume this is what the narration means, but I somehow doubt it.
Please don't tell me that indirectly giving Feanor bad ideas was somehow more wicked than this. :|
Also, him and the Men… but that is vaguely canon and anyway Pengolodh said himself that he doesn't know what happenned, so this doesn't count. Because if it counted, this "most wicked" would be false.
And of course it turns against him. He gets blinded, everyone else falls asleep, the Silmarils glow brighter (reacting to Luthien?).
Out of the blue, we now get a quite sympathetic description of Morgoth being so tired and terrified and worried and …. see, Jirt, that's why. That's why I can't read him as you would like me to. Seriously. If you don't want me to have compassion for the guy, do not show him as emotionally vulnerable. Seriously. [Unless it is the translation again]
Yea, I could blame this on narrative frame (which goes on and off, in one paragraph he doesn't know things, and in the other he almost knows what Morgoth's inner emotional state is) and say that Pengolodh made it up… except it's very much a kind of thing he would not make up, rather cut out… I would have to assume some other author or editor added this for some reasons… If I were to guess, this very much sounds like something Luthien would say when telling this story. (Which tells us a lot about her)
Anyway: book, what are you doing?
And Luthien puts Morgoth to sleep (which is an achievement!!!), "as black as the Outer Void where he once wandered alone". Jirt. Seriously. Stop giving me ammunition to like him. I almost wish I had more normal reactions and, idk, assumed more details on what he planned about Luthien or anything that would allow me to read it closer to the authorial intent. (Because with how cautiously you worded it, it might have as well been planning to propose to her and make her a dark queen, Haladriel-style, but cooler. And from a book that says "corrupting Fefe was one of the worst" I could assume this would be still called "wickedest since fefe". I know that's not what you mean, but I wish I could internalize it more.)
My brain is not braining properly. (Also I can't learn to not mistake "wonder" and "wander" every once in a while. I blame it on that one song from RoP. Which is almost as uneven in quality in my eyes as this chapter.)
At least, we get a description of how the Silmarils were set in the crown. (Also, my drawing was wrong, because Morgoth falls face-down.)
Beren takes the Silmaril and it glows through his flesh like in a lantern (White or red? Seems more like white, but red often works better with fanart.)
Luthien is out of spell points tired, Beren tries to use the Silmaril on Carcaroth, saying "this is the fire that will destroy you and all the evil creatures" which I think is quite stupid, so Carcaroth promptly bites off his hand, chomps the Silmaril and runs away because he's in pain.
"Stupid but well-intentioned thing doesn't work but gets the result anyway" is a trope I like, but sadly in Legendarium it is terribly rare. Again, B&L have a different genre than the Feanorians. :(
Another "the most X to ever X": Carcaroth's rage is the most terrible thing to happen to Beleriand (before the War of Wrath). OK, I can believe this, I think.
Eagles! They should really have a tagline about providing eucatastrophes. It's their main job.
Morgoth is probably awake, because volcano and lightnings are striking from the gound (lightning seems to be his thing, and thunderstorms in general too).
Luthien (in contrast to Sauron) can see Gondolin down below and it gets a beautiful (but short) description. Also, she'd rather wander aimlessly with Beren because she is so happy, but he remembers that he gave his word, also Thingol deserves to see his daughter, despite all his problematic behavior. Beren is so kind.
We get a lot of information from Luthien's PoV in this story, more than Beren's, which confirms to me that in-world, this is derived from Thingol's retellings of their story, and Luthien told him more than Beren did. Also, he was unconcious in many important moments.
Also, we get a note that it's bad to ignore father's opinion, "unless in extreme situation" which sounds quite feminist to me, considering Tolkien's times and the genre.
Meanwhile in Doriath:
Daeron left Doriath to be sad for Luthien's disappearance (we aren't told if he even learned that she returned with Beren). Well, he did snitch on her twice. :þ Also, we are reminded that "he was considered better even than Maglor". :Þ
Thingol is mad at Celegorm (for the "let me marry Luthien pls" letter + probably for Finrod's death), he'd like to attack all Feanorians, but can't, so he writes to Maedhros demanding help in finding Luthien, but the letter gets eaten by Carcaroth (probably. Definitely doesn't reach its destination) so we don't know what Maedhros would do.
[I think: berate Celegorm, agree to help with Luthien and demand the Silmaril for it. Which… Thingol may have agreed to tbh. He cared for Luthien more. So, maybe if it wasn't for Carcaroth things would be better. Even for Celegorm. There's a fic potential in here.]
Oh, here is Mablung. He will be in CoH too, I think.
Thingol is still not a fan of Beren. Until the hand pun. Absolutely realistic father-in-law behavior. :D I love the genre whiplash.
And the narrative tells us that Luthien's love is a feeling unknown before and all the powers of Arda cannot stop B&L's fate. I'm not a fan of this sentence, it makes me cringe a bit. Did I mention that I dislike romance as a genre?
Anyway Thingol ok-s it and they get married.
Hunt for Carcaroth. The way in which Mablung takes the Silmaril gives me a vague Arthurian (Grail) vibe, but I'm not sure. It is weird and the disappearing hand seems the medieval sort of weird?
Beren dies, Luthien … It doesn't say explicitely that she died of grief. I would prefer to believe that it was more like her Maiarin instinct… she went to Mandos, because she had a business there.
Also. Men after their death sail from the dark shores of the Outer Sea — what? That is so cool. And who runs the port there, who has a house on the very edge? Nienna! This is just so fascinating. Early-Legendarium-like but in the best way.
Luthien sings the most beautiful song that has been made. OK, I can buy that. And, says Pengolodh, there wasn't, nor will ever be a saddest song. My guy, you would sound wiser if you stopped saying what will be and what will not be, you are not Namo. But anyway, her song is beautiful and very, very sad.
This song is so amazing that it's still sang in Valinor, without any change, and the Valar are sad. that is… interesting to explore. It is about Men and Elves and even Namo is sad… yes, I am definitely getting ideas. Which may be explored some day. Or not.
I wonder whether we get the words of it in the Lay... No, the Lay doesn't go this far. I therefore will assume that it starts with "the stars have faded" or something similar, like we have described Luthien's grief in the chapter: "the starlight was quenched and darkness had fallen even upon Lúthien Tinúviel"
B&L say their goodbyes, Namo is so moved that he goes to Manwe, Manwe goes to (metaphorically; mentally in his deepest mind) Iluvatar, Luthien gets a choice.
And the invitation to forget Beren and live among the Valar… I'm not sure what is the exact deal here? Is she offered just a normal Elven Valinorean deal or to make her a full-on Maia? Because it kind of sounds like this. And… why not? The word "impossible" got yeeted out the window anyway (I love such situations, of course I do, I love the insane out-of-the-box-ness as Mairon loved order and efficiency, but hopefully the other way around ie.: it is a problem first and not last).
Anyway we don't know what exactly was the first option, because she choses Beren (I really like to think it was less about "romance means so much to me, I am not complete without my man" and more about "it feels like a beautiful idea (and I do love him and forgetting it sounds cheap and too easy)" but … have I mentioned I don't like romance as a genre?)
Luthien was the only Elda to truely die… Yep. Hold our beers and behold our fics. (Or maybe it is just my optics that Elves going "because Luthien made a precedent" is a fic staple? Anyway this makes too much sense to not use it.)
Yes, she's the only one in the canon. She died and it's sad. But we got half-Elves which is cool. Also, and we got a teaser for Elrond and Arwen:
"Yet in her choice the Two Kindreds have been joined; and she is the forerunner of many in whom the Eldar see yet, though all the world is changed, the likeness of Lúthien the beloved, whom they have lost."
Also, poor Elrond. This paragraph shows us how he is seen by other Eldar. First and foremost as a memory of a long-lost legend. :(
I feel like I missed some of the cool parts, but nevermind. TLDR: Luthien cool, narrative frame inconsistent.
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valoniaart · 1 year
Gandalf vs Balrog
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finrod-feelagund · 11 months
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Big bad wolf. Huan for scale
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sharonzgallery · 2 years
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A cute little puppy from JRR Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. He likes pats, orc blood, and treatos.
Fun fact: his markings are The Eye converted to a paw print!
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humbleschilder · 7 months
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Quick sketch of Carcaroth
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imakemywings · 1 year
Hey, are you still bitter about the treatment Thingol gets in the fandom? Because I am, even if it's 2023. The fact that people have such visceral reactions and threw a huge hissy fit in response to Thingol banning Quenya as if his banning is equivalent to a mass slaughter when said mass slaughterers are claiming lands in Beleriand and mocks Thingol's kingship is funny to me. And the fact that people mock and shit on Thingol for being pissed at the kinslaying at Aqualonde because he wasn't even there, like hello? That's his brother's people tf? Who wouldn't be pissed when you find out your brother's family legit got slaughtered? He has flaws but like so do many characters in silm, yet he gets so much hate and is never written with justice because he's against the noldor/feanorians.
Am I still bitter about [X]? yes. The answer is always yes.
People's attitudes towards Thingol in this fandom are a perfect illustration of character-centric morality: the things the Feanorians do are excusable because they're liked, and anything Thingol does is worthy of scorn because he is not liked. That's how you get people acting like the Quenya ban is on par with literal mass murder (and no, I don't think his asking for a massive number of foreign troops coming into the area to show him respect as the local ruler, as a display of good faith if nothing else, was unreasonable).
Look, I get why Thingol is not a big fan favorite. He suffers from "show not tell" where although Tolkien tells us he was a wise and beloved king, most of what we're shown in detail are things he fucked up. He also plays the King Triton role with Beren and Luthien, and no one likes a guy who stands in the way of ~true love~. Additionally, some of his most likeable moments come in Children of Hurin, which is, of course, not a part of the core Silmarillion. We get a lot less detail in Silm about Turin's time in Doriath, which is when we see a lot more of Thingol in CoH and where we see his attitude on mortals make a complete 180 (he is in fact the only Elf lord to ever foster a Man). But even within Silm, it's rarely acknowledged that in the end, he does support Beren and Luthien's marriage.
"And it seemed to Thingol that this Man was unlike all other mortal Men, and among the great in Arda, and the love of Luthien a thing new and strange; and he perceived that their doom might not be withstood by any power of the world. Therefore at last he yielded his will, and Beren took the hand of Luthien before the throne of her father."
He seats Beren at his left hand--it's hard to overstate the significance of that.
"Then Thingol's mood was softened; and Beren sat before his throne upon the left, and Luthien upon the right, and they told the tale of the Quest..."
I think it is relevant to remember that in accepting Luthien's marriage to Beren, Thingol is necessarily accepting her death--the death of his only child, whom he holds dearer than all the land and wealth of Doriath. That doesn't make his actions in B&L right, but I think it makes them understandable.
Later, when the forces of Doriath go to hunt Carcaroth, Beren and Thingol hunt together.
"...Huan leaped from the thicket upon the back of the Wolf, and they fell together fighting bitterly; and no battle of wolf and hound has been like to it, for in the baying of Huan was heard the voice of the horns of Orome and the wrath of the Valar, but in the howls of Carcaroth was the hate of Morgoth and malice crueller than teeth of steel...There they fought to the death; but Thingol gave no heed, for he knelt beside Beren, seeing that he was sorely hurt." (Emphasis added)
But also, simply because he repeatedly comes into conflict with the sons of Feanor, he was doomed to be recast as a villain by the fandom because the sons are so popular that anyone who dislikes them is going to get shafted by the fandom. Hating on Thingol is so accepted in this fandom people don't even seem to regard it as character bashing to come onto posts or fics about Thingol and share how much they don't like him/think he's an asshole/whatever.
I really don't think there is an overreaction to hearing about unprovoked mass murder. I really think most of us would react very badly to finding out that someone we'd had dealings with had slaughtered a bunch of people, whether or not we were related to the victims. It's been said before but I'll drag it out again: Thingol had to do something. As king, he did not have the option of not reacting to that--that it happened, or that the Noldor tried to conceal it. The Quenya ban was arguably a mid-level response (Furthermore, it was a pretty deft display of Thingol's soft power--Maedhros scoffs at his claim to be king of Beleriand, yet look how instantly and totally the Sindar adhere to this directive. With this one move, Thingol displays for the Noldor how far his power reaches. If they were thinking about armed conflict with Thingol and Doriath, they now know how many of the Elves of Beleriand they would have to deal with.) It's not like Fingolfin was going to turn his people over for a trial, and accept whatever punishment Doriath's court ruled on, not least because Fingon himself was a significant part of the Kinslaying at Alqualonde. The Noldor, hand their crown prince over to a foreign justice system? Not gonna happen.
I will link to my tag for Thingol metas, if you want to see more of what other people have stated more eloquently about his character and his actions!
Long story short: I like Thingol, flaws included, and it's kind of laughable that of all the characters in the book, THIS is the one people find irredeemable.
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something something maglor and maedhros being burned by the silmarils as equivalent to the divine judgement they might have faced in valinor (but with zero of the amelioration surrender might bring).
something something maedhros' torment under varda's hallowing being too much like morgoth's torture. being under the punishing power of one valar is not so different, in the end; the despair is very alike, and all the more final.
maglor lingering on and on in a state of celestial horror: closing his eyes and seeing the great expanses of the starkindler's dominion, darkness and numberless lights, and the burning fire of the heavenly bodies turned against him in loathing and revulsion.
on him is a sentient judgement that does not wane. older than the world, the oldest justice beyond the circles of the world. starlight burns him at night worse than the scorching sun at midday; and nothing can ever heal the wounds of the silmaril.
he clings to the laments and the regret, and repeats the same songs, with the same exact words, lest the terror of the hallowing on unworthy flesh and unworthy spirit claim him entirely.
he clings to the story of his life, which is the cause for his pain, and the only thing that keeps him from being swallowed entirely but the great expanses of the heavens, the tremendous heights that pried open his mind and revealed the filth of his self without ornamentation or ambiguity, and do not relent. truth, absolute and immense and foul - and in the end, the despair is very bad.
the eldar are not made for absolute truth. the eldar are made to sing, and wander, and -- not this.
maglor sings, and wanders as he sings. he loses words. names, verses, speech, the thing for which the elegy is sung, until only the voice remains, very like the sea. not all the solemn and linear and familiar songs of the eldar can stand forever as a shield between the hugeness of the starlit skies, and neither the sea nor the heavens care about his regret.
he does regret. he must. all that is left of his own history, in the great vastness of nebulas and suns that lingers always beneath his lids. his hands hurt constantly, and the flesh beneath his skin breaks and steams sometimes as if it were old wood with hidden embers. the bones themselves blackened, warming him always with a fever like the moment of epiphany at the end of a long fast.
if only he had not yielded to maedhros' will! but then, that is only another illusion so swiftly burned away as a veil of mist in the morrow at the touch of the silmaril. the jewels would never be given to those who had slain the blood of the kindred, were they the best behaved and most patient of penitents.
no unholy creature would be suffered to touch any hallowed thing, in valinor. even the valar were not so cruel. maglor yielded, and yielded, and yielded; he can only regret it, and never enough, though all the unbearable loveliness of the midnight sky be set to consume him with righteous wrath.
he does not return among elvenkind. maedhros is dead, and carcaroth is dead, and morgoth is cast out. there is not much left in arda that shares great kinship with the thing he is; and that, he knows - for the stars are keen and absolute teachers, judges with no pity - is a righteous and holy thing.
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besotted-with-austen · 4 months
Thingol: that Beren-! Well, as it is now he will never complete his task and Luthien will forget him!
Melian: dear, you are only worsening the situation-
Daeron: Your Majesty, Luthien is planning to follow Beren!
Thingol: what?!
Melian: how surprising.
Thingol: seriously, this daughter-!
Melian: dear, you are exaggerating-
Thingol: me? I am exaggerating? What about Luthien! Well, now she is confined and I want to see how she gets down from that tree-
Random Guard: Your Majesty, Luthien neutralised the guards and fled!
Thingol: what?! Melian, what can we do?
Melian: now you ask me for counsel? We wait the consequences of your actions, that's what we will do.
Thingol: where could she be? With all the dangers outside Doriath-
RG: Your Majesty, there is a message from Nargothrond!
Thingol: from Finrod Felagund? What for?
RG: not him, Celegorm and Curufin-they say that Lord Felagund accompanied Beren on his quest and they are both dead!
Thingol: what?
RG: and that they have imprisoned Luthien and Celegorm is going to wed her!
Melian: *silent*
Thingol: WHAT?! A Feanorian wants to put his filthy paws on my daughter?! I would sooner sing for Morgoth! I want agents in Nargothrond, NOW!
Thingol: Feanorians! If I knew it would have come to this, I would have let Luthien marry Beren one hundred times! Oh, Luthien-
RG: Your Majesty, Curufin and Celegorm have been driven away from Nargothrond! They are going back to Himring!
Thingol: wait, and Luthien? Did they took her with them or did they let her go?
RG: by our last report, Luthien is not in the Nargothrond either, but we have no further information.
Melian: *silent*
Thibgol: I see-well. Waging war on Nargothrond is no use now, and going after the Feanorians is not wise-either way, send messages to Himring, I need help to search for Luthien and they cannot refuse me.
Thingol: is no one here yet? That's strange-
RG: Your Majesty, Mablung has arrived!
Thingol: finally! What did Maedhros say? And why-what happened to you?
Mablung: I was the only one that survived! In the North Carcaroth has slaughtered all the messengers, my King-we never reached Himring!
Thingol: the Wolf of Angband? Sauron's Werewolf?!
Mablung: and it is not stopping anytime soon-it is coming here!
Thingol: but-but we have the protection of Melian-
Mablung: it isn't enough!
Thingol: what?!
Melian: *silent*
Mablung: we do not know why, but it can enter Doriath! It will laid devastation and ruin everywhere!
Thingol: everyone will perish-and Luthien has been out there this whole time-
Luthien: what about me?
Thingol & Everyone Else: *gasp*
Melian: Luthien!
Thingol: Luthien! You are here! We thought you were dead!
Beren: we are here.
Everyone Else: *gasp*
Melian: *silent*
Thingol: you. We thought you were dead.
Beren: I am not, and I come to claim Luthien's hand.
Thingol: oh? Show me the Silmaril, then!
Beren: *shows his left hand* it is in my hand.
Thingol: you have nothing in your hand.
Beren: *showing his stump* my right hand-now it is in Carcaroth's stomach.
Melian: dear?
Thingol: *histerical laughter* fine! All right, explain me how it ended there, it seems quite the story-
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lady-byleth · 2 years
As we all know, I am a bit of an obsessive nerd. Not quite Silmaril hunting levels of obsessive but getting there
Today I shall use this power to draw up a few fun parallels between the most famous love story in Arda and Beren and Luthien (lol, I couldn't stop myself).
This is not going to be in chronological order because the parallels of the two stories don't happen at the same points and it might be a bit jumbled because I'm wicked sick with covid so bear with me
Let's start with the setup for both.
Broken down to its essentials, Beren and Maedhros are sent to retrieve a/the Silmaril/s from Melkor by a great elven King who happens to hate one part of the pairing.
Feanor is no fan of Fingolfin's line in general, Fingon being his half-brother's heir would not have been the most beloved person to Feanor. Thingol is also not particularly fond of Beren.
The difference is that Thingol is giving Beren this task because he deems it impossible and hopes Beren will either give up or straight up die while Feanor's sons swear the Oath so they can't stop unless they die.
In any case, the setup is quite similar at its core.
Of course they do not set off alone. Maedhros is accompanied by his family and the host of Feanor, sharing the Oath with his brothers. Beren meanwhile cashes in on his own family's good relationship with Finrod Felagund (himself a relative of Maedhros and Fingon) and gets his own company for his quest. Now we have an Oath of some sort on both sides and Finrod to connect them further.
Next we have Luthien and Fingon, who out of devotion themselves set off on a journey to follow their partner. Now, I don't quite remember where this comes up but Fingon, if memory serves, goes for two reasons: 1, cuz he too wishes to build something new in Middle-earth, a call to adventure if you will, and 2, because Maedhros is going. Luthien follows Beren when she senses he is in danger, so like Fingon there's a deep bond there that motivates her.
Maedhros and Beren both end up captured by the enemy (Maedhros after losing a significant portion of his company and Beren loses them while captured) and against the better judgment of just about any sentient being Luthien and Fingon both make the solitary treck to some of the most dangerous places on the planet to save them. Thangorodrim are three mountains/volcanos atop Melkor's stronghold Angband, teeming with evil creatures and magic. Dol-in-Gaurhoth belongs to Sauron at this point, where his werewolves make their lair. Incidentally, Beren and Luthien also head for Angband later on.
At this point, Luthien does manage to save Beren from Dol-in-Gaurhoth with the help of non other than Huan, a hound of the Valar gifted to Maedhros' brother Celegorm, again drawing a connection between the two tales that is not quite a parallel but interesting. We won't get into the logistics of how Luthien and Huan came to be a team but like her, Fingon also receives the help of a beast close to a Valar - Thorondor, King of the Eagles
How does Thorondor know to help? Well, Fingon manages to track Maedhros down by doing what every elf does when they are distraught: he sings. And Maedhros, by a small miracle, hears his song and answers, the same way Luthien found Beren in Angband because when all else fails, sing. Well, he sings. Actually they both do, at different points.
Anyway, Maedhros is weakened and in agony, and begs Fingon to kill him. And Fingon, because he sees no other way, raises his bow and prays to Manwe that his arrow might fly swift and true. And Manwe, despite all the bad blood between him and especially the Feanorians, despite the Doom of Mandos promising that everything the Kinslayers do ends in failure, and despite everything that went down between the Noldor and the Valar...sends Thorondor instead. Thorondor, who also appears to help Luthien bring a dying Beren back to Doriath, much like he carries Fingon and Maedhros back to Lake Mithrim.
Beren is currently dying because Carcaroth bit off his hand and poisoned him that way. His right hand, to be precise. Maedhros is in horrific shape because he was tortured for decades and then had his hand cut off.
So if I had a nickle for every time Thorondor carried someone on the quest for some shiny stones back home after they lose their right hand, I'd have two nickles.
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Luckily both Maedhros and Beren survive their ordeals...until they both die with a Silmaril in their hands later on. But that's neither here nor there.
Luthien, in her grief, sings her sorrow to Namo, who consults with Manwe on her behalf. And Manwe hears her plea and does what he can do help her, like he heard Fingon's plea and helped him.
So, to summarize, dudes taller than most of their families set off (together with their respective companies, which include Finrod at some point) to retrieve Feanor's shiny stones because an elven King said so and end up captured by the bad guys. Pretty dark haired people follow them, against all odds find them (one of them even twice) and beg the Valar for help, who answer in unexpected ways. Tall dudes lose their right hands, Thorondor is there to play Great Eagle Airlines. Someone is found through singing. Both Maedhros and Beren end up dying very soon after reclaiming one Silmaril.
I hope this is halfway coherent because again, covid. It's probably jumbled all to hell but I think I made my point
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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crown-and-stallion · 2 years
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Keeping on that Silmarillion roll with a drawing of Carcaroth!
I should draw Draugluin and Huan soon 🤔
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arlenianchronicles · 11 months
So does Beril still die or is Luthion able to save her? And when do you think you'll update your genderbent story on a03?
Yep, Beril still dies after the fight with Carcaroth! Since she's proven herself to be a warrior after the Quest, she joins Thingol's hunting party to finish what she started with the wolf. Luthion also joins the party since he's a fighter too and wants to make sure Beril is okay. Of course, that doesn't turn out well ^^;; But this part of the story is pretty much the same as in canon, so Beril and Luthion get their happy ending! :D
As for when I'll update the story, I have no idea ^^;; I just don't have the motivation for it at the moment ... Maybe in the future I will? But I have no plans for it at present. Sorry about that, anon!
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quentafeanorians · 2 years
Plotting Call! ✨
Please give this post a like to summon me into your IMs for plotting :)
Below are the muses I currently write for you to choose from:
Canon: Maedhros Ecthelion of the Fountain Carcaroth
OC: Varnëfindil -  Master of the hair art, the craft of braiding and stylising hair as well as taking care of it. Artist, craftsman, warrior and author of many books. Old, pretentious and often stuck up noldo grump :)
Narminyë - Wife of Curufin and mother of Celebrimbor. Renown healer and excellent cook.
Rochëru son of Olwë - Known as the Horse Master, the oldest son of king Olwë and nephew of Thingol from Doriath.
Maia of Melkor - a mysterious maia who was given the chance to heal from Melkor’s poison and bondage.
Súlfinnel Rochilvenel- a young sinda. Born in Lothlorien, she grew up in Rivendell where she moved with her parents. From the youngest age she was drawn to the wilderness and heights. Young, independent, curious.
Find links to read more about all of them:
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Hi! Sending you an imagine for the first time - hope this is alright :) So imagine a Pokemon trainer reader (Champion level) who falls into Middle Earth during the First Age and at first the elves are wary of her because of her Charizard (that looks like a dragon) - they could have the potential change the plot by having a team of strong Pokemon, especially if they have any legendaries, but also be helpless because one person and six Pokemon might not be enough to stand against Morgoth or change the fates of some characters. It would be funny if they had a Mew/psychic type that happened to be able to teleport them into Angband and steal the silmarils back before teleporting away.
Uh, I've seen this idea before and Charizard is one of my old favorites. I can see the elves being wary of the reader and their Pokemon since they have seen a lot of violent monsters, so it would take a lot for reader to convince them that their Pokemon are harmless. I think the safest place for reader to end up is in Doriath since the Sindar elves are much more in tune with nature and I think they would be more fascinated with reader's Pokemons than scared. They might be more wary of Charizard and any other fire types in reader's teams since... fire.
I can see reader trying to change fate if they grew to care a lot about people. Or maybe they're friends with Luthien and join in her quest to save Beren and steal the silmarils. I can then see Mew appearing out of nowhere and reader has a special bond with the little Pokemon. Mew could definitely help them escape from Celegorm and Curufin and even save Beren and Finrod before they got mauled by the werewolf. Reader then definitely could save Finrod from his injuries by using one of their Pokemon or maybe get healed by Mew. They then go together to steal a silmaril from Morgoth. Reader fights off the monsters and then uses their flying Pokemon to fly out of Angband. Now in Carcaroth's hunts, there would be a lot of Angs but since Beren and Luthien do come back from the dead, everything would be fine and maybe reader adopts Huan into the team since he's a magical type dog 😂
Well, you look at that. There's a whole plot for a series. Hope you liked it.
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jaws-of-thirst · 5 months
Carcaroth has been moved!
To be able to better manage my time and give love to my tolkien muses I have decided to move all of them into one, tolkien multimuse blog.
From now on you can find me at: @quentafeanorians
This blog will remain up and untouched, preserving all my writing and memories made here with all of you ❤
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northerntrash · 5 years
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“With such a hell in your heart and your head, how can you live? How can you love?” Fyodor Dostoevsky
For @oneringnet‘s creatures challenge!
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