#cards: kiseki
mondstalgia · 9 months
NatLouis playing the "Of course"-Game for VACATION Magazine in Thailand: You have to answer to whatever the other says with "Of course". First one to fail to do so or to laugh loses! (sub credits in the vid)
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porschesbabydaddy · 11 months
Sooooo do we think Chen Yi just had that professional-quality headshot kicking around or did he have to do a whole photoshoot just to have a body pillow made for Ai Di
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houseofclamp · 2 years
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avaneshop · 10 months
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CLAMP no Kiseki Vol.2 in Original box with Chess Pieces.
(available here)
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scarefox · 1 year
oh there was an affectionate biter all along
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 7
From last week the writing was on the wall and spoilers were abound. Bai Zong Yi (TARO LIN) could not wait anymore for the man he's fallen in love with. And try as he might Fan Ze Rui (HSU KAI) could not hold back either.
He quickly mounted his school boy as their kiss intensified. And since the internet is a fountain of information. Zong Yi was ready to explore his new lover.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
The Look After Your V Card is stamped (Smiles and Exhales)
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Hii, i have been occupied and wanted to come back to watch BLS, my last one was naughty babe. So what's are your current obsession!?
Anon, you have missed a lot in the last six months! BL Land has had several shows in that time, and, of course, I've consumed most of them. My capability to become obsessed with a show is unparalleled, and as I mentioned in my last obsession list, I can be obsessed about several things simultaneously. Since you've been out for a minute, let me recap some of the shows I sent a Valentine's Day card too.
Note: These are NOT recommendations.
Shows I liked for color reasons but wasn't obsessed:
Pit Babe
Middleman's Love
My Dear Gangsta Oppa
Bake Me Please (* I AM obsessed with the lead actor, Guide)
Shows I liked for the colors AND the plot but wasn't always obsessed with:
The Sign
Perfect Propose
I Cannot Reach You
7 Days Before Valentine
I Became a Lead in a BL Drama
Shows I should've been obsessed with if I was normal:
Cooking Crush
Love for Love's Sake
Cherry Magic (Thailand)
So now that we recapped some of the shows I was mildly normal about, it's time for me to reveal the shows I'm currently so obsessed with that I cut off some of their hair while they slept and now I'm attaching it to a cloth doll in hopes of binding us together.
For. Ev. Ah.
Dead Friend Forever (forever, forever, ever, forever, ever?)
Obsession Level - Buying us matching BFF necklaces with vials of our blood attached to them after my therapist tells me my relationship with it is unhealthy, and I need to take a step back from it.
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It just ended, and it isn't a BL, but I have no words. If I tried to explain why I'm so obsessed with this show, people would be really worried about my sanity. I can't stop thinking about it. I don't want to stop thinking about it. I hate all the characters. I love all the characters. I want them all dead. I want to raise them from the dead and make them do it all again. I want to heal them. I want to make them worse. I want to be in that house with them.
Obsession Level - Holding pictures of it close to my heart while I lay in bed even though it is laying right next to me in the same bed because I need it to fully grasp just how crazy about it I am and have been.
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It's Taiwanese. It's color coded. It's about "brothers." And if you looked at my previous obsessed list, you know those three items are a clear path to Obsession City for me (Looking at you, Kiseki: Dear to Me).
Anti Reset
Obsession Level - Baking all its favorite sweet treats and sitting them on its porch early in the morning then running away even though I know the security camera is filming me each time (which is why I wear cute outfits when I do it).
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It's Taiwanese. It's color coded. It's about a robot. It doesn't hit all the points on my obsession scale, but it's part of Vidol/VBL's universe, so it has my attention and a little bit of my heart.
Lady Boy Friends
OB. SESSED! Level - Knowing it's expired and toxic, but I can't stop eating it because if ending up in the hospital is the price I have to pay and possible death, then I guess that's the sacrifice I gotta make.
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It's a remake of a 2015 series, it dropped with no promo, and only one episode has aired, yet this show is hellbent on being a whole ass problem, so of course my trashy ass loves it. There is transphobia, homophobia, sexual harassment, colorism, elitism, and every other -ism that it could pile in because the entire show is begging to be everyone's trigger warning. There is a love story in there somewhere, but I don't give two shits about it when the skinny femmes and the fat femmes are fighting, and the one pictured above is about to enter her villain origin story. The subtitler is doing the Lord's work, and I feel truly blessed with this hot ass mess.
But please remember, one person's trash taste is not another person's treasure, so THESE ARE NOT RECOMMENDATIONS!
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
so i'm doing a little comfort speed rewatch of the ai di scenes in kiseki and i spied a little tasty treat
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this is a scene from the very first raid on zhang teng's territory. i missed it the first time but this time my eye was drawn immediately to the upright ace of hearts, which seems placed very intentionally.
heart cards are related to matters of love, relationships, emotions, connections, etc. the ace of hearts often indicates new beginnings, happiness, and love. it can also suggest that you will experience good fortune in your career or business dealings and that you may receive a reward for your hard work.
this could be a little hidden message - either that ai di will find happiness and love with chen yi or that his hard work in cultivating this love will pay off. this could also be a hint that chen yi's hard work in trying to track down zhang teng will eventually pay off and he will be rewarded for his hard work (though as we see there are mixed results with the outcome of things.) it could also be intended to signify all of the above.
we can also see the ten of hearts there, but it's reversed.
the ten cards are cards of completion, endings, and new beginnings. the reverse ten of hearts card can signify a disconnect from loved ones and family, a longing for family bliss and happiness but unable to experience it yet, an impending lesson not yet learned.
this, in combination with the upright ace of hearts, could be laying out a roadmap for the trajectory of their relationship. ai di longs for chen yi but feels disconnected from him because of chen yi's feelings for boss. he can't experience the happiness he wants because chen yi has not 'learned a lesson' in that boss will not return his feelings and there's someone beside him that's been looking at him the entire time.
this all could also mean absolutely nothing and they're just cards laying on the floor, but i just think it's something interesting to think about.
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m0use-house · 22 days
Hey little Mouse. I noticed too late that there was another number from the ask game I'm curious about. If you're still down to answer could I get 28? Thx 😏
Of Course!
28. Do you collect anything?
Yuppers! Mouse collects Manga, Stickers and Figures. Keychains, lanyards and Pins. Mouse also has a small collection of Mugs, crystals/rocks and Pez despensers but by far Mouse's biggest collection is Pokémon Cards! Mouse is trying to collect at least 1 card for each pokemon in the pokedex.
Mouse's most ridiculous purchase though was for a Keychain. Mouse was trying to collect all the members of the kiseki no sedai/generation of miracles from Kuroko no Basuke but Mouse couldn't find Akashi ANYWHERE so Mouse went online and bought him for 50 dollars 🙈
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This isn't the exact one but it's the same kind of style - it's like not even a full inch and a 1/2 tall
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putschki1969 · 6 months
【Lawson】What To Buy Part 3【Convenience Store】
Hello, this is Hikaru. Thank you for watching! This time, in response to your requests, I made a third video about my convenience store purchases 🛍️ Even though I am not mentioning it here, you can also buy soft kelp and tapioca milk tea at Lawson😋 If you have any items you often buy or would recommend, please let me know ☺️Please also send your video suggestions, I am always looking for new ideas 📝 [Introduced] ・Karaage kun ・Soft natto ・Kikyo Shingen Mochi Dora Mochi ・Mochi wheat bread cheese cream & double berry ・Salad chicken stick olive & cheese
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“FEATURES” Acoustic Live Report
Yesterday, Hikaru was busy rehearsing for her upcoming acoustic live. Don't forget to tune in for today's live!! (Tweet by Hikaru | Tweet 2 by Hikaru) Following her first solo tour as freelance artist, Hikaru will be holding an acoustic live on March 17. It will be a live streaming concert so everyone can watch it. Hikaru will perform her songs from the album “FEATURES” ♪ Title: Stream LIVE “Hikaru Acoustic LIVE 2024 -FEATURES-” Date: March 17 (Sun)Time: 17:00~ Ticket sales start 🎫 2/10 0:00~ Ticket price: 3,500 (overseas credit cards accepted) Archive period: 7 days Link: https://musicchamp.page.link/PJByVDREEbTmdRf77 ※The ticket needs to be bought within the Music Champ app. Please download the app!
As always, I will do some live commenting as I watch the concert even though I am not too familiar with her new songs so I will probably not have a lot to say about them T_T Also not the biggest fan of an acoustic guitar-only accompaniment but that's a personal preference XD First things first, her shirt/blouse looks great, especially with the pearl necklace.
1.Flow: I recall not particularly liking the studio version. Can't say the acoustic arrangement has changed my opinion unfortunately. Still appreciate her vocals though. 2.Embrace: Very excited how this will turn out since I do enjoy the studio version quite a bit. Nice reverb effect. The verses sound amazing, obsessed with the way she sings the "mirai..." part. And the bridge with the “ai yueni…” is lovely. 3.Awe: "Embrace" and "Awe" back to back, YESSS! This honestly gets better every time I listen to it. Don't even mind when Hikaru gets a bit shouty because it works so well for this song. 4.Treasure: Meh... I'll admit that this doesn't do anything for me. Couldn't even remember listening to it before although I most definitely did. 5.Under the Rain: Ohhh, did not expect this song to make an appearance. Thought Hikaru would be focusing solely on her "Features" tracks for this acoustic live. Very happy. The chorus isn't my cup of tea but I love the melody in the verses. And the scene from the play will always be a personal favourite. Wow, the raspy voice Hikaru uses towards the end is pretty cool. Think this is my favourite rendition of the song so far. 6.Remain: Can't pinpoint what bothers me about the song but I am not a fan. 7.Escape: The acoustic version is better than the studio version I think. Not quite as chaotic. Still not my favourite. 8.Survivor: Feel quite nostalgic about Hikaru's first song as freelance artist. Solid performance. 9.奇跡/Kiseki: Still very fond of the melody during the instrumental section but the rest of the song is just okay I guess...Not even the lalala part works for me, it's a shame T_T
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maskyish · 10 months
Re:vale LIVE 2023 WINTER FESTIVAL!! - 2nd Intermission Talk (Part 2)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Momo: That was “t(w)o…”, “Kiseki”, and “Eiensei Riron”! 
Momo: How was it, everyone? 
Audience: Kyaaaaa!
Yuki: Everyone’s excitement also warmed us up. Thank you. 
Momo: Yeah, yeah! It got as piping hot as the ozoni (1) Yuki made for the New Year! 
Yuki: You were even like “It’s hot!” Didn’t your tongue get burnt from it? 
Momo: I was totally fine! It was super delicious! And eating ozoni made by Yuki while getting to stare at his face……… It was the best way I could’ve ever started the New Year! 
Yuki: But wasn’t that the only thing that felt like New Year’s? Personally, I wanted to relish in the New Year feeling a bit more. 
Momo: Ahaha! It really did go by in a flash, huh! 
Momo: Work was fulfilling,  but I still wanted to enjoy even more things with Yuki, like seeing the first sunrise of the new year, going to the first shrine visit, and flying a kite! 
Yuki: So active….. 
Momo: It’s the first events of the New Year! We have to psyche ourselves up!
Yuki: I’d just like to relax under a kotatsu and eat mandarins with you, Momo. 
Yuki: Isn’t it a luxury to be able to spend time together, just the two of us, without worrying about being in the public eye? 
Momo: Uwahh….. W-well, I don’t want to give that up either….
Momo: Then, let’s start thinking now about how we want to spend next year together so we can both enjoy it to the fullest! 
Yuki: To the fullest, huh…… For example? 
Momo: Well, something like the first shrine visit? I haven’t really been able to do it recently. 
Momo: Wouldn’t it be fun to go out and countdown to the New Year, and then head straight over afterwards? 
Momo: Going to a shrine late at night has a unique ambience to it, plus getting to drink amazake (2) and enjoy the food stalls has a special and exciting feeling to it, too! 
Yuki: If only it wasn’t so cold and crowded.
Momo: Hahaha! I figured you’d say that! 
Yuki: Well, seeing you having fun would be cute so I’ll think about it. 
Momo: Yuki……! I’ll be sure to prepare a lot of body warmers and other countermeasures to fight the cold! 
Momo: What’s your ideal New Year’s like, Yuki? 
Yuki: Watch and I’ll recreate it right now.
Yuki: …………
Momo: Is it perhaps…. sleeping? 
Yuki: That’s right. 
Momo: You suddenly closed your eyes and I wondered what happened….?! Before I knew it there was a fan service shot! Let me prepare my heart! 
Momo: Nobody was ready for it, right?! 
Yuki: Then, one more time…. 
Audience: Kyaaaaaa! 
Momo: Haha! I’m ultra lucky to be able to see Yuki’s sleeping face twice!! 
Yuki: ….. When I closed my eyes I actually got a bit sleepy. 
Momo: EHhh?! 
Yuki: Fufu. Kidding. 
Yuki: On that note, it’s about time for our next song. 
Momo: Yeah! There’s still more of the show! We’ll make it so exciting that it will blow away all the sleepiness! 
Momo: “Re-raise”!
~End of Part 2.~
TL Notes: 
Ozoni is also referred to as “New Year mochi soup” and is often made with broth, vegetables, and mochi (rice cakes). 
Amazake is a sweet traditional drink in Japan made from rice. There are both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions of it.
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blmpff · 1 year
Kiseki winning at cameos when we've been under the impression that Only Friends would have them every week (or at least more than we got so far) (both are at ep3 and K beats OF 4:1) wasn't on my bingo card, but here we are
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etrevil · 1 year
The decision to make Bram listen to Kiseki and have it cut into the actual ED card is one of the best I gotta say
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bengiyo · 11 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Bai Zong Yi had moved into his bakery and was making strawberry cakes for Zhe Rui. Zhe Rui's people commented on his changed demeanor since he lost his memory. Chen Yi continued to attempt to reconnect with Ai Di, and asked him to help him with some issues with rival gangs. Zong Yi and Zhe Rui ran into each other and pretended like they didn't know each other, since we confirmed from Zhe Rui's cousin that he knows Zhe Rui is faking the memory loss. We left at Zong Yi going to see Zong Yi at a hotel.
This conversation with the dad is a little weird. He starts off by trying to dissuade Zong Yi from going to Zhe Rui, but then shifts to forbidding because he's scared and resentful, only to reveal he was testing a bit and says he's still proud of his son.
Everyone keeps saying Zong Yi deserves better.
This reunion scene is really good.
Okay, that was one of the more beautiful sex scenes we've seen this year.
Chen Yi is so dumb I love this. A pillow with his face on it and a signed card with no message. Amazing.
This grandfather is so mad that he can't intimidate this twink.
The actor playing the grandfather is great. I love the enraged lip twitch.
Now why the hell are we ending on a knife being pulled on Chen Yi in bed?
It felt like the show really wanted to get to this episode, but goddamn was it a mess to get here.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Ibara Saegusa - The Venomous Snake's Intrigue
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Event: Kiseki ★ Blitzkrieg Autumn Live
Episode 1:
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(Location: Adam’s Private Room)
Ibara: If it isn’t Anzu-san! You’re as beautiful as ever today!
Your skin is absolutely glowing! That must mean you got a good night’s sleep last night!
It must be hard to even just move around, so I hope you aren’t too tired!
Option 1: You’re always in high spirits aren’t you.
(Response A)
Ibara: Ahaha, I’ve been like this since I woke up in the morning! I’ve learned to live a regular lifestyle!
Is it like being in the military, you ask? Well, I’ve certainly been in an environment like that!
Saying “Salute~☆” is also a remnant of those days!
(Response B)
Ibara: Oops? Were you perhaps taken aback?
My deepest apologies! I can hardly stomach making such an important customer feel uncomfortable!
I will make sure this kind of misbehavior never happens again…… Please forgive me!
Option 2: I went to a hot spring.
(Response A)
Ibara: Haha, I see! That beautiful skin is also due to the effects of the hot spring!
Relieve your fatigue and get beautiful skin! I didn’t know there was a secret hot spring nearby!
I can feel the blood of a businessman in my veins! Ahaha♪
(Response B)
Ibara: Hot spring? Ah, now that I think about it you had to change your accommodations last minute, didn’t you!
Yuzuru got involved, huh…… It’s a pity you didn’t get to stay at the hotel we arranged for you!
If you have a chance to come here again then please do stay with us!
Episode 2:
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(Location: Adam’s Private Room)
Ibara: By the way, Anzu-san, where are you going this morning?
I couldn’t find Isara-san, so I was wondering if perhaps he was with you?
Ah, I just asked out of curiosity! You don’t have to force yourself to answer♪
Option 1: Then it’s a secret.
(Response A)
Ibara: Ahaha, Anzu-san is so secretive! Mysterious……☆
What’s that? If I tell you about myself then you’ll tell me your secret?
An unexpected exchange condition! You’re quite a “go-getter” Anzu-san! Ahaha♪
(Response B)
Ibara: Hm, I see…… Anzu-san and Isara-san have a secret relationship, and–
Oops, you dropped your tablet! Did I upset you?
That tablet costs quite a bit of money so be careful while handling it!
Option 2: A-Actually……
(Response A)
Ibara: Eh, you two got lost?
If you had contacted me, then I would have rushed to you at the speed of light! Oh, what a shame!
You should know my contact information. Just in case, I’ll give you another business card! (He hands out his business card)
(Response B)
Ibara: Hmmm, actually……? There’s no continuation!
Maybe there’s something deep between the two of you that I can’t fully understand……!?
Ahaha! I’m very sorry, I’ll refrain from my pointless prying for now!
Episode 3:
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(Location: Adam’s Autumn Live Stage)
Ibara: Your Excellency~! Where are you, Your Excellency~?
Oh, if it isn’t Anzu-san! Finally, the real Autumn Live show is about to begin!
Let’s be fair today! Or rather, please be gentle! Ahaha☆
Option 1: …… I look forward to working with you.
(Response A)
Ibara: Oh, you turned away!
Hmm~…… Did Yuzuru say something to you?
However, I believe in Anzu-san! I’m not the type to believe in gossip that has no basis in facts……☆
(Response B)
Ibara: Oh? What’s wrong, Anzu-san?
Could it be something to do with me……!? I’m sorry! I deeply apologize!
So please join me in creating a perfect live show!
Option 2: What were you doing?
(Response A)
Ibara: Ah, have you seen His Excellency? He disappeared the moment I took my eyes off him!
Eh, he was looking at the ground over there?
Ahaha, it’s pretty much as I expected! Thank you very much, Anzu-san! Salute~☆
(Response B)
Ibara: Ah, that’s right! Actually, His Excellency has suddenly disappeared again!
I’m sure he’ll be back by the time the show starts!
There is a possibility that his precious costume with be covered in mud, so I must aim to collect him as soon as possible!
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xienst · 2 years
MASTERPOST: enstars! summary project
THE ENTIRE ENSTARS! EVENT LORE SUMMARISED: for those who want to speedrun enstars! lore
here is a timeline of all the events in enstars!
this project will aim to summarise as many enstars! stories as possible so u can get the gist of the event stories without having to read through 100 eichi monologues
credits: timeline is copied from wiki
will be updated with links after every story summary!
[PRESENT DAY: year = !]
** events will be referred to by "<season> + <index>
Shiny First Years
The Flag's Honor ✻ Crowned Flower Festival
Revival Festival☆Easter Night
Palace of the Ocean
Marching Band
Spring Storm! Dancing Petals, Sakura Festival!
Sweets Patisserie
Mail Delivery -> spring section 1 summary
Devil's Mansion
Spring Breeze*Iconic Book Fair
Lift the Curtains! Yumenosaki Circus
Sacrifice◆Resurrection Sunday of the Undying
Falling Cherry Blossoms*Wisteria Purple of May
Toy Box
Angel's Wings
Card Battler
Dream Coloured Prince -> spring section 2 summary
In the Rose Garden
Fresh Green Martial Arts
Yell✳︎Sprawling Happy Spring
Evening Banquet ♪ Band Ensemble
Performance! The Tragicomedy of Romeo and Juliet
Secret Labyrinth
At Your Service! UNDEAD Cafe
Leap! Principal of the Lake's Surface
Play Your Part! Cinderella's Grand Stage
Terror! Tamayori's Haunted Dollhouse
School Festival★The Scramble of a Startup Hero
Billiards -> spring section 3 summary
Ukiyo Air Ride
Merc Storia
Hero Show
The Rainy Season's Blossoms
Breakthrough! The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn
Nuclear Ignition ☆ A Sparkling Quintuple-Color Supernova -> summer section 1 summary
Amusement☆The Live Party of Cats and Rabbits
Judge! Black and White Duel
Round Game
Devotion! Brocade of Driving Away the Rainy Season
Gunmen of the Wilderness
Bridal -> summer section 2 summary
Symphony*Magnolia of Blessings
Seven-Colored*Sunshower Festa
Saga*Rushing Up Rainbow Stage
Pool Opening
Comic World
Shot☆Splash Pool!
Challenge! Tanabata Festival Wishes
Dance Performance! Thoughts That Bridge the Milky Way
Facing One Another! The Celestial Globe of the Night the Stars Meet
Dance Floor -> summer section 3 summary
Ghost Stories
The Seven Faces of the Shapeshifting Youkai
Little Kings
Frozen Ice
Summer of Clear Skies! Summer Camp
Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival -> summer section 4 summary
Kiseki☆The Preliminary Match of the Summer Live
Radiant! Sunflower Live of Smiles
Scorching Hot! The Scenery of Southern Lands and Summer Vacation
Surfing Ocean
Stars★Glitter of the Prism
Summer Flowers
Late Summer Lesson -> summer section 5 summary
Luminescence*Summer Night Festival
Yumenosaki Restaurant
Remember! A Midsummer Night's Dream
Best Shot
Scorching Heat ☆ A Seaside Beach Match
Buddy -> summer section 6 summary
Farewell! Festival of Memories and Quarrels
Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival
Carmen of Passion
Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night
Deep Sea Mystery
Drop*The Far Sea and the Aquarium
Summer Sky*Galloping Cheval Live -> summer section 7 summary
Burning Up! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival
Fight! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 2
Competition! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 3
Cinema Theater
1001 Nights -> summer section 8 summary
Blue Filament
Brilliant Star Air Force
Police Man -> summer section 9 summary
Kung Fu
Night of the Full Moon * Hopping Moonlight Luna
The Coloured Flower Cards
Special Training! Mismatched Pair Lessons
Rebellion! The King's Horseback Ride
Kiseki★Blitzkrieg Autumn Live
Robin Hood -> autumn section 1 summary
Fruits Parlour
Happening◆Music Festa of Reversals
Secret Acts! The Moonlight Scroll of the Elements
Festival*Graceful Fleur De Lis
Rosicrucian Story
Howl★The Rockin' Star of the Night Sky -> autumn section 2 summary
Raising Curtains! Dark Night Halloween
React★Magical Halloween
Lots of Monsters☆Sweet Halloween
Cacophony◆Whirling Horror Night Halloween -> autumn section 3 summary
Enjoyment♪ Autumn School Trip
Invitation★Black Blood Banquet
The Golden Wind*Wishing Live of Encouragement
Teddy Bear
Colourful Autumn
Hot-Blooded Tough Guy
BADBOYS -> autumn section 4 summary
Scramble * Toyland in a Dream
The Songbird’s Song*Soirée in the Canary Hall
Autumn Forest
Discovery! Steampunk Museum -> autumn section 5 summary
冬 winter (D)
The Wolf and Red Riding Hood
Greek Legends
Philosopher's Guidance
SnowboardDream of the Butterfly
Rail◆The Cat in the Snowy Winter and the Camellia Train -> winter section 1 summary
Snow Globe
Snowflake❄Street Performance Of The Falling Stars
Shine! A Sparkling Starry Night Festival!
Winter Santa -> winter section 2 summary
Brilliance★Knights' Starlight Festival
Noel*The Angels' Starlight Festival
Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival
Radiant☆Hot Holiday Party
Throwing! A Snowy Silver-White Snowfight
Eccentric -> winter section 3 summary
Kiseki☆Winter Live Showdown
Winter's New Year Shrine Visit
First Dream Tales (Part One)
First Dream Tales (Part Two) -> winter section 4 summary
Zodiac (Part One)
Amusement Park Show
Zodiac (Part Two)
Daikagura! Celebratory New Years Live
Showdown! Magnificent Phantom Thief VS Detective Brigade
Transparency and Masks -> winter section 5 summary
Clash of Arms! Opera of Moonlight Romance
Dance on Ice
Depart☆Blue Skies Dream Travel
Opening★The Fortune Banquet Live
Saga*Clashing Rebirth Live
Revival☆Dream Diner Live
Shoufuku*The Ogres and Brothers' Setsubun Festival -> winter section 6 summary
Last Period
Jewel Candy
Poison À La Mode
Tea Party
The Four Beasts of Fistfighting
Salon de Thé -> winter section 7 summary
Sincerely! Bitter Chocolat Festival
Melty❤Sweetly Unraveling Chocolat Festival
Decorate♥Crimson Chocolat Festival
Marble ♥ Heartfelt Chocolat Festival
Home Party
Onigashima -> winter section 8 summary
Yumenosaki Youth Radio♪
Cunning ◆ Wonder Game
Beauties of Nature
Flutter! Chick and Emperor's Triumphant Return -> winter section 9 summary
[NEXT YEAR: year = !+1]
!+1 spring i think? (context: third years in ! are graduating)
Memorial◆Class Live We Make Together
Noble Game
Chuunibyou Trouble
Bouquet of Desire
Chorus★Operetta of Beginnings -> !! spring section 1 summary
Every Pitch With All One’s Heart! Youthful Play Ball
Clash! Recollect--A Festival of Giving Back
Baton Pass! Repayment Festival of Tears and Bonds
Moment*The Repayment Festival of Moving Forward Toward the Future
Requiem*Sword of Oaths and the Repayment Festival
Link♪The Symphony that Starts from Here -> !! spring section 2 summary
!+1 post-graduation stories
Photoshoot! Warm Athletics
Puppy Mischief Picnic
Bounce! Hearts and Flowers Bloom--Mall Live
Strawberry Picking -> post-graduation summary
[BACKSTORIES: read with caution *** recommended reading is from year = enstars!]
(year: !-12)
(1) Rainbow (2) Revival - 20
(year: !-several)
(3) Gang: Midnight Gangster
(year: !-2)
(4) Zodiac (5) Meteor Impact (6) Jingle Bells
(year: !-1)
(7) Reminiscence*The Crossroads of Each One (8) Reminiscence*Monochrome Checkmate (9) Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter (10) Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire (11) Reminiscence * End of the Marionette's Strings (12) Reminiscence*Gathering of the Three Magicians
-> all backstories summary
a few things to note:
main story not included -- because it should be read before everything
CN/TW exclusive not included
timeline is definitely shaky but overall flow of stories should still be okay
-project start date: 17 Oct 2022- -last updated: 22 Mar 2023-
164 notes · View notes