#carina deluca x pregnant!reader
upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Could I please have an imagine where the reader moves to Seattle. She starts out as a pediatrician at grey loan. Around this time she realizes she's pregnant. With Carina DeLuca as her ob-gyn and coworker the two fall for each other. Carina did not expect to fall for a pregnant woman but realized she knows what she wants. So she asks you out and you say yes around the time you are halfway through the pregnancy. by the end of the pregnancy, it becomes clear you much you and your baby mean to her. When you go into labor she freaks out and comments that “My girlfriend is having our baby!” (you hear her say that but say nothing due to the pain). When the baby is born she is in awe of the tiny human but kinda keeps to the side for a few minutes until you say “come meet OUR son.” Carina tries to apologize for calling him hers but the reader says that Carina is his mother too. Just like a cute family thing please?
Our baby
Summary: The world is full of unconventional families.
Pairing: Carina Deluca x female!reader
Warnings: i have no real knowledge of pregnancy or other medical things, cursing
Word count: 2944
a/n: Carina Deluca please give me a chance🙏🏻
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Arizona Robbins shows Y/N around the hospital, introducing her to the kids staying there for a longer period of time and some of the other doctors there. She just moved to Seattle and decided to continue working as a pediatrician at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, having heard a lot of good about it.
“All the kids already love you.” Arizona gushes, excited to have a new coworker. “I think you’ll be just fine.”
Y/N laughs. “That’s great to hear, I was really nervous to relocate here, you all seem so close.” She smiles, having seen how the doctors interact with each other.
“We are! We have gone through a lot together, so, we’ve gotten close. But don’t worry, you’ll fit right in. Doctor Deluca!” She stops another doctor. “This is Doctor Y/N Y/L/N, new to PEDS. And this is Doctor Carina Deluca, our OB-GYN.”
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N gives her hand out to shake, which Carina does.
“Nice to meet you too.” Carina looks at her up and down. “You’re not from here?”
“No, I moved from Boston.”
“That’s a long way.” Arizona comments. “I’m guessing the reason wasn’t just change of scenery?” Shaking her head, Y/N smiles. “I’ll learn about that later, I’m sure.”
“Sure thing.” Y/N laughs.
Carina glances at her pager. “Well, I’ll see you two later. I have a baby to deliver.” She gives them one last smile before walking away.
“Well, lets start the real work then. You’ll shadow me for a couple of days, so you learn where everything is and so on.” Arizona starts walking again, Y/N following right behind her. “I know you’re not a beginner, but you can still ask me anything you’d like.”
“Thank you, Dr Robbins. It’ll be a pleasure working alongside you.”
“Oh, please, call me Arizona.”
After a week of great work shifts, Y/N has started getting nauseous out of nowhere, especially in the morning and the middle of her shifts. Although, it’s very unusual for her, she hasn’t paid much attention to it. She has a hectic work after all, it must be the nerves.
Y/N writes down information to the kid’s chart on the tablet. “You’ll be just fine, Jules.” She assures, turning to the parents. “She’ll just get her some medicine and after making sure she reacts to it well, you can go home.”
“Thank you so much, Doctor Y/L/N.” The mother cries out in relief, grabbing Y/N’s hand.
“Of course. A nurse will bring the medication over soon.” She turns to the said nurse. “Make sure Jules doesn’t get any nausea-“ taking in a deep breath, she pauses, feeling increasingly nauseous herself, “or rashes. If everything is fine in thirty minutes, they can leave.”
“Got it, Doctor Y/L/N.” The nurse smiles and grabs the tablet out of Y/N’s hands.
With a nod and a smile, Y/N leaves the room, holding her stomach lightly. The sick feeling in her stomach is getting worse quickly. She walks into the break room to get some water from the fridge.
“Hey, Y/N.” Carina greets as she walks in.
Eyes wide, Y/N coughs, getting some water in her windpipe. “Hi.”
“Everything okay?” Carina laughs.
“Mhm.” Screwing the cap back to the bottle, Y/N grimaces. The water didn’t help the nausea. “Uhm, how are you?” Her voice comes out a bit strained, but she does her best to hide the sickness.
“I’m alright.” She stares at her. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look too good.”
Taking few deep breaths, Y/N nods. She grips her scrubs tightly, as if it would lessen the pain she’s feeling. “Listen, I-“ Suddenly, Y/N runs into the bathroom. She drops down to her knees and starts vomiting.
“You’re definitely not okay.” Carina mumbles as she kneels next to Y/N. She rubs her back with one hand, while the other holds her hair out of the way. “When was your last period?”
Y/N heaves over the toilet, keeping her eyes closed. Vomiting was always difficult for her. “You’re not saying what I think you’re saying?” She turns to look at Carina, who can only offer her a hopefully comforting smile.
After the vomiting stops, Carina takes Y/N to a examination room, so she can draw her blood. Now, Y/N is waiting on the bed for Carina to come back. Her mind is a jumbled mess. She isn’t sure what to think.
Carina steps inside the room. Y/N looks up at her expectantly. She sits down to a chair right next to Y/N. “You’re six weeks pregnant.”
“Oh, fuck.” Y/N holds her stomach with a shocked expression.
“Can I ask if this is a wanted pregnancy? Is the father in the picture?”
“Is this a- I don’t, I don’t know.” She gasps, feeling like the air is getting thinner. “The father is the sole reason I left Boston.”
“Okay, hey, I need you to calm down your breathing.” Carina grabs her hand. “Take some deep breaths.”
Y/N breathes in and out, following Carina’s lead. “I’ve always wanted kids.” She starts once her breathing is more stable. “I love them, that’s why I went into PEDS. But alone? I don’t know if I could do that.”
“You still have time to think, but, I think if anyone could do this, it’s you.” Carina rubs rubs the back of her hand with her thumb. “I am here for you every step of the way, whatever you decide to do.”
“Thank you, Carina.” Her voice wobbles a bit. “Are the hormones supposed to be all over the place yet.” She lets out a teary laugh.
“Yes,” Carina stands up. “They are going to be a mess through it all.”
Y/N stands up with a groan. “How fun.” She huffs and put her doctor’s jacket back on. “Well, thank you, Dr Deluca. I suppose I’ll be seeing you a lot.”
“You will, lucky me.” She smiles, opening the door for her. “See you later, Y/N.”
“See ya.” Y/N waves as she walks back into her shift, like nothing happened.
After three weeks, Y/N has her first official appointment with Doctor Deluca. She has made her decision and is ready to confirm it with her OB-GYN. “Ready for your first ultrasound?” Carina sets up the machine while Y/N climbs up to the examination bed.
Nodding, Y/N stares at Carina. “Everything will be okay, right? There’s not going to be anything bad in there.” Carina raises her brows while listening to her ramblings. “I’m totally feeding into the doctor’s are the worst patients stereotype, aren’t I?”
“Hmm, just a little bit. May I?” Carina takes hold of the hem of Y/N’s shirt, lifting it only when she gives her permission to do so. “This is going to be a little cold.” The gel feels chilly against her stomach, which makes her flinch. “Now, I’m going to press this to your abdomen and move it around bit to see everything.” Once the probe presses against her stomach, Carina starts studying the ultrasound image.
The longer she stays quiet, the more worried Y/N gets. She tries to see the screen, but it’s angles just out of her sight. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes!” Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. Turning the screen to face her, Carina shows Y/N where the embryo is. “It is around 22 millimeters long right now, there’s its head and limbs.” She points around the screen. “Its tiny muscles are starting to develop at this tome. Want to see if we can hear the heart?”
“Can we? This early on.”
“We can with a Doppler monitor.” Carina puts the ultrasound machine to the side and cleans the gel from Y/N’s stomach, before putting gel on the probe of the monitor. After that, she presses the head of the probe against Y/N’s abdomen, moving it around to find the right spot. “Can you hear that?”
A quiet, but clear galloping sound can be heard through the monitor. Y/N hums with a nod, biting her lips as she can feel herself get emotional.
“Sounds like a perfectly strong heart.” Carina smiles at the look on Y/N’s face. Even though she has done the same thing multiple times, this feels just a bit more special compared to the other ones. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel…” Y/N sighs deeply. “I don’t even know how to word it. I’m tired and so scared, but I feel amazing. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
There’s a permanent grin on Carina’s face as she listens to Y/N talk. She likes to listen to her talk, even if it’s just nervous rambling.
“Is that normal?”
“To feel like you’re going crazy? Yes, it is, you have nothing to worry about.” She sets her hand on her leg, rubbing it in a comforting manner. The actions makes Y/N’s cheeks warm and stomach flip.
“Thanks.” She breathes out, clearing her throat. “My shift starts in twenty.”
“I’ll let you go get ready then.” Carina wipes any remaining gel off of Y/N’s stomach and pulls her shirt back to normal. “I’l see you around?”
“Yes.” Y/N hops off the bed.
Opening the door, Carina sets her hand on Y/N arm to stop her from walking out. “Will I ever see you outside of the hospital?”
A shy smile grows to her face. “Definitely.”
“Heyy,” Carina lifts her hands up in celebration, “look at that bump! We’re halfway there.” Y/N laughs, closing the exam room door. “Today is a very important ultrasound, are you ready to know the gender of your baby?”
“I am more than ready.” She lays down to the bed, lifting up her shirt and lowering her pants so her stomach is visible.
“What are you hoping for?” Carina sets everything ready for the ultrasound, it all being normal for Y/N now. She puts of the gel as Y/N says she doesn’t have a preference. With a smile, Carina puts the probe to her abdomen and starts moving it around. “Everything is looking good.” She mumbles, trying to find an angle where she could see the baby’s sex. “I can see all ten fingers and ten toes.” Suddenly she starts grinning. “Do you want to know your baby’s gender?”
“Yes.” Her voice comes out quietly. She bites her lip as she stares at Carina.
“It’s a baby boy!”
Y/N laughs, excited to know something about her future baby. She opens her arms when Carina leans down to hug her. “I have to start thinking about names.” She whispers.
Carina pulls away from the hug to put the ultrasound machine away. “Don’t have options yet?” She asks while wiping away the gel.
“No. I’ve been too stressed and tired to think about anything.” She lets out and airy laugh, pulling her clothes back to normal. “But knowing he is alright in there, maybe I can give myself some rest.”
“Please do. Have you felt him kicking yet?” Y/N nods with an excited grin. “May I?” She sets her hand under Y/N’s shirt once she gets her permission. They wait in silence, nothing happening, but after a while, a small kick can be felt. Carina cheers and rubs Y/N’s stomach.
“It still feels so unreal.”
They stare at each other with wide smiles and shiny eyes. The two have been going out for months now, but they still haven’t made anything exactly official, mostly because Y/N is worried about her pregnancy getting in the way of their relationship. But it just feels so right, like it’s meant to be. Every time Carina touches her, whether is for medical or other reasons, Y/N gets such a high from it.
“You know I want this, right?” Carina lets her hand stay on Y/N’s stomach. “I want you and everything that comes with it.”
Y/N bites her lip, setting her hand on top of Carina’s. “You’re sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
“You aren’t going to back down once you realize how insanely the hormones are affecting me? We’re only half way there.”
Rolling her eyes, Carina nods. “I’m not backing down. I want to be there for you, not only as your OB-GYN, but as your partner.”
“Okay. I’d like that.”
“Yeah.” Carina leans closer, waiting for Y/N to say anything against what she’s doing in case she isn’t feeling it, but when she just nods, Carina presses her lips to Y/N’s.
One of Y/N’s hands goes up to Carina’s hair, combing though it. Carina pulls away, but stays close enough to feel each others breaths. “I might start crying unless I leave, like right now.” Y/N whispers, feeling her emotions taking over.
With a chuckle, Carina fully pulls away, giving Y/N some space to stand up. “I’ll see you at your apartment after my shift?”
“Yes.” Kissing Carina’s cheek, Y/N leaves right after.
Humming a song quietly to herself, Y/N is going through the patients’ charts. Her shift is almost at the end, so she likes to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be.
“Bambina.” She smiles at the sound of Carina’s voice, even when it sounds disapproving. “You should be resting.”
“I’m fine, Carina.” Y/N smiles at her, pecking her lips. “Besides, my shift ends any second now.”
“You’re about to give birth any second.” Her brows are raised as she sets her hand on Y/N’s stomach. It’s true, Y/N is a few days over her due date, but she wants to help out as long as she can.
Y/N’s smile somehow widens from the mention of giving birth soon. She’s absolutely terrified, but also so excited to meet her son. “I know,” she grins, “but there still kids that need me.”
“Sometimes you should just stop the day.” Carina states, which makes Y/N furrow her brows. “Make it a day?”
“Call it a day.”
Y/N laughs, setting the tablet down. “I know, but I’m still feeling gr-“ She gasps, taking hold of her stomach.
Carina goes into worry mode immediately. She takes hold of Y/N. “What? What happened? Are you okay?”
Taking few deep breaths, Y/N looks down at the floor that’s now wet. “My water just broke.” She mumbles. Straight away, Carina goes to grab a wheel chair for her, helping her down to it. Y/N pushes air out of her mouth. “It hurts.”
“Everything will be okay, Y/N. Everything will be okay.” The last sentence is mostly to herself, as Carina is starting to feel terrified by the situation. Her girlfriend is about to give birth right now. “We need an OB!” She shouts as they arrive to the right floor. “She’s about to give birth.”
A group of nurses jog over to them, they bring Y/N to a bed and start getting everything they need ready. “Aren’t you her OB?” One of the nurses asks.
“My girlfriend is having our baby! I can’t deliver him.” She panics.
The nurse nods, paging another OB-GYN to their location. Y/N cries out in pain, not able to pay attention to anything happening around her. The doctor arrives fast and starts doing her thing right away. Carina stays in the room, but in the sidelines, giving them space to work.
“Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N.” The OB smiles, putting on gloves. “This is your first baby, right?” She sets Y/N’s legs to a correct position so she can see everything.
“Yes.” Y/N’s breathing is getting faster from the pain. “Can I start pushing?” She gasp when the pain increases.
“Yes you can.” The OB glances at Carina. “Does Doctor Deluca want to come over here and hold Y/N’s hand?”
Carina snaps out of her panic and drags a chair next to Y/N’s bed. She sits down and grabs Y/N’s hand. “You’re doing so good.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.” Y/N screams as she pushes. Her grip on Carina’s hand tightens every time the pain gets stronger. “How long is this going to take?” She cries out.
An hour and a half later, the baby’s cries can be finally heard. Y/N slumps down to the bed, laughing and crying in relief. “Can I see him? Can I see my baby?” Her eyes are half closed, finally feeling everything.
A nurse cleans the baby down, before bringing him over to Y/N. She smiles widely as she takes hold of him. “He’s so beautiful.” Y/N whispers, caressing his head gently. She turns to look at Carina, who has moved back to the side. She looks amazed by everything that just happened. “Come meet our son.”
Carina’s eyes widen, she thought Y/N hadn’t heard her. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called him mine, he is your son.” She starts apologizing.
“Shut up.” Y/N laughs quietly, stretching her hand towards Carina. “He is our son. You said no backing down, remember?”
Carina’s eyes tear up as she takes Y/N’s hand and sits back down next to her. “Hello, my angioletto.” She whispers, grabbing his extremely small hand with her free hand. Looking at Y/N, she mover her hand to rub her cheek. “You did such a good job, bella.”
Y/N smiles, kissing her palm. “We have a son.”
“We have a son.” Carina laughs, looking over her family.
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swiftsdelucaa · 5 months
What about a Carina DeLuca x female!reader where they get married? Maybe Y/n could be a trauma/general surgeon and you can add a flashback when they meet at work and operate on someone and their eyes meet during the surgery and they're both instantly attracted to each other. Then fast forward to the day before the wedding and the same situation, they're operating and also talk about their wedding.
The wedding happens and they celebrate the night in their hotel room
❛ 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Carina DeLuca x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Heyy hope you like! Kinda happy I posted this not after so long ahah
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It was all in 24 hours and you could already feel all your body shake in happiness and excitement. If you think that tomorrow you would have got married it still felt so surreal. And with an amazing woman, Carina DeLuca.
Right now you were still at the hospital, a trauma had just arrived, so you had put all your feelings aside and do what you could do best, saving lives. The paramedics had already come in starting to list the case, you helped them to take the patient in a room. It had been a serious car accident and the woman was also pregnant, so you called OB/GYN. When you pronounced that phrase and saw Carina walking in, it all instantly seemed so familiar, like the first day you've met each other.
You still remember it like it was yesterday, a woman had been run over, and was halfway through her pregnancy. The way she behaved with patients immediately struck you, she was so sweet that she managed to reassure you too. At that time she was new at the hospital, and you felt the need to get to know her right away, that smile and those eyes on you the first time she saw you got inside you completely. And during the surgery, step after step, your gazes couldn't help but meet everytime. You didn't believe in this kind of things, like love at first sight, but with her it's been different because you had immediately felt something building inside you, the same was for her.
And here you are today, again in the same situation, your hands and bodies concentrated on the surgery, but your minds and hearts were already thinking about tomorrow.
"I wonder how you can stay so focused, I mean, I really admire you for this" Carina said giggling softly.
"Focused? Oh God I feel like I'm going to explode every minute, I'm too excited" you said smiling under the mask.
"I know right, I just can't wait to be your wife" you could hear the joy in her voice.
"Me too darling" you said. "You know what, I also can't stop thinking if everything is ready, I just want it all to be perfect" you sighed.
"I get that, it's something that never stops to pressure you, the anxiety and all that stress damn" she laughed softly. "But Andrea and all my frieds helped me a lot, he made me sure that all was perfect and I hope so"
"Yeah, Meredith, Amelia, Jo, Arizona and Alex helped me a lot too, I think without them I wouldn't made it" you said as you continued the procedure carefully. "Why is marrying someone you love so stressful?" You asked chuckling.
"Well, it must be the best day of our lives, I think it's normal some stress. And it'll be worth of it, bambina" she looked at you, even she was wearing the mask you could see her smile.
"Yes, you're right" you reciprocated the look.
After she completed the cesarean section, you still had a lot to do, Carina moved the baby where the nurses placed her in an incubator, ready to take her to peds.
"So, see you tomorrow" you said before she could leave.
"See you tomorrow and good luck with the surgery" she smiled at you before leaving with the nurses.
The surgery luckily went well, the woman was stable, the same for the baby. Your shift was over, so you went home to celebrate the night before tomorrow with your friends, which had taken pretty long, but it didn't matter since you couldn't sleep. Your mind was too awake.
The day after you woke up early and had a shower, before waking up the girls who stayed with you all the night. Meredith and Amelia prepared the dress for you, after you came out of the bathroom they helped you to put it on. The sight of yourself in that wedding dress have already had a big effect on you that facing this whole wonderful day was even too much.
"You're so beautiful" they said to you. "Hey, this is not a dream" Meredith added. You laughed softly.
"Yeah I'm just trying to realize everything"
"Damn, I'm already going to cry" Arizona said, looking at you.
"Oh, do not please, or I will too" you chuckled. When everything was ready, they helped you to get in the car.
The wedding wouldn't be in Seattle, but in a location not far away. You and Carina didn't want something very big, something intimate and simple was enough. It would have been an outdoor ceremony with all your loved ones. The journey seemed endless, but finally the car stopped at the destination. Your bridesmaids preceded you, then your moment arrived. You could feel everyone's eyes on you when you were walking, but your eyes were only focused on your future wife, right in front of you. She was sobeautiful, as always, at the sight of you her eyes were literally shining.
When the priest started the ceremony, you and Carina were just standing in front of each other, holding your hands and can't helping but smiling to each other. Your heartbeat increased every second, every single word about your story made you both almost cry in happiness and gratitude. During the exchange of the wedding rings it was a miracle that you didn't drop it. And then, it was that moment, that question finally arrived.
“Y/n L/n, do you take Carina DeLuca as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, for as long as both of you shall live?” you grinned at her.
"Yes, I do!" holding the tears was now more difficult.
"Carina DeLuca, do you take Y/n L/n as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better and for worse, for so long as you both shall live?” she gave you the same grin.
"God, yes, I do!" She exclaimed.
"I officially declare you wife and wife, you may now kiss" you both didn't wait one more second to approach and giving you the first kiss as a married couple. As you kissed, everyone started clapping.
The party and celebrations could begin, even if you and her could only think about your life together and what it would be like with each other every day of your lives. Everything was amazing, also all your favorite people made this day very special, but for you and Carina felt like in a romance novel every second of it.
After the night has come and all the guests congratulated one last time before leaving, you and your wife reached your hotel room, that had been prepared. You sat on the soft bed looking around.
"I still can't realize this" you sighed, still thinking about this wonderful day.
"And maybe I can, because my awesome wife is right in front of my eyes" she smiled leaning in to kiss you. You placed your hands on her cheeks, deepening the kiss.
"What a honour to be married to such a beautiful italian woman like you" you whispered in the kiss.
"And what a honour to have you all for me this night and all the nights that still have to come" she whispered, with a hand moving a lock of your hair and the other one played teasingly with the sleeve of your dress.
She made you lay down on the bed positioning herself on top of you.
"Ti amo, bambina" (I love you, bambina) she said pressing a soft kiss on your neck and then looking at you.
"Ti amo anch'io" (I love you too) you replied smiling, that was all the italian you learnt since you told her so many times. Her lips returned focusing on your neck, tasting your soft skin, you rested your head back against the pillow as your hands explored her body. Now it was just the two of you, forever and always.
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Could you write an Andrew DeLuca imagines x pregnant reader?
Andrew DeLuca x Pregnant!Reader
When you find out that you’re pregnant, you’re thrilled! You have no idea what to do, though, because you want to tell Andrew but you want to ask your friends for advice on how to but shouldn’t Andrew know before other people? It sends you for a spiral, and it’s almost more nerve-wracking than being pregnant itself.
So, you try to get advice in secret. You ask Meredith how she told Derek she was pregnant, then Bailey how she told her husband, Callie how she told Arizona and Mark, etc. Safe to say, they’re not very helpful. So, you end up paging Andrew. He arrives, confused, and you’re so happy that you just blurt it out.
He’s so so excited! Literally picks you up and twirls you around. That man is gonna dote on you and your child forever. He’s always offering to carry things, asking if you need to sit, offering to give massages, literally anything he can do. He also reads up on it (so much so that Arizona says he should go into fetal surgery).
Carina becomes your OB/GYN and she’s very excited to become an aunt. And so is everyone else in the hospital when they find out! It’s not just yours and Andrew’s baby, it’s everyone’s. Meredith and Arizona are your go-tos about motherhood and they give some great advice. Bailey is pretty good with that, too.
When your water breaks, it’s chaos. Everyone loses it. It happens in the middle of the workday in the ER, and when April and Owen notice, they immediately get you a wheelchair. As you’re wheeled throughout the hospital, everyone notices and Andrew gets about five different pages. One from Arizona, Jo, Carina, Owen, and Maggie. Everyone follows, too, and they have to be forced into the waiting room.
Andrew is very supportive the entire time, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you need to and bringing you whatever you need. He’s also cheering you on. He’s so happy when you birth your child and won’t leave your side.
He’ll be the best dad.
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Rough days
Pairing: Andrew Deluca x pregnant!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, lots of fluff
Requested by @mayascorner
AN: It’s been a while! This one is short but I loved writing it (even though I’m not the biggest Deluca fan lol) and I hope you guys like reading it. Catching up on some requests, as you can see so probably more to come soon!
You carefully walked through the hospital, practically waddling with the size of your belly. The baby kicked again and as overjoyed as you were, you just wanted it to stop.
“Morning y/l/n. Sure that isn’t twins? The bump is definitely big enough.” Alex teased with a smirk as you waddled over to him, swaddling your belly with your arms.
“Ha ha. Don’t even joke about that Karev!” You warned, continuing on your way. Your appointment with Carina was in a few hours so you had enough time to scrub in on at least one case.
Though many surgeons often decided to stay all the way up until a few weeks before they’re due date, Andrew had insisted you take early leave, knowing you would over work yourself if you didn’t. He was definitely right because you’d been taking every spare moment to jump on a random case and wanted to continue to do so until your last day.
“Y/n! You’re supposed to be resting!” A voice scolds from behind you and you mentally curse your slow walking.
“Andrew, I was just going to scrub in on Karev’s service. It’s just a simple bronchoscopy to get a toy car out of a kids throat. I’ll be in and out, I promise.” You groan, turning around to face him.
“Fine but afterwards you go to your appointment and then home to rest, ok mi amore?” He says, raising an eyebrow at you as he speaks. You smile goofily at the way his voice accents in Italian.
“Yes baby, I will do just that. Now go. You’re on the board with Grey. Good luck with that.” You giggle, pushing him towards the board to get him back to work.
He turns back to you and gives you a quick peck on the lips, smiling down at your large bump once more before he rushes off, muttering facts about the patient under his breath and making you giggle.
“Coming y/l/n?” Karev calls after you, making you rush over as quickly as you can.
“Sorry Karev.” You mutter sheepishly, following him into the room and continuing on with your patient as per usual.
That night...
You shove your face into a pillow closest to you, groaning into it as you feel tears pouring from your eyes.
“Mi amore, I’m home!” Andrew calls from the living room. You carefully wipe your eyes, trying to stop the staggered breathes and sniffles you’re having.
“In the bedroom baby.” You shout back as evenly as possible, not wanting to worry him.
He enters the room and smiles at you but his smile drops when he sees your puffy eyes.
“What’s wrong mi amore?” He asks, sitting next to you, his face one of pure concern.
“N-nothing. Just a f-few mood swings is a-all.” You stutter, sucking in your quivering bottom lip and avoiding his eyes.
“Y/n...” Andrew says, obviously knowing your lie.
“Fine. Karev and I lost the little girl for the bronchoscopy. It was such a simple procedure but- but she didn’t make it. She was doing perfectly fine! But then her toy fell farther because my hand moved and she choked more and-and I don’t know what happened next because that’s when Karev k-kicked me out. All I know is that they lost her after that and that I shouldn’t even be in medicine.” You cry, letting your head fall against his chest as you began to sob.
“Sshhhh. It’s ok baby. It’s ok.” He says soothingly, rubbing in circles around your back
“What if I do the same to our daughter Andrew?” You murmur miserably into his chest.
“Well unless you’re going to be your own doctor, which I don’t see working, I don’t see how that would be possible princessa.” He says with a smile, but you let out a sigh, resting your head in his lap as you lay down.
“I mean what if I do something wrong that could risk her health?” You clarify. He frowns down at you worriedly.
“Darling have you been having these thoughts a lot?” He asks, his eyebrows knit together in concentration.
“No...” You say, wondering where it could possibly be going.
“Then you have no need to worry about it now. You’re a doctor, you would know if you did something wrong.” He assures you, looking you square in the eye as he speaks.
“Not according to Karev.” You mutter.
“Well Karev is a tool and everyone knows it. But he loves you, you can’t worry too much over this. Stress is bad for the baby mi amore.” He reminds you, stroking your hair gently. You hum in approval, shutting your eyes in exhaustion.
“She kept me up all night kicking last night. What if the exhaustion is how I messed up? Or how I grabbed the wrong lunch?” You suggest.
Andrew chuckles. “My love, you grab the wrong lunch everyday.” He reminds you, making you smile up at him softly.
“Right.” You giggle. You snuggle in closer to him, holding his hand in your relaxed state as he rubs one of his hands over your back in circles.
You slowly let yourself cuddle into his lap, eyes still shut and body completely still other than your breathing.
After a few minutes, Andrew lifts you gently, moving you over to one side of the bed and tucking stray hairs behind your ear.
His voice starts to fill the silence but you don’t stop him, listening to his words in curiosity.
“My princessa, we love you so much. Please stop giving your madre such a hard time. She loves you more than anything in this world, she can’t wait to meet you. Try to go easy on her.” He hums, stroking your stomach lightly.
You try your best not to smile, not wanting him to know you’re awake to hear.
He sings in Italian for a bit, something he rarely did, even if you begged him to. It made you want to giggle but you resisted, not wanting him to stop.
“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms princessa. I’m already in love with you. We don’t have a name for you yet but whatever it is, it’ll be perfect for you. Especially if your clever mom thinks of it. Let’s hope you look like her.” He says in a husky sweet voice.
“I’d much prefer if she resembled her dad.” You giggle softly, turning your head to face him. His brows raise in surprise as he moves back a bit, his cheeks tinged pink in embarrassment.
“Mi amore, I thought you were asleep.” He says sheepishly.
You shake your head, smiling to him.
“No and I’m glad I wasn’t. You just reminded me why this is all worth it. She keeps me up now and soon she’ll be keeping both of us up but she’s ours. We’ll get through all the sleepless nights the way we do everything else; together.” You promise, wrapping your little finger around his tightly.
“I love you Andrew.” You whisper to him, nuzzling up to him on reflex.
He beams, glad to be able to call you and the little baby girl growing inside you his.
“I love you too mi amore.” He says back, pulling you closer into his chest, never wanting to let go of moments like these.
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lovelylexipedia · 4 years
I would love a jackson avery x reader fic where the reader is pregnant and jackson is running around after her at the hospital to make sure she isn’t putting too much pressure on herself so he takes her to the on-call room for a rest and it’s really fluffy because he talks to her belly? i’m sorry if this was really long! welcome to tumblr!🥰❤️
Rest is For The Weak – Jackson Avery x Fem! Reader
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Type: Imagine (2,200+ words)
Requested: Yes! by @elljmaybank
Summary: Expecting her to stay home, Jackson leaves his pregnant wife home alone to go to work. When he catches her at the hospital, he does everything in his power to get her to stop and relax.
Warning(s): Grey's Spoilers, Fluff (lots of it!), Protective Figure, minor Angst
Note(s): Reader is 30 weeks along with Jackson's baby. Thank you for the request! I really hope I did it justice. I kinda rushed it at the end, but I hope it's okay :)
I hear the bathroom door close slowly and scrunch up my face. I try to fall back asleep, but the small noises throughout Jackson and my's bedroom keep me from it. After a while, I let out a small yawn and open my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light coming in from the rising sun.
I make an attempt to sit up in bed, but my back protests, sore and achey. I let out a small groan and catch Jackson's face pop out from behind his closet's doorframe.
"Y/n, crap, did I wake you?" Jackson winces, taking quiet steps toward my side of the bed.
"No no no, my back is just killing me, this little stinker won't let me get comfortable. I tried reasoning with him, but he won't give." I groan again, laying on my right side.
Jackson sighs in relief and walks around the bed to my side. He kneels down and kisses me on the cheek, running a hand through my hair.
"Maybe he'll listen to me." He leans down to my tummy, removing the white comforter covering my body and lifting up my oversized pajama shirt. Jackson taps at my tummy and I giggle at the sight. "Hey, buddy," He whispers, "you gotta let your Momma rest... She's already cranky enough."
I laugh and roll my eyes, pushing Jackson's shoulder, and causing him to stumble over. "Okay, maybe no more talk time for you."
Jackson steadies himself with a chuckle and and stands up straight. He brushes off his dark jeans and zips up a grey jacket, fixing up the hood.
"I made breakfast and happened to have some left over. It's just some eggs and toast. I put it in a little container and left it on the island if you want it later." Jackson says as he makes his way to the other side of the bed to grab his keys from the nightstand.
"Thank you, you gonna be okay leaving me here alone?" I ask as Jackson walks over to the bedroom door.
"I don't know, are you gonna be okay alone?" Jackson replies sarcastically. I grin. "Alright, if you need anything, you can call me and I'll try to get here. If you can't reach me, try my mom."
"Okay, okay'" I say quietly, pushing myself up to sit up in bed despite the pain.
Jackson notices and frowns. He walks over again and leans down to kiss me. "Don't do anything too strenuous, okay? Just get your rest."
I scoot back against the headboard and nod, looking him in his bright green eyes. "Okay, I promise."
"I love you, Y/n." Jackson smiles, kissing me one last time before heading out.
I yell back an 'I love you' and wave as he leaves the room. I hear the front door shut a few seconds later and sit in silence. Every few seconds, I shift and scoot around, trying to find a way to ease the aches.
Jeez, bud, parenting better be less painful than this. I complain to myself.
After a few minutes of sitting alone with my thoughts, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I set my feet down and push myself up, holding onto my belly with my free hand in the process.
I decide to take a few steps, wobbling here and there. After what feels like hours, I finally make it into the kitchen. The eggs and toast sit inside a clear plastic container and I nearly gag at the smell.
No thanks...
I take it upon myself to make myself breakfast. I throw out the toast and eggs in the trash can and ponder what to eat. I find a nearly finished bag of Corn Flakes and take a bowl, pouring the cereal and eating it like popcorn. After that, I snack on a frozen Pop-Tart and drink a glass of milk.
Settling myself on the living room couch, I flick through TV channels, bored out of my mind. Minutes pass by like hours and I end up falling asleep on the couch.
The nap ends after an hour and a half, when I suddenly feel a few sharp pains in my right side. I rub my stomach and lean my head back, trying to calm myself down.
You're okay, bud. You're okay, Momma's okay. We're okay.
I take deep breaths, trying to keep my composure. I grip the arm of the couch with one hand and force myself to stand. I stumble across the house, still rubbing my side and making small, calming affirmations to myself and the baby.
This is the fourth time this month...
I make it back to the bedroom and force myself to change into some baggier clothing. The pain subsides slightly as I begin putting on my sneakers. I groan, taking my set of keys and phone from the dresser in front of our bed.
I make my way around and out of the house, locking the door behind me. I force my keys into my pocket and dial my OB, Carina DeLuca.
"Y/n! What's going on? Are you okay?" Carina answers quickly, concern laced in her voice.
"I just wanted to come in... as a precaution," I say as I walk into the building's elevator. "I've been, getting these shooting pains for the past month. I just want to check if the baby's okay."
"Do you want me to make you an appointment?" Carina asks.
"No- I don't want Jackson to know, he might find out somehow. Could you just squeeze me in quickly?" I bite my lip, tapping my foot as I wait for the elevator doors to open at the bottom floor.
"Okay... Okay, I can try. Right now is perfect. Just tell the nurses up front it's an emergency and they should let you right in." Carina explains.
"Oh, thank you, Carina. You're the best. I should be there in a few." I gush, trying to rush off the elevator.
"Y/n, are you gonna be driv-" I hang up the phone before Carina can finish and try to rush out to my car.
"Carina, is he okay? Is my baby okay?" I ask urgently, looking between her and the ultrasound machine.
Carina continues moving the wand around where the pain would be. "He looks buono e sano, good and healthy, Y/n/n."
I let out a sigh of relief, laying my head back against the headrest. "Oh, thank God... But what could those pains have been?"
Carina purses her lips and removes the wand from my stomach, cleaning off the residue. "Could be stress, could be the hormones, different foods, your muscles could be constricting because they've had to work so hard with supporting the baby."
I shake my head. "Oh, I was so scared. I didn't want to go into early labor. Thank you for squeezing me in, I really appreciate it."
"No problem, amica mia. Now are you sure you don't want to tell Jackson?" She removes her gloves and I can feel her gaze from behind me.
"No, it's okay. I'm probably just gonna head home." I say, scooching off the examination table and grabbing my clothes to change back into.
I tug on my baggy shirt and put my phone in my back pocket, looking up to decide which way to go to get to my car.
Before I can even make a decision, Schmitt runs up, panting like a madman.
"Dr. L/n! We need Ortho. We got a trauma in, motorcycle accident, rider's right and left legs broken in 4 places each, right shoulder dislocated and left arm broken in two places."
He looks me up and down and his face grows red. "You're supposed to be on maternity leave, aren't you?"
"Doesn't matter now, Glasses. Let's go!"
Schmitt ushers me towards the trauma bay and adrenlaine rushes through me. The pain immediately evades my body and everything after is a blur.
I pull on a trauma gown over my loose clothes and tie up my hair into a ponytail. The patient is located in Trauma 1 and I rush in, finding Owem, Meredith, and Amelia already assessing the biker.
"Y/n! Shouldn't you be at home? I thought you were on maternity leave?" Amelia cocks her head to the side and I shake my head.
"Just back for the day," I say quickly. I turn to Schmitt, asking for reassurance, "So, what do we have here?"
He begins, "Multiple broken bones, bruising and cuts everywhere, he's practically roadkill."
"Well by the time we're done with him, he'll be just fine. Let's get an OR booked, order an MRI and page Plastics too!"
Jackson and I met when I transfered from Seattle Presbyterian a few years back. I was a 5th year and he was a Plastics fellow.
By the time I became an Orthopedics fellow, we had already established ourselves as the power couple of the hospital, despite not being a couple yet.
Wherever he went, I was likely to follow. Our cases were often linked and we spent a lot of our time together outside of the hospital as well.
When he first asked me out, it was during a surgery of ours together. We spent our one year anniversary watching over an ICU patient. He proposed to me in an empty OR after a successful surgery. I told him I was pregnant in the Attendings lounge. Our whole story was based in the hospital.
I wait outside OR 4, eyeing the elevator from the corner of my view. Any second now our motorcycle guy would be wheeled in and I'd get to scrub in.
"Y/n! Y/n!" I hear him yell from the elevator, trying to get my attention.
Oh shit.
Jackson jogs over to me, concern washed over his face. I frown slightly, feeling bad that he's so worried about me.
"Jackson, hi, um, how...how did you find me?"
Jackson ushers me into the scrub room and closes the door behind us.
"Y/n, you can't be working, remember? You're on maternity leave. Go home." Jackson grabs me by my shoulders, looking me up and down.
"Jackson, I am fine! It's just one surgery, it's not that bad-" I pull out from his grasp and cross my arms under my chest.
"'Not that bad'? Y/n, that surgery could take more than a few hours. You could barely get out of bed this morning!" Jackson's motions to the operating room, raising his voice and I sigh.
"Jackson, we will continue this conversation at home. Preferably, after I finish this surgery." I say stubbornly. I turn to leave and Jackson follows me. I spot Owen and Amelia walking toward us and smile. "Hey, where's the patient?"
Amelia sucks in a breath. "We're holding off on surgery. He's very touch-and-go, so we're holding him in the ICU until tomorrow."
The both of them frown at me and I nod sadly. "Oh, okay. Thanks anyway, you guys."
"Y/n. Let's go." Jackson says sternly, looking only at me.
"I hope it all goes well tomorrow."
My breathing steadies after I sit on the bottom bunk in an on-call room. Jackson shuts the door behind us and opens the shutter slightly, letting a bit of the setting sun seep into the room.
I keep my head down, eyes closed. Afraid he'll be angry at me.
We're silent for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to say to each other. He starts first.
"Y/n, you know that I love you, right?" Jackson kneels down in front of me, I can feel his gaze resting on me.
"Yeah," I mumble, slowly lifting my head so we can meet each other's eyes.
"And you know that I'm taking your maternity leave so seriously because I want what's best for you and the baby, right?"
I groan and nod, covering my face with my hands. "Yes."
"Is it wrong? To want you both to be stress-free and healthy? Look at me when you answer, please."
Jackson takes my hands off my face and holds them, kissing the the backs of them before I respond. "No, it's not."
"Carina paged me, she said you came in. That you were worried about the baby. She told me he's okay. That you're okay." I can see tears forming in Jackson's eyes. He bows his head down and still clutches my hands tightly.
"Please, just promise me you'll take these last 4 weeks off. Completely. No work, no stress. Just bed rest and someone waiting on you." Jackson pleads softly, searching my face for an answer.
I lean in and kiss him softly. I take my hands out of his and wipe his tears from his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just miss being at the hospital, on my feet, ready to go wherever I need to be. This little guy just sucks the energy right out of me." I chuckle, holding Jackson close to me.
He kisses the top of my head and rests his cheek there for a few seconds. "Can I talk to him really quickly?" Jackson asks quietly, I'm barely able to hear him.
I let out a small laugh, remembering this morning. "Go ahead, but no Momma slander."
Jackson grins at me and we sit beside each other on the bottom bunk. He lifts my fresh navy scrubs up to the top of my belly and I hold them there for him. He taps again, lightly and clears his throat.
"Hi, bud. You doin' okay in there...?"
We stay there, taking turns talking to the little guy, excited for the day where we get to call ourselves parents.
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Could I please have an imagine where the reader moves to Seattle. She starts out as a pediatrician at grey loan. Around this time she realizes she's pregnant. With Carina DeLuca as her ob-gyn and coworker the two fall for each other. Carina did not expect to fall for a pregnant woman but realized she knows what she wants. So she asks you out and you say yes around the time you are halfway through the pregnancy. by the end of the pregnancy, it becomes clear you much you and your baby mean to her. When you go into labor she freaks out and comments that “My girlfriend is having our baby!” (you hear her say that but say nothing due to the pain). When the baby is born she is in awe of the tiny human but kinda keeps to the side for a few minutes until you say “come meet OUR son.” Carina tries to apologize for calling him hers but the reader says that Carina is his mother too. Just like a cute family thing please?
❛ 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Carina DeLuca x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: I was in the right mood for this lol, enjoy!
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You've always loved kids, you would do anything to make them happy. Telling a parent the good news about their child was what you made a living for and although you were aware of the difficult times, you knew how to handle them.
But then just during your successful time in this place you found out you were pregnant. It shocked you enough, because you didn't plan it. You didn't even have a father by your side. It was one of those silly one night stands. You had always been skeptical about this type of thing, but others really instigated you to find distractions outside work and you thought that for once nothing bad would happen if you had some fun. But here's the world turning upside down on you.
As mentioned you could handle any situation, thinking about your life with a baby got you so excited. Yes, you would have loved it, even if as a single mother it would have been a little more taxing. So now you find yourself working for lovely kids while also being careful to take care of the baby you were carrying.
You took it upon yourself to find an appointment with a gynecologist, you certainly wanted your baby to grow up healthy. You were so flustered the first time.
"Good morning" you were greeted by a pretty girl who smiled at you as you sat on the couch.
"Hi" you greeted her with a polite smile, looking around the room a bit.
"You nervous?" the woman asked.
"You don't know how much" you replied with a chuckle at the end.
"It's okay, it's normal" she said making you lie down.
"So, first time?" she asked.
"I'm doctor DeLuca, Carina DeLuca" she held out her hand to shake it, which you did.
"DeLuca... it's familiar..." you said reflecting.
"Probably you know my brother, Andrew" you nodded to her statement, you had already worked with him a few times.
"Yeah, well I'm Y/n L/n" a smile appeared on her face as soon as she heard your name.
"The famous Y/n, that one who does miracles for kids, finally I meet you" for some strange reason the way she told you that almost made you blush.
"Ok, let's start" she lifted your shirt slightly and took the tools. You moaned as your skin touched the cold gel she smeared on you, and she began to shift her gaze to the monitor. All your emotions and thoughts were stopped by the sound of your baby's heartbeat, which made you cry.
"See, it's here" Carina pointed to the baby's position on the monitor as you looked at it with the tears in your eyes.
"It's a healthy eight week fetus!" the smile on your face increased, unable to hold the tears.
"Hey" Carina wiped the gel off your belly and pulled your shirt back down.
"I, sorry, I don't-"
"No no, it means you care, it's good" she stroked your hand while you wiped away your tears.
"Yeah, thank you, now I should..." you got up from the couch recovering and motioning to have to go.
"I'll make other appointments for you, we'll make sure everything goes well" she took out a notebook to take notes. You stopped at the doorway, smiling one last time at the girl.
"I can't wait" then you went out. After the door closed she mumbled another sentence. "Mee too"
Luckily the meetings went better and better, your baby was growing up perfectly. And the company was pleasant too. Carina stood by you whenever she needed it, she helped you tell others and was there through the ups and downs, she was the moral support you needed.
During the middle of the pregnancy you already couldn't take it anymore. It got tiring and excruciating, and after you found out the baby's sex you wanted to know him even more. You were so happy, you would have prepared to welcome a baby boy. And on the same day Carina asked you out. To be honest she caught you a bit off guard, you were so pregnant and she was your gynecologist…
She apologized immediately after she asked, sounding quite embarrassed, but you made her even more surprised when you said yes. You had thought about her, indeed this woman seemed to show so much interest on you and your baby, and that was all it mattered to you.
You didn't regret saying yes, you had a wonderful evening, and she now took better care of you than before. Even being able to get to know her brother better and watch their quarrels in Italian amused you a lot.
When you went into labor you were completely unprepared, you were washing up for surgery with Alex, which was probably inappropriate being at your ninth month pregnant, and then your water broke. It was lucky that there was someone else with you, because you had completely panicked. He immediately had you loaded onto a stretcher, calling Carina and Arizona, only the best for you.
The contractions increased more and more, becoming almost unbearable, Carina was next to you shaking your hand.
"You... you know that you can resort to orgasm if..."
"Carina, I'd rather have sex with you under more normal circumstances!" you cut her off knowing where she was getting at, starting screaming in pain in the end.
"My girlfriend is having our baby!" she exclaimed with happiness as you continued to scream.
Well yes, it was tiring, but you managed to get to the end, being able to hold your beautiful baby in your arms. He was so beautiful, you were very very happy at that moment. You sought Carina with the gaze, finding her not far from the door walking around it.
"Hey" you got her attention. “Come meet our son” you said with a smile as she entered.
"I- I'm sorry... I was just-"
"It's okay, he's yours too, he's ours" before she could feel guilty you consoled her. You cared about her, you wanted her in your baby's life, you knew she would be happy.
She bent down to give you a kiss on your lips and stroked your hair. The baby's little noises made you stop attracting your attention.
"Oh, your mommies love you too" Carina gave him a kiss on his forehead, the sight of them made you laugh. It was so cute, maybe too much to be real. Together you would have been the best.
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
I apologize in advance for the sadness of this request.......
Could I please have a fic where the reader and Andrew DeLuca we're together before he died. A few weeks after his death Carina notices that the reader is showing signs of being pregnant. So she asks her about her symptoms and tells her to take a test. The test is positive and both of them cry. Then Carina promises that she’ll help with her little niece or nephew. And tells her that Andrew would be happy.
❛ 𝑶𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Andrew DeLuca x pregnant!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Okay- yes this was- 😭 But don't worry, here's :')
(I know 💔)
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Everything is terrible. What you felt was terrible.
Your body could only shed tears continuously at all those moments where you thought about him, when you were together. You still couldn't understand anything, things were so good, everything was so beautiful. You and Andrew had even come to live together, having him with you every day all the day seemed like a dream. He did everything to make you the happiest girl in this world, it was enough for him to see you smile and everything became more pleasant for him. It was the same for you.
If you think back to the beginning of your relationship, you would never have imagined getting this far, let's say you weren't quite the each other's favorite people.
And now you couldn't imagine a life without him. You could barely be alone when he came home late from work, and now you had to get used to never seeing him again. He died trying to do what he loved the most, saving lives.
You spent the days lying on the bed, holding his pillow and still feeling his scent, as the tears kept coming down from your eyes. You just missed him too much.
The ringing of the bell managed to bring you back to reality. You tried to wipe away your tears and try to look presentable enough, climbed out of bed in one of his hoodies, and headed for the door.
You didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment, hearing another person comfort you or hearing about how amazing Andrew had been would only make your mood worse, but luckily when you opened the door you saw Carina. You got used to having her around by now, she came to see you every day.
"Come in" you told her as she set her purse down on the sofa, turning back to you for a better look. You weren't okay, at all, it was obvious.
"How are you feeling?" you sighed at her question, but you knew she was referring to your health. Yes, for a few days you were starting to feel nauseous, probably from stress or the shock of your body.
"Now I've just an annoying headache, I'm just..." you stopped, unable even to finish the sentence, feeling a strange sensation, your vision became blurred, you lost your balance letting you fall.
"Y/n!" Carina managed to catch you in her arms in time avoiding the impact on the floor. "Can you hear me? Y/n, please!" she laid you down on the sofa, seconds later you had already come to your senses.
"Oh God, you scared me to death" she sighed with relief to see you awake. "Y/n..."
"If you're going to say that it would be better to do tests in the hospital, no... I'm just tired-"
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something else, for a while now, but I didn't know how to tell you..." you stood up sitting up, you noticed a strange expression on her face.
“See, your symptoms exactly mirror those of a pregnancy…” she just wanted to try not to hurt you more as she said it.
"No, that's- I- I'm not" in your mind you were looking for all the possible proofs to deny it, but unfortunately, thinking about it deeply, it all seemed so frighteningly true.
"Nausea, breast enlargement, and now fainting, these are the classic initial symptoms that appear" you looked at her continuing to think deeply. This whole period had completely destroyed you that even pushed you to ignore everything, how is this possible?
Carina walked over to the purse she had set down, pulling something out of it. "That's why I think you need to take a test, at least we'll be sure" she handed it to you, but before taking it you stared at it for a few seconds. A big part of you kept repeating ʼI can'tʼ, but the other part deep down wanted to know, so you made up your mind without thinking twice, and headed for the bathroom.
Every second of waiting killed you more and more, then when the result finally came out you didn't move from there. Carina came in having noticed that you were taking longer than necessary, finding yourself in front of the mirror with a tear running down your cheek and falling near the point where the test with the positive result was placed. She couldn't help to not hold back the tears too, indeed it was her brother, and now it was his baby who would grow up without a father.
"Y/n... okay, look at me" you had no choice but to listen to her.
"You're pregnant. You're gonna have a baby. You have my nephew or niece in your womb, your and Andrew's baby!" her voice broke slightly at the end. You knew this was a wonderful thing, but it scared you so much, what if you weren't able to?
"Without him I can barely face a day, how could I raise his baby? I just want him with me back... I want him with our baby..." the tears kept coming out, but Carina wiped them from your face trying to reassure you.
"Listen to me, I know you miss him a lot, I miss him too, and I know this hurts. Yeah he's not here, but look, I have a beautiful girlfriend, and we'll get married, and now you'll have a baby! Knowing my brother I know he would have been the happiest person in this world, and certainly the best father" you laughed spontaneously at the thought, he loved kids, and kids loved him.
"And I will always be there for you, whenever you need me, I promise you" before you could begin to sob you hugged her tightly.
"You're not alone Y/n" she whispered to you as she wrapped her arms around you making you feel safe.
"Thank you" you said taking deep breaths.
This pregnancy has had its ups and downs, it was demanding, you made a lot of effort to be able to move forward in the best possible way. The beginning was the hardest part, but then when you felt that baby growing inside you and starting to move, you felt indescribable emotions, you couldn't wait to know him. Or her. Yes, you didn't want to know the sex.
Carina had kept her promise, she had been on your side every single second, in pregnancy, in moments of panic, when you felt bad, anything. Sometimes she told you some stories about when she and her brother were little, you liked listening to them, even if often she repeated how many tantrums Andrew threw, hoping your baby won't inherit, but you amused.
Then when the birth time came it seemed like you couldn't figure anything out anymore. When your waters broke you were in a restaurant with Carina, and, continuing to remain calm, she helped you get into the car, doing as soon as possible to get to the hospital, while you could only scream in pain excruciating that had taken over your whole body. You almost thought you couldn't make it, it hurt so much, and when they laid you on the bad you felt an enormous need to push. Carina told you over and over to wait, but this stupid baby was stubborn.
But when that moment comes, everything ceases to exist for you, there's only the sound of crying that marks the birth of a new life, and it literally melts your heart.
"It's a boy!" Carina exclaimed as she took him. She checked him for a moment and then finally placed him between your arms.
"He's... perfect" there were no right words, you kept looking at your son with a smile and shining eyes.
"Yes he is" Carina sat next to you.
"Damn. Look at him. It's a baby Andrew" you approached him to gently kiss his forehead, enveloping you in that perfume.
"He has his eyes" Carina added while you both you soften more and more at the sight of him. It could have lasted forever, today you would have promised to yourself that you'd done anything to give your son a wonderful life.
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