#carina deluca x female!reader
upat4amwiththemoon · 4 months
I was wondering if you could write a fic where reader & Carina have been dating for 1 year and on their anniversary of 1 year of relationship, reader surprises Carina (after a long day at hospital) with an Italian meal that she has cooked from scratch and with a conversation in Italian (she has been taking Italian lessons in secret for Carina). Please ?
Thank you very much 🙏🏻
Ti amo
Summary: One year over, many more to come.
Pairing: Carina Deluca x female!reader
Warnings: google translated Italian, my knowledge of Italy is very minimal
Word count: 482
a/n: i’m sorry it’s very short and not very good🥲
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Y/N can feel her heart trying to beat its way out of her heart. The echo of it deafening her as she wipes her hands to the hem of her dress for the umpteenth time. She stands near the dining table, checking everything over and over again. The candles are lit, flowers are set, food is on the plates, the wine bottle is open, and nothing is dirty.
The key hits the lock, making her let out a shaky breath. “Okay.” She mumbles to herself before clearing her throat and going to greet Carina by the door.
“Hello, amore mia.”
Y/N can see the exhaustion in Carina’s eyes and the way her body is slightly slumped over. Still she looks like the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. “Ciao, mia cara.”
Carina raises her brows as she takes off her jacket and shoes. “Stai imparando l'italiano?”
“Sì.” Her smile widens when she realizes she understood Carina’s words. “Felice anniversario di un anno.”
Gasping, Carina grins. “You speak so well!” She instantly pulls Y/N to a hug, kissing her face multiple times before she pulls away. “You didn’t tell me you were learning.”
“It was a surprise.” A sheepish smile grows on her face and a blush can be seen on her cheeks. She still feels shy around her girlfriend. “But that’s not the only surprise.”
Only now Carina notices Y/N’s fancier than normal attire. “Cosi bella.” She mumbles. She starts sniffing the air as the smell of food starts traveling through the house, giving Y/N a questioning look.
Y/N grins at this, taking hold of Carina’s hand and bringing her to the dining room.
“Chicken piccata!” She gasps once she sees the food laid on the table.
With a small giggle, Y/N goes to pull out a chair for Carina to sit on. “And tiramisu for dessert.” She pushes the chair closer to the table after Carina sits down.
“You made it all by yourself?”
“I did.” She states with a proud smile. Y/N pours wine for the both of them before sitting down opposite of Carina. “I know you miss Italy, so I wanted to bring a small part of it here.”
Carina leans over the table and takes hold of Y/N’s hand. “Ti amo tanto.” She mumbles, her eyes full of love as she tightens her hold.
“Ti amo di più.”
“Impossibile!” She shakes her head, pressing a kiss on top of Y/N’s hand. Pulling away and sitting back up properly, Carina picks up her utensils and starts eating, her hunger high after her long day at work.
Y/N stares at her expectantly, not moving to eat her own portion just yet. “Is it good?”
“È perfetto.”
She lets out a relieved breath and starts eating the food, her happiness through the roof as she stares at her girlfriend.
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oneshotnewbie · 5 months
Carina is afraid of Reader getting hurt (she is a police officer) and maybe, just maybe, they get hurt? You don't have to if you don't want to!!
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Authors note: This story has been sitting in my finished documents for about two years haha. So maybe it's not all that well written
Working undercover was exhausting, if not draining. You were aware of it both physically and mentally, yet you accepted the job. Accepted it in hope that, like every order, it would pass quickly. You had been investigating undercover in a drug gang for several weeks now. Barely exchanged a word with your wife for endless days to protect her from the cunning mastermind of the gang. Sporadically, there was a short on-minute-conversation at a phone booth here and there, but it was not enough. On both sides.
Carina was worried sick; she only got fleeting answers from your lieutenant on how you were doing. She was so concerned for your life that the brunette even fell ill and had to be hospitalized. When you found out, you wanted to break your cover and risk your life just so you could see her. But she managed to stop you, promising she would take care of herself until you were back home.
You missed everything about the cozy apartment you shared with her. The scent, your bed. Even the smell of cheese that had spread throughout the kitchen. But mostly the closeness of your girlfriend and the warmth that reached you every time you had a hard day at work. All of that you had to exchange for a cold, sparsely furnished one-room apartment outside of the city.
With each passing day it became harder to maintain the disguise. Everything got on your last nerves and ripped you apart. On the very first day, you wished that you could leave work and go back to your family but it had taken you a long time to earn the trust of the drug lord, Joaquín González, before he gave you permission to do big jobs. You were basically his second hand and knew everything about his business.
Even so, you still had to wait to snag all of his followers. At least until this evening where the cruical deal would go through. If everything went smoothly, you could go back to your old life tomorrow. Back to your family. The day passed faster than you could have imagined and it slowly started to get dark. The pink tone of the setting sun gave you a feeling of security and freedom- a feeling you had not had in a long time and made you believe that everything would turn out the way you wished for.
Slowly, you sat down on the chair you had prepared and waited out the last hours before your assignment while you looked through the small window. The landscape was swallowed up in a deep darkness, so completely dark that you felt the cold and hatefulness filling up your heart. Without the feeling, you could not think straight in the violent drug clan. This feeling had changed you, you felt it deep inside. That freezing cold surrounded you and gave you the courage to do any assignment without hesitation so you would not experience pain. But you still hoped to shed that mask once you were safe in the arms of your beloved Italian.
The mask had so often saved you from a mental collapse on missions, that you might not want to take it off as protection for further police operations and it shocked you deeply, that you even believed in wanting to keep it. After each undercover assignment, Carina was always able to give you the feeling of security, and the conscience that everything would be fine again. But you were not sure if she could still save you from what ate away your soul this time.
Of course you knew that she would do everything in her power to get your old self back- Carina had managed it all the time. The brunette would take care of you, spoil you like your life was more important than hers. This time was different. You had been separated from your old life for far too long to make up for with a few days of utmost nurturing.
A small tear, which you quickly wiped away, rolled down your face. You were not allowed to cry, you had to blame yourself for your fate and now you had to face the consequences.
"Where is she? Where is Y/n?" yelled a rough and worried voice at a nurse of the emergency room and you could immediately assign it to Carina. Frantically, she made her way to search between the occupied beds for the woman for whom she was the emergency contacts. „Deluca, calm down. She is here, I will lead you to her"
To her ears, the spoken sentence of Owen Hunt sounded like a war. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, she felt nothing but pure fear. Worries enveloped the woman and she could not imagine finding you badly injured somewhere in the emergency room and realizing that you were hovering between life and death.
The brunette swallowed hard. She missed you so much and just wanted to back healthily. Quietly, she trotted behind the head of trauma surgery, very carefully and slowly, until she came to a stop in front of a curtained bed. There, she already heard your pain-distorted grumbling while stilling in her movement.
Carina had never forgotten how your voice sounded, longed for it every single minute of the day. And now, hearing it without the hum of the phones terminating line, her heart was racing like the first time she had met you. She was only centimeters away from you, as close as she had not been for a long time. "It hurts like hell!"
"I wanted to give you a pain hemmer but you refused," she heard the soft chuckle of Miranda Bailey and a stone rolled from her heavy heart. You were not badly injured, at least not bad enough to be concerned for your life. "Now live with it"
As the brunette doctor moved the curtain with a firm grip to gain access to you, she looked down at you with glassy eyes. Your clothes and face were spattered with dirt and blood, your jeans cut down on one leg to the thigh. Her eyes widened to the bulled hole in your femur, blood still dripping slightly through the stitches already in place.
"Bella, what happened? Stai bene?" (Are you alright?) her voice trembled and was overwhelmed by choked tears. She sneaked through the narrow space between bed and curtain and knelt down next to it. Her warm hand softly cupped your cold one, that was gripping the bed sheets, and squeezed it tightly.
"The deal was overrun by my colleagues. The shooting was in full swing and some were trying to escape. I wanted to help another police officer and I caught a ricochet myself. It is half as bad, it was a straight through shot"
Disorted in pain, your body tensed up briefly before relaxing shortly after; abruptly pinching the hand of your wife before your eyes turned back to her. Deeply, her fawn eyes stared at you, some pitiful tears welling up from them before they closed. "For a brief moment I thought I lost you, mi amor"
Thinking lines appeared on her face and you swallowed impercepitibly. You knew her mind was working through every negative scenario she had ever saw in movies. A faint smile appeared on your face and you broke away from her before you put your hand under her chin and tenderly pulled her to you. "Carina, look at me"
The addressed opened her eyes slightly, pure was immediately recognizable. A tear rolled down the Italian´s face and she grabbed your midsection to cross the last empty space between you. "You did not lost me. I am still here"
Gentle kisses spread across her ruddy cheeks, forehead and nose; trying to catch her bitter tears. You hated when she cried. But you hated yourself even more for causing those sadness upon her. Such a great woman like Carina did not deserve to be in a constant state of fear and you were more than sorry. It broke your heart and shattered it into pieces. 
"You won't do me another mission like this. Mai più, capito?" (Never again, understand?) she said insistently. Her arms broke free from you and crossed over her crumpled pink scrubs, expertly starting to pout. "Se lo fai di nuovo, ti uccido io stesso" (If you do it again, I'll kill you personally)
That it was your last police operations for the time being, which you would do in the next few weeks, was more than clear to you. But you did not care. The most important thing you had to worry about now was your wife, whom you had neglected for weeks, and your health.
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tvseries-writings · 4 months
Fight for us
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Maya x Carina x reader
PLOT: A big fire makes the reader worry more about other people than about herself and her pacemaker is not very happy about it, as are her girlfriends.
TW: heart failure, pacemaker
You didn't think the week could get any worse than it was already going then, all of a sudden, you had received a call from Teddy Altman, your cardiologist, alerting you to the fact that it was time to change the batteries in your pacemaker and that the latter was exhibiting some malfunctions that she definitely wanted to check. You sigh, shrugging your shoulders with the intent to shrug off that phone call before sipping your second cup of coffee. And to think that today is your day off and you are already stressed.
“Bambina, that's decaf right?”
Carina walks up to you and kisses you on the lips, biting your lip and looking at you with a look you know very well.
“No, I would definitely say it's not. You know it's not good for you y/n and besides, move that phone; it needs to be at least six inches from the pacemaker.” You sigh, rolling your eyes and shaking your head, but before Carina can scold you again, both yours and her phone ring. That's never a good sign, never.
“Dr. DeLuca”
“Pamedic Y/n”
And if the week had already seemed like crap to you, the words coming out of your boss's mouth only dangerously dash all your hopes for improvement. You and Carina end the call at the same time and then, after a moment of silence, finally finding the courage to speak.
“There's a fire in Fall City’s forest, I've been asked about-”
“Me too,” you say, looking at your girlfriend and voicing the same thought that is haunting both of you.
“Have they called Station 19 yet?”
“I don't know Bella but since they've called all the available workers I think so.”
You exchange a worried look before you decide to pull Carina into a hug.
“She will be fine love, Maya is a fighter and will always come back to us. Let's go save some lives now.”
You are treating a patient's burns when you see Maya enter the tent where both you and Carina are treating patients. You finish bandaging Kelly, the girl in front of you, before quickly running into Maya's arms.
“Woah, hey, I didn't know they called you guys too.” Maya returns the hug, and although your girlfriend smells like soot, you bask in her scent before pulling away when you hear Carina join you.
You hear them talking but you don't really listen to what they're saying; you're tired, your body is telling you to take a break, and your heart, despite the pacemaker, is really acting up at the moment.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
You realize you're rubbing your hand right over the pacemaker only when Carina stops you by locking your wrist.
“Hey, are you-”
Maya is stopped by a sweaty Warren who comes running into the tent.
“Bishop, we need you. The captain wants you with her.”
Maya gives you a look and then an apologetic smile before hurrying off but not without first giving Carina a look that was definitely not aimed at the Italian.
The two of you watch the blonde leave and just as Carina turns to you to speak, a dozen patients are rushed inside and the Italian is forced to put off questions until later.
You turn to Vic and Travis and run toward them.
“Thirty-nine-year-old female, under cardiac arrest two minutes. Performed two rounds of compressions on scene with no results.”
You nod, quickly slipping on another pair of gloves before replacing Vic, performing a new cycle of compressions yourself as Travis connects the patient to the monitors.
“Vic, get the defibrillator ready.”
You shouldn't exert yourself, you know you shouldn't with the pacemaker discharged, but you really have no choice when you have to choose between your life and a patient's. You swore it to yourself when you took this job.
“It's ready.”
Victoria says and you take the pads from her hands. If Carina saw you using it yourself, she would probably kick your ass and a good lecture in Italian; fortunately, she is very busy at the moment. Travis places the electrodes on the patient's body and then, after a glance, places the paddles on her chest.
You feel the electricity leave the paddles and see the woman's body lying in front of you jerk before falling back onto the gurney. You will never get used to this feeling.
“There's a pulse, call heli-rescue and keep her monitored until it arrives.”
You say entrusting it to the only two free people in front of you who weren't strictly necessary in there, two residents.
You take off your gloves and throw them in the nearest trash can, quickly procuring another pair before moving on to the next patient then, like a bolt out of the blue, you notice Teddy Altman enter the tent and if your day was already sucking, it now gets drastically worse.
The faint hope that Teddy has not come exclusively for you quickly vanishes when the blonde doctor catches up with you with a look that is anything but friendly.
“Heyy Teddy, what's the best heart surgeon in Seattle doing here? Were you so bored at home that you wanted to help us out?”
You smile, cheekily, before turning to a new patient but before you can even ask her what's wrong, besides the obvious second-degree burn on her shoulder, the cardiac surgeon grabs your arm and drags you away, far enough away from prying ears.
“What the hell are you doing here? A woman came into the hospital and said there was a beautiful paramedic who saved her life and pulled her out of her panic attack by talking about her beautiful girls: an Italian doctor and a blond firefighter.”
You mentally curse yourself for being so specific, dammit. You would have saved yourself at firefighter or doctor, damn it, did you have to be so specific?
You open your mouth to speak, looking for any excuse in the meantime, but before you can formulate one, Teddy starts talking again.
“No no, y/n, don't even try. I had made it clear, no efforts until the checkup and then I find you literally on the biggest fire in years performing CPR?!”
The blonde tries to keep a normal tone even though, from the look on her face, she probably wants to strangle you with her own hands.
“Teddy, look, I know we're friends and you're my cardiologist but you have to understand that I'm also doing my job here. I'm a paramedic and I have to take care of other people's health.”
“I understand that y/n but you won't save anyone when your heart collapses and it will if you don't get checked right away. I came here just for you, I had to ask Bailey's permission and don't think Miranda will let you get away with this recklessness of yours.”
You sigh, moving a lock of hair from your face and thinking about the long lecture Miranda Bailey, who is like a mother to you, will give you as soon as your slender body ends up in front of her judgmental eyes. You're screwed.
“Oh come on Teddy, couldn't you have said some shit to her? Besides, aren't you bound by attorney-client privilege?”
“Well, sure. Or at least we are until the patient turns out to be a danger to himself and-”
The cardiac surgeon's tone of voice rises to such an extent that the speech you are giving is heard by people who should not have heard a single word, such as your very protective Italian girlfriend.
“Hey, Bella is everything okay here? Teddy, hi, did they call you too?���
Carina girds your hips protectively and you lean a little into her grip; the fatigue was already starting to set in before Teddy's visit and now it's only getting worse.
“No, they didn't call me too but I'm here for a patient of mine.”
The Italian observes the look the blonde gives you and it doesn't take her long to realize that you are the patient.
“Y/n, why did Teddy come here for you? Is something wrong with the pacemaker?”
You want to talk, really, tell the truth and face her stern look and a long, long lecture about how you don't take care of yourself but all your attention is diverted to a firefighter, you don't recognize him since he's not from Station 19, who runs inside the tent and talks loudly to Chief Ross.
“Chief, Bishop and Herrera are stuck in a circle of fire and we can't get the flames under control.”
Although there is no shortage of noise in the tent, both you and Carina hear those words perfectly and in less than a second run toward the two.
“What the hell do you mean Maya is stuck? Why hasn't she been pulled out already!”
Carina screams, Italian slipping off her tongue as she does every time she is gripped by a strong emotion, and you know that fear is the strongest and most destabilizing of all, along with love.
Your heart beats in your chest so loudly that you think it might as well pull off the pacemaker, the sounds resulting muffled as you cling to Carina's side to try to calm both her and your crazed heart.
“Apparently Lieutenant Bishop found herself trapped in a circle of fire while she and Herrera were trying to rescue a civilian. We managed to get Herrera out but it was too late for Bishop...now we are trying to transport as much water as we can but they are in a spot we can't reach with trucks and-”
“Damn it, get Bishop out of there at the cost of filling buckets and climbing that damn mountain. Is that clear?”
Chief Ross yells and the fireman jerks before nodding and hastily exiting. Then, the woman turns to the two of you.
“I know it's hard but I promise you we will get Maya out of there; she's a fighter, she'll be fine, I've never met a woman as tenacious as she is.”
The thought of not being able to see Maya again makes your heart even heavier than it already was; you and Carina hug each other tightly, the Italian drops a few tears, and you kiss her head repeatedly, the same way Maya does, caressing her back and suppressing the sharp pain in your chest you are feeling.
“Car..what if last night was the last time we saw her? I can't lose her, not Maya, not today, I can't, I can't,” you sob, the weight of what's happening is too much to keep inside and even though you know you should console Carina, the anguish you're feeling won't let you.
“It will be all right, she will be all right, I must be...” Carina wipes away her tears and then looks up at you, “I am pregnant Bella, it worked.”
And for a moment, for just a moment, you forget where you are and Maya's condition, for just a moment you think only of you, her and Maya holding a beautiful baby and you kiss her. You kiss her deeply and with such passion that if you were not in that situation you would already be on the bed. When you pull away, you run a hand over her stomach and gently caress it with a smile on your face.
“Hey little bean, we love you so much already, you don't know how long we've been waiting for you.”
Carina rests her hand on top of yours and her head on your chest. The adrenaline rush that the news caused you fades and the dull but constant pain in your chest returns like a bolt of lightning as does the fear for the life of the other woman in your life, the other mother of your child.
Teddy, who has been standing on the sidelines up to that point, approaches the two of you and gives you a sympathetic smile.
“I'm sure Firefighter Barbie is fine, she's strong and wants to get back to her girls.”
“Thank you Teddy.”
And then, you hear Carina realize again what you were talking about before you were interrupted.
You sigh and close your eyes for a few moments; Carina turns away from you, and when you open them again, you see her looking at you with the same look you've been dreading ever since you got the call.
“I hope you didn't come here knowing you had problems with your pacemaker.”
Your silence is worth more than confirmation for the Italian.
“O MIO DIO, I can't believe it y/n, you're so stubborn and an idiot I ahh non so cosa fare con voi due, sei mille volte peggio di Maya dannazione.”
You don't understand a single word she said but considering the fact that she is gesticulating…well, you are definitely in trouble.
Fortunately, however, even the wrath of an Italian vanishes when your girlfriend's colleague runs up to you and waves you to follow him and that's exactly what you do, temporarily forgetting what you were discussing.
“Jack, is Maya okay?” Carina says and when the firefighter does not turn to look at you, you fear for the worst: “Gibson, is Maya okay? Is she alive? Is she hurt? Damn it Jack! Answer me!” You yell, shoving the fireman until he turns toward you. His gaze gives nothing away and you are literally about to grab him by the throat but then a familiar face appears in your field of vision.
“Hey, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'm okay, I'm fine, I feared for the worst but the guys managed to pull both Andy and me out of there.”
Maya has an oxygen mask on her face and a blanket around her shoulders but except for that, she seems fine and you think you can squeal from relief. You pounce on her and stuff her face with kisses before letting Carina do the same.
“If you worry us like this again, I'll kill you myself, is that clear?”
“Crystal doc” Maya smiles, leaning over to kiss her before kissing you too.
“Fuck you Gibson” you huff, giving him a shove and he smiles, raising his hands as if to defend himself, “hey, I just wanted you to see it for yourself.”
The fireman walks away and leaves you alone; you rest your forehead on the Italian's back while she and Maya discuss what happened and how Andy is doing. You don't really listen to them; the pain in your chest with Jack's little joke has only gotten worse, and your breath shortens as tiny drops of sweat wet your back.
You have experienced this feeling before, when you had your first heart attack more than four years ago. You feel the pulse in your ears, you cannot even tell whether it is high or extremely low; despite your medical knowledge, you are not clear-headed enough at the moment to tell. You gradually lean more and more against the Italian so much that you almost risk dropping her.
“Car, call...call Teddy. Pacemaker” you whisper and then, everything goes dark as you fall to the ground with a thud.
Carina and Maya freeze for a few seconds before springing into action.
“Hey! We need help, help us!” Carina shouts, turning you over on your stomach and checking your heart rate.
“Maya, I'm going to get Teddy don't move from here, check her pulse and don't you dare take off that oxygen mask.”
The firefighter does not even have time to react that the doctor is already running away.
“Come on love, come on, stay with us.”
Maya massages your chest, checking your pulse and trying at the same time to stimulate your pacemaker. Carina returns in less than a minute, falling on her knees next to your body lying on the floor, followed by Vic, Travis and Teddy.
“Maya, give me her heart rate.”
“32 bpm.”
“Damn, her pacemaker stopped working, it's set on 50 bpm. We need to take her to the hospital and change the batteries or the pacemaker if necessary.”
“The fire has blocked the roads, we can only go to Eli-rescue but it left a while ago and will never be back in less than 40 minutes.” Travis says, looking at the doctor.
“You don't have forty minutes, you don't even have ten minutes.”
Teddy shakes his head, rubbing his forehead as he constantly checks your pulse on the monitor Victoria has diligently hooked you up to. Carina takes an oxygen tank and connects it to a mask that she places on your face, stroking your hair and leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“It will be okay Bella, we are here with you, you have to fight for us. Please.”
The Italian doctor's voice cracks and Maya promptly takes her into her arms, also stroking your hair.
“I have an idea but it is dangerous and I don't know if it will work .”
Maya and Carina cast a glance at each other and then nod.
“Do what you have to but bring her back to us, please.”
Teddy pulls out his stethoscope, auscultating your pulse.
“Montgomery, get the defibrillator.”
Carina and Maya stiffen and look at the monitor. Your heart is not beating above 30 bpm and your blood pressure is dangerously low and falling.
“Teddy, what do you want to do.”
Carina's voice trembles as her hand falls instinctively on your stomach; Maya notices but at the moment is more concerned about you than intrigued by her wife's gesture.
“With a jolt the pacemaker should restart and keep her alive until the hospital or at least I hope so, I only did it one other time in Afghanistan.”
“Did the patient survive?”
Teddy pauses, remaining silent for a few seconds as he applies the electrodes to your chest. Then, after a deep sigh, he turns to the two women kneeling over your dying body.
“No, it was too late for him.”
Carina runs a hand through her hair and then, grabs the blond fireman's hand.
“Maya, I need to tell you something I-”
The Italian freezes, as does Maya's heart as they watch your body jerk and the terrifying flat line noise that is emitted from the monitor immediately after.
“Come on Bella, please.”
Maya removes her mask and leans over your forehead, leaving a kiss on your temple.
“Come on love, you can do it. Come back to us.”
Your heart starts beating again after one round of compressions from Teddy, and Maya and Carina burst into tears from relief praying that helicopter rescue will arrive in time.
More than six hours pass before your eyes open and an annoying but familiar pain in your chest, just above the pacemaker, lets you know that you are still in the world of the living. Your hand reaches for the mask on your face but before you can pull it off, a hand stops you.
“Hey, no, you have to keep it on a little longer Bella.”
Carina leaves a kiss on your forehead, turning a small smile to you and intertwining your fingers.
“Welcome back love” Maya smiles at you. She still has her oxygen mask on and at the sight, your stomach knots.
“Are you okay? What are your oxygen levels?”
You sit up and reach toward the fireman; your gaze is so concerned that Maya strokes your cheek and grabs your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“I'm fine my love, I'm sorry for worrying the two women of my life, or three ,” the blonde's smile increases as she rests her hand on the Italian's stomach and your worried look is quickly replaced by a smile. “We're going to be moms.”
“The best ones.”
“Yes, although two of these three moms should learn to take better care of themselves. Did you understand y/n? It was stupid to ignore the device that helps your heart beat idiot”
“Yes, it was totally irresponsible of you” Maya nods, agreeing with Carina, before patting your leg lightly.
“Don't ever try something like that again, you are too important to us.”
Carina whispers and you notice she is holding back tears so you reach out and push her toward you, dropping her sitting on your lap.
“Oh and don't think this is the end of it, Bailey can't wait to give you a good talking to.”
“Shit, I'm screwed.”
“Yeah but not by us. No sex for two months after what you did.”
You pout and then playfully shove Maya while Carina taps her hand on her forehead shaking her head with a smile on her face.
You do believe you will be good mothers after all.
Thank you for reading! It's not my best work but lately I feel like everything I write sucks so...well, thanks anyway and have a great day!
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Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirlfriend @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year
Too Soft
Fandom: Station 19/Grey’s Anatomy
Pairing: Carina DeLuca x female!reader
Genre: Hurt & Comfort, Angst, Smut
Words: 6.3k+
Summary: Carina is not coping well with the loss of her brother. She’s barely sleeping or eating and she refuses to let you comfort her. All she wants is some sense of control to come back into her life and all you can think is to offer her whatever she needs, no matter what that sense of control may look like.
Warnings: talk of grief; loss of family member; mention of canon character death; rough sex; semi-angry sex; fingering (r receiving); biting; marking; multiple orgasms; overstimulation
A/N: I do not know where this even came from but uh… here y’all go. Idk honestly how I feel about this one lol
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This was a new dynamic. Never had you not been soft with each other. Ever since you met, that’s how your relationship went. It’s what you both needed, you were a trauma nurse and she was an OB. Two different things in a sense, sure, but both of you often saw hard situations. Not every patient was a breeze, there was so much struggle, so much loss, even in both cases.
So when you two met you needed softness and she gave it to you. She needed softness too, after all. So your love was gentle and tender. It always had been from the start. The way you both fell in love was fast, but in so many ways you two also took your time. Carina cherished you in every single moment she spent with you and you tried to reciprocate that. With every touch, you could see just how much appreciation she had for every single part of you and with every kiss, you tried to show her just how all-encompassing your love for her was. 
In the year and a half that you two had been together, that feeling was consistent between the two of you. There were hard days, just like everyone else, but you two would talk through it and fall into bed in each other’s arms by the end of every evening. But when things suddenly changed for Carina, you were floundering. 
It was all so sudden. A whirlwind incident that ended in unexpected tragedy for your girlfriend. Carina lost her brother and as a result, you had somehow lost her. She stayed with you, it wasn’t that you physically lost her. It was just that she had suddenly become so emotionally shut off. Although, as she skulked around the apartment looking half alive, you sometimes felt like you lost her physically too. But, for the most part, it was on an emotional level that Carina was just… absent. 
You didn’t expect her to bounce back right away, of course. Grieving takes time and you understood that quite well. But then one month turned into two and then three and then four and suddenly you were rounding on five months of sharing a home with a husk of the woman you loved. In all of this, you tried your best to help too. You begged and pleaded to do anything to assist her in her grieving process. If she wanted space, you’d give it. If she wanted you, she could have it. Whatever she could possibly need you’d make sure she got. Except, she would just shrug off any of your offered comfort and help. It happened so often as the days went on that eventually the only thing you could do was back off.
And that’s where the dynamic got messier. If you backed off, she would come looking for you. Telling you she didn’t want space, so why were you giving it to her when you asked and she said no? Maybe she was picking a fight on purpose, but you’d never let it get to the point of yelling. You’d just sigh and agree to stay with her, but when that happened she couldn’t look you in the eye. She wanted you near– at least that’s what she said, but any time you simply sat next to her it was like you were doing it wrong. You didn’t know how to fix that or how to be near her in the way she wanted.
It wasn’t even this new, uncomfortable dynamic that made things the hardest. No, it was the way Carina just was. Seeing her, this incredibly strong woman, seem so broken. It broke you too. She was hurting to the extent that it felt like the woman you once knew would never come back. Carina was always your advocate for self-care when you had a hard day, but she wasn’t following any of her own advice. 
When was the last time she even really slept? You often caught her in the weirdest places, curled up on the floor, staring blankly, rather than resting or even crying. It was scaring you. For a few weeks this behavior was understandable, you told yourself it would pass and you’d let her do what she needed as she grieved. But now it’s been months and the sleep deprivation had to have been hurting her on a physical level too. Not to mention the fact that she barely ate now. She was looking quite literally dead on her feet and the absent look in her eye was making it harder and harder for you to stay silent to her grieving process.
You tried to tell the people around her, tried to ask them about what to do, but many didn’t have much to say. We all grieve differently, she just lost her brother, or it takes time were the three most common phrases you were met with. At first you agreed, but now you were getting sick of hearing it. It wasn’t that you were impatient to have your girlfriend back or that you couldn’t handle caring for her in her time of grieving, it was that your concern for her was causing you to be literally worried sick.
The final straw to break your silence happened when you woke up to the other side of the bed cold and empty at the late hour of one in the morning. You had told Carina you would really like it if she came to bed not too long after you and pleaded with her to actually join you for once. Not for anything but rest, of course, but still you just wanted to have her next to you again. She had half acknowledged you and you sighed, but took that for now as you trudged off to bed. Randomly, you had woken up to reach for Carina, only for your hand to hit the mattress. Why you had hoped that tonight she would finally try to get a proper amount of sleep in the bed you shared, you weren’t sure. Regardless, it was the breaking point for you. 
You threw the covers off of you, creeped down the hall of your apartment, and saw the bathroom door was cracked with the light on. Gently, you opened the door and stepped in to find where Carina was hiding. What you saw was a new sight: Carina curled up on the shower floor, fully clothed with the shower off and completely dry.
“Carina?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, trying to be as gentle as possible as you knelt down in front of her. “Carina, what are you doing in here?”
She didn’t answer. Her tired eyes just flicked up to you before dropping back down. You watched as she hugged her knees tighter to her chest and you sighed. “Carina, come on,” you reached out for her. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“No,” she shook her head. “No, no…”
“Everything,” she mumbled. “Everything is just too– It’s too soft.”
“Okay…” Your voice was hesitant, questioning. You didn’t want to judge her. If this was still part of her grieving process you’d ride it out with her, but it was tiptoeing into unhealthy territory. She hasn’t slept, she’s barely ate, there was a growing dread in your stomach whenever she passed you in the hall, eyes devoid of any emotion, her face stuck twisted in that pained expression she’s kept on for weeks. You were worried she was going to exhaust herself to death, that her lack of sleep and energy would see her collapsing if she tried to work, or do anything really. On top of that, she was carrying so much of this blame and loss inside herself, even if what happened to her brother was by no means her fault. It was too much for her, she wasn’t able to let it out. She was grieving, sure, but was she actually processing it all? Your heart ached to help, but you felt powerless. There was no way to take on her pain if she didn’t let you.
“I- I can’t just be comfortable. If I’m comfortable, I’ll cry and I’ve been crying for weeks. I can’t cry anymore. I-” Carina’s voice broke and she cut herself off, shaking her head hard. “No. No, I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Carina…” You scooted closer to her, your hands slipping into her own. “Please,” you urged. She needed some of this off her shoulders, she needed to let herself rest. 
“I’m sorry, bambina.” Carina’s hands slowly withdrew from yours and you knew she saw the hurt look in your eyes. You couldn’t stop yourself. Maybe it was selfish, but you wanted some of her back. An ounce of contact that told you she would come back to you. She could grieve all she wanted, for as long as it took, as long as it wasn’t forever. But there was a fear in you, one that said maybe she would never forgive herself, even if it wasn’t her fault. If she didn’t forgive herself, you didn’t think you’d ever see Carina’s bright smile again. The thought shook you to your core. “It’s too soft.”
Those words cracked at your heart. There had to be something, anything you could do. If she can’t handle soft, what can she handle? All you knew was how to be gentle with her, the way she always is with you. “We need to take some of this blame off you,” you begged. “What can we– What can I do? Blame me, you can blame me. Just anything, Carina, please.” 
Carina was continuously shaking her head, her eyes glistening with tears she refused to shed. “No, it’s not about blame. It’s not that. I’m angry, bambina. Not at you, not at anyone, not even at myself, but at the world. I don’t understand it– I don’t know how to stop this feeling. I feel like my emotions are out of control, everything is slipping through my fingers. Everything feels out of control. Bambina, you can’t help.”
“What can then?” You weren’t going to give up on this. Right here, right now, you were going to do whatever you could to alleviate some of this from Carina. If you didn’t find a way tonight, something told you, you’d never get the Carina you once knew back. “Things feel out of control, right? What can we do to get some back? I’ll do anything you need, just name it.” 
Carina kept shaking her head, rubbing at her eyes angrily to fight off the tears she didn’t want to shed. “I don’t want to take what I’m feeling out on you, bambina.” Her eyes squeezed shut for a moment as she took a deep breath. “That’s not healthy.” 
“And this is?” You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you were at your wit’s end. “Does this look healthy? You haven’t slept for days and you’re curled up on the bathroom floor for god’s sake!” 
Carina didn’t say anything to that. Her eyes fell and her face went practically emotionless. All that did was build up your frustration more. Not at her, but at everything. At your powerlessness to help her. At the fact that she lost someone who meant so much to her. At how unfair the world was to the woman who deserved the best. 
“Carina,” you continued, “you want control then we’re going to get some back. This—“ you motioned to where she was curled up on the shower floor, “—is not good for you. Take your control back, even if it’s in a small aspect. Just take it.”
Your eyes burned from frustration tears threatening to spill, but this wasn’t about you. You wouldn’t allow yourself to cry. Not when you knew you needed to give Carina that space to do so. “Give me this blame, put the anger on me. Just do it for now. All I’m asking is that for tonight you just try.” 
Carina looked back up at you now. You could see from the look on her face that she was seriously taking in everything you were saying. In her mind, she was calculating what her next move was. She so desperately wanted you in her arms, but one moment of gentleness would surely make her break apart all over again and she was struggling to put those pieces back together on her own.
She did want to feel in control. She wanted to get back to the place she was in when she first met you. Where she could be your comforting and strong girlfriend, the one who was soft only for you. Now, anything remotely soft set her off and she found herself wallowing, not just in grief, but in self loathing too. Carina’s emotions were so scattered, she didn’t know if she could ever control them enough to be what she once was for you again. That thought alone terrified her just as much as it did you. 
But she had to try, right? For you at least. If she couldn’t hold you like she wanted to, then she could do the alternative. Something inside her told her, if she did touch you in some way– in any sort of way, it would ground her. It might even mend a small piece of her. It couldn’t be soft; she couldn’t handle soft. But here you were, telling her to take it out on you, even if it’s just for one night. Her mind argued with itself. One side was trying to give in to everything you were saying and the other was wary of being anything other than gentle and loving to you. Though, after a moment, her decision was made.
“Meet me in the bedroom,” Carina’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“Carina, what…” You trailed off, your eyes searching hers for some sort of answer. You said you wanted to do whatever it took to make her feel better, but you didn’t expect that response.
That was all you needed to hear to let any question you had on the tip of your tongue die. Without another second of hesitation you stood up. Carina didn’t immediately do the same, but she told you to meet her in the bedroom and that was what you were going to do. You walked out the bathroom without saying much more. What would you even say? The confusion was pretty clear in your eyes when you looked back at Carina after she made her request. You figured you’d learn what her intentions were in due time. Whatever it was, you weren’t going to go back on your word.
You sat yourself on the edge of the bed you shared and waited anxiously, picking at an invisible piece of fuzz as you waited for Carina to come in. She took a moment before she followed you. When she stood up from where she had curled up in the shower to look herself over in the mirror, she finally saw just how wrecked she really looked.
Before she followed you in, she decided to take a moment to clean herself up. Splashing water on her face to wash away the few dried tears that had shed helped a little, but she still looked exhausted. Her skin was more pale than she had ever seen it, and she could tell from the dark circles under her eyes that she was severely lacking a good night’s rest. Still, that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. At least maybe what she had planned to try with you might make that seem a little more attainable, but she had doubts. 
Carina didn’t even know if you’d accept what she was planning. She knew you meant it when you said you’d take on whatever pain she was willing to unburden herself with, but she still was unsure about this. She just really needed some sense of control and somewhere in her grief-warped mind she thought if she could have an ounce of control over you then maybe she’d be able to grapple with some sort of control over her emotions. At the very least, it would give her a chance to have her hands on you in a way that wasn’t too soft for her.
Slipping her clothes off and pulling on her bathrobe, she took one more look at herself in the mirror. This wasn’t exactly the alluring look she wanted, but that wasn’t what she was going for. She nodded to herself, trying to keep a grip on her resolve to try this before she chickened out and ran back to her not-so-cozy corner of the shower. Creeping up to the bedroom, she peaked in to see that you were still perched nervously on the edge. Her heart ached for the anxiety and confusion she knew she was causing in you, but she didn’t really know how to stop herself from causing that either. Maybe, just maybe, after tonight some of this pain would ease for the both of you. It was worth a shot, even if Carina highly doubted it. 
“Bambina.” Carina’s voice broke through the uncomfortable silence you were sitting in. Your head immediately snapped up to see her standing in the doorway. 
She took one step towards you, then two and you felt yourself getting more anxious by the second. At the moment you saw her standing there in her robe, you began to piece together what she had in mind; what she was going to ask of you. There were so many nights when you’d make love to Carina, each one full of tenderness and love. While there might be love in what was going to transpire tonight, you knew the tenderness would not be there. Control, that’s what she needed. Maybe you weren’t exactly able to picture how she would gain that from what she was planning, but you could imagine it wasn’t going to be gentle love making like it used to be. 
“Lay back on the bed.” Carina’s voice wasn’t demanding. It wasn’t harsh or cruel either. If anything it sounded a tad unsure. But still, when you followed her direction and she watched as you scooted yourself up onto the bed, you saw a flash of appreciation in her eyes. You weren’t going to question her actions, which took some of her tension and unease away. Whatever she was going to ask, you were going to give. Even if you were a little unsure about this shift in dynamics between the two of you, you were still willing to be true to your word. 
She took a few steps into the room, watching as you reclined on the bed. Something inside her shifted in that moment. As she saw you lay on the bed for her, waiting for her to do whatever she had in store, it was like a switch flipped. Suddenly, she felt that rush of control she so miserably searched within herself for. She hadn’t even done anything yet and the feeling was already flooding her entire body like a drug. 
When she was finally at the bed, she reached out her hands and yanked up your shirt. You helped her get it off you as best you could before you laid back down. It was awkward and you were struggling, but Carina didn’t seem to care much. That act alone was rougher than she ever was undressing you, but you still didn’t say anything.
Carina paused as she looked down at your naked chest. You were already breathing hard, just waiting for her to make a move. Finally, she reached out again and slowly dragged her nails down your body. Your head craned up to watch what she was doing and when her eyes met yours, you shivered at the look she gave you. Her pupils were blown as she stared you down. It was like she was in a trance, watching as five angry, red lines appeared in the wake of her nails on your skin. 
You swallowed hard as Carina grabbed ahold of your pajama pants and yanked them down just as hard as she had pulled off your shirt. Now, you were completely bare in front of her and your anxiety was getting the best of you. It had been a little while since you let Carina see you like this. Even if she had seen you naked so many times before, this time was different. She was different now. Not that she wasn’t still your Carina. She was, it’s just that she also felt somewhat like a stranger. 
But you shook that feeling off quickly when you felt the mattress dip by your feet. Carina slowly crawled over your bare body, her knees stopping and resting at either side of your waist. You tried to take a few deep, grounding breaths as Carina continued her earlier actions with her hands, scratching down your bare sides slowly and leaving marks along the way. It wasn’t hard enough for those marks to linger, but it was still an act you weren’t used to. 
After a moment, Carina leaned down and her lips finally met yours. It felt like home and unfamiliar territory all at once. She felt like Carina, tasted like Carina, but the way she was kissing you was very much not like Carina. The kiss was slow, but not very gentle. She was claiming your mouth with her kiss, rather than the usual feeling she brought when kissing you. When she kissed you in the past, it felt like she got lost in the kiss you shared, but this time it felt like she was dominating it. This was about control after all, you thought as you did your best to keep up with the way she kissed you.
Her tongue licked into your mouth and you groaned, your hands moving up to grab onto her sides. The feeling of her silky robe rubbing against your bare skin was a disjointed feeling, but you tried to ignore it and do your best to keep up with her kiss. If you were being honest with yourself, this side of Carina, the controlling take-what-she-wants kind of side, wasn’t all bad. To be truthful, it was turning you on. Teeth dug into your bottom lip and pulled. Despite the gasp that escaped from you, the act, even though painful, sent a rush that landed straight between your legs. 
The entire time Carina was kissing you, all she felt was a sense of peace. She wasn’t being gentle, sure, so that feeling definitely contradicted what she felt inside. But the more contact she had with you, the more she realized this really was exactly what she needed. It was like instant gratification, the way you responded to her command and her every touch. She felt that control and she was drunk on it. It was like, with this new feeling, all the others felt more muted. Not completely away, but enough that she could ignore them. Eventually, as she kept kissing you, all the tumultuous emotions she had been battling completely muted. There was only Carina and you and nothing could get in the way of Carina’s plans for you. That thought alone sent a shiver down her spine. 
When she bit a little too hard on your lip, the yelp you let out broke her partially free from her power trip. She pulled back and paused as she looked down at you, her chest heaving. The look in her eye was something you hadn’t ever seen from Carina before. It was almost calm. Almost. But it was more like the calm before the storm. Like you knew that whatever was coming was going to be hard for Carina to reign in if you asked for her to stop. Your knuckles tensed as your hands kept their grip on her sides. Whatever she had planned truly wouldn’t be what you were used to with her, there would be no softness.  You knew that when you offered, so while you waited for her to make her move, you mentally prepared yourself to truly give her full control.
“Bambina, are you sure?” She asked, her voice low. Her hand moved to your face, cupping your chin gently. It would be the last moment of softness you’d get from her for a while. 
“Yes,” you whispered, nervousness clear in your voice. You swallowed hard again when she saw your hesitation and tried your best to sound more sure. “Yes, I’m sure. Whatever you need… take.” 
Carina only nodded before sitting up and pulling at the tie to her robe. When she was free of it, she dropped the robe on the floor and practically rolled her entire body against yours. 
“Mio dio,” she groaned to herself as she dragged her bare body against yours. This was the feeling she was missing so much. She kept herself from it in fear of breaking apart yet again, but you were presenting her with an opportunity to chase the feelings she needed while also avoiding the ones she couldn’t handle right now. “I’ve missed this so much.” 
Your groan matched hers and your head fell back onto the pillow. Just the slight rock of her hips against yours was enough to get you wet. It had been so long since she touched you and the way she was touching you now was so different that it was doing unexpected things to you. “U-uh huh,” you mumbled as Carina kept rocking her whole body into yours. Her hands moved to your hips and one of her legs moved until it was slotted between your legs. You felt the pressure on your clit the minute she did that, her bare thigh grinding hard into you. 
Your teeth sunk into your own lip when she steadily rocked into you. Trying to mirror what she was doing to you, you propped your own knee up and felt your breath hitch when her own wetness met your naked thigh. The sounds of skin against skin and both of you panting echoed in the room. Carina’s nails were digging so hard into your sides that you knew this time, those red marks wouldn’t go away so easily. Your hands were on her back, grabbing onto her for dear life as she kept rocking her own thigh into your clit and building up a delicious friction that you hadn’t felt in months. 
All too soon, though, Carina pulled away. Sitting up for a moment, her fingers danced down your stomach until they reached between your legs, where she fully cupped your pussy. “When you cum tonight, it will be because I told you to,” Carina ordered. “Do you understand, bambina?” 
You nodded your head vigorously, but Carina didn’t make any move to continue. 
“I need you to say it,” she snapped. Her tone shocked you slightly, but you knew it wasn’t anger. It was all part of tonight, part of the control she needed.
“I understand,” you murmured and Carina gave you a satisfied nod. 
“I’m not going to be gentle,” she warned as she sat back on her knees between your legs. Her fingers traced light circles on your clit. “But I need you to do this for me.”
“A-anything you want, Carina.” Your eyes met hers and the look she wore now was nothing but pure hunger. 
With that Carina’s fingers moved down and circled your entrance. You tried to brace yourself, you really did, but nothing prepared you for the moment she pushed two fingers into you with such force until she was knuckle deep. A pathetic moan broke free from your lips, but Carina didn’t miss a beat. Each pump of her fingers was unforgiving. She put all the power she could into it, watching in awe as they slipped in and out of you. In this moment, as she sat between your legs and fucked her fingers into you with as much force and pent up anger she could put into it, she felt that pure control she was chasing intensify even more. 
Your body was shaking and you were panting as you laid there and took her fingers with your legs spread open. Without warning, Carina slipped a third finger in you and you cried out. In that moment, Carina moved so that her body was back on top of your own. With each thrust of her fingers, she put her whole body into it. The way she was hitting so deep inside you and stretching you out almost burned, but it was a pleasurable burn. You couldn’t stop the cries that left your lips when all three of her fingers curled inside you and she quickened her pace. 
The whole bed rocked with both of your bodies and your legs began to really shake. Carina’s teeth clamped down on your nipple and tugged hard. Not enough to break skin, but enough to have you shudder in pain that was quickly forgotten with a particularly hard pump of her three fingers inside you. 
Pretty soon, Carina could feel the signs that told her you were close. “No, no, no, bambina,” Carina cooed against the bare skin of your breast. “You’re not going to cum now. You don’t get to cum now.” 
“Carina, I don’t think—“ 
“Shhh, aspettami. Wait, bambina,” she growled. “Wait for me.” She pulled her fingers out then and you practically cried as the feeling of your impending orgasm suddenly faded. “I know, mia cara, I know.”
Carina placed kisses on either of your breasts before leaning back up to kiss your lips. Your lips immediately parted for her as your hands tried to pull her closer to your body. You needed more contact, you were so close before she pulled away. But still, Carina was in control, and she wasn’t going to give into your needy grabbing and pleading. 
She pulled away after a moment to sit up on the bed and you leaned up on your elbows to watch her. The look you gave her must’ve been pathetic because she looked back at you with a knowing smile. One that was classic Carina, a flash of the old her that you hadn’t seen in so long. 
You were so taken aback by it that you didn’t really pay attention to Carina for a moment. She moved until she was sitting at the head of the bed, leaning back against the headboard. 
“On my lap,” she said as she turned to look at you. “You’re going to ride me until you make yourself cum.” She patted her lap for emphasis and you looked down at her hands before looking back up at her. 
You hesitated, a little daunted by this new position she was asking of you. To ride her was one thing, but to get off on her yourself was a whole other. 
“Now,” Carina ordered and you immediately crawled to her. 
Straddling her waist until you were somewhat comfortably situated, you braced yourself on her shoulders. “Is this okay?” You asked nervously as you shifted on top of her. 
“Yes, good, bambina.” Carina’s hand moved down your body and between your legs again. The way her fingers brushed against your clit made you shiver from how sensitive and keyed up you still were. “You’re going to fuck yourself on my fingers, okay?”
You nodded, finding it hard to vocalize anything when you were so ready to feel her fill you again. Luckily, she accepted this and, yet again, you felt the same three fingers fill you. 
The fact that you had to get yourself off on her was one surprise; the fact that she was clearly insistent on stretching your pussy out with three fingers still was a whole other. Yet, Carina didn’t seem to mind the struggle in your face when you tried your best to grind down onto them. You grunted as you could feel the way your pussy was tightly wrapped around them, making it hard for you to take them in deep on your own.
Carina wrapped a strong arm around your back to hold you up firmly while you began to rock your hips into her. After a few minutes of you practically bouncing yourself up and down on her fingers, you began to feel that tantalizing pleasure again. It was only intensified by the way Carina had buried her face in your chest and placed bite mark after bite mark all over your tits. 
Pretty soon, the room was filled with sounds of your moans and Carina’s satisfied praises. You kept fucking yourself onto Carina’s fingers with abandon until finally you were at that edge again. Your whole body was tensing up and you were pulling Carina into you as close as possible. 
“Cum for me,” she ordered. “Cum now, bambina.” And you did with a low whine, coming all over her fingers. 
Before you could even come down, Carina was moving both her hands back down to your hips. With a hard grip, she kept you going, moving your body for you and pumping her fingers up into you now. Your nails dug into Carina’s bare skin and you cried out her name as your body quaked and another orgasm hit you the second she fucked her fingers up into you harder. 
Even then, she didn’t stop. Your whole body felt tense and overly sensitive, but still Carina threw you onto the mattress and followed behind. Landing knocked the wind out of you, even if you hadn’t caught your breath just yet from the two orgasms. Your head lulled back, but Carina kept pumping her fingers into your spent pussy. 
“Carina I— it’s too much. I can’t,” you cried. You wanted to give her all she needed, like you said you would, but everything felt too sensitive. Never had she pushed you through two orgasms back to back, only to try and push you through a third. 
“You can give me another,” Carina grunted into your ear as she kept fucking you. “You will cum for me again.”
You weren’t even trying to stop your whining and desperate moans at this point. Carina took one of your legs and pulled it over her waist, allowing her fingers to hit even deeper inside you. You felt spent and filled at the same time and it was all overwhelming you.
Your eyes rolled back and you whined Carina’s name as she pulled yet another orgasm from you. Still as your body shuddered and trembled, all Carina did was slow a little.
She was lost in her control over your body. This feeling, the feeling of making you cum, was the only positive feeling she’s had in so long. It was the only thing so far that quieted all her anger and guilt. Carina didn’t want to stop, she couldn’t stop. She needed to chase this feeling for as long as possible. 
“Carina, please.” Tears pricked at your eyes as she kept fucking into you. Again, she was rocking her whole body into yours as she fucked you. She was losing speed, but each pump of her fingers was still powerful. 
“One more,” She begged. “One more… please, just one more.” She didn’t stop as she pleaded with you, but you still nodded your head weakly. As much as your body felt like it was exceeding its limit, you wanted to give her all she asked for. 
With each time her fingers pumped into you up to the knuckle, your body shuddered. You definitely felt like you were being fucked raw by her, but still you took it. Meanwhile, Carina just had her face buried into your neck, placing kisses now where she once was biting.  
Finally, you came for a fourth time with a silent cry. Your chest was heaving and your body went totally limp under Carina and this time she actually slowed to a stop. Yet, her body remained on top of yours. 
It was after a moment of trying to collect yourself that you finally noticed the way Carina shook on top of you. You realized very quickly she was crying and you instinctively wrapped your arms around her waist. 
In all of that, as Carina was fucking you, she forgot just how good you felt. She missed you, she realized that as she had her lips on you and her arms around you. It wasn’t even that you went anywhere. No, you were by her side this whole time as she grieved. It was just that she was so lost in her grief that she might have been next to you physically, but emotionally she was just… gone. 
Now though, as she laid on top of you and shed tears she thought she was done shedding, she felt comfortable. Finally, she had felt an ounce of control. Maybe it was over you and it was given willingly, but it still helped bring back a part of her. If anything, it just helped her to stop spiraling in her inner turmoil at least for the night. 
After a moment, Carina pulled away and you immediately felt guilty. “Too soft,” you whispered. “I know, I know… I’m sorry.” 
“No,” Carina shook her head and cupped your cheek again. Tears glimmered in her eyes as her thumb rubbed gently against your skin. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into her touch that you missed so much. “No, bambina, it’s okay. I think I could use softness now.” 
You looked up at her with wide, hopeful eyes and in that very moment, Carina understood how much you were hurting for her too. “Will you hold me?” Carina’s question surprised you, but you didn’t miss a beat and eagerly nodded your agreement.
She rolled off you and you rolled your side, opening your arms for her. She turned into you and both of you wrapped around the other. Her hands held you tight and yours traced gentle circles along her bare skin. That night, she finally let you hold her as she cried. But this time she didn’t cry out of grief. No, instead she cried in relief as she felt some of the pieces inside her that had been broken since the loss of her brother finally start to come back together.
Taglist: @geekyandgay98 @desperate-gay @lovelyy-moonlight @storiesofsvu @demonicbaby666 @jareguiromanoff @high--power
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swiftsdelucaa · 5 months
What about a Carina DeLuca x female!reader where they get married? Maybe Y/n could be a trauma/general surgeon and you can add a flashback when they meet at work and operate on someone and their eyes meet during the surgery and they're both instantly attracted to each other. Then fast forward to the day before the wedding and the same situation, they're operating and also talk about their wedding.
The wedding happens and they celebrate the night in their hotel room
❛ 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Carina DeLuca x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Heyy hope you like! Kinda happy I posted this not after so long ahah
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It was all in 24 hours and you could already feel all your body shake in happiness and excitement. If you think that tomorrow you would have got married it still felt so surreal. And with an amazing woman, Carina DeLuca.
Right now you were still at the hospital, a trauma had just arrived, so you had put all your feelings aside and do what you could do best, saving lives. The paramedics had already come in starting to list the case, you helped them to take the patient in a room. It had been a serious car accident and the woman was also pregnant, so you called OB/GYN. When you pronounced that phrase and saw Carina walking in, it all instantly seemed so familiar, like the first day you've met each other.
You still remember it like it was yesterday, a woman had been run over, and was halfway through her pregnancy. The way she behaved with patients immediately struck you, she was so sweet that she managed to reassure you too. At that time she was new at the hospital, and you felt the need to get to know her right away, that smile and those eyes on you the first time she saw you got inside you completely. And during the surgery, step after step, your gazes couldn't help but meet everytime. You didn't believe in this kind of things, like love at first sight, but with her it's been different because you had immediately felt something building inside you, the same was for her.
And here you are today, again in the same situation, your hands and bodies concentrated on the surgery, but your minds and hearts were already thinking about tomorrow.
"I wonder how you can stay so focused, I mean, I really admire you for this" Carina said giggling softly.
"Focused? Oh God I feel like I'm going to explode every minute, I'm too excited" you said smiling under the mask.
"I know right, I just can't wait to be your wife" you could hear the joy in her voice.
"Me too darling" you said. "You know what, I also can't stop thinking if everything is ready, I just want it all to be perfect" you sighed.
"I get that, it's something that never stops to pressure you, the anxiety and all that stress damn" she laughed softly. "But Andrea and all my frieds helped me a lot, he made me sure that all was perfect and I hope so"
"Yeah, Meredith, Amelia, Jo, Arizona and Alex helped me a lot too, I think without them I wouldn't made it" you said as you continued the procedure carefully. "Why is marrying someone you love so stressful?" You asked chuckling.
"Well, it must be the best day of our lives, I think it's normal some stress. And it'll be worth of it, bambina" she looked at you, even she was wearing the mask you could see her smile.
"Yes, you're right" you reciprocated the look.
After she completed the cesarean section, you still had a lot to do, Carina moved the baby where the nurses placed her in an incubator, ready to take her to peds.
"So, see you tomorrow" you said before she could leave.
"See you tomorrow and good luck with the surgery" she smiled at you before leaving with the nurses.
The surgery luckily went well, the woman was stable, the same for the baby. Your shift was over, so you went home to celebrate the night before tomorrow with your friends, which had taken pretty long, but it didn't matter since you couldn't sleep. Your mind was too awake.
The day after you woke up early and had a shower, before waking up the girls who stayed with you all the night. Meredith and Amelia prepared the dress for you, after you came out of the bathroom they helped you to put it on. The sight of yourself in that wedding dress have already had a big effect on you that facing this whole wonderful day was even too much.
"You're so beautiful" they said to you. "Hey, this is not a dream" Meredith added. You laughed softly.
"Yeah I'm just trying to realize everything"
"Damn, I'm already going to cry" Arizona said, looking at you.
"Oh, do not please, or I will too" you chuckled. When everything was ready, they helped you to get in the car.
The wedding wouldn't be in Seattle, but in a location not far away. You and Carina didn't want something very big, something intimate and simple was enough. It would have been an outdoor ceremony with all your loved ones. The journey seemed endless, but finally the car stopped at the destination. Your bridesmaids preceded you, then your moment arrived. You could feel everyone's eyes on you when you were walking, but your eyes were only focused on your future wife, right in front of you. She was sobeautiful, as always, at the sight of you her eyes were literally shining.
When the priest started the ceremony, you and Carina were just standing in front of each other, holding your hands and can't helping but smiling to each other. Your heartbeat increased every second, every single word about your story made you both almost cry in happiness and gratitude. During the exchange of the wedding rings it was a miracle that you didn't drop it. And then, it was that moment, that question finally arrived.
“Y/n L/n, do you take Carina DeLuca as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, for as long as both of you shall live?” you grinned at her.
"Yes, I do!" holding the tears was now more difficult.
"Carina DeLuca, do you take Y/n L/n as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better and for worse, for so long as you both shall live?” she gave you the same grin.
"God, yes, I do!" She exclaimed.
"I officially declare you wife and wife, you may now kiss" you both didn't wait one more second to approach and giving you the first kiss as a married couple. As you kissed, everyone started clapping.
The party and celebrations could begin, even if you and her could only think about your life together and what it would be like with each other every day of your lives. Everything was amazing, also all your favorite people made this day very special, but for you and Carina felt like in a romance novel every second of it.
After the night has come and all the guests congratulated one last time before leaving, you and your wife reached your hotel room, that had been prepared. You sat on the soft bed looking around.
"I still can't realize this" you sighed, still thinking about this wonderful day.
"And maybe I can, because my awesome wife is right in front of my eyes" she smiled leaning in to kiss you. You placed your hands on her cheeks, deepening the kiss.
"What a honour to be married to such a beautiful italian woman like you" you whispered in the kiss.
"And what a honour to have you all for me this night and all the nights that still have to come" she whispered, with a hand moving a lock of your hair and the other one played teasingly with the sleeve of your dress.
She made you lay down on the bed positioning herself on top of you.
"Ti amo, bambina" (I love you, bambina) she said pressing a soft kiss on your neck and then looking at you.
"Ti amo anch'io" (I love you too) you replied smiling, that was all the italian you learnt since you told her so many times. Her lips returned focusing on your neck, tasting your soft skin, you rested your head back against the pillow as your hands explored her body. Now it was just the two of you, forever and always.
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youngsadlesbian · 3 months
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX — carina deluca and maya bishop.
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pairing: carina deluca x maya bishop x daughter!reader
summary: your moms catch you having an intimate conversation with your best friend.
a/n: i'm so obsessed with this two that i can't stop write about them lol. english is not my first language so i’m sorry for any mistakes, guys.
word count: 1k
warnings: talks about sex, maya being such a jealous mom, pure fluff and suggestive at the end.
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You had been adopted by Maya and Carina at the age of three when your biological father died in a terrible fire, begging Maya to save you first. When she returned it was too late and your father was unrecognizable, practically charred. You had no living family members, so it was easy for the couple to try to get you legally adopted.
It took you a while to get used to the dynamics of a new family and it was difficult for you to leave them to go to school. Therapy helped with that, of course.
Maya and Carina were your favorite people in the universe and you felt like you could talk to them about everything. That is until you become a teenager and understand that not everything was a topic of conversation with your mothers.
Maya and Carina arrived home early that night and you didn't notice because you were totally absorbed in the conversation you were having with your best friend in video call.
"How does it feel to know you're going to kiss the girl of your dreams in your play?" Jojo, your best friend asked as she changed position on the bed.
It was funny, this difference in a possible future you had. When people asked your mothers what you would be when you grew up, they always answered artist without blinking. You were totally drawn to music and performing arts since childhood, it grew with you. The end of the year play would be Romeo and Juliet and you had been cast as Juliet, and the girl you had a crush on since grade school would play Romeo.
Biting your lip, you almost entered a world of your own before finally answering your best friend's question.
"I don't know, Jojo. Especially after the dream I had about her..." You closed your eyes and felt shivers run down your spine as you remembered the content of the dream. "I hate being a young girl in her fertile period and especially being forced to go through these things."
Your mothers would enter the kitchen until they understood the topic of conversation. They were pretty sure you didn't have an active sex life yet, but it wasn't like that was a recurring topic for you to talk about.
"Did you dream you were fucking her? Y/n, you slut!" Jojo screamed and started laughing hysterically. You thanked God your mothers weren't home at the time. That would clearly save you the shame.
"Yes... I was staring at her hands the whole time at school today, Jojo. She didn't understand anything." You huffed as you opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. "Have you ever felt so sexually frustrated that it felt like you were climbing the walls?"
Carina felt like laughing, because she used to be that kind of teenager when she was your age. Maya was so shocked and jealous that she couldn't even react. For her, you were still the three-year-old girl saved from a fire. She prepared for diaper changes and waking up at night with a sick child, even to talk about periods. But not about sex. This was driving her crazy.
"Yes, and that's why I got a hot boyfriend who's really good in bed." You looked disgusted. It was no secret even to your mothers that you had a preference for the female sex. It was never really exposed, but implied and logically never a problem for any of them.
"Should I get a girlfriend and fuck her into oblivion then?"
Maya couldn't help it and gasped loudly, making the noise scare you so much that you automatically widened your eyes and quickly said goodbye to your friend, turning off the video call.
"Mommies, I know you're there." Carina's head appeared at the kitchen door. She had a strange smile. Maya practically galloped into the kitchen as she futilely tried to control her breath.
She was snorting and had such an angry expression that you momentarily feared for your life.
"I assume you heard everything." You're done. "Look, I..."
"It's okay, bambina. You don't need to explain yourself. It's normal to feel, uh... Desires, you know? I... I..." You had never heard your mother stutter before, but you imagined it was difficult for her have that kind of conversation with you. "What I mean is, we were young once and we understand what you're going through right now. Just pick someone nice and use condoms."
"Or don't do it." Carina hit Maya. "What? She's still a baby."
"She's seventeen, Maya. You had sex with almost your entire school when you were that age." You laughed because you could actually imagine your mother being that kind of teenager. "Do you have any questions, bambina?"
"Mamma, I really don't know if I want to talk about sex with you. It's kind of traumatizing even though you're a gynecologist who specializes in orgasms and such."
Maya seemed frozen in a catatonic state, without having the slightest reaction.
"Honey, she knows what orgasms are." Carina kissed Maya's forehead affectionately, knowing that she would have to have a long talk with her wife later.
"Of course she knows, she had sex education class at school." Carina sat next to you and looked at you the same way she used to look at you and Maya every day for as long as you could remember. As if you were the center of her world. "Would you rather talk about this with Aunt Amelia, bambina?"
"I think that would be a good idea, mamma." You laid your head on her shoulder. "Thank you for not freaking out. I love you so much, mamma."
"We love you too, bambina."
Carina was happy that you shared at least part of this with her. She would just have to worry about talking to Maya later. Maybe talking wasn't exactly what she would do to convince her wife that sex was a good thing even at your age.
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literary-lesbo · 7 months
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴
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PLEASE READ: while I will do my best to respond to every prompt it may take me a while to get to them. with this I'd also like to say that I reserve the right to delete any request I don't feel comfortable writing.
Please specify if you'd prefer female or gender neutral pronouns for reader inserts, if not I'll likely go with female
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦
♡ Hurt/Comfort - I love hurt comfort, heavy on the comfort and will gladly write it
♡ Angst - I'm happy to write angst with or without a happy ending but I ask that you specify which so I know how dark to go!
♡ Fluff - one of my favorite things to write
♡ Sickfics - I love them just as much as hurt/comfort
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦
♡ Male Reader or x Male Character - I'm far to gay for that
♡ Smut - at some point I may be comfortable writing it but that point is not now
♡ R@pe or S/A - no.
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𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘐'𝘮 𝘞𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘰𝘳
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Station 19
Maya Bishop
Carina DeLuca
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers
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misaverawrites · 2 years
Hey I have an Amelia Shepherd X fem reader request.
Reader is Carina DeLuca's sister, who is a trauma/neuro surgeon and Amelia basically has a massive crush on her and Amelia gets flustered and (turned on) whenever R speaks Italian. Arizona notices and teases Amelia, (this eventually leading to smut. Only if you see fit with the request.)
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Mia Amore (Amelia Shepherd x F!Reader)
tags: google translate italian, trauma surgeon!reader, bad head injuries to children, medical inaccuracies(?), Amelia is stupid horny for you, kissing, female reader, heavy makeout session, implied smut
summary: You meet Doctor Shepherd, and she falls hard.
a/n: i absolutely don't know italian so the Italian is from google translate lol
You remembered the day your little brother had started working at Grey-Sloan very well, it was the day that you had the pleasure of meeting the loveliest Doctor in Seattle: Amelia Frances Shepherd. Your sister had gotten you a job at Grey-Sloan quickly, she mentioned having an in with their head of trauma, you don't think on it much, you don't really want to.
Now, you sit in the passenger's seat of the sibling carpool, Carina gives you a smile as Andrew studies over his notes, anxious and antsy for the intern's test today, the thing his residency depended on. You turn around to look at him, "Andrew, honey, you'll be alright. We've helped you study and you've studied enough yourself. You know what you're doing. Don't psyche yourself out."
Carina nods as you turn back to stare out the window, "So," She asks you, "Little sister, anyone you've had your eyes on since coming to Seattle?"
You roll your eyes, "None of your business, Carina. Unless we wanna talk about Andrew and Meredith Grey?" You joke as Andrew shakes his head, still staring down his notes. Carina laughs but goes back to focusing on you, "I just want to know, because, I may have mentioned you to a few of the other doctors around the hospital... Sorry!" You roll your eyes, playfully glaring at your sister, "Well just so you quit doing that. There is one woman..." This makes your sister practically perk up, it even draws Andrew's attention away from his notes, "Seriously? You have to tell us."
You sigh, knowing that today was going to be a long day, "Ugh, you two, I swear... Okay, it's Doctor Shepherd, the neurosurgeon? Meredith Grey's-." You're cut off by Carina, "Owen's ex-wife?" She seems amused by the fact but you just nod, then, the conversation ends there, she keeps an amused smile on her face, as if she isn't telling you something, but when she pulls onto hospital property, dropping the two of you off outside of the E.R. You walk in with Andrew, but before he leaves to go upstairs you pull him close to you, leaving a small kiss on his forehead. "No matter what happens, you'll make it through. I promise." He nods before walking off, that's when you hear the sounds of an ambulance outside. It's one of the constants of the E.R. You find the stress a bit relaxing, you run over to the entrance, pulling a trauma gown on haphazardly. "Give me a rundown!" You call the EMT, who nods, "Penetrating head injury through and through!" You nod, rushing inside alongside the EMTs, "Get me trauma three!" You push your hair back, "And page Amelia Shepherd!" You inspect the wound, it's straight through like they said, the trauma doors slide open and Amelia walks through, "Dr. (L/N)- Oh shit!" She says, looking at the boy, his breathing is balanced, for now.
"He needs surgery soon... We have no way to know about the damage if this stays in for too long, did any family come in with him?" You hadn't noticed earlier but now you do remember, a mother, sobbing and pleading with you to save her child. "Merda..." You curse softly, "Non passo farlo, casso." Amelia looks intriguingly at you, "What's up?" She asks you, as you shake your head, "I just can't... We gotta get him into surgery. Now." She nods as you look back at her. "Page me when it's time, I gotta go tell the mom, page Robbins too." Amelia doesn't respond, simply wheels the boy out, "O.R. Four!" She calls as you walk away, nodding.
You listen to the mother, she tells you everything she knows, her son had always done archery with his friend and things had gotten out of hand, she then began to sob again, you called a social worker awkwardly to help her before rushing to the O.R.
When you get inside the O.R. Amelia is flushed, you can see it even with her surgical mask covering her face. Arizona has a glint of mischief in her eyes, you look around at the situation, and she looks even more flushed when she realizes that it is you who walked in, “Doctor (L/N)...!” She looks as though she’s been caught doing something wrong, “W-We got the arrow out, it’s just a matter of… Of making sure brain function is still working. He is still breathing fine though and all seems well.” Arizona giggles at her stuttering and stammering over her words as if she isn’t a surgeon in a class of her own. You smile, you’re overwhelmingly pleased by the boy and his survival chances, the excitement bringing out more of your accent, “Grazie mille, Amelia!” You think of the mother, not even noticing the red on Amelia’s face, which is a bright hue of scarlet. You barely notice it, smiling at her, she only knows because of the way that she looks at your eyes right now, which glimmer with hope for your patient.
You leave to go inform the mother, whilst Amelia closes up on the boy. Arizona quietly laughs as Amelia groans, “Arizona, that was awful. I can barely talk to her and I want to date her?!” Arizona rolls her eyes, “You also almost slept with her sister and her department head. It’s not like you’re completely disastrous.” She teases her friend, Amelia glares as she begins to wheel the boy out of the O.R. Arizona’s words echoed in the back of her mind, She’s right. Amelia knows that she should just tell you and maybe it is that simple, but, you’re special to her. When the two take the boy to his hospital room, his mother is still talking to you so Arizona subtly elbows Amelia, who nods, she uses this moment to try even slightly to settle her nerves. The boy’s mother smiles and thanks you one last time, “Make sure they aren’t alone with the bows and arrows, alright?” You warn her one last time as she nods, sitting in the chair, holding her son’s hand.
You, Arizona, and Amelia step out to give them some space. Arizona’s pager beeps as she runs off, leaving just you and Amelia. You stand together, it’s quiet, not awkward, Amelia is bursting on the inside, nervous, she could tell you… It can’t be worse if you know, the worst thing is hearing no. She stares at your lips, watching you, your contentment. Everything falls away and it’s just you.
You both laugh a bit when the both of you cutting each other off was just proving that you were both waiting for something. “Amelia, I wanted to say, God… This is hard,” you laugh a bit, “I really like you… I’m not really sure if you like girls but-.” Amelia nods, pulling you close to her, lips crashing into yours. This is happening and you decide in the back of your head, later that day, as you lie in a haze of euphoria, that she definitely likes girls.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Could I please have an imagine where the reader moves to Seattle. She starts out as a pediatrician at grey loan. Around this time she realizes she's pregnant. With Carina DeLuca as her ob-gyn and coworker the two fall for each other. Carina did not expect to fall for a pregnant woman but realized she knows what she wants. So she asks you out and you say yes around the time you are halfway through the pregnancy. by the end of the pregnancy, it becomes clear you much you and your baby mean to her. When you go into labor she freaks out and comments that “My girlfriend is having our baby!” (you hear her say that but say nothing due to the pain). When the baby is born she is in awe of the tiny human but kinda keeps to the side for a few minutes until you say “come meet OUR son.” Carina tries to apologize for calling him hers but the reader says that Carina is his mother too. Just like a cute family thing please?
Our baby
Summary: The world is full of unconventional families.
Pairing: Carina Deluca x female!reader
Warnings: i have no real knowledge of pregnancy or other medical things, cursing
Word count: 2944
a/n: Carina Deluca please give me a chance🙏🏻
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Arizona Robbins shows Y/N around the hospital, introducing her to the kids staying there for a longer period of time and some of the other doctors there. She just moved to Seattle and decided to continue working as a pediatrician at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, having heard a lot of good about it.
“All the kids already love you.” Arizona gushes, excited to have a new coworker. “I think you’ll be just fine.”
Y/N laughs. “That’s great to hear, I was really nervous to relocate here, you all seem so close.” She smiles, having seen how the doctors interact with each other.
“We are! We have gone through a lot together, so, we’ve gotten close. But don’t worry, you’ll fit right in. Doctor Deluca!” She stops another doctor. “This is Doctor Y/N Y/L/N, new to PEDS. And this is Doctor Carina Deluca, our OB-GYN.”
“Nice to meet you.” Y/N gives her hand out to shake, which Carina does.
“Nice to meet you too.” Carina looks at her up and down. “You’re not from here?”
“No, I moved from Boston.”
“That’s a long way.” Arizona comments. “I’m guessing the reason wasn’t just change of scenery?” Shaking her head, Y/N smiles. “I’ll learn about that later, I’m sure.”
“Sure thing.” Y/N laughs.
Carina glances at her pager. “Well, I’ll see you two later. I have a baby to deliver.” She gives them one last smile before walking away.
“Well, lets start the real work then. You’ll shadow me for a couple of days, so you learn where everything is and so on.” Arizona starts walking again, Y/N following right behind her. “I know you’re not a beginner, but you can still ask me anything you’d like.”
“Thank you, Dr Robbins. It’ll be a pleasure working alongside you.”
“Oh, please, call me Arizona.”
After a week of great work shifts, Y/N has started getting nauseous out of nowhere, especially in the morning and the middle of her shifts. Although, it’s very unusual for her, she hasn’t paid much attention to it. She has a hectic work after all, it must be the nerves.
Y/N writes down information to the kid’s chart on the tablet. “You’ll be just fine, Jules.” She assures, turning to the parents. “She’ll just get her some medicine and after making sure she reacts to it well, you can go home.”
“Thank you so much, Doctor Y/L/N.” The mother cries out in relief, grabbing Y/N’s hand.
“Of course. A nurse will bring the medication over soon.” She turns to the said nurse. “Make sure Jules doesn’t get any nausea-“ taking in a deep breath, she pauses, feeling increasingly nauseous herself, “or rashes. If everything is fine in thirty minutes, they can leave.”
“Got it, Doctor Y/L/N.” The nurse smiles and grabs the tablet out of Y/N’s hands.
With a nod and a smile, Y/N leaves the room, holding her stomach lightly. The sick feeling in her stomach is getting worse quickly. She walks into the break room to get some water from the fridge.
“Hey, Y/N.” Carina greets as she walks in.
Eyes wide, Y/N coughs, getting some water in her windpipe. “Hi.”
“Everything okay?” Carina laughs.
“Mhm.” Screwing the cap back to the bottle, Y/N grimaces. The water didn’t help the nausea. “Uhm, how are you?” Her voice comes out a bit strained, but she does her best to hide the sickness.
“I’m alright.” She stares at her. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look too good.”
Taking few deep breaths, Y/N nods. She grips her scrubs tightly, as if it would lessen the pain she’s feeling. “Listen, I-“ Suddenly, Y/N runs into the bathroom. She drops down to her knees and starts vomiting.
“You’re definitely not okay.” Carina mumbles as she kneels next to Y/N. She rubs her back with one hand, while the other holds her hair out of the way. “When was your last period?”
Y/N heaves over the toilet, keeping her eyes closed. Vomiting was always difficult for her. “You’re not saying what I think you’re saying?” She turns to look at Carina, who can only offer her a hopefully comforting smile.
After the vomiting stops, Carina takes Y/N to a examination room, so she can draw her blood. Now, Y/N is waiting on the bed for Carina to come back. Her mind is a jumbled mess. She isn’t sure what to think.
Carina steps inside the room. Y/N looks up at her expectantly. She sits down to a chair right next to Y/N. “You’re six weeks pregnant.”
“Oh, fuck.” Y/N holds her stomach with a shocked expression.
“Can I ask if this is a wanted pregnancy? Is the father in the picture?”
“Is this a- I don’t, I don’t know.” She gasps, feeling like the air is getting thinner. “The father is the sole reason I left Boston.”
“Okay, hey, I need you to calm down your breathing.” Carina grabs her hand. “Take some deep breaths.”
Y/N breathes in and out, following Carina’s lead. “I’ve always wanted kids.” She starts once her breathing is more stable. “I love them, that’s why I went into PEDS. But alone? I don’t know if I could do that.”
“You still have time to think, but, I think if anyone could do this, it’s you.” Carina rubs rubs the back of her hand with her thumb. “I am here for you every step of the way, whatever you decide to do.”
“Thank you, Carina.” Her voice wobbles a bit. “Are the hormones supposed to be all over the place yet.” She lets out a teary laugh.
“Yes,” Carina stands up. “They are going to be a mess through it all.”
Y/N stands up with a groan. “How fun.” She huffs and put her doctor’s jacket back on. “Well, thank you, Dr Deluca. I suppose I’ll be seeing you a lot.”
“You will, lucky me.” She smiles, opening the door for her. “See you later, Y/N.”
“See ya.” Y/N waves as she walks back into her shift, like nothing happened.
After three weeks, Y/N has her first official appointment with Doctor Deluca. She has made her decision and is ready to confirm it with her OB-GYN. “Ready for your first ultrasound?” Carina sets up the machine while Y/N climbs up to the examination bed.
Nodding, Y/N stares at Carina. “Everything will be okay, right? There’s not going to be anything bad in there.” Carina raises her brows while listening to her ramblings. “I’m totally feeding into the doctor’s are the worst patients stereotype, aren’t I?”
“Hmm, just a little bit. May I?” Carina takes hold of the hem of Y/N’s shirt, lifting it only when she gives her permission to do so. “This is going to be a little cold.” The gel feels chilly against her stomach, which makes her flinch. “Now, I’m going to press this to your abdomen and move it around bit to see everything.” Once the probe presses against her stomach, Carina starts studying the ultrasound image.
The longer she stays quiet, the more worried Y/N gets. She tries to see the screen, but it’s angles just out of her sight. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes!” Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. Turning the screen to face her, Carina shows Y/N where the embryo is. “It is around 22 millimeters long right now, there’s its head and limbs.” She points around the screen. “Its tiny muscles are starting to develop at this tome. Want to see if we can hear the heart?”
“Can we? This early on.”
“We can with a Doppler monitor.” Carina puts the ultrasound machine to the side and cleans the gel from Y/N’s stomach, before putting gel on the probe of the monitor. After that, she presses the head of the probe against Y/N’s abdomen, moving it around to find the right spot. “Can you hear that?”
A quiet, but clear galloping sound can be heard through the monitor. Y/N hums with a nod, biting her lips as she can feel herself get emotional.
“Sounds like a perfectly strong heart.” Carina smiles at the look on Y/N’s face. Even though she has done the same thing multiple times, this feels just a bit more special compared to the other ones. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel…” Y/N sighs deeply. “I don’t even know how to word it. I’m tired and so scared, but I feel amazing. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
There’s a permanent grin on Carina’s face as she listens to Y/N talk. She likes to listen to her talk, even if it’s just nervous rambling.
“Is that normal?”
“To feel like you’re going crazy? Yes, it is, you have nothing to worry about.” She sets her hand on her leg, rubbing it in a comforting manner. The actions makes Y/N’s cheeks warm and stomach flip.
“Thanks.” She breathes out, clearing her throat. “My shift starts in twenty.”
“I’ll let you go get ready then.” Carina wipes any remaining gel off of Y/N’s stomach and pulls her shirt back to normal. “I’l see you around?”
“Yes.” Y/N hops off the bed.
Opening the door, Carina sets her hand on Y/N arm to stop her from walking out. “Will I ever see you outside of the hospital?”
A shy smile grows to her face. “Definitely.”
“Heyy,” Carina lifts her hands up in celebration, “look at that bump! We’re halfway there.” Y/N laughs, closing the exam room door. “Today is a very important ultrasound, are you ready to know the gender of your baby?”
“I am more than ready.” She lays down to the bed, lifting up her shirt and lowering her pants so her stomach is visible.
“What are you hoping for?” Carina sets everything ready for the ultrasound, it all being normal for Y/N now. She puts of the gel as Y/N says she doesn’t have a preference. With a smile, Carina puts the probe to her abdomen and starts moving it around. “Everything is looking good.” She mumbles, trying to find an angle where she could see the baby’s sex. “I can see all ten fingers and ten toes.” Suddenly she starts grinning. “Do you want to know your baby’s gender?”
“Yes.” Her voice comes out quietly. She bites her lip as she stares at Carina.
“It’s a baby boy!”
Y/N laughs, excited to know something about her future baby. She opens her arms when Carina leans down to hug her. “I have to start thinking about names.” She whispers.
Carina pulls away from the hug to put the ultrasound machine away. “Don’t have options yet?” She asks while wiping away the gel.
“No. I’ve been too stressed and tired to think about anything.” She lets out and airy laugh, pulling her clothes back to normal. “But knowing he is alright in there, maybe I can give myself some rest.”
“Please do. Have you felt him kicking yet?” Y/N nods with an excited grin. “May I?” She sets her hand under Y/N’s shirt once she gets her permission. They wait in silence, nothing happening, but after a while, a small kick can be felt. Carina cheers and rubs Y/N’s stomach.
“It still feels so unreal.”
They stare at each other with wide smiles and shiny eyes. The two have been going out for months now, but they still haven’t made anything exactly official, mostly because Y/N is worried about her pregnancy getting in the way of their relationship. But it just feels so right, like it’s meant to be. Every time Carina touches her, whether is for medical or other reasons, Y/N gets such a high from it.
“You know I want this, right?” Carina lets her hand stay on Y/N’s stomach. “I want you and everything that comes with it.”
Y/N bites her lip, setting her hand on top of Carina’s. “You’re sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
“You aren’t going to back down once you realize how insanely the hormones are affecting me? We’re only half way there.”
Rolling her eyes, Carina nods. “I’m not backing down. I want to be there for you, not only as your OB-GYN, but as your partner.”
“Okay. I’d like that.”
“Yeah.” Carina leans closer, waiting for Y/N to say anything against what she’s doing in case she isn’t feeling it, but when she just nods, Carina presses her lips to Y/N’s.
One of Y/N’s hands goes up to Carina’s hair, combing though it. Carina pulls away, but stays close enough to feel each others breaths. “I might start crying unless I leave, like right now.” Y/N whispers, feeling her emotions taking over.
With a chuckle, Carina fully pulls away, giving Y/N some space to stand up. “I’ll see you at your apartment after my shift?”
“Yes.” Kissing Carina’s cheek, Y/N leaves right after.
Humming a song quietly to herself, Y/N is going through the patients’ charts. Her shift is almost at the end, so she likes to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be.
“Bambina.” She smiles at the sound of Carina’s voice, even when it sounds disapproving. “You should be resting.”
“I’m fine, Carina.” Y/N smiles at her, pecking her lips. “Besides, my shift ends any second now.”
“You’re about to give birth any second.” Her brows are raised as she sets her hand on Y/N’s stomach. It’s true, Y/N is a few days over her due date, but she wants to help out as long as she can.
Y/N’s smile somehow widens from the mention of giving birth soon. She’s absolutely terrified, but also so excited to meet her son. “I know,” she grins, “but there still kids that need me.”
“Sometimes you should just stop the day.” Carina states, which makes Y/N furrow her brows. “Make it a day?”
“Call it a day.”
Y/N laughs, setting the tablet down. “I know, but I’m still feeling gr-“ She gasps, taking hold of her stomach.
Carina goes into worry mode immediately. She takes hold of Y/N. “What? What happened? Are you okay?”
Taking few deep breaths, Y/N looks down at the floor that’s now wet. “My water just broke.” She mumbles. Straight away, Carina goes to grab a wheel chair for her, helping her down to it. Y/N pushes air out of her mouth. “It hurts.”
“Everything will be okay, Y/N. Everything will be okay.” The last sentence is mostly to herself, as Carina is starting to feel terrified by the situation. Her girlfriend is about to give birth right now. “We need an OB!” She shouts as they arrive to the right floor. “She’s about to give birth.”
A group of nurses jog over to them, they bring Y/N to a bed and start getting everything they need ready. “Aren’t you her OB?” One of the nurses asks.
“My girlfriend is having our baby! I can’t deliver him.” She panics.
The nurse nods, paging another OB-GYN to their location. Y/N cries out in pain, not able to pay attention to anything happening around her. The doctor arrives fast and starts doing her thing right away. Carina stays in the room, but in the sidelines, giving them space to work.
“Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N.” The OB smiles, putting on gloves. “This is your first baby, right?” She sets Y/N’s legs to a correct position so she can see everything.
“Yes.” Y/N’s breathing is getting faster from the pain. “Can I start pushing?” She gasp when the pain increases.
“Yes you can.” The OB glances at Carina. “Does Doctor Deluca want to come over here and hold Y/N’s hand?”
Carina snaps out of her panic and drags a chair next to Y/N’s bed. She sits down and grabs Y/N’s hand. “You’re doing so good.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.” Y/N screams as she pushes. Her grip on Carina’s hand tightens every time the pain gets stronger. “How long is this going to take?” She cries out.
An hour and a half later, the baby’s cries can be finally heard. Y/N slumps down to the bed, laughing and crying in relief. “Can I see him? Can I see my baby?” Her eyes are half closed, finally feeling everything.
A nurse cleans the baby down, before bringing him over to Y/N. She smiles widely as she takes hold of him. “He’s so beautiful.” Y/N whispers, caressing his head gently. She turns to look at Carina, who has moved back to the side. She looks amazed by everything that just happened. “Come meet our son.”
Carina’s eyes widen, she thought Y/N hadn’t heard her. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called him mine, he is your son.” She starts apologizing.
“Shut up.” Y/N laughs quietly, stretching her hand towards Carina. “He is our son. You said no backing down, remember?”
Carina’s eyes tear up as she takes Y/N’s hand and sits back down next to her. “Hello, my angioletto.” She whispers, grabbing his extremely small hand with her free hand. Looking at Y/N, she mover her hand to rub her cheek. “You did such a good job, bella.”
Y/N smiles, kissing her palm. “We have a son.”
“We have a son.” Carina laughs, looking over her family.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 6 months
I’m not sure if you’re taking requests, but if you are…Reader is the child of Maya and Carina. R is feeling a bit neglected by their moms. Missing events, pulling crazy hours at work, not really being there for Reader. R tries to confront Maya and Carina, but they don’t know what to do about crazy schedules. They work really hard to make reader feel more secure and loved by them. If you’re not taking requests, then please ignore this.
Time management
Summary: Showing up matters.
Pairing: Marina x daughter!reader
Warnings: a pinch of angst
Word count: 2075
a/n: what do you mean some of these are based on my experiences?? You can’t prove that!
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Y/N takes a few deep breaths as she waits for her turn in the backstage area. She’s going through her lines in her head, making sure she won’t forget anything once she steps on the small stage, even though this isn’t the opening night.
She has been part of a youth theatre group for over two years now, and this is the first time she has gotten the lead role. Her nerves are high, but so is her excitement. This is a big moment for her, she is proud of herself, and she really hopes her moms will be proud of her too.
As her costar finishes their line, Y/N rolls her shoulders back, straightens her posture, and walks out to the stage. She starts speaking her lines to the audience, not yet acknowledging the other actor on the stage, this is her character’s inner monologue.
Her eyes scan over the crowd of people as discreetly as possible. There isn’t one empty chair in the room. This play became fairly popular after getting a spot in the local newspaper. She showed the page to her moms, practically glowing with pride. Her face isn’t showing any changes, but her mind is turning blue. Her mothers aren’t here. It is the last show, and her mothers aren’t here.
Still, she continues on. And she does wonderfully. All the teens come up to the stage at the end and take a bow as they listen to the applause with wide smiles. Someone’s parent brought everyone flowers, and it makes Y/N bitter, but she smiles and thanks them, her grip tight on the bouquet.
After changing out of her costume and packing her things, Y/N walks back home. It’s only a fifteen minute walk, so she is unlocking the front door by no time.
“I’m home!” She yells out, shutting the door and throwing her keys on the table in the hallway. “Anybody here?” Kicking off her shoes, she walks deeper into the house, only to find it empty.
Y/N sighs and walks into her room. She should’ve expected this. Both of her moms have demanding jobs, they won’t be able to attend to all of her achievements..or any of them.
This is just how it is.
Y/N’s hand shakes as she holds onto a piece of paper. It’s already crumbled by her grip, but she makes sure the text in it is still readable. Her body continues moving slightly, either from nerves or the uncomfortable feeling of the hard plastic chair she is sitting on.
She lets out a quiet sigh. Her turn is coming up. Soon, she will have to get up in front of all her peers and their parents, and give a speech that she wrote. Of course, Y/N accepted this responsibility when her teacher came up to her and said they believe her to be the best person for the job. And who is Y/N to say no to that? An adult figure comes to her and gives her a compliment, basically telling her they’re proud of her. She craves that. She needs it.
A round of applause brings her back to the moment. The teacher in front of the microphone is looking at her with a smile on their face, they’re signaling it’s her turn next.
Taking a deep breath, she straightens her posture and listens to the teacher’s introduction of her. After it, she stands up and walks in front of the microphone, thanking them for this opportunity.
Her eyes glance over everyone in the room. She doesn’t see her moms, but Y/N doesn’t panic. They have to be in the back, maybe they got in late, she reminded them of this event too many times for them to not show up.
She unwraps her paper and places it on the stand. “Good morning, students and parents. I’m thankful to be up here today, especially when knowing my school days are minimal.” She smiles. “The last months of school are scary, I’m sure many of my peers agree, there’s so much uncertainty in change. What am I supposed to do after? Where do I go? Who am I?”
Y/N takes a deep breath, “I don’t know what I want to do with my future. The fear of not being or doing something great debilitates me, because wouldn’t it be a waste of a life if I never did something memorable.” Her eyes stay on the audience, only occasionally glancing down at her paper. She has memorized this speech. “My moms change lives everyday, one of them is a firefighter and the other is an OB-GYN, she literally brings new life into this world.” She giggles quietly, though her worries are growing by the minute. Her moms are nowhere to be seen.
“You’d think that with parents like that, my need to change the world would be bigger. But they’re actually the reason why they shrink every day. They tell me that life isn’t about doing something big and great that future generations will remember you for. It’s about love, friends, family, the goodness of your heart, it’s about making yourself proud.” Y/N turns the page around. “My mother Maya tells me to imagine being with little me and telling her about my life. Would she be happy? Would her eyes shine in wonder because she knows I haven’t forgotten her?”
Swallowing, her eyes cast down. She’s gripping the sides of the paper tighter now. Her moms aren’t here. “I would like to say yes. Because even though I haven’t always done the right thing, she would still hug me and tell me it’s okay, because I’m still me, no matter what. You know why?” She looks at the audience with a lopsided smile, “because even though I can’t always recognize my reflection in the mirror, my laugh is still the same horrible cackle I had as a kid.” There are some laughs in the audience, especially from her friends, who have heard her laugh before.
“So, change is scary and you’ll probably never figure out who you truly are. But that’s okay, the little kid you imagine sitting next to you knows, and they think you’re pretty great.” Y/N folds her paper and gives the audience a bright smile. “Thank you again for giving me this opportunity, I hope you all have a great day, and remember to stay true to yourself.” The audience starts clapping and Y/N walks back to her seat.
“That was awesome!” One of her friends whispers, holding her arm with so much excitement.
“My moms aren’t here.” Is the only thing Y/N whispers back.
“Oh shit,” her friend frowns, “I’m sorry.”
She shrugs and gives her a small smile. “It doesn’t matter.” With that, she turns back to the teacher who has gone back to the microphone.
It’s already two in the night and Y/N is still up. She is sitting on the couch, watching the television while she waits for her moms to come back home from work. They wouldn’t like her being awake this late, but she doesn’t care. She is angry, and sad, and she needs to yell to someone, preferably her moms.
The front door opens quietly after twenty minutes, it’s her moms trying to come in without waking up sleeping Y/N. Their steps sound slow and sluggish, but they’re still giggling together. Somehow it angers Y/N even more.
“What are you still doing up?” Maya is the first one to come to the living room, though Carina is right behind her. “Is everything okay?” She drops her bag down to the floor before sitting on the other couch.
“Where were you?”
Carina looks confused, “we were at work, mia cara.”
Y/N scoffs, “my school event was today.” She states, glaring at her mothers. “You know, the one where I held a speech that I wrote. I reminded you about it like a million times!”
“Oh, honey,” Maya sighs, “we told you we’d try to get out of work for it, but you know how our jobs are.” She looks genuinely remorseful, but none of that matters to Y/N at this moment.
“It doesn’t look like you tried hard enough. I first told you about it months ago! They couldn’t give you one day off with that much notice?”
“Do you think we wanted to miss it?”
“Well it sure looks like you didn’t care about it, or me for that matter.”
Carina tries to speak up, but Y/N doesn’t let her speak, “no! I do think you wanted to miss this, I think you’ve wanted to miss every single event I’m in. You know why?” Her brows are raised as she stands up. “I don’t remember what the last important event of mine was where you actually showed up. You’ve missed all of my plays, my school events, sports games, everything. You’re never there! Nor are you ever here. You guys never have time to talk to me, or, or help me with my homework.” Her speech is starting to get faster and tears are starting to gather in her eyes. “I doubt you even know what’s going on with my life anymore!”
Maya and Carina try to defend themselves, but nothing comes out of their mouths. Y/N is right. Even they can’t remember the last time they spent proper quality time with their daughter.
“So what’s your excuse, huh? You don’t care about me anymore? You don’t want me anymore?” She shrugs, sniffling quietly. “I’d rather know than wonder why my moms don’t make time for me anymore.”
The hurt and vulnerability in her voice breaks Maya and Carina’s heart. Their daughter should never have to doubt their love for her. “I’m so sorry, love.” Maya stands up, taking a few steps forward. “We’re both so sorry. We just- I guess we didn’t realize how much time we were spending at work.”
Carina stands up and pulls Y/N into an embrace, which she resist at first, but gives up and leans in right after. “I’m sorry, mia cara, I’m sorry. You’re my baby and I love you more than anything else in the world.” Carina whispers, tears falling down her cheeks. “You’re right, we haven’t been very good moms lately, but I promise you that will change, okay? We will do better.” She pulls away, setting her palms on both of Y/N’s cheeks to look at her face. She can’t stand seeing it with such a painful expression, especially one that she caused.
“You’re just saying that.” Y/N’s voice is more quiet now, her anger having turned to sadness.
“We’re not.” Maya states with a firm tone, setting her hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “We will start taking days off work, you’re more important. Do you think you could hold your speech for us now?”
Y/N shakes her head, looking down. “I don’t think I want to, not today at least.”
“Okay,” Maya frowns but she understands, “some other day then.”
“Yeah,” biting the inside of her cheek, Y/N wipes the wetness off of her cheeks, “do you think I could sleep in your bed this night?”
“Yes, yes, of course.” Carina wraps one of her arms around Y/N as the three of them start walking towards the master bedroom.
They change into their pajamas and do the rest of their evening routine in silence. Y/N is the first one to climb onto the bed, already getting under the covers while her mothers whisper in the bathroom. She’s already half asleep when they turn off the lights and limb onto the bed, sandwiching her.
Carina starts playing with Y/N’s hair while Maya wraps her arms around her. “We love you so so much, you know that, right?” Her voice is quiet, not wanting to disturb her.
“Usually,” Y/N’s eyes are already closed, “but sometimes I doubt it. I really love you guys too.” She whispers.
Maya tightens her hold at the words. They pain her, but she doesn’t have anyone else to blame but herself. “We’ll make sure to remind you everyday.” The two women kiss Y/N’s forehead, saying their goodnights when they notice their daughter’s tiredness.
In their heads, they both vow to make Y/N feel more loved and cared for than she ever has.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
If you still write for Station 19 can I request a Marina x reader fic where Maya and Carina find out R has asthma while on a evening walk? Like the weather is nice and all three are off so they decide not to waste it and go for a stroll? Thanks in advance and if you don't write for S19 then disregard this 😅
Summary: Sometimes there isn’t enough air.
Pairing: Marina x female!reader
Warnings: asthma attack that borderlines a panic attack
Word count: 681
a/n: this is for everyone who has to try to hide their wheezing while going up the stairs with someone <3 this fic is literally what happened to me lololol (I have asthma!!)
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Maya, Carina, and Y/N are walking along a small park near their home. The sun is setting down alongside a hill, and the cool autumn air is moving the few already fallen leaves around. There aren't many clouds in the sky, making the brightest stars already visible on the evening sky.
Y/N smiles, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath, smelling the fresh air around them. They all wanted to get out of the house, starting to feel a little like the walls were falling down on them, especially Y/N, as she doesn't have the same crazy schedules as her girlfriends.
"Want to go up the hill to see the sunset better?" Maya asks, knowing how much Y/N enjoys seeing the sky change its colors.
They all decide it's a good idea, so they start to walk towards the hill. From further away, it deosn't seem like a too big of a climb. However, as they continue walking, Y/N can properly see how steep the hill is. She can feel her breathing get heavier and quicker the moment they step foot on the base of the hill, but she doesn't say anything. It's just a hill, she feels embarrased to struggle while her girlfriends walk on with ease. At the middle of the hill, Y/N's pace begins to slow down. Her breaths in and out are short and quick paced, but she makes them as quiet as possible so Maya and Carina wouldn't hear. She continues pushing on.
Right before the top, the hill becomes even steeper. Maya and Carina are already at the top, enjoying the way the sun is painting the sky. At the last steps, Y/N's breathing turns audibly wheezy, getting her girlfriends' attention. They walk over to her, worry clear on their faces as they try to ask Y/N what's wrong, but she can't hear properly through the thumping in her ears.
She feels Carina’s hands gently pushing her to the ground. She sits down, her panicked eyes moving between Carina and Maya. “I c-“ she gasps, her lungs feeling like they’re collapsing, “I can’t breathe.”
“You have to calm down, bellezza.” Carina rubs her back, while Maya helps her take off the tight shirt she is wearing. “Take long and deep breaths for me.”
Y/N follows Carina’s instructions to the best of her abilities. It takes a while for her breathing to settle down, which scares both Maya and Carina, as they’ve never experienced something like this with Y/N.
Once Y/N’s breathing is normal, though slightly heavier, Maya grabs her still shaking hand. “What happened?”
“I have asthma.” Y/N tells with a sheepish look on her face.
Her girlfriends look shocked, and slightly alarmed they weren’t made aware of her condition. “Where’s your inhaler?” Maya is frowning.
“I don’t have one.” She mumbles, biting her lower lip. “Well I do, but I haven’t picked up my new dose yet.”
“That could’ve ended very badly, bellezza.” Carina sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks, making her look at her. “You have to tell us these things so we know what to do when something like this happens. You also need to have an inhaler with you at all times.” Her doctor voice comes out, which Y/N usually finds very attractive, but right now she just feels like a scolded child.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Maya helps Y/N up, giving back her shirt that she slips on. “Tomorrow morning, we’ll go and get it right when the pharmacy opens.” She states, leaving no room for negotiation.
Y/N nods with a small smile, her gaze moving to the sky. “The sun has already set.” She pouts, feeling guilty they missed it because of her attack.
“It sets every night, we’ll catch it again.” Carina tubs her back while they start walking down the hill and back to their house, now in a much slower pace. “But lets not up that hill again.” She grins, kissing Y/N’s cheek.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Andy Herrera x DeLuca! sister reader. Carina brings her sister to the firehouse and they both secretly fall for each other. Then one day Andy gets hurt on the job and after she is released from the hospital she goes and confesses her feelings to the reader. After secretly dating for about six months the two are caught kissing by both Maya and Carina who both freak out but are happy for the two. Fluffy and angsty, please?
All you need is love
Summary: Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x DeLuca!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1494
a/n: can we talk about how underrated Andy is in her own show??
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Looking around the downstairs of the firehouse, Y/N has an impressed look on her face as she nods. “Your girlfriend is the captain of this place?” She peeks into the barn where the firetrucks are located, letting out a small ooh sound.
“Yes.” Carina laughs, her brows raised as she stares at her younger sister. “You like it?”
“Yeah, it’s cool.” She shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, but Carina knows her sister.
Grabbing her arm, Carina starts leading her upstairs. “Let’s go, they’re cooking dinner and we’re joining them.”
Y/N gasps. “Is this one of those situations where your girlfriend tries to make a good impression on me, because you won’t date someone who doesn’t get along with me?” The words come out quickly, at times stumbling over them.
“It totally is.”
With a sigh, Carina rolls her eyes. It is that kind of situation. She just doesn’t want to feed Y/N’s ego by letting her know how valuable her opinion is to her. But she knows.
When they walk into the kitchen, Y/N notices Carina’s girlfriend stiffing a pot, having seen a picture of her, but she isn’t the one who takes her attention. A brunette setting the table is. It’s like she can’t take her eyes off of her.
“Carina!” Maya exclaims when she notices them. “You’re here early.” She turns off the stove and walks over to the two, wiping her palms to her pants first.
“Our shift ended early.” Carina kisses her before pulling her near Y/N. “This is Y/N, my sister. This is Maya, my girlfriend.”
“Hi!” Smiling, Y/N shakes Maya’s hand. “Nice to finally meet the famous Captain Maya Bishop. Carina talks about you all the time. Maya is so hot. Maya is so muscular. Look at this picture of h-”
“Y/N!” Carina slaps the back of her head. Giggling, she steps away from Carina’s reach, rubbing the spot she got slapped on. “Behave.”
She rolls her eyes. Maya looks between the two, not sure how she should react to the two sisters. “Uh, it’s great to meet you too.” She points behind her, where the rest of the team is, introducing everyone to Y/N. They all wave and smile, saying their his, but Andy walks up to them.
“Hi!” She shakes Y/N’s hand. “You’re doctor too?” Andy looks at the white doctor’s coat she is wearing.
“Yes, I didn’t want to be the family disappointment by not becoming a doctor.” Carina glares at her, but Y/N ignores her. “I’m in general.”
The two stand a little bit too close to each other for someone who just met each other, but the others pay no mind to it. They just finish cooking the food and gather around the table, immeasurable bombarding Y/N with questions.
She answers to them to the best of her ability, though most of her attention is on Andy.
Humming quietly to herself, Y/N looks through the patient files on the tablet. She keeps glancing at her phone, frowning when there’s no new notifications. Her and Andy have been texting nonstop ever since they met, but now, Andy hasn’t answered to her in hours. Usually it doesn’t take her that long even if she’s working.
With a sigh, Y/N pockets her phone and sets the tablet down to a table. She has a surgery in half an hour, but until then there’s really nothing to do.
She turns towards the sound, her brows furrowing once she notices Andy walking towards her. “What are you doing here?” She meets her halfway. “Did something happen?”
“There was an accident during a call, but I-“
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s eyes start going up and down Andy’s body, looking for any significant injuries. She has a bandaid near her eye, but nothing else catches her attention.
“I’m okay. I wanted to see y-“
Y/N interrupts her once again, “are you sure? Did you already see someone? I can page someone over.” She takes out her pager, but Andy grabs her hands.
“Y/N, I’m okay. I wanted to see you, because I need to tell you something.” Nodding, Y/N stays quiet, giving her the space to talk. “I have feelings for you,” she starts, her voice quieter now, “and I would really like to take you out on a date.”
A big smile appears on Y/N’s face. “That’d be nice.”
“Okay, great.” Andy nods, smiling too. They look like two lovesick fools in the middle of the hospital hallway. “I’ll pick you up today at eight?” She raises one of her brows. “Wear something casual.”
“Got it.” Grabbing the tablet again, Y/N starts backing up slowly. “I have a surgery to go to, but I’ll see you today.”
Andy waves with a grin before walking away, feeling victorious.
Knocking on the door frame, Y/N walks into the locker room. “Hi, mi cara.” She smiles when Andy turns around.
“Hey,” she walks over to her and grabs her hand, pulling her deeper into the room to kiss her, “I am so happy to see you here.” Andy grins, moving them towards the rest room.
Y/N giggles. “I’m happy to be here,” she kicks the door closed once they’re inside the room, “the others have already gone home?”
“Yeah,” she kisses her, “we have all the time we need.” Pulling away momentarily, Andy pulls the doctor’s coat off of Y/N. “You look incredibly hot in your scrubs.” She eyes her body up and down.
“Even when I’m all hot and sweaty?”
“Even then.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N pushes Andy to sit down on the bed before getting on top of her, draping her arms over her shoulders. “You look very hot in your work clothes too.” She mumbles, going back to kissing her.
Andy grabs the sides of her waist so she wouldn’t fall. Y/N’s hands are about to go down to the hem of Andy’s shirt, but the sound of the door opening interrupts them.
Their heads snap towards the now open door, where Maya and Carina are standing, both shocked to see them together.
“Carina!” Y/N struggles to get up from Andy’s lap. “What- what are you doing here?” Andy stands up as well, her eyes wide. Truth to be told, she’s kind of scared of the Italian, especially now that she walked in on them making out.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing?” Her hands start moving in the air. “Since when have you two been together?”
They glance at each other. “Like, six months.”
“Wh-“ Carina groans, throwing her hands in the air while mumbling in Italian, which makes Y/N scrunch up her face. “Six months and you didn’t think to tell me?”
Y/N shrugs, “sorry, there was never really a right time, so, you know,” she glances at Andy, trying to come up with some kind of explanation, “it just never came up.”
Carina has her arms crossed over her chest and her face is in a deadpan look. Maya has a tightlipped smile on her face, “well, I’m happy for you two.” She turns to look at Carina, her brows raised.
With a sigh, Carina walks over to hug Y/N and Andy. “I’m happy too, but you are supposed to tell me things.” She points at Y/N once she has backed away from them, giving Maya room to hug them both.
“I’m not ten anymore.” Y/N smiles, holding Andy’s hand.
“You’re still younger.”
She sighs, but nods, there’s no use to fighting Carina. “We were about to go out to eat, do you want to join us? Or did we interrupt something?” Maya smirks, looking at the jacket still laying on the ground.
“Maya!” Carina looks at her with wide eyes. “That’s my sister.”
“Oh, shut up, you had a study on orgasms.” Y/N picks up her jacket and puts it on. “We’ll join you, but I think we have to change first.” She looks at Maya and Carina’s nice, fancy clothes before turning to her and Andy’s work clothes that they’re still wearing.
“We’ll wait for you in the car,” Maya states while they step out of the room, “don’t take too long!” The door closes.
Andy turns to Y/N. “That’s one way for them to find out.” Laughing, she grabs Y/N’s hips. “I’m guessing you’re borrowing some of my clothes?” She mumbles and smiles when Y/N nods. “I love to see you in my clothes.”
“Don’t start anything now.” Y/N raises her brows, pulling away from Andy to go to her locker and grab some of her extra clothes from there.
“After dinner?”
“Definitely.” She kisses Andy and winks at her, before going to the bathroom to change her clothes, leaving Andy to the locker room with a grin.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Love your writing. Could you do one that R is Maya Bishop’s sister and is training for the Olympics. She is stressed about her Olympic tryout the following week and is hoping her sister can calm her fears and nerves. Reader kind of barges into her sister’s apartment with very bad timing catching Maya and Carina in a heated discussion which is a little triggering to R bc Lane is being terrible and placing all sorts of pressure in R. Maya and Carina help Reader calm down and feel better.
Under water
Summary: It’s hard to be your father’s favorite child when your sister has an olympic gold metal.
Pairing: Maya Bishop x sister!reader, Marina
Warnings: I have zero knowledge of the Olympics or swimming as a competitive sport, Lane is an abusive father
Word count: 874
a/n: What’s your passion? Swimming. I really like swimming.
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Y/N is running towards Maya and Carina’s house, having lost her car privileges, because according to her father, she needs to use every minute of her life to train for the Olympic tryouts. Even going to her sister’s house.
Her legs are screaming at her to stop, or even slow down her pace, but she can’t afford to slack off. She needs to be the best, just like her sister. You need to be more like your sister. Your sister was a lot more serious about this than you are. Did you know your sister has a gold metal from the Olympics? The sentences run through her head as she pushes herself to speed up on the last meters. Considering the way her father uses her sister’s success against her, it’d be easy to become bitter to her too, but Y/N loves her sister. Maya is her safe place. Has been since she was born.
Panting slightly, Y/N comes to a stop in front of Maya and Carina’s house. She does a few harsh knocks on the door, but decides to just open the door with an extra key she got from the couple. She steps inside and closes the door behind her, immediately hearing loud voices coming from the living room.
“Hello?” She calls out, not wanting to walk in on anything she shouldn’t be a part of, but no one seems to hear her. Y/N starts walking towards the shouting, her heartbeat fastening with every step.
“You know that isn’t how it works!” Maya’s loud voice boom through the house. “I can’t just-” the sentence gets cut off by a groan.
In the logical part of her brain, Y/N knows Maya is nothing like their father, but the way she sounds when angry is so similar to him. Her breath hitches as a bang comes from the living room. All the memories of Lane throwing something her way coming up. “Shit.” She mumbles, leaning against a wall to calm down.
“I can’t talk about this right now.” Carina sighs, walking out of the living room, but stopping the moment she sees Y/N in their house. “Maya!”
“What n- oh.” Maya stares at Y/N, instantly worried of her. “What are you doing here?” She sets her hand on her arm.
“I was just really stressed about the tryouts and dad, so I wanted to come here, but then you two were fighting and I didn’t know what to do, and I-“
“Hey, hey, hey,” Maya pulls her into an embrace, “it’s okay. You’re okay.” She rubs her back. “I’m sorry you heard that.”
“What did your father do?” Carina asks, also setting a hand on Y/N’s shoulder once she pulls away from the hug. Maya glances at her girlfriend at the question, but doesn’t comment on it.
Y/N shrugs, leaning to the touch. Ever since Maya started dating Carina, the Italian has become another safe place for her. “Telling me to train a lot, gives me no breaks, yells,” she hesitates for a moment, “sometimes he throws stuff.”
Maya and Carina look at each other, the latter has a look on her face that Y/N can’t decipher. It looks like the subject makes the couple tense. “Has anything hit you?” Y/N avoids eye contact at the question, which makes Maya ask it again, “has anything hit you? Are you hurt?”
“It’s not a big of a deal. He wants me to do well on the tryouts and get a gold medal like you did.”
Rubbing her forehead, Maya starts pacing. ”It is a big deal, honey.” Carina’s hand goes up to brush her hair. She has a worried look on her face. “He is abusive.”
“Carina.” Maya speaks up. “He just- he wants us to succeed. He is the reason I have my medal.”
“Don’t say that stuff in front of her.” Carina whispers, as if Y/N wouldn’t be able to hear her. “He is hurting your little sister, Maya. He hurt you. He is not a good father.” The conversation is starting to get heated again. Clearly this was the subject of their earlier fight too. “I know you don’t want to accept it yet, but you have to agree that she’d be better off with us.”
Y/N frowns. Were they talking about her? “We’ll talk about it later.” Maya mumbles, turning back to her sister, clearly ending the conversation. “Carina cooked some lasagna earlier today, you want some?”
“Dad said not to eat too much.”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Maya shakes her head and pulls Y/N to the kitchen. “Well, I say you eat some lasagna. And then the three of us can watch a movie, okay? You’ll sleep over this night.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Carina speaks up, having followed them to the kitchen. “We’ll paint our nails and do our hair, have a pillow fight,” she laughs, “all the things they do in those American films, right?”
“Okay.” Y/N nods with a smile, already feeling like a small weight has been lifted. She knows it’ll all come back when she goes back home, but for now, she’ll enjoy Maya and Carina’s company.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Victoria Hughes falls for the reader and becomes a stammering mess in front of her. The rest of station 19 finds this adorable and gets them together. A year or so later the team helps Vic pull off an epic proposal. Pure fluff please?
A mess of a human
Summary: The words leave right out of her mind.
Pairing: Victoria Hughes x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1952
a/n: why hasn’t Station 19 been renewed for 7th season yet🤨
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“Who is that?” Victoria taps Andy’s arm with one hand and points towards a woman talking with Carina.
Andy glances towards their way, “one of Carina’s doctor friends, she’s helping us with the clinic. Y/N Y/L/N, I think, why?” She turns to look at Vic, who is fully immersed with Y/N.
“No reason.” She whispers.
Y/N is holding a box of supplies brought from the hospital. Carina asked her to help out when the idea of a clinic at the fire station started, and of course she had to say yes. Helping people is the reason she became a doctor.
“Where should I bring these?” She takes a better grip of the box. It’s full of latex gloves and sheets for the examination chairs.
Humming, Carina looks around the barn. All the fire trucks have been taken out for the preparation of the clinic. “Take them to Victoria and Andy,” she points towards the two, who quickly look away when they notice this, “they’ll help you out.”
“Okay.” With a smile, Y/N starts walking towards them. “Hey, where should I bring this box?”
“I can take it.” Andy grabs it out of Y/N’s hands and sets it down to a table near them. “Thanks for helping out.”
“Of course. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Andy.” She smiles.
The two turn to look at Victoria, waiting for her to introduce herself. “Uh, right, yes, hey, I’m Vic. Well Victoria actually, but you know, most people call me Vic.” She rambles on with a short laugh, rubbing the back of her neck. Her face has suddenly gotten warm and her hands clammy. She wipes her palms to her pants.
“Nice to meet you two.”
They move on from the mess that was Victoria’s introduction, to her luck. She doesn’t know what came over her. Suddenly it felt like she forgot how to function like a human being. She’s yelling at herself inside her head for embarrassing herself like that.
“The clinic is a really great idea, I’m sure it’ll help out a lot of people.”
“Yes!” Victoria almost shouts, snapping Y/N and Andy’s attention to her. She clears her throat. “It is- yes, a good idea. And we’re so grateful to have doctors…like you, helping us out with it. So great.”
Y/N nods slowly. “Of course, I love to help out.”
“Yeah.” Victoria’s eyes are wide as she stares at her. “Well,” she points at the box, “I better go put that away.” Picking up the box, she speed walks away, ignoring Andy who is following right behind her.
“What was that?” Andy asks as they arrive to the supply room. Victoria starts putting the supplies to their own places in the shelf, shaking her head while doing it. She has a mortified look on her face. “Vic?”
“I don’t know!” She throws her hands in the air. “I don’t know what that was. My brain just froze up.”
A small grin grows on Andy’s face as she stares at her. “You like her.”
“I just met her.”
“Well, you think she is attractive.” Rolling her eyes, Andy starts organizing the supplies with her. “That’s adorable.”
“No, that was absolutely horrible.” She glares at Andy, who just starts laughing by herself.
The next day comes by and the clinic opens for the first time. Every fire fighter and the few doctors who decided to volunteer are full of anticipation as they wait for their first patient to arrive. Victoria is standing by the door between the barn and the lobby of the station, her eyes moving through the whole space.
“Waiting for someone?” Andy comes up behind her, making her flinch. “A doctor perhaps?”
“No.” She crosses her arms her chest, taking few steps away from Andy.
Humming, Andy nods slowly. She leans against the door frame. “Maya told me she’s running a bit late.” Victoria turns to look at her with her brows scrunched up. “Just saying.” She mumbles with a smirk before walking away.
She sighs, walking over to Travis to wait with him. They organize supplies that have already been organized to look busy.
”Hey, Vic!”
Victoria turns around quickly, almost making a metallic tray fall from a table. “Y/N!” She takes hold of the tray, stopping it from clanging around. “Hi! You- you’re here.” Laughing, she rubs the back of her neck.
“I’m here.” Y/N giggles.
Travis’ attention instantly shifts to them. His eyes are wide as he stares at Victoria’s mannerisms around Y/N.
“Has there been patients yet?” Y/N looks around the clinic, happy with the outcome.
“Uhh, no, not yet.” Shaking her head, she has a tight lipped smile on her face. “Thank you for volunteering, it’s great to have you around. As a doctor!” She adds the last part quickly. “It is great to have doctors around. To help us, with..with this.”
Stepping next to Victoria, Travis takes control of the conversation. “Hi, I’m Travis.” He shakes Y/N’s head. “You’re Carina’s friend, right? Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Yes! It’s nice to meet you.” She has a wide smile on her face. Finally, the first patient walks into the clinic. “First visitor,” she smiles, “guess I better go help out.”
Before she can walk away, Travis grabs her arm. “No, no, Gibson is going to him. We are all going to Joe’s after our shift, would you like to join us?” Victoria turns to look at him with wide eyes.
“Sure, that sounds fun.” Another doctor calls for her. She gives the two a smile, “I have to go, but I’ll see you later,” and leaves.
“We aren’t going to Joe’s after out shift?” She whispers once Y/N is out of reach.
Travis smirks. “Now we are.”
Everyone is excited once Y/N walks into the bar. Travis and Andy, who both saw how affected Victoria was by her presence, decided they’d help the two get together, getting everyone else on the team to help.
“Over here!” Andy shouts, waving her hand in the air. Y/N walks over to them, sitting next to Victoria, the seat that was left empty on purpose. “We already ordered you a drink.”
“Thank you, and thanks for inviting me.“
“Of course!” Travis smiles, his smile is wide and full of mischief, but to Y/N it looks like a normal smile. “We like to have you around, especially Vic.” He throws his arm around Victoria’s shoulders, shaking her whole body.
She chokes on her drink, getting a concerned look fro Y/N. “No!” Victoria coughs, putting her drink down. Then she starts panicking. “I mean yes! Of course I like having you around,” she laughs, “but like the normal amount. The same amount as everyone else here.”
“I like being around you too.” She states, which makes Victoria smile.
“Oh no!” Maya exclaims loudly, looking at her phone. “I need to go home, Carina texted me that there’s a family emergency.” She stands up, though the doesn’t look worried at all.
Y/N frowns. She’s pretty sure Carina is still working. Andy stands up with her, “and I’m her ride, so I guess I have to go too. I’m so sorry.” The two leave the bar.
Suddenly Jack has to leave and Dean with him, then Ben says Miranda just texted him, although his phone is in Y/N’s lime of sight and it didn’t light up even once. And very soon after that Travis has to go home too, leaving Victoria and Y/N to the bar alone.
Victoria has a glare on her face. “They planned this.” She mumbles, dropping her head onto her hands.
“You think?” Y/N giggles, sipping her drink.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Is there a reason why they planned this?” Her voice is questioning, but the look on her face shows she has an idea what’s going on.
Pressing her eyes shut, Victoria groans. Of course she knows why this happened. Rubbing her face, she lifts her head to look at Y/N. “Yes. I-“ she sighs, “my brain shuts down anytime I’m near you, because I think you’re very beautiful, and I think I caught feelings the moment my eyes met yours.”
Y/N smiles, her cheeks turning warm for a change. She looks down to hide it. “That’s good to hear, because I feel the exact same way.” Smiling, Victoria grabs her hand. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to embarras yourself once in a while.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Victoria asks, making Travis groan. The question has left her mouth at least ten times during the last hour and he is starting to get annoyed.
“It will, Vic! Stop worrying.”
“I am proposing to my girlfriend, of course I’m worried!”
Taping down the last piece of paper to the fire truck’s aide, Travis sighs and turns to take hold of Victoria’s shoulders. “You are proposing your girlfriend who you love dearly, and who loves you. She won’t say no.” He looks deep into her eyes. “Stop worrying.”
“Stop worrying.” She mumbles, wiping her palms to her pants. Looking at the truck, she smiles. It looks great.
Andy walks into the room. “Okay, everyone! The trucks are ready to go,” she looks at Victoria, “are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready, lets go.” They all cram into one of the fire trucks B-shift let them lend.
Andy drives the truck near the ambulance bay, out of sight for anyone who is by the door. Victoria is the only one who gets out, one of her hands is in the pocket of her work pants. She’s gripping the small box tightly.
She smiles as Carina and Y/N walk outside, the latter with a confused expression on her face. “Hey,” she smiles back at her, “is something wrong? Is there an ambulance coming?” Y/N tries to look over to the entrance of the bay, but Carina pulls her backwards, being part of the plan.
“No!” Victoria walks closer to her. “Everything is okay. I, uhm, just had something to tell you.”
Glancing at widely smiling Carina, Y/N furrows her brows. “Okay.”
“We’ve been together for over a year,” Victoria starts, taking a shaky breath, words are still hard to come by around Y/N, “and I love you so much. I’m so glad I met you, even though I made a fool out of myself.” She laughs. “I feel like I’m doing the same thing right now.”
Y/N tilts her head with a smile. Her eyes are starting to get teary eyes the longer Victoria talks.
“And,” she clears her throat, giving a signal to the truck, “I’d love to wake up everyday next to you and make a fool of myself for the rest of our lives.” The truck’s siren turns on as it starts moving towards them.
Y/N gasps when Victoria drops down to one knee and pulls out the ring box. The other firefighters jump out of the truck once it’s right behind her. There’s a large banner on the side of it that says Will you marry me Y/N?
With a teary laugh, Y/N starts nodding. “Yes, yes, of course!” She jogs to Victoria and jumps into her arms, the others cheering by the sidelines. Some other doctors have come outside when hearing the commotion. “I love you so much.”
The two kiss before Victoria slips the ring to Y/N’s ring finger. She giggles. “You’re my fiancee.” She states, feeling ecstatic.
“I’m your fiancee!”
The others come to them with wide smiles, hugging them both, which ultimately leads into a big group hug.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Being a new firefighter at station 19 and immediately having both Maya and Carina fall for her but she is very interested in Andy. She and Andy secretly get together. After six months of dating and countless amounts of flirting from the two starts to aggravate andy and the reader. One day Andy just snaps and kisses her in front of them. The other two are upset but end up getting over it. Fluffy and angsty please?
Summary: Secrets weigh you down.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x female!reader, Marina
Warnings: none
Word count: 1216
a/n: Andy Herrera deserves to be the captain of Station 19 <3
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Giggling can be heard in the kitchen. Andy and Y/N are cooking together while the other firefighters are working on different tasks. They clicked quickly when Y/N arrived to Station 19 two months ago. She worked as a firefighter before moving to Seattle, but she still hasn’t ranked up to lieutenant, it wasn’t that important to her.
But it is incredibly important to Andy. She wants to become a captain one day, which is why when they started dating a few weeks back, they decided to stay quiet about it.
“Y/N!” Carina exclaims as she and Maya walk into the kitchen, making Andy frown instantly. The couple have been making moves on Y/N, which bothered her, but she knows she has to let it go so they wouldn’t be exposed. “How have you been?”
“Hey, Carina.” She smiles politely. “I’ve been great actually.”
“Seriously great, you should’ve seen her on call last week, incredibly hot.” Maya comments, the last part coming out as a playful whisper.
Y/N giggles and shakes her bead, putting a tray of food into the oven. ”It wasn’t that amazing.” She raises her brows, looking at smirking Maya.
“Oh, I’m sure it was.” Carina comments. She had heard everything about the specific call from Maya.
Andy rolls her eyes. She’s stirring the pot in front of her, out of the conversation, but still hearing all the compliments the couple are throwing in Y/N’s way. Inside her head, she’s mocking every single thing coming out of their mouths.
“I’m very glad that you moved here. I’ve grown very appreciative of watching you work.” Maya says with a certain glint in her eyes.
Carina leans against the counter. “It’s the uniform.”
“Oh, I kn-“
“Could everyone not cooking leave the kitchen, please?” Andy finally speaks up with quite a loud voice, clearly showing her annoyance. Y/N giver her a look, but she ignores it. “We are trying to cook here for everyone and you are being very distracting.”
Maya and Carina glance at each other, but decide to leave the floor so they wouldn’t annoy Andy even more. However, they can’t help but compliment Y/N one last time before doing so.
”Andy…” Y/N turns to look at her, though she just continues cooking normally.
“They were being annoying.” She reasons, turning the stove off.
Sighing, Y/N lays her chin on Andy’s shoulder. “I know. But you can’t yell at them.”
“I did not yell at them.” She turns around and puts her hands on Y/N’s hips. “I just don’t like watching them being like that with you, especially knowing I can’t do anything. And it all feels like it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault.” Y/N assures, putting her hands on Andy’s cheeks. “You’re ambitious when it comes to work, I love that. And sadly us being together could jeopardize you getting a promotion, which is why we do this.”
“I know, I know.” Andy groans. She squeezes her hips lightly with a frown on her face. “One day I’m going to trip Maya when she goes down the stairs.” She mumbles quietly, kind of hoping Y/N wouldn’t hear her, but she does, and she gets a disapproving look. “I wouldn’t make her fall! Just stumble a bit.”
“She’s your captain.” Y/N pulls away from her hold and goes to check on the food in the oven, having to bend slightly when doing so.
Andy stares at her. She leans against the counter and smirks. “You do look amazing in the uniform.”
“Shut up!”
A dirty rag flies to her direction, which she luckily dodges while laughing.
With her foot tapping the ground rapidly, Andy listens to the others talk. The whole team, plus Miranda and Carina, are eating dinner together. Which means she is stuck on listening to Maya and Carina try to woo her girlfriend, and after months of constant flirting, she’s getting more than annoyed. They just aren’t getting the hint.
Y/N continues to politely smile and nod as they flirt with her, at times laughing awkwardly. She holds onto Andy’s hand that’s gripping her thigh quite tightly under the table.
Sometimes Victoria and Travis glance at each other with knowing looks when they see either Carina or Maya staring at Y/N, which somehow infuriates Andy even more. Others are noticing the advances they’re making and they aren’t caring that Maya is the captain.
“Are you free this weekend?” Carina asks.
“Uhm,” she has a date night with Andy, “not really.” Y/N smiles slightly.
“Well, if your plans change, you could come over.”
Andy slams her fork to the table. “No, she can’t!” Her voice is loud and strained. Y/N turns to look at her with wide eyes, she tries to shake her head lightly to make Andy stop, but it goes unnoticed.
The table is quiet and everyone is staring at her with perplexed looks. “Herrera.” Maya starts. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is not okay, because you two,” her finger moves between Maya and Carina, “just won’t stop.”
”Won’t stop what?”
She points at Y/N with wide eyes. “All the- the flirting and you’re so hot in your uniform. We all wear the same uniform!” She groans and throws her hands in the air. Feeling like everyone is looking at her like crazy, she decides to just come out with it. Andy grabs both sides of Y/N’s head with her hands and pulls her into a kiss.
Y/N hums in surprise at the contact, but goes along with it, kissing her back. It feels good to finally have the secret out. All the close calls and staying away from each other were starting to get tired.
Andy pulls away and instantly turns to look at Carina and Maya. “We’re dating, please stop flirting with her.” They both nod, still quite surprised by the outburst. “Thank you.” She grabs Y/N’s hand and pulls her to the locker room, so they could have some privacy.
“That was..something.” She looks at Andy with raised brows.
“I’m sorry.” Andy sighs and sits down to the bench. “I was just so tired of them.”
”It’s okay.” Y/N starts giggling as she sits next to Andy. She isn’t sure if she even should be laughing, but it all just seems hilarious at the moment. Andy scoffs at her, but starts laughing as well.
The laughing gets cut off by Maya and Carina coming into the room with frowns on their faces. They stop in front of the pair. “We just wanted to come here and apologize.” Maya states, looking at Carina who nods.
“We never ever wanted to make you uncomfortable.” Carina adds.
Y/N smiles, accepting the apology. She elbows Andy’s side when she stays quiet. “It’s fine,” she says with an exaggerated sigh, “just don’t flirt with her anymore.”
“We won’t.” Maya chuckles. “Now come on and finish eating you two. I don’t want to see any kind of inappropriate stuff during work hours.” It’s incredibly how her voice turns to the captain voice with a snap of her fingers.
“Copy that, captain.” Y/N grins as they walk back to the dinner table, this time holding each others hands.
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