#carnaval ecuador
efraart-mix · 7 months
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"""When you decide to celebrate the #carnival. But you are in #Ecuador 😂😂😂!!!"""
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kargmc · 8 months
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williamjavier73 · 2 years
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Así para la foto como si no estuvieran muriendo del frío! 😅💦 . . . . . . . #Feriado #Carnaval2023 #Familia #Sobrinas #Sobrino #ElJuniorDeLaFamilia #Carnaval #Ambato #Tungurahua #Ecuador https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVDALsOYoOVocL9FgJ_i2P7IoSX_phTKTVRWo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voces25 · 2 years
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Un #carnaval muy #internacional #bolivia #Uruguay #Argentina #colombia #Peru #Paraguay #Panama #Mexico #ecuador #b4asil #Nicaragua #Cuba #republicadominicana #puertorico #paraná #Guatemala #Honduras #elsalvador #venezuela #guayana #latino #Latinos #latinoamerica #carnival #carnevale #Madrid #Madridrio #2023 (at Matadero Madrid) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1xCpOtMLTeEN5XYOHnNztG-T3_TEoBcdmhC40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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demonstars · 1 day
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MY PART FOR THE WORLDWIDE DTEAMIES COLLAB. thank you @suenitos for the wonderful idea born in our dms xoxoxo. Anyway. have some ecuadorian dteamies with snf being victims of my favorite carnaval tradition which is To throw water at any traveler during carnaval. translation under the cut!
DRIM: U guys ok? SYLV: ?!? *LAUGH* JORGE: I'm never going out with this guy in carnaval. DRIM: ... At least your hair looks good? JORGE: Don't come at me with faggotery, THEY MASSACRED US. SAPITO: DON'T FUCK WITH ME—
Some details :333
sylvee is drinking inca kola which is actually a peruvian drink but eh. i see it plenty in ecuador. she is also wearing a barcelona (ecu team ver) shirt.
dream is wearing a guayas shirt, which is the costal south region of the country. he is also sporting marathon shorts, which are The sports brand.
it is currently illegal to wet people on the street just because. this doesn't mean that it doesn't keep happening. i like to think snf got the short end of the straw in going outside and through a carnaval street and lost to kids with water guns and balloons, which is something that has happened quite a lot of times to me. i have also thrown water at many people from the sky, to be clear (BEFORE IT WAS MADE ILLEGAL. SMILES.)
george is also wearing marathon and also probably a white shirt because february in ecuador is so hot and humid you really shouldn't be wearing black. sapnap is wearing black because he wanted to use his don ramon shirt. that is a national treasure too, btw. every self respecting man should use one.
i like to think they're coming from super despensa aki for no reason other than I miss my local super despensa aki.
in ecuador you use "man" as you would use "dude", with the thick spanish accent, which i find very funny.
hey kudos to you for making it down this far!
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laviejaguardia · 1 year
Is Latino not an ethnicity????
It isn't (and it isn't a race either). Latinidad is a political identity with some sociological, cultural and historical background. What it does not have -and I cannot stress this enough- is shared genetics/common ancestry which is how I see it most referred.
Here's the definition of ethnicity from Wikipedia:
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And to use roughly the same source, here's the Wikipedia disaggregation of Latin America today (which ofc I have issues with lol I'm not missing the irony of telling you "Latin America is sooo diverse" while using the "Asian" category, but I need to make do:
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See what I'm getting at?
Let's continue, you can say "well I didn't mean genetics, I meant everything else"
Okay language:
Latin America includes hundreds of native languages like Quechua, Mayan, Guaraní (oficial language of Paraguay!), Aymará or Nahuatl, and always has! Without counting the beautifully mixed and improved Spanish, Portuguese (which I called Brasilero for years as a kid lol) and French, or even later additions like Welsh, Japanese, Chinese or Arabic from immigrant clusters that still speak it or are currently arriving into the continent.
So language isn't it either.
I don't even need to get into traditions c'mon look at Carnaval in Brasil, día de los muertos in Ecuador, an 9 de julio in Argentina and tell me those are all the same. Look at empanadas, tacos, humitas, pizza brasilera, tequeños, asado, sudados, etc
Religion? Argentina alone has the second biggest Islamic and Jewish populations in America after the US. Sure Christianity is paramount given the invasion and imposition by Catholic monarchies by the Spanish and Portuguese, but to say it's the only religion is to spit in the face of again, hundreds of native people's whose religions have been systematically erased since 1492. It is also quite reductive to only take institutionalised religions as valid forms of worship, or to ignore the fact that most Catholicism here would give European orthodox Catholics a stroke.
Now, history and social treatment, here's where the good stuff is.
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These all look super different but these are processes and most of them took place in the first 3 decades of the 1800s so they're not that far off. These were carried out with an idea of hermandad. They used to be virreynatos under the same rule, we (patriotas) were all getting independence from the same monarch power (realistas). There was a lot of collaboration between administrations and armies. This was a decision from the leaders of the time, to seek strength in numbers.
The fact that we had to gain independence is a point of contact as well. At that time "patria" was understood as the desire to be independent, there were no neat lines to separate the territories. At this point in history you'll find lots of key people like San Martín, Juana Azurduy and Bolivar talking about "pueblos americanos" as a way to claim independence from imperialist/colonial European rule. (Brasil had a different history with the Portuguese court moving there)
The term Latin America or Latinoamérica came by a little later, the earliest it's been found used is 1856 by a politician from Chile, as you can see, the context it is used in is purely political.
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Historically, the term when used by Americans is heavily tied to a way to gather strength in solidarity for independence and rejection of foreign imperialist aspirations, from the United States, France, Spain, etc etc.
I think latinidad is in a way a self fulfilled prophecy, we were invaded and as such "unified" where before were hundreds of different peoples. We took that very same unification and made it ours, in part because the rest of the world insists on putting us all in the same bag (included with things like the School of the Americas in the 1960s-1980s where all of Latinamerica was deemed safer for the US to be ruled by genocidal military governments than democracies that smelled just a little communist. Spoiler! it wasn't safer for us who had to actually live under them)
I reject the idea of latinidad as an ethnicity because it stems from the idea of "la raza latina" which is very very racist ("latinos" were the white Europeans from Romance language countries aka Spain, Portugal, France and Italy, there was a clear hierarchy there usual to the era that still affects our social and economic framework). It's reductive and it pretends to obscure and muddle a very clear and deliberate political choice that is to identify as latinoamerican.
This also applies to the latin people who emigrate to the US and their descendants, both the ones fixing the lawns and the ones emigrating without need of a visa to work a stable 9-5. Even if it seems only the first ones get the name.
So what's latinidad? It's whatever we say it is, hope this helps ✌️
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latinotiktok · 2 years
Decirle choclo o elote es valido, no? Se domesticó de distintas formas en varias partes del continente (La mas vieja en México en el valle de Oaxaca alrededor de hace 7 000 años) pero decirle palta al aguacate si ya es falta de respeto, ese si es 100% mesoamericano y caga un poco qué desprecien el nombre nahuatl con el que se empezó a comerciar y a popularizar
kjjjjjj que exagerados nadie está despreciando nada, en Sudamérica se dice PALTA por una cuestión geográfica y sociohistórica: Paltas era un pueblo, ubicado por Ecuador si no me equivoco, cuyos dominios fueron obviamente conquistados por los Incas que llevaron el fruto a Cusco y otras zonas del Tahuantinsuyo (Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Perú).
anyways en lo personal a mí me chupa un huevo como lo digan <3 hagan con su culo un carnaval diría mi abuelita
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domenicabravo2008 · 1 year
Fiestas populares de Cuenca-Ecuador
Las fiestas populares en nuestra ciudad es muy importante, ya que, en ellas celebramos, fiestas tradicionales, fechas importantes, sobre los acontecimientos que sucedieron en nuestra ciudad, entre ellas esta:
1. Santos Inocentes
Celebración de origen católico que en sus inicios tuvo un carácter estrictamente religioso.
2. Carnaval
Se ha dicho que los orígenes mas remotos del Carnaval se los encuentra en los antiguos Sumeria y Egipto, en donde hace más de 5.000 años se celebraban pomposas fiestas en honor al buey Apis, dios de la fertilidad.
3. Semana Santa
La Semana Santa es una de las conmemoraciones centrales del calendario litúrgico cristiano que mayor recogimiento y respeto despiertan en el pueblo cuencano.
4. Fundación de Cuenca
12 de Abril de 1557
Andrés Hurtado de Mendoza delegó a Gil Ramírez Dávalos, Gobernador de Quito, para que “viniese a Tomebamba, la recorriese y luego de ello, escogiese el mejor sitio y una vez escogido procediese a fundar la ciudad.
5. Corpus Christi
El Corpus Christi, es sin duda una de las manifestaciones religioso - populares de mayor importancia y antigüedad en la ciudad.
Esas son las fiestas más importantes que celebramos en Cuenca, si quieres conocer más a fondo de porque se celebran y su historia, ingresa a este enlace y diviértete conociendo nuestras tradiciones!
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semtituloh · 2 years
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" 11 de Noviembre dia de la WIPHALA "
Nuestro emblema Indigena ✊✊🌈🌈
🌵La Wiphala es de propiedad de los Qheshwa-Aymaras, Guaraníes y de todo el pueblo; quienes se llaman a sí mismos " PUEBLOS ORIGINARIOS "
La Wiphala como emblema Andino siempre fué cuadrada, por que expresa la organización y armonía, la Unidad y la Igualdad del sistema comunitario y de la cultura Andina.
La palabra es la conjunción de dos palabras quechua - aymaras:
→ Wiphai: que es voz de triunfo, usada hasta hoy en las fiestas solemnes y en actos ceremoniales;
→ Lapks-lapks: sonido producido por el efecto del viento, lo que origina la palabra laphaqi que se entiende como el fluir de un objeto flexible.
Juntando los dos sonidos (wiphai-lapks) se obtiene wipha-la (la "pks" se perdió por un pronunciamiento fácil de la palabra).
Tiene otros nombres también como: laphaqay, laphala, wiphayla, wipala (Bolivia y Ecuador) unancha ( Bolivia)
De acuerdo a las costumbres y tradiciones andinas, la wiphala siempre está izada en todos los acontecimientos sociales y culturales, por ejemplo, en los encuentros de comunarios del Ayllu, en los matrimonios de la comunidad, cuando nace un niño en la comunidad, cuando se realiza el corte de cabello de un niño chukcha rutuy (bautismo andino), en los entierros, etc.
La Wiphala también flamea en las fiestas solemnes, en los actos ceremoniales de la comunidad, en los actos cívicos del marka (‘pueblo’) en los juegos de wallunk’a (‘columpio’), en los juegos de competencia atipasina (‘ganarse’), las fechas históricas, en los k'illpa (días ceremoniales del ganado), en la transmisión de mando de las autoridades en cada período.
También se utiliza en las danzas y bailes, como en la fiesta del Anata o Pujllay (‘juego’) carnaval, en los trabajos agrícolas con o sin yuntas, a través del ayni, la mink'a, el chuqu y la mit'a. Incluso se iza al concluir una obra, una construcción de una vivienda y en todo trabajo comunitario del ayllu o marka.
Los colores de la Wiphala tienen su significado:
→ ❤ Rojo > Puka = representa al planeta Tierra (aka-pacha); es la expresión del hombre andino en el desarrollo intelectual; es la filosofía cósmica en el pensamiento y el conocimiento de los amawtas.
→ 🍂 Naranja > Chiwanki = representa la sociedad y la cultura, es la expresión de la cultura, también expresa la preservación y procreación de la especie humana, considerada como la más preciada riqueza patrimonial de la nación; es la salud y la medicina, la formación y la educación, la práctica cultural de la juventud dinámica.
-->💛 Amarillo > Q'ellu =representa la energía y fuerza (ch'ama-pacha), es la expresión de los principios morales del hombre andino, es la doctrina del pacha-kama y pacha-mama: la dualidad (chacha-warmi) son las leyes y normas, la práctica colectivista de hermandad y solidaridad humana.
→ ♡ Blanco > Yuraj = representa al tiempo y a la dialéctica (jaya-pacha), es la expresión del desarrollo y la transformación permanente del qullana marka sobre los Andes, el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología, el arte, el trabajo intelectual y manual que genera la reciprocidad dentro la estructura
→ 💚 Verde > Q'omer = representa la economía y la producción andina, es el símbolo de las riquezas naturales, de la superficie y el subsuelo, representa, tierra y territorio, así mismo la producción agropecuaria, la flora y fauna, los yacimientos hidrológicos y mineralógicos.
→ 💙 Azul > Anqas = representa al espacio cósmico, al infinito (araxa-pacha), es la expresión de los astros y los efectos naturales que se sienten sobre la tierra, es la astronomía y la física, la organización socioeconómica, político y cultural, es la ley de la gravedad, de las dimensiones y fenómenos naturales.
→ 💜 Violeta > Kulli = representa a la política y la ideología andina, es la expresión del poder comunitario de los Andes, el instrumento del Estado, como una instancia superior, lo que es la estructura del poder; las organizaciones, sociales, económicas y culturales y la administración del pueblo y del país.
Los colores se originan en el rayo solar al descomponerse del arcoíris blanco (kutukutu), en los siete colores del arcoíris (kurmi), tomado como referencia por los antepasados para fijar la composición y estructura de nuestros emblemas, así mismo organizar la sociedad comunitaria de los Andes.
En el momento de izar la Wiphala, todos deben guardar silencio y al terminar alguien debe dar la voz de victoria del Jallalla ! ✊✊
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yafaiah-raaida-cham · 1 month
Top 8 amazing things to do in Brazil
The largest nation in South America Brazil is a dynamic and varied vacation spot with plenty to offer every kind of traveller. Brazil is a cultural and ecological treasure trove spanning more than 4,500 miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean and bordered by all of the South American nations save Chile and Ecuador. Brazil is a must-visit country due to its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. It is the only country in the Americas where Portuguese is the official language and the fifth largest country in the world. Brazil offers a voyage full of adventure and discovery, whether you're exploring the busy streets of São Paulo, taking in the breath-taking views of the Amazon Rainforest, or simply lounging on its gorgeous beaches.
Getting a Brazil visa is crucial for visitors who want to fully experience all that this amazing country has to offer when planning their trip to Brazil. Brazil offers a wide variety of vacation experiences to suit all tastes, from beachgoers and nature lovers to culture vultures and city dwellers. We'll highlight the top eight incredible things to do in Brazil in this blog, so you can be sure your vacation will be joyful and unforgettable.
Here are the Top 8 amazing things to do in Brazil
1. Get Soaked by Iguazu Falls:
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One of the world's most magnificent natural wonders, the breath-taking Iguazu Falls, must be seen on any vacation to Brazil. Iguazu Falls a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is larger than Niagara Falls, is located on the border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. From the village of Foz do Iguaçu where visitors can spend two days taking in the magnificence of the park, one can reach the Brazilian side of the falls. You'll be in awe of the enchanted ambiance created by the roaring water, the verdant surroundings of the falls, and the persistent mist.
2. Watch Birds in the Atlantic Forest:
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Brazil's Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), rich with diverse bird life is a birdwatcher's delight. One of Brazil's six biomes this lush tropical forest is home to about 900 different bird species many of which are native to the area. The three-toed jacamars and the vibrant green-headed tanagers are two of the forest's most sought-after sights, making it an absolute must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. There are many national and state parks, as well as private nature reserves where tourists can explore the varied habitats that make up the huge Atlantic Forest.
3. Dance during Carnaval:
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Brazil's Carnaval is more than just a celebration; it's a national phenomenon whose contagious rhythms and vivid energy engulf the whole country. Rio de Janeiro hosts the most well-known festival where the Sambódromo comes to life with spectacular parades that feature samba schools dressed in extravagant costumes. Dressed in costume, you may join a samba school and experience the exciting atmosphere for a single day as thousands of fans cheer them on as they parade down the avenue. This exhilarating encounter is aired live on national television, making it the highlight of every Brazilian vacation that visitors won't soon forget.
4. Enjoy Traditional BBQ:
A visit to Brazil wouldn't be complete without indulging in a churrasco, or traditional Brazilian BBQ. Brazilian cuisine is a gastronomic voyage. A Brazilian steakhouse offers an unparalleled gastronomic experience with a focus on premium cuts of meat that are expertly cooked and presented in an all-you-can-eat manner. The eating experience is straightforward yet enjoyable: each guest receives a token that has two sides: green for when they're ready to be served and red for when they're done.
5. Prepare to Be Awestruck by Christ the Redeemer:
Situated atop Corcovado Mountain Christ the Redeemer is an iconic statue that serves as a national emblem and a symbol of Rio de Janeiro. One of the New Seven Wonders of the World, this enormous monument is 98 feet tall and perches atop a peak that is 700 meters high. It is a must-see attraction for everyone traveling to Brazil. The ride up the mountain, which offers breath-taking views of Rio's beaches, mountains, and expansive urban landscape, is just as exciting as the destination.
6. Mount Corcovado Hike:
A thrilling way to reach the top of Corcovado Mountain for those who would rather view Christ the Redeemer in a more active manner is by climbing up it. The hike starts at Parque Lage, a lovely park at the base of the mountain and travels through Tijuca Forest National Park's lush vegetation. With a moderate effort and a gradual ascent that takes roughly 90 minutes to finish, the trail is worth trying. Hikers are exposed to breath-taking vistas of Rio de Janeiro's beaches, mountains, and woods along the route.
7. Surf in Florianopolis:
For those who enjoy the beach and surfing, Florianopolis a gorgeous subtropical island in southern Brazil is a paradise. It's one of the best places in the nation for surfing, with more than 40 beaches and reliable waves all year long. Florianopolis has a range of surf places to accommodate all ability levels regardless of experience level. Some of the most well-liked surfing beaches are Praia Mole, Praia da Galheta, and Joaquina; each offers a different blend of waves, landscape and indigenous culture.
8. Visit the Wetlands of the Pantanal:
Brazil's Pantanal the largest tropical wetland in the world is a hidden treasure that provides an unmatched opportunity to see wildlife. This enormous and isolated area, which covers more than 70,000 square miles, is home to a staggering variety of flora and fauna, including caimans, jaguars, capybaras and many bird species. The vast expanses of the Pantanal in contrast to the dense Amazon Rainforest, make it easier to view wildlife making it a photographers' and nature enthusiasts' dream come true.
Travellers from all walks of life are enthralled with Brazil's amazing choice of experiences. The varied landscapes and dynamic culture of this breath-taking nation promise lifelong experiences, whether you're dancing the night away during Carnaval, enjoying traditional Brazilian BBQ, or taking in the majesty of Iguazu Falls. Every region of Brazil offers something spectacular from the massive Christ the Redeemer statue to the beautiful Atlantic Forest full of rare bird species, making your trip one you won't soon forget.
You can have a comprehensive and complete view of Brazil's natural beauty rich traditions and thrilling adventures by including these top activities in your schedule. Brazil promises a holiday unlike any other whether you're trekking up Corcovado Mountain or surfing the waves of Florianopolis. Brazil is known for its unique combination of excitement and peace. Prepare to be amazed and giddy with anticipation as you discover Brazil's many wonders; pack your luggage and get going.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 6.3
Air Force Academy Day (US)
American Space Walk Day
Bi-Pride Day
Casey at the Bat Day
Chimborazo Day (Ecuador)
Confederate Decoration Day (TN)
Confederate Memorial Day (KY, LA)
Defend Our Monuments Day of Action
Dr. Charles Drew Day
Economist Day (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
European Cycling Day
Impersonate Authority Day
Insect Repellent Awareness Day
International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day
Intern Appreciation Day
Jack Jouett Day (Virginia)
Jefferson Davis Day (Florida)
Līgo (Latvia)
London Bridge Attack Day
Love Conquers All Day
Mabo Day (Australia)
Martyrs’ Shrine Day (Uganda)
McLovin Day
Mighty Casey Day
National Carl Day
National Itch Day
National Simp Day
Ni Una Menos Day (Argentina)
Opium Suppression Movement Day (Taiwan)
Phineas & Ferb Day
Pull Your Pants Up Day
Quail Day (French Republic)
Randouler Remembrance Day (Abeldane Empire)
Repeat Day
Repeat Day
Robocop Day (Detroit)
Shab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Shuffle Day
603 Day
Vibilia Asteroid Day
World Bicycle Day
Wonder Woman Day
World Clubfoot Day
World Laksa Day
World Motern Day
Zoot Suit Riots Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sommelier Day
National Chocolate Macaroon Day
National Egg Day
National Stuffed Shrimp Scholars Day
World Cider Day
Independence & Related Days
Independence Declaration Day (Montenegro)
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Kingdom of Sedang (Declared; 1888) [unrecognized]
Silofais (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Vyomania (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
1st Monday in June
Crop Over begins (Barbados) [1st Monday Until 1st Monday in August]
Jefferson Davis Day [1st Monday] (Alabama)
June Bank Holiday (UK) [1st Monday]
Meitheamh begins (Ireland) [1st Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
National Love Island Day (UK) [1st Monday]
National Thank God It’s Monday Day [1st Monday; also 1st Monday in January]
Western Australia Day [1st Monday]
World Orthoptic Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 3 (1st Full Week)
Canadian Environment Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Lemonade Days (thru 6.11)
Festivals Beginning June 3, 2024
Animafest Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 6.8]
Bio International Convention (San Diego, California) [thru 6.4]
Duncan Hines Days (Bowling Green, Kentucky) [thru 6.9]
Helsinki Samba Carnaval (Helsinki, Finland) [thru 6.9]
Holy Trinity Greek Festival (Wilmington, Delaware) [thru 6.8]
Wine & Food Week (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.9]
Feast Days
Allen Ginsberg (Writerism)
Bellona’s Day (Pagan)
Broken Dolls Day (Buddhist; Japan)
Callynteria (Day of Atonement & Cleaning of Athena’s Temple; Ancient Greece)
Cecillius (Christian; Saint)
Charles Lwanga and Companions (Roman Catholic Church)
Clotilda (Christian; Saint)
Coemgen (Celtic Book of Days)
Drink Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Bellona (Old Roman Goddess of War)
Festival of Cataclysmos (Cyprus)
Festival of Gaphi Mahso (Ayahuasca)
Genesius of Clermont (Christian; Saint)
Hildebrand (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac of Cordova (Christian; Martyr)
John Norman (Writerism)
Kevin of Glendalough (a.k.a. Coemgen or Keivin; Christian; Saint)
Larry McMurtry (Writerism)
Lifard (Christian; Saint)
Liphardus and Urbicius (Christian; Saints)
Lucillian and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Marion Zimmer Bradley (Writerism)
Morand (Christian; Saint)
Mushroom Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Ovidius (Christian; Saint)
Pergentinus and Laurentinus (Christian; Martyrs)
Pharmakos (Festival for Ancient Greek Goddess Charila)
Pietro Paolini (Artology)
Raoul Dufy (Artology)
Robbie (Muppetism)
Smurf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Space Clearing Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Theodore Robinson (Artology)
Visakha Bucha Day (Buddha Day; Thailand)
Vladimirskaya (Russian Orthodox)
Willem van Mieris (Artology)
The Worst Day in the Fairy Year (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [32 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Alice in Wonderland (Adult Film; 1976)
Bataan (Film; 1943)
Beer Barrel Polka (a.k.a. Škoda lásky), by Will Glahé (Song; 1939)
Beginners (Film; 2011)
Believe It or Else (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Big (Film; 1988)
Cinderella Man (Film; 2005)
Crossing the Delaware (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1961)
Deep Purple in Rock, by Deep Purple (Album; 1970)
Dragnet (Radio Series; 1949)
Empty Sky, by Elton John (Album; 1969)
Entourage (TV Series; 2015)
Exodus, by Bob Marley & The Wailers (Album; 1977)
Fletch, by Gregory McDonald (Novel; 1974)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear! (Animated Film; 1964)
The Ill-Made Knight, by T.H. White (Novel; 1940) [Once and Future King #3]
Layer Cake (Film; 2005)
Les Mamelles de Tirésias, by Francis Poulenc (Comic Opera; 1947)
Lickety-Splat (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
Light My Fire, by The Doors (Song; 1967)
Lords of Dogtown (Film; 2005)
Nosferatu (Film; 1929)
Ol’ Doc Donkey (MGM Cartoon; 1944)
Phantom of the Open (Film; 2022)
Polar Pals (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Princess and the Goblin (Animated Film; 1994)
The Return of Martin Guerre (Film; 1983)
Scorpius, by John Gardner (James Bond Novel; 1988)
Shenandoah (Film; 1965)
Short Snorts on Sports (Phantasies Cartoon; 1948)
Six Feet Under (TV Series; 2001)
Succession (TV Series; 2018)
Take It Easy, by The Eagles (Song; 1972)
Time and Again, by Jack Finney (Novel; 1970)
The Turbo Charged Pre;ude for 2 Fat 2 Furious (Short Film; 2003) [F&F]
The Unbearable Salesman (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
The Untouchables (Film; 1987)
Utopia (Intellivision video game; 1982)
War Games (Film; 1983)
Why Shoot a Butler?, by Georgette Heyer (Novel; 1933)
Wu-Tang Forever, by The Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 1997)
X-Men: First Class (Film; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Hildburg, Karl, Silvia (Austria)
Drago, Karlo (Croatia)
Tamara (Czech Republic)
Erasmus (Denmark)
Jolanta, Kanni, Kannike, Viola (Estonia)
Orvokki, Viola (Finland)
Kévin (France)
Hildburg, Karl, Karoline, Silvia (Germany)
Ieria, Ypatia (Greece)
Klotild (Hungary)
Carlo Lwanga, Clotilde, Olivia, Olivana, Oliviana, Oliviera, Olivera, Ovidio, Viera (Italy)
Dailis, Ineta, Inta, Intra, Jūnijs (Latvia)
Dovilė, Klotilda, Tautkantas (Lithuania)
Rakel, Rasmus (Norway)
Cecyliusz, Ferdynand, Klotylda, Konstantyn, Laurencjusz, Laurentyn, Laurentyna, Leszek, Paula, Tamara, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Claudie, Dionisie, Ipatie, Luchilian, Paul (România)
Karolína (Slovakia)
Carlos, Clotilde, Kevin (Spain)
Gudmar, Ingemar (Sweden)
Pauline (Ukraine)
Chloe, Clotilda, Keven, Kevin, Kevina, Kevon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 155 of 2024; 211 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 27 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 26 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 5 Blue; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 21 May 2024
Moon: 11%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 14 St. Paul (6th Month) [Hildebrand]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 77 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 14 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 6.3
Air Force Academy Day (US)
American Space Walk Day
Bi-Pride Day
Casey at the Bat Day
Chimborazo Day (Ecuador)
Confederate Decoration Day (TN)
Confederate Memorial Day (KY, LA)
Defend Our Monuments Day of Action
Dr. Charles Drew Day
Economist Day (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
European Cycling Day
Impersonate Authority Day
Insect Repellent Awareness Day
International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day
Intern Appreciation Day
Jack Jouett Day (Virginia)
Jefferson Davis Day (Florida)
Līgo (Latvia)
London Bridge Attack Day
Love Conquers All Day
Mabo Day (Australia)
Martyrs’ Shrine Day (Uganda)
McLovin Day
Mighty Casey Day
National Carl Day
National Itch Day
National Simp Day
Ni Una Menos Day (Argentina)
Opium Suppression Movement Day (Taiwan)
Phineas & Ferb Day
Pull Your Pants Up Day
Quail Day (French Republic)
Randouler Remembrance Day (Abeldane Empire)
Repeat Day
Repeat Day
Robocop Day (Detroit)
Shab e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh)
Shuffle Day
603 Day
Vibilia Asteroid Day
World Bicycle Day
Wonder Woman Day
World Clubfoot Day
World Laksa Day
World Motern Day
Zoot Suit Riots Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sommelier Day
National Chocolate Macaroon Day
National Egg Day
National Stuffed Shrimp Scholars Day
World Cider Day
Independence & Related Days
Independence Declaration Day (Montenegro)
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Kingdom of Sedang (Declared; 1888) [unrecognized]
Silofais (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Vyomania (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
1st Monday in June
Crop Over begins (Barbados) [1st Monday Until 1st Monday in August]
Jefferson Davis Day [1st Monday] (Alabama)
June Bank Holiday (UK) [1st Monday]
Meitheamh begins (Ireland) [1st Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
National Love Island Day (UK) [1st Monday]
National Thank God It’s Monday Day [1st Monday; also 1st Monday in January]
Western Australia Day [1st Monday]
World Orthoptic Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 3 (1st Full Week)
Canadian Environment Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Lemonade Days (thru 6.11)
Festivals Beginning June 3, 2024
Animafest Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 6.8]
Bio International Convention (San Diego, California) [thru 6.4]
Duncan Hines Days (Bowling Green, Kentucky) [thru 6.9]
Helsinki Samba Carnaval (Helsinki, Finland) [thru 6.9]
Holy Trinity Greek Festival (Wilmington, Delaware) [thru 6.8]
Wine & Food Week (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.9]
Feast Days
Allen Ginsberg (Writerism)
Bellona’s Day (Pagan)
Broken Dolls Day (Buddhist; Japan)
Callynteria (Day of Atonement & Cleaning of Athena’s Temple; Ancient Greece)
Cecillius (Christian; Saint)
Charles Lwanga and Companions (Roman Catholic Church)
Clotilda (Christian; Saint)
Coemgen (Celtic Book of Days)
Drink Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Bellona (Old Roman Goddess of War)
Festival of Cataclysmos (Cyprus)
Festival of Gaphi Mahso (Ayahuasca)
Genesius of Clermont (Christian; Saint)
Hildebrand (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac of Cordova (Christian; Martyr)
John Norman (Writerism)
Kevin of Glendalough (a.k.a. Coemgen or Keivin; Christian; Saint)
Larry McMurtry (Writerism)
Lifard (Christian; Saint)
Liphardus and Urbicius (Christian; Saints)
Lucillian and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Marion Zimmer Bradley (Writerism)
Morand (Christian; Saint)
Mushroom Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Ovidius (Christian; Saint)
Pergentinus and Laurentinus (Christian; Martyrs)
Pharmakos (Festival for Ancient Greek Goddess Charila)
Pietro Paolini (Artology)
Raoul Dufy (Artology)
Robbie (Muppetism)
Smurf Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Space Clearing Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Theodore Robinson (Artology)
Visakha Bucha Day (Buddha Day; Thailand)
Vladimirskaya (Russian Orthodox)
Willem van Mieris (Artology)
The Worst Day in the Fairy Year (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [32 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Alice in Wonderland (Adult Film; 1976)
Bataan (Film; 1943)
Beer Barrel Polka (a.k.a. Škoda lásky), by Will Glahé (Song; 1939)
Beginners (Film; 2011)
Believe It or Else (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Big (Film; 1988)
Cinderella Man (Film; 2005)
Crossing the Delaware (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1961)
Deep Purple in Rock, by Deep Purple (Album; 1970)
Dragnet (Radio Series; 1949)
Empty Sky, by Elton John (Album; 1969)
Entourage (TV Series; 2015)
Exodus, by Bob Marley & The Wailers (Album; 1977)
Fletch, by Gregory McDonald (Novel; 1974)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear! (Animated Film; 1964)
The Ill-Made Knight, by T.H. White (Novel; 1940) [Once and Future King #3]
Layer Cake (Film; 2005)
Les Mamelles de Tirésias, by Francis Poulenc (Comic Opera; 1947)
Lickety-Splat (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
Light My Fire, by The Doors (Song; 1967)
Lords of Dogtown (Film; 2005)
Nosferatu (Film; 1929)
Ol’ Doc Donkey (MGM Cartoon; 1944)
Phantom of the Open (Film; 2022)
Polar Pals (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Princess and the Goblin (Animated Film; 1994)
The Return of Martin Guerre (Film; 1983)
Scorpius, by John Gardner (James Bond Novel; 1988)
Shenandoah (Film; 1965)
Short Snorts on Sports (Phantasies Cartoon; 1948)
Six Feet Under (TV Series; 2001)
Succession (TV Series; 2018)
Take It Easy, by The Eagles (Song; 1972)
Time and Again, by Jack Finney (Novel; 1970)
The Turbo Charged Pre;ude for 2 Fat 2 Furious (Short Film; 2003) [F&F]
The Unbearable Salesman (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
The Untouchables (Film; 1987)
Utopia (Intellivision video game; 1982)
War Games (Film; 1983)
Why Shoot a Butler?, by Georgette Heyer (Novel; 1933)
Wu-Tang Forever, by The Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 1997)
X-Men: First Class (Film; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Hildburg, Karl, Silvia (Austria)
Drago, Karlo (Croatia)
Tamara (Czech Republic)
Erasmus (Denmark)
Jolanta, Kanni, Kannike, Viola (Estonia)
Orvokki, Viola (Finland)
Kévin (France)
Hildburg, Karl, Karoline, Silvia (Germany)
Ieria, Ypatia (Greece)
Klotild (Hungary)
Carlo Lwanga, Clotilde, Olivia, Olivana, Oliviana, Oliviera, Olivera, Ovidio, Viera (Italy)
Dailis, Ineta, Inta, Intra, Jūnijs (Latvia)
Dovilė, Klotilda, Tautkantas (Lithuania)
Rakel, Rasmus (Norway)
Cecyliusz, Ferdynand, Klotylda, Konstantyn, Laurencjusz, Laurentyn, Laurentyna, Leszek, Paula, Tamara, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Claudie, Dionisie, Ipatie, Luchilian, Paul (România)
Karolína (Slovakia)
Carlos, Clotilde, Kevin (Spain)
Gudmar, Ingemar (Sweden)
Pauline (Ukraine)
Chloe, Clotilda, Keven, Kevin, Kevina, Kevon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 155 of 2024; 211 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 27 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 26 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 5 Blue; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 21 May 2024
Moon: 11%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 14 St. Paul (6th Month) [Hildebrand]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 77 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 14 of 31)
0 notes
trastornadosrevista · 4 months
CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso confirma tour por América Latina y Europa
BAÑO MARÍA se fue mundial: después de confirmar su show en el Movistar Arena de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso anuncian ahora la gira presentación de su primer disco juntos en un tour que se extenderá con más de 30 shows en 14 países de América Latina y Europa.
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El 22 de agosto en Córdoba (Argentina) será el primer paso de la seguidilla de shows que el dúo dará en el tramo final de año, con el 14 de diciembre en Granada (España) como última parada hasta el momento. En el medio, CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso tendrán presentaciones en más de 10 ciudades argentinas y países como México, Colombia, Francia, Alemania, el Reino Unido y más.
- 16.08 Buenos Aires, Argentina - Movistar Arena
- 22.08 Córdoba, Argentina - Club Atenas
- 23.08 Santa Fé, Argentina - Tribus
- 24.08 Rosario, Argentina - Sala de las Artes
- 29.08 Salta, Argentina - Teatro Provincial JCS
- 30.08 Tucumán, Argentina - Club All Boys
- 01.09 Neuquén, Argentina - Mood Live
- 06.09 Santiago de Chile, Chile - Blondie
- 07.09 Mar del Plata, Argentina - GAP
- 12.09 San Luis, Argentina - Comuna
- 13.09 San Juan, Argentina - Sala Hugo
- 14.09 Mendoza, Argentina - Auditorio Ángel Bustelo
- 25.09 Lima, Perú - Teatro Leguía
- 26.09 Quito, Ecuador - Soundgarden
- 28.09 - Bogotá, Colombia - Royal House
- 29.09 Medellín, Colombia - La Pascasia
- 02.10 Caracas, Venezuela - La Quinta
- 25.10 Montevideo, Uruguay - Sala el Museo del Carnaval
- 16.11 Guadalajara, México - C3 Stage
- 17.11 Ciudad de México, México - Foro Puebla
- 21.11 Monterrey, México - Foto Teams
- 22.11 Querétaro, México - Sala Arpa
- 29.11 Madrid, España - Changó
- 30.11 Valencia, España - Loco Club
- 01.12 París, Francia - Petit Bain
- 04.12 Bruselas, Bélgica - Ancienne Belgique
- 05.12 Barcelona, España - Razzmatazz 2
- 07.12 Bilbao, España - Crystal
- 08.12 Londres, UK - Lower Thirds
- 10.12 Berlín, Alemania - Privatclub
- 11.12 Porto, Portugal - Hard Club
- 13.12 Sevilla, España - La 2
- 14.12 Granada, España - Planta Baja
El anuncio del Movistar Arena en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires no podía ser suficiente. BAÑO MARÍA se consolidó como uno de los lanzamientos del año y por eso se merecía una gira a la altura. Así es que CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso decidieron embarcarse en un tour internacional. El dúo llevará a cada escenario su propuesta visual que se convirtió en complemento clave a la hora de plasmar el concepto del disco. Desde la presentación en Lollapalooza Argentina en donde convirtieron su show en una listening party con ellos dos en un jacuzzi, a la publicación del shortfilm y cada videoclip o story de Instagram. Todo es parte del concepto y solo falta el vivo, el lugar en el que hacen de su despliegue escénico otra de sus marcas registradas.
Para ver todas las fechas de la gira BAÑO MARÍA ingresa a www.ca7rielypacoamoroso.com
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stalinbnews · 7 months
@stalinbmusic @sandycflow
Disponible ahora
La Nueva canción #carnaval
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Y en todas las redes sociales.
Available now
The new #carnaval song
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And on all social networks.
Link on my bio 👇
#stalinb #sandycflow #latinos #ecuador #colombia #personas #mundial #musica #fiesta #latin #tropical
@musartmanagementnyc @palanteparatodosinc @dragon_entertainment1 @raven_empire_ @sottovocestudios @activa80fm @nochesdedivercionesconsb @mrgoodvybez @annadominguezoficial @andy_lin0936 @tvquisqueya @andysalasarte @monchiproduction @edgarjavierortizpineda @formulamusicalny @sabiiixo @michellebbatista
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The Cross My Heart Job
Before i get into the Cross my heart job quick summary of the plot i skipped logging: There's a guy who was watching the company they heisted in the Nigerian Job, who saw the fallout of the Nigerian Job when they conned Dunevich (or however it is spelled)
He's been tracking them, and mirroring Hardisons market shorting.
This is our season antagonist (presumably), he's affable and doesnt actually seem evil? Like yeah he's a stockbroker and all but he's betting on the team and entirely right to say that, from a market-perspective. The teams acts are merely correcting false market forces. Like i get Nate hating him, but also he's an interesting reflection of our protagonists. The best kind of vulture. Also there was a carnaval and a "buried alive" episode. I liked the carnaval episode (we need more marks with somewhat sympathetic motivations) and the reunion in the Grave Danger Job was heartwarming
Now onto our actual episode: Oh, they stole a donor heart... that is a hell of a way to get yourself on Nate's Shitlist. Guess its time for a seasonal reminder that Sam existed. (that might read as sarcastic, it isnt. its a statement of fact not a statement of value)
Always love when series gets "Jessica Fletcher syndrome" (that being, even on our day off we find a case), Nate walks into the airport and instantly spots the enemy plot.
Also love when series pull an Eventide Island, seeing our established badasses forced to rely on their bare essentials. Because after a certain level of "Hardison has at multiple points claimed he owns satellites and everyone in our cast has enough money they can fly to Ecuador as a distraction" it starts to sound less like "our heroes are badass" and more "our heroes kit is badass". (im gonna be honest, im a bit worried about the future of the show on that point, what with Parker2000 having been invented, that is very much the sort of thing that preludes into a jumped shark. Nothing against the cute little frog-bot design wise, its the narrative purpose that is worrying.)
"if we're naked we steal clothes" Great line, 10/10.
Love the swift efficiency with which they buyout the seafood restaurant. And the way Nate instantly recognizes the name of our antagonist. The reminder that their shitlist is a mile long, they study these people months in advance and that this guy was under the radar because he was dying already.
Also nice to see the show point out something that isnt always obvious about its premise. The show tends to present it as "innocent victim approaches Team Leverage at Nate's Bar and tells them about the Crime", but its actually "Team leverage scouts out rich people, does their research, identifies key victims and interviews the victims as part of the research" When someone shows up at Fords Bar at the beginning of an episode, its because Ford called them there. So having Ford say "i've been scouting Dean Chesney for a while, he's just low priority cause this problem will probably solve itself..." is nice.
Ironic that the only reason Dean Chesney is this desperate is cause he's too dying to get on the donor list. Which is also the only reason Nate hasn't taken him down months ago.
"God helps those who help themselves" followed by "And I help those who cant" with a final "God help you if anything happens..." and a climactic "I didnt kill you, God killed you"... Lovely combo of lines that are both amazingly dramatic and a nice reminder that this guy almost became a priest. Whichever writer came up with that deserves a raise. 11/10. Havent seen enough of his religious background in a while.
Hardison pretending to be a trans person because Elliot could only steal a female ID. Great improv on the characters part.
Old man dying with a snowglobe, nice little reference. Citizen Kane.
I also apreciate the subtlety in this episodes placement within the season. They deliberately placed it after the previous episode because they knew that some members of the audience might feel that Nate should've taken the deal (even more resources to track down even more crooks in exchange for a 24 hour window).
So the writers put the "you have two hours or the boy dies of not having a donor heart" job imediatly after that offer to emphasize that, when dealing with human lives 24 hours is a lot.
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El Carnaval de Santa Cruz de Tenerife llega este miércoles a su ecuador, con la celebración esta noche, a partir de las 10, del tradicional Entierro de la Sardina, como paso previo al fin de semana de Piñata, y al gran Carnaval de Día del sábado. El momento de los balances llegará a partir del
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