#caroline hale
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aloneatpeace · 2 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 22
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Earlier On
“Is there is reason why you have this haunted look on your face?” Dean Winchester asks Sheila Bennett, Sam Winchester his younger brother who eyeing the ancient book that Sheila set on the car hood.
“I am sure that you know that wendigos don’t usually bite someone in order to transfer its soul to next victim.”
“Unless it’s felt threatened.” Dean completed looking more puzzled at the words.
“And it just doesn’t bite one but two, and does this ever happened when the two of you went hunting wendigos?”
“How did it know we were coming.?”
 “It wasn’t afraid of us.” Sam speak up making Dean turns to him, the youngest Winchester’s points at now opened book, there a figure of women with a crown on her head on the next page are the manuscripts that related to the figure.
Sheila sighs whispering your name “it knew her presence. Her powers…...she herself should be myth, her raw power could obliterate universe she doesn’t know how much power she holds within her. the chaos magic seems bond with her. and that not just it” she turns the pages pointing at a picture of bird that looks like phoenix with burning fire wings.
“What’s that?” dean ask leaning down towards the book to take a good look with squinted eye scanning the figure.
“I have no idea; would you believe me if I say when I was looking to her magic something akin a shooting star come right into my ritual and chaos magic and whatever this is started repel each other until its started co exit right when she came in.”
Dean exhales “I think I would.” Dean cross his arms “How does this even a problem though. If the power chooses her, a power that something beyond our sense, it might have reason, right?”
“If a wendigo could sense her presence and knows about her existence, about her power it might be trouble.” Sheilla objected looking away from the book with her hands curling into her palm.
Sam shakes his head “I’m sure she can handle them plus her friend is werewolf and you would there too, But the problem is if she does not choose right path, we might big problem though.”
Dean shrugs “I might only know her for few hours but I can say, she’s far from evil.” Sam nod
“She won’t hurt anyone with her power but what if some situations arise, where she has to bend her morals.” Sheila says quickly “chaos magic something I never dealt with, its legend I fear I might not able help her at all.”
“Like when she knows you’re going to die?” Sam said though it sounded like question its was statement.
Sheilla knows that it’s the truth, what you saw was her fate Sheila Bennett is going to die soon and that’s how it should.
Dean and Sam stay silent because they know they have no right to say in this when if one of them had the fate the other would go to hell and back to save one another, they know they would bend their morals for each other, sacrifice in order to save each other.
“Wouldn’t you do it.?” Sam argued with certainty in his eyes “what if she and you were to switch place wouldn’t you do the same” Sheilla doesn’t have a response to his questions. What can she say if she said yes that would wrong and right and if she says no that would be equally wrong and right considering who she is.
“Sam” dean shakes his head at him.
“No dean, you would do it for me and I would do it for you, there is no denying that.” He proclaimed “fearing her would only complicate things, she needs you more than ever so I recommend that you would come clean to her.”
Sheila takes in Sam’s proposition, would she do it will her morals allows her to do so, witches are the protecters of nature and you defy nature by merely existing.
“She doesn’t need anyone that fear when she or us doesn’t even fully know what she is . what she need is someone to relay on.” Sam eyes were watery when he ended his words, he doesn’t know why the slight thought of someone viewing any less than you made his heart ache.
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Derek eyes follow his uncle peter with glare as they walk towards their home, peter feet had a bounce in his heel humming a God’s know what song, the mere sight of his uncle…psychotic uncle annoyed him more than anything that he feels like the three of you were far better and bearable.
“You know, I think you actually burned a hole on the back of my head with all your glaring.” Peter glance back at his nephew with mock sadness on his face.
Derek stops in his tracks “You won’t have scott on your side if you threaten them.”
  “Yeah, but being an alpha you have to show that you’re one but it didn’t go well. You know I wasn’t planning this to go this way.” He sighs “I wasn’t expecting her to be there, I thought we meet at hospital considering that’s where we first meet. But she keeps defying my predictions.”
Derek’s jaw clenches as with his hands in his pocket he glances away from his uncle before speaking “What do plan to do with her.?”
 Peter turns to derek with a fake innocence look on his face “Oh, me. nothing.” Derek speeds towards his uncle hands on peters throat his nail digging into flesh, he is slammed to near tree.
“Tell me, now.” Derek demanded his eyes changing a low snarl leave his lips.
Peter lips curled into a smirk “I was wondering how you had gone soft after what happened, but I think I know now.” He kicks derek sending crashing to few feet away.
“Isn’t she something else.” He grins feeling more amused at derek confused look “please don’t tell you think she’s just a witch. I thought you were smarter than this.”
He walks towards him crouching down next to derek “She is far more than just a witch derek. And seems to me she knows who caused the fire all those years ago. that’s something very interesting isn’t it.”
Peter stands up with smile, derek stands up “She’s not some puppet that you can use.” Derek yelled.
“Not a puppet but she would make good pup though. She has the potential. “He teased leaving derek stand with dread settling in him, what does peter knows about you that he doesn’t even know.
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You did not think this through at all, as promised Chris Argent drives you to home the two of you sits in silence.
“You look like you wanna tell me something.” Chris argent said glancing at you.
You perk up “Huh, yeah. You know my grams sort known as a witch, right?” He nods “well yesterday me and grams went to a filed trip….and we meet the Winchester brother and along the conversation…they said you guys were Hunters.” Chris hands tighten around the wheels.
Not exactly the truth but some times lying is alright and its not the time to reveal your powers.
“How much do you know about what’s happening here.?” Chris questioned without looking away from the road.
“Not much, just that there is werewolf, an alpha going around killing people. and you’re looking for it and a beta, and that you think jackson is one.” you shrug Chris let out a humorless laugh.
“That is basically everything. “   
You nod hands molded into fist in your lap “if he is one, are you going to kill him.?” your voice came out as whisper barely audible but the silent surrounding made your words audible to Chris. 
With perplexed look on his face Chris turns to you, fear and concern evident in your eyes for the male in question he sighs “No, we have code. We are not going to hurt a teenager. You don’t need to worry about your friend.”
“What If one of you broke the code.” The car comes to halt, for some reason Chris feel this as fact not a simple what if. Questions starts to arise in his mind not even registering you get out the car.   
You lean towards the window “not to sound ominousness but you should tell Allison about what you guys really are, teenagers don’t like secret especially something like this, I know you are trying to protect her but she might not take it that way.”
Without a word you walk leaving Chris perplexed.
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You tread inside the house without a care skipping towards the hallway and swing open the door to the room and throw yourself on the bed letting out a loud sigh.
“You look beat.” Danny chuckle from his desk turning on his chair to face you, humming you close your eyes before opening a yawn leaves your lips.
“Half dead but still kicking.”
Shaking his head at your words with amusement danny, standing up he goes to his closest taking out a bag walking towards the bed he put the bag beside you, grabbing your hands he pulls you up ignoring your halfhearted protest.
“I was on hunt for costume, along the way I found this. It was too good to leave it there.” He takes the bag and place it on your lap.
You open the bag mouth opening wide when you take out outfit, its looks straight out of anime game armor outfit the golden and red color goes really well together, that’s not just it, clothing accessories and there is a golden earring as well as hair accessories its truly stunning.
“Danny this is amazing.” You voice was dreamy still taken in the outfit hands tracing the smooth fabric.
“It could be like red riding hood but sexier and cooler.” Danny sits beside you “about sexy do you have stiles cousin Miguel’s number?” scrunching your nose at that you try to think who danny is talking about.
Danny nods his head “you know, 6 feet black hair, dark eyes broad shoulders great jawline, clean shave.”
Your lips stretched in to an ‘O’ shape finally grasping about who he was talking about “Oh Miguel! Sorry danny I don’t have it, but you know what I’ll let him know.”
He frowns at you falsely “you’re bitchless.” His lips curling up.
Gasping you hit him “look who’s talking.” Scoffing you take out your phone feeling it vibrate it stiles.
“I gotta go, its stiles.” You put the outfit back as well as your phone.
Danny nod walking you out “Hey, you have anyone taking you to school Halloween party.?”
“No, but I did ask Issac. But I don’t know if he come though” you sigh opening the door holding the bag in one hand. “You gotta save me dance whatsoever.” You add with serious face. 
“Yes ma’am.” He chuckled opening his arms to hug you, hugging him back with a one last way you walk out straight to stiles home.
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You and stiles peek around the corner watching stiles dad going through the case you glance at stiles “Are we sure, we must do this?”
“Why does feel like we are going commit a crime.”
Stiles shrugs “Well it won’t be first illegal thing we do. Now come on.” He takes hold of your arms grabbing you out before you can escape. 
You and stiles sit down at the table “Whatcha doing?” stiles ask innocently
“Anything we can help with?” you offer with an equal innocent smile Noah looks up at your voice eyes narrowing at you. he shakes his head he turns to stiles
“You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice.” He said before going back to the papers.
“Any leads?” you glance down at the papers while stiles pour the drink.
“You know I can't discuss that with you.”  while Noah was distracted stiles pour the drink almost at the brim.
“Okay. There you go, Dad. Bottoms up.” You and stiles watch Noah drown the drink still focused on the papers, you glance nervously at Noah. 
“You know, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot--Hale of a lot...?” his words start to get slurred making stiles complete the sentence
“Hell... Yes... He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him.”
 Stiles incredulously yells “How do you not have a picture of him?”
“It’s the weirdest thing... It's like every time we tried to get a mug shot, it's like two laser-beams were pointing at the camera.” You glance at the photo and he’s right derek face isn’t on the picture the only way you know it’s derek is because of his stupid black jacket.
“Weird right.”
Noha nod before closing his eyes “Oh, my God... Ohhh! God, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I have said way too much, and if you repeat any of that—"
“Dad, it's us we not gonna say anything. Come on!”
“See, the thing is, they're all connected... I mean, the bus driver that got killed? He was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale House Fire.”
"Terminated under suspicion of fraud." You read out loud handing the paper to stiles
 “Who else?” you and stiles ask curiously at the same time making Noah look at the two of you before letting out a laugh.
 “The video store clerk who got his throat slashed? He's a convicted felon-- history of arson.”
“What about the other two guys, the guys who got killed in the woods?” stiles ask. You lean back in your chair crossing your arms over your chest.
“Priors all over their records, including—”
“Arson, they all had something to do with the fire, that burned the Hale house.” Stiles glance at you as you speak.
Does that mean what you saw was truth?.
Series masterlist
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princecharmingwinks · 1 month
list 5 things that make you happy then put this in the ask box of the last few people to reblog something from you - get to know your mutuals/followers better :D
Oh this is fun! Thank you for this little mission. In no particular order...
Someone dancing to their headphones. - I'm the kind of person who is 100% playing air drums or bopping my head along to my music on a bus or waiting at traffic lights. When I see others do this too, I get the biggest smile.
Hugs around the waist from my partner. - In particular I love it when she pulls me in when someone is talking to us. A little silent hug that fills me up with butterflies.
Happing endings. - I am a total hopeless romantic. Give me all the soft and sweet moments. The declarations of love. Everything makes my heart melt. Particularly if it involves a certain werewolf and a certain human/spark (have you noticed the colours I have used so far hehe).
Wedding planning. - Ok, no, I'm not engaged (yet, hehe). But I have been involved in multiple wedding parties and I love helping out. Organisation and organising in general makes me super happy. So I've even helped with someone's wedding planning for a wedding I'm not invited too and I loved it. Weddings are great and hearing all the different ideas and visions people have? Sign me up!
My ships! - Of course I have to include my ships. And while I have many many many. To keep things tied in with the theme, here are 5 ships I will never get tired of: Sterek (no surprise there - still my otp), Berica (my definition of soulmates), Nick x Adalind (their storyline is so so good), Mick x Beth (the ones that got me into supernatural themed shows), and Klaroline (they are just so perfect for each other, and let me explore the slightly less light and fluffy side of fandoms).
Thank you for the ask! This was lots of fun.
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onegayastronaut · 1 year
Could you give me a TVDU and twilight ship?
I’m 5’8 bisexual. love music especially nirvana. I prefer women over men any day. Love Marylyn Monroe, Britney Spears and Taylor swift. Love reading and rain :)
P.s never done this before so I think this is how I do it?
Thanks and love your work <333
We love the blondies in this house, so I'd ship you with Caroline Forbes and Rosalie Hale 😘😘😘
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enobariasdistrict2 · 2 months
the career girls - clove, glimmer, and d4 whom i would name either laguna/cecaelia/marina - have great potential to be brooke/peyton/haley from one tree hill or barolena from tvd
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sophs-style · 6 months
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The Givenchy Spring/Summer 2024 show took place during Paris Fashion Week on Thursday (28th September 2023) in Paris, France.
Lucy Hale, Camille Razat, Claire Foy, Clémence Poésy, Dove Cameron, Esther Yu, Madelyn Cline, Meghann Fahy, Sabrina Carpenter, Barbara Palvin, Antonia Gentry, Caroline Daur, Toni Garrn, Leonie Hanne, Tamara Kalinic and Veronica Ferraro.
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black-angel-manips · 7 months
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dirtbagdefender · 7 months
i have realized something very important and i have put it into meme format for you all. enjoy.
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Giant Q&A Stream Event to support TEP!
Join some amazing actors and devs for a #DragonAgeDay panel unlike any other. We are simply starstruck by the support! #DragonAge
Join the female (UK) voice of the Inquisitor herself,
ALIX WILTON REGAN,  for a giant Dragon Age Day Q&A stream event!
DATE/TIME: Sunday, Dec. 4 (3pm ET/12pm PT/8pm UK/7am AU time)
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Participants will include: Alix Wilton Regan (Alixwiltonregan Insta, Twitter) Ali Hillis (Scout Harding) (https://twitter.com/missalihillis, same on Insta) Jennifer Hale (Krem) (https://twitter.com/jhaletweets, https://instagram.com/jhalegram) Allegra Clark (Josephine) (https://twitter.com/SimplyAllegra, same on Insta) Miranda Raison (Cassandra) Caroline Livingstone (VO Producer Director) (https://twitter.com/CabLivingstone) Karin Weekes (Lead Editor) (https://twitter.com/KarinWeekes) Patrick Weekes (Lead Writer, DA Franchise) (https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes) John Epler (Creative Director, DA Franchise) (https://twitter.com/eplerjc) David Gaider (Lead Writer, Origins/DA2/Inquisition) Hosted by Ash Sevilla (https://twitter.com/NerdAppropriate)
Help Alix raise money for TEP and celebrate DA Day!
Catch the event at our Twitch channel:  https://www.twitch.tv/unofficialdragonageday
Dragon Age Day is a holiday made by fans for fans and is not officially associated with BioWare
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ourworldofwonders · 2 years
Celebrate the characters that deserve better
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aloneatpeace · 3 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 21
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Stiles gets out of his jeep and speed walks towards you “hopefully your filed trip ended because we got a lot to catch up.” He doesn’t wait for you to say anything taking your hands in his he starts to pull towards his jeep.
“Stiles wait!”
 Sam and dean also straighten up “yeah hold your horses buddy.” Dean says
Stiles turn to them with a lost look on his face “sorry, we have really really urgent matters to discuss.”
You sigh grabbing on to his arms halting him his place “Stiles they know.” stiles head whips towards you he leans towards you his forehead touching yours as he whispers.
“What you mean, like know what we know, are we talking about the same thing.” Stile’s frown “how did you get that?” he points at the dried blood and now freshly formed scar on forehead of yours.
You lift your point finger and lightly pushes stiles face away from yours “yeah, they’re hunters. I’m fine it’s nothing.”
Stiles nod in understanding before exploding with loud yell that make you and the Winchester brothers to wince at the loudness of his voice, stiles arms wrap around yours and inches away from the brothers his eyes trained on the brothers with a glare that made the eldest Winchester to sigh in annoyance. “What do you want her?”
“Stiles, they are good one, grams introduced me to them, we even went to wendigo hunt.” You speak up breaking away from his grip. Though stiles still have his hands on you.
“Yeah, we killed the wendigo you don’t have to worry about that.” sam says with hoping to calm your friend.
Stiles eyes sparkled a smile break into his face he pushes you away “There is dead body here, a wendigos dead body.!”
Sam and dean glance at each other the sudden shift of mood of the male in front of them maybe be sam shouldn’t have mentioned that.
“that’s so sick, can I see?” stiles turn to you “why didn’t you bring we with you. wait do they know about your?” stiles vigorously motion his hands.
 “No, stiles, yes, they know about me. And behave new people remember.” Your shoulders slumping stiles nod before turning.
“Hi, I’m stiles her best friend” he eagerly smiles at Winchester brothers his hands out to shake it sam and dean shake stiles hands warily, introducing themselves respectively.
Sam and dean nod “if you need anything just give us a call” the oldest Winchester says “Your grams have our number.” The younger Winchester added.
“Now that you guys know, who the alpha is be more cautious” Sam suggested taking his hands out of his pockets.
"I will, you guys are professionals. We could use your help."
“Yeah, I’ll text too.” Stiles said.Dean close his eyes “please don’t” he mutters.
“How much do you know about supernatural creatures?” stiles continue.
“They know more than we know stiles, it’s their family business.”
 Stiles mouth forms into ‘o’ shape “like the Argents.?”
Dean shrug “Kind of but it just the two few of us and we know how to hunt almost everything.”
“That’s amazing” stiles had wide smile on his face and his eyes shining.
“I can see why the two of you are best friends” dean whispers under his breath in amusement. 
“We should get going now, stiles?”
Stile’s nod “Yeah, we need to get to scott fill him in on everything.”
“It was nice meeting you two, you both are amazing.” You smiled glancing back and forth between the Winchester brothers.
Dean grin at you “glad you think so sweetheart, wouldn’t want a pretty girl to think badly about me” he dismisses Sam’s bitch face.
“You’re shameless, dean Winchester” you tease nudging his side.
“I think I’m adorable” he quickly recounter smiling when he sees you smile as well “all jokes aside call us when you need us.”  He adds.
You nod and turns to sam “Are you guys going straight to the next hunt?”
Sam nod “We aren’t injured badly so I think we can take them down.” Dean nod at Sam’s words. An apathic look on your face has sam sigh “Don’t beat up your self for what happened back there.” opening his arms Sam smile at you before wrapping his arms around you leaning down to meet you. “Take care of yourself.”
He pulls away with squeeze “you too” you say after giving the brothers final glance you leave pulling stiles away towards the jeep.
Sam smile at you watching you and stiles leave while dean lean against his impala with content expression.
“that’s a cool car by the way” stiles yell making dean smirk in pride.
“Do you think derek’s going to be alright?” you ask as stiles starts the jeep
He shrugs “yeah no I don’t think we can get rid of him that easily.”
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You and stiles run through school hallway searching for scott on the way recounting about your encounter with a wendigo.
“So, the three of you get yeeted in air by that thing and you can heal people.” stiles theorized you hums in agreement. Stiles falls silent when danny comes out of boy’s locker room.
“Where did the two of you went?” he asks “you missed the game and you didn’t even come.” He said looking at you waiting for explanation.
Stiles roll his eyes “She had an appointment with her gynecologist, is scott in there.” He asked hurriedly.
“Don’t try to fool with her vagina, her ass scared to get go anywhere near a gynecologist after watching jane the virgin.” Danny remarked.
You gasp in horror at their banter.
“Is that what you two talk about all the time?” stiles blurred with a confused look on his face finding scott long forgotten. 
“Okey, what the fuck is wrong is you two. Don’t talk to me for two to four businesses days.” You roughly push stiles and danny away entering the locker room.
Scoot stands up from the bench with towel around his waist, he probably heard your conversation, sighing you sit down “Not a word” you say before scott can ask you is that where you really went.
 He nods before leaning towards you sniffing the air around you “I smell blood, gunpowder and cheeseburgers”   
You back away “dude put some clothes on before you do that” you point at his naked chest “Yeah, a lot happened.”
Stiles comes in and sit down next you “did you really mean that.”
“Yeah, now shush stiles.”
“Peter hale is the alpha” you said without waiting any minute scott eyes widen at the he turns towards you and stiles.
Stile nod before nonchalantly adding “and derek might be actually dead right now?”
“Wait, what?”
Stiles side eyes at scott “say something other than what.”
“Ha? Wait... hold on does that mean.” Scott trails off.
You cross your legs over the other “yep, he killed his niece to become an alpha also in order to regain his strength from being half burned and now probably on his way collect his beta which you and kill us all.”
“This couldn’t get any worse.” Stiles remarked.
“You know me very well don’t you” a husky voice commented from the dark the and a shadow of comes into your vision scott strengthen up and stiles gulp recognizing the voice scotting closer towards you.
“I really don't get lacrosse... When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American tribes, and that they played it to resolve conflict. Do I have that right?” he takes the lacrosse stick looking over it. “Hmm... I have a little conflict of me own to resolve, Scott... But I need your help to do it.”
“I'm not helping you kill people.” scott firmly states stalking towards peter without a fear as you and stiles watch the exchange from behind scott.
“Well, I don't want to kill all of them-- just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include...”
“Allison.” With a sigh derek step out the dark he doesn’t glance at the two of you his eyes fixed on scott though he can feel your disappointed glance.
“Why is he alive?” stiles whisper into your ears making derek close his eyes but he doesn’t turn towards the both you. 
 Scott looked incredulously at derek “You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?”
“It was a mistake...” derek mumble making the three of you stands shellshocked how easily derek sided with peter dismissing the fact his sister killer. 
“What?” the three of you says in sync
“It happens...”
“Is he for real?” stiles mumble again.
Peter glance at two of you before turning to scott “Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We just really want to help you reach your full potential.”
“By killing my friends?” he said scoffing at peter ridiculous reasoning 
“Not all of them” peter eyes fall on you making you tilt your head at him with watchful gaze on him stiles gulps holding on to your hands while scoot and derek throw suspicions glance at peter “Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most.”
“If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut-job like you, I'm okay with that.”
“Maybe... you could try and see things from my perspective...” peter lunch towards scott with his claws out you yell at scott moving towards him but derek grab on you.
“He just wants to show scott what happened to us.” Derek said holding the two of you back from getting hurt from peter or you interpreting peter he’s not sure.
Peter dug his claws into the back of scott’s neck, scott wither his legs gives out, you glare at derek “let go now” derek look down at you before he knows he’s getting thrown across the locker room.
The red glow swirl around in your palm scott grunt in pain peter sticking his claws deep into his skin “hands off”.
Derek grunt from where he’s thrown in and before he can stand peter joins him wincing in pain, his claws had retread back to normal.  “I forgot how painful it is.”
“Shut up”
 You crouch down next scott stiles joins beside you with worried eyes his hands shaking your hands get bloody when you cup his neck scott wince, a green glow emits around your palm and scott relax he blinks his tears away “you alright?” panting he nods at you.  
Stiles and you pull scott to sit up on the ground, peter and derek stands up walking towards the three of you.
Peter calls your name “I have no intention to hurt innocents, I was merely showing him what happened.”
“Oh really, then what about the Laura or the janitor. What did they do?” you taunted livid with his actions “and what about my friends that you’re planning to kill, how that you killing all argents is reasonable?”
Peter clench his jaw before compressing himself he crouches down your level and gives you a strained smile. “Did you know that they were humans were also burned to death in that fire, children they were innocents, and let me tell you the Argents are far from that. They are killers.”
“What happened to you two was wrong but that doesn’t give you pass to kill us. You already killed those who are part of it the whole Argent family is not the reason.” You argued stiles behind you tug your arms seeing how your words made both hales to look murderous.
“Didn’t Chris Argent threated to kill you, scott? didn’t he even shoot you one time.?” peter ponder looking at scoot who glare at him.
“Chris Argent is innocent it wasn’t him it- “you stop in midway, derek and peter caught your words as they look at you with narrowed eye.
The three-werewolf glance at the hallway, peter stands up “Seems like we have to cut this short.” He dusts himself off “you’re my beta scott like it or not we are bounded together.”
The three of sits on the ground “dude we are fucked.” Stiles mumbles
“Trust me…I know.”
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The next morning you and lydia and Allison meet up at the grill, sipping on the beverages that you all ordered for yourself.
“So, Halloween party coming up do you guys have your costumes readied?” you ask putting down your ring.
“what’s the point I planned to do couple costume and jackson dumbed over text.” Lydia crosses her arms over chest.
 “Right.” you hum “did he actually do that? Why all of sudden though.”
“Jackson gone nuts. What else.”
“Don’t be sad, you can wear the sluttiest thing now look on the Brightside” you smirk at her shaking her hands she slowly breaks into a smile
“Jackson gonna wish he didn’t break up with me”
 “that’s the spirt and this is Allison first Halloween here. What are you going to be.?” You continue
Allison bites her lips “maybe huntress?” she shyly says.
“Any specific reasons why?” you fidget with your straw waiting for allison’s answer.
“Nothing really, my ancestors were hunters who hunted down beast like werewolf and stuff.” She answers.
“Then you can be witch.” Lydia said looking at you. “Since you know obvious reasons.”
 You shake your head “bonnie is the witch this year.” You take a sip of your drink “I’ll figure out something, you two should go together, make jackson and scott jealous or some shit.”
Allison tucks her hair behind her ears “jackson said he will go with for the party.” She admits “that is if you're okay with it” she glances at lydia.
 “Did he?” lydia did good job masking her anger with her false clam face but you sense her anger and sadness sweep out of her.”
“Uh-huh. Just as friends. But I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it, first.”
Lydia hesitantly nod “Sure. As long as it's just friends.
“Well, yeah. I mean, it's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything...” Allison said cooly that you almost choked on your drink.
Lydia sits anxiously unable to form words, you sigh at two “You know, you two should work out that, I’m gonna go.”
On cue your phone rings stiles Id showing you stands up “you know girls should stick together a girl friend is so better than million boyfriends I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out or anything, just stick together alright and call me if you guys need anything.”
You stand behind table and bring them into hug “You guys are too pretty for any of them” you press loud kiss on both of their cheeks before leaving.   
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“So, what do we do with jackson??” stiles ask from the drivers seat the three of had been following jackson for good minute.
“Well, since he wants the bite and he already threatened scott to get him bite he’s not going to listen to us.” You say sitting between scott and stiles.
“I say we let get bite and be haunted by the Argents.” Stiles offers frowning when you raise your eyebrow at him “what it’s not like I’m gonna miss him or something.”
“We will talk to him first, there is nothings else we can do to change his mind, we are lucky jackson doesn’t knows about your powers.” Scott said with looking out the window.
“Scott you can’t save everyone.” You stated making scott glance at you the words seem to make him anxious. “If jackson goes to derek or peter, they will turn him and we can’t do nothing about it.”
Scott and stiles eyes nervously regard what you said “Well let’s hope, he doesn’t meet them.” stiles weakly offer with strained smile. 
Jackson gets out his car slamming it shut loudly in empty parking lot he doesn’t trust scott help him get a bite seems like he needs to find a way to get it himself with a sigh he leans against his car look at his watch he takes out his phone ready call tow truck.
 A black SUV pulls up in front of him and Chris Argent get out the driver seat with smile making jackson falter “Car trouble?”
“It's okay. I'm just gonna call a tow truck.” Jackson waves his phone nervously as Chris starts to gets gears to take look at Jackson’s car to see what caused the trouble. 
Chris smile at jackson opening the hood of the car “Oh, I know a few things about cars. Could be something simple.”
“I don't know... I mean, it's a pretty expensive car, and they pull all this warranty crap if you do your own repairs, right?”
Chris smirks at the boys attempts to get him leave him alone “Well, I won't tell if you won't.” Chris went to the back of the car “It's Jackson, right? Come here. I'll show you what to look for.” Jackson knowing there is no way to escape and not make him look more suspicious than he already does walks towards Chris hesitantly. When looking down Chirs sees Jackson’s scratch his back of his neck, he lowers Jackson’s collar to see it more clearly
“Oh, sorry!” Chris says when jackson gets startled by him
“What?” his voice came out Shakey
“Your neck. You hurt yourself?” Chris asks with frown on his lips catching jackson eyes nervously shifting avoiding looking at his eyes.
Jackson evasively says “No. I mean, it's just-just a scratch.”
“Well, it looks like more than a scratch. Kinda looks like claw marks.” Chris makes jackson look at with unblinking focused eye contact makes jackson more nervous “You all, right?”
“Yeah. Look, I'm just gonna call for a tow truck, okay?” jackson dismiss his words ready to dial the number and get away from Chris Argent.
“Is there any reason you're so reluctant to tell me what it was that did that?” Chris Argents friendly smile long gone the whole façade turning into that of serious one jackson grip on his phone tighten.
Just then a loud honk catches their attention when a blue jeep comes stopping in front of them stiles throw his hands out waving at jackson “What's up?”
“Is everything okay?” scott asks innocently
 you ask poking your head out and wave at Chris Argent he nods at you  
“Hey, Scott. Your friend here was just having car trouble. We're just taking a look.”
“There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck.” Scott says as Chris Argent goes back to check the car again
“Yeah. You want a ride?” stiles asks but jackson hesitate considering his options. You push scott back lightly leaning towards to look at jackson.
“Come on in, jackson.” You nod at jackson looking at him in the eyes he nods back
“Hey, come on, Jackson-- you're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself.” Stiles lazily encourage him from the driver’s seat.
You motion him to come closer jackson compiles moving towards them just as Chris shut the hood “Hey, boys?” he comes to Jackson’s driver side and turns the key the car roar into life “Told you I knew a few things about cars.”
Scott had already got out of the car as Chris Argent makes way to his car you get out the car “Mr. Argent can you drop me off on your way, the boys said they wanna catch up on yesterday’s games.” You turn to them “isn’t that right guys.” You mouth them to say yes and they silently nod.
Chris Argent held your gaze with calculating look before nodding you bid your friends by good bye before getting in Chris Argent’s car.
Series masterlist
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Inspired by @kajaono's post the other day about Victoria Hamilton, JLM and Austen adaptations, have a list of the actors that have been in at least 2 Austen adaptations:
Hat trickers:
Victoria Hamilton played Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion (1995), Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park (1999), and Mrs. Foster in Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Johnny Lee Miller played one of Fanny's brothers in Mansfield Park (1983), Edmund Bertram in Mansfield Park (1999), and Mr. Knightley in Emma (2009).
Joanna David played Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility 1972; she also played Mrs. Gardiner in Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Samantha Bond played Maria Bertram in Mansfield Park (1983); she later on played Mrs. Weston in Emma (ITV, 1996)
Bernard Hepton played Sir Thomas Bertram in Mansfield Park (1983); he later on played Mr. Woodhouse in Emma (ITV, 1996)
Sylvestra Latouzel played Fanny Price in Mansfield Park (1983); she later on played Mrs. Allen in Northanger Abbey (2007)
Nicholas Farrell played Edmund Bertram in Mansfield Park (1983); he later on played Mr. Musgrove in Persuasion (2007)
Irene Richard played Charlotte Lucas in Pride and Prejudice (1980); she then played Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility (1981)
Robert Hardy played General Tilney in Northanger Abbey (1987); he later on played Sir John Middleton in Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Sophie Thompson played Mary Musgrove in Persuasion (1995), and then the following year she played Miss Bates in Emma (Miramax, 1996)
Kate Beckinsale played Emma Woodhouse in Emma (1996); later on she played Lady Susan in Love and Friendship (2016)
Blake Ritson played Edmund Bertram in Mansfield Park (2007) and later on Mr. Elton in Emma (2009)
Jemma Redgrave played Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park (2007); she later on played Mrs. DeCourcy in Love and Friendship (2016)
Lucy Robinson played Mrs. Hurst in Pride and Prejudice (1995); the following year she played Mrs. Elton in Emma (ITV, 1996)
Carey Mulligan played Kitty Bennet in Pride & Prejudice (2005) and then Isabella Thorpe in Northanger Abbey (2007)
Lucy Briers played Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (2005); she also played a minor role as Mrs. Reynolds in Emma (2020)
If we include Austen-adjacent pieces:
Hat tricks:
Hugh Bonneville played Mr. Rushworth in Mansfield Park (1999) and later on played Rev. Brook Bridges in Miss Austen Regrets (2007) and then Mr. Bennet in Lost in Austen (2008)
Olivia Williams played Jane Fairfax in Emma (ITV, 1996); she later on played Jane Austen in Miss Austen Regrets (2007)
Also, Greta Scacchi played Mrs. Weston in Emma (Miramax, 1996) and went on to play Cassandra Austen in Miss Austen Regrets (2007)
Guy Henry played John Knightley in Emma (ITV, 1996), and later on played Mr. Collins in Lost in Austen (2008)
Christina Cole played Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008) and then Mrs. Elton in Emma (2009)
Anna Maxwell Martin played Cassandra Austen in Becoming Jane (2009), and then went on to play Elizabeth Bennet in Death Comes to Pemberley (2014)
JJ Feild played Mr. Tilney in Northanger Abbey (2007) and later on played Mr. Nobley in Austenland (2014)
If we include radiodramas/radioplays:
Hat tricks:
Blake Ritson gets it as he played Colonel Brandon in the 2010 S&S radio drama
Amanda Root played Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1995); she also played Fanny Price in the 1997 radio drama for Mansfield Park
Felicity Jones also played Fanny in the 2003 radio drama for Mansfield Park, and later on played Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey (2007)
Robert Glenister played Captain Harville in Persuasion (1995); he also played Edmund Bertram in the 1997 radio drama for Mansfield Park
Amanda Hale played Mary Musgrove in Persuasion (2007) and later on Elinor Dashwood in the 2010 radio drama for Sense and Sensibility.
David Bamber played Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice (1995); he later on played Mr. Elton in the 2000 radio drama for Emma
Robert Bathurst played Mr. Knightley in the same adaptation of Emma; later on he played Mr. Weston in Emma (2009)
Also in that adaptation, Tom Hollander played Frank Churchill; he later on played Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Juliet Stevenson played Anne Elliot in the 1986 radio drama for Persuasion; later on she played Mrs. Elton in Emma (Miramax, 1996)
And I'm very likely still forgetting someone.
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sophs-style · 6 months
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The Elie Saab Spring/Summer 2024 fashion show held during Paris Fashion Week on Saturday (30th September 2023) in Paris, France.
Lucy Hale, Madison Bailey, Devon Windsor, Lorena Rae, Caroline Daur, Evangelie Smyrniotak and Heart Evangelista (all wearing Elie Saab).
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
1st Isabella Lynch - DANCEOLOGY JP!
2nd Keira Redpath - LARKIN JP!
3rd Cameron Kennedy - LINDA DOBBINS JP!
4th Hudson Pletcher - PRODIGY JP!
5th Drew Rosen - DANCEOLOGY JP!
5th Caleb Abea - LARKIN JP!
5th Ayla Rodriguez - ARTISTIC FUSION JP!
5th Eric Barker - LARKIN JP!
6th Anamaria Zertuche - MARIES JP!
6th Caroline Skrable - DANCEOLOGY JP!
7th Brielle McCoy - KIM MASSAY JP!
8th Emma Donnelly - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Cecelia Thielen - LARKIN JP!
9th Alexis Leistner - EXPRESSENZ JP!
9th Isabella Jarvis - LARKIN JP!
9th Jenna Kryder - EXPRESSENZ JP!
10th Lola Iglesias - MLDA JP!
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natsvenom · 7 months
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Feel free to request anything for the following fandoms! | Requests
Rules for requests:
I will NOT write rape, incest, SA.
You may request for characters not on this list but If I'm unfamiliar with the fandom it probably will get skipped over.
I will write reader x character, character x character, character x requested person (your name).
I'm not familiar with the transgender community, but I will be willing to write for it if you specifically put in your request what I should and shouldn't put in it.
You can request romantic relationships, friendships, and basically any type of relationship you want as long as it isn't incest.
Please do not request for celebrities or any real people because I will not write for them.
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Snuggles & Snarles
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(Any of the other wolves)
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Soulmates (coming soon)
Lost & Found | PART 1
Lost & Found | PART 2
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Drunken Kisses
Every Minute, Every second
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(I'm willing to write for other characters but I'm sort of unfamiliar with characters from the Shepard family.)
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Literally, request for any Marvel character and I will write for them.
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whyiskaulitz · 4 months
Teen Wolf DR Introduction !!
Name: Caroline Tate/Hale
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin/Hayley Marshall
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Age: 16(season 1)
Species: Tribrid(were-coyote, vampire, witch)
Malia Tate/Hale- twin sister
Peter Hale- Biological Father
Noah Stilinski and Melissa McCall- Parental Figures
Scott McCall- Brother Figure
Friends: Scott and Stiles, Scott’s Pack
Soulmate: Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski
Short Backstory: I am Malia’s twin sister so i was also adopted by Tate family. When my sisters and mother had car accident i stayed in home with my adoptive father. He raised me and taught me haunting etc. Since childhood i was friends with Scott and Stiles. When I was 16 and Scott got bitten(season 1). I got bitten by a vampire and this “woke up” my were-coyote self(?). I was practicing witchcraft so i became tribrid. When we were 17 we found my sister(season 3b).
tik tok about shifting: kathae_
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