#carrey riddler x reader
glitchyrealities · 10 months
Rorschach Voyeurism
Carrey!Riddler x OFC
part 1/8
"when you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye"
see a03 for tags and full story
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Everyone knew Edward Nygma was obsessed with Bruce Wayne, if the pictures splattered all over his walls were any evidence. He didn’t advertise his fascination with the younger Katherine Wayne, but it was obvious to anyone who paid attention. Her dark eyes and ruby lips were permanent residents in his fantasies. He’d met her once, well, seen her. She was sitting cross-legged on the receptionist's desk after a Wayne Industries New Year’s Eve party with a bottle of champagne in her hand. That night he dreamed a world where he caught her eye and they’d shared the bottle. After New Years, she disappeared. No one heard from her, but she had been captured in plenty of photos. She never stopped in one place for long, walking runways across Europe and Asia. He’d read every article and clipped her pictures from each magazine, methodologically pinning them up in his apartment. 
“...beautiful.” Edward mutters to himself, standing in the grocery store checkout line and clutching a special edition with her face on the cover. 
“Mister, you gonna buy that?” An unimpressed college girl stands behind the register, her hair in a ponytail and a couple cigarettes in her front shirt pocket. Edward now notices that the line is clear, and must’ve been for a while while he was lost in thought. He flushes, and steps forward without a word, laying the magazine down on the conveyor belt with a pack of pens and a bag of ground coffee. He shoves his hands in his pockets as she scans the items, fumbling for his wallet. 
It’s cold and rainy when he reaches the door, the raindrops covering his glasses and immediately impeding his vision. He groans and sets the grocery bag down, wiping his glasses, just for them to be covered again as soon as he looks back towards the street. He starts to take them back off, before a warm body walks right into him. 
“Oh!” A feminine gasp comes from the body, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Edward says without looking up, still fiddling with the glasses. 
“No, really. Here, take my umbrella. You look like you need it more than I do.”
“Oh...thank you!” He says, surprised and finally moving to meet her eyes as she practically shoves the umbrella into his hands. 
“It’s no problem, sorry again.” The brunette rushes off into the crowd just as Edward recognizes her. He pushes through the crowd, desperately searching for one more look at her, but it’s no use, she’s gone. When he looks back down, he notices the umbrella in his hands. Specifically, the “K.W.” professionally embroidered on the corner in gold threading. He runs his thumb over it, his heart thumping in his chest. He tucks the umbrella under his coat and takes off down the street, bag in hand. 
Katherine is soaked when she walks through the door, slipping off her heeled boots and raincoat and piling them beside the entryway. 
“Hello?” She calls into the vast expanse of Wayne Manor, stockinged  feet padding across the hardwood. “Hm.” 
“Miss Katherine!”
She smiles, “Hi, Alfred.”
“Master Bruce will be home very late, but I can make up some coffee if you’d like to wait up?”
“No, no. I think I’ll just take a warm bath and go to bed.” She says, running her hand over the railing as she takes the first few steps up the staircase.
“Of course. Oh, and welcome home.” Alfred says with a gentle smile.
“Thanks, Alfred.” She mutters, heading up the stairs to take her shower.
Her room is just the way it was when she left. She was 23, fresh out of business school and getting signed for an international contract. It’s only been two years, but it seems like so much longer. The world has changed, she’s changed. She falls onto the bed with a gentle moan, wriggling into the goosedown and twisting around to grasp for something on her nightstand. Her fingers close around an oak frame and she brings the picture down from it’s place to rest it on the towel she has wrapped around her. Martha and Thomas Wayne, each with an arm around one of their young children. Bruce was seven in this picture, Katherine was two. She puts the picture back into its place and turns over in the bed with a sigh, staring out the open window. 
He pins the magazine cover to the wall, chewing on the inside of his lip, before turning back to his desk where the umbrella sits. He can’t fully believe it. She...touched him. He sits on the rickety twin bed. If he focuses on the memory, shutting his eyes and going back to that afternoon, he can almost feel her warmth against him and the brush of her hand against his. He’s frustrated with himself for not noticing who she was sooner, recognizing her voice, or at least looking up at her as soon as she bumped into him. But he didn’t, the opportunity was squandered, and yet she still gifted him with something of hers. It’s just an umbrella, but the sight of K.W. makes his heart skip a beat. He wants to see those initials everywhere. They fill his head. K.W. K.W. K.W. K.N. He opens his eyes with a start, blushing at the thought of K.N. engraved on her jewelry. The thought that there could be a universe where she belonged to him, on his arm and in his bed at night. He lets himself believe the fantasy long enough to drift into a peaceful sleep.
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the-autistic-vulcan · 2 years
Batman Forever!Edward Nygma x GN!Reader Headcanons
a/n: thought i would start off with a banger, this man hasn’t been able to get out of my head recently and i ended up watching a bunch of Jim Carrey stand-up shows so here you little gremlins go!
warnings: a bit of psychosis but not too much; a bit of manipulation; he’s a bit of a prick tbh; otherwise fluffiness
edward uses he/him pronouns
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i don’t think he’d have a gender preference, he just swings the way he swings (i personally headcanon him as pansexual)
imma be honest here, he’s probably gonna put his work first before you
it’s not that he doesn’t care about you, far from it! but he just has a tendency to assert all of his time invested in his works
he loves when you try and pull him away from his work - he adores the idea of someone loving him so much to the point of clinginess
head pats head pats head pats head pats ESPECIALLY with the long red hair
has a thing for people outside of STEM - most likely literature - he just seems like the kind of dude to love being read to - even if you’re in STEM he would love for you to read a book, whether a textbook or otherwise
he has this paranoia about him, where he is scared of being misunderstood, it may sound silly in the beginning, but you come to understand his fear and eventual frustration
the way to help him out is simply just to listen to him
he is a bit of a man-baby like that, but it’s cute
when he first brings you to his small apartment, he’s just worried it would be too uncomfortable, you assure him it’s fine, but it is a topic of conversation
if he’s had an especially good day at work, he pick you up and kisses you passionately - well more harshly
he is a rough kisser, but rough in the fact it is so gentile, almost as if he’s a bull in the china shop
sleeping is one thing you need to pull him to do, he is an insomniac
his favourite position to sleep in is being the little spoon, nuzzled into your side whilst you caress him in his sleep
he talks in his sleep (that silly little brain with silly little ideas)
if you pepper his face in small kisses while he sleeps OMG HE WILL DIE-
in short, he is a simple man, if he sees someone that remotely interests him, he will swoon!
welp, that’s it, hope you enjoyed this, be sure to like, reblog and comment and leave a request!
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cinebration · 2 years
Wolf Among Sheeple (Riddler x Reader, Edward Nygma x Reader) [Request]
I see! Okay well- there is absolutely no Batman Forever!Riddler content out there and I really, really need it, so I'd like: Reader is a former coworker of Edward's, the only one who would be interested in his ideas, they had chemistry but he was too meek; she now runs into him as the Riddler, mad chemistry still, making out ensues- can lead to lovemaking but ONLY if you want to.. ////—Requested by anon
This one also got buried, and I sincerely apologize for only now getting to it.
Warnings: gunshots, blood
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Gif Source: henry-cavill
This was the last time you were letting yourself get strong-armed into a fundraiser gala. Surrounding by a crowd of well-dressed faux do-gooders, you were more than out of your element, more than a fish out of water. The urge to flee grappled with the urge to launch yourself onto that garish podium, snatch the microphone out of the pitchy singer, and level your best insults at the sheeple gathered beneath the sweeping arches of the ballroom’s ceiling.
You endured another inane conversation between your boss and some loaded bastard who couldn’t tell the difference between a neutron and an electron, much less the fact that a brown suit and burgundy tie didn’t go together.
Just as you were about to open your mouth and say as much, chaos exploded on the far end of the room. Shouts of surprise and startled screams swelled to fill the space as smoke rolled across the ballroom floor.
“Fire!” someone screamed.
You scrutinized the flow of the grayish-white cloud as everyone around you panicked. “Smoke doesn’t behave like that,” you muttered to yourself.
You concluded it was dry-ice fog just as a figure swept through it, revealing themselves in a shockingly bright green suit peppered with question marks of a darker shade. A half-crazed laugh preceded it, echoing around the large space over the cries of terror.
Your head snapping up, you fixed your attention on the figure. Behind the laugh was something you recognized, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Did someone say fire!?” The figure swept off his green bowler hat, revealing hair a shocking shade of orange. “Somebody call the fire department! I’m smoking!”
You snorted, the only sound of amusement from the crowd as armed men spilled out from behind the figure, brandishing their machine guns in the faces of the nearest fundraiser patrons. To your amusement, the loaded bastard from moments before nearly swallowed the barrel of one. To your delight, the man pissed himself.
Laughing to himself again, the man pranced around the room, waving a heavy cane with dangerous intent. You tracked his movements, didn’t even bother to conceal the wicked smile pulling at your lips.
“This is a robbery and a kidnapping and a hostage situation, folks!” The man leapt onto the stage, hip-checking the lousy singer aside, and put his lips on the microphone. “I suggest more screaming and running. That’ll help us decide whom is what.”
A scrawny man sweating rivulets down his face and neck spun on his heel to your left and sprinted toward the doors half-hidden by heavy draperies.
The man hit the floor, blood spraying from the new hole in his chest.
“Congratulations!” The green-suited man clapped his hands together. “We have our first dead hostage! Who wants to join him?”
Shrills screams filled the space.
“The sound of success. Oh, I do so love to hear it.”
The intruder’s men began roughly corralling the crowd, brandishing their guns and using their fists, elbows, and feet with impunity. You plotted a route through the press of bodies, circumventing the attackers while nearing the stage. When you were close enough to touch the stage’s skirt, you called up, pitching your voice just enough to be heard above the pandemonium at that range, “Edward!?”
He jerked his attention toward you, eyebrows scrunching over the thin green domino mask over his eyes. He gasped, jaw dropping. Overcome with surprise, he could only gesture at you wildly, your name stuttering over his teeth.
You laughed, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. “I can’t believe it!”
Edward dropped down from the stage, landing in front of you with a flourish of his cane and hat. Another laugh ripped from your lips as he tore the mask from his face, white teeth gleaming in his wide smile.
“My God,” he drawled, sweeping his eyes over you and your dress. “Please tell me you haven’t sold out to these sheep.”
“God no,” you answered, disgust coloring your voice. “You spoiled my fun, actually. I was about to let them see a wolf.”
His smile widened further, a keen glint in his eye sending a thrill through you. “A wolf, you say?” He suddenly stepped into your space, one hand grabbing you by the hip to draw you flush against him. Peering into your face, he purred, “My, what large teeth you have!”
A low chuckle rumbled in both your throats. You ran the tip of your tongue over your teeth, the movement slow. Edward’s eyes followed the action with a hunger that made you buzzy. It had been so many years since the old excitement had coursed through your veins.
You leaned forward, your lips ghosting over his. “All the better to bite you with.”
A sharp wolf whistle threatened to burst your eardrums, but all you felt was desire as Edward crashed his lips to yours, devouring you. His cane pressed into your back as he pressed you tight against himself, the lack of space between somehow still not enough. Sparks danced down your spine, fire burning at all your nerve endings, bolts of electricity darting through you.
You pulled apart with an obscene, wet sound that made you flush with arousal.
“You should’ve done that years ago.”
He grinned, one hand reaching down to palm your ass. “Edward was too much of a chicken shit to do anything about it then.”
You arched an eyebrow at him. “Who are you if not Edward?”
“The Riddler, baby,” he declared, throwing back his head and rolling the r for effect. “I’ve got a riddle for you.”
“Lay it on me.”
“God, I love a lady who isn’t afraid to play.” Clearing his throat, he projected his voice for everyone in the room to hear. “What animals prance in human skin but share not one brain cell between them?”
You glanced over your shoulder at the crowd, a wicked smile pulling at your lips. “Sheeple.”
“Bingo to the smoking hottie!”
Riddler spun you around so that your back pressed against his chest, leaned down to whisper in your ear as you both stared at the crowd. “Who should we start with first?”
You scanned the horrified faces, then pointed with your chin.
Your boss squealed.
Your laughter soared with Riddler’s to the roof.
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light-purp-insect · 11 months
Introduction Post
Inbox: Open 11/10/2023
beginner writer, refer to me as Av until further notice. Please read notes/warnings, we have them for a reason. specialization in 'x reader' fiction, possible ships once i get everything worked out. All writings under the tag 'Av writes for once' and questions are under the tag 'Av answers questions' both at the end of the tags on this post.
-- DC universe(s) villains (heavily prone to edits)--
Mad hatter/Jervis Tetch (Arkham games including Origins, Batman the Animated Series, New Batman Adventures, Gotham television) (yes, I favor him greatly)
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane (Arkham, Corpsecrow, Tim Sale)
Riddler/Edward Nygma (Arkham, Gotham television, Year Zero, Jim Carrey version, Dano version.)
Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot (Arkham, Gotham television, Farrell version)
-- Slashers--
Michael Myers (unspecified, physically described as most main-series appearances)
Brahms Heelshire
Ghostface (unspecified, usually male under mask unless specified/asked)
Bubba Sawyer (specify the exact version/actor as I think they differ)
-- Baldur's Gate 3--
Astarion (both spawn and ascended)
Raphael, and by extent Haarlep
Kar'niss (yes, the drider)
Cazador Szarr (pre-master/spawn and current)
Vellioth (That's Cazador's old master)
We try not to write smut, but when we do, the post will be flagged for explicit content. We might incorporate a kink in a writing in a non explicit manner such as dollplay simply be dressing reader/character up, this will be tagged as a full kink. We occasionally will write whump, this can include topics such as non consentual bondage, non consentual kissing, occasional mentions of nudity both consentual and not, yet we will not write actual noncon sex (we do not feel confident or comfortable writing true noncon and most likely won't on this blog) and topics such as physical and mental torture. This blog will talk about unhealthy relationships through whump, if you are struggling with these in real life, know you are not alone and that there is help, such as obsessive behavior and some forms of manipulation, we do not write the majority of 'x readers' as abusive unless whump, of which we prefer to write softer whumps due to our inexperience with the genre. Most of our readers are gender neutral. We will always write for all types of fashions and presentations.
(We refer to myself as plural in the way a company does, we do not have a form of dissociative disorder that effects our number as of currently. although it is speculated there is a possibility that I do suffer from one form of dissociation. On that note, we currently do not plan on getting a diagnosis for several more years because DSM-5 pain owchie. I can talk as an 'I' or 'me', it's just that I enjoy feeling like some boss of a company.)
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
hii riddler simp here and first time requesting, can i ask for jim carrey riddler x gn reader? there are litterally no fics of him and its honestly DEVASTATING
anon anon anon ;-; i am so sorry but i don't write for him! however i am posting this as an open call for anyone who knows some writers who do/some fic recs because i don't know of any and i haven't even seen the movie yet 💚
keep an eye out on my request info though because i'll update characters when i feel like i can write for them at least to a reasonable level of recognition! but i don't think it'll be any time soon sorry ;-;
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Ive found more nsfw x reader stuff about the scarecrow in his appearance in the happy halloween scooby doo animated movie than jim carrey riddler
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xspacedemonx · 4 years
Jim carrey masterlist
Dr. Robotnik
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Coming soon
Stanley ipkiss/ the mask
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Coming soon
Mark kendell
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Coming soon
Ace ventura
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Coming soon
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Fletcher reede
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Coming soon
Bruce nolan
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Coming soon
Edward nygma
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Coming soon
Steven gray
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Coming soon
Charlie Baileygates/Hank evans
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wrandom-writings · 4 years
Breaking News!
News Reporter: Gotham’s finest bridal store has been robbed! Nothing of too much value was lost except for a green ballgown and a tiara. In other news, the riddler in a dress? More likely than you think.
Reader, looking over at Eddie:
Eddie, looking suspicious in a ballgown and tiara:
Reader: Did you-
Eddie: I robbed a bridal store.
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arianadevareux · 5 years
Ed trying to steal you away from Bruce when he sees how much Bruce likes you.
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Despite the rumors, you and Bruce weren’t an official couple. The two of you attended events together from time to time, however neither of you attempted to take the next step. It wasn’t clear to you whether or not Bruce saw you as anything other than a friend but it was very obvious to one man in particular.
After making a name for himself in Gotham, Edward Nygma became a local celebrity. All at once he was at the top of invitation lists and hosting his own parties.
At his most recent event, you and Bruce had, of course, arrived together. Soon afterward, the host himself found the pair of you and set into pleasant (albeit a little tense) chatter.
Ed invited you to dance with him and you accepted. He asked quite a bit about your relationship with Bruce. It was clear he was trying to ascertain whether or not you two were an item. You admitted that, currently, you weren’t.
“Truthfully, y/n, I’m glad to hear that you’re not... coupled with anyone.”
“Is that so?”
“Would you care to have dinner with me some time? In fact, we could go right now. Or is it tacky for the host to leave his own party?”
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the-autistic-vulcan · 2 years
Batman Forever!Edward Nygma Petname Headcanons
a/n: just something to add on to the previous ones i posted, it was buzzing in my head and i didn’t know whether or not to post it now or later so here it is ig
warnings: none(?); he’s just cute in this; bit clingy
edward uses he/him pronouns; reader is gender neutral
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ok, let’s get this one out of the way
honey, sweetie, lovebird
it just makes sense to me
you may be one of the few, or the first relationship that ever got serious (if he ever had previous ones)
‘honey’ is his favourite out of the trio tho
“honey, i’m home!”
“honey, where are my glasses?”
even in his riddler stages he will still be fluffy and cute despite mind controlling people, he just will, i freakin’ know it-
‘lovebird’ is more of a receiving pet name rather than giving, he tries to be romantic but it comes out wrong sometimes
but call him ‘lovebird’ and OMG HE WILL SWOON-
*edward tries to do something romantic but fails* 
“aww, it’s okay, lovebird.”
*edward dies*
ones that he would love to be called is ‘darling’, ‘baby’ and ‘eddie’
‘darling’ and ‘baby’ are more of passing pet names but ‘EDDIE’
screaming crying throwing up-
“Eddie, dinner’s ready!”
i bet you he had a fucking nosebleed after that one
but yea, he’s just really fluffy
Anyways, that’s it, he’s a bean, he’s precious, deal with it
like, comment and reblog! Send a request for me to write too!
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the-autistic-vulcan · 2 years
Fanfic/Headcanon Alert
Ayo, what’s up you weirdos? I wanted to let y’all know I may start writing for Edward Nygma/Riddler (specifically Batman Forever - there’s just not enough for him) so send me some requests, first come first serve!
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look at the skrunkly
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xspacedemonx · 4 years
i have a post request! hank evans gets jealous of the reader because their best friend is hanging out. hank doesnt know that the friend is married and although the reader and him aren’t together, he cant help getting angy.
Summary: the reader's friend stanly is in town visiting for a few days for a business trip. Stanly and the reader hang out while he is here but hank (charlie) on the other thinks its something different so he fills with rage.
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Y/n was a the diner where she work waiting tables. She goes over to a table with a guy there.
"Hi welcome to- Stanly oh my god"
"Hey y/n " he gets up gives her a tight hug. Stanly and y/n have been friends since middle school. They sit down begin talking.
"So stan the man what brings you here"
"I am here on a business trip dealing with investments " he says then sips his coffee. We were there talking for fifteen minutes. In walk in Charlie for his lunch break like always. Me and stanly were laughing at a joke he told. Charlie looks over sees his lip twitch a bit but he took a deep breath walks over to them.
"Hey y/n" he says cheerful to contain his jealousy and not have his other self come out and mess up. She looks up at Charlie smiles happily
"Hi Charlie here for lunch"
"Yeah I am" she gets up
"Ill get your usual " she walks away Charlie sits down in her place. He eyes the guy a bit then speaks up.
"Charlie Baileygates nice to meet you" he holds out his hand to him. Stanly took his hand and introduced himself.
"Stanley nice to meet you too" Charlie twitch a bit. Charlie tries to calm down so Hank doesn't rear his ugly head. Y/n comes back with Charlie's lunch.
"Here you go Charlie " she smiles softly
"Thank you love" he smiles looks at her sees her blushing stanly get up
"I should get going see you later tonight" stan says hugging her tightly.
"Yeah meet at my place" she kiss his cheek softly. That was the final twich for Charlie. He started shaking hank was taking over his body. This shouldn't happen he shouldn't be getting jealous him and y/n aren't together they're just friends but hank thinks so other wise they like her no they love her they been there for them since his first wife left him and he was left alone to raise his boys and became very close when irene abandoned him.
"Well if she isn't busy sucking faces with me " he makes a kissy face y/n frowned look hank just smirks at her and stanly "or doing something else with her mouth" y/n eyes widen realize that it is not Charlie talking its hank.
"Stanley im so sorry he was just joking around ill see you later okay" Stanley nods smiles softly left the diner. Y/n sat down at the table.
"Hank why are you here?" She ask softly hank stares at her.
"Cause you were all over that douche and gonna be with him tonight you are hurt my heart and Charlie's well mostly Charlie's your our girl" she is shocked at what she heard.
"Your girl.." she says softly. Hank nods
"Yeah Charlie had the hugest crush on you he has like you for so long now" she smiles softly holds his hand.
"May I speak to Charlie please hank" hanks nods slowly sighs
"Y/n...uh im so so sorry i get it if I ruined anything" she moves sits next to him leans in kiss him softly.
"Don't be sorry its okay and you and hank shouldn't get jealous cause Stanley is a old friend of mine plus his is married and gay " she chuckles softly. Charlie smiles at her blushes feeling slightly embarrassed. He holds her hand in his.
"So will you be my girlfriend.." he says softly looks into her eyes. Y/n smiles widely.
"Yes Charlie I will be your girlfriend "
"What about me sugar" hank said. She sighs softly smiles
"Yeah hank sure " she chuckles softly kisses him softly.
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