#carto answers
shadowthehedgehog · 4 months
WE FUCKINGH LOVE BISEXUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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halestrom · 1 year
Changed my mind actually gimmie more Nav! Evan and Carto! Ronon
yesssss okay.
Ronon had tenure at The Satedan Insitute for Cartography and was one of the most respected professors. But he was bored and he wanted adventure. He wanted to get out there and see the world. His Granma had always told him he had the stars in his veins and eyes made for the darkness between planets and he was wasted on the ground. She passed, and he applied when he saw there was an opening on Captain John Sheppard's ship, Atlantis. Sheppard always went into uncharted territory, and came back. Ronon wanted to go.
Evan's past was murky. He knew that, and he never held back when people asked, but John had only asked him if he had killed someone. Evan had hesitated, and John had clarified. Had Evan ever killed someone because he wanted to? The answer was no, and John took him on without a second thought. He found out later that John already knew everything about him because while John went with his gut, Rodney's guts were only good for telling when lunch time was. But they accepted him and his past, and they trusted him despite it.
The first time the Atlantis caught the solar winds at the wrong time and sent them barreling through an asteroid field that they had been trying to avoid Ronon and Evan worked together like it had been decades together instead of a few weeks. Ronon drew on the screen that would transmit the data to Evan to allow him to navigate between the boulders moving at different speeds. Ronon's eyes never looked away from the view in front of him, but his map was perfect. A feat Sheppard tested with Ronon on a pair of solar surfboards Rodney and Radek had fashioned.
Evan didn't like getting close to people. They asked questions he didn't want them to know about. He didn't want them to look at him in the face and judge him, he wanted them to know him as the person he wanted to be, not the one had once had to be to survive. But Ronon was a planet, drawing Evan in closer in an ever-shrinking orbit everytime they worked together, hands lingering, working together as Ronon transmitted from screen to hand drawn maps, fingers stained black and then blue.
Ronon kissed him first, he had known from the moment he met Evan he wanted to kiss him, and his Granma always told him he should listen to his heart. But he had waited, knowing better to try and push that darkness away quickly. So he waited, and he earned Evan's trust, respect, friendship and more as time went on and they worked more and more together. Sheppard might be at the forefront of solar navigation, but he survived because Ronon and Evan knew what they were doing. And when they had finished charting the Obbasu nebula, a place known only for the lives it had claimed in pursuit of a map, Ronon hadn't been able to stop himself from leaning down to kiss Evan back. To his surprise, Evan kissed him back even as the celebration raged around them.
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wheelscomedyandmore · 8 months
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rustic-moon · 10 months
Game review - Carto
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This game is about Little girl named Carto who travels with her granny. They got separated during storm and now Carto needs to find her way back.
It’s a puzzle game where you rotate pieces of map to discover many things, including paths. Puzzles get harder with new worlds.
I enjoyed this game. I needed to look for answers for some of the puzzles. But overall Carto is very good cozy game.
Game is available on PC, Switch, Xbox, PS4. Personally I played this on Switch. It took me about 8 hours to finish this game and that’s why I recommend to buy this game during sale. Demo is available on Steam.
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the fact gordon ramsey hasnt righteously smited bobby filay's smug little ass in his own kitchen is so infuriating, beat bobby flay is my least favorite food network show because bobby is that loath-able to me i dont even let my pet bird watch it when im out of the house i hate bobby flay so much how many disgusting restaurants has HE closed in the name of public safety
i fuckin hate bobby flay so much im about to throw rocks at his home
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 years
Made up fic title: The Weeping Star ⭐️
MovieStar!Steve Rogers, you���d think he’d be used to the spotlight, hell, you damned near grew up watching him all over the movie scene. ComicCon comes around in May this year. Somehow you score a one-on-one time with him, for five minutes. He offhandedly tells a worker that he simply cannot handle anymore attention on him. Before he leaves through the curtain after your photo set with him, yo I hear him mumble that he’s sick of being in the spotlight.
The next day, same thing, you’re waiting yoir turn with more photo shoots with the man and the night orevious, you’d written him a short letter explaining to him that you’d accidentally overheard his private conversation with his assistant and you left your number on the bottom of the page.
Never in a million years would you have ever expected the man to actually reach out to you after that day.
What happens next, well, that’s to be seen, right?
Send me a made up fic title?
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hallownest · 6 years
for the valentines day asks first date, candy, and lace!
25 valentine’s day asks
first date: describe your ideal first date.i think exploring a new part of the city or trying a new restaurant! both are pretty memorable and active, and not too intimate for a first date
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?hmm probably ramen. its not a super heavy meal and almost everyone likes it. plus its an easy meal to make conversation over i think
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?my favorite color is gold so i will say my king/queen looks best in it :’)
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Idk why but I just wanted to ask you how you are doing? Are you sleeping enough? Staying hydrated? I hope you answer all of these with yes or I'll baby you idc >:( Take care of yourself or i'll give you an awful nickname idk Carto? Vroom Vroom
😭😭😭 CARTO WAHH, this is so beyond sweet but you shouldn’t be worrying about me!!!!
I’m doing… actually not terrible, although the looming threat of class work still has me in a chokehold. Sleeping enough? No. Hydrated? Probably. BUT. I don’t need babying!!! You need to baby yourself because I know u we’re having some hard times recently, too🤒
I honestly feel sorta bad telling everyone how I’m doing (even if I love u more than words for asking), so I wanna hear about you, too!!! Are you eating good? Have you given yourself a hug?
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mbti-sorted · 2 years
#GetSorted 22 Round-up
i) Three participants this time, all three were women: ISFP, INTP, ESFP.  From #GetSorted 07 21, there was also 3 men, 2 women - ESFP, ENFP, ENTJ, plus ENFP and ESTP.
ii) Got off on the wrong foot with Jasmine’s typing (trippin-on-tater-chips), but everyone else went pretty smoothly.
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iii) What made me unsure about types? Initially assuming Jasmine was an extravert kind of threw me off, and I couldn’t effectively pick between ENFP or ESFP as she was neither.  As mentioned in the previous round-up, carto_writer and Anna were a case of lacking examples for comparison.
iv) Were the questions effective? They seem fine.  I like seeing what people choose to answer, but I also sort of want everyone to answer everything for more thorough information...  1)Favourite subject, 6)cats v. dogs, and 10)character questions are the most popular.  I am really glad to have stuck in the ‘weirdly fascinating’ question, because I’m enjoying hearing what you’re all into!
Everyone who answered the matchmaking question said that they don’t, and everyone who answered the sense of direction/time question told me that theirs was bad.
v) Are there any patterns by type as far as content goes? This was my answer last time: “Nothing new, except for ENFPs (possibly?) preferring cats to dogs.”  To which I would like to add that I think most FPs choose cats (out of a preference for a lower-maintenance pet), except for ESFPs, who seem to mostly prefer dogs.  I suspect that NTPs are dog people.
ENJs continue to be the only people with job passion.  ESTPs still like cars. ESFPs still like the heartbreaker/heartbreakee question.  Extraverts are still the only ones willing to share family drama.
vi) Are there any patterns that were not content-oriented?  So I have more questions than the first time I ran the challenge (20 instead of 19, with 4 outro questions instead of 3), but number of questions answered is still a decent indicator of type.  The top two rows indicate the combined number of questions and outro questions answered in the first #GetSorted, the bottom two indicate the same for #GetSorted 07 21 and #GetSorted 22.  It hasn’t been as clearly delineated this time around.
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I’m just noticing that the two I had trouble with (Jasmine -ISFP- at 14 answers, and carto-writer-ENTJ- also at 14 answers) are the two who didn’t quite fit into the previous expectation for number of questions answered.  I wonder how much answering speed has to do with how comfortably I’m typing people?
Actually, I didn’t catch 3 out of 4 of the 21-22 answer people in the first couple of seconds, either.  Weird!
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Ok, looking at this further, there were 10 #GetSorted typings I’ve been unclear on at any particular point.  With kenn I was deciding between two EP types, and with Claire between two I types, so it wouldn’t have made a difference. 
The others, though... L. answered a low number of questions for an EP (definitely within the norm though as an ESTP answered 8, as well, and two ESFPs answered 9).  Trentynne - back and forth between low for an EJ or comfortable for an EP.   Jasmine - high for an introvert. carto-writer - low for an EJ .  an-ununusual-couple was within range for an EJ, but experiencing frustration with the filming process, so I was ready to entertain amped-up introvert as a possibility.  And then three out of four people answering 21-22 questions were tricky. 
I think with the 21-22 answer people, you get a mixture of boundary pushing (see: challenge, say: challenge accepted!!), and/or lack of connection to the questions, so answers are shorter.  Both are fine, although it’s interesting that it’s been all different types, so far.
That’s 8 out of the 10 people I was unsure about with an unexpected answering speed, and the two typings I got wrong from the start were both for fast-talking introverts.
Huh.  Food for thought.
Anyway, as far as keeping time goes, EPs are both the best and the worst at it, holding all three records for shortest video (they hold 1st through 3rd place on the shortest videos), longest video (1st-4th), and video closest to the 10min mark (in a tie with an INTP).  J types consistently hit between 10:10 and 11:20.
vii) Would I revise the challenge in any way?  Not at the moment.  I think 20+4 questions is kind of a lot, though, and I will likely scale it back to 19+3 at some time in the future.  Whenever that happens, I would also switch up the question order again, since people tend to answer more questions at the beginning of the list.
viii) Anything happen I wasn’t expecting?  Not that I can think of.
Your questions: There were none, which makes this part very easy.  Thanks to everyone who participated - it was fun watching your videos!
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thegeminisage · 3 years
ms liz, my sister is considering buying me a switch for christmas, so was contemplating games for the Switch because I'm very hesitant to get a game system but only have interest in like 2 or 3 games (I say, aggressively not looking at the decade old psp on my bookcase)
anyways, my question is: I very much love Pokémon, but I've only ever beaten the original Sapphire (and have like 4-5 other ones). I've seen you talk about Pokémon Snap, thats the photography one right? I tend to get overwhelmed by how much there is to do in the games, is Pokémon Snap like that too? are there any other games you would recommend?
and if I can make a recommendation of my own, I recently played a game named Carto on the pc and found out its on switch as well, it was very cute and fun, its rather short too, 7-8 hours but I beat it in under 7.
Have a nice day!! 🌻🌻🌻
HELLO beloved sorry it took me so long to answer u, i've been working all day, but congrats on the switch!!! one of the Most consoles of all time. apologizes in advance bc my answer got a lt longer than i meant for it to. ur not obligated to read it all LOL i have a tldr at the bottom. adhd makes me talk a lot, but it also makes me allergic to long chains of text so i understand & won't take any offense, promise.
first of all, feel NO shame about the psp. you are completely valid and that was a MONEY GRABBING FAILURE to capitalize on nintendo's success with the DS. i used mine as a glorified mp3 player that also happened to have the disc for the movie spiderman 2 in it, so i feel you. we don't judge here. think of it as a collector's item. an antique. like having a virtual boy that won't attempt to kill you in your sleep.
secondly, i feel that way a lot of times when i get a new console, like it's not worth buying just for one game, but the truth is gradually new ones will catch your interest. (also, if you check out the store once in awhile, you can sometimes find stuff on sale for $5 or less, especially indie games, and if you download your big full-price games digitally you will get "coins" which you can use to take some off the price, so it can drop to nothing - i got a 2D galaga-styled shooter called super bit blaster XL for less than a dollar, and even though it's very simple i still killed 5-6 hours on it before i finished unlocking all the ships; well worth the cash.) if you have an opportunity to grab a switch you definitely should because shortages make that difficult rn - if you change your mind later you can always resell it for most of that money back, but otherwise if you enjoy gaming it's a great investment, bc many of the games will eventually get cheaper
re: pkmn snap - i think it's a lot more streamlined than the main pokemon games. i struggle to complete those because even though i love the pokemon and the worldbuilding i find the battle mechanics get monotonous - either too grindy or too easy (so i hope you werent looking for pokemon recs and if u were im sorry lol). pokemon snap on the other hand is basically a "rail shooter," in that you can travel one of a few pre-determined paths and just take photos along the way. pretty simple, but there's a lot of replay value in getting different poses and manipulating your surroundings to see different guys to take pics of, and it's nice to be able to interact with them without having to fight them (i always felt a little bad about asking them to battle). there's a LOT of particular requests that pop up (like, take a picture of a certain guy in a certain pose), but you're free to completely ignore them if you want to. i really adored pokemon snap, so i think if you're a pokemon fan you really will too.
i confess i don't know about getting overwhelmed with how much there is to do...imo, the more there is to do, the longer you can spend playing the game and getting your money's worth - if it's in sidequests you don't HAVE to do any of it, and maybe it would help to think of it that way! or maybe you just like something with more guidance where you don't have to make as many decisions? either way, a few recommendations!! idk what games you've played previously or what you like (i'm just going off of dislike of pokemon/like of carto, which seems neat btw!) so i'm gonna list a LOT of stuff, hence it goes under a cut. (if this list turns out to be way too long for you to read you can come back w/ more details for a more personalized reclist lol. i LOOOOVE reccing people games it's not a bother i promise. i have a short list at the end just in case!)
for puzzle games: try tetris effect or lumines (pronounced lue min ESS). both are "immersive" with stimulating graphics/sounds that are supposed to help u block out the rest of the world & get sucked in. if you like competitive online play, tetris 99 and pacman 99 are both free with nintendo online membership
for a relaxing sim game, try animal crossing or stardew valley. both have a TON of stuff to do but almost none of it is missable and they're both generally very chill (though i personally enjoyed stardew much more on the pc where i could use a mod to slow the passage of time in-game - it depends on how good of a pc you have.) stardew valley offers more guidance than animal crossing, i think, but with animal crossing it's very easy to literally just get on there and fuck around and do nothing - eventually, in your routine of daily tasks (watering your flowers, talking to your neighbors, etc) something to do will just spontaneously throw itself in your path.
if you like more streamlined experiences and don't mind fast gameplay that needs a bit of reflexes, mario kart might be a good choice. it's a racing game but there's no big overworld or anything to tackle, just race after race until you're done. similarly, smash bros - there is technically an overworld involved in unlocking characters, but if you like fighting it's just a bunch of different matchups. both also have multiplayer modes!
also, if you don't mind difficult gameplay/dying a lot, ori and the blind forest and shovel knight are both on switch, along with (i think) the various sequels. they're "metroidvania" style games that involve a lot of map-checking and backtracking and they're hard as FUCK (shovel knight kicked my ass) but generally there's not too many sidequests involved. tbh i do not like being frustrated when i play games so i did not Love shovel knight but it is fun and you can be a gay and trans if you want to. i haven't played ori but i've watched a playthrough and the story is really good and the music is to die for
if you want an adventure game without a big open (overwhelming) world, the zelda games will probably be more your speed. there's generally a good balance of exploration/fighting/puzzle-solving, and they aren't terribly difficult, but aside from the newest one (breath of the wild) they're generally pretty linear and good about telling you what to do next. skyward sword is available on the switch and it's the first one chronologically so you could maybe start there if you wanted the full 3D home console experience (and it's sort of infamous for being a very linear and streamlined experience, for better or worse). if you want something a little less complex you can try link's awakening, since it has a more simple top-down perspective (like pokemon) - the graphics are really cute too, a little like carto. link's awakening involves more aimless exploration but skyward sword might be a litle more difficult to play - some people find the motion controls frustrating there's also a zelda rhythm game called cadence of hyrule which i loved, but it might hit harder if you've already played a game or two. if you like zelda, you may also like okami - it's an adventure game heavily inspired by the zelda gameplay mechanics that employs japanese folklore in the setting/story
if you like "simple" (read: older) games, you can pay $20 a year for a nintendo online membership (criminally low compared to competitors) to get access to emulated nes and snes games. the basic membership with the n64 games i wouldn't pay for unless you're just dying to play some of the games on the list - it's too expensive and the ports are bad - but the nes and snes ports work really well and you can play the original legend of zelda on the nes and a link to the past on snes. there's also a ton of other little games and classics included, like mario, donkey kong, kirby, kid icarus, starfox, ice climbers, ballon fight, yoshi's island, etc.
nintendo's star franchise is obviously mario - i haven't played mario odyssey, but i can vouch for super mario world + bowser's fury. it's a two-game bundle, and while you may find bowser's fury too open (it's a small world that opens up bit by bit, but it is something you have to run around in), 3D world is a very guided experience where you just do one stage after another. new super mario bros u is another one-stage-at-a-time mario game - i played that one when it came out & loved it (though in 3D you can run around freely, and i think super mario U is limited to the x and y axis - it depends on ur preference). to my knowledge oth have co-op modes so you can play with your sister or whoever else is around! mario + rabbids is also great - it's a strategy game, which are normally not my speed, but it was made with so much love i couldn't not enjoy it. again, a very linear experience! also, i cannot vouch for it personally, but i hear the newest mario party game is VERY good - they're essentially board games that have minigames included. if you have friends or relatives to play with it is a riotous time, assuming none of you declare open warfare on one another. (i also hear paper mario origami king is very good, but i haven't played a paper mario in years so i can't vouch for it personally either. it does seem to have rpg elements though!)
and finally, rpgs themselves! i don't know what you've played or what other stuff you've had access to, but a lot of classic rpgs have been ported to the switch. no, they aren't the best, smoothest ports - most of them were designed for the playstation consoles - but if you don't have another way to play them and it's your first time, you probably won't notice the difference, and it's a great way to get classics under your belt. pokemon games are technically rpgs, so gameplaywise they're in the same ballpark, but final fantasy games for example tend to have a strong story/character development angle. ff7, ff8, ff9, ff10/10-2, ff12, and the trilogy of ff13 (my personal fav, and it's a VERY linear experience w/ few sidequests) have all been ported! kingdom hearts is there too if you don't mind something extremely stupid that's going to be a huge timesink. and, of course, the MOTHER of all indie rpgs, undertale, is on the switch. short, linear, hilarious, heartwarming, with a huge replay value and it's one of the best games ever made - there's also deltarune, which is COMPLETELY FREE, another game in the series, and just as good (but only the first 2 chapters are out; we'll be asked to cough up some cash when the whole game is ready).
oh, and one last thing...katamari damacy isn't an rpg, but it's another famous game that got ported to the switch and it's great. very linear, extremely fucking weird/"quirky" and funny! if you like weird games you might also like "untitled goose game" which is another riot.
okay, that's everything i can think of. HERE'S THE SHORTLIST of games i think you're most likely to enjoy, in no particular order: animal crossing, link's awakening and/or skyward sword, nes/snes online (particularly dr mario), katamari damacy, new super mario bros U and/or 3D world, okami, undertale & deltarune, and final fantasy xiii (though i'm a little biased on that last point). and, of course, pokemon snap <3
sorry, that got a lot longer than i meant for it to...at any rate, i hope you get that switch and have a lot of fun on it! the AAA games get the most attention but as you can see the library is literally So Huge!!!
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shadowthehedgehog · 6 months
hit me with your best guess... who do you think they even got for shadow for sonic 3. it has to be big if they're still refusing to come out with it
HONESTLY the biggest one everyone would go wild about def be Ryan Drummond people have been begging for him to come back for YEARS and if theyre being this tight lipped about it I think they would want to surprise everyone when the official trailer comes out
HOWEVER I personally would think itd be hilarious if they got Robert Pattinson to play Shadow I think itd be super fucking funny if they kept doing celebrity voice actors and they got someone known for being edgy and broody for it
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czepeku · 5 years
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Download it all here! For Free!
.Zip files are at the bottom of the page — scroll down! Files are split up to work around Patreon's file size limits.
Happy Holidays!
As a special gift over the holiday season we contacted 20 battlemap makers, 2 miniature makers, 2 composers, 1 magic item creator, 1 monster maker and 1 adventure writer to bring you a giant, terrifying, full formed Tarrasque for you party to take on! Here's what you'll get, for free, as thanks for being Patrons:
Inside the Belly of the Beast
A gargantuan 123x40 grid battlemap within the Tarrasque itself! Dungeon crawl through the dank and dangerous depths of Tarrasque's organs, from its razor sharp mouth all the way to its rancid rectum. This giant collaborative battlemap of 26 organs (and one impaling minaret!) was made possible by all your favourite battlemappers!
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask
What do you do when a 1,200 foot long, 600-foot tall, hard-shelled lizard barrels across the desert headed straight for the tavern in which you and your friends are unwinding? Obviously, you let a strange, bushy-haired gnome woman use telekinesis to toss you inside a hole in the thing's side so you can wander around in its innards looking for a magic sword.
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask is an 8th-level Fifth Edition adventure intended for 4-5 characters written by adventure creator DM Dave. A cleric—especially one with a ton of healing spells—will be a huge benefit in this adventure. Meanwhile, characters with poor Strength and Constitution scores will probably struggle. Also, if you or any of your players have a weak stomach you better avoid this one. There's a whole lot of gross stuff in it.
A Belly Full of Treasures
After a life of torment and rampage the Tarrasque contains treasures found nowhere else! Within this terrifying beast find the Enzymatic Gastrostaff, the Titan's Tooth Claymore and a full Tarrasque Plate set of armour. Collect these spoils and gear up your players with unique spoils from The Griffon's Saddlebag!
Monsters From The Depths
Battle Immuno Cells, Tapeworms, Roundworms and even the dreaded Stool Elemental. This adventure comes alive with 4 unique and disgusting monster miniatures and all the stat blocks you'll need to fight them thanks to Paper Forge, Paper Mage and ItsADnDMonsterNow.
Its Eerie In Here
Turn up the ambience and complete the Tarrasque experience with four full tracks by renowned composers Music D20 and Tabletop Audio! Give your players the true feeling of battling through the belly of a gargantuan monster with these tracks.
Special Thanks
So many D&D creators answered our call to get together to create this project, so we want to say a special thanks to all of them. If you want more awesome content please support this passion and effort by becoming a patron of some of the creators listed below!
Mouth - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Saliva Gland - Neutral Party - https://www.patreon.com/neutralparty
Crop - Eightfold Paper - https://www.patreon.com/8foldpaper
L. Lung - Crosshead - https://www.patreon.com/crosshead
Heart - Maphammer - https://www.patreon.com/maphammer
R. Lung - Tom Cartos - https://www.patreon.com/tomcartos
Spleen - Dice Grimorium - https://www.patreon.com/dicegrimorium
Stomach - Domille's Wondrous Works - https://www.patreon.com/dww
Pancreas - Roll For Initiative - https://www.patreon.com/initiative
Liver - Caeora - https://www.patreon.com/caeora
Gall Bladder - Tehox Maps - https://www.patreon.com/tehox
Duoddenum 1 - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Duoddenum 2 - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Duoddenum 3 - Dungeon Mapster - https://www.patreon.com/dungeonmapster
Jejunum - Fantasy Atlas - https://www.patreon.com/fantasy_atlas
Ileum - John Stevenson - https://www.patreon.com/imaginebetterworlds
Appendix - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Ascending Colon - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Ascending Colon 2 - DrMapzo - https://www.patreon.com/drmapzo
Transverse Colon - Meditating Munky - https://www.patreon.com/Meditating_Munky
L. Kidney - Forgotten Adventures - https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures
R. Kidney - 2-Minute Tabletop - https://www.patreon.com/2minutetabletop
Descending Colon - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Sigmoid Colon - J.Dungeonmaster - https://www.patreon.com/jdungeonmaster
Bladder - Venatus Maps - https://www.patreon.com/venatusmaps
Rectum - Afternoon Maps - https://www.patreon.com/afternoonmaps
Paper Forge - https://www.patreon.com/paperforge
Paper Mage - https://www.patreon.com/papermage
ItsADnDMonsterNow - https://www.patreon.com/ItsADnDMonsterNow
DM Dave - https://www.patreon.com/DMDave
The Griffon's Saddlebag - https://www.patreon.com/the_griffons_saddlebag
Belly of the Beast - Music d20 - https://www.patreon.com/musicd20
Tarrasque Interior - Tabletop Audio - https://www.patreon.com/tabletopaudio
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dicegrimorium · 5 years
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Mega Tarrasque, a Holiday Map Collaboration
I hope you've all had some wonderful holidays! Today I'm very happy to announce to you guys the release of an awesome collaboration I did with a lot of excellent D&D content creators.
A huge map, an awesome adventure, atmospheric music, very cool minis, horrifying monsters and powerful magic items are our Holiday gift from all of us! Keep reading to know more about everything you'll find and don't forget to scroll to the bottom on the following link to download all the files.
Download everything here!
Inside the Belly of the Beast
A gargantuan 123x40 grid battlemap within the Tarrasque itself! Dungeon crawl through the dank and dangerous depths of Tarrasque’s organs, from its razor sharp mouth all the way to its rancid rectum. This giant collaborative battlemap of 26 organs (and one impaling minaret!) was made possible by all your favourite battlemappers!
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask
What do you do when a 1,200 foot long, 600-foot tall, hard-shelled lizard barrels across the desert headed straight for the tavern in which you and your friends are unwinding? Obviously, you let a strange, bushy-haired gnome woman use telekinesis to toss you inside a hole in the thing’s side so you can wander around in its innards looking for a magic sword.
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask is an 8th-level Fifth Edition adventure intended for 4-5 characters written by adventure creator DM Dave. A cleric—especially one with a ton of healing spells—will be a huge benefit in this adventure. Meanwhile, characters with poor Strength and Constitution scores will probably struggle. Also, if you or any of your players have a weak stomach you better avoid this one. There’s a whole lot of gross stuff in it.
A Belly Full of Treasures
After a life of torment and rampage the Tarrasque contains treasures found nowhere else! Within this terrifying beast find the Enzymatic Gastrostaff, the Titan’s Tooth Claymore and a full Tarrasque Plate set of armour. Collect these spoils and gear up your players with unique spoils from The Griffon’s Saddlebag!
Monsters From The Depths
Battle Immuno Cells, Tapeworms, Roundworms and even the dreaded Stool Elemental. This adventure comes alive with 4 unique and disgusting monster miniatures and all the stat blocks you’ll need to fight them thanks to Paper Forge, Paper Mage and ItsADnDMonsterNow.
Its Eerie In Here
Turn up the ambience and complete the Tarrasque experience with four full tracks by renowned composers Music D20 and Tabletop Audio! Give your players the true feeling of battling through the belly of a gargantuan monster with these tracks.
Special Thanks
So many D&D creators answered our call to get together to create this project, so we want to say a special thanks to all of them. If you want more awesome content please support this passion and effort by becoming a patron of some of the creators listed below!
Mouth - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Saliva Gland - Neutral Party - https://www.patreon.com/neutralparty
Crop - Eightfold Paper - https://www.patreon.com/8foldpaper
L. Lung - Crosshead - https://www.patreon.com/crosshead
Heart - Maphammer - https://www.patreon.com/maphammer
R. Lung - Tom Cartos - https://www.patreon.com/tomcartos
Spleen - Dice Grimorium - https://www.patreon.com/dicegrimorium
Stomach - Domille’s Wondrous Works - https://www.patreon.com/dww
Pancreas - Roll For Initiative - https://www.patreon.com/initiative
Liver - Caeora - https://www.patreon.com/caeora
Gall Bladder - Tehox Maps - https://www.patreon.com/tehox
Duoddenum 1 - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Duoddenum 2 - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Duoddenum 3 - Dungeon Mapster - https://www.patreon.com/dungeonmapster
Jejunum - Fantasy Atlas - https://www.patreon.com/fantasy_atlas
Ileum - John Stevenson - https://www.patreon.com/imaginebetterworlds
Appendix - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Ascending Colon - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Ascending Colon 2 - DrMapzo - https://www.patreon.com/drmapzo
Transverse Colon - Meditating Munky - https://www.patreon.com/Meditating_Munky
L. Kidney - Forgotten Adventures - https://www.patreon.com/forgottenadventures
R. Kidney - 2-Minute Tabletop - https://www.patreon.com/2minutetabletop
Descending Colon - Cze and Peku - https://www.patreon.com/czepeku
Sigmoid Colon - J.Dungeonmaster - https://www.patreon.com/jdungeonmaster
Bladder - Venatus Maps - https://www.patreon.com/venatusmaps
Rectum - Afternoon Maps - https://www.patreon.com/afternoonmaps
Paper Forge - https://www.patreon.com/paperforge
Paper Mage - https://www.patreon.com/papermage
ItsADnDMonsterNow - https://www.patreon.com/ItsADnDMonsterNow
DM Dave - https://www.patreon.com/DMDave
The Griffon’s Saddlebag - https://www.patreon.com/the_griffons_saddlebag
Belly of the Beast - Music d20 - https://www.patreon.com/musicd20
Tarrasque Interior - Tabletop Audio - https://www.patreon.com/tabletopaudio
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Bro....you watchin the fukin food Network or.....?
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Astrology, Daily Horoscope
In numerous bits of the world precious stone looking is thriving again in the twentieth century. In countries, for instance, India it has never lost its interest. No huge development in life can be safely endeavored with the exception of if the signs are propitious. No marriage will continue without horoscopes being drawn up.
 We conversed with precious stone gazer and Astro*Carto*Graphy ace Kimberly Peta Dewhirst about how newcomers may dive their toe into this heavenly practice — and advantage from it at the same time.
 If you understand your beginning, time, and date, you can investigate your own Astro*Carto*Graphy map on the web (Dewhirst likes Astrodienst's guide generator explicitly), yet prepare to be overwhelmed. "You get an enormous overabundance of 40 lines" streaking over a guide of the world, Dewhirst says. Appropriately known as the planetary lines, these lines demonstrate the areas of the world that were energetically affected by the planets at the hour of first experience with the world. Make an effort not to push if your head's currently turning — "it's genuinely jumbling," Dewhirst yields, anyway if you have a general understanding of the planets and what they address, you can in any occasion start to research your guide without any other individual.
 While looking own guide, Dewhirst raises one of my Venus lines, which cuts by Toronto, down through Ohio, and forward to cut up Honduras radiantly. She vivaciously prescribes I should book my next trip to Toronto, just to see what it takes after to visit a district so infested with flirtatious Venusian essentialness. Since Venus appears on my guide around there, I may feel logically flawless, all the additionally charming — and people may give more thought to me, Dewhirst explains.
 However, she incorporates, these effects are express to me and my guide. Locational soothsaying is a significantly near and dear kind of planetary comprehension and booking a one-on-one scrutinizing with a seer will give you a considerably more clear idea of how different bits of the world will impact you. Also, comparatively as with everything puzzling, locational precious stone looking may be used to rouse your next trip, yet it shouldn't be the primary factor you consider before booking your tickets.
 Ensuring an unfaltering movement  horoscope dates of new business is fundamental to every affiliation. Locate the World is the development business ace at making showed and innovative responses for invade overall markets, drive bit of the general business and addition salary.
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 We are excited about arrangements and advancing, helping our development clients adventure into new promotes, explore new arrangements channels, win new customers and comprehend their overall potential.
 As your associate we work to empower you to make bargains depiction programs that meet your intriguing needs. Our equation for advancement is direct. We listen to you. You uncover to us what you have to accomplish. By then we build.
 It is connected to knowing you. It is connected to acknowledging who to center in each country to meet your objectives and pass on the perfect result. It is connected to being your picture in the close-by feature and passing on the right message to the right gathering of onlookers at the ideal time.
 Today, we have more than 65 working environments globally, conveying inventive arrangements and promoting answers for an alternate client base to help understand their market advancement challenges. Despite our middle arrangements and publicizing business, Discover the World is a development head, giving propelled game plans through its creative bigblueroad.com division.
 Our joined nature of talented neighborhood travel specialists and stimulating on the web advancement empowers our clients to extend advantage, open new promotes, hold and create associations, deal with issues and organization needs.
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hallownest · 6 years
for the flower asks sunflower, orchid, and snap dragon!!
25 flower asks 
sunflower - sun or moon? moon bc she is a lesbian and keeps me company when i inevitably end up pulling all-nighters
orchid - favourite fruit? peaches when they’re in season but i also rly like grapes 
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature?i used to be a HUGE nerd for cryptids so there’s a lot but for now i’ll go with uhh the jormungandr or world serpent from norse mythology bc its metal as fuck
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