#case scenario its the nightmare scenario. im still wrapping my head around all this
wildtorres-a · 4 years
surprise, surprise.
WHAT? —  when drew finds lia outside of the torres household at an odd hour, he invites her in, and in turn receives some news that is sure to change both of their lives.
WHEN? —   saturday night, april 11th.
TRIGGERS? —  pregnancy, mention of drugs, mention of death.
FEATURING —  lia rosenburg ( @rosenburg-lia ), brief appearance of mike dallas ( @dallas-micheal )
i cant be pregnant, theres not a possibly way this shit is correct That was all that was going through Lias mind since the night prior. A very restless night of tossing and turning with dreams and nightmares of what was to come. One second dreaming about the perfect white picket fence life, Drew playing catch with their son in the yard. Amelia cooking in the kitchen with their daughter as the animals roamed around. The next her and Drew at each others throats, no ounce of happiness shining on either of their faces. Waking up and staring at the ceiling while she thought of every scenario her little brain could.
Thats how she found herself outside of the Torres residence, creeping down the side of the house. She knew better than to knock on the front door, it was almost midnight and the last thing she needed was Audra on her case for coming to her house so late. She cautiously knocked on the sliding glass door, hoping either Drew or Dallas heard her. Her body shaking, maybe from the frigid Canadian nights and her thin tracksuit. Or maybe it was the anxiety flowing through every ounce of her body as she continued to knock.
drew had alot on his mind, to say the least. he had just gotten back from edmonton a few hours prior, and all he wanted to do was take a shower and go to sleep. he didn’t have any more emotions to give for the night, was both physically and emotionally exhausted. he figured he’d talk to both omar and audra about alex the following day, and see if there was anything they could do to reunite the siblings. figuring that he could at least eat a bowl of cereal, being that he hadn't eaten anything all day, he started making his way down the steps and towards the kitchen.
it's only a few seconds later, that he hears the gentle knocks against the glass, and he raises his eyebrows in confusion at who it could be, especially at this time at night. he makes his way over, moving the curtain to see the girl he’d been thinking about since he got home, amongst all the chaos. quickly, he unlocks the door, opens it, and pulls her in. “lia, what are you doing here?” he questions, not unhappy to see her. “you’re freezing,” he comments, pulling his nike jacket off and draping it around her petite shoulders. “come on,” he grabs her hand, and leads her up to his room, forgetting about what he'd initially went downstairs for. thankful that everyone else is asleep, he closes the door before making his way over to her and connecting their lips.
she saw his figure as he came downstairs, even in the barely there lighting she could tell it was him. she wasnt sure what to expect, the last time she had laid eyes on him she slapped him. but she didnt know what else to do at this stage, she had already spoken to Vanessa, put it out into the universe. drew was her best friend once, she should be able to just talk to him about it, she hoped anyway.
Her face lit up, not that she was aware, or if drew had even noticed. But the second her eyes landed on his face, you could see something in her perk up. even with the hostility she held towards the boy at the moment, he always held a special place in her heart and it felt nice to see him again. "I needed to talk to you," She spoke softly, her eyes meeting his for a second, "thank you," sliding her arms through the jacket and tugging it around her petite frame. her eyes trail to their hands, a soft smile on her lips as she followed him to his room. Taking the brief second to look around before his lips were on hers. Almost forgetting the reason she came as she melted into it. A few minutes into the heated makeout session, it was like a spark in Lia as she pushed Drew away, "No, we need to talk," She spoke sharply, as if realizing she had made a mistake or something. She hadnt meant to come and hook up with Drew, that had been the furthest thing from her mind. "Plus someone said he wasnt good for me," She spoke with a pointed tone as she sat on his bed, tucking her legs into a pretzel shape.
the brunette had been trying to make sense of his thoughts about the girl he’d been trying to avoid for the past week. trying to decide if they had done the right thing that memorable night, if they ruined their friendship, in the right way or wrong. it was clear that the thought of her hadn’t left his mind, the feel of her lip gloss against his lips, how something as simple as her touch made him fill with warmth, the way her eyes shined when he made her laugh or smile. he’s not sure exactly what this entails, but there’s some part of him that’s kicking himself for not having seen this before. how was it possible that amelia rosenburg had been there all this time, and he was only now noticing how great she really was.
and suddenly he's so glad that she’s here. not even just for sex, now having noticed just how hard it was to stay away from her. wanting to text her every time he heard a funny joke, or came up with an idea for their next scheme, or just wanting to hear about her day. — and still, he liked her enough to keep his distance, she deserved far more than he could give her, everyone did. “i’m all ears,” he says once they're in the room. lips moving along with hers in sync, tongue slipping into her mouth, until suddenly she pulls away. still wanting to be near to her, he sits down beside her, and pulls her soft hand back into his, bringing her closer. “i think we’ve established that i’m an idiot,” he grins, before letting out a sigh, “but i’m not, good for you. still i have something to tell you,” he gazes into her eyes, “i wasn’t at a motel fucking some girl, i was… looking for my birth mom. she-” still has great difficulty uttering the words, and yet he swallows and tries again. “she overdosed about three months ago, and she left because she never wanted me,” hold backs the pain that washes over him, but can’t stop his jaw from clenching. “i thought about her for years, and she just didn't want me” the words fall from his lips slowly, taking it all in.
while lias feelings hadnt stayed the same about drew the whole friendship, she knew for certain he was a staple in her life. sophomore year lia wouldve been more than ecstatic to find out what had transpired between the teens. her feelings for the male at an all time high, something had been telling her that he had felt the same back then. only to find out he was with her cousin, and she was happy for them. but there was something about how easily he made things feel okay. made her feel happy with a simple text, if something happened in her day her first instinct was to send him a long snapchat about it.  spamming him with memes on hastygram, the little things they did for eachother. but now, things had changed, and all the feelings she pushed down, pushed away because she knew their happiness was important. they came bubbling up, the only thing circling her mind being drew torres, and what a lovely thought it was.
finding herself in his room, the air thick with several emotions, each more unknown than the last. but it felt okay, felt right to be there with him. suddenly realizing how much she needed him, he made the little things important. he knew her little quirks and habits, if there was a dog he had to point it out if she hadnt seen it already, so she could go pet it, and he became her photographer for it. he knew her coffee order like it was nothing, if they went out to eat he knew her order, knowing to get the tomatos out of all burgers or salads. he paid attention to the details, and it made lia feel cared for. by someone in her life, for something other than her body or connections. Shifting closer to the male, her hand wrapping around his,"Youve always been an idiot," she joked, shaking her head lightly, before resting it on his shoulder, "Youre great for me Drew, why cant you understand that?" She spoke softly, lifting her head as she turned to face him. Meeting his gaze, her thumb softly rubbing circles on the back of his hand as he spoke.
She listened as he spoke, letting him get out what he needed to. But she also didnt know what to say, she hadnt expected the words that had fallen from his lips. "Im sorry you had to find out the way you did, I cant even begin to imagine how that feels. Nor will I pretend to know how youre feeling right now," She spoke, knowing that would never be enough for him to hear. shuffling herself closer, wrapping herself around him in a hug. "But with that being said," She began, taking a deep breath, "Im sorry that she choose drugs over an amazing man with a heart of gold. Someone who looks for the best in people, and just wants to grow and become better. I know you dont see it, you see the bad. But god Drew, there is so much good," She spoke, glancing up to meet his gaze as she spoke. "Its her fault for choosing not to be a part of your life, her fault for choosing the substances over you. You can not put any blame on yourself baby, none of it is your fault," She spoke, not sure if he had even felt that way, but it felt right to say.
drew knew that this situation wasn’t the best, him having dated her cousin only a year earlier. had fallen in love quickly amongst the many late nights staying up on the phone, the many days spent either hanging with their larger group of friends or interesting dates, and getting to know each other’s each and every detail. it was unbelievable to think that just a few months ago, drew was venting to lia about tori’s all but expected disappearing act. they quickly become closer than they had when tori was present, drew often hanging out with lia when his thoughts became too much. and in those moments, although he hadn’t really noticed it, he stared to pick up on her details. not really giving it a second thought, he placed her on the same shelf that vanessa and becky were on, chalking her up as another best friend. now that things had drastically changed between them, he indeed knew it was messy to be romantically involved with both cousins, even more so them being as close as they are, and degrassi would have a field day when they catch wind of what’s been going on behind closed doors. but he can’t find himself to care, at least not enough to fully walk away. to put an end to whatever it is that they have going on, and tell her it couldn’t go any further, hoping things could go back to how they were. she’d been his rock all along. loyal and sweet and always there for him, wanting nothing in return but his company.
he grins at her remark, knowing that in a sense, she’s never really viewed him as an idiot, at least not the way he’s been labeled his whole life. finds solace under her touch. he shakes her head at her words, although some part of him wants to believe her. to believe that he’d do anybody good. but god, he ruins everything he touches. “because i’m not, lia,” he remarks, “i'm not as smart as the other guys. i mess up. i always say or do the wrong thing. you’re better off”
he finishes, holds his emotions in as well as he can, has already told himself that he wouldn’t drop another tear. and he draws a breath, and allows her to comfort him. doesn’t shy away or tell her that she’s wrong, just leans into her embrace, and lets her words sink in, having already shown her his vulnerability. can’t help the pull at his heart strings as she talks further, silently wondering what it was he'd done to get someone like her in his life. many girls have talked drew up, seeing only his features — sharp cheekbones, electric blue eyes, handsome face, and the rebellious personality to match. nothing any of them have ever said has effected him in the way she had right now, only speaking with raw emotion, her eyes telling it all. he cups her right cheek, slowly leaning in and giving her a kiss full of passion, not even attempting to slip his tongue in, more concerned with her getting a feel for the emotions he has stored for her. pulling away, he removes his hand. “thank you,” he smiles, weakly, but still there. “for everything. you’re seriously amazing,” he compliments. his mind going back to her initial statement, recalling the faint urgency in her voice as she pulled away from the first kiss he brought upon her lips. knows when something’s bothering her and is intrigued on what it is she has to tell him. “now, what did you need to tell me?” curiosity shining in blue hues.
it seemed like the world had been moving in fast forward the past couple of months, between the closest females in her life both leaving and coming back, her connection to both luke and drew growing over the course of them. while Luke would always hold a part of Lias heart, since they spent day in and day out with one another, drew captivated her. she just wanted to know if he was ok, that he felt cared for and wanted, chalking it up to being a good friend. But she also found herself wanting to just spend time with Drew, even if they were sat in silence, his presence was enough to make the dark seem light in her insane life. And maybe she knew there was always a thought in the back of her mind, the idea of something more. And if you were to tell her this time last year, that she'd find herself wrapped around Drew Torres  going to tell him she was pregnant, she'd label you as crazy.
She rolled her eyes at his words, "Im not as smart as the other girls, i tend to become a bitch if I dont get my way, i use money as a means of happiness when its not. My list could go on and on drew," She spoke, "We all have our issues, our flaws that we look in the mirror and point out. Or say to ourselves with that little voice. And I will be here to show you how amazing you are when it gets to loud," A smile sent his way, "I couldnt begin to imagine life without you Torres, so please dont try and leave it,"
his touch felt gentle on her skin, different than the other moments between them. this was something different, there was something laced in the kiss between both parties. but she still found herself sinking into it, feeling on top of the world at the feeling she got. something telling her everything would be ok. "I wouldnt say amazing, but ill always be here," A small shrug, before her eyes trained to a spot on the floor. Slowly unraveling herself from Drew, as she thought of what to say. Partially because through Drew unloading his story, she had semi forgotten why she had came there in the first place. How do you tell someone youre pregnant? Let alone the last person you ever thought would be in the position with you, and had just informed you of his own family problems, that he didnt need added to. Her fingers pulling and spinning the ring sat on her hand, her gaze unwavering from the pile of clothes sat on his floor. "Um," she began lightly, "I wasnt feeling all that well, and I had realized I missed my period," her fidgeting becoming faster as her mind worked over the words. Admitting them to Vanessa was different, vastly different than telling Drew. She glanced up briefly meeting his eyes before her gaze fell back to the floor, "So I headed to the little corner store from my place," A deep breath as she quietly, almost silently spoke, "The test came back positive drew,"
it was no secret that ever since he stepped foot, or wheel rather, back in toronto, his mind couldn’t find anything good to focus on. in the span of one night, he’d uncovered the reason his mother had left, uncovered that she had given up both her children, that he had a sister he’s never known about that was fifteen years old, adopted, and didn’t have a clue about her dysfunctional family, and the fact that he’d never receive the closure he’d been needing for so long. only having the words of her former boyfriend to go by. he hadn’t really expected to talk about it with anyone, forcing it down, and having the mindset of just going numb, avoiding the thoughts at all costs. and yet, found himself venting to lia the first chance he gets. something about her had always been so comforting, so understanding, and drew doesn’t think he could have felt better about opening up to anyone else. another part of him wanting her to know that she’s the only girl he’s been with sexually for weeks, hell, he hasn’t even been entertaining other girls, unread messages from his usual conquests building up in his phone.
as he hears her start to list her flaws, he frowns a bit, knowing that she’s only doing it because he had, to prove a point. but he can't help but hope she gives herself a little more credit than that. “i happen to think you’re perfect,” he comments, letting her continue, until there’s a bright smile on his face. realizing that in all of this mess, all of the bad thoughts, and words he hadn’t meant, and just attempting to dodge her in general had hurt her. the expression of pure sadness that flashed across her face when he pushed her away at the party, the smack she’d given him at school, he’d been stupid to think that it would last long, stupid to have ever started it. “i’m sorry,” he gets out, “for acting like an ass and pushing you away, you deserve better than that, and i want you in my life too” he gives her a charming smile, although his eyes shine with honesty.
this would be the fifth time he had been rendered speechless. the anticipation of what would end up leaving her lips, what happened to be so important that she’d made her way here in the middle of the night, a quarter to midnight. with it being so late, he feels she should just stay the night. audra had the day off tomorrow, and with his luck, she slept in till the afternoon, giving the two enough time to come up with the story that she’d come over earlier in the morning if she was still here by then. as lia moves away, drew can’t help the furrow of his eyebrows, and the assumption that whatever it was she’d say wouldn’t be something small. takes note of her timid actions, the way she doesn’t meet his eyes as she talks. and then the words ‘missed period’ sets an alarm off in his head. his eyes widening, along with the beat of his heart, as she continues. stops himself from asking ‘and?’ allowing her to go at his own pace. and his mind flashes back to that night, the rush of it all, the sensual touches, heavy breathing, and the lack of condom, as he spread her legs and lined himself up. too eager to feel all of her, he hadn’t even given it a second thought. and suddenly she’s saying the words he anticipated, and even though he had a feeling where this was going, it still catches him completely off guard. “i–” he starts, doesn’t finish, runs a hand through his hair, as he processes all of the information. “woah,” he breathes out, the words repeating in his mind over and over on a loop. meeting her eyes, he glances over her, can’t stop his eyes from trailing over her stomach. “it–it’s okay, are you okay? do you need some water, or some ice cream? cause i can run to the store,” he's rambling a mile a minute, still in partial shock.
Everything was easier with Drew around, she didnt have to act a certain way or put up any defensive barriers. she had never been one to open up to a lot of people and tell them her thoughts and feelings. let alone on a consistent basis if she did, choosing to pretend that everything was find and that she didnt have any. but with drew she would just talk about things, whatever came to mind she would share with him. knowing he would listen, maybe make a stupid comment, but hed listen. that was what she needed for so long, just someone to listen to her and show her she was cared for. that was part of what Drew did for her, made the dark seem a little lighter. she had felt herself pulling from the other guys in her life, even Luke who she had finally got where she thought she wanted him. but she found herself wanting drew, in more ways than one. but she didnt know how to articulate that to him, to explain what she wanted from whatever it was they had been doing.
"Perfect may be a bit of a stretch," she chuckled, "But go on," She teased, a matching smile coming to her face. she hated admitting her weaknesses, and when she couldnt hide her emotions from Drew at the party it was like a part of her exterior cracked. the walls she had formed between the two had been broken, and she realized she was back in love with him, or the idea of him for now. she didnt like the idea of a life without him in it, and hated feeling like she was disposable from his life. She didnt enjoy slapping him at school, but the petty bitch in her had taken over, and she was putting the walls back up piece by piece. hoping it wouldve helped her feel better, to work through what was happening, but it didnt. "I dont know why you did it, but Im sure you had your reasons," She shrugged, "But dont think Im gonna let it fly again. You are stuck with me Torres, learn to deal with it," She spoke, a smile spreading across her features as she sent a wink his way.
She didnt know how he would react, expecting anger, or confusion. maybe some accusations or denial. she wasnt positive if they had used a condom or not, she didnt remember seeing a single wrapper around the hotel room. and she sure hadnt brought any on their spontaneous trip, and she didnt think drew had either. when she saw the word pregnant on the stick, her world shifted. but she could remember the night clear as day, every touch, every breath, every word, and even the moment she felt him skin to skin in the most intimate way. she was nervous for his reaction, glancing at him with watchful eyes as he processed it. her hand running through her hair with a sigh, waiting for him to say something, put her at ease somehow. but she didnt expect him to ask her about food, her brows scrunching together as she looked up at him,"I...why would I want food? its damn near midnight?" She spoke, shaking her head, "Im like a couple weeks at best, there is no way im out here craving ice cream already dumbass," She spoke with an eye roll, a teasing tone on her voice however, as a smile played at her lips. "But thank you, the effort is appreciated and not unnoticed,"
it wasn’t difficult to see that drew had a lot on his plate, his eyes didn’t have that same spark it always had, he hadn’t been able to focus in his classes despite the fact that clare was definitely a huge help and he’d been showing improvement the week before. every time he closed his eyes, he seen rocky’s face, his cheeks upwards in glee, his heartwarming giggle, the way his face lit up when he would bring him some toys or pizza. and now, it had only gotten worse, and he would see his mother’s grave as well. the white roses he’d laid before her tombstone, as he said both hello and goodbye the only chance he was given. it also wasn’t hard to see that being around lia in their small moments had managed to do him some good. finding himself forming a warm smile, or chuckling at one of her jokes, taking him out of the dark he’d lately gotten used to. it wasn’t unusual, them being friends for years, and drew finding it very easy to unwind around her. but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't been thinking about them in a romantic dynamic, and he'd be lying even more if he said he didn’t consider it, taking their friendship to the next level, giving them a try to see where it leads, despite the backlash he knows he’ll receive for dating both cousins who consider the other as a best friend, the same cousin he assumes is soundly asleep in the guest room four doors down. but they’ve gone too far in to stop now, the way he sees it, it makes more sense to go for it, even if right now isn’t exactly the best time. perhaps he’ll wait, doesn’t want to have to hide around the beginning of their relationship if they do decide to make something out of it, wait until all of the chaos simmers down, before he makes any big decisions. and yet, he can't stop the part of him that yearns to kiss her whenever she’s nearby and the scent of her perfume clouds his thoughts.
“it definitely isn’t,” he counters, can’t help how easy it is to play along with her words. and he’s only now noticing that she doesn’t have to try too hard when the roles are reversed either. he accepts her request, eyes locked on hers. “you're gorgeous, and you're smart whether it’s street or book wise, you always go out of your way to help your friends, you’re fun as hell, and i haven't been able to get you out of my mind the past few days.” the surprise on his face is evident, not meaning to actually voice the last part, but it’s too late to take it back now. he had always found lia attractive, and now that he thought back, he never considered her a sister figure like he had with maya or vanessa. finds it ironic that a year ago, he was lifting her chin up to remind her how great she was, and to not forget it, had a boy she was interested in not felt the same way back. now he was lifting her chin to place his lips on hers. oh, how the times have changed. bites his lower lip, doesn’t want to repeat his reasons, knows that it’s no good now, since he can’t seem to let go. “what, are you gonna smack me again? cause that was kind of hot” he smirks, sending her the wink right back.
he's not certain if there’s a set reaction for this, a right or wrong. he does however know that his lack of words isn’t exactly comforting, and when he does manage to find words, he’s not exactly proud of them either.  but god, he’s trying his best. hadn’t really expected to have this conversation, but isn't at all making it out to be negative, despite their mess of a situation. he’s not even thinking of it long term, his mind trying to grasp it fully, but he's got too many thoughts, making it difficult to focus on one. he mentally face palms, as his right hand goes to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “yeah, that was pretty dumb, wasn’t it?” he asks, evidently embarrassed. he lets out a breath, taking her hand in his, and making sure he has her full attention. “but it’s gonna be okay, i’m here for you…always.” he reassures, “i’ll take care of you and the baby, whatever you decide.” he kisses her cheek, bringing her onto his lap. “stay with me here tonight?” he pleads, as his hand hesitantly hovers over her stomach, his mind trying to imagine a human growing inside. “and we can set up a doctor’s appointment one of these upcoming days. it’s going to be alright, baby. it’s all going to be okay.” he repeats, kissing against her hair. he's not sure if he believes it himself, but he can only imagine how she feels and he'd be damned if he wasn’t going to try his best to make her feel at ease.
For as long as she could remember, Lia had problems expressing her feelings to others, even if they were good ones. Her parents would always brush her off or give her a, that’s wonderful sweetie, even when she was a toddler, crying in the doorway, her stuffed dolphin held firmly in her grasp. If she went to her siblings, they werent accepting of her feelings, her being the youngest she didnt have nearly as much to deal with. That she was a kid and they wouldnt last, over within ten minutes. But that all stuck with Lia as she got older, forming her connections in the world. Tori being the main person she could find herself getting lost in conversation with, going over all the details on certain topics. And then Drew came into her life, and she had another person to talk to, someone that made it easy to talk to. But anyone with two eyes could see how easily the two souls fit together, how simple it was for the two to just exist. Lia had known from a young age she thought of Drew as more of a friend. She remembered distinctly the day she realized she saw him differently, as someone she could see herself with romantically. It had been a rough day for her at her house, a fight with her parents having broken out once again, and Lia needed out. A text to Drew was sent, and within seconds he replied and they agreed to meet at the park. It was midnight. She had never experienced someone caring enough to risk their own ass just to make sure she was ok, and they were barely friends then. But it solidified Drew into her heart, and the feelings she once held were back in full force. But she wasnt gonna ruin what they had, she wasnt gonna let herself ruin the one good thing going for her, even if it wasnt entirely what she wanted. But the part of her that wanted nothing more than to be held and kissed by Drew was thriving, and loved every second of their life. She was scared for the future, with her feelings, but she was prepared to let Drew have them if he wanted them.
A shy smile broke across her face, his eyes filled with such honesty she couldnt help the blush that was rising to her face at his words. Her eyes widening slightly at the end of his statement, taking in the look of shock on his face, but his eyes still held with honestly, and a little something else that she couldnt place. “That makes two of us,” She spoke softly, biting her lip. “You remember that guy I was complaining about breaking my heart last year?” She questioned, her heart skipping a beat as she spoke. A surge of confidence flowing through her, even if for a brief moment she let herself believe that he felt the same. Smiling into the soft kiss he gave her, her hand resting on his leg. Simply needing to just touch him. “Well if someone didnt try and do stupid shit maybe I wouldnt have to,” She chuckled, “Glad to know Im hot when im angry,” a small shrug with a smirk on her lips.
She let him go at his own pace, contemplating just laying down while she waited, but decided against that. She knew he was trying, and that was all she could ask. The thoughts going through her head were impossible to process, she couldnt imagine being the one to have gotten the girl pregnant. “It wasnt dumb,” she spoke with a small head shake, “Its cute,” A small smile on her face, her eyes glancing at their hands before looking at him. Her eyes tearing up at his words, never having heard them with such sincerity before. Allowing herself to be brought into Drews lap, breathing in his scent, her body instantly relaxing into his. Realizing just how tired she was, having barely slept for the past week. Between worrying about Drew and her fight with Tori, and now this pregnancy. She needed a good nights rest. “I know you will baby,” A whisper as she kissed the base of his neck softly, “I want nothing more than to wake up in your arms tomorrow,” her sleep deprived brain not even processing her words. Her eyes glancing down to his hand. Softly pressing it against her stomach, her hand resting against his as her eyes futtered shut. Listening to him speak, and nodding along softly with his words, “Youre here,” She spoke, “You didnt push me away, or yell at me. Or accuse me of anything. Thats more than enough for me,”
he recalls his first time seeing her, the memory still being so vivid, despite the years that have passed by. she was degrassi’s new student and from what he heard, she was turning heads and had most of the student body doing double takes. he'd seen her in the midst of meeting the coach to talk about his slip up in grades, knowing that he would be able to persuade him easily since his latest grade point average weren’t too much lower than the required minimum. and when he finally spotted her in the hallways, he’d understood what all the fuss was about. he hadn’t been the type to stare, at least not too noticeably, but he just couldn’t look away. she was pretty, gorgeous even, and the outfit she was wearing only made her all the more alluring. the skirt she had on wasn't too short, but he remembers trailing up and down her legs. remembers that he had to turn himself away, had to remind himself what he even was walking this way for, having lost all train of thought. and by lunch time, he’d spotted her out of the crowd with a quickness. dallas settling down, tray in hand, following his gaze. remembers his eyes scrunching up in confusion when dallas tells him to not waste his time. and minutes later, it all makes sense when tori and vanessa come to the table, new girl following behind, and tori introduces everyone to her cousin who’d just transferred. he recalls the visible shock that seeps past his face, before he smiles, greets her, invites her to their table for the long run, and pulls tori into his lap, pecking her on the cheek. by the end of the week, they'd all made friends with the girl, and it was as if she’d been apart of the group all along. no signs of awkwardness or hesitation among the group. drew pushing the two second interest and attraction he'd developed for her to the back of his mind, until it was completely gone. and now he wonders, if it ever really left, or if he knew to just not act on them.
that makes two of us. doesn’t stop the smile that stretches across his face, the breath that emits out in relief. he’d only had a half theory that she reciprocated the feelings, but now that he knows he hadn’t been in the wrong whenever the thought of her passed his mind, he’s not so doubtful anymore about asking her to be his girlfriend. yet, he still doesn’t think tonight's the best time, not when there’s so much to process. his eyebrows furrow a bit, “yeah? the idiot who couldn’t see what was right in front of him? what about him?” he questions, eyes looking intently into hers, before he smirks along with her. “oh, hot doesn’t even begin to describe it. you’re sexy when you’re angry” he chuckles softly, not wanting any of the household’s other occupants to hear him.
he knows that everything has changed tonight, just like it had the night they’d let themselves act on their feelings, cross faded no doubt, but cross faded on each other. every touch from the other, feeling like another shot or another hit of the blunt. he smiles at her, reveling in the fact that she didn’t think he was the idiot he was convinced he was. she’d never thought he was dumb, in fact, or at least she never mentioned it. it was the small things like that he appreciated the most about her. the reason he’d always come running whenever she needed. “you’re cute,” he counters, as she settles in his lap, and he feels at ease. resting his head on hers, something about the way they just fit, making him fill with warmth. everything between them right now felt so gentle, filled with emotions instead of their usual sensual touches, hot and needy, and still he feels the fire, albeit a different kind, under his skin as she kisses him softly on the neck. and when she grabs his hand, and leads it to her stomach, laying hers atop, he knows they can get through this together. knows that he wants to try. “of course i’m here, you’re,” he corrects himself, “the both of you are all i need right now” and maybe he’s tired, exhausted even, but he can’t help the smile that spreads at the thought of a little family. he stands, holding her up, and gently laying her down on the bed. “let me get you something to wear so you can be comfortable, and i can put on netflix,” he says, as he makes his way to one of the drawers, getting one of his long t-shirts he knows will cover most of her body, and smiles at the thought. he doesn’t really plan on watching the movie or show, more-so planning on it being background sound while they cuddle. he turns the light off, before making his way back to the bed, and handing her the remote, letting her choose.
she remembers all the distinct moments in their relationship. The first look, their first time talking, the first time she called him because she just wanted to talk, and the list goes on. he made an impression on her, the first time she walked the halls of degrassi. She had just transferred to the school, asking her parents after her assault, begging to be closer to her cousin. she needed to get away from the places and people she had surrounded herself with. finally making the move, she was excited, ready to meet new people and create a new name for herself. walking in, her heels clicking on the tiles as she walked, a small smirk on her face as she saw the looks she received. always relishing in the attention she received, even if it wasnt good attention. she spotted drew before he had spotted her, spotting him as she came around the corner. standing by his locker with who she'd later learn were Dallas, Luke, and Dave. A wide smile on his face as he threw his head back in laughter. she remembered finding his smile beautiful, one of the ones you just always wanted to seen plastered on their face. but she didnt learn his name, didnt approach the group. instead continued watching from afar as she went to her locker, a smirk on her face when she saw drew watching her, the way he had to pause to think about his actions. and she certainly remembered the small twinge of jealousy she felt when she watched him pull her cousin on his lap when she had finally learned his name. but they clicked, she meshed with the whole group, creating a close bond with all of them. Drew being a stronger one than the others, and her feelings growing as the days went on. until she was informed he had asked Tori out, and she felt her heart break, but had no right. neither party knew of her feelings for the boy, and she had to watch as they fell in love, a part of her kicking herself for never saying anything.
A matching smile spreads across her face, a sense of relaxation washing over her. He felt the same, she knew that by the smile. Where it was gonna go from there she wasnt sure, she knew what she wanted. She wanted to be his, to be able to call him hers, and she hoped that was what he wanted at the end of this. Even if not right now, at least when they were both ready, or felt ready to go public given the backlash they were already facing. But her head couldnt stop swarming with the idea of being with Drew, in all aspects of life, and the smile kept growing. Before chuckling lightly, raising a brow at the raven haired boy across from her, “The idiot had fallen for my cousin,” She spoke, biting her lip softly, “But he was a sweetheart about the situation, not knowing who I was upset about, just being there for me anyway,” She shrugged, “Pretty cool guy,” Rolling her eyes playfully at his words, “Youd love to see me jealous then,”
in that moment, she knew that everything was okay. While everything changed, even more than they're cross faded escapade. it felt different, something washed over the both of them that night, and it wasnt going away anytime soon. while they're usual antics were rushed, and sexual. a fire in them both, just from a look. and her body still felt on fire, but it was different. she felt loved, safe, and secure. something she had never felt before, it was new for her, scary even. but Drew made it all seem okay, made every little thing better.  it gave her a sense of comfort, knowing that at a single text or call Drew would be there. in whatever shape or form he could fathom, she knew he would be. "we're both cute," she spoke with a small giggle, almost like she was a little kid with her crush again. a soft smile at his words, "the both of us," she repeated, feeling them fall off her tongue. the words still felt foreign. but it felt right in a way, being there with Drew, and talking about it. about a family, even if its not right now, she knew a family with Drew was in her future, somehow someway, she just felt it. she allows herself to be placed on the bed, a smile as she watches him before she slips from her track suit. immediately slipping the shirt over her head, slipping under the blanket, curling up into it. taking the remote and putting on shameless, more so for background noise, and if she did want to pay attention she wouldn't be lost. turning back towards Drew, a small smile on her face as she curled into him. her head on his chest, one of her legs stretching over his own. "thank you for being so great. I dont know what I did to deserve you, but I'm forever grateful."
there were evident bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he’d gotten the past few nights. too much tossing and turning and contemplating the new information he’d gotten out of the tragic loss. was he even able to cry? to miss a touch that he couldn’t place. was it selfish? to mourn someone you didn’t really know. to mourn a loss you didn’t really take. at least, not in the way others had. he’d spent many a night turning on netflix, hoping to get some type of distraction, only for the appeal to fade, and the gears in his head would be at work again. he turned to weed, opening the window and spraying a huge amount of cologne, hoping the smell hadn’t left his room, and even then, it only made him think of it more. the thoughts never leaving, and he knows if he knew now would he hadn’t then, he would of stayed home and saved himself the heartache. he even thought to reach out to the other teenagers in the house, but decided against it, talking about it, made it real and he couldn’t relive it. couldn’t get through all of the details, scared that once he started, he’d never stop. there's a part of him that knows him telling her what he had, wasn’t enough to ease the pain, and he was still very much holding it all in, the pain will eventually build up, and drew will have no choice but to let it consume him. it’s inevitable. but she was here, and he was laughing and smiling, and that was as much as a fix he could ask for tonight.
he recalls the upset look on her face, having come to pick her up from her parent’s house, at an hour that audra would definitely not have been happy with, but he’d heard the tone of her voice, and it took all of three minutes to slip on a jacket, grab his car keys, and head out to the car. he remembers taking her to the park, him finding any way he could to make her laugh, as they sat on the swings, him giving her a push every now and again. and as the wind picked up, and it got later, he finally asked her what was bothering her, despite it being on his mind the whole time. remembers holding her hands in his face, telling her to never cry over a boy, especially not one who was dumb enough to let her pass by, his voice comforting and friendly, as he tells her all of her good qualities and that anyone who didn't see that wasn’t worth it. now that he was back in the room, and she'd said what she had, he was slowly connecting the dots. ”it was me?” his eyes widen only a little, as he thinks back to all of the times it'd just been the three of them hanging out, the others having something to do. and suddenly, he feels like the world’s biggest idiot. feels bad about all of the times they’ve kissed or hugged or any form of affection in front of her. but there’s a hint of happiness there too, and he knows it’s wrong, but their situation isn’t exactly the most innocent anyways. “it was me,” he repeats, more of a statement this time, before he surges forward and pulls her into a passionate kiss, pulling back breathless. “aw damn, guess i’ll never get to see it, since you’re the only girl i’ve got my eyes on” lips curling into a smile.
“damn right,” drew smirks, “just imagine how cute our kid will be,” he jokes. it's all still new to him, but he's processing it, albeit only being told mere minutes ago. he knows they’ll be eighteen around the corner, and even though legally they were to be adults, everyone would still deem it irresponsible. and audra, he didn’t even want to imagine her reaction. but things weren’t all bad, perhaps he’s looking through rose colored glasses, but despite the bad timing, he could see the upsides. the football that was supposed to be rocky's sitting atop his dresser, and he feels hope, hope that if he has a son, or a daughter, he’s not picky, that they can share a bond just as strong. that he won’t be a failure of a parent. perhaps this baby will turn his whole life around, motivate him to become a better man. and as they lay against the sheets, him having slipped in beside her, so that he was on the outside, her closer to the wall, his arm drapes around her, as he chuckles at the intro of the show, only having seen a couple episodes, because she'd wanted to watch it. he slips his fingers through her locks, hoping that it’s relaxing her. “shh, there’s no one else i’d rather be with” he answers simply, “now get some sleep baby”
"it was you," she confirmed with a small nod, a soft smile playing her lips as she watched Drews face. The look of shock, then confusion, the brief flash of guilt that made her brows scrunch for a moment before a small giggle as she kissed him back. holding both sides of his face, a wide grin on her face and her eyes shining with nothing but love for the man sat before her. "our kid will be the cutest," she spoke, pushing all the negative thoughts out of her mind. her families reaction, the doctors appointments, the perception people would have on them as teen parents, all of it being shoved away as she found herself enamored with Drew. her body melting into his as her eyes closed, a soft kiss placed to his chest before she fell asleep, nothing but joy sitting on her mind for once.
the next morning
Dallas stood in the kitchen, waiting for the cheese to melt over the egg before moving it to the toast he had ready. Laughing along with what Adam was saying, both having already devoured two sandwiches before the third brother even awoke. "Im telling you his bitch ass has a hangover. Ill bet money on that shit," He spoke with a chuckle, placing the egg on the bread. "Imma go wake his ass up, and he better be grateful for this shit," Shaking his head, making sure to turn the stove off before leaving the kitchen. Plate in hand as he roamed the halls of the Torres' home humming softly to himself before he found himself in front of Drews door. Laying a small knock on the door before twisting the knob, his eyes widening at the sight of limbs wrapped around one another. Not getting a glance at the females face before he grabbed the football off the dresser, making sure to only hit Drew as he sent it towards the pair. "Yo Torres," He hissed out.
it wasn’t long before the brunette too fell asleep, albeit it was only after she had. wanting to make sure that she was fully at ease, her mind not swirling with thoughts, keeping her awake as he lay beside her, hands still at play in her hair. and when he finally relaxes, turns the tv off with the remote, the room now completely dark, he closes his eyes and lets slumber overtake him. 
and just like he expected, it’s one of the best rests he’s managed this past week. can’t recall when exactly it was that he'd fallen asleep, but he smiles when he wakes up, the sight of lia on his chest, her still asleep, and him still half asleep. he pulls her closer, before closing his eyes once more and easily drifting back to sleep. eyes shoot open quickly when he feels the sudden contact, mind not registering until he’s already sitting up in bed. and when he looks over to see a confused dallas with a plate of food in his hand, he sighs in relief. knows he has to explain, but finds this to be a breeze, rather than if omar or audra had walked in and seen them. ”long story, but i’ll definitely explain later” he breathes out, as he stands, only to walk towards dallas and take the plate that’s evidently for him. “thanks,” he looks over to lia, who stirred a bit in her sleep, and then back to dallas, “now, how fucked am i?
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oldloveatz · 6 years
the seat next to his | seonghwa
— TYPE: college!au, fluff, requested
— WORD COUNT: 2.5k
— SYNOPSIS: you’ve had the biggest crush on your friend seonghwa, and either he was oblivious and only saw you as a friend, or he was really good at hiding his truest feelings.
— MESSAGE: hello!! im really enjoying your ateez scenarios!! could i request maybe a college ateez scenario? any member is fine but… maybe seonghwa?? i’m sorry if this is too vague!! keep up the good work!
— AUTHOR’S MESSAGE: thank you so much for requesting this omg i like college aus a lot!! i’m deff gon write seonghwa just cause you said “maybe seonghwa”heheheheheh AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY SCENARIOS!!!
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the first day of university was going better than you anticipated it to be. you were in your fourth class of the day, nearly done and you wanted to go home and rest. while the day was going well, it was slowly wearing you down minute by minute. but if, you thought, you could survive the first year of university, you can survive the second one.
however, the first year wasn’t so ideal. it was a mess, and you did not know what to do at all. your friends all moved to different schools, which left you alone at the one you attended. although, they said they were going to attend the university you were going to but bailed. or was it their back up plan? either way, they didn’t tell you about their schools. so, of course you felt a bit blue after finding out they weren’t going to attend your school.
the minute you stepped into your fourth period classroom, your hope of knowing people immediately deteriorated. you stopped hoping that there’d be someone you were at least acquaintances with. you took a seat next to the only seat open, next to a boy who had dark hair and wore a bright orange long sleeve. you decided to not let him know that you were going to sit next to him, you just sat down and huffed.
“the day will be over soon..” you muttered, pulling your laptop out of your backpack and its sleeve and plopping it with extra care on your desk. you had hoped the boy next to you didn’t hear you, and the girl next to you. it’s too soon to scare them away. you let out a deep breath, raising your eyebrows to make sure your eyelids weren’t to close during the lesson. another thing was you were too scared to even introduce yourself to the boy next to you and the girl on the other, so you decided to rely on the professor to say their names.
but it happened way too fast, you were too busy waiting for your name to be shouted above the class. your seatmates’ names went past your hearing and now you can’t ask them for assistance. great job, though.
“excuse me,” said the boy next to you. your head slowly turned to him, eyes leaving your laptop screen to turn your attention to him. and boy, was he the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. he had dark hair, fringe flowing past his eyebrows and high enough for him to even see what he was doing. he had a sharp nose, as sharp as his jawline when all you could see was the side of his face and very plump lips. how could someone be this gorgeous? it made you a bit insecure thinking about what the girl on your right looks like. “i didn’t hear the professor say your name. what’s your name?”
he was doing the same thing as you, listening for your name. “y/n. my name is y/n.”
the boy nodded, his hair bouncing against his forehead. “my name is seonghwa, by the way.”
it was easy for you and seonghwa to click, and the next couple of days you became close to him. he was a tall dude, and he smelled like a typical men’s cologne. seonghwa had a nice sense of style, which you liked a lot. and he was polite, a gentleman and funny; almost everything you looked for in a man. though, you already accepted that people like and who look like seonghwa must have high standards when it comes to looking for a significant other, so you dismissed the thought of ever dating him.
seonghwa asked you if you’d want to go to an ice cream parlor and get some ice cream. it was a bit humid, and you’ve been cooped up in your room for way too long. you agreed, meeting him downtown at the ice cream parlor. he was already sitting on a chair, busying himself with his phone as he waited for you. he had on a plain white shirt, black basketball shorts and his vans, and to complete the look he had tied up his fringe. the sweat on his forehead became a bit more noticeable.
“i’m here,” you announced, putting your bag on the seat to your right. he looked up, stuffing his phone away in his basketball shorts and greeted you with a smile. you felt your heart thump, considering you’ve developed a small crush on park seonghwa. you sat down, ignoring your thumping heart. “did you get my ice cream?”
“yes, and it’s my treat so you don’t have to pay,” he said, resting his chin on his hand with his eyes still trained on you. you were supposed to go to lotte world together, but decided that it was too hot and would much rather chill at his air-ventilated apartment. speaking of, he got his apartment a few days after the first day of school and you gladly helped him settle in. a few of his friends came by to help out, and they introduced themselves to you with a handshake. you still remember how their hands felt against yours considering they shook your hand with a vigorous attitude.
“no, i insist, i’ll p-”
“i just said you don’t have to,” seonghwa said with a lazy smile. it had always been this way; he always insists on paying for everything. you always had a guilty gut feeling building in your stomach, and whenever you tell your mother she was the one to gush over it, rather than yourself!
“why do you do that? all the time?” you asked, bringing out your handheld fan and clicking on the button, to which seonghwa brought out his matching one. his hair fringe began blowing back, eyes closing from the cool wind emitting from his fan. “it makes me feel bad, like a lot.”
“i told you, it’s fine!” seonghwa said, now chuckling at you. next time, you’ll get him. maybe ask him out to dinner, or eat dinner at your dorm room but not tell him what kind of food you were going to eat with him. having him pay for everything was truly the best way to make you feel bad. hell, he even pays for your movie tickets and the food that you want to munch on! though, he stopped asking what you want to eat because it was always the same type of food that you ask for. “i really wanna tell you something, once we get out of this place with our ice creams.”
and that was when your heart started racing. he had something to tell you, and your mind began thinking of the best worst case scenarios. do people think you two were together and he doesn’t want to be associated with you as your boyfriend? possibly. or maybe he needed help with his project in some class you didn’t have with him. anything was possible, and you anticipated the moment the minute you and seonghwa were out of the ice cream parlor and walking down the street.
“do you want to go to the han river? i heard it’s quite cool there,” he said after taking his plush lips away from the straw.
“please, anywhere cool is fine,” you told him.
“actually,” he said, obviously changing his mind. he stopped in his tracks, eyes staring into yours. seonghwa adopted the habit of looking straight into your eyes when he was thinking and it always scared you because you don’t know what he was thinking of, yet the windows to his soul bore right into yours. and he kept staring, eyes blinking and his bottom lip caught between his incisors. “let’s just go to my apartment. i’ll blast the ac.”
“that’s a waste of energy,” you said, not even thinking twice as soon as you started walking in the direction to seonghwa’s apartment. “won’t that drive up your bills?”
“can they blame me for doing that? it’s like we’re living in the sun with this heat,” seonghwa responded, and you giggled in return.
and maybe you should’ve taken your car, because if you did you wouldn’t be dying on the street with seonghwa and your matching handheld fans. the fans weren’t much help as it was giving you hot ventilation from the hot atmosphere. you regretted not driving down to the ice cream parlor in the first place.
upon arrival, the apartment was a degree more cooler than the outside world. seonghwa beelined it to the thermostat and make the room colder. you threw yourself on the couch, slowly melting into the fabric feel and the fan still blowing on your face. seonghwa landed himself next to you, huffing and sighing into his fan. the room became cold faster than you thought it would, but you were glad it got cold really quick.
“jesus, that was a nightmare,” you said in between huffs, sitting up straight after gaining enough energy to do so. seonghwa stayed lying down on the couch, still huffing to regain his normal breathing. “you want cold water?”
“please,” he said. the ice in your drinks had completely melted and merged itselves with the drink, and now it was useful to replenish your thirst. you made your way to his blindingly neat kitchen, it was like he never touched his kitchen nor he ever cooked. spoiler alert, most of the time he doesn’t, he usually invites you to dinner while eating take outs which you’ve told him is a bad idea. the boy is blasting through his pocket money like it was nothing. you stood in front of the tall, silver fridge and wrapped your hands around the metallic handle, pulling it open and you were bestowed with a somewhat empty fridge but filled with water bottles. you took two and left, hoping the fridge closed this time.
you sat down, handing him a cold bottle and gulped down the drink the second you twisted the cap open. and goodness, did the cold water felt good trickling down your throat. you pulled away from the lips of the bottle, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. seonghwa mirrored the same action as you, copying the sigh as well.
“thank you,” he said, twisting the cap back on the bottle. he reached for the remote, turning the tv on so you could busy yourselves in the meantime. “anything you wanna watch in particular?”
yes, what about the thing you were going to tell me earlier? you thought. “i don’t really know. the sun cooked my brain out there.”
“make some sunny-side up,” he joked.
“that’s ridiculous,” you told him, taking your eyes off of the tv and turning to him. the sides of his face were plastered with his hair that got damped from his sweat, and the underside of his fringe were plastered against his forehead. he had moved his fringe aside, creating a parting off to the side of his hairline. “so, what were you going to tell me?”
“tell you what?” he asked, eyes still on the tv. it never left the screen, to be frank.
“you said you were going to tell me something earlier. remember? when we left the ice cream parlor,” you reminded him, all of a sudden worried that you were making a big fool out of yourself for asking in the first place. he must be thinking that you’re eager to know what he was going to tell you, so you started thinking of excuses to disregard the fact that you just asked him what he was going to tell you. “actually, i don’t think you said anything.”
“i’m playing with you, i know i said i was going to tell you something,” he said, sitting up to regain his posture. you felt like the biggest fool of them all. “but i don’t know how to tell you, exactly.”
“just tell me,” you told him. “i won’t judge. i never judged you.”
and you never did, sometimes it was a joke though. but you’d never judge seonghwa’s choices in life. and he knew that, he knew that you’d be his first supporter. so if he told you he found the new love of his life.. you had no choice but to support him either way.
“i’ve always told you that college became so much more interesting when you sat down next to me,” he started, eyes staring directly into yours. he was serious this time. “and just.. i look forward to stats more than i actually do, and it confused me for a moment. i spent a lot of time in the early hours reflecting on myself.”
your heart thumped and raced harder than before. why is he saying all these things? is he leaving?
“like a lot,” he added. seonghwa’s eyes looked down on the floor, before meeting your eyes once more. “and i know why now.”
“why are telling me all this?” you asked, hoping your voice didn’t sound too quiet or panicky. of course you were panicking, your friend is telling you nonsense! none of it made sense to you. maybe you were being oblivious, but there are a lot of factors that lead seonghwa to telling you these things.
seonghwa shrugged, “i don’t know. i just thought you should know.”
“so.. that’s it?” you asked again, eyes leaving his face.
“actually, no,” he continued. “i should learn how to get to my point, but my point is… i think i have feelings for you.”
you stared at him, confused as ever and you just stared at him. what did he say? were they real? i’m not dreaming, am i..? the silence between you and seonghwa was unreal, and you sat on the couch confused. “you- wait- no, what? you have feelings?”
he chuckled at your question, “yes, i have feelings. i’m a human being, i can feel things.”
“no! i mean- for me? you have feelings for me? since when?” you fired at him, clearly in disbelief that your own crush and your own friend, park seonghwa, also has a crush on you. “why? how? seonghwa!”
“but the real question is,” he said, completely ignoring your questions fired at him. at this point, your heart beat had gone out of rhythm and it may or may not become the cause of your death. you anticipated for his question, which he purposefully held in longer to see if you’d crack under pressure.
spoiler, you did.
“what!?” you weren’t sure if you were getting nervous, happy or excited. a mix of all three? most likely.
“do you like me?” he asked. oh, of course he’d ask that. why didn’t you see it coming from someone who literally just confessed to you? you couldn’t control your expression, and began smiling like an idiot and blushing like mad.
“yes, very much.”
he only smiled, moving from one seat to another and held your hand. just as you expected them to be, they were big and warm. quite sweaty from this unacceptable heat, but you ignored it. holding seonghwa’s hand for the first time was certainly a weird experience, but good.
“college will only get better at this point.”
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Nightmares [loki oneshot]
Pairing: Loki x Reader; Loki x family (angst)
Word Count: Around 2,000 words?
Warning: Starts off with some major angst stuff... I warned you
A/N: I’m off hiatus for a bit, and decided that I would be attempting to continue series and finish up/publish the requests that I got from a lot of people. I apologize for being on hiatus for so long, honestly I wasn’t expecting to be out this long. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the requested oneshot!
Summary: Loki has a nightmare, and goes to the reader to comfort him.
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     Loki’s gaze wandered to the fields of flowers, staring at the weeping willow by the small shimmering lake. Seeing the small figures playing around, his eyes glimmered. Running through the grassy fields, his arms extended forward.
     “Mom! Thor! Odin!” Loki yelled, his pace began to quicken as they turned their heads. A sudden rumbling made Loki’s eyes widen, he gazed at his family.
     “Run! Go!” Loki screamed, his family only smiled and turned, unaware of what was going on around them. The ground shook again, knocking Loki off of his feet. He attempted to stand again, but the quaking of the ground underneath him was too strong. Tears pricked Loki’s eyes as he crawled, his family only a few yards from him.
     The world split into two. The giant hole was right behind his family, their panicked expressions made Loki’s stomach turn.
     His father was the first to fall. Loki clenched his jaw tightly, slowly attempting to stand up. He didn’t know why there was a small feeling of regret when his father fell, but he wasn’t as important to him as the two others-- who seemed too horrified to move. His knees were buckling beneath him--but he ignored his aching body.
     His brother and mother began to lose their balance. Loki’s vision was soon clouded, as his breaths began to come uneasy. Leaping outward, he grabbed his mother’s and brother’s hand as they began to fall, holding them as his life depended on it. The veins in his arms popped instantly, a rush of adrenaline coursing through his body as he stared at them.
     “I can’t go…” his brother muttered,“... not like this.” Loki’s arms were trembling, his body slowly starting to slip into the hole. Loki’s mother, Frigga, gazed at him, tears forming in her eyes.
     “Honey. Let us go.” Loki shook his head furiously, biting his lower lip. He soon tasted a metallic fluid but refused to think about anything else.
     “I-I c-can’t,” Loki croaked out. “I’ll lose you. I’ll save you. I can do it.” Loki’s arms burned; his whole body began to feel like it was set ablaze. He couldn’t lose them. They were all he had left in this cruel world-- as much as he refused to believe it, pushing them away every chance he got. The truth was now revealed in the worst case scenario. He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut.
     “Look at me, brother.” His brother rasped, Loki complied. The first thing he saw was his brother’s icy blue eyes, and how they were filled with sorrow. Loki’s never saw that look on his brother’s face.
     They were always filled with hope.
     “Loki…” his brother trailed on. “I want you to know… that I love you. I really do. I want you to know that--no matter what, I’ll still keep my promise to you. I’ll watch over you, I’ll protect you. But I need you to be strong.” Loki began to wail, he didn’t want to hear the ending, he shook his head frantically.
     “No. Don’t finish it. I don’t want to hear-”
     “Loki. I want you, to let us go. Live your life that you dreamed of Loki, you think I didn’t see the journals you secretly kept in your chambers?
     “Do what you want Loki. Mother, father, and I--we’ll watch over you from above. And when the time is right--we’ll become a family again. But that won’t happen for a very long time.” Loki stared at his brother’s eyes, seeing the small tears drip down.
     His brother didn’t cry. Because he was strong… so the fact that he was now…
     “Loki, sweetie.” His mother interjected, she brought her other hand up to touch his cheek, Loki tilted his head to her hand, feeling the warmth emitting from it. Tears brimmed from the corners of his eyes.
     “You’ll do great things, never forget that. No matter what anyone says, what anyone might do--you trust your own instincts. We’ll be beside you through your journey, and we’ll help you guide you to your happy ending.
     “I love you, my son. But it’s time for your family to go.” Her grip on his hand began to loosen, Loki panicked.
     “NO! You can’t do this to me! I don’t want you to leave! Don’t leave me! I’ll be able to help! We’ll all be safe-”
     “Loki. Ever since you were little, you despised the word ‘goodbye’, so let’s just say we’ll see you later. Far from now. But we’ll see you eventually. Remember that.” His brother said, loosening his grip as well. Loki’s eyes flooded with tears, tightening his grip on their wrists.
     “You’re not leaving me alone! I can’t be alone! I-I-I won’t be able to h-handle it. Who’s going to teach me to do things? Tell me to take risks? Who am I supposed to look to when I-I’m vulnerable. I-I can’t do this. I want to come with you.” Loki blurted.
     “You’ll do remarkable things without us. Good people who care for you will guide you--and you’ll have great allies along the way. Trust me, Loki.” His mother said reassuringly. Her grip loosened more. “I love you.” His brother’s grip loosened as well.
     “Do well, little brother. Remember--there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.”
     Loki’s mind went blank. The ringing in his ears multiplied, uncontrollably shaking.
     They were gone.
     Loki gasped, jolting from his position in the bed. He grabbed an old mirror; his tear-stained face was disgusting. He looked at the mirror again, seeing the little boy with onyx bangs covering his eyes, his smile brighter than the sun itself. And beside him, were his two parents and elder brother, holding hands with one another. He threw the mirror across the room, hearing it shatter against the wall. He grabbed his tunic, squeezing it tightly.
     He couldn’t breathe.
     His hair stuck to his forehead, he scoffed. He hated his onyx hair. It reminded him too much of them. He checked the time, realizing that he wouldn’t be able to get any shut-eye before his day began.
     His feet moved on their own. Making their way off into the bathroom sink, he twisted the handle, watching the water pour into the drain. He cupped his hands, letting the water fill them--the cold temperature making him feel more empty. He brought the water to his face, letting the cold feeling spread. He turned off the sink and ruffled his hair. He looked up, staring at his reflection.
     “Remember--there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.”
     “But I couldn’t save you.” Loki breathed out. “If I was able to accomplish anything, I wouldn’t feel so broken inside. I would’ve been able to save you, to hold you all.” He stared at his reflection, his bottom lip trembling. “I would’ve been able, to tell you all how much I appreciated you. But I was too selfish to admit that I did.”
     “If I could accomplish anything--I should’ve told you all I loved you. Even when I knew I wasn’t going to be able to see you all for a long time. I could’ve even tell them ‘I love you’ back.”
     Staring at the picture frame, he frowned at the old memory.
     “I’ll see you later, mother.” He muttered, leaving his chambers… “because you never liked goodbyes.”
     He blamed himself for his mother’s death, although he hated to admit it. If he wasn’t corrupted in such ways and shown the bloody monster to the staircase-- she would still be alive-- supporting her idiotic son. His mother was someone truly there for him, and someone that would stick along with him while his father would rant about Thor’s excellence.
     He made his way out of his room, his feet moving on their own. He moved through the empty streets of New York, the flashing lights reminding him of his nightmare.
     Slowly trudging up the driveway, he noticed it began to drizzle slightly. Hearing the rain, he smiled and looked up to the sky.
     He paused his movements, letting the rain fall onto his body.
     “Loki! What are you doing?” A voice interrupted his thoughts, one that seemed extremely worried. Loki opened his eyes, face-to-face with a cross figure.
     “What did I tell you about standing in the rain? Get inside for crying out loud!” The figure bickered, pushing Loki into their house. Slamming the door shut, the figure sighed.
     “I have a change of clothes for you, from the last time you were here.” Loki nodded his head, silent. The figure immediately picked this up but decided not to ask right away.
     “I’ll make us a cup of tea while you change-- after, we can talk about it. Is that all right?” The figure asked, cupping Loki’s cheek. Ice cold.
     Loki nodded, grabbing the change of clothes and made his way to the bathroom.
     “Thank you, (Y/N),” Loki whispered, kissing the top of (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) hummed in response, making their way to the kitchen.
     When Loki arrived in the kitchen, (Y/N) had set the kettle down on their dining table, pouring the hot liquid into two teacups. Turning their attention to Loki, they grinned sadly.
     “Have a seat, Loki. I have all night.” Loki nodded and sat in his chair, grasping the teacup gently. Taking a sip of the sweet substance, he stared at (Y/N).
     “I presume you’re here because the incident occurred again?” Loki nodded slowly in response; (Y/N)’s eyes widened, setting his/her cup down on the saucer. Loki stared at the ground, hearing a chair scrape against the floor. Two hands grasped his, making Loki stare at the figure.
     (Y/N) smiled softly, sitting on Loki’s lap. Wrapping his/her arms around Loki’s torso, [s]he buried his/her face in Loki’s neck, inhaling his scent softly. Rubbing his lower back in small, calming circles, they began to hum softly.
     Loki wrapped his arms around her/him as well, listening to their voice. The silence of the atmosphere soothed him, his breathing beginning to get closer.
     (Y/N) removed themselves from Loki minutes later, leading him to their bed.
     Making their way out of the room, Loki grasped his/her hand tightly.
     “Don’t leave me too,” he pleadingly spoke out. (Y/N) inhaled deeply, tucking herself/himself into bed beside Loki.
     “I won’t Loki, you know I won’t.” Loki frowned at (Y/N)’s statement; would she be around him… and for how long?
     Loki wrapped his arms around (Y/N) tightly, his demeanor changed completely when he was down and depressed.
     In the morning, he knew that he would be back to being a sarcastic know-it-all, teasing his lover to the brink of exhaustion; but in moments like this, he knew he could depend on (Y/N).
     (Y/N) knew that Loki was someone who needed a lot of comforts, he had experienced so much as a child, and not to mention his life overall. And (Y/N) wanted to there for him, not out of pity, but as a sign of commitment; that he/she cared for Loki so dearly, that they were willing to embrace Loki’s differences, and help him overcome his demons he had troubles dealing with.
     It wasn’t hard either. Loki didn’t like to converse about it-- unless he was completely distraught, the sheer touch of someone he cared for around him, was enough to comfort him in the toughest times he faced nowadays.
     You stared at Loki’s sleeping figure, sighing to yourself. No matter how much he did, or what he did, you still loved him; even after all the damn things, he put you through.
     Grabbing your phone, you quickly messaged Tony.
[13:02] FYI, I’m going to be with Loki for a while, so don’t send the damn Avengers like you did last time.
[13:10] All right, thanks (Y/N).
     Shutting off your phone, you smiled and cuddled closer next to Loki. You loved him, everything about him made you feel like you were soaring. And you would do anything to make him feel happy and know that he had a place in the world.
     Your eyelids began to drop slowly, losing consciousness.
     What you didn’t know-- was that something bigger was about to emerge from the unknown, and test your limits…
thank you, next request should be up soon!
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sweetpxsin · 7 years
Stray Kids: When you wake up from a night mare
Request: Anon
Member: Strays Kids
Plot: chan or stray kids in general reaction to their s/o waking up from a nightmare pretty please?
Genre: Fluff
Note:im on spring break have 4 A’s 1 B and IM STILL STRESSING OVER THAT ONE C+ LIKE SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME THE SECRET TO PHYSICS! LIKE MY 3.6 GPA IS IN DANGER AND MY GPA IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME SANE (also this is trash brb gotta go kms) [ Master list // Request // Guidelines ] *gifs are not mine credits to original posters
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[ C H A N ]
•Honestly speaking here Chan is probably still up by the time your nightmare even happens
•But his attention was instantly brought to you once he heard you whimpering and honest to truth he thought that his work was disturbing your sleep so he’d just lower the brightness of his laptop and plug in headphones, of course with one shifted slightly off his ear so he could hear you
•Though when your whimpering continued he stopped working completely and was a little shocked himself when he saw your body shoot up
•and at first he thought you had just woke up out of shock but when you turned to face him with tears brimming your eyes along with labored breath he knew something more was up and instantly would put his work away
•Chan wouldn’t hesitate to pull you close towards him knowing you need the physical  comfort more than anything right now
•His hand would be running comfortingly up and down your back as you told him what had happened in your nightmare and his heart would break a little when your grip on him tightened a little more as if you were afraid to lose him
•Before he started speaking he would give you a chance to calm your own nerves down before he offered comforting words and a nice cuddle that would lull you back into a peaceful slumber before he followed suit, his work now long forgotten
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[ W O O J I N ]
•It wasn’t hard to notice your small whimpers and harsh sharp movements when Woojin was practically cuddling you in your sleep
•He’d gently take hold of your shoulders and try shaking you awake and only got a little more aggressive in his shaking once you didn’t wake up
•But once you did wake up he could barely tell because the only indicator he had was the loud gasp that left your lips and your labored breath that followed after
•Since he was already holding you he’d only pull you closer in response and ask you what was wrong and if there was anything he could do for you
•He’d allow you to ramble about what you were dreaming about before offering comforting words he knew would make you feel safe
•He also wouldn’t let you go the whole time knowing it provide some sort of comfort for you
•And by the time you had started to calm down he wouldn’t let himself fall asleep till knew you were sleeping peacefully in his arms
•Even before he’d go to sleep he’d make sure to give you  head a quick peck on the forehead
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[ M I N H O ]
•You had fallen asleep with one of his arms around you way before him falling asleep so he didn’t fail to feel you  slightly tense in his arms
•and he didn’t hesitate at all to rip his eyes off the tv in front of him to see if anything was wrong
•Minho couldn’t help but frown a little seeing the look of pure distress on your face and his hands instantly went to holding your arms to shake you lightly just enough to get you to wake up
•Though he almost felt guilty with how abruptly you had woken up, but he was quick to realize he wasn’t the reason for you to wake up so quickly
•Partly because you looked like you were on the verge of tears and was even more tense than you had perviously been
•He wasn’t quick to pull you into his embrace rather he would ask you what was wrong, fully listening to what you had to say so he knew how to comfort you
•Afterwards he’d finally  pull you towards him
•and he’d depending on what you had a nightmare on the way he would comfort you would vary from soft and gentle words that would pull you back to Earth or he’ gently hold you knowing you’d find some sort of solace in just listening to his steady heartbeat along with him holding you
•And after that he’d try to make sure you fell asleep before him or at least at the same time so he would know that you were no longer bothered about whatever had disturbed yourself beforehand
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[ C H A N G B I N  ]
•Changbin wasn’t in the bed at the time you were had fall asleep so he never got the chance to hear you whimper or jolt slightly in your sleep
•So you could say at the very least he was more than surprised for when you were practically almost falling out of the bed to only run into his arms
•And he could almost feel guilty with how tightly you were holding him, with your labored breath and glistening eyes
•Though it would settle in quickly that your random outburst was more than rash actions and was because you had in fact had probably one of your most worst nightmares yet
•And he wouldn’t hesitate as to pull you closer to him as he comfortingly run his hand up and down your back
•And because he was partly afraid your legs would give out from underneath you he would gently guide you back to the bed never breaking the physical contact
•Changbin would have you cradle in his arms tight as he gently ask you what was wrong, his other hand gently fixing your hair as you spoke in a hushed tone
•Once you had managed to calm down though he wouldn’t really try much to make you go to sleep because he knew you me own shock and his body warmth was enough to make you feel tired
•and once you finally did fall asleep he couldn’t help but to tuck Gyu in your arms as he continued to hold you like that till he himself fell asleep
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[ H Y U N J I N ]
•Hyunjin wasn’t even facing you or holding you once you suddenly began to toss and turn in your nightmare but as your movement became more harsh he’d finally wake up
•at first he thought you were just trying to get comfortable till he saw the distraught look on your face and instantly reached over to wake you up
•But before he could reach over he’d be surprised once you jumped, your eyes snapping open
•he’d ask if anything was alright and if you were having troubles with sleeping
•He wouldn’t necessarily nor understand your sudden waking till you had told him about what you had dreamed about
•By then he’d have you wrapped up in his arms feeling slightly, guilty he couldn’t quite pinpoint as to why you were acting that way to begin with
•Afterwards he’d dedicate most of his time trying to get you to laugh or at least making you crack a smile so you were a little less worried about your nightmare
•And if that didn’t work he wouldn’t mind settling for the much more calmer and sweeter way to calm you down
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[ J I S U N G ]
•Jisung would probably have you all wrapped up in his arms because he just loved the affection so it was only natural for him to feel you tense up quickly in his arms
•He would pull back from the embrace he had you in and try to see what was wrong only to see you awake in his arms
•At first he would question what was wrong and if you were having trouble sleeping but would instantly sense your hesitation in telling him
•It wouldn’t take him long to figure out that you had a nightmare and a soft smile would make its way to his face
•He would think about how precious were to still have nightmares, but only if they were the silly ones that didn’t make sense
•But he wouldn’t hesitate to pull you back into this embrace to mumble comforting words softly to you
•and if that wasn't enough to calm you down he’d also rub a hand up and down your back while leaving soft kisses against your skin knowing the affection would calm you down more than anything
•A small chuckle might leave his lips too if you cuddle into him further whining to him as if you were afraid he’d leave
•Of course he wouldn’t leave your side because cuddle up close to you till he fell asleep was a moment he was not about to
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[ F E L I X ]
•To be honest Felix’s scenario would be very similar to Jisung’s in a sense that he’s full out big spooning you
•Thought to be quite honest he wouldn’t be asleep more like he was letting sleep slowly take over him as he admire you and even fixing the stray hairs that had fallen out of place
•But you jolting awake  was enough to snap him out of his own drowsy state and he was quick to ask what was wrong
• it would take you a moment till you finally told him what had happen and Felix would immediately respond in either one or two ways depending on how bad your nightmare had been
•If it was something small and silly, totally out of the ordinary Felix’ would shoot you his adorable laugh before telling you not to worry but if it was something a little more serious and realistic he would take the time to say something thoughtful
•Though not to the point it would bring down the mood it was thoughtful to the point it would bring a sense of piece to your currently tense and afraid mood
•And if all else false he’d hold you tight in his embrace and hum soothingly to you, to get you to calm down
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[ S E U N G M I N ]
•Seungmin would be more like Minho’s scenario were you had managed to sleep in his arms while he was doing something on his own
•In this case you’d be laying on top of him, with his own back pressed against the bedframe as he continued to watch the movie infront of him, though your sudden jolts would be quick to grab his attention
•And at first he’d think it was just small reflexes and something just small till he heard your slight whimpering
•Only then would he take actions to try to wake up, like shaking your shoulders lightly till you woke up, finally in a sudden jolt
•When your gaze met his he’d be taken  aback slightly by your terrified/distressed face
•But would be quick to connect the dots and instantly his hands that were wrapped around your waist would be rubbing up and down your back comfortingly
•He wouldn’t necessarily force you to say anything rather he’d talk softly to you
•As if he was gently guiding you away from the terrible thoughts your nightmare may have brought upon you
•And just when he thought you were about to fall back to sleep he would gently sing your favorite songs to you, in an attempt to lull you back to your peaceful slumber
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[ J E O N G I N ]
•He really isn’t easy to wake up but when he felt your sudden jolts of movement he pulled himself from his slumber to check up on you
•but before he could even get his hands on you to shake you away you were already jolting yourself up in a sitting position
•He could tell by your labored breath and the glistening sweat on your forehead that was highlighted by the moonlight that you had had a nightmare
•It wouldn’t take him long before he gingerly pulls you into his embrace
•And of course he’d tried to calm you down slightly by running his hands through your hair or rubbing up and down your back asking you about what you had dreamt about
•If it was nothing serious he would try to joke around with you till your wonderful smile appeared back on your lips, knowing you felt safe in his arms
•otherwise if it was more serious he would whisper comforting words and reassuring thoughts that his hyungs had once said to him when he was scared, till you were calm enough
•And if the circumstances called for it he’d stay up all night to make sure you felt safe in his arms till he finally cradled the both of you to sleep together
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
The thought of Dean stumbling around drunk in the streets (or worse, driving home in that condition) makes me so sad. I mean the whole scenario does; he's 40, so drunk he can't get to the bed, found passed out with a bra wrapped around him and a whiskey bottle. I mean yeesh:-(
Yeah... we know the Clam Diver was “just outside” the town, which implies driving distance and not drunken stumbling distance. If Dean was so drunk that he couldn’t even make himself land on the bed and looked like he was lucky he managed to hit the floor... I mean, he got one shoe off and used it as a pillow.
If he was really that drunk, the bar wouldn’t have let him drive home. They would’ve called him a cab. Not to mention, aside from his tie headband and his shoe pillow, the rest of him looked relatively well put together (buttons buttoned neatly, coat on properly, etc.).
And did he really walk around the rest of the night wearing a pretty pink bra around his neck? Did he wear it to the liquor store where he bought that bottle? Did he wear it walking through the hotel? Because he was too drunk to care about his appearance in a town where he was pretending to be an FBI agent for a case where one boy was missing and another had been rendered mute by his experience?
And if Dean was really so drunk that he didn’t care about any of that, how did he end up in that spot on the floor without waking Sam up? Opening the door in the middle of the night, so drunk that he could barely stand up (and couldn’t even make it to the bed), and yet not so drunk that his stumbling and fumbling woke Sam up? 
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(here’s the embiggened version)
He was apparently messing with the TV remote as well? How? I mean... how did none of this apparent fumbling around the room not wake Sam up?
It’s like Dean was just tired of Sam pushing at him to just be “okay” again. Because Sam wasn’t really pushing Dean to be okay, he was pushing Dean to perform a specific version of Dean. Not because it would make Dean feel better, but because it would make Sam feel better about how Dean is coping.
Dean: I'm fine.Sam: Look, you're not, Dean. You said you don't believe in anything, and -- and that's not true, that's not you. You do believe in things, you believe in people. That's who you are, that's what you do. I know you're in a dark place and I just want to help.Dean: Okay. Look, I've been down this road before and I fought my way back, I will fight my way back again.Sam: How?Dean: Same way I always do: bullets, bacon, and booze. A lot of booze.
That’s what Sam needed Dean to be, to perform for him. To believe in something again, because yeah, Dean believes in people. He said it in 12.23:
DEAN: Yeah. You know, Cas has faith in this kid.SAM: Mm.DEAN: I hope he's right. But me? I have faith in us. You, me, Mom, Cas. And Crowley. Sometimes.
But within an hour of that, 3/5 of the people Dean believed in were gone. And Sam’s now insisting that Dean just magically be okay with that, just let that go and just transfer all of that belief over to Jack, who Dean directly blames for the loss of the 3/5 people he believed in... 
And now that giving Dean the “mission” to help teach Jack (with the hope that Jack might eventually be able to open the rift to fetch Mary again) has failed to help snap Dean out of his funk, Sam is desperate to at least get Dean performing the motions that used to signal his unhealthy coping skills.
Heartily pushing a beer on Dean at breakfast when he just wanted a sandwich, tolerating his music instead of complaining about it, ordering him food he’d normally complain about Dean eating, reading online reviews of a strip club to recommend it to Dean when he typically avoids strip clubs himself, buying Dean hair of the dog. It’s annoying to Dean, but after his display in the motel room, when Sam hands him that bottle, he forgives Sam.
What does he forgive him for? For pushing him to just be okay when he just wanted to be left to grieve in his own way.
Notice Sam doesn’t push him again after that.
Notice also that Dean never drank either breakfast beer.
Sam: You okay?Dean: No. Sam I'm not okay, I'm pretty far from okay. You know my whole life, I always believed that what we do was important. No matter what the cost, no matter who we lost. Whether it was Dad or Bobby or... and I would take the hit. But I kept on fighting because I believed that we were making the world a better place. And now Mom and Cas and I -- I don't know. I don't know.Sam: So you don't believe anymore.Dean: I just need a win. I just need a damn win.
Exactly the mental state Dean had diagnosed Cas with in 12.19. In the past, he’d still had Sam to believe in, the two of them against the world. Just fighting for Sam isn’t enough for him anymore. Something is different this time, and Dean doesn’t feel like he should have to perform the emotional labor to keep up a false front of coping for Sam anymore.
Like twig!Tasha told him in 12.20:
TASHA: Yeah. Family's always complicated. Parents always see smart and strong and perfect. It's only when you grow up that you realize that they're just people.
Sam is finally seeing that Dean is just a person. Not that Sam had ever had illusions about Dean being perfect or whatever, but that act of always believing they could push through anything and come out the other side again isn’t the truth, and has never fully been the truth.
Heck, I’m watching 1.09 in the background while I write this up. And it wasn’t even the truth way back then... Dean kept up the “everything will be fine” act in front of Sam, essentially hid out behind a gas station and made his emotionally charged plea to John for help in the scene we’ve been paralleling to his prayer to God in 13.01. 
In 2.04, Sam confronted Dean yet again on how badly he was handling John’s death, after the case they stumbled over while Sam visited Mary’s grave. I mean, THEEEEEMES. Dabb is pulling all of these themes from early seasons, and standing them all on their heads. Because in 2.05, after Dean had spent weeks putting up a front for Sam, the truth is forced out of him by psychic manipulation:
Dean: We hunt demons.Andy: What?Sam: Dean!Dean: Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother...Sam: Dean, shut up!Dean: I'm trying. He's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And, I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right.
Dean had buried all of this and kept it from Sam, much the same way Sam had buried some things that were pushed out in the open by another psychic manipulation (by a creepy ghost of a psychiatrist at an asylum, conveniently enough)... in 1.10:
Sam: That's the difference between you and me. I have a mind of my own. I'm not pathetic, like you.Dean: So what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna kill me?Sam: You know what, I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. We're no closer to finding Dad today than we were six months ago.Dean: Well, then here. Let me make it easier for you. Come on. Take it. Real bullets are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt. Take it!! You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger. Do it!
Sam did it. But just like Dean brushing off the confessions Andy pulled out of him after the fact because it had been coercion, Sam brushed off what he’d said in that asylum, too.
Now in s13, Sam is asking-- nay, begging-- Dean to just brush this off again, to fake it ‘til he makes it, and Dean is saying no.
It’s honestly the healthiest damn way they’ve ever reacted in a situation like this.
I have no idea how I turned this ask into actual meta, but here you go.
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jujubieberbae · 8 years
Request: can u do an imagine wherein y/n is a college student and is having a hard time balancing her studies and having a long distance relationship with Justin and Justin plans a surprise for her and does all these cute stuff to y/n.
Sorry for the wait. Hope It was worth it.
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Time. It's either your best friend or your worst nightmare. - A blessing or a curse - A hero or a villain. There are so many scenarios that can play out around the little hands of a mechanical machine that hangs on a dull wall.
In my case, at this second, I honestly could not hate time anymore then right now. It feels like it's purposely teasing me, trying to boil my blood with every agonisingly slow second. I swear I think I can hear the clock laughing at me. Each tick of the hands is a tiny giggle directed only at me.
There is so little time left, yet it feels like an eternity more. Just a few more seconds...
Oh thank God! With both hands, I swipe up all my equipment from in front of me and shove them aggressively back into my book bag. Not even letting Mr Martin compete his lecture on political opinions, I rush out the door and away from that nightmare of a class.
On the campus grounds, I'm immediately greeted with rushing students all around, all with the same determined goal and that is to get as far away from this hell hole as possible. Without even sparing a glance in the opposite direction, I'm immediately on the rush towards the girls dormitories.
My dorm room once I had approached it was my number one priority, quickly dashing inside as quick as possible, slamming the door with a sigh behind me. But It wasn’t as if I could just stop, drop and do nothing. I had hours and hours of studying ahead of me, and I was already having trouble keeping my eyes open.
It’s times like this I really wish Justin was here. To calm me down during times of anxiety and stress. I just miss him so much but I don’t have the heart to ask him to come and visit. He’s doing what he loves and I would never make myself a priority during a time made for belieber’s.
Many hours later, my dorm mate had been in out of the room for the last 20 minutes, yelling and laughing about with her friends. This totally threw me off, losing my train of thought somewhere between my books and the noise.
A sigh escaped my lips, fingers applying pressure to my temples in agitation. I can’t do this, not while I’m this distracted. I need my baby boy.  
After rubbing the corners of my eyes of the sleep forming, and removing my glasses from my face, I finally decided on a break and reached for my phone, quickly dialling Justin’s number for a facetime call.
It dialed, and dialled and dialled until....”Yo this is JB. Im probably busy in the studio or performing so just a leave a message and I’ll get back to you soon.” 
“Hey Jay baby. I know your probably busy but I really just wanted to call. Schools been really hectic and I just needed to hear your voice. Call me back as soon as you can. Love you.”
“Hey, Y/N! Can you run down to the store and buy us some beer.”
My head shot over to the door of my room, a sigh escaping my lips. It annoys me that my roommate is too late lazy to go out and do it herself, deciding to disturb my study session instead, but then again, a break and something to get Justin off my mind was definitely well needed.
It was still sun up outside, it being only a few past 2 in the afternoon meaning people were more then likely just finishing there own classes for today. Deciding to leave my phone at home, I swiped up my dorm keys and my wallet, and made my way out of the dormitory.
The walk to the local walmart was short and quite enjoyable. The late summer breeze sang around me, swaying my hair slightly as I strolled down the bustling paths. Students surrounded the entirety of the campus grounds, either chatting or finishing off some work. 
But my mind was set firmly on Justin. Oh how I missed him. 2 weeks ago was the last time we had spoken. 3 months since we had seen each other. It was as if he was only seeming to become busier and busier as purpose tour went on.
And the fact that our relationship is very private worries me slightly. Justin could honestly get away with messing around with a girl if he wanted to. Not that I didn’t trust him. But no one knows about us, so it only makes me more anxious about this whole situation.
As the doors of walmart retracted, allowing me access inside, I quickly dashed over to the alcohol section, grabbing ahold of the cheapest and most affordable box I could find. After a bit of struggle, I had managed to make it over to the register to pay for the beer, only to be suddenly interrupted by a loud yell from outside. 
It sounded high pitched and more shocked then anything. My eyes darted towards the windows of the store, peering outside at the scene before me. the Young cashier doing the same. 
All I caught sight of was a black SUV surrounded by a mob of girls. Suspicion drew within me, only one person I know that could cause such commotion running through my head. No, that’s ridiculous. He’s in New Zealand right now, half way across the world!
“Ma’am!” The boy called, it sounded as if he had been trying for my attention for a while. My head whipped back to stare at the boy, eyes wide.
“That’ll be 19.99.” He repeated, holding his hand out expectantly.
“Oh.” I mumbled, reaching out to hand the boy a twenty dollar note before grabbing a hold of the heavy box and quickly making my way outside. 
Gliding through the mob of girls was hard, and I tried everything to just ignore the scene and attempt to just get this box home as quick as possible, but the shouts of these girls had me drawn further and further in curiousity, one in particular catching me off guard.
Justin?! I-It can’t be! can it?
My head immediately whipped around, turning to acknowledge the SUV parked rather close to me. My eyes locked on the tinted window supporting the back seat, squinting slightly as if something in me just knew something. And before I knew it, the door was opening. 
Slowly, but it was opening, a figure finding its way out of the car. Screams had enhances, more girls appearing at the realisation of the pop icon in our campus but out of every girl, his eyes seemed to only be on one. Me.
My eyes watered, tears threatening to spill at sight and the box I was holding immediately slipped from my fingers, a small crack sounding as it impacted the floor. “Justin?” I whispered. 
A smile played at his perfectly plump lips, arms spreading slightly as if to say ‘you guessed it!’
At that moment, Mikey stepped out of the front seat, a bouquet of bright red and white roses, and multiple shopping bags from stores such as Pink, Nike, VS, Lou boutin and Pandora In hand. All topped with a large card sticking out the top of the roses reading ‘To My babygirl, Love Jay baby.’
Instantly smiling at the use of my nickname to him, I looked over into his eyes with a grateful and loving smile.
“I’m right here baby girl.” He mumbled but to me, it was the loudest thing i could hear. Instantly, I pressed my body forward, wasting no time but to jump into his arms. Ignoring all the confused and jealous stares emitting from all around, I pressed my lips against his as he supported me by placing his arms under my ass.
Both arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him to me to intensify the kiss. 
God, I missed his lips so much.
“You’re here.” I mumbled. 
“I’m here.” he repeated. “Right here.”
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pansyfemme · 8 months
yeah so regarding the shit ive been posting about lately: i am safe, i am okay, im staying with family for a little while until its safe to return to school and move dorms. i appriciate all the support and its been a really tough few weeks, but im really trying my best to keep my head up. i love you all.
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