#cassarian fanfiction
disneyfanatic1993 · 28 days
I’m Done Holding Back: Chapter Fifty-Six
All art from the chapter of my Cassarian fanfic, “Chapter Fifty-Six: Return To the Dark Kingdom”.
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froggy-1988 · 16 hours
WIP - Tangled - Cassarian
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soreiya · 1 year
Well I got called pedophile and "kiddie porn" in the last few days for saying I prefer Varipunzel and Cassarian over Varigo.
Should I get used to it?
Most fans of Varipunzel and Cassarian change the character ages for AU's. Varigo does the same, but is treated differently because Hugo is an OC. That's why I find this behavior incomprehensible. It's like looking for some sort of loophole. They act holier than thou because they believe that somehow they are different from you or me. All because the version of the character they were introduced to first is the one from the fanfiction AU.
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dg-darkfantasy · 3 years
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Fanart of Masquerade by @froggy-1988
Please mind the tags and the rating
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amarilly · 3 years
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Chapter 13
Read it here on AO3
The fall was quick and it was terrifying. The instant it took the rope to pull taught felt far too long and the terrible thought that it wasn't connected to anything at the other end barely had time to form in either of their heads before it jerked hard and their downward momentum was forced in an arc toward the sea. The shapes of the ship rushed past them and suddenly there was empty darkness below. The sea. Cassanadra's grip failed and Varian let go, letting them freefall into the black waters.
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scribbles-n-pins · 3 years
Cassarian Month 21
A short entry for week one. I'll be posting them all together here on Ao3.
Spring Showers
Varian tended to lose track of things. Of course, this wasn’t his fault, his mind was just too busy. Too full. It rarely stopped so mundane things like appointments and the time didn’t occupy a particularly important place in his thoughts. He kept a small planner and was meticulous in adding reminders to it but all the notes in the world wouldn’t help him if he forgot something as important as setting an alarm. Or making sure the car had gas in it the previous night.
At least he had been precise in his preparations the night before. His notes and thesis papers had been laid out, his nicest clothes had been ready, breakfast would’ve been skipped anyway with the anxious, wobbly feeling in his stomach. He was going to cement his doctorate. Today would be the day if he could just get there in time. He pulled his tie, loosening it against the heat of his neck. Even though the morning was cool it was bright and a flat out run across the campus grounds was uncomfortably warm. The peril of changing seasons, he supposed.
The wind bit at his face despite the morning sunshine. The clouds were patchy, with the airy feeling of spring rain in the air. The morning felt indecisive around him, all the better for Varian that he was so focused. The stalwart feeling sharpened his confidence.
No one else was in any kind of hurry. He’d nearly bowled over several students as they bunched up together in the cool morning. The ancient man from the academics building had nearly gone flying when Varian passed through the building as a shortcut. He’d paused briefly to make sure the professor was all right but a few seconds was all he’d spared.
He rounded a corner of the science building, unslowing as he skidded across the concrete. He didn’t have time to stop as his brain registered the body in his path. He didn’t even have time to swerve away from the girl before he plowed into her. Her forehead smashed into his nose and Varian yelped as they went down, her arms flailing around him in surprise. The papers went flying.
“No no no no!” Varian wiped at his nose and blinked away tears. No blood, so it wasn’t as broken as it felt. He lunged his upper body after the papers, scrabbling after them before the breeze could take hold. “Sorry! I’m so late and I just wasn’t- Oh, my notes!” Dimly Varian was aware that she had bumped her own nose against his chin.
“s’okay, “ she said, muffled by her hand over her face. Her free hand shot out, grabbing a chart as it fluttered. The wind was picking up.
“Is your face okay?” That was all of them. Relief swept over Varian as he tucked the papers into one of his folders and looked down. Unamused hazel eyes were staring up at him over the curve of the girl’s hand.
Up at him. Oh. He glanced further down. Of course, he was still draped over her legs awkwardly. A self conscious smile crept onto his face and he pushed himself up carefully. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. My face, and the rest of me will live,” she said, holding a hand up to ask for assistance. As Varian pulled her up his eyes traveled over her dark hair as the breeze tossed it and something pattered against their joined hands. She was pretty. “I know you. The chemistry guy, right? I’m Cassandra.” She shook his hand where she held it and gingerly pulled her hand away from her face. A faint bluish tinge stretched across the bridge of her nose and Varian winced. That was his fault.
“Chemistry guy.”
“It’s what I’m calling you until you tell me your name.” Her voice lilted, an unidentifiable undercurrent in the tone. Varian wasn’t sure what it implied but the way she was looking up at him expectantly was disarming. His tongue caught over his voice.
“Oh. I’m...my name is Varian.”
“Varian. You should probably put on the brakes when you come to blind corners. Not everyone is as tough as I am.” She shifted the strap of her bag, her eyes drifting away from him. A raindrop caught her face and she blinked rapidly as she glanced up. “You were in a hurry, though, right?” The pat pat of more drops sounded faintly from the concrete.
Varian tucked his papers against his chest, frowning as he followed her glance toward the sky. “Yes! I overslept a- OH! My presentation!”
The rain was beginning to fall in earnest, now, as Cassandra held up a finger. The urgency of moments before drove Varian into anxious fidgeting as she dug one hand into her bag. He would have happily waited for her any other time, but even a pretty girl wasn't enough to derail his morning further. “I really have to go, I’m sorry!”
“I know, but here! Your stuff will get soaked.” A grin graced her face and she pulled out a small umbrella. She held it out insistently. Varian shook his head. He could feel the wetness soaking into his hair and Cassandra’s curls were frizzing.
“But you’ll-“
“I’m done for the day. I’ll hang out in the student center coffee shop and wait for you to bring it back.” She shook it at him, and when he hesitated again she rolled her eyes. No wasn’t an option she was giving him. She pushed the button on the handle and the canopy spread with a fwoof before she pushed it into his hands. “Good luck, nerd! You can buy me something hot while you tell me about it.”
A flutter beat erratically in Varian’s chest. “I’d like that!” He called, watching Cassandra smile and lift her bag over her head. It did nothing to shield her and Varian watched her jog away into the thickening sunburst, her dark hair bouncing among the bright drops.
He was late.
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a--deity · 4 years
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sparkycanteven · 2 years
I have finally updated Friendly Fire.... finally.. after 10 months. O_O
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logical--dreamer · 4 years
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disneyfanatic1993 · 2 months
I’m Done Holding Back: Chapter Fifty-Three
All art from the chapter of my Cassarian fanfic, “Chapter Fifty-Three: First Date.”
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froggy-1988 · 1 year
First Chapter coming next week.
So, I've been working on a new fanfiction to be released next week.
Title: The Midas Curse
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Hermione/ Draco
Theme: Romantic comedy - Spoof
Trope: all of them 😆 it's a loving Spoof on fanfiction tropes particularly for this ship - the enemies to lovers trope runs throughout though.
Word count: I'm imagining about 20 chapters and 110,000 words.
Why Harry Potter?
The first fanfiction I ever read was Harry Potter and so when it came to doing a loving Spoof of fanfiction tropes then it had to be going back to my very first fanfiction experience.
Are you working on anything else?
Yes, I am working on a Cassarian advent calendar - and a series called Christmas Crackers which is basically one shots for a range of fandoms. Then I'm still working on an Owl House fic called the Wildflowers I just hit a bit of a wall with it that I'm slowly working through.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 years
Here’s another Elsa Padare fic for y’all! I hope you guys like it!
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jewishicequeen · 5 years
Goodbye and Goodwill(Cassarian one-shot)
"So... you're leaving?" Cassandra tensed up. She did not expect him to come. "Y-yeah, I guess." She put the saddle over Fidella's back, not turning to him. "Rapunzel said you won't be back for a while." His hands joined hers, pulling the straps in quick, skillful movements. She didn't knew he could ride. But then, she didn't knew he was on Rapunzel's side now, at first, either, or that he was the one who really destroyed the red rocks. She missed a lot, appearantly. She'll miss even more now, won't she? "Do you... know where you're heading?" He asked, realizing the answer from her silence. "Not really." She pulled the last strap with more force then neccesary. "Just, out there, I guess. Off to find who I am." "That's... good." He said, hesitantly, letting his hand drop beside her. She looked away, toward the stable's door. Into the unknown, the vast world. Where she can find herself without being overshadowed, and without... people looking and... and those looks of shame and anger and this gut-eating guilt... "Xaviar's got some good sleeping potion. Go through his shop before you leave- it helps with... you know." Varian's voice cracked and slowly faded. Cassandra swallowed, climbing Fidella. "I don't trust some magic formula with my mind." She stated, more confident then she felt. "Besides..." she shook her head. "I deserve them." "Yes, you do." He said, his hand brushing her's. "But you'd do good to nobody by not taking care of yourself. Believe me-" he laughed bitterly, "-I've tried." "So what, just ignore everything I've done? All the people I've hurt?!" She snapped at him, pulling her hand away. "I didn't say that." He said, clearly hurt. "And... it's not like they'll let you forget it, either." She finally looked down at him, meeting his blue, stern gaze. His eyes were deep, full of sadness and wisedom and surprising strength that shouldn't be in the eyes of a 17-years-old boy. While his frame was still short and his face childish, those eyes looked years old- too mature, for a boy. She'd never had that look. "Come with me." She said, on an impulse. "We can start again together, in a place where no one know about us or what we did." He shook his head, a sad smile on his lips. "I already found my home, Cass. I belong in Corona." "As a formar traitor?" She asked. "Varian, half the kingdom won't even see you as trustworthy. You know that." "I know." He shrugged. "But, it's, it's their right to see me like that. I won't trust me, either." She stared at him, at those huge eyes surrounded by black circles of sleeplessness. She heard from Raps that he was too brave- or too stubborn- to let people's gazes bother him. Rapunzel showed it as an example- that Cass can have good life here, too, that she can stand it. All cass saw in it was that she could never stand such fate. "How?" She asked, leaning down to snatch his hand in hers. From the back of the horse, she was ridiculosly higher then him, absurdly so. He was so much greater then her. "How do you suffer this, the looks, the whispers?" She asked desprately, tears streaming from her eyes. She wanted this answer, how, how could he live with it, being a hero and yet be called a danger, a threat, to have parents move their children to the other side of the road and tell them to stay away from you. How could he stand it? How? He smiled, gripping her hand. "The people need a bad guy. And I, I took that role myself." It was unfair. It was so unfair. Cassandra maybe put all of Corona in danger, but only a handful of people outside of Rapunzel's close circle of friends knew that! Most of Corona never knew of it all, they just run when they were told to, they never got a good look of her or the details of the story. Varian was just a teenager, but the entire kingdom knew his name, and not for a good reason. While he worked to save his father, she acted from completely selfish reasons. And yet, he'll be the one to be remembered as a villain, while she, by most of Corona, will only be remembered as Rapunzel's friend. And some friend, that was. "Goodbye, Cassandra" Varian smiled, squeezing her hand before letting go gently. "I hope you find what you're looking for." "You too." She said, her voice cracking, because it was unfair, unfair, unfair. "I expect to hear of your great inventions, Mr. Royal Scientist." He smirked, and preformed a mock bow. "Well, m'lady, I'll certainly do my best." He rose up and petted the horse's neck. "Sure gonna miss Fidella during that time, huh, girl?" He robbed the animal's nose affectionally. "Don't forget to write from time to time, Cass." She raised her hand to her neck, to touch the familiar weight of a purple necklace. "I won't." She promised. "And you... offend Eugene from time to time for me." "Will do." He laughed. "Then... I guess this is goodbye." She kicked the horse's side, starting a light walk, and turned Fidella as they reached the stable's door, looking at him one more time. "Good bye, Cassandra." He said, waving awkwardly. "Good bye, Varian." She smiled, turning the horse again toward the outside, before an idea struck her. "I already told you!" She called, as Fidella broke into cantering down the hill. "Call me Cassie!"
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dg-darkfantasy · 4 years
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Fanart of the wonderful fanfic: Snowflakes in an Hourglass by @chaos-drawer.
Read it here
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amarilly · 3 years
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Kindred Spirits
Chapter Ten
Read it here on AO3
"Cass!" His voice fell dead, smothered by the mist and surely lost among the clamor. Far ahead, how far he couldn't tell, an orange glow grew beneath the film in the air. It undulated wildly, flaring and dying away. Varian began to run heedless of the furrows beneath his feet. He stumbled and leapt, his heart in his throat. "Cassandra!" More voices died away. Why were they going quiet like that? It couldn't be, not again! Not again notagain notagainnotagain notagain ....
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squipsheere · 5 years
Guess who wrote more Cassarian angst!!
(It's the big battle against Zhan Tiri, and I was going for a self-sacrificing-Varian kinda thing. He's 18 heere don't worry)
   "As someone who loves you I have every right to tell you how stupid that idea is." Cass yelled over her shoulder, a smile playing on her lips as she punched in the face of an advancing solider. The man crashed to the ground, already out cold. From behind her rang out the shattering of glass, followed by an explosion caused by the vials Varian was throwing. Varian, whom was back to back with her as they fought together.
   She grabbed Varian's wrist without glancing at him, scanning the battlefield for places to hide, as well as any approaching enemies. While she didn't want to leave the battlefield she had to talk some sense in him, and that would be difficult here. There, she saw it; a mostly intact wall well enough out of the way.
   "Hey, Cassie! I thi-hey!" Varian tried to protest, but was interrupted by Cass dragging him behind her. Her unseeming strength never ceased to amaze him, evident from his look of surprise.
   Cass pulled him behind the ruins of a once homely cottage, shielding the two from the battlefield for the time being.
   "Listen up," she growled. Now that she knew exactly what he was planning she was going to do everything in her power to change his mind. A difficult task, but Cass was up for the challenge. "I know you want to do the noble thing and sacrifice yourself to help everyone. Believe me, I know you well enough.  But you have to listen to me when I say that it's too dangerous for you." Cass pleaded in an angry tone. Varian began to question how that was even possible, then shrugged it off. There were more important matters at the moment, he chided himself.
   "Cassie, I-" he interjected before Cass sileced him with a death glare. They were her speciality, usually reserved for Eugene. But this was a special case.
   "No. No you don't know what you're doing. Look, that machine is dangerous and we don't know near enough about it. Last time we used it, yea it worked, it saved the kingdom, but it also released the minions of Zhan Tiri and led us to this. We don't know what could happen this time, and I'm not so sure we want to. Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but I don't want to see my nerd hurt or dead because of something neither of us could protect you from."
   She was unknowingly gripping both of his wrists like they were the only thing supporting her, keeping her standing. Varian looked down to her, a soft smile on his face. 'My nerd, how endearing' he thought, almost saying it out loud. That was the first time he's heard that, and hearing it filled him with an unexplainable joy.
   "Yes, it's dangerous but I have to do it. No one else can figure out how to work the innards of the Demanitus Device. And Cassie? I'm terrified, for myself, for you, for everyone. I don't know what will happen if I do this, but I know what'll happen if I don't. The Princess and most of the forces are busy fighting Zhan Tiri himself, Eugene and Lance are leading everyone one else against his forces. And we're losing Cassie. More of our men are falling than his, and I'm not going to see you be one of them, not when I can do something to prevent it. You're right, we don't know what will happen to me because of it but I know it's the only thing I can do."
   Varian pulled Cass into a hug as he spoke, and looked down in surprise as she let him, no resistance whatsoever. She held on to him tight, afraid to let go, afraid he would be gone after this.
    "Wait for me." He finally said, pulling away from the hug. "I'll come back to you, just, just please wait for me Cassie." Cass looked up to him, nodding silently, not saying to speak. She felt vulnerable, showing an of these emotions, and on the battlefield no less.
   He turned to walk away from her, bracing himself for her to do something, anything to stop him. So it came as no surprise to him when she grabbed his arm and turned him back to her. What he hadn't been expecting was the kiss that followed, long and speaking lengths of Cass'love for him. It told him the things that she could never figure out how to say.
   "I'll wait, just please come back to me." She whispered as she finally pulled away from Varian. Before he had a chance to answer she was gone, gone charging back into the battle alongside Eugene. She hoped he hadn't seen the tear that began to make it's way down her cheek.
   Taking his cue Varian strode off towards the Demanitus Device's underground cave, willing himself to not look back.
   "Oh goodie, the viper lady! You feel like taking some guys out?" Eugene greeted, fighting off three soliders and maintaining an effortless look.
"Why not!" Cass shouted back over the clang of swords hitting each other. She easily swept out the feet of one man and slammed the hilt of her sword into the back of the other's head. With the other two gone Eugene took down the third and final man in seconds.
   "That's right fellas, nobody survives the wrath of the viper lady. Except moi, of course. It's not easy, let me tell you-" Eugene's boasting was cut off by a punch to the shoulder from Cassandra.
   "Can't you be serious for once in your life, Fitzher-jerk?" She crossed her arms, giving him her death glare. Although she would never admit it out loud, especially not to Eugene of all people, she was glad to see him keeping up his aloof personality. It was refreshing in the battle
   "Oh come on Cassandra, have some fun for once. We're in a battle, isn't that the one thing you love? Give that cold black heart of yours something to warm it up." As Eugene went on Cass saw another soldier heading their way, and turned to face him. Eugene's words caught her ear, and her mind thought back to Varian, her fears returning. She had no idea where he was, if he was alive or dead. It was terrifying.
   The ground shook and she stumbled, nearly falling over. She righted herself at the last second and stood back up to feel a blade cutting into her arm. The pain was searing, she switched sword hands, ready to retaliate.
   Instead, the man pitched forward and crashed to the ground. Eugene stood behind him, a pan in his hand and a smirk on his face. He whistled, impressed with his performance.
   Eugene opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted before he could utter a word. An explosion that came out of nowhere rocked the world, the force of it pushing people to the ground.
   "Where did that come from?" Cass asked as she sat up, groaning from the feeling it being thrown to the ground, a hand on her head.
   "Oh, judging from the smoke I'd say the cave where the Demanitus Device is in. Although I'd say it's not there now, huh Cassandra?" Eugene replied, laughing to himself at his own joke.
   "No." Cass whispered, shooting to her feet, paling more than she already was. "No, it, it can't be, Varian's in there!" She took off running towards the black cloud of smoke, hee heart and mind racing. 'He has to be alive. Please let him be alive.' She drilled the thought into her head, each word matching with the push of her feet against the ground.
   There, she saw the rubble. It was a charred, smoking mess with nothing left standing. Cass rushed into the rubble without a second thought, searching for a bright blue steak.
   And there is was. He was half buried, and unmoving. Cass was at his side in a second, already working on digging him out. Her brain left out how still Varian was, never reacting to the shifting heap he was on
   "Cassandra, Cassandra, Cass! Listen to me, look at the kid, I'm not sure there's anything you can do for him." Eugene says lamely, tears welling up in his eyes as he shook Cass' shoulders to pull her attention away from Varian.
   She turned to fire off a retort, but she was interrupted by a weak cough. She looked back to Varian, and he coughed again. He was alive. She didn't know how well he was, but he was alive.
   She threw her arms around him carefully, letting tears stream freely down her face. She couldn't bring herself to care about the tears just now, there were more important things. Eugene let out a sigh of relief from behind her.
   "I, I think that I may have blown up the Demanitus Device." Varian muttered, cracking his eyes open. He squinted, trying to look at the scene around him. His body shook with a coughing fit.
   "Varian! I thought you were dead!" Cass said, breaking away from the hug.
   "Cass-Cassie? Yea, so did I. But I, I told you I'd come back. Although I'm pretty sure I got hit in the head with a rock or something. I'm not sure if what I did even managed to stop Zhan Tiri. Sorry about that." Varian moved to sit up but Cass stopped him pushing him back down.
   "You need to stay still, Var. We don't need you to make things worse for yourself. You're alive, you're here, that's what matters right now." She felt the back of his head, a huge bump evident, and she decided to keep it propped up. Eugene whistled low as he saw it.
   "Wow kid, you got hit pretty hard." He commented, sinking to the ground next to him. He looked to the gathering crowd, any fighting seemingly gone with the explosion. He scanned the crowd, but saw no head of 70 feet of golden hair. He was worried about her, unsure of where she could be right now; she should have let him fight by her side. For now he prayed that whatever Varian had done had garuntee Blondie's victory.
   "Eugene, is that you? Cassie why is it so dark here? Where, where are we?" Varian asked quietly, squinting in the direction he thought he'd heard Eugene's voice come from.
   "What do you mean? Varian, it's the middle of the day, it's brighter than a carnival out here." Cass was beginning to worry.
   "I can't see a thing. You don't think that when I got hit in the head it affected my eyes, do you? I mean that would make sense, it's only a matter of how severe it is. I have a chance is being able to see again, but we won't know until it actually happens." Varian began to ramble, trying to hide his fears that were beginning to grow.
   Cass took his hand and held it tight cradling his head in her lap, being careful of the bump. She looked up to the darkness rolling in to the sky, with green lighting shooting through the sky. The storm that followed Zhan Tiri was coming. Whatever Varian did to the Demanitus Device hadn't been enough.
   "Cassie? Is that you?" Varian asked weakly, straining to see her. Even just a glimpse would be fine. But all he saw was a suffocating darkness all around him, cutting him off from the world.
   "It's me. I'm here for you. I'm not leaving you." She assured him, stroking his hair.
    Varian smiled, his last though before slipping into oblivion being 'my Cassie'.
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