#cassettes ac seller
smwebtech · 2 years
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We are Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Delhi, Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Mayapuri Delhi, chiller plant buyers, second hand tower ac Sale & Purchase in delhi, Buy Blue Star Electronics Products, chiller plant sellers etc…
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demonfox38 · 5 months
Completed: Super Lesbian Animal RPG
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Did you want to see my Twitch recap for last year?
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I know, right? Total loser, being in the top 10% for two categories. (To be fair, it's usually that I'm cooking while I have a speed runner on in the background.) Relevant to this image and review is streamer Punchy, pictured above in my top 5 streamers for the year. While primarily known as a speed runner for survival horror games, dude's got a myriad of games that he routinely runs. Like, over 100.
One of those games being "Super Lesbian Animal RPG."
I know. That's a fucking title right there. Instantly curious, I put Punchy on, watching him go through about fifteen minutes of the run. I probably needed less than five to be sold on the game. I've got a certain weakness for RPG Maker games, to begin with. The colorful visuals, mixed sprite/smooth artwork, and catchy music were also sellers. Probably the thing that made me snort-laugh my way into getting this game is one of the main characters sharing a name with me.
Look, man. I only see Allison come up in video games under two categories: localizers needing to fill out names for random Pokémon foes, and localizers just being weird in general (see: "Totally Rad.") Knowing what I know about Japanese, Allison is a pain in the ass in terms of spelling and pronunciation, especially if you throw honorifics into the mix. Given most of my game choices are either Japanese or built in admiration of Japanese games, I just don't see the name come up a lot. So, I was amused it came up here, of all places.
I suppose it could be a reference to Alison Bechdel, now that I think about it…
If the title "Super Lesbian Animal RPG" isn't self-explanatory as to what the game is about, I don't know what is. In slightly expanded terms, it's a game about a fox name Melody who becomes a paladin in order to aid and protect her girlfriend (Allison) while adventuring around the Sapphire Islands. Things go awry after fellow magician and literal cowgirl Claire attempts to power them up and train them, accidentally gaining the attention of both a misanthropic, anthropomorphized VHS cassette tape and the deity long since vanished from their world. What follows is an adventure in sapphic love, undead cowboy aesthetics, winter wonderlands, and some of the greatest collections of color palettes seen since the 1980s.
"Super Lesbian Animal RPG" is also the professional, copyright un-infringing descendant of a title called "Super Lesbian Horse RPG," a "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" fangame. I only bring it up to give some kind of epiphany/explanation for the aesthetics going on here. The main tower, hometown protector Faith, and the main female villain Verena may also remind you of a few characters from that show. So, if you were like, "Hey, these vibes are—" then YES! Yes, the vibes are.
Being an RPG Maker fangame (specifically, RPG Maker VX Ace), the gameplay is pretty intuitive to anyone familiar with this engine or genre. Battles are telegraphed with moving dark, glitchy blotches on screen (although, dens with random encounters are also made available for grinding.) Combat is taken in turns, allowing the player to input commands before the enemy and your party take swings. There are some considerations here that I find both unique and extremely helpful! For example, the game rewards you with using the party members as their role dictates, granting Star Power for actions like Melody healing, Allison and Claire attacking, and fourth party member Jodie defending others and tanking damage. This Star Power allows access to more powerful combat maneuvers, so it's important to get as much as possible to maximize both damage output, defense, and recovery. Additionally, acting as the game wants you to will also adjust the combatants' actions to be most beneficial to you. Like, Melody will always move first when healing, but last when attacking. Similarly, Jodie will also break through enemy defenses before Allison and Claire can attack, allowing them to maximize their damage. It's a super rewarding system, and I appreciate its consistency!
Outside of combat, standard RPG obstacles await the player. This can include challenges like locked doors, ice skating puzzles, bridge manipulation, finding passcodes for safes, and generally what you'd expect for traversal threats. It's not the roughest challenge in the world, but should you need help, the game's creators have your back. (Additionally, lead creative Bobby Schroeder is also on Tumblr, if you want to learn more about her!)
This game really does go out of its way to try and help the player. It offers two difficulty settings (normal and easy), as well as a quest log to help keep track of any pending jobs or story beats. Frankly, I'm tempted to say the game is almost too easy. Like, it was a rare instance to have a character get knocked out. About the biggest threat I faced was a set of side bosses (the VHS tape's sons), and even with them, I was able to squeak by on a first attempt. I also maxed out levels super early, so the final dungeon was more about getting enemies cleared out of the way than actually grinding for strength.
Not that I don't think things aren't trying to kill me! I just think adhering to each character's strengths goes a long, long way. Also, putting the Powerhouse Pin on Melody and having the Amorous Paladin track makes recovering MP a breeze. I've heard rumors of a hard mode being developed, so perhaps this criticism has already been noticed or taken to heart. But, if any tips for hardening the product are needed, nixing the Powerhouse Pin and the Amorous Paladin route as an option would definitely be an easy way to make things harder.
I probably should explain the whole "paladin route" thing, shouldn't I?
The major gameplay style adjustment you make early on is by selecting Melody's paladin specialization of choice. This includes Woodland (granting regen abilities to characters), Amorous (sacrificing Star Power to restore MP or Star Power for your other characters), and Resolute (inflicting damaging seals on enemies.) I haven't experimented with the Woodland or Resolute paths, but considering the amount of money I saved on not having to purchase gobs of healing items, I found what I picked to be pretty darn helpful! I would suspect that Resolute would be the next best option, but maybe I'm just not seeing much value in the Woodland's Nature Nurture ability (healing everybody the amount of health that Melody has.) Or, maybe I see that as a risk, if she gets hurt.
Despite being a stickler for character classes and the roles they play, this game is anything but orthodox. I mean, if the "Lesbian Animal" part of "Super Lesbian Animal RPG" was any indication. It's been a while since I've been as consistently amused with a game's sense of humor as I was with this one! Its characters aren't above calling bullshit on the game's circumstances, and enemies are just as quick at handing sass back. If you have an inborn sense for riffing bad movies and don't mind taking a few potshots, this game will be right up your alley.
Additionally, this is one of very few games that I felt motivated to talk to all NPCs as much as possible. Like, "Tales of Symphonia" got me to pop up to a 50% ratio, and that was only by bribing me with money and goods! Everybody's some degree of weirdo, whether it comes down to capitalist machinations, a family's fascination with world domination (and everyone treating that as cute/sweet), hidden aspirations for competition, or just generally people with urges to do weird things. The NPCs feel very unique, feeding into the motivation to talk with them as much as possible. It's rewarding even before going on missions for them.
Also gotta love an RPG that gives you a quest to get a knife for an 8-year-old, then contemplates on whether or not that's good to do (and even gives the player an exit strategy, if they're narcs.)
Honestly, if I got tired of anybody, it was Melody. But, it's in that way where my own mental defects have made me into a calloused, hardened bitch, so I lack patience with people who succumb to the mind's tyrannical nature. I'm not saying she's not right to have a breakdown or two! It's just one of those things where I go, "Okay, fine. I'll ride out your anxiety attacks/relationship squabbles until you're ready to go again." And then, "Wait, are you seriously being pissy enough to drop some of your most useful skills? GIRL, GET IT TOGETHER."
I want to highlight that the emotions I had were a minor irritant and resolved relatively quickly. Like, I go through this with most RPG leads, if they aren't mute protagonists. It's a part of the cycle. Find a problem -> whine about it -> go solve the problem when no one else will. About the only lead RPG character that didn't trigger that cycle and response for me was "Tales of Vesperia"'s Yuri Lowell, and that's mostly because he reacted to injustice and being pissed off with murder. (It's not the healthiest coping mechanism, I admit! Satisfying, though.)
From a graphical and musical perspective, this game is fantastic. It's a mix of synth instruments and Lisa Frank-esque color schemes alongside smooth illustrations and modern audio samples. Like, if you like "My Little Pony" adjacent palettes, you're gonna like this game. Pretty obvious, considering its development heritage. Approaching this as someone whose favorite furry media includes "Star Fox" games and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" properties, I thought the visual and audio design here was pretty solid! A little unusually colored? Sure. Not quite full sparkledog. At least, nothing that made me cringe like "Dust: An Elysian Tale"'s Fidget. (Though, I may hate that character more for her accidentally getting the player killed in a subquest more than anything else…)
Having zombie cowboy elves is sure unique! Gotta give it up for that call. Can't say I see that every day.
If you'd like some musical sampling, give the following tracks a shot:
Ancient Machine
Scrap Metal
Labyrinth Rave (Original 998 Mix)
Fighting in the 990s
t r a n s c e n d
Given the game's subject matter, aesthetics, and ease of gameplay, I'm surprised that "Super Lesbian Animal RPG" isn't a Tumblr darling akin to titles like "Dream Daddy" or "Undertale." (Not to call "Undertale" easy, mind you. It could be called "Super Lesbian Animal RPG" for one subplot, though…) I mean, some of the playable characters are even bi and trans! Isn't that worth something? That's at least 3 letters out of LGBT getting represented! Maybe the ratio is lower in other acronyms, but I still think that's gotta count for something!
I never had to think about what it means to be a trans-passing cow prior to this game, but hell. A good game will help you generate those kinds of thoughts. Feel new things.
If you are equally entranced by the bluntness and audaciousness of this title, you can pick it up online for the current price of $14.99. It's often on sale as well, if you're feeling the need to pinch some pennies. But, honestly, for a 16-20 hour game with multiple route replayability? That's a good deal right there.
And if you need a twisted recommendation—this game pairs quite well with "Space Funeral" and "Hylics." Maybe not in the funky appearances or message. Definitely in the RPG Maker games doing cool shit way.
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flojocabron · 10 months
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08/23/23: Wednesday fleamarket finds. Came across some good stuff today, I had to leave the place and pull out some more money from a grocery store nearby. First thing bought was for $5.00, two Blurays and a Godzilla dvd. The next stall caught my attention with something cool. A ps4 VR set! At first, the guy wanted $50 for it. And I wasn't sure if it had everything. So, I posted on social media whether it was complete and worth it. Most everyone replied yes, and a pic someone sent me showed me a parts list. It was missing the AC adapter. So when I went back and told the guy it's missing its plug, he lowered it to $40. Next seller had more movies. Four Disney blurays and three dvds for $15. I then found more games and movies from another seller. I spent $25 here, getting: one James Bond dvd set, three dvds, three ps3 games, one ps1, ps2 and 360 game, Red Dead Redemption 2 steelbook Xbone and some extra memory cards and ps3 mini USB cable. Also included was something quite interesting. A Wendy's restaurant Mario Gameboy Advance themed mini board game. This thing must be over 20 years old by now. It's sadly crushed a bit and missing a few paper tokens in it. But it's interesting nonetheless. As I kept looking, my eyes caught something retro. I thought I got lucky again and found a classic 80s toy. But the thing was too clean to look like something from over 30+ years ago. It was a Teddy Ruxpin bear from a few years back, not the OG. It didn't have the built-in cassette player of the original, but a spot for a mini cartridge. But the dollar I got it for was quite worth it. After this, I found more ps3 accessories. A ps3 controller for $5.00 and another move controller for $3.00. I also found more Stranger Things season one sets from the same lady I bought a few weeks ago. And still a dollar. Finally, the last thing I bought was a wii console for $10.
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acrepairdubaidcsale · 2 years
Buy AC in Dubai
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stylesnews · 3 years
New figures released by the BPI have revealed that sales of vinyl LPs and audio cassettes surged ahead in 2020.
Released ahead of the overall BPI figures for 2020 on January 4, the latest sales data on vinyl and cassettes shows how fans turned to physical formats during the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the Official Charts Company data supplied by the BPI, 4.8 million LPs were purchased in the UK over the past 12 months, a year-on-year increase of almost 10% and a 13th consecutive year of growth since 2007. Despite the many challenges for retail during the pandemic, the performance in 2020 was stronger than 2019, when vinyl sales were up 4.1% year-on-year.
Vinyl LPs now account for nearly one in five of all albums purchased (18%) and are at their highest level since the early ’90s. Vinyl generates almost twice as much in industry revenues as music video streaming platforms such as YouTube, noted the BPI.
While streaming now accounts for around 80% of UK music consumption, the immediacy of the digital format is increasingly complemented by the collection of physical editions by fans.
Among the titles expected to be announced as the year’s best-sellers by the Official Charts Company are classic LPs such as Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, Amy Winehouse’s Back To Black and Nirvana’s Nevermind. Oasis’ (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? is set to be the second biggest seller on vinyl in 2020, following a successful 25th anniversary reissue campaign.
Alongside the perennial classics on the format, new studio albums have also performed well on vinyl this year, including Harry Styles’ Fine Line (the biggest new vinyl release of the past year with 22,368 sales), Kylie Minogue’s Disco, AC/DC’s Power Up, Ultra Mono by Idles and the new live album from Arctic Monkeys.
In a year when all our lives have changed, music’s power to inspire has never been more evident
Geoff Taylor
Vinyl LP sales initially dipped during the first lockdown but by September they began showing positive year-to-date growth for the first time. Campaigns such as Love Record Stores, Tim Burgess’ Twitter Listening Party, Record Store Day (over three dates), The Record Club and National Album Day (in October) helped to rally fans in support of indie record shops, specialist chains and the artist community.  
Though still only a fraction of overall recorded music, cassettes now come as standard on many album releases. It is projected that around 157,000 tapes will have been purchased in the past 12 months – double the total of the year before and the highest amount since 2003, when 243,000 tapes were sold and Now 54 was the year’s biggest seller on the format. This would mark an eighth year of consecutive growth for the format, which is finding a new market thanks to its retro, collectable appeal.
Among the most popular titles released on cassette in 2020 were Lady Gaga’s Chromatica, 5 Seconds Of Summer’s Calm, Yungblud’s Weird! and The 1975’s Notes On A Conditional Form.
Geoff Taylor, chief executive BPI, BRIT Awards & Mercury Prize, said: “In a year when all our lives have changed, music’s power to inspire has never been more evident. The immediacy and convenience of streaming make it the go-to audio format for most of our listening, but more and more fans choose to get closer to their favourite artists and albums on vinyl.
“It’s remarkable that LP and audio tape sales should have risen at all given the challenges we’ve all faced. The surge in sales despite retail closures demonstrates the timeless appeal of collectable physical formats alongside the seamless connectivity of streaming.”
Predicted best-selling vinyl albums for 2020 (based on Official Charts Company data)
1.   Fleetwood Mac – Rumours 2.   Oasis – (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? 3.   Amy Winehouse – Back To Black 4.   Nirvana – Nevermind 5.   Harry Styles – Fine Line 6.   Kylie Minogue – Disco 7.   AC/DC – Power Up 8.   Queen – Greatest Hits 9.   Idles – Ultra Mono 10. Arctic Monkeys – Live At The Royal Albert Hall
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Best Inverter Cassette AC to purchase in 2020
Get your home and office updated with another Cassette Inverter ac climate control system in 2020.
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 4 Ton Capacity
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Cool your space proficiently and remain at home securely. Many Air conditioner stores, showrooms and sellers have a wide scope of Air conditioner items from different Top forced air system brands.
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swpriya · 4 years
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smwebtech · 2 years
Second Hand Tower Ac Sale & Purchase in Delhi
We are Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Delhi, Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Mayapuri Delhi, chiller plant buyers, second hand tower ac Sale & Purchase in delhi, Buy Blue Star Electronics Products, chiller plant sellers etc…
Powerzone - We are provide good and best services in delhi, faridabad, gurugram, noida etc… Any query please contact us.
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mitsubishiindia · 5 years
Now, all the latest models of Mitsubishi AC are available in India. Browse the amazing collection of Mitsubishi Air Conditioners such as Desert Xtreme Cooling AC, Non-Inverter AC, Cassette, Split, Window, Ductable and Tower AC at Classic Air Conditioner store. An authorized manufacturer and seller of Mitsubishi Air Conditioning and Heating system in India, with decades of experience.
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bicyclepartsreview · 6 years
SHIMANO Dura-Ace 9100 Cassette
SHIMANO Dura-Ace 9100 Cassette by SHIMANO (1) Buy new: $187.88 - $387.99 (Visit the Best Sellers in Derailleurs list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.) https://amzn.to/2PszPUE Bike Derailleurs
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dirtydirtykush · 7 years
Beneficence feat. AG (of D.I.T.C.) "Smooth Hardcore" Remixed by K-Def Cuts by Jazz Spastiks Taken off Beneficence's limited edition "Smooth Hardcore" 12" vinyl incl. the original version plus exclusive remixes by K-Def (Real Live, Lords of the Underground, LL Cool J, Tragedy Khadafi, etc.) and up-and-coming beatsmith Brous One. "Smooth Hardcore" video: https://youtu.be/gJkakx26CxA Order the limited edition 12": HHV: http://ift.tt/2oaw7xo UGHH: http://ift.tt/2ntaUlj Fat Beats: http://ift.tt/2oaJ2Q0 Vinyl-Digital: http://ift.tt/2ntscP7 Order "Smooth Hardcore/Remixes" on iTunes: http://ift.tt/2oayTTo "Smooth Hardcore" also appears on Beneficence's underground top seller "Basement Chemistry" (CD/2LP/cassette/digital), featuring Inspectah Deck, MC Eiht, Masta Ace, AG of D.I.T.C., Chubb Rock, El Da Sensei, Dres of Black Sheep, DJ Spinna, Da Beatminerz, L'Orange, MindsOne, Confidence, The Legion, KON Sci, and many more. Order the album on iTunes: http://ift.tt/1nTe3I6 Order the album on amazon: http://ift.tt/2cb81Cn Order the album on CD, 2LP, or cassette: UGHH: http://ift.tt/2cjhfsW Fat Beats: http://ift.tt/1nszrDe HHV: http://ift.tt/2cjfmMV Vinyl-Digital: http://ift.tt/2cb89lB :: About Beneficence and 'Basement Chemistry' :: After dropping back to back classics with "Sidewalk Science" (2011) and "Concrete Soul" (2012), Brick City veteran and Ill Adrenaline Records co-founder Beneficence unleashes his 6th solo LP "Basement Chemistry". Armed with the true sounds of the golden era Benef drops rejuvenated flows and shares mics with hip-hop's elite lyricists. The lineup includes Inspectah Deck (of Wu-Tang Clan), Masta Ace, MC Eiht, El Da Sensei, AG (of D.I.T.C), Dres (of Black Sheep), The Legion, Chubb Rock, MindsOne, and Estee Nack (of Tragic Allies). Once again the close Artifacts affiliate traps the listener into slick, thought provoking rhymes backed by hard hitting yet soulful production from DJ Spinna, Da Beatminerz, 12 Finger Dan, Confidence, L'Orange, Presto, KON Sci, Jazz Spastiks, and many more. 19-tracks strong, the dusty and raw sounding full length displays a perfect blend of street jewels like the Inspectah Deck laced "Digital Warfare" and the Masta Ace inspiring anthem "When The Sun Comes". The P Original produced banger "EZ As 1-2" opens the album brilliantly showing Benef's relaxed but witty cadence. "Basement Chemistry" travels down many avenues including the battle rap driven joint "Against The Grain" and storytelling saga "Maui Vacation". The album's formula stays true to the game with obscure samples, intricate cuts, and official boom bap sound. :: Social media :: Website: http://ift.tt/1dveIo1 Facebook: http://ift.tt/1gyPar2 http://ift.tt/2cjf8Wn http://ift.tt/1VlDgbw http://ift.tt/1LDVCOm Twitter: http://twitter.com/ILLADRENALINE https://twitter.com/BeneficenceReal https://twitter.com/AGofDITC https://twitter.com/jazzspastiks Instagram: http://ift.tt/2cjeHuW http://ift.tt/2cb81ST http://ift.tt/2oayVdY http://ift.tt/2nttABh youtube: https://youtube.com/user/illadrenalinerecords
0 notes
Beneficence feat. AG (of D.I.T.C.) "Smooth Hardcore" Remixed by K-Def Cuts by Jazz Spastiks Taken off Beneficence's limited edition "Smooth Hardcore" 12" vinyl incl. the original version plus exclusive remixes by K-Def (Real Live, Lords of the Underground, LL Cool J, Tragedy Khadafi, etc.) and up-and-coming beatsmith Brous One. "Smooth Hardcore" video: https://youtu.be/gJkakx26CxA Order the limited edition 12": HHV: http://ift.tt/2oaw7xo UGHH: http://ift.tt/2ntaUlj Fat Beats: http://ift.tt/2oaJ2Q0 Vinyl-Digital: http://ift.tt/2ntscP7 Order "Smooth Hardcore/Remixes" on iTunes: http://ift.tt/2oayTTo "Smooth Hardcore" also appears on Beneficence's underground top seller "Basement Chemistry" (CD/2LP/cassette/digital), featuring Inspectah Deck, MC Eiht, Masta Ace, AG of D.I.T.C., Chubb Rock, El Da Sensei, Dres of Black Sheep, DJ Spinna, Da Beatminerz, L'Orange, MindsOne, Confidence, The Legion, KON Sci, and many more. Order the album on iTunes: http://ift.tt/1nTe3I6 Order the album on amazon: http://ift.tt/2cb81Cn Order the album on CD, 2LP, or cassette: UGHH: http://ift.tt/2cjhfsW Fat Beats: http://ift.tt/1nszrDe HHV: http://ift.tt/2cjfmMV Vinyl-Digital: http://ift.tt/2cb89lB :: About Beneficence and 'Basement Chemistry' :: After dropping back to back classics with "Sidewalk Science" (2011) and "Concrete Soul" (2012), Brick City veteran and Ill Adrenaline Records co-founder Beneficence unleashes his 6th solo LP "Basement Chemistry". Armed with the true sounds of the golden era Benef drops rejuvenated flows and shares mics with hip-hop's elite lyricists. The lineup includes Inspectah Deck (of Wu-Tang Clan), Masta Ace, MC Eiht, El Da Sensei, AG (of D.I.T.C), Dres (of Black Sheep), The Legion, Chubb Rock, MindsOne, and Estee Nack (of Tragic Allies). Once again the close Artifacts affiliate traps the listener into slick, thought provoking rhymes backed by hard hitting yet soulful production from DJ Spinna, Da Beatminerz, 12 Finger Dan, Confidence, L'Orange, Presto, KON Sci, Jazz Spastiks, and many more. 19-tracks strong, the dusty and raw sounding full length displays a perfect blend of street jewels like the Inspectah Deck laced "Digital Warfare" and the Masta Ace inspiring anthem "When The Sun Comes". The P Original produced banger "EZ As 1-2" opens the album brilliantly showing Benef's relaxed but witty cadence. "Basement Chemistry" travels down many avenues including the battle rap driven joint "Against The Grain" and storytelling saga "Maui Vacation". The album's formula stays true to the game with obscure samples, intricate cuts, and official boom bap sound. :: Social media :: Website: http://ift.tt/1dveIo1 Facebook: http://ift.tt/1gyPar2 http://ift.tt/2cjf8Wn http://ift.tt/1VlDgbw http://ift.tt/1LDVCOm Twitter: http://twitter.com/ILLADRENALINE https://twitter.com/BeneficenceReal https://twitter.com/AGofDITC https://twitter.com/jazzspastiks Instagram: http://ift.tt/2cjeHuW http://ift.tt/2cb81ST http://ift.tt/2oayVdY http://ift.tt/2nttABh youtube: https://youtube.com/user/illadrenalinerecords
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smwebtech · 2 years
We're Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & buy in Delhi, Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & purchase in Mayapuri Delhi, chiller plant buyers, 2d hand tower ac Sale & buy in delhi, buy Blue star Electronics products, chiller plant dealers and so on…
We are Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Delhi, Hitachi Air Conditioner Sale & Purchase in Mayapuri Delhi, chiller plant buyers, second hand tower ac Sale & Purchase in delhi, Buy Blue Star Electronics Products, chiller plant sellers etc…
Powerzone - We are provide good and best services in delhi, faridabad, gurugram, noida etc… Any query please contact us.
Powerzone Trading - chiller plant sellers in delhi, Hitachi air conditioner Sale & Purchase in delhi, second hand Carrier AC buy in delhi, tower ac for sale in delhi from Phase 2, D-Block, Maya Puri, New Delhi, India. Contact us : +91-9213785552 & [email protected]
Powerzone buying and selling - chiller plant sellers in delhi, Hitachi air conditioner Sale & buy in delhi, 2d hand carrier AC buy in delhi, tower ac on the market in delhi from section 2, D-Block, Maya Puri, New Delhi, India. Contact us : +ninety one-9213785552 & [email protected]
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smwebtech · 2 years
Powerzone - Hitachi air conditioner Sale & Purchase
Powerzone Trading - chiller plant sellers in delhi, Hitachi air conditioner Sale & Purchase in delhi, second hand Carrier AC buy in delhi, tower ac for sale in delhi from Phase 2, D-Block, Maya Puri, New Delhi, India. Contact us : +91-9213785552 & [email protected]
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smwebtech · 2 years
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Powerzone Trading - chiller plant sellers in delhi, Hitachi air conditioner Sale & Purchase in delhi, second hand Carrier AC buy in delhi, tower ac for sale in delhi from Phase 2, D-Block, Maya Puri, New Delhi, India. Contact us : +91-9213785552 & [email protected]
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smwebtech · 2 years
Powerzone - We are provide good and best services in delhi, faridabad, gurugram, noida etc… Any query please contact us.
Powerzone Trading - chiller plant sellers in delhi, Hitachi air conditioner Sale & Purchase in delhi, second hand Carrier AC buy in delhi, tower ac for sale in delhi from Phase 2, D-Block, Maya Puri, New Delhi, India. Contact us : +91-9213785552 & [email protected]
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